2011 Annual Report IAFFE2011 Annuannuaall Rreepoporrtt 2010 a Vision, a Promise… Providing a Space for Research-Based Activism
International Association for Feminist Economics 2011 Annual Report IAFFE2011 ANNUANNUAALL RREEPOPORRTT 2010 A vision, a promise… providing a space for research-based activism IAFFE The International Association for Feminist Economics is an open, diverse community of academics, activists, policy theorists, and practitioners from around the world. Our common cause is to further gender-aware and inclusive economic inquiry and policy analysis with the goal of enhancing the well-being of children, women, and men in local, national, and transnational communities. By opening new areas of economic inquiry, welcoming diverse voices, and encouraging critical exchanges, IAFFE’s many activities and award-winning journal provide needed space for a variety of theoretical perspec- tives and advance gender-based research on contemporary economics issues. The working version of IAFFE’s mission statement, above, captures these objectives. A Tradition of Member Research Lynda Pickbourn, an IAFFE member, did field-research in 2011 for her dissertation “Migration, Remittances and Intra-household Allocation in Northern Ghana: Does Gender Matter?” In her dissertation, Pickbourn examined the impact of remittances from rural-urban migrants on intra-household resource allocation in northern Ghana. The scene is a powerful display of the sense of community that holds the village together. On a typical day, these women have much to do – fetching water, gathering firewood, cooking meals, bathing children, gather- ing sheanuts to make sheabutter, parboiling rice or extracting oil from groundnuts, and carrying out a myriad of other labor-intensive economic activities to ensure that they are able to meet their responsibilities for household provisioning. Yet, they willingly contribute their labor to communal activities such as this.
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