Triskele Nonprofi t Organization Center for Celtic Studies US POSTAGE PAID Triskele MILWAUKEE, WI Phone: 414-229-6520 P.O. Box 413 PERMIT NO. 864 Fax: 414-229-6827 Milwaukee, WI 53201-0413 ttriskeleA nnewslettererwsletteri ooffs UUWM’sWM’sk CCenterentere fforor CCelticeltlic SStudiestuedies e-mail:
[email protected] Website: VVolumeolume V IssueIssue I BBealtaineealtaine 22006006 Triskele Editorial Staff: Center Facilitates Wisconsin John Gleeson, Sarah Kissinger, Cat Murphy Delegation To Ireland Photo Credits: John Gleeson, Center for Celtic Studies Jean Bills, Tess Burkart, Michael Cudahy, When Michael Cudahy, Milwaukee businessman, John Gleeson, Meg Gleeson, Sarah Kissinger, philanthropist, and proud son of John Cudahy, fi rst U.S. Larry McNaughton, Cat Murphy, Ambassador to Éire, decided to take state offi cials to the Eamonn O’Neill, Bill Watson Emerald Isle, Chancellor Carlos Santiago asked the Center for Celtic Studies to help set up the schedule. Working Please send us your e-mail address if you would closely with Irish Consul General Charles Sheehan and prefer to receive Triskele or updates about current Terry Miller, Director of UWM’s Overseas Progams and events via the Internet. Partnerships, we were able to pull together a busy but fruitful fi ve-day trip to Ireland earlier this year. L to R: John Gleeson, Monsignor Halligan, Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett, Write to:
[email protected] to have your name The mission of the delegation was to look to Ireland for Michael Cudahy, Irish President Mary McAleese, Governor Jim Doyle, Tim added to our e-mail list or to change your current Sheehy, President, GMBA, Chancellor Carlos Santiago mailing or e-mail address.