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Gerrit Verschuur *Download PDF | ePub | DOC | audiobook | ebooks

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#2100677 in Books Gerrit Verschuur 2015-01-23 2015-02-16Original language:EnglishPDF # 1 9.25 x .64 x 6.10l, .0 #File Name: 3319134213259 pagesThe Invisible Universe The Story of Radio Astronomy Astronomers Universe | File size: 69.Mb

Gerrit Verschuur : The Invisible Universe: The Story of Radio Astronomy (Astronomers' Universe) before purchasing it in order to gage whether or not it would be worth my time, and all praised The Invisible Universe: The Story of Radio Astronomy (Astronomers' Universe):

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful. Whether student, professor, or professional, the first ...By ArchimedesWhether student, professor, or professional, the first thirteen chapters of this book are likely the most coherent presentation of the history of Radio Astronomy, from Grote Reber's ham radio 'Parabolic Antenna' that mystified Wheaton Illinois to the explosion of technologies on the topic after WWII that 'opened the curtains' our millenia-old 400-800 nm view of the universe to a view of the universe stretching from a millimeter to kilometers; unveiling an 'invisible universe' never imagined just decades ago.

Hidden from human view, accessible only to sensitive receivers attached to huge radio telescopes, the invisible universe beyond our senses continues to fascinate and intrigue our imaginations. Closer to home, in the Milky Way , radio astronomers listen patiently to the ticking of pulsars that tell of star death and states of matter of awesome densities. All of this happens out there in the universe hidden from our eyes, even when aided by the Hubble Space Telescope.This is the story of radio astronomy, of how radio waves are generated by stars, supernova, quasars, colliding and by the very beginnings of the universe itself. The author discusses what radio astronomers are doing in the New Mexico desert, in a remote valley in Puerto Rico, and in the green Pocahontas Valley in West Virginia, as well as dozens of other remote sites around the world. With each of these observatories, the scientists collect and analyze their data, "listening" to the radio signals from space in order to learn what, or perhaps who, is out there as well. The author specifically highlights enormous changes that have occurred in the field over the past 50 years, including the political reality of radio astronomy and what that could mean for the future.

“This is the third edition of Verschuur’s very readable history of radio astronomy. … Verschuur (Univ. of Memphis) traces the development of radio astronomy from its birth in 1932 through the technological improvements made based on discoveries during WW II, to large government supported projects, and up to the modern day. … The well-done color illustrations are abundant, and the appendix of technical terms is useful. Summing Up: Recommended. General readers and lower-level undergraduates.” (M.-K. Hemenway, Choice, Vol. 52 (12), August, 2015)From the Back CoverHidden from human view, accessible only to sensitive receivers attached to huge radio telescopes, the invisible universe beyond our senses continues to fascinate and intrigue our imaginations. Closer to home, in the Milky Way galaxy, radio astronomers listen patiently to the ticking of pulsars that tell of star death and states of matter of awesome densities. All of this happens out there in the universe hidden from our eyes, even when aided by the Hubble Space Telescope. This is the story of radio astronomy, of how radio waves are generated by stars, supernova, quasars, colliding galaxies and by the very beginnings of the universe itself. The author discusses what radio astronomers are doing in the New Mexico desert, in a remote valley in Puerto Rico, and in the green Pocahontas Valley in West Virginia, as well as dozens of other remote sites around the world. With each of these observatories, the scientists collect and analyze their data, "listening" to the radio signals from space in order to learn what, or perhaps who, is out there as well. The author specifically highlights enormous changes that have occurred in the field over the past 50 years, including the political reality of radio astronomy and what that could mean for the future.About the AuthorDr. Gerrit Verschuur is the author of eight books, co-author or editor of 3 text books, has written over 80 scientific research articles, and 90 + popular astronomy articles. He lectures widely on astronomical topics, pioneered the study of the interstellar magnetic field and has been active in radio astronomical studies of interstellar matter for over 45 years. Dr. Verschuur published the first ever, full-length technical paper on the radio search for extraterrestrial intelligence in 1973. He has taught in the departments of six different universities world-wide, most recently at the .

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