RAPPORT Project MER Hervergunning waterwinning Pidpa Kapellen Project MER PR3067 Niet Technische Samenvatting Klant: Pidpa Referentie: I&BFP1802R002F Versie: 1.1/Finale versie Datum: 2 mei 2018 O p e n HASKONINGDHV BELGIUM N.V. Schaliënhoevedreef 20D B-2800 Mechelen Belgium Industry & Buildings Trade register number: 448109415 +32 15 405656 T +32 15 211134 F
[email protected] E royalhaskoningdhv.com W Titel document: Project MER Hervergunning waterwinning Pidpa Kapellen Ondertitel: Project MER hervergunning Pidpa Kapellen Referentie: I&BFP1802R002F Versie: 1.1/Finale versie Datum: 2 mei 2018 Projectnaam: Projectnummer: FP1802 Auteur(s): Filip Lauryssen Opgesteld door: Filip Lauryssen Gecontroleerd door: Guy Geudens Datum/Initialen: 02 05 2018 Goedgekeurd door: Datum/Initialen: Classificatie Open Disclaimer No part of these specifications/printed matter may be reproduced and/or published by print, photocopy, microfilm or by any other means, without the prior written permission of HaskoningDHV Belgium N.V.; nor may they be used, without such permission, for any purposes other than that for which they were produced. HaskoningDHV Belgium N.V. accepts no responsibility or liability for these specifications/printed matter to any party other than the persons by whom it was commissioned and as concluded under that Appointment. The integrated QHSE management system of HaskoningDHV Belgium N.V. has been certified in accordance with ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and OHSAS 18001:2007. 2 mei 2018 PROJECT MER HERVERGUNNING PIDPA KAPELLEN I&BFP1802R002F