
     illow, phinx ision of Holy Muladhara Earth Veiled Maiden Veiled on (base of spine) MALKUTH Kingdom Materialism heavy Rock Crystal W el ChaiAretz ha Adonai mandrake ivy lily, Cherubim Svadistthana Ithyphallic of celes-Vision V imagination, solid, tial mechanismAngel Guardian (genitals) YESOD Perception, Material, Independence, Discrimination, emotion Air al Quartz g laziness inertia plendor Foundation ruthfulness, ommunication    Beni Elohim phrodite Youth Vision of Vision ation, reason, splendor Storax Jasmine Dittany Orange Purple Citrine Genius, medi- d d Fire Op lar plexus) (solar plexus) enus Moon Elements   TzabaothYahweh Elohim Tzabaoth Shaddai  Manipuraka Manipuraka ( of Hosts) (Lord of Hosts) (Almighty God) (Lord of Earth) Naked Herma- Amazon NETZACH HOD Victory S Vision of beauty Vision pathy, pleasure, pathy, triumphant Projection Order Security Lust, wan- Lying, Idleness, Avarice, generosity honestytonness cheatin competence judgement sensuality, lustsensuality, c Sandalwood the Unselfishness, T ance vine Daath ichael cacia, Rose Moly Damiana, ahweh Eloah    Sixes Sevens Eights Nines Tens (heart) (so Solar King, TIPHARETH Devotion to Devotion to Pride, self- Work, integrity Work, Phoenix Lynx Jackal Elephant S m Malachim Elohim bility Identification on of of Vision   5 6 7 8 9 10  Fives Gamael M (Almighty Lord) va Armed Warrior in a chariot Divine Child destruction import Cruelty, Elohim Gevor Y courage self-sacrifice nettle bay, ethyst Ruby Topaz Emeral ater Fire Air Fire Water ssudha Vissudha Anahata ision Visi   Mars Sun V  (throat) (throat) (Him) Enthroned Priest-King Mercy Strength Beauty Righteousness Invinci hypocrisy, greed hypocrisy, Tyranny, bigotry, Tyranny, Authority, vision,Authority, domin- Power, inte- Harmony, sym- Empathy, humility loyalty Olive, Oak, A ation, leadership ater W limitation eye) oman Unicorn Basilisk rd    Aralim Chasmalim Seraphi Ajna Vi Tzaphqiel Tzadkiel Celestial Queen Mother Root of W Black Blue Red Yellow Emeral Understanding space, death, inspir- creativity, ation, passion, balance, grity, BINAH CHESED GEBURAH Vision ofVision sorrow V Death of love power harmony Karma, time, Yahweh ElohimYahweh El poppy shamrock Fire eye) (3 rd urquoise Pearl Am Table of Magickal Correspondences 10 – Sephiroth Table wellspring, creativity law, Auphanim  Bearded Root of Wisdom CHOKMAH Vision of God Vision face-to-face Independence Devotion Silence Obedience, Courage, Qadesh

Air Ha

ainment hite Grey am) (Lord) (Lord God) (crown) (3 Galaxy Zodiac Saturn Sahasrara Ajna Chioth Ratziel Old bearded King in profile consciousness KETHER Root of Divine union Completion of none none none Unity, source,Unity, Lifeforce, godhead, pure Great Work Eheieh Yahweh Eagle Man W Flowering Amaranth Cypress, Almond DiamondAmbergris T Musk Myrrh Cedar Tobacco Olibanum SYMBOL KEY- WORDS IMAGE VIRTUES CHAKRA PLANTS MANIFEST’N TAROT Aces Twos Threes Fours CHOIR SEPHIRAH ELEMENT NAME (I ACHIEVE- MENT COLOR W SPHEREMEANING 1 Crown 2 3 4 ILLUSION Att DIVINE ANIMAL JEWEL INCENSE VICES Table of Magickal Correspondences – Planets/Days


SYMBOL DAY Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Friday Saturday GERMANIC Sunna (f.) Mani (m.) Tiew Woden/Odin Thor/Donner Freyja/Frey Santur CELTIC GOD Belenos Tiw ROMAN GOD Sol Luna/ Mars Mercurius Jupiter/Jove Venus Saturnus GREEK GOD Helios Selene/Artemis Ares Hermes Zeus Aphrodite Kronos EGYPTIAN Ra, Aten Khonsu Set Thoth Isis Hathor Nepthys HEBREW Shemesh Levanah Madim Tzedek Nogah Shabbathai Shabbat BABYLONIAN Shamash Sin Nergal Nabu Marduk Ishtar Ninib SUMERIAN Utu Nanna Gugulanna Enki Enlil Inanna Ninurta ORISHAS Obatala Yemaya Ogun Eshu Chango Erzulie Samedi ARCHANGEL Raphael Gabriel Kamael Tzadkiel Haniel Tzaphkiel Michael Gabriel Zamael Raphael Anael SEPHIRAH Tiphareth Yesod Geburah Hod Chesed Netzach Binah/Daath RULERSHIP Leo Cancer Scorpio/Aries Gemini/Virgo Sagittarius Taurus/Libra Capricorn Ego, fame, Emotions, Physical body, Intellect, speed, Expansion, Love, beauty, Deprivation, extroversion, psychic, in- heat, actions, messages, good fortune, harmony, constriction, ATTRIBUTES individuality, tuition, sub- power, energy, duality, youth, money, material luxury, sex, pessimism, conscious, conscious, aggression communication possessions, esthetics, death, cold, left brain right brain optimism friendship discipline Hope, money, Dreams, theft Physical power, Communication, Honor, wealth, Love, passion, Harvest, long CONCERNS respect, fame, prevention, courage, war, memory, truth, health, peace, friendship, joy, life, protection, luck, success victory, strength business fame, power safety, fertility stability, safety ELEMENTS Fire/Air Water Fire Water/Air Air/Fire Water/Earth Earth/Water COLOR Gold/Orange Silver/White Red Yellow Purple Green Black METAL Gold Silver Iron Mercury/Aluminum Tin Copper Lead Topaz, Yellow Moonstone, Bloodstone, Fire Opal, Amethyst, Emerald, Obsidian, Onyx, GEMSTONES Diamond Quartz Ruby, Garnet Agate Sapphire Amber Black Pearl TREES Birch, Laurel Willow Holly, Thorn Hazel, Ash Oak , Rowen Alder, Cypress MUNDANE Eagle, Lion, Cat, Hare Ram, Owl Jackal, Ape, Peacock Dove, Swan, Crow, Raven, ANIMALS Cock, Scarab , Wolf Scorpion Ibis, Serpent Bull, Eagle Dolphin, Fish Crocodile MYTH ANIMAL Phoenix Unicorn Dragon Hippogriff Gryphon Mermaid Basilisk Heliotrope, Lunaria, Sea- Basil, Nettle, Wormwood, Anise, Mint, Apple, Elder, Aconite, Yew, Goldenseal, weed, Aloes, Chili Pepper, Valerian, Dill, ’s Rosemary, Cannabis, Cinquefoil, Watercress, Rue, Gentia, Carraway, Seal, Cedar, Sandalwood, Hemlock, PLANTS Saffron, Ash, Lemon, Jas- Wolfsbane, Vervain, Hore- Balm, Olive, Rose, Orris, Thyme, Deadly Sunflower, mine, Lotus, Patchouli, hound, Fennel, Oak, Clover, Geranium, Nightshade, Dandelion, Mushroom, Hellebore, Lavender, St John’s Wort Eryngo, Fig, Jimson Weed, Marigold, Cit- Cucumber, Mustard, Mandrake Almond Cypress rus, Yarrow Poppy Garlic, Ginger Frankincense, Jasmine, Pine, Cypress, Storax, Mace, Cedarwood Jasmine, Egg Civet, Myrrh, Laurel, Balm Poppy, Myrtle, Tobacco, Rue, Sandalwood, oil, Nutmeg, whites, Gum Cinnamon, INCENSE of Gilead, Cucumber oil, Strafe, Sulfur, Gum Mastic, Frankincense, Benzoin, Rose Rue, Mullein, COMPOUNDS Bayberry oil, Aloes, White Peppercorns, Cinnamon, Juniper berry, petals, Lignum Yew berries, Olibanum, Sandalwood, Iron filings, Sassafras, Hyssop, St Aloes, Musk Patchouli, Cy- Flax seed Gum Benzoin Dragon’s Blood Wormwood John’s Wort oil, Red Coral press leaves



PETALS 4 6 10 12 16 2 1,000 MEANING Root Private place Lustrous gem Unstruck beat Purification To perceive Thousandfold LOCATION Tip of Spine Sacrum Solar Plexus Heart Throat “Third Eye” Crown of head COLOR Red Orange Yellow Green Bright Blue Indigo Violet PLANET Saturn Moon Mars/Sun Venus Mercury Neptune Uranus ELEMENT Earth Water Fire Air Sound Light Thought ARCHETYPE Mother Lover Healer Messenger Visionary Wise One GODDESS Dakini Rakini Lakini Kakini Sakini Hakini GOD Brahma Vishnu Rudra Isa Sadasiva Sambhu Paramsiva Elephant Fish, Sea Ram, Lion Antelope, White Owl, Ox, Bull ANIMALS monster Dove Elephant Butterfly Garnet, Coral, Topaz, Emerald, Turquoise Lapis lazuli, Amethyst, GEMSTONES Hematite, Carnelian Amber Rose Quartz some Quartz Diamond Bloodstone Protein, Liquids Complex Vegetables Fruit Psychedelics None FOODS meats Carbohydrates (fasting) ENDO. GLAND Adrenals Gonads Pancreas Thymus Thyroid Pineal Pituitary Security, Passion, Confidence, Love, Inspiration, Imagination, Understanding, EMOTION fear guilt shame grief repression illusion attachment SENSE ORGAN Nose Tongue Eyes Skin Ears SENSE Smell Taste Sight Touch Hearing MAIN Survival Sexuality, Power, Love, Communication Insight, vision, Understanding, ISSUE emotions energy relationships imagination grokking Gravity Attraction of Combustion Equilibrium Sympathetic Luminescence Consciousness PRINCIPLE opposites vibration PROPERTY Contraction Connection Expansion Balance Resonance Radiance Awareness RIGHT To Have To Feel To Act To Love To Speak To See To Know Grounding, Fluidity of Strength of Balance in Harmony Ability to Expanded prosperity, movement, will, vitality, relationships, creativity, perceive conscious- GOALS stability, phy- pleasure, purpose, compassion, communication, patterns, to ness, cosmic sical health connection effectiveness self-acceptance resonance “see,” to grok awareness BIO. FUNCTION Elimination Reproduction Digestion Respiration Assimilation Recognition Comprehension YOGA PATH Hatha Yoga Tantra Yoga Karma Yoga Bhakti Yoga Mantra Yoga Yantra Yoga Jnana Yoga Table of Magickal Correspondences 12 — Signs of the Zodiac

SIGN PISCES ARIES TAURUS GEMINI CANCER LEO VIRGO LIBRA SCORPIO SAGITTARIUS CAPRICORN AQUARIUS SYMBOL IMAGE Fishes Ram Bull Twins Crab Lion Maiden Scales Scorpion Archer Sea-Goat Water-Bearer CIVIL Feb. 20- Mar. 21- April 21- May 22- June 22- July 24- Aug. 24- Sept. 24- Oct. 24- Nov. 23- Dec. 22- Jan. 21- PERIOD Mar. 20 April 20 May 21 June 21 July 23 Aug. 23 Sept. 23 Oct. 23 Nov. 22 Dec. 21 Jan. 20 Feb. 19 ELEMENT Water Fire Earth Air Water Fire Earth Air Water Fire Earth Air RULER Neptune Mars Venus Mercury Moon Sun Mercury Venus Pluto Jupiter Saturn Uranus NATURE Mutable Cardinal Fixed Mutable Cardinal Fixed Mutable Cardinal Fixed Mutable Cardinal Fixed CYCLE Distributes Generates Concentrates Distributes Generates Concentrates Distributes Generates Concentrates Distributes Generates Concentrates South, North- South- East, East, North, North, North- South- West, West, South, DIRECTION Below East East Above Below Above Below West West Above Below Above Soft Sea Red Pink, All (esp. Gray, Golden Navy Blue, Pale Blue, Dark Red, Purple, Black Electric COLORS Green pale Blue Yellow) Green Orange Dark Gray Pink Maroon dark Blue Brown Blue METAL Tin Copper Copper Mercury Silver Gold Mercury Copper Iron Tin Lead Uranium GEM- Moonstone, Diamond Pale blue Agate Pearl Ruby Sardonyx Sapphire Opal Topaz Turquoise Amethyst, STONE Bloodstone Sapphire red Garnet Ambergris Dragon’s Storax Worm- Onycha Frankin- Narcissus Galbanum Opoponax Ligne Musk, Galbanum INCENSE Blood wood cense Aloes Civet Willow, Thorn Ash, Nut Trees Orange, Nut Ash Blackthorn, Mulberry, Willow, Mosses, TREES Water Trees & Cypress, trees rich in Citrus, trees bushy Lime, Oak, Poplar, Fruit trees trees, Fig Shrubs Apple sap Bay, Palm trees Ash, Birch Pine, Elm Fish Ram, Bull, Ox, Magpie, Crab, Lion , Elephant, Scorpion, Centaur, Goat, Peacock, ANIMALS Dolphin Owl Buffalo Hybrids Turtle Tortoise Wolf, Eagle Dog, Horse Donkey Eagle, Man BODILY Lymphatic Cerebral Speech Nervous, Digestive Cardiac Alimentary Renal Repro- Hepatic Skeletal Circulatory SYSTEM (brain) (throat) Pulmonary (heart) (kidneys) ductive (liver) (blood) MOON Seed Hare Dyad Mead Wort Barley Blood/Wine Snow Oak Wolf Storm Chaste DEITY Neptune Minerva Venus Apollo Mercury Jupiter Ceres Mars Diana Vesta Juno ARCHANGEL Amnitziel Malkidiel Azmodel Ambriel Verkiel Hamaliel Zuriel Barkiel Advakiel Hanael Kambirel ANGEL Vakabiel Sharhiel Araziel Sarayel Pakiel Sharatiel Shelathiel Chedeqiel Saitziel Saritiel Samequiel Tzakmiqiel HOUSE ANGEL Pasiel Ayel Toel Giel Kael Oel Veyel Yahel Sosul Soyasel Kashenyayah Ansuel TRIBE Gad Epharim Manasseh Issachar Judah Naphtali Asshur Dan Zebulon Reuben HEBREW Dagim Taleh Shor Teomim Sarton Ari Betulah Moznaim Akrab Qasshat Gedi Deli NAME “Fishes” “Lamb” “Bull, Ox” “Twins” “Crab” “Lion” “Virgin” “Scales” “Scorpion” “Bow” “Kid” “Bucket” BABY- Shimmah Luhunga Gud-Annu Mashtab- Allu Urgula Abshim Zibanetum Girtab Pa-Bil-Sag Sukhur- Gula LONIAN “Great “Hired “Bull of Bal-Gal-Gal “Crab” “Lion, “Spike of “Ravening “Scorpion” “Overseer” Mashu “Giant” NAME Swallow” laborer” ” “Twins” Great Dog” Corn” Dog” “Goat-fish” Ancient and Magickal Alphabets (Elf) English Cuneiform Hieratic Demotic Hebrew Greek Futhark Pictish Theban Chaldean Malachim Magi Celestial/Angelic Passing the River Masonic / Rosicrucian Tengwar Angerthas (Dwarf) Aa a   a Αα A A A a a Bb b   b Ββ B B B b b Cc c   c Χχ c C C c c Dd d   d ∆δ d D D d d Ee e   Εε e E E e e Ff f Φφ f F F f f Gg g   g Γγ g G G g g Hh h h Ηη h H H h h Ii   Ιι i I I i i Jj   j ϑϕ j I J j j Kk k k Κκ k C K k k Ll l l Λλ l L L l l Mm m m Μµ m M M m m Nn n n Νν n N N n n Oo o Οο o O O o o Pp p   p Ππ p 7 P q p Qq q   q Q Q Q q Rr r   r Ρρ r R R r r Ss s   s Σσ s S S s s Tt t   t Ττ t T T t t Uu u   Υυ u U U u u Vv   w ςϖ v U V v v Ww w   ww Ωω w WW w w Xx x Ξξ x X x x Yy y   y Ψψ Y Y y y Zz z   z Ζζ z Z Z z Th  Θθ T 9 T Ng N P N Eo I E Magickal Gems and Minerals for Talismanic Jewelry MINERAL ATTRIBUTES MINERAL ATTRIBUTES Agate Eloquence, intelligence, truthfulness. (Black) Jasper Joy, happiness, relief from pain. (Red) Night pro- Love, victory, strength, courage, self-confidence, tection. (Green) Healing. (Brown) Grounding. prosperity. (Red) Protection against lightning. Lapis Lazuli Capacity, ability, success. Increases psychic Amber All-purpose spell strengthener. Protection, heals and magickal energy. illness, brings money. Lodestone (Magnetite) Personal attraction, charisma, hon- Amethyst Spiritual ideals and virtues. Peace of mind. Trans- esty, integrity, virility. Attracts true love. Protec- form negativity. Shrewd business decisions, pro- tion against baneful magick. tection for soldiers, prevents drunkenness. Malachite Enhances visions. On a cradle, protects infant. Aquamarine Health, youth, hope, happiness. Moonstone Inspires passion, aides foreknowledge. Pro- Beryl Harmony in relationships, mental agility, physi- motes love, compassion and sympathy. cal energy, hope. Cures laziness. Obsidian Dedicated to Hecate, used for magick mirrors. Bloodstone Grants wishes, eloquence, victory, protection, Olivine Happiness, pleasure, modesty and simplicity. health, admiration. Guards against deception. Opal Memory, cognitive abilities. Spirituality, fidelity and Carnelian Friendship, cure for depression. Luck, protection, assurance. hope, eloquence and bold speech. Pyrite (Fool’s Gold) Protection against tempers and falsehoods. Cat’s Eye Long life and protection against evil. Quartz Purity, infinity, Vision, divination. Protects wearer Chrysolite Prudence, discretion and wisdom. from unpleasant dreams & evil influences. Holds Chrysophase Joy and gaiety. energies like a battery. Corundum Helps mental stability. Ruby King of gemstones. Mental & physical health, Emerald Foreknowledge, faith, truth, mental agility, re- heals wounds. Peacekeeping, love and passion. sourcefulness, insight, fidelity. Sapphire Magician’s aid for understanding omens, antidote Garnet Loyalty, faithfulness, sincerity, devotion, energy, for many poisons. Most potent of all, Star Sap- health, charity. Guards against nightmares. phire is “Stone of Destiny,” bringing luck, victory, Hematite Attraction, charm, alertness, spiritual well-being. faithfulness. Protects against fraud & treachery. Improves destiny. Sardonyx Vivacity, brightness, good humor, fame. Jacinth Worn in a shoe, provides hospitality and protec- Topaz Love, affection, sweet disposition and nature. tion for travelers against injury or sickness. Turquoise Averts accidents, improves second sight. Power Jade (White) Believed to be the melodious essence and protection against psychic attack. Enhances of concentrated love. (Black) Strength and power. verbal communication.

Names and Sigils of the governing the days of the week

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Michael Gabriel Raphael Sachiel Anael Cassiel  The Laws of Magick The most complete description of these laws that has been made to date is by Bonewits, noted magician, ArchDruid, and author of Real , Authentic Thaumaturgy, and : A Concise Guide. Isaac is also an Advisor to the Grey Council. The following Laws of Magick are adapted from the 2nd Edition of Authentic Thaumaturgy.

1. Law of Knowledge: Understanding brings control; the more munication with entities from either inside or outside of oneself, you know about a subject, the easier it is to control it. “Knowl- said entities seeming to be outside of oneself during the com- edge is power.” munication process. “…Beings without.” 2. Law of Self-Knowledge: The most important magical knowl- 16. Law of Identification: It is possible through maximum asso- edge is about oneself; familiarity with one’s own strengths and ciation between the elements of oneself and those of another weaknesses is vital to a magician. “Know thyself.” being to actually become that being to the point of sharing its 3. Law of Cause & Effect: If exactly the same actions are done knowledge and wielding its power. “You can become an- under exactly the same conditions, they will produce exactly other.” the same results; similar strings of events produce similar 17. Law of Infinite Data: The number of phenomena to be known outcomes. “Control every variable and you control every is infinite; we will never run out of things to learn! “There’s change—lotsa luck!” always something new.” 4. Law of Synchronicity: Two or more events happening at the 18. Law of Finite Senses: Every sense mechanism of every same time are likely to have more associations in common entity is limited by both range and type of data perceived. “Just than the merely temporal; events rarely happen in isolation because you can’t see it doesn’t mean it’s not there.” from nearby events. “There’s no such thing as a mere coinci- 19. Law of Personal Universes: Everyone lives in and quite dence.” possibly creates a unique universe which can never be 100% 5. Law of Association: If any two or more patterns have ele- identical to that lived in by another; so-called “reality” is in fact ments in common, the patterns interact through those common a matter of consensus opinions. “You live in your cosmos and elements, and control of one pattern facilitates control over the I’ll live in mine.” other(s); the greater the commonality, the greater the influence. 20. Law of Infinite Universes: The total number of universes “Commonality controls.” into which all possible combinations of existing phenomena 6. Law of Sympathy: Things that have an affinity with each other could be organized is infinite. “All things are possible, though influence and interact with each other over a distance. “Every- some are more probable than others.” thing is connected to everything else.” 21. Law of Pragmatism: If a pattern of belief or behavior enables 7. Law of Similarity: Like produces like and an effect resembles you to survive and to accomplish chosen goals, than that its cause; having an accurate image of something facilitates belief or behavior is “true” or “real” or “sensible” on whatever control over it. “Look-alikes are alike.” levels of reality are involved. “If it works, it’s true.” 8. Law of Contagion: Objects or beings once in contact with 22. Law of True Falsehoods: A concept or act may seem non- each other continue to interact after separation. “Magick is sensical and yet still be “true,” provided that it “works” in a contagious.” specific context. “If it’s a paradox it’s probably true.” 9. Law of Positive Attraction: Like attracts like; to create a 23. Law of Polarity: Any pattern of data can be split into at least particular reality you must put out energy of a similar sort. “That two patterns with “opposing” characteristics, and each will which is sent, returns.” contain the essence of the other within itself. “Everything 10. Law of Negative Attraction: Like attracts unlike; energy and contains its opposite.” actions often attract their complimentary “opposites.” “Oppo- 24. Law of Synthesis: The synthesis of two or more “opposing” sites attract.” patterns of data will produce a new pattern that will be “truer” 11. Law of Names: Knowing the name, you know that which is than either of the first ones were; that is, it will be applicable to named; knowing the complete and true name of an object, more realities. “Synthesis reconciles.” being or process gives one complete control over it. “What’s in 25. Law of Dynamic Balance: To survive and become powerful, a name?—Everything!” one must keep every aspect of one’s universe(s) in a state of 12. Law of Words of Power: Certain words are able to alter the dynamic balance with every other one; extremism is danger- internal and external realities of those uttering them, and their ous on all levels of reality. “Dance to the music.” power may rest in the very sounds as much as in their 26. Law of Perversity: Also known as “Murphy’s Law:” If any- meanings. “A word to the wise is sufficient.” thing can go wrong, it will—and in the most annoying manner 13. Law of Personification: Any phenomenon may be consid- possible. “If anything can go wrong, it will.” ered to be alive and to have a personality, that is, to “be” an 27. Law of Unity: Every phenomenon in existence is linked entity or being, and may be effectively dealt with thusly. “Any- directly or indirectly to every other one, past, present or future; thing can be a person.” perceived separations between phenomena are based on in- 14. Law of Invocation: It is possible to establish internal commu- complete sensing and/or thinking. “All is One.” nication with entities from either inside or outside of oneself, 28. Law of Unintended Consequences: (from Terry Pratchett) said entities seeming to be inside of oneself during the commu- Whether or not what you do has the effect you want, it will nication process. “Beings within…” have at least three you never expected, and one of those 15. Law of Evocation: It is possible to establish external com- usually unpleasant. “There’s always something else.” The Elemental Gestures

West: North:

East: South:   Some Archetypal Deity Correspondences

CULTURE GREEK/ IRISH/ ANGLO- NORSE/ SUMERIA/ / VEDIC/ ARCHETYPE ROMAN WELSH SAXON GERMAN EGYPTIAN BABYLON PHOENIC. HINDU MOTHER Gaea Ana Albion Erda, Jörd Neith, Isis, Ninhursag Ashera Prithivi, EARTH Terra Don Hertha Geb (m.) Enlil (m.) Maya SKY Ouranos Dagda Aegir Nuit (f.), Anu - Dyaus- FATHER Coelus Alcis (twins) Anhur Shamin Pitar FATHER Helios Grainne (f.) Ludd Balder Ra, Aten, Shamash Baal- Surya SUN Sol Lugh Sun Horus Bel-Marduk Moloch SISTER Artemis Mani Hathor, Nanna, Baal-ith, Ratri MOON Diana Arionrhod Mon Khonsu (m.) Sin (m.) Tanit, Sin Soma MOTHER Rhea Dana Mother Nerthus Neith, Nammu Baal-At Aditi, NATURE Cybele Nature Isis, Mut Mami Prisni FATHER Kronos Father Neheh Shiva, TIME Saturn Time Kali (f.) Adonis Robur Jack-in- Freyr Khem, Damuzzi Attis, Soma (vegetation) Florus Mabon the-Green Osiris Tammuz Aleyn GREEN MAID Persephoné Litha, Freya Neith Ashnan Ashera Green (vegetation) Flora, Ceres Habondia Hinlil Tara RED MAN Herne Loki Apis Enkidu Pashupati (animals) Faunus Lahar RED MAID Artemis Elen Bast, Manasa (animals) Fauna Rhiannon Hathor SEAS & Poseidon , Dylan Aegir, , Tiamet Khusor, Varuna WATERS Neptune Ler, Llyr Ran, Njord Nunet Ea, Apsu Asherat UNDER- Hades Math Hel Osiris, Ereshkigal Mot Yama, WORLD Pluto, Dis Arawn Anubis Nergal Yami DEATH Thanatos Arawn Grim- Odin, Nepthys, Nergal Rudra Orcus Reaper Hel Set LOVE, SEX, Eros, Angus (m.) Eostre, Frigg, Sif, Hathor, Inanna Belitis, Lakshmi, BEAUTY & Aphrodite Creirwy Ostara Freya, Freyr Min (m.), Ishtar Mylitta Kama (m.) FERTILITY Venus Aine Gefion Khnum Ninlil, Utu Indra MAGIC & Hermes , Dagda Merlin, Odin Thoth, Enki Latpon, Ushas WISDOM Mercury Manawyddan Cerridwen Bragi Ma’at Nebo Shehinah WAR & Ares, Nuada Arthur Tyr, Tiw, Sekhmet, Inanna Astarte Indra, BATTLE Athena Tiwaz Septu Ishtar, Ninurta Krishna, Mars Morrigan Asshur Kottavei HEALING & Hygeia, Brighid, Freya Serapis, Eshmun Rudra, MEDICINE Aesculapius Imhotep Gula, Ninib Asvins SMITH- Hephaestos Brighid, Lugh Wayland Mime, Ptah Ea Hiyon Agni, CRAFTS Vulcan Siegfried Girru Visvakarma RAINS & Zeus, Aeolus Thor Tefnut Zu, Enki Baal- Indra, STORMS Jupiter Taranis Donar Set Hadad Zebub Agni 

SIGN PERIOD PURPOSE  Aries 3/21-4/19 Curing illness and disease; gaining eloquence of speech; acceptance and honor.  Taurus 4/20-5/20 Curing fevers; becoming gracious, devout, and religious.  Gemini 5/21-6/20 Gaining good health, friendship, and happiness; preventing boredom.  Cancer 6/21-7/21 Ridding of poisons; attaining wisdom.  Leo 7/22-8/21 Curing colds; gaining an eloquent and ingenious nature.  Virgo 8/22-9/21 Curing fevers; gaining acceptance and eloquence.  Libra 9/22-10/21 Fighting disease; gaining friendship and happiness.  Scorpio 10/22-11/21 Provoking passion and lust. Sagittarius 11/21-12/21 Curing illness; gaining acceptance and honor. Capricorn 12/22-1/20 Keeping people and places safe and secure. Aquarius 1/21-2/19 Gaining health and happiness. Pisces 2/20-3/20 Protecting against fevers and evil.

ARCHANGEL DUTIES OIL/INCENSE STONE COLOR 10. Metatron Links human Sage, Herkimer White and Divine Frankincense Diamond 9. Ratziel Concealment, Geranium Fluorite Smoky hidden knowledge Eucalyptus blue 8. Tzaphqiel Answers prayers, Sage, Chamomile, Obsidian, Black  intercession Eucalyptus, Myrhh Tourmaline  7. Tzadkiel Protect teachers, Bayberry, Lapis Blue, manifestation Cedar, Nutmeg lazuli purple 6. Kamael Strength, Cinnamon, Garnet Olive, courage Gardenia, Cypress citrine 5. Raphael Healing Jasmine, Rose Yellow, Rose, Lilly quartz pink 4. Haniel Artistic, Patchouli, Emerald, Green creativity Rose, Bayberry Malachite 3. Michael Protection, Rosemary Citrine, Orange, patience Calcite peach 2. Gabriel Messenger Jasmine, Aloes, Quartz, Purple of God Sandalwood Moonstone 1. Sandalphon Life, Sandalwood, Smoky Black,  prayer Lemon, Carnation quartz russet  Groups of Angels are known as Choirs. Each Choir contains thousands of Angels, ruled by an Arch- angel. There are ten of these, each associated with a Sefirah on the . Here are the Angelic Choirs, ranked from the highest to the lowest. If you should decide to conjure up any of these , it’s ex-  tremely important to pronounce their names correctly!  Table of Magickal Correspondences — Elements

ELEMENT (state) AIR (gas) FIRE (plasma) WATER (liquid) EARTH (solid) DIRECTION / WIND East / Eurus South / Notus West / Zephyrus North / Boreas


ALCHEMICAL GLYPH     ELEMENTALS Sylphs Salamanders Undines Gnomes Tempest, storms, Flames, lightning, Ocean, tides, lakes, Mountains, caverns, RULERSHIP winds, mind, intellect, Sun, volcanoes, rivers, springs, love, stones, vegetation, learning, wisdom energy, spirit, will sorrow, emotions wealth, creativity, nature COLOR / (Lakota) Yellow / (Yellow) Red / (White) Blue / (Black) Green / (Red) MUNDANE ANIMAL Eagle (L. Eagle) Lion (L. Mouse) Serpent (L. Bear) Bull (L. Bison) MYTHIC ANIMAL Griffin Phoenix Dragon Unicorn ARCHANGEL Raphael Michael Gabriel ALTAR TOOLS Wand & Censer Athamé & Candle Chalice & Water Pantacle & Salt TAROT SUITS Wands (Rods) Swords Cups Pentacles (Discs) COURT CARDS Knights Kings Queens Pages PLAYING CARDS Clubs Spades Hearts Diamonds CELTIC TREASURE Spear of Lugh Sword of Nuada Cauldron of Dagdha Stone of Destiny (Lia Fal) SABBAT Ostara Litha Mabon Yule SOLAR MIDPOINT Spring Equinox Summer Solstice Autumn Equinox Winter Solstice ZODIACAL POINT 0° Aries 0° Cancer 0° Libra 0° Capricorn SEASON and GLYPH Spring  Summer  Autumn  Winter  TIME OF DAY Dawn Noon Sunset/dusk Midnight WEATHER Windy Hot Rainy Cold STAGE of LIFE Birth Growth Death Decay HUMAN AGE Infancy Youth Maturity Old Age BODY ANALOG Breath Spirit (aura) Blood Flesh & bones BODY HUMOUR Phlegm Choler Blood Melancholy ATTRIBUTE Intellectual, joyful Spiritual, potent Emotional, fertile Physical, safe FUNCTION Thinking Feeling Intuition Sensation SENSE Smell Sight Taste Touch CARDINAL SIGN Libra Aries Cancer Capricorn MUTABLE SIGN Gemini Sagittarius Pisces Virgo FIXED SIGN Aquarius Leo Scorpio Taurus ALCHEMY PROCESS Evaporation Combustion Solution Precipitation METALS Mercury or Aluminum Iron or Gold Silver Lead JEWELS Topaz, Chalcedony Fire Opal Aquamarine, Beryl Quartz, Rock Salt INCENSE Galbanum Olibanum Myrrh, Onycha Storax Pansy, violet, yarrow, Garlic, hibiscus, onion, Lotus, fern, melon, Ivy, comfry, apples, grain: PLANTS primrose, vervain pepper, nettle, mustard seaweed, water plants barley, oats, wheat, etc. TREES Aspen Almond, in flower Willow Oak Aradia, Arianrhod, Hestia, Pelé, Vesta, Aphrodite, Amphitrite, Ceres, Demeter, Gaea, GODDESSESGODDESSES Aditi, Nuit, Ourania Brigit, Sekhmet Mari, Tiamet, Yemaya Rhea, Mah, Nepthys Enlil, Hermes, Shu, Horus, Hephaestos, Poseidon, Llyr, Dylan, Cernunnos, Dionysos, Thoth, Vayu, Zeus Vulcan, Loki, Agni Neptune, Ea, Oceanus Adonis, Pan, Tammuz POWER of MAGUS To Know To Will To Dare To Keep Silent Follow The Energy Flow

Life itself is inextricably interwoven with geo- metric forms, from the angles of atomic bonds in the molecules of the amino acids, to the helical spirals of DNA, to the spherical prototype of the  cell, to the first few cells of an organism which assume vesical, tetrahedral, and star (double) tetrahedral forms prior to the diversification of tissues for different physiological functions. Our human bodies on this planet all developed with a common geometric progression from one to two to four to eight primal cells and beyond. Almost everywhere we look, the mineral in- telligence embodied within crystalline structures follows a geometry unfaltering in its exactitude. The lattice patterns of crystals all express the principles of mathematical perfection and rep- etition of a fundamental essence, each with a characteristic spectrum of resonances defined by the angles, lengths and relational orientations of its atomic components. —Bruce Rawles, Sacred Geometry

Abby Willowroot says: “I tend to view Synchro- nicity as a kind of sacred entrainment with the Universe and its pulse. When you are ‘in the flow,’ synchronicities happen frequently. The more you ‘push the river,’ the less frequently they happen. It seems like the difference between making magic and being magically in tune and allowing magic to flow through you, as you direct it.” Full Moons January - Old Moon, Wolf Moon, Storm Moon February - Snow Moon, Hunger Moon, Opening Buds Moon, Chaste Moon March - Maple Sugar Moon, Sap Moon, Worm Moon, Crow Moon, Seed Moon April - Grass Moon, Pink Moon, Frog Moon, Planter’s Moon, Hare Moon May - Milk Moon, Flower Moon, Budding Moon, Dyad Moon June - Rose Moon, Strawberry Moon, Mead Moon July - Thunder Moon, Buck Moon, Blood Moon, Wort (herb) Moon August - Green Corn Moon, Corn Moon, Sturgeon Moon, Barley Moon - Fruit Moon, Harvest Moon, Blood Moon, Moon of Pairing Reindeer October - Harvest Moon, Hunter’s Moon, Moon of Falling Leaves, Snow Moon November - Frost Moon, Beaver Moon, Oak Moon December - Long Night Moon, Cold Moon, Wolf Moon   Tarot

Swords (Fire): Political concerns, will, power, dominance, struggle. Wands (Air): Spiritual concerns, intellect, learning, career, honor. Cups (Water): Emotional concerns, love, relationships, friends, family, home. Pentacles (Earth): Material concerns, wealth, health, property, security.

Ace – Beginnings. 2 – Balance required. 3 – Growth. 4 – Stability. 5 – Uncertainty. 6 – Harmony. 7 – Endings. 8 – Balance achieved. 9 – Success. 10 – Completion. Page – A youth affecting you, or a bringer of news. Knight – Ambitious person, or bringer of change. Queen – An important woman supporting your ambitions. King – A dominant man affecting your pursuits.