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TITLE Twenty Years Can Make a World of Difference. Ounce of Prevention Fund Annual Report, 2002. INSTITUTION Ounce of Prevention Fund. SPONS AGENCY Educational Foundation of America, Westport, CT.; Harris Family Foundation, Inc., Huntsville, AL.; Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Princeton, NJ.; John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, , IL.; McCormick Tribune Foundation, Chicago, IL.; Chicago Community Trust, IL. PUB DATE 2002-00-00 NOTE 36p.; For the 2001 Annual Report, see ED 465 431. Some pictures many not reproduce adequately. AVAILABLE FROM Ounce of Prevention Fund, 122 S. Michigan Avenue, Suite 2050, Chicago, IL 60603-6107. Tel: 312-922-3863; Fax: 312-922-3337; Web site: For full text: publications/OPF_AR_20Years.pdf. PUB TYPE Reports Descriptive (141) EDRS PRICE EDRS Price MF01/PCO2 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Adolescents; Annual Reports; *Child Health; Childrens Art; Dance; Decision Making; Drama; *Early Childhood Education; *Family Programs; Music; *Prevention; Program Descriptions; Young Children IDENTIFIERS *Ounce of Prevention Program IL; Public Private Partnership Programs

ABSTRACT Since its inception 20 years ago as a public-private partnership, the Ounce of Prevention Fund (OPF) has cultivated promising ideas in early childhood development, has used private funding to test those ideas in real life settings, and has leveraged public funding to support and expand innovative programs that advance the health and well-being of children and families. This twentieth anniversary report describes the formation of the public-private partnership; outlines its mission to invest in the health and well-being of children and families through a dynamic cycle of direct service programs, advocacy, research, training, and replication; and highlights program accomplishments over the past 20 years. The report also examines the OPF's approach to serving children and families, and highlights the progress during 2002 of ideas at work in:(1) replicating the Educare Center;(2) expanding the doula network across Illinois;(3) helping families promote healthy development and early learning of their young children through the Birth to Five Project;(4) helping children develop decision making skills through the Straight from the Heart program; and (5) creating enriched learning experiences for children, families, and staff through the arts. The report continues with a statement of operating revenues and expenses and a list of donors to the organization, and concludes with a list of OPF sites and delegate agencies. (KB)

Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the ori inal document. An Ounce of Prevenflon can make awor_ci of differe-ce



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+ft The importance of the first years of life was not a subject one heard much about in1982, unless one was fortunate enough to spend time in the company of Ounce of Prevention Fund co-founder Irving B. Harris. Along with a discerning sense for business, Irving also perceived what it has taken many others the last two decades to catch up withthat all of our children need good care and nurturing from their very earliest days if they are to have the best chance to succeed in school and throughout life. Because of Irving Harris' wisdom and social conscience, the Ounce of Prevention Fund came into being twenty years ago, and has grown into a pioneering organization dedicated to meeting the needs of young children and families in challenging communities. What started as an entrepreneurial idea to provide the Pittway Corporation's employees with family support resulted in Irving's fortuitous collaboration with two other champions for children, Greg Coler and Bernice Weissbourd, and ultimately led to a public-private partnership with model programs touching the lives of children and families in Illinois and across our country. But more of that story a little further on in our twentieth anniversary report. Now, as the Ounce continues its mission to invest in the health and well-being of children and families through a dynamic cycle of direct service programs, advocacy, research, training and replication, we look for "windows of opportunity" the times in the lives of children and families when innovative and effective programs really can change a child's life. Over the past two decades, the Ounce has served thousands of children and families in Illinois through its direct service programs and delegate agencies, and reached many more through the advocacy efforts of Kids PEPPthe Kids Public Education and Policy Project. What's more, groundbreaking Ounce initiatives like the "Beethoven Project" and "Heart to Heart" have served as model programs that have been replicated across the nation. While many organizations are just learning the benefits of public-private partnerships, it is worth noting that the Ounce of Prevention Fund has been one since its beginning. For the past twenty years, private dollarsfirst from the Pittway Corporation and subsequently from many other generous foundations, corporations and individualshave allowed the Ounce to pursue promising projects that might otherwise never get off the ground, demonstrate their effectiveness in real-life community settings, and then attract the public funding necessary to reach more children and families in need.


1 The other absolutely essential ingredient in the Ounce's effective work over the last twenty years has been all of the dedicated people who have wanted to make a difference for the better. People like founding Executive DirectorJudith Musick and past Executive Director Judy Langford, all of the past and present members of our Board of Directors, the hundreds of Ounce staff members and staff at the delegate agencies with whom we have had the opportunity to work, and, of course, the children and families we have had the privilege to serve. Today, the Ounce is continuing to take the best ideas in early childhood development, test them in real-life circumstances, and promote model programs throughout the field. Some highlights of our work: o Replicating our Educare Center in newcommunities. This state-of-the-art early childhood center continues to attract national attention. o Expanding our DoulaNetwork across Illinois. This promising program is already showing impressive results in giving more babies a better start in life. o Moving forward with the Birth to Five Project.This groundbreaking effort seeks to ensure that all young children and families in our state receive the care and support they need.

"The best evidence supports the pohcy prescription: invest in the very young." Dr. James Heckman, z000 Nobel Laureate in Economic Sciences, "Invest in the Very Young"


5 o Sharing the lessonsof Heart to Heart and Straight from the Heart. These innovative programs are designed to break the cycle of child sexual abuse and to help older children develop skills that better prepare them to make positive choices in their lives. o Promoting early learningand school readiness through our Arts Program. This comprehensive approach to the arts fosters creative self-expression, language development and other traits that are essential for school success.

At a time when investments of many kinds seem to be coming up short, investing in the well-being and future of America's children through high quality early care and education continues to pay the highest dividends for everyone. Whatever work the Ounce pursues over the next twenty years, we know it will be innovative, grounded in what really works for children and families, and dedicated to making sure that all of our children have the opportunity to enjoy the best start in life.

Harriet Meyer Robert Heaton President Chairman



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BEST COPYAVAILABLE Although good ideas can evolve unexpectedly, nothing is ever accomplished without people who are willing to go the distance. Greg Co ler, Irving Harris and Bernice Weissbourd are three such people, and in 1982, each already had proven track records as champions for children and families in need.While Greg Co ler was serving as the Director of the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services, Bernice Weissbourd was helping to establish the family support movement through her landmark work with Family Focus, Inc. As a longtime "social venture philanthropist," Irving Harris, then Chairman of the Pittway Corporation, had been a driving force in supporting pioneering organizations like the Erikson Institute and the Yale Child Study Center.

"We chose the name Ounce of Prevention Fund because we believe it's more caring and cost-effective to promote healthy child development than to treat problems later in life." Harriet Meyer, President of the Ounce of Prevention Fund, White House Conference on Early Childhood, 1997

BESTCOPYAVAILABLE When the Pittway Corporation wanted to do something to help the families of its employees, Bernice and Irving arranged a meeting with Greg seeking support to help start a Family Focus drop-in family support center near the company's manufacturing facility in Aurora, Illinois. From Pittway's point of view, a support center that could address the issues of family stress and poor child development outcomes would serve the interests of the state of Illinois as well as those of the company.Irving and Bernice asked Greg for a grant of $75,000 a year for three years, during which time Pittway would contribute $225,000. In words that would have a profound effect on the lives of many children and families, Greg answered: "I'm not interested in giving you a grant of $75,000 a year. I'll give you $400,000 if youwill match it and we'll start several centers in Illinois and we'll see if prevention really works in this state."

"There is no more important deprivation...Simply put, our contradiction in social policy than knowledge is not being applied." this: From the child development "The Common Good: Social research we know that the first few Welfare and the American years of life play a crucial role in Future: Policy Recommendations" , shaping a person's lifelong mental, issued by the Ford Foundation emotional, and physical abilities. in 1989 And yet it is for this stage of life that we seem to make our social investments most grudgingly and tolerate the greatest

BEST COPYAVAILABLE With his characteristic leadership, Irving returned to the Pittway board and persuaded them to agree to match the broader concept that Greg had described. With that, the Ounce of Prevention Fundunder a name created by Irvingwas born. Twenty years later, the Ounce still benefits from its founders' wisdom and expertise as Bernice, Greg and Irving continue to serve as leaders on the Ounce Board of Directors. And for twenty years now, the Ounce has pursued its mission to invest in the healthy development of babies, children, adolescents and families. For twenty years now, we have used private dollars as venture capital to launch innovative programs and to leverage public funding. For twenty years now, we have served as a place where the best academic theories are tested in real-world circumstances and turned into best practices for the entire early childhood field.

"A baby's brain is a work in progress, trillions of neurons are waiting to be wired into a mind. The experiences of childhood, pioneering research shows, help form the brain's circuits for music and math, language and emotion." Newsweek Magazine, February19, 1996

BEST COPY AVAILABLE wentOy Vegm ct nnovatbro Ounce of Prevention Fund founded 2982 Parents Too Soon expands to 22 sites across Illinois 2983 Peer Powerand ADAM (Awareness and Development for Adolescent Males) after-school enrichment programs begun 2034 DuSable High School adolescent health center opens as one of the first on-site clinics in ages Ounce of Prevention Fund becomes one of only three Head Start grantees in Chicago 205 Center for Successful Child Development/ Beethoven Project initiates on-site comprehensive early childhood center in Chicago public housing1986 Heart to Heart program to prevent child sexual abuse developed i986 Orr High School adolescent health center opens agE36 Kids Public Education and Policy Project initiated by the Ounce and Family Focus, Inc. age7 The New York Times hails the Beethoven Project as a "Head Start on Head Start" 2987 Crane High School adolescent health center opens age? "Child Sexual Abuse: A Hidden Factor in Adolescent Sexual Behavior" published %gay "Facts of Life: A Training Manual for Adults Working with Adolescents" published 2987 The pioneering Developmental Trainingand Support

1 /I BEST COPY AVAILABLE Program piloted agE37 Ounce programs are featured in "Focus on the First Sixty Months" produced by the National Governors Association and the Center for Policy Research agey The National Commission on Children is formed agE37 Family Literacy Project launched 2989 Wells Community Initiative established with the Chicago Housing Authority, Ida B. Wells Local Advisory Council, Metropolitan Planning Council and Centers for New Horizons i990 "Policies for Families: Next Steps" developed by Kids PEPP agga "Success for Every Teen" special report published app "Toward Teen Health" special report published 2c92 Parents Too Soon at 36 sites across Illinois in2 "Family Planning Perspectives" published ag92 Family Service Center begun at St. Paul Church in Grand Boulevard agg2 "Head Start on Head Start" special report published agg4 American Psychological Association honors the Ounce's Developmental Training and Support Program as a model program in service delivery ago, EarlyHead Start program authorized by the federal government 2pg4 "Heart to Heart" special report published aggs School-based health center opens at Beethoven Elementary School BESTCOWAVAIUME\ I12 2995 Parents Too Soon expands with the creationof Healthy Families Illinois lost Doula Project pilot program initiated with the ChicagoHealth Connection, Alivio Medical Center, Christopher House and Marillac Social Center %996"Starting Smart" special report published a994 White House Conference on Early Childhood 2997 Kids PEPP efforts advance the creation of the Illinois Early Childhood Block Grant aggy Straight from the Heart program launched 2gg7 Birth to Three Project created 2998 "Brighter Babies, Stronger Families" special report published 203 Hayes Family Health Center opens 2999 Ounce featured in BBC documentary, "Bringing Home the Revolution" 'am Educare Center/ Chicago opens 2000 The declares that the Educare Center "provides a humanistic model for the pressing national problem of improving day care" 2000 "From Neurons to Neighborhoods: The Science of Early Childhood Development" is released by the National Research Council and the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies2000Arts Program introduced2oclo"Safe Start" special report published 2,®®03 Doula services 11 3] j3ESTCOPYAVAILABLE added to Parents Too Soon programs at Kankakee Community College and Easter Seals Children's Development Center in Rockford 2csoo Campaign for Early Childhood Innovations launched 2oc1 Doula services are initiated at the Educare Center/ Chicago 2001 "Straight from the Heart" special report published 2001 Doula services introduced at Parents Too Soonsites La Voz Latina in Rockford and Children's Home in Peoria moa White House Summit on Early Childhood Cognitive Development 2c3o1 "Invest in the Very Young" special report published 2002 Educare Center/Omaha groundbreaking 2002 "Toward the ABCs" special report published 2002 Doula Network expands to 4 new sites in IllinoisAunt Martha's Youth Service, Fayette County Health Department, Greater Du Page MYM and Visiting Nurses Association of Fox Valley 2002 "Birth to Three Best Practice Briefs" published 2002 Pilot testing of Ounce Scale, a new performance-oriented develop- mental assessment 2002 Ounce co-sponsors the national Safe Havens Training Project to help children and families confronted with community violence 2002 Educare Center/Atlanta scheduled to open in Fall 2002

I14- BESTCOPYAVAILABLE BESTCOP`AVAILABLE _15 Lk) Educare Center Building on what works by replicating our innovative early childhood center

The Ounce of Prevention Fund takes promising ideasand uses private dollars to develop new and innovative early childhood projects. By testingthese ideas in real-life community settings, we have the chance to see what really does work for children and families by developing model programs and sharing our findings with others. However, the best ideas in any area of endeavor are rarely realized without years of effort. The evolution of the Educare Centerbegan with the introduction of on-site comprehensive early childhood services in Chicago public housingthe "Beethoven Project"in 1986, but it took 14 years of commitment and investment by many public and private partners before the Educare Center opened on Chicago's south side in2000. What is it that makes the Educare Center worth replicating in other communities? Over the last two years, the Educare Center/Chicago has been providing families with a place, program and partnership designed to promote their children's well-being and school readiness.

"This place is helping my "Babies raised by caring, kids get eveiything they need attentive adults in safe, and really giving me peace predictable environments are of mind." better learners than those A mother at the Ounce's raised with less attention in Educare Center in Chicago less secure surroundings." "Starting Points: Meeting the Needs of Our Youngest Children," 1994, report of the Carnegie Task Force


16 Launched with private funds and built through a unique partnership with the federal government, the state of Illinois, Chicago Public Schools, private supporters and community residents, the Educare program is a pioneering effort to prepare children to learn and flourish in school and in life. With generous support from the Pritzker Cousins Foundation and the Walter and Mary E. Tuohy Foundationand with the participation of the Susan A. Buffett Foundation and the Georgia Campaign for Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention the latest steps in Educare replication are moving swiftly. Educare Centers are now in various stages of development in Omaha and Atlanta,and a steady flow of visitors are exploring the possibility of replicating Educare in their communities. Along with the lessons we continue to learn at Educare Center/Chicago, these new centers will add their own unique contributions to create ablueprint for developing high quality early care and education across the country.

"How young children feel is as important as how they think, particularly with regard to school readiness. Jack P. Shonkoff, M.D., opening statement at the release of the woo report, "From Neurons to Neighborhoods: The Science of Early Childhood Development"


17 Doula Network Giving children the best start in life by expanding the Doula Network across Illinois

Making sure that young mothers and their babies are physically healthy and emotionally supported can make all the difference for that child. We now know that children's very earliest experiences have a decisive influence upon their brain development and their intellectual, social and emotional growth. We also know that early social and emotional capacities have a profound effect upon children's ability to develop the self-assurance, sense of curiosity and trust that are essential to learn and thrive. To ensure that babies in Illinois have the best start in life, the Ounce of Prevention Fund is expanding its Doula Network to new sites across the state. Doulas, from a Greek word for "birthing assistant," work within voluntary home visiting programs like Parents Too Soon and Healthy Families.

"I thought she was an "The years from the crib angel sent to me from heaven to the classroom represent a so I could have my baby. period of intense language A young mother in Chicago and cognitive growth. talking about her Doula Children grow from babies with no language skills to children who can express themselves." First Lady Laura Bush, the 2ooi White House Summit on Early Childhood Cognitive Development


18 Doulas are specially trained women from the community who provide expecting teens with the critically important information and support that they and their babies need. By linking families to prenatal care, encouraging young mothers through labor and delivery, and supporting them during the demanding postpartum period, doulas are able to build the confidence, credibility and relationships needed to have a lasting impact upon teen moms. Impressive results from these valuable perinatal services include decreases in Caesarian deliveries and the use of epidural anesthesia as well as dramatic increases in breastfeeding rates among teen mothers. Most heartening, doulas also foster the bonding relationship between mother and babies. This year, with generous private funding from the Harris Family Foundation, The Harris Foundation, and The Foundation, the Ounce is looking forward to reaching even more communities as we expand our Doula Network to more sites across the state of Illinois.

The results of a seven-year healthy, to learn, and to prepare national evaluation of the federal for school, while providing support Early Head Start program to mothers and fathers to improve demonstrated its positive results: their parenting and other skills. "The program improves the Tommy G. Thompson Secretary chances for our youngest and most of the U.S. Department of Health disadvantaged children to grow upand Human Services, June 2ooz


19 Birth to Five Project Helping families promote the healthy development and early learning of their young children through the Birth to Five Project

Making certain that all young children and families receive the care and services they need should be the highest priority in every state. Illinois is serving as a model for the rest of the nation through its participation inthe Birth to Five Project. With significant investments from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Early Childhood Funders Collaborative, the Ounce of Prevention Fund is pioneering this ambitious, multi-year effort to ensure the availability of and access to vital prevention services for our state's youngestchildren and their families. By bringing together policymakers, advocates and those who provide services, the Birth to Five Project is building a coordinated statewide system of programs, services and policies that will better prepare children for success in school and beyond.

"Children are born 'ready to learn,' but we must also attend to their social and emotional

development. We cannot prepare children to be ready for third grade by treating 2- and 3-year-olds like third graders. J. Ronald Lally, Ed.D., a national expert on early childhood

20 To carry forward the grassroots work of the Birth to Flve Project and help all Illinois children and families receive the best start in life, the All Our Kids Networks have been operating in ten communities across the state since 2000 to better coordinate early childhood services. Funded by the Illinois Department of Human Services, each local network benefits from the contributions of parents, providers who serve young children and other community members. By promoting access to a broad array of services like prenatal care, well- baby check-ups, early care and education, parenting education, and a variety of specialized services, each network community is creating a system of necessary services for young children and expecting families through developmental screenings, information and referral services, coordination of care, public education, and early childhood staff training. The Birth to Five Project is coordinated by the Ounce's advocacy division, Kids PEPP (Public Education and Policy Project). Over the past fifteen years. Kids PEPPwhich is funded entirely by private donationshas been a leading voice in expanding early education, child care, home visiting and other services for low-income children and their families.

In 1975, 39% of mothers "Don't just do something with children under the stand there and pay age of six worked outside attention. The child is uying the hometoday 62% tell you something." U.S. Bureau Sally Provence, M.D., of Labor Statistics Yale Child Study Center



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"Front btr th. a baby's brain cells pr oltferate wLldl rnaktng connecttons tha t may shape a lifetime of expenence The fti st thtee years al e cratcal Mine Magathie, February3 997




A Heart to Heart/Straight from the Heart Answering the challenge of keeping children healthy and safe through Heart to Heart and Straight from the Heart

Although there are no easy answers to the challenge of helping children develop the decision-making skills they need to grow and mature in healthy ways, the Ounce of Prevention Fund's "Straight from the Heart" program is offering a new and promising approach. Building on important lessons learned from "Heart to Heart," an earlier Ounce initiative to break the tragic cycle of sexual abuse, "Straight from the Heart" is an intensive prevention program aimed at helping children from age eleven to fourteen years develop the critical thinking skills and self-esteem that allow them to make positive choices in their lives. "Straight from the Heart" has been developed with private funding from the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation as a model initiative that can be effectively replicated to reach out to increasing numbers of children and families across the country.

"We recommend that all children, "We want our children to spend from the prenatal period through their very early years in a safe, the first years of life, receive the healthful and stimulating envi- care and support they need to ronment. If we ignore those early enter school ready to learnnamely,years, we increase the chances that good health care, nurturing children will eventually drop out environments, and experiences of school. And that's a ticket to a that enhance their development. low-paying job, the welfare rolls or "Beyond Rhetoric: A New the criminal justice system." American Agenda for Children Mayor Richard M. Daley, and Families," the final report City of Chicago of the National Commission on Children released in 1991


23 Arts Program Creating enriched learning experiences for children, families and staff through the Arts

The Ounce has established a program that weaves the arts into early education and recognizes the exciting role that music, drawing, dance, and drama have in promoting school readiness. Since its inception in 2000, our Arts Program has integrated the arts into our curriculum, helping our children develop critical thinking skills and allowing each child to bring her own unique interests to the process. While creative self-expression is being encouraged, our comprehensive approachinvolving lessons, live performances, classes for families and resident artistsis also helping to develop language and communication skills essential for school success. Importantly, the arts are serving as a learning process for families and staff as well. Funding is being generously provided by an anonymous foundation, the Educational Foundation of America, the Elizabeth Morse Charitable Trust, the Sage Foundation/Brighton, Michigan, and The Farny R. Wurlitzer Foundation.

"My two granddaughters are "Children truly are the in the arts program at Educare, future of our nation. We owe it and it's really helped them. to them, and to our nation, to A lot of kids have a born ensure that all children are born talent but they don't know with the best possible chance about it. This program to live, love, grow and excel." makes them aware, brings it out."Irving Harris, co-founder Ray Head, a grandparent of the Ounce of Prevention, Fund, at the Ounce's Educare Center author of "Children in Jeopardy: in Chicago Can We Break the Cycle of Poverty?"

24 Statement of FY'02 Operating Revenues and Expenses Financial Report Ounce of Prevention Fund

Revenues*(includes several huge. restricted, nuttti-year awards recogn ized in fiscal year 2002) July 1, 2001J Une 30, 2002 Illinois Department of Human Services $12,387,796 Illinois Department of Children and Family Services 38,166 Illinois Department of Commerce and Community Affairs 316,990 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 10,786,091 U.S. Department of Agriculture 155,204 Chicago Public Schools 355,000 Corporations, Foundations, Trusts and Individuals 3,072,372 Interest, Investment Income, and Other Revenue 288,988 Total $27,400,607

Expenses Child and Family Support Services $12,801,510 Parents Too Soon 9,517,991 Kids PEPP 1,195,202 Research 762,046 Toward Teen Health 413,891 Other Programs/Special Projects 912,455 Total $25,603,095

An audited statement is available upon request. *Does not include $3,593,454, in Board designated and donor restricted contributions and pledges to the endowment fund.


Annual Fund Donors WPWR-TV Channel 5o Bruce and Anne Strohm Roger R. Fross and Madelon R. July1, 2001June 30, 2002 Foundation Sugar, Friedberg & Felsenthal Fross The Farny R. Wurlitzer Totalworks, Inc. Bonnie and Scott Greenleaf Major Donors Foundation Penny Pritzker and Stanley I. Greenspan, M.D. ($25,000 and above) Bryan Traubert and Nancy T. Greenspan Patrons Sandy and Marc Walfish Kathleen Grady and Victor Grimm Anonymous ($2,500$4,999) Bernice Weissbourd Sarah Gustafson The Chicago Community Trust Edward Hamburg and Stacey D & R Fund AptarGroup, Inc. Charitable Friends Poland Hamburg Educational Foundation of Foundation ($500$999) Lisa Henry-Reid, M.D. America Alyce and jack Fuller Suzanne Henry Joan and Irving Harris Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Jacobs Susan and Scott Bondurant Judy and Bob Herbert The Harris Family Foundation Lucinda Lee and Norman A. Katz Susan and Edward Chandler Marshall and Doris Holleb The Harris Foundation Elizabeth and Timothy Landon Janet Reali and Mitchell Cobey Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Jensen The Robert Wood Johnson Jim and Gloria Mack Eloise H. Cornelius Richard F. and Christine F. Foundation Judd, Randi, Stephen and Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Benjamin Karger Anne and Burton Kaplan Barry Malkin Families Fadim Susan and Dick Kiphart John D. and Catherine T. Paul Metzger Phylis and Jay L. Frankel Gail Epstein Kovler MacArthur Foundation Barbara and Walter Scott Leon Golub and Susanne and Robert Kramer Oscar G. & Elsa S. Mayer Nancy Spero Golub Katherine Laing Family Foundation Advocates The Hunckler Family Mercedes Laing, J.D. McCormick Tribune Foundation ($1,000-$2,499) Keith W. Jaffee and Caryl T. Jaffee Henry and Elsie Loeb Harriet and Ulrich Meyer Larry and Donna James Susan O'Brien Lyons Polk Bros. Foundation Anonymous Ayana and Sokoni Karanja Christina Codo and Pat Maloney Pritzker Cousins Foundation John and Rosemary Bannan Mary and Donald Kirwan Ira & Janina Marks Sage Foundation/Brighton, Linda and Robert Barrows Doris Lewy Charitable Trust Michigan John, Vicki and Holly Bitner Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Lifton Jane and Peter McNitt The Oprah Winfrey Foundation Blum-Kovler Foundation Amy and Don Lubin Sam and Alice Meisels Helen and Sam Zell Gregory L. Coler Mary and Melvin L. Marks Abner and Zoe Mikva Joan Hall and George Cotsirilos Barbara J.Williams and J. Clifford Moos Sustaining Members Kelly King Dibble Martin J. Perry Portia Owen Morrison ($10,000 424,999) Deborah and David Epstein Thaddeus Perzanowski Mr. and Mrs. David F. Myers Jamee and Marshall Field Stephen and Jane Roberti Katharine Ravenel John and Jackie Bucksbaum Foundation Natalie and Jacques S. Theriot Raul Raym undo Canadian National Keith and Rodney Goldstein Deb Daro and Coleman Tuggle Pearl and Mitchell Rieger Julie and Parker Hall Mrs. Paul W. Guenzel Patricia M. Varga Gwendolyn D. Rogers Robert Heaton Rusty and Samuel Hellman Dr. David and Erica Turkel Wax Harvey E. Rosenthal and Ashley and Matthew McCall Dana and Andrew Hirt Bonnie M. Wheaton Beverly A. Rosenthal The Albert Pick, Jr. Fund Howard Isenberg William H. Wiehl Barbara A. Ruhman Pritzker Foundation Fruman and Marian S. Dr. and Mrs. Barry Zuckerman Leatrice and Stephen Sandler Dr. Scholl Foundation Jacobson Amy and Rick Schecter W. Clement & Jessie V. Stone George and Barbara Javaras Associates Mr. and Mrs. Neal L. Seltzer Foundation Hersch and Avril Klaff ($1$499) Sara Slaughter and Tom Smith Anne and John Tuohy Sandy and Thomas Kully Al and Martha Solnit Mr. and Mrs. John Lillard Miriam G. Apter Janet Surkin and Robert Stillman Sponsors McMaster-Carr Supply Company Lynn Donaldson and Paul and Judith Strasen ($5,000-$9,999) Bernard and Jean Meltzer Cameron Avery Carrie Strauch Marc W. and Laura Appleton Martin and Brenda Becker Rosa M. Su bero Anonymous Mengel Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Belgrad Jody Carr and Elliot J. Sussman Mary Jane and Robert Asher Jo and Arthur Moore Jeanne E. Crowley and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Torgerson Jane and John C. Colman Joseph and Michelle Moravecek Peter D. Bernstein Mr. and Mrs. Eli W. Tullis, Jr. Carol Emig and Michael Durst New Prospect Foundation Paula Jorde Bloom, Ph.D. Eve Van Cauter Linda and Bill Friend Edmond and Alice Opler Gieriet and Ted Bowen Mr. and Mrs. Charles von Weise Shirley and Burt Harris Foundation Sarah Chaffetz Robert B. Wilcox LaSalle Bank Frances and Richard Penn William A. Clark and Elizabeth Walter S. Mander Foundation Ann and Dick Rothkopf Warren Cain Clark In-Kind Donors Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Mayer Barbara and Gerald Schultz Mr. and Mrs. Russell Dushman The Elizabeth Morse Judy and Tom Scorza Lisa and Thomas Finke Faithia Anderson Charitable Trust Michael Sennett Jim and Susan Florsheim Bernadette Areilla Relations Foundation Adele and John Simmons Dr. Stanley and Ruthie Ronald Aures Catherine and Howard Siegel Joyce and Roy Skoog Friedell Erlinda Binghay 2 7 BEST COPY AVAILABLE Campaign for Early The Duchossois Family Ayana and Sokoni Karanja Prince Charitable Trusts Childhood Innovations Foundation Lucinda Lee and Norman A. Katz Susan and Nick Pritzker Claire Dunham Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kiphart Raul Raymundo Donors Mr. and Mrs. Russell Dushman Elizabeth andTimothy Landon Michael Reese Health Trust Anonymous Murrell Duster Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Lansing Gwendolyn D. Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Mark Achler Educational Foundation of LaSalle Bank John Rogers, Jr. Billie Wright Adams, M.D. America* Mr. and Mrs. Gary Lauder Jill and Ron Rohde Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Adelstein Jennifer Schulze and Elaine and Donald Levinson Ann and Dick Rothkopf Mr. and Mrs. David Ball Edwin Eisendrath Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Levin Bette Cerf Hill and Bruce Sagan John and Rosemary Bannan Mr. and Mrs. Richard Elden Ellen Frell and Richard Levy Sage Foundation/Brighton, Dr. and Mrs. William Barrows Mr. and Mrs. David Elzinga Mr. and Mrs. John Lillard Michigan Mr. and Mrs. Roger Baskes Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fascitelli Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Litwin Mr. and Mrs. Rob Sarazen John, Vicki and Holly Bitner James G. Fitzgerald Marcena W. and Norris Love Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Scanlan Sally Blanks Jane Fonda Amy Lusk and Anne-Marie Akin Judy and Tom Scorza Barbara Bluhm-Kaul Harold E. Foreman, Jr. Martha and Albert H. MacLeod Mr. and Mrs. James Shapiro Virginia and Norman Bobins Linda and Bill Friend Macquarie Bank Foundation Catherine and Howard Siegel Mr. and Mrs. James E. Bramsen Mr. and Mrs. Howard Garber Mary and Melvin L. Marks Joyce and Roy Skoog Barbara and Roger 0. Brown Standford J. Goldblatt Pastor B. Herbert Martin, Sr./ The Smart Family Foundation John and Jackie Bucksbaum Keith and Rodney Goldstein Progressive Community The Spirit Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Suzanne Gombrich Center-The People's Church Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Stack Bucksbaum Barbara Goodbody Daniel McCaffery The Steans Family Foundation Susan Buffett Richard and Mary L Gray Ashley and Matthew McCall Pam Neal and Donald E. Suter Michael Burke Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey J. McCormick Tribune Foundation Rosemary Tinker Canadian National* Greenberg Paul Metzger Deb Daro and Coleman Tuggle The Chicago Community Trust* I. A. and Diana Grodzins Harriet and Ulrich Meyer Anne and John Tuohy Circle of Service Foundation, Inc. Mrs. Paul W. Guenzel Mr. and Mrs. Herb Molner The Walter and Mary Tuohy Gregory L. Coler Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Hanauer Jo and Arthur Moore Foundation* Eloise H. Cornelius Sally Hands Patrick B. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Allen Turner Joan Hall and George Cotsirilos Joan and Irving Harris Judith and Stuart Musick Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Coydog Foundation Mr. and Mrs. E. Hunter Carolyn Rosenberg and Steve Valentine The Crown Family Harrison Nasatir Leah Zell Wanger D & R Fund Robert Heaton Judith E. Neisser Sarita Warshawsky Mr. and Mrs. James J. Glasser Rusty and Samuel Hellman The Northern Trust Company Bernice Weissbourd Mrs. Martin Rosenthal Lisa Henry-Reid, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Peck The Oprah Winfrey Foundation* Mrs. Samuel Rosenthal Mr. and Mrs. John Higgins Jim Pelts Helen and Sam Zell Kelly King Dibble Fred Holubow Frances and Richard Penn Dr. and Mrs. Barry Zuckerman The Richard H. Driehaus Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Jacobs Pittway Corporation Charitable Sheri and Sherwin Zuckerman Foundation Anne and Burton Kaplan Foundation *indicates programmatic support

Brownie Troop 967 of Aurora, Tomacine Henek, Ph.D. MFL Associates/Madeleine Catherine and Howard Siegel Illinois Illinois Department of Children Lebedow Joyce and Roy Skoog Jeanette Burlg and Family Services The Mid-South Planning and SPSS Inc. Robin Byster Joan Ingram, Ph.D. Development Commission Harrison Steans Chicago Children's Museum Institute for Psychodiagnostic Latasha Morris Rose M.R. Troup Chicago Department of Interventions and Services, Ltd. Judith and Stuart Musick Mr. and Mrs. John Tschoe Public Health Marilyn Jackson Julie Nakagawa Eurnestine Brown Wells Cook County Children's Hospital Jeffries, Inc. Ruta Naujokas Dard Electric, Inc. Jewish Children's Bureau Nick Jr. MagazinePreschool Public Partners Jane Fonda Leroy Jones Educators Council Mr. and Mrs. Mark Fromm Lucinda Lee and Norman A. Katz Alison Oakes Chicago Public Schools Kathy Fudge-White Cynthia Lashley James Oberholtzer Illinois Department of Children Eleanor Gardner Little Company of Mary Parents in Ounce of and Family Services Kevin and April Green Verinda Magee Prevention Fund Programs Illinois Department of Joan and Irving Harris Meg and Mike Makely Jerome Price Commerce and Community Mumtaz Harris Alvima McClinton Susan and Nick Pritzker Affairs Marsha Hawley Members of the Ounce of C. Cybele Raver, Ph.D. Illinois Department of Theresa Hawley Prevention Fund Policy Arthur J. Reynolds Human Services Robert Heaton Council and Residents of the Vanessa Rich United States Department of James J. Heckman, Ph.D. Community Maria Rosa Health and Human Servies Rusty and Samuel Hellman Richard Mervis Arnold J. Sameroff, Ph.D. U. S. Department of Agriculture BESTCOPYAVAILABLE 28 25 ."

Arstb- ao Years of Educational Foundation of The Elizabeth Morse The Oprah Winfrey Foundation America Charitable Trust The Winnetka Congregational Private Support The David and Lisette Charles Stewart Mott Foundation Church 1982-2002 Eisendrath Foundation Navy Club Sangamon Women In Need Ernst & Young LLP New Prospect Foundation Woods Fund of Chicago The following donors have Family Focus, Inc. The Northern Trust Company WPWR-TV Channel 50 made at least one gift to the Federated Department Stores The Nutrasweet Company Foundation Ounce of Prevention Fund during Foundation John Nuveen Company The Farny R. Wurlitzer our zo years of service. Fel-Pro Mecklenburger Opastco Companies Foundation Foundation Edmond and Alice Opler The Zell Family Foundation Foundations and Corporations Field Corporation Fund Foundation Zero to Three/National Center Anonymous (2) Jamee and Marshall Field The Oppenheimer Family for Infants, Toddlers and American Association of Foundation Foundation Families InvestorsChicago Chapter Field Foundation of Illinois, Inc. Francis W. Parker School The American Legion Child First Chicago Corporation S.N. Phelps Realty Individuals Welfare Foundation First Nonprofit Mutual Insurance The Albert Pick, Jr. Fund Anonymous (4) Amoco Foundation Company Pittway Corporation Susan and William Abrams AptarGroup, Inc. Charitable FMC Foundation Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Mark Achler Foundation Forest Fund Polk Bros. Foundation Billie Wright Adams, M.D. AT & T Foundation Zollie and Elaine Frank Fund Price Charities Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Adelstein The Barker Welfare Foundation GATX Corporation Prince Charitable Trusts John R. and Agnes Anderson M.R. Bauer Foundation General Service Foundation Pritzker Cousins Foundation Miriam G. Apter The Baxter Allegiance Foundation Gidwitz Family Foundation Pritzker Foundation Mary Jane and Robert Asher Beatrice Company Golden Family Foundation Project Success/Family Sharif Atkins Beaulieu Carpets Grant Healthcare Foundation Focus, Inc. Lynn Donaldson and The Birkelund Foundation HAF Foundation Public Education Fund Cameron Avery H.M. Bitner Charitable Trust Harris Bank Foundation Publix Office Supplies Dr. Carl and Julia Ford Backer The Blowitz-Ridgeway Foundation The Harris Family Foundation Queen Carpets Mr. and Mrs. David Ball Blum-Kovler Foundation The Harris Foundation Reading Is Fundamental John and Rosemary Bannan Harry& Maribel G. Blum Foundation Hartmax Charitable Foundation Michael Reese Health Trust June Barrows Borg-Warner Foundation Head Start Policy Council Relations Foundation Linda and Robert Barrows Helen Brach Foundation William Randolph Hearst Rockefeller Foundation Dr. and Mrs. William Barrows Brand Companies Charitable Foundations Rohlen Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Roger Baskes Foundation Walter E. Heller Foundation Sage Foundation/Brighton, Martin and Brenda Becker Leo Burnett Company, Inc. IBH Charity Trust Michigan Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. The Buffett Foundation Independent Order of Foresters St. Andrews Women's Belgrad Canadian National Intercraft Industries Philoptochos Society Lee Phillip Bell Cartwright Foundation IC Penney St. Margaret Mary Parish Mr and Mrs. William Bell Annie E. Casey Foundation Jewel-Osco Santa Fe Pacific Foundation Ruth and Leroy E. Belzer Chicago Board of Education The Robert Wood Johnson Sara Lee Foundation Arlene and Marshall Bennett The Chicago Community Trust Foundation Dr. Scholl Foundation Mrs. Edwin A. Bergman Chicago Foundation for Women The Joyce Foundation Charles Schwab, Inc. Jeanne E. Crowley and Peter Chicago Mercantile Exchange Juvenile Protective Association Shaw Industries, Inc. D. Bernstein Chicago Public Schools Mayer and Morris Kaplan The Smart Family Foundation Gerda and Saul Bernstein Chicago Title &Trust Company Family Foundation Smith Richardson Foundation James Biegel Foundation Lands' End, Inc. The Spirit Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bishop Chicago Tribune Foundation LaSalle Bank The Steans Family Foundation John, Vicki and Holly Bitner Chicago Metro AEYC Latin School of Chicago Thomas H. Stone and Donna M. Sally Blanks Chicago Pacific Corporation Learning Curve Stone Foundation Philip D. Block III Chicago United International, Inc. W. Clement & Jessie V. Stone JoAnne and Chris Bloom Circle of Service Foundation, Inc. John D. and Catherine T. Foundation Paula Jorde Bloom, Ph.D. The Commonwealth Fund MacArthur Foundation Sugar, Friedberg & Felsenthal Barbara Bluhm-Kaul Continental Bank Foundation Macquarie Bank Foundation Totalworks, Inc. Barbara and Richard Boberg Council on Foundations Mainstreet The Walter and Mary Tuohy Virginia and Norman Bobins Coydog Foundation Walter S. Mander Foundation Foundation Susan and Scott Bondurant Arie & Ida Crown Memorial March of Dimes Union League Civic & Arts Mary and Ronald Boosey The Crown Family Marshall Field's Dayton Foundation Judy and Peter Bordwell Henry Crown and Company Hudson United Healthcare Corporation Nancy and Don Borzak D & R Fund Oscar G. & Elsa S. Mayer Family Visiting Nurse Association Gieriet and Ted Bowen D & K Foundation Foundation Foundation Mr. and Mrs. James E. Bramsen Dallas Midwest The McCall Family Foundation Voices for Illinois Children Herbert Brandwein Gaylord & Dorothy Donnelley McCormickTribune Foundation Washington National Rachel Brown Foundation McMaster-Carr Supply Company Insurance Company Barbara and Roger 0. Brown Gaylord Donnelley 1983 Gift Trust Colonel Stanley R. McNeil Washington Square Health William G. Brown R.R. Donnelley and Sons Company Foundation Foundation Kathleen and John Buck Donors Forum of Chicago Mel-Cor Sheet Metal, Inc. Weingart Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Draper & Kramer, Inc. Microsoft Corporation Samuel Weinstein Family Bucksbaum The Richard H. Driehaus The Mid-South Planning and Foundation John and Jackie Bucksbaum Foundation Development Commission W.P. & H.B. White Foundation Susan Buffett The Duchossois Family Montgomery Ward Whitman Corporation Michael Burke Foundation Charitable Fund Shelby Williams Industries, Inc. Mike and Betsy Carothers Ara and Edma Dumanian J.P. Morgan & Co. Incorprated The Wineman Charitable Judge and Mrs. Lawrence W. Foundation Kaleidescope, Inc./J.P. Morgan Foundation Carroll 3 0 27 BEST COPY AVAILABLE Lorenzo Cecilio Jerome and Carol Ginsburg George and Barbara Javaras Mr. and Mrs. Theodore B. Sarah Chaffetz Carol 0. Glazier Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Jensen Martin, Jr. Susan and Edward Chandler Mardelle Hansen and James Mr. and Mrs. Steven E. Johnson Joan E. Massaquoi Susan Loeb Chaplik March Goldberg Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kahn June Matayoshi Weston Christopherson Standford J. Goldblatt Jerry Kahn Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Mayer Gerri Cicchinelli William Golden Anne and Burton Kaplan Daniel McCaffery Wiliam A. Clark and Elizabeth Lillian Goldfine Howard Kaplan Ashley and Matthew McCall Warren Cain Clark Adele and Marvin Goldsmith Mr. and Mrs. Huette Kaplan Philip V. McCanna Janet Reali and Mitchell Cobey Keith and Rodney Goldstein Ayana and Sokoni Karanja Wilkes McClave II Drs. Phyllis and Donald Cohen Leon Golub and Richard F. and Christine F. Karger Jane and Peter McNitt Phyllis and Howard Cohn Nancy Spero Golub Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kastel Roger Meier Terri and Robert Cohn Suzanne Gombrich Jennifer Steans and Jim Sam and Alice Meisels Gregory L. Coler Barbara Goodbody Kastenholtz Nancy Meislahn Mr. and Mrs. Lew Collens Morris Goodman Harry Katz Bernard and Jean Meltzer Jane and John C. Colman Dr. Dianna Grant -Burke Lucinda Lee and Norman A. Katz Marc W. and Laura Appleton Mengel Eloise H. Cornelius Sue and Melvin Gray Stanton Kessler Geraldine Mercola Elaine and Jim Costakis Richard and Mary L. Gray Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kiphart Paul Metzger Joan Hall and George Samuel Green Mary and Donald Kirwan Dr. John Meuer Cotsirilos Mr. and Mrs.Aubreyi.Greenberg Hersch and Avril Klaff Thomas Meyer Gwenyth Arnold Dehetre Bonnie and Scott Greenleaf Evi Klein Harriet and Ulrich Meyer Tracy A. DeSalvo Stanley I. Greenspan, M.D. Francine and Michael Knowles Abner and Zoe Mikva Julie Deutsch and Nancy T. Greenspan Pat and Mike Koldyke Jonathan L. Mills and Susan R. Patrick Devine Kathleen Grady and Gail Epstein Kovler Sneider Jean L. DeVoll-Donaldson and Victor Grimm Susanne and Robert Kramer Dorothy Missner John K. DeVoll-Donaldson I.A. and Diana Grodzins Lisbeth and Robert Krogman Artemis and Ned Mitchell Kelly King Dibble Jacqueline Gross William Krug Mr. and Mrs. Herb R. Molner James and Nina Donnelley Mrs. Paul W. Guenzel Sandy and Thomas Kully Jo and Arthur Moore M.P. Palm Dorsey Gail Guggenheim Katherine Laing J. Clifford Moos Donald Drews Rosemary Gullikson Mercedes Laing, ).D. Joseph and Michelle Moravecek Sarah and Raymond Drymalski Sarah Gustafson Elizabeth and Timothy Landon Mr. and Mrs. Harold M. Morrison Juliette G. Duara Frances and J. Parker Hall Cindi Lannes and Michelle Portia Owen Morrison Claire Dunham Julie and Parker Hall Lannes Harry and Mary Moser Donald Dupont Edward Hamburg and Stacey Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Lansing Ralph and Susan Muller Carol Emig and Michael Durst Poland Hamburg Mr. and Mrs. Gary Lauder Patrick B. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Russell Dushman Christine Hamilton-Kenney Wende and Jim Lawson Ann L. Becker and David E. Murrell Duster Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Hanauer Rebecca K. Leet Muschler Alvin Eaton Sally Hands Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Levin Judith and Stuart Musick Lois and Steve Eisen Joan and Russell Hardin Elaine and Donald Levinson Allan Musikantow Edwin Eisendrath and Jennifer Joan and Irving Harris Francine and Mark Levy Mr. and Mrs. David F. Myers, Jr. Schulze Shirley and Burt Harris Ellen Frell and Richard Levy Carolyn Rosenberg and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Elden Mr. and Mrs. E. Hunter Harrison Iry Lewis Steven B. Nasatir Mr. and Mrs. David Elzinga Carol Prins and John Hart Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lewis Elinor and Frank Nathan Deborah and David Epstein Teri Turner Hartman Doris and Ralph Lewy Evelyn Nathanson Eileen and Richard Epstein Dr. Birt Harvey Jeri Licht Richard H. Needham Suzanne and Shayle Epstein Warren Haskin Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Lifton Judith E. Neisser Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Benjamin Robert Heaton Mr. and Mrs. John Lillard Dr. Niles Newton Fadim Rusty and Samuel Hellman Mr. and Mrs. Stuart M. Litwin Carol and Norman Nie Ruth and William Farrow Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Heiman Anne and Andrew Livingston Alison Oakes Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fascitelli Walter Helmrich Caroline Loeb Geoffrey A. Oltmans Joyce and David Feuer Janet Marie Henkel Henry and Elsie Loeb Ted Oppenheimer Lisa and Thomas Finke Suzanne Henry Estelle and Hamilton M. Loeb Evelyn and Marshall Padorr James G. Fitzgerald Lisa Henry-Reid, M.D. Marcena W. and Norris Love Gladys Paine Jim and Susan Florsheim Judy and Bob Herbert Amy and Don Lubin Elizabeth and Andrew Parkinson Jane Fonda Mr. and Mrs. John W. Higgins Amy Lusk and Anne-Marie Akin Aviva Miriam Patt Harold E. Foreman, Jr. Rosalind and Melvin Pollock Denise Lyons Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Peck Roger Fox James C. Hillegass Susan O'Brien Lyons Jim Pelts Phylis and Jay L. Frankel Dana and Andrew Hirt Jim and Kay Mabie Frances and Richard Penn Lee A. Freeman, Sr. Marshall and Doris Holleb Jim and Gloria Mack Barbara J. Williams and Dr. Stanley and Ruthie Friedell Fred Holubow Meredith Mack Martin J. Perry Linda and Bill Friend Ruth Horwich Martha and Albert H. MacLeod Thaddeus Perzanowski Mr. and Mrs. Mark Fromm The Hunckler Family Magdalen Madden June and Edward M. Pinsof Laura DeFerrari Front and Frances and Phillip Huscher Georgia Makely Alexander Polikoff Marshall B. Front Howard Isenberg Judd, Randi, Stephen and Barry Rosalind and Melvin Pollock Roger R. Fross and Madelon Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Jacobs Malkin Families Pamela Popeil R. Fross Fruman and Marian S. John Mallory Lee Preston Alyce and Jack Fuller Jacobson Christina Codo and Pat Maloney Derke J. Price and Suzyn M. Price Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Fulton Keith W. Jaffee and James and Roslyn Marks Susan and Nick Pritzker Robin Steans and Lenny Gail Caryl T. Jaffee Ira and Janina Marks Gigi Pritzker Pucker and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Garber Larry and Donna James Mary and Melvin L. Marks Michael Pucker Mr. and Mrs. John S. Gates, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar D. Paul Marks Katharine Ravenel Claude Gendreau Jannotta, Sr. Pastor B. Herbert Martin, Raul Raymundo Leonard and Judith Gertler Valerie Jarrett Sr./Progressive Community Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Rhodes Robert Gibbons Nancy Jarvis Center-The People's Church Mary C. Rhodes

31 28 BEST COPY AVAILABLE Pearl and Mitchell Rieger Natalie and Jacques S. Theriot Jeanette Burlg Harper & Row Kenneth Riskind Edwin C. Thomas ID Butternut Bakery Joan and Irving Harris Stephen and Jane Roberti Rosemary Tinker Robin Byster Mumtaz Harris Gwendolyn D. Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Torgerson Carpetland USA, Inc. Robie Harrris James 0. Rogers and Lorraine K. Penny Pritzker and Bryan Traubert Chapman & Cutler Marsha Hawley Rogers Lisa and Charles Tribbett Chelsea & Scott, Ltd. Theresa Hawley John Rogers, Jr. Deb Daro and Coleman Tuggle Chicago Bulls Hearth Song, Inc. Jill and Ron Rohde Mr. and Mrs. Eli W. Tullis, Jr. Chicago Children's Museum Robert Heaton Ann Rohlen Karen and Edward Tunney Chicago Department of James J. Heckman, Ph.D. Drs. Nancy and Michael Roizen Anne and John Tuohy Public Health Rusty and Samuel Hellman Tom and Patty Rosbrow Mr. and Mrs. Allen Turner Chicago Fire Department Tomacine Henek, Ph.D. Harvey E. Rosenthal and Beverly Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Chicago Housing Authority Hewlett-Packard, Inc. A. Rosenthal Valentine Chicago Public Schools David Hirsch Matt and Cathy Ross Eve Van Cauter Chicago Title &Trust Company Humana Health Care Plans Peter Ross Patricia M. Varga Child & Family Connection- J.B. Hunt Ann and Dick Rothkopf George Vickers and Elizabeth Levy Judy Glenn Illinois Nutrition Education and Barbara A. Ruhman Mr. and Mrs. Charles von Weise City of Chicago Training Ellen Ryan Sandy and Marc Walfish Chuck E. Cheese Kate Ingold Cari and Michael Sacks Leah Zell Wanger CIVITAS Initiative Institute for Psychodiagnostic Dr. and Mrs. Leo Sadow Mary Ann Wark Terry Clayboorn Interventions and Services, Ltd. Bette Cerf Hill and Bruce Sagan Sarita Warshawsky Philip R. Cohen & Associates Marilyn Jackson Leatrice and Stephen Sandler Dr. David and Erica Turkel Wax Ann Cohn and Phi Delta Kappa Jeffries, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Rob Sarazen Ruth and Sol Weiner Colgate Company Jewish Children's Bureau Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Scanlan Bernice and Bernard Weissbourd John Collins lames Jones Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scharf Marilyn J. Weldin Constructive Playthings Leroy Jones Amy and Rick Schecter Noel Weyrich Cook County Children's Hospital Se Sook Sone Jung, M.D. Henry and Yolanda Scheunemann Bonnie M. Wheaton Crown Construction JW ConsultantsJacqueline White Barbara and Gerald Schultz Dr. Sheldon White Dard Electric, Inc. Anne and Burton Kaplan Judy and Tom Scorza Mr. and Mrs. William Harper Wiehl Colette Davidson Kaplan School Supply Corporation Barbara and Walter Scott Samuel Weinstein Davis-Collins Group Lucinda Lee and Norman A. Katz John Sellers Robert B. Wilcox Elnora Davis Marg Kaul/Kaul Group Mr. and Mrs. Neal L. Seltzer Bertha R. Winningham Dearborn Computer Joe Ketter Michael Sennett Robert and Susan Wislow Dennie Candy Store Kiddledivy Kathryn Sentman William E. Wolf Department of Children and Cynthia Lashley Brenda and Earl Shapiro Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wood Family Services Janice Layne Mr. and Mrs. David Shapiro Lelia Young Qwin Dixon Learning Curve International, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. James Shapiro Docia and Ann Zavitkovsky John DeVoll-Donaldson Madelein Lebedow/MFLAssociates Ilene and Michael Shaw Helen and Sam Zell Herman Louise Dillon Lerner Publications/CarolRhoda Carol Lin Shigekane Lawrence Zimmer Richard H. Driehaus Books Catherine and Howard Siegel Dr. and Mrs. Barry Zuckerman Joy Dryfoos Life & Health Insurances Adele and John Simmons Sherwin and Sheri Zuckerman Dunbar High School Senior Class Company of AmericaWillie Brian and Julie Simmons Ernst & Young LLP Bodiner & Associates, Inc." Sam and Honey Skinner In-Kind Donors Mildred Ebietomyle Little Company of Mary Joyce and Roy Skoog Ademco Distributing Company Deborah Epstein James H. Lowry & Associates Terri and William Slaughter ADI, a division of Pittway Martha Erickson, Ph.D. Verinda Magee Susan and Bob Smith Corporation Erikson Institute Meg and Mike Makely Heather Steans and Leo Smith All-In-1 Enterprises Maggie Faulkenberry John Marshall Law School Fair Sara Slaughter and Tom Smith All Our Children Deborah A. Fears Housing Legal Clinic Al and Martha Solnit Elijah Anderson, Ph.D. Fellowship Church Pastor B. Herbert Martin, Sr. Sylvia and Philip Spertus Faithia Anderson The Field Museum Cheryl Martin Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Stack Robert Anderson First Nonprofit Mutual Insurance Ashley and Matthew McCall Lois and Harrison I. Steans Bell, Boyd & Lloyd Company Alvima McClinton Gregg M. Steinberg and Stacy A. Bercot Children's Wear Jane Fonda Mead Johnson Steinberg Bernadette Areilla Akira Fox Yvette Meltzer Mr. and Mrs. Manfred Steinfeld Edith Armstrong John Frank Members of the Ounce of Dr. and Mrs. Paul Sternberg Ronald Aures Charles Frazer Prevention Fund Policy Council Janet Surkin and Robert Stillman Babies Can't Wait Publishing and Carol Fried and Residents of the Community Donna M. and Thomas H. Stone Babies Can't Wait National Mr. and Mrs. Mark Fromm Merry Green Promotions Michele and Thomas Strange Training Center Kathy Fudge-White Richard Mervis Paul and Judith Strasen Nanette Banks Robin Steans and Lenny Gail Mickey & Me Carrie Strauch Nana Owusu Bempah Gap Kids The Mid-South Planning and Bruce and Anne Strohm Erlinda Binghay Eleanor Gardner Development Commission Rosa M. Su bero Dr. Mabel Blackwell Gibsons Steakhouse Moo & Oink Anita Sudds Bonnie & Diane Gingiss Formalwear, Inc. Moore's Burgular Bars Jody Carr and Elliot J. Sussman Borland International Keith and Rodney Goldstein Latasha Morris Pam Neal and Donald E. Suter T. Berry Brazelton, M.D. Max Graves MRP Construction Gayla and Richard Swansen BRIO Corporation Kevin and April Green Judith and Stuart Musick Mr. and Mrs. James H. Bobbie Brody Grounds for Play Nagle Hartray Danker Swartchild, Jr John Booth Pat Guy Kagan McKay Austin Talbert Jill Bradley Edward Hale & Associates Julie Nakagawa Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Temple Patricia Brown Harding and Associates Ruta Naujokas Edward Tenner Brownie Troop 967 of Aurora, Harding Therapeutic Services Dolores G. Norton, Ph.D. Connie and Jeffrey Tenwinkle Illinois Harper Trenholm & Associates Nick Jr. MagazinePreschool 32 29 RFST rnPY AVAILABLE Educators Council Public Partners Alison Oakes Illinois Department of Children lames Oberholtzer and Family Services Olson Rug Company Illinois Department of Commerce The Quaker Oats Company and Community Affairs Rebecca Palmer Illinois Department of Parents in Ounce of Prevention Human Services Fund Programs Illinois Office of the Secretary Parkway Community HouseHull of State House Association Illinois State Board of Education Jeree Paul, Ph.D. U.S. Department of Agriculture Bruce Perry, M.D. U. S. Department of Health Scott Peterson & Co./SMG and Human Servies Jerome Price U. S. Department of Housing and Susan and Nick Pritzker Urban Development Provident Hospital of Cook County Kyle Pruett, M.D. Quality Installation Services Arthur J. Reynolds Venessa Rich Jean Robbins Maria Rosa The Children of Saints Faith, Hope and Charity Catholic Church Arnold J. Sameroff, Ph.D. Sampling Corporation of America Sandra's and Laura's Gallery Savin Saxon Paint Peter Scales, Ph.D. Herman Scheinberg Marcy Schlessinger Shefsky & Froelich, LTD Sonnenschein, Nath & Rosenthal St. Bernard Hospital and Health Center St. Paul CME Church Rochele Scavella Marcy Schlessinger Sears Home Central Rebecca Shahmoon-Shanok, Ph.D. Catherine and Howard Siegel Joyce and Roy Skoog Andrew B. Smith Charlene K. Smith Nytalya Smith SPSS Inc. Harrison Steans Irene Stewart Lois Stone Allyne Taylor Virdajean Towns-Collins Trimfit Trinkets and Trappings Rose M.R. Troupe Mr. and Mrs. John Tschoe University of Illinois Extension Holly and Scott Wallace Walgreen Co. Terika Washington Roger Weissberg, Ph.D. Marc Weissbluth, M.D. Eurnestine Brown Wells Marilyn White Albert Whitman and Company Shelby Williams Industries, Inc. Terry Williams Ron Yahly Cynthia and Jeffrey Yingling Lisa Young Zany Brainy Deborah Zapalik Dina Zarella BESTCOPY AVAILABLE

30 Sites Riverdale Site Aunt Martha's Youth Service Family Focus Lawndale*** 14424 Wentworth Center* (HFI) (D) 3517 West Arthington Administrative Offices Riverdale, Illinois 60627 233 West Joe Orr Road, Chicago, Illinois 60624 708.849.6363 South Building 773.722.5057 Chicago Heights, Illinois 60411 Ounce of Prevention Fund Children's Home and Aid Society 708.709.7382 122 South Michigan Avenue Family Service Center of of Illinois (CHAS!) Suite 2050 Sangamon County* (HFI) Bethany for Children and Chicago, Illinois 60603-6198 1308 South 7th Street Englewood Family Center Families ** 312.922.3863 Springfield, Illinois 62703 1830 6th Avenue 5958 South Marshfield Avenue 217.528.8402 Moline, Illinois 61265 Ounce of Prevention Fund Chicago, Illinois 60636 Springfield Office 773.476.6998 309. 797.9715 Harris YWCA*(HFI) iWest Old State Capitol Plaza 6200 South Drexel Avenue Viva Family Center Catholic Charities* Myers Building Suite 176 Chicago, Illinois 60637 Springfield, Ilinois 62701 2516 West Division Street 11255 South Michigan Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60628 773.363.7903 217.522.5510 Chicago, Illinois 60622 773.252.6313 773. 995.1737 Kankakee Community Head Start/Early Head Start Center for Children's Services* College* (HFI) (D) Directly Operated Sites Casa Central 702 North Logan Avenue 1065 South Washington Avenue Community Service Center Danville, Illnois 61832 Kankakee, Illinois 60901 Ounce of Prevention Fund 1343 North California Avenue 217.446.1300 815.937.0493 Chicago, Illinois 60622 Educare Center Children's Home Association of La Voz Latina* (HFI) (D) 5044 South Wabash Avenue 773.645.-2300 Illinois* (HFI) (D) Chicago, llinois 60609 814 North Court Street Casa Infantil 416 St. Mark's Court, Suite 403 Rockford, Illinois 61103 773.924.2334 2222 North Kedzie Avenue Peoria, Illinois 61603 815.965.1245 309.687.7606 Garfield Head Start Chicago, Illinois 60647 30 West Garfield 773.772.1170 Latino Youth, Inc.* (HFI) Christopher House* (D) Chicago, llinois 60609 2200 South Marshall Boulevard LaPosada 2507 North Greenview 773.373.0234 Chicago, Illinois 60623 2222 North Kedzie Chicago, Illinois 60614 773.277.0400 Chicago, Illinois 60647 Hayes Center 773.472.1083 773.278.0079 4859 South Wabash Lutheran Social Services Community Health and Chicago, Illinois 60609 of Illinois** Emergency Services, Inc.* (HFI) 773.373.8670 YWCA of Metropolitan Chicago PO Box 233 19011st Avenue Cairo, Illinois 62914 Sterling, Illinois 61081 Head Start Grantee Partners Coretta Scott King Center 436 East 39th Street 618.734.4534 815.626.7333 Central Baptist Children's Home Chicago, Illinois 60653 Comprehensive Mental Health Marillac Social Center* (D) & Family Services 773.538.0212 Center* 212 South Francisco Avenue 3911 State Street Chicago, Illinois 60612 Bridgeport Child Harris Center East St. Louis, Illinois 62205 Development Center 6200 South Drexel 773.722.7440 618.482.7330 3053 South Normal Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60637 Chicago, Illinois 60616 773.667.0014 New Moms, Inc.* Easter Seals Children's 312.842.5566 2825 West McLean Avenue Northside Child DevelopmentCenter Development Center* (HFI) (D) Chicago, IL 60647 65o North Main Street Morgan Park Day Care Center 5244 West Lakewood 773.252.3253 Rockford, Illinois 61103 11024 South Bell Chicago, Illinois 60640 815.965.6745 Chicago, Illinois 60643 773.271.6120 Provena Behavioral Health 773.779.8186 at Centerpoint* Parents Too Soon Sites Family Focus Aurora*** (HFI) 1801 Fox Drive 49 East Downer Place The Children's Place Association Champaign, Illinois 61820 Key to symbols: Suite 601 217.398.8080 provides Pregnant and Aurora, Illinois 6o5o5 Children's Place Parenting Services 630.844.2550 1800 North Humboldt Boulevard ** provides Primary Prevention Scholarship and Guidance Chicago, Illinois 60647 Services *** provides Primary Prevention Family Focus Englewood* (HFI) Association* (HFI) 773.395-9193 Services as well as Pregnant St. Bernard Hospital 1012 North Noble Street and Parenting Services 326 W. 64th Street, Room 230 Chicago, Illinois 60622 Head Start Delegate Agencies (D) provides Doula services Chicago, Illinois 60621 773.395.9320 (HFI) provides Healthy Families 773.962.0366 Aunt Martha's Youth Service Illinois Services United Methodist Children's Park Forest Site Alivio Medical Center* (D) Family Focus Evanston** Home* (HFI) 234 85 South Western Avenue 2355 South Western Avenue 2010 Dewey Avenue 2023 Richview Road Park Forest, Illinois 60466 Chicago, Illinois 60608 Evanston, Illinois 60201 Mt. Vernon, Illinois 62864 708.747.5450 773.847.9243 847.475.7570 618.242.1070 3 4 BEST COPY AVAILABLE Ounce of Prevention Fund

Robert Heaton Chairman

Irving B. Harris Chairman Emeritus

Board of Directors Billie Wright Adams, M.D. Jacolyn Bucksbaum Susan Buffett Gregory L. Co ler Eloise H. Cornelius Deborah Daro, Ph.D. Kelly King Dibble Bill Friend Keith Goldstein Irving B. Harris Robert Heaton Marcia (Rusty) Hellman Lisa Henry-Reid, M.D. Burt Kaplan Sokoni Karanja, Ph.D. Norm Katz Timothy J. Landon Gloria Mack Pastor B. Herbert Martin Ashley McCall Paul Metzger Harriet Meyer Frances (Hoppie) Penn Charles Po !sky, M.D. Raul Raymundo Dick Rothkopf Catherine M. Siegel Joyce Skoog Harrison Steans Anne L. Tuohy Angela Walker Bernice Weissbourd Helen Zell

Executive Staff Harriet Meyer President

Judy Bertacchi Vice President for Direct Services

Sarah Bradley Vice President for Finance and Administration

Karen Freel Vice President for Public Affairs

Portia Kennel Vice President for Program Development and Training

Ounce of Prevention Fund 122 South Michigan Avenue Suite 2050 Chicago, Illinois 60603-6198 Telephone: 312.922.3863 Fax: 312.922.3337

3 5 32

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