Protistology Protistology 5 (4), 256–267 (2008)

Choanoflagellate : the morphological perspective 1

Barry S.C. Leadbeater

School of Biological Sciences, University of Birmingham, Birmingham B15 2TT, UK


Choanoflagellates are a ubiquitous group of heterotrophic nanoflagellates found in aquatic en- vironments everywhere. Recent molecular phylogeny has confirmed them as being the sister group to the Metazoa. They are easily recognised by their spherical to ovoid cell with a single anterior flagellum surrounded by a collar of microvilli. Choanoflagellates are filter feeders, the flagellum creating a flow of water from which food particles, mostly bacteria, are trapped on the outside of the collar. To enhance the flow of water over the collar, the cell needs to be stationary and this is achieved by the production of an organic theca with a stalk. Thecate choanoflagel- lates are common in both freshwater and marine environments but require a substratum for settlement. A group of exclusively marine choanoflagellates, Acanthoecidae, has developed a siliceous basket-like covering, the lorica, that encloses the cell and serves not only to resist the locomotory forces created by the flagellum but also to direct and enhance water flow over the collar. Variations in the morphology of the lorica, the amount of silicification and the posi- tioning of the inner organic investment have allowed loricate to diversify and thereby inhabit many different microniches within the water column.

Key words: Choanoflagellate, glycocalyx, theca, lorica, siliceous costae, water flows, ecology, planktonic species, phylogeny

Introduction subtle structural variations have facilitated ecologi- cal diversity on a global scale. This communication The very word ‘morphology’ conjures up thoughts will explore the relationship between choanoflagel- of the past and even in its modern guise as ultra- late morphology and ecology and will summarise structure, it still seems strangely outdated and only aspects that are now considered to be of evolutionary of ‘natural history’ interest. And yet, as recorded importance. here, a relatively little known but important group of heterotrophic nanoflagellates seems to contradict Cell Morphology this current view of biology. For the choanoflagel- lates, the study of morphology demonstrates par ex- Choanoflagellates are one of the most important cellence the integration of ultrastructure with ecol- and ubiquitous groups of heterotrophic nanoflagel- ogy and evolution. The justification for this claim lates in aquatic ecosystems. Their morphology is un- rests on the contrast between the living cell, which mistakeable on account of the remarkable constancy in terms of morphology and ultrastructure is so con- of the protoplast that is spherical to ellipsoidal in servative, and its external structures, which by many shape and bears a single flagellum surrounded by a

1 Materials presented on the V European Congress of Protistology (July 23–27, 2007, St. Petersburg, Russia).

© 2008 by Russia, Protistology Protistology • 257 funnel-shaped collar made up of actin-supported mi- es and by inference the animal . William crovilli (Fig. 1) (Karpov and Leadbeater, 1997, 1998). Saville-Kent (1880-82), who for ten years dedicated The function of the flagellum is to create a current his life to the development of seawater aquaria, of water from which potential food particles, mostly named many new species which were ultimately pub- bacteria, become entrapped on the outer surface of lished in the Manual of the Infusoria. He erected a the collar (Pettitt et al., 2002). Pseudopodia arising new order, Choanoflagellata, within the Protozoa for from the base of the collar ingest trapped particles uniflagellate monads with a hyaline collar and delin- and create food vacuoles that are subsequently trans- eated two families based on the nature of the cell cov- ported to the rear of the cell where digestion takes ering. Members of the were ‘naked’ place (Leadbeater, 1983). This mechanism of feeding and divided laterally (Fig. 3) whereas members of the has obviously suited choanoflagellates well and vari- possessed a thicker organic cover- ations on the basic pattern are relatively minor. A ing, the theca, and because of this physical limita- similar conservativeness also applies to the structure tion, division could only be accomplished by the cell and distribution of organelles within the cell (Fig. 2) becoming amoeboid and emerging from the anterior (Karpov and Leadbeater, 1997). end of the theca (Fig. 5). Kent (1880-82) was an en- The requirement for an external covering stems thusiastic advocate of the choanoflagellate/sponge from the functional behaviour of the cell. Movement relationship and when he observed a colonial cho- of the flagellum creates a locomotory force which, if anoflagellate in samples from a freshwater pond he not resisted in some way, propels the cell through the named it (first sponge). However, as water. In the swimming mode, local flows of water will be demonstrated later, motile colonial stages are extend less than a wavelength from the flagellum and common in the life-cycles of many sedentary species. the velocity of water movement reduces exponential- Much later a third family, the Acanthoecidae Norris ly with distance (Lighthill, 1976). Thus the capacity (1965), was added to accommodate species with sili- to bring fresh particle-laden water to the surface of ceous basket-like loricae (Figs. 10-22). Although cho- the cell is limited. However, if the cell is attached to anoflagellates with siliceous loricae were illustrated a surface then local flows of water extend for between unknowingly by Kent (1880) and later in detail by 10-20 body diameters around the organism thereby Ellis (1929), the full significance of the lorica was not ensuring extensive renewal of water over the cell sur- appreciated until Norris’s 1965 study. face (Lapage, 1925; Sleigh, 1964; Higdon, 1979). For The last thirty years have seen a resurgence of the cell to be an efficient feeder the locomotory force interest in the choanoflagellates, firstly because they must be resisted and in many species this is achieved are the sister group to the Metazoa (Carr et al., 2008), by attachment of the cell to a surface either directly and secondly because they are a major group of het- or by means of a peduncle (stalk) (Lighthill, 1976; erotrophic nanoflagellates particularly in marine en- Sleigh, 1991). At its simplest, the posterior end of the vironments (Thomsen et al., 1997 for refs). With the cell attaches to a surface but in many species attach- application of electron microscopy to nanoplankton- ment is the first step in the production of an organic ic studies a considerable literature has accumulated, coat or theca which partly surrounds the posterior particularly with respect to loricate species which are portion of the cell. To enhance the efficiency of feed- exclusively marine. Species lists are now available for ing, the coat or theca must not interfere with the lo- many regions around the world. cal water flows around the collar. To enclose a cell above the base of the collar a rigid framework with Cell Coverings apertures is necessary and one group of choanofla- gellates, the Acanthoecidae, has achieved this by de- The glycocalyx velopment of a siliceous basket-like lorica. Thistermisusedinageneralandunspecificman- Systematics of the Choanoflagellida ner to refer to the layer of fine fibrils on the outer sur- face of the plasma membrane. This feature is prob- The first unequivocal description of choanoflagel- ably universal for all choanoflagellate cells, although lates was by Henry James Clark (1866) when he sam- in those enclosed within a theca or lorica it may be pled marine and freshwater localities and described obscured. It is seen to greatest advantage in cells de- four species. He also astutely observed the similar- scribed as being ‘naked’, which includes motile cells ity between choanoflagellates and the choanocytes of resulting from division, some species of Monosiga, sponges and so initiated the idea that the choanofla- Codosiga and some colonial species (Leadbeater and gellates were the protozoan ancestors of the spong- Morton, 1974a; Karpov and Leadbeater, 1997). In 258 • Barry S.C. Leadbeater

Fig. 1. Monosiga ovata. Cell with single flagellum (f) surrounded by a collar of tentacles (c). Two posterior tentacles for attachment to substratum. Fig. 2. M. ovata. Section of cell showing general disposition of organelles. Abbreviations: c - collar, f - flagellum, fb2 - second flagellar base; G - Golgi apparatus, n - nucleus, m - mitochondrion, fv - food vacuole. Fig. 3. Codosiga gracilis. Two daughter cells immediately following division. Fig. 4. C. gracilis. Whole mount of a stalk (s) and remaining glycocalyx (g) follow- ing extraction of cell with detergent. Fig. 5. Choanoeca perplexa. Cell division, showing amoeboid form of cell emerging from neck of flask-shaped theca. Fig. 6. Salpingoeca urceolata. Shadowcast empty flask-shaped theca showing inner flange at bottom of collar (arrow). Fig. 7. Proterospongia sp. (ATCC 50818). ”Proterospongia” colony of six cells with long flagella and collars of tentacles. Scale bars: 1– 2 µm; 2 – 0,5 µm; 3 – 2 µm; 4 – 0,5 µm; 5 – 2 µm; 6 – 1 µm; 7 – 4 µm. Protistology • 259

Codosiga gracilis the thin outer covering is sufficient- end and in this case the organic covering provides ly robust to hold the top of the stalk to the base of the both an inner lining to the lorica and a direct attach- cell and it survives extraction after the cell has been ment to the cell (Leadbeater, 1972). However, in some removed with dilute detergent (Fig. 4). of the larger tectiform species, such as Diaphanoeca grandis¸ the cell is located centrally (Fig. 11) and is Organic coverings attached to a ring at the anterior end of the lorica. In this case it is the collar tentacles that secure the cell to In addition to the glycocalyx, the majority of the lorica. In many species a second organic invest- choanoflagellates possess a continuous organic cov- ment is present which comprises a thinner and more ering of some description. This includes the theca, open meshwork of microfibrils (Manton et al., 1981; which comprises a cup- or flask-shaped structure Leadbeater, 2008). This is closely associated with (Fig. 6) and stalk, and the inner organic investment the inner surface of the lorica and is usually some of the lorica (Leadbeater, 1972; 1977; Thomsen, 1977, considerable distance from the cell. In Acanthoeca Buck et al., 1990). Despite variations in the micro- spectabilis the meshwork has a regular appearance anatomy and surface appearance of these structures comprising an array of longitudinal and transverse there does appear to be some consistency in their array of microfibrils (Leadbeater et al., 2008), in oth- composition. The basis of the organic layer is a sheet er examples the pattern is irregular (Manton et al., of microfibrils embedded in an amorphous matrix 1981). In Savillea parva the closeness of the micro- (Fig. 9). This is most clearly seen in the stalks of the- fibrils and the completeness of the covering would cate species where there is a prominent longitudinal appear to restrict movement of particles into the lo- band of microfibrils located within an amorphous rica (Leadbeater, 2008). In other species, for instance coating (Fig. 8). The composition of the microfibrils Diplotheca costata (Fig. 10) and Diaphanoeca grandis is not known for certain but is likely to be carbo- (Fig. 11), the microfibrillar layer is positioned so as to hydrate since it gives a positive staining response to direct and enhance water flow over the outer surface wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) tagged with a fluo- of the collar. In these examples the weft of microfi- rescent dye (Leadbeater, unpub. data). Stalks are ex- brils is known as the veil. tremely robust and withstand prolonged boiling in acid or alkali. In species with cup-shaped thecae, The proterospongia enigma microfibrils of the stalk are continuous with those comprising the cup. The value of the theca is to attach a cell to a Flask-shaped thecae are distinctive in both mor- substratum and thereby enhance the flow of water phology and microanatomy (Leadbeater, 1977). The around the cell. The length of the stalk is important shape is that of a round bottomed-flask with parallel- for it raises the cell above the substratum thereby sided neck whose extreme anterior end is curved out- overcoming the boundary layer effect associated wards (Fig. 6). A distinctive inner flange with peri- with water movements over surfaces. However, from odic longitudinal striations attaches the theca to the the ecological perspective there is a major limitation cell. In section the theca comprises two darker layers with the theca and that is the necessity for attach- sandwiching a lighter staining layer. Whilst there is ment to a substratum. This is not a problem in ben- no obvious appearance of microfibrils in untreated thic locations but presents a problem in pelagic envi- thecae, nevertheless with careful negative staining ronments. To some extent thecate cells can overcome they can be seen within the neck (Leadbeater, unpub. this limitation by attaching to suspended particles. data). However, the larger the water body the less frequent An organic layer is present within the basket-like is the availability of such particles and the necessity lorica of members of the Acanthoecidae (Leadbeater to become self-sufficiently planktonic increases. This and Morton, 1974b; Leadbeater, 1979a). Whilst su- has only been achieved permanently in the sea by lo- perficially there is considerable variation in the ap- ricate species. However, temporary excursions into pearance and location of this layer, two functions can the planktonic environment have been achieved by be ascribed to it. One is to secure the cell within the many thecate species. lorica; the second is to restrict or guide water flow When a thecate species divides, a motile cell is through the lorica (Andersen, 1988). In most species produced and this allows for dispersal (Fig. 5). If food the cell is held in position by a continuous organic lay- supplies are abundant, the swimming cell can ingest er that is similar in structure to the cup-shaped theca particles and undergo division in the motile state. If mentioned above (Leadbeater, 1972). In many species the daughter cells do not separate then they have the the cell is held closely within the lorica at its posterior ability to form colonies (Fig. 7). The locomotory forces 260 • Barry S.C. Leadbeater Protistology • 261 created by flagellar movement of individual cells in a The lorica colony are resisted by other colony cells attempting to swim in the opposite direction. The result is a mov- Probably the most remarkable structure to have ing mass of cells that can just about maintain itself evolved within the Choanoflagellida is the siliceous in the planktonic condition. The literature contains basket-like lorica (Leadbeater, 1979b; Thomsen and numerous descriptions of colonies that have been at- Buck, 1991). This unique structure is confined to a tributed to colonial genera such as Proterospongia, group of marine species and its capacity for variation Sphaeroeca and Astrosiga. Traditionally little atten- has permitted choanoflagellates to exploit a wide tion has be paid to the origin or fate of these colonies range of ecological niches, particularly involving the although in some instances, especially in samples of planktonic environment (Leakey et al., 2002). stagnant water, colonies only appeared after some The unit of lorica construction is the costal strip, considerable period of time. a siliceous rod-shaped structure. Costal strips are at- Recently, isolates of three thecate choanofla- tached to each other end-to-end to form costae and gellates have given rise to colonies in culture, each the lorica typically contains an outer arrangement of with a characteristic but different morphology. longitudinal costae with an inner arrangement of he- Thus Proterospongia sp. (American Type Culture lical or transverse costae; the combined positioning Collection ATCC 50818), whose sedentary stage of these two sets of costae gives the lorica its basket- comprises a cup-shaped theca, regularly gives rise like appearance and maintains its overall mechanical to Sphaeroeca-like colonies (Fig. 7). Salpingoeca am- stability (Figs. 10-12) (Leadbeater, 2008). Each cos- phoridium, a flask-shaped thecate species, gives rise tal strip is deposited within the cell in a membrane- to flat plates with geometrically arranged cells held bounded vesicle and, when complete, is exocytosed together by posterior threads (Carr et al., 2008). to the exterior (Leadbeater 1975, 1979b, c, 1994a). Proterospongia choanojuncta, which has a sedentary Costal strips are accumulated outside the cell until a stage indistinguishable from Choanoeca perplexa, sufficient number has been produced to form a lorica produces large colonies whose cells are held togeth- (Leadbeater, 1979b, 1994b). Assembly of the lorica er by adjacent collar tentacles (Leadbeater, 1983). occurs as a discrete, continuous movement which No doubt there are other thecate species capable lasts from two to five minutes after which no further of producing colonies of other morphologies (see adjustments can be made. Whilst all loricate species Leadbeater, 1983). The taxonomic problem posed by adhere to these basic principles there are, neverthe- species with multiphasic life-cycles is that the vari- less, two distinctive variations on the theme (Manton ous stages are known by different names. Since the et al., 1981). In one variant, the nudiform condition, sedentary form is the basic, long-lasting stage of a a lorica-bearing cell divides to produce a ‘juvenile’ life-cycle and possesses a clearly identifiable theca, flagellated cell (Figs. 12 inset, 13 inset) which swims the name of this stage should take priority when de- away from the parent lorica, settles down on a sub- scribing a species. Thus the validity of genera such as stratum, accumulates costal strips in vertical bundles Proterospongia, Sphaeroeca and Astrosiga must be in on its surface and when a complete set has been pro- doubt. However, this matter cannot be resolved until duced, assembles a lorica (Leadbeater and Morton, the type species of the respective colonial genera have 1974b; Leadbeater et al., 2008). In the second variant, been established in clonal culture and the respective the tectiform condition, a lorica-bearing cell produc- sedentary stages identified. es a full complement of costal strips prior to cell divi-

Fig. 8. Salpingoeca infusionum. Negatively stained stalk (uranyl acetate) showing parallel arrangement of microfibrils. Fig. 9. S. infusionum. Edge of cup-shaped theca showing inner weft of microfibrils after treatment at 80º C in water. Fig. 10. Diplotheca costata. SEM of lorica showing the location of the microfibrillar veil on the top two-thirds of the lorica (arrow). The apertures below the veil allow the ingress of water and food particles. Fig. 11. Diaphanoeca grandis. Empty lorica showing the arrangement of longitudinal and four transverse rings (right arrows). The veil extends from near the top of the spines (upper left arrow) to the third transverse costa from the bottom (lower left arrow). Fig. 12. Savillea parva. Cell with lorica showing the two layered ar- rangement of costae (arrow). The left-handed rotation of the inner helical costae (arrow h) can be seen. Fig. 12 inset. Cell division in S. parva. The flagellar bearing juvenile cell (j) is the uppermost. Fig. 13. Acanthoeca spectabilis. SEM of empty lorica showing left-handed rotation of costae. The helix consists of longitudinal costae that undergo two turns and are continuous with the 15 spines. Fig. 13 inset. Cell division in A. spectabilis. The flagellar bearing juvenile cell (j) is the uppermost. Scale bars: 8 – 50 nm; 9 – 0,5 µm; 10 – 2 µm; 11 – 2 µm; 12 – 2 µm; 12 inset – 1 µm; 13 – 2 µm; 13 inset – 2 µm. 262 • Barry S.C. Leadbeater sion and stores them at the top of the collar (Fig. 15). gitudinal costae that extend from the base of the stalk When a complete set of strips has been produced, the to the tip of the spines. As in Savillea, two left-hand- cell divides and the resulting juvenile is inverted and ed rotations are required to form the lorica chamber pushed out backwards from the parent lorica taking (Leadbeater et al., 2008). with it the accumulated strips (Fig. 16). Within min- Thus, despite superficial dissimilarities, a number utes of the juvenile being liberated from the parent a of consistent features are common to nudiform spe- new lorica is assembled (Leadbeater, 1979c, 1994b). cies. All have helically arranged costae with a left- The separate phylogenetic grouping of nudiform and handed conformation. The minimum amount of rota- tectiform taxa is supported by a recent molecular tion is one turn and two species undergo two turns. phylogenetic study (Carr et al., 2008). Loricae are assembled from strips that are vertically aligned on the juvenile cell and the strips destined for Nudiform the inner costae are located innermost. Exactly how the rotational force is generated is not known. There Currently there are only six confirmed nudi- is no evidence that the protoplast actually rotates lon- form species attributable to four genera, Savillea, gitudinally nor do the tentacles effect the movement. Acanthoeca, Polyoeca and Helgoeca. All share the Thus it is probable that the necessary rotation is gener- basic characters mentioned above. A recent molecu- ated by the cytoskeleton within the cell. Similar rota- lar phylogeny of the choanoflagellates based on four tional movements have been observed in other cells, genes recovers them as a well supported monophy- for instance in the flagellate Poterioochromonas stipi- letic clade within the loricate grouping (Carr et al., tata during lorica formation (Schnepf et al., 1975). 2008). This confirms them as members of a closely Globally, nudiform species are ubiquitous and related evolutionary group rather than an eclectic as- abundant in marine and brackish water habitats. semblage of taxa. However, they are relatively limited in habitat range. Superficially the loricae of these species appear All are sedentary and associated with microbial bio- disparate in structure. In Savillea parva the lorica films. Savillea spp. are usually buried within a bio- comprises two systems of costae (Fig. 12); the outer film whereas Helgoeca nana, Acanthoeca spp. and costae are longitudinal and the inner helical with a Polyoeca dichotoma are emergent. The paucity of spe- left-handed conformation (Leadbeater, 2008). The cies and limitation of habitat suggest that nudiform ratio of helical to longitudinal costae is 1:1. There are choanoflagellates are either the remnant of a previ- between 8-10 helical costae at the anterior end but ously larger radiation or that they have always had they undergo two turns and so it is possible to count a limited radiation. The variations in lorica pattern between 16-20 costae along the length of the lorica indicate that there were probably intermediate spe- (Fig. 12). Assembly of the lorica from groups of ver- cies that no longer exist. tically aligned strips is achieved by the juvenile cell undergoing a two-turn rotation as the developing Tectiform choanoflagellates costae are moved forwards. The longitudinal costae on the outside rotate freely whereas the developing Tectiform species are most obviously recognised inner helical costae are attached in a 1:1 ratio to the by the presence of horizontal bundles of costal strips longitudinal costae at the anterior end and to the cell on the inner surface of the top of the collar of expo- surface at the posterior end. Thus as the lorica form- nentially growing cells (Fig. 15) (Leadbeater, 1994a). ing tentacles advance they are also rotated by the cell Thus, in contrast to nudiform species, the parent cell to achieve two turns (Leadbeater, 2008). that already possesses a lorica produces and stores In Helgoeca nana the arrangement of costae is not strips in anticipation of division. A recent study of dissimilar to that in Savillea (Leadbeater et al., 2008). Diplotheca costata, which has distinctive categories The ratio between the outer longitudinal and inner of strips within its lorica (Fig. 10), has permitted an helical costae with a left-handed conformation is ap- investigation of the order in which strips are pro- proximately 1:1. The longitudinal costae project as duced and their positioning within the stored bun- spines beyond the anterior edge of the helical costae. dles (B.S.C. Leadbeater, unpubl. data). Developing The number of turns is difficult to discern but the ju- strips within the parent cell are inverted with respect venile must undergo at least one rotation. to the orientation of the strips in the parent lorica. At first sight the situation in Acanthoeca specta- Strips that will form the costal rings are produced bilis appears different (Fig. 13). However, a helical first starting with those destined for the posterior arrangement of costae is again obvious and careful costa. These are followed by strips destined for the analysis shows that the helix is formed by 14-16 lon- longitudinal costae, again starting with those that Protistology • 263

Figs 14-18. Stephanoeca diplocostata. Shadowcast whole mounts of cells at different stages in the cell cycle. Fig. 14. Early inter- phase; cell without accumulation of strips. Fig. 15. Late interphase; large accumulations of strips at top of collar apparent. Fig. 16. Late cytokinesis; juvenile cell (j) emerging from parent lorica. Four arrows on left indicate location of transverse costae (rings). Fig. 17. Recently released juvenile showing location of costal strips that will form future transverse costae (arrows). Fig. 18. Lorica assembly; lorica-assembling tentacles (long arrow top right) are moving costal strips into position. Large arrows on left indicate the relative positions of the four transverse costae. Fig. 19. Saepicula pulchra. Lorica showing outer layer of longitudinal costae and inner layer of helical costae (h) in posterior chamber and a single anterior transverse ring (arrow t). Fig. 20. Stephanoeca norrisi. Benthic tectiform species with over 400 strips in lorica. Fig. 21. Parvicorbicula socialis. Planktonic tectiform species showing the open framework of the lorica with two transverse (ring) costae (arrows t) and thinly silicified strips. Fig. 22. Bicosta minor. Planktonic tectiform species; lorica is reduced to seven costal strips comprising a chamber with three spines. Scale bars: 14-22 – 2 µm. 264 • Barry S.C. Leadbeater will form the posterior end of the lorica. Thus, im- is relatively simple, in terms of morphology and ul- mediately prior to cell division, the accumulation trastructure, and yet is highly effective with respect consists of a complete set of strips inverted with to its function as a filter feeder. This is reflected by the respect to the parent lorica and with the transverse extent to which the plan has been conserved without strips on the outside. During division the juvenile modification in extant species. The only minor varia- cell is inverted with respect to the daughter cell that tion that has been noted to date is the absence of a will remain within the parent lorica (Fig. 15). At flagellum in one or two species such as Choanoeca the same time the outer transverse strips are pulled perplexa, and here the large wide-angled collar com- down, whilst the horizontal bundles of strips des- pensates for the absence of locally generated water tined for the longitudinal costae rotate to the longi- movements (Leadbeater, 1977). tudinal position. As the juvenile cell is pushed out The functional niche occupied by choanoflagel- of the parent lorica it takes with it the accumulated lates is that of suspension feeder. Of the three cat- strips. Those destined for the transverse costae are egories of suspension feeder, namely filter, direct-in- now horizontally orientated and are located on the terception and diffusion feeder (see Fenchel, 1991), inner surface of the bundles of vertical strips (Figs. choanoflagellates are classed as filter feeders. Within 16, 17). Assembly of the lorica follows immediately this category of nanoflagellates they are almost with- the juvenile has been released from the parent lorica out competitors. For sedentary choanoflagellates, and involves a forward movement of the lorica-as- which include thecate (freshwater and marine) and sembling tentacles and a rotational movement with nudiform loricate (marine only) species, the direct left-handed conformation (Fig.18). interception feeders, such as Paraphysomonas spp., There are obviously many features in common bicosoecids and suspension-feeding bodonids, oc- between the nudiform and tectiform modes of lo- cupy a similar niche and must be the nearest com- rica production, including the left-handed rota- petitors for equivalent size food particles. However, tional movement. However, the major difference in they also experience the same limitation as choano- tectiform species is the horizontal orientation of the flagellates in the trade-off between locomotory and strips on the juvenile cell that are destined for the fu- feeding activities. Nevertheless, some of these spe- ture transverse (ring) costae. The latter are charac- cies can also form colonies and occupy the freshwa- teristic of the loricae of tectiform choanoflagellates ter column in a similar way to the ‘proterospongia’ (Figs. 10, 11, 14-21). Two groups of tectiform species stage of some choanoflagellates. Diffusion feeders, can be distinguished. The first group, as exemplified such as the small heliozoan Ciliophrys, only become by Stephanoeca diplocostata, S. norrisi (Figs. 14, 20) effective as competitors when the prey is highly mo- and Saepicula pulchra (Fig. 19) have, in addition to tile (Fenchel, 1991). the outer layer of longitudinal costae, one or more It is in the marine environment that choanoflagel- anterior transverse rings and helical costae in the lates have achieved their greatest ecological diversity posterior chamber. In the case of S. pulchra the ratio and have acquired a unique and unrivalled impor- of helical to longitudinal costae is 1:1 (Fig. 19). The tance; this is almost entirely due to the evolution and second group, exemplified by Diaphanoeca grandis diversity of the lorica. Whilst the six nudiform species and Parvicorbicula socialis (Figs. 11, 21), contains lo- are common and not unimportant in their limited ricae where the longitudinal costae are maintained in ecological range, it is the tectiform taxa (> 120 species) place by transverse costae alone. It is this group that that are of supreme importance. The most important contains species with the some of the largest loricae structural feature of the tectiform lorica is the presence on record (Thomsen et al., 1990). The combination of transverse (ring) costae. Whether or not such rings of size, reduced numbers of costae and thinly silici- ever existed in nudiform taxa is not known. Certainly fied costal strips ideally suits this group to the plank- those species still extant do not possess this feature. tonic mode of existence. The ultimate development is The development of transverse costae has accompa- seen in species of Bicosta where the number of costal nied a great expansion in volume of the lorica, with strips is reduced to seven and only longitudinal cos- the largest species achieving 80µm length x 30µm in tae are evident (Fig. 22). width (Diaphanoeca multiannulata) (Thomsen et al., 1990, 1997), this is in comparison with the relatively Ecological and Evolutionary Significance of small size of nudiform species. Variations in the pat- Choanoflagellate Morphology tern of costae, the location of the inner organic in- vestment and the reduction of silica within the cos- The choanoflagellate cell plan, comprising a uni- tae have allowed species to become ‘fine-tuned’ to a flagellate cell with a collar of actin-based microvilli, variety of microniches within the water column. Thus Protistology • 265 benthic species, such as S. diplocostata and S. norrisi Saepicula and Stephanoeca, is distinguished by hav- (Figs. 14, 20), are usually of moderate size and are ing helical costae within the posterior part of the lori- characterised by the possession of many heavily si- ca and transverse costae in the anterior part. Helical licified costal strips. On the other hand, species such costae represent a variant on longitudinal costae in as Parvicorbicula socialis (Fig. 21), with their volumi- that each costa is derived from one bundle of costal nous loricae and minimal number of thinly-silicified strips. Thus the possibility exists that helical costae costae are eminently suited to an entirely planktonic could have arisen twice, once in nudiform and once existence. The development and positioning of the di- in tectiform taxa, or they might be an ancestral fea- aphanous organic investment of the lorica (veil) (Figs. ture shared with nudiform taxa. In general, tectiform 10, 11), has permitted cells to enhance the efficiency species with helical costae are relatively small and of water flow through the lorica and thereby to clear inhabit inshore benthic localities. The second group a relatively larger volume of water of suspended food with transverse costae alone demonstrate the greater particles, another important pre-requisite for plank- diversity and it is within this group that some of the tonic mode of life in the open ocean. largest loricae are found. Whilst these two groups ac- It is tempting to think that evolution within the count for the majority of tectiform taxa, the phyloge- Choanoflagellida has followed the same logical pro- netic position of Bicosta species remains somewhat gression as that related here for morphology. The enigmatic. They accumulate the shorter costae at the universality of protoplast morphology and an or- top of the collar but the longer spines do not appear ganic covering strongly support the monophyletic to be extruded until division is underway (Thomsen ancestry of this group of flagellates. The similarity and Larsen, 1992). They completely lack transverse in the range of theca morphology between freshwa- costae but the longitudinal costae forming the lorica ter and marine species of non-loricate choanoflagel- chamber in Bicosta spinifera and B. antennigera do lates suggests their relatively close relationship and undergo a left-handed rotation. It is only B. minor the probable multiple origins of freshwater species. that apparently shows no evidence of turning. Ultrastructural studies cast doubt on the separation In retrospect, morphological studies on the cho- between the Codonosigidae and Salpingoecidae. This anoflagellates have provided one of the better in- is supported by the fact that the majority of thecate sights amongst into the relationship between species, whether surrounded by a glycocalyx alone or ultrastructure, ecology and evolution. This can be held within a cup or flask, have the capability of pro- attributed to the fact that the cell has remained al- ducing extracellular microfibrillar structures, even if most unchanged throughout evolution whilst the only a stalk for attachment. external structures have varied to suit individual The unique morphology of the lorica clearly sup- species to microniches within the aquatic environ- ports a single evolutionary origin for loricate spe- ment. The costal construction of the lorica has also cies. Whilst the use of silica in extracellular struc- been favourable to interpretation and analysis. The tures of protists is common, for example diatoms, result has been that virtually every structural nuance chrysophytes and testate amoebae, the construction observed can be ascribed a functional and ecologi- of a lorica comprising a system of costae made up of cal role. There is, of course, still much to learn. For costal strips is without comparison. The difference instance, the left-handed rotational movement, so between nudiform and tectiform species is of consid- important to lorica assembly, is certainly an ances- erable significance. Whilst the basic features of cos- tral character within the loricate clade, but it might tal strip production and lorica assembly, including a also be an ancestral character to all choanoflagel- left-handed rotation, are common to both groupings, lates. Rotational movements have been observed in differences in the timing, with respect to the cell Poterioochromonas which has an entirely organic cycle, and the order of strip production, the inver- lorica comprising chitin microfibrils (Schnepf et al., sion of the juvenile cell during cytokinesis and the 1975). It could be that species with thecae also un- rearrangement of strips on the juvenile cell all point dergo a rotational movement making this a basic fea- to an increase in complexity in tectiform species. We ture of all choanoflagellate cells. The mechanism by can only speculate whether the only outcome of this which costal strips are able to bond to each other once increase in complexity was the production of trans- they have reached their final position is also a feature verse costae but certainly their evolution appears to that requires further investigation. Nevertheless, the have allowed for the great diversification that took detailed information that is now available for cho- place within the tectiform lineage. anoflagellates should serve as model for the many Within the tectiform lineage there appear to be other protistan groups that have external structures at least two groups. One group of genera, including of uncertain function and ecological benefit. 266 • Barry S.C. Leadbeater

Acknowledgements Leadbeater B.S.C. 1975. A microscopical study of the marine choanoflagellate Savillea micropora I would like to thank Mrs Joyce Kent for her help (Norris) comb. nov. and preliminary observations on with the preparation of the plates and script. I also wish lorica development in S. micropora and Stephanoeca to thank Professors Sergei Scarlatto, Sergey Karpov diplocostata Ellis. Protoplasma. 83, 111-129. and other members of the Organizing Committee Leadbeater B.S.C. 1977. Observations on the life- of the Vth European Congress of Protistology in St history and ultrastructure of the marine choanofla- Petersburg for their hospitality during the meeting gellate Choanoeca perplexa Ellis. J Mar Biol Ass UK. and for inviting me to present a plenary lecture. 57, 285-301. Leadbeater B.S.C. 1979a. Developmental and ul- References trastructural observations on two stalked marine choanoflagellates, Acanthoecopsis spiculifera Norris Andersen P. 1988. Functional biology of the cho- and Acanthoeca spectabilis Ellis. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. anoflagellate Diaphanoeca grandis Ellis. Mar. Microb. Biol. 204, 57-66. Food Webs. 3, 35-50. Leadbeater B.S.C. 1979b. Developmental studies Buck K.R., Marchant H.J., Thomsen H.A. and on the loricate choanoflagellate Stephanoeca diplo- Garrison D.L. 1990. Kakoeca antarctica gen. et costata Ellis. I. Ultrastructure of the non-dividing sp. n., a loricate choanoflagellate (Acanthoecidae, cell and costal strip production. Protoplasma. 98, Choanoflagellida) from Antarctic sea ice with a 241-262. unique protoplast suspensory membrane. Zool. Leadbeater B.S.C. 1979c. Developmental studies Scripta. 19, 389-394. on the loricate choanoflagellate Stephanoeca diplo- Carr M., Leadbeater B.S.C., Hassan R., Nelson costata Ellis. II. Cell division and lorica assembly. M., and Baldauf S.L. 2008. Molecular phylogeny and Protoplasma. 98, 311-328. evolution of morphology in Choanoflagellates, the Leadbeater B.S.C. 1983. Distribution and chemis- sister group to Metazoa. Submitted try of microfilaments in choanoflagellates, with spe- Ellis W.N. 1929. Recent researches on the cial reference to the collar and other tentacle systems. Choanoflagellata (Craspedomonadines). Ann. Soc. Protistologica. 19, 157-166. Roy. Zool. Belg. 60, 49-88. Leadbeater B.S.C. 1994a. Developmental studies Fenchel T. 1991. Flagellate design and function. on the loricate choanoflagellate Stephanoeca diplo- In: The biology of free-living heterotrophic flagel- costata Ellis. VII. Dynamics of costal strip accumu- lates (Eds. Patterson D.J. and Larsen J.). Clarendon lation and lorica assembly. Eur. J. Protistol. 30, 111- Press, Oxford. pp. 7-19. 124. Higdon J.J.L. 1979. The generation of feeding cur- Leadbeater B.S.C. 1994b. Developmental studies rents by flagellar motions. J. Fluid Mech. 94, 305- on the loricate choanoflagellate Stephanoeca diplo- 330. costata Ellis. VIII. Nuclear division and cytokinesis. James-Clark, H. 1866 Conclusive proofs on the Eur. J. Protistol. 30, 171-183. animality of the sponges, and their affinities Leadbeater, B.S.C. 2008 Choanoflagellate lorica with the Infusoria Flagellata. Mem. Boston Soc. Nat. construction and assembly: The nudiform condition. Hist. 1, 305-340. I. Savillea species. . 159, 259–268. Karpov, S.A. and Leadbeater, B.S.C. 1997. Cell Leadbeater B. S. C. and Morton C. 1974a. A mi- and nuclear division in a freshwater choanoflagel- croscopical study of a marine species of Codosiga late, Monosiga ovata Kent. Europ. J. Protistol. 33, James-Clark (Choanoflagellata) with special refer- 323-334. ence to the ingestion of bacteria. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. Karpov S.A. and Leadbeater B.S.C. 1998. 6, 337-347. Cytoskeleton structure and composition in choano- Leadbeater B.S.C. and Morton C. 1974b. A light flagellates. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol. 45, 361-367. and electron microscope study of the choanoflagel- Kent W. S. 1880-1882. 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Address for correspondence. Barry S.C. Leadbeater. School of Biological Sciences, University of Birmingham, Birmingham B15 2TT, UK. E-mail: [email protected]