WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, VOL. 47, W11523, doi:10.1029/2011WR010750, 2011

Probability density function of steady state concentration in two-dimensional heterogeneous porous media Olaf A. Cirpka,1 Felipe P. J. de Barros,2 Gabriele Chiogna,3 and Wolfgang Nowak4 Received 4 April 2011; revised 27 September 2011; accepted 8 October 2011; published 23 November 2011.

[1] Spatial variability of hydraulic aquifer parameters causes meandering, squeezing, stretching, and enhanced mixing of steady state plumes in concentrated hot-spots of mixing. Because the exact spatial distribution of hydraulic parameters is uncertain, the spatial distribution of enhanced mixing rates is also uncertain. We discuss how relevant the resulting uncertainty of mixing rates is for predicting concentrations. We develop analytical solutions for the full statistical distribution of steady state concentration in two-dimensional, statistically uniform domains with log-hydraulic conductivity following an isotropic exponential model. In particular, we analyze concentration statistics at the fringes of wide plumes, conceptually represented by a solute introduced over half the width of the domain. Our framework explicitly accounts for uncertainty of streamline meandering and uncertainty of effective transverse mixing (defined at the Darcy scale). We make use of existing low-order closed-form expressions that lead to analytical expressions for the statistical distribution of local concentration values. Along the expected position of the plume fringe, the concentration distribution strongly clusters at its extreme values. This behavior extends over travel distances of up to tens of integral scales for the parameters tested in our study. In this regime, the uncertainty of effective transverse mixing is substantial enough to have noticeable effects on the concentration probability density function. At significantly larger travel distances, intermediate concentration values become most likely, and uncertainty of effective transverse mixing becomes negligible. A comparison to numerical Monte Carlo simulations of flow and solute transport show excellent agreement with the theoretically derived expressions. Citation: Cirpka, O. A., F. P. J. de Barros, G. Chiogna, and W. Nowak (2011), Probability density function of steady state concentration in two-dimensional heterogeneous porous media, Water Resour. Res., 47, W11523, doi:10.1029/2011WR010750.

1. Introduction macrodispersion research analyzed the development of spatial or temporal moments of ensemble-mean solute plumes [e.g., [2] Aquifers are well known to exhibit structures on mul- tiple scales, leading to spatial variability of hydraulic prop- Gelhar and Axness, 1983; Dagan, 1984; Neuman et al., erties. At practically all sites of interest, the characterization 1987], which may be used to estimate the of of the subsurface has remained incomplete so that predic- concentration. Conceptually, the expected value of concentra- tions of hydraulic heads, velocities, and solute concentra- tion is obtained by averaging over all possible realizations of tions remain uncertain. Quantifying spatial variability and solute plumes. Unfortunately, at a specific site there is only a uncertainty requires a probabilistic analysis of aquifer prop- single plume, rather than an ensemble. While under favorable erties and dependent state variables. Even though limited conditions the ensemble mean of concentration may be repre- in its ability to capture hierarchical structures, two-point sentative for a volume or cross-sectional average, it will geostatistics have been established as standard framework hardly be observed at an individual point within an aquifer. to address questions of stochastic subsurface hydrology [4] Point-related concentrations, however, are decisive for [Dagan, 1989; Gelhar, 1993; Zhang, 2002; Rubin, 2003]. reaction processes. Therefore, many applications featuring re- active transport require additional probabilistic information [3] Solute transport applications have been a particular motivation for stochastic analyses of aquifers. Traditional about the predictive uncertainty of solute concentrations. In this context, ‘‘point-related’’ concentrations are defined via

1 infinitesimally small volumes on the Darcy scale. Such point- Center for Applied Geoscience, University of Tübingen, Tübingen, related concentrations are not (yet) the true physical concen- Germany. 2Department of Geotechnical Engineering and Geosciences, Universitat trations within individual pores where reactive transport Politecnica de Catalunya-BarcelonaTech, Barcelona, Spain. poses the actual requirement of mixing. However, they justify 3Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile ed Ambientale, University of Trento, to use the corresponding effective reaction rates for porous Trento, Italy. media that can be assessed in laboratory tests with homoge- 4Institute of Hydraulic Engineering (LH2)/SimTech, University of Stutt- gart, Stuttgart, Germany. neousspecimenontheDarcy-scale.Asecondmotivationto look at point statistics is risk assessment. In risk assessment, Copyright 2011 by the American Geophysical Union. it might be necessary to approximate the probability that a 0043-1397/11/2011WR010750 certain threshold value of concentration is exceeded [e.g.,


Rubin et al., 1994]. For this purpose, existing ensemble statis- and Tartakovsky, 2010], the general approach via spatial tics such as the concentration mean and variance are insuffi- moments may be interpreted the easiest in the framework of cient, because at least an educated guess about the functional generating solute plumes. From ensemble dispersion (or shape of the full statistical distribution is needed. one-particle moments) and effective dispersion (or two- [5] The perturbative framework used in Eulerian meth- particle moments), it is possible to approximate the uncer- ods of macrodispersion has been extended by Kapoor and tainty of the plume center and the expected spread of an Gelhar [1994a, 1994b] to estimate the local concentration individual plume. Assuming that the spatial concentration variance in addition to the expected (ensemble mean) value. distributions of individual plumes have an approximately The validity of the approach, however, has been questioned Gaussian shape in cross sections, and that the statistical dis- because the relationship between the random velocity and tribution of the plume center location is also Gaussian, the concentration fields is highly nonlinear, and difficult-to- probability density function of concentration can be com- justify closures were needed for approximating expected puted by the spatial Gaussian concentration distribution of values of random triple products. Following the Lagrangian individual plumes with given center of gravity and the prob- framework, the concentration variance was evaluated from ability density of all possible locations of the plume center. spatial moments of one- and two-particle displacements in [9] A particular difficulty in the aforementioned approach conjunction with assumptions about the functional shape of is that it neglects the uncertainty of effective dispersion (or the displacement distributions (Pannone and Kitanidis that of two-particle moments), controlling the spread of indi- [1999], Fiori and Dagan [2000], Vanderborght [2001], and vidual plumes. This implies that the individual plumes all Tonina and Bellin [2008], among others). show the same degree of dilution. This is in contrast both to [6] The range of possible concentration values is always observations in highly resolved numerical simulations and to bounded at 0, and often exhibits an upper bound (e.g., by the experimental studies showing that solute mixing exhibits initial or source-zone concentration of an injected plume). strong spatial variability [e.g., Cirpka and Kitanidis,2000; Mixing of solutes leads to the occurrence of intermediate Rahman et al.,2005;Werth et al.,2006;Rolle et al.,2009; concentrations. Due to incomplete mixing, a common obser- Chiogna et al.,2011;Nowak and Cirpka, 2006]. In particu- vation in Monte Carlo simulations of conservative solute lar, zones with exceptionally high velocity act as hot spots of plumes is that the most likely concentration values are close transverse mixing, because the transverse diffusion length is to the extremes (close to 0 and the maximum of the possible significantly reduced within such zones. Thus, mixing mainly range), at least at short travel distances. Such a distribution takes place at only a few locations with uncertain spatial fre- may be parameterized by a scaled [e.g., quency and position. The effect of this uncertainty on the Fiorotto and Caroni, 2002, 2003; Caroni and Fiorotto, concentration pdf has not yet been studied. It may be worth 2005; Schwede et al., 2008; Bellin et al., 2011]. Similar find- noting that the uncertainty of actual solute mixing in porous ings have been published for the turbulent transport of scalars media has only recently been tackled by stochastic-analytical by Girimaji [1991]. The choice of the beta distribution for approaches [de Barros and Rubin,2011;Cirpka et al., 2011]. the probability density function (pdf) of concentration in het- [10] Cirpka et al. [2011] derived a stochastic framework erogeneous porous media has recently been supported with of transverse solute mixing at the Darcy scale in two-dimen- theoretical evidence based on an Ito Stochastic Differential sional heterogeneous domains by switching to streamline Equation for local concentration dynamics [e.g., Bellin and coordinates. This approach has a long tradition in river mix- Tonina, 2007; Sanchez-Vila et al., 2009]. ing [e.g., Yotsukura and Sayre, 1976]. In this framework, [7] Statistical characterization of concentration has been transverse mixing may be seen as the probability of a solute studied in a variety of fields such as turbulence, combustion particle to jump onto neighboring streamlines while being and atmospheric sciences [e.g., Chatwin and Sullivan,1990; advected from high to low values of hydraulic head. In their Pope, 1994]. Pope [1985] gives a review of pdf-methods study, Cirpka et al. [2011] showed that the expected value developed in these fields of application, including models of effective transverse dispersion rates is independent of that rely on a particular functional shape of the pdf, such travel distance. They also quantified the uncertainty of trans- as the beta distribution, and approaches of formulating gov- verse mixing, including its spatial trends and correlation. erning equations of probability density. The latter type of [11] In the present study, we will consider the full statisti- approaches has been applied to reactive transport in porous cal distribution of concentration in a two-dimensional do- media where the uncertainty originated from the reactive pa- main under steady state flow and transport conditions. rameters and potentially from uncertainty in advective trans- Similar to Cirpka et al. [2011], we are also focusing on the port [Lichtner and Tartakovsky,2003;Tartakovsky et al., Darcy scale. For the ease of the analysis, we limit ourselves 2009; Tartakovsky and Broyda, 2011]. Meyer et al. [2010] to steady state transport (see below). We also restrict our- developed a joint pdf transport equation for conservative selves to a uniform-in-the-mean, second-order stationary ve- transport both in a Lagrangian and an Eulerian framework. locity field in a semi-infinite domain. In order to make use [8] One of the most promising approaches of analytically of low-order stochastic-analytical expressions, we assume estimating the concentration pdf in hydraulically heteroge- that the underlying log-hydraulic conductivity field is mildly neous porous media makes use of spatial concentration heterogeneous and has an isotropic, exponential covariance moments, which may be derived from rigorous first-order function. In particular, we analyze the situation in which a theory [Fiori and Dagan, 2000; Dentz et al., 2000] or solute plume is introduced over half the inflow width of a inferred by other methods. Even though the Lagrangian and domain. We do this to gain insight into the decisive mixing Eulerian approaches differ in their derivation [Pannone processes along a single plume fringe, even though we and Kitanidis, 1999; Fiorotto and Caroni, 2002, 2003; know that most plumes have several fringes that interfere Caroni and Fiorotto, 2005; Schwede et al., 2008; Dentz with each other at sufficiently large travel distances.


[12] In such a general setup, an observation point might interest for transport is smaller than the time-scale for sig- be located within the plume, where the concentration is nificant water table changes [e.g., Prommer et al., 2006]. maximal, or far outside the plume, where the concentration The assumption of a steady source has been applied even in is close to 0, or at the plume fringe, where intermediate cases where the plume itself did not reach yet the steady concentrations can be observed. This implies that the con- state [e.g., Thornton et al., 2001]. centration statistics depend on the uncertainties of both [16] The present contribution does not cover mixing- plume meandering and transverse mixing. The key question controlled reactions themselves. However, it is possible to to be addressed is the relative importance of these two derive improved statistical concentration distributions of mix- uncertainties on the concentration pdf. ing-controlled reactive species under specific conditions of [13] Like in the approaches mentioned above, we will the reactive systems, when using our concentration pdfs as consider a Gaussian-related shape of individual plumes in input to adequate statistical studies of reactive transport [e.g., the transverse direction. However, we assume this shape to Cirpka et al., 2008; Sanchez-Vila et al., 2009; Bellin et al., hold in streamline-coordinates rather than in spatial coordi- 2011]. nates, which is in accordance to the experimental observa- tions of Rahman et al. [2005], and has been applied in river 2. Theory mixing for quite a while [e.g., Yotsukura and Sayre, 1976]. 2.1. General Setup We explicitly consider the variability of effective trans- [17] We consider steady state two-dimensional groundwater verse dispersion, assuming a lognormal distribution for the flow in an infinite domain with uniform aquifer thickness effective rate of transverse mixing. Under these circum- and spatially variable, random and locally isotropic hydraulic stances, we can use the analytical results of Cirpka et al. conductivity K [L/T]. Let x ¼ (x, y) [L] denote the Cartesian [2011] for the expected value and variance of transverse coordinate system. At each point within the domain, the spe- mixing. To account for the effects of plume meandering cific-discharge vector q [L/T]isdefinedbyDarcy’slaw: on the concentration statistics, we make use of stochastic- analytical results of the stream function mean and covari- q ¼Kr’; ð1Þ ance function derived by de Barros and Nowak [2010], in which ’ [L] is the hydraulic head. Continuity of fluxes assuming a multi-Gaussian distribution of stream function results in the groundwater flow equation: differences. We derive first-order fully analytical results for the case of deterministic transverse mixing, and semianalyti- rðÞ¼Kr’ 0; ð2Þ cal results for the case including the uncertainty of transverse subject to the mean hydraulic gradient J: mixing. Finally, we compare the theoretical concentration J pdfs to results of extensive Monte Carlo simulations. hir’ J ¼ : ð3Þ [14] In the present study, we will restrict the analysis to 0 steady state transport. This is motivated by two factors. First, Here, J [-] is the absolute value of the mean hydraulic gra- it allows to derive analytical solutions and characteristic dient oriented into the longitudinal (x) direction, and angle length scales of different statistical regimes that offer valua- brackets denote the ensemble expectation. The above con- ble insights also for more complex systems. Second, con- siderations resemble divergence-free and macroscopically taminant plumes with continuous injection caused, e.g., by uniform flow fields. The flow field can also be character- nonaqueous phase liquid source zones can often be consid- ized by the stream function , meeting [Bear, 1972]: ered to be close to a steady state. Various studies have attempted to derive analytical expressions for transverse 1 r r ¼ 0; mixing of such (quasi) steady state plumes, how transverse K dispersion affects overall reaction rates, and the length to subject to which steady state plumes can grow [Ham et al.,2004;Liedl "# ð4Þ et al.,2005;Cirpka et al.,2006;Cirpka and Valocchi, 0 hir ¼ : 2007, 2009; Cirpka, 2010, among others]. Most of these hiq analyses were done in two spatial dimensions, considering a vertical cross section in the flow direction of a wide plume. [18] Within this spatially variable (but macroscopically uni- [15] There is a long list of field studies that analyze form) flow field, we consider a steady state transport scenario: plumes at steady state and support this assumption with arguments [e.g., King and Barker, 1999; Thornton et al., q rc rðÞ¼Drc 0; ð5Þ 2001; Peter et al., 2004; Maier and Grathwohl, 2006; subject to a step-like boundary condition at x ¼ 0: Prommer et al., 2006; Lonborg et al., 2006; Anneser et al., 2008]. King and Barker [1999] intensively discuss that c if y < 0 cðx ¼ 0; yÞ¼ in : ð6Þ transient slug-type plumes, as studied in tracer tests, do not 0 otherwise adequately reflect typical contaminant plumes. They argue that the slug injection plume will not display aspects of All other boundaries are considered to be infinitely far long-term behavior, such as an approach to steady state, away. In equations (5) and (6), c [M/L3] denotes concentra- 3 which may be of particular interest for plumes originating tion, cin [M/L ] is the nonzero concentration at the inlet, [-] from fixed sources. Maier and Grathwohl [2006] argue that represents effective porosity, and D [L2/T] is the dispersion steady state transport can be safely assumed in many sites tensor with principal components Dl (along the mean flow where either the plume is very old and well developed direction) and Dt (transverse to mean flow direction). In the [e.g., Lonborg et al., 2006], or where the time scale of following, all concentrations are normalized by cin, such that

3of14 W11523 CIRPKA ET AL.: 2-D CONCENTRATION PDF IN HETEROGENEOUS POROUS MEDIA W11523 all concentration values range between 0 and 1. The boundary that a solute particle jumps from a specific streamline to a conditions for transport resemble an individual fringe of a neighboring one. Werth et al. [2006] have illustrated that the plume and are an adequate representation for entire plumes net effect of heterogeneity is a slight enhancement of trans- that are wide enough that different fringes do not interact. verse mixing. Cirpka et al. [2011] developed analytical [19] The advection-dispersion equation, equation (5), expressions of the space-dependent expected value and uncer- may be rewritten in streamline coordinates [see Cirpka tainty of mixing in two-dimensional heterogeneous flow et al., 2011]: fields with uniform mean velocity, represented by the mean and variance of the squared fringe width w2 . q2 @c q @ q @c @ @c D‘ q Dtq ¼ 0 2.2. Statistics of Stream Function Value w and K @’ K @’ K @’ @ @ 2 Squared Width ww of the Fringe with corresponding step-like boundary condition. Without [22] For analyzing the stream function values at loca- loss of generality, we choose the streamline coordinates ’ tions x ¼ (x, y) we choose the system such that ¼ 0 lies and such that they are both 0 at x ¼ y ¼ 0. at the origin of the system of coordinates. Then, for a mean [20] Figure 1 shows the concentration distribution in a hydraulic gradient oriented into the x-direction, the expected 2 heterogeneous flow field meeting the conditions described value [L /T] of is above. The solid lines describe streamlines. The heteroge- neity of the flow field leads to a distortion of the steady state ðx; yÞ¼KgJy: ð9Þ concentration field, including meandering of the centerline. 2 4 2 [23] The variance [L /T ]of can be approximated Previous studies have shown that transverse concentration using the functional similarity of potential and stream func- profiles are difficult to interpret without knowledge of the tion fields. The variance of the stream function–difference exact velocity field [Rahman et al., 2005; Rolle et al., at (x, y) with respect to the origin is twice the semivario- 2009; Chiogna et al., 2011]; however, if the transverse gram value of for the given distance vector, which is coordinate y is replaced by the stream function value , the very closely related to the semivariogram function [L2] concentration profile in the given setup resembles quite of the potential field [see de Barros and Nowak, 2010]: closely the analytical Fickian profile for a step-like bound- ary condition [e.g., Rahman et al., 2005]: 2 ðÞ¼x; y 2K2 ðÞy; x : ð10Þ ! g ’ 1 cð Þ¼ erfc pffiffiffi ; ð7Þ [24] Closed-form, low-order expressions of for spe- 2 w 2 cific covariance models of log-hydraulic conductivity have 2 been derived [e.g., Dagan, 1985; Rubin, 2003, pp. 97–98]. in which w [L /T] is the characteristic width of the plume Please note that we have exchanged the coordinate argu- fringe measured in the streamline coordinate, i.e., expressed ments of from (x, y)to(y, x) in order to obtain a stream as cumulative discharge. The validity of equation (7) in het- function variance. This exchange reflects a rotation of the erogeneous flow fields is tested in Appendix C. In case of a head variogram by 90. Appendix A includes the corre- homogeneous flow field, w2 is determined by [see Cirpka 2 sponding first-order expression of for an isotropic, expo- et al., 2011]: nential covariance model of log conductivity. w2 ðxÞ¼2JKD x: ð8Þ t [25] Numerical experiments, shown in Appendix C, indi- [21] The effect of heterogeneity is twofold. First, it leads to cate that the statistical distribution of at a sufficient dis- the distortion of the concentration profile according to stream- tance may well be approximated by a Gaussian distribution 2 line meandering. This effect can be addressed by considering with mean and variance : the statistics of stream function values when mapping the "#ÀÁ 2 assumed cross-sectional error functions back from streamline 1 ffiffiffiffiffiffi pð Þ¼ p exp 2 : ð11Þ coordinates to Cartesian coordinates. Second, the spatial vari- 2 2 ability of the stream function field causes variability of effec- tive transverse mixing, which we express as the probability The above statement can also be supported by transverse par- ticle displacement statistics in Lagrangian studies [Dagan, 1987; Fiori and Dagan, 2000]. The assumption of multi- Gaussianity is reasonable for low to mildly heterogeneous aquifers only. 2 [26] The statistics of the squared fringe width w in stream function values have been analyzed by Cirpka et al. [2011] using low-order perturbative methods. The key 2 results regarding the mean w2 and variance 2 read as w

2 ðxÞ2Jxhi KDt ; ð12Þ w Z Z x x 2 2 2 2 ðxÞ4J hiBðx ÞBðx Þ dx dx ; ð13Þ w Figure 1. Steady state concentration distribution in an 0 0 individual realization. Color coding: normalized concentra- with tion; solid lines: streamlines; bold line: bounding stream- line of the plume. Bðx Þ¼½Kðx ÞDtðx ÞhiKðx ÞDtðx Þ : ð14Þ


Closed-form expressions for the case of local transverse dis- the probability density is the highest at the two limiting persion (with Scheidegger-type linear dependence on the ve- concentrations, c ¼ 0 and c ¼ 1. This is most likely the locity) are reported in Appendix B. Based on numerical case at locations close to the inlet boundary. Here, plume evidence, shown in Appendix C, pw2 may be approxi- meandering lets a point mainly sample the extreme values of concentration. By contrast, if the plumes in individual mated by a lognormal distribution if K is lognormal: realizations are sufficiently diluted, i.e., > w , the prob- 0 1 2 ability density is the highest at the center value c ¼ 0.5. In 2 ln w ln w2 2 1 B C the special case of ¼ 0 and ¼ w , the resulting dis- pðw Þ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffi exp@ A; ð15Þ 2 2 2 tribution pðcjw Þ is uniform. These observations are illus- w ln w2 2 2 ln w2 trated in Figure 2 (top). 31 2 [ ] Figure 2 (bottom) refers to a point with a systematic in which ln w2 and ln w2 are the mean and variance of  offset in the lateral coordinate toward smaller c-values, 2 4 2 =w ¼ 1. Here, cases with high relative uncertainty of ln w . They can be computed from the mean w2 [L /T ] (i.e., > w ) also lead to maximum probability densities at 2 of w and its coefficient of variation CV 2 [-] via the well- w the extreme values, but the distribution is not symmetric. In known relations between the moments of Gaussian and cor- the transition between the regimes of > w and responding lognormal variables: < w , i.e., for the special case of ¼ w , the lower  physical limit c ¼ 0 is still the most likely value, whereas the 2 2 2 ¼ ln 1 þ CV 2 ð16Þ upper limit of c ¼ 1 has a probability density of 0. Finally, in ln w w the case of smooth individual plumes, < w , the condi-  tional concentration distribution pðcjw2 Þ becomes unimodal 1 2 ln w2 ¼ ln w2 ln w2 : ð17Þ with the peak at some intermediate concentration value. 2 [32] As our second step, we obtain a more accurate pdf 2.3. Concentration PDF of concentration that also considers the uncertainty in mix- 2 2 [27] According to equation (7), at any given location x ¼ ing. To this end, we marginalize pðcjw Þ over pðw Þ: (x, y), the uncertainty of concentration c is caused by that of Z 1 the stream function value and that of the degree of mixing, 2 2 2 2 pðcÞ¼ pðcjw Þpðw Þdw ; ð20Þ w . As a first step, in analogy to Dentz and Tartakovsky 0 [2010], we start with the uncertainty in concentration that is caused only by the uncertainty in plume position, that is, the which results, for the assumed lognormal distribution of 2 uncertainty of . The novelty we provide in our first step is pðw Þ for the squared fringe width, in the following to map an analytical assumption for concentration values in expression: cross sections of the plume (equation (7)) to the stream func- tion coordinate, instead of mapping it to the y coordinate. [28] Because the functional dependence cðÞ in equation 2 (7) is monotonic for any givenhi value of w , the conditional 2 statistical distribution pcðÞj w can be obtained by standard rules of pdf mapping:

hi @ pcð Þjw2 ¼ pð Þ: ð18Þ @cð Þ

[29] Substituting equations (7) and (11) into equation (18) and rearranging terms yields: 8 "#9 <ÂÃ 2 2 = w 2 w 2 1 1 p ffiffiffi ; pðcjw Þ¼ exp: erfc ðÞ2c erfc ðÞ2c 2 ; w 2 ð19Þ in which erfc1(2c) is the inverse complimentary error 2 2 function of 2c, w , and depend on x, and depends on y. Later, we will insert equation (9) for , equation (10) 2 2 for , and express w either by its mean value according 2 to equation (12) or integrate over the distribution pðw Þ according to equation (15). [30] Equation (19) exhibits two regimes, which may best be addressed for the case of ¼ 0, referring to a point on 2 the centerline of the ensemble averaged plume fringe. Figure 2. Concentration pdf pðcjw Þ for various given Then, if the uncertainty in the stream function value is ratios w = . (top) =w ¼ 0 (centerline); (bottom) higher than the spread of individual plumes, i.e., > w , =w ¼ 1 (offset toward smaller c-values).

5of14 W11523 CIRPKA ET AL.: 2-D CONCENTRATION PDF IN HETEROGENEOUS POROUS MEDIA W11523 Z 1 ÂÃ Table 1. Dimensionless Numbers Characterizing the Example AQ1 1 ffiffiffiffiffiffi 1 1 2 pðcÞ¼ p exp erfc ðÞ2c Application ln w2 2 0 w  "# 2 ð21Þ 2 2 2 Parameters Value w ln w ln w2 erfc1ðÞ2c p ffiffiffi dw2 : 2 2 Physical Parameters w 2 2 2 JKg ln w Pe´clet number for pore diffusion Pep ¼ D ¼ 2000 p Pe´clet number for transverse Pe ; ¼ ¼ 100 t mech t [33] The above expression is our final analytical result hydromechanical dispersion 2 for the concentration pdf. In the following application, we Variance of log-conductivity Y ¼ 1 perform the remaining integration of equation (21) numeri- 2 Numerical Discretization cally by evaluating the 1000 values of w with cumulative L Ly Dimension of the domain x ¼ 300 40 probability of [0.5, 1.5, ...999.5]/1000 according to the Grid spacing x ¼ y ¼ 0:1 underlying lognormal distribution, computing the condi- 2 2 tional pdf of concentration pðcjw Þ for each value of w , 2 and finally averaging over the set of w -values. terizing the test case are listed in Table 1. Figure 4 shows [34] Figure 3 shows an example calculation for the margi- length profiles of key statistical parameters determining the 2 nalized pdf of concentration p(c) according to equation (21). pdf of concentration, namely (1) the variance of the The location is slightly off the centerline of the mean plume stream function value along the centerline of the mean plume fringe. Here, equation (19) predicted a unimodal pdf of fringe according to equation (A5), shown as solid line, (2) 2 2 the expected value 2 of the squared width w of the plume pðcjw Þ when neglecting the uncertainty of mixing, as w fringe according to equation (B2), shown as dashed line; and shown by the dashed line. The solid line refers to our con- 2 (3) the 2 of w according to equations centration pdf p(c) with uncertainty in mixing according to w equation (21). For a simple first illustration, we consider a (B2) and (B3), shown as dash-dotted line. The length coordi- 2 nate is scaled by the correlation length [L], and the de- coefficient of variation in w of CVw2 ¼ 0:75. The uncer- 2 pendent variables are all normalized by ðKgJÞ . 2 tainty in w has two effects. First, the extreme values ( c ¼ 0 [36] First, we analyze characteristic regimes of concen- and c ¼ 1) are the most likely values for all cases in which tration statistics without uncertainty in mixing, i.e., fixing 2 2 2 w < . Even though the expected value of w is 1.5 times the squared width of the plume fringe in equation (21) to its 2 2 2 2 expected value, w ðxÞ¼ 2 ðxÞ. Formally, this results in a in our example, the probability of w < is significant. w 2 This results in a marginalized distribution p(c)withmaxi- conditional concentration pdf pðcjw ¼ 2 Þ. w mum probability density at the extremes. Second, there is [37] At small distances, the uncertainty of plume mean- 2 also a substantial probability that w is much larger than 2 dering, indicated by , increases rapidly, while the 2 2 . In these cases, pðcjw Þ is more peaked than w expected squared fringe width w2 increases more slowly. 2 pðcjw ¼ 2 Þ. The net effect on the marginalized distribu- w As we have discussed above, this regime leads to a condi- 2 tion p(c) is a shoulder at intermediate values of c. tional probability density function pðcjw ¼ 2 Þ of concen- w tration with highest probability density at the extremes. The 2 3. Application and Discussion leading term within is lnðx=Þ, whereas 2 increases w 3.1. Analytical Results linearly. Considering the model parameters specific of this [35] We now apply the analytical approach to a hypotheti- study, at about 56 correlation lengths, the expected width of cal test case of an infinite two-dimensional aquifer with sec- the plume fringe reaches the level of the uncertainty in ond-order stationary log conductivity field and uniform mean hydraulic gradients. Dimensionless parameters charac-

Figure 4. Statistical measures determining the concentra- tion pdf along the centerline of the mean plume fringe. Solid Figure 3. Marginalized pdf of concentration p(c) consider- 2 2 line, : variance of stream function value ; dashed line, ing a lognormal distribution of the squared fringe width w . 2 : expected value of the squared fringe width in stream 2 2 w Parameters: =w2 ¼ 0:25, w2 = ¼ 1:5; solid line: function values; dash-dotted line, w2 : standard deviation 2 CV 2 ¼ 0:75; dashed line: CV 2 ¼ 0 (no uncertainty of w ). of the squared fringe width in stream function values. w w


2 plume meandering, i.e., 2 ¼ . At larger distances, equa- metric, but the latter is too dominated by the behavior close w tion (19) states that the conditional probability density func- to the extreme values. Considering that the mean p(c)value 2 of both distributions is unity, Figure 6 shows that the error tion pðcjw ¼ w2 Þ of concentration along the centerline y introduced by using the conditional concentration distribu- ¼ 0 must be unimodal with the mode being 0.5. Figure 4 2 tion, pðcjw ¼ w2 Þ, rather than the marginalized one, p(c), 2 also shows the uncertainty w2 of w , which has a leading pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi is highly relevant at smaller travel distances. Here, p(c) exhib- term of x=. At some point in very large distance not its an even higher probability of the extreme values than 2 shown in Figure 4, the uncertainty of mixing w2 becomes pðcjw ¼ w2 Þ. At larger travel distances, the error intro- 2 2 duced by neglecting the uncertainty of w (i.e., of mixing larger than the uncertainty of plume meandering . This point is within the regime where plume meandering is small with ambient water) becomes negligible, because the uncer- in comparison to the width of the plume fringe, i.e., beyond tainty due to meandering dominates (compare Figure 4). 56 correlation lengths for our set of parameters. [38] Now, we analyze the impact of uncertainty in mixing 3.2. Comparison to Numerical Simulations on the resulting shape of our analytical concentration pdf. [41] In order to test our analytical expressions, we perform We will compare our analytical expression to numerical Monte Carlo simulations of flow and transport with 10,000 results in section 3.2. Figure 5 shows different concentration realizations using the same parameters as applied in the ana- pdfs (equations (19) and (21), numerical) as function of dis- lytical methods, listed in Table 1. We generate two-dimen- tance along the centerline of the mean plume fringe (Figures sional, random, auto-correlated log conductivity fields by the 5a, 5c, 5e) and at a distance of one correlation length parallel method of Dietrich and Newsam [1993]. On each K-field, the to it (Figures 5b, 5d, 5f). Figures 5a and 5b show the analyti- fields of potential ’ and stream function are computed by 2 cal conditional distribution pðcjw ¼ 2 Þ according to w the standard Finite Element Method using bilinear elements equation (19), neglecting the uncertainty of the mixing and [Frind and Matanga, 1985]. Fixed-head boundary conditions fringe width. Figures 5c and 5d show the analytical marginal- are applied at the left- and right-hand side boundaries, ized distribution p(c) according to equation (21), i.e., with whereas no-flow conditions are applied at the top and bottom uncertainty of mixing and fringe width. Figures 5e and 5f boundaries. Streamline-oriented grids are generated follow- refer to numerical results for later comparison (see section ing the approaches of Frind and Matanga [1985] and Cirpka et al. [1999a]. Steady state solute transport on the streamline- 3.2). The general shapes of the analytical pdfs reflect the oriented grids is solved by the Finite Volume Method regimes discussed above. [Cirpka et al., 1999b]. Rather than directly applying the [39] The profiles along the centerline (Figures 5a, 5c, fixed-concentration boundary condition at the inflow bound- and 5e) are symmetric about the expected value of c ¼ 0.5, ary of the computational domain, we fix the concentration whereas the profiles parallel to the centerline (Figures 5b, along a vertical line at 10 integral scales into the domain. 5d, and 5f) are asymmetric and exhibit an expected value [42] At the bottom half along this profile, the concentration of c depending on distance. In our case, at distances / is 1, and at the top half it is 0. In the following analysis, con- x 56, the extreme concentration values are the most centrations before the source line (less than ten integral scales likely ones, whereas for larger distances intermediate con- away from the upstream boundary condition) as well as in centration values become more likely. For the marginalized the last 10 integral scales of the domain are disregarded. distribution p(c), shown in Figures 5c and 5d, the regime This is done to exclude effects of nonstationarity in the ve- with high probability density at the extreme values prevails locity field caused by the fixed-head boundary conditions. over a larger distance, while the conditional distributions 43 2 [ ] Figures 5e and 5f show the probability density func- pðcjw ¼ 2 Þ in Figures 5a and 5b leave this regime al- w tions of concentration along the two length profiles as ready at shorter travel distances. A sharp transition between 2 obtained by the Monte Carlo simulations. The empirical the two regimes is visible at 2 ¼ as a straight white w pdfs resemble the analytical results of Figures 5a–5d rather isoline in Figure 5a. It should be noted that we have limited closely. It may be worth noting that the empirical pdfs are the maximum value of probability density plotted in Figure based on 50 equally spaced classes of concentration values, 5 to 5 in order to better visualize the general trend. We have whereas the discretization of the concentration space is computed and observed much higher values close to the much finer in the analytical results, particularly close to the extreme values of the concentration range for short travel extreme values. Thus, the analytical plots in Figures 5a–5d distances. are deliberately constructed with the intention of highlight- [40] In principle, the analytical distributions neglecting and 2 ing high probability density value at the extremes, whereas accounting for the uncertainty of w look very similar. To the latter was not possible using only 10,000 realizations in obtain an objective measure of agreement between the two the Monte Carlo simulations. distributions, we computed the mean absolute error (MAE) 2 [44] In order to quantify the agreement between the nu- MAE(p) introduced by neglecting the uncertainty of w : merical and analytical concentration pdfs, we compute the Z 1 mean absolute difference between the simulated and theoret- 2 MAEðpÞ¼ pðcÞpðcjw ¼ 2 Þ dc; ð22Þ w ical distributions in analogy to equation (22). Figure 7 shows 0 the respective length profiles. The comparison between the which is plotted as function of distance in Figure 6. The argu- numerical results and the theoretical concentration pdfs ment of the integral in equation (22) may be infinite at the neglecting the variability of transverse mixing is shown as limits c ¼ 0andc ¼ 1 for short travel distances, but the inte- gray lines, whereas the comparison to the theoretical concen- gral is finite. We have also tested the mean square error as tration pdfs considering the variability of transverse mixing


Figure 5


Figure 6. Mean absolute error in probability density intro- Figure 7. Mean absolute difference in probability density 2 duced by neglecting the uncertainty of w as function of dis- of concentration between the results of numerical Monte tance. Profile along the centerline of the plume fringe (black Carlo simulations and stochastic-analytical results. Theoreti- line); profile offset by one correlation length (gray line). cal model including the uncertainty of transverse mixing (black lines), equation (21); theoretical model neglecting is shown as black lines. The centerline profiles are solid the uncertainty of transverse mixing (gray lines), equation lines, and the profiles parallel to it are shown as dotted lines. (19); length profiles along the centerline of the plume fringe [45] At very short travel distances, the difference (solid lines); length profiles with one correlation length off- between numerical and analytical results is particularly set to the centerline (dotted lines). pronounced. This may be explained with the underlying assumption of the stream function values being normally results are valid on the Darcy scale, i.e., on the smallest distributed. In Appendix C, we analyze that the longitudi- possible scale where porous media may be represented as nal distance between two points should be about 10–15 in- continua, and we parametrize pore scale local dispersion by tegral scales for the stream function difference to become the Scheidegger parameterization. Our resulting expressions approximately normally distributed. At very large travel explicitly account for uncertain transverse mixing across distances, one would expect that the mean absolute differ- streamlines and uncertain position of streamlines. The former ence between theoretical and numerical probability density causes an uncertain width of the fringe, while the latter approaches 0. However, in the given numerical setup, the causes meandering, squeezing, and stretching of the plume lateral no-flow boundaries affect the concentration distribu- fringe. For the case in which uncertainty of transverse mixing tion in the interior at sufficiently large travel distances. is neglected, we could derive a fully analytical expression, [46] Figure 7 shows that both theoretical models of the whereas the expression for the case of uncertain mixing con- concentration pdf are in acceptable agreement with the nu- tains an integral that we solve numerically. merical simulations. Note that, by construction, the mean [48] In addition to the offset from the centerline of the value of probability density p(c) is unity. The theoretical plume fringe, the concentration pdf at a given point x can be marginal distribution p(c) accounting for the uncertainty of categorized into three characteristic regimes, which are gov- 2 w always performs better than the theoretical conditional erned by the three quantities plotted in Figure 4 for our spe- 2 2 distribution pðcjw ¼ 2 Þ, in which w is fixed to its w cific test case: (1) The variance of the stream function value expected value. The difference in the performance of p(c) 2 ðxÞ, quantifying meandering of the plume fringe, (2) the 2 and pðcjw ¼ w2 Þ is very much in agreement with the expected value of the squared fringe width 2 ðxÞ in stream w results shown in Figure 6. From this it follows that account- function values, quantifying mean effective transverse mix- ing for the variability of transverse mixing is more impor- ing, and (3) the standard deviation 2 ðxÞ of the latter, quan- w tant in the regime where the concentration pdf is bimodal, tifying the uncertainty of transverse mixing. All three that is, with our parameter set at travel distances of a few quantities are affected by hydraulic heterogeneity: the larger tens of integral scales, than in the regime where the pdf 2 the variance of log conductivity Y , the higher are all three turns to be unimodal, i.e., at distances beyond 60 integral quantities. This implies that we would not expect general scales in our setup. patterns that are dramatically different to our test case if we changed the log conductivity variance. In the low-order 4. Summary and Conclusions expressions used in our study, the integral scale has no 2 [47] We have derived analytical expressions for the proba- effect on 2 ðxÞ, but it does influence ðxÞ and 2 ðxÞ.In w w bility density function of steady state concentration in two- general, larger integral scales lead to larger uncertainties. dimensional heterogeneous media with a Heaviside boundary [49] The concentration pdf shows distinct maxima at the 2 condition, resembling the fringe of an extended plume. Our extreme values for short distances at which ðxÞ > 2 ðxÞ. w

Figure 5. Probability density function of concentration in the test problem as function of normalized travel distance. 2 2 (a and b) Analytical results for the conditional distribution pðcjw ¼ w2 Þ neglecting the uncertainty of w ; (c and d) Ana- 2 lytical results for the marginalized distribution p(c) accounting for the uncertainty of w ; (e and f) Results obtained by Monte Carlo simulations. (Figures 5a, 5c, 5e) Profile along the centerline of the mean plume fringe (y ¼ 0); (Figures 5b, 5d, 5f) Profile along a line parallel to the centerline of the mean plume fringe (y ¼ ).


In this regime, the fringe is fairly narrow, and an observation Appendix A: Statistics of Stream Function Value point lies essentially either inside the plume or outside. w However, the low probability density of intermediate values (x, y) for Isotropic Exponential Covariance depends strongly on the degree of mixing, and the uncer- Function of ln(K) 2 tainty 2 of the effective squared plume width w has a [53] For simplicity, we assume that the hydraulic conduc- w significant impact on the exact probability density of inter- tivity field K(x, y) is a multivariate lognormal random spa- mediate concentrations. For the given parameters tested in tial variable with isotropic exponential covariance function our application, this regime prevails for almost 60 integral of its logarithm: 0 scales, which may be addressed as a large distance for field- Kðx; yÞ¼Kg exp½Y ðx; yÞ ; ðA1Þ scale investigations. This threshold, however, is significantly affected by the value and the parameterization of the local hi¼Y 0 0; ðA2Þ transverse dispersion coefficient. At distances even larger 0 0 2 than that, the plume fringe grows so wide that, in most real- hiY ð; ÞY ð þ ; þ Þ ¼ y expðÞ~r ; ðA3Þ izations, intermediate concentration values can be observed 0 in which Kg [L/T] is the geometric mean of K, Y [-] is the even though the plume meanders. In this regime, the coeffi- 2 cient of variation of the effective squared plume width w2 is perturbation of log conductivity about its mean, y [-] is the variance of log conductivity, ; [-] denote spatial coor- so small that the uncertainty w2 may be neglected. ~ [50] Overall the shape of the concentration pdf is domi- dinates normalized by the correlation length [L], and r [-] nated by the meandering of streamlines and the mean is the normalized distance between two points: x y pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi plume width. The uncertainty of the plume width only ¼ ; ¼ ;~r ¼ 2 þ 2: ðA4Þ leads to minor to moderate modifications of the concentra- tion pdf, even though it quantifies the uncertainty of mixing [54] For the variance of , we extend the derivation of de and dilution. This implies that existing approaches to obtain Barros and Nowak [2010], which is based on the analogy the concentration pdf that neglect the uncertainty of mixing of head statistics with stream function statistics, to arbitrary are not fundamentally biased [Pannone and Kitanidis, normalized coordinates ðÞ; : 1999; Fiorotto and Caroni, 2002, 2003; Caroni and Fior- 2 ðÞ¼; 2K2 ðÞ; ; ðA5Þ otto, 2005; Schwede et al., 2008; Dentz and Tartakovsky, g ’ 2010]. Yet, they can lead to incomplete statistics of mixing with  when used as input to mixing-controlled reactive transport 2 2 2 2 scenarios. Our concentration pdf additionally accounts for ’ðÞ¼; J 2ðÞþ~r ½1ðÞ~r 2ðÞ~r ; ðA6Þ Y ~r the uncertainty of mixing, which increases the uncertainty of effective reaction rates under such conditions. ÀÁ expðÞ~r ~r2 þ3~rþ3 3 [51] The analytical results derived in this paper require 1 1 1ðÞ¼~r þ 2 þE1ðÞþ~r lnðÞ~r (1) a two-dimensional infinite domain, (2) a lognormal dis- 2 2 ~r ðA7Þ tribution of hydraulic conductivity with a stationary iso- þexpðÞ~r 0:4228 ; tropic exponential covariance function of ln(K), (3) mild heterogeneity, and (4) a flow field that is uniform in the ÀÁ 1 expðÞ~r ~r2 þ3~rþ3 3 mean, free of sources and sinks, and hence statistically sta- ðÞ¼~r ðÞ~r þ ; ðA8Þ 2 1 2 2 tionary. Based on numerical results shown in Appendix C, R ~r we assume that (5) stream function values follow a Gaussian 1 in which E1ðÞ¼ expðtÞ=tdt is the exponential inte- distribution, (6) transverse concentration profiles follow an gral function. error-function if expressed in stream function values rather than spatial coordinates, and (7) the squared width of these Appendix B: Statistics of Squared Fringe Width profiles follows a lognormal distribution. We make use of for Linear Model of Local Transverse Dispersion low-order stochastic-analytical results regarding the mean [55] Here, we repeat the low-order perturbative results of value and uncertainty of cumulative transverse mixing Cirpka et al. [2011] on the squared fringe width w2 in [Cirpka et al., 2011] as well as the uncertainty of stream stream function values. The underlying model of local- function differences [de Barros and Nowak, 2010]. scale transverse dispersion is the common linear parameter- [52] Our analytical results have successfully been com- ization of Scheidegger [1961]: pared to Monte Carlo simulations for a moderate degree of t heterogeneity. Several extensions in future work would be Dt ¼ Dp þ q; ðB1Þ desirable. Considering an anisotropic covariance model, 2 maybe of a different functional shape, is mainly a technical with the pore diffusion coefficient Dp [L /T] and the local question. Extensions to three spatial dimensions, by con- transverse dispersivity t [L] assumed uniform. Assuming trast, are fundamentally different because our derivations an isotropic exponential covariance function of log-hydraulic depend on the concept of stream functions. In three dimen- conductivity, Cirpka et al. [2011] derived the following low- sions, flow lines are subject to vorticity in heterogeneous order analytical results for the expected value of w2 : media, such that switching to flow coordinates becomes far ÀÁ 1 2 2 4 2 2 w2 ðxÞ21þ DpKgJ þ 1 þ þ 0:7 tK J x; from trivial. Another major complication would be given 2 Y Y Y g by a nonstationary log conductivity field, which would be expected when considering distances of tens of integral ðB2Þ scales, as done in our study. and its coefficient of variation:


rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi   2 2 ÀÁY 2 2 t t t t CV 2 ðÞ 3K J A1ðÞþ 4 Dp þ JKg JKgA2ðÞþ 2 Dp þ JKg A3ðÞ ðB3Þ w t g 2 Dp þ JKg with for a sample with 104 members. That is, the large number of realizations used in this study shows that is not exactly expðÞ 1 2 expðÞ 1 Gaussian distributed at all points. However, Figure C1a A ðÞ E ðÞþ þ þ lnðÞ þ ; 1 1 2 2 3 2 illustrates that the Gaussian distribution is a very good ’ ðB4Þ approximation of pðÞ for x 10 for the purpose of our study. [60] The second test is on the statistical distribution of the A2ðÞx E1ðÞ lnðÞ ; ðB5Þ 2 squared effective width w , which we assume to be lognor- mal in equation (15). Figure C2a shows a histogram of the A3ðÞx expðÞ 1 þ ; ðB6Þ 2 scaled lnðw Þ-values for a distance of x ¼ 50, which should follow a Gaussian distribution after applying the in which 0:577216 is the Euler-Mascheroni constant. logarithm. At this distance, ! equals 5.3 108. As shown in Figure C2b, where ! is plotted as function of distance, ! Appendix C: Tests on Assumed Underlying approaches a value in the order of 0.005 at distances of Statistical Distributions x ’ 15. For a sample containing 104 realizations, this [56] Our derivation of the concentration pdf relies on value leads to a formal failure of the normality test. How- assumptions about several distributions, namely: (1) the ever, because the inspected distributions strongly resemble statistical distribution of the difference in the stream Gaussian ones, we assess this sufficient to declare the log- 2 function between any point within the domain and the to be a good approximation of pðw Þ plume fringe at the inflow boundary, equation (11); (2) the for the purposes of you study. 2 statistical distribution of the squared effective width w of [61] The third test is on the concentration distribution in the plume fringe in stream function coordinates, equation stream function coordinates according to equation (7). (15); and (3) the shape of the spatial concentration distribu- tion cðÞ in stream function coordinates, equation (7). In order to test these assumptions, we use the Monte Carlo simulations of flow and transport discussed in section 3.2. [57] As metric for the agreement between the empirical cumulative distribution Pnum of our numerical Monte Carlo simulations and a theoretical cumulative distribution func- tion Ptheor, we use the Crame´r-von-Mises criterion !: sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Z 1 2 ! ¼ ½PnumðvÞPtheorðvÞ dPtheorðvÞ; ðC1Þ 0 in which v is the variable of interest. Note that in standard normality testing, !2 is used rather than !. [58] The first test is on the statistical distribution of according to equation (11). We analyze the scaled statisti- cal distribution of along two profiles oriented in the direction of the mean velocity. The first profile follows the mean centerline of the plume fringe, whereas the second profile follows in parallel at a distance of one integral scale. Scaling is done by subtracting the mean and subsequent di- vision by the standard deviation of ðxÞ at each location of interest. [59] Figure C1a shows the histogram of the scaled -values at the point x ¼ 103; y ¼ as an example. Quite obvi- ously, this distribution resembles a standard normal distri- Figure C1. Comparison between the statistical distribu- bution. The corresponding !-value is 3.9 108. Figure tion of the normalized difference in stream function values C1b shows the value of the Crame´r-von-Mises criterion ! with a standard normal distribution. (top) Histogram of at along the two profiles as function of distance. Starting at the location x= ¼ 103; y= ¼ 1. (bottom) Crame´r-von- values > 0.02 for small distances, ! drops to values Mises criterion ! according to equation (C1) for P½ ðxÞ as between 0.001 and 0.003 at distances of 10 to 15 integral a function of distance. !-values for y ¼ 0 (black line); scales. According to Anderson and Darling [1952], the crit- !-values for y ¼ (gray line). Parameters of the calcula- ical value of ! for a significance level of 5% is 1.9 108 tions are listed in Table 1.


Figure C2. Comparison between the statistical distribution Figure C3. Comparison between scaled transverse con- 2 centration distribution and profile according to equation of the normalized logarithmic squared fringe width ln(w ) 2 (7). (top) Quantiles of scaled transverse concentration pro- with a standard normal distribution. (top) Histogram of ln(w ) files at the distance x/ ¼ 50. (bottom) Root-mean-square at the distance x/ ¼ 50. (bottom) Crame´r-von-Mises criterion error according to equation (C2) as a function of distance. 2 ! for P(w ) according to equation (C1) as a function of dis- Parameters of the calculations are listed in Table 1. tance. Parameters of the calculations are listed in Table 1. decrease. We again assess that, for the purpose of our study, Here, we take the 10,000 realizations of concentration dis- the approximation of cð Þ by equation (7) is sufficient, even cussed in section 3.2 and compare the numerical concentra- though the profiles do not exactly follow the assumed shape. tion profiles cðÞ for various distances x with the error- [63] Acknowledgments. This study was supported by the Deutsche function approximation of equation (7). As goodness of fit, Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) via the Research Unit 525 ‘‘Analysis and we consider the root-mean-square error in the transverse modeling of diffusion/dispersion-limited reactions in porous media’’ (grants GR 971/18-1,18-3) at the University of Tübingen and via the Clus- concentration profiles: ter of Excellence in Simulation Technology (EXC 310/1) at the University sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiZ of Stuttgart. The second author acknowledges the support of the Spanish 1 Ministry of Science via the ‘‘Juan de la Cierva’’ program. We thank three 2 RMSE½¼cðxÞ ½cnumðx; Þctheorðx; Þ dctheorðx; Þ ; anonymous reviewers and Alberto Guadagnini for their constructive 0 remarks helping to improve the quality of the paper. The third author acknowledges the support of the EU 7th Framework Programme Collabo- ðC2Þ rative Research Project CLIMB (Climate Induced Changes on the Hydrol- ogy of Mediterranean Basins, grant 244151). in which hi is the average over the ensemble. The theoreti- cal concentration distribution ctheorðx; Þ is the error-function References profile according to equation (7) with the same center loca- Anderson, A. W., and D. A. Darling (1952), Asymptotic theory of certain tion and width w as the numerical profile. By integrating ‘‘goodness of fit’’ criteria based on stochastic processes, Annals Math. over ctheorðx; Þ rather than , we obtain a dimensionless Stat., 23(2), 193–212. quantity that is equivalent to the Crame´r-von-Mises criterion Anneser, B., F. Einsiedl, R. U. Meckenstock, L. Richters, F. Wisotzky, and ! used to express the appropriateness of (log)-normal distri- C. Griebler (2008), High-resolution monitoring of biogeochemical gra- 2 dients in a tar oil-contaminated aquifer, Appl. Geochem., 23(6), 1715– butions for ðxÞ and w . 1730, doi:10.1016/j.apgeochem.2008.02.003. [62] Figure C3a shows the example of a transverse concen- Bear, J. (1972), Dynamics of Fluids in Porous Media, Elsevier, New York. tration profile cð Þ for the distance x ¼ 50.Thetransverse Bellin, A., and D. Tonina (2007), Probability density function of non-reac- coordinate in each realization is normalized by the individ- tive solute concentration in heterogeneous porous formations, J. Contam. Hydrol., 94(1–2),109–125. ual fringe widthÀÁw . Figure C3a shows the corresponding Bellin, A., G. Severino, and A. Fiori (2011), On the local concentration quantiles of c =w over the ensemble of 10,000 realiza- probability density function of solutes reacting upon mixing, Water tions. Quite obviously, the distribution resembles the assumed Resour. Res., 47(1), W01514, doi:10.1029/2010WR009696. error-function profile of equation (7). Figure C3b shows the Caroni, E., and V. Fiorotto (2005), Analysis of concentration as sampled in natural aquifers, Transp. Porous Media, 59(1), 19–45. corresponding error measure RMSE[c(x)] as function of dis- Chatwin, P., and P. Sullivan (1990), A simple and unifying physical inter- tance. A rapid decrease within the first five integral scales pretation of scalar fluctuation measurements from many turbulent shear leads to RMSE-values < 0.003, followed by a gradual flows, J. Fluid Mech. 212, 533–556.


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