More from the America trip inside

No. 111 March—April 2007 2

Falcon Registrar: Joyce Taylor Ridge Cottage, Glevering 01728 746 155 Hill, Wickham Market, Woodbridge, Suffolk IP13 0DG Specials Registrar: Richard Perfitt 10 Monmouth Road, Harlington LU2 01525 876 671 Dunstable, Beds. e.mail:[email protected] Technical Adviser: Derek Smith 4 Sherbourne Drive 01753 868 537 Windsor, Berks SL4 4AE2 Dicky Dawes 55 Pedlars grove, Frome, 01373 461589 Somerset BA11 2SX e.mail: [email protected] Regalia Sales: Vacant Hints & Tips Jim Barry 01536 724512 164 Polwell Lane, Barton Seagrave Kettering Northants NN15 6UB AREA REPRESENTATIVES North Thames: Vic Braybrook 11 Meade Road, Billericay, 01277 622 331 Essex CM11 1DE South East: VACANT South: Carole & Peter Chitty 8 Forest End Courtmoor, Fleet, 01252 620 128 Hampshire, GU52 7XE South West: Carole & Jim Caldwell, 76 Stormoe, Dilton Marsh, 01373 864957 Westbury, Wilts. BA13 4BH Cotswolds: Bill Johnson 15 Cherry Tree Lane, Hayley Green, 0121 602 2429 Halesowen, West Midlands B63 1DU South Wales: Vacant Contact: Rob Raikes 90 Heol Bardd, Bridgend, 01656 668 683 Mid-Glamorgan CF31 4td email: [email protected] North East: Dr John Fowler “Rivendell” Shortsill Lane Flaxby 01423 867410, Knaresborough, N Yorks HG5 0RT e-mail [email protected] East Midlands: Jim & Joy Barry 164 Polwell Lane, Barton (Midshires Sub-Group) 01536 724 512 Seagrave, Kettering, Northants NN15 6UB North West: David Percy 13 The Toppings, Bredbury, Stockport, Cheshire. SK6 1EK. Telephone: 0161 430 5803.

Scotland: Jennie White Whitelaw Cottage, 01387 370 291 Carlesgill, Westerkirk Langholme, Dumfrieshire DG13 0NZ North Wales & Cliff Thomas-Smout 118 Kingsley Road, Kingswinford West Midlands: 01384 830140 West Midlands DY6 9RS

Northern Keith Bomber Hummock House, 186 Abbey Road, Ireland: 0289 186 2667 Millisle, County Down, BT22 2DH East Anglia: Bob Hartley 19 Grove Hill, Belstead Village, 01473 730 434 Ipswich, Suffolk IP8 3LP

3 Officers:

Chairman: Alan Peacock Verazza, 61 Windmill Avenue, St Albans Herts. 01727 862971 AL4 9SJ email: [email protected]

Secretary: Mike Butler Railway Cottages, Water Street, Hampstead 01635 201910 Norreys, Thatcham, Berks., RG18 0SB

Treasurer: Peter Chitty 8 Forest End Courtmoor, Fleet, Hampshire, 01252 620 128 GU52 7XE

Membership Carole Chitty As above Secretary: [email protected]

FLAT OUT Production:

EDITOR: Brian Peters, 43 Belstead Avenue, Ipswich, Suffolk. IP2 8NR 01473 405974 e.mai:l [email protected]

ADDRESS LABELS: Carole Chitty MAILING: Peter and Margaret Cook HINTS & TIPS: Jim Barry CARTOONS: John Wheatley Printed in England by: Paul Hackett

CSC Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/citroenspecialsclub


The Editor nor the officers of the Citroen Specials Club are necessarily in agreement with opinions expressed in this magazine. Such opinions are entirely the views of the author and imply no recommendation by the Citroen Specials Club

All rights reserved. Apart from any fair dealings as permitted under the terms of the Copyright Design and Patents Act of 1988, no part of this magazine may be reproduced in any form whatsoever without the written permission of the Citroen Specials Club

The last copy date for any event details is 1st. December The next Flat Out will be issued around March 9th

Please send articles by e.mail or typed. Only use fonts Times New Roman, Arial or Trebuchet MS.

4 CHAIRMANS NOTES Writing this at the end of January I feel very pleased with the way that the club appears to be doing. Carole and I attended the Christmas celebration dinner organised by Ray John for the North Wales and West Midland area and also gate crashed the South area dinner held in January and the Cotswolds dinner held on the 4th February at the Anchor Inn in Eckington, where the excellent meal that we all enjoyed was prepared by club member Ian Kelly, all were very well attended. Congratulations are in order as joint members Ian Kelly and Ranah Hart are to be married at Easter, Carole tells me that this means that she has to have a new frock, more expense!

The interest in the trip to Ireland is very strong; see the separate article by Ray Lloyd elsewhere in this issue for more details. I must stress that if you are thinking of coming and have not yet let me know please do so ASAP as we will very soon need to be booking the ferries.

Stephen and Janet Spence have done a great job in getting everything sorted for the summer camp to be held near Bakewell in the Peak District, see further information elsewhere in this issue. I am confident that bookings for this will also be strong.

Bookings for the AGM, this year taking place in Harrogate, have also been very good but hopefully if you haven’t yet booked there may still be room for you, do it now. This is going to be a very exciting year for the club, so don’t just think about it, come along and enjoy the fun and games.

This is Brian’s last issue before he stands down as editor. I would like to say a very big thank you both for myself, and on behalf of all club members for the tremendous job that he has done. Flat Out is the one aspect of the club that we all share and as such is very important. It is a lot of work but Brian has always found the time and energy to get the job done and done very well. Thanks again Brian.

Finally, don’t forget spring is just around the corner. All those jobs on the car that you were going to do during the winter must really be started now or it will be to late.


Hi everybody!

This is my last editorial for Flat Out, and I am really sad about it. However, I am pleased, thrilled and delighted that we have a likely new editor who I am sure will take the newsletter forward to new heights.

I have thoroughly enjoyed my stint since my first shaky issue (No. 86) back in 2002, and I must thank all the area representatives who have diligently supplied the bi-monthly reports. Also, all those who have provided interesting and diverse articles and photographs on a variety of subjects, plus hints and tips (or Members Experiences as we now have to call them!) And of course John Wheatley our super cartoonist.

The committee meetings I have attended have been enjoyable experiences, and I shall miss those most of all. For those who are not committee members it is difficult to appreciate how hard those on the committee work on behalf of the club. Our chairman, Alan Peacock, is doing a terrific job on all your behalf and is ably assisted by Secretary Mike Butler and Treasurer Peter Chitty, and the rest of the committee. I would urge any members who would like to assist in running the club to volunteer for those posts that have to be filled. It is essential that we recruit fresh faces and come up with new ideas in order to move the club forwards.

I shall be kept pretty busy from now on, I am well on the way with my second book (the first, The Silver Box, was published by Pen Press in December and can be obtained from Amazon or Waterstones.) My motorcycling friends and me are already planning our annual jaunt to Germany in the Summer, this year to the lovely Spessart region. A full diary for the Lomax at local events throughout the year (some with CSC, some with the Suffolk Vehicle Enthusiasts Club) but I will find time to read the new Flat Out with great anticipation. And I certainly intend to participate in the 20th. Anniversary Rally in 2008, somewhere in Europe where ever it may be. Thanks again everyone for your terrific past support, Safe driving,

Brian 6

WEST MIDS – MID WALES Bob’s bit the Wrekin Border Man

A Happy Motoring New Year to you all. I hope the lack of sunshine is not depressing you too much (S.A.D), so I hope that we, that is Ray, Cliff and myself can organise some social functions that will brighten up our year.

We ended 2006 with our Xmas lunch with a full house and then on to our first Sunday lunch meeting on January 14th at the Priorslee Lodge, Telford although the attraction might be the 2 for 1 meal, we had one of our best attendances with one of our earliest members, Max Dobbs and his wife making the party up to 18. I hope this attendance is a good sign.

I went to the Exeter kit car show in November, for us 3 wheel enthu- siasts nothing new, I am convinced the SVA is to blame.

I had a note from member John Simcock the other day he has changed the date of the “Marches on Wheels” run, rally or what you like to call it – a run with a mildly competitive element in some of the most beautiful parts of Shropshire and Herefordshire. It is now on SUNDAY May 27th still starting and finishing at the Down Inn near Bridgnorth, an excellent hostelry. It’s a charity event to the extent that there is a £10 entry fee and any surplus after costs are met will go to the Hope House children’s Hospices in Shropshire and North Wales. Details of campsites will be sent to all entrants. Rules and entry form with this issue. Note the entry day – we need to know numbers in advance.

Ray, Cliff and myself are sending out the Diary for 2007. Here are some of them and also some suggestions:

March 11th Meeting Sunday lunch Priorslee Lodge, Telford @12 noon

March 30th – April 1st AGM Harrogate

April 8th Sunday lunch Leintwardine, South Shropshire. Meet at the Lion Pub @ 12noon, and after an afternoon run locally

May 6th Sunday, Stoneleigh kit car show, leave Shrewsbury 8.45 am 7

May 20th Sunday, Rochdale Owners Club show, Capenthorne Hall, Mac- clesfield, just turn up

May 27th Sunday, “Marches on Wheels” see John Simcock’s article in the Flat Out. Starts at the “Down Inn”, Bridgnorth. To enter contact John Simcock on 01743 884309 June 10th Sunday, venue to be announced

June 22nd-24th Summer Camp@ Bakewell

July 8th Six Ashes Rally and Fete, Bridgnorth area, entry forms availa- ble or just turn up. July 15th Wem Classic Car Show, just turn up

July 20th – 22nd Bob’s annual trip to North Wales, please phone for details, I need to know the numbers

July 29th Black Country Museum, club members must book for this event – see Cliff

October 21st Malvern Classic Car Show, phone for details.

That’s all for now, All the best, Bob Lloyd

Hi Folks,

It’s the New Year, time for resolutions, revolutions and new solu- tions.

We’ve already had our first meetings. At Telford there were 19 of us, at the Vine there was another 13, so that augers well for the year. We have also gained some members throughout last year, it was nice to see some of them already. With this encouragement, myself, Bob and Ray will endeavour to pro- duce a full programme for this year. Some venues are already sorted, Bob is finalising dates for the spring period, I am still trawling for new shows. Unfortunately the Stafford Show is off with no apparent book- ings for Kit Cars in the future.

The invitation to come to any of our meetings still stands and I hope our local turn-outs will increase. 8

For the Welsh lot we meet at the Priorslee Pub every second Sunday of the month. (Two for One priced meals.) We Black Country lads and Brummies meet every third Wednesday at the Vine Inn, Kinver. (Good Selection of REAL ALES, or strong lagers, not the fizzy Lucozade La- gers at a fiver a pint, sorry Half-litre.)

That’s all for now, got to get back to the diet!! Hope to be at the A.G.M

Cliff, Bob and Ray.

Yes, the AGM Weekend (for the first time ever) moves oop North! Why not join us on the 30th March 2007 for the social event of the year. Meet old friends & make new ones in the convivial atmosphere of the Swallow St. George Hotel, Harrogate.

Inevitably, the price has increased but is reasonable for a hotel of this standard. The hotel has a three star rating and has been personally vetted by our Chairman!

The format will be as previous years. A trip around the local beauty spots escorted by our local rep. on Saturday (weather permitting) followed by a fancy dress dinner (theme-Last of the Summer Wine). Why not just come to the AGM? This starts at 10.30 am sharp on Sunday followed by an autojumble, so dig out those unwanted 2CV and other auto related parts.

Enquiries: ring the Secretary on 01635 21910 or e-mail 9


It seems a long time since the Christmas lunch weekend at the begin- ning of December. Twenty – two adults plus the fast growing up Molly McClean enjoyed a very good meal at the Douglas Hotel. Most of the “regulars” were there including the Perthshire Mob and Jennifer and Frank from Grantown. We were very pleased to see Mathew and Alsie Joy from Sheffield (our newest ex-pats?) However the star members were Ron and Alice. It was great to see them again. Ron looked fan- tastic, though a little slimmer! After lunch Father Christmas visited us to much hilarity, giving out presents including sausages for Merlin. Molly though cast a baleful eye at Santa, and when Chris appeared to open his present looked long and hard and said “that man was Santa Claus!” Nobody believed her of course!

After a get together at Carlesgill, to plan next years programme some had to depart for venues North and East. Most stayed on though for tall tales, reminiscences, perhaps a few alcoholic drinks, and more food later in the evening. Janet and Iain and Mathew and Alsie had rented a cottage nearby, so everyone staying had a mattress and room if not a bed! The next day was wild and wet. Craig and Leslie’s Lomax needed bailing out as they had scorned my offer of a nice dry garage. I don’t think they’ll refuse next year!

With the very wild weather a reduced party made its way over the moor, for a pub lunch. Good to see John McDonald here, who met us for more talk and food. Then everyone on their way except for Jen- nifer and Frank, who had stayed for the weekend, and given much help with getting food ready and lots of other jobs! Another windy walk with Merlin before relaxing for the evening.

The next outing was a very select group (or were we just mad?) who made it to “Raid Tan Hill”, organised by the Leeds 2CV group. Over 100 2CVs, Dyanes & vans got there – but they all had tops! Merlin and I met up with Craig and Leslie, Merlin under an old duvet jacket in the passenger well, and I had rather rude comments from Craig and Leslie about my rotund appearance. They didn’t need six layers of clothing – they have a car heater and heated plug in jackets! Softies! The drive up was good, with only a little rain but increasing winds as we got on to the small, twisty steep roads to arrive at the Tan Hill Inn, 1,723 feet above sea level on top of the Yorkshire Dales, 10 the highest pub in Britain. Met here by Malcolm Hopwood, but he’d come in a tin box not the Pembleton! We had a great welcome from the 2CV’ers and settled down for lunch. Merlin was quite flummoxed when the landlord’s pet sheep came in and wandered round the bar – not the done thing.

A get together for prizes and certificates was followed by more food and a great evening of music, recitations and quizzes. A message that car WDM had its lights on. The Ladybird! Craig came out with me in wild weather. The light switch was off but the lights on! After some fiddling with switch, lights off. Back to the warmth. Half an hour lat- er looked out and lights on again. The Landlord said it was most likely the work of the Inn’s resident ghost. Another trip out in even wilder weather we got the bonnet off without it blowing down the dale and disconnected the battery. The ghost obviously couldn’t cope with this as the lights stayed off! More fun and music, which somehow involved Craig having his head wrapped up in insulating tape and Merlin’s tow- el. The 2CV’ers won’t forget us! After a well earned sleep on couches in the bar, more comfortable than the barn floor, breakfast and dry weather! The Ladybird started first time and a good drive home in company with Craig and Leslie. No snow this year, but there’s always next year for those who missed a great outing! List of events below, with main S.F.N. events starred. Club Members from any area would be warmly welcomed at these.

See you at the A.G.M.



March 30th – April 1st A.G.M .at Harrogate – Book with Club.

*May 4th – 7th Great Glen Run” – Fantastic run and three nights bed & breakfast – Iain & Janet MacRobert 652J 01313191558 Book early as places may be limited

June 3rd Historic Motoring Extravaganza – Thirlstane Castle. Jennie - 01387370291


June 22nd – 24th Summer Camp, Bakewell Derbyshire – Booking form.

July 15th Wheels of Yesteryear, Lennoxlore East Lothi- an – Jennie

*July 20th – 22nd “Dam Run” Sat. run up hills – Across dam and round lochs in the bor- ders.Camping or B & B. John McDonald 1537J 01721723452

August 19th Chatelherault Classic Automobile Rally – Jennie

August 31st – Sept 3rd Ireland Expedition – Contact Alan Peacock and look out for more information.

*September 14th – 16th Selkirk Veteran & Vintage Show – Jennie

*October In next Flat Out! – Lakes Run II If you missed the first one don’t miss this one! Craig & Leslie Asbridge. 1588J 0122854910


Less body roll

Even though you may or may not have an anti roll bar fitted to the front of your 223 (or similar) it is possible to lessen roll when corner- ing by packing out the rubber buffer with spacers to decrease the distance the front suspension arm stops. There should be between 3 to 6mm but if this is reduced to nil to 2mm the rubber stop will assist the suspension stiffness, (I run a 1mm gap) and helps reduce body roll!

Anthony Shelton, Lomax pilot.



A good description, in fact the West has been decidedly docile since the year started.

I think the members have been titivating their cars with a view to get- ting the most out of them when the Events Diaries are formulated. Speaking of which there have been quite a few suggestions mooted at the Monday meeting for consideration at the Planning Meeting so I ex- pect that we will have an eventful year.

The proposed trip to Ireland is attracting a lot of interest and from the last update that I received it looks like 37 cars are ready to participate! By the time that this article is published we will have had our Planning Meeting.

During February I will send out by email and post the provisional sum- mary of the events agreed upon at the Planning Meeting. Anyone in the SW Area who does not receive a notification by either of the above means should contact me to have their details added to my list if they so wish.

The only outstanding item at present is:

Sunday March 4th. Lunch at The Belfry, Little Dean, near Cindeford on the B4226. Contact Janet and Peter Ellis, Tel: 01594 826356.

That's it for now,

Carole and Jim Caldwell.


Minutes of the 17th Annual General Meeting held at the 'Hinton Firs Hotel', Bournemouth 19th March 2006.

1. Welcome: The Chairman, Alan Peacock thanked the Members for attending. He had personally found the weekend to be a positive & enjoyable experience. This was our third visit to the 'Hinton Firs' & , as previous years, the service had been excellent & the weekend good value for money. He would thank the staff on behalf of the Club. However, the Club would be urgently seeking a new venue for next year . The following members had passed away during the year: Connie Bush, Clive White, Peter Jones, Roy Middleton, Conrad Osbourne & Henry Bowler. The meeting observed one minutes silence as a mark of respect. 2. Apologies for Absence: Liz Francois, Brian Peters, David Field, John Fowler, Bob Hartley, Cliff Thomas-Smout & Keith Bomber . 3. Acceptance & Signing of the 2005 AGM Minutes: Pat Dawes pro- posed that the 2005 Minutes be accepted. Seconded by Mary John- son. Carried by unanimous vote. 4. Matters Arising from the 2005 AGM Minutes: There were no mat- ters arising. 5. Chairman's Report: The Chairman, Alan Peacock, thanked the membership ( particularly the Regional Reps.) for their help & sup- port throughout the year. He singled out Jim & Joy Barry who had actively advertised and arranged many meetings & events for the East Midlands (Mid Shires) Group. We are an active & welcoming Club with trips to Holland, France (2) and the New Forest arranged for the coming season. Our Web Master, David Overton, would welcome suggestions from Members on how to improve the CSC web site. The 'Nick Francois Award' was presented to John Wheatley (accepted by Jim Barry) Special awards were presented to Bob Lloyd & Ray John for organising many trips to Wales (etc) during their time as North Wales/West Midlands Reps. 6. Secretary/Membership Secretary's Report: Mike said that the AGM Week End was as popular as ever with 37 rooms occupied on Saturday and 73 Members attending the Club dinner . All Shows received had been booked & the smaller regional events sent to the Reps. All details & dates have been sent to Flat Out & the CSC webpage.Tickets for Popham (May 1 st) were still available. Membership was stable at around 490. Latest number issued: 1664. 14

It had been a difficult year juggling two jobs. Equipment failure & lack of time = no Membership list during 2005. 7. Treasurer's Report: Peter Chitty presented a Summary of Ac- counts (as at 31st December 2005) This is attached. 8. Acceptance & Signing of the Summary of Accounts as at 31st December 2005: Proposed by Jim Barry, Seconded by Bill Johnson: Carried unanimous- ly. 9. Flat Out Editor's Report: Brian Peters was ill & not at the meet- ing. In his absence Alan read out a short message in which Brian thanked all those who had contributed in the magazine throughout the year. He explained that the (subscription renewal) flyers were late due to the printer misreading the instructions. He thanked Peter & Margaret Cook for dispatching the magazine. He would remain as Editor for a further term. 10. Area Representatives & Registrar's Reports: Cotswolds: Bill Johnson: Still having regular meetings. The Cotswold Summer Camp venue had been finalised. Dates & information in Rat Out. East Anglia: Joyce Taylor: EA is a thriving Area with well attended monthly meetings. Mid Shires: Jim Barry: Meetings are well attended with new members joining in. He thanked the MS team for their help. North East: John Fowler had problems with lack of interest. Ron Hus- ton said that he would help. North Thames: Vic Braybrook: Good attendance at meetings. Up- wards of 20 members attended the winter lunchtime meetings. North Wales & West Midlands: Bob Lloyd: Cliff's Sunday meetings were still popular as were the evening venues. The summer camp would be at Talyn this year . Northern Ireland: Keith Bomber was not at the meeting but it was known that he now had more time to organise CSC events. He had room for camping & an Irish trip may be a possibility. North West: No Rep: Little interest in the area. Scotland: Jennie White: A busy year with the Summer Camp. The ar- ea has several new (active) members who are now organising events. An event per month is projected for 2006. South: Carole Chitty: The area has a central core of events for the coming season with the New Forest, Broadlands & The Bat & Ball amongst them. Bob Bousell will be contacted & the possibility of a 'Lomax Day' discussed. Peter Hill's trip to France was fully booked. We 15 urgently need somebody from the SE area to liaise with the Kent KIt Car Club. South Wales: Bob Raikes: Will remain a 'contact point' only. Bob would like an updated list of members in his area. South West: Jim Caldwell: Meetings are well supported. A planning meeting has been arranged and several trips have been projected. Falcon Register: Joyce Taylor : The register was quiet, mainly acting as a contact point (mostly buying & selling) Specials Register: Richard Perfitt: SV A has had a big influence on special building. He hoped to regenerate interest and form a 'specials group' within the CSC. To this end he had produced a poster. Technical Advisor: Derek Smith/Dicky Dawes: Derek thanked the Members for their good wishes during his illness earlier in the year . He & Dicky were still receiving several 'phone calls a month on tech- nical matters. Regalia: Pat Dawes: Regalia is selling well. Orders were being taken for the new Sweat/Polo Shirts. (£12.50 & £10 respectively) These will be available at the Summer Camp & Stoneleigh. 1 1 .Election of Officers (including Reps & Registrars) : Alan stepped down as Chairman & Peter Chitty took over as Acting Chair- man. Voting was as follows: Chairman: Alan Peacock: Prop. Peter Chitty : Sec. Dicky Dawes. Carried unanimously. Alan resumed as Chairman. Secretary: Mike Butler: Prop. Jim Barry: Sec. Richard Perfitt. Carried unanimously. Membership Secretary: Carole Chitty: Prop. Carole Peacock: Sec. Bill Johnson. Carried unanimously. Treasurer: Peter Chitty: Prop. Dicky Dawes: Sec. Vanessa Smith. Car- ried unanimously. Editor: Brian Peters: Prop. Ron Bishop: Sec. Bob Raikes. Carried unan- imously. Web Master, Falcon Register, Specials Register, Tech. Advice & Hints & Tips: Prop. Peter Taylor: Sec. Peter Cook. Carried unanimously. Auditor: Carole Peacock: Prop. Vic. Braybrook. Sec. Bill Johnson. Carried unanimously. 12. Clarification of Rules H & K: These rules were discussed at the April 2005 Committee Meeting and were published in the May-June issue of 'Flat Out'. There have been no comments from the Member- ship. Prop. Terry Pearson. Sec. Terry Baldwin. Carried unanimously. The modifications to rules H&K to be incorporated in the Club rules. 13. 2006 Summer Camp: Pat & Dicky Dawes: The site at Cheddar 16 was booked but all the mobiles homes have been let. There are lots of B&B's in the area; contact the Tourist Board for information. As parking is at a premium, a trip to a 'show cave' would be organised as this came with ample parking. It was intended that the week end should be 'laid back;. 14. Other Events: 23rd-25th June: 2CV Kit Car Club (Dutch) This is the Dutch Club's 15th Anniversary event. 3Oth April :Swanage Classic Car Display. See Flat Out/Web Site for details. 15. Venue for 2007 AGM Week End: Alan: Difficult to find a suitable venue at a reasonable price. Jennie White pointed out that the members who were prepared to drive to the AGM were mostly retired. Those still working were reluc- tant to come. These were the younger element who should be en- couraged. She suggested that a solution would be to pitch all future AGM's within a 80 radius of Leeds. This would even out the travelling distance. Alan: This would be discussed at the next Committee Meet- ing. Alan: perhaps we should look into different types of venue; 'Warner's' etc. Jennie: four day breaks would be within our budget. Tom Lucas could see nothing wrong with the 'Hinton Firs'. Alan replied that our use of the HF was not planned. All other venues had fallen through. We would go elsewhere next year. Ron Huston said that any- thing that encouraged our younger members was worth trying. 16. 20th Anniversary: Alan: in 2008 the Club will be 20. Due to health reasons Ken Edwards has stood down as organiser. He (Alan) would be taking over & called for ideas from the Members. An early response from the Members was vital so that interest could be gauged. Amongst the suggestions were: France (the Club has been to France many times), Germany (Mosel area perhaps in conjunction with the German & Dutch three-wheeler clubs), Belgium (Ardennes), Luxembourg Ireland & the IOM. Garry Shearing put a good case for Luxembourg this will be discussed at the next Committee meeting. 17. AOB: Jim Barry : the Handbook required finishing & Hints & Tips were in the process of being transferred to CDROM. 2007 Summer Camp: nothing arranged yet. Ken Edwards: USA trip was booked. 7 cars were taking part. There are more 2CV's in the USA than was originally thought so local help on the trip was forthcoming. Carole Chitty: the binders for the Handbook & Membership Lists were now available. This would allow regular updating without the need to reprint the whole book(s). There being No Other Business the Chairman closed the Meeting at 12.17 17

CSC Trip to Northern Ireland 31 August to 3 September 2007

Never been to Northern Ireland before? If you haven’t, then you are in for a treat. At the time of writing, approximately seventy-five members (40 cars) have indicated that they wish to come. If you are thinking of coming but haven’t registered, please do so as soon as you can as the ferry companies will still be busy at this time of the year. Alan Peacock and Gordon Burch are negotiating a group discount with Stena Line. Other Ferry Companies include: P & O Ferries, The Nor- folk Line, Irish Ferries and Sea Cat.

We have come up with a few ideas to make your trip to ‘Norn Iron’ a memorable one.

These include: A photo shoot and tour of Stormont Buildings

Trips to: The Silent Valley in the Mountains of Mourne The Giants Causeway/ Bushmills Distillery (oldest in the world) The Ulster Transport Museum

Last, but not least, a trip to a place of Motor Racing History.

The RAC International Tourist Trophy Race at (Ards TT)

From 1928 to 1936 Northern Ireland staged one of the most spectacu- lar motor racing events in the world – The RAC Tourist Trophy races, run over the world famous Ards TT Circuit. The total distance was 479 miles, 35 laps of the 13.7 miles circuit which was roughly triangular in shape. The apex was the noted hairpin bend at Dundonald on the outskirts of Belfast, with the towns of and forming the other corners. The event was known locally as ‘Round the Houses’, and had a ‘Le Mans’ type start with the driver being accom- panied by his mechanic. You may not believe this but the cars were refuelled from milk churns.

Each year it was estimated that 500,000 spectators congregated around the circuit which was the largest number of spectators at any 18 sporting event in the British Isles. This honour is now held by the ‘’ Motorcycle Races on Northern Ireland’s north coast. It is the fastest road race in Europe and co-incidentally also triangu- lar in shape. In fact, the race is run round the towns of Coleraine, Portrush (The Port) and Portstewart and the whole area is known as ‘The Triangle’.

The Ards TT which attracted the fastest racing cars in the world was discontinued in 1936 after a horrific crash in which a car skidded near a railway bridge in Newtownards, which then mounted the pavement on which spectators were standing.

Our trip around the circuit will start from the ‘Pits’ at Quarry Corner, Dundonald and we will then head through Newtownards to Comber where we may stop for a bite of lunch at the TT Lounge Pub/ Restaurant. From there we will head towards Dundonald thus com- pleting one lap of the world famous Ards TT Circuit.

Keith Bomber is negotiating a discount at the very well respected ‘Pier 36’ restaurant in the Port of Donaghadee, Co. Down for one of the evening meals during your stay. Incidentally, Donaghadee was the main port in the northern part of Ireland at one time and established long before Belfast or Larne. A Blue Badge Guide, who works at The Ulster Folk and Transport Museum has offered to lead a tour of the Donaghadee Port prior to the group evening meal at Pier 36, should members wish. This would last about an hour and will help to hone your appetite.

On the subject of meals and food, there are a few local dishes which you should try during your visit. Namely, an ‘Ulster Fry’, a plate of ‘Champ’ and one which is usually only available from a chip shop – a ‘Pastie Supper’.

We are aware that some Club members are planning to stay longer than the four days and if more information is required or suggestions regarding further places to visit we are only too happy to oblige. However, please make your requests before the CSC Club Trip so that we can have the information to hand on your arrival. If you intend to arrive in Ulster before the Club Trip dates, we can post the infor- mation to you.

One final bit of information. Actually, several bits. In this wee part of 19 the British Isles called Ulster you may be forgiven for not understand- ing Not only do we speak extremely fast, as if speech was going out of fus. ashion, but there are many Ulsterisms which sometimes need explanation and therefore I have detailed below your first lesson in Ulster Speak.


Ulsterism Translation Dry Your Eyes Stop moaning Give My Head Peace Shut up Shut your bake Shut up Bout ye How are you There you are now It’s hard to believe A Quare Geg He/She is a great laugh A Quare Fella A good lad A face as long as a Lurgan Spade Miserable person Mohair Mother Far Father Dead On That is fantastic Shap Shop Shar Shower Tarl Towel Yo Sheep (think about it)

Ray Lloyd & Flapdoodle 20


The last Monthly Meeting of 2006 took place in the ‘Aston Arms’ Mkt Rasen on a dry but chilly day with 11 of us, plus two new members bringing the numbers up to 13. Our new members are Tony & Val Wood from Wainfleet. Tony had telephoned me a couple of days be- fore the meeting to find out a little about the Club in general and the Group in particular. He had already applied for CSC membership and had spotted the advertisement for ‘East Coaster’ Dave Noble’s 223 which was for sale. Tony has now since bought Dave Noble's yellow Lomax 223 and is looking forward to joining us on future events.

Over the years, we have enjoyed our traditional ‘New Year Meal’ at two main venues: our home pub ‘The Chase’ at Mkt Rasen and latterly the ‘White Hart’ in Spilsby. This year ‘The Chase’ was not an option having closed and several members fancied a change. I suggested a venue just to the South of Lincoln for this year and the members agreed to give it a try. From the outside, the ‘Thorold Arms, Harmston’ appears rather small, however, on entering there is a 34 cover Restaurant and a bar dominated by a real open fire before which a range of comfortable sofas are arranged. The landlady has recently won the Midlands ‘Pub of the Year’ awards and is currently awaiting notification of the winner of the National award for which she has also been nominated, so we were in good hands.

This year we had 29 of us at the event but sadly this was the first year we did not have our founder member Roy Bagshaw among us. Very soon we were tucking into our respective choices which were well prepared, well cooked and plentiful and thank goodness, every- one got what they ordered! As has become the norm at this event, I briefly recapped our comings and goings during the 2006 Season be- fore announcing the winner of this the inaugural award of the 'Bagshaw Trophy' for ‘recycling innovation’. There were several nomi- nations, but the person who came out on top was Pete Herbert for his consistent use of recycled bits and bobs to make modifications to his car. All Groups have one! That member who never ceases to amaze with his recycling ingenuity by demonstrating that if its possible to make something rather than buy off the shelf he will. In our case, its Pete Herbert who owns an amazing Black Lomax 224. Reversing lights, real louvers in the bonnet made from a filing cabinet door, forced-air induction using bits from a vacuum cleaner and home made tappet cover gaskets. How?, buy a lorry tyre innertube for £4 and 21 make your own rubber gaskets, laminating them with ‘Evostick’. Should you ever meet him at an event though, for God’s sake don’t tell him you’d love to build a 4-wheel drive supercharged Lomax that will also go on water and mow the lawn by remote control. Knowing him, he would probably turn up in one the next week built out of a re -cycled dishwasher!!! This is very much in the spirit of Roy Bagshaw who was also very adept at recycling and so the award for 2006/7 was very poignant. Pete was very pleased to accept the award and said that he hoped that this would prompt more members to look to recy- cling rather than perhaps expensive new alternatives when modifying their cars. The raffle and auction followed and I am indebted once again to the members for their generosity which helped to swell our Group funds.

Finally, on the technical front, I have heard of various ‘tinkerings’ which have been going on over the quiet period and look forward to seeing what has been done on the cars at the January Monthly Meeting. I expect it will be the usual turbo-chargers, super- chargers, fuel-injection, adjustable rear wings nitro-fuel systems – you know the sort of thing! For the rest of us who are happy with 70+ in 3rd, 60 to the gallon, blistering acceleration and an exhaust which modestly announces your impending arrival 4 miles away, it was simply new plugs, oil change and restock the cocktail cabinet. So, 2007 here we come!!

David Field


The date of this charity event, in the Welsh Marches and based on Bridgnorth, Shropshire, has been put back a week, to Sunday May 27th. The entry form and regulations are enclosed in this copy of Flat Out.

John Simcock


Continued from page 17 issue 109:

Welcome to Baltimore

After lunch Maureen, Dickie and Ron walked back to the office to get the last papers. They seem to have gone for an awful long time - had Maureen finally got arrested!! ;'No. . . three figures slowly walked back and explained that it took a little longer as the photocopier had broken down and Spencer was in a slight panic, but eventually we had all the paperwork and could no go and get our cars. WW office was full of lorry drivers and we watched carefully on what we needed to do. There were four desks where it seemed you went from number one; to two, to three and then four. We approached desk one, "We have come to collect our cars" "Name of ship?" came the reply - it is very important to know the name of the ship - after a few taps on the keyboard, "sorry, you're stuck in the system" and passed it down the line. Again the response was 'stuck in the system' and everyone looked suitably worried. "OK, so what do we do now?" "You have to go upstairs and see one of the girls". The guy takes me around the back of the office and showed me a flight of stairs and at the top there were three doors, none of which indicated what is behind them. I bet I get the broom cupboard!! I chose the centre door and it didn't really matter which one I choose in the end as they all led into a large open-plan office. Everyone was busy on the telephone and shuffling papers - this is where the work is done. No one took any notice of me until a young man in his thirties put the phone down and asked if he could help. He had a red baseball cap on with the very large peak. i can never understand why people wear baseball caps indoors and behind him was a rack with probably 20 more caps hanging from it and photographs of the local baseball team - obviously a keen sportsman. "I have come to collect our cars", I said "Name of boat", more tapping on the keyboard. "You're stuck in the system". Well I guess I knew that! "You haven't paid your fee." "But I have, I paid it before leaving the UK." "No, not your shipping fee, the fee for taking the cars off the ship and putting them into storage." We were told there may be a handling fee when reaching Baltimore. "OK, how much do I owe you ?" "$500" "I'll pay you here and now." "We can't handle that sort of money here, you have to go down to head office and pay it there." "That could be a problem as I haven't any transport and you have got my car." He could see my problem. "I will take you down in the truck" he said and off we went down town to pay 23 the fee. On our return we were then able to proceed with desk one. The guy informed us that we had been cleared on the system - thank goodness for that, we all felt a lot better now. He filled out a sheet of paper and passed on to desk two who carefully read the sheet and then screwed it up and threw it in the bin. "OK", he said "you can go and get your cars now, see Joe." We walked over to another portacabin where Joe was sitting at his desk re- laxing. We were now at the sharp end. Joe was dressed in the Orange boiler suit Day-Glo waistcoat and very large steel cap boots - he could not have possibly driven my car in those boots. "We've come to collect our cars", he didn't look very hopeful! "70?" "No, 7". "RV's?" "No, small cars, you can't miss them they only have three wheels". He still didn't look very hopeful. Then he shouted over to his mate, "Where did we stash them old cars?" They still did not look very hopeful, but we decided if we follow them they may know where they are. We walked over to a large warehouse the size you could put two jumbo jets in. The sun had been beating down on the white concrete and as we walked in it was difficult to see. It looked empty, then I could see the top box on my car. Well, mine has arrived and then vve could see Dickie's and Ron's. We circled the cars anxious to see that they had ar- rived safely, and apart from a layer of dust they were exactly as we had left them in Southampton. We had been so busy examining the cars that we had not realised there were only three and there should be seven. Joe looked concerned "May be we've left them on the boat", he said. Colin and Lou went a little pale at the thought of their beloved cars sailing off into the Atlantic to be sold as scrap in some foreign port. "Maybe we know where they are", Joe said, "follow me", and off they disap- peared in to the distance. As we were checking the cars out a white van turned up with flashing yellow lights. Out stepped a man in orange overalls, but this time had a shiny new Day-Glo waistcoat and polished boots - obviously Joe's boss. "Nice cars", he said, "we had to disconnect the battery on that one, the red light would not go out". He waved his finger in the general direction of my car. Red light, what red light, was he talking about the ignition light. I don't have a key for my car just an on/off switch. I checked the ignition switch and sure enough it was on. Joe must have managed to switch it on, but couldn't switch if off. It was a couple of days before I realised why....in .America switches are back-go-front aviation style, up for on and down for off. I recon- nected the battery and she fired up immediately.

There then came a roar at the other end of the warehouse as Lou's Stag came through the door followed by three Lomax’s snapping at its heels like excit- ed puppy dogs. Everyone was happy, we all had our cars and the man in the 24

Day-Glo waistcoat gave us the all clear to leave. We headed for the port exit jostling with the lorries for a position in line to leave the port and head off on to the open road whilst all the time keeping our fingers crossed that the lorry drivers would see us. At the gate a hand dropped out of the window and started waving furiously at a lorry behind us to move up - she could not see us sitting so high up. Eventually she put her head out of the window and saw the line of cars and went into a fit of laugh- ter, jumping up and down shouting for her mate in the other booth to come and see what she'd found. She wanted to take them all home and mother them. The mobile phone was now out taking photographs and beaming them all over Baltimore to her mates. She eventually collected the passes without even bothering to count them. . . we were out. . . .only 20 minutes and we would be back at the hotel in Franklin Street and Maureen had not been ar- rested!!

We had a map from the hotel so there shouldn't be a problem. Head north, on to Jackson and into Franklin Street. We headed north, turned off to Jack- son. . . where the hell is Jackson!. We carry on but still could not see anything we recognised, it was time to ask someone. When we did, no-one had heard of Jackson let alone Franklin Street and we had been travelling for 15 minutes already. It's official, we're lost.

To be continued next issue.



I feel rather guilty writing this note at this rather depressing time of the year and unsurprisingly I have very little to report from the fro- zen North! However, we can all look forward to the coming season by getting our cars fighting fit for the endless road as soon as we can. Please note that all of you planning to come up to the AGM in Harro- gate are in line for a treat. The town has countless attractions (just contact me for details of the best pubs and restaurants) and the Hotel St Gorge is really good. I will be organising 3 separate runs on the Saturday afternoon around the local countryside for all who wish to use their cars rather than follow their wives to the shops. All will be leaving from the Hotel Car Park and I will be producing leaflets for each showing the routes with places of interest for you use. Please also call me if you need any advance information on the town, runs, real beer houses or other attractions. My Lomax 223 "Demented Wasp" is going extremely well and certain- ly gets noticed when I am caught out in the snow. Funnily enough I have not seen another on the road for some months past but I know that countless Citroen Specials are locked up in their garages at this time of the year. With best wishes and I hope to see many of you soon.


Citroen Specials Club NOTICE OF 2007 AGM

The Annual General Meeting of the CSC will be held at the Swallow St. George Hotel, Ripley Road, Harrogate on: Sunday 1st April 2007 at 10.30 am All members are invited to attend. All Committee posts are vacant (except that of Chairman who will stand for another year as per the rules) but we URGENTLY need the following: MAGAZINE EDITOR GENERAL SECRETARY

The current holders of these posts WILL be standing down at this AGM. VICE CHAIRMAN New post 26


Day 12 Bartlesville to Dodge City

Driving through Kansas the landscape changes. Mile upon mile of fields with ridges & mounds. In 70 miles we saw approx 10 houses, 50 vehicles & 6 Tortoises!!!!. The imagination runs wild thinking of the wagon trains that must have crossed these wide open prairies hoping for a better life & how hard it must have been for them finding food & water for themselves & their stock. I bet Penny's diner wasn't open then, with friendly staff that gave our party free T Shirts as a thank you for patronising them as well as excellent food. They even phoned the local newspaper the "Wellington Daily" who interviewed us & took loads of photos. This must have been a huge scoop for such a small town where nothing much changes from day to day. As we had made such good time we detoured to what is reputed to be the "Biggest Hand Dug Well" & saw the "Worlds 2nd largest Meteorite.”

Then on to Dodge City to visit the Fort & Museum where Wyatt Earp became famous for taming the town. We were even able to visit Boot Hill Cemetery & take in a gunfight & Can-Can show. A packed day as we also covered over 300 miles. Just goes to show how easy it is trav- elling in our little cars.

Day 13 Dodge City to Canon City: Started out early travelling with Lew & Daphne in the Triumph as we were all hoping to meet up with friends & headed for Colorado. The weather was fine & sunny & we had a cracking run doing over 300 miles but still arriving at the Royal Gorge Hotel by 2pm. Watches have gone back an hour making us 7 hours behind UK time. Our friends Steve & Mary who now live in Colorado Springs turned up & took us out in their tin top but air conditioned car to see the sites. As it was now very hot this was very welcome! ! We went to Royal Gorge which drops to 1200 ft with the Arkansas Riv- er flowing at the bottom. You can walk across the bridge but as the cost was 22 dollars & we were short on time we took in the FREE viewpoints instead. This was followed by a tour of Skyline Drive & we finished the day with a great Mexican meal & a sad farewell to our friends, promising we would be back for a longer visit. 27

Day 14 Canon City to Ouray: Into the mountains with gorgeous scenery & steep passes covered in snow. We stopped at Monarch Pass at the great divide of America at over 11300 ft & went up in the cable car . The views were amazing & we were loth to leave despite the bitter cold. Onto to the hotel which was superb making the most of the thermal water which is produced in the south of the town, with swimming pool & indoor & outdoor hot tubs. Just the thing to soothe the aches & pains of hours of driving.

As usual our cars were the centre of attention & it wasn't long before the Harley riders came to have a look. One couple in particular, Susie & Rik, were very impressed, so much so that Susie is looking to buy a car for herself. Rik offered rides on his Harley in exchange for a ride in our cars. In minutes Leo is there all dressed up in his leathers & posing on the back of the bike. He was in his element while we were left wondering where he had all this gear packed in the Lomax! I also succumbed to the charms of this hunky Harley & was taken for the ride of my life up & down the nearby mountain pass. I suggested to Dicky we could do a swap (for the bike, I hasten to add) but he was having none of it, but agreed to take Susie out in our car to prove it was as good as her bike.

The town of Ouray is beautiful & nicknamed the Switzerland of Amer- ica & we spent the next day exploring the Ridgeway & Box Canyon Falls.

We also headed up to one of the old mines on dirt tracks which test- ed the suspension but gave us huge thrills coming back down with different views round every comer.

Possibly one of my favourite places so far on the trip, very laid back with lovely people & sensational scen- ery.

Pat Dawes



Winter Fuel

Dear Brian, I may have to differ with Anthony in one or two areas. I agree that petrol will deteriorate over a period of time and cause varnishing, but 60 days, we are talking about a 2CV not a F 1.

Drain fuel: It is almost impossible to drain every drop of fuel without turning the car upside down. You would now have to drain the fuel lines and carburettor, this would cause the fuel pump to dry out and gaskets may crack, leading to fuel leaks when the system is refilled. OK, so we don't drain the tank completely and leave a small amount in the bottom and add a stabilizer, remembering to run the engine for at least five minutes to flush through to the float chamber.

We now have a second problem. By draining the fuel, we have ex- posed more bare metal in the tank, air and moisture can result in rust and corrosion, which maybe a bigger problem clogging filters and jets in the summer. Draining fuel is somewhat of a safety hazard and dis- posal problem. Leaving it in the can is not an option as you might as well have left it in the tank in the first place. I would like to put for- ward the idea of adding fuel to the tank and eliminating as much air as possible. By all means now add your stabiliser.

The Great British weather and condensation is the main enemy. Even in the summer during damp rainy weather aircraft suffer from this problem but have overcome it by fitting a dump valve in the bottom of the tank. On the first flight of the day I dump an egg cup of fuel. You would be surprised how much water comes out, engine failure or loss of power on an aircraft could be fatal.

On the subject of condensation, you might like to check your air filter, especially if you're running on a paper element. It is now prob- ably soaking wet. Drying it out in the spring may help starting. Assum- ing that your battery and plugs are in good condition and petrol at the float chamber, there is no reason why she should not fire up rea- sonably easy, a shot of petrol in the carburettor throat might help, but I wouldn't advise that, would I, you might burn the garage down! 29

Poor performance: Having been around 2CV’s now for some time, this is the one area that I a have problem in defining. Most specials I know run on high mileage engines and carburettors that are now probably on their third engine. The only thing I can say on the subject is that my Lomax has a drag factor equal to a parachute but appears to run better some days than others.

Conclusion: If it works for you: That's The Way To Do It!

Ken Edwards.

Road Pricing Dear All,

Quick moment of your time - it was on the front page of the national papers today:

The government's proposal (Commons, December 29th 2006) to intro- duce road pricing will mean you having to purchase a tracking device for your car and paying a monthly bill to use it.

The tracking devices cost about £200 and in a recent study by the BBC, the lowest monthly bill was £28 for a rural florist and £194 for a delivery driver. A non-working Mum who used the car to take the kids to school paid £86 in one month.

On top of this massive increase in tax, you will be tracked. Somebody will know where you are at all times. They will also know how fast you have been going, so even if you accidentally creep over a speed limit in time you can probably expect a Notice of Intended Prosecu- tion with your monthly bill.

If you care about our freedom and stopping the constant bashing of the car driver, please sign the petition on No 10's new website (link below) and pass this on to as many people as possible. Paste this link into your browser: http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/traveltax/

Dave Shove, 2CVGB


Happy New Year To All. A bit late but really meant. I am writing these few lines, not to comment on the events of the past year, which have been organised by those good people who make all these things possible. Why. Because the last motoring event Alice & I took part in was the Cheddar Gorge weekend organised by Pat & Dicky Dawes, an excel- lent weekend we thought, (thanks Pat & Dicky) also enjoyed by those that attended as I have read in the Mag, and heard on the grapevine. We got old THRIFTY safely home, and she has been locked away since. We did make the Langholme Xmas lunch, but in a tin top. The reason to put pen to paper, is to say a BIG THANK YOU to those of you who wished me well when they found out I had a major health problem. I don’t think I can put into words how much these good wishes helped me to face up to a very difficult time. We think that the excellent hospital treatment I have had has beaten the cancer and I should be OK by the AGM weekend to take Thrifty for its first outing this year. So thanks again and hope to see you all at Harrogate or subsequent 2007 events. Ron Huston

It wasn't someone we know was it? A Bedford senior citizen drove his brand new BMW Z4 convertible out of the car salesroom. Taking off down the motorway, he floored it to 90 mph, enjoying the wind blowing through what little hair he had left. "Amazing!" he thought as he flew down the M1, enjoying pushing the pedal to the metal even more. Looking in his rear view mirror, he saw a police car behind him, blue lights flashing and siren blaring. "I can get away from him - no problem!" thought the elderly nutcase as he floored it to 110mph, then 120, then 130mph. Suddenly, he thought, "What on earth am I doing? I'm too old for this nonsense!" So he pulled over to the side of the road and waited for the police car to catch up with him. Pulling in behind him, the police officer walked up to the driver's side of the BMW, looked at his watch and said, "Sir, my shift ends in 10 minutes. Today is Friday and I'm taking off for the weekend. If you can give me a reason why you were speeding that I've never heard before, I'll let you go." The man, looked very seriously at the policeman, and replied, "Years ago, my wife ran off with a policeman. I thought you were bringing her back." "Have a good day, Sir," said the policeman. Carole Chitty 31


For sale; Complete Lomax body, new, never been fitted, engines, gearboxes, chassis good, no rust, V5 1976 Dyane, axles, plus loads of bits, Can deliver for cost of petrol. £750.00 ono. Tel. 01792 873 536 Terry Nichols Mem. No. 1609

Lomax 424 Wanted Serious buyer looking to purchase a Lomax 424 in excellent condition. Please contact me at: [email protected] or call +1-301-587-8635 Thank you!

For Sale Having completed my Pembleton build and passed SVA, I now have the following to dispose of : Pair [as new] headlamp reflector/ glass units, round, Cibie 2CV 1970 £40 plus postage. Most panels and glass from the 2CV6 donor car, (Antique Roadshow blue) some in excellent condition, ring to discuss details and prices. 4 2CV6 wheels and tyres (3 with almost new Michelin 125 R 15's), free for collection from near Swaffham Norfolk Alan Walker 01760 722051

For Sale: Lomax 223 Sports (1973) in Racing Green. Full black interior, MoT end July. Stainless sports exhaust, Lomax rocker covers, Pallas wheel trims, racing mirrors, wood-rim steering wheel. Floor gear change, tonneau. Kept in garage. Very nice condition. Drives very well. £2195. Tel. Tony 01483 568 339 (Guildford, Surrey)

For Sale: 3 wheeler Malvern Triad, red, 998cc Mini powered, Weller wheels, Richfield recliners, Astrali wheel. Full screen, hood, heater (!!) & tonneau. Looks, goes, handles well. Only 6000 miles since built 1993. MoT’d, Sorn. £2750. Tel. Stan 01469 530906 32

For Sale: F/Glass bodywork ex BRA 3 wheeler (MR3) would adapt for 4 wheeler, bonnet hinges forward like Triumph Herald, complete with built-in headlights, indicators, mudguards. Pointed tail has hinged lid & lights. £150. Hydrolastic rear suspension unit for 3 wheeler, complete with swing- ing arm. All galvanised & wheel, unused, ex BRA 3 wheeler £50. Tel. Stan 01469 530906 (Mem. 1599)

For Sale: BRA CV3 Built by owner in 1999 & only run 8500 miles. New galvanised chassis, V-screen, tonneau, passenger door, A-frame & many spares, manuals, etc. Taxed & M.O.T. All for £2100. Ring Alan Caunt-W.Yorks-on 01943 862310 (C.S.C. Mem 414)

FOR SALE: Red Lomax 224 Kit Car, Based on a Citroen AMI 8 donor. Original number plate, Citroen GSA instruments including, speedome- ter, rev counter, petrol gauge, ammeter and oil temperature gauge. Aero screens and full tonneau cover. No carpet – rubber mats availa- ble. Garaged but not used for about 16 years. Also available Issues of ‘Flat Out’ Magazines of the Citroen Specials Club since Feb 1990. Some spares and some information collected during construction is also available. £950.00 o.n.o Phone Geoff on 01992 581536 Hertford

223 Lomax, 602cc, open top tourer; Mot July, good Dyanne chassis 1975, inboard discs, s/s exhaust with fishtail, Lomax rocker covers, floor gearchange, luggage rack, full weather hood, 3 zip tonneau, 33 side mounted spare wheel, anti roll bar, cherished number plate (1956) £2750 ono. Exchange for BSA pre-unit twin solo or combination. Phone Chris 02392 595307 (Ports.)


As you may have read in the last issue of Flat Out this years summer camp is being held at Greenhills Holiday Park, Bakewell, Derbyshire from the 22nd to the 24th June.

The campsite is located on the outskirts of Bakewell right in the cen- tre of the Peak District. The site is well equipped but unfortunately there are no static caravans for hire. However, the area is well sup- plied with B&B, Holiday Cottages and Hotels of all sorts, details of which can be found on the Peak District web site: www.visitpeakdistrict.com .

We have arranged a trip to the Crich Tramway Village for Saturday which will be follow with a Hog Roast and a Barn Dance in the even- ing, the optional fancy dress will be Country and Western. Because there are so many attractions in the area we are not planning to ar- range any events for Sunday but I will make enquiries about party bookings for Chatsworth House, which is only 15 minutes drive from the campsite and well worth the visit.

A booking form is enclosed but if you need anymore information or if we can be of any help please feel free to ring or email us, our home phone number is 0115 9306144 and the email address is ste- [email protected].

We are looking forward to seeing you all in the summer.

Stephen and Janet Spence.



The latest regarding our winter, 1st Sunday of the month, lunches is that the one in March will be O.K., but the April lunch will be at an- other "Brewers Fayre" called "Airfield", Galleria Site, Lemsford, Com- et Way, Hatfield, AL10 0DA. The numbers will be down because some will be going to the A.G.M. This will be the last until next October. We will have to decide where to go next October, because the "Cowper Arms" is to be turned into a Bistro and also it seems there might be a new Manager. The current Manager, Sue, is quite upset about it all and so are we because she and her staff have been very accommodating.

We have started to receive dates for forthcoming events. One sur- prise is the Uxbridge Auto Show on Sunday, 15th July. The Rotary Club has decided to charge £5 per car for Club entries. They give var- ious reasons but mainly it is that their essential suppliers have put up their costs year on year. Also their members are getting older and simply not able to do the physical work they once did and are having to hire more paid work. We will have to decide what to do. The Read- ing Show, put on by the Round Table tried to impose a charge some years ago but after about six weeks reverted to a donation again. This was due to lack of support. Perhaps the Uxbridge Rotary Club will rethink.

The Shuttleworth Collection Flying Display is on Sunday, 6th May, the same weekend as the Bedfordshire Classic Motor Show, so I suggest we go to the Motor Show on Sunday (the airfield is adjacent) as we did a couple of years ago. Stoneleigh Kit Car Show is the same week- end also and members could go there on the Monday as they did be- fore, if they so wish.

The Museum of Power Summer Show in Essex and the Luton Festival of Transport do not clash as last year, which resulted in number at- tending both being reduced. Forthcoming Events:

April 8th (Sunday) Medway Festival of Steam and Transport, Chat- ham Historic Docks, Kent. Free if pre-booked. We meet up outside the entrance (large car park) at 9.30am to go in together at 9.45am. 35

May 6th (Sunday) Bedfordshire Classic Car Show (£2 per vehicle to be confirmed) Pre-book passes with me.

May 13th (Sunday) Battlesbridge Classic Show, Essex. Free if booked a month before.

June 3rd (Sunday) Museum of Power Summer Show, Maldon, Essex. Free entry - obtain form from me.

June 10th (Sunday) Luton Festival of Transport. Free entry. Obtain passes from me.

Regards, Vic and Denise.


Now that spring is nearly upon us and the better weather approaches we, at the Mid-shires Sub Group, are planning to meet on the first Tuesday evening at 19:00 hrs of each month starting on April 3rd. The venue, probably in or near Husbands Bosworth, Leicestershire is still to be decided so contact Jim or Joy on 01536 724512 for further details.

The first Sunday in March we will still be at the White Hart in South Kilworth at 13:30 but please let us know so that we can make the reservation.

Our calendar for the summer months is now being formulated so if anyone has any ideas now is the time let us know. New or old mem- bers who wish to join us will always be most welcome. So come along and meet up with fellow enthusiasts for a chat, help or a just whinge.

Jim & Joy Barry 36

Treasurers Report

IMPORTANT NOTE: The subs are now due and are £15 a year. If you pay by standing order please make sure that you HAVE NOTIFIED YOUR BANK of the change and check that your details are correct. Especially your membership number (as in some cases this is the only way we know that you have paid your subscription). This will then save you a request for a £3.00 top up.

Remember – For any payment concerning the club please make cheques payable to Citroen Specials Club.

Peter Chitty

Membership Secretary’s Report As I type this, the long awaited handbook is at the printers, and if all goes well you should have already received it. Remember this will be the only one you will receive and the Membership Secretary will issue updates as and when.

I have checked the details where possible but I am now relying on you the membership to help out. Please look through the pages and check your own details, if they need correcting, please let me know as soon as possible. Also take a glance through the classified sections and check if any companies listed in your area are still trading or per- haps suggest others. Where did you obtain your parts and services? Would it be useful for other members to know? There is a prize for the person who finds the most errors!!! Entries are to be returned to me by 30th June. The prize will be awarded at the 2008 AGM.

If you have decided not to rejoin the club we would be grateful if you would return the handbook to the Membership Secretary. This can be done via post (!), passing on to your Area Organiser or another local member or to a club official at an event. There may be a possibility that I would ask you to post it to someone else. These can be then passed on to new members, saving the club extra costs of printing in small batches.

Thank you

Carole Chitty. 37

Down South Round Up

My apologies for the lack of reports in the last magazines. Another successful year of club events with members attending the camping events and shows, the Romsey show was a bit flat on the Monday so we are only booking the Sunday with an optional camp in the New Forest. The New Year Lunch was a great success, once again the Cricketers Arms gave us an excellent meal and with great company we had an enjoyable time. Thank you to Alan and Carole and Richard and Sandra for joining us from the North Thames Area. We also welcomed some new members, not sure if they have recovered yet from the CSC South Area en mass. The followed week was the Talmag Trophy Trial at Hungary Hill, near us in Fleet. A chance for the boys to play pre-1960’s motorbikes and the girls to do some retail therapy at the Car Boot and Garden Centre. Another good day out.

Carole and Peter Chitty

Forthcoming Events:

5 – 8 May - French National 2CV Rally – France. Contact Carole (15) (Try Sea Ferries Dover – Boulogne – reasonable prices)

May - June - Peter Hill’s Trip to Brittany Memb. 027 Half Term Week

July 6 – 8 - Ardingly Steam Fair – Contact Paul Leaney Memb 58

20 – 22 July Running Board Rally – Henley (Forms available at (Provisional ) Stoneleigh. Contact: Carole (15)

10 - 12 Aug: - Camping weekend at the Bat and Ball, Wisborough Green Campinf Free on condition you eat at the pub. Trips out over the downs. – Contact Paul Leaney Memb. 58.

26 August - Ramsey Show & Provisional Camping in the New Forest over the holiday weekend Friday – Monday and visiting the show on the Sunday. Contact: Carole (15)



Name:.. Brian Peters Committee Post: Editor

Area: East Anglia What year did you join CSC 2001 How long a committee member 6 years

How did you hear about CSC? Through Dave Lowe at Lomax

First ever car & when: 1934 Wolseley Hornet Daytona Special in 1956

First special build: Lomax 223

Current special(s): Lambda BMW

Favourite special: Triking Would you build another car: No! That’s “No” as in NO!

What changes would you like to see in CSC: It’s going really well as it is

Music preference: New Orleans & modern jazz, classical

Favourite holiday destination: Germany

Hobbies: Golf, motorcycling, music

Favourite food: Italian

Most embarrassing CSC moment: The Lambda breaking down on the busiest bridge in Ipswich at rush hour. 39


Regular local meetings not listed in the main diary:

South: The Cricketers Arms pub, Avenue Road, Eastleigh, Hants. Last Sunday of the month, 12 noon.

Bat and Ball pub, New Pound, Billingshurst, West Sussex. 2nd Sun- day of the month, 12 noon.

South East: The Harrow Hill Hotel, Warren Street, nr Lenham, Kent. Last Fri- day of the month, 8.00pm.

South West: The Strode Arms, Cranmore (off A361 opposite East Cranmore Rail- way, 01749 880450) 2nd Monday of each month.

The Live & Let Live, Frampton Cotterell, Nr. Bristol 3rd Monday of the month. Details: Derek 01454 250 959.

The Borough Arms, Bodmin, 2nd Monday of each month.

South Wales: None at the moment.

Cotswolds: The Anchor Inn, Eckington 1st Sunday of the month, 12 noon.

East Midlands (East Coast sub-group) We are temporarily without a permanent Monthly Meeting venue due to closure of 'The Chase'. Meetings continue at 12 noon on the last Sunday each month, however, please contact David Field (Tel: 01522 753372 or John Davis (Tel: 01652 655351) for venue details before travelling.

East Midlands: (Mid Shires Group) 1st. Sunday of the month, 1.30—2.00 pm The White Hart, South Kilworth, Leics, LE17 6DN. Starting April 3rd., 1st Tuesday of the month 19.00, venue tba Jim or Joy 01536 724 512.

East Anglia: The Flixton Buck, B1062 Bungay to Haverhill Road, 2nd Sunday of the month 12.00 noon

North Thames The Cowpers Arms. Letty green, Herts. 1st. Sunday of the month, Oct. to Apr, from 12 noon



Sunday CSC Annual General Meeting Swallow St. George 1st April Hotel, Ripley Road, Harrogate at 10.30 am. April 14th.– European Kit & Car Builder Show, Kent County Show 15th ground, Detling, off J7 M20. Kit car drivers free. Adults £8, kids under 13 free. Booked CSC event

May 6th—7th. National Kit Car Show, NAC Stoneleigh Park Warks. CV8 2LZ. Signs on A46 (off M40) towards Coventry. Kit car drivers free, passengers pay. CSC booked event. 09.30—17.00 May 7th. Popham Airfield Aero/Auto jumble, Popham Airfield (May Day) nr. Basingstoke, off A303. Passes from Secretary, CSC booked event. Exhibitors in place by 10.00 plse Sunday Marches on Wheels ‘07. Charity event. Full details 27th May inside this issue

*May 4th – 7th “Great Glen Run” – Fantastic run and 3 nights bed & breakfast–Iain & Janet MacRobert 01313191558.

June 16—17th Newark Nat. Kit car Show, Newark & Notts County Showground, details tba. CSC booked event. 22—24th June Summer Camp Bakewell Derbyshire. Full details tba

July 15th Wheels of Yesteryear, Lennoxlore East Lothian – Jennie 31 Aug— 3 Sep. Ireland trip. Details on page 16 of this issue.