Cinco consejos Nuevo programa para deshacerse para trabajadores de los gases agrículas PasePase aa lala páginapágina B5B5 PasePase aa lala páginapágina B8B8


GERARDO ORTIZ EN CHUMASH CASINO (805) 483-1008 CON MÁS DE 35 AÑOS SIRVIENDO A NUESTRA COMUNIDAD PasePase aa lala páginapágina A7A7 AÑOVida XXXVI PERIÓDICO VIDA, JULIO 04, DEL 2019 NUMERO 1846 Despiden a dos policías LOS MÁS CONSUMIDOS El Departamento de Policía del Miami, informó en conferencia condado de Broward, en Florida, de prensa de que Edward Eason despidió a otros dos agentes des- y Josh Sanbul se suman a la lista pués de una investigación interna de despedidos por su actuación sobre la matanza en la escuela durante el tiroteo, después de secundaria Marjory Stoneman que Scot Peterson y Brian Miller Douglas, de Parkland, en la que fueran expulsados del cuerpo a murieron 17 personas en 2018, inicios de mes. anunció este miércoles el alguacil Eason y Sanbul fueron despe- local. didos por incumplir con su deber Gregory Tony, jefe de la Policía tras las llamadas de emergencia de Broward, condado al norte de Pase a la página A2 Muere mujer por bacteria come-carne El alcohol es la sustancia más utilizada entre los jóvenes, seguido por la marihuana que por primera vez es la segunda sustancia más utilizada. El alcohol y la marihuana son a la conmemoración del Día Inter- que los varones. peración con el fi n de alcanzar Una mujer que se hizo un corte sábado. las sustancias más utilizadas nacional de la lucha contra el uso La información se difunde ya una sociedad libre del consumo en la pierna mientras paseaba por Lynn Fleming, de Ellenton entre los jóvenes, según datos indebido y tráfi co ilícito de Dro- que la Asamblea General de la de drogas. una playa de Florida murió dos (Florida), murió el miércoles 26 revelados por agencias del gas, llamó la atención sobre este ONU conmemora cada 26 de ju- “El alcohol es la sustancia semanas después a causa de la de junio en un hospital, donde gobierno. problema que afecta a los jóvenes, nio el Día Internacional contra el más utilizada entre los jóvenes, infección causada por una bacteria estaba conectada a una máquina En un comunicado se dijo entre los que por vez primera las Tráfi co Ilícito y Abuso de Drogas seguido por la marihuana que conocida como “come-carne”, tras haber sufrido dos accidentes que este año debemos unirnos féminas consumen más alcohol para reforzar la acción y la coo- Pase a la página A2 informaron medios locales este Pase a la página A2 Salsa Festival Dallas Cowboys return to Oxnard Get ready to see live, pro- fessional football played out in real time this summer in Oxnard when the Dallas Cow- boys return to train for their up- coming season, July 27 through August 15 at the River Ridge Playing Fields located at 2101 West Vineyard Avenue. Many of the practices are open to the public, giving residents and vis- itors an opportunity to connect with players and coaches. “Dancing With Our Community Stars Contest and Charity Fundraiser”, dance competitors and dance instructors. The family-friendly camp ex- Seven community leaders ity Fundraiser,” Sunday, July 28 The Stars.” Contestants are perience will feature a variety will take the stage and dance at 1 p.m. during the 26th Annual paired with the area’s top dance of activities and entertainment for charity during the “2019 Oxnard Salsa Festival in Oxnard. instructors. Each team works including: Dancing With Our Community The contest is a salsa version of on choreographed moves over • Dallas Cowboys Merchan- Please see page B3 Stars Dance Contest and Char- the hit TV show “Dancing With Please see page B2 Dallas Cowboys training in Oxnard. Página A2 PERIÓDICO VIDA 7-04-19

“Las estadísticas confi rman que el enfoque basado en la prevención tiene resultados po- CHISTE Los más consumidos sitivos. Gracias a prácticas ba- sadas en evidencia comoCheck Dos inditas hablando y le dice luna di miel? Viene de la página A1 Además, dio a conocer que desarrollar dependencia a sus- ID y la campaña educativa - Creo que mi va llevar al por primera vez es la segunda dentro de ese grupo de edad el tancias más adelante en la vida”, Cumplo con Ellos, se ha logrado una a la otra: sustancia más utilizada -12 %-, 47 % de las féminas consumie- indicó Pérez. que comerciantes que venden - ¿Es cierto que ti casas? manicomio. y el tabaco -9 %-”, señaló la di- ron alcohol, frente al 42 % de “La última parte del cerebro alcohol sean más rigurosos al - Sí mi caso. - ¿Y por qué al manicomio? rectora ejecutiva de la Alianza, los varones. que se desarrolla y que más se momento de una venta y evitar - ¿Y con quien ti casas? -Esqui dice qui mi va hacer el Katiana Pérez. “Es la primera vez que se afecta por el uso de alcohol es que adultos les compren alcohol - Con el Jelipe. amor a lo loco. Dijo que los hallazgos se des- registra más uso de alcohol en el lóbulo frontal, que se encarga a menores”, destacó. - Que bien, y ¿dondi van ir di prenden de la Consulta Juvenil féminas que en varones”, subra- del control de los impulsos y de la Administración de Servi- yó Pérez. emociones, de la toma de de- cios de Salud y Contra la Adic- Un 16 % de los estudiantes de cisiones, de la motivación y de ción (ASSMCA) 2015-2017. los grados séptimo a duodécimo los procesos de planifi cación y Esa encuesta reveló que el 45 dijo haber consumido otra sus- socialización”, explicó la direc- Despiden a dos policías % de los jóvenes entre séptimo tancia aparte de alcohol, tabaco tora ejecutiva de la Alianza. y duodécimo grado han ingerido y marihuana, entre las cuales “En la Alianza evaluamos Viene de la página A1 a los que también se investigó a investigar la fuente de los alcohol alguna vez en su vida. las más comunes fueron mari- constantemente nuestras es- que llegaron desde el centro y apartó temporalmente de sus disparos, no intervino durante el huana sintética (5 %), pastillas trategias para poder ofrecer escolar cuando el exalumno Ni- funciones, pero que ahora po- tiroteo y además ordenó a otras no recetadas (4 %) e inhalantes una respuesta proporcional a kolas Cruz comenzó a disparar drán regresar a sus puestos. autoridades que llegaron a la (4 %). la magnitud del problema y con un rifl e de asalto a estudian- El Departamento de Policía escena que permanecieran a 500 VIDA “El desarrollo del cerebro cumplir con nuestra misión tes y profesores, acabando con de Broward ha recibido nume- pies de distancia del edifi cio. se extiende hasta los 25 años de promover experiencias de la vida de 17 de ellos el 14 de rosas críticas por su actuación También fue despedido en- Newspaper de edad. Está científi camente transformación social y de pre- febrero de 2018. durante la masacre, entre ellas tonces Miller, el primer agente P.O. BOX 427 comprobado que la exposición vención de uso y abuso de sus- “Dedicamos mucho tiempo a las de los propios padres de los que llegó a la escena del crimen, OXNARD, CA 93032 al alcohol desde temprana edad tancias controladas”, dijo por su analizar nuestro protocolo, las alumnos. en su caso por “descuidar sus Phone (805) 483-1008 provoca daños serios al cerebro, parte la presidenta de la junta de acciones y las declaraciones El 4 de junio pasado, Peter- deberes” profesionales. Fax (805) 483-6233 afecta los procesos cognitivos directores de la organización, proporcionadas por cada uno son, que estaba a cargo de la Según la investigación de una de los agentes involucrados”, seguridad de la escuela y quien comisión estatal, Miller llegó Lic. Manuel M. Muñoz y aumenta la probabilidad de Margarita Millán. dijo Tony. “Después de que era el único ofi cial armado en el a tiempo para escuchar tres o Publisher/Director tomamos en cuenta todos esos recinto durante la matanza, fue cuatro disparos, pero en lugar de Colaboradores: hechos, nos quedó claro a mí y detenido después de ser acusado tomar el mando de las operacio- Luis Hernández al personal de mando que esto de once cargos que incluyen nes se protegió detrás de su auto Carlos García fue un abandono del deber”. negligencia infantil, negligencia y no coordinó a sus compañeros Ross R. Olney Muere una mujer... El alguacil indicó que no se culpable y perjurio. al abstenerse de comunicarse Donna Davis tomaron acciones disciplina- La investigación ofi cial apun- por radio en los siguientes diez Viene de la página A1 oeste de Florida, rias contra otros tres ofi ciales ta a que el uniformado se negó minutos tras su llegada. Vida Newspaper is a total independent commu- cardiovasculares y una infección Dos días después la mujer al nity newspaper published, by Vida Publications, generalizada, informaron al canal ver que tenía la pierna hinchada y every Thursday morning. Vida Newspaper is a legally adjudicated newspa- Fox 13 su hijo Wade y su nuera, enrojecida y fi ebre fue al médico, per of general circulation for the City of Oxnard, Traci, que estuvieron junto a ella que le dio una vacuna contra el té- the County of Ventura and the Judicial District of SOLO PARA INTELIGENTES the Superior Court of Ventura County. en sus últimos días de vida. tanos y le recetó unos antibióticos. SOPA DE LETRAS Serving this community since September 1983. La familia de la mujer fallecida Al día siguiente fue encontrada Reproduction or use without permission of 227 editorial or graphic content in any manner is quiere que su muerte sirva para di- inconsciente en su casa y llevada prohibited. vulgar el peligro que representa la a un hospital, relataron al canal Derechos reservados. La reproducción parcial o total de este periódico esta prohibida. El Periódi- fascitis necrosante, una infección televisivo sus familiares. Bando co Vida, no se responsabiliza por los artículos o bacteriana rara que se propaga por En el hospital se comprobó que Bocamanga columnas publicadas en este periódico, siendo el cuerpo rápidamente y puede tenía fascistis necrosante y fue in- responsabilidad total de su autor. Ciencia Vida Newspaper, assumes no responsibility causar la muerte, si no se trata tervenida varias veces en la pierna for articles written by writers or columnists Decrépita appearing in Vida Newspaper. inmediatamente. herida. Estando ingresada sufrió El Periódico Vida, no se responsabiliza por La bacteria “come-carne” como dos ataques y una sepsis, según Envés los anuncios o publicidad publicada en este se conoce popularmente suele periódico, ni se responsabiliza por la de la vera- relataron sus familiares. Fila cidad de estos, siendo responsabilidad total del estar en aguas cálidas y ataca a “Fue parecido a lo que uno ve Forzada anunciante. Asi mismo se reserva el derecho de personas que se bañan con una en las películas. No puedo creer corregir o privarse de publicar informacion que Fresca afecta el contenido de la publicacion. herida abierta. que ocurriera de verdad. Todo Las opiniones vertidas son exclusivas de su Según los Centros de Preven- paso muy rápido”, dijo Wade Herejía autor y no necesariamente refl ejan las opiniones de este periódico. ción y Control de Enfermedades Fleming al canal televisivo. Larvario Vida Newspaper, assumes no responsibility (CDC), una de cada tres personas CNN informó esta semana de Loa for representations, warranties or offers made by individuals, companies, and entities in que contrae la fascitis necrosante otro caso de bacteria “come-car- Oponer publicity and paid advertisements appearing in muere. ne” en una playa de Florida, del Vida Newspaper, and makes no representations Papeleo regarding the veracity thereof. Vida Newspaper, Desde 2010 se han diagnostica- que fue víctima Kylei Brown, de reserves the right to correct or refuse to publish do en Estados Unidos entre 700 12 años, que viajó con su familia Pegar information which could affect the content of Penoso this publication. y 1,200 casos al año de fascitis desde Indiana a pasar las vaca- necrosante, pero la cifra real es ciones. Pote seguramente mayor, según los La niña se despertó después Radiactivo CDC. de pasar un día jugando en una Reasumir En principio Fleming y su playa de Destin (Florida) con un Recadero /vida.newspaper familia no le dieron demasiada dolor terrible y una infl amación Visite nuestra página web en importancia al pequeño corte que detrás de una rodilla, tuvo que ser Rugir la mujer se hizo en una pierna du- operada de emergencia al regresar Busque las palabras de derecha a izquierda; de izquierda a derecha; arriba a abajo; de rante un paseo en playa Coquina, a Indiana y hasta ahora ha tenido abajo hacia arriba y en forma diagonal. en la isla Anna Maria, en la costa tres cirugías, según CNN. PERIÓDICO VIDA 7-04-19 Página A3

con estacionamiento general disponible de lunes a viernes por $10 por día para vehículos CHISTE Los Dallas Cowboys pequeños y $20 por día por luna di miel? vehículos grandes. El estacio- - Creo que mi va llevar al namiento en los fines de semana Una mujer llega a casa y se - ¡Sí, he matado 5 moscas! ¡3 manicomio. es de $20 por día para vehículos encuentra al marido con un machos y 2 hembras¡ - ¿Y por qué al manicomio? regresan a Oxnard pequeños, y hay un cargo adi- matamoscas en la mano. Intrigada por la respuesta, la -Esqui dice qui mi va hacer el cional para vehículos grandes. - ¿Qué haces? Le pregunta mujer insiste. amor a lo loco. • Sesiones de autógrafos de las Como el estacionamiento es ella. - ¿Cómo sabes si son machos porristas de los Dallas Cowboys limitado, se recomienda a los Él contesta: o hembras? • Transmisiones de radio en fanáticos que viajen en grupos - Matando moscas. Y él le contesta: vivo y transmisión de internet. en auto cuando sea posible. - ¿Y has matado alguna? - ¡3 estaban en el vaso de cer- • Comida y bebidas donde Las fechas y horarios de los Pregunta la mujer. veza y 2 en el teléfono! los ingresos obtenidos benefi- entrenamientos varían. Para Despiden a dos policías ciaran a las escuelas públicas obtener más información, vi- a investigar la fuente de los en Oxnard site disparos, no intervino durante el El campamento es gratuito, dallas-cowboys-training-camp. tiroteo y además ordenó a otras autoridades que llegaron a la escena que permanecieran a 500 pies de distancia del edificio. También fue despedido en- tonces Miller, el primer agente que llegó a la escena del crimen, en su caso por “descuidar sus deberes” profesionales. Los Dallas Cowboys en un entrenamiento en Oxnard. Según la investigación de una comisión estatal, Miller llegó Prepárese para ver el fútbol a los residentes y visitantes la a tiempo para escuchar tres oprofesional en vivo que se ju- oportunidad de conectarse con cuatro disparos, pero en lugar degará en tiempo real este verano jugadores y entrenadores. tomar el mando de las operacio-en Oxnard cuando los Dallas La experiencia de campamen- nes se protegió detrás de su autoCowboys regresen a entrenar to para familias contará con y no coordinó a sus compañerospara su próxima temporada, del una variedad de actividades y al abstenerse de comunicarse 27 de julio al 15 de agosto en entretenimiento que incluyen: por radio en los siguientes diezlos campos de juego de River • Camiones de mercadería de minutos tras su llegada. Ridge, ubicados en 2101 West los Dallas Cowboys Vineyard Avenue. Muchos de • Oportunidad de experiencia los entrenamientos estarán VIP para miembros de Dallas abiertos al público, brindando Cowboys United Página A4 PERIÓDICO VIDA 7-04-19 La asambleísta Jacqui Irwin asegura fondos para cuidado y educación infantil

El Condado de Ventura tiene nas se tambalean educación y agrícolas locales, mientras que 12,000 niños y niñas de edad pre- entre el umbral de el desarro- también apoyaría la formación, escolar que no pueden acceder o renta para tener llo temprano investigación académica y el de- participar en programas preesco- derecho a las sub- de infantes, sarrollo profesional de educadores lares debido al espacio, los costos venciones a nivel vinieron a de primera infancia en el región. y limitaciones de programas. Sólo federales y esta- Sacramento Hoy, estamos un paso más cerca el 4 por ciento de la demanda tales, y el cuidado para desta- de hacer esta propuesta una reali- del cuidado de niños pequeños de niños. car las ne- dad. La solicitud de $ 5 millones Por: Kami Nando está siendo cumplido. En nuestra Las investiga- cesidades fue aprobado por la Comisión región, existen dos poblaciones ciones indican que de cuidado legislativa del presupuesto. Ahora A LOS DE OXNARD que se enfrentan con obstáculos para universita- de niños de está en camino para la aprobación Dicen los que saben que la Ciudad de Oxnard junta más de $830,000 únicos para tener acceso a cuidado rios con hijos, el estas pobla- fi nal por el gobernador. dólares cada año en recargos porque la gente no paga a tiempo su infantil confi able — los estudian- cuidado de niños ciones. En Agrícola productores, organi- cobro del agua. Es muchísima lana, y todo porque la gente no tes universitarios y trabajadores en la universidad respuesta zaciones comunitarias, gobierno paga a tiempo. del campo que tienen hijos. Ne- contribuye al ac- Jacqui Irwin al interés local, CSUCI, fundaciones pri- cesitamos una solución creativa ceso a la educa- abrumador, vadas, fi lántropos y funcionarios A LOS NO CREEN y colaborativa para la escasez de ción superior, la retención y la se convocó un grupo diverso de electos están trabajando juntos Ya dijeron los científi cos que se pongan muy águilas, por que les cuidado infantil que está experi- graduación, particularmente para accionistas locales y regionales para avanzar este proyecto. El pude caen un pedazo de fi erro del espacio. Dicen que la India mentando nuestra región. las estudiantes y los estudiantes en la ciudad de Camarillo. centro de cuidado infantil en recientemente le puso un cuetazo a uno de sus satélites que giraba Una evaluación de las necesida- de color. En la Universidad del Como resultado de estas dis- el CSU Channel Islands puede alrededor de la tierra porque según ya andaba volando muy bajo y des de la comunidad en el 2017, Estado, Channel Islands, 64 por cusiones, se solicitó $5 millones servir como modelo para otros mejor lo tronaron. Ahora todos los pedazos de la explosión giran encontró que el cuidado de niños ciento de estudiantes son muje- del presupuesto del estado para campus CSU para servir mejor alrededor de la tierra y pronto comenzaran a caer. Que Diosito asequible y accesible es una nece- res y 53 por ciento provienen de el desarrollo de infraestructura y a los niños de cada comunidad y nos agarre confesados. sidad crítica entre los campesinos poblaciones históricamente subre- el sitio de un centro de cuidado sus necesidades de atención. El de la región. Hay 36,000 campe- presentadas, pero la escuela carece infantil en CSU Channel Islands. establecimiento de un centro de sinos que respaldan la producción de un centro de cuidado infantil. Se proyecta que el centro pro- cuidado y educación infantil en agrícola de este condado. Mientras Esta sesión legislativa, líde- puesto serviría a las necesidades el CSU Channel Islands es la so- DE NOVIOS que el salario mínimo aumenta res comunitarios y proponentes de atención de niños, estudiantes lución creativa y de colaboración lentamente, las familias campesi- especializados en agricultura, padres y familias de trabajadores que necesitamos. No presentaran cargos adicionales en el caso de abuso de ancianos maltrato a personas mayores por se determinó que debido a las agredir a la Sra. Castro el 13 de condiciones médicas preexis- abril de 2019, un delito grave tentes de la Sra. Castro, no se de maltrato de ancianos contra puede establecer que el asalto otra víctima el mismo día y un presuntamente cometido por delito grave de resistencia a un Bárcenas fue un factor impor- policía. La Sra. Castro murió el tante que causó la muerte de la 21 de abril de 2019. Sra. Castro. Por lo tanto, no se El Departamento de Policía presentarán cargos de homicidio DE CASADOS de Oxnard realizó una extensa en este caso. investigación sobre las cir- El enjuiciamiento de Bár- A LOS QUE TIENEN HIJAS cunstancias que subyacen a los cenas se procederá según los Es mejor que se porte muy bien, no les valla a pasar como a un delitos acusados anteriormente, cargos actualmente. Bárcenas padre y a su hija ya mayor de edad, a los que los vecinos vieron así como el historial médico de se encuentra actualmente en teniendo relaciones sexuales en el patio de su casa y que llaman a la Sra. Castro. Después de una custodia con una fi anza de $ la chota y los dos fueron a parra al bote, donde se pasar un buen revisión exhaustiva del caso, 200,000. rato por cochinones.

A LOS INDOCUMENTADOS El fi scal de distrito Gregory Pónganse muy truchas porque la cosas se esta poniendo del cocol D. Totten anunció que después con la migra y sus mendigas mega redadas. Dicen los que saben, de una investigación exhausti- que el otro día sorprendieron a los jueces de inmigración bien dor- va, no presentará cargos adicio- midotes mientras la pobre gente exponía sus caso para que no los nales contra Adam Bárcenas, de sacaran de las orejas para México, luego el juez ya cuando terminó 56 años, de Oxnard en relación la audiencia, todo modorro sin escuchar el caso nomas decía “pa con la víctima Armida Castro, juera, derechitos me los sacan pa México”. Así que mucho cuidado de 71 años, también de Oxnard. y pórtense muy bien para que no los agarren. En la actualidad, Bárcenas está acusado de un delito grave de PERIÓDICO VIDA 7-04-19 Página A5 La asambleísta Jacqui Irwin asegura Teletón para recaudar fondos para cuidado y educación infantilfondos para el muro agrícolas locales, mientras que también apoyaría la formación, investigación académica y el de- sarrollo profesional de educadores de primera infancia en el región. Hoy, estamos un paso más cerca de hacer esta propuesta una reali- dad. La solicitud de $ 5 millones fue aprobado por la Comisión legislativa del presupuesto. Ahora está en camino para la aprobación final por el gobernador. Agrícola productores, organi- zaciones comunitarias, gobierno local, CSUCI, fundaciones pri- vadas, filántropos y funcionarios electos están trabajando juntos para avanzar este proyecto. El centro de cuidado infantil en el CSU Channel Islands puede servir como modelo para otros campus CSU para servir mejor a los niños de cada comunidad y sus necesidades de atención. El El grupo “We Build the Wall” (Nosotros Construimos el Muro) hasta la fecha han recaudado un poco establecimiento de un centro de más de 24 millones de dólares en donaciones privadas para el muro. cuidado y educación infantil en el CSU Channel Islands es la so- El grupo “We Build the Wall” cumentada, hasta la fecha han del muro fronterizo al libre tránsito lución creativa y de colaboración(Nosotros Construimos el Muro) recaudado un poco más de 24 por tiempo indefinido. que necesitamos. inicia este lunes un teletón de millones de dólares en donacio- Los funcionarios indicaron que la tres días para recaudar más fon- nes privadas. construcción de la cerca de acero no dos para poder construir nuevos Durante los próximos tres obtuvo la debida autorización para segmentos de muro en la frontera días el grupo contará con va- construir dentro de tierras federales con México financiado por fon- rios invitados que participarán y corta el acceso a vías fluviales y No presentaran cargos adicionales dos privados. en el teletón, entre ellos Steve un monumento público. A la conclusión de esta cam- Bannon, exasesor del presidente paña, informó el grupo en un Donald Trump; Kris Kobach, comunicado de prensa, esperan exsecretario de Estado de Kansas en el caso de abuso de ancianos superar los 30 millones de dó- y autor de la ley antiinmigrante lares en recaudaciones privadas. en Arizona SB1070. se determinó que debido a las La trasmisión del “Wall-A- Se sumarán además el exalgua- Thon” se hará a través de las PLANTAS Y ARBOLES condiciones médicas preexis- cil del condado de Milwaukee, tentes de la Sra. Castro, no seredes sociales desde esta tarde en en Wisconsin, David Clarke; puede establecer que el asalto Sunland Park, en Nuevo México, el político conservador Tom presuntamente cometido porlugar donde a finales del pasado Tancredo; el fundador de la fir- Bárcenas fue un factor impor-mes de mayo anunciaron la cons- ma militar privada Blackwater, tante que causó la muerte de latrucción del primer segmento de Erik Prince; el exbeisbolista Sra. Castro. Por lo tanto, no seun poco menos de una milla de Curt Schilling y familiares de presentarán cargos de homicidiovalla fronteriza financiada con personas muertas a manos de un en este caso. fondos privados. inmigrante indocumentado. “Será una celebración de nues- El enjuiciamiento de Bár- Los participantes tendrán la tro logro histórico con el primer oportunidad de “comprar” anun- cenas se procederá según los segmentó del muro”, dijo Brian cios publicitarios que serán colo- cargos actualmente. Bárcenas Kolfage, veterano de guerra que cados en este muro. se encuentra actualmente en inició la campaña a través de la La construcción del primer custodia con una fianza de plataforma$ GoFundMe el pasado segmento de este muro en Nue- 200,000. mes de diciembre para recaudar vo México ha estado envuelta para construir el muro fronterizo. en múltiples controversias y, De acuerdo a información en la semana pasada, la Comisión la página web de este grupo, Internacional de Límites y Aguas conocido por su dura postura (IBWC) ordeno a We Build The en contra de la migración indo- Wall mantener abierta la puerta Página A6 PERIÓDICO VIDA 7-04-19 POR MÉXICO LA CHIQUILLA

ESTRELLAS Y ESTRELLADOSpor eso no le firmo nada a mis rucas, no sea que me quede en SI NO FIRMA NO LE DA EL ANILLO la puritita calle y sin un centavo jajajajajaaaaa. Hablando de locochonas, Ale- jandra Guzmán quiso compartir un especial momento mientras la maquillaban antes de un con- cierto, pero el resultado no fue el esperado. La cantante subió un video en Instagram, en donde Selena Gómez fue fotografiada cuando caminaba por el pueblo mágico de Sayulita, ubicado en la Riviera Nayarit. la está maquillando su estilista personal, antes de salir al esce- nario en el que se presentó en la ciudad de Guadalajara. La Guz- mán presentó a otras personas que la acompañaban, sobrinos y amigos, muy feliz de compartir ese íntimo momento con sus seguidores. Pero los usuarios le dedicaron unos comentarios no muy positivos, pues le criticaron cómo lucía su rostro, que ya no Todo parece estar perfecto entre Jennifer López y el novio Alex Rodríguez, pero según, la se inyectara botox, que se veía cantante no va a casarse con A-Rod, a menos que él firme un acuerdo. muy vieja y muy mal y con cara de rana. La boda de Chiquis Rivera con QUE YA SE PUSO MUY FEA Lorenzo Méndez, terminó en un verdadero escándalo, ya que hasta la policía llegó al lugar y arrestó a un guardia de la can- tante por golpear a un reportero. La pareja quería tener una boda totalmente privada, pero llegaron al evento varios camarógrafos y reporteros de distintos medios, cosa que enfureció a la familia Rivera, pues dijeron que no habían respetado la voluntad de Chiquis y Lorenzo. Uno de los guardias contratado por la can- tante golpeó a un reportero del Gerardo Ortiz se presentará programa ‘El Gordo y La Flaca’, y por el zafarrancho que se armó, llegó al lugar una patrulla de la policía de Los Ángeles para en el Chumash Casino Resort calmar los ánimos, y arrestaron Alejandra Guzmán quiso compartir un especial momento mientras la maquillaban antes de un al guardia. Juan Rivera se lanzó concierto, pero el resultado no fue el esperado. en contra de Raúl de Molina, y millonaria si es que se le ocu- reveló públicamente el número rre andar de coscolino. Según, del celular del conductor, en ARRESTAN AL GUARURA EN BODA esa cláusula que J-Lo mandó venganza por enviar a sus re- redactar en el documento ha porteros para cubrir el evento. provocado algunas discusiones Muchos usuarios criticaron la entre los tortolitos. Según López actitud de los Rivera, pues di- planeaba casarse con Rodríguez jeron que cuando les conviene en su nueva casa en Malibu en citan a todos los medios para que septiembre, pero interrumpió la divulguen lo que hacen, y que no preparación de última hora. “Jlo tienen razón de molestarse, pues está devastada por las alegacio- Chiquis había anunciado desde nes de que Alex la traicionó por hace tiempo la boda, con el fin meses… ahorita las cosas están de hacerse de más publicidad. bien, pero ella todavía está te- Selena Gómez fue fotografiada niendo serias dudas sobre su cuando caminaba por el pueblo La boda de Chiquis Rivera con Lorenzo Méndez, terminó en un verdadero comportamiento, y por ello el mágico de Sayulita, ubicado en escándalo, ya que hasta la policía llegó al lugar y arrestó a un guardia. matrimonio fue suspendido y la Riviera Nayarit. Las fotos que Por "El Tiburon" Mata entrarle duro y tendido a los todo está en el aire. Jennifer no se publicaron en redes sociales maricos para cargar bien el rifle se comprometerá con nada hasta muestran a una relajada Gó- ¡Que onda mis queridos y y cumplir con mi obligaciones que Alex esté de acuerdo con sus mez, casi siempre sonriente. En muy mexicanísimos camaradas! de machote jajajajaja. términos y firme el contrato”, una de las imágenes, Gómez se ¿Cómo los trata la vidorria en Hablando de fiestas y maris- según los chismes. Dicen que encuentra frente a una tienda de este mes donde le damos co- cos, todo parece estar perfecto Jennifer pidió a sus abogados frutas, y se le observa comprar mienzo al rico y sabroso verano? entre Jennifer López y el novio elaborar un ‘pacto de matrimo- un vaso de mango con pepino, Ahorita ando de pachanga en pa- Alex Rodríguez, pero según nio’ que incluye una cláusula de muy tradicional de la zona. changa que apenas salgo de una las malas lenguas, la cantante traición de $ 2 millones por cada Es tocho por ésta, nos vemos la y voy para la otra y ligándome a no va a casarse con A-Rod, a año de casado, y aparentemente semana que entra con más ondas un montón de chamaconas que menos que él firme un acuerdo él se niega a firmar algo así. mafufas de sus estrellas favoritas por cierto también tengo que prenupcial con una cláusula Y de tarugo firma algo así, yo y uno que otro baboso estrellado. TRABAJO PERIÓDICO VIDA 7-04-19 Página A7

El casamiento “estilo realeza de rancho” será televisado en el “rea- lity show” conocido como “The CHISTES Chiquis Rivera y Lorenzo Méndez Rivera’s”, cuya cuarta temporada Un campesino le regala una la- pedazos los calzones. comenzará el 11 de agosto por el vadora a su madre que vivía en canal NBC-Universo. el campo. Armando Andrade, padrino Dentro de la lavadora le manda Están dos “nacas” en una fiesta, de Victoria, la hija de Lorenzo una licuadora también para darle se casan a puerta cerrada Méndez, dijo que viajó desde haciéndose pasar por “fresas”, doble sorpresa. Texas para asistir a la boda “de su platicando en voz alta. A los tres días le llama y le pre- Una le dice a la otra: compadre” con Chiquis. gunta: “Les deseo -dijo- toda la felici- -O sea; no mames, wey. Mi papi - Dígame mamá, ¿que tal la dad del mundo y que duren siendo chocó el carro anoche. lavadora? felices, igual como han sido desde Y la otra le contesta: - Ay mijo, la grande lava muy que los veo juntos. Los quiero -¡No lo puedo creer¡ Ya me imagi- mucho a los dos”. bien, pero la chiquita me hizo no el tiradero de elotes, wey. Selena Gómez fue fotografiada cuando caminaba por el pueblo Andrade comentó que aunque mágico de Sayulita, ubicado en la Riviera Nayarit. la boda sea “en secreto”, eso no significa que “ellos no quieran a sus admiradores”. Con las puertas del templo lite- ralmente cerradas y con un equipo de seguridad controlándolo todo, los invitados llegaban a la puerta lateral, en donde los encargados corroboraban que sus nombres estuvieran en la lista de invitados. Rosa Espinoza, admiradora de Lorenzo y Chiquis, dijo que viajó dos horas desde la ciudad de Po- mona para “tratar de tomarse una foto” con la pareja a quienes les desea “que sean felices”.

BUSCÁ Lorenzo Méndez, ex vocalista de La Original Banda El Limón y Chiquis Rivera contrajeron nupcias EL PERIÓDICO el pasado fin de semana en la Ciudad de Pasadena, California. La cantante Chiquis Rivera, de La Original Banda El Limón. Año Nuevo. hija de la fallecida , La boda se celebró en la iglesia La ceremonia se celebró “a “la diva de la banda”, se casó este Westminster Presbyterian, una puerta cerrada” por un contrato VIDA sábado a puerta cerrada en un edificación de arquitectura gótica firmado por los recién casados, TODOS LOS JUEVES templo de Pasadena, California, en la ciudad sede del Desfile de las de 34 años ella y de 32 él, con sus ES GRATIS con Lorenzo Méndez, ex vocalista Rosas, la fiesta estadounidense de padrinos patrocinadores. Gerardo Ortiz se presentará en el Chumash Casino Resort

Gerardo Ortiz Gerardo Ortiz, un galardonado estudio más, incluido “El Primer cantante y compositor regional Ministro” (2012), que era ligera- mexicano, llegará al Samala mente diferente de sus discos de Showroom de Chumash Casino estudio anteriores y presentaba Resort a las 8 p.m. el viernes 26 algunas baladas románticas de de julio de 2019. Las entradas amor. Los oyentes dieron la para el concierto cuestan $59, bienvenida al cambio y el álbum $69, $79, $84 y $89. se convirtió en un éxito. Ortiz creció en Pasadena, Ca- Cuando su experimento tuvo lifornia. Grabó y lanzó su primer éxito, Ortiz se adelantó unos álbum, “Encuentro de amor” a los pasos y mezcló los sonidos de 8 años. Cuando cumplió 13 años, mariachi y cumbia con su estilo era un popular músico local co- habitual en su próximo álbum, nocido como “el hijo de Sinaloa”. “Archivos de Mi Vida”. Este Su pasión por la música creció a álbum, al igual que muchos de medida que participaba en “Codi- los anteriores, se ubicó en los go FAMA”, que cambió su vida. primeros puestos de las listas de Cuando se graduó de la escuela música. secundaria, ya estaba trabajando A lo largo de su carrera, Ortiz en su álbum de debut. ha ganado 10 Premios Lo Nuestro En 2009, a los 20 años, lanzó y ha sido nominado a múltiples su álbum debut en vivo, “En premios Grammy. Vivo Las Tundras”. El álbum no No pierda la oportunidad de se hizo tan popular como Ortiz escuchar estos éxitos en vivo en había esperado, por lo que inme- uno de los locales de música más diatamente comenzó a trabajar en populares del condado de Santa su próximo álbum, “Ni Hoy Ni Bárbara. Mañana”. El álbum se lanzó en Ubicado en la autopista 246 en 2010 y se ubicó en el puesto nú- Santa Ynez, California, el Chu- mero 5 en las listas de Billboard, mash Casino Resort es un lugar con los singles “A la Moda”, para mayores de 21 años. Las “En Preparación” y “La Última entradas para todos los eventos Sombra”, todos se convirtieron están disponibles en The CLUB en éxitos de primera categoría. en Chumash o en línea en www. Ortiz lanzó algunos discos de Página A8 PERIÓDICO VIDA 7-04-19

que revise su trabajo. No es conseguirían. En este instante Acuario. Des- bueno tener que hacer deter- en el que te das cuenta de que cubrir que tu pa- minadas acciones y eso puede realmente estás enamorado, reja es mucho suponer un cambio importante todo puede acabar sucediendo. más que un ami- de talento y de esfuerzos. Si de- No hay que disimular, simple- go para alguien jas que todo a tu alrededor sea mente haz que todo llegue. puede ser un shock, pero es mediocre, a la larga lo acabará Dinero y trabajo. Si en algún mejor hacerlo antes de que sea siendo arrastrándote a ti con momento ves que hay alguien tarde. No existen vínculos que esa idea. detrás de tus pasos, puedes ir HORÓSCOPOS no se puedan romper, simple- en busca de determinados in- Aries. Te vas a Leo. Reconoces persona externa a tu relación, mente debes generar nuevas Piscis. Te des- dicios. Verás que si te copian poner en el papel que hay algo que evita que sea determinante en conexiones. Lo que en su día cubres como la es porque lo haces bien, de de tu pareja y eso siempre falla en tus decisiones. Tu ímpetu no es te llevó a pensar de forma ne- persona que más lo contrario no tendrías esa será un hecho que tus relaciones. malo, simplemente puede salir en gativa debe quedarse a un lado amor ha dado al fortaleza que tanto buscas. No realmente no vas Vas a percibir una cualquier momento y eso puede para siempre. mundo. Puedes hay espacio para nada más, a poder asimilar. Hay personas que especie de error recurrente. Inten- llevarte al fracaso más absoluto, Dinero y trabajo. Puede que canalizar estos esfuerzos de simplemente para agradecer siguen tus propias normas y otras tando no cometerlo realmente vas cosa que no pasará. tengas que decirle a alguien una forma que pocas personas su atención. que no son capaces de entenderte. a estar a un solo paso de poner Dinero y trabajo. El dinero es Si miras desde fuera verás que tu fi n otra vez a una nueva relación. algo indispensable en tu vida. sentido del amor no es fácil de Nunca es tarde para poder acabar Puede que tengas que realizar una comprender, siempre hay un punto con ciertos malos hábitos que pue- serie de pequeñas transferencias de desconexión que no termina de den ser altamente perjudiciales. que te permitan tenerlo todo en cuadrar. Dinero y trabajo. Tu trabajo esta- la misma cuenta. De esta manera Dinero y trabajo. Tu empresa rá siempre en primer lugar, verás podrás ahorrar en gastos bancarios necesitará un poco más de ti. De- que puedes atender a tus obliga- y podrás centrarte en lo que te im- bes entender que hay una serie de ciones pasando por una serie de porta, ver crecer día tras día esos elementos que requieren atención acciones que pueden ayudarte. ahorros que tienes en el banco. y uno de los más importantes es Reconocer tus posibles aliados no tu capacidad de atención directa será algo fácil, pero a simple vista Capricornio. Te en determinados aspectos de tu vas a tener que enfocarte correcta- sientes extraño, te trabajo diario. Si estás pensando mente con tus propias habilidades. ves de otra mane- en mil cosas a la vez los errores Crea alianzas. ra, porque estarás van a llegar sin darte cuenta de siendo una perso- nada más. Virgo. Buscar el na que realmente estará enfocada amor verdadero en una relación que te estará trans- Tauro. Tus sen- en una página formando por completo. Verás timientos Tauro web o haciendo que esta actitud será realmente son un secreto, un ranking de las increíble, te adelantarás a lo que parece que quie- personas que tienes cerca no te ha estado pasando en tu corazón. res una cosa y de traerá lo que buscas. En el mundo Será una manera de convencerte repente aparece otra que te lla- de los cálculos no hay margen de de tu destino sentimental. ma más la atención. Ten mucho error, pero el corazón no sigue Dinero y trabajo. Puedes contes- cuidado con esta actividad que unos patrones lógicos depende de tar bastante mal a alguien que solo emprendes, puede acabar siendo una serie de que a veces no tienen intenta ayudarte. Seguramente vas especialmente perjudicial para ti. orden ni concierto. a tener que pedir disculpas en más Usa tus fuerzas para mantener a Dinero y trabajo. Tienes un tra- de una ocasión, el calor es algo una única persona a tu lado, no bajo nuevo que te puede llegar a que puede acabar siendo malo. elijas a varías sin sentido. motivar, aunque no cambies de Verás que no existe una manera Dinero y trabajo. Tienes que es- sitio puedes estar abierto a una normal de transmitir ciertas ideas, tar pendiente del teléfono. Podrías nueva tarea que te permitirán pero los gritos no son buenos alia- recibir una llamada o un toque de sentirte más integrado. Las res- dos para ti. atención de alguien de tu empresa ponsabilidades siempre recaen que te podría permitir ascender. en la persona adecuada. Pase lo Utiliza esos dones de gentes que que pase estarás haciendo lo que guardas para tener muy claro el es correcto, sin ninguna duda, desarrollo de tu carrera. Tienes triunfarás. que ser lo más preciso posible en cada uno de los pasos que vas Libra. Necesitas a dar. algo de ayuda, aprender a amar Géminis. No de- de una forma dis- bes dejarte llevar tinta. Vas a estar por lo que te di- dentro de un círculo vicioso, no gan los demás, no podrás atender a las peticiones siempre es bueno sentimentales de una forma to- emprender acciones que te sepa- talmente sincera. Estarás muy ren de tu pareja. El individualismo pendiente de lo que sientes y poco es algo imprescindible para ti, de la realidad que te circunda. El pero no tiene porque separarte de amor es de dos, no de uno, aprende alguien que te hace feliz. Todos la lección. tenemos nuestros momentos de Dinero y trabajo. No sabes lo alegría y de tensión, es cuestión que tendrás que hacer en el trabajo de quedarse con los buenos. hasta que no llegues, realmente Dinero y trabajo. Te vas a ir di- tienes entre manos una especie rectamente a la computadora, un de recuperación económica. Verás mensaje que enviaste hace tiempo que estás consiguiendo una estabi- puede llegar a ser totalmente ma- lidad importante, cuando todo va linterpretado. Seguramente esta bien fi nancieramente todo se ve actitud será del todo contradictoria de otra manera. Supondrá una es- con lo que pensabas transmitir. pecie de bocanada de aire fresco. Es bueno que entiendas que tu realidad es otra bastante distinta Escorpión. Tiras y que solo responde a un interés oficialmente la personal, al igual que la de esa toalla en un com- persona que quiere herirte. bate que nunca tendrías que ha- Cáncer. Nunca ber iniciado. Estás con alguien que te detienes si lo te quiere y te aprecia de tal manera que tienes delante que puede hacerte sentir muy bien. es una relación Ámalo de la misma forma que lo maravillosa. Vas hace él y verás que tendrás en esa a buscar en tus sentimientos una parte de tu corazón un sentimiento clave secreta, la encargada de que te hará sentir verdaderamente desbloquear todos los bloqueos especial. que puedan ir surgiendo. Segura- Dinero y trabajo. Tus números mente esta actividad sea la que te cuadran y cada día tienes más permita llegar a limites totalmente dinero en tu cuenta. Estás traba- insospechados y que son realmen- jando duro y eso se nota. Nada te especiales para ti. te detendrá porque realmente no Dinero y trabajo. Los viajes en pueden contigo. Asume el control verano siempre son más caros a de unas cuantas personas que te no ser que los prepares con ante- están obligando a perder tiempo. lación. Toma nota de los proble- Acaba con estos lapsus de tiempo mas del año pasado y descubrirás y enfréntate a cada una de ellas. que no pueden volver a repetirse. Seguramente vas a tener que em- Sagitario. El fue- pezar la casa por el tejado, cam- go es mal aliado biando algunas fechas o buscando del aire. Siempre esos chollos que esperas encontrar hay tiempo para a última hora. rectificar, pero si estás condicionado por una SERVING VIDA OUR COMMUNITY SECTIONSECTION conseguirían. En este instante FOR OVER en el que te das cuenta de que 35 YEARS realmente estás enamorado, todo puede acabar sucediendo. No hay que disimular, simple- mente haz que todo llegue. BB Dinero y trabajo. Si en algún momento ves que hay alguien detrás de tus pasos, puedes ir en busca de determinados in- IN OUR dicios. Verás que si te copian es porque lo haces bien, de lo contrario no tendrías esa COMMUNITY fortaleza que tanto buscas. No hay espacio para nada más, (805) 483-1008 VIDA NEWSPAPER 7-04-19 PAGE B1 simplemente para agradecer su atención. Life New OSD superintendent Toma cargo nuevo takes offi ce superintendente de OSD el aprendizaje social y emocional. Oxnard School District’s students in Oxnard.” Junta de Educación por darme la La presidente de la Junta de new Superintendent Karling O’Leary added that Aguil- oportunidad de servir”. OSD, Veronica Robles-Solís, dijo Aguilera-Fort took offi ce last era-Fort stood out for his advo- Durante los últimos dos años, que Aguilera-Fort fue selecciona- Monday, July 1. “I am thrilled cacy of English-as-a second-lan- Aguilera-Fort fue superintendente do por sus esfuerzos en favor de guage students as far back as the del Distrito Escolar Unifi cado de El to join the Oxnard School Dis- la educación especial y otros estu- 1990s, when California voters Rancho en Pico Rivera, que cuenta trict community,” said Aguil- diantes desfavorecidos, incluidos era-Fort. “I look forward to passed Prop. 227, a law that made con aproximadamente 8,600 estu- diantes. Antes de eso, trabajó en el hispanohablantes y estudiantes continuing the innovative and it harder to teach children in both de diversos orígenes y estilos de standard-setting work that is al- English and Spanish. The law was Distrito Escolar Unifi cado de San Francisco (SFUSD), desempeñando aprendizaje. ready taking place throughout later repealed. “El profundo compromiso de the district and doing my part to O’Leary said he and Aguil- tres trabajos diferentes de superin- tendente asistente. Karling con la excelencia edu- support the Oxnard School Dis- era-Fort spearheaded a success- Aguilera-Fort, que es originario cativa, la equidad y el servicio y trict team in advancing student ful effort to keep similar laws de Venezuela, también ha sido un su historial de mejorar el rendi- achievement across the board. from being passed in other states, maestro bilingüe de educación espe- miento escolar, la experiencia en “so I’m looking forward to again “I am excited to meet the cial, subdirector y director durante educación bilingüe y la educación working with him here.” educators, staff, and families sus casi tres décadas de servicio en especial servirán bien a nuestro that drive this community, and In 2016 Aguilera-Fort received la educación pública. Distrito”, dijo Robles-Solís. “Su am very grateful to the Board the National Education Award for “Estoy muy feliz y muy optimis- sólida ética de trabajo, pasión, ha- of Education for giving me this Excellence and Equity from the ta, conozco al Sr. Aguilera-Fort bilidades y capacidad “desarrollar opportunity to serve.” Niroga Institute. The award is desde hace 20 años en la promoción confi anza y relaciones signifi ca- For the last two years Aguil- given for narrowing the achieve- de estudiantes en educación a nivel tivas con todas las partes inte- era-Fort has been superinten- ment gap and supporting social nacional”, dijo el Miembro de la resadas del Distrito lo convierte dent of the El Rancho Unifi ed and emotional learning. Mesa Directiva del OSD Denis en un excelente elemento para el School District in Pico Rivera, OSD Board President Veronica O’Leary. “Nunca pensé que tendría Distrito Escolar de Oxnard”. which has about 8,600 students Robles-Solis said Aguilera-Fort la oportunidad de trabajar con él en La contratación de Aguile- Before that he worked in the was selected for his efforts on la educación de los estudiantes en ra-Fort fue el producto de una San Francisco Unifi ed School behalf of special education and Oxnard”. extensa búsqueda que incluyó a un grupo de 16 candidatos, in- District (SFUSD), performing other disadvantaged students, in- O’Leary agregó que Aguile- Karling Aguilera-Fort cluidos cinco superintendentes. three different assistant super- cluding Spanish speakers and stu- ra-Fort se destacó por su defensa Las entrevistas de la junta escolar intendent jobs. dents from diverse backgrounds an extensive search that included El nuevo Superintendente Karling de los estudiantes de inglés como se basaron en las prioridades de and learning styles. a fi eld of 16 candidates, including Aguilera-Fort del Distrito Escolar segundo idioma desde la década de Aguilera-Fort—who is origi- numerosos grupos de partes inte- “Karling’s deep commitment fi ve superintendents. The school de Oxnard tomo su cargo el pasado 1990, cuando los votantes de Cali- nally from Venezuela—has also resadas del OSD. board’s interviews factored in lunes 1 de julio. “Estoy encantado fornia aprobaron la Prop. 227, una been a bilingual special educa- to educational excellence, equity El Distrito Escolar de Oxnard, tion teacher, assistant principal and service and his track record priorities from numerous OSD de unirme a la comunidad del Dis- ley que hacía más difícil enseñar a trito Escolar Oxnard”, dijo Aguile- los niños inglés y español. La ley tiene aproximadamente 16,800 and principal during his almost of improving school achievement, stakeholder groups. estudiantes en kínder de transi- three decades of service in pub- expertise in bilingual educa- The Oxnard School District, ra-Fort. “Espero continuar con el fue derogada posteriormente. trabajo innovador y de estableci- ción hasta octavo grado en vein- lic education. tion and special education will has about 16,800 students in O’Leary dijo que él y Aguile- miento de estándares que ya se está ra-Fort encabezaron un exitoso es- tiuna escuelas. Su misión dice: “I’m very happy and very serve our District well,” said transitional kindergarten through llevando a cabo en todo el distrito y fuerzo para evitar que se aprobaran “Nuestra misión es garantizar una hopeful, I’ve known Mr. Aguil- Robles-Solis. “His strong work eighth grade at twenty-one hacer mi parte para apoyar al equipo leyes similares en otros estados, educación culturalmente diversa era-Fort for 20 years in advo- ethic, passion, skills and ability schools. Their mission statement del Distrito Escolar de Oxnard en “por lo que estoy ansioso por traba- para cada estudiante en un entor- cacy of for students in educa- to develop trust and meaningful reads: “Our mission is to ensure la promoción del rendimiento estu- jar nuevamente con él aquí”. no seguro, saludable y de apoyo relationships with all of the Dis- a culturally diverse education for tion at the national level,” said diantil en todo el Distrito. En 2016, Aguilera-Fort recibió el que prepare a los estudiantes para each student in a safe, healthy OSD Trustee Denis O’Leary. trict’s stakeholders makes him an “Estoy emocionado de conocer Premio Nacional de Educación a la la universidad y las oportunidades and supportive environment that “I never thought I would have excellent match for the Oxnard a los meastros, el personal y las Excelencia y la Equidad del Institu- que brinda una carrera universi- the opportunity to be working School District.” prepares students for college and familias que impulsan esta comu- to Niroga. El premio se otorga por taria”. with him for the education of Aguilera-Fort’s hiring follows career opportunities”. nidad, y estoy muy agradecido a la reducir la brecha de logros y apoyar Page B2 VIDA NEWSPAPER 7-04-19 Salsa Festival Continued from page A1 housing. He is a board member protecting the ocean by facilitat- several months in preparation for of the Cabrillo Economic Devel- ing education, conservation and the festival showdown. opment Corporation and works scientific research opportunities Dancers compete for the to support its mission to provide to multicultural youth and their “Judge’s Choice Award” for the comprehensive housing services communities. best routine. They are also vying and community economic devel- Salena Bracamontes is a Ventura for the “People’s Choice Award,” opment activities for individuals County native. She is currently the given to the dancer who raises and families most lacking in op- only female State Farm agent in the most money for his or her portunity in Ventura County. Ventura County to have her own designated charity. Donations can Veronica De La Cruz is a sales agency with two locations with be made online at www.Oxnard- manager, overseeing a team of six an all-women team. Salena is very and during the mortgage consultants at Union active in the community through festival at the “Dancing With Our Bank. Veronica supports many both membership and leadership Community Stars” booth. Over the community and regional orga- roles, and she thrives when she’s years, the contest has raised more nizations such as the Boys and helping people in any capacity than $850,000for local charities. Girls Club, Food Share, Teddy (insurance related or not). Braca- Here are the 2019 dance compet- Bear Foundation, Relay for Life montes is excited to be dancing on itors and dance instructors. and United Way. She is proud behalf of Project Understanding, --Victor Rodriguez, dancing for to represent Union Bank and to where she serves on the Board of Cabrillo Economic Development support Clean International, an Directors. Corporation. His instructor is organization dedicated to ensuring Dr. Marlene Batista is a first-gen- Yesenia Peña. that every person around the world eration American whose parents --Veronica De La Cruz, danc- has access to sustainable clean emigrated from Cuba. She is a ing for Clean International. Her water and sanitation. strong advocate for ensuring that instructor is Adan De La Torre. Sommer Frisk is regional vice Latino parents have the tools nec- --Sommer Frisk, dancing for president of Cumulus Broad- essary to support their children Rancho Ventura Conservation casting. Stations include KHAY, in school. She is the Director of Trust. Her instructor is Jesus KBBY, The Vibe, Spin FM and English Learner Services at the Garcia. 1450 Sports. Sommer has been Oxnard School District where she --Solovino (aka Agustín “Al- on the board of Rancho Ventura oversees programs and services for uche” Ballesteros) dancing for Conservation Trust since its begin- the over 6,000 students and their Merito Foundation. His instructor ning and plays an important role in families who speak English as a is Erika Martin del Campo. guiding the trust’s outreach. As a second language. She is dancing --Salena Bracamontes, dancing board member, she supports pro- for Partnership for Safe Fami- for Project Understanding. Her grams that permanently conserve lies & Communities of Ventura instructor is Ernesto Martinez. the working landscapes located County, the designated child abuse --Dr. Marlene Batista, dancing in the foothills above the City of prevention council in the county. for Partnerships for Safe Families. Ventura. Ben Escobar has been the owner/ Her instructor is Marco Aguilar. Agustín “Aluche” Ballesteros operator of Affordable Auto Glass --Ben Escobar, dancing for is the person who gives life to the for the past 14 years. Escobar American Society for Suicide on-air character of “Solovino” on chose to perform for the American Prevention – I’ve Got Soul. His La M 103.7 FM. His character Foundation for American Society NOTICE DIR. Copies of these rates of a new 12’ x 23’ prior to the Planning instructor is Diana Terre. is cheerful, flirty and funny and for Suicide Prevention because INVITING BIDS are on file with the Project TRADE NAMES OR ground level equip- Commission mee- Meet the Stars always trying to get a smile out it is a topic close to his heart. He Coordinator at City Hall EQUALS. Requests to ment enclosure that ting by going to: ht- Victor Rodriguez is the youngest FOR FY 19-20 and will be made available substitute an equivalent of radio listeners. Born in Mexico lost a close friend and nephew to contains accessory tps://www.oxnard. STORM to any interested party material, product, thing or of nine siblings. His family im- City, “Solovino” is very passion- suicide last year. Escobar hopes equipment to include org/city-department/ DRAIN CATCH on request. They are also service for a brand or trade migrated to the United States and ate about his work, talking from to raise awareness about suicide available at http://www. name material, product, a diesel backup gene- development-servi- eventually settled at the Cabrillo behind a microphone since 1998. prevention and the resources BASIN TRASH thing or service must be rator with a 54-gallon ces-4/planning/ox- Village farmworker community He’s proud to be dancing to raise available to those who are contem- EXCLUDERS Prevailing-Wage.html. made by written request fuel tank. The facility nard-planning-com- in Saticoy. Today, Rodriguez is a PROJECT The Contractor shall post submitted no later than will be constructed mission-2019/ funds for the Merito Foundation, plating suicide or struggling with a copy of the DIR’s rates at fifteen (15) Calendar Days on the roof and in a passionate advocate for affordable an organization committed to depression. SPECIFICA- each job site. This Project following the award of service courtyard of The decision of the TION is subject to compliance Contract. Requests recei- the Embassy Suites Planning Commis- NO. 19-82 monitoring and enfor- ved after this time shall not truct the connection the hearing. Downtown General 15164 of the Cali- to the scheduled date cement by the DIR. The be considered. Requests hotel and resort lo- sion is final unless of Lockwood Street (DT-G), and Down- fornia Environmental to confirm that the Contractor shall furnish must clearly describe the appealed in writing NOTICE IS HEREBY cated at 2101 Man- with associated in- The Planning Com- town Edge (DT-E); Quality Act (CEQA), hearing has not been certified payroll records product for which appro- GIVEN that the City of dalay Beach Road. to the City Council frastructure impro- mission staff report, unique development an addendum to the rescheduled. directly to the Labor Com- val is requested, inclu- Oxnard, California invites The proposed project no later than ten (10) vements. The project report materials, and criteria will be es- previously certified missioner. Contractor and ding all data necessary to sealed Bids for the FY is exempt from en- working days after all Subcontractors are not demonstrate acceptability. is exempt from en- plans will be avai- tablished for each Program Environ- If you challenge this 19-20 Storm Drain Catch qualified to bid on, be vironmental review the decision date vironmental review lable the Thursday zone. This project mental Impact Re- matter in court, you Basin Trash Excluders listed in a Bid proposal, LIQUIDATED DAMA- pursuant to Section, [Section 17-58(H) pursuant to Section prior to the Planning will also expand the port for the 2030 Project. The City will re- may be limited to or engage in the perfor- GES. Contractor must 15301, Class 1 of the of the Oxnard City ceive such Bids at Oxnard 15315, Class 15 of Commission mee- boundaries of what is General Plan has raising only those is- mance of any contract for complete all Work within Code]. Appeal for- City Hall, 300 West Third CEQA Guidelines. the California Envi- ting by going to: ht- considered the down- been prepared for sues that were raised public work, as defined forty-five (45) Working Street, Fourth Floor, Ox- Filed by James A. ms may be obtai- ronmental Quality tps://www.oxnard. town to Colonia this project. Filed by at this public hearing in Labor Code Sections Days of the City’s Notice nard, California 93030, Rogers, Smartlink, ned from the City Act Guidelines. Filed org/city-department/ Road to the north, the the City of Oxnard, 1720 through 1861, unless to Proceed. There will or in written corres- attention: City Clerk, until LLC, designated Clerk (300 West registered and qualified be a $357 assessment for by Eric Widmer of development-servi- alley west of D Street Community Develo- pondence delivered 2:00 p.m. on July 30, 2019. Third Street, Fourth to perform public work each Calendar Day that agent for Verizon Peak Surveys, Inc. ces-4/planning/ox- to the west, Wooley pment Department, to the City Clerk at There will be a public bid pursuant to Labor Code Work remains incomplete Wireless. Floor, Oxnard, CA on behalf of property nard-planning-com- Road to the south, 214 South C Street, opening immediately af- or before the hearing. Section 1725.5 at the time beyond the Project com- 93030) and must be terwards at 305 West Third owner, Sunbelt En- mission-2019/ and the railroad trac- Oxnard, California of Bid submission. pletion deadline. submitted with the Street, First Floor, Oxnard, For more informa- terprises, LLC, 5715 ks to the east. The 93030. Beginning at 6:00 Published: California 93030 at the tion about this pro- appropriate appeal Mesmer Avenue, Los intent of this update p.m., Channel 10 will BONDS. Each Bid must Inquiries regarding this VCVN JULY 4, 2019 City Council Chambers. ject, please contact fee before the end of be accompanied by Bid Angeles, CA 90230. is to implement the At the public hea- televise and broad- Notice Inviting bids may Paul McClaren at the appeal period. security as described in the be directed the Construc- recommendations of ring you may appear cast the meeting at SCOPE OF WORK. The Published: NOTICE OF Instructions to Bidders in tion Project Coordinator (805) 385-3945. At VCVN JULY 4, 2019 For more informa- previous downtown and be heard or you which the public 2015 edition of, and 2016 PUBLIC the Contract Documents. at renee.hatcher@oxnard. the public hearing tion about this pro- plans and studies, may write to the City supplement to, the Stan- HEARING hearing will be con- Upon Contract award, the org. you may appear and OXNARD dard Specifications for Pu- ject, please contact streamline permit- Clerk's Office at 300 ducted. For further successful Bidder shall PLANNING blic Works Construction be heard or you may Veronica Ortiz-De ting for develop- West Third Street, information, contact provide both Payment and Published: COMMISSION The Oxnard City (collectively the “Green- write to the Planning Anda at 805-385- ment, establish clear Oxnard, California, Jeffrey Lambert with Performance Bonds—each VCVN JULY 4, 2019 NOTICE OF Council will con- book”) is incorporated by Division at 214 Sou- 7952 or email veroni- form-based standards 93030, in support at 100% of the Contract duct a public hea- Planning Division, this reference. As more th C Street, Oxnard, PUBLIC Price—to the City Clerk OXNARD [email protected]. to promote high-qua- of or in opposition 214 South C Street, specifically described in HEARING ring to consider the or his or her designee in PLANNING California 93030, in At the public hearing lity development, to this matter. If you Oxnard, at (805) 385- the Contract Documents, following matter on accordance with Green- COMMISSION support of or in oppo- you may appear and and reduce parking plan to attend the the Project includes furni- Tuesday, July 16, 7868 or Jeffrey.lam- book Section 2-4 and the NOTICE OF sition to this matter. The Oxnard Plan- shing all necessary labor, be heard or you may standards through hearing, staff sug- [email protected]. Contract Documents. The ning Commission 2019 at 6:00 p.m., materials, equipment and PUBLIC Please contact the write to the Planning the utilization of pu- gests that you con- Performance Bond shall will conduct a public or as soon thereafter other incidental and appur- HEARING Planning Division Division at 214 Sou- blic parking and an tact the City Clerk's Published: include a one-year warran- hearing on Thurs- as the matter may be VCVN JULY 4, 2019 tenant Work to purchase office prior to the th C Street, Oxnard, in-lieu fee program. Office at 385-7803 ty period. Bonds must be heard, in the Council and install approximately scheduled date to day, July 18, 2019 on the forms in the Con- The Oxnard Plan- California 93030, in Pursuant to Section the Thursday prior 182 storm drain catch ba- at 7:00 p.m. in the Chambers, 305 W. tract Documents unless ning Commission confirm that this item support of or in oppo- sin trash excluders. City Council Cham- Third Street, Oxnard: other forms meet all of the will conduct a public has not been resche- sition to this matter. City’s requirements inclu- hearing on Thurs- duled. The hearing ber at 305 West Third OBTAINING BID DO- Please contact the ding that the Bond limit be Street, Oxnard, CA PLANNING AND CUMENTS. All Bidders day, July 18, 2019, at will also be televised Planning Division automatically increased 93030 to consider the ZONING PER- must be plan holders of 7:00 p.m. in the City on Channel 10. office prior to the if the Contract amount is following item: MIT NOS. 18-620- record to submit a Bid Council Chambers scheduled date to increased after execution 01 (General Plan to the City, which entails at 305 West Third If you challenge the Every of the Contract, and the confirm that this item purchasing copies of all PLANNING AND Amendment), 18- City Attorney at his or her Street, Oxnard, CA Planning Commis- has not been resche- Contract Documents at ZONING PERMIT 580-01 (Zone Text discretion approves the 93030 to consider the sion’s action on this duled. The hearing CyberCopy’s Plan Room, Amendment), and Surety’s form. Whenever following item: project in court, you NO. 18-300-10 (Ten- located at https://www. will also be televised 18-570-02 (Zone Bonds are submitted for may be limited to rai- tative Parcel Map) A Thursday on Channel 10. this Project, Bidder must request to subdivide Change): Amend- jobs/public. Printed copies PLANNING AND sing only those issues also submit a photocopy an 11.85 acre unde- ments to the 2030 will also be available at ZONING PERMIT you or someone else If you challenge the of each Bond. General Plan and City Hall for the same NO. 18-400-03, raised at the public veloped lot located Planning Commis- Oxnard City Code price. Coastal Adminis- hearing described in on the south side of read LICENSES. Each Bidder sion’s action on this HWY 101 between (OCC) Chapter 16 shall possess a valid Class trative Modification this notice, or in wri- project in court, you PREVAILING WAGES. (Zoning) to com- A or C-42 Contractor’s li- (Major), a request to: tten correspondence The Palms Marke- This Project is a “public may be limited to rai- cense issued by California delivered to the Plan- tplace center off of prehensively update work” subject to the requi- sing only those issues land use and deve- Contractors State License Construct a wireless ning Commission on Outlet Center Drive VIDA rements of Division 2, Part you or someone else Board at the time of Bid and CarMax auto lopment regulations 7, Chapter 1 of the Labor telecommunications or before the date of raised at the public submission and a current related to Downtown Code and Title 8, Division facility that co-lo- the hearing. sales lot off of Loc- City business license at the hearing described in Oxnard. The exis- 1, Chapter 8 of the Califor- cates six, 6-foot tall kwood Street, Asses- time of Contract award. this notice, or in wri- ting Central Business nia Code of Regulations panel antennae inside The Planning Com- sor Parcel Number Newspaper tten correspondence (“CCR”). The Contractor District zone will be RETENTION. The City new screening boxes, mission staff report, 213-0-090-10, into and all Subcontractors delivered to the Plan- shall withhold five percent two (2) lots of net replaced with three shall pay wages in accor- six remote radio units report materials, ning Commission on (5%) of any progress pay- size 4.86 acres and new zones, Down- dance with the determina- inside an existing cu- and plans will be or before the date of ment as retention. 6.13 acres; and cons- town Core (DT-C), tion of the Director of the pola, and installation available the Friday is free VIDA NEWSPAPER 7-04-19 Page B3 Salsa Festival Nashville superstar Trace Adkins to performe at Chumash Casino Resort Trace Adkins, country sing- er and actor who’s been a Nashville, Tenn., icon for more than two decades, is tak- ing over the Chumash Casino Resort’s Samala Showroom at 8 p.m. on Friday, July 12, 2019. Tickets for the show are $49, $59, $69, $74 & $79. Adkins made his debut in 1996 with his “Dreaming Out Loud” album and has since released 10 studio albums and two Greatest Hits compi- lations. He has charted more than 20 singles on the Bill- board country music charts, including three No. 1 hits, and has won multiple CMT and ACM awards. Adkins’ music roots go District Attorney will not back to high school as a member of a gospel music group. He attended Louisiana Tech University in Ruston but fi le additional charges in eventually left to work on an oil rig. He also worked as a pharmacy technician before pursuing a career in music. elder abuse case After a few years of playing District Attorney Gregory D. Tot- the same day, and one felony count pre-existing medical conditions, it in honky tonk bars in the Ark- ten announced that after a thorough of resisting an offi cer. Ms. Castro cannot be established the assault La-Tex area, he eventually investigation, no additional charges died on April 21, 2019. alleged to have been committed by moved to Nashville. In 1994, performing with other top-chart- “Moms’ Night Out,” “Trad- will be fi led against Adam Barce- Oxnard Police Department con- Barcenas was a substantial factor he met an executive at Arista ing country artists like Martina ed,” “Deepwater Horizon” nas, 56 years, of Oxnard relating to ducted an extensive investigation causing Ms. Castro’s death. Thus, Records Nashville who ar- McBride and Blake Shelton. and “I Can Only Imagine.” victim Armida Castro, aged 71, also into the circumstances underlying no homicide charges will be fi led ranged for numerous music His 2005 single, “Honky Tonk Don’t miss an opportunity of Oxnard. Barcenas is currently the crimes previously charged, in this matter. industry friends to come out Badonkadonk,” has grown to be- to see this memorable per- charged with a felony count of elder as well as Ms. Castro’s medical Prosecution of Barcenas will and hear Adkins play. A rep- come a country-music anthem. formance by one of country abuse for assaulting Ms. Castro on history. After a thorough review proceed as currently charged. Bar- resentative of Capital Records In addition to his music, Ad- music’s biggest stars in one of April 13, 2019, a felony count of of the case, it has been determined cenas is currently in custody with signed Adkins after watching kins has made several appear- the most popular music ven- elder abuse against another victim that due to Ms. Castro’s signifi cant bail set at $200,000. him perform at Tillie and Lu- ances on television, including ues in Santa Barbara County. cy’s bar in Mt. Juliet, Tenn. being a panelist on the game Located on Highway 246 His debut single, “There’s shows “Hollywood Squares” in Santa Ynez, California, a Girl in Texas,” was released and “Pyramid,” and a finalist the Chumash Casino Resort in 1996 and quickly went in 2008 and the winner in 2013 is an age 21-and-older ven- mainstream. Adkins went on on “The All Star Celebrity Ap- ue. Tickets for all events are Dallas Cowboys return... to spend the next two decades prentice.” available at The CLUB at churning out hits, releasing He has also had parts in several Chumash or online at www. albums and recording and fi lms over the years, including

fi led a petition with the clerk of 8:30 a.m. in Department 42, Filed: JUN 14 2019 Petitioner(s) ANASTACIA before the matter is scheduled to this court for a decree changing located at: SUPERIOR COURT Dated: JUN 14 2019 ROBLES has/have fi led a peti- be heard and must appear at the the applicant’s name from (a) OF CALIFORNIA, County of /s/ BY ORDER OF THE COURT tion with the clerk of this court hearing to show cause why the ALEXANDRIA MONIQUE Ventura, 800 South Victoria Av- MICHAEL D. PLANET for a decree changing the appli- petition should not be granted. VAUGHT to ALEXANDRIA enue., Ventura, CA 93009 Ventura Superior Court Execu- cant’s name from (a) If no written objection is timely MONIQUE OLIVERAS Any person objecting to the tive Offi cer and Clerk ANASTACIA ROBLES to filed, the court may grant the THE COURT ORDERS that all name changes described above By: AMBER RAMIREZ TACHA ROBLES petition without a hearing. persons interested in this matter must file a written objection Deputy Clerk THE COURT ORDERS that all A copy of this Order to Show appear before this court to show that includes the reasons for the Published: persons interested in this matter Cause shall be published at least objection at least two court days cause, if any, why the petition VCVN JUN 20, 27, JUL 4, 11, 2019 appear before this court to show once a week for four successive before the matter is scheduled to cause, if any, why the petition weeks prior to the date set for for change of name should not be heard and must appear at the SUPERIOR COURT be granted on: for change of name should not hearing in a newspaper of general hearing to show cause why the OF CALIFORNIA, be granted on: circulation, printed in the County 8-5-19, at 8:30 a.m. in Depart- petition should not be granted. COUNTY OF VENTURA 07-30-2019, at 8:30 a.m. in of Ventura. ment 20, located at: SUPERIOR If no written objection is timely IN THE MATTER OF THE Department 40, located at: Filed: JUN 17 2019 COURT OF CALIFORNIA, filed, the court may grant the APPLICATION OF: SUPERIOR COURT OF CAL- Dated: JUN 17 2019 County of Ventura, 800 S. Vic- petition without a hearing. ANASTACIA ROBLES IFORNIA, County of Ventura, /s/ BY ORDER OF THE COURT toria Ave., Ventura, CA 93009. A copy of this Order to Show ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE 800 S. Victoria Ave., Ventura, MICHAEL D. PLANET Any person objecting to the Cause shall be published at least FOR CHANGE OF NAME CA 93009. Ventura Superior Court name changes described above once a week for four successive CASE NUMBER: Any person objecting to the Executive Offi cer and Clerk must file a written objection weeks prior to the date set for 56-2019-00529466-CU-PT-VTA name changes described above By: ELIZABETH MULLER that includes the reasons for the hearing in a newspaper of general TO ALL INTERESTED PER- must file a written objection Deputy Clerk objection at least two court days circulation, printed in the County SONS: that includes the reasons for the Published: before the matter is scheduled to of Ventura. THE COURT FINDS that objection at least two court days VCVN JUN 20, 27, JUL 4, 11, 2019 Continued from page A1 • Food and Drinks with pro- and there is an additional charge be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the dise trucks ceeds benefitting the Oxnard for large vehicles. As parking is petition should not be granted. • VIP Experience Opportuni- Public Schools limited, it is recommended guests If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the ty for Dallas Cowboys United The camp is free of charge carpool when possible. petition without a hearing. members with general parking available The training/practice sessions A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least • Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders weekdays for $10/day for small dates and times vary. For more once a week for four successive Autograph sessions vehicles and $20/day for large information, visit https://visitox- weeks prior to the date set for hearing in a newspaper of general • Live radio broadcasts and vehicles. Parking on the week- circulation, printed in the County of Ventura. internet streaming ends is $20/day for small vehicles, ing-camp. Filed: JUN 24 2019 Dated: JUN 24 2019 /s/ BY ORDER OF THE COURT SUPERIOR COURT filed, the court may grant the CISNEROS Deputy Clerk objection at least two court days MICHAEL D. PLANET OF CALIFORNIA, before the matter is scheduled to petition without a hearing. THE COURT ORDERS that all Published: Ventura Superior Court COUNTY OF VENTURA A copy of this Order to Show VCVN JUL 4, 11, 18, 25, 2019 be heard and must appear at the IN THE MATTER OF THE persons interested in this matter hearing to show cause why the Executive Offi cer and Clerk Cause shall be published at least appear before this court to show By: JOAN FOSTER APPLICATION OF: once a week for four successive SUPERIOR COURT petition should not be granted. SUGEY BALLESTEROS cause, if any, why the petition If no written objection is timely Deputy Clerk weeks prior to the date set for for change of name should not OF CALIFORNIA, Published: CHAVEZ COUNTY OF VENTURA filed, the court may grant the hearing in a newspaper of general be granted on: VCVN JUN 27, JUL 4, 11, 18, 2019 FOR CHANGE OF NAME circulation, printed in the County IN THE MATTER OF THE petition without a hearing. CASE NUMBER: 08/02/2019, at 8:30a.m. in A copy of this Order to Show of Ventura. APPLICATION OF: SUPERIOR COURT 56-2019-00530083-CU-PT-VTA Filed: JUL 01 2019 Department 21, located at: DIAR MAYI Cause shall be published at least TO ALL INTERESTED SUPERIOR COURT OF CAL- once a week for four successive OF CALIFORNIA, Dated: JUL 01 2019 FOR CHANGE OF NAME COUNTY OF VENTURA PERSONS: /s/ BY ORDER OF THE COURT IFORNIA, County of Ventura, CASE NUMBER: weeks prior to the date set for THE COURT FINDS that 800 S. Victoria Ave., Ventura, hearing in a newspaper of general IN THE MATTER OF THE MICHAEL D. PLANET 56-2019-00529640-CU-PT-VTA APPLICATION OF: Petitioner(s): SUGEY Ventura Superior Court CA 93009. TO ALL INTERESTED circulation, printed in the County BALLESTEROS CHAVEZ of Ventura. JULIA FLOREZ ESCOBAR Executive Offi cer and Clerk Any person objecting to the PERSONS: A.K.A JULIA ESCOBAR has/have fi led a petition with the By: ELIZABETH MULLER name changes described above THE COURT FINDS that Filed: JUN 20 2019 clerk of this court for a decree Dated: JUN 20 2019 FLORES AKA JULIA F. Deputy Clerk must file a written objection Petitioner(s): DIAR MAYI has/ QUINONEZ AKA JULIA changing the applicant’s name Published: that includes the reasons for the have fi led a petition with the clerk /s/ BY ORDER OF THE COURT from (a): ALEX DARIEN MICHAEL D. PLANET FLOREZ QUINONEZ VCVN JUL 4, 11, 18, 25, 2019 objection at least two court days of this court for a decree chang- FOR CHANGE OF NAME HERNANDEZ to DARIEN SUPERIOR COURT ing the applicant’s name from (a): Ventura Superior Court HERNANDEZ before the matter is scheduled to CASE NUMBER: OF CALIFORNIA, DIAR MAYI to DIOR Executive Offi cer and Clerk THE COURT ORDERS that all be heard and must appear at the By: NINA LEMOS 56-2019-00529354 -CU-PT-VTA COUNTY OF VENTURA hearing to show cause why the OCEANS (b) ROJ ZIREK TO ALL INTERESTED PER- persons interested in this matter MAYI to ROJ DIAR MAYI Deputy Clerk appear before this court to show IN THE MATTER OF THE petition should not be granted. Published: SONS: APPLICATION OF: (c) ARI ZIREK MAYI to ARI THE COURT FINDS that Pe- cause, if any, why the petition If no written objection is timely DIAR MAYI VCVN JUN 27, JUL 4, 11, 18, 2019 for change of name should not RAYNE ANTOINETTE filed, the court may grant the SUPERIOR COURT titioner(s): JULIA FLOREZ GIFFORD (d) HEYV DIYAR MAYI to ESCOBAR A.K.A JULIA be granted on: 8/14/2019, at 8:30 petition without a hearing. HEYV DIAR MAYI OF CALIFORNIA, a.m. in Department 21, located ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE A copy of this Order to Show COUNTY OF VENTURA ESCOBAR FLORES has/have FOR CHANGE OF NAME THE COURT ORDERS that all fi led a petition with the clerk of at: SUPERIOR COURT OF Cause shall be published at least persons interested in this matter IN THE MATTER OF THE CALIFORNIA, County of Ven- CASE NUMBER: once a week for four successive this court for a decree changing appear before this court to show APPLICATION OF: the applicant’s name from (a): tura, 800 South Victoria Avenue., 56-2019-00529329-CU-PT-VTA weeks prior to the date set for cause, if any, why the petition ALEXANDRIA MONIQUE Ventura, CA 93009 TO ALL INTERESTED PER- JULIA FLOREZ ESCOBAR hearing in a newspaper of general for change of name should not VAUGHT A.K.A JULIA ESCOBAR Any person objecting to the SONS: circulation, printed in the County be granted on: 8/2/19, at 8:20 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE name changes described above THE COURT FINDS that FLORES A.K.A JULIA F. of Ventura. a.m. in Department 40, located FOR CHANGE OF NAME QUINONEZ A.K.A JULIA must file a written objection Petitioner(s) RAYNE Filed: JUN 14 2019 at: SUPERIOR COURT OF CASE NUMBER: that includes the reasons for the FLORES QUINONEZ to ANTOINETTE GIFFORD has/ Dated: JUN 12 2019 CALIFORNIA, County of Ven- 56-2019-00528574-CU-PT-VTA JULIA FLORES ESCOBAR objection at least two court days have fi led a petition with the clerk tura, 800 South Victoria Avenue., before the matter is scheduled to /s/ BY ORDER OF THE COURT TO ALL INTERESTED PER- THE COURT ORDERS that all of this court for a decree chang- MICHAEL D. PLANET Ventura, CA 93009 SONS: persons interested in this matter be heard and must appear at the ing the applicant’s name from Any person objecting to the hearing to show cause why the Ventura Superior Court THE COURT FINDS that appear before this court to show (a) RAYNE ANTOINETTE Executive Offi cer and Clerk name changes described above Petitioner(s) ALEXANDRIA cause, if any, why the petition petition should not be granted. must file a written objection If no written objection is timely GIFFORD to RAYNE MAIA By: AMBER RAMIREZ MONIQUE VAUGHT has/have for change of name should not that includes the reasons for the be granted on: 08/02/2019, at Page B4 VIDA NEWSPAPER 7-04-19

SUPERIOR COURT name statement generally expires at County on July 01, 2019. as true information, which he or she /s/ ALAN RIVERA name statement generally expires at County on May 22, 2019. AVE., SUITE R A new fictitious business name must OF CALIFORNIA, By signing below, I declare that all knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- the end of five years from the date on SIMI VALLEY, CA 93063 on June 06, 2019. the end of five years from the date on By signing below, I declare that all be filed before the expiration. The By signing below, I declare that all COUNTY OF VENTURA which it was filed in the office of the information in this statement is true (B & P Code § 17913) vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious which it was filed in the office of the information in this statement is true COUNTY OF VENTURA filing of this statement does not itself IN THE MATTER OF THE and correct. A registrant who declares /s/ JOSE LUIS MONTIEL name statement generally expires at county clerk, except, as provided in Full Name of Registrant(s): information in this statement is true county clerk, except, as provided in and correct. A registrant who declares authorize the use in this state of a ficti- and correct. A registrant who declares APPLICATION OF: subdivision of section 17920, where it as true information, which he or she NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- the end of five years from the date on subdivision of section 17920, where it as true information, which he or she PHYSICIANS AND tious business name in violation of the MARBELLA JIMENEZ AND knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious which it was filed in the office of the expires 40 days after any change in the SURGEONS HOME CARE, INC. as true information, which he or she expires 40 days after any change in the knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. rights of another under Federal, State, knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. GARRETT K MINK facts set forth in the statement pursuant (B & P Code § 17913) name statement generally expires at county clerk, except, as provided in facts set forth in the statement pursuant (B & P Code § 17913) 5924 E. LOS ANGELES AVE., or Common Law (see section 14411 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE /s/ OLIVIA JACUINDE the end of five years from the date on subdivision of section 17920, where it to section 17913 other than a change in SUITE R (B & P Code § 17913) to section 17913 other than a change in /s/ JONATHAN AYALA ET SEQ., Business and Professions /s/ CHAUNDA RIO FOR CHANGE OF NAME residence address or registered owner. ARROYO which it was filed in the office of the expires 40 days after any change in the residence address or registered owner. NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- SIMI VALLEY, CA 93063 Code). PUBLISH: CASE NUMBER: NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- county clerk, except, as provided in facts set forth in the statement pursuant A new fictitious business name must This business is conducted by a Cor- NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- A new fictitious business name must vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious VCVN JUN 13, 20, 27, JUL 4, 2019 vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious 56-2019-00529493-CU-PT-VTA be filed before the expiration. The vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious subdivision of section 17920, where it to section 17913 other than a change in be filed before the expiration. The name statement generally expires at poration. The registrant commenced FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME TO ALL INTERESTED PER- name statement generally expires at expires 40 days after any change in the residence address or registered owner. filing of this statement does not itself to transact business under the fictitious name statement generally expires at filing of this statement does not itself the end of five years from the date on STATEMENT FILE No. 20190607- the end of five years from the date on SONS: authorize the use in this state of a ficti- the end of five years from the date on facts set forth in the statement pursuant A new fictitious business name must authorize the use in this state of a ficti- which it was filed in the office of the business name or names listed above 10010338-0 The following person(s) THE COURT FINDS that which it was filed in the office of the to section 17913 other than a change in be filed before the expiration. The tious business name in violation of the on 4/1/2019. This statement was filed which it was filed in the office of the tious business name in violation of the county clerk, except, as provided in is (are) doing business as: county clerk, except, as provided in Petitioner(s) MARBELLA rights of another under Federal, State, county clerk, except, as provided in residence address or registered owner. filing of this statement does not itself rights of another under Federal, State, subdivision of section 17920, where it with the County Clerk of Ventura (1) TIM’S LOCKSMITH JIMENEZ AND GARRETT subdivision of section 17920, where it A new fictitious business name must authorize the use in this state of a ficti- or Common Law (see section 14411 County on June 04, 2019. subdivision of section 17920, where it or Common Law (see section 14411 expires 40 days after any change in the SERVICE expires 40 days after any change in the K MINK has/have filed a petition ET SEQ., Business and Professions expires 40 days after any change in the be filed before the expiration. The tious business name in violation of the ET SEQ., Business and Professions facts set forth in the statement pursuant By signing below, I declare that all (2) OJAI AUTO with the clerk of this court for facts set forth in the statement pursuant filing of this statement does not itself rights of another under Federal, State, Code). PUBLISH: information in this statement is true facts set forth in the statement pursuant Code). PUBLISH: to section 17913 other than a change in LOCKSMITH PROS to section 17913 other than a change in a decree changing the appli- VCVN JUL 4, 11, 18, 25, 2019 to section 17913 other than a change in authorize the use in this state of a ficti- or Common Law (see section 14411 VCVN JUN 20, 27, JUL 4, 11, 2019 residence address or registered owner. and correct. A registrant who declares 42 ANACAPA STREET cant’s name from (a) MELODY residence address or registered owner. tious business name in violation of the ET SEQ., Business and Professions FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME as true information, which he or she residence address or registered owner. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME A new fictitious business name must VENTURA, CA 93001 A new fictitious business name must RHOADES MINK JIMENEZ STATEMENT FILE No. 20190701- A new fictitious business name must rights of another under Federal, State, Code). PUBLISH: STATEMENT FILE No. 20190523- be filed before the expiration. The knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. COUNTY OF VENTURA to MELODY RHOADES be filed before the expiration. The or Common Law (see section 14411 VCVN JUN 27, JUL 4, 11, 18, 2019 10009282-0 The following person(s) (B & P Code § 17913) be filed before the expiration. The 10011851-0 The following person(s) filing of this statement does not itself Full Name of Registrant(s): filing of this statement does not itself MINK is (are) doing business as: filing of this statement does not itself ET SEQ., Business and Professions FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME is (are) doing business as: authorize the use in this state of a ficti- /s/ PHYSICIANS AND TIMOTHY NATHAN HAFT THE COURT ORDERS that all authorize the use in this state of a ficti- Code). PUBLISH: STATEMENT FILE No. 20190625- JL HOME SURGEONS HOME authorize the use in this state of a ficti- (1) PETRELLI REVIEWS tious business name in violation of the 42 ANACAPA STREET tious business name in violation of the persons interested in this matter (2) ONE HOUR LIFE tious business name in violation of the VCVN JUN 27, JUL 4, 11, 18, 2019 10011439-0 The following person(s) IMPROVEMENTS rights of another under Federal, State, CARE, INC. VENTURA, CA 93001 appear before this court to show rights of another under Federal, State, FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME is (are) doing business as: 1724 SINALOA RD #125 NARINDER KUMAR rights of another under Federal, State, SKILLS or Common Law (see section 14411 This business is conducted by an or Common Law (see section 14411 cause, if any, why the petition (3) STYLING CURVES or Common Law (see section 14411 STATEMENT FILE No. 20190619- CARNICERIA LA MISSION SIMI VALLEY, CA 93065 ET SEQ., Business and Professions PRESIDENT individual. The registrant commenced for change of name should not ET SEQ., Business and Professions 10011110-0 The following person(s) 301 OJAI RD COUNTY OF VENTURA NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- ET SEQ., Business and Professions (4) PLUS SIZE Code). PUBLISH: to transact business under the fictitious Code). PUBLISH: be granted on: INFLUENCER Code). PUBLISH: is (are) doing business as: SANTA PAULA, CA 93060 Full Name of Registrant(s): VCVN JUN 20, 27, JUL 4, 11, 2019 vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious business name or names listed above 08/06/19, at 8:30 a.m. in Depart- VCVN JUL 4, 11, 18, 25, 2019 FARMER BOYS COUNTY OF VENTURA JOSEPH LAHREN name statement generally expires at VCVN JUN 13, 20, 27, JUL 4, 2019 (5) PHOTOGRAPHY FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME on N/A. This statement was filed with FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME ment 20, located at: SUPERIOR INFLUENCE THOUSAND OAKS Full Name of Registrant(s): 1724 SINALOA RD #125 STATEMENT FILE No. 20190607- the end of five years from the date on the County Clerk of Ventura County COURT OF CALIFORNIA, FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME 1057 ACADEMY DR JOSEFINA Y RAMON SIMI VALLEY, CA 93065 which it was filed in the office of the STATEMENT FILE No. 20190605- 100-7 RANCHO RD. SUITE 130 10010370-0 The following person(s) on June 07, 2019. 10010159-0 The following person(s) County of Ventura, 800 S. Vic- THOUSAND OAKS, CA 91362 STATEMENT FILE No. 20190619- THOUSAND OAKS, CA 91320 233 ELIOT ST This business is conducted by an is (are) doing business as: county clerk, except, as provided in By signing below, I declare that all toria Ave., Ventura, CA 93009. 10011119-0 The following person(s) is COUNTY OF VENTURA SANTA PAULA, CA 93060 individual. The registrant commenced subdivision of section 17920, where it is (are) doing business as: COUNTY OF VENTURA COASTAL OAKS information in this statement is true AD LEVERAGE Any person objecting to the Full Name of Registrant(s): (are) doing business as: Full Name of Registrant(s): This business is conducted by a Cor- to transact business under the fictitious 1862 VISTA DEL MAR expires 40 days after any change in the and correct. A registrant who declares name changes described above DIAZ TIRES FAST CASUAL EMPIRE INC poration. The registrant commenced business name or names listed above facts set forth in the statement pursuant 1329 E. THOUSAND OAKS DEANA PETRELLI DRIVE as true information, which he or she BLVD., SUITE 200 must file a written objection INTERNATIONAL LLC 1530 CYPRESS ST APT 4 25243 FOREST ST to transact business under the fictitious on 01/01/2019. This statement was VENTURA, CA 93001 to section 17913 other than a change in knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. that includes the reasons for the OXNARD, CA 93030 CORONA, CA 92883 business name or names listed above filed with the County Clerk of Ventura residence address or registered owner. THOUSAND OAKS, CA 91362 100-7 RANCHO RD SUITE 130 COUNTY OF VENTURA (B & P Code § 17913) COUNTY OF VENTURA objection at least two court days THOUSAND OAKS, CA 91362 COUNTY OF VENTURA This business is conducted by a Cor- on N/A. This statement was filed with County on May 23, 2019. Full Name of Registrant(s): A new fictitious business name must /s/ TIMOTHY NATHAN HAFT before the matter is scheduled to Full Name of Registrant(s): poration. The registrant commenced the County Clerk of Ventura County By signing below, I declare that all be filed before the expiration. The Full Name of Registrant(s): This business is conducted by a Limit- JOHN DAVID DUQUE NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- NATURAL CONCEPTS be heard and must appear at the ed Liability Company. The registrant JOSE GIL DIAZ GARCIA to transact business under the fictitious on June 25, 2019. information in this statement is true 1862 VISTA DEL MAR filing of this statement does not itself vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious hearing to show cause why the 1530 CYPRESS ST APT 4 business name or names listed above By signing below, I declare that all and correct. A registrant who declares authorize the use in this state of a ficti- MARKETING GROUP INC. commenced to transact business under DRIVE name statement generally expires at 1329 E. THOUSAND OAKS petition should not be granted. the fictitious business name or names OXNARD, CA 93030 on N/A. This statement was filed with information in this statement is true as true information, which he or she VENTURA, CA 93001 tious business name in violation of the the end of five years from the date on If no written objection is timely This business is conducted by an the County Clerk of Ventura County and correct. A registrant who declares knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. rights of another under Federal, State, BLVD., SUITE 200 listed above on (1) 8-10-18 (2) 8-10-18 This business is conducted by an which it was filed in the office of the THOUSAND OAKS, CA 91362 filed, the court may grant the (3) 8-10-18 (4) 8-10-18 (5) 8-10-18. individual. The registrant commenced on June 19, 2019. as true information, which he or she (B & P Code § 17913) individual. The registrant commenced or Common Law (see section 14411 county clerk, except, as provided in petition without a hearing. to transact business under the fictitious By signing below, I declare that all knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. /s/ JOSEPH LAHREN ET SEQ., Business and Professions This business is conducted by a Cor- This statement was filed with the to transact business under the fictitious subdivision of section 17920, where it poration. The registrant commenced A copy of this Order to Show County Clerk of Ventura County on business name or names listed above information in this statement is true (B & P Code § 17913) NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- business name or names listed above Code). PUBLISH: expires 40 days after any change in the Cause shall be published at least on N/A. This statement was filed with and correct. A registrant who declares /s/ JOSEFINA Y RAMON vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious VCVN JUN 13, 20, 27, JUL 4, 2019 to transact business under the fictitious July 01, 2019. on N/A. This statement was filed with facts set forth in the statement pursuant business name or names listed above on once a week for four successive By signing below, I declare that all the County Clerk of Ventura County as true information, which he or she RAMON CASTILLO name statement generally expires at the County Clerk of Ventura County FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME to section 17913 other than a change in weeks prior to the date set for on June 19, 2019. knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. PRESIDENT the end of five years from the date on STATEMENT FILE No. 20190523- December 17, 2012. This statement information in this statement is true on June 07, 2019. residence address or registered owner. was filed with the County Clerk of hearing in a newspaper of general and correct. A registrant who declares By signing below, I declare that all (B & P Code § 17913) NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- which it was filed in the office of the By signing below, I declare that all 10009332-0 The following person(s) A new fictitious business name must circulation, printed in the County information in this statement is true /s/ FAST CASUAL EMPIRE vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious county clerk, except, as provided in is (are) doing business as: Ventura County on June 05, 2019. as true information, which he or she information in this statement is true be filed before the expiration. The By signing below, I declare that all of Ventura. knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. and correct. A registrant who declares INC name statement generally expires at subdivision of section 17920, where it and correct. A registrant who declares RUPERTO’S KITCHEN filing of this statement does not itself Filed: JUN 18 2019 as true information, which he or she OMAR MAWAS the end of five years from the date on expires 40 days after any change in the 3321 KIMBER DR UNIT B information in this statement is true (B & P Code § 17913) as true information, which he or she authorize the use in this state of a ficti- and correct. A registrant who declares Dated: JUN 18 2019 /s/ DEANA PETRELLI knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. PRESIDENT which it was filed in the office of the facts set forth in the statement pursuant knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. NEWBURY PARK, CA 91320 tious business name in violation of the /s/ BY ORDER OF THE COURT (B & P Code § 17913) NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- county clerk, except, as provided in to section 17913 other than a change in COUNTY OF VENTURA as true information, which he or she INTERNATIONAL LLC (B & P Code § 17913) rights of another under Federal, State, knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. MICHAEL D. PLANET DEANA ORTIZ /s/ JOSE GIL DIAZ GARCIA vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious subdivision of section 17920, where it residence address or registered owner. /s/ JOHN DAVID DUQUE Full Name of Registrant(s): or Common Law (see section 14411 Ventura Superior Court NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- name statement generally expires at expires 40 days after any change in the A new fictitious business name must RUPERTO G. MARTINEZ (B & P Code § 17913) CEO NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- ET SEQ., Business and Professions /s/ NATURAL CONCEPTS Executive Officer and Clerk NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious the end of five years from the date on facts set forth in the statement pursuant be filed before the expiration. The vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious 3486 FRANKIE DR. Code). PUBLISH: By: AMBER RAMIREZ name statement generally expires at which it was filed in the office of the to section 17913 other than a change in filing of this statement does not itself NEWBURY PARK, CA 91320 MARKETING GROUP INC. vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious name statement generally expires at VCVN JUN 13, 20, 27, JUL 4, 2019 ANDREW PALOSI Deputy Clerk name statement generally expires at the end of five years from the date on county clerk, except, as provided in residence address or registered owner. authorize the use in this state of a ficti- the end of five years from the date on This business is conducted by an FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Published: which it was filed in the office of the subdivision of section 17920, where it A new fictitious business name must tious business name in violation of the individual. The registrant commenced CEO the end of five years from the date on which it was filed in the office of the STATEMENT FILE No. 20190605- NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- VCVN JUN 20, 27, JUL 4, 11, 2019 which it was filed in the office of the county clerk, except, as provided in expires 40 days after any change in the be filed before the expiration. The rights of another under Federal, State, county clerk, except, as provided in to transact business under the fictitious 10010151-0 The following person(s) subdivision of section 17920, where it facts set forth in the statement pursuant filing of this statement does not itself or Common Law (see section 14411 business name or names listed above vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious county clerk, except, as provided in subdivision of section 17920, where it is (are) doing business as: name statement generally expires at FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME subdivision of section 17920, where it expires 40 days after any change in the to section 17913 other than a change in authorize the use in this state of a ficti- ET SEQ., Business and Professions expires 40 days after any change in the on 05/23/2019. This statement was ULTIMATE RIDE STATEMENT FILE No. 20190625- facts set forth in the statement pursuant residence address or registered owner. tious business name in violation of the Code). PUBLISH: filed with the County Clerk of Ventura the end of five years from the date on expires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant CARWASH which it was filed in the office of the 10011486-0 The following person(s) is facts set forth in the statement pursuant to section 17913 other than a change in A new fictitious business name must rights of another under Federal, State, VCVN JUN 20, 27, JUL 4, 11, 2019 to section 17913 other than a change in County on May 23, 2019. 729 FESTIVO ST. (are) doing business as: residence address or registered owner. be filed before the expiration. The or Common Law (see section 14411 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME By signing below, I declare that all county clerk, except, as provided in to section 17913 other than a change in residence address or registered owner. OXNARD, CA 93030 subdivision of section 17920, where it (1) CAMARILLO HOLISTIC residence address or registered owner. A new fictitious business name must filing of this statement does not itself ET SEQ., Business and Professions STATEMENT FILE No. 20190617- A new fictitious business name must information in this statement is true COUNTY OF VENTURA AND CHIROPRACTIC be filed before the expiration. The authorize the use in this state of a ficti- Code). PUBLISH: 10010905-0 The following person(s) and correct. A registrant who declares expires 40 days after any change in the A new fictitious business name must be filed before the expiration. The Full Name of Registrant(s): facts set forth in the statement pursuant CENTER be filed before the expiration. The filing of this statement does not itself tious business name in violation of the VCVN JUN 27, JUL 4, 11, 18, 2019 is (are) doing business as: filing of this statement does not itself as true information, which he or she (1) JOSE ALEJANDRO (2) CAMARILLO HOLISTIC authorize the use in this state of a ficti- rights of another under Federal, State, FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME J & C PAINTING knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. to section 17913 other than a change in filing of this statement does not itself authorize the use in this state of a ficti- MARTINEZ MARTINEZ residence address or registered owner. HEALTH AND WEIGHT authorize the use in this state of a ficti- tious business name in violation of the or Common Law (see section 14411 STATEMENT FILE No. 20190625- 913 DEODAR AVE tious business name in violation of the (B & P Code § 17913) 729 FESTIVO ST. LOSS rights of another under Federal, State, ET SEQ., Business and Professions 10011442-0 The following person(s) OXNARD, CA 93030 /s/ RUPERTO G. MARTINEZ A new fictitious business name must tious business name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, OXNARD, CA 93030 be filed before the expiration. The 1200 PASEO CAMARILLO #160 rights of another under Federal, State, or Common Law (see section 14411 Code). PUBLISH: is (are) doing business as: COUNTY OF VENTURA or Common Law (see section 14411 RUPERTO G. MARTINEZ (2) BRANDON ALEXIS CAMARILLO, CA 93010 ET SEQ., Business and Professions VCVN JUN 27, JUL 4, 11, 18, 2019 STUDIO HEALING Full Name of Registrant(s): REGISTRANT filing of this statement does not itself or Common Law (see section 14411 ET SEQ., Business and Professions MARTINEZ FUENTES authorize the use in this state of a ficti- COUNTY OF VENTURA ET SEQ., Business and Professions Code). PUBLISH: FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME 1068 E. MAIN ST JORGE PELCASTRE Code). PUBLISH: NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- 729 FESTIVO ST. Full Name of Registrant(s): VCVN JUN 27, JUL 4, 11, 18, 2019 STATEMENT FILE No. 20190530- VENTURA, CA 93001 GUEVARA vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious tious business name in violation of the Code). PUBLISH: VCVN JUN 20, 27, JUL 4, 11, 2019 OXNARD, CA 93030 rights of another under Federal, State, (1) JAMES AYLOR VCVN JUL 4, 11, 18, 25, 2019 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME 10009694-0 The following person(s) COUNTY OF VENTURA 913 DEODAR AVE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME name statement generally expires at This business is conducted by a 2861 LOS NOGALES AVE. STATEMENT FILE No. 20190610- is (are) doing business as: Full Name of Registrant(s): OXNARD, CA 93030 the end of five years from the date on or Common Law (see section 14411 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE No. 20190607- General Partnership. The registrant ET SEQ., Business and Professions CAMARILLO, CA 93010 STATEMENT FILE No. 20190627- 10010446-0 The following person(s) AP SHEET METAL DORA OJEDA ESPINO This business is conducted by an 10010303-0 The following person(s) which it was filed in the office of the commenced to transact business under KAREN LORRAINE AYLOR is (are) doing business as: 649 E EASY ST UNIT D 375 WEST RAMONA ST. individual. The registrant commenced county clerk, except, as provided in Code). PUBLISH: 10011646-0 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: the fictitious business name or names VCVN JUN 13, 20, 27, JUL 4, 2019 2861 LOS NOGALES AVE. is (are) doing business as: MOTION COMPONENTS SIMI VALLEY, CAL 93065 SPC 36 to transact business under the fictitious ESCOBAR BOUTIQUE subdivision of section 17920, where it listed above on N/A. This statement CAMARILLO, CA 93010 724 BUENOS TIEMPOS COUNTY OF VENTURA VENTURA, CA 93001 business name or names listed above expires 40 days after any change in the FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME ANCHOR MUSIC 700 S A ST UNIT C was filed with the County Clerk of STATEMENT FILE No. 20190611- This business is conducted by a married PRODUCTIONS CAMARILLO, CA 93012 Full Name of Registrant(s): This business is conducted by an on N/A. This statement was filed with OXNARD, CA 93030 facts set forth in the statement pursuant Ventura County on June 05, 2019. couple. The registrant commenced to COUNTY OF VENTURA AGAPITO PEREZ individual. The registrant commenced the County Clerk of Ventura County to section 17913 other than a change in 10010513-0 The following person(s) 3435 E THOUSAND OAKS COUNTY OF VENTURA By signing below, I declare that all is (are) doing business as: transact business under the fictitious BLVD 4962 Full Name of Registrant(s): 7015 BOTHWELL RD to transact business under the fictitious on June 17, 2019. Full Name of Registrant(s): residence address or registered owner. information in this statement is true business name or names listed above on SALES FORCE ONE RESEDA, CAL 91335 business name or names listed above By signing below, I declare that all A new fictitious business name must ESMIR AUTO BODY THOUSAND OAKS, CA 91361 MISAEL ESCOBAR and correct. A registrant who declares & REPAIR 1-1-19. This statement was filed with COUNTY OF VENTURA 724 BUENOS TIEMPOS This business is conducted by an on N/A. This statement was filed with information in this statement is true MENJIVAR be filed before the expiration. The as true information, which he or she the County Clerk of Ventura County CAMARILLO, CA 93012 individual. The registrant commenced the County Clerk of Ventura County and correct. A registrant who declares filing of this statement does not itself 2615 LASSEN ST Full Name of Registrant(s): 2772 BALBOA ST knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. OXNARD, CA 93033 on June 25, 2019. JULIE ROBOTHAM This business is conducted by a Cor- to transact business under the fictitious on June 25, 2019. as true information, which he or she OXNARD, CA 93036 authorize the use in this state of a ficti- (B & P Code § 17913) By signing below, I declare that all poration. The registrant commenced business name or names listed above By signing below, I declare that all knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. tious business name in violation of the COUNTY OF VENTURA TRUSSELL This business is conducted by an /s/ JOSE ALEJANDRO Full Name of Registrant(s): information in this statement is true 3435 E THOUSAND AOKS to transact business under the fictitious on 1 / 2000. This statement was filed information in this statement is true (B & P Code § 17913) individual. The registrant commenced rights of another under Federal, State, MARTINEZ MARTINEZ and correct. A registrant who declares business name or names listed above on with the County Clerk of Ventura and correct. A registrant who declares /s/ JORGE PELCASTRE or Common Law (see section 14411 FERNANDO ESMIR BLVD 4962 to transact business under the fictitious NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- AZUARA as true information, which he or she THOUSAND OAKS, CA 91362 1/1/13. This statement was filed with County on May 30, 2019. as true information, which he or she GUEVARA business name or names listed above ET SEQ., Business and Professions vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. the County Clerk of Ventura County By signing below, I declare that all knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- Code). PUBLISH: 2615 LASSEN ST This business is conducted by an on N/A. This statement was filed with name statement generally expires at OXNARD, CA 93033 (B & P Code § 17913) individual. The registrant commenced on June 10, 2019. information in this statement is true (B & P Code § 17913) vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious the County Clerk of Ventura County VCVN JUN 13, 20, 27, JUL 4, 2019 the end of five years from the date on /s/ KAREN LORRAINE AYLOR By signing below, I declare that all and correct. A registrant who declares /s/ DORA OJEDA ESPINO name statement generally expires at FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME This business is conducted by. The to transact business under the fictitious on June 07, 2019. which it was filed in the office of the registrant commenced to transact NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- business name or names listed above information in this statement is true as true information, which he or she NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- the end of five years from the date on By signing below, I declare that all STATEMENT FILE No. 20190528- county clerk, except, as provided in vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious and correct. A registrant who declares knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious which it was filed in the office of the 10009503-0 The following person(s) business under the fictitious business on 4/29/2019. This statement was information in this statement is true subdivision of section 17920, where it name or names listed above on N/A. name statement generally expires at filed with the County Clerk of Ventura as true information, which he or she (B & P Code § 17913) name statement generally expires at county clerk, except, as provided in and correct. A registrant who declares is (are) doing business as: expires 40 days after any change in the the end of five years from the date on knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. /s/ AGAPITO PEREZ the end of five years from the date on subdivision of section 17920, where it CK FINANCIAL This statement was filed with the County on June 27, 2019. as true information, which he or she facts set forth in the statement pursuant County Clerk of Ventura County on which it was filed in the office of the By signing below, I declare that all (B & P Code § 17913) NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- which it was filed in the office of the expires 40 days after any change in the knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. 1720 E LOS ANGELES AVE to section 17913 other than a change in county clerk, except, as provided in /s/ SALES FORCE ONE vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious county clerk, except, as provided in facts set forth in the statement pursuant #222 June 11, 2019. information in this statement is true (B & P Code § 17913) residence address or registered owner. By signing below, I declare that all subdivision of section 17920, where it and correct. A registrant who declares W R BEINAR name statement generally expires at subdivision of section 17920, where it to section 17913 other than a change in /s/ MISAEL ESCOBAR SIMI VALLEY, CA 93065 A new fictitious business name must expires 40 days after any change in the COB the end of five years from the date on expires 40 days after any change in the residence address or registered owner. COUNTY OF VENTURA information in this statement is true as true information, which he or she MENJIVAR be filed before the expiration. The and correct. A registrant who declares facts set forth in the statement pursuant knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- which it was filed in the office of the facts set forth in the statement pursuant A new fictitious business name must NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- Full Name of Registrant(s): filing of this statement does not itself to section 17913 other than a change in vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious county clerk, except, as provided in to section 17913 other than a change in be filed before the expiration. The CONNIE LEE KLINE as true information, which he or she (B & P Code § 17913) vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious authorize the use in this state of a ficti- knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. residence address or registered owner. /s/ JULIE ROBOTHAM name statement generally expires at subdivision of section 17920, where it residence address or registered owner. filing of this statement does not itself name statement generally expires at 6704 SASPARILLA ST tious business name in violation of the A new fictitious business name must the end of five years from the date on expires 40 days after any change in the A new fictitious business name must authorize the use in this state of a ficti- SIMI VALLEY, CA 93063 (B & P Code § 17913) TRUSSELL the end of five years from the date on rights of another under Federal, State, /s/ FERNANDO ESMIR be filed before the expiration. The NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- which it was filed in the office of the facts set forth in the statement pursuant be filed before the expiration. The tious business name in violation of the which it was filed in the office of the This business is conducted by an or Common Law (see section 14411 filing of this statement does not itself county clerk, except, as provided in to section 17913 other than a change in filing of this statement does not itself rights of another under Federal, State, individual. The registrant commenced AZUARA vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious county clerk, except, as provided in ET SEQ., Business and Professions NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- authorize the use in this state of a ficti- name statement generally expires at subdivision of section 17920, where it residence address or registered owner. authorize the use in this state of a ficti- or Common Law (see section 14411 subdivision of section 17920, where it to transact business under the fictitious Code). PUBLISH: tious business name in violation of the expires 40 days after any change in the A new fictitious business name must tious business name in violation of the ET SEQ., Business and Professions business name or names listed above vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious the end of five years from the date on expires 40 days after any change in the VCVN JUN 13, 20, 27, JUL 4, 2019 name statement generally expires at rights of another under Federal, State, which it was filed in the office of the facts set forth in the statement pursuant be filed before the expiration. The rights of another under Federal, State, Code). PUBLISH: facts set forth in the statement pursuant on 07/2000. This statement was filed FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME or Common Law (see section 14411 to section 17913 other than a change in filing of this statement does not itself or Common Law (see section 14411 VCVN JUN 20, 27, JUL 4, 11, 2019 with the County Clerk of Ventura the end of five years from the date on county clerk, except, as provided in to section 17913 other than a change in STATEMENT FILE No. 20190605- which it was filed in the office of the ET SEQ., Business and Professions subdivision of section 17920, where it residence address or registered owner. authorize the use in this state of a ficti- ET SEQ., Business and Professions FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME residence address or registered owner. County on May 28, 2019. 10010134-0 The following person(s) Code). PUBLISH: A new fictitious business name must tious business name in violation of the Code). PUBLISH: STATEMENT FILE No. 20190607- By signing below, I declare that all county clerk, except, as provided in expires 40 days after any change in the A new fictitious business name must is (are) doing business as: subdivision of section 17920, where it VCVN JUL 4, 11, 18, 25, 2019 facts set forth in the statement pursuant be filed before the expiration. The rights of another under Federal, State, VCVN JUN 27, JUL 4, 11, 18, 2019 10010333-0 The following person(s) be filed before the expiration. The information in this statement is true FINANCIAL SPECIALISTS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME filing of this statement does not itself or Common Law (see section 14411 is (are) doing business as: and correct. A registrant who declares expires 40 days after any change in the to section 17913 other than a change in filing of this statement does not itself 798 HARTGLEN AVE. facts set forth in the statement pursuant STATEMENT FILE No. 20190626- residence address or registered owner. authorize the use in this state of a ficti- ET SEQ., Business and Professions FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME COUNTRY GARDEN authorize the use in this state of a ficti- as true information, which he or she THOUSAND OAKS, CA 91361 10011551-0 The following person(s) tious business name in violation of the Code). PUBLISH: STATEMENT FILE No. 20190612- TEA + GIFTS knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. to section 17913 other than a change in A new fictitious business name must tious business name in violation of the COUNTY OF VENTURA residence address or registered owner. is (are) doing business as: be filed before the expiration. The rights of another under Federal, State, VCVN JUN 27, JUL 4, 11, 18, 2019 10010589-0 The following person(s) is 246 VALLEY GATE RD. rights of another under Federal, State, (B & P Code § 17913) Full Name of Registrant(s): CHERRYBLISS QUALITY or Common Law (see section 14411 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME (are) doing business as: SIMI VALLEY, CA 93065 /s/ CONNIE LEE KLINE A new fictitious business name must filing of this statement does not itself or Common Law (see section 14411 MICHAEL E. MOORE, A be filed before the expiration. The 2350 EL DORADO AVE authorize the use in this state of a ficti- ET SEQ., Business and Professions STATEMENT FILE No. 20190619- RAMON’S TRUCK & COUNTY OF VENTURA ET SEQ., Business and Professions NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- PROFESSIONAL APT C Code). PUBLISH: 10011140-0 The following person(s) TRAILER MOBIL SERVICE Full Name of Registrant(s): vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious filing of this statement does not itself tious business name in violation of the Code). PUBLISH: CORPORATION authorize the use in this state of a ficti- OXNARD, CA 93033 rights of another under Federal, State, VCVN JUN 27, JUL 4, 11, 18, 2019 is (are) doing business as: 1120 DECKSIDE DR. SANDRA GAIL PETERS VCVN JUN 20, 27, JUL 4, 11, 2019 name statement generally expires at 5743 CORSA AVE. STE 218 COUNTY OF VENTURA FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME CLEAR VISION OXNARD, CA 93035 246 VALLEY GATE RD the end of five years from the date on tious business name in violation of the or Common Law (see section 14411 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME WESTLAKE VILLAGE, CA 91362 rights of another under Federal, State, Full Name of Registrant(s): ET SEQ., Business and Professions STATEMENT FILE No. 20190530- CONSTRUCTION COUNTY OF VENTURA SIMI VALLEY, CA 93065 STATEMENT FILE No. 20190618- which it was filed in the office of the This business is conducted by a Cor- ESTEFANIA VIVEROS 10009766-0 The following person(s) 2631 GERONIMO DR Full Name of Registrant(s): This business is conducted by an county clerk, except, as provided in or Common Law (see section 14411 Code). PUBLISH: 10010978-0 The following person(s) poration. The registrant commenced ET SEQ., Business and Professions 2350 EL DORADO AVE VCVN JUL 4, 11, 18, 25, 2019 is (are) doing business as: OXNARD, CA 93033 RAMON ORTIZ individual. The registrant commenced is (are) doing business as: subdivision of section 17920, where it to transact business under the fictitious APT C J.L. MONTIEL TRUCKING COUNTY OF VENTURA 1120 DECKSIDE DR. to transact business under the fictitious expires 40 days after any change in the Code). PUBLISH: FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME PLAZA LOCKSMITH business name or names listed above VCVN JUN 13, 20, 27, JUL 4, 2019 OXNARD, CA 93033 STATEMENT FILE No. 20190701- 11393 MIMOSA ST. #103 Full Name of Registrant(s): OXNARD, CA 93035 business name or names listed above on 4255 E MAIN ST STE 21 facts set forth in the statement pursuant on N/A. This statement was filed with This business is conducted by an VENTURA, CA 93004 ALAN RIVERA This business is conducted by an 6-1-19. This statement was filed with to section 17913 other than a change in FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME 10011883-0 The following person(s) VENTURA, CA 93003 the County Clerk of Ventura County STATEMENT FILE No. 20190610- individual. The registrant commenced is (are) doing business as: COUNTY OF VENTURA 2631 GERONIMO DR individual. The registrant commenced the County Clerk of Ventura County COUNTY OF VENTURA residence address or registered owner. on June 05, 2019. to transact business under the fictitious Full Name of Registrant(s): OXNARD, CA 93033 to transact business under the fictitious on June 07, 2019. A new fictitious business name must 10010443-0 The following person(s) JACUINDE CLEANING Full Name of Registrant(s): By signing below, I declare that all is (are) doing business as: business name or names listed above 1725 KERN ST JOSE LUIS MONTIEL This business is conducted by an business name or names listed above on By signing below, I declare that all PLAZA LOCKSMITH INC be filed before the expiration. The information in this statement is true on N/A. This statement was filed with 11393 MIMOSA ST. #103 individual. The registrant commenced 6/12/19. This statement was filed with information in this statement is true filing of this statement does not itself AFTER HOURS PORT HUENEME, CA 93041 4255 E MAIN ST STE 21 and correct. A registrant who declares HANDYMAN the County Clerk of Ventura County COUNTY OF VENTURA VENTURA, CA 93004 to transact business under the fictitious the County Clerk of Ventura County and correct. A registrant who declares VENTURA, CA 93003 authorize the use in this state of a ficti- as true information, which he or she on June 26, 2019. This business is conducted by an business name or names listed above on June 12, 2019. as true information, which he or she tious business name in violation of the 1010 S. J ST #102 Full Name of Registrant(s): This business is conducted by a Cor- knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. OXNARD, CA 93030 By signing below, I declare that all OLIVIA JACUINDE ARROYO individual. The registrant commenced on N/A. This statement was filed with By signing below, I declare that all knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. poration. The registrant commenced rights of another under Federal, State, (B & P Code § 17913) information in this statement is true to transact business under the fictitious the County Clerk of Ventura County information in this statement is true (B & P Code § 17913) or Common Law (see section 14411 COUNTY OF VENTURA 1725 KERN ST to transact business under the fictitious /s/ MICHAEL E. MOORE, Full Name of Registrant(s): and correct. A registrant who declares PORT HUENEME, CA 93041 business name or names listed above on June 19, 2019. and correct. A registrant who declares /s/ SANDRA GAIL PETERS business name or names listed above ET SEQ., Business and Professions A PROFESSIONAL as true information, which he or she on 09/30/2003. This statement was By signing below, I declare that all as true information, which he or she NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- Code). PUBLISH: JUAN MANUEL LOPEZ This business is conducted by an on 1/1/2019. This statement was filed CORPORATION RAMIREZ knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. individual. The registrant commenced filed with the County Clerk of Ventura information in this statement is true knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious with the County Clerk of Ventura VCVN JUN 13, 20, 27, JUL 4, 2019 MICHAEL E. MOORE (B & P Code § 17913) County on May 30, 2019. and correct. A registrant who declares (B & P Code § 17913) name statement generally expires at FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME 1010 S. J ST. #102 to transact business under the fictitious County on June 18, 2019. PRESIDENT OXNARD, CA 93030 /s/ ESTEFANIA VIVEROS business name or names listed above By signing below, I declare that all as true information, which he or she /s/ RAMON ORTIZ the end of five years from the date on By signing below, I declare that all STATEMENT FILE No. 20190531- NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- information in this statement is true knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- which it was filed in the office of the 10009784-0 The following person(s) This business is conducted by an on 9/28/2018. This statement was information in this statement is true vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious individual. The registrant commenced vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious filed with the County Clerk of Ventura and correct. A registrant who declares (B & P Code § 17913) vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious county clerk, except, as provided in and correct. A registrant who declares is (are) doing business as: name statement generally expires at subdivision of section 17920, where it CALI BREEZE to transact business under the fictitious as true information, which he or she the end of five years from the date on business name or names listed above expires 40 days after any change in the knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. 135 MAGNOLIA AVE. which it was filed in the office of the facts set forth in the statement pursuant SUITE #7 on N/A. This statement was filed with (B & P Code § 17913) county clerk, except, as provided in the County Clerk of Ventura County to section 17913 other than a change in /s/ PLAZA LOCKSMITH INC OXNARD, CA 93030 subdivision of section 17920, where it residence address or registered owner. COUNTY OF VENTURA on June 10, 2019. MICHAEL UCHUION expires 40 days after any change in the By signing below, I declare that all A new fictitious business name must PRESIDENT Full Name of Registrant(s): facts set forth in the statement pursuant be filed before the expiration. The MIGUEL ANGEL information in this statement is true NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- to section 17913 other than a change in and correct. A registrant who declares filing of this statement does not itself vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious HERNANDEZ residence address or registered owner. authorize the use in this state of a ficti- 4430 BROWNING DR. as true information, which he or she name statement generally expires at A new fictitious business name must knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. tious business name in violation of the the end of five years from the date on OXNARD, CA 93033 be filed before the expiration. The rights of another under Federal, State, This business is conducted by an (B & P Code § 17913) which it was filed in the office of the filing of this statement does not itself /s/ JUAN MANUEL LOPEZ or Common Law (see section 14411 county clerk, except, as provided in individual. The registrant commenced authorize the use in this state of a ficti- ET SEQ., Business and Professions to transact business under the fictitious RAMIREZ subdivision of section 17920, where it tious business name in violation of the NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- Code). PUBLISH: expires 40 days after any change in the business name or names listed above rights of another under Federal, State, VCVN JUN 20, 27, JUL 4, 11, 2019 on N/A. This statement was filed with vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious facts set forth in the statement pursuant or Common Law (see section 14411 name statement generally expires at FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME to section 17913 other than a change in the County Clerk of Ventura County ET SEQ., Business and Professions STATEMENT FILE No. 20190522- on May 31, 2019. the end of five years from the date on residence address or registered owner. Code). PUBLISH: which it was filed in the office of the 10009200-0 The following person(s) A new fictitious business name must By signing below, I declare that all VCVN JUN 13, 20, 27, JUL 4, 2019 is (are) doing business as: information in this statement is true county clerk, except, as provided in be filed before the expiration. The FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME subdivision of section 17920, where it P&J CREATIVE EVENTS filing of this statement does not itself and correct. A registrant who declares STATEMENT FILE No. 20190606- 511 FAIRBOURNE PL as true information, which he or she expires 40 days after any change in the authorize the use in this state of a ficti- 10010227-0 The following person(s) facts set forth in the statement pursuant OXNARD, CA 93033 tious business name in violation of the knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. is (are) doing business as: COUNTY OF VENTURA (B & P Code § 17913) to section 17913 other than a change in rights of another under Federal, State, LE SKIN CHATEAU residence address or registered owner. Full Name of Registrant(s): or Common Law (see section 14411 /s/ MIGUEL ANGEL 4000 WEST HEMLOCK ST. (1) JONATHAN AYALA HERNANDEZ A new fictitious business name must ET SEQ., Business and Professions OXNARD, CA 93035 be filed before the expiration. The 511 FAIRBOURNE PL Code). PUBLISH: NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- COUNTY OF VENTURA OXNARD, CA 93033 vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious filing of this statement does not itself VCVN JUN 20, 27, JUL 4, 11, 2019 Full Name of Registrant(s): authorize the use in this state of a ficti- (2) PEDRO VELAZQUEZ name statement generally expires at CHAUNDA RIO 511 FAIRBOURNE PL the end of five years from the date on tious business name in violation of the FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME 4000 WEST HEMLOCK ST. rights of another under Federal, State, OXNARD, CA 93033 STATEMENT FILE No. 20190604- which it was filed in the office of the OXNARD, CA 93035 This business is conducted by a married county clerk, except, as provided in or Common Law (see section 14411 10010041-0 The following person(s) is This business is conducted by an ET SEQ., Business and Professions couple. The registrant commenced to (are) doing business as: subdivision of section 17920, where it individual. The registrant commenced transact business under the fictitious expires 40 days after any change in the Code). PUBLISH: PHYSICIANS AND to transact business under the fictitious VCVN JUN 13, 20, 27, JUL 4, 2019 business name or names listed above SURGEONS FAMILY facts set forth in the statement pursuant business name or names listed above on 5/22/2019. This statement was GROUP to section 17913 other than a change in on N/A. This statement was filed with filed with the County Clerk of Ventura 5924 E. LOS ANGELES residence address or registered owner. the County Clerk of Ventura County VIDA Newspaper VIDA NEWSPAPER 7-04-19 Page B5 on June 06, 2019. By signing below, I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. A registrant who declares as true information, which he or she knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. (B & P Code § 17913) Cinco consejos para deshacerse /s/ CHAUNDA RIO NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious name statement generally expires at the end of five years from the date on which it was filed in the office of the county clerk, except, as provided inde los gases intestinales subdivision of section 17920, where it expires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant to section 17913 other than a change in residence address or registered owner. A new fictitious business name must be filed before the expiration. The filing of this statement does not itself authorize the use in this state of a ficti- tious business name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or Common Law (see section 14411 ET SEQ., Business and Professions Code). PUBLISH: VCVN JUN 13, 20, 27, JUL 4, 2019 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE No. 20190605- 10010159-0 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: AD LEVERAGE 1329 E. THOUSAND OAKS BLVD., SUITE 200 THOUSAND OAKS, CA 91362 COUNTY OF VENTURA Full Name of Registrant(s): NATURAL CONCEPTS MARKETING GROUP INC. 1329 E. THOUSAND OAKS BLVD., SUITE 200 THOUSAND OAKS, CA 91362 This business is conducted by a Cor-Los gases intestinales generan incomodidad. poration. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on Dejar de comer ciertos alimentos deliciosas recetas que desgracia- efecto tónico que cuida del aparato December 17, 2012. This statementno es la única solución para amino- damente fomentan la aparición de digestivo. was filed with the County Clerk of Ventura County on June 05, 2019. rar sus síntomas. este problema. Si quieres limitar Incrementa el ejercicio By signing below, I declare that all information in this statement is true Te molesta el vientre. Sientes la aparición de gases, disminuye Subir y bajar escaleras, pasear, and correct. A registrant who declaresque tras las comidas la zona del el consumo de vegetales como ir en bici.. Cualquier actividad que as true information, which he or she knows to be false, is guilty of a crime.estómago se hincha, provocando la el brócoli, la col, la cebolla, los suponga movimiento contribuye (B & P Code § 17913) /s/ NATURAL CONCEPTS aparición de flatulencias. No te pre- pimientos y las alcachofas. En su a la desaparición de los gases ya MARKETING GROUP INC.ocupes, los gases son un incómodo lugar incorpora al menú escarola, que facilita su evacuación. Prueba ANDREW PALOSI CEO mal que afecta a todos los seres calabaza o arroz integral. a realizar una caminata de 10 minu- NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitioushumanos. Se producen durante el Come despacio y bebe poco tos nada más terminar de comer y name statement generally expires atproceso de digestión y generan Dos reglas básicas para evitar la notarás rápidamente sus beneficios. the end of five years from the date on which it was filed in the office of theproblemas cuando se encuentran aparición de este problema. Siénta- Adiós a la ropa ajustada county clerk, except, as provided in subdivision of section 17920, where itatrapados o no circulan a través del te siempre a la mesa para disfrutar Los pantalones y faldas que se expires 40 days after any change in thesistema digestivo. de la comida. Evita comer de cami- ajustan a la cintura, presionan la facts set forth in the statement pursuant to section 17913 other than a change in Parte de estos gases se producen no al trabajo o frente al ordenador. zona de tu estómago haciendo residence address or registered owner. A new fictitious business name mustal ingerir ciertos alimentos. Pero Disfruta de la tranquilidad de in- que el nivel de incomodidad se be filed before the expiration. desterrarlos The de la dieta podría no gerir un buen plato y disminuye la incremente. En su lugar opta por filing of this statement does not itself authorize the use in this state of a ficti-ser la única clave a la hora de cantidad de agua que tomas durante llevar ropa ligera que no suponga tious business name in violation of thedeshacerse de las molestias que las comidas. un problema si tu vientre se hincha rights of another under Federal, State, or Common Law (see section 14411pueden generar. Sigue estos con- Pela las legumbres un poco después de ingerir comida. ET SEQ., Business and Professions Code). PUBLISH: sejos para decirle adiós a los gases Sí, suena extraño pero hervir Sigue todos estos consejos para VCVN JUN 13, 20, 27, JUL 4, 2019intestinales. y pelar las legumbres contribuye reducir poco a poco tus gases in- FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE No. 20190611- Cuida tu alimentación a que estas sean más fáciles de testinales y las molestias que estos 10010513-0 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: Si tienes un problema de gases digerir. Además, añadir un poco generan. Si tras poner todas estas ESMIR AUTO BODY lo primero en lo que te debes fijar de menta fresca o seca al plato te acciones en práctica los problemas & REPAIR 2615 LASSEN ST es en tu alimentación. La dieta ayudará a que te sienten mejor, ya persisten, no dudes en ponerte en OXNARD, CA 93033 COUNTY OF VENTURA latina cuenta con maravillosas y que la menta tiene un poderoso contacto con tu doctor. Full Name of Registrant(s): FERNANDO ESMIR AZUARA 2615 LASSEN ST OXNARD, CA 93033 This business is conducted by. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Ventura County on June 11, 2019. By signing below, I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. A registrant who declares as true information, which he or she knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. (B & P Code § 17913) /s/ FERNANDO ESMIR AZUARA NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious name statement generally expires at the end of five years from the date on which it was filed in the office of the county clerk, except, as provided in subdivision of section 17920, where it expires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant to section 17913 other than a change in residence address or registered owner. A new fictitious business name must be filed before the expiration. The filing of this statement does not itself authorize the use in this state of a ficti- tious business name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or Common Law (see section 14411 ET SEQ., Business and Professions Code). PUBLISH: VCVN JUN 13, 20, 27, JUL 4, 2019 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE No. 20190610- 10010443-0 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: AFTER HOURS HANDYMAN 1010 S. J ST #102 OXNARD, CA 93030 COUNTY OF VENTURA Full Name of Registrant(s): JUAN MANUEL LOPEZ RAMIREZ 1010 S. J ST. #102 OXNARD, CA 93030 This business is conducted by an individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Ventura County on June 10, 2019. By signing below, I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. A registrant who declares as true information, which he or she knows to be false, is guilty of a crime. (B & P Code § 17913) /s/ JUAN MANUEL LOPEZ RAMIREZ NOTICE - In accordance with subdi- vision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious name statement generally expires at the end of five years from the date on which it was filed in the office of the county clerk, except, as provided in subdivision of section 17920, where it expires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant to section 17913 other than a change in residence address or registered owner. A new fictitious business name must be filed before the expiration. The filing of this statement does not itself authorize the use in this state of a ficti- tious business name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or Common Law (see section 14411 ET SEQ., Business and Professions Code). PUBLISH: VCVN JUN 13, 20, 27, JUL 4, 2019 Página B6 PERIÓDICO VIDA 7-04-19 VOLANDO SOBRE LA COMPETENCIA OTRO INVENTO DE DA VINCI

Fotografía facilitada por el museo y centro de estudios Leonardo3 de Milán. Un grupo de expertos han recreado y hecho sonar un órgano musical ideado hace más de quinientos años por Leonardo Da Vinci y que permite insuflar aire a los tubos del instrumento continuamente.

La jugadora de la selección estadounidense, Tobin Heath, salta por encima de la española, María León, durante el partido de los octavos de final del Mundial de Francia 2019 que disputan en el estadio Auguste Delaune. CON TEMAS DE ACTUALIDAD

El actor mexicano Gael García Bernal posa durante la alfombra roja de la premier de la película “Chicuarotes”, en la ciudad de Guadalajara en el estado de Jalisco (México). El actor y director mexicano Gael García Bernal afirmó que el arte debe tratar “con urgencia” los temas de inseguridad, pobreza y escasez de oportunidades que afectan a la juventud de México y del Mundo. TRABAJO PERIÓDICO VIDA 7-04-19 Página B7 AVISOS CLASIFICADOS OPORTUNIDAD SERVICIOS SE VENDEN PLOMERO TRABAJOS VENTAS CASAS AUTOS Se hacen trabajos de plomería, Refrigerador, lavadora y seca- destapado de drenajes, limpiamos USTED PUEDE PONER SU ANUNCIO AQUÍ dora. Llame para más informa- muy bien, si se necesita cortamos ES FÁCIL, ECONÓMICO Y MUY EFICAZ ción al (805) 822-2493. tubos o usamos agua a presión. 483-1008 También detectamos fugas de agua. Arreglamos o cambiamos llaves de agua. Cambiamos calentadores de agua (boilers), SE VENDEN también reemplazamos tazas AUTOS AUTOS SERVICIOS TRABAJOS Cama individual en $90, sofá de baño. Nuestros trabajos mesa, bocinas de casa en $100 están garantizados. Para más dólares. Llame para más in- información y presupuestos SE VENDE SE VENDE CLEANING TRABAJO EN formación al (805) 394-2216. gratis llamar al (805) 890-8931. NISSAN ALTIMA GMC ACADIA HOUSE & OFFICE FLORERÍA Deep cleaning for residential Se solicita persona para hacer di- & commercial seños florales en una florería bien • Deep Cleaning • House • Office establecida en Oxnard. Deberá • Apartment tener experiencia y muchos deseos Call for a free estimate. de trabajar. Solicitar en persona en: Hablamos español. Flowers by Paulann (805) 760-3586, (805) 815-2777 145 North “A” Street NISSAN ALTIMA DEL AÑO esquina con Magnolia Ave. 2003. MOTOR NUEVO, GMC Acadia del año 2007. Tiene 110 mil millas, smog ok, es de 8 Aurora’s en Oxnard TRANSMISION NUEVA. TIE- HOUSE CLEANING o llame al (805) 487-2783. NE 100,861 MILLAS, LUCES pasajeros. La vendo por $8,650. HALOGEN NUEVAS, LLAN- Para más información puede lla- TAS NUEVAS, BATERIA NUE- mar al: (805) 832-3969. #0627 D VA, ASIENTOS DE CUERO, YO SOY JARDINERO NUEVA PINTURA. EXELEN- Yo ofrezco mis servicios como OPORTUNIDAD TE CONDICIÓN. SMOG PASO SE VENDE jardinero. Hago buen trabajo HACE TRES DÍAS. EN CAMA- y a precios módicos. Para más RILLO PUEDE VERLO CUAL- ACURA MDX información llamarme al 487- SE VENDEN QUIER HORA. JUBILADO Y 7641 o al celular 827-2444. UN SOLO DUEÑO. LO VENDO Cama chica individual, 2 mesas POR $ 3,995 O MEJOR OFER- de sala y varias cosas de venta. TA. PARA MÁS INFORMA- Llame para más información al CIÓN MANDAR UN TEXTO (805) 890-6003. Al: (805) 302-9794. SE CORTAN #0711 ARBOLES Se cortan arboles de todos tipos y de todos tamaños. Buenos precios SE VENDEN SE VENDE Acura MDX del año 2005. Tiene y hacemos muy buen trabajo. Para Bicicleta de montaña para 164 mil millas, TV, 7 pasajeros, más información llamarme al 487- hombre y una laptop. Llame NISSAN SENTRA S piel y sistema de navegación. La 7641 o al celular 827-2444. vendo por $5,650. Para más in- para más información al (805) formación puede llamar al: (805) 793-6649. 396-0325. #0627 D SERVICIOS SE VENDEN Comedor con 4 silla y un SERVICIOS extractor de jugo por solo $5 Nissan Sentra S del año 2007. Lo SERVICIO DE dólares. Llame para más in- vendo por $5,250. Tiene 115 mil JARDINERO formación al (805) 366-5269. millas, Smog ok. Para más infor- mación puede llamar al: (805) Se ofrece servicio de Limpieza gen- Fotografía facilitada por el museo y centro de estudios Leonardo3 de Milán. Un grupo de expertos 233-2799. #0627 S GENERAL CLEAN-UP eral, yarda, reparación e instalación de rociadores, instalación de sácate han recreado y hecho sonar un órgano musical ideado hace más de quinientos años por Leonardo GARDENING artificial, trabajo de concreto, podar SERVICIOS Da Vinci y que permite insuflar aire a los tubos del instrumento continuamente. Yard, Sprinklers repairs, installa- árboles, remover y plantar árbo- tion, fake grass installation, concrete les molienda muñón y pintar cer- SERVICIOS work, tree trimming, tree remov- cas. Llame a Marin Landscape al al and tree plant. Stump grinding, 390-7822 o visite JARDINERO fence painting. Marin Landscape for #DE 0212-0430 DISPONIBLE YO ECHO more info: 390-7822 or visit Servicios de jardinería con más de CEMENTO 20 años de experiencia. Podamos Yo ofrezco mis servicios, echo ¿Busca Empleados? árboles, cortamos pasto y ofrece- cemento, lizo o estampado, con PONGA aquí su anuncio. mos servicio de jardinería comple- color o al natural. Hago buen Ponga aquí su anuncio to. También instalamos sistemas de trabajo y a bajos precios y con En venta: Autos, Camionetas, Vans, Suv's y Camiones. ¡Usted irrigación. Trabajo bueno, bonito y mucha calidad. Tambien hago y los encontrará. barato. Para más información co- bardas de bloque de cemento. puede poner su anuncio aquí! es muníquese con Gilberto Ramírez Para más información llamarme fácil, economico y muy eficaz. LLAME AL 483-1008 llamando al (805) 814-5133. al 487-7641 o al celular 827-2444. LLAME AL 483-1008 #0419

El actor mexicano Gael García Bernal posa durante la alfombra roja de la premier de la película “Chicuarotes”, en la ciudad de Guadalajara en el estado de Jalisco (México). El actor y director mexicano Gael García Bernal afirmó que el arte debe tratar “con urgencia” los temas de inseguridad, pobreza y escasez de oportunidades que afectan a la juventud de México y del Mundo. Página B8 PERIÓDICO VIDA 7-04-19

y tienen conocimiento sobre la 1400 Vanguard Drive, en Ox- • 11 a.m. – 7 p.m. industria agrícola y los problemas nard 825 Ventura Street #200, en de los trabajadores, para que sirvan • lunes, miércoles, viernes, y el Fillmore Programa de recursos para trabajadores como recursos de divulgación para primer sábado de cada mes • martes, jueves los trabajadores y sus empleado- • 11 a.m. – 7 p.m. • 11 a.m. – 7 p.m. res. 725 E. Main Street, en Santa Para más información sobre el “Soy un partidario desde hace Paula programa, llame al (805) 385-1899 mucho tiempo de los trabajadores • martes, jueves, y el tercer sá- o envíe un correo electrónico al agrícolas abrió sus puertas [email protected]\ agrícolas, los agricultores y nues- bado de cada mes tra industria agrícola en el Con- dado de Ventura”, dijo Zaragoza. “Estoy emocionado que nuestra Junta de Supervisores haya toma- do la iniciativa para proporcionar una puerta de acceso amigable para que los trabajadores agrícolas puedan buscar recursos útiles y abordar sus inquietudes. Este es un gran hito para nuestra industria agrícola en el Condado de Ventura. Hemos creado un entorno donde los trabajadores agrícolas y los agricultores puedan mejorar las relaciones de trabajo.” Sucursales del Programa de Recursos para Trabajadores Agrí- colas:

La Agencia de Servicios Huma- (MICOP por sus siglas en inglés). de trabajo como problemas de nos abrió las puertas al Programa “La agricultura es un componen- nominas y condiciones de trabajo, de Recursos para Trabajadores te clave de la vitalidad económica navegar por las agencias públicas Agrícolas pasado lunes, 1 de julio, del Condado de Ventura y quere- disponibles, y aprovechar de los con la oficina principal en Oxnard, mos asegurar que los trabajadores recursos existentes. y sucursales en Santa Paula y Fil- agrícolas y los agricultores tienen “Estamos emocionados de ver more, con horas prolongadas hasta el apoyo para hacer mejoras que este enfoque innovador para apo- las noches y los fines de semana son de beneficio mutuo”, dijo yar tanto a los 36,000 trabajado- para hacer al programa accesible Mike Powers, Funcionario Ejecu- res agrícolas del Condado como al mayor numero de clientes. tivo del Condado. “A largo plazo, ayudar a los agricultores a satis- El Programa de Recursos para el programa está destinado a pro- facer sus necesidades para los Trabajadores Agrícolas fue desa- mover la industria agrícola en el trabajadores”, dijo Bennett. “La rrollado por la Junta de Supervi- Condado de Ventura, ayudando a gran mayoría de los agricultores sores por recomendación de los atraer trabajadores agrícolas y des- y los contratistas son excelentes Supervisores Steve Bennett y John tacar al Condado de Ventura como empleadores. Al mismo tiempo, Zaragoza. Un comité asesor de un destino de primera elección proporcionar un programa que ocho miembros, facilitado por las para el trabajo agrícola”. ofrece un enfoque no regulatorio Oficinas Ejecutivas del Condado, El programa está diseñado para para resolver problemas que puede incluyó representantes designa- generar confianza y relaciones mejorar las cosas para todos”. dos por el Ventura County Farm entre la comunidad agrícola, y El Condado ha contratado a Bureau y el Proyecto Mixteco In- ayudar en facilitar soluciones dos empleados trilingües quienes dígena Organización Comunitaria rápidas a los problemas del lugar hablan mixteco, español y ingles,