November 1, 2001 —SENATE 21319

meals. Last year, almost one out of we finish this bill today, but I very The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. NEL- every six Americans was over 60 years much hope the Senate will agree and SON of Nebraska). The Senator from of age. While the total population of follow the suggestion of the chairman Minnesota. the US increased by 13 percent since of the committee and get the bill done Mr. WELLSTONE. Mr. President, I 1990, those in the age category 75–84, in- as rapidly as possible. say to my colleague from Iowa, I will creased at twice that rate. Mr. BYRD. Madam President, I be just 2 or 3 minutes. There is $10.2 billion for Title I thank my distinguished friend, the f grants to local education agencies, an former chairman of the Appropriations REQUEST— increase of $1.4 billion. These grants Committee. S. 739 provide funds to schools, especially in I wonder if we might raise a question high-poverty areas, to help low-income, here concerning the DC appropriations Mr. WELLSTONE. Mr. President, I low-achieving students learn to the bill. This is another bill that we could ask unanimous consent that the Sen- same high standards as other students. act upon, I would think, today. I won- ate proceed to Calendar No. 191, S. 739, There is $3.039 billion for State der if we might be able to make some the Homeless Veterans Program Im- grants to improve teacher quality, an arrangement that will allow us to com- provement Act; that the committee-re- increase of $440 million. States and plete the DC appropriations bill today. ported substitute amendment be agreed local educational agencies use these Mr. STEVENS. Madam President, if to, the bill, as amended, be read three funds to reduce class size, reform the Senator will yield, I understand the times, passed, and the motion to recon- teacher certification requirements, re- negotiations are underway to try to sider be laid upon the table, with no in- cruit teachers, provide existing teach- pursue the concept that we previously tervening action or debate. ers with professional development op- discussed. That would be a means of The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there portunities, and implement teacher trying to report the bill from com- objection? Mr. REID. Reserving the right to ob- mentoring programs. mittee with an amendment. That has The Senate bill includes sufficient not been agreed to yet, but I hope it ject, I could not hear the request. Mr. WELLSTONE. I say to my col- funds to increase the maximum Pell will be soon. I personally will support league from West Virginia, I am trying Grant to $4,000, the highest ever and an that concept. It would be a matter of to move matters along as well. increase of $250 over last year. Pell putting one amendment on the bill as The VA reported that there were Grants are the foundation of postsec- it comes out of committee; and that 345,000 homeless veterans in 1999. That ondary student aid, allowing millions amendment would be in conference. It was 34 percent higher than in 1998. The of low- and moderate-income students is not an amendment that is in the bill has been reported out of committee to attend college and other postsec- House bill. by Democrats and Republicans alike ondary educational programs. So I would hope we would have an op- with unanimous support, I say to all That is all I have to say, except, portunity to take that path. my colleagues. please, let’s get on with this bill. We Mr. BYRD. I thank the distinguished It is an annual authorization of $50 are fast approaching Thanksgiving. We Senator. million for the Department of Labor ought to be home with our families. Mr. REID. If the distinguished chair- program called HVRP, which does pro- Let’s not be tied up here. man of the Appropriations Committee vide money to nonprofits to help train Mr. STEVENS. Madam President, will yield, there have been conversa- homeless veterans. this bill, in my judgment, is as impor- tions with the distinguished Senator The second part supports commu- tant in this period of time with the war from Texas, Mrs. HUTCHISON. The only nity-based organizations which provide on terrorism as the Defense Depart- way out of the problem we have is what needed social service programs for vet- ment bill. It is a bill that must be fin- I talked about with the chairman. If erans. ished as rapidly as possible. It contains the committee were limited to one The last piece sets up comprehensive money to assist all of the agencies amendment, that could happen very homeless centers in the country’s dealing with the problems of chemical quickly. It could come to the floor, and major metropolitan areas. That can be and biological warfare, as well as all of we could finish the bill rapidly at that substance abuse counseling, job coun- the items Senator BYRD has men- time. seling, and assisted housing. tioned. I also say to my friend from West This is the same bill that is moving I am told we are very near an agree- Virginia that during the votes, signifi- in the House. This is my third or fourth ment. That may mean we can finish cant progress has been made on this time, colleagues, that I have come to this bill tonight. I encourage all par- bill. I think the light at the end of the this Chamber to ask unanimous con- ties to join in that effort because this tunnel will be able to be seen in a little sent to pass this bill. bill is going to take a long time in con- while. Veterans Day is in the next week or ference. If I count correctly, we have Mr. BYRD. Madam President, I so. We have men and women in harm’s but 8 days in which we can conference thank all Senators who have spoken. I way. It is hardly any way to say this bill within the timeframe of the particularly thank the distinguished thanks to veterans not to pass this next . We have a Senator from Alaska, Mr. STEVENS. piece of legislation. holiday on the 12th. I think it is imper- And I thank the majority whip. I am My guess is that over a third of the ative we get this bill to the President available if I can be of assistance to adult males who are homeless in this as rapidly as possible. him in pursuing this matter. I believe, country are veterans; many of them I also want to state to the Senate as he says, we can see the light at the are Vietnam veterans. I do not know that I have agreed to join Senator end of the tunnel. There seems to be a why in the world this bill is being BYRD on any effort to table an amend- willingness on the part of Senators who blocked. I do not know who has put on ment that would violate the agreement have an interest in the DC appropria- an anonymous hold. This is my third or we have with the House and with the tions bill to come to some agreement. fourth time requesting that we pass President with regard to the limitation As chairman of the committee, if I can this bill. on expenditures and the allocations be helpful in engineering a reporting Therefore, one more time, Mr. Presi- within that limitation of $686 billion. It from the committee of the House bill dent, I ask unanimous consent that the is an agreement we made, and we hope with an amendment, I will be happy to Senate proceed to Calendar No. 191, S. the Senate will enable us to keep that be of help. 739, the Homeless Veterans Program agreement. I thank all Senators for listening. Improvement Act, with the support of Madam President, I do not know And I particularly thank the managers Secretary Principi as well; that the where the people are who are going to of the bill for the progress that has committee-reported substitute amend- enter into this agreement or take the been made on the bill thus far. ment be agreed to, the bill, as amend- steps that will be necessary to ensure I yield the floor. ed, be read three times, passed, and the

VerDate Aug 04 2004 08:41 Aug 15, 2005 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR01\S01NO1.000 S01NO1 21320 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE November 1, 2001 motion to reconsider be laid upon the Veterans of America. of the Finance Com- table, with no intervening action or de- RICK JONES, mittee. So I want to respond, first, to bate. National Legislative the majority leader’s and Budget Com- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there Director, AMVETS. mittee chairman’s comments about the DENNIS CULLINAN, objection? National Legislative Senate Republican caucus proposal. Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, re- Director, Veterans of From my point of view, these com- serving the right to object, the Senator Foreign War. ments were destructive of bipartisan- from Minnesota is a good friend of Mr. WELLSTONE. Let me also say to ship. The attacks came yesterday mine, and I happen to be the only Re- my colleague from Iowa—and this is afternoon on the floor, following a publican in the Chamber. There is a not aimed at him—as I have said, this news conference that was held on the Republican objection. I do not know is the third or fourth time I have come Capitol grounds. In contrast, while who that Republican is, and I can to the floor asking unanimous consent these things were going on yesterday, I maybe find out for the Senator. But I that we pass this legislation. I would spent time working for an agreement have to object for a Senator on my appreciate it if whoever has an anony- that crossed party lines; in other side, as long as I am in this position of mous hold on this bill would be willing words, for a bipartisan agreement. being the only Republican Senator in to step forward. But I want to make it In fact, for a number of weeks, the this Chamber. So I object. crystal clear to the minority leader, chairman of the Finance Committee, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- and other colleagues, that I have a hold Senator BAUCUS, and I have been meet- tion is heard. on every piece of legislation from the ing in an attempt to find an agreement Mr. WELLSTONE. Mr. President, other side of the aisle that is not emer- on a stimulus package. Last week, Senator DASCHLE and just one more minute. gency legislation. I have a standing Senator BAUCUS released a stimulus I say to my colleague from Iowa, I hold on all of your legislation. proposal that, as they indicated, clear- absolutely understand why he has to Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, be- ly reflected the more liberal part of the object. He is not speaking for himself. fore I speak on another subject, I say Democratic caucus. Senator BAUCUS I know he is objecting on behalf of to the Senator from Minnesota, I hope made it clear that it was basically a someone who is anonymous. I am posi- he knows my practice; when I put a negotiating position and that he would tive the Senator from Iowa would be hold on a piece of legislation or an in- be willing to move to the center. the first to support this legislation. dividual, I put a statement in the The proposal was released as a posi- Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- RECORD as to why I have put on that tion for the Democratic caucus. It was sent that a letter, which is signed by hold, so you know that it is Senator made very clear in statements, well-in- AMVETS, the Disabled American Vet- GRASSLEY who has a hold on that item. tentioned on the part of Senator BAU- erans, the Paralyzed Veterans of Amer- I do not approve of Senators putting CUS, that it was basically a negotiating ica, and the Veterans of Foreign Wars holds on legislation and not doing it position and that he would be willing of the United States, which basically that way. But, on the other hand, I am to move to the center, or saw that as was addressed to Senator LOTT, saying, doing it for whoever that anonymous necessary as part of the process to get move this bill, take objections off, be person is. legislation through the Senate. printed in the RECORD. Mr. WELLSTONE. I thank the Sen- In general, Republicans such as my- There being no objection, the letter ator for his courtesy. I know that self reacted constructively to the pro- was ordered to be printed in the about him. And I say to the Senator posal. I was quoted in the press accord- RECORD, as follows: from Iowa, with a twinkle in my eye, I ingly. I disagreed with the proposal OCTOBER 25, 2001. am not putting any anonymous holds Hon. TRENT LOTT, Senator BAUCUS put forward, but I rec- U.S. Senate, on any other legislation he is trying to ognized it as an essential part of a Washington, DC. move. I made it clear on the floor of process of getting a bill through the DEAR SENATOR LOTT: On behalf of the co- the Senate, I am putting a hold on all Senate. I saw it as a positive step. authors of The Independent Budget, of it unless it is absolutely an emer- Quite frankly, I viewed it as a response AMVETS, Disabled American Veterans, Par- gency. to the bill that passed the House of alyzed Veterans of America, and the Vet- f erans of Foreign Wars, we are writing to you, Representatives. as Minority Leader, to urge you to work MORNING BUSINESS On Tuesday of this week, we Repub- with your colleagues to remove holds that licans responded to the Democratic have been placed on two pieces of legislation Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- caucus position with one from our own that are important to our Nation’s veterans. imous consent the Senate proceed to a caucus. From our point of view, it mir- These two measures, S. 1188, the ‘‘Depart- period of morning business until 1:30 rored the President’s stimulus plan. ment of Veterans Affairs Nurse Recruitment p.m. What kind of a reception did we get and Retention Enhancement Act of 2001’’ and The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without after we released our plan? In this era S. 739, the ‘‘Heather French Henry Homeless objection, it is so ordered. Veterans Assistance Act,’’ are vital pieces of of bipartisanship and collegiality, legislation to the men and women who have The Senator from Iowa. something bad happened. The attack served in our Armed Forces. With American f dogs were unleashed and with a fury. servicemen and women on guard at home and The same day, Senator DASCHLE harsh- abroad, we find it difficult to believe that RESPONSE TO ATTACKS ON THE ly attacked our proposal in an ex- some Senators are placing roadblocks and SENATE REPUBLICAN CAUCUS tremely partisan, stilted manner. resorting to delaying tactics on passage of STIMULUS PLAN The next afternoon, which was yes- legislation of such great benefit to seriously Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I terday, Senator CONRAD was on the disabled veterans who have also served their country with distinction. These measures come to this Chamber to address an floor with the usual props he has—he have almost universal support. It is time issue that was discussed yesterday. I do uses them well—ferociously denounc- that they be brought up, and voted upon. it because I am the ranking Republican ing the Senate Republican proposal. We thank you, in advance, for your assist- on the Senate Finance Committee. I Rather than recognizing the proposal ance in this matter. want to respond to some Senators on as part of the process, as we Repub- Sincerely, the other side of the aisle—meaning licans viewed the Democratic proposal, JOSEPH A. VIOLANTE, the majority side of the aisle—who the Democrats instead have turned up National Legislative have raised concerns about legislation the partisan heat and are trying to Director, Disabled American Veterans. that I have put forth as part of a stim- torch any real plan that will help our RICHARD B. FULLER, ulus package. I put forth this legisla- economy and our country. National Legislative tion for our Republican caucus in my One has to wonder why we have such Director, Paralyzed capacity as former chairman and now a double standard. Why is it that one

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