COMSAT Magazine 15
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I VIEWPOINT Large potential users of telecommunica- Federal Express. Amplica. Inc,. a part of tions services and products , who have CTP, has signed a contract with Curtis held back from committing themselves to Mathes of Dallas. Texas, under which advanced systems because of marketplace Amplica will supply a wholly integrated uncertainties , now have decided to take television receive only system under the the plunge . Comsat is reaping the benefits Curtis Mathes name, for sale by the Curtis of this new spirit as demand for our newer Mathes network of franchised stores. And services and products has increased in Comsat TeleSystems. Inc., also a part of recent months. CTP, has received substantial new orders Space permits me to cite only a small for its state-of-the-art Time-Division number of the most positive developments. Multiple-Access systems and has just Our satellite systems and communications recently introduced a lightweight ship earth services subsidiary. Comsat General Cor- station for use with the Inmarsat system. poration . has reached agreement with both In this atmosphere of marketplace op- governmental and private sector entities timism. we have decided to take the next that will result in the development of big step in our own satellite-to-home or systems that use the new video technology DBS television business. which up until to create orivate . dedicated networks. For recently we have been pursuing through example . Comsat General has now signed our subsidiary. Satellite Television Corpora- a contract with the American Law tion (STC). We have reached a partnership Institute/American Bar Association under agreement with the Prudential Insurance which the videoconferencing center at Company of America, principal investor in Comsat Headquarters will be the origina- United Satellite Communications Inc. tion point for an initial network of 40 (USCI). and Douglas F Ruhe of Brentwood. downlink sites at law facilities around the Tennessee , a partner in United Press Inter- country. national (UPI). Under terms of this agree- We are also very pleased that Comsat ment. Comsat will initially own about half General will be helping the People's of the partnership, which will be capitalized Republic of China and its China Broad- through both equity and debt casting Satellite Corporation (CBSC) At the same time . we have made the develop a direct broadcast satellite (DBS) very difficult decision to terminate our par- system. ticipation in Satellite Business Systems Our equipment manufacturing and (SBS), which we have jointly owned with systems group , Comsat Technology Pro- Aetna Life and Casualty and IBM since ducts , Inc. (CTP), just recently, entered into 1975. We continue to have the utmost con- a teaming agreement with Mitsubish i Elec- fidence in the future of SBS. but we have tric Corporation (MELCO) under which both decided that given our resources and our organizations will jointly pursue small aper- other commitments. our withdrawal from ture Ku-Band earth station business from the partnership is the right course of action for us. i COMSAT Departments Notes Communications Satellite Corporation or John L McLucas Executive Vice Presi dent and Articles Chief Strategic officer World Systems equals change. an 5 Dr Daniel N Crampton Director, Communications interview with Joel R. Alper Editor: Stephen A Safi Roaring Creek, open and operational 8 Chief Photographer, Wnnam J Megna Comsat & the Olympics 12 Administrative Comsat' s Satellite Locations Guide 18 Support: Shirley T Colield Corporals Affairs: Robert F Atnutt, We President , Government Affairs. Focus, Arthur C. Clarke 27 Stephen M D Day Vice President. Corporate Development Hans J Wass. Senor Director, R&D Policy and ITU Matters . Roger Cochetir. From TeleSystems, satellite 37 Director, Public a nd Investor Reiations , Kathryn Holman Director, communications for the Advertising and Display Services Ernest B Kelly Ili, Director. Government Relations K Baumganner . D Berg, E Bolen, S Chase. smaller boat M Glasby, J Martin . S Perry , B. Taylor - Heineback_ Ualson Assistance: Vans Stevenson Director , Public Relations , Satellite Teievts.on Cemcration ( STCI. Asa Baird , Director Marketing & Sales. Telecommunication Products Division , Amplica , Allan Galfund . Director, Cover : Arthur C. Clarke, father of the communica- Public Altairs, Comsat Laboratories. Jane Caster . Advertising and tions satellite concept, on the beach at Unawatuna, Promotion Manager . ERT. Edmond Harvey . Manager Graphic Anse J near Weligama, on the southern coast of Sri Lanka. Holmes . Broadcast Network Programs . Comsat General Betsy T Kulick, Analyst Intelsat Affairs World Systems , Elizabeth Bourne , Assistant for Clarke, who lives year-round in Colombo, Sri Lanka, External Altatrs, Maritime Services. was filming a segment of new television series -'Arthur C Clarke's World of Strange Powers" with Articles in Comsat Magazine reflect the authors opinions . which may not necessarily be those of Comsat Permissio n to reprint articles may be Yorkshire Television" at Unawaluna when captured obtained by writing the Editor Correspondence should be addressed to with umbrella by Chief Photographer William J Stephen A. Safi Editor Comsat Magazine . Communications Satellite Megna. For more on Clarke, see the coverage Corporation. 950 L' Entant Plaza , S W Washington, D C 20024 beginning on page 27. Comsat Magazine Is designed by Baskin & Associates, Inc, Alexandria, Va Separations and printing are by Stephenson, no.. Alexandria. Va 1984 , Communications Satellite Corporation Comsat Is a trade mark and service mark of the Communications Satellite Corporation. From the Editor It has been two years since we last For assistance during William J. published a satellite locations guide, and Megna's stay in Sri Lanka covering we wish to extend our deepest thanks to Arthur C. Clarke, our thanks to Simon three people without whose considerable Welfare and Adam Hart-Davis of the efforts the eight-page version in the English television production company center of the current magazine would not Yorkshire Television of Leeds, England. exist. Yorkshire Television was in Sri Lanka the First, our thanks to Carl H. Schmitt of same time we were to film segments of Comsat General Corporation who provided the new television series Arthur C. all the basic information for the guide's Clarke's World of Strange Powers. Rohan table and who then checked, double- Ekanayake also provided considerable checked and triple-checked, not just the help to us in Sri Lanka, and in the United table but the chart or map derived from States, Arthur Clarke's friends, Frederick it. Second, our thanks to Shirley T. and Pip Durant, were of great assistance. Cofield, Comsat Magazine's typesetter Finally, our thanks to James H. (as well as our circulation manager) for Durham, Director of Engineering Ser- sticking with the project for a gestation vices, Mobile Satellite Systems, Comsat period that lasted over six months. Finally, TeleSystems, Inc-, for all that he did to our thanks to Jim Nuttle of Baskin & make possible photographic coverage of Associates, designers of the Comsat the sea trials of TeleSystems' new Magazine, for the overall look of the lightweight down-sized ship earth station. piece and for performing the extremely taxing job of locating all those satellites Stephen A. Saft on the circles N O T E S Charyk, Goldstein reelected, and put together a solid management Other Annual Meeting news team for the future As we lay the foun- dation for continued profitability, we face At the 1984 Annual Meeting of Share- a number of significant challenges in holders in May, 11 members of both our rate-regulated and competitive Comsat's Board of Directors were re- businesses." elected, and a new member was elected, Among the developments Dr. Charyk to terms that expire at the 1985 Annual pointed to were the conclusion of FCC Meeting. At an organizational meeting of proceedings on the matter of direct ac- the Board of Directors following the An- cess to the Intelsat system and the on- nual Meeting, Dr. Joseph V. Charyk was going partnership discussions between reelected Comsat Chairman of the Board Comsat and other potential partners with and Chief Executive Officer and Irving regard to the formation of a venture to Goldstein was reelected President. provide direct satellite broadcasting The 11 reelected Directors are service. Joseph V Charyk. Frederick B Dent, Dr. Charyk also outlined Comsat's Elliott M. Estes. Lewis W. Foy. Irving financing needs for the future, which he Goldstein. William W. Hagerty. Melvin R characterized as "substantial " Last Laird. Ellmore C. Patterson, Charles J. year. he said, "we implemented a $125 Pilliod. Jr.. Bruce G. Sundlun and William million commercial paper program and L. Zimmer. III. Filling a vacancy on the issued $110 million of convertible subor- Board created by the retirement of John dinated debentures." More recently, Dr D. Harper, the shareholders elected Charyk noted. Comsat issued an addi- Walter A. Fallon to the Comsat Board. tional $100 million in debentures "to pro- Mr Fallon was Chairman and Chief Ex. vide funds for the continued growth in ecutive Officer of Eastman Kodak Com- our Intelsat and our competitive pany from January 1977 to May 1983 businesses." and currently serves as a director of Comsat President Irving Goldstein various business organizations, including reviewed Comsat's financial perfor- Eastman Kodak. Gannett Company, Inc.. mance, noting that "the first quarter of and General