Social Monitoring Report

Project Number: 48404-003 April 2020

PAK: Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation Corridor Development Investment Program – Tranche 1

Ratodero–Shikarpur Additional Carriageway Section II

Prepared by the National Highway Authority for the Asian Development Bank.

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(N -5 5)

Ratodero – Shikarpur Additional Carriageway


Internal Monitoring Report

Of RP Implementation

April 2020

st 1 Quarterly Report (Nov – Jan) 2020

Internal Monitoring Report Nov to Jan 2020, Ratodero Shikarpur Additional Carriageway Section II – - -

Contents 1. Introduction ...... 1 1.1. Objectives of the IMR ...... 2 1.2. Monitoring Methodology ...... 2 2. Updated Resettlement Plan and RP implementation process...... 3 2.1.Project Description ...... 3 2.2.UpdatedResettlement Plan...... 3 2.3.RP costs and availability of Funds ...... 5 2.4.Institutional Set-up and RP implementation process ...... 5 2.5.Grievances Redress Committee ...... 6 3. Progress on Payment of compensation ...... 7 4. RP disclosure and Consultations and Grievance Redress...... 8 4.1. Public Consultations / Meetings ...... 8 4.2. Grievance Recording and Redress ...... 9 5. Conclusion and Recommendations ...... 10

Internal Monitoring Report Nov to Jan 2020, Ratodero – Shikarpur Additional Carriageway Section II 1

Quarterly Internal Monitoring Report of Ratodero – Shikarpur

Additional Carriageway – Section II

1. Introduction 1. Construction of additional carriageway for Ratodero Shikarpur Section - of the N-55 Highway is planned as Ratodero-Shikarpur Section-II (Km 0+000 to Km 43+200) sub-project of ADB financed Tranche-1 project under Multi-tranche Financing Facility (MFF) CAREC Corridor Development Investment Program (CAREC-CDIP). through Implementation of Ratodero-Shikarpur Section-II (Km 0+000 to Km 43+200) sub-project will convert existing two lane carriageway into a 4-lane dual carriageway. The total length of the project road section is 43.20 km.

2. The available ROW in project road section ranges between 126 feet (38.5 meter) to 134 feet (40.8 meter) and the construction of additional carriageway followed the existing alignment and RoW, except for 2.3 km by pass road section where new ROW is acquired to avoid Dakan urban area. Except for acquisition of ROW land for bypass section, the construction works of additional carriageway are restricted in the available ROW limits and clearance of assets encroached within ROW will cause involuntary resettlement (IR) impacts. In accordance with the final detailed design, the land acquisition and resettlement plan (LARP) has been updated by the EALS Wing of the National Highway Authority (NHA) - the Executing Agency (EA) for the program to ensure that the displaced persons (Local community) are compensated for all their lost assets on replacement cost basis and are assisted for resettlement and restoration of their livelihood sources for the vulnerable Local community.

3. This updated LARP is fragmented into two components i.e. A) Component-1: (construction of 41.1 km of additional carriageway), and B) Component-2: (Construction of 2.3 Km Bypass Road Section at Dakan City). The project works for Component-1 (41.1 km of additional carriageway) followed the existing alignment and available ROW for N-55 as confirmed by the respective land revenue authorities. While, the Component-2 is designed through green fields to avoid urban section of N-55 through Dakan City. IR impacts for Component-1 are limited to clearance of assets encroaching the ROW limits and thus this updated LARP including inventory of losses and entitlements is final and implementation ready to the extent of Component-1. For the acquisition of ROW for Component-2, the exact number of DHs and DPs with entitlements can be confirmed as and when land acquisition process as per the LAA 1894 is in the advance stage i.e the ROW land is notified under Section 6 of LAA 1894. Therefore, the LAR impacts and entitlements to the extent of Component 2 will be reviewed and addendum to LARP will be prepared and submitted for ADB’s review and concurrence as and when the land award has been announced.

4. The updated LARP was cleared by ADB in October 2019 and immediate after clearance, its implementation process and monitoring was started. Accordingly, this quarterly internal monitoring report highlighting implementation progress achieved during monitoring period (November 2019 to January 2020) is compiled.

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1.1. Objectives of the IMR 5. The objective of this internal monitoring report is to: • Review and assess progress on payment of compensation for assets and entitled allowances to the DPs; • Review progress on efforts implemented and co-ordination activities/actions performed to outreach affected communities for information dissemination and facilitate them in compensation processing and payment. • Consultations, recording, tracking and handling of grievances at local and GRC levels. • Recommend actions for improved RP implementation and execution of project works. 1.2. Monitoring Methodology 6. Methodology for this monitoring report includes a review of LARP implementation progress data and consultations with key informants and the displaced persons. The monitoring instruments included review of progress on the a) institutional set-up placed for RP implementation, b) RP disclosure and community outreach efforts implemented, c) compensation payment progress achieved for impacted assets, d) consultations progress and meeting proceedings by DPC and project GRC etc. Based on the review the results are summarized in the sections below explaining the achieved progress and actions required to improve the progress.

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2. Updated Resettlement Plan and RP Implementation Process 2.1. Project Description 7. The total length of the additional carriageway is 43.20 km. The sub-project road falls in the jurisdiction of two districts of the province i.e. District and Shikarpur District. The road alignment of the subproject road section starts at Ratodero (start point of M-8) District Larkana and terminates at Shikarpur Sehwan which have an available ROW from 126 feet (38.4 m) to 134 feet (40.8 m). The existing road is 7.3 meters wide single carriageway with a formation width of 13.30 meters. The construction of the additional carriageway separated by a new Jersey Barrier is designed mostly on the left side of the existing carriageway, however in urbanized sections, site specific design adjustments including both sides widening or shifting of additional carriageway on the right side are incorporated in the design to avoid and minimize the IR impacts. . At one location, i.e. Dakan City (Km 10+100 to Km 12+200), a 2.3 Km long bypass road through new alignment is designed to avoid congested urban section. 2.2. Updated Resettlement Plan 8. During detailed design and subsequent design review efforts were ensured to avoid and minimize the adverse impacts on privately owned land and properties along the road. Accordingly, except for 2.3 Km by pass road section where ROW land is being acquired through new alignment, the additional carriageway was aligned within the available ROW limits for avoiding acquisition of additional ROW land strip. Further, by making adjustments in vertical and horizontal alignment of additional carriageway, resettlement impacts on the private assets encroached in the ROW limits have been minimized to the best possible extent. Based on the detailed design, the draft LARP (prepared based on preliminary design) was reviewed and updated as implementation ready final LARP for the componenet-1 (construction of 41.1 km of additional carriageway). While the LARP impacts to the extent of Component-2 (Construction of 2.3 Km Bypass Road Section at Dakan City) were subject to review and updating after publication of section-6 notification under the Land Acquisition Act 1894 (LAA 1894). The NHA endorsed updated Land Acquisition and Resettlement Plan (LARP) for Ratodero – Shikarpur Additional Carriageway-Section II was approved and disclosed by ADB and NHA in October 2019. As per updated RP a summary of DPs entitled for compensation by category of impact due to clearance of Right of Way is presented in table 2.1 below. Table 2.1 Impact Type with Number of Displaced Households

Entitled Displaced Impact by type of Asset Persons

Componenet-1: (41.1 Km Additional Carriageway Section) clearance of encroached ROW.

Residential Structures/Assets 24

Otaq 06

Commercial Structure/assets 60

Renter business operators 07

Employment loss 09

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Entitled Displaced Impact by type of Asset Persons

Crops (encroached ROW) 94

Trees (encroached ROW) 70

Total Component-1* 270

Componenet-2: (2.3 Km Bypass Road Section) Titled land is being acquired

Titled land Owners Component 2 13

Crops (titled land) -

Total Component-2 ** 13

Grand Total (Components-1 & 2) 283 * DHs/DPs facing multiple impacts are counted once in the total for componenet-1. ** DHs facing loss of titled land and crops grown on acquired land are the same so are counted once in total for componenet-2 and accordingly in Grand Total.

9. In total 283* DPs including 270 DPs entitled for compensation for loss of their assets encroached with the ROW limits in Component-1 (Construction of 41.1 Km of Additional Carriageway) and 13 DPs losing land being acquired as ROW for Coponenet-2 (Construction of 2.3 Km Bypass Road Section at Dakan City). Immediate after approval, the LARP provisions are disclosed to the affected households. For ensuring timely implementation of LARP and allowing construction in sections where full implementation of LARP is confirmed, the project road sections is further segmented into smaller sections for focused processing and payment of compensation to the DPs in each section as per LARP provisions. The chainage wise disintegrated sections with number of DPs entitled for compensation in each sections are presented in table 2.2 below.

Table 2.2 LAR Sections as of Updated RP with Number of DPs

Contract Package RD (0+000 to 43+200) LARP Sections

S# Chainage LARP Area (Km) DPs

1 0+000 to 5+000 5.00 47

2 5+000 to 10+500 5.50 46

3 10+500 to 12+800 2.30 13

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Contract Package RD (0+000 to 43+200) LARP Sections

S# Chainage LARP Area (Km) DPs

4 12+800 to 15+000 2.20 07

5 15+000 to 20+000 5.00 58

6 20+500 to 25+000 5.00 24

7 25+200 to 30+000 5.00 19

8 30+200 to 35+000 5.00 09

9 35+000 to 40+000 5.30 42

10 40+000 to 43+200 3.20 18

Total 43.20 283 LAR Area = 43.20 Km DPs = 283

2.3. RP Costs and Availability of Funds 10. As per updated RP total RP cost is Rs. 290.633 million which include Rs.78.523 million for component -1 (41.10 km) and Rs.175.742 million for component -2 (2.30 Km Bypass road section) delivery of compensation costs against affected assets and entitled allowances and Rs.36.369 million includes LARP monitoring and administration support cost. Upon ADB’s clearance of updated RP, the NHA HQ was requested to release and deposit LAR funds in project account at disposal of the PD for starting LARP implementation process and delivery of compensation. The Requested LAR funds were not released / deposited in the project account by the end of monitoring period i.e 31 January 2020. Efforts are progressing to ensure early release of LARP funds and compensation payment process could be started immediate after deposit of funds in project account. 2.4. Institutional Set-up and RP Implementation Process 11. The LAR unit headed by project director including land and technical staff of NHA and Resettlement Specialist mobilized by the Design and Construction Supervision Consultants (DCSC) is established and operational in the PIU for Pataro-Sehwan Section. The Project based Grievance Redress Committee (GRC) is established and operationalized during the monitoring period. Besides, a team of four social mobilizers are engaged through LARP implementation support costs to assist the Resettlement Specialist and LARU in community coordination and consultations.

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12. In addition, a compensation disbursement committee (CDC) with its TORs is notified and operational for processing the compensation claims and delivery of entitled compensation to the DPs. The CDC is headed by the PD, while the Deputy Director Land, Deputy Director Accounts and the Resettlement Specialist are its members.

13. The updated LARP provisions are disclosed to the DPs and a scheduled action plan has been prepared. During the reporting months, disclosure efforts were continued by serving claim notices attached as Annex-III for compensation claims and DPs were facilitated to approach the project team for timely preparation and completion of their applications along required documents. The DPs have been informed that the payment of compensation will be made through cross cheques, so every individual DP must be account holder. A solution for small compensation amounts, like making payment through cross cheques in the name of Special Attorney nominated by concerned DPs will be worked out as per requirement and accordingly the DPs will be informed about the process and documents to be prepared and submitted for nominating Special Attorney to collect their compensation cheques. 2.5. Grievances Redress Committee 14. The project Grievance Redress Committee has been notified and operationalized. The GRM is functioning to record and timely redress of the grievances. For improved coordination and consultations with DPs and local communities, representatives and local notables are being engaged in the grievance redress process. The GRC have representative from the District Revenue Office, Subproject Management Unit, aggrieved DP/DPs and/or representatives of DP/DPs, and other interested groups, if any. The GRC convene its meeting at least once in a month, however, if needed, meeting frequency can be adjusted to fit field requirements for early resolution of grievances. The Project Director of N 55 at is heading the GRC PIU level. Other than disputes relating to ownership rights and against award under the court of law, GRC will review grievances involving all resettlement benefits, compensation, relocation, and other assistance.

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3. Progress on Payment of Compensation 15. During the reporting months, RP cost was not released / deposited in the project account by close of the monitoring period i.e January 2020. So, the payment of compensation to DPs noted in LARP componenet-1 (41.1 Km of Additional Carriageway Section) could not start and the land acquisition costs for componenet-2 (2.3 Km of Bypass Road Section) could not be deposited in district treasury at disposal of land acquisition officer. Once the funds are released and deposited in treasury the processing of compensation claims and payment process for 270 DPs in Componenet-1 will be started in selected sections and land acquisition costs will be deposited in the treasury at disposal of land acquisition officer for 13 DHs in Componenet-2

16. The weekly / monthly plan was prepared to disburse compensation to DPs in selected LAR sections and the compensation payment will be processed to ensure full implementation of RP in a speedy manner and keep a track of implementation progress and make adjustments if required. It was decided with ADB mission on last November 2019 that the entire length of the project should be segregated to prioritize the section about 10-15 km to start implementation, the list of priority sections with tentative implementation time line is presented in table 5.1. The DPs were informed accordingly through Notices to submit their claims and receive their compensation amount. The DPs who were served with notices were contacted and assisted to prepare and submit their claims and receive the compensation amount. After due scrutiny, the compensation claims will be processed. The linear plan attached as Annex- II indicates that compensation payment is still not started due to un-availability of fund.

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4. RP Disclosure and Consultations and Grievance Redress 17. The DPs were coordinated to disclose RP provisions and compensation claim notices has been delivered at their doorsteps, the notice has attached as Annex-III. Meanwhile, the DPs were clarified on compensation payment mechanism, grievance redress system available to them and were mobilized and supported to submit their compensation claims. For effective coordination the DPS were guided and supported to constitute the displaced persons committee by nominate their representatives. Accordingly, the 4 DPCs were constituted and notified by the PMU during the monitoring period for improved consultations, coordination and participation of DPs in the RP implementation and grievance redress processes, about 2 – 3 more DPC meetings are likely to be held in up-coming month. Efforts were ensured to constitute a DPC for each village; however, in cases where number of DPs was less a DPC for one village is notified throughout project area to promote public interest and involvement for problem identification regarding resettlement. The photographs attached as Annex-I. 4.1. Public Consultations/Meetings 18. Besides approaching DPs individually to deliver notices for claiming compensation, structured public consultations were arranged through the DPCs at different locations of the project to ensure the involvement and participation of project DPs. During the consultation process, resettlement specialist and his team discussed the issues by community and documented the same and provided information to the DPs regarding resettlement impacts, compensation payment process and mechanism for recording and redress of grievances and explained them the ADB social safeguard policy. During consultation process in reported period, 4 meetings of male DPCs have been conducted is attached as Annex-VI. Detail of representatives from male DPs constituted along DPC meeting and public consultation proceedings given in Table 4.1.

Table 4.1 Public Consultations / Meetings S # Date Venue No. of Concerns DPs The DPs asked about mode of payment of their compensation amount and their concern 1 23.12.2019 Village Qadir 08 regarding account opening. The LAR Unit Bux Gopang assured to facilitate them in this matter. Most of the people demanded that they must be given job opportunity in this project. Most of the people are running their businesses. They requested job opportunities 2 22.01.2020 Village Haroon 10 on project works to offset perceived income Halepoto losses. The DPs claimed / concerned about the land compensation payment along-with structures. 3 27.02.2020 Village Garhi 07 LAR Unit explained them that compensation Sahib Khan amount is only for effected structures not for land. DPs were advised to approach concern department for their land claim. Most of the people are running their Shikarpur businesses. They want to compensate their 4 10.03.2020 08 Bypass loss by getting work in the project.

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4.2. Grievance Recording and Redress 19. During RP implementation, only few DPs approached the project GRM for raising their concerns about compensation payment. As on the approved list, the renters were shown as the owners but after the consultation at the same time with both owners and the renters, both the owners and renters have been mutually agreed for compensation payment as per approved list. Similarly, ownership issue against trees that a complainant said that all trees mentioned as DP property this is not true some of trees are belong to me, LAR Unit advised him that come with the DP mentioned in approved LARP and two-three witnesses for mutual agreement. Thus, during reporting period, two applications were disposed. Copies of Minutes of GRC meetings are attached as Annex-IV and template for complaint letter is Annex-VI.

Table 4.2: GRC Meeting Details During Reporting Months

[ Grievances Redressed Committee Meetings Detail.

GRC Meeting Type of Grievances Remedial Actions S.N Remarks Date, Time and Concerns of DPs Proposed / under taken The issue of 02 DPs, whose concerns/claims regarding LAR Unit visited the site and 27.12.2019 ownership of trees. 01 DP their claims were physically Complaints resolved 1 claimed that some trees belong 10:30 am verified. to me, where only one DP was mentioned in approved LARP.

03 DPs claimed that their LAR Unit verified their claim 26.02.2020 renter’s names were and the DPs were assured 2 regarding compensation Complaints resolved 10:00 am mentioned as the owners in approved LARP. payment by their names.

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5. Conclusion and Recommendations 20. Based on actual progress it is concluded that the RP implementation with serving notices and DPC meeting progressed in selected LAR section, as the fund has not been release / deposited in the project account the payment process will be started after release of fund. The DPs are participating in consultations and grievance redress mechanism regularly and are clarified on the RP provisions and compensation entitlements. A section-wise implementation plan has been made based on priority as per the site / ground conditions with tentative timeline is presented below: Table 5.1 Implementation Plan based on Priority Sections in Component-1 and 2 Compensation Timeline of S # Sections Km DPs Amount (Rs. Million) Disbursement

Component – 1 (41.10 Km)

1 4+500 - 10+100 5.60 45 8.183 20-06-2020

2 12+200 - 25+200 13.00 89 14.808 15-07-2020

3 28+200 - 41+200 13.00 72 20.295 30-07-2020

4 0+000 - 4+500 4.50 45 19.033 10-08-2020

5 25+200 - 28+200 3.00 11 4.184 15-08-2020

6 41+200 – 43+200 2.00 08 2.721 20-08-2020

Total 41.10 270 69.351 ------

Component – 2 (2.10 Km)

7 10+100 – 12+200 2.10 13 175.742 05-10-2020

Grand Total 43.20 283 245.093 ------

21. Based on RP implementation progress achieved actions are recommended for consideration by NHA and ADB. • The amount 290.633 million rupees is remains for payment of compensation to 283 DPs. The payment process will be started as earlier as release of fund.

• Delivery of notices will be continued throughout project length.

• The DPs who did not have their bank accounts or those who could not approach the project team in person for processing and payment of compensation should be facilitated to receive compensation in the name of their nominated attorneys after fulfilling proper documentation including special power of attorney on Stamp Paper of Rs.100/- duly attested by the Tehsildar, Advocate or Notary Public.

• The efforts to outreach and facilitate the DPs will be taken on priority to ensure full implementation of LARP. Meanwhile, the compensation payment process will be started and completed for the project road sections during next monitoring period. Nonetheless, the sections where full implementation of RP is not confirmed will not be open for construction activity. Internal Monitoring Report Nov to Jan 2020, Ratodero – Shikarpur Additional Carriageway Section II 10



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