Ctba Newsletter 1107
1 COPYRIGHT © CENTRAL TEXAS BLUEGRASS ASSOCIATION IBMA Member Central Vol. 33 No. 7 Texas Bluegrass July 1, 2011 Copyright © 2011 by Central Texas Bluegrass Association July 15-16, South Shore Harbor Resort & Convention Center, League City, TX Our good friends at the Bay Area Bluegrass Association have once again put together an awesome lineup for their annual Fire on the Strings Music Festival. This year’s lineup will include Charlie Sizemore, Kenny & Amanda Smith, The Chapmans, The Lonestar Bluegrass Band, The Bluegrass Solution, Buffalo Nickel, White Dove, Cypress Creek, Southern Style, and Justified. This event is also where we crown the State of Texas Flatpicking and Banjo Champions! Notice that the event is being held on a different weekend and in A NEW LOCATION!!! The event will be held at the South Shore Harbor Resort and Convention Center, 2500 South Shore Boulevard, in League City! BABA President, Rick Kirkland tells us to, “Be sure to ask for the bluegrass discount when booking rooms for a discount and a free breakfast”. There are also RV sites at the Marina Bay RV Resort 925 Marina Bay Dr, Kemah, TX (281) 334-9944. There are several sites to see. You’re not too far from the beaches, Galveston, NASA, and some really great fishing. I’ll be looking for you, but not at the beach. Hey y’all, let’s pick! Sunday, July 3rd. 1:30 - 6:00 PM. Artz Rib House, 2330 S. Lamar It’s time for CTBA’s Band Scramble!!! Put some new strangs on that banjer, mando, fiddle, gitfiddle and get yourself on down to Artz July 3rd.
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