[email protected]) University of Southern Denmark Abstract: During the ninth and tenth centuries, St Nicholas of Myra became increasingly popular as a saint, eventually rising to rank of the apostles in veneration. This article presents an investigation into the monastic piety which brought St Nich- olas onto the stage of the Byzantine liturgical storyworld as one of the most im- portant saints. Through a closer examination of how he was presented from the ninth century onwards in hagiography in general, the main focus of the article is a kontakion on the saint attributed to the great poet Romanos the Melodist (ca. 485–560) in particular. The question of authorship, time and place of origin of the kontakion is discussed. The article finally brings a new translation of the kontakion into English. Key words: Keywords: pseudo-Romanos, Romanos the Melodist, kontakion, kanon, Byzan- tine hymnography, St Nicholas of Myra, St Nicholas of Sion, hagiography PNA 35/2020 109 ARTIKLAR Hagiographical Hymns in General Scholarly work on Byzantine hymns devoted to saints is still a desider- atum. This goes not only for a large amount of unedited hagiographical kanons,1 but also for the kontakia2 on saints’ lives. Most of these hagio- graphical kontakia, several hundred,3 remain unedited, but because of the high esteem and popularity of Romanos the Melodist among Byz- antinists we have 20 kontakia devoted to apostles or saints attributed to him in a critical edition. The edition was originally prepared by Paul Maas but it was his collaborator, Constantine Trypanis, who finished the volume after Maas’ death based on his notes and personal commu- nication.4 Maas and Trypanis regarded all the kontakia in this edition spurious, and Trypanis’ verdict on the quality of the hymns could easily scare away interested scholars (see below).