R. T. Potts & Son I

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R. T. Potts & Son I * V * 8 D lt datb- spbciai INCASE IN map God VOL. X X IV NO. 51 aged.” CRANFORD, N. ^„THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1922 i *TKè-FiH Guÿ» WOMAifcS CLUBS TO UEET -. V, L met nfX*e|L'Ut.1V° b0arU oi tho V. I. A. PERMITS WESLEY BARRY “IN DDÏTY" it Magazine dent MitllC| ‘o1110 ,of tl>e-v|cfi-presl- uent, Miss Lakey; last Thnrfclav »f. CRANFORDDRAMATICCUIB Conference of Rep«qentotives of L^ve Wir* Boyr Pick Another'Fun SenF lr-^ieu tK(1—Wtttaon- -was T4wecrrApplS«flöjM"~F^j-“nast: of Fifihftattictof N .jV to presents and gave an in’terestini. Maker lor Friday Afternoon and PWwnhT»sw.iiD j j d . T A W »W«V««y.wHl-in*id their're HA TU Rè 'l)AV. Evening, , ___. _____ '..._ rresents I w6 Well Rendered Play-Ikulnr niouthly mooting on Tlmrs -...... Be Held H ere Feb, 8. whool hVii1-“1/“ «1 ?na,yf,i* ot. the .NightforLipcs to or Through Hcuool budget to bo bresenteil th Thmugh the courtesy of Mr. Jacob .lets. ito La-ge^and Enthoxi- - *utf*. “ t^thrsio o'clock hi ■The_ Moth«- Hearr Tliiv Fifth District N. J. Federa­ _ Kenilworth, ^ : »•11 * j. I tin- afternoon, at Cleveland School reduction “ Life." sehooI^ipvVt1 Fob;.13 at tho annual Fabjan. President, ot tlio First Na­ ' . Audience, I In stead of mi Monday, Feb. 13th, us tion of Woman’s Clubs will hold an sthool election. Mrs. Roderick VV. A t the meeting of tho. Township Smith was appointed .chut mum, of Committee .last night there were tional Attractions, tlie Live Wire The Cranford Dramatic Chib held ¡'1,l'’ ivll,Ml *"-st week. Tills chailge -alWHVrleglalative^nfemce-and dis­ a special commit tee .to organize a its Januarv assetnldv at tile CranJwJ T»*- ,ly ll'e. illness of ttireeappltcutionstfoi'IItnoy 1ms Boi'alCluss o f tlio CranfOrd M. K. trict n invention on‘ Feb. 8th, in the Sunday School will show at tlie ford" Casino on TncMlay lilgld w tfn I s i‘i rel°- ft was voted to con- perinits for a route through Orange Fn -lj.vU rlan CliapeL The chairman o f t h i ° f ‘" ‘‘i I"°,ntll £or ten months Cranford. M. E. Cliureh, tlie recently )d forSale avenue to-Kenilworth, two .of these, ITf tfie day will be MreLT^lItTCT tho11 i ^ f C.rtllc (’rcaker ft'ud o f released- 6-ivel—comtaly~wi|Sa'tWnt tie Lincoln Shei man Home and from Alex Zalenski and L? C. .Van: Uinty» Viiila>r afternoon and oven- 0 <s, district, vice-president, Mrs. School League.,- Mrs, Van' Huskirk ing,, February 3rd. The picture fea- Mortimer J. Gross being the legis­ Borstel, were only for .a Cranford- ,a c o rd . chairman ,pf tlie music committee,' turetr-Wesley Barry atr Ids best. lative eliairman-;ef-the-\£,-U-Av-The Kenilwqrth_Jiim.^;^|iile7~the--:.thifti latter association, with the Wednes­ j^ ^ «fath^^CTangflnanlg>aag v e re d , being mjule for e community sing n«Vlved last year's prhject of the prunoHnce it <inea>f tiie iiest hits day Morning Club, w ill be hostesses.' ta^he-dield at the-.Walnut “avenue Lyons T ransportation Co:— for“ a o f imadultreated fun tllatMilis ever y le n g th Tlie local -committee of—arrange­ 1L~fTvh u rclr in the iiearfuture. "~ through line frum XuwarkPby~ivay -lieon-iuiC-eii-tiioisereoii.—- _____ nimble to ascertain. ments consists of Mesdames Wade n'ovJH« Picture committee, of of Irvington and Union, thin tu ex­ Tlie evening perfonnftiiMe will be­ The "First" play, ‘“ Marriages_ 'Haves. Win. Hopkins, F. Winekler, the v. I. Av lias been increased by tend, it is said, to Plalnllelil, All gin at eight o'clock sharp. Tlie nf- Made in Iloavcn ami Elsc-wlicre” lll*'!*'!'sthig things about tlie I (;.(■'. J.ittie, Ed Towlerj L. Macon, the appointment of one more mem- tii tee applications: were referred to t^nnion performance'will start' at was an Irish clmracter sketch. clev-Ji iiV^V***** A ■silver <'ol- LA FA R M S |H. I). West, and Mrs. M. J. Gross, her,, Mrs/Grace, ................. B. A.___________'Committe Cook. nDimnftta oMho nf whole..ll>n ; . erly portrayed by. an excellent eust l! L'1 " l 1 l(> ,ttk<,|i “ f tills mpet: chairman... :... ' ---------- ' . Crzniord 77 ^ -Mrs. Kenyon j Messiek, treasurer, .Cranford MOWs Club, through Mr. Tlie Paramomit .Maguzlno will nl- wljo did not once forget tlie brogue, ¿‘¡j, |!',L t H',,,S>ailonn, rpngress. of Mr. John L.. Montgomery, execu was authorized to huve - printed Kantner, pursuant ' to resolution so prove an added’ attraction at It was protluced by Mrs. Mortlim>rl i t r , , 1 1|,nsc remember the ilve chairman of the iMonmouth membership blanks. These will bo adopted at the last, meeting iif tho both the .afternoon and evening per- J. GroSk, Tile second. “The Wonder I' ¡rinK<i;!>f ,l,l£® to l eli. tilth. , .... > ('minty Organization for Social Ber- itsaUn_future,iaecor(lingH<)g to ua-nevr nevr[Cliib, Clti!i^-aske<l—timt-ZC-- -askisl tlmt -the- —undergrade ••• • f'O’hW te s , rhe_ey:(Uiingj)dmlBHlQiL lfat, prodncisi - hy MjaJJSUuigni L.,* IV Wior««.^ w?r FUA'*®- ALifelfleii vtie, niirglve ■ an address at 2:45 p. ruling-of' the Association vi((Ilici hiiih I jiro-1pro crossing (Lincoln.....*- "■PlueiVFlie put in eliarge will lie fifteen cents for both TWwler,—waH-B-liarh.sininBrte-vvIth^ali'M nlll i lie'sday at tint lilirary Ini. '.Mrs.'Arthur Proal, State Presi vides that each applicantit for meinmein-potter-1 condition.---------- This, JlivKantner ll(lultM 1111,1 children. In tho after- wonderfully effective scenic V,K-I N,' ' £ T,1"^V»y. i W 7tlV (lent, Mrs. C., B.-. Lee, 1st vice-presi oership shall sign suchI, u.. lilank,I. Ieusllt'llu fztliltold, ti'nnlilwould I,ho a done. 1 ^ Ä as'poon...... as_ IllRin>nnonn a specialk>tk<>i*illl li/vefoetiiioi.,..performance f..for M ^1.11chil­ wliich won a round of applause on } ‘l| o‘ *',rlos ,'v111 l,,,1 f»r clilhiren ol and Service! dent, und Mrs. Edwin' Murdock, which must, also ho signed by two I weather conditions permit, provl- dren will be given .at a reduced Its own account before tho first 1 ,' rf<t ,HIV second gradwi clmracter entered. Tlio fantastic! ,-1}l'<,1,K1J the klndness^M our local HD COMMERCIAL State chairman, of music, will be .cxisting members in good standing, I?fon for the co.-it liuving hoen ln price. ARS '" JpreVeiit. Tlie legislative, session will ..oas vouchors. eluded______ in the budget now in_ tnb (limlity of (he ph-ce was weU sus- ¡" " V 0,1 Ill,'tlll" 11!|i1i'iuger, a henollt I lie opened hy Mrs. Cross at 10:30 a. --------- -——----- : I making. ■ tained throughout, without being w 11 ''^ ««vu n for the ind Bnslneix Bodiei, ''^Tho February mooting, of tho Lln- Ini.. • .Fedtirnl and State bills will be LINCOLN SHERMAN HOME AND I I,ee,l‘ o{ dedication of land at allowed to drop Into ahsunlity^ Hie V^ ,,t;t ;1J,vcl1,111,1^Parent-Teaelier REQUIRED T ' ||iresenrt‘(l and explained by Miss SCHOOL LEAGUE corner of Retford and Lincoln ave- ccJ!tivS|iormnn Homo /aful School entire entertainment was most on: iVT’< V -.-Tlio-f««- Leagrte will take place ini the even­ Joyulde.. i ....... ^ < n 1111 re plctllKo.wJjf.he tlio "Little Mln­ ■ Alice I,«key and Airs. Louis Peiou- nnfilnucs t° round off'tho corner was lliet. Mrs. Van Busklrk :and Mrs.. ing of Friday.;_____ tlie/lOtli, in Lincoln Mr,,;J.»s«‘ p|i' Whit la Stingo, distill r ',,‘‘''\-,,ll1H,l!b‘t'iie.having.. , - been sug and Mrs.J SJ o o l League^“ 1111,11 presented with approval of Counsel. Seliool. —- ” -c: ■ i- . - tor C arC a It'ntter will bnjn charge of-theC-the mu- -Hiont4dxv-ftmesr<,tr—^ t}ny ^ ^ „ J i i g j 1ds<>f fi>ilcctprHoughton,Troas- 'i’lie Presbyterian clioir, un- Kuislied himself ¡n fho matter ’«I S '* m" !' i i ' 1our committee liy THrs, Isicnl prograin.y '.V Mler Mr,...JWiindrntr's................ ..............il-tiWH«», xvlll..... [scenery,. .. ¡ls usual. 1 >nringin Hue llie, in- in-1 n.1.1 <r•;'>,;o »'i nri|M. »,'ihciT.‘-‘sidont r-‘‘ of the National rmation eall * ‘ I • Tlie M issionary ’ Society ' of nf Ji,«tlie February lOth-inNtlio Lincoln'seliocif uroj' 1,urtls.unu ShiKlngfund Corny render a musical program, mid Miss termisslon Messrs. Harry Folk nini¡'- JAIot hn^lcture-Ls-agiii', us a ptrtrnr E, Local Agent, ■Presbyterian Church will serveof thoan a good musicuK program 'Is prom- K.1!is,Hiloncr i'I,1‘Kt‘>e were presented something^» xvliat the department,,Olin1 Putnam. .M........ l hi.... the ^,„K1I,Ksinging of scinti!tiltIng wlth Tuli. Beslile tlil rahford 24SW “ Ji vieili-iit luncheon at $1 per plate, .¡sed and pupils o f both, school.^ Will 1 V i !. r<.>,veci• A • Hult claim .deed nnjr Mr. Hartshorn will show 1 familiar songs by the nmlieiire, who |feulilre tliere, w-lll ho u comedy and loitering'-an admirable opportunity give a physical training drill, Tho -If,n,' ttto . 7 . ° n ,,r° I),,'1'ty “ Jb tlio oi-iiiiymcuioT^priysnail trahilng(.ruming Isis (lolng,doing, hyliy -aa )I.were, were, consiileratelyconsiderately iirmhlediirm hled willi cddciitlonnl litui. The regtilur scale league asks tho kind eosiperatlon ! , " ,} K,'alty Co- waii hdveri Walter |to siip[iort>'its work. Tlie district grotip/of drills, gmnes-und-folk-<!au-i:P“ IMTs-4»'arlnk--the- printed words ¡P* Id'lces V ili he clmrgisl ut llotli of Its members and friends in the Mooney who recently bought cosyCi,, which tlio pupils of both |“s well.as with the regulnr playhll' Iperformunces, matinee ami ovenhig.
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