THE BULLETIN • MISS PORTER’S SCHOOL 2012 • WINTER NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE MISs porter’s school PAID FARMINGTON, CT Miss Porter’s School PERMIT # 11 60 Main Street Farmington, CT 06032 Please deliver by December 22, 2011 Address Service Requested BULLETINWINTER 2012 Farmington’s Calling You A TIME TO CELEBRATE celebrate The Campaign for Miss Porter’s School Exceeds Goal MISs porter’s school ICTURES P IGHPOINT BULLETIN H The Bulletin of Miss Porter’s School Volume 37, Number 1 Miss Porter’s School 60 Main Street Farmington, CT 06032 Phone: (860) 409-3500 Fax: (860) 409-3517 Head of School Katherine Gladstone Windsor, Ed.D Director of Communications Siobhan Federici, editor HAPPY Senior Director, Institutional Advancement Julia J. McCormack NEW YEAR Communications Assistant Jennifer Eburg Manager, Digital Initiatives Chris Noll, photographer from Graphic Design MISS PORter’S CEH Design, Inc., Bethel, CT The Bulletin welcomes reader SCHOOL submissions. Send your letters to the editor, article suggestions, creative writing, and photos to the Communications Office via email to
[email protected] or by mail to the school’s address. We look forward to hearing from you! ©2011 Miss Porter’s School MISS PORTER’S SCHOOL BULLETINWINTER 2012 john can you warm up photo and light the lamp? Can you photo shop the top of this Wishing you a peaceful snow mound? add brick and window A TIME TO celebrate and promising 2012! The Campaign for Miss Porter’s School Exceeds Goal ON THE COVER: To mark conclusion of The Campaign of Miss Porter's School, The Bulletin features a photograph of the school's sign in recognition of the Phase I capital campaign report which similarly shared this iconic image of Farmington.