CovertAction QUARTERLY Number 76 Spring 2004 lsrael's lnsecurity Disorders & Check Points

Edward Said Presente! Haiti's Murderous Army Reborn "Gene Bombs" Guantanamo Detainees

Racist War /Media on lraq IBM and Apartheid

Racism, Sexism, Militarism and 3 4> World Social Forum, lndia CAQ • Number 76 Spring 2004 ln This lssue RACISM: Our National Disease

1. Edward Said Husseiп !Ыsh

3. Haiti's Murderous Army Reborn Jеап Charles Moise

4. Race, Ethnicity and the "Gene Bombs" Johп Н Moore

11. Road Мар to Sharonville lsraeli Apartheid

Nabeel Abraham а С5 t3 .о 16. lsrael's Wall: an Analysis of lts legal lnvalidity о Q. < >­ Under U.S. and lnternational law .о Zaha Hassaп апd Steveп Go/dberg - с 21. The Concentration Camp at Guantanamo - --- ··------·----"-- ·-- _?_:,_~ .J ! Marjorie Cohn

28. Demonize to Colonize CovertAction Quarterly The Racist War оп lraq Contributors.: Nabeel Abraham, Thomas F. Ramsey Clark Barton, Alejandro Bendana, Ramsey Clark, Marjorie 31. Divide to Conquer Cohn, Heather Cottin, Gregory Elich, Steven Goldberg, Zaha Hassan, Hussein lbish, Kathy Kelly, The Racist Media оп lraq Richard Knight. Jean Charles Moise. Bill Montross. CAQ John Н Мооге. Dolores Neuman, Apollo GТ. Philip 32. Assault on lraqi Women Wheaton. S. Brian Willson. Louis Wolf. U.S .-Made lslamism Targets Womeп CovertAction Quarterly: (ISSN 1067-7232) is Gregory E/ich puЫished quarterly Ьу CovertAction Pu Ы i catio ns, lnc, 35. lnternational Business Machines and Apartheid 1500 Massachusetts Ave, NW, # 732, Washington, О С. 20005, USA. а Oistrict of Columbia not-for-prof­ 1ВМ iп South Africa it corporation. Member of the lndependent Press Richard Kпtght Association. lndexed Ьу Alternative Press lndex. 41. John Kerry's Obsession University Microfilms. © 2004, Copyright Ьу CovertAction PuЫ i cations, lnc. All rights reserved. No S Briaп Willsoп article may Ье reproduced. in part ог whole, without prior written permi ssion from the СА PuЫ i ca t i ons, lnc. 44. John Kerry - а Tragic Mistake Johп Н Moore PuЫisher: Covert Action PuЫicat i ons , lnc. 1500 46. Mumbai Diary Massachusetts Avenue. NW, # 732. Washington, ОС 20005, USA. World Social Forum. lпdia 2004 A/ejaпdro Вепdапа

Subscription lnformation: On the cover: phone.· 202 33 1 9763 • fax. 202 33 1 975 1 Jayyous, West Вапk. Nov. 2003: lsraeli soldiers verify email: [email protected] that а Palestiпiaп farmer апd his doпkey аге поt car­ visit. riпg а пу explosives, w еаро п or Ьаппеd materi als before a llowiпg the farmer to cross the f е п се. Farmers have to cross over from their village of Jayyous east of AПENTION SUBSCRIBERS : the fепсе (the Wall) to their olive groves оп the westerп Send us all address chaпges. USPS does side of the fепсе (the Wall) siпce the fепсе separates Baghdad, lraq п оt forward them! Coпtact us Ьу telephoпe, their village from the agricultural areas. Womeп's protest agai п st email, fax or mail u si пg the iпformatio n war оп lraq а пd the above. Th aпk you. photo Ьу Eyal Dor-Ofer occupa ti o п of Palestiпe. Edward Said, an lrreplaceaЫe Treasure

Hussein lbish

With the passing of Edwaгd Said. the . the АгаЬ woгld and the 1935 - 2003 human family have lost а гаге puЫic intel­ lectual who was both а gгoundbгeaking scholaг and а champion of decency and г humanity. Said was fiгst and foгemost а teacheг , who woгked not only in the class­ гoom and campus, but who also taught entiгe peoples on seveгal continents and in seveгal languages how to think about each otheг and themselves. Не was Univeгsity Pгofessoг of English and Compaгative Liteгature at Columbia Univeгsity, past е' о Pгesident of the Modeгn Language Association and one of the most influential ~ ~ liteгaгy cгitics of his geneгation. Certainly, no one did mоге than Said to .> :у !f: 11 F " ~ teach the Westeгn puЫic, especially in the United States. about the гeality and expeгi­ Edward Said Speaks on Human Rights, Divestment. ence of the Palestinians. Не theoгized the February 19, 2003 - Edward Said, а leading Palestinian intellectual and Palestinian pгedicament in "The Question of activist, spoke at UC Berkeley on the U.S., the lslamic World and the Question of Palestine. During his talk, he stated "divestment campaigns reminiscent of Palestine," humanized it in "Afteг the Last the anti-apartheid movement have become an important item on American Sky," and peгsona li zed it in his moving campuses. Berkeley has а place of honor in this effort." memoiг "O ut of Place.'' ln the 1970s and ·aos. when the woгd "Palestinian" conjured no images in the West otheг than hooded thugs, Edwaгd Said - bгilliant, urbane, pol ­ ished and eloquent - came foгwaгd as liv­ ing ргооf that the steгeotype of the Palestinian teггoгist was as cгude а pгeju ­ and place of maximum unpopulaгity, won acknowledge not only that such dissent is dice as any otheг. His semina l woгk. Said many bitter and vitгiolic opponents. in the highest tгadition of Ameгican civil and "Oгientalism," is widely cгedited with inau ­ Some cast him as а "professor of terror," or intellectual life, but that Sa id was equally meг ­ gurating the Postcolonial Studies movement denied that he was а Pale stinian at all, while ciless in his judgments of Arab governments. in the humanities. His collections of essays, others bombed his office at Columbia His scathing attacks оп leadeгs such "The Woгld, the Text, the Cгitic," and University. as Yasseг Aгafat, Geoгge W. Bush and Aгiel "Reflections on Exile" аге among the most Through it all, Said гemaiпed commit­ Sharon, to name only three but not entirely influenti al in contempoгary liteгa1y scholaгship. ted to гecoпciliation betweeп l sгaelis and at random, were informed Ьу an intellectual ln his columns in the l a гgest АгаЬiс Palestinians ba sed on mutual respect апd ethic that demanded speaking truth to language daily A/-Hayat and in the Egyptian гecognition. Не was one of the fiгst pгomi ­ power and telling people what they needed newspaper Al-Ahram. as well as in count­ nent Palestinians to еmЬгасе the notion of а to hеаг, whetheг they liked it ог not. less lectures and speeches. Said devoted two-state solution, arguing in the 197Ds for Perhaps mоге than any otheг contemporary him self to explaining aspects of Western the recogпition of lsrael. Маге recently, he scholar, Said presented his students, col­ culture. especially the Ameгican political came to believe that the only viaЫe solutioп leagues and the puЫic with а poweгful sensibility. to Arab audiences. Although he was а siпgle state fог both lsrael is and understanding of m1s sion and puгpose of was thoгoughly immeгsed in both Western Palestinians that cou ld tгansfoгm rivals into the engaged intellectual. and АгаЬ culture. Said often remaгked that рагtпегs and allow each to express their Peгhaps Edwaгd Said's most important he felt completely at home in neither. Fгom natioпal identity without excluding or achievemeпt as а puЬlic scholar was his this de-centered perspective. he attempted oppгessing the other. champioпing of secularism as а critical, to serve as а bгidge between increasingly His cгitics often accused him. quite political апd philosophical oгientation. Н е alienated АгаЬ and Ameгican societies. falsely, of being "anti-American," because taught seveгal generations of literaгy critics His consistent Ьгаvегу, especially in of his stauпch opposition to many aspects а form of "secular cгiticism." Ьу which he defending the Palestinian cause at а time of U S. foreign policy. Such cгitics fail to meant, in effect. cultivating the ability to

Number 76 Spring 2004 read texts with а full appreciation of how and foe alike. mainly from Giambattista Vico - the notion other cultural and historical narratives Said, а multi-talented renaissance man, that human history is shaped Ьу а genealo­ inform, inflect and intersect with one's own. was also Music Editor for the Natioп maga­ gy of human choices. This version of secu­ Н е called this deeply influential critical zine in the 1990s, and an accomplished lar history rejects divine intervention ог tele­ methodology reading "contrapuntally" ог pianist. Не was а champion of political sec­ ology, the primacy of economic forces "against the grain." His 1993 lectures, pub­ ularism. as opposed to religious ог ethnic whether the "hidden hand" of the market ог lished as "Representations of the lntellectual," chauvinism, which he rightly viewed as а the inevitaЫe victory of the proletariat. biol­ explained in detail his vision of the puЫic siпe qua поп for coexistence with respect ogy as destiny, and any other form of deter­ minism. in favor of the self-conscious agency of collective and individual human actors. HIS CRITICS OFTEN ACCUSED HIM, QUITE FALSELY, OF As religious fanaticism deepens around the globe and turns mass-murder­ BEING "ANTl-AMERICAN," BECAUSE OF HIS STAUNCH ous. globalization increasingly subjects every villager оп the planet to the whims of OPPOSITION ТО MANY ASPECTS OF U.S. FOREIGN POLl­ transnational and transhistorical economic forces. and biotechnology and genetic CY. SUCH CRITICS FAIL ТО ACKNOWLEDGE NOT ONLY engineering prepares to alter our very con­ ception of what constitutes the human. ТНАТ SUCH DISSENT IS IN ТНЕ HIGHEST TRADITION OF Edward Said's empowering but generous secular vision seems all the тоге precious AMERICAN CIVIL AND INTELLECTUAL LIFE, BUT ТНАТ а contribution. lt is. perhaps. for explicating the genuinely redemptive and liberatory SAID WAS EQUALLY MERCILESS IN HIS JUDGMENTS OF spirit of secularism that we owe the great­ ARAB GOVERNMENTS. est dеЫ of thanks to the late, great teacher. Не is an irrepl a ceaЫe treasure. and we shall miss him beyond measure. intellectual as а fiercely independent spirit and equality in а heterogeneous world who confronted both the smugly powerful made up of heterogeneous societies. • and the complacent puЫic with difficult Underlining the literary and political Hussein !Ьish is Communications Director for the truths. Edward Said's life-work was an exer­ secularism Said promoted was а philosoph­ American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Commitee, cise in this ethos, forever challenging friend ical understanding of secularism adopted Washington. О. С.


Why Richard Clarke's "apology" is misleading. Не is not talking about and the

National Commission оп 9/11 is not looking at the following:

• al-Qaeda - Saudi - CIA - Reagan administration collaboration in Afghanistan

• al-Qaeda - Saudi - CIA - Bush 1 administration collaboration in Afghanistan

• al-Qaeda - CIA - Clinton administration collaborations in Albania, Algeria, Bosnia,

Chechnya, lraq, Libya , Sudan.

2 CovertAction Quarterly Haiti's Murderous Army Reborn

Jean Charles Moise

March 20, 2004

1 ат the тауог of Milo. а district of about 50,000 people пеаг Cap-Haitieп. Wheп 1 was elected пiпе years ago. at the age of 28, 1 was the youпgest to serve iп that office iп Haiti's тоdегп history. l've traveled iп the U.S. оп speakiпg tours. telliпg Атегiсапs about how we were buildiпg dетосгасу iп Haiti uпder the Aristide gоvегптепt. lп late February, ту district сате uпder attack Ьу aпti-Aristide forces апd 1 fled for ту life - 1 ат поw hidiпg iп the woods. The old Haitiaп агту is back. Those they doп't kill . they lock up iп coпtaiпers. because they burned dowп the jails. The kiпd of coпtaiп­ ers you put оп ships. The situatioп is differeпt here fгот what 1 hear about iп Port -a u - Priпce. where you have the тultiпatioпal force of Атегiсап. Сапаdiап. Chileaп soldiers. lп Cap-Haitieп you have the fогтег Haitiaп

тilitary . There аге по police апутоге. They U.S. Mariпes froт Сатр Lejeuпe occupy Port-au-Priпce, Haiti, March 15, 2004. соте iпto your hоте. They take you. they beat you up. they kill you. They Ьuгп dowп hoт es. They do aпythiпg they waпt because they аге the опlу law iп town. catastrophe fог а!! the people of Haiti. Now the old агту is doiпg what they The Jourпalists аге iп Port - au-Priпce. Опе has to ask. why is all of this hap­ used to do Ьеfоге. except with тоге power­ but here iп the пorth по опе is reportiпg peпiпg? ls this because we used to have ful weapoпs апd with helicopters. They аге what's goiпg оп. that th e fогтег Haitiaп тil ­ опlу 1О puЫic high schools but поw we drowпiпg people iп the sea. The press is itary is killiпg people. They аге killiпg about have оvег 150? ls it because we таdе а reportiпg the lootiпg that is takiпg place iп 50 people а day iп Cap - Haitieп. lt's happeп ­ dетосгасу where people could go iп the Port-au-Priпce but they аге поt reportiпg iпg iп the ceпtral plateau. iп the Artiboпe regioп. streets. protest. апd Ье fгее to say whatev­ about schools that have Ьееп destroyed. Сап you iтagiпe that оп Мопdау at er they waпt? ls it because Ыасk people iп They аге поt reportiпg оп the burпiпg of the 2 р.т" the fогтег military declared а curfew the couпtry поw. people who were роог airport iп Cap - Haitieп апd all the other that would start at 4 р.т.? The peasaпts. апd always kept out of the political life of thiпgs that were built uпder the gоvегптепt тапу of theт аге роог апd do поt have а the соuпtгу, they have come out апd have of Presideпt Aristide fог the Haitiaп people. radio. so how could they hear of this cur­ Ьееп participatiпg iп dетосгасу? ls that 1 саппоt uпderstaпd how а group of few? So what happeпed at 4 р_т_? The fог­ why they have uпleashed this tеггог оп us? disbaпded тilitary has access to such тег тilitary took to the streets апd апуопе ls that what we аге payiпg fог? sophisticated equipтeпt апd heavy they saw оп the streets they shot. We ask these questioпs: ls it because wеаропгу. They have two helicopters апd We have people like тyself. тауогs the Uпited States Ыocked iпterпatioпal they have two airplaпes. They use the heli­ апd other тетЬегs of the тuпicipal gоv ­ assistaпce to Haiti to таkе people rise up copters to traпsport their troops апd they егптепt who have had to flee апd аге поw agaiпst the presideпt. but they пеvег did? ls use theт at пight with spotlights to look for sleepiпg iп the woods. апd have gопе to it because people here аге coпtiпuiпg to people iп hidiпg. They аге iп the air апd the тouпtaiпs. We have church тетЬегs support their presideпt? ls that why we аге they have their troops оп the grouпd. апd priests who have Ьееп Ьеаtеп апd gettiпg all this repressioп? We have to ask These аге the questioпs we ask our­ whose cars have Ьееп destroyed. These these questioпs. We wопdег whether it is selves as we hide fгот those with the guпs. people аге also iп hidiпg. We could пеvег because the агту that used to exist before • have iтagiпed that we would Ье goiпg back was disbaпded Ьу Presideпt Aristide. to this situatioп that existed before. lt is lпstead of defeпdiпg the people. that агту Mayor Jean Char!es Moise spoke with Pacific iпtoleraЬ!e. used to саггу out а wаг agaiпst us. ls it N[1ws Service contributors Lyn Duff and Dennis Siпce this whole thiпg started. 1 haveп't because that агту is по loпger there that Bernstein via се!! phone. The 1nterview origina!ly sееп ту wife апd my childreп. 1 have Ьееп sотеопе has геагтеd it апd brought it aired оп Pacifica Radio's Flashpoints show (KPFA iп hidiпg. This саппоt coпtiпue. This is а back to Haiti with vегу powerful weapoпs? FM 94. 7 in Berkeley, Calif)

Number 76 Spring 2004 3 Race, Ethnicity and the ''Gene Bombs''

John Н. Мооге 1

A s recently as June 2003. rumors persisted of various kinds. 5 of the North American Committee for the among biological researchers that geneti­ Although the idea of using weapons HGDP in the mid-nineties. 1 occasionally cists would soon Ье "lining up at the doors" geared to genetic differences was present­ received odd phone calls about such mat­ of the Army's Medical Research lnstitute fог ed to the U.S. military as еагlу as 1970, the ters. What we wеге actually doing in this lnfectious Diseases at Fort Detrick. idea lay dormant until the Human Genome period was developing protocols and pro­ Maryland, to Ье matched with genomic and Project and the subsequent Human cedures. and planning fог the creation of а pharmaceutical companies that will receive Genome Diversity Project (HGDP) made global database that would make genetic special new funding to design something such plans арреаг to Ье technologically samples availaЫe without charge to all called "gene bombs." These weapons. feasiЫe. 6 As а member of the Organizing genetics researchers. especially those 8 which represent the Holy Grail of biological Committee fог the HGDP. 1 first heard about engaged in medical research. ln retro­ warfare research. could theoretically Ье tar­ "gene bombs" in 1992, as we began plan­ spect. it seems that we wеге the na·ive ones. geted against racial ог ethnic groups whose ning protocols and collection schemes believing that we could accomplish such an behavior seems inimical to "American inter­ under grants from the National Science objective in the context of а rush Ьу phar­ ests," especially as these аге defined Ьу the Foundation (NSF) and later. the MacArthur maceutical companies and the U.S. govern­ Bush administration. At the time the rumors Foundation. When оuг plans wеге герогtеd ment to patent genes. and the generally wеге circulating, such plans seemed plausi­ in the press. we began to receive mail and anti-science atmosphere on the Left. Ву Ыe since the lsraelis had just announced phone calls from people critical of the 1999 the international HG DP committee that they wеге developing an "АгаЬ Bomb" Project. Some wеге vегу useful. like the was split оvег several scientific and ethical which would facilitate an "ethnic cleansing" concerns about gene patenting and issues, especially patenting and informed of the Middle East. since the weapons informed consent. and some absolutely consent. Given the сlеаг. firm and highly would affect people only of АгаЬ ancestry. 2 crackpot. like the accusation that the HGDP puЫic promises all the organizers had made Whether ог not the rumors about massive was secretly building agricultural "zombies" concerning patenting and consent. and the new funding wеге true. implementation of who would work without complaint on trop­ failure of the international HGDP to keep new sесгесу and security rules under the ical plantations. The "gene bomb" accusa­ these promises. 1 was one of several scien­ Homeland Security Act may have squelched tion was somewhere in between. alleging, tists who withdrew from the international any specific Requests fог Proposals (RFPs) as Сагl Larson had done in his 1970 article, organization that уеаг. from the Department of Defense (DoD).3 that each nationality ог гасе had а genetic This was the time during which the Biologist Ron Hurlbert believes that the U.S. vulnerability which. if known. could Ье idea of гасе had been thoroughly criticized government may have decided to геlу on exploited Ьу United States weaponry. 7 ln and discarded. at least among the majority puЬlic research funding rather than on secret the 1990s the United States was trying to of human biologists. and with it the idea research funded from military budgets. 4 undermine Nicaragua and Cuba, and some that а biological attack could Ье racia\ly Research puЫished in the journal na·1ve political radicals, on the Right and the specific. 9 lf there wеге no гасеs. how could Science in December 2002 consideraЫy Left. assumed that there could Ье а you attack them? Kenneth Kidd, а promi­ encouraged the belief that human "гасеs" "Nicaraguan Vulnerability Gene," carried nent geneticist at Yale and а member of the ог ethnic groups might have special geneti­ only Ьу Nicaraguan nationals. which could HGDP Organizing Committee. had cally based vulnerabilities which could Ье Ье found if we took Ыооd samples from announced that "99.95 рег cent of all exploited Ьу U S biological weapons. ln Nicaraguans and other people and com ­ human genes аге found in all human popu­ separate articles. Noah Rosenberg and pared them. U.S. researchers could then lations." So the idea of а "Cuban gene" ог а Mary-Claire King reported that self­ locate the gene and then find ог design "Nicaraguan gene" that could Ье used fог described "гасе" ог "ethnicity," as reported some biological weapon. some disease. military purposes seemed ridiculous. and in censuses ог other questionnaires. does in which would kill ог disaЫe the саггiегs. was dismissed Ьу members of the HGDP. fact correlate with genetic variability as leaving non-Nicaraguans untouched. some of whom had pre-existing anti-war determined in the laboratory. This means Concerning Cuba. it was argued that sentiments anyway. But old ideas die hard. that puЫic records. and concordant gene the Cuban economy could Ье ruined Ьу and sometimes yesterday's impossibilities sequencing in the lаЬогаtогу , might Ье used spraying the population with some mild become today's imminent ргоЫеms. And to determine which of the world's ethnic infectious disease. specifically tailored fог once again. as with nuclear weapons and groups could Ье targeted Ьу "gene bombs" Cubans. during the sugar harvest. As Chair Ronald Reagan's plans fог "Star Wars," we

4 CovertAction Quarterly аге forced to coпsider battlefield sceпarios your оwп biological weapoпs back оп your регсепt for the worst kiпd, iпhalatioпal which аге опlу поw emergiпg iпto rea lity frieпds апd allies, they will Ье uпharmed if aпthrax , the most likely result of ап airborпe from the dreams апd faпtasies of the writers they have Ьееп geпetically selected or attack. 12 of scieпce fictioп. immuпized. The d i sadvaпtage of biological Traditioпal military people still argue weapoпs, however, from а military staпd­ that coпveпtioпal weapoпs - bullets апd The Original Gene Bombs po i пt, is that they do поt act immediately ог bombs - are quicker, easier апd less costly While the ?paпish coпquistadors attributed thoroughly. Оп l у а portioп of ап exposed to use thaп biological weapoпs, albeit with their military successes iп the Americas to popu l atioп will actually coпtract the dis­ "collateral damage," which is to say dead superior arms, re ligious piety апd their ease, reflectiпg the "attack rate" of that civiliaпs, crushed temples апd schools, апd eпormous courage, the Jesuit historiaп particular disease. Siпce World War 11 coп­ the destructioп of priceless пatioпal treas­ Joseph Acosta had а differeпt ор i пiоп. sideraЫe research has gопе iпto the ques­ ures, as iп lraq. Thiпk about the 1945 Accordiпg to him, it was epidemic disease tioп of how to make the attack rate higher. Dresdeп firestorm, апd the bombiпg of the which had brought the Aztecs апd lпcas to for example Ьу atomi z iпg aпthrax spores so апсiепt Мопtе Cassiпo moпastery iп ltaly their kпees. апd as the Freпch апd their they do поt cluster, ог waitiпg for the right the same year. Ву coпtrast, biological war­ associated Jesuits iпvaded North America, weather, siпce some ageпts аге more fare ra ises the possibility that ап iпvadiпg he recommeпded that the priests, explorers viaЫe iп wet weather thaп dry weather, army could occupy а city where buildiпgs апd traders go first, апd опсе the Native апd vice versa. апd iп dustries are left mostly iпtact, people had Ьееп devastated Ьу the dis­ Biological ageпts are differeпt amoпg although the streets are filled with corpses. eases that the Freпch carried, the army апd themselves iп their iпdividual characteristics Coпveпtioпal weapoпs аге geпera l ly much Jesuits would have ап easier time "estab­ апd behavior. Aпthrax, for example, is killed more likely thaп biological weapoпs to cre­ lishiпg а moral order. 10 As it turпed out, it Ьу suпlight, so ап aпthrax attack must Ье ate civiliaп "collateral damage" because was the British rather thaп the Freпch who made at пight. Smallpox is coпtagious from they саппоt Ье "aimed" at humaп targets so distributed the first "gепе bombs" iп North регsоп to регsоп апd will coпtiпue iп ап precisely. Сопсегпiпg the williпgпess of the America, iп the form of smallpox - апd affected popu l atioп loпg after the iпitia l Uпited States to iпitiate destructive warfare measles - iпfected Ыaпkets which devas­ attack, but aпthrax is поt coпtagious. Each without regard to civiliaп casualties апd col- tated Native Americaп popula- lateral damage, it is well to tioпs. most поtаЫу the Kaws поtе that the perpetrators of апd the Мапdапs. 11 The ques­ CONCERNING ТНЕ WILLINGNESS OF ТНЕ the attacks оп Baghdad, tioпs remaiп , however. whether Dresdeп апd Мопtе Cassiпo. the Native peoples died UNITED STATES ТО INITIATE DESTRUCTIVE as well as Hiroshima апd because 1) they lacked geпetic Nagasaki, were поt some immuпity , 2) their immuпe sys­ WARFARE WIТHOUT REGARD ТО CIVILIAN wild. reekiпg savages from tems had пеvег experieпced afar, but uпiformed апd well­ these particular diseases. З) CASUALTIES AND COLLATERAL DAMAGE, IT scrubbed military рlаппегs of the iпteпsity of the epidemics the Uпited States of America. preveпted people from takiпg IS WELL ТО NOTE ТНАТ ТНЕ PERPETRA­ Biological weapoпs саге of опе aпother, or some dubbed " humaпe" Ьу Uпited combiпatioп of these three fac- TORS OF ТНЕ АПАСКS ON BAGHDAD, States researchers are those tors. Моd е гп researchers DRESDEN AND MONTE CASSINO, AS WELL which do поt пecessarily kill iпte rested iп tamiпg iпfectious all their victims, but simply diseases for military purposes AS HIROSHIMA AND NAGASAКI, WERE NOT make them sick loпg eпough still must coпsider these three for the other side to wiп the explaпatioпs for how diseases SOME WILD, REEКING SAVAGES FROM battle. These iпclude psittaco­ kill their victims. sis or "parrot fever," which Biological weapoпs AFAR, BUT UNIFORMED AND WELL­ ki lls опlу 20 perceпt of its vic­ bacteria, viruses апd their tims. brucellosis or "uпdulaпt products - are theoretically SCRUBBED MILITARY PLANNERS OF ТНЕ fever, " which kills 15 регсепt. preferaЫe to chemical апd tularemia or "rabbit fever," weapoпs because they са п Ье UNIТED STATES OF AMERICA. which kills 1О регсепt . 13 "targeted" so that they оп lу affect people of а certaiп biological co пfig ­ disease used as а biological wеароп is also The Basic Facts uratioп. lf the епеmу has that coпfigurat ioп characterized Ьу а lag time ог "iпcubatioп Oiseases that have Ьееп drafted for use as апd your оwп troops do поt, theп there is period" betweeп the time of iпfectioп апd biological ageпts аге usually fouпd iп . ie.. по such thiпg as "frieпdly fire." killiпg your the арреагапсе of disaЫiпg symptoms. they аге "eп d e mic " to. specific regioпs ог оwп troops Ьу mistake. Апd especially, which may vary from а few days to а few climates of the world. Perhaps. like malaria. there is по such thiпg as "Ыowback." the weeks. For some kiпds of smallpox. for they require а particular aпima l "vector," iп рhепоmепоп which has discouraged the example, the iпcub at ioп period са п Ь е as this case а mosquito. which must reproduce use of chemical weapoпs ever s iп ce World loпg as 21 days, а пd after that death is where there аг е swamps апd staпdi пg War 1. lf the wiпd chaпges апd Ыows chlo­ пеагlу ce rta iп . with mortality rates of over water. 14 Ог perhaps the disease, like sleep­ riпe ог phosgeпe back оп your оwп troops. 90 регсепt of those iпfect ed . The mortality iпg sickпess (tsetse fever) iп Africa ог they will die. But if ап егга пt wiпd Ыows rate for aпthrax is also very high, over 75 iпflu eпza iп Asia. requires the ргеsепсе of

Number 76 Spring 2004 5 Moore particulaг doтestic aпiтals as а bгeediпg queпc i es acгoss the globe, each tile герге­ diffeгeпt fгот the гest of us. гeservoiг fог the viгus ог bacteгia, iп these sепtiпg а popu l atioп which поt опlу hагЬогs The гedoubtaЫe Кеппеth Kidd of Yale cases. гespectively cattle апd pigs. the disease, but also the теапs to соре has dгaтatized the uпique geпetic status of А п thгах, Ьеfоге it attгacted the atteпtioп of with it. Апd the stage is set fог а пеw kiпd Аfгiсап populatioпs Ьу showiпg that апу biological wаггiогs, was а bacteгial disease of gепе ЬотЬ, as the U.S. тilitary is just laгge vi ll age iп east Afгica ргоЬаЫу exhibits of goats апd sheep, апd of the huтaпs who discoveгiпg . тоге geпetic vaгiability thaп the whole поп­ сате iп coпtact . with theт - s h ep h eгds, А сепtгаl апd pгofouпd h istoгical eveпt Аfгiсап woгld put togetheг. Апd why is sheep sheaгeгs апd Jeatheг-woгkeгs. пeeds to Ье пoted hеге if we waпt to uпdeг­ that? lt is because the humaп species, like As huтaпs iп theiг loпg history devel­ staпd battlefield tactics which тight Ье every otheг species, exhibits тоге vaгiabili­ oped geпetic гesistaпce to diseases, Ьу used with the пеw gепе ЬотЬs ... апd that ty iп its hoтelaпd thaп iп its Ьгапсh popu­ accuтulated beпeficial тutatioпs of theiг is the fact that all huтaпs оп earth oгigiпat­ latioпs. Веfоге the last diaspoгa. Afгica coп­ geпes, these пеw pгotective alleles wеге ed iп Afгica, at least twice. 16 The fiгst dis­ sisted of а patchwoгk of scoгes ог peгhaps likewise coпfiпed to particulaг geogгaphical pe г sioп fгот Afгica was about 1.7 тi ll ioп huпdгeds of local populatioпs, each with its гegioпs, of which the best-kпowп ехатрlе уеагs ago, гesu l tiпg iп а distгibutioп of оwп coпfiguratioп of gепе fгequeпcies. is the Ыооd sickliпg tгait as а гesistaпce to "pгiтitive" huтaпs, such as Н ото eгectus, Оп l у а few of these populatioпs, ргоЬаЫу таlагiа. People with sickled, cгesceпt ­ kпоwп опlу fгот fossil ev i deпce . The sec­ fгот the Ногп of Afгica - Ethiopia, Егitгеа shaped геd Ыооd cells teпded to escape oпd diaspoгa was vегу гесепt i п evo l u t ioп­ апd Somalia - served to populate the гest the attack of the таlагiа paгasite. But theгe ary t iтe, оп l у 200,000 уеагs ago, as тоdегп of the woгld. The gгeat bulk of geпetic vaгi­ is а dowп side. People whose геd cells аге huтaпs with big Ьгаiпs гepopu l ated the atioп was left iп Afгica, wheгe it still too тisshapeп ехрегiепсе ciгculatory ргоЬ­ earth. The sigпif i caпce of this гepopu l at i oп гетаiпs. Апd this is what has таdе Аfгiсап­ lетs ог "sickle cell апетiа" which сап sick­ is that all dispeгsed huтап popu l atioпs - Атегiсап soldieгs the пеw "secгet wеароп" eп ог kil l theт. Опlу withiп the агеа wheгe like тапу otheг aпiтa l s who have also of the Репtаgоп. fог biological warfaгe, таlагiа is епdетiс do people with the sick­ тigгated betweeп coпtiпeп ts - аге vегу because they етЬоdу поt опlу the oгigiпal liпg tгait have а пеt advaпtage of survival siтilaг geпetica l ly despite superficial diffeг­ Аfгiсап vaгiatioп, but also the augтeпtatioп оvег those without the tгait. eпces iп skiп соlог апd body type. Оuг pгovided Ьу тatiпgs апd maггiages with Нuтап beiпgs гegulaгly таггу апd species is hoтogeпeous because it has Europeaпs, Asiaпs апd Native Атегiсапs таtе acгoss the artificial bouпd- оvег the last few ceпturies. aгies of "гасе" апd ethпicity, Uпdег the peculiaг "опе­ despite theiг claims that they dгор гule " of official doп't ог they shouldп't. At the ТНЕ GREAT BULK OF GENETIC VARIATION Атегiсап гасisт, they аге all bouпdaгies of ethпic gгoups, WAS LEFT IN AFRICA, WHERE IT STILL "Black," legally апd socially. 18 about fifteeп регсепt of each gепегаtiоп таггу а "fогеigпег.'' 1 5 REMAINS. AND THIS IS WHAT HAS MADE Assessing the Gene Bomb Coпsequeпtly theгe is епогтоus The fiгst аlагт about gепе "gепе flow" iп the woгld fгот AFRICAN-AMERICAN SOLDIERS ТНЕ NEW ЬотЬs fгom а " геsропsiЫе" village to village, ргоviпсе to регsоп was souпded Ьу по ргоviпсе . Yugoslavia is а peгfect "SECRET WEAPON" OF ТНЕ PENTAGON, less а scieпtist thaп Nobel­ ехатрlе: Though Seгbs апd wiппeг Joshua Ledeгbeгg, Cгoats claiт to speak diffeгeпt FOR BIOLOGICAL WARFARE, BECAUSE who has sat оп а vaгiety of laпguages. to Ье ethпica l ly dis­ gоvегптепt paпels оп bio­ tiпct апd еvеп "the opposite" of ТНЕУ EMBODY NOT ONLY ТНЕ ORIGINAL logical warfaгe (BW), iпclud ­ опе апоthег, the populatioпs аге iпg the Pгesideпt's Scieпtific geпetically пеагlу the sате. AFRICAN VARIATION, BUT ALSO ТНЕ AUG­ Advisoгy Couпcil, апd is ап Coтpaгative studies show that advocate of squelchiпg BW Seгbs апd Cгoats аге siтply dif­ MENTATION PROVIDED ВУ MATINGS AND altogetheг Ьу tгeaties апd feгeпt-shaped cultural cookies iпteгпatioпal iпspectioп . lп cut fгот the same geпetic MARRIAGES WITH EUROPEANS, ASIANS ап iпteгview puЫished iп the dough, апd еvегу gепегаtiоп of New Уогk Тimes оп gепе flow тakes theт еvеп AND NATIVE AMERICANS OVER ТНЕ LAST ОесетЬег 13, 1998, mоге alike. Ledeгbeгg told герогtегs Although alleles pгovidiпg FEW CENTURIES. that it was "theoгetical l y гesistaпce to certaiп diseases possiЫe" to taгget particulaг аге coпstaпtly тoviпg acгoss the Jaпd ­ Ьееп thгough а гelatively гесепt geпetic populatioпs whose body cells had sur­ scape, soтetiтes they doп't get vегу fаг. bottleпeck. апd has ехрегiепсеd гelative l y гouпdiпg тетЬгапеs of kпоwп biological The sickliпg tгait does поt survive fог loпg feweг тutatioпs апd otheг geпet i c eveпts coтpositioп. These mетЬгапеs аге diгect­ outside the агеаs wheгe таlагiа is епdетiс that pгoduce diveгsity uпlike. fог ехатрlе, ly гelated to а регsоп's geпetic stгucture, because the tгait is а haпdicap, поt ап our cousiпs the chimpaпzees. who аге тоге апd а disease тust Ьгеасh the тетЬгапе advaпtage, iп otheг агеаs. Afteг scoгes ог vагiаЫе as а species thaп we аге . 1 7 But this to iпfect the cell. А disease сап theп use huпdгeds of geпeгatioпs (а попсе iп the sате гесепt diaspoгa which diffeгeпtiated тateгial fгот iпside the cell to гергоduсе evolutioпary tiтe scale) the tгait сап disap­ Asiaпs fгom Europeaпs fгот пative itself. Although Ledeгbeгg was опlу sayiпg peaг. What гemaiпs is а тosaic of gепе fге - Austгaliaпs. also made Afгicaпs as а gгoup that ethпic taгgetiпg was possiЬle, certaiп

6 CovertAction Quarterly jourпalists "iпterpreted" Lederbeгg ' s thiпgs wеге wroпg with that idea: 1) al/ of the пuтЬег of shots. So the actua/ рег­ гетагks as advocatiпg geпocidal wагfаге. popu l atioпs sеет to have the sате geпes сепt of adverse outcoтes was six tiтes the which led hiт to quickly explaiп апd elabo­ апd alleles. albeit iп differeпt frequeпcies. reported гаtе. The defiпitioп of "adverse rate his views to colleagues. So he added: апd 2) the пuтЬег of pathogeпs occurriпg outcoтe" has also Ьееп juggled to keep the пuтЬег dowп. But there is по "The propositioп deпyiпg that the апthгах series would Ье that viruses SOME PEOPLE DIE OR ВЕСОМЕ PERMA- is daпgerous. тuch тоге so coula Ье tailor-тade to thaп sтallpox ог тeasles, exploit апу cell surface NENTLY DISABLED, А (IMMUNIZATION) especially to а civiliaп popu/a­ гесерtог тolecule you tioп which is поt as healthy as а choose. апd still геtаiп RESULT LABELED "ADVERSE OUTCOMES" group of youпg, тedically their viruleпce. Siпce sсгеепеd so/diers. 25 there is so тuch overlap IN BW NEWSPEAK. SO FAR, ТНЕ U.S. iп gепе frequeпcies. ап GOVERNMENT HAS NOT BEEN CANDID IN Battlefield Scenarios ethпic wеаропеег wou/d Ап агту faciпg the realities of have to settle fог а /ot DESCRIBING ТНЕ EXTENT OF ADVERSE the пеw geпetic wагfаге. theп. /ess thaп 1ООО/о preci­ will coпsist of soldiers ideпti­ sioп. Апd if уоu'ге ге/уiпg OUTCOMES IN EITHER ТНЕ CIVILIAN РОР- fied as haviпg differeпt iттu­ оп post-attack coпta­ пities. Sоте will have а паtuга/ gious spread. you аге ULATION OR ТНЕ MILITARY, ESPECIALLY iттuпity to sоте viruses ог тultiplyiпg the risks of bacteria to Ье used, апd these collateral diffusioп апd WITH ANTHRAX. soldiers сап Ье ideпtified Ьу further adaptatioп [Ьу iттuпologica/ ог geпetic тutatioп] of the pathogeп. So that iп паtuге is vегу liтited; оп/у about опе sсгеепiпg if the ргорег techпology is avai/­ strikes те as sheer тadпess." 19 huпdred ' аге оп the Defeпse Departтeпt's aЬ/e. Others сап have their iттuпity iпteп­ short list. 22 But Lederberg has poiпted out sified Ьу vacciпatioп if they have the appro­ lп other words, yes, you тight сгеаtе а that "Ьiological wеаропеегs" сап iпсгеаsе priate geпetic substructure. апd if they do syпthetic virus which was specific to а par­ the пuтЬег of pathogeпs artificial/y, which поt геасt "adversely" to the vacciпatioп. lt is ticular populatioп with а particular cell iпcreases the пuтЬег of weapoпs availaЬ/e. at this poiпt that Аfгiсап-Атегiсапs тетЬгапе coтpositioп. possiЬ/y ап "ethпic But there is yet апоthег techпique which Ьесоте "secret weapoпs." Because of their group" ог "гасе." But if you used such а сап Ье utilized Ьу wеаропеегs to give evolutioпary history апd because тапу of wеароп. you тight uпleash тutatioпs of theтselves тоге degrees of fгееdот iп their aпcestors соте fгот the тotherlaпd that syпthetic virus. geпetic vaгiatioпs. desigпiпg gепе ЬотЬs апd devisiпg tactics of оuг species. they аге тоге like/y, as а which could have uпpredicted rates of coп­ fог usiпg theт - iттuпizatioп . popu/atioп. to hагЬог the geпetic basis both tagioп атопg huтап populatioпs, апd As has гесепt l у Ьееп illustrated iп pub­ fог пatural iттuпity апd the poteпtial fог uпkпоwп rates of тortality, like the fictioпal lic discussioпs of plaпs to iттuпize soldiers successful iттuпizatioп. 26 That is. if а Апdготеdа Straiп, which had the poteпtial апd тedical workers agaiпst sта//рох апd researcher had а list of опе huпdred poteп ­ fог exterтiпatiпg the whole species. This апthгах, especially, поt еvегуопе сап Ье tial pathogeпs which тight Ье used оп the was what Lederberg cal/ed "the топstег iп successfully iпoculated. 23 Most people get battlefield. а group of self-ideпtified our backyard."20 their shots fог а particular bacteriuт ог "Аfгiсап-Атегiсап" soldiers would likely So Lederberg was the first puЬ/ic fig ­ virus апd Ьесоте iттuпе but sоте саппоt have resistaпce to тоге of theт thaп а ure to eтphasize that поt оп/у тust we acquire iттuпity , по таttег how ofteп they saтe-sized group of soldiers whose апсеs ­ have to wоггу about пatural ageпts used as гереаt the iпoculatioпs . Апd sоте people tгу is тostly fгот sоте other сопtiпепt . weapoпs. but also about "virus z oтbies" die ог Ьесоте регтапепtlу disaЬ/ed, а Апd so the 21 регсепt of the тilitary that is created iп the laboratory with а head fгот result labeled "adverse outcoтes" iп BW Аfгiсап - Атегiсап - about half а тillioп опе virus, perhaps тodified iп the lаЬогаtо ­ Newspeak. So fаг, the U.S. gоvегптепt has people - will соте to the forefroпt fог bio­ гу to репеtгаtе а particular kiпd of се// поt Ьееп caпdid iп descriЬiпg the exteпt of logical сотЬаt. 27 тетЬгапе . апd а tail fгот апоthег virus. to adverse outcoтes iп either the civiliaп lf ап агту is оп the defeпsive . а// uпit s kill the се// апd reproduce the attackiпg populatioп ог the тilitary , especially with should сопtаiп регsопs iттuпе to а// pos­ virus. Such creatures аге already uпdег aпthrax. lп its герогt to the coпgressioпal siЬ/e battlefield pathogeпs. siпce the агту coпstructioп fог beпevoleпt roles like peпe ­ coттittee iпvestigatiпg the refusal of sоте would поt kпow what pathogeпs тight Ье tгatiпg сапсег - гiddеп cells to kill theт апd тilitary регsоппеl to subтit to aпthrax vac­ used agaiпst theт. ог where. But if the агту рг е vепt their reproductioп. 21 ciпatioпs . the gоvегптепt uпderreported iпteпds to use pathogeпs offeпsively , the the rate of adverse outcoтe Ьу usiпg а sta ­ iттuпological coпfiguratioп of the агту Old and New Genetic Warfare tistical trick. For ехатр l е, if the пuтЬег of should Ье differeпt, тоге lethal апd тоге The basic idea of the old gепе ЬотЬs was deaths апd disaЬilities was 30 soldiers out oтiпous . Fог ехатрlе , if the агту had ап to ideпtify а uпique geпetic characteristic of of а thousaпd. with each soldier receiviпg а епtiге геgiтепt . ог еvеп а divisioп coпsist­ ап епету populatioп . theп fiпd а пatural series of six shots, 24 the rate of adverse out­ iпg of people who аге iттuпе to апthгах. pathogeп soтewhere оп earth - а virus, coтes was reported as 30/6.000 ог 0.5 theп the епету агту could Ье sprayed with bacteriuт . ог biological product - which регсепt rather thaп 30/1,000 ог 3 регсепt, апthгах spores without fеаг of "Ыowback" could exploit that vulпeraЬility. At least two if we couпt the пuтЬег of persoпs iпstead of the iпfectiпg ageпt. Апd iп а few days.

Number 76 Spriпg 2004 7 Moore

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1992 conference of geneticists and anthropologists at Penn State University who first planned а world-wide collection of human genetic samples. This group evolved into the Human Genome Diversity Project. The author is the man with the white beard in the center of the third row. Kenneth Weiss, quoted in this article and organizer of the conference, is at the left of the top row.

the anthrax - immuпe soldiers could attack Еvеп greater damage сап Ье dопе to a geпt Adamcite, mi ght рiп e п e mi es iп pl ace through the iпfected агеа, еvеп without а п е пеmу army, о г а civili a п populati o п. Ьу so that they would Ь е more vulпera Ы e to protective clothiпg ог breathiпg devices. 28 c oпco ctiпg а " p a th e пog e пi c cockta il .'' biologica l attack. Оп е са п оп l у i magiпe the Ап army orgaпized Ьу its e thпicity (апd Suppose. for exampl e, that а п army had at battlefield, com pouпd e d Ьеуопd the саг ­ immuп e characteristics) would Ь е odd but h a пd оп е pa th oge п, п a tura l ог artificial. п аgе of field hospitals after а World War 1 поt uпpreced e пt ed iп military history.29 lп which could kill о г di sa Ьl e 60 ре гсе пt of а п c hl or iп e attack; о п е would fiпd soldiers iп the Revolutioпary War. the British iпfa пtry еп е mу po p ulati o п , а пd a п other pathoge п various stages of r eactioп to the disa Ыiпg was He ss i a п . but the cavalry was Eпgli s h . which could kili о г di s aЬl e 30 ре гсе пt . a g e пt , some co ughiпg а пd h ac k iпg , others lп the days of A l exa пd e r the Great, the pat­ Some people iп the po pul a ti o п would Ь е throw iпg up iпcessa пtl y, some turп i пg Ыu е­ t e rп was еvе п more р го поuп сеd as he affected Ьу опе, but п о t the other. But if Ы асk ап d dyiпg for lack of охуgеп . Still oth­ ca lled о п his "Сге t а п archers" а п d these path oge п s were used iп со п сегt, that ers might Ье iп the first stages of iпha l a tioп ­ "Th essa li a п cava lry.'' lr o пi ca ll y, the U.S is, dispersed at the sa me time, 60 регсе пt al a пthrax, with holes iп their throa ts, their Army, after years of s triviп g for racial iпt e ­ of the po pul a t io п would Ь е affected, plus 30 bodies Ы oa t ed а п d their limbs covered with gra tioп. might fiпd itself seg regated bi olog ­ р е гсе пt of the rema iпi пg people, а total of huge Ы асk ап d Ьгоwп Ыi st ers. try iп g to ica lly, with some uпit s pr e domiп a пtl y 72 р е гсе пt . The more d iffere пt p a th oge п s breathe with what is left of their lu пgs, wait­ Afri c aп - Am e ri ca п. а пd others perh aps used, the higher the casualties. Th e tech пi ­ iпg апd perhaps h o piп g for their t urп to die. A s i a п ог Native Ame ri ca п . lt all d e p e п ds о п ca l р гоЫ е m is how to "mix" th e cocktail so Everywhere there а ге doctors t ry iп g to dis­ what the research shows about the ge п e t ic that the p a th ogeпs themselves. ог e l eme пts e пt a пgl e the complex of diseases, а пd structures of soldiers with a п ces to r s from of the delivery system. do п о t iпt erfere with d e t e rmiп e which symptoms аге the results diffe re пt co пtiп e пt s. Th e imp o rt a п ce of the о п е a п o th er . of which diseases, а п d how best to treat ог Rose пb erg а п d K i п g articles is that they А more devasta tiп g р l а п is to attack iп comfo rt the afflicted people. This is th e show that g e п e ti c structure. а пd h е п се "phases." beg iппi пg with а di sa Ьliп g chem­ reality be hiп d sa пit a ry phrases like "patho­ immuпol og i ca l p o t e пti a l . са п iп fact Ь е pre­ ica l attack. So m e thiп g like mustard gas g e пi c cocktail," о г "attack i п сопсег t. " dicted Ьу self-declared e thпi c ity . 30 (two р е гсе пt mortality) ог the п еw disaЫ iп g which so u пd almost like themes for а ра гtу .

8 Cove rtA c ti o п Quarterly "Like an angry spider from another world, the biohazard device seems ready to devour the human species, race Ьу race, nation Ьу nation." - JHM

Мапу scieпtists believe that the made to work. His пехt greatest fеаг is that way clearly already exists. but it is Ьаппеd, research песеssагу to lеагп how to attack the Uпited States will speпd billioпs ог tril­ апd we must go to great leпgths to see that with "gепе bombs" is either impossiЫe ог lioпs of dollars оп useless геsеагсh , mопеу other couпtries do поt develop ог use such so expeпsive as to Ье поt cost-effective. that could ог should Ье speпt elsewhere fог weapoпs. Neither of these coпsideratioпs discour­ puЫic good siпce. as he poiпts out. "we "The biomedical - iпdustrial complex ages those ageпcies. compaпies апd scieп­ already have а vегу powerful military.'' (iпcludiпg uпiversities апd goverпmeпt tists who lust after the billioпs of dollars "Мапу thiпgs аге possiЫe iп priпciple , bureaucracies) huпgrily seeks апу form of which might Ье throwп at uпiversities апd апd the safest policy fог humaп saпity is to fuпdiпg , апd this is the time to preveпt а private compaпies williпg to make the Ьап the research rather thaп say Ыithely пеw Ьопапzа from developiпg (if it's поt effort. The best possiЫe outcome. accord­ that 'it сап't hарреп .' lf these tasks wеге already too late). There are mапу better iпg to some expectaпt scieпtists. is that easy ог iпexpeпsive to accomplish. legiti­ ways to speпd puЫic апd private mопеу. опсе the research is fuпded it will tuгп out mate gепе therapy would Ье fаг mоге suc­ At the same time, if we kпow that others аге that we сап't make the weapoпs. but by­ cessful thaп it has Ьееп so fаг. lп gепегаl. developiпg weapoпs. we certaiпly would products of the research will help medical humaпs from агоuпd the world share too have to develop defeпses. апd it is also true research iп mапу differeпt ways. Опе woп­ much variatioп fог it to Ье easy ог cost­ that there is typically по complete defeпse ders if some scieпtists had the same hopes effective to desigп weapoпs to target agaiпst ап iппovative епеmу. 32 апd dreams fог the Maпhattaп Project. Апd епеmу soldiers' specific geпetic variaпts. "Geпeticists who would work оп this опе саппоt help but remember Robert апd we already have equally effective coп­ type of research would по douЬt Ье true Oppeпheimer's perhaps distraught апd dis­ veпtioпal weapoпs. Geпetic епgiпеегiпg believers апd поt at all deterred Ьу сопtгагу appoiпted statemeпt wheп he saw the first targeted to geпotypes of members of aгgumeпts. Moreover. it is daпgerous to A-Bomb explode. "1 am become Death. the some poteпtial adversary military fогсе hiпt that strategies or geпetic mechaпisms destroyer of worlds." 31 seems today mоге like scieпce fictioп апd that we doп't kпow about. that have поt Кеппеth Weiss. Еvап Pugh Professor at political рогk. поt to meпtioп that it Ьееп discovered yet. ог that саппоt at ргеs ­ Репп State Uпiversity апd опе of the dis­ uпdouЬtedly would Ье а form of Ьаппеd епt Ье eпgiпeered. саппоt exist or Ье used. couraged scieпtists who left the Humaп biological warfare. With DoD levels of mопеу, or similar coп­ Geпome Diversity Project. has thought "Usiпg disease pathogeпs is а differeпt tracts with pharmaceutical compaпies. it is about possiЫe coпsequeпces of geпetic type of biological wагfаге , апd the techпol ­ rash to assume that researchers wouldп't warfare. His greatest fеаг is that it could Ье ogy to do that kiпd of thiпg iп а devastatiпg believe they could do it, апd tгу."

Number 76 Spring 2004 9 Moore

membeг of Vietпam Veteгaпs Agaiпst the Wаг rYVAWJ. the motheг of us all. Not опlу Eve, but пеагlу every

DESPITE MUCH WARN­ Не is поw Reseaгch Professoг of Aпthгopology at the humaп alive at that time. is likely to have Ьееп the INGS, THERE ARE STILL Uпiveгsity of F l oгida . апсеstог of everyoпe alive today, some of them maпifold 2. See article Ьу Gгeg Bishop. "Ethпic Weapoпs fог aпcestoгs . See Johп Relethfoгd, Genetics and the Search PEOPLE , ESPECIALLY Ethпic Cleaпsiпg," for Modern Нитап Origins (New Уогk: Wiley-Liss. www.e l fis.пet/tem/ethпicweapoпs.htm. 2001). AMONG ТНЕ "EXPECTANT 3. Му web queгies to the Вгоаd Агеа Аппоuпсеmепts 18. Аmегiсап tгad i tioп. siпce slavery, is that if you have of the Dept. of Homelaпd Secuгity апd the DoD а siпgle Аfгiсап апсеstог, you эге "Black." 1 have twice BILLIONAIRES" OF ТНЕ Ргосuгеmепt Gateway gave пegative гesults fог RFPs served оп committees of aпthгopologists who have tгied сопсегпiпg geпetic vaгiatioп. But iп the пow-famous to peгsuade the U.S. Ceпsus Bureau to dгор its "гacial" PHARMACEUTICAL INDUS- woгds of Defeпse Secгetary Doпald Rumsfeld гegaгdiпg categoгies апd simply ask гespoпdeпts to ideпtify them­ alleged weapoпs of mass destгuctioп iп lгaq. "АЬsепсе selves ethпically, if they choose to do so. But the TRY, WHO ANXIOUSLY AND of evideпce is поt evideпce of аЬsепсе: Bureau's positioп is that the гacial categoгies эге imbed­ 4. E-mail to the authoг from Rоп Hurlbert. Oct.12, 2003. ded iп fedeгal law. lгoп ical l y. Black politiciaпs эге amoпg OPTIMISTICALLY AWAIТ See Hurlbert's excelleпt article оп biological weapoпs. the stauпch defeпdeгs of гacial classificatioп. because of eпtitled "MicгoЬiology 101 ." at: affiгmative actioп coпsideгatioпs iп awaгdiпg fedeгal

ТНЕ BEGINNING OF MEGA­ www.s l ic2.wsu .edu:82/ hurlbert/micгo 1О1/pages/1О1 Ьiо coпtгacts .

logicalweapoпs . html . 19 . E-mail to the authoг. Dec. 29, 1998. Fог Ledeгbeгg 's

FUNDING FOR GENETIC 5. Noah А. Roseпbeгg, et а/., "Geпetic Stгuctuгe of views оп tгeaties. see Biological Weapons: Limiting the

Humaп Populatioпs," Science, 298, 5602, рр. 2381 -85. Threat (Cambгidge, Mass.: МIТ Pгess. 1999).

BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS. Dec. 20. 2002; Mary-Claiгe Kiпg апd Агпо G. Motulsky, 20. E-mail above.

"Mappiпg Humaп History." same issue. рр . 2342-43. 21. lt is also theo гetically possiЬle to сгеаtе viгuses fгom

6. Ап iпvaluaЫe guide to iпfoгmatioп оп Ьiolog i ca l scгatch. siпce they аге гаthег simple geпetically, but it

Despite much warnings, there аге still weapoпs is Johп G. Bartlett. "Bioterгoгism апd PuЫic would Ье difficult. people, especially among the "expectant Health." ed. (Medguides. 2002) The guide lists huп ­ 22. 53 caпdidate pathogeпs fог Ьiological wariaгe эге billionaires" of the pharmaceutical industry, dгeds of useful web sites fог all kiпds of iпfoгmatioп. listed iп ТаЫе 1.2 of Апdгеw Т. Price-Smith. Тhе Health of who anxiously and optimistically await the 7. Сагl А. Lагsо п, "Ethпic Weapoпs. " Military Review, Nations, (Cambгidge. Mass.:MIT Press. 2002). рр. 32-33. beginning of mega-funding for genetic bio­ Nov. 1970. 23. Newsweek, Oct. 14. 2002. logical weapons. Some express the opinion 8. The Model Ethical Pгotocol of the HGDP сап Ье 24. Оп Decembeг 22. 2003, U.S. Distгict Court Judge that genetic superfunding for genetic diver­ viewed оп theiг web site: Emmet Sullivaп гuled that aгmed foгces регsоппеl could sity will provide а cornucopia of benefits for www .staпfoгd .edu/gгoup/ moггiпst/hgdp . h . поt Ье immu пized without theiг сопsепt апd огdегеd а world health. Such fanciful and self-serving 9 . Judith Milleг. et а/. , Races (New Уогk: Simoп апd tгial . The discovery phase of the tгial should pгoduce opinions leave this author ... speechless. 1 Schusteг. 2001). рр . 39. 98-104. additioпal evideпce that the goveгпmeпt has misгep гe­ suppose 1 am not programmed correctly. 10. losepho Acosta, "De Pгomulgatioпe lпdoгum seпted the daпgeгs of апthгах i ппoculatioпs. Text of

As an Army veteran. when 1hear about bio­ Salute." 1588. Salmaпticae. micгofilm . Judge Su llivaп's dec i sioп сап Ье fouпd at:

logical warfare. all 1 сап think about is "col­ 11. Непrу Dobyпs. Their Number Весоте Thinned www.cbsп / htdocs/pdf/aпthгaxdocumeпt.pdf.

lateral damage" - dead children who will (Uпiv. of Теппеssее Pгess.1983). 2 5. Апthгах immu пizat i o п герогt availaЫe at the

never have а life. as in Vietnam. thousands 12. Bartlett. рр . 31-57. Coпgгessioпal Recoгd Service web site: of human beings dying in unimaginaЫe 13. Robert Наггis апd Jeгemy Рахmап , А Higher Form of www.fas .oгg/iгp/cгs.

agony, and а human culture devastated KJ/ling (New Уогk : Raпdom House. 2002). р . 164. 26. All humaпs have some гesistaпce . howeveг miпus ­

perhaps beyond repair. This is the potential 14 . Ma l aгia has поt yet Ьееп. апd ргоЬаЫу пеvег will cule. to all pathogeпs Ьу virtue of а gепегiс "cascade"

of the "monster in our yard ." But the advo­ Ье. used fог Ьiological wariaгe because it гequiгes а геsропsе wheп the body is fiгst iпvaded . This геsропsе

cates of BW research seem already to have fгag il e vectoг. the mosquito. to iпfect а humaп popula­ is sооп overwhelmed Ьу the bacteгium ог viгus uпless

roughed out the first stages of а puЫic rela­ tioп . While iп theory thous a пds ог millioпs of mosqui­ the humaп immuпe system kicks iп with aп tibodi es

tions campaign. "Support research for bio­ toes iпfected with mala гi a might Ье dгopped оп а п especially desigпed to kill the iпvadiп g pathogeп. lf а

logical weapons. they аге good for you ." епеmу populatioп. the techпical апd p гactical ргоЫеms регsоп alгeady has the capacity fог makiпg such aпt i ­ • of doiпg this, fortuпately, seem iпsurmouпtaЫe . lt is bodies. this usually meaпs that he ог she has eitheг had alleged that fleas have a lг eady Ьееп evaluated as the disease Ьеfоге. and defeated it. ог has been immunized.

NOТES vectoгs fог plague. Aiг- dгopped fleas seem to survive 2 7. ln this геgагd. it is inteгe stiпg that AIDS геsеа гсhегs

the oгdea l . iп Kenya have discoveгed that some Afгicaпs have ап

1. The authoг holds а Bachelor's degгee iп chemical 15. "Blood Quaпtum апd Ethпic lnte гmaггiage iп the аррагепt lу iпheгent гesistaпce to iпfection with the HIV

е пgiпеегiпg. апd а Doctoгate iп aпthгopo logy fгom New Boas Data Set" (with Ja пi s Campbell). Нитап Biology viгus . Despite гepeated exposuгes. they do not сопtгасt

Уогk Uпiveгs ity . Не is а Fellow of the Аmегiсап vol. 67. по. 3. рр . 499-516. special issue edited Ьу Н IV апd coпsequeпtly do not develop AIDS.

Associatioп fог the Advaпcemeпt of Scieпce. а пd the Richaгd J a п tz. 2 8 . "Race and the Ameгican Military: Past апd Ргеsепt"

a uthoг of "Geпetics iп Aпthгopology" fог the пеw 16. Hit l e г а пd his stooge Roseпbeгg believed that the iп N. F. Dгeisz i geг. ed .. Ethnic Armies (Wateгloo. Ont..

lпternatioпal Eпcyclopedia of the Social апd Behavioгa l Noгdic гасе evolved sepaгa te ly iп A tl aп ti s. which theп Wilfгid Laurieг Uп iv. Pгess. 1990).

Sc i eпces. edited Ьу Neil Sme l seг апd Paul Baltes. Н е coпveпieпt l y saп k iпto the осеап depths пеаг l celaпd . 29. Fог examples. see Johп Hockett. ed.. Warfare in the

served iп the U.S. Агmу l пfaпtry duгiпg the Vietпam Wаг. See Jo sce ly п Godwiп. Arktos: The Polar Myth Ancient World (Lопdоп : Sidgwick and Jacksoп. 1989).

wheгe he гeceived staпdaгd iп stгuctioп of the day оп (Kemptoп. 111.: Adveпtures Uпlimited Pгess. 1996). 3 0 . Rosenbeгg , et а/.

defeпse agaiпs t пuсlеаг. chemical апd Ьiological 17. lt is this same evo lutioпary bottleпeck which has 3 1. Fгom the Bhagavad Gita.

weapoпs . Afteг his military service. he was ап еагlу pгoduced the "mi t ochoпdгia l Eve" рhепоmепоп - Eve 32. E-mail to the a uthoг. Dec. 29. 2002.

10 CovertAction Quarterly Road Мар to Sharonville

Nabeel Abraham

iп а way that was coпgeпial to his War оп Теггог. As Bush saw it, lsraeli citizeпs "live iп terror," while Palestiпiaпs "live iп squalor and occupatioп." "lsraeli citizeпs will coпtin­ ue to Ье victimized Ьу terrorists, and so lsrael will coпtiпue to defeпd herself. lп the [sic] situatioп the Palestiпian people will grow more апd more miseraЫe." This for­ m ulat i oп skewed the resolutioп of the con­ flict: First апd foremost, the Palestiпiaпs had to drop tl1e terror апd leave the lsraelis alone. ln returп for their good behavior, they would get ап American Ыessiпg for а state of their оwп dowп the road. Bush deployed the word " occupa ti oп" spari пgty апd softty, s h ea riп g it of апу role ог respoпsibility for coпflict. The uпiпitiated listeпer iп Middle America might Ье excused for believing that the occupatioп was the result of Patestiпian terror, поt the other way arou пd. 5 tf the framiпg of the ргоЫеm was wroпg - head e d , the remedies Bush laid out were uпduly harsh апd uпeq ual апd, gi ve п the realities on the gro uп d, ргоЬаЫу пехt to impos si Ыe to meet Ьу the Palestiпiaп lead­ ership, already battered апd besieged оп all 15,000 workers, in hope of jobs, wait all night at the Checkpoint Erez for three turnstiles to sides Ьу the lsraelis апd mistrusted Ьу their open. No food permitted. No facilities. The tunnel is half а mile long. оwп people. Bu sh: "The Uпited States will Still image taken from а videotape Ьу Bassam Zamel. not support the es taЫ ishmeпt of а Pa l estiп iaп state uпtil its leaders e пg age iп а sustaiпed fight agaiпst the terrorists and dismaпt l e their iп frastruc ture . This will require ап exterпally supervised effort to Born officially on April 30, 2003, and cur­ was far from beiпg а п e ut ral bystaпder. rebuild а пd reform the Palestiпiaп security rently lying comatose awaiting ап official Bush provided the iroп - fisted Sharo п every­ services." Traпslation : The U.S. will super­ d ec l aratioп of death. the "road map" is the thiпg from Apache helicopters апd Hellfire vise the re-tra iп iпg of the Pa le stiпi a п secu­ latest iп а loпg li пe of wrecks strewп a l oпg missiles to politica l immu пity from iпterпa ­ rity forces so as to become effective iп their the road kпоwп as "the Middle East Реа се tioп a l ceпs ure at the Uпited Natioп s. Н е ass igпed role of keep iпg the populatioп iп Process." 1 Uпlike its predecessors. the road c rowп ed the lsraeli prime minister "а m а п of check, preve пtiпg future iпtifadas, апd map held some promise, as iпdi cated iп its ре асе" еvеп as Sharoп leveled J е пiп . relieviпg lsrael from h a viп g to do the job. official title: "А Performaпce -based Road NaЬlu s апd other West Вапk towпs iп the Bush's offer came with а l a uпdry list of М ар to а Регmапепt Two-State So l utioп to first half of 2002 3 precoпditioпs which the Palestiпia п s WOLJld the l srae li - Palestiпiaп Coпf li ct ." Two goals So, wheп George W. Bush fl oated his have to meet to еа гп U.S. support for а make ап арреагапсе for the first time iп the vision for lsrae li - Pa l estiпi a п р еасе iп а Juпe vaguely defiп e d state. lf the Palestinians, U.S.-authored реасе р l ап: 1) А termiпatioп 24, 2002, speech, m а пу were пaturally Bush suggested. сап "build а practiciпg of "the occupat ioп that Ьеgап iп 1967" and skeptical. 4 Was he merely bowi п g to iпt e r ­ democracy," find "пеw leaders. пеw iп s titu ­ 2) А tim etaЫ e for "the e m e rgeпce of ап пatioпal pressure as lsrael's superpower tioпs а пd new security arraпgemeпts with iпd epeпdeпt, democratic. апd viaЫe раtгоп? Was he tryiпg to placate а п iп c reas­ their пe ighbors." create "а пеw coпst itu ­ Palestiпian state." 2 iп g l y alarmed апd suspicious A raЬ/ Mu slim t i oпa l framework." епd their co rruptioп, set Not bad for а реасе рl ап com iпg from world after his iпvasioп of Afg h aп i staп? up " а system of reliaЫe justice to puп i sh а White House which for the first 18 moпth s Was he warm iп g up the world for his п ехt those who ргеу оп the iпп осе пt," the U.S. of its teпure stood Ьу while Ariel Sha roп campaigп iп lraq, which would go iпto high "will support the creat i oп of а Pa l est i п i a п drove his ta пk s апd bulldozers over gear that a utumп ? Опе had to wonder. state whose borders апd certa iп aspects of Pa l estiпi aп cities апd towпs, acce l e rat iп g The Juпe speech became the basis for its sovere igпty will Ье pro vi s ioпal uпtil th e dowпward spiral of viol e п ce ап d co uпt ­ the road map. " Му vision ." Bush told the ·гesolved as part of а fiпal settl e m e пt iп the er-vio l e п ce iп the reg i oп. Like previous world, "is two states, living side Ьу side i п Middle East." admiп i stratio п s. the Bush ad miпi strat ioп реасе апd security.'' Н е framed the ргоЫеm Bush's speech re-emerged ten months

Number 76 Spring 2004 11 iп Coпgress. as well as key figures iп Bush's admiпistratioп , also opposed апу coпces­ sioпs to the Palestiпiaпs. Wheп Веппу Еlоп, а far-right miпister iп Sharoп's cabiпet who supports the expulsioп of the Palest i пiaпs, visited the U.S. he was "giveп ап eпthusias ­ tic receptioп Ьу coпgressioпal leaders."9 Meaпwhile , the Christiaп right, а pillar of the Greater lsrael camp, declared the road map "Sataпic ." 10

The Road Not Taken The road map was а wholly Americaп affair from the start. Although it was "theoretical­ ly the work of the 'quartet' of iпterпatioпal mediators - the U.N .. U.S., EU, апd Russia - coпtrol of its desigп апd release has Ьееп domiпated Ьу Washiпgtoп. Мг . Bush delayed its puЫicatioп three times at the j! request of . . . Ariel Sharoп, апd опlу com­ о :5 mitted himself puЫic ly to the process uпder о pressure from Топу Blair iп the ruп-up to the lraq wаг." 1 1 Accordiпgly , Bush set him­ Masha, West Bank. August 1, 2003: Palestinian, lnternationals and lsraeli protestors stand self up as judge, mostly over the hapless together in а demonstration against the construction of the separation Wall. Palestiпiaпs , turпiпg а Ыiпd еуе to Sharoп's violatioпs with the occasioпal slap оп the wrist, while brow- beatiпg the Pa lest iпiaпs for failiпg to "curb the terror." 12 Although later оп April 30, 2003, iп the form of the Authority had to go through the charade of the White House sought to project а stroпg road map. lп the iпterim, his visioп was the appoiпtiпg Mahmoud Abbas to the пoп­ Bush-Blair alliaпce agaiпst lraq, what the subject of rumor, hiпt. partial аппоuпсе­ existeпt post of prime miпister of а pseudo­ АгаЬ victims saw was а Bush -Sharoп coor­ mепt, coпcealmeпt. апd coпtestatioп before goverпmeпt iп а laпd uпder foreigп occupa­ diпated assault оп the regioп . it was officially brought before а jittery tioп. Sharoп's origiпal demaпd had become Still ridiпg high from his triumph iп world.6 lts арреага псе оп the eve of Bush's Washiпgtoп 's . Ву seekiпg to erase Arafat Baghdad, Bush brought together the war­ Мау 1 victory declaratioп iп lraq seemed from the picture, Sharoп was see kiпg to riпg sides at the Aqaba summit (Jorda п) iп iпte пded to swee teп the bitter п ess the break the пatioпal will of the Pale s t iпia п early Juп e. At the m eet iп g , the пew ly АгаЬ апd Muslim worlds felt over Bush's people Ьу decap i tatiпg its leadership. lп all appoiпted head of the Palestiпiaп security iпvasioпs of Afghaпistaп апd lraq. Ву dis­ his craveппess апd corruptioп, Arafat had services. Mohammed Dahl aп, was giveп playiпg some сопсегп for the Palestiпiaпs, ргоvеп uпwilliпg to acquiesce to all of five miпutes to brief Bush оп the difficulties Bush might have Ьее п telegraphiпg "proof" lsrael's demaпds at Camp David iп summer he faced iп "d i s maпtliпg the terrorist iпfra­ of his previous assuraпces that the War оп 2000, апd thus had to Ье replaced Ьу а structure." Не Ыam ed lsrael for ha viпg Теггог was поt directed at Arabs ог Muslims more malleaЫe leader a loп g the li пes of destroyed much of the Palestiпiaп security рег se, just the Evil-Doers amoпg them. those fouпd iп Ceпtral America апd other structure. 13 Giveп the coпtext, опе might Ье forgiveп for puppet repuЫi cs. 7 Sharoп predictaЫy The Americaп ргеfегепсе for а haviпg believed that perhaps, just perhaps, accepted the road map with reservatioпs . Palestiпiaп repressive fist as а substitute for the U.S. might Ье cyпica lly williпg to throw Н е еvеп weпt so far as to utter the words the lsraeli опе was поt shared Ьу Sha roп , а Ьопе to the Arabs over Palestiпe iп "occupatioп" апd "Palestiпiaп state," seпd ­ primarily because the lsraeli prime miпister exchaпge for being allowed to devour its iпg those to his right iпto fai пtiп g spell s. was impl e m eп tiп g his оwп visioп of а ргеу iп реасе iп lraq. Еvеп that level of cyп ­ а пd those оп his left iпto ecstacy. The sad Palestiпiaп Ba пtu staп which еvеп the most icism was out of place iп а world domiпated truth is that lsraelis seem to dwell iп а world co mpli aпt Palestiпi a п s could по t accept Ьу Wash iпgt oп superhawks. for whom of make-believe, where they avoid l ooki пg (see below). Not опlу did Sharoп апd c ru s hiпg пatioпs is по differeпt thaп crush­ too closely iпto the jaws of the disaster they Mofaz поt assist D a hlaп iп carryiпg out iпg iп sects. have created with their оwп h aпds. As Bush's directive to "fight agaiпst the terror­ The U.S. refused to release the much­ lsraeli scholar Тапуа Re iпh art observed, for ists апd dismaпtle their iпfrastructure," the heralded road map uпtil the Palestiпiaпs m а пу lsraelis - right. се пt е г, а пd left - "the lsraelis co п tiп u ed to wage war оп the started demoпstratiпg the ргорег defer­ mere declaratioп of а williпgп ess to give Palestiпiaпs while sk irtiп g their oЫigatioпs eпce. Although Yasser Arafat, desperate as away so m ethiпg at some future time . . . is uпd e r the road map to take "measures to ever, welcomed the iпitiative, he had to step Ьу itself the most pa iпful апd crucial of co п ­ improve the humaп itariaп s itu a tioп ." This aside а пd appo iпt а Palestiпiaп "leader" cessioпs.''6 Most of Sharoп's miпi s ters апd, despite Sharoп's promise of а " viaЫe ассерtаЫе to U.S. а пd lsrael. Апd, so, to crucially, the leadership of Americaп Jewry. Pa le st iпi aп state" at Aqaba, a l oпg with please the domiпaпt powers, the Palestiпiaп Am er icaп Christiaп fuпdam e пta li sts , mа пу other co mmitm e пts uпd er the road map to

12 Cover1Actioп Quar1erly Abraham

"take по actioпs uпdermiпiпg trust, iпclud­ "accused the government of helping ln а sane and just world, the straight­ iпg deportatioпs, attacks оп civiliaпs; coп­ bring down ... Abbas' pragmatic CaЬinet forward solutioп would Ье to offer the con­ fiscatioп апd/ог demolitioп of Palestiпiaп Ьу not making concessions that would quered Palestiniaпs equal rights and citi­ homes апd property, as а puпitive measure have boosted his crediЬility." 17 zenship in lsrael, ог allow them to estaЫish ог to facilitate lsraeli coпstructioп; destruc­ After much prodding, the Bush admin­ their own state adjacent to \srael. The latter tioп of Palestiпiaп iпstitutioпs апd iпfra­ istration made some noises about Sharon's solution, known as the two-state solution, structure ..." 14 separation wall, "а 60-yard wide complex of has been the thirty-year goal of the lп the followiпg moпths, Bush said апd ditches, 25-foot-high walls, electronic sen­ Palestinian leadership. But this runs count­ did very little about Sharoп's moves to sors. roads and steel fences." 18 On October er to the aim of the dominant lsraeli political uпdermiпe his оwп реасе рlап thereby 3, Colin Powell declared "the fence ... а parties who want to retain the occupied revealiпg his complicity iп the road map ргоЫеm" in an interview with the lands whether for practical reasons - charade. lп the first week the road map was Washington Post. An lsraeli caЬinet decision water, land. "security" - ог ideological rea­ puЫished, for example, "the lsraeli army . .. approving the exteпsion of the wall deep sons - the messianic impulse to settle the killed 20 Palestiпiaпs (апd, perhaps, а inside Palestinian territory came two days mythical "Land of lsrael." Тhе incorporation British jourпalist) iп the occupied territories, earlier. Soon thereafter. Palestinian farmland of several million Palestinians into lsrael, which iпcludiпg 13 iп а siпgle raid оп Gaza City оп was confiscated and the building of the wall outright annexation of the territories would Мау 1. Оп Мау 5, ап lsraeli was killed апd continued. 19 As could have been predicted, entail, would Ье repugnant to the majority of two others wouпded iп ап ambush iп the the White House quietly shifted position in lsraelis (and many Jews around the world) support of Sharon's wall, Ыaming its loss of who cherish the idea of living iп an exclusive­ resolve on the resigпation of Abbas. The ly (ог predominately) Jewish society. 22 BUSH SAID AND DID VERY Forward, а Jewish-American puЫication, Sharon's relentless pursuit of his reported "the administration now appears unique solution has caused increasing con­ L IПLE ABOUT SHARON'S to accept not only the idea of the fence. sternation in lsrael, even among the elite but also its deep penetration into the like the military pilots and агmу reserve offi­ MOVES ТО UNDERMINE West Bank." 20 cers who now refuse to serve in the Gaza and West Bank. 23 Dissent from Sharon's HIS OWN РЕАСЕ PLAN Terror: Theirs, Not Ours manic drive to crush and beat the Sharon justified virtually everything on the Palestinians into submission. including THEREBY REVEALING HIS imperative of "fighting tеггоГ:' This resonat­ humiliating and threateпing to kill their ed with Bush's one-sided characterization internationally recognized \еаdег , has COMPLICITY IN ТНЕ ROAD of the conflict as one of terror - Palestinian spread to the former heads of the notorious МАР CHARADE. terror. The curious thing is that when Abbas Shabak. the lsraeli Secret Service, which convinced the Palestinian armed factions in has prime responsiЬility for repressing the June to stop attacking lsraeli civilians, Palestinian struggle for freedom. ln an West Вапk, claimed Ьу Fatah's 'uпofficial' Sharon rejected the offer of а cease-fire unprecedented newspaper interview, four military wiпg, the Al-Aqsa Brigades." 15 This precisely because it was negotiated. Не, former Shabak directors puЫicly declared апd much more weпt uпcommeпted оп Ьу like the Great Mapmaker, demanded "that their support for а " реасе plan" drafted Ьу the cartographer Bush. the Palestinian Authority wi\I use forceful former Shabak director Ami Ayalon and At the start of the road map, the three­ [military] means against the terror organiza­ Palestinian academic Sari Nusseibeh, а plan aпd - oпe-half millioп Palestiпiaпs uпder tions and their infrastructure in the territo­ which parallels а similar effort known as the occupatioп sought апd expected relief оп ries. as precondition for any diplomatic Geneva Accord.24 ln the interview, former several froпts: а liftiпg of the closures апd advance." 2 1 Shabak director Avraham Shalom а coпcomitaпt withdrawal of the lsraeli mili­ expressed the major concern animating tary from their towпs апd villages; а reversal The Ro ad to Sharonville lsrael's political estaЫishment: of the settlemeпt expaпsioпs апd atteпdaпt That the road map arrived at а dead -end laпd expropriatioпs; а halt to the coпstruc­ should come as no surprise. Sharon did Today's fепсе is creating а politi­ tioп of the separatioп wall . They also very little to help it along and much to Ыосk ca\ and security reality that will expected the quick release of the more thaп it, like rejecting and then undermining the become а ргоЫеm. Why? 6,000 Palestiпiaп prisoпers - fathers, Palestinian cease -fire. On the surface. his Because it creates hatred, it brothers. soпs. апd еvеп daughters - rejection makes no sense - isn't а cessa­ expropriates land, and annexes mostly held without charge ог trial iп lsrael's tion of violence what he and Bush were hundreds of thousands of archipelago of prisoпs апd deteпtioп after? The counter-intuitive answer is no. Palestinians to the State of lsrael. camps. Precisely because Prime Miпister The violence provided Sharon with ample This is contrary to our interests, Mahmoud Abbas had staked his staпdiпg cover to implement his own road map, а according to which we view the оп this issue, Sharoп was поt accommodat­ kind of "final solution" to the perennial State of lsrael as the home of the iпg. Не released several huпdred prisoпers. dilemma of lsraeli Jewish society - how to Jewish people. 25 Sharoп " turпed the issue iпto а puЫic incorporate the 1967 conquered territories humiliatioп of Мг. Abbas," coпtributiпg to (the West Bank and Gaza) into lsrael without Fear of the АгаЬ baЬies. like similar his downfall. 16 This argument was recent­ absorЬing the 3.5 million Palestinians inhabit­ . fears of Black, Jewish. Gypsy. Asian baЬies ly reinforced Ьу none other than Moshe ing those lands. ln this he has largely - the essence of racism - runs across the Yaalon, the lsraeli army chief of staff. who enjoyed support from the Bush White House. Zionist politica\ spectrum from left to right.

Number 76 Spring 2004 13 Tulkaram, September 6, 2003. lsraeli soldiers open the gate in the separation Wall for some Palestinian women.

So, fог example, а recent fuпd - raisiпg let­ tic solutioп to the refugee issue" iп the military do the work of corra lliпg the ter from the liberal Americaпs fог Реасе distaпt future. Palestiпiaпs iпto Sharoпvilles iпstead of Now raises the same сопсегп the lsraeli Short of expelling the Palestiпiaпs - turning the job оvег to the U.S.-traiпed right wiпg does: The alarming tгuth is that ethпic cleaпsiпg - how сап lsrael have its Palestiпiaп security forces. Typical of settlemeпts pose ап ex iste пtial threat to the cake апd eat it? How сап lsrael coпtiпue to Shагоп, he has held his plan close to his future of lsrael. lп lsrael ргорег, Jews coп ­ сопtгоl the West Bank апd the Gaza Strip vest fог т апу уеагs. Rоп Nahman, the stitute the majority. But if you add the but avoid haviпg to rule а populatioп deter­ mауог of Ariel, опе of the major Jewish Palestiпiaпs of the West Вапk апd Gaza - а miпed to Ье rid of the occupatioп? How to se ttlemeпts, was allowed а peek at populatioп with опе of the highest ргеvепt the Palestiп i aпs from estaЫis hiпg а Sharon's map of the Pa l esti пiaп eпc l aves birthrates in the world - you see that lsrael truly viaЫe апd democratic соuпtгу which beiпg created Ьу the apartheid Wall. lt's is faciпg а demographic debacle. Within а would поt only compete with lsrael eco­ "the same map," he observed, 'Tve sееп decade perhaps, the Palestinians will coп­ пomically, but also coпt iпu e to remiпd it of еvегу time l've visited Arik [Shагоп] siпce stitute the majority popu l atioп between the its oЫigatioп to repatriate huпd reds of 1978. Не told me he's Ьееп thinkiпg about Mediterraпean Sea апd the Jогdап River.26 thousaпds of Palest iп ians drive п off their it s iп ce 1973." 27 The г есе пtlу аппоuпсеd Geпeva l aпds iп 1948? Могеоvег, how to ргеvепt The iгопу is that Shагоп is askiп g Jews. Ассогd, released amidst much hubbub, the rise of а genuiпe secular democracy iп of all people, to support his р l ап to ghet­ esseпtially seeks to achieve the same pur­ the Middle East which would pose а politi­ toize West Вапk Palestiпiaпs behind а 410- pose - preserve lsrael's Jewish majority Ьу ca l/ideological challeпge to the uпdemocra ­ mile - loпg ghetto Wall. The most revealing riddiпg it of most Palestiпian АгаЬs. While it tic апd theocratic regimes that coпtiпue to fact, one that belies Sharoп's alleged secu­ coпcedes the пееd fог а Palestiпiaп state, hold sway оvег the regioп's oil - produ ci пg rity claim fог it. is that the wall is рlаппеd to the sma ll ргiпt revea ls that the Pa l est iпi aп countries апd Ьеуопd? епсiгсlе the АгаЬ populatioп сепtегs of the state will cede сопtгоl of its Ьогdегs, air­ Sharon's апswег seems to Ь е the сге ­ West Вапk on all sides including the side space апd vital uпdergrouпd water reser­ аtiо п of - fог the lack of а better п ате, а not fa c iпg lsrael ргорег. The eп circ l eme пt of voir to lsra el. On the tou c h stoп e of the "Sharoпvi ll e" - the wa lliп g off of several Gaza's 1.5 millioп Pal es tiпiaпs is virtually Pa l estiпiaп right to геtuгп it fudges the issue millioп Palestiniaпs оп approximately 10 0/о of complete. l п these physically demarcated Ьу preteпdiпg to address it. somethiпg the occupied territories. Непсе his ргеfег ­ Sharoпvi ll es. virtual ореп - аiг prisoпs. the Bush's гоаd map virtually sidesteps with е п се fог the separatioп Wall оvег cease­ Palestiпi aпs will Ье allowed their "state." а поd to "ап agreed, just. faiг, апd realis- fires; his ргеfегепсе fог h av iпg the lsraeli They, of course. will Ье responsiЫe fог

14 CovertActioп Quarterly Abraham

policing themselves as they seek handouts it was the lsгaelis апd that the settleгs wеге lsгaeli. Тhеге 21. Тапу а Reiпhart. "The Сотрlех Art of Siтulatioп," from а largely indifferent world. lsrael will wеге actually тоге people (11 %) who believed that the Yediot Aharonot, Juпe 6, 2003.

continue to control Sharonville's borders, Palestiпiaпs wеге occupyiпg the teггitoгies апd that the 22. As ап lsгaeli official told the head of а Palestiпiaп water supply, airspace and even internal settleгs wеге Palestiпiaпs." "Missiпg iп Actioп." Guardian пoпvioleпt oгgaпizatioп: "Look, you сап foгget about movement, to say nothing of its battered (Lопdоп} , Apгil 16, 2002. попviоlепсе . You сап tell оuг fгieпds to foгget about vio­ economy. 6. " Тhеге аге тоге thaп 100 lsгaeli correctioпs to the leпce. Foгget about the Road Мар апd foгget about Sharon's gambit is predicated on "the latest veгsioп of the iпteгпatioпal гоаd тар ... The U.S. Oslo. What lsгael waпts is the laпd апd we doп't waпt defeat of the Palestinian people and their гejected deтaпds fгот the Еuгореапs апd the АгаЬ you оп it." Quoted iп Kгisiп Ess, "The Stage ls Set fог

aspirations for national self-determina­ states to puЫish the тар as is. ап iпternatioпal рlап fог Ethпic Cleaпsiпg," ZNEТ. July 26, 2003. tion.'' 28 This is the ultimate meaning of ап iтposed реасе," Aluf Вепп. "lsгael Seeks Маге Тhап 23. Lily Galili, "Reserve Pilots to Refuse Liquidatioпs ." Sharonville. lf he succeeds in taking 100 Chaпges to the 'Road Мар,'" Ha'aretz, Feb . 20, Ha'aretz. Sept. 19, 2003; Associated Press, "S hагоп, Palestinians and lsraelis down this road, 2003. Агту at Odds оп Palestiпiaпs," Oct. 30, 2003; cf. Gideoп Sharon will have ended - perhaps forever 7. Husseiп Agha & Robert Malley, "Сатр David: The Levy, "Twilight Zопе: 1 Puпched ап АгаЬ iп the Face." - any possibility of turning back to а viaЫe Tгagedy of Еггогs ," New York Review of Books, Aug. 9, Ha'aretz Friday Magazine. Nov. 21, 2003. two-state solution where Palestinians would 2001; а good distillatioп of Aгafat's capitulatioпs at Dslo 24. The Geпeva Ассогd was oгigiпally dгafted Ьу а

actually enjoy а truly independent and dem­ сап Ье fouпd iп Rоапе Сагеу's гeview essay, "The Road gгoup of security opeгatives апd otheг lsгaeli policy

ocratic state in part of historic Palestine. А Мар to Nowheгe." The Nation. July 21/28, 2003. woпks iп Ehud Baгak 's short-lived gоvегптепt, гeports good argument can Ье made that а genuine 8. Тапуа Reiпhart. "The Сотрlех Art of Siтulatioп," Akiva Eldaг. "People апd Politics/Woгd Lauпdeгeгs апd two-state solution has long been а moot Yediot Aharonot. Juпe 6, 2003. Реасе Wапdегегs," Ha 'aretz. Nov. 12, 2003. Not surpгis­ point since Arafat went down the path of 9. Rоапе Сагеу, "Buтps iп the Road Мар." The Nation, iпgly, accoгdiпg to а widely ciгculated cгitique, the

Oslo in the early nineties and acquiesced to Juпe 30, 2003. "Mortiтeг Zuсkегтап, outgoiпg head of Ассогd "atteтpts to пullify the Palestiпiaп гight of геtuгп, the douЫing of lsraeli settlements. 29 Ву the the Oгgaпizatioп of Pгesideпts of Маjог Jewish both as а collective пatioпal гight апd as ап iпdividual same token, the road to Sharonville inadver­ Oгgaпizatioпs. has dispeпsed with the tactical soft soap гight . Ву doiпg so, it stгeпgtheпs existiпg atteтpts to tently opens the possibility of а unitary Arab­ of AIPAC апd has flatly deпouпced the гоаd тар as ап гelocate апd scatteг Palestiпiaп гefugees thгoughout the Jewish state in the distant future, as Jews and outгage to lsгael, as have spokesтeп fог the Chгistiaп woгld апd give сгеdепсе to plaпs to abгogate iпterna­ Arabs will dwell in an lsraeli South Africa.30 гight," Аlехапdег Cockburп, "The Roadтap Ноах." tioпal law pertaiпiпg to the iпаliепаЫе паtuге of the • Counterpunch, Juпe 1, 2003. Right of Return ." "The пеt гesult. " the docuтeпt wагпs. 1 О. Julia Duiп , "Zioпist Meetiпg Вгапds 'Road Мар' as "would Ье to extгact the very апсhог of the Palestiпiaп

Nabee! Abraham teaches anthropo/ogy at Непгу Негеsу," Washington Тimes, Мау 19, 2003. stгuggle fог self-deteгтiпatioп: the iпdivisiЫe опепеss

Ford Community College iп Oearborп, Michigan, 11. Сопаl Uгquhart апd Chгis McGгeal, "U.S. Releases of the Palestiпiaп people апd theiг гight to their hoтes ,

where he also directs the Honors Program. 'Road Мар' Aтid Uпdeгlyiпg Teпsioпs," Guardian pгoperties апd hoтelaпd ."

(Lопdоп) , Мау 1, 2003. 25. Alex Fishтaп апd Siтa Каdтоп, "We Аге Seгiously

FURTHER READING 12. Cf. Glепп Kessleг, "'Road Мар ' Setbacks Highlight Сопсегпеd about the Fate of the State of lsгael ," Yediot

То read more on the background of the cur­ U.S. Раttегп," Washington Post. Oct. 6. 2003; see also, Aharonot, Nov. 17, 2003. See www.gush-shaloт.oгg.

rent lsraeli-Palestinian stalemate, please Robert G. Kaiseг , "Bush Moves U.S. Closeг to Shагоп оп 26. Uпdated letteг (late 2003) fгот Атегiсапs Fог see CAQ # 72 (Spring 2002). Mideast Policy,'' Washington Post. Feb. 9, 2003. Реасе Now. арпdс@реасепоw . огg То get involved in а citizens' campaign for 13. Chгis McGгeal. "The Real Obstacle to Реасе ls Not "lп late July [2003] the lsгaeli Kпesset voted to епасt а

divestment from lsrael and for divestment Теггог But Sabotage Ьу Shaгoп - Backed Агту,'' Guardlan law deпyiпg citizeпship to Palestiпiaпs fгот the occu­ news from around the U.S .. please check (Lопdоп}, Juпe 20, 2003. pied teггitoгies who таггу lsгaeli citizeпs. The тost this website: 14. Justiп Huggleг. "lsгaelis апd Palestiпiaпs Sigп Up to shockiпg aspect of the law was that it did поt surpгise

Атегiса's Road-Map,'' lndependent (Lопdоп}, Juпe 5, апуопе [eтphasis added]," wгites Todd Мау . "People NOTES 2003. who аге Dutch. lпdoпesiaп, СатЬоdiап, Uгuguayaп ог 15. Gгаhат Usheг, "Playiпg fог Тiте." Al-Ahram Week/y Сапаdiап will гeceive lsгaeli citizeпship if they таггу ап

1. А good oveгview of sоте of these plaпs is fouпd iп Online. Мау 8- 14, 2003. lsгaeli citizeп iп ассогdапсе with lsгaeli law. Of all the

Тапуа Reiпhart. "The Guaгaпteed Failuгe of the Road http ://week ly .ahгaт.o гg .eg/2003/637/fг l .htт peoples iп the woгld, опlу Palestiпiaпs аге Ьаггеd lsгaeli

Мар," Yediot Aharonot. Мау 14 , 2003; see also. Glепп 16. Chгis McGгeal. "Ridiculed апd Betгayed: Why Abbas citizeпship thгough таггiаgе ." "lsгael's New Eugeпics,"

Kessleг, "'Road Мар' Setbacks Highlight U.S. Раttегп." Blaтes Aгafat." Guardian (Lопdоп}, Sept. 8, 2003. http://weekly .a hгaт .o гg .eg/2003/653/op8.htт

Washington Post. Oct. 6. 2003. 17. "S hагоп. Агту at Odds оп Palestiпiaпs," Associated 27. Cited iп Атiга Hass, "The State Shагоп ls Talkiпg

2. Text of Pгoposed "Road Мар," http://electгoпiciпtifa­ Pгess. Oct. 30, 2003. See also. Robert Tait, "ls lsгael About." Ha'aretz. Мау 28, 2003. 141 O .s htтl Losiпg lts Агту?" Sydney Herald Тimes. Nov. 2. 2003. 28. Непгу Siegтaп. "S haгoп' s Рhопу Wаг," New York

3. Shaгoп's loпg. Ыооdу histoгy is detailed iп Baгuch 18. Johп Waгd Апdегsоп. "lsгael Appгoves Exteпdiпg Review of Books, Dec. 18, 2003.

Кiттегliпg, Politicide: Ariel Sharon 's War Against the Ваггiсаdе,'' Washington Post. Oct. 1, 2003. 29. See the excelleпt discussioпs iп Chaгles Епdегliп,

Pa/estinians (New Уогk: Veгso. 2003). 19. Glепп Kessleг апd Реtег Sleviп, "Powell Cгiticizes Shattered Dreams: The Fallure of the Реасе Process in

4. Text of speech сап Ье viewed at: lsгael оп Fепсе." Washington Post. Oct. 4, 2003; the Middle East, 1995-2002 (New Уогk : Otheг Press.

www .c пп.coт/2002/ALLPOLIТICS/06/24/bush.тideast Suzaппe Goldeпbeгg, "Реасе Hopes Blowп Apart iп Tit 2003) апd Nоат Choтsky, Middle East 11/usions

.speech/iпdex.htтl fог Tat, " Guardian (Lопdоп}, Aug. 22. 2003; Pгess (Lапhат, МО : Rоwтап & Littlefield, 2003) .

5. lпdeed. coпfusioп about who is occupyiпg the "occu­ Release. lпteгпatioпal Solidaгity Моvетепt , Oct. 14, 30. Jeff Н аlрег dгaws siтilaг coпclusioпs iп "Post-

pied teггitoгies" арреагs widespгead iп the Eпglish­ 2003, 1О 07 АМ. Apartheid: Опе State,'' speakiпg woгld . А Bгitish study of 300 you пg people 20. Огi Niг, "Bush Dгops Oppositioп to Buildiпg of www. fгoтoccupi edpalestiпe.oгg/пode.php?id=772, as fouпd that "71 % did поt kпow that it was the lsгaelis Ваггiег: Fепсе Gaiпs Nod as Road Мар Dies.'' The does Топу Judt. "lsгael: The Alteгпative." New York who wеге occupyiпg the teггitoгies . Опlу 9ол, kпew that Forward (New Уогk). Oct. 24, 2003. Review of Books, Oct. 23, 2003.

Number 76 Spring 2004 15 lsrael's Wall: Ап Analysis of lts Legal lnvalidity Under U.S. and lnternational Law

Zaha Hassan and Steven Goldberg 1

Background ln June 2003, the lsraeli Government began а massive construction project, within the Pa lestinian territories its military occupies. The lsraeli Government claims that it is con­ structing а "security fence" necessary for the protection of its people from attacks and suicide bombings emanating from the West Bank. Palestinians ca ll the barrier an "apartheid wall" ("the Wall") aimed at cag ing Pa lestinians into densely populated, Bantustan-like areas 2 while lsrael annexes more Pa lestinian territory for lsraeli settle­ ments. Palestinians argue that the Wall denies them the right to travel outside of their towns and villages, that it has resulted in the expropriation of their water resources and their agricultural land. and that it pre­ vents them from accessing medical facilities and their cultural and spiritual centers.3 The U.S. appropriates between $3 -5 billion in economic and military aid to lsrael every уеаг. lf our Government intends to facilitate а just and lasting реасе in the Middle East - something which is clearly in our national security interest - then we must maintain а balanced and reasoned stand on the conflict in lsrael-Palestine. ln recognition of that reality, when Congress passed the Emergency Wartime Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2003 (PuЫic Law 108- 11, HR 1559), it placed an unequivocal condition on the allocation of $9 billion in U.S . loan guarantees to lsrael. The Act requires that the loan guarantees may only Ье used Ьу lsrael "to support activities in the geographic areas which were subject to the administration of the Government of lsrael prior to June 5, 1967." .)',' The Act also directs that the amount of the 9 о guarantees "sha ll Ье reduced" Ьу the о amount of loan guarantees which the President determines have been used Qalqilya, West Bank. July 31 , 2003. lnternational protestors ra ise а protest sign written in three languages against what the protesters dubbed "Apartheid Wall." The sign is carried via inconsistently "with the objectives and helium-filled balloons above the 24-foot Wa ll so it сап Ье visiЫe to lsrael i motorists traveling understandings reached between the on the Cross lsrael highway just on the other side of the wa ll and Ьу residents of the lsraeli United States and the Government of lsrael town of Кfar-Saba which is several hundred yards away. regarding the implementation of the loan

16 CovertAction Quarterly guarantee program." /srael's policies and practices in the West Bank. The result is that On September 16, 2003, State the [occupied Palestinian territories]. Palestinians аге effectively cut off fгom theiг Department deputy spokesperson Adam faгmlands and woгkplaces. schools. health Ereli told members of the press that the Report of the Special clinics and otheг social services. State Department had decided that а Rapporteur fог Palestine. Palestinians living between the Wall reduction would Ье made in the loan guar­ Commission on Human and the Gгeen Line аге especially isolated antees authorized to lsrael. However. "the Rights. John Dugaгd . 5 as they will Ье cut off from the West Bank precise ·amount is still being determined. entiгely and will continue to Ье denied entry but will Ье an estimate based on а range of into lsгael. Cuггently , оvег 11.000 lsraeli Government expenses associated Recently, the lsraeli mili­ Palestinians compгising 16 villages аге with the settlement activity." Spokesperson located between the Wall and lsгael. Ereli also stated that the U.S. may also tary has ordered the thou­ Howeveг. when constгuction of the Wall is reduce loan guarantees to lsrael Ьу the complete, 70,000 Palestinians will find amount which lsrael spends on the con­ sands of Palestinians liv­ themselves in this "no man's land.'' 7 struction of the Wall. 4 Recently, the lsгaeli military has огdегеd the Although the Act required the ing between the Wall and thousands of Palestinians living between President to report to Congress Ьу the Green Line to oЬtain the Wall and the Gгeen Line to obtain peг­ September 30. 2003. regarding whether mits to live in their own homes and to woгk loan guarantees to lsrael should Ье permits to live in their theiг own faгm land.8 reduced. the President has postponed his At least 10% of the West Bank will Ье determination pending further review. lt is own homes and to work expгopгiated Ьу lsгael in constгuction of the unclear when he plans to submit his report Wall. As John Dugaгd. the Special to Congress. their own farm land. Rappoгteuг fог Palestine fог the U.N. However. in late November. the Bush Commission on Human Rights. states: administration decided to cut $289.5 million from the loan guarantee package, an action The fiгst phase of lsгael 's constгuction The Wall has all the features of а which the lsraeli Government dismissed as of the Wall took place in the northwest сог­ peгmanent stгuctuгe . The fact that negligiЫe. As reported Ьу the ВВС. the nег of the occupied West Bank. in the it will incoгpoгate half of the set­ lsraeli embassy even said in а statement Qalqilya. Tulkaгam and Jenin districts. and in tleг population in the West Bank that the amount cut had been "suggested" the heart of the West Bank. in the Jerusalem and East Jerusalem suggests that Ьу lsrael. None of the loan guarantee and Bethlehem environs. When completed. it is designed to furtheг entгench reductions аге based upon lsrael's con­ the Wall will Ье appгoximately 280-400 the position of the settleгs. The struction of the Wall. according to an article miles long and will have cost lsrael appгox­ evidence stгongly suggests that in the November 26, 2003, Jerusalem Post. imately $1.4 billion. А герогt Ьу the UN lsгael is determined to сгеаtе but аге solely focused on the constгuction Office for the Cooгdination of Humanitaгian facts on the ground amounting to of settlements. There has been little if any Affaiгs issued on Novembeг 11 estimates de facto annexation.9 congгessional response to the that lsгael's pгojected гoute fог this Ьаггiег Administгation's decision. will put nearly 15 peгcent of the West Bank The Humanitarian Crisis Surrounding ln this рарег. we discuss our on the lsraeli side. Ву Septembeг 2003, the Construction of the Wall Goveгnment's oЫigations undeг U.S. law constгuction has affected оvег 65 Jean Ziegleг. the United Nations Special and inteгnational law with гespect to lsгael's Palestinian communities with а population Rapporteur on the Right to Food, has stat­ continued constгuction of illegal lsraeli set­ of оvег 210,000. ed that "[t]he Occupied Palestinian tlements and of the Wall in the occupied At certain points the Wall is approxi­ Teгritoгies is on the veгge of humanitaгian Palestinian teггitoгies. Our intent is that mately 26 feet tall. is constгucted with con­ catastгophe. as the гesult of extгemely oгganizations woгking fог а just and lasting cгete and/oг with гаzог wiгe. and is fitted harsh military measuгes imposed Ьу the реасе in the Middle East will use this infoг­ with electгonic motion detectoгs. Wheгe occupying lsгaeli militaгy foгces since the mation in theiг efforts. particulaгly in teгms the topogгaphy peгmits . tгenches have outbгeak of the second lntifada in of focusing on possiЫe action Ьу Congгess. been dug on the Palestinian side of the September 2000." Мг . Zie gleг Ыame s the Wall. On the "lsгaeli side."6 fine sand ог "[t] he extensive imposition of curfews. гоаd The Wall and Jts Connection to lsraeli earth гuns paгallel to the fence to pick up c lo suгes. peгmit systems. security check­ Settlement Activity footprints. Parts of this tгасе zone will Ь е points. and back-to-back tгuck off-loading mined. Alongside of the tгасе zone is а taг­ systems imposed Ьу the occupying militaгy lsrae/'s undertaking to curb the mac road fог lsгa e li агmу patгol vehicles. foгces" fог the humanitaгian cгisis. 10 growth of settlements has not The Wall's path does not follow the Restгictions on movement mean that the Ьееп implemented. Оп the con­ "Gгeen Line" which maгks the de facto economy has almost collapsed and many trary, settlements have continued boundaгy between lsгael and the Palestinians cannot feed themselves. Мг. to grow at ап ипассерtаЬ/е расе. Palestinian t e ггitoгi es based upon the situa­ Z iegleг also found that water shortages аге This phenomenon, together with tion Ьеfоге the 1967 wаг . ln fact. in some as se г io u s as food shortages. Wateг tankeгs the construction of the Wall, sug­ агеаs it cuts fouг miles into the West Bank . cannot always reach villages. ог аге aгbi­ gests that territorial expansion and incoгpoгates appгoximately half of the tгarily not permitted to cross checkpoints. remains ап essential feature of illegal l sгae li settlement-colonies located in leaving communities without wateг fог days

Number 76 Spring 2004 17 Hassan & Goldberg at а time. For the 280 rural villages that the guarantees is being used to support the human rights standards. lf that is the case depend on the water tankers for their water construction of the Wall in the ОРТ. lf - as is argued further below - then supply, this means that water insecurity is Congress decides that the guarantees are Congress is oЫigated under federal extremely high in the occupied Palestinian in fact being so used, then future loan guar­ statutes to suspend aid to lsrael until it halts territories. antees should immediately Ье halted until construction of the Wall. The construction of the Wall has exac­ the precise amount of the guarantees being erbated this already dire situation according used in violation of the congressional man­ Construction of the Wall in Occupied to а report Ьу U.N. Secretary-General Kofi date is determined. Palestinian Territories Violates Annan issued on November 28 and in lnternational Humanitarian and Ziegler's report: Foreign Assistance Act and The Arms Human Rights Law Export Control Act There is а specific body of international The fence/wall is seen Ьу many as The Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, 22 humanitarian law that governs lsrael's а concrete expression of the ban­ USC § 2304, provides that "no security administration of the Palestinian territories it tustanisation of the Palestinian assistance may Ье provided to any country has occupied since the 1967 Arab-lsraeli areas in that it operates as а polit­ the government of which engages in а con­ War. The law is codified in the Hague ical strategy to divide the land, sistent pattern of gross violations of interna- Regu lations of 1907 (Regulations separating the Palestinian Appended to the Fourth Hague people into 5 barely con­ Convention Respecting the Laws tiguous cantons or 'bantus­ and Customs of War on Land, tans.' deprived of interna­ ISRAEL IS CREAТING А FOOD SHORT- Annexed Regulations. 1907) and tional borders ... this would the Fourth Geneva Conventioп of amount to а structural nega­ AGE THROUGH IТS CONSTRUCTION OF 1949 (Fourth Geпeva Convention tion of the right to food, as it Relative to the Protection of will effectively forestall for­ ТНЕ WALL AND DESTRUCTION OF Civilian Persons in Time of War, ever the possibility of а 1949). The international communi­ viaЫe Palestinian state and PALESTINIAN-OWNED LANDS, CLEARLY ty, including the United States as therefore hinder the capaci­ discussed in the State ty of the Palestinians to have VIOLATING IТS DUTIES UNDER INTER- Departn1ent's annual survey of а viaЫe economy or Ье food human rights violations, considers self-sufficient as а coherent NATIONAL HUMANITARIAN LAW. lsrael's authority in the occupied State with international Palestinian territories to Ье subject frontiers. 11 to these Conventions as а matter tionally recognized human rights." of customary international law. Customary U.S. OЫi g ations Under U.S. Law and Section 2151 n of the statute also pro­ law provides that even if а country is not а lnternational Law vides that no development assistance will party to а particular treaty, it may still Ье The legal context for examining lsrael's jus­ Ье provided to such countries. The Arms bound Ьу the terms of the treaty if it is tification for building the Wall within the Export Control Act, 22 USC § 2751 et seq., intended for adherence Ьу states geпerally Palestinian territories is framed Ьу both states that the provision of military assis­ and is in fact widely accepted in the inter­ international and U.S. law. These laws pro­ tance to countries must further "the securi­ national community. Article 2 of the Fourth vide an objective standard for evaluating ty objectives" of the U .S .. "the purposes and Geneva Convention specifically states that it lsrael's actions. principles of the United Nations Charter" applies "to all cases of partial or total occu­ and must Ье consistent with "the purposes pation." Pu Ыic Law 108- 11 of the foreign assistance program" of the Despite this international consensus То the extent that funds from the loan guar­ U.S. as provided in section 2304 of the regarding the applicability of these antees are used for the construction of the Foreign Assistance Act. Conveпtions to lsrael's occupation. and Wall, which veers into the West Bank and As discussed above. lsrael's construc­ despite the explicit statement in Article 2 of Gaza to include settlements west of the tion of the Wall has produced а humanitari­ the Geneva Convention that it applies "to all barrier, Congress' clear intent as expressed an crisis in the occupied Palestinian territo­ cases of partial or total occupation," lsrael in PuЫic Law 108- 11 in allocating the guar­ ries. lsrael's legitimate interest in providing contends that the Fourth Geneva antees is being flagrantly violated. security to its citizens is no justification for Convention is поt fully applicaЫe in the Nonetheless, the Administration has the starvation of the Palestinian population. occupied territories. However, in recent ignored Congress' directive Ьу not submit­ U.N. agencies and virtually every non-gov­ decisions of the lsraeli Supreme Court sit­ ting the required report Ьу September 30. ernmental organization that has investigat­ ting as the High Court of Justice, the Court lf the President continues to ignore his ed the justifications for lsrael's construction has assumed the applicability of the Fourth clear statutory duty, the Congress should of the Wall has determined that the Wall Geneva Convention and has based its deci­ immediately hold hearings to determine if does not serve the interest of security but sions in part оп the provisioпs of that any portion of the U.S. loan guarantees is instead constitutes а gross violation of Convention.12 lsrael has generally conceded being used to support the construction or internationally recognized human rights. the application of the Hague Regulations to maintenance of settlements in the occupied Again, congressional hearings should its occupation of the West Вапk and Gaza. Palestinian territories (ОРТ) . Second, investigate whether lsrael's actions in con­ The Hague and Geneva Conventions Congress should determine if any portion of structing the Wall violate international prescribe the conduct of the belligerent

18 CovertAction Quarterly The Right to Own Property As discussed above, to construct the Wall lsrael has and will continue to confiscate thousaпds of acres of laпd owned Ьу Pa l estiпiaпs. Private agricultural land as well as olive trees, wells апd citrus groves have Ьееп destroyed. Further, agricultural land adjaceпt to the Wall has been declared off limits to Pa l est iп ians, rendering it useless. l п the section addressing mi litary occupatioп, Article 46 of the Hague Regu l at i oпs explicitly affirms that "[p]rivate property ca nnot Ье confiscated." Article 53 of the Fourth Geпeva Сопvепt i оп prohibits the destruction of real or personal property "except where such destruction is reпdered absolutely necessary Ьу military ope ratioпs." Article 17 of the Universal Declaration of Humaп Rights states that everyone has the right to оwп property, and that no one shall Ье arbitrarily deprived of his or her property. Masha, West Bank. August 3, 2003: lsraeli border police arrest international and lsraeli pro­ lsrael claims that its conf i scat i oп and testers who were trying to Ыосk the construction of the separation Wall in the yard of а Palestinian home in the village of Masha. As this photo was taken the police officer оп the des t ruct i oп of Pa lestinian laпd аге justified left of the picture tried to grab the photographer and ordered him to Ье detained for taking Ьу military necessity. ln addition, lsrael coп ­ the photo; the photographer was released later. teпds that given the ongoing violence in the ОРТ, а situatioп of hostility rather thaп occupat i oп exists which permits lsrael to eпgage iп defeпsive measures such as con­ struction of the Wa ll. lsrael argues that Article 52 of the Hague Regulations allows occupier during what is assumed will only plied, the occupying power shall agree to lsrael to requisition property if it is ''for the Ье а temporary period of occupation. and relief schemes on behalf of the populatioп пeeds of the occupyiпg army" in situations prohibit the military occupier from taking апd facilitate (поt hinder) such schemes of hostility. any action that turns its temporary presence (Article 59). Yet as discussed in the Ziegler lsrael's justification for the construc­ into entrenched sovereign permanence. report, lsrael is creating а food shortage tioп of the Wall is clearly pretext. These treaties specifically counter the idea through its coпstruction of the Wa ll and Palestiпiaп laпd and property is поt beiпg that territory сап legitimately Ье acquired Ьу destruction of Pa l estiпiaп-owпed l aпds. appropriated to build for the "needs of the war and conquest. Further, they demand clearly violatiпg its duties uпde r i пterпation ­ occupying army," but rather, as the U.N. that the occupied population Ье treated al humanitarian law. Special Rapporteur for Palestiпe , Johп hum a пely. specifically spelling Dugard, stated in his report. it is а out the rights of the iпhabi - cover-up for aпnexation of land and the estaЫishment of new tants. IT IS А COVER-UP FOR ANNEXATION OF Specifically, construction borders for the lsraeli state which of the separatioп Wa ll violates LAND AND ТНЕ ESTABLISHMENT OF NEW will incorporate illegal settlemeпts and/or undermiпes the follow­ and Palestiпiaп laпd пecessary to ing wel l -esta Ыished fundamen­ BORDERS FOR ТНЕ ISRAELI STATE WHICH protect those settle meпts . tal humanitariaп апd human rights пorm s app l icaЫe to the WILL INCORPORATE ILLEGAL SETTLE- The Right to Freedom of Movement Pa l estiпi a n people living iп the Although Palestiпiaпs поw suffer occupied territories: MENTS AND PALESTINIAN LAND ... severe li m i tat i oпs on their ability to move withiп an d b etwee п the The Right to Food lsrael has ratified all of the principal occupied Pa lestiпi a n territories due to As an occupyiпg power, lsrael has the oЫi ­ instrum e пts for the protecti oп of humaп checkpoints. roadЫocks ап d curfews, the gatioп to provide resources such as food rights which protect the right to food - the Wall will опlу worse п this situation. Wall ed­ and water if the resou rces iп the occupied lntern a tioпa l Covenant оп Econ omic. Social in eпc laves confiniпg tens of thousands of territory аге inadequate. Under Article 55 of апd Cultural Rights (Article 11). the people will Ь е created. sha rply curtailing the Fourth Geпeva Co пve nti o n , the occupy­ Co пv eпtio n оп the Rights of the Child movemeпt for all except а handful of per­ ing power should ensure the food а пd (Articles 24, 27). the Co nve п tioп for the mit-holders. Access to basic services, med- water supplies of the population and briпg Eliminatioп of Dis c rimin a tioп Ag a iпst . ical саге апd e mp l oymeпt will Ье limited. iп the пe cessary food stuffs. lf the whole ог Wom en (Article 12) and the Uпiversa l Both Article 13(1) of the Uпiversa l part of the populatioп is inadequately sup- Declaration of Human Rights (Article 25). Declaratioп of Human Rights апd Article

Number 76 Spring 2004 19 Hassan & Goldberg

should Ье immediately withheld which reflect the actual amounts being spent Ьу lsrael. lndeed. Congress should consider going further Ьу conditioning all future aid to lsrael on its compliance with internation­ al and U.S. laws. With U.S. troops in lraq and the War on Terrorism still waging оп, it is exceedingly ill-advised for the U.S. to Ье seen as an accomplice to lsrael's construction of the Wall iп Palestine. As а facilitator of реасе talks between lsraelis and Palestinians. the U.S. must support the building of bridges between lsrael and Palestine, not walls. The National Lawyers Guild - in conjunction with other groups working on this issue in the U.S. - will push for congressioпal hear­ ings this spriпg to address the issue of coпtinued funding for the Wall through the loan guarantees. lf you wish to join in this effort. please contact us at stevengold­ [email protected] . • NOTES

1. Za ha Hassa n and Steven Goldberg а ге attorneys in Portland. Oregon. and members of the National Lawyers Guild. Goldberg is co-chair of the Guild's lntern ational Law Committee. Both Hassan and Goldberg participat­ ed in the Guild's delegation to the Occupied Palestinian Territories and lsrael in January 2001 . 2. The term "bantustan" historically refers to the sepa­ rate territories designated as homelands for Black peo­ Abu-Dis, Jerusalem. September 2003. А Palestinian grandmother helping her granddaugh­ ple under the South African apartheid state. ter to cross the Wall on her way to school. Thousands of Palestinians cross the Wall at this З. Detailed documented analysis of the effects of the section every day on their way to and from work and school. Wall is beyond the scope of this рарег . but is availaЫe in

reports Ьу Amnesty lnternational.

Humaп Rights Watch., BTselem (ап lsraeli

humaп rights orgaпizatioп). апd the

12(3) of the lnternatioпal Covenant оп Civil abuses Ьу countries receiving U.S . ecoпom­ Palestiпiaп Eпviroпmeпtal NGOs Network (PENGON). апd Political Rights - fundameпtal iпterпa ­ ic and military aid in the Foreigп Assistance www . peпgoп .org . tioпal human rights laws - guarantee the Act апd Arms Export Control Act. lt has 4. Ha 'aretz. Sept. 17, 2003, "U.S. Coпsiders Deductiпg right to freedom of movement withiп the specifically addressed сопсегпs with lsraeli Fепсе Мопеу from Lоап Guaraпtees"; see also borders of each State. actioпs Ьу restrictiпg the April 2003 loan lnternational Herald ТпЬипе. Aug. 5. 2003. "U.S. Weighs guaraпtees to поt beiпg used iп the occu­ а Cut iп Aid to lsrael Over lts Fепсе:· Conclusion pied Palestiпian territories. Through its con­ 5. E/CN 412004/6, Sept. 8. 2003. at р. 3. So mапу efforts have been made to resolve tiпued construction of settlements and поw 6. The "lsraeli side" refe rs to the еаstегп side of the Wall the lsraeli-Pa lestinian crises. all of which the Wall, lsrael has flauпt ed Coпgress' clear that has de facto been iпcorporated into lsrael. The path have failed to this poiпt. Even а decision Ьу iпteпt. lsrael's actions. as the actioпs of апу of the Wal l is. for the most рагt. wholly withiп the the lnt ernatioпa l Court of Justice based country violatiпg iпterп ational humaпitarian Palestiпiaп territories. uроп heariпgs held in February 2004. find ­ and humaп rights laws. must поt Ье tolerat­ 7. Sydney Morning Herald (Australia). Oct. 31, 2003, ing that the Wall violates international law. ed. Giveп the President's meager response "lsraeli Fепсе Will Leave 70,000 iп No - Maп's Laпd." is likely to Ье igпored Ьу lsrael and the Ьу cuttiпg such negligiЫe amouпts from 8. "Permits Ordered for Palestiпiaпs." Guardian, Oct. United States. lt is clear that further реасе future guaraпtees. if the President refuses 27, 2003. proposals will fail and further United to act, theп it now falls to Congress to take 9. Report of the Special Rapporteur of the Commissioп Natioпs resolutioпs will Ье of по coпse­ more meaningful actioп. lt must act Ьу call­ оп Humaп Rights. Johп Dugard, E/CN 4/2004/6, Sept. 8, queпce unless s igпificaпt pressure is put оп ing hearings immediately to iпvestigate 2003, р . 2. lsrael Ьу its stroпgest ally, the Uпited lsrael 's actions. lf it determiпes that the lоап 1 о. Drah Report оп the Right to Food iп the Occupied States. guaraпtees аге iп fact beiпg used to sup­ Palestiпian Territories. Sectioп 1 -А. Aug. 2003. The U.S. Congress has reiterated its port settlements апd Wall coпstructioп iп 11 . ld. Sectioп IV. unwillingness to tolerate humaп rights th e West Bank. then future guaraпtees 12. See. e.g" Ajuri >: IOF Commander.

20 CovertAction Quarterly The Concentration Camp at Guantanamo

Marjorie Cohn

Anyone who has traveled to Cuba ог lis­ wheп Cuba was uпdег occupatioп Ьу the pluпged iпto the heart of СuЬап soil,"9 teпed to mariachis siпg iп myriad Latiп U.S. агmу after Cuba's wаг of iпdерепd­ refuses to cash the rent checks: "Ап ele­ restauraпts is familiar with the lovely soпg, епсе agaiпst Spaiп. The Platt Ameпdment, 4 meпtal seпse of digпity апd absolute dis­ Guantanamera - the little gir1 from Guaпta ­ which graпted the U.S. the right to iпtег­ agreemeпt with what happeпs iп that рог­ пamo. Based оп а poem Ьу Jose Maгtf, the vепе iп Cuba, was iпсогрогаtеd iпto the tiоп of оuг пatioпal territory has prevented father of СuЬап iпdерепdепсе, the soпg is СuЬап Coпstitutioп as а prerequisite fог the Cuba from cashiпg those checks:· 10 паггаtеd Ьу "ап hoпest mап from where the withdrawal of U.S. troops from the rest of lп its Jапuагу 2002 statemeпt, the palm tгее grows," who speaks of the beau­ Cuba. That provisioп provided the basis fог Cuban goverпmeпt did поt oppose housiпg ty of Cuba. а treaty graпtiпg jurisdictioп оvег Guaпta­ the U.S. prisoпers at Guaпtaпamo: lп stark coпtrast, the post 9/11 пamo Вау to the Uпited States.5 "Although the traпsfer of foreigп wаг pris­ Guaпtaпamo Вау is home to а veritaЫe oпers Ьу the Uпited States governmeпt to сопсепtгаtiоп camp, iп the words of both lllegal Occupation of Guantanamo опе of its military facilities - located iп а the Natioпal Lawyers Guild апd the The 1903 Agreemeпt оп Coaliпg апd Naval рогtiоп of оuг laпd оvег which we have по Аmегiсап Associatioп of Jurists.1 lп Stations gave the Uпited States the right to jurisdictioп, as we have Ьееп deprived of it ОесеmЬег 2003, Cuba's Natioпal AssemЫy use Guaпtaпamo Вау "exclusively as coaliпg - does поt abide Ьу the provisioпs that reg­ also decried the "сопсепtгаtiоп camp" at ог пaval statioпs, апd fог по other pur­ ulated its iпceptioп, we shall поt set апу Guaпtaпamo, sayiпg: " lп the territory ille­ pose."6 lп 1934, Presideпt Fraпkliп О . obstacles to the developmeпt of the орега ­ gally occupied Ьу the Guaпtaпamo пaval Roosevelt s i gпed а пеw treaty with the tiоп."11 base, huпdreds of foreigп prisoпers аге RepuЫic of Cuba, which abrogated the Platt Presideпt Castro likely kпew that subjected to iпdescribaЫe abuses."2 Ameпdmeпt апd the 1903 treaty. 7 protest would Ье futile, апd he is еаgег to СuЬап Presideпt Fidel Castro says the But this treaty. iп the spirit of пormalize relatioпs betweeп the United Uпited States has traпsformed Guaпtaпamo Roosevelt's "Good Neighboг " policy, maiп ­ States апd Cuba. Могеоvег, Cuba was the base "iпto а world ргisоп iп violatioп of all taiпed U.S. сопtгоl оvег Guaпtaпamo Вау iп first соuпtгу to coпdemn the September 11 law апd of what they themselves геfег to as perpetuity uпtil the Uпited States аЬапdопs attacks. lt has the distiпctioп of both oppos­ humaп rights. lt hurts us wheп throughout it ог uпtil both Cuba апd the U.S. agree to iпg those attacks апd also protestiпg the the world people talk about that hоггiЫе modify it. The пеw treaty, however, speci­ U.S. bombiпg campaigп iп Afghaпistaп , ргisоп, опе that Ьеагs по differeпce with fied that "the st ipulatioп s of [the 1903) sayiпg: "Oespite the fact that we hold dif­ the Nazi сопсепtгаtiоп camps." 3 agreemeпt with regard to the пava l statioп fereпt positioпs as to the most efficieпt way Маге thaп 600 prisoпers have Ьееп of Guaпtaпamo shall coпtiпue iп effect."8 to eradicate terrorism, the differeпce iпcarcerated at the Guaпtaпamo camp fог That is. Guaпtaпamo Вау сап Ье used оп/у betweeп Cuba апd the Uпited States lies iп пеагlу two уеагs. lmages have emerged of fог coaliпg ог пaval stations. Additioпal l y, the method апd поt iп the пееd to put ап 12 hooded mеп оп their kпees. kept iп small aгticle 111 of the 1934 treaty provides that епd to that scourge." cages, with по charges agaiпst them, sub­ the RepuЫic of Cuba leases Guaпtaпamo jected to repeated iпterrogatioп. without Вау to the Uпite d States " fог coaliпg а пd The Red Cross Denounces Treatment access to atto rп eys ог co uгts to challeпge пaval stat ioп s." Nowhere in either treaty of Guantanamo Prisoners their coпfiпemeпt. Secretary of Defeпse does Cuba give the Uпited States the right Cuba, which boasts опе of the most Doпald Rum sfeld has iпdicated that тапу to utilize Guaпtaпamo Вау as а ргisоп ог а advaпced medical systems iп the world, will Ье kept at Guaпtaпamo uпtil the wаг оп coпcentratioп camp. offered to provide medical services and terrorism is оvег. The Uпited States seпds Cuba а saпitation programs fог the prisoпers, lroпi ca lly, the Uпited States goverп ­ $4,085 check each уеаг fог the use of the which аррагепtlу was поt accepted Ьу the m e пt, which ha s treated the СuЬап people 45-square-mile piece of prime СuЬап U.S. After а гесепt two - moп th visit to the to а puпishiпg embargo апd Ыockad e fог waterfroпt l aпd . But, iп protest aga iп st this Guaпtaпamo ca mp. the Red Cross (ICRC) 43 уеагs. coпtiпues to illegally occupy that humili atiпg iпfriпgemeпt оп С uЬ ап sover­ . stroпg ly coпdemпed the deteпtioп of the рагt of Cuba's territory. Guaпtaпa mo Вау eigпty , the goverпmeпt of Fidel Castro. who prisoners housed there: "The ICRC's maiп came uпdег Uпited States сопtгоl iп 1903 ca lls the Guaпtaпamo base "а dagger сопсегn today is that the U.S. authorities

Number 76 Spring 2004 21 Leaked Photos of "Detainees" Being Transported to Guantanamo Вау. Originally posted at

These photos were anonymously sent to several main­ stream and alternative news organizations, according to CNN. lt was radio host Art Bell who first puЫished them on his Website, in the early morning hours of November 8, 2002. The photos have been confirmed as genuine.

CNN: "А Pentagon spokesman says the photographs арреаг to Ье genuine. lt is not known who took ог e-mailed the pictures."

Associated Press: "Officials believe the photos were not authorized and know their release was unauthorized, he [а Pentagon spokesman] said."

According to these news reports, it's likely that the photos were taken as the prisoners were being transported from Afghanistan to Turkey, on their way to Guantanamo Вау .

22 CovertAction Quarterly Cohn have placed the i пternees iп Guaпtaпa m o iп а legal vacuum. а legal Ыасk hole." The lnter-American Commission оп Ьеуопd the law. This mea п s that, after more U.S. authorities. she claims. "have effective­ Human Rights Says Convene Tribunals thaп eighteeп moпths of captivity, the ly placed them Ьеуопd the law.'' 23 lп February 2002, the Сепtег for iпternees still have по idea about their fate. The Third Geпeva Сопvепtiоп Relative Coпstitutioпa l Rights filed а petitioп with апd по meaпs of recourse through апу legal to the Treatmeпt of Prisoпers of War sets the lпter-Americaп Commissioп оп Humaп mechaпism." The Red Cross "observed а forth miпimum staпdards for the treatmeпt Rights, askiпg that the Guaпtaпamo worryiпg deterioratioп iп the psychological of prisoпers of war.24 lt also requires that detaiпees Ье declared prisoпers of war апd health of а large пumber of them.'' 13 lпdeed, the status of captured persoпs Ье deter­ giveп immediate access to lawyers апd coп­ the New York Тimes reported 32 attempted miпed Ьу а "competeпt tribuпa l " should sular officials of their home couпtries. 29 The suicides in 18 moпths апd several detaiпees "апу douЬt arise" about whether they аге Commission requested that the U.S. gov­ beiпg treated for cliпical depressioп as а prisoпers of war. 25 But iпstead of deferriпg erпmeпt сопvепе competeпt tribunals to direct result of the uпcertaiпties of their to а competeпt tribuпal to determiпe their determiпe the status of the detaiпees, 3 0 but situatioпs. 14 status. the Репtаgоп maiпtains that there is the goverпmeпt has refused to comply, say­ lп April 2003, the U.S. goverпmeпt по douЬt these captives are "uпlawful com­ iпg it is поt bouпd Ьу ruliпgs of the admitted that childreп as youпg as 13 were batants" апd they have thus Ьееп deп i ed Commissioп. 3 ' beiпg held at Guaпtaпamo . 1 5 Labeled "juve­ the protectioпs that POWs enjoy uпder the пile епеmу combataпts , " 1 6 they live iп what Third Geпeva Сопvепtiоп. Catch 22 -Prisoners Denied Access the U.S. soldiers call "lguaпa House.'' 17 Accordiпg to the Lawyers Committee to U.S. Courts Although Guaпtaпamo ' s commaпder. Major for Humaп Rights. "the admiпistratioп has iп Two appellate court cases have deпied the Geпeral Geoffrey Miller. recommeпded iп fact Ьееп usiпg the term 'uп l awful епеmу Gu a пtanamo prisoners access to Uпited August 2003 that the childreп Ье seпt home combataпt' - а term поt fouпd iп iпterпa ­ States federal courts. lп Coa/ition of Clergy, because they had Ьееп "kidпapped iпto tioпa l law - as а kiпd of magic waпd, wav- Lawyers & Law Professors v. Bush, 32 the U.S. terrorism," were поt а sigпifi- Court of Appeals for the Niпth caпt risk. апd could поt pro- Circuit affirmed ап order dis­ vide additioпal iпtelligeпce. missiпg а habeas corpus peti- some still remaiп iп custody. 18 tioп оп the grouпd that those The ICRC also expressed "ТНЕ ICRC'S MAIN CONCERN TODAY IS briпging the actioп оп behalf сопсегn about the hou s iпg of of the Guaпtaпamo detainees ТНАТ ТНЕ AUTHORIТIES juveпile s at Guaпtaпamo. say­ U.S. HAVE - clergy, lawyers, апd law pro­ iпg, "the ICRC does поt coп­ PLACED ТНЕ INTERNEES IN GUANTANAMO fessors - were поt ргорег sider Guaпtaп a mo ап appro­ "next frieпds ." The U.S. Court priate place to detaiп juve­ BEYOND ТНЕ LAW. THIS MEANS ТНАТ, of Appeals for the О . С. Circuit пiles.'' 19 Th e Am e ricaп also dismissed the habeas cor­ Declara tioп of the Rights апd AFTER MORE THAN EIGHTEEN MONTHS OF pus petitioпs i п Khaled A.F А/ Duties of Мап . which is biпd ­ Odah v. И.S.А., 33 for lack of iпg оп the Uпited States as а CAPTIVITY, ТНЕ INTERNEES STILL HAVE jurisdictioп, holdiпg that the member of the Orgaпizatioп of detaiпees аге поt "withiп апу Americaп States. provides NO IDEA ABOUT THEIR FATE, AND NO territory over which the United that "all childreп have the States is sovereigп." 3 4 This right to special prote ctioп. MEANS OF RECOURSE THROUGH ANY result is premised оп the са ге апd aid.'' 20 Likewise. the absurd поtiо п that Cuba is Сопvе пtiоп оп the Rights of LEGAL MECHANISM." actually sovereigп over the Child states that "every Guaпta n a mo Вау, even though child deprived of his о г her the Uпite d States exercises liberty shall have the right to prompt access iпg it to avoid well - estaЫished staпdards of exclusive jurisdictioп over it.35 Amпesty to legal апd other appropriate as s ist a пce. U.S. а пd iпterпatioпal law.''26 Moreover. lпte rnatioпal has noted: "lt is deeply iroпic as well as the right to ch a lleпge the legality Jamie Fe llпer. director of Humaп Rights that the U.S.A. is viol a tiпg fuпdameпt a l of the d e priv a tioп of his ог her liberty before Watch's U.S. Program, said : "As а party to rights оп СuЬ а п soil, а пd re lyiп g оп the fact а court ог other comp e te пt . iпdep e пd e nt the G e п eva Coпve пt i oп s, the Uпited States that it is оп СuЬ а п soil to keep the U.S. а пd impartial authority, а пd to а prompt is required to treat every d eta iп e d combat­ courts from exa miпiп g its coпdu ct . 3 6 d ec i s i o п о п а пу such acti o п .'' 2 ' Although the a п t hum a п e ly, iп c ludiпg uпl a wful combat­ A пoth e r federal case. however. U.S. has поt ratified the Сопvепtiоп оп the aпts. The Uпited States may поt pick апd rea ched а differeпt result from the А/ Odah Rights of the Child. it is oЫig e d . as а s igп a­ choose a moпg them to decide who is eпti ­ case. lп GhereЬi v. Bush & Rumsfeld, 37 the tory. to r e fra iп from actioп that would tled to humaпe treatm e пt ." 27 N i п th Circuit decided that U.S. courts do uпd e rmiп e the ob1ect а пd purpose of the Ап editorial iп the New York Тimes have j uri s di ctioп to hear the Guaпtan a m o treaty.22 described the s itu a tioп of th e Gu a пta п a m o pr i soпe rs' com p l a iпts. Th e court said that d eta iп ees as а "sca пd a l ," sa y iп g : "Whoever Ьу e mpl oyiп g Gu a п ta п a mo as а pri so п А Legal Black Hole they аге . their trea tm e пt should Ь е а camp, "our gover п me пt has purposely Am a пd a W i lli a m so п . spokeswo m a п i п the d e m onstra ti o п of America's com mi t m e пt to acted iп а m а пп ег directly iп c oп s i ste nt with Red Cross's Was hiпgtoп office, said the justice. п о t the Ыоt о п its h о п о г that · th e terms of the Lease а пd the coпtiпuiпg G u a ntaп a m o pri s oп e rs "have Ьее п placed Gu a пtaпa m o has become."28 Treaty, [which] .. . limit U.S. use of the terri-

Number 76 Spring 2004 23 tory to а пaval base апd coaliпg statioп ." the legality of the deteпtioп of foreigп Moreover. еvеп if а регsоп is acquitted Ьу Rejectiпg the Bush admiпistratioп's disiп ­ пatioпals captured abroad iп соппесtiоп the military commiss i oп . the Репtаgоп geпuous claim that the U.S. is поt sovereigп with hostilities апd i пcarcerated at the maiпta iпs it сап coпtiпue to ho ld him iп over Guaпtaпamo Вау, the court held that. Guaпtaпamo Вау Nava l Base. Cuba .''38 iпdefiпite deteпtioп . 47 "for the purposes of habeas jurisdict i oп. The Supreme Court's decisioп to The l пterпatioп a l Military Tribuпal at Guaпtaпamo is sovereigп U.S. territory." review this case got the atteпtioп of the Nuremberg tried апd coпvicted Nazi lead­ The Niпth Circuit coпfroпted the cha l­ Bush admiпistratioп . Less thaп а moпth ers iп puЫic proceediпgs iп which the leпge faciпg the coпstitutioпal priпciple of after the Court's graпt of certiorari. а U.S. defeпdaпts were аЫе to hear the evideпce separatioп of powers. sayiпg, " еvеп iп times mil itary official told Тiте magaziпe that 140 agaiпst them .48 Likewise, the lпterпatioпal of пatioпal emergeпcy - iпdeed, particular­ detaiпees а ге scheduled for release. The Crimiпal Tribuпal for the Former ly iп such times - it is the oЫigatioп of the official said the military is "waitiпg for а Yugoslavia 49 апd the lпterп a tioпal Crimiпal Judicial Вгапсh to eпsure the preservatioп politica lly propitious time to re lease them ."39 Court50 guaraпtee basic due process of our coпstitutioпal values апd rights. which аге a b s eпt from to preveпt the Executive Вгапсh Bu sh's military commissioпs . 51 from гuпп i пg roughshod over AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL HAS NOTED: lп 1942, the Supreme Court the rights of cit i zeпs апd a l ieпs upheld the Pre s ideпt ' s authority to alike." The court aпswered the "IT IS DEEPLY IRONIC ТНАТ ТНЕ U.S.A. estaЫish а military tribuпal to try Bush admiпistratioп's assertioп Germaп soldiers who came опtо of authority he a d - oп . sayiпg : IS VIOLATING FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS U.S. soil ;52 however. the Uпited States was eпgaged iп а wаг with "Неге. we simply саппоt ON CUBAN SOIL, AND RELYING ON ТНЕ Germaпy at the time. No паtiоп accept the goverпmeпt's has executed ап armed attack positioп that the Executive FACT ТНАТ IT IS ON CUBAN SOIL ТО agaiпst the U.S. Yet Bush 's com­ Вгапсh possess the miss i oп would have the authority uпchecked authority to КЕЕР ТНЕ U.S. COURTS FROM EXAMIN- to tгу those suspected of violatiпg impr i soп iпdef i п i tely апу the laws of war. persoпs . foreigп citizeпs ING ITS CONDUCT." Сопсегпs about the lack of iпc l uded. оп territory iпdерепdепсе of military tribuпals uпder the sole jurisdictioп апd Basiпg the re lease of p ri soпers оп political led the lпter - Americaп Commis s ioп а пd coпtro l of the Uпited States. with­ exigeпcies flies iп the face of due process Court of Humaп Rights. апd th e U.N. out permittiпg such pri s oпers guaraпtees iп the l пterпatioпal Соvепапt оп Humaп Rights Committee. to f i пd that the recourse of апу kiпd to апу judicial Civi l апd Politica l Rights. 40 ВагЬага use of military courts to try c i v ili a п s iп four forum. ог еvеп access to couпse l . O l shaпsky , deputy lega l director of the L a tiп Americaп c ouпtri es violated fuпda ­ regard less of the l eпgth ог mаппег Сепtег for Coпstitutioпa l Rights. character­ meпtal rights of du e process. 53 of their coпfiпemeпt . We hold that ized the рlаппеd releases of the prisoпers Geпeva 111 provides that pri s oп e rs of по lawful policy ог precedeпt sup ­ as " ап admiss i oп Ьу the Uпited States that war а ге e пtitl e d to th e sa me judicial ports such а couпter-iпtuitive апd it has imprisoпed people for two years who processes as а ге th e arm ed forces of the uпdemocratic procedure." саппоt Ье charged with aпythiпg . "4 1 d e taiпiпg power. 54 Th e Guaпtaпamo pris­ oпer s. if d etermiпed to Ь е POWs. should Ье But the appellate court was perhaps Military Commissions Violate tried uпder the Uпifo rm Code of Military most alarmed at the goverпmeпt's assertioп lnternational Law Justice. duriпg oral argumeпt that these prisoпers l п November 2001 , George W. Bu sh issued would have по judicial recourse еvеп if they а Military Order estaЬlishiпg military com ­ The U.S. Violates lts Treaty OЫigations were c l aimiпg the goverпmeпt subjected missioп s to try поп-U . S . citi z eпs . 42 Four Еv е п if а competeпt tribuпal were to decide them to acts of torture ог summary execu­ moпths later. the Departmeпt of Defeпse these people аге поt prisoпers of war uпder tioп. The Niпth Circuit said: "То our kпow l ­ rele ased the procedures for trials iп these Geп eva 111 , they аге still eпtitled to due edge. prior to the c urreпt deteпtioп of pris­ commi ss ioп s. 43 People who а рреаг before process rights uпder the Geпeva oпers at Gu a пt a пamo . the U.S. goverпmeпt them will е пjоу опlу those rights the Сопvепtiоп Re lative to the Protectioп of has пеv ег before asserted such а grave а пd Presideпt ог Secretary of Defeпse decides Civi l iaп Persoпs iп Time of War. 55 Апd. the startliпg propo s itioп ." The court said thi s they should have . Defeпdaпts сап Ье tried goverпmeпt is still duty bouпd to comply was "а positioп so extreme that it raises the iп secret with the use of secret evideпce. with two other treaties it has ratified - the gravest сопс е гпs uпder both Americaп апd with limitatioпs оп their choice of couпse l . Сопvепt i оп agaiпst Torture апd Other Cruel. iпterпatioпal law.'' апd they сап Ье executed with по right to l пhumaп ог Degradiпg Tre a tmeпt ог Duriпg its preseпt term. the Uпited judicial review. They do have the right to Puпishmeпt , 56 апd the lпterпatioпal States Supreme Court will decide whether appeal to George W. Bush .44 There аге Соvепапt оп Civil апd Political Rights.57 U.S. courts have jurisdictioп over the plaпs to build а death row апd execut i oп The U.N. Workiпg Group оп Arbitrary Guaпtaпamo prisoпers . Оп November 1О, chamber at Guaпtaпamo . presumaЬly to Deteпtioп has пoted that еvеп wheп pris­ 2003. the Supreme Court graпted certiorari саггу out death seпteпces imposed Ьу the oпer of war status is поt recogпized Ьу а iп the А/ Odah case, limited to the fo ll owiпg military commissioпs . 4 5 competeпt tribuп a l . "the s ituatioп of questioп : "Whether Uпited States courts These mil itary commissioпs аге поt detaiпees would Ье goverп e d Ьу the rele­ lack jurisdictioп to coпsider challeпges to competeпt апd iпdepeпdeпt tribuпals . 46 vaпt provisioп s of the [ICCPR] апd iп раг -

24 Cove rtA ctioп Quarterly Cohn ticular Ьу articles 9 апd 14 thereof. the first exceptioпal circumstaпces whatsoever. lraq, like those оп Kosovo апd Vietпam. of which guaraпtees that the l awfu lп ess of а whether а state of wаг ог а threat of wаг, have Ьееп vегу lucrative fог U.S. согрога­ deteпtioп sha ll Ье reviewed Ьу а competeпt iпtегпаl political iпstability ог апу other pub­ tiопs п lп particular. Вгоwп & Root court. апd the secoпd of which guaraпtees lic е m егgепсу, may Ье iпvoked as а justifi­ Services. the епgiпеегiпg divisioп of 68 the right to а fair trial ." 58 Article 9(4) of the ca tioп fог torture." Likewise. the ICCPR Halliburtoп Соmрапу which was headed Ьу ICCPR provides: "Апуопе who is deprived specifies that torture. cruel. iпhumaп ог degrad­ Dick Сhепеу Ьеfоге he was tapped fог Vice of his liberty Ьу arrest ог deteпtioп sha ll Ье iпg treatmeпt ог puпishmeпt shall пеvег Ье Presideпt. wоп а $9,700,000 сопtгасt to eпtit l ed io take proceediпgs Ьеfоге а court. permitted. еvеп iп times of "puЫic еmегgепсу build а 204-uпit deteпtioп camp at 69 iп огdег that that соuпt гу may decide with­ which threateпs the life of the паtiоп .' ' Guaпtaпamo. Each steel uпit will measure 6 out delay оп the l awfu lпe ss of his deteп­ The ICCPR also guaraпtees а detaiпee feet 8 iпches Ьу 8 feet. 78 This is the same tioп апd огdег his release if the deteпtioп the right to Ье iпformed of the геаsоп fог his Вгоwп & Root that built the coпtroversial 70 is поt lawful." 59 deteпtioп. the right to prompt access to isolatioп uпits. ог "tiger cages," to hold ргis ­ 71 The Torture Сопvепtiоп prohibits cruel. couпse l of his choosiпg, апd the right to опегs iп South Vietпam iп the CIA's iпfa ­ iпhumaп о г degradiпg treatmeпt ог puпish ­ the presumptioп of iппосепсе п Amпesty mous Phoeпix Program iп the еагlу 1970s.79 meпt as well as torture. lt forbids the use of lпt erпatioпal has said: "The detaiпees' right Апd it is the same Вгоwп & Root that built physical ог meпtal соегс i оп to get iпfo rm a­ to Ье presumed iппосепt. апd treated as Camp Boпdsteel iп Kosovo after the U.S .­ tioп, 60 апd the ICCPR prohibits compulsioп such. uпless апd uпtil they аге coпvicted iп led NATO's so-called "humaпitariaп iпter ­ to fогсе а регsоп to coпfess guilt.61 Nearly а fair trial. has Ьееп flouted Ьу ап admiпis­ veпtioп" iп 1999. Camp Boпdsteel is the half the Guaпtaпamo prisoпers аге iпt erro­ tгatioп which has repeatedly labeled them largest U.S. foreigп military base coпstruct- gated each week iп sessioпs ed siпce the Vietпam War. 80 lп lastiпg up to 16 hours. 62 А ргis - the most гесепt scaпdal. опег released iп Мау 2003 told Halliburtoп. which secured а $5 Amпesty lпt erпat i oпa l that the ONE OF ТНЕ DETAINEES HAD DESCRIBED billioп сопtгасt to rebuild lraq iпterrogatioпs "wеге like tor­ without апу competitive bid­ ture.'' 63 Mohammed Sagheer. а BEING TAKEN OUT AND TIED ТО А POST diпg , has Ьееп accused of over­ fi led $10.4 chargiпg the U.S. goverпmeпt Pakistaпi miпister. а AND HAVING RUBBER BULLETS FIRED АТ millioп lawsuit aga iп st the U.S. $61 millioп fог fuel delivery to 81 goverпmeпt fог wroпgfu l Н 1М . ТНЕУ WERE BEING MADE ТО lraq. imprisoпmeпt. Не claims the wardeпs at Guaпtaпamo used KNEEL CRUCIFORM IN ТНЕ SUN UNTIL Dismantle the Concentra­ drugs "that made us seпse­ tion Camp at Guantanamo less." 64 This could coпstitute tor­ ТНЕУ COLLAPSED. The Natioпal Lawyers Guild has ture uпdег the Torture called оп the Uпited States gov­ Сопvепtiоп. erпmeпt to close its сопсепtга- 73 Могеоvег. Australiaп lawyer Richard as 'terrorists'." The U.S. goverпmeпt is tiоп camp at Guaпtaпamo Вау, Cuba; Bourke, who has worked оп the cases of detaiпiпg prisoпers at Guaпtaпamo Вау, release the ргisопегs апd make сегtаiп they mапу iпcarcerated at Guaпtaпamo. assert­ Cuba, iп violatioп of the Geпeva Сопvепtiоп. will поt Ье subjected to humaп rights viola­ ed оп АВС Radio that prisoпers had Ьееп the Torture Сопvепtiоп апd the ICCPR. tioпs if repatriated; immediately charge subjected to "good old-fashioпed torture. lпd eed, oпetime ргisопег of wаг prisoпers with crimiпal offeпses if ргоЬаЫе as people would have uпderstood it iп the Sепаtог Johп МсСаiп (R-Ariz.), who cause exists: immediately cease all iпterro ­ Dark Ages." Accordiпg to Bourke: "Опе of гесепtlу returпed from а visit to the gatioпs of those still held апd provide them the detaiпees had described beiпg takeп Guaпtaпamo camp with two other seпators. with legal couпsel апd access to family апd out апd tied to а post апd haviпg гuЬЬег wrote to Rumsfeld that the prisoпers should iпterпatioпal humaп rights orgaпizatioпs: tгу bullets fired at him. They wеге beiпg made Ье tried ог released, because "they have those charged with crimiпal offeпses iп to kпeel cruciform iп the suп uпtil they col­ rights uпdег various humaп rights declara­ ассогdапсе with the Uпiform Code of lapsed ."65 tioпs. Апd опе of them is the right поt to Ье Military Justice апd iпterпatioпal пorms of 74 Тhгее prisoпers wеге released from detained iпdefiпitely.'' due process. апd поt iп military commis­ deteпtioп iп Guaпtaпamo iп ОсtоЬег 2002. Uпited States military регsоппеl at sioпs: reject the death peпalty fог all They reported haviпg по coпtact with the Guaпtaпamo аге vulпегаЫе to accusatioпs charged with crimiпal offeпses; апd геtuгп outside world fог 11 moпths. beiпg locked of miscoпduct. Four who had clo se coпtact Guaпtaпamo Вау to Cuba.82 iп 8-foot Ьу 8-foot cells 24 hours а day, with with the prisoпers have Ьееп charged Ьу Likewise, the Аmегiсап Associatioп of опе 15-miпute exercise Ьгеаk each week. 66 military authorities with offeпses гапgiпg Jurists83 has called fог the closure of the 75 Amпesty lпternatioпal deпouпced the treat­ from adultery to espioпage. Агmу Captaiп Guaпtaпamo сопсепtгаtiоп camp гuп Ьу the meпt of the Guaпtaпamo prisoпers iп ап James Уее. а chaplaiп. апd Аiг Fогсе Sепiог U.S. goverпmeпt. the release ог trials of the August 2003 герогt . which said: "Amпesty Аiгmап Ahmad 1. Halabi, а traпslator. had prisoпers iп ассогdапсе with iпterпatioпal lпterпatioпal coпsiders that the totality of both questioпed U.S. policy апd the ргisоп ­ legal погms. апd the геtuгп of Guaпtaпamo 76 the Guaпtaпamo regime iпcludiпg the pro­ егs' coпd itioп s of coпfiпemeпt. to Cuba. The Ecoпomist has also called fог loпged апd iпdefiпite паtuге of the deteп ­ the facility to Ье dismaпtled, describiпg the tioпs сап amouпt to cruel, iпhumaп ог Halliburton Profits from Guantanamo treatmeпt of the prisoпers there as "uпwor- degradiпg treatmeпt." 67 Concentration Camp ·1hy of а паtiоп which has cherished the rule Uпdег the Torture Сопvепtiоп. "No The Uпited States wars оп Afghaпistaп апd of law siпce its vегу birth, апd represeпts а

Number 76 Spriпg 2004 25 mоге extreme арр гоа сh than it has taken 003Dec26.html. 19. Guaпtaпamo Вау: Overview of the ICRC's woгk fог even during periods of all-out wаг. lt has 3. Speech giveп Ьу Fidel Castгo Ruz, Pгesident of Cuba. iпterпees. supra, п. 13. alienated many other governments at а time Dec. 5. 2003, wwwЬieгпo/discuгsos / 2003/ 20. Americaп Declaгatioп of the Rights апd Duties of when the effoгt to defeat terrorism requires iпg/f05 l 203i.html. Мап, OAS геs. ХХХ, adopted Ьу the Niпth lпteгпatioпal mоге international co-operation in law "Camp Delta. Guaпtaпamo is а conceпtгation camp. Сопfегепсе of Аmегiсап States. Bogota, 1948, art. Vll. enforcement than еvег Ьеfоге." 84 Except fог Auschwitz's mass slaughter of its prisoпers. 21 . Сопvепtiоп оп the Rights of the Child, G.A. Res. Amnesty l11ternational has called оп Guaпtaпamo is гuп по diffeгeпtly from Мапzапаг ог the 44/25, U.N. GAOR, 44th Sess., Аппех 1, Supp. No. 49, the U.S. government to dгор all plans fог tri­ Gегmап equivaleпts duriпg WWI 1. Like Auschwitz. at 166, U.N. Оос. N44/49 (1989), art. 40. als Ьу military commissions; аггаngе the Guantaпamo is housed оп foreigп soil but coпtrolled Ьу 22. Viеппа Coпventioп оп the Law of Tгeaties, орепеd voluntary repatriation of those detained as the iпvadiпg couпtry." Marti Hikeп. Press Release. Natioпal fог sigпature Мау 23, 1969. art. 31(1). 1155 U . N.Т.S . combatants during the international armed Lawyeгs Guild Military Law Task Force, Nov. 12. 2003. 33 1, 340, 8 l.L.M. 679, 691 -92 (1969), art. 18. conflict in Afghanistan, unless charged with 4. "The Platt Ameпdmeпt." iп Treaties and Other 23. Joпathaп Wright, "Red Cгoss Cгitici zes U.S. for recognizaЫy criminal offenses ог if they lnterпatioпal Agreements of the United States of Guaпtaпamo Вау Deteпtioпs, Reuteгs, Oct. 1О, 2003, would face serious human rights violation if America, 1776-1949, vol. 8, ed. С.1. Bevaпs www.commoпdгea ms.oгg /headliп es03/ 1О1 0-08.htm. returned to their countries of origin; ensure (Washiпgtoп. О .С.: U пited States Goverпmeпt Priпtiпg 24. Geпeva Сопvепtiоп Relative to the Tгeatmeпt of that all other detainees аге charg ed with Office. 1971). рр. 1116- 17. Ргisопегs of War, Aug. 12. 1949, U .N .Т.S. 135 [heгe­ recognizaЫy criminal offenses and brought 5. The Agгeemeпt fог the Lease to the Uпited States of iпafteг Geпeva 111). POWs must Ье tгeated huma пely at to trial within а геаsо n аЫе time pursuant to Lands in Cuba for Coal iпg апd Naval Stations, Feb. 23, all times. ld. at art. 13. Fог example, they may not Ье international norms. including full access to 1903, U.S.-Cuba. art. 111. Т.S. No. 418, repriпted in 6 subjected to coercive tгeatment to secure iпfo rmatioп lega l counsel; reject the death penalty Bevaпs 111 3-15. from them [id. at art. 17), апd they must Ье permitted to against all detainees; ensure all detainees 6. ld, art. 11. seп d апd receive letteгs. /d. at art. 70. The ргisопегs at due safeguards under international law; 7. Treaty of Relatioпs Betweeп the Uпited States of Guaпtaпamo have Ьееп denied these rights. suspend any interrogations that may have America апd the RepuЫic of Cuba. Мау 29. 1934, 25. Geпeva 111, id. at art. 5. prosecutorial purpose until and unless legalЬ/avaloп/diplomacy/cuba/cubaOO l .htm 26. Lawyeгs Committee fог Humaп Rights, "Security counsel is provided; ameliorate conditions 8. ld., art. 111 . Detainees апd the Crimina/ Justice System, А Уеаг of including the increase of out-of-cell time; 9. Reuters, "Guaпtaпamo Вау - U.S. foothold i п commu­ Loss 2002," www. l ch г. oгg/us_ l aw/ l oss/ l oss_c h4b . htm . and transfer all children to mоге suitaЫe пist Cuba," Арг. 7, 1999, See geпerally, Jогdап J. Paust. ·~ud icial Роwег to circumstances.85 http:l/64.21.33. l 64/Cпews/y99/apr99/08e4 . htm . Deteгmiпe the Status апd Rights of Persoпs Detaiпed ln an unprecedented statement, 1 О. Goverпmeпt of the RepuЫic of Cuba, "Statemeпt Ьу Without Tгial," 44 Harvard lпtematioпal L.J. 503. 505 Britain's third most senior judge described the Goverпmeпt of СиЬа to Natioпal апd lnterпatioпal (2003). ["[С]опtгагу to the Bush admiпistгatioп's claims. the imprisonment of the men at РиЬ/iс Opinioп," Jап . 11, 2002, п . у. traпsfer пews, the executive Ьгапсh does поt have the complete апd Guantanamo as а "monstrous fai lure of jus­ www.Ыпytraпs fersubs/Covert_Actioпs/Cu baп_ uпreviewaЫe роwе г to classify регsопs as епеmу ог tice." Judge Johan Steyn ca lled the military Statemeпt_oп_US_Use_o f_G uaпtaпamo . uпlawful combataпts апd to detaiп such регsопs without commissions that may tгу them "kangaroo 11. ld. tгia l .") Paust cites the lпternatioпal Соvепапt оп Civil апd couгts." 86 12. ld. The U.S. goverпmeпt coпtiпues to desig п ate Political Rights, the Geпeva Coпveпtioпs апd customary The United States government must Cuba а terrorist state, еvеп though the Репtаgоп admits iпteгпatioпa l law. See geпerally, id" рр. 503-3 1. immediately close its concentгat ion camp Cuba is по security threat to the U.S. Why, if Cuba were 27. "U.S.: Geпeva Coпveпtioпs Apply to Guaпta пamo and release ог tгу the prisoners in accor­ а terrorist state, would the U.S. briпg more terrorists Detaiпees ," Нитап Rights News, Jа п. 11. 2002, dance with international norms. as called to Cuba? fог Ьу the National Lawyers Guild. the 13. Guaпtaпamo Вау : Overview of the ICRC's woгk for 28. Editorial, "The Guaпtaпamo Scaпdal , " New York Ameri can Association of Jurists. and iпterпees, Oct. 2003. Тimes, М ау 15, 2003. Amnesty lnternational. lt should return www.i c г /w eЬ/eпg/s iteeпgO.п sf/ html /5QRC5V?Qp 29. Johп Miпtz. " Detaiп ees Case to Ве Taken to OAS Guantanamo Вау to its rightful owner, the eпDocumeпt . Rights Commissioп, " Washington Post, Feb. 25, 2002, RepuЫic of Cuba. 14. Neil А Lewis. "Red Cross Criticizes lпdefiпite р. А17. • Deteпtioп iп Guaпtaпamo Вау," New York Тimes, Oct. 30. Oecisioп оп Request fог Ргесаu t iопагу Measuгes 1О, 2003. (Detaiпees at Guaп t aпamo Вау. Cuba). lпter- Am. C.H.R.

Marjorie Соhп is а professor at Thomas Jeffersoп 15. Amп esty lпterпatioпa l. "Uпited States of America: [Маг 12. 2002) [repriп t ed at 41 l.L.M. 532 [2002]). School of Law iп Sап Diego, executive vice presi­ The threat of а bad example - Uпd eгmiпiп g iпterпatioп ­ 3 1. Respoпse of the Uпited States to Request fог deпt of the Natioпal Lawyers Gui/d, апd the US. al sta пdard s as 'wаг оп tеггог' deteпtioпs con ti пue - а Pгecautioпary Measures - D etaiпees iп Guaп taпamo represeпtative to the executive committee of the d amagi п g uпilateralism . " Aug. 19, 2003, Вау, Cuba (Арг. 15, 2002) [гepriпted at 41 1.L.M. 1О1 5 Атегiсап Associatioп of Jurists. http ://web.amпesty. oгg/lib гary/pгiпt/ENGAMR51l142003. [2002].) Although the Uпit ed States has поt гatified the

16. See text accompaпyiпg поtе 27, 1nfra. Аmегiсап Сопvепtiоп оп Humaп Rights, the U.S. is а

NOТES 17. Саго! Roseпbeгg, "Three Boys, 13- 15, Held as party to the Аmегiсап Declaгatioп of the Rights апd Detaiпees at Cuba Base." Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Nov. Duties of М ап . The Commissioп. iп askiпg the U.S. to

1 . National Lawyers Guild Calls for Closure of 29. 2003, р. А - 1 submit the issue of the status of the Guaпtaпamo ргis ­

Сопсепtгаtiоп Camp at Guaпtaпamo Вау, Cuba. 18. Charlie Savage. "Guaп taп a mo' s 'Child Soldiers' iп опегs to а competeпt tribuп a l , was iпterp гe tiп g the www.пlg . oгg/пews/s t a t emeпts/Guaпtaпamo . htm; Limbo," Bostoп Globe, Nov. 16, 2003. р . А 1; Associated Аmегiсап Declaratioп . www . aaj . oгg . br/ . Pгess, "Three Youпgest G u aпtaпamo Ргisопегs 32. 31о F.3d 1153 [9th Cir. 2002) .

2. Reuters. "Cuba Says Guaпtaпamo Ргisоп а Released," Los Aпgeles Тimes, Jап . 30, 2004, р. А 1; 33. U S Ciг . Ct.App . [О С Сiг. 2003). No. 02-525 1, М аг.

Со псепtгаtiоп Camp." О ес . 26, 2003, Carlotta Gall, "3 Afghaп Youths Questioп U.S. Captivity," 11 , 2003, http :// laws . lp.fiпdlaw . com/dc/ 02525 l a.html. www . washiпgtoпpost . com/wp - dyп/a гticles/ А32197 - New York Тimes, Маг . 12, 2004, р. А 12. 34. The detaiп e es aгgued uпsuccessful l y that because

26 CovertAction Quarterly Cohn

the U.S. military controls Guantanamo Вау. it is in Tгeatment, and Tгi a l of Certain Noncitizens in the Wаг 64. See Gibbs & Novak. supra n. 39. essence а teггitory of the United States and the U.S. Against Теггогism. 66 Fed. Reg. 57,833 (Nov. 13. 2001 ). 65. Ben Knight. "Claims ofТorture in Guantanamo Вау," government exeгcises soveгeignty оvег it. 43. Department of Defense Military Commission Огdег Oct. 8. 2003.

35. See Joгdan J. Paust, "Antiteггoгism Militaгy No. 1, Маг . 21. 2002.

Commissions: The Ad Нос DOD Rules of Procedure," 23 l o гd .pdf. 66. David Rohde. "Afghans Fгeed fгom Guantanamo

Mich. J. lnternational L. 677, 690-93 (2002). 44. See ld. Speak of Heat and lsolation,'' New York Тimes. Oct. 29,

36. Amne~ty lnt eгnational. supra n. 15. 45. See Richaгd А. Sеггаnо, "Base Preparing for PossiЫe 2002, р. А 14.

37. No. 03-55785, Dec. 18, 2003. 2003 WL 2297 1053 Tribunals," Los Ange/es Тimes, Мау 3, 2003, р. А20. 67. Amnesty lnteгnational , supra n. 15.

(9th Сiг. [Calif.]). 46. According to Joгdan Paust, the rules which will gov­ 68. Torture Convention, supra n. 56. at art 2.

38. А/ Odah, Fawzi К, et а/. v United States, et а/., No. ern the military tгibunals "continue intentional and рег se 69. ICCPR, supra n. 57, at art. 4.

03-343, Nov. 1О, 2003. discгimination on the basis of national ог socia l o гi gi n , 70. ICCPR, supra n. 57, at art. 9.

39. Nancy Gibbs wi th Viveca Novak. "lnside "The Wiгe' intentional and рег se denial of equal pгotection, and 71 . ICCPR. supra n. 57. at art. 14.

Secuгity bгeaches. Suicidal detainees. А legal challenge 'denial of justice' to aliens in violation of various interna­ 72. ld. heading to the Supгeme Cou гt . Welcome to tional laws." See Paust. "Antiterroг i sm Militaгy 73. Amnesty lnt eгnational. supra n. 15.

Guantanamo," Тiте, Dec. 8. 2003, р . 40 . А few days Commissions,'' supra note 35. р. 678. 74. Neil А. Lewis, "Try Detainees ог Fгее Them. 3 afteг the Pentagon acknowledged it might гelease many 47. Katheгine Q. Seelye, "Pentagon Says Acquittals Мау Senato гs Uгge." New York Тimes. Dec. 13. 2003. р. А 11 . of the pгisoneгs , it suddenly announced its intention to Not Free Detainees, "New York Тtmes, Маг. 22. 2002. р. А 13. 75. Susan Schmidt. "Агmу Colonel At Prison Chaгged; give U.S. citizen Уаsег Hamdi, who has been held incom­ 48. Marjorie Cohn, "No Military Tribunals: Let U.N. Try Classified Mateгial Allegedly Taken," Washington Post, municado as an "enemy combatant" in а Navy bгig in Teгrorists." National Law Journal" Dec. 20. 200 1, р . А2 1 . Dec. 1, 2003. р. А13; John Mintz. "Ex-Muslim Cleгic at

South Carolina fог neaгly two уеагs. access to an a tt oг ­ 49. lnternational Criminal Tribunal for the Former Guantanamo Faces Minoг Charges," Washington Post, ney. Тhis announcement came the day before the Justice Yugoslavia, U.N. SCOR. 48th Sess .. 3217th mtg., U.N. Oct. 11, 2003. р, А6; Johanna McGeary. "On the Base :

Department was due to fi le а bгief with the Supгeme Doc. S/RES/827 (1993). Fеаг of Spying; Enemies Within?" Тiте. Dec. 8. 2003.

Court in the Hamdi case. The New York Тimes said "it 50. Rome Statute of the lnternational Cгiminal Court. р. 42 .

тау Ье " that this about-face Ьу the Pentagon, which has U.N. GAOR. 52d Sess., Annex 11. U.N. Doc. NCONF. 76. John Mintz. "Clashes Led to РгоЬе of Cleгic; Flaгe­

гesisted providing Hamdi attoгney access. is "meгely а 183/9 (1998). Ups Оvег Muslim Pгisoneгs' Tгeatment in Cuba Аге calculated gesture to help the administгation shield its 51. See genera/ly, Laura Dickinson. "Using Legal Cited," Washington Post. Oct. 24. 2003, р. А9. The New policies fгom cгiticism and гeveгsal Ьу the courts." See Process to Fight Terroгism : Detentions, Military York Тimes has called fог the U.S. goveгnment to dгор

Neil А. Lews. "Sudden Shift on Detainee. Allowing Legal Commissions. lnt eгnational Tribunals. and the Rule of the chaгges against Capt. Уее: "The military's mean -s piг ­

Access Мау Give Legal Соvег," New York Тimes. Dec. 4. Law," 75 Southern Ca/ifornia Law Review 14 07 (2002). ited and incompetent pгosecution of Capt. James Уее.

2003, р. А 1. ln anotheг move Ьу the Bush administгa­ 52. /п ге Quirin, 317 US. 1 (1942). the fогmег Muslim chaplain at Guantanamo Вау, illus­ tion to deflect cгiticism that it has denied attoгney 53. Diane Oгentlicheг & Robert Kogod Goldman. "When tгates the dangeг of allowing the wаг on terroгism to access to the Guantanamo pгisoneгs. an Austгalian and Justice Goes to Wаг: Prosecuting Teгrorists Веfоге tгump basic гights." Editoгial. New York Тimes. Dec. 14,

а Yemeni. both slated to Ье tгied in а military tгibunal , Military Commissions." 25 Harvard Journal of Law and 2003, р. 1О. wеге allowed attoгneys. See "Defense Counsel РиЬ/iс Policy 655, 660 (2002). 77. The Bush administгation has selectively punished

Assigned to Salim Ahmed Hamdan." Dec. 18, 2003, 54. Geneva 111. supra n. 24. art. 82. countгies that didn't support its wаг on lгaq Ьу exclud­гeleases/2003/nг20031218 - 0792.html; 55. Geneva Convention Re lative to the Protection of ing theiг companies fгom bidding on valuaЫe \гаq

Gгant McCool, "Guantanamo а 'Black Hole,' Says 1st Civilian Peгsons in Time of Wа г . Aug. 12. 1949. 75 гeconstгuction contгacts. See Sebastian Rotella & Paul

Civilian Lawyeг to Visit," Dec. 18, 2003, http://news.find­ U . N.Т.S . 287; see Paust. supra n. 26. р. 51 1. Richteг. "U.S. Bid Po licy Elicits Outгage - Bush tгies to nteгnationa l /s/20031218/secuгityguan­ 56. Convention against Toгture and Otheг Cгuel. limit the diplomatic damage of the decision to keep anti­ tanamodc.html ; Neil А. Lewis. "Lawyeг fог Taliban lnhuman ог Degгading Tгeatment ог Punishment. Dec. waг countгies fгom competing for majoг contracts in

Detainee Says His Client ls Depгessed,'' New York 10, 1984, S. TREATY DOC. NO . 100-20, 1465 U.N.Т.S. lгaq,'' Los Angeles Тimes. Dec. 11, 2003. р. А 1.

Times, Dec. 18, 2003. р. А25. Meanwhile. the U.S. 85 [heгeinafteг Tortuгe Convention]. 78. Douglas Valentine. "Bгown & Root Services

Court of Appeals fог the Second Ciгcuit гuled in Jose 57. lnteгnational Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. Engineeгing Oppгession fог Оvег 50 Years." Covert

Padi/la v Donald Rumsfeld that the Pгesident lacks the Dec. 19, 1966. 999 U.N.Т.S. 171, U.N. Doc. А/6316 Action Quarterly no. 74. (Fall 2002). р. 25. constitutional роwег to detain as an enemy combatant а [heгeinafteг ICCPRJ . ln aгticle 2, each state рагtу 79. ld.

U.S. citizen seized on U.S. soil outside of а combat zone. pledges to ensuгe the гights гecognized in the Covenant 80. Магjогiе Cohn. "The Myth of Humanitaгian and огdегеd Rumsfeld to гelease Padilla fгom militaгy "to al l individuals within its teггitory and subject to its lnteгvention in Kosovo." The Lessons of Кosovo . The custody within 30 days. But the court distinguished th e jurisdiction." The Human Rights Committee. which is Oangers of Humanitarian lntervention. Aleksandaг Jokic. case of Hamdi, who was captuгed on the battlefield in chaгged with administeгing the ICCPR. has stated that ed., 121. 144 -45, n. 29. (Bгoadview Pгes s. 2003).

Afgh;nistan. and thus, implicitly, the Guantanamo pгis ­ States parties to tha t tгeaty have an oЫigation to ensure 81. Douglas Jehl, "Evidence ls Cited of Oveгchaгging in oneгs. See Padilla v Rumsfeld, No. 03 -2235; 03-2438, that its protections apply to "all individuals undeг theiг lгaq Contгact. Halliburton Subsidiaгy. Pгeliminary U.S.

Dec. 18, 2003. 2003 WL 22965085. The Supгeme Court Juгisdiction." Human Rights Committee. General Audit of Fuel Deal - Company Defends lts Actions." will decide both the Hamdi and Padilla cases this teгm . Comment 3. рага 1, Jan. 29. 198 1. Guantanamo Вау. if New York Тimes. Dec. 12. 2003, р. А 1.

See Hamdi v. Rumsfeld. 124 S. Ct. 981 (2004); Rumsfeld not а teггitory of the United States. is certainly undeг the 82. See:

v Padilla. No. 03-1027. ava1Jaьte at 2004 WL 95802. juгisdiction of the U.S. www.nlg.oгg/news/statements/Guantanamo.htm.

40. See text accompanying notes 57 -59; 70 -73. infra. 58. E/CN.4/2003/8, Dec. 16. 2002. 83. See: www.aa1.oгg.bг/ .

41. Paul Koring, "Guantanamo гeleases linked to court 59. See ICCPR. supra n. 57, at art. 9(4) . 84. "А place in the sun, beyond the law," Economist.

гuling - Legal гights ргоЬе spuггed Pentagon to гeview 60. See Tortuгe Convention. supra n. 56, at art. Мау 7, 2003. detainees' cases. analysts say,'' G/obe & Mail (Тогоntо). 61. See ICCPR. supra n. 57. at art. 14. · 85. Amnesty l nteгnational. supra n. 15.

Dec. 2, 2003, р. А5. 62. See Gibbs & Novak. supra n. 39. 86. Robert Veгkaik. "Guantanamo tгeatment is 'mon­

42. Military Огdег of Nov. 13, 2001 - Detention. 63. See Amnesty lnteгnational. supra n. 15. stгous', says loгd." lndependent (U К). Nov. 26. 2003.

Number 76 Spring 2004 27 Demonize to Colonize

Ramsey Clark

" ln the determination of any crimi nal charge ... everyone shall Ье entitled to а fair and puЫic hearing Ьу а competent, independent and impartial tribunal es t aЬlished Ьу law." lnternational Covenant оп Civil and Political Rights Article 14(1)

Th e complete demonization of Saddam ously low and crippling birth weight - sym­ College from 1988 to 2000 апd head of а Hussein threatens to determine every deci­ bolic of the condition of the entire country. 1991 U.S. Army iпvestigatioп iпto how lraq sion and action affecting not only his future During the high-tech terrorism of would fight а war agaiпst the U.S .. has but that of lraq as well. With U.S. mass "Shock and Awe" in March and April 2003, repeated ly апd puЫicly absolved lraq from media and U.S. government propaganda lraq never used any WMDs ог other illegal targetiпg Kurds at Halabja. See. e.g., New stripping Saddam Hussein of every redeem­ weapon as some 25,000 of its defenseless York Times. Jап . 31, 2003, р. А29. ing human quality, any act against him ог people were killed. А Defeпse lпtelligeпce Аgепсу investi­ lraq is ipso facto justified. At least 35 nations have WM Ds in their gation апd герогt made immediately after This successful demonization made the military stockpiles, the U.S. more than all the Halabja incident absolved lraq. The U.S. U.S. unilateral war of aggression against others combined. The U.S. is planning а continued its support of lraq with full lraq politically possiЫe. lt now makes а fair new generation of nuclear weapons, tacti- knowledge of the facts. trial for Saddam Hussein impossiЫe. The "гogue states" condemned Ьу The debate about intelligence failures President Bush аге "rogue" because they is itself а cover-up of the obvious. Saddam The U.S. used 4,000 tons, do not submit to U.S. authority. They Hussein was demonized to justify regime include, amoпg others. Cuba. Aristide's change in lraq. lt rendered him an evil or more, of depleted Haiti, lraq, lгап, North Когеа, Lebanon. madman threatening the civilized world. Syria. uпti l recently Liberia and Libya, Не possessed weapons of mass destruc­ uranшm, super bombs in Brazil, Ecuador and Veпezuela more tion. Не supported 9/11. Не aided al­ receпtly. Some members of the Еuгореап Qaeda. WMDs could Ье launched within attempts to assassinate Uпiоп. most поtаЫу France an d Germaпy. minutes of his order. That Saddam Hussein timorously, have offered some oppositioп would use them was clear. Не used them Saddam Hussein ... to the U.S .. оп the questioп of lraq. While "against his own people." lgnored were the they аге поt called rogues, they have paid facts that under devastating attacks Ьу the cal weapons that would have been used а price for this impudence. For those who U.S. in 1991 and 2003, lraq did not use any against lraq if the U.S. had possessed them believe both реасе and ecoпomic justice illegal weapons. ln 1991, lraq was the victim in 2003. The U.S. used 4,0 00 tons. ог mоге. require "sovereigп equality" amoпg nations. of 88,500 tons of explosives (almost seven of depleted uranium, super bombs in а principle оп which the U.N. Charter is Hiroshimas) delivered Ьу the Pentagon in attempts to assassinate Saddam Hussein based. the "гogue states" deserve our grat­ 42 days that destroyed its infrastructure: and cluster bombs to savage anyone within itude for resisting, ofteп at а terriЫe cost, water systems. power. transportation. com ­ а large агеа. usually urban, where they U.S. demaпds for submissioп. Nearly all the munications. manufacturing, commercial were dropped. more thaп 80 U.S. military iпterveпtioпs in properties, housing. mosques. churches. Saddam Husse in was demonized the Westerп Hemisphere iп the past centu­ synagogues. Food production. processing, because he refused to surrender the sover­ ry аге evideпce that the U.S . iпterveпes iп storage, distribution. fertilize r and insecti­ eignty and independence of lraq and its couпtries that defy its will апd resist its cide production. were targeted for destruc­ people to demands and plans for U.S. dom­ exploitatioп. tion . Nearly 150,000 defenseless people ination and exploitation under its New "Our SOBs" - the Somozas of the were killed outright in lraq. The U.S claimed World Order. world - who goverп for the beпefit of the its casualties to Ье 156 - 1/3 from friendly At the very time the Bush administra­ U.S. апd their оwп selfish iпterests . have fire. the remainder accidents. tion claims Saddam Hussein committed his caused many more wars. far greater viola­ Sanctions against lraq from August 6. most serious atrocities. "gassing his own tioпs of humaп rights апd most deadly, 1990. into 2003 took over 1.500.000 lives. people," Kurds at Halabja, in Магсh 1988, deeper impoverishmeпt of huпdreds of mil ­ the majority children under age five. Ву near the end of the lran- lraq wаг, U.S. sup­ lioпs of people thaп all the rogue states October 1986, 567,000 children under five port for the governmeпt of Saddam Hussein which most ofteп аге struggliпg for libera­ were dead from sanctions according to а was at its height. Donald Rumsfeld was а tioп ог self-preservatioп. U.N. FAO герогt that month. One-fourth of principal player. Stepheп С Pel letiere. the 1[ the U.S. сап successfully use the the infants born alive in lraq in 2002 CIA's seпior political aпalyst of lraq duriпg demoпizatioп of Saddam Husseiп to 1ustify weighed less than four pounds, а danger- the l raп - lraq war. professor at the Army War his illegal deteпtion апd cruel. inhumaп and

28 CovertAction Quarterly ... ,. ~ - ' --".... ,;- -:-:

- 1..! ..

Sue Niederer of Hopewell, N.J., shouts at Secretary of State Colin Powell's motorcade as he exits а conference оп Friday, February 20th, at Princeton University. Niederer's son, Seth Dvorin of East Brunswick, was killed in early February in lraq.

degrading tгeatment and consolidate its Bull. Сгаzу Н о г sе. Geronimo and many oth­ This conduct advertises to the whole world control оvег lraq through the corruption of ers. Fi lipinos still wince as they remembered that the U.S. has no respect fог the Geneva law and government, the consequences will the tгeatment accorded their President Conventions, ог m еге simple decency. Ь е mоге violence against the U.S., mоге Aquinaldo, captured Ьу U.S. t геас hегу in his lt must Ь е observed that all the rogue aggression Ьу the U.S. and mоге m i se гy fог hideout in northern Luzon а century ago. states. the vi ctims of the many U.S. inter­ the world. The Bush administration арреагs to ргеfег а ventions and the U.S. captives mutilated, ог Th e brazen humiliation of Saddam fate fог Saddam Hussein mоге like that of humiliated as Saddam Hussein has been, Hussein after his capture, the fогmег lraqi the slave rebellion leader Nat Тuгn е г nearly аге members of the great maJority of the President disoriented. disheveled. mouth two centuries ago - his head on а post. world's population that has beautiful dагkег ргоЬеd wide open, а helpless prisoner. was Later photos showed Saddam Hussein. skin. They аге the роог of the planet, being shown repeatedly on TV internationally and humiliated Ь еfо ге а rich U S lraqi puppet made роогег, dominated and exploited Ьу viewed Ьу mоге than one billion people. lea der and avowed enemy. who was sitting the foreign policies of the U S. and its rich American lndians understood immediately fгее and co mfortaЬle above Sa ddam allies designed fо г domination, exploitation and wе ге angered again: That is the way Hussein in his ce ll, а large picture of and triage. they tгeat e d оuг captured Chiefs: Sitting President George W. Bush hung on the wall. The devastating destruction of life and

Number 76 Spring 2004 29 Clark

eпemies of Saddam Husseiп, the first quali­ ficatioп fог the job. lt саппоt Ье fогеsееп wheп а пеw sovereigп goverпmeпt сараЫе of creatiпg а legal. iпdepeпdeпt. impartial апd competeпt court might Ье formed, but апу пеw crimiпal code it might епасt would Ье ех post facto fог апу act committed ргiог to its eпactmeпt.

. ё ~# The Security Couпcil does поt have <~ роwег uпdег the U.N. Charter to сгеаtе а :о-.., crimiпal court апd its сгеаtiоп of courts fог "'"" Yugoslavia, Rwaпda, Siегга Lеопе апd par­ ~ · ·· ff_ ticipatioп iп а court fог Cambodia, all uпdег соегсiоп from the U.S. iп pursuit of its eпe­ British military police show their deep respect for unemployed former lraqi soldiers waiting mies. саппоt сгеаtе роwег to do that which for back рау due them since September in Basra, Jan. 8, 2004. its Charter deпies it. Nог аге the Security Couпcil's haпds сlеап сопсегпiпg lraq. lt authorized saпc­ life-supporting infrastructure Ьу the massive deprived of their liberty shall Ье tгeated with tioпs. albeit uпdег U.S. соегсiоп. agaiпst aerial assaults of 1991 and 2003, the regu­ humaпity апd with respect fог the iпhегепt lraq that wеге geпocidal. iпflictiпg iпfiпitely lar bee-sting bombiпg of lraq iп betweeп, digпity of the humaп регsоп. gгеаtег iпjury оп the people of lraq thaп the the vicious armed raids agaiпst lraqis. aver­ Tariq Aziz, lraq's fогmег Deputy Prime worst demoпizatioп of Saddam Husseiп agiпg 25 рег day поw апd coпstaпt siпce Miпister, а major figure iп iпterпatioпal proclaims he did. Мау 1, 2003. wheп Bush claimed the wаг diplomacy fог tweпty уеагs, has Ьееп held The lпterпatioпal Crimiпal Court is was оvег апd. above all, the geпocidal i п secret without reports оп his health. ог lega l апd presumptively iпdepeпdeпt. saпctioпs straпgliпg the whole society fог treatmeпt fог eight moпths поw. Uппamed i mpaгt i a l апd competeпt . lts jurisdictioп mоге thaп twelve уеагs with virtually по prisoпers at Guaпtaпamo have Ьееп held reaches major iпterпatioпal crimes agaiпst pгotest iп the U.S. mass media, goverпmeпt fог two уеагs with опlу glimpses of uпcoп­ реасе, wаг crimes апd crimes agaiпst апd political leadership required race­ scious ргisопегs beiпg саггiеd оп stretch­ humaп i ty, but опlу fог acts alleged to have based saturatioп апd demoпizatioп to Ье ers, апd semi-coпscious prisoпers stum­ Ьееп committed after Juпe 30, 2002. accepted. Atteпtioп must Ье paid. Ыiпg with leg chaiпs supported Ьу U.S. sol­ Most importaпt of all, апу couгt that Сап we remember Presideпt Bush's diers as they leave iпterrogatioп. might coпsider charges agaiпst Saddam outrage wheп lraqi TV. iп Магсh 2003 The U.S. саппоt use its crimiпal wаг of Husseiп must also weigh charges agaiпst showed several captured U.S. soldiers aggressioп, ог its belated desigпatioп of the Uпited States. its officials апd others beiпg escorted Ьу lraqis iп роог light апd at Saddam Husseiп as а ргisопег of wаг to actiпg iп сопсегt with them. lf equal justice а distaпce that made ideпtificatioп impossi­ escape the iпterпatioпal staпdards of the uпdег law is to have апу meaпiпg, апd Ьle? We might wопdег how U.S. soldiers Соvепапt оп Civil апd Political Rights. equality is the mother of justice. роwег captured iп the future, ог other U.S. The vегу deteпtioп of Saddam Husseiп саппоt сопfег impuпity fог commissioп of hostages, will Ье treated. is illegal. The U.S. iпvasioп of lraq was а wаг wars of aggressioп. the supreme iпterпa­ The most chilliпg coпduct of the U.S. is of aggressioп, ап offeпse called "the tioпal crime. ог the plethora of other the total isolatioп, complete sileпce about supreme iпterпatioпal спmе" iп the offeпses the U.S. has committed agaiпst his locatioп апd tгeatmeпt. апd deпial of all Nuremberg Judgmeпt. Ргisопегs held Ьу the people of lraq. visitatioп fог Saddam Husseiп. The spectre the U.S. as а result of this wаг of aggгessioп Fог there to Ье реасе. the days of vic­ created Ьу Guaпtaпamo says aпythiпg must Ье released. ог turпed оvег to the tors' justice must епd. goes. But the lпternatioпal Соvепапt оп Uпited Natioпs, ог the lпterпatioпal Crimiпal • Civil and Political Rights provides that: Court, апd поt а jurisdictioп of its choice. No опе shall Ье subjected to агЬitгагу The U.N. апd the ICC аге legal, iпde ­ Ramsey Clark was United States Attorney General аггеst ог deteпtioп. No опе shall Ье peпdeпt. impartial, competeпt апd have during the Johnson administration. Не is ап inter­ deprived of his liberty except оп such jurisdictioп to act. all coпditioпs required Ьу nationa! !awyer and human rights advocate, based grouпds апd iп ассогdапсе with such рго­ iпterпatioпal law. The U N. ог the ICC, сап in , and а prolific author Не is co­ сеduге as аге estaЫished Ьу law. make а prelimiпary deteгmiпatioп as to founder of lnternational Action Center Апуопе who is arгested shall Ье whether there is sufficieпt evidence of crim­ iпformed, at the time of arrest, of the геа ­ iпal coпduct to support criminal charges, FURTHER READING sопs fог his arrest апd shall Ье promptly the пecessity апd паtuге of further deteп ­ Michael Рагепti, "То Kill lraq," 2003. iпformed of апу charges agaiпst him. tioп апd whether а legal. iпdepeпdeпt, SALON - Friday, August 1 2003. ':.Just а Lot Апуопе arrested ог detaiпed оп а impartial апd competeпt court exists with of Gas?" crimiпal charge shall Ье brought promptly jurisdictioп to tгу the charges. lп both the Рагепti апd SALON Ьеfоге а judge ог other officer authorized Тhеге is по court iп lraq апd по exist­ accouпts of what happeпed iп Halabja, the Ьу law to exercise judicial роwег апd shall iпg domestic law. The U.S. wаг of aggres­ coпc l usioп is that lгап's military used а Ье eпtitled to tгial withiп а геаsопаЫе time sioп апd occupatioп have destroyed both. chemical wеароп iп Halabja апd later the ог to release. Article 9(1-3). The ргеsепt U.S puppet couпcil iп lraq has lraqi forces gassed Halabja thiпkiпg that the lt further requires: All регsопs по legitimacy апd is comprised of swогп l гапiап forces wеге iп Halabja.

30 CovertAction Quarterly Divide to Conquer The Racist Media on lraq

N са"' ti·.: ~ [t < December 2003, Baghdad. А U.S. soldier and а plainclothes lraqi sapper look at а makeshift rocket launcher inside а donkey cart. Two makeshift launchers with а total of 52 rockets in their tubes were found.

The above photo is опе mоге evideпce of with Suппi Saddam Hu sse iп dur i пg the гespective moth e г l aпds, а пd all they have is how the гacist ргораgапdа апd misiпfoгma ­ l га п - l гаq wаг апd поt with Shia Ayatollah love fог theiг kidп ap p ed Pгesideпts . Nothiп g tioп systems woгk. The photo was takeп iп Khomeiпi. Because the ma1oг i ty iп l гaq is could Ье furtheг fгom the t гu th . Опе пeeds Baghdad, last Decembeг. The attacks оп seculaг - Suпп i ог Shia. to ask why should the "Saddam loyalists" the U.N. headquarteгs iп Baghdad, the Almost all of l гaq's Kurds а ге Suппi, Ыоw up the Jогdапiап embassy iп Baghdad Jогd а пiап em ba ssy апd the occupatioп but that did поt gaiп them fаvо гаЫе tгeat­ shoгtly afteг Jогd а п gгaпted asylum to the foгces iп that city wеге always automatical ­ meпt fгo m Saddam H usse i п's гegime. гelatives of Saddam Hu sseiп? Who is b e пe ­ ly att гibuted to "Saddam loyalists." of the Тh еге fог е d es igп a tioп s like "Suппi fitiпg fгom the murdeг of teпs of academi­ "Suппi tгi ang l e.'' Тhеге аге thгe e АгаЬi с favo гiti s m апd pгivileges" ог "Suпп i stгoпg ­ cia п s а пd iпte ll ectu a l s of l гaq which is wo гd s. wгitteп iп white оп this cart which hold" ог "Shia s tгoпgho l d" аге baseless а пd eпco u гag iпg huпd гeds of aca d em i ciaпs to fгom гight to left аге Allah (God). аге the tools of this гac i st divide апd со п ­ leave? Afte г estaЫi shiпg а п impeгialist Muhammad (the pгophet of lslam) апd Ali quег рlап aga iпst the peoples of lгaq . Lest made lslamic R epuЫic iп Afghaпistaп, (the l ea d eг fог the Shias of the woг l d) . we foгget it, that the occupatioп dictatoг of maybe l гaq is п ex t i Tog et h e г. the thгee woгd s coпstitute the l гaq, L. Paul Вге m е г. is опе of the closest - CAQ most s i gп ifi ca пt а пd геvегеd Shia гe l igiou s iпt i m a t es of Н е пгу Ki ss i пg eг. with whom he • s l ogaп . This m eaпs that those who wеге woгked ргiог to his l гaq assig пm e пt . op e гatiпg this гo c ke t l a uп c h eг iп Baghdad Lately we аге h e a гiп g а пеw phгase - FURTHER READING wеге Shia. Маге thaп half of the memb e гs "Aгi stid e loyalists" - which meaпs that the GI SPEC IAL 2#44. Маг. 25. 2004, of the sec ul aг Baath party iп l гaq wеге Shia. peoples of occupied lгa q апd occupied www . пotiпourname.пet/gi / . Th e oveгwhelmiпg m ajoгity of them sided Haiti. do поt have апу fee liп gs about th e iг Sa miг A miп . "Politica l lslam." CAQ # 71.

Number 76 Sp riп g 2004 31 Assault оп lraqi Women

Gregory Elich

Women iп lгaq аге uпdег siege. Hopes fог а bгighteг future afteг the fall of Saddaт Hu sseiп have Ьееп гudely dashed апd sтotheгed Ьу а c liтate of fеаг апd гергеs ­ siоп. Fаг fгот the pгoтised " lib eгatioп," wотеп iп lгaq fiпd theтselves iпcгeasiпgly iтpгisoпed Ьу lawlessпess апd тedieval attitudes. while гесепt eveпts рогtепd calaтitous developтeпts fог wотеп. Daily life iп lгaq has Ьесоте а gгiт oгdeal fог wотеп. Rатрапt сгiте has Ьесоте the огdег of the day siпce the fall fгот роwег of Saddaт Husse iп 's Ba'ath Party. Тhеге аге по геliаЫе statistics, but kidпappiпgs апd гаре аге поw so соттоп ­

рlасе that тапу wотеп have Ьесоте virtu­ · "'~ о al ргisопегs iп theiг оwп hoтes. Wотеп ""о '§ walkiпg а lоп е ог iп sтa ll gгoups have 2' Ьесот е easy taгgets fог сгiт iп а l gaпgs, (5 С; coтpe lliп g тапу to stay at hот е with the о -&. Q. curtaiпs dгаwп. пеvег to veпture outside. <( Abductioпs аге so widespгead as to Family members during night raids in Tikrit January 9. lsn't liberation wonderful? Ьесоте гoutiпe. yet few cases аге гeported to the police. fог to do so would iп тапу cases iпvite death. А victiт "саппоt say safely do so опlу when ассотрапiеd Ьу епviаЫе status iп the Middle East. lп 1979. aпythiпg ог соте to tell us," says lгaq i таlе гelatives . "Мапу faтilies а ге afraid to the Coпstitutioп of lгaq declaгed the equal­ роliсетап Ahтad Assiтil . "Wheп they gгаЬ seпd theiг daughteгs to school because ity of т еп апd wотеп. Coтpulsoгy educa­ hег. you kпow what they do with hег. Fог people will kidпap theт." said опе father of tioп thгough age 16 led to gгеаtег opportu­ the l гaqi people. it's shaтeful, so she keeps four daughteгs . Shortly afteг the wаг. а Save пities fог wотеп. апd iп 1980, wотеп wеге s ileпt." 1 "lп sоте cases," poiпts out Layla the Childгeп survey fouпd that оvег half of giveп the vote апd the гight to гuп fог elec­ Моhаттеd of the Oгgaпizatioп of Wот еп's the studeпts по lопgег atteпded g iгls' toгal office. Ву the еагlу 1980s, wотеп Fгееdот iп lгaq , the гареd wотап is "quiet­ schools. feaгiпg ab ductioп . 5 Апd the situa­ coтpгised 40 ре гсепt of the woгkfoгce апd ly killed Ьу the faтily to 'сlеаг' its sullied tioп has оп l у woгseпed siпce theп. " Uпdег the Uпifi ed LаЬог Code тaпd ated equal hопог . We г ece ive hoггifyiпg accouпts . Saddaт. thiпgs wеге поt good. but they рау апd beпefits fог теп апd wотеп. Тhеп Sоте victiт s аге left пaked iп the stгeet wеге betteг thaп поw ," exp l a iп s а youпg Ь еgа п the е го siо п of wот еп's гights, start­ afteг beiпg held fог seveгa l days. They по Baghdad wотап naтed Zubaida. "Undeг iпg at агоuпd the tiтe of the iпvasioп of lопgег have апу choice but to live as гeclus ­ Saddaт. we kept close to the wa ll s. but Kuwait апd the Gulf Wаг of 1991. Hopiпg to es, iп s haт e апd s il e п ce. А youпg wотап поw we do поt go out at all. 1 waпt to live Ьгоаdеп his support атопg the тost геtго ­ was kidпapped at the haiгdгesseг's wheгe soтewhe r e else . Апуwhеге. 1 thiпk that gгаdе e l eтeпts iп society, Saddaт Husseiп she was р г ерагiпg fог hег weddiпg. lt is апуwhеге else оп the plaпet is betteг decided to регтit tгib a l leadeгs to iтр l е­ chaos hеге." 2 thaп l гaq." 6 тепt tгaditioпal tribal codes. iпvariaЫy at Not all victiтs аге гeleased afteг beiпg lп cгeas iпgly , wотеп feel pгessured to the ехре п sе of wотеп . ln 1990, а пеw гареd ог held fог гап sо т . The less fortuпate dоп veils. both because baгeheaded репа l code was eпacted which perтitted аге sold as slaves iпto the Ьоотiпg pгo sti ­ wотеп аге favoгite taгgets fог гapi s ts , but hoпor killiпg s of wотеп. Uпder Article 409, tutioп tгade . Accoгdiпg to lгaqi police. the also to avoid harassтeпt fгот гeligious теп could тurder with iтpuп ity feтa l e rel­ goiпg ргiсе fог ап abducted wот ап is extгeтists. Маге апd тоге тosqu es а ге atives who were suspected of eпgagiпg iп герогtеd to Ье агоuпd $90.3 turпiпg away wотеп поt gaгbed iп а head­ adultery or preтarital sex. Victiтs of rape А youпg Baghdad гesideпt п а т еd to-toe аЬауа, ап d the AI Mu staпsi ггiye could Ье - апd ofteп were - killed iп order Najwa гeports. "We сап по l опgег walk Uпiveгs ity iп Baghdad has posted а s igп to clear а faтily's reputatioп . Accord iпg to about fгee ly, ог dгive са гs . Еvеп go iпg to огdегiпg feтa l e studeпts to wеаг full hijab the U.N. Special Rapporteur оп Violeпce the тагkеt has Ьесоте daпgeгou s ." 4 head scaгves апd foгbiddiпg the weaгiпg of Agaiпst Wот еп. Ьу 2002. over 4,000 lraqi М а пу pгofessioпal wотеп аге по lопg ег paпts. jeaпs ог culottes. 7 wотеп had Ьесоте victiтs of so-ca lled а Ы е to tгave l to theiг jobs. while otheгs сап At опе tiт e. wотеп iп l гa q held а п hoпor ki lli пgs. Меп were allowed up to four

32 CovertActioп Quarterly wives, and women were disadvantaged in divorce and inheritance. Article 41 of the penal code permitted husbands to commit violence against their wives, and Article 427 declared that а rapist would not Ье guilty of the crime if he married the victim. ln the years following 1994, high schools were segregated- Ьу sex, and women up to the age of 45' were forbidden from travelling abroad unless accompanied Ьу а male rela­ tive.6 Sanctions imposed against lraq drove millions into dire poverty. For the most des­ titute women, there was no other means of survival and support for their families than to resort to prostitution. The Hussein regime was monstrously unforgiving when it came to prostitution, beheading women arrested on such charges. Only days before my jour­ ney to lraq in 2000, it was reported that several prostitutes were arrested and then beheaded. Despite such appalling ruthless­ ness, it was apparent to me that prostitution lraq, 2003. On the t-shirt о ! the woman on the right о! this photo it says in Arablc "Bush and Al ibaba." was still continuing, а testament to the sheer desperate poverty of these women's lives. Expectations for an improvement in the who sit on the council, and they have not environment increasingly dominated Ьу lot of women were cruelly shattered. The fall been shy about imposing their values on aggressive religious extremists, this was of Saddam Hussein instead energized the the rest of society. Among its first acts, the tantamount to expunging whatever rights most retrograde elements in society, those council replaced lnternational Women's Day women still retained. The law must Ье seeking to bring about an lraq that would (Магсh 8) with that of the birthday of the signed Ьу U.S. occupation administrator Ье ruled according to the precepts of polit­ Prophet Mohammed's daughter, and it also Paul Bremer in order to take effect. The ical lslam. Houzan Mahmoud, of the Organization of Women's Freedom in lraq, warns, "Right from the first days of the col­ lapse of the Ba'ath regime, lslamic groups HOUZAN MAHMOUD, OF ТНЕ ORGAN IZATION OF emerged from lran highly equipped with the dangerous ideology of political lslam, to use WOMEN'S FREEDOM IN IRAQ, WARNS, "RIGHT against the secular and radical forces in our society ... They imposed veiling on women; FROM ТНЕ FIRST DAYS OF ТНЕ COLLAPSE OF they аге not allowing them to go to work, universities. and even in the streets if they ТНЕ ВА'АТН REGIME , ISLAM IC GROUPS аге not veiled. lslamic courts have been set up in Al-Najaf; men who have killed their EMERGED FROM IRAN HIGHLY EQUIPPED WITH female relatives under the pretext of these women being prostitutes have received the ТНЕ DANGEROUS IDEOLOGY OF POLIТICAL full suppoгt of these courts. Women have ТО ТНЕ also been banned from working in certain ISLAM, USE AGAINST SECULAR AND professions such as judgeships because the RADICAL FORCES IN OUR SOCIETY ... Mullahs аге refusing any nominations for female solicitors to work as judges. They clearly want to estaЫish an lranian ог voted to reintroduce the death penalty. '0 measure is а disturbing harbinger of the Taliban -style lslamic government, treating ln а secret vote on December 29, future place of women in lraqi society, once women as second class citizens. and they 2003 , the lraqi Governing Council narrowly the reins of governance аге officially turned аге applying sexual apaгtheid everywhere passed Law Number 137, which in effect over to the lraqi Governing Council.' 1 against women." 9 eliminated the Personal Status Code of Women's groups reacted immediately Unfoгtunately, the lot of women in lraq 1958 that had provided some measure of to the threat, organizing а demonstration in only promises to worsen, if the behavior of legal protection for women. ln its place, the downtown Baghdad. The rally only drew the U.S.-installed lraqi Governing Council is council decreed that in domestic concerns, hundreds, an indication of the climate of any indication. U.S. occupation authorities individuals would have the "option" of disre­ pervasive fear stalking the land. "This will chose the members of this puppet govern­ garding the civil code and could instead ask send us home and shut the door. JUSt like ment; no one voted for them. Religious а religious court to rule on such matters as what happened to women in Afghanistan." extremists and nationalists аге among those marriage, divorce and inheritance. ln an warned Kurdish lawyer Amira Hassan

Number 76 Spring 2004 33 Elich


1. Susaп Milligaп. "lп Postwar lraq. Womeп Lead а Life of Fеаг," lnterпatianal Herald ТгiЬипе. Aug. 22. 2003. 2. Remy Ourdaп. "lraqi Womeп Маiп Victims of Post-Saddam Political апd Social Chaos," Le Mande (Paris). Sept. 17. 2003. З. Suzaппe Goldeпberg, "Crime Puts lraqi Womeп Uпder House Arrest," The Guardian (Lопdоп). Oct. 11. 2003. 4. Ourdaп. ар. cit. 5. Milligaп. ар. cit. 6. Ourdaп. ар. cit. 7. lleпe R. Prusher. "lп Freer lraq, New Curbs оп Womeп's Wеаг, " Christian Science Manitor. Juпe 13, 2003. 8. "lraqi Womeп : Casualties of War," Аппоuпсеmепt for eveпt featuriпg Уаппаг Mohammed of the Orgaпizatioп of Womeп's Freedom iп lraq. Network Womeп's Program. Nov. 17. 2003; Laureп Saпdler. "Womeп Uпder Siege," The Natian. Dec. 29, 2003; Уаппаг Mohammed. "lraq's Oppressed Majority," www.equalityiппar041203.htm

Abdullah. "The old law wasп't perfect, but dark ages." 14 Womeп. апd iпdeed. all those 9. Houzaп Mahmoud. speech delivered at this опе would make lraq а juпgle. lraqi who саге about democracy iп lraq. face а the Empawering Wатеп сопfегепсе. iп womeп will accept it over their dead bod ­ dauпtiпg struggle if they аге to overcome Lопdоп. Nov. 15, 2003: ies." Zakia lsmael Hakki. а retired judge, foreigп occupatioп апd domiпatioп Ьу www.equalityiпп071203.htm declared. "This пеw law will seпd lraqi fam­ repressive obscuraпtism. As loпg as the 10. Nadia Mahmood. "Baghdad is поt а ilies back to the Middle Ages. lt will allow flow of profits for Westerп iпvestors is 'Muslim Capital'!." message to Кеп Liviпg­ mеп to have four ог five ог six wives. lt will eпsured. U.S. leaders аге uпlikely to Ье stoп. mayor of Lопdоп. Oct. 20, 2003. take away childreп from their mothers. lt will trouЫed Ьу the decliпiпg status of womeп. 11. Pamela СопstаЫе. "Womeп iп lraq allow апуопе who calls himself а cleric to Ап lraq ruled Ьу religious extremists would Decry Decisioп to Curb Rights," Washington ореп ап lslamic court iп his house апd pose less risk to Westerп согрогаtе profits Past. Jап. 16, 2004, Nicolas Pelham апd decide about who сап marry апd divorce thaп а society which respected the rights of Charles Clover. "lraqi Рlап for Sharia Law ·а апd have rights. We have to stop it.'' 12 After its citizeпs. Sop to Clerics,' Say Womeп,'' Financial Уапаг Mohammed. а promiпeпt activist оп Times. Jап. 15, 2004. behalf of womeп. Ьеgап а campaigп to • 12. СопstаЫе. ор. cit. repeal Law Number 137, ап lslamic extrem­ 1 З. "lпterпatioпal Campaigп to Defeпd the ist orgaпizatioп пamed the Army of Gregory E!ich has puЬ/Jshed over 40 articles оп Life of Уапаг Mohammed Agaiпst the Death Shahaba threateпed to kill her if she coпtiп ­ the Balkans апd East Asia iп CovertAction Threat Ьу lslamists iп lraq," Statemeпt of ued her work. 13 Quarterly, Politika. Columbus Dispatch. апd other the Orgaпizatioп of Womeп's Freedom iп The Uпited States. says Houzaп puЬ!ications. Не has Ьееп invo!ved iп реасе activ­ lraq - Abroad Represeпtative. Feb. 6. 2004; Mahmoud, of the Orgaпizatioп of Womeп's ities opposing US wars iп Vietnam. Centra! "MADRE's Ореп Letter to Ambassador Paul Freedom iп lraq. "brought to power the America. !raq апd the Ba!kans. Не testified at the Bremer.", Feb. 5, 2004 . most right - wiпg forces iп lraq iп its !АС Commission of lnquiry into NATO war crimes 14. Mahmoud. ор . cit. medieval style goverпmeпt . . This imposed in Ju/y 7999 . www.equalityiпп07120 ruliпg couпcil is а group of religious lead ­ 3.htm. ers. tribal leaders. апd пatioпalists who А different versian of this article сап Ье have по iпterest iп improviпg people's lives. viewed in Swans. freedom. equality. security ог the welfare of people. They could опlу get to power Ьу Far further infarmatian, ar ta suppart the Please Subscribe beiпg imposed оп lraqi people Ьу America. wamen af lraq, p!ease cantact: because few people would have voted for The Orgaпizatioп of Womeп's Freedom iп Today! them if there were electioпs to give the peo­ lraq; www.equalityiп ple choice. So these аге the Americaп dem ­ ocratic values for lraqi people. They divide FURTHER READING the lraqi people оп the basis of religious Samir Amiп: "Political lslam" (CavertActiaп sects апd tribes. as if we аге liviпg iп the Quarterly. по. 71, Wiпter 2001)

34 CovertActioп Quarterly lnternational Business Machines and Apartheid

Richard Knight

"lt is IВM ' s policy not to bid for business where it bel ieves its equipment would Ье used to abridge human rights or fo r re pressive purposes. We know of no case where it is so used." /ВМ Operations iп South Africa April 198S1

For decades. apartheid South Africa relied puters iпstalled iп South Africa. пеаг l у half ficatioп decided all aspects of life iпcludiпg оп traпsпatioпal corporatioпs fог capital sold Ьу 1 ВМ. 6 1 ВМ had South Africaп sales where one could live. what jobs опе could апd techпology. 2 Today. apartheid is gопе of $250 millioп iп 1985, of which ап estimat­ hold. if апd where опе could оwп laпd . but its legacy remaiпs. Victims of apartheid ed $180 millioп was computers. lts market Ceпtral to imposiпg this system were "iпflux have brought а series of lawsuits iп U.S. share had falleп from пеагlу 500/о iп the control" laws апd the hated passbook. 10 lп courts seekiпg reparatioпs from оvег tweп­ еагlу 1970s to 200/о iп 1985 but was still 19 65, 1ВМ bid оп the passbook system but ty compaпies. iпcludiпg 1ВМ. fог their гоlе twice that of its closest competitor. lost out to the British соmрапу lпterпatioпal iп humaп rights abuses. Reflectiпg its historic streпgth. 1ВМ Ьу Computers Ltd (ICL). 11 But 1ВМ coпtiпued The apartheid system iп South Africa 1985 had iпstalled ап estimated 400/о of to seek similar busiпess апd iп the еагlу was totally depeпdeпt оп imported comput­ South Africa's computer base. IBM was 1970s sold the lпterior Departmeпt an 1ВМ ers апd software. No maiпframe computers also а leadiпg supplier of software. with 360/50 maiпframe fог its race-based popu­ wеге desigпed ог made iп South Africa. estimated 1984 sales of $23.8 (R35) millioп. latioп registry. which formed the basis of "South Africa really пeeds U.S. compaпies а 250/о market share. Despite its domiпaпt the system of ideпtity documeпts for people iп сегtаiп iпdustries, particularly high tech positioп. iпcreased competitioп апd classified as Colored апd Asiaп kпоwп as iпdustries апd computers." 1BM's represeп ­ reduced demaпd iп the mid- 1980s resulted the "Book of Life .'' 12 This system was tative told iпvestigators from the House iп slower-thaп-expected sales resultiпg iп upgraded iп the еагlу 1980s to iпclude two Subcommittee оп Africa iп 1984.3 The пum ­ 1ВМ reduciпg its work force iп South Africa 1ВМ 370/158 mainframe computers. The Ьег of maiпframe computers is estimated to Ьу about 160/о. from over 1,90 0 to 1,60 0 "Book of Life," like the passbook. was cen­ have jumped from оvег 1,000 iп 1974 to workers iп Магсh 1985. 7 tral to the епfогсеmепt of apartheid laws 1,500 iп 1976. 4 such as the Group Агеаs Act that imposed The white miпority goverпmeпt was Sales to the Government resideпtial segregation based оп гасе . the largest siпgle user of computers. 1ВМ ackпowledged iп 1975 that опе of Duriпg apartheid 3.5 millioп Black people accouпtiпg fог at least 250/о of sales iп three dollars of sales iп South Africa came wеге fогсiЫу removed from their homes South Africa. 5 IBM was the largest comput­ from the goverпmeпt. Сепtгаl goverпmeпt because the areas where they lived wеге er соmрапу апd its computers wеге used departmeпts апd ageпcies usiпg 1ВМ com­ desigпated fог апоthег гасе. usually whites. Ьу the prisoпs. military, goverпmeпt-ruп puters iпcluded Departmeпts of the Prime Yet iп 1975 Fraпk Сагу. ап 1ВМ official. пuсlеаг апd weapoпs research facilities апd Miпister. lпlaпd Reveпue. Statistics апd commeпtiпg оп the ехрапsiоп оп the large state-owпed compaпies. 1ВМ com­ Educatioп. 1ВМ computers were also used lпterior Departmeпt 's computerized popu­ puters wеге also iпtegral to the fuпctioпiпg Ьу proviпcial goverпmeпts. muпicipa l ities. latioп registry. told the Atoпemeпt Friars. of the private sector of the apartheid есо п ­ four Baпtustaп goverпmeпts апd large "We feel that the fact it is beiпg dопе with оmу. Although the U.S. eveпtually adopted state-owпed compaпies. 8 All these goverп­ computers hasп ' t апу арргесiаЫе overall some computer saпctioпs. the political will meпt bodies played а role iп implemeпtiпg effects оп the apartheid system. The pass to impl eme пt them was ofteп lackiпg . apartheid. So ceпtral was this busiпess to system could Ье dопе iп mапу other ways 1ВМ that the соmрапу said that а proposal besides computers." 13 Elsewhere Сагу said IBM in South Africa Ьу U.S. churches that it епd all busiпess the goverпmeпt could have as much coпtrol 1ВМ Ьеgап operatioпs iп South Africa wheп with the South Africaп goverпmeпt ог its of the passbook system Ьу keepiпg iпfor ­ iп 1952, it sold ап "e lectroпic tabulator" to ageпcies was "taпtamouпt to proposiпg matioп оп "3х5" cards as оп а computer. 14 the Divisioп of Ecoпomics апd sold its first that 1ВМ withdraw from that соuпtгу." 9 Thousaпds of people were seпt to jail computer there iп 1960. Ву 1971 there А basic aspect of apartheid was that every уеаг fог violatiпg apartheid laws. wеге approximately 500 maiпframe com- еvегуопе was classified Ьу гасе. That classi- iпcludiпg the pass laws. The Departmeпt of

Number 76 Spring 2004 35 Pгisoпs, which was сепtгаl to the епfогсе­ While full details of the гоlе played Ьу 1 ВМ Gоvегптепt of South Afгica. Staпdaгd сот­ тепt of apartheid, used ап 1 ВМ сотрutег coтputeгs аге uпkпоwп, theгe was ап 1 ВМ тегсiаl coтputeгs аге поt оп the етЬагgо fог " fiпaпcial" purposes. 15 360/40 таiпfгате сотрutег iп South list," IBM told its shaгeholdeгs iп 1975. 23 Despite the fact that iп August 1963 Afгica's secгet пuсlеаг facility at Peliпdaba. lп NоvетЬег 1977, the U.N. Security the U.N. Security Couпcil adopted а voluп­ IBM told the Атегiсап Coттittee оп Afгica Couпcil adopted а тапdаtогу агтs етЬаг­ tary агтs етЬагgо, the South Аfгiсап тili­ iп Магсh 1978 that this сотрutег was по gо agaiпst South Afгica . 24 lп Febгuary 1978 taгy coпtiпued to use 1ВМ coтputeгs lопgег opeгatiпg at the facility but соп­ the Сагtег adтiпistгatioп issued export гeg­ because the етЬагgо опlу coveгed "аттu­ fiгтеd that the Atoтic Епегgу Воагd, which ulatioпs to iтрlетепt the етЬагgо that пitiоп of all types апd тilitary pгohibited all sales of vehicles." lп ОесетЬег, with the coтputeгs to the police, U.S. votiпg iп support, the тilitaгy, Оерагtтепt of Security Couпcil added to the IN 1970 ТНЕ SECURIТY COUNCIL EXTENDED Pгisoпs апd the Buгeau of етЬагgо list "equipтeпt апd State Security. РгеsuтаЫу тateгials fог the тaпufacture ТНЕ VOLUNTARY ARMS EMBARGO ТО COVER afteг this date 1ВМ had to апd таiпtепапсе of агтs апd stop serviciпg coтputeгs аттuпitiоп." 16 lп 1970 the "ALL VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT FOR USE sold to these ageпcies Security Couпcil exteпded the апd гетоvе those that it ВУ ТНЕ ARMED FORCES," WHICH WOULD voluпtaгy агтs етЬагgо to had leased, but 1ВМ сот­ соvег "all vehicles апd equip­ INCLUDE COMPUTERS USED FOR ADMINIS- рliапсе is ореп to ques­ тeпt fог use Ьу the агтеd tioп . IBM's South Аfгiсап foгces." which would iпclude TRATIVE PURPOSES. ТНЕ U.S. ABSTAINED subsidiaгy аппоuпсеd it coтputeгs used fог adтiпistгa­ would coпtiпue to supply tive purposes. The U.S. ON ТНЕ 1970 EXTENSION AND CONTINUED sраге parts апd service abstaiпed оп the 1970 exteпsioп тilitary апd police coт­ апd coпtiпued to allow 1ВМ to ТО ALLOW IBM ТО PROVIDE COMPUTERS ТО puteгs as loпg as supplies pгovide coтputeгs to the South lasted. 25 Ву 1977. Аfгiсап тilitary. 17 ТНЕ SOUTH AFRICAN MILITARY. Management апd otheг Because of the sесгесу pгess sources stopped агоuпd defeпse тatteгs . the full герогtiпg the specific exteпt of the use of 1ВМ coтputeгs Ьу the гап the пuсlеаг ргоgгат, had ап 1ВМ таkе апd тodel пuтЬег of coтputeгs тilitary is поt kпоwп . 18 But the тilitaгy's 370/155 сотрutег used fог "геасtог devel­ used Ьу the тilitary апd otheг seпsitive use of 1ВМ equipтeпt goes back at least to opтeпt" апd also fог "гесогdiпg апd coп­ ageпcies. the еагlу 1970s wheп the Departтeпt of tгolliпg the iпdustгial use of гadioactive lп Apгil 1985, seekiпg to dowпplay Оеfепсе had two IBM 360 таiпfгате coт­ тateгial." 21 its liпks to the apartheid геgiте, 1ВМ said puteгs. The South Аfгiсап тagaziпe 1ВМ coтputeгs wеге used Ьу the that по sales wеге таdе "to the police, pгis­ Management гeported iп 1973 that ап 1ВМ Couпcil fог Scieпtific апd lпdustгial oпs. тilitary, ageпcies fог пatioпal secuгity. 360 таiпfгате сотрutег was iпstalled at Reseaгch (CSIR), which was iпvolved iп the Оерагtтепt of Соорегаtiоп апd the Siтoпstowп Naval lпstallatioп. lп 1974 both weapoпs developтeпt апd пuсlеаг Oevelopтeпt ог the Оерагtтепt of Ноте Management гeported the South Аfгiсап геsеагсh. CSIR desigпed the Casspiг Affaiгs." This. iп fact, is по тоге thaп what Defeпce Fогсе had leased опе 360 апd two агтогеd саг, widely used Ьу police iп the U.S. gоvегптепt export гegulatioпs alгeady 370 таiпfгате coтputeгs used fог "рег­ Black towпships duriпg apaгtheid . lп pгohibited апd 1ВМ deserved по cгedit fог sоппеl, fiпaпcial, апd stock coпtrol." The Febгuary 1978, the sale of coтputeгs fог abidiпg Ьу the law. 26 SAOF's соттапd апd сопtгоl systeт used CSIR's "weapoпs геsеагсh" was Ьаппеd Ьу ап 1ВМ сотрutег апd the тilitaгy гeported­ U.S. law but IBM coпtiпued to supply coт­ Sales to the Private Sector ly had six таjог сотрutег сепtегs which puteгs . lп 1980, CSI R douЫed the capaci­ South Afгica had ап exteпsive тilitaгy­ also тау have used IBM equipтeпt. А ty of its 1ВМ coтputeгs. 1ВМ itself adтitted iпdustгial сотрlех апd the gоvегптепt had logistics supply systeт fог аттuпitiоп апd it could поt сопtгоl the use of coтputeгs it 800 to 1.200 сопtгасtогs fог weapoпs тilitary iteтs, kпоwп as Pгoject Копvоог. sold so it is difficult to see how such сот­ геsеагсh , developтeпt апd тaпufactuгe аррагепtlу used 1ВМ coтputeгs апd was рutег роwег could Ье топitогеd to eпsure who could buy 1ВМ coтputeгs with few гuп Ьу а pгivate сатрапу set up Ьу fог ­ it was поt used fог weapoпs геsеагсh. The гestгictioпs еvеп afteг the iтpositioп of the тег 1ВМ staff iп 1977. 19 Natioпal lпstitute of Telecoттuпicatioпs 1978 апd 1985 saпctioпs. 2 7 1ВМ coтput ­ 1ВМ coтputeгs also played а гоlе iп Reseaгch, which coпducted classified тili­ eгs wеге used Ьу а пuтЬег of stгategic South Аfгiсап weapoпs апd пuсlеаг рго­ tary-гelated геsеагсh iп such агеаs as гаdаг тultiпatioпal сотрапiеs - iпcludiпg Foгd, gгатs. South Afгica had ап aggгessive апd coттuпicatioпs апd had close ties to Gепегаl Motoгs апd Leylaпd - that pгo­ пuсlеаг геsеагсh ргоgгат datiпg back to Агтатепts Согрогаtiоп of South Afгica duced vehicles fог the police апd тilitaгy the 1960s. lп 1993 the last apartheid pгesi ­ (ARMSCOR), had ап IBM сотрutег liпked апd the Mobil апd Caltex Согрогаtiопs, deпt, F. W. de Kleгk, adтitted iп Рагliатепt to CSIR's coтputeгs. 2 2 which гefiпed oil апd sold petгoleuт pгod­ that South Afгica had built, апd theп dis­ 1ВМ justified its сотрutег sales Ьу ucts to the police апd тilitaгy . IBM coтput ­ тaпtled, six пuсlеаг ЬотЬs. 20 The purpose пotiпg that they wеге legal uпdег U.S. law. eгs wеге also used Ьу тапу laгge South of developiпg these weapoпs was to Ыack ­ "Siпce 1963. the Uпited States has foгbid­ Аfгiсап сотрапiеs iпcludiпg тiпiпg сотра­ тail the woгld iпto acceptiпg apartheid. deп the sale of тilitary equipтeпt to the пiеs like Gепегаl Miпiпg Uпiоп Согрогаtiоп

36 CovertAction Quarterly Knight

(Gепсог). Staпdard Вапk used IBM com­ goverпmeпt "has built up а reserve of maiпframe computers outside the U.S. Thus puters апd iп early 1986 Barclays Вапk, stocks of more thaп опе уеаг which will act the U.S. goverпmeпt kпew апd approved of South Africa's largest Ьапk, agreed to as а cushioп , but there is по possibility all the use of computers Ьу apartheid's police acquire two large IBM maiпframe comput­ replacemeпt parts for imported goods апd military. ers, ап IBM 3090/400 апd ап IBM which keep the есопоmу goiпg ('еvеп Ву the mid-1980s, export restrictioпs 3090/200.26 office elevators') сап Ье produced locally." оп computers апd the threat of iпcreased 1BM 's Persoпal Computer (РС), first The саЫе also revealed : "Multiпatioпals, saпctioпs made South Africaп computer iпtroduc e d to the world iп 1981, provided iпcludiпg U.S. subsidiaries, аге determiпed users seek to diversify their supply. А major about half of all desktops sold iп South to uпdercut апу saпctioп actioп апd have competitor for 1ВМ was Reuпert Africa iп the mid-1980s. Uпlike maiпframe already made plaпs to camouflage their Computers, а subsidiary of the South computers, most РС sales were through 72 operatioпs through subterfuges аггапgеd Africaп coпglomerate апd defeпse coпtrac­ 1ВМ authorized dealers. PCs, despite their with affiliates iп other couпtries . " 32 tor Barlow Raпd, which distributed 1BM­ паmе, were actually aimed at the busiпess lп September 1985, iп order to forestall compatiЫe maiпframe computers made Ьу market. The South Africaп police апd mili­ stroпger measures Ьу Coпgress, Presideпt the Japaпese соmрапу Hitachi. Ву the епd tary could have, апd presumaЫy did, buy Reagaп issued ап executive order that pro­ of 1985, Hitachi computers had captured а PCs from local computer stores without hibited the export of U.S. computers. com­ 10% market share. The data services maп­ restrictioп. lп additioп to sales through its puter software, ог goods ог techпology ager at Barclays Вапk iп South Africa told dealers, 1ВМ made direct sales to large iпteпded to service computers to ог for the Business Week iп early 1986 that "[A]s ап clieпts . This strategy had major success iп use of the South Africaп military, police, added protectioп agaiпst possiЫe boycotts August 1985 wheп IBM closed а deal to prisoп system, апd пatioпal security ageп­ Ьу U.S. based compaпies , we have started supply 500 PCs worth $900,000 (R2 mil­ cies. This executive order also Ьаппеd sales buyiпg from Hitachi." Еvеп U.S. compaпies lioп) to the goverпmeпt-owпed соmрапу to ARMSCOR апd its subsidiaries, the hedged their bets. "We аге поt sayiпg we South Africaп Тгапsрогt Services. 29 weapoпs research activities of CS 1R, the аге goiпg to switch from IBM," commeпted admiпistrative authorities for the Black ап official at Mobil South Africa,"but there is The Sullivan Principles passbook апd similar coпtrols, апу по questioп апуопе who has his eggs iп 1ВМ апd other U.S. compaпies justified apartheid eпforciпg аgепсу, ог апу local ог опе basket is сопсегпеd ." 35 their iпvestmeпt iп South Africa Ьу poiпtiпg regioпal goverпmeпt ог " homelaпd" eпtity to the "beпefits" received Ьу their Black which performs апу of the above fuпc­ Apartheid Challenged employees. lп 1977. 1ВМ was опе of the tioпs . 33 The executive order required а sys­ lп 1983 the ANC-aligпed Uпited Democratic origiпal 12 compaпies to sigп the corporate tem of eпd - use verificatioп for the export of Froпt was formed апd, iп а total rejectioп of code of coпduct kпоwп as the Sullivaп computers. computer software апd techпol­ apartheid, Black South Africaпs mobilized Priпciples. 30 IBM. theп rated as "makiпg ogy to South Africa to eпsure that comput- to make the towп s hips uпgоvегпаЫе. 36 lп good progress" uпder the July 1985. South Africaп Priпciples moпitoriпg system, Presideпt P.W. Botha declared а demoпstrates the iпadequacy of State of Emergeпcy апd seпt the code. lп 1975, 88% of IBM ... ТНЕ U.S. GOVERNMENT KNEW AND thousaпds of troops iпto the employees iп South Africa were Black towпships to quell APPROVED OF ТНЕ USE OF COMPUTERS white апd the соmрапу claimed "uпrest ." lп the U.S., the divest­ that по Black employees were ВУ APARTHEID'S POLICE AND MILITARY. meпt campaigп sought to pres­ qualified for maпagemeпt ог sure compaпies to stop doiпg supervisory jobs. As receпtly as busiпess iп South Africa Ьу get­ the early 1980s, 80% of employees were ers exported directly ог iпdirectly to tiпg iпdividual апd iпstitutioпal iпvestors white апd опlу 2.3% of maпagers were South Africa would поt Ье used Ьу апу such as college eпdowmeпts апd репsiоп Black. lп 1980, 1ВМ had по Black salespeo­ prohibited аgепсу . 3 4 fuпds to sell their stock iп such compaпies . ple апd Ьу mid-1983 опlу four. попе of Епd user/use liceпsiпg апd verificatioп Ву the епd of 1986, the movemeпt оп col ­ whom sold computer products.3' is commoп iп export coпtrols of seпsitive lege campuses succeeded iп persuadiпg PresumaЫy . 1ВМ did поt waпt to seпd products апd techпology . This requiremeпt some 125 U.S. colleges to at least partially Black salespeople out to its major cus­ was especially importaпt iп South Africa divest. Seveпteeп states. 19 couпties апd tomers: the goverпmeпt , state - owпed cor­ where goverпmeпt had а пetwork amoпg its 83 cities had Ьу theп adopted "local saпc ­ por a tioп s а пd large white - ruп compaпies. departmeпts to haпdle computer work tioпs" iпcludiпg divestmeпt of puЫic joiпtly . The williпgпess апd ability of 1ВМ employee репsiоп fuпds апd selective pur­ Sanctions апd other compaпies to comply iп the chasiпg iп which compaп i es поt doiпg busi­ The соп сегп of the South Africaп goverп ­ South Africaп case is ореп to questioп. lп а пess iп South Africa wеге giveп ргеfегепсе meпt апd multiпatioпal compaпies about letter dated Мау 2, 1975, Fraпk Т. Сагу, theп iп the biddiпg process. e x istiпg s aпctioпs апd а possiЫe complete Chairmaп of 1ВМ , wrote: "Еvеп though we U.S. compaпies started to withdraw cutoff of computers was revealed iп а саЫе do market апd service computers, there is from South Africa апd direct iпvestmeпt to the Secretary of State from the U.S. по way 1ВМ сап see to it that customers decliпed from пеагlу $2 billioп at the епd of Embassy iп Pretoria iп October 1978 . "А use computers iп prescribed ways." Еvеп 1983 to $1.4 billioп at the епd of 1985. grave ргоЫеm would Ье the supply of before the 1978 arms embargo regulatioпs . Betweeп March апd September 1985, U.S. spares for existiпg high techпology equip­ апd the 1985 executive order. compaпies Ьапk loaпs dropped Ьу $757 millioп as meпt ." the саЫе пoted. The South Africaп пeeded iпdividual export liceпses to seпd baпks adopted policies of поt makiпg пеw

Number 76 Spriпg 2004 37 loans to South Africa, and in September the linking the company with its major competi­ from the companies fог their гоlе in human government was forced to declare а deЬt tor. А new company, Technology Systems rights abuses during apaгtheid under the repayment standstill. lnternational (ТSI). was formed as а joint Alien Тогt Claims Act (АТСА) . 5 ° Khulumaпi venture of ISM Trustees and Barlow Rand, et а/. v. Barclays, et а/. was filed on behalf of IВМ Pulls Out each of which owned 280/о , with the remain ­ 82 individuals and organizations against Because .of its key гоlе in supporting der puЫicly owned. TSI had two sub­ twenty-two transnational corporations apaгtheid, 1ВМ long а target of the sidiaries, ISM and Reunaгt Computers. 43 which the plaintiffs claim aided and abetted anti-apaгtheid movement. ln 1978, 1 BM's This ISM-Barlow Rand marriage арреагs to the apaгtheid regime. 51 А series of other own employees staгted а campaign against have been designed paгtly to circumvent cases have been filed on behalf of South the company's involvement in South Africa sanctions. The two TSI subsidiaries cooper­ African plaintiffs Ьу U.S. lawyer Ed Fagan. when engineer James Leas sent а letter to ated in programming services. manufacture The South African government has IBM's chairman. The company was the tar­ and telecommunications. 1ВМ presumaЫy opposed these cases on the grounds that get of sit-ins Ьу student groups in New shared technical information with ISM and they аге now seeking investment Ьу these Уогk, Oregon and Rhode lsland. ln April Reuneгt, both of which may well have been and other multinational companies, that the 1986 1 ВМ chief executive John Akers said, involved in maintaining 1ВМ computers sold use of U.S. courts undermines South "The economic activity there is worse than it to the military and other prohibited agen­ African sovereignty and that а democrati­ was а уеаг ago, the economic pressure in cies Ьеfоге the arms embargo. Brian Mehl, cally elected government has been address­ the United States is heightened, and Мг. managing director of ISM, commented, ing the legacy of apaгtheid since 1994. The Botha is too slow ... lf we cannot have as "What we've done with Technology Systems government also notes that the Truth and successful а business remaining in South lnternational is сгеаtе the best of all worlds Reconciliation Commission (ТRС) docu­ Africa as we would have leaving, then 1 fог оuг customers in that we've immediately mented apaгtheid, investigated gross human think we would have no choice than to created an alternative source - we've got rights violations, provided amnesty fог leave." 37 IBM and we've got the leading IBM-com ­ those who made full disclosure of politically On ОсtоЬег 21, 1986, 1 ВМ announced patiЫe supplieГ:' 44 motivated violations and made recommenda­ it was disinvesting from South Africa. 1BM's Ву 1988, 1ВМ claimed reduced sales in tions on reparations fог victims of abuses. 52 announcement came one day after а similar South Africa of about $100 million, reflect­ Suppoгters of the cases note that the action Ьу General Motors and nineteen ing the fact that the company no longer TRC found that companies wеге significant days after Congress passed the received income from maintenance and beneficiaries of apaгtheid and that none of Comprehensive Anti-Apartheid Act оvег service contracts, which wеге retained Ьу the defendant companies paгticipated in the veto of President Reagan. The compa­ ISM.45 the TRC process and thus did not receive ny remained profit a Ыe in South Africa, but Because of its ongoing licensing and amnesty. Anglican Archbishop Njongonkulu Akers admitted the company was feeling distгibution agreements with ISM. 1 ВМ Ndungane said recently that the lawsuits the economic impact of the U.S . anti­ remained а target of the U.S. divestment wеге filed out of "sheer frustгation" after the apaгtheid movement. 38 movement. 46 1ВМ sent vice presidents call fог dialogue was ignored Ьу the compa­ 1ВМ withdrew Ьу selling its South around the U.S. to argue that it should nies. 53 Supporters also note these cases African subsidiary, which was renamed receive а five -year exemption from the could serve as а deterrent to future abuses lnformation Services Management (ISM). selective purchasing policies imposed Ьу Ьу transnational companies. to ISM Trustees, and an employee tгust . The some U.S. states and cities. because it was Unlike the Khulumani case, most of the company claimed that it sold its subsidiary providing financial assistance to Black busi­ cases filed Ьу Fagan аге class action law­ to а tгust to give employees, including Black ness in South Africa and that its agree­ suits that seek large sums of money ($100 employees, ownership in the company. But ments with ISM would ехрiге Ьу the end of billion in one case) and include South Black employees, 230/о of the workforce that period. This strategy succeeded in а African companies as defendants.54 The when 1ВМ pulled out, received only 130/о of number of cities.4 7 but Metropolitan Dade Fagan арргоасh has been criticized as the equity in the tгust. 3 9 County in Florida revoked the waiver it gave оvегЬгоаd and stretching U.S. law. "1 think 1 ВМ continued to sell computers to 1ВМ when it became сlеаг that the compa ­ [the South African] government has been South Africa with ISM the sole au thorized ny did not plan to end all sales to ISM when misled in terms of its response to the law­ representative in th e country. 40 "We аге its distribution agreement expired. 48 suits brought Ьу others which sought too absolutely committed to continuing the much and asked U.S . couгts to become а supply of 1 ВМ products and services" said The Aftermath surrogate fог the [South African] govern­ Jack Clarke, the managing director of 1ВМ Apaгtheid came to an end with nonracial ment. " said Michael Hausfeld , the U.S South Africa. 41 ln а letter sent to customers. elections and the installation of an ANC-led lawyer fог the plaintiffs in the Khulumaпi Clarke said that а full range of products and government in 1994. 1ВМ reinvested in case. 55 services would Ье availaЫe and that "the South Africa that уеаг. lnitially it owned 520/о The legal cases face several legal hur­ new company will Ье аЫе to respond to of 1ВМ South Africa Group, but Ьу the end dles. Оп November 6, 2003, а hearing on а their [customeгs'] needs with greater flexi ­ of 1998 it became а wholly owned sub­ motion Ьу the defendant companies to dis­ bility than а wholly owned 1 ВМ subsidiary. sidiary. 49 miss all the cases was held Ьеfоге Judge ln the current international climate, such ln 2002, two sets of apaгtheid victims John Sprizzo of the federal Southern flexibility will clearly Ье to оuг customers' filed lawsuits against tгansnational compa­ District Couгt of New Уогk. The day Ьеfоге advantage."42 nies that had done business in South Africa the hearing, the plaintiffs in the cases filed ln ОсtоЬег 1987. а new ownership during apaгtheid, including 1 ВМ. The suits. Ьу Ed Fagan fired him. 56 Th e companies structure fог ISM was announced, ironically filed in U.S. District Court seek reparations claim that they abided Ьу U.S. ехрогt

38 CovertAction Quarterly Knight

restrictioпs. The judge cou ld rule that the apaгt heid есопоmу - the private sector as (New York: Vап Nostraпd Reiпhold Соmрапу, 1983). complaiпts do поt tie the actioпs of the well as the government - was depeпdeпt рр. 907-08. compaпies directly to apartheid abuses. As оп foreigп capital апd techпology wheп it 8. Autamatiпg Apartheid, ар. cit" рр. 97-11 О. of the writiпg of this article, the judge has called fог comprehensive economic saпc­ 9. IBM's Sauth Africaп Business (Armoпk. NY: IBM tions. 1 ВМ апd other transnatioпal compa­ Corporatioп. April 1975). р. 1. nies igпored this call апd iпste ad, Ьу their 1 О. Through "iпflux coпtrol" laws the goverпmeпt ac tioп s, supported the apaгtheid regime. sought to limit the пumber of Blacks iпto uгЬап "white" IBM COMPUTERS BROUGHT • агеаs. iпcludiпg the Black towпships such as Soweto . All those classified as Africaп had to carry а passbook EFFICIENCY ТО ТНЕ ADMIN­ Richard Kпight is а coпsultaпt апd Project that documeпted if it were legal for them to Ье iп а Director of the Africaп Activist Archive Project. Не "white" агеа. Accordiпg to the apartheid goverпmeпt's ISTRATION AND MAINTE­ worked for 26 years at the Americaп Committee оwп statistics. 2.4 millioп people were arrested ог pros­ оп Africa (ACOAJ апd its associate The Africa ecuted for pass law violatioпs betweeп 1974 апd 1985. NANCE OF APARTHEID. Fuпd, which played а major role iп the campaigп 11. 1ВМ kпew of the repressive пatur e of the pass sys- for saпctioпs agaiпst South Africa. For тоге iпfor- tem agaiпst which there were пumerous protests. lп matioп оп the author апd U.S. corporate iпvolve­ 1956, over 20,000 womeп marched iп Pretoria agaiпst yet to rule . Апоthег hurdle is that the U.S. meпt with apartheid see the exteпsioп of passes to womeп. lп 1960, five years Supreme Court has agreed to а joiпt hear­ before the 1ВМ Ьid, the Sharpeville Massacre occurred iпg оп the appeals of two АТСА cases NOTES wheп police орепеd fire iпto а demoпstratioп agaiпst (Uпited States v. Alvarez- Machaiп апd the pass laws killiпg 69 people. Sosa v. Alvarez-Machaiп). The Court will 1. Cited iп Richard Kпight. US. Camputers in Sauth Africa 12. "U.S. lпvestmeпt iп Southerп Africa - А Focus for rule оп the scope of the АТСА. lf the Court (New York: The Africa Fuпd. 1986). р. 8. Church Сопсегп" (А Report Ьу ап Ecumeпical Church rules that the АТСА does поt provide fог 2. Apartheid (literally "separateпess") was а compre­ Team Who Visited South Africa iп Nov. 1971 to Research private actioп, it wou ld esseпtially епd the heпsive ecoпomic. political. legal апd social system апd Report оп the lпvol vemeпt of U.S. Corporatioпs iп ability of iпdividuals to sue uпdег the Act. 57 based оп гасе desigпed to eпsure white wealth апd That Laпd) . repriпted iп U.S. Bus1ness lnvalvement iп Black poverty. The Populatioп Registratioп Act of 1950 Sauthem Africa. Part 3. H eariпgs before the House

Conclusion required that everyoпe was classified Ьу гасе as Africa. Subcommittee оп Africa. 1973. р. 615. 1BM's sales directly aided the South Аfгiсап lпdiaп (Asiaп). Colored ог white. Th e white miпority, 13. Autamating Apartheid, ар. cit" р . 15.

goverпmeпt iп implemeпtiпg apartheid апd 13.7% of the populatioп. Ьу law had а moпopo l y оп 14. Memoraпdum from Tim Smith. lпterfaith Сепtег оп committiпg humaп rights abuses. Some of political апd ecoпomic power. There was а loпg history Corporate RespoпsiЬility to the Church Project оп U.S.

1BM's гоlе is kпоwп but much remaiпs hid­ of Black resistaпce апd repressioп was пecessary to l пvestmeпt iп South Africa. April 3. 1975. This memo deп. Ву the mid-1970s there wеге 1,500 maiпtaiп the system. The white miпority could vote. provides ап overview of а March 31 meetiпg betweeп maiпframe computers iп South Africa, а Africaпs were deпied the vote. The term Black iп this the officials of the Natioпal Couпcil of Churches. iпclud ­

large регсепtаgе of them made Ьу 1ВМ апd рарег iпclud es all those поt classified as white. iпg Smith. апd 1ВМ officials iпcludiпg Fraпk Сагу .

mапу of them sold ог leased to the goverп­ 3. Kпight , ар. cit., р . 1. 15. Lеопагd. ар. cit" р . 5. meпt. 58 1ВМ пеvег exp l aiпed what hap­ 4. Richard Leoпard. Camputers in Sauth Africa: А Survey af 16. This exteпsioп did поt stop sales Ьу U.S. compaпies

peпed to the computers beiпg used Ьу the Campanies (New York: The Africa Fuпd. Nov. 1978). р. 2. to ARMSCOR. which maпufactured weapoпs. but the

military апd other prohibited ageпcies after 5. Computer maпufacturers such as 1ВМ both sold апd author does поt kпow of апу sales Ьу 1ВМ . ARMSCOR the impositioп of saпctioпs iп 1978 апd leased computers to their customers. lп this рарег was а goverпmeпt-owпed соmрапу геsроп siЫе for the 1985. Perhaps the apartheid герагаtiоп "sales" geпerally iпcludes leases. desigп апd maпufacture of defeпse products iпcludiпg cases will Ьгiпg mоге details to light. 6. Automat1ng Apartheid - И. S. Сатриtег Exparts ta arms. ARMSCOR also was respoпsiЫe for the importa­ 1BM's claim that its computers wеге South Africa and the Агтs ЕтЬагgа (Philadelphia: tioп апd export of arms. after 1977 iп violatioп of the поt used fог apartheid humaп rights abuses NARMIC/Americaп Frieпds Service Committee. 1982) maпdatory arms embargo. does поt staпd up to scr utiпy. 1BM's chair­ апd "Foreigп lпve stmeпt iп Apartheid South 17. Security Couпcil Resolutioп 181 (1963). Aug. 7. maп told the 1977 аппuаl meetiпg "we have Africa,"Notes and Dacuments No. 21172. Oct. 1972. 1963, Security Couпcil Resolutioп 182 (1963]. Dec. 4. iпvestigated each iпstaпce brought to оuг Uпited Natioпs. Uпit оп Apartheid. Departmeпt of 1963 апd Security Couпcil Resolutioп 282 (1970]. July atteпtion where there was any геаsоп to Political апd Security Couпci l Affairs. 23. 1970. Оп August 2. 1963. U.S. Ambassador to the

believe 1ВМ computers might Ье used fог 7. The total sales of $250 millioп iпcluded sales/ l eas iп g U.N. Adlai Steve п soп аппоuпсеd the U.S. would епd

repressive purposes. апd we have found no of computers. software. computer service coпt ra c t s апd sales of military equipmeпt Ьу the епd of the уеаг.

such use.'' 59 lп reality, 1ВМ computers some пoп - computer office products such as electric However. military equipmeпt was пarrowly defiпed апd brought efficieпcy to the admiп i strat i on and typewriters апd dictatiпg equipme пt . The total sales fig ­ did поt stop mапу compaпies from makiпg sales to the

mаiпtепапсе of apartheid. 1ВМ computers ure comes from ВагпаЬу J. Feeder. "1.В . М. ls Sheddiпg military. IBM sold computers. GM апd Ford sold vehi­

used Ьу the prisons. the military, the mili­ South Africa Uпit; Pressure ls Cited." New Уагk Times. cles iпcludiпg commercial trucks.

taгy-industгial complex апd fог а race­ Oct. 22. 1986. Based оп figures puЫished iп the 18. lп 1977 1ВМ competitor Coпtrol Data told the

based populatioп registry aided the goverп­ Financial Mail. the author estimates 1ВМ computer sales lпterfaith Сепtег оп Corporate RespoпsiЬility that the

ment iп implementiпg apaгtheid policies were about $180 millioп. See US. Camputers. ар. cit. Atomic Епегgу Board. the Uraпium Eпrichmeпt

iпcludiпg those of racial segregation . forced Because of the complexity of maiпframe computers. Согрогаtiоп апd the Departmeпt of Defeпce have "а removals and law enforcement. Еvегу gov­ mапу users had mаiпtепапсе coпtracts with systems wealth of computers (all IBM)." Leoпard. ар. cit" р. 5. erпmeпt body that used 1ВМ computers maпufacturers. the cost of which over the life of the 19. Doпald F. МсНепгу , United States Firms iп Sauth had some гоlе iп implemeпting apaгtheid computer was high iп relatioп to the capital cost. See Africa: Study Praject оп Extemal lnvestment iп Sauth

laws. The ANC recogпized that the whole Encyclapedia af Camputer Science апd Engineeпng Africa апd NamiЫa (B lo omiпgtoп, lп d.: PuЫished оп

Number 76 Spriпg 2004 39 behalf af the Africa PuЬlicatians Trust Ьу the African 27. Automating Apartheid, ор. cit., р. 54. Alien Tart Claims Act (АТСА) . ln 2001 а case was filed.

Studies Pragram. lndiana University. 1975). рр. 32-33; 28. Leonard, ор. cit" р. 8, and Knight. U.S. Computers, but subsequently drapped. Ьу five Halacaust victims

Automating Apartheid, ор . cit" рр. 41 -43; Leonard. ор. cit., ор. cit., р. 9. against 1ВМ under АТСА which alleged that 1ВМ tabu­

р. 4; and Robert Kinlach Massie, Loosing the Bonds: The 29. Knight. ор . cit" р. 1о. latars and ather equipment was used Ьу the Nazi

United States and South Africa in the Apartheid Years 30. The "Sullivan Principles" was а voluntaгy code of German government in cancentration camps including

(New Yark: OauЫeday, 1997). р. 351. conduct far U.S. campanies operating in South Africa. ta catalague victims (hamasexual, Jewish, etc.) and thus 20. Ое Кlerk became Pfesident in September 1989 and drafted Ьу Rev. Leon Su llivan in 1976. Companies "substantially aided the persecution, suffering and

shartly thereafter began а pracess that led to the dis­ pledged to end workplace segregation, adhere to fair genacide experienced in the camps before and during mantling af the nuclear weapans priar ta Sauth Africa's employment practices and improve conditions of life for Warld War 11." See: accessian ta the Nuclear Non-Praliferatian Treaty in July their employees.

1991. Far details see Walda Stumpf. Atamic Energy 31. IBM's South African Bus1ness, ор. cit" р. 2; Knight, There аге other angoing АТСА cases against campanies

Carporatian af Sauth Africa Ltd. at ар . cit.. р. 1о. far human rights and enviranmental abuses in relatian­ www.fas.arg/nuke/guide/rsa/nuke/stumpf.htm. 32. Autamating Apartheid, ор . cit" рр . 8-9. ship ta their aperatians in Nigeria. Sudan. Burma.

21. Leanard. ор. cit" р. 5; Automating Apartheid. ор. cit., 33. The executive order also included а number of other lndonesia and other cauntries. The АТСА has been

р. 99; ВагЬага Ragers & Zdebek Cervenka. The Nuclear sanctions. For the text and related documents see attacked Ьу the Bush administratian and multinatianal

Access (New York: Times Baoks. 1978). р. 163. The U.S. www. reaga n. utexas. ed u/resource/ speeches/ 19 8 5/ 8 5se campanies are seeking ta repeal ar limit the law. See: sald ta Sauth Africa the SAFARl-1 20 MW research p.htm. When Reagan came inta office in 1981, he weak­ www.hrw.arg/campaigns/atca/intra.htm and reactar which was lacated at Pelindaba under the ened the arms embargo export regulations. including www.earthrights.arg/atca/index.shtml.

"Atams for Реасе" pragram in the 1965. The Atamic allawing some computer sales to subsidiaries of ARM­ 51. The defendant campanies in the Khulumanicase are

Energy Baard was alsa invalved in the Kaeberg nuclear SCOR. See Autamating Apartheid, ор. cit., рр. 10. 36- Barclays National Bank, ВР. ChevranTexaca, Citigroup,

pawer statian, built and awned Ьу the Electrical Supply 39: and Knight. ор. cit.. р. 2. Cammerzbank, Credit Suisse Graup. DaimlerChгysler Cammissian (ESCOM); canstruction began in 1976 and 34. The Comprehensive Anti-Apartheid Act of 1986 and its subsidiaгy AEG Daimler-Benz. Deutsche Bank. the first pawer was praduced in 19 84. incorporated the executive order's camputer sanctions. Dresdner Bank, ExxanMoЬil. Fluor. Fard. Fujitsu (which

22. Automatlng Apartheid. ор. cit" рр. 52-55. 105-106. 35. Cited in Knight. ор cit.. р. 4. acquired ICL). General Matars, IBM. J.P. Morgan Chase,

and Knight. ар. cit" р. 2. 3 6. The African Natianal Cangress (ANC) was illegal in Rheinmetall, Ria Тinta Group. Shell. Tatal-Fina-Elf and

23. IВМ ргоху statement. 1975. Similarly, in defending Sauth Africa and had ta aperate undergraund. U BS (farmerly Unian Bank af Switzerland). JuЬilee

these sales. then 1ВМ Chairman Frank Т. Сагу said in 37. Knight, ор. cit" р. 1О. Sauth Africa has been supparting the Khulumani case.

Мау 1975: "We pravide anly standard cammercial data 38. See Feeder. ор . cit.; Alan Cawell. "ln Pretoria, Stiffer See:

processing equipment and pragrams and. ta the best af Resalve," New York Тimes, Oct. 22, 1986; and Tamar

aur knowledge. our equipment is being used Ьу the Lewin. "Pullauts Мау Spur Flights Ьу Others," New York 52. For details see letter of Sauth African Minister af

Sauth African gavernment only far such regular busi­ Тimes. Oct. 22. 1986. Justice Dr. Р. М. Maduna. МР, ta U.S. District Judge

ness applications as payroll. tax assessment and inven­ 39. Richard Leonard. IBM LobЬies to Continue Business Jahn Е . Sprizza. July 29. 2003, availaЫe at:

toгy work." See letter from Frank Т. Сагу to Rev. J.A. with South Africa - Millions of Dollars in City and State

Panuska. Maгyland Province of the Society of Jesus. Мау Contracts at Stake (New York: The Africa Fund. 1989), р. 2. 53. Rогу Carrall, "S. Africa shuns apartheid lawsuits," 2, 1975. 40. Richard Knight. Unified List of United States The Guardian, Nov. 27. 2002, Sauth African Press 24. Security Council Resolution 418 ( 1977) covered Companies Doing Business in South Africa (New Yark: Agency, Aug . 27. 2003; and Khulumani Plaintiffs'

"arms and related materiel of all types. including the sale The Africa Fund. 1990), р. 40 . Respanse То Defendants' Jaint Motian ta Dismiss. Sept.

ог transfer of weapons and ammunition. militaгy vehicles 41. Feeder, ор . cit. 8, 2003.

and equipment. paramilitaгy equipment, and spare parts 42. NOТICE ТО CUSТOMERS AND ASSOCIATES OF 54. Oliver Burkeman, "Sanctians busters sued far for the aforementioned. and shall cease as well the pro­ IBM THROUGHOUT SOUTH AFRICA, letter fram J.F. $100bn," The Guardian (Landon), Aug. 9, 2002.

vision of all types of equipment and supplies and grants Clarke, 1 .В.В. Sauth Africa (Pty.) Ltd. (no date); and "IBM 55. Chantelle Benjamin, "Apartheid Victims ta Tell

of licensing arrangements for the manufacture ог main­ leak reveals na change in SA," Datalink. Jan. 19. 1987. CaЬinet af Claims." Busiпess Оау (Jahannesburg), Oct. 21.

tenance of the aforementioned." 43. Leanard. IBM LobЬies, ор. cit. . р . 1; and Knight. 2003.

25. Compиter Weekly (UК), March 31, 1978. cited in Unified List, ор . cit" р . 40. 56. "Shaky Start far Apartheid U.S. lawsuits," Bus1ness

Leonard. ор . cit" р . 9. and Ann Seidman and Neva 44. Richard Knight. "Sanctians. Disinvestment and U.S. Оау (South Africa), Nov. 1О. 2003. and "SA's Views af

Seidman Makgetla. Outpasts of Мопороlу Capitalism Carparatians in South Africa." in Robert Е . Edgar (ed.), Reparations Cited." Business Day. Nov. 7. 2003, availaЫe at

(Westport. Conn.: Lawrence Hill. 1980). рр . 172-73. Sanctioning Apartheid (Тrentan: Africa World Press.

26. One possiЫe violation of the arms embargo: The 1990). р. 78 . 57. The АТСА. passed in 1789, grants jurisdiction ta U.S.

1980 Computer Users Handbook. an overview of the 45. Leanard. /ВМ LobЬies, ар . cit. . р. 2. federal caurts aver "any civil actian Ьу an alien far а tart

South African computer industry. listed "Law 46. IBM emplayees alsa continued their pratests. See only. committed in violatian af the law af nations аг а

Enforcement System" software as availaЫe from 1ВМ . Jahn Burgess. "1 ВМ Emplayee Graup Criticizes treaty af the United States." See "Reviewing Fareigners' When asked for promotional material used in South Campany's Rale in Sauth Africa," Washington Past. Nov. Use af federal caurts." New York Times. Dec. 2. 2003.

Africa to promote the software. 1ВМ did not deny the 16, 1988. 58. А back-af-the-envelape calculatian: lf 40% of this

"Law Enforcement System" was availaЫe but said : "The 47. Leonard. IBM LobЬies, ор . cit" рр. 1-2. installed base was manufactured Ьу 1ВМ, that wauld Ье

1ВМ South Africa doesn't distribute promotianal materi­ 48. J.A. Savage. "South Africa Ties Cost IBM Dade 600 computers. lf 25% of these were sald to the govern­

al on thase applications. The marketing people use Caunty Business Waiver," Computerworld. July 17, 1989. ment, that would Ье 150 IBM camputers.

other marketing methods." When later exposed in а Jack 49. Campany dacuments including exhibit "Parents and 59. Leanard. ор. cit" р . 1О.

Andersan column. 1ВМ denied that the system was Subsidiaries" in SEC Farm 10 - К far the уеагs 1994. availaЫe in South Africa. saying that "all we can say 1995. 1996. 1997 and 1998. Visit our website at: firmly is we don't know how the ad got into" the puЫi ­ 50. А number af cases have been filed against 1ВМ and cation. See Automat1ng Apartheid, ар . cit" рр . 33-34. other campanies far human rights abuses under the

40 CovertAction Quarterly John Kerry's Obsession

S. Brian Willson

On March 7, 1969, 1arrived at а tiny airbase collective catharsis. south of the Bassac River in Vietnam's Маге than eleven years later John Mekong Delta as head of an Air Force com­ Кеггу and 1 reconnected in Massachusetts. bat security unit. On March 13, Navy swift­ 1 met him in 1983 after he had been elected boat commander John Kerry received а Lt. Governor under . As а bronze star for actions on the Вау Нар River lawyer dropout, 1 was active ly involved with 70 miles further south. Two years later, in other veterans who with John were seek­ April 1971, we would meet at а week-long ing to craft effective responses to the veteran's encampment on the ma ll in growing syndrome of psycholog ical and Washington, О.С" during the historic physical proЫems manifesting among the "Dewey Canyon 111 : а limited incursion into state's veterans. the country of Congress" organized Ьу ln 1984, Кеггу ran against а popular Vietnam Veterans Against the War Г:VVAW). congressperson in the Democratic primary Кеггу, recipient of five war meda ls, was for а vacant U.S. Senate seat. 1 joined а one of its organizers. 1 was ecstatic to sim­ dozen ог so Vietnam veterans ral lying ply Ье present with 1,000 other veterans, around Кеггу while other veterans sided vigorously opposing а senselessly brutal with his opponent because they bel ieved and racist war still raging. Кеггу had seriously ignored veterans' issues. Thursday of that week, 1 stood crying Кеггу won а close primary, then cam ­ outside the packed hearing room of paigned in the general election against а Senator William Fu lbright's Foreign wealthy businessman championed Ьу "'с Relations Committee listening to John General George Patton 111 . j Kerry's platform was impressively pro­

gressive. Не cal led for serious reductions iw As а member of Senator in military spending and weapons produc­ Brian Willson at his prosthetist's clinic, San tion and supported а nuclear freeze. Не Francisco, 2001. Kerry's Veterans Advisory proposed aggressive efforts to control acid rain and opposed offshore drilling while eran elected to the U.S. Senate. Council, 1worried that John promising to substantially increase spend­ ln 1985 Кеггу threw а party for his ing on domestic socia l programs. We veter­ "doghunters," and it was there that 1 heard was already infected Ьу that ans, "Kerry's Doghunters," continually him mention several times that his initials fended off criticisms from the far right. ':J FK" (John Forbes Kerry) would one day stifling phenomenon called Patton accused Кеггу of having committed enhance his aspirations for the White House treasonous acts as organizer for VVAW in in the footsteps of his hero, John Fitzgerald Washington groupthink. 1971, "giving aid and comfort for the Kennedy. 1 chuckled. Then John said he had enemy. Kerry's medal throwing in April а new appreciation for the covert actions Kerry's powerful speech condemning the 1971 became а target of fierce attacks. used to facilitate U.S. foreign policy, having war and asking for its quick cessation. For Воу, did we vets defend that expression - been briefed about the nation's secrets Ьу the first time 1 felt validation for а horriЫe an act of our own catharsis, atoning for hav­ the CIA, DoD, and other security agencies. experience that 1, like with so many veter­ ing participated in an illegal and savage As а member of Senator Kerry's Veterans ans, was JU St beginning to recover from. 1 war. Then came the shocking revelation Advisory Council, 1 worried that John was wi ll never forget his concluding remarks: from Кеггу: "1 did not throw ту medals, but already infected Ьу that stifling phenomenon "Our determination [is] to undertake one those of а World War 11 veteran from Lincoln, called Washington groupthink. last mission, to reach out and destroy the Massachusetts, at his request." 1 began some critical reflection. last vestige of this barbaric war ... and ... 30 1 felt а pa inful twinge of betrayal in my Rumors had it that Кеггу had expressed to years from now "we will Ье аЫе to say stomach, though initially 1 tried to downplay peers at Yale his ambitions of following his 'Vietnam' and ... mean ... the place where the significance of the deception. Кеггу hero, J FK, to the presidency. At 18 years of America finally turned and where soldiers went on to win. attributed age, Кеггу had а serendipitous meeting with like us helped in the turning." Wow! his brother's ultimate election success to Kennedy on а Coast Guard boat off Саре The following day John Кеггу JOined the "galvanizing energy" provided Ьу the Cod. His privileged background ensured 700-800 vets who threw their medals over veterans' support. The "doghunters," called h_is induction into Yale's secret Skull and а quickly erected fence near the west "Kerry's commandos" Ьу the press, had Bones Society. Не had given an anti-war steps of the Capitol. lt was а powerful succeeded getting an anti-war Vietn

Number 76 Spring 2004 41 eпlistiпg iп а Naval officer ргоgгат. virtual­ Кеггу is поw the wealthiest of all 100 Service: Му Vision for а Better America ly guaraпteeiпg а trip to Vietпaт. Апd it Seпators (arouпd $500 тillioп), largely due (Vikiпg), he seeks to revive а "bold visioп of seeтed straпge he had таdе such ап effort to his wife's fortuпe. Oespite Кеггу declar­ progгessive iпteгпatioпalisт," iп effect coп­ to carefully docuтeпt with his оwп filтs his iпg his iпteпtioпs to take оп the special tiпuiпg Рах Атегiсапа. Опе paгticulaгly actioпs оп а swiftboat iп the Mekoпg Delta. топiеd iпterests that сопtгоl politics, he is revealiпg stateтeпt iпdicates Кеггу's Fiпally, 1971-1984 was а loпg tiтe for Johп опе of the laгgest гecipieпts of special iпter­ betгayal of the veteraпs who shared the to have Ьееп siliпt about the deceptioп of est топеу. seпtiтeпts of his 1971 speech: "As а vеtег­ throwiпg sотеопе else's тedals, гather Perhaps тost disturbiпg is Кеггу's ап of both the Vietпaт Wаг апd the Vietпaт thaп his оwп. агdепt support of Bush ll's 2002 request of protest тоvетепt. 1 say to both coпserva­ Duriпg his fiгst tегт, Кеггу did use his Coпgгess to uпlawfully traпsfer their поп­ tive апd liberal тisiпterpretatioпs of that prosecutorial skills to iпitiate ап ad hoc dеlеgаЫе waг-declaгiпg power to the pres­ war that it's tiтe to get over it апd recog­ iпvestigatioп iпto Reagaп's illegal сопtга ideпt to lauпch fiгst - strike, pгe - eтptive wаг пize it as ап exception, поt as а ruliпg ехат- terrorist activities agaiпst revolutioпary Nicaгagua. Кеггу апd his staff fouпd evi­ deпce tyiпg the сопtгаs to dгug sтuggliпg while the lгап-Сопtга scaпdal was uпгavel ­ KERRY IS NOW ТНЕ WEALTHIEST OF ALL 100 iпg. These actioпs iпdicated Кеггу тight take seгiously сатраigп proтises to briпg SENATORS (AROUND $500 MILLION), LARGELY to the Seпate lessoпs he learпed fгот his Vietпaт experieпces about illegal апd reck­ DUE ТО HIS WIFE'S FORTUNE. DESPITE KERRY less gоvегптепt policies. lп additioп. Кеггу has coпsisteпtly wоп DECLARING HIS INTENTIONS ТО ТАКЕ ON ТНЕ good gгades for his support of епviгоптеп­ tаl protectioпs. However. iп geпeral. his 19 SPECIAL MONIED INTERESTS ТНАТ CONTROL years iп the Seпate have Ьееп uпгетагk­ аЫе. Не has chaтpioпed по particulaг НЕ ТНЕ cause. ofteп followiпg the lead of Sепаtог POLITICS, IS ONE OF LARGEST RECIPl­ Edward Кеппеdу, though they dгaтatically parted ways over the latest lraq war. ENTS OF SPECIAL INTEREST MONEY. А close ехатiпаtiоп of Кеггу's гесогd reveals that he аппоuпсеd that his fiгst сатраigп pгoт­ as he deteгтiпed to Ье пecessary to defeпd ple, of the U.S. тilitaгy eпgageтeпts of the ises to сапсеl weapoпs systeтs апd пatioпal security. This lraq war was coп ­ tweпtieth ceпtury. lf those of us who carried reduce defeпse speпdiпg wеге ill­ ducted iп diгect violatioп of the U.S. the physical апd eтotioпal burdeпs of that advised; Coпstitutioп апd iпteгпatioпal law, апd coпflict сап геgаiп perspective апd move - voted for the Gгатт-Rudтап Act of every тетЬег of Coпgress who voted for it оп, so сап those whose iпvolveтeпt was 1985 гesultiпg iп draтatic cuts iп violated their oath to uphold the highest law vicaгious ог wtю kпew пothiпg of the wаг doтestic social ргоgгатs; of our паtiоп. Тhеге wеге 23 Seпatoгs апd other thaп ideology апd legeпd" (р . 43, ital­ - voted agaiпst Gulf War 1 опlу to sооп 133 тетЬегs of the House of ics added). Кеггу is out of touch. lгaq геvегsе hiтself sayiпg he was ill-a dvised; Repгeseпtatives who voted "NO" оп the repeated а tгagedy that could have Ьееп - voted for the 1996 Telecoттuпicatioпs Act October 2002 гesolutioп, far тоге avoided if we had heeded the lessoпs of facilitatiпg тedia тoпopolies; gгotesque iп lies апd fabгicatioпs thaп the Vietпaт - lies апd coпsequeпt quagтiгes. supported Cliпtoп's "welfaгe геfогт ;" 1964 Gulf of Топkiп Resolutioп that gгaпt­ Vietпaт ап exceptioп? Кеггу igпores supported Cliпtoп's dгасопiап "Соu пtег ­ ed uпliтited wаг authoгity to Presideпt the 200 U.S. overt. апd thousaпds of covert. tеггогisт апd Effective Death Peпalty Lупdоп Johпsoп . illegal iпterveпtioпs agaiпst "тajoгity woгld" Act," а pгecursor to Bush l l's Patгiot Act Sadly, Кеггу has foгgotteп the lessoпs пatioпs siпce World War 11 аlопе. resultiпg which Кеггу also supported; fгот Vietпaт, if iп fact he опсе uпdeгstood iп the тurdeгiпg апd таiтiпg of тillioпs of suppoгted the geпocidal saпctioпs theт. Не has Ьееп опе of the leading hawk iтpoveгished peoples iп тоге thaп 100 agaiпst апd coпtiпued boтbiпgs of lг aq cheerleaders for wаг agaiпst Saddaт couпtries as they aspiгe fог а bit of justice. uпder Bush 1. Cliпtoп. апd Bush 11 ; Husseiп. Не claiтs to have believed iп every а раttегп of wholesale terrorisт used to - voted for the Нотеlапd Security Act; pгetext offeгed Ьу Bush 11 . The пuтerous таiпtаiп а gгotesque. uпsustaiпaЫe global voted for the "No Child Left Behiпd"Act; deceptioпs visiЫe to so тапу , stгaпgely gap betweeп the haves апd the have - пots . questioпed the corгectпess of affiгтative wеге oveгlooked Ьу this well-educated То so igпоге this suggests а total iпseпsitiv ­ actioп; lawyeг. lп fact, he declaгed оп the flooг of ity to our cultural гасisт that has епаЫеd boldly declaгed that "the cause of lsгael the Seпate, October 9th, оп the eve of the such systeтatic exploitatioп of "тajority is the cause of Атегiса"; vote: "lп the cleaгest pгeseпtatioп to date. woгld" peoples, ап attitude that siтply сап supports NAFTA. the WТО, GАТТ; the Pгesideпt laid out а stroпg, coтpгeheп­ по lопgег Ье tolerated as рагt of our coпtiпues to support тassive iпcгeases sive апd coтpelliпg агguтепt why lгaq's пatioпal policy. iп "defe пse" speпdiпg; WM О ргоgгатs аге а thгeat to the Uпited What happeпed to Кеггу's соттitтепt supported Bush l l's tax cuts fог the States апd the iпteгпatioпal соттuпitу." to the histoгic "tuгпiпg" of Атегiса? Ог peг­ wealthy. lп Johп Кеггу 's 2003 book, А Са!! to haps he пеvег теапt it iп the fiгst place. lt

42 CovertActioп Quarterly could Ье that Johп Кеггу always has Ьееп driveп Ьу а burпiпg ambitioп for the presi­ deпcy that has guided his actioпs. iпcludiпg his Vietпam tours of duty апd his aпti - war actioпs-aпd those historic words he uttered iп 1971. Кеггу is deeply eпtreпched iп the corr\)pt, U .S. oligarchic structure with his obsessioп to Ье presideпt overridiпg all else. This is where he staпds. lt is iroпic that Johп Кеггу поw sits as ап experieпced lawyer оп the same Seпate Foreigп Relatioпs Committee before which he testified so eloqueпtly iп 1971. lп 2002 heariпgs before the same Committee, he listeпed to volumiпous testimoпy authorita­ tively challeпgiпg а // of Bush ll's pretexts. Кеггу dismissed еvегу piece of evideпce offered. 1 believe Кеггу voted iп а mаппег he thought would serve his presideпti a l ambi­ tioпs. еvеп though it meaпt defyiпg the Coпstitutioп he swore to uphold. Despite my desire to see Bush 11 dethroпed. 1 саппоt joiп the growiпg "Вапd of Brothers" workiпg оп Кеггу's presideпtial campaigп. 1 beloпg to а differeпt tribe of veteraпs who аге still workiпg for the "turп­ iпg of America ." Whether Кеггу truly m ea пt those words ог поt, mапу others of us took them to heart. That turпiпg is still desper­ ately пeeded . The world may поt survive if we doп't participate iп а dramatic turпiпg - away from Ыiпdiпg а ггоgапсе апd plutocra­ cy апd toward loviпg compassioп апd autheпtic grassroots-based• democracy .

S. Вгiап Wil/soп, а former US. Air Force Captaiп, has Ьееп а law-traiпed реасе activist for тапу years. Не coпtiпues to study effects of US. foreigп policy оп other couпtries. /п 1987, while peaceful­ ly protestiпg h1ghly puЬ!icized Репtаgоп move­ meпts of weapoпs to Сепtга/ America. he was struck Ьу а US. muпitioпs traiп iп California accel­ eratiпg to over three times the 5 mph legal speed limit. Не survived abseпt both legs below the kпее, whi/e sufferiпg а severe skul/ fracture. атопg other iпjuries. Subsequeпtly he discovered h1s ideпtity as ап FBI domestic "terrorist" suspect апd thal the traiп crew had Ьееп briefed that Wil/soп р!аппеd to "hijack" the traiп. Не walks with the aid of two prostheses. Не is author of Оп Third World Legs [Кегг, 1992) апd has а website. wwwbriaпwillsoп. сот. Не is completiпg а documeпtary оп the history of US. iпterveпtioп iп Когеа, while beiпg active iп Veteraпs For Реасе iп погthегп Ca!ifornia. Не апd his рагtпег permaculture their gardeп, апd geпer­ ate епегgу for their household апd traпsportatioп пeeds from the sип. /п additioп to а Juris Ooctor, Willsoп holds а master's degree iп crimiпology/cor­ rectioпs. апd two hопогагу doctorates.

Number 76 Spriпg 2004 43 John Kerry А Tragic Mistake

John Мооге 1

Before we go strE!aming to the polls to vote there were those who condemned the war Asia, Кеггу went on to convince them that for John Кеггу in November. we need to as а "tragic mistake," during which well­ he was not only an honest, courageous and understand more clearly who he is and meaning though naive political leaders, outspoken person. but one they could trust, what he stands for. Up to now, Кеггу him­ such as would-you-believe Robert and one they could support for political self has not been very helpful. As а candi­ McNamara and Henry Kissinger. were try­ office. Even during the congressional hear­ date. he has tended to avoid talking about ing to save the Vietnamese people from the ing, Sen. Claiborne Pell of Rhode lsland his political connections and his past voting invading Communists. 2 The latter group felt thanked Кеггу for his testimony and record, and has instead tried to charm us that if the American people and its leaders remarked that he hoped Кеггу "might one with anecdotes about Vietnam and his mili­ just heard the truth from their soldiers, they day Ье а colleague of ours in this body."5 tary service. But still, these anecdotes pro­ would soon experience some kind of moral Кеггу has continued to provide additional vide а good enough place to start. revelation and stop the war. John Кеггу was assurances to the ruling elite along these Kerry was in Vietnam in the late 1960s. of the "tragic mistake" school of thought, lines. One example is in his official autobi­ During those уеагs American corporations as рег his celebrated comment to а con­ ography, where he says that if the Vietnam were buying up French rubber plantations, gressional committee in April of 1971, War was some kind of aggressive, imperi- while American alist expansion, it entrepreneurs was "an exception, were prospecting not".a ruling exam ­ for offshore oil IN HIS OFFICIAL AUTOBIOGRAPHY, WHERE НЕ SAYS ple, of the U.S mili­ and scouting tary engagements of around Saigon for ТНАТ IF ТНЕ VIETNAM WAR WAS SOME КIND OF the twentieth centu­ opportunities to ry." So what about sell automobiles, AGGRESSIVE, IMPERIALIST EXPANSION, IT WAS "AN Grenada. Cuba. soft drinks and Nicaragua, Lebanon. whatever else EXCEPTION, NOT... A RULING EXAMPLE, OF ТНЕ U.S MIL­ Panama, Somalia - they thought the just name your citizens of а ITARY ENGAGEMENTS OF ТНЕ TWENTIETH CENTURY." favorite military "developing" SO WHAT ABOUT GRENADA, CUBA, NICARAGUA, intervention. lt looks country might like like there аге more to buy when the LEBANON, PANAMA, SOMALIA, IRAQ - JUST NAME exceptions than war was won. there аге examples Apparently Кеггу YOUR FAVORITE MILITARY INTERVENTION. that fit the rule, and missed all of this. maybe. dare 1 sug ­ МауЬе he was on gest, there could Ье his U.S. Navy river boat all the time. Не also "How do you ask а man to Ье the last man а pattern of foreign involvement. failed to notice that all of America's sup­ to die for а mistake?" 3 As а freshman senator in 1984, John porters were on the U. S. payroll. The war Kerry's own participation in the Кеггу did not disappoint the power elite, ended in 1975, and а уеаг later it was as Vietnam War seems morally muddled. One and he was soon on the pads of many cor­ hard to find а former American partisan in might excuse the participation of common porations, especially those in the health Saigon as to find а former Nazi in Germany. soldiers in Vietnam . privates and young саге industry and law firms representing But Ьу that time John Кеггу was far away. lieutenants. if they had arrived in the condi­ the communications industry.6 А lower­ back in Massachusetts after an unsuccess­ tion of brainwashed patriotism instilled Ьу ranked Boston Brahmin himself. he quickly ful run for Congress. American puЫic schools. the government and literally jumped into bed with other 1 first heard and saw John Кеггу in and some churches. and then realized they members of the ruling class. first marrying 1971 when he delivered the most articulate were doing something wrong. But Кеггу socialite Julia Thorne of Philadelphia and speech of the day, on the steps of the U.S. allegedly gave an anti -war speech before then Н. J. Heinz Ketchup heiress Teresa Capitol when we all tossed back our medals he en listed. So if he knew the war was Heinz. 7 Along the way, he somehow avoid­ and decorations. Ьу way of apology for par­ wrong, why did he go? Vietnam veteran and ed the threats and harassment directed ticipating in that racist and terriЫe war. At activist Brian Willson, who knew Кеггу well against many other anti-war veterans who that time there were two different senti­ in this period. has suggested that Кеггу were not so well connected. 8 Кеггу soon ments underlying political positions among even then had political ambitions. and was scrapped his participation in Vietnam the various groups of war protesters. There trying to create а political persona that was. Veterans Against the War r'JVAW) in favor were those who condemned the war as а as we now say, "electaЫe." 4 of Vietnam Veterans of America r'JVA) . cold and rational though misguided plan for Having excused the elite and their cor­ where the emphasis was more on getting the expansion of "capitalist democracy" in porations from any Ыаmе for starting an veterans' benefits than protesting U.S. poli­ Asia - among whom 1 was numbered. And aggressive. imperialist war in Southeast cy, once again enhancing his "electability."

44 CovertAction Quarterly RepuЬ!icaп war for а Democratic wаг, because that's exactly where we're headed right 1 3 • поw :· NOТE S

1. The author holds membership card No. 25319 iп Vietпam Veteraпs Agaiпst the Wаг , and has also been а member of Vietnam Veteraпs of America. 2. The shoulder patch issued to U.S. sol­ diers for Vietпam service is а representatioп of а section of the Great Wall of China with а breech iп the center. Stickiпg through the breech from the bottom is а gold-hafted "' sword. Duriпg the author's orientation lec­ ture for the U.S. lпfапtгу iп 1963, it was *ro -~

а. explaiпed that the sword represeпted the UJ U.S. Army defendiпg Vietnam against the Kerry asks for "Muslim Speaking" "' invadiпg Chiпese Communists. troops to Ье sent to Occupied lraq. 3 . Кеггу's "tragic mistake" theme is expaпd­ GI Special 2#45 ed in his official autobiography, А Са// to Service (Peпguiп , 2003), рр. 41-3. 4. See www.briaпwillsoп.com/awolkerry.html. 5. For this remark апd а fuller biography, After twenty years and three re-elec­ Respoпsibility апd Work Opportunity see www.johп tions to the Senate, Кеггу has approached Recoпciliatioп Act of 1996, which drastical­ 6. Charles Lewis, The Buying of the issues raised Ьу the lraq War with two dis­ ly reduced benefits for роог womeп апd President (Pereпnial 2004), рр. 364-400. abilities that аге perhaps service-connect­ children, апd most receпtly bragged about Also see Dana Wilkie апd Joe Caпtlupe, ed-amnesia and myopia. Не has forgotten this vote duriпg the primary campaign. "Кеггу Amoпg Тор Recipieпts iп Coпgress the lessons of Vietnam, if he ever under­ Also. at the first opportuпity , he jumped on from Special lпterest s, " Sап Diego Ипiоп­ stood them, and he was very fuzzy about board the 9/11 express, trouпciпg civil ТriЬипе, Jап . 30, 2004. what was going on in lraq. ln short, he had rights Ьу supporting such legislatioп as the 7 . Julia Thorne ha s writteп а memoir, А the perfect mentality for а Senator in the USA Patriot Act апd the Couпter-Terrorism Change of Heart (New York: Нагрег pocket of the ruling elite. and Effective Death Peпalty Act. The North Регеппiа! , 1996). Teresa Heiп z is а proud Не was а willing and enthusiastic co­ America Free Trade Агеа (NAFTA) program RepuЫicaп . conspirator in his vote of support for the for Americaп ecoпomic апd political hege­ 8. Like mапу other activists iп this period, war in lraq in October 2002, stating his moпy iп the Americas. implemeпted iп tl1e author was visited апd harassed at belief that lraq had а large stockpile of the 1994, also fiпds him safely оп board. home. оп the job, at his Army Reserve 9 Weapons of Mass Destruction. Еvеп more Lookiпg at Kerry's votiпg record, we meetings апd iп the classroom Ьу the importantly, from the standpoiпt of his сог­ саппоt help but поtе that his Ьгапd of neo­ Departmeпt of Defeпse, FBI апd local рогаtе keepers, iп September of 2003 he liberalism is поt sharply divergeпt from police. See front page, The Sunday supported Order 39, which offered ап ореп Bush's compassioпate coпservatism. lп Ramparts, Sап Fraпcisco, Feb . 12, 1967. door to Аmегiсап compaпies who waпted sum, Ьу its coпtrol of the пomiпatioп 9 . See article Ьу Scott Ritter, former U.N. to buy, lease ог run lraqi compaпies апd process. the ruliпg elite has maпaged to Chief lпspector iп lraq, www.пotiпour­ 10 take profits from them. His campaigп offer us. iп lieu of real choices, а RepuЬ!icaп пame . пet/gi -s pecial/ . Also see "Kerry's remaiпs quiet оп this issue.11 But will Кеггу iпcumbeпt who started the lraq War апd Deceptioпs оп lraq Threaten His Presideпtial say somethiпg later? Will he perhaps sооп favors similar pre-emptive strikes else­ Hopes," Ьу Stepheп Zunes, puЬ!ished Aug. decry the lraqi iпvasioп as aпother "tragic where. has cut educatioп апd welfare 26, 2003, Commoп mistake," thereby excusiпg Bush, Сhепеу, fuпds, апd has taken large steps toward the 1 О. See two articles Ьу Naomi Klein. "lraq ls Rumsfeld, Halliburtoп апd the oil iпdustry s uppress ioп of civil liberties. As an alterпa­ Not America 's to Sell," iп the Nov. 7, 2003, from all their current sheпaпigaпs? tive, it offers а Democratic challeпger who Guardian (Loпdon). апd "Hold Bush to His As Кеггу moves closer to wiппiпg the has already demoпstrated that he will do Lie ," iп Feb. 5, 2004, The Nation Democratic пomiпatioп. other trouЬ!esome what he's told, and is somewhat taller. 11. As of Feb . 1О, 2004, Кеггу's "Tough aspects of his politics апd character coпtiп­ Deппis Kucinich, а Democratic caпdi­ Questioпs" to George W. Bush about lraq, ue to emerge. lt turпs out he voted for the date who has been labeled "uпelectaЫe" listed оп Кеггу 's campaigп web site. do поt Gramm-Rudman deficit reductioп scam. ап d therefore is free to speak the truth, puts meпtioп Order 39. beguп iп 1985, which through the 1990s it this way: "Seпator Кеггу voted for the war. 12. See Gweпdolyп Mink, We/fare's Епd devastated the welfare system, апd espe­ Seпator Кеггу supports the occupatioп. (lthaca, NY Corпell Uпiv. Press) 1998. cially the hopes апd dreams of workiпg Senator Кеггу supports seпdiпg another 13. See Kuciпich statemeпt оп www.noti­ 12 womeп апd disaЬ!ed people. Later. he 40,000 troops to lraq". l'm woпderiпg if the пourпame.пet/gi - special/. Also see his voted eпthusiastically for the Persoпal people of this country аге ready to trade а campaigп web site. www.kuciп

Number 76 Spring 2004 45 Mumbai Diary

Alejandro Bendana

JuЬilee South Сепtго de Estudios lnternacionales Мапаgиа, Nicaragua

Al ejaпdro В епdапа addressiпg а conference iп M a пil a, Phi lippines, September 2003

Arriving at midпight. my first impressioп of sessioпs as iп the very streets of the fair­ dozeпs апd theп huпdreds of lпdiaп Mumbai. lпdia. was поt pleasaпt. Comiпg grouпds. There politics came alive as activists iпvaded the hall with much пoise. from Maпagua 1 really did поt have much of dozeпs of lпdiaп groupiпgs marched back faпfare. slogaпs. flowers апd soпgs. They а right to compare апd judge, but uроп ask­ апd forth. with daпciпg апd drums - per­ were gay, lesbiaп апd traпsgeпder activists iпg why so тапу streets were torп up. the haps comparaЫe to Rfo 's carпivals - braп­ of all ages. Опlу after much persuasioп did taxi driver respoпded proudly, "we аге get­ dishiпg their cause iп laпguages that we they maпage to sit dowп. because the pref­ tiпg пеw опеs." 1 was too embarrassed to foreigпers could поt uпderstaпd although ereпce was for daпciпg апd chaпtiпg. Ап ask why there were so few sidewalks iп the message came across loud апd clear. iпvited speaker from abroad did поt show most parts of towп. witпessiпg iпstead Much differeпt thaп the rather solemп. up. but that made по differeпce. lt was ап small staпds апd chaotic swarms of moviпg straight-faced lookiпg over your shoulder impressive lessoп where politics апd the people competiпg with vehicles for the lim­ demoпstratioпs that we hold iп much of defeпse of alterпatives сап Ье promoted ited space availaЫe. lt resemЫed Maпagua Latiп America. with coпtagious smiles апd music iпterrupt­ duriпg the Saпto Domiпgo festivities. But iп 1 decided to look up some comrades - ed Ьу iпdividual testimoпies. coпtrast to the druпkeп celebratioпs iп my опе of the uпstated purposes of the WSF - The пехt day 1 was off to form part of hometowп. iп Mumbai people were comiпg from the U.S. who orgaпized ап impressive the Jubilee South preseпtatioпs. "Doп't апd goiпg iп а much more busi- Owe. Woп't Рау" was our пess-like fashioп. Poverty was movemeпt's ceпtral message everywhere yet. as опе local апd reasoп for beiпg, turпiпg tradeswomaп explaiпed. we аге "DON'T OWE WON'T РАУ" WAS OUR the questioп оп its head апd happy here because the pover­ ' demaпdiпg iпstead that the ty was so much greater iп the MOVEMENT'S CENTRAL MESSAGE AND North рау its eпviroпmeпtal. couпtryside . moral. historical апd social REASON FOR BEING, TURNING ТНЕ QUES- The followiпg morпiпg 1 dеЫ to the South. Апd iп traveled to the site of the World TION ON IТS HEAD AND DEMANDING case апуопе missed our Social Forum . What а coпtrast message, there were Ьап ­ to the Porto Al egre. Brazil. set­ INSTEAD ТНАТ ТНЕ NORTH РАУ ITS ENVI- пеrs оп every puЬlic site, tiпg of the previous three years! courtesy of our multifaceted lпstead of well-to-do uпiversity RONMENTAL, MORAL, HISTORICAL AND Philippiпe coordiпatiпg team. grouпds. the lпdiaп orgaпizers апd of course а soпg that we had booked the trade fair­ SOCIAL DEBT ТО ТНЕ SOUTH. made sure was heard every grouпds where huge halls апd day iп the afterпooп coпcerts caпvas - eпveloped rooms wel- we spoпsored iп froпt of our comed delegates from пearly 150 пatioпs. list of speakers. Turпout. however. teпded booth. ·Later some delegates complaiпed Yet the dyпamism of the WSF was поt so to Ье low. The sessioп eпded апd 1 huпg they could поt get the "doп't owe. woп't much iп the debatiпg rooms апd workiпg arouпd for а short while wheп suddeпly рау " tuпe out of their heads.

46 CovertActioп Quarterly pгopaganda; Bosnia; Kurdistan; Sasakawa obit; Number 62 (1997) U.S. апd Pol Pot; Paramilitary "Emergeпcy maпagemeпt;" Huпger politics; Global NAFТA layoffs; Ргisоп labor; AFL-CIO iп Russia; policiпg; Selliпg SWAT; Мегсепаrу armies апd water; Climate; Priscп-iпdustrial complex; Military Private security guards; Walter Reuther. miпerals; Mad Cow disease; Fгее radio; Che and civil disturbaпce рlаппiпg; CIA апd Cold War. Nuщber 55 ( 1996) Police vs. citizen review; the CIA; Visit to CIA; Vaclav Havel . Number 70 (2001) Bush апd eпviroпmeпt; Mullah Согрогаtе assault оп FDA; PR industry vs. Number 63 (1997) Right-wiпg thiпk taпks; South Aid; Dick Held; Noп-lethal weapoпs; Summit of activists; Colin Powell; UN at 50/Fidel Castro; Africaп torture; chemical-Ьiological warfare; NSA's the Americas; lsraeli Nukes; Kissiпger; Star Wars; Economic iпtelligence; Spain's dirty wаг; East Crypto AG; Promise Кеерегs. Yugoslavia; Апtопiп Scalia; Bush апd Blair; Rep. limor - Britaiп Arms lndoпesia; Bosnia. Number 64 (1998) Vietnam; lraq sa п ctioпs; Rob Simmoпs; 10 Worst Corporatioпs; Statemeпt Number 56 (1996) Noam Chomsky; High-tech sur­ Political сопtгоl techпology; Jihad; Piпochet; Drug Ьу Leoпard Peltier. veillaпce; M1iitarizing the border; Реррег gas; wаг fuпgus; Burma-Siпgapore heroiп trade. Number 71 (2001) Depleted uraпium; Political Guyana; Yugoslavia; Russian пatioпalism; U.S. Number 65 (1998) Philip Agee, Ramsey Clark; lslam; Рlап РuеЫа-Рапаmа; USA Patriot Act; War апd Когеа; La Belle bombiпg. Mumia Abu-Jamal; Serb demoпizat ioп; Bosпia ТV Crimiпals; lsrael апd Hamas; Palestiпiaп right of Number 57 (1996) Racism iп the гапks; White col­ disiпformatioп ; Media evasioпs; NGOs iп Latiп геtuгп; Domestic Aпthrax; Рlап ColomЬia; CIA visa lar crime; Commoп Law courts; INS deteпtioп ceп­ America; Russiaп reform"; Wаг оп Cuba; Assata machiпe; DoD vs. eпviroпmeпt. ters; Buyiпg Russiaп electioпs; Noam Chomsky оп Shakur; Rоп Rideпhour; CIA vs. Daпiel Tsaпg; CIA Number 72 (2002) Police violeпce; ISI, CIA & Haiti; U.S.-lsrael; Aпoпymous remailers; Nuclear mistakeп ideпtities Talibaп; Palestiпe; Veпezuela plottiпg & coup; Earl proliferation iп space. Number 66 (1998-99) Piпochet; Palestiпiaп Silbert & Епrоп; US Desigпs оп lraq; Argeпtiпa Number 58 (1996) Pilger оп Burma; Estrogeп & Authority; Tomahawks; Sudaп; Репtаgоп bucks; baпkrupted; Attack оп lпdiaп Parliameпt; Global епdосгiпе; Crime & capital globalizatioп; РапАm 103; Laureпt KaЬila iпterview; Algeria; rollback; Elie Hobeika. "Couпter-Terrorism" documeпts; Church burпings; Richard Holbrooke; NATO; lzetbegovitch; FBl's Number 73 (2002) Torture; Jепiп апd Amпesty AID & eпviroпmeпt; Brookhaveп; AIDS. О .С. "espioпage" trial. lпterпa tioпal; Academia & CIA; Pakistaп; 50 Years Number 59 (1996-97) Surveillaпce: ECHELON; Number 67 (1999) Mumia Abu-Jamal; NATO of Coups-lraп to Veпezuela; Plutoпium iп Space; NSA's busiпess рlап; NIMA; Spooks iп the iпtег­ bomЬiпg апd "Greater Albaпia"; Humaпitariaп U'wa vs. Occideпtal; Why Nato? пеt; Canadiaп spies; Privatiziпg welfare; Mexico iпterveпtioп iп Kosovo; Roma people; William Number 74 (2002) Jепiп апd Huma,п Rights апd SOA; Afghaпistaп; CIA апd drugs. Walker; Richard Holbrooke; Осаlап; Police milita­ Watch; George Soros stage - maпagiпg imperialism; Number 60 (1997) Cassiпi plutoпium missiпg; rizatioп; Tupac Shakur; CIA апd labor; CIA drug Religious fascists апd the CIA iп Bosпia; Епd of Jарап and Peru; MRTA; Prisoп labor; smuggliпg; Leoпard Peltier. Posse Comitatus; Вгоwп & Root; James Petгas оп Uпioпbustiпg ; Universities апd busiпess; Number 68 (1999) East limor; ColomЬia; Рапаmа; Argeпtiпa; Rwaпda iпjustice; Rewiпg up Bush's Colombia; Sudaп; FBl-CIA teamwork. Cuba vs. U.S.; SегЬiа; NATO iп Kosovo; KLA апd wаг machiпe; Smashiпg the Kurds. Number 61 (1997) Turkey's state killers; drugs; MPRI; Urbaп Warrior; Homelaпd deferise; Number 75 (2003) Homelaпd Security Phoeпix­ Privatiziпg Напfогd; Spyiпg оп activists; U.S. Poverty globalizatioп. Style; Space-Based lmperialism; First Natioпs torture maпuals; Armiпg Mexico's drug war; Number 69 (2000) Сопgо; Chechпya; Colombia; Fight Back; ТоЬассо Smokescreeп; Deпver Police NSA, Russia and Dudayev; NATO moves East; Ecuador; lraqi oil; Depleted uraпium; Yugoslavia; Files; Victory For Judi Bari; Presideпtial Deceits; Spooks i п Coпgress. lпdia; Cyprus; Bosпia-Herzegoviпa; Seatt le!WТO ; Wheп Will Bush Fall?

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CovertAction PuЫications, 1500 Massachusetts Ave. NW, # 732, Washington, ОС, 20005 Phone: 202-331-9763; Fax: 202-331-9751; email: [email protected] .. End the Occupation of Palestine End Apartheid in lsrael DIVESTI

This image of the late Professor Edward Said throwing а stone symbolically in the direction of the lsraeli side of the border with Lebanon was taken shortly after the retreat of lsrael's military from Lebanon in Мау 2000, after 22 years of brutal occupation. lt was widely mischaracterized Ьу apologists for lsrael as Said "throwing stones at lsraeli soldiers," а misrepresentation which was typical of so many distortions directed against the life and work of this great scholar and activist.