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jjfress VOL. XLI. CRANBUBY, MIDDLESEX COUNTY, N. J., FRIDAY, JULY 24, 1925. NOr 4. THE CHURCHES. FUT1T-FIFTH BIRTHDAY. "KIXMOXTH FOR COXGRESS." First Presbyterian. Of INTEREST TO FARMERS Edmund D. Voorhees, of th,e firm VKlnmonth for Congress" will be of- H. M. Voorhees & Brother, was he battle cry of the Democrats in 21-29 South Broad Street Henry Wirtechafter & Sons Prayer and Praise Service in'the -8.Y 55 years old Monday and received the Third Congressional District Chapel Friday evening at eight Orley G. Bowen congratulations and best wishes The Kinmonth boosters do not pro- o'clock. his many personal friends and pose to let the summer drift by with tJunday 10 o'clock. Middlesex County Agricultural Agent •those who are associated with him out organizing in his behalf and Morning Worship at 11 o'clock. less, intimately in a business way. last week at Asbury Park, the first Rev. Frank R. Sy name's OCJ Free- Mr. Voorhees was born July 20, of a series of the get-together con- hold, will preach. FARMERS' WCX1C A SUCCESS 1870, in Middlesex" county, on theferences was held of the ^Ionmoutli The annual- County Board of Ag-old Voorhees homestead.' After at- County Democratic leaders. The Second Presbyterian. iculture picnic held last. week at tending Peddie Institute, he entered Democratic leaders, of Middlesex Seidlers Beach "was quite largely at- the Stewart & Hammond Business and Ocean counties will hold con- • Prayer Service in the Chapel Fri- ended by Cranbury farmers. Every- College, Trenton. Upon completing ferences to be followed by a-joint •TORE day evening 'at eight o'clock. >ne voted the affair one of the most his course he accepted a position in conference of th£ three counties. On Sunday morning at ten o'clock uccessful ever held. -the First National Bank, Hights- The Democrats of the Third Dist- the Sunday School will meet in the The horse shoe pitching tourna- own, where he remained until Feb- rict believe that ICinmonth can be chapel tor the study of the Lesson. ment 'aroused considerable interest. uary 1, 1901, when he formed a elected if the party is properly or- The Men's Bible Class vrlll meet Several teams were entered from the partnership with his brother, Har- ;anized. His . opponent is Stewart in the church- at the same hour. Cranbury section. -Messrs. Martin vey M. Voorhees. ApDleby, son of the late Congress- HOUSE FROCKS, $1.98 This business has prospered and man T. Frank Appleby. With Kin- Mr. Young -will be, in charge. Nolan and Wm. Danser won second —Gay little HAXD EMBROIDERED frocks for morning Studies in Matthew continued. [>lace in the open tournament, first now occupies one of the finest stores month, the Democrats believe that MorningOWorahip at 11 o'clock. place being won by Messrs. Boyce n Trenton. An extensive addition they can break the "Appleby —for porch—for shopping trips—a special just for Sermon by the pastor.' Subject: and Wilson of Old Bridge. Follow- is now in course of construction. harm" in the Third District and the Rig Shelf-Emptying Sale. "The Credentials of the Christ." ng the horse shoe pitching tourna- when the Asbury Park publisher Stitch and Chatter -will meet next ment, steps were taken to make this SLASHES WIFE WITH SICKLE. takes the stum]}, he will convince Clever, well ina<le voiles, figured dimities and gingham Thursday afternoon on the porch of event of even greater interest by the voters of his wonderful quali- dresses—guaranteed to wash or you get, a neiv one. Sizes Mrs. E. S. Barclay. , next year. Richard DeHart, colored slashed fications for the office. 36 to 46. his wife with a sickle, on the "Will- Schultz Memorial M. E. NOTES OX COVER CROPS , iam Hand farm about 10 o'clock CONTRACTS AWARDED FOR THE You couldn't buy materials and create such pretty Most Cranbury farmers sow ryeMonday morning. His wife, Hilda NEW BAPTIST CHAPEL AT dresses at. such a price as this—$1.98. Sunday School at ten o'clock ID or wheat as a cover crop following DeHart, 19 years old, was taken to HIGHTSTOWX. charge of Fred Carlson. potatoes and in some cases follow- Trenton hospital, where she was Morning Worship at 11 o'clock. ing other crops. While rye and treated. Eleven stitches were re- Contracts for the proposed new Sermon by the pastor. wheat both have some excellent quired to close the wounds on herchapel for the - Hightstown Baptist 7:00 P. M. Epworth League characteristics as soil improvement scalp. Her forehead and wrists Church were awarded at a meeting Boys' $1.25 Golf and Knicker Socks in charge of Wayne Stahl. "' Topic: crops, it might be well to give some were cut by the sickle. of the church trustees held Monday "Jonah Extending the High-way." consideration to some of the other DeHart, was arrested by Trooper evening, Hightstown contractors re- Durable, novelty i-ibbed sox that will resist the hardest Prayer Meeting Friday evening at crops which are being used in many Cibulla of the Hightstown State ceiving both the general contractin; of vigorous boy wear. Sizes 8 to 11 in beige, camel, cordovan eight o'clock. " and the heating and plumbing work. sections of the state for soil im- Police station and was taken before black and beaver _ -. 89e. Pair. provement ' purposes. Hairy vetch Justice Shockley at HaniiUonSquare To Willis Hancock went the con- TO HOLD CAKE SALE. s perhaps the most important of DeHart was committed* to the Mer-tract for the general construction, these crops and is the best all cer county jail, in default o£ bail, to his bid being 545,460. Others who A Cake Sale will be conducted by around leguminous cover crop used. await the outcome of his wife's .in- bid for this work were H. Fisher, of the Ladies' Aid of the Methodis- It should be sown sometime between juries. He is charged with atrocious Trenton, with a bid of ?52,604; W. SOSOO Church in the Sunday School room K. Burton, of Trenton, 355,174, and 1 August 15 and October 1. While it assault and battery. on Friday, ' August 7th, at three is often used alone at the rate of The Hand farm is located near the George M. Perrine of Cranbury, o'clock. There will be plenty of 30 lbs. of seed per acre, it is more Fisher farm, where a negro assailed $61,206. Nelson Schlottman of cakes this time. often used in combination with rye, Mrs. Fisher last year. DeHart, wife Hightstown was awarded the heat- Demonstrate your wisdom by buy- wheat or one of the clovers. When and four children live in tlie Hand ing and plumbing work with a bid ing a cake for the week end instead used in this manner, 20 lbs. of tenement house. of .?5,364,11. of roasting yourself over an oven vetch should be used with 2 or 3 According to Trooper Cibulla, who Work on wrecking the old this hot weather. pecks of rye. This combination has investigated and made the arrest, chapel, which for nearly one hun- been used with great success at thethe row occurred in the field. Hilda dred years served Hightstown Bap- O. E. S. TO HOLD PEACH State Home for Boys near James- DeHart was preparing to leave her tists, first as the main church build- j REMEMBER burg. husband. The quarrel started a ing and for the last half century as FESTIVAL AUGUST 11th a Sunday school and chapel build- The one requirement for hairy the house early in the morning. Be The Brainerd Chapter, ' -\'o. 132 fore she started to leave the farn ing will be started during the next vetch is that it be inoculated. This few days, contract for this work 0. E. S.; of Cranbury, will hold can be done either through the useshe went out into the fieldfield,, where j y, Peach Festival, Tuesday evening of a commercial culture or by mix.- DeHart was at work with a sickle I soins to a Long Branch wrecking August llth, on A. A. Duncan' cutting weeds along, the roadside. -- ompany. The new. .buildins, the Thursday, August 6th ing a quart of soil from a field lawn. which lias grown vetch with a bush- DeHart turned on his wife and _tal cost of which will come to Amusements and plenty of gooc el of seed. Vetch also does well in slashed her with the sickle. The af- early .$(50,000, is to be erected on things to eat. combination with any of the clovers fair was witnessed by employees oi e site of the old structure, and o Perhaps its greatest drawback is the a road contractor, who were at work nstruction will begin on tlie com- CLARKSBURG HARVEST HOME fact that where plowing is done on the road near the Hand farm. letion of the wrecking of the old early in the spring it does not get , o uilding,.which is expected to take BAPTIST HARVEST HOME bout two weeks. The wonderful Clarksburg Har- much top. AXDERSOX' OBSERVE vest Home will be held on Wednes- In view o£ the fact that the 15th ANNIVERSARY. day, August 5th. This is one of th< POULTRY CCLLLVG ain church building of the Bap- largest harvest homes in this sectioi ists is now undergoing extensive and is noted for its wonderful sup There are three things to look tor Mr. and Mrs. Alvin L. Anderson, epairs, which include complete re- HIGHTSTOWN, N. 1 per. As usual, the Goodwin's Ban in culling out the._nonjaying bird.