Directions to Corden Pharma LLC Eichenweg 1 a, 4410 Liestal, Switzerland

Phone +41 61 906 59 59 E-Mail [email protected]

By train

° most trains on the / or Basel//Zurich routes stop in Liestal ° the facility is located at a 15 minutes walking distance from the train station ° either take a taxi, or, if you decide to take a walk, follow the main street to the "Kantonsspital" (Cantonal hospital) and then to the "SCHILDAREAL”

By car from Basel or Zurich:

° on the highway A2/A3 take the exit Liestal and continue on the highway A22 ° leave the highway at exit Liestal Nord, take the left lane ° at the roundabout take the 3rd exit (Zentrum) and continue until the traffic light, then turn left ° you will see the SCHILDAREAL area / buildings on your left ° Corden Pharma is located in this complex

Once you arrive at the "SCHILDAREAL" area

By car

° After having turned into the complex from the main street, turn left after approximately 100 m ° you will find the visitor parking spaces ("P Besucher Corden Pharma") close to the entrance to gate 1 ° to reach the reception please follow the indications on the attached map

By taxi or foot

° After having turned into the complex from the main street stop at the information board (right side) ° Cross the road and take the walkway to the reception following the indications on the attached map

January 2018 How to find us

Liestal Nord

ENTRANCE GATE 1 Eichenweg 1 Approach to visitor car parking Walkway to reception

RECEPTION Eichenweg 1a

Entrance to «Schildareal»

from highway from train station