Brookline–Beechview Catholic Parishes St. Catherine of Siena (1902 to Present) Church of the Resurrection (1909 to Present) St. Pius X (1954 to Present) Our Lady of Loreto (1959 to Present) St. Pamphilus (1960 to Present) May 19, 2019 Fifth Sunday of Easter

Working Together to Live the Gospel Message

PARISH PRIESTS AND DEACONS Rev. James Bachner………………...………….Pastor & Administrator Rev. Gary Oehmler…………………………...…..Parochial Vicar Rev. Fernando Torres…………………………..Parochial Vicar Mr. Mark S. Bibro…………………………..Deacon Mr. Tom O’Neill………………………Deacon

Our combined Website: Diocesan Victim Assistance Hotline: 1-888-808-1235 ST. PIUS X 3040 Pioneer Avenue, Pgh PA 15226 Office located at 1810 Belasco Ave. Pgh. PA 15216 Parish Ministry/Office ….…………...…………….. 412-531-2135 ST. CATHERINE OF SIENA Fax ………………………………..……………...... 412-531-8543 1810 Belasco Avenue, Pgh PA 15216 Faith Formation Office …………..………………...412-563-1588 Parish Ministry/Office ….…………...…………….. 412-531-2135 Faith Formation Email (CCD)………..…..…[email protected] Fax ……………………………...………………...... 412-531-8543 Parish e-mail ……………………………[email protected] Faith Formation Office ……………...……………...412-531-2135 E-Mail ……………………….…[email protected] OUR LADY OF LORETO CCD e-mail ...... ……...………………[email protected] 1905 Pioneer Avenue, Pgh PA 15226 Office located at 1810 Belasco Ave. Pgh. PA 15216 Parish Ministry/Office ….………….……………….412-531-2135 Fax …………………………….………………...... 412-531-8543 E-Mail ………………………………..……[email protected] CHURCH OF THE RESURRECTION ST. PAMPHILUS 1100 Creedmoor Avenue, Pgh PA 15226

1000 Tropical Avenue, Pgh PA 15216 Parish Ministry/Office ….…………..…………….. 412-563-4400 Office located at 1810 Belasco Ave. Pgh. PA 15216 Fax …………………………………..…………...... 412-563-4403 Parish Ministry/Office ….…………...…………….. 412-531-2135 Faith Formation Office ……….……….…………...412-343-9551 Fax ………………………………..……………...... 412-531-8543 E-Mail …………….…[email protected] E-Mail ………………………..…..…[email protected]

Page Two St. Catherine of Siena Parish Horario de Misas en Español

1810 Belasco Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15216 Beechview Domingo, a la 12:30pm Centro Parroquial:………………….412-531-2135 Fax:………………….…….…………412-531-8543 Horario de Misas en Ingles: Oficina de CCD: ……..…....412-531-2135 Ext. 23 Vigilia del Sábado: 4:00 pm Domingo: 10:30 am Personal de la Parroquia Pastor— Padre James Bachner Misa los Lunes, Miércoles, Viernes: 8:30am Vicario Parroquial — Padre Fernando Torres Vicario Parroquial — Padre Gary Oehmler Días Santos: Día: 7:00PM Diácono — Rev. Sr. Thomas O’Neill Diácono— Rev. Sr. Mark Bibro DOMINGO DE PENTECOSTES - Celebraremos la Diácono— Rev. Sr. Matthew Marinelli venida del Espíritu Santo en una misa especial el do- mingo 9 de junio a las 12:30PM. Ministerio Hispano 412.531.2135 Padre Fernando Torres Consuelo Cruz-Martinez-Directora de Evangelización. CELEBRACION DEL DIA DE LOS PADRES - Marina Osthoff- Coordinadora de Catequesis en Español Honraremos a nuestros padres con una canción especial Maribel Acevedo-Servicios en español, lunes de 9am-2pm en nuestra misa dominical el 16 de junio a las 12:30 Gigi D’Amico- Directora de Formación de Fe Hispana – 412.583.2195 PM. Monica Ruiz– Directora de la Casa San Jose Bill Scott-Director de Musica Latina VIRGEN PEREGRINA - Si desean que nuestra virgen los acompañe a su casa por una semana, favor de anotar Latino web-page:ñola-amp- su nombre y número de teléfono en la forma la que se portuguesa encuentra en la mesa a la entrada de la iglesia.

SANTO ROSARIO - Todos los domingos a CASA SAN JOSE las 11:30AM en la iglesia. Nota: los domingos en los Casa San José es un centro de recursos comunitarios que hay bautizo después de la misa en inglés, el rosario que defiende y fortalece se rezará en el edificio de catequesis (oficina de la en- a los Latinos. trada). COMO PODEMOS AYUDAR:

Proveemos información y referencias acerca de be- neficios, conexiones comunitarias, doctores, es- MISA EN PORTUGUES - Todos están invitados a la cuelas y ayuda de emergencia. misa en portugués la cual se celebra el tercer domingo Ayudamos a tener el acceso a servicios de vivienda, de cada mes a las 6:00PM en nuestra iglesia. Nota espe- necesidades médicas, crónicas, casos legales, cial: por el mes de junio la misa en portugués se cele- problemas familiares, inmigración, etc. brará el domingo 9 de junio a las 6:00PM. Asistencia con aplicaciones para trabajo y beneficios sociales. MATRIMONIO - Si está planeando casarse debe pre- Referencias a abogados de inmigración sentar documentación 6 meses antes de la boda. Por fa- Consejo y guía de personal bilingüe vor vea a Padre Fernando para coordinar su boda. Tratamos a los inmigrantes con dignidad, respeto y bon- dad en el esfuerzo de preservar y celebrar su INSCRIPCION DE IGLESIA, SACRAMENTO O cultura única mientras les ayudamos a adaptarse QUINCEAÑERA - Si desea inscribirse en la iglesia o a la vida en el área de Pittsburgh. si tiene necesidad de un bautizo, quinceañero u otro sa- cramento por favor contacte a Gigi al 412-583-2195. Localizado: 2116 Broadway Ave. Pittsburgh, PA 15216 La Sociedad de San Vicente DePaul: [email protected] Dentro de los límites de nuestra parroquia, hay muchas per- Tel- 412-343-3111 Fax- 412-343-3210 sonas necesitadas. Esta Sociedad anima a los que pueden Horario: Lunes a Viernes de 10 am a 5 pm aportar económicamente, en la segunda colección, el primer domingo de cada mes para ayudar a los necesitados. Para aquellos que quieran ser voluntarios de ayuda o para aquellos en necesidad de alimentos o ayuda financiera por favor lla- men al: 412-370-8936. COMBINED INFORMATION PAGE Page Three Sacrament of Baptism: Please note the St. Vincent dePaul Society- Each parish has an ac- schedule changes for Baptisms, which must tive St. Vincent dePaul Society that helps those in be adhered to: need. Contact the parish office for this information. St. Catherine—1st and 3rd Sunday of We also need volunteers, please contact your Parish Office. the month at 11:30am Resurrection—2nd, 4th and 5th Sunday of FOOD PANTRY–Food pantries serve certain boundaries: the Month at 12:30pm -The Brookline Food Pantry is located at 1036 Brookline Blvd. 2nd Saturday of Month 9-11am. A Baptism preparation session is required for -The St. Catherine Food Pantry is located in the St. Cath- first time baptisms. Please call 412-531-2135 erine’s School Building on the corner of Crosby & to make arrangements. Pauline Avenues. 2nd, 3rd, 4th Saturdays 9:30am-11am. -The St. Pamphilus Food Pantry location is lower back Sacrament of Marriage: The Sacrament of level of Church Building 3rd Saturdays 10-11am. Matrimony requires a time of spiritual preparation. Arrangements should be made at least six months before the date by meeting with the priest and before READINGS FOR THE WEEK any social plans are made. Monday: Acts 14:5-18; Ps 115:1-4, 15-16; Jn 14:21-26 Tuesday: Acts 14:19-28; Ps 145:10-13ab, 21; Sacrament of Reconciliation (CONFESSIONS): Jn 14:27-31a Monday at St. Pius X 6:15-6:45pm Wednesday: Acts 15:1-6; Ps 122:1-5; Jn 15:1-8 Wednesday at Resurrection 5:30-5:45pm Thursday: Acts 15:7-21; Ps 96:1-3, 10; Jn 15:9-11 Saturday at St. Catherine’s Noon-12:30pm Friday: Acts 15:22-31; Ps 57:8-10, 12; Jn 15:12-17 Saturday: Acts 16:1-10; Ps 100:1b-3, 5; Jn 15:18-21 Becoming a Catholic– We do have a program to Sunday: Acts 15:1-2, 22-29; Ps 67:2-3, 5, 6, 8; instruct those who are interested in becoming Rv 21:10-14, 22-23; Jn 14:23-29 Catholic. RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) Please contact Patty at 412-563-1588. MISSIONARIES OF MERCY Paul’s back! After last week’s “violent abuse,” Beechview Manor: Manager can be reached at 412-571- opponents organized a lynch mob that beat Paul 2999 or 1926 Pauline Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15216. nearly to death. But call Paul the “energizing evan- gelist,” transforming deadly Creedmoor Court: Manager can be reached at 412-344- cruelty into life-giving zeal. 1540 or 1050 Creedmoor Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15226. Paul’s past courage should inspire our commitment; Religious Education: Children of the parish are Revelation’s future “new expected to receive Religious Education in a Catholic heaven, new earth” should school or CCD program. Arrangements may be made by inspire our optimism. But calling the one of the Religious Education Offices. Revelation’s present assur- ance, “Behold, God’s Hospitalized Parishioners and Shut-Ins: Please call dwelling is with the human race,” should challenge the Parish office if someone in your family is us to become “missionaries of mercy.” Because Pope hospitalized or a shut-in. If a parishioner is not able to Francis declared that the Church’s credibility is com- attend Mass, the priest and/or Eucharistic Ministers pletely dependent on our showing unconditional can bring Communion to the home. mercy. Mercy, said Francis, makes the Church, the world, and everyone young again, reawakened to Parish Registration: New parishioners are asked to life’s noblest virtues. Fittingly, in today’s Gospel Je- register as are newlyweds and single young adults even if sus reinforces that theme: “This is how all will know registered before with their families. A registration form can you are my disciples, if you have love for one an- be found on page 8 of this bulletin. other.” Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

Page Four

St. Catherine of Siena St. Pamphilus MONDAY May 20 TUESDAY May 21 8:30am Adam DeLuca (Godfather Kim Buerkle) 8:30am Don Burns (Mike and Audrey Liss) WEDNESDAY May 22 THURSDAY May 23 8:30am John Burkhart (Mary Fallon) 8:30am Raymond J. Ratti (Donna and Chris) FRIDAY May 24 SATURDAY May 25 8:30am Living and Deceased of Altar Society 8:30am Pauline Benedik (Sr. Margaret Kapusnak) SATURDAY May 25 5:30pm Mary Frances Farina (The Buccilli Family) 4:00pm Deceased of the Flaherty Family SUNDAY May 26 (Ann Stephens) 8:00am Edward, Josephine, Carl and JoAnne Hess SUNDAY May 26 (Barb Hess) 10:30am Anthony Arzenti (Wife Gina) 12:30pm (In Spanish) For the People Key to listings below SCS—St. Catherine of Siena Resurrection RES—Resurrection OLL—Our Lady of Loreto SPX—St. Pius X PAM—St. Pamphilus MONDAY May 20 9:00am Edward and Rose Haberman (Janet and Mike Stypula) Devotions: WEDNESDAY May 22 Eucharistic Adoration: 6:00pm Chester Belback, Sr. (Family) SCS—1st Friday of the month after 8:30am Mass until THURSDAY May 23 9:45am 9:00am William Stevernagle (Family) SPX — Last Monday of the month after 7:00pm Mass SATURDAY May 25 until 8:00pm 5:30pm Lou DeAngelo (Kathy) PAM—1st Saturday of the month after 8:30am Mass SUNDAY May 26 11:30am Edward “Knobby” Walsh (Family) until 9:45am

Miraculous Medal Novena: SCS—Mondays after 8:30am Mass St. Pius X SPX—Wednesdays after 8:00am Mass MONDAY May 20 RES—Wednesdays after 6:00pm Mass 7:00pm Parents of Nick and Elgisa (Nick and Elgisa Casciato) WEDNESDAY May 22 Rosary: 8:00am Paul White, Jr. (Ann Stephens) SCS—Every Monday and Wednesday after 8:30am Mass. SATURDAY May 25 SPX—Every Wednesday 7:35am and before each Mass in 8:00am Special Intention (Judith Bordone) May and October; 1st Saturdays after 8:00am Mass. 4:00pm Parents-George and Concetto (Theresa Rocco) OLL—Every Sunday in May and October 9:05am. SUNDAY May 26 PAM—Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday before 8:00am Caroline Kunz (Melvin Kunz) 8:30am Mass

St. Anthony Novena: OLL—Tuesdays at the 7:30am Mass from mid-March Our Lady of Loreto until St. Anthony’s feast day June 13. TUESDAY May 21 PAM—Tuesdays at the 8:30am Mass. 7:30am Antoinette Luvara (Family)

THURSDAY May 23 Parish Prayer Line: The Parishes have a prayer line. 7:30am Mike Acquaro (Acquaro Family) FRIDAY May 24 If you would like someone prayed for or would like to 7:30am Norita Snyder (Jeanne and Ralph Bachner) help pray for others, please call 412-531-2135. SUNDAY May 26 9:30am Joseph Lupinacci (Wife Caryl Lupinacci) Page Five All 5 Parishes Combined PARISH FUNDRAISERS

Last week’s Offertory Collection information: RESURRECTION BINGO– Every Monday eve- ning beginning at 7:00pm in Resurrection Church Hall. Doors open at 5:00pm.

SCS $ 3,440.53 RES $ 3,082.00 OLL $ 1,680.00 PARISH NEWS PAM $ 2,165.93 SPX $ 2,738.00 COFFEE AND DONUTS–Our Lady of Loreto will be having coffee and donuts immediately following Total Regular $ 13,106,46 the 9:30am Mass on Sunday, May 19th. Everyone is invited to join us. NO DONUTS AND COFFEE DURING THE SUMMER MONTHS!!! 2nd Collection: $ 4,051.55 CONGRATULATIONS—The following students Combined Parish Debt: (3-20-2019) — $ 929,959.79 by virtue of their superior performance have been named to the Honor Roll at Bishop Canevin High 2019 PARISH SHARE GOAL- Total $ 191,530 School: High Honors Next weekend’s second collection will be for: Francesca Arcuri (St. Catherine of Siena) TUITION ASSISTANCE Aidan Logan (St. Pamphilus) Alexa Malloy (St. Pamphilus)

Please consider leaving 10% to Honors Brogan Victor (Resurrection) your parish in your Will. *************************************

SPECIAL CANDLES *************************************************** The candles for this week will burn for: A PENTECOST VIGIL will be held at St. Paul Ca- OLL: No Intention thedral on Saturday, June 8. Bishop David Zubik will be the celebrant for the 6:00pm Vigil Mass. A PAM: No Intention Festival of Praise, with Bishop Zubik presiding along with Father Levi Hartle and the Holy Apostles Praise RES Sanctuary: Special Intentions (Nola) Band, will begin at approximately 7:30pm. Adora- RES Blessed Mother: Mary Pickens tion, Healing Ministry (with Patrick and Joy Camp- (Michele and Kevin O’Toole) bell and Father Mike Ackerman) and a Eucharistic RES Unborn Child: Birthday James Sluganski Procession will follow the Benediction at Midnight. (Wife) Confessions and prayer ministry will be available throughout the evening. Come and go as you please.

************************************************* For more information, go to pentecost-vigil, or contact Jim Zern at 412-818-3227 300 CLUB WINNERS or [email protected].

28th Week #316 Paul Dugan $100

******************************************* Page Six TODAY’S READINGS Fifth Sunday of Easter First Reading — Paul and Barnabas reported how God May 19, 2019 had opened the door of faith to the Gentiles “Behold, God’s dwelling is (Acts 14:21-27). with the human race.” Psalm — I will praise your name for ever, my king and — Revelation 21:3 my God (Psalm 145). Second Reading — God’s dwelling is with the human race (Revelation 21:1-5a). Gospel — This is how all will know that you are my dis-

ciples, if you have love for one another TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITIONS (John 13:31-33a, 34-35). Frequent fliers today have many ways to accrue air miles, The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, Interna- tional Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. so one doesn’t always have to endure long hours in cramped seats to earn free hours in cramped seats. In St. SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Paul’s day, there were no such perks, nor would there Sunday: Fifth Sunday of Easter have been any legal system for him to protest the ship- Monday: St. Bernardine of Siena wrecks he endured. He had other rewards in mind. The Tuesday: St. Christopher Magallanes and Companions churches that he established in the catalogue of cities Wednesday: St. Rita of Cascia from today’s first reading must have been very different Saturday: St. Bede the Venerable; St. Gregory VII; from one another. Language, culture, customs, religious St. Mary Magdalene de’ Pazzi history, obstacles to community, social challenges, the FOCUS: We glory in the victorious love of Christ. All places where they met, their clothing, their bread and true love has its origins in God, who is love itself, and so wine, all distinct, particular to the area. the Christian believer must seek to love as God loves, and There were social customs as well: in a Christian to share love as abundantly as God shares it with his crea- household, the only place where a slave would be able to tion. Love is the very hallmark of the Christian life. stand legally as an equal with the master would be at the table of the Lord, because at that table a new world of reconciliation PRE-BAPTISM CLASS is required for first-time was imaged. While Paul revered parents. The next scheduled session is Sunday, June local customs, he was relentless 2, at 11:00am in the St. John Bosco school building. about challenging the ways that To attend this session, you are asked to register by people lived their Christian lives calling the parish office at 412-531-2135. and how their worship reflected them. It is much the same today, as a global Catholic GARDENING Church seeks to respect local customs and culture, allow- Kind hearts are the garden, ing for differences in many things, yet always giving ex- Kind thoughts are the root, pression to the underlying presence of Christ, who binds Kind words are the blossoms, us all together into his body. Kind deeds are the fruit. —James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. —Anonymous

IMPENETRABLE The same fence that shuts others out shuts us in. —Anonymous

Baptized in the Lord REMEMBRANCE: Our prayers and sympathy are extended to the family and friends of those who Lydia Lancia have passed away this past week: Gianna Storino Oscar Rene Diaz

Rest in God’s Peace Let us remember in our prayers the Victoria Fabio newly baptized, the parents and the Joseph Barker, Sr. godparents as together they begin Kevin Ryan their journey with Christ. Page Seven PARISH SPIRITUAL OPPORTUNITIES The Biggest Lie in Christianity Book Review: This opportunity is being offered as something positive BIBLE STUDY — On Tuesdays, from 7:00 to 8:00pm St. Pius X Church, Cullen Hall that each individual can do in this time of great tur- (beneath the Church). moil in the church. No need to be Catholic or even to

FORMED– Our Parishes have wonderful, FREE to you, have read the book. If you are interested in meeting online opportunities to download Spiritual Books, Movies, others and having a place to discuss topics of interest Formation, Children, Teens, Adults, content to help us all then please join us at Saint Pamphilus Social Hall grow in our faith. It is simple to use. Go to https:// from 6:30-7:30pm on Monday June 10. The evening and click on REGISTER. will go fast with a brief summary of each of the LEGION OF MARY—We will meet on Mondays at chapters and Q&A time at the end. 6:00pm in Cullen Hall at St. Pius. New members are al- ways welcome. We are offering a free Rosary making workshop in McCann Hall after 4:00pm Mass at St. Cath- erine of Siena on Saturday, June 1st. Also, free sacramen- OTHER PARISH ACTIVITIES tal, books and prayer cards. Please call Marie at 563-0222 for more information. Please note—there will not be a ST. PIUS X BOOK CLUB—The next meeting will Legion of Mary meeting on Monday, May 20. be held Thursday, May 30, 2019, at 7:30pm in St. John Bosco school building. Our book selection for 85th INTERNATIONAL EUCHARITIC ROSARY this month is After You by JoJo Moyes. New mem- MARCH SPONSORED BY THE LEGION OF bers are always welcome. MARY—Sunday, May 19 at Epiphany Church, 164

Washington Place, 15219. This year’s theme is: “Oh Woman Clothed With the Sun, Come and Do Not Delay!” PARISH OUTREACH OPPORTUNITIES Praise Music begins at 1:15pm, followed by Holy Mass at 1:30pm. After Mass there will be a procession with the SHEPHERD’S HEART—There is a box in the Blessed Sacrament and Statue of Our Lady of Fatima back of St. Pius X Church where you can donate in- through Pittsburgh, presided over by Bishop David Zubik. dividually wrapped food items, toiletries, socks, etc. Please see the flyer on the church bulletin board for more Monetary and grocery store gift cards are greatly ap- information, or call Legion of Mary members: 412-884- 3213, 412-886-1786, or 412-600-0859. preciated and maybe placed in the offertory basket in an envelope marked Shepherd’s Heart. We will pack MAY—THE MONTH OF THE ROSARY—Each Sun- lunches on Sunday, May 19th at 12:00 noon in Cul- day during the month of May, Our Lady of Loreto Church len Hall. parishioners will gather to pray the Rosary before the 9:30am Mass starting at 9:05am. Join us and pray that our A MESSAGE FROM ST. VINCENT DE PAUL Blessed Mother will intercede to her Son for all of our indi- SOCIETY—As summer approaches, the St. Vincent vidual special intentions and especially for our priests, dea- de Paul in the Brookline/Beechview cluster will be cons and the union of our parishioners. hosting a Donation Drive! More details will be YOUNG ADULT BIBLE STUDY: Come get to know forthcoming soon. other young Catholic families as we dig deeper into God's Word and His plan for our lives in a discussion-based study LIVE THE GOSPEL MESSAGE: “VISIT THE of the Bible! Free childcare provided on site. Young adults SICK AND LONELY.” — Please consider joining between 20 & 40 are invited to Resurrection Social Hall our parish visitors who are visiting our parishioners on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month from 6:30pm -8:00pm. If interested, show up; or if child care is needed, in nursing homes and care facilities. We have devel- contact Mary Ellen Reiser at 412-390-6280 or email oped a program for visitation to approximately 90 [email protected] to regis- parishioners in 20 facilities. We need your help ter your children or if you are interested in helping to watch with this ministry to reach out to those who have the children. We can only accommodate our young families if we have enough help, so please consider joining our been a vital part of our five parishes. Call the church team! office at 412-531-2135 or email for more information. Page Eight CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR NEW COMMUNITY NEWS CONFIRMATION CANDIDATES “RESSI” Class of ‘69 Reunion—On Saturday, June 15 Paul Biagetti, Joelynn Brooks, Dominick Castine, Brenna from 4:00pm to 8:30pm at Brookline Memorial Park Pic- Clegg, Kylee Clifton, Nicholas Colega, Angela Coyne, nic Pavilion. Bring your own beverages and an appetizer, John Paul Daniele, Marissa DeFeo, Delaney DeVault, snack or dessert to share. Also, please bring any memen- Sarah Dugan, Ori Ekunfeo, Dyana Escobar, Christian toes, photos, or memorabilia of our Ressi years. A Friday Flaherty, Elizabeth Friend, Nicholas Friend, Rory Garo- event is also in the works! For more information: John falo, Isabella Garrity, Emily Gibbons, Lindsey Greb, Molinda 412-841-5577, email: [email protected]; or Christopher Grosse, Jacob Grosse, Collin Harris, Victoria Linda Dimitroff email: [email protected]. On Heinz, Katelynn Joyce, Johan Kilmer, Bainbrydge Facebook: Ressi Reunion Class of

Knapick, Paige Kuisis, Brianna Kunz, Adrian Lozana- ‘69@RessiReunionClassof69. Rea, Presley Luca, Nicolette Lutheran, Mario Maola, Madison Maxwell, Valencia McNally, Kaitlyn Murphy, FLAPJACKS AND FRIENDS—An Open House and Ian Norkevicus, Rylee Norkevicus, Shawn Reick, Isabella Fund Raiser for Beechview Manor on Sunday, June 9, Reiland, William Reiland, Emerson Rizzo, Alexander 2019 from 11am to 1pm. All proceeds will benefit the Ruskin, and Sean Walker. building. There will be flapjacks, eggs, sausage, orange juice and coffee. Prices are: $2 for 1 and 2 year olds, $3 for 3 to 13 years old, $8 for 14 to 61 years old, and $6 for As I Have Loved You, So You Also 62 and over. 50/50 drawings will be held. Park in St. Should Love One Another – When Catherine’s lot and enter from the 4th floor bridge. Any Jesus is asked what the greatest com- questions, please call Beechview Manor at 412 571-2999. mandment is, his response is to love God above all and to love our neighbor SETON CENTER--Come join us for a day trip to as our self. As Christians, this is what Presque Isle Casino on Saturday, June 8. The bus will we strive for every day. We work to have our hearts depart Seton Center at 8:00am and return at 6:30pm. The formed so that in all things, at all times and in all circum- trip includes $25 of free play if 30 people attend. You stances we can show love for God and love for others. must have ID. The bus is not handicap accessible. Cost This commandment to love, however, is not something $30 non-refundable. Make reservations by calling 413- we have to learn on our own. In today’s Gospel, Jesus 344-4777. invites us to love others as he has loved us. This invita- FARMER’S MARKET VOUCHER tion offers a beautiful moment of reflection to recognize DISTRIBUTION SCHEDULES how he has loved us. He has given us life, gifts and tal- BEECHVIEW: Vouchers will be distributed on Tues- ents, family and friends to love us, and faith that we may day, June 11, at the Beechview Senior Center, 1555 realize with trust that we are never alone. The love of Je- Broadway Avenue, Suite 101 (enter through the parking sus for us is unconditional and sacrificial and the more lot/ground floor) from 9-11:00am and 1:00-3:00pm (no we reflect on this love the more we realize how we are vouchers will be given out between 11:00am and called to love one another. While this call of Jesus should 1:00pm). inspire us to open our eyes and ears to see and hear the BROOKLINE: Vouchers will be distributed on Tues- needs of others and to respond in love, it also should lead day, June 11, from 9:00am to 2:00pm at Seton Center, us to love others even when there is no particular reason 1900 Pioneer Avenue. There is limited parking. to, simply because they are our sisters and brothers. As —Vouchers are for residents of Allegheny County, at the On Mission for The Church Alive! initiative calls us to least 60 years of age in 2019. You must bring a photo ID. building God’s Kingdom, may it be rooted in the oppor- If you are a proxy for someone, the Proxy Forms must be tunities we have to love others as God loves us. Visit on- filled out prior to your arrival. Proxy forms are available to learn more and to stay in- at the Centers. Any questions, call 412-567-7290 formed. (Beechview) or (Brookline) 412-561-8400 (Seton Center) PARISH MEMBERSHIP FORM Please check one: ___ Resurrection ___St. Catherine of Siena ___ St. Pius X ___Our Lady of Loreto ___St. Pamphilus NAME:______ADDRESS:______CITY:______STATE: _____ ZIP:______PHONE:______

Please check one: ___ New Registration ____Change of Address ___Moving out of Parish ___ Wants Envelopes Please drop Membership Form into the offertory basket or mail to Rectory Page Nine

Dear Parish Volunteers,

As we begin to join together, I would like to announce the scheduling of dinners to allow for our parish groups to come together, to meet each other and spend some time reflecting on your group and how we will move forward together. Although the initial reflection portion of the dinner will be similar, I would still encourage your participation in the dinners so that you can meet others in your group, and begin to work together. Please make sure that you RSVP for each dinner so that we can prepare for you, by calling the Parish Office at 412-531-2135 at least 5 days prior to date of dinner! DINNERS ARE BEING HELD AT ST. CATHERINE CHURCH HALL *Women's Groups --- Saturday, May 25 from 11:30 to 1 pm *(Women's Guild, Christian Mothers, Legion of Mary, Ladies of Charity and Book Club) *Men's Groups --- Saturday, June 1 from 11:30 to 1 pm *(Men's Group, Knights of Columbus, Wednesday Night Crew) Eucharistic Ministers --- Tuesday, June 4 from 6 to 7:30 pm Lectors --- Thursday, June 6 from 6 to 7:30 pm Choirs and Cantors --- Tuesday, June 11 from 6 to 7:30 pm Ushers / Greeters, Church Cleaners and Decorators / Money Counters—Thursday, June 13 from 6 to 7:30 pm *Faith and Sacramental Support: Tuesday, June 18 from 6 to 7:30 pm *(Bereavement Ministry, Baptism Committee, RCIA, Young Adult Bible Study, Children's Liturgy, and FORMED Committee), Care Facility Visitors Fundraiser Chairs, Pastoral Council, Finance Council --- Tuesday, June 25 from 6 to 7:30 pm *Outreach Ministry: Thursday, June 27 from 6 to 7:30 pm *(Casa San Jose, Community Meal Team, Hispanic Ministry, St. Vincent de Paul, Office Volunteers, Addiction Recovery Ministry, Food Bank, Scouts, Shepherd's Heart, Social Media, Hospitalized and Homebound), Pro-Life.

Altar Servers --- Friday, June 28 from 5 to 7 pm for a cookout and activities in the St. Catherine gym

Please mark your calendars and help us to spread the word, as our lists are not complete and we don't want to miss anyone.

Fr. Jim ROBERTA MITZI ALLEN Realtor - Parishioner CARE AND COMMUNICATION GUARANTEED 412-521-1000 x160 Cell 412-287-4781 [email protected]

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