
I wish first to thank and Jay Martin, two of my intellectual mentors who significantly influenced my thinking about American and Modern . My deepest gratitude goes to Marjorie Perloff, for without her steady encouragement and excel- lent guidance, I would never have written this work; this book is dedicated to her. I would also like to thank all my friends—espe- cially Bob Pincus, John Tomas, Kathy Lundeen, Marilyn Moss, Wendy Furman, Eunice Howe, and Charles Adams—who kindly helped me while I was working on different stages of my book. I would like to express my appreciation to the readers and editors from the University of Press. My editors William Mc- Clung, Douglas Abrams Arava, and Ethan Michaels have all proven to be both patient and helpful; I would especially like to thank my project editors, Mark Pentecost and Tony Hicks, and copy editor, Dan Gunter, who provided me with helpful advice and careful assistance in the final stages of the book's publication. I am indebted to all those who have written works on Zukofsky—especially Barry Ahearn, Burton Hatlen, and Hugh Kenner. I am grateful to the of the Harry Ransom Research Center at the University of Texas, and I would like to extend a special thanks to Cathy Hender- son for her assistance with the Collection. My own university, California State University at Northridge, generously provided me with a grant allowing me some release time to work on the final stages of the book's publication. I also wish to thank Paul Zukofsky not only for granting permission to use material from his father's archives but also for taking the time to read my manu- script and to give me biographical information that helped to im- prove the accuracy of my work. Needless to say, although many

vii Vlll Acknowledgments people assisted me in my endeavors, any errors in my work are solely my responsibility. Finally, I would like to thank my family, who have steadfastly supported me. I am deeply grateful for their love and guidance; although they were often puzzled by my endeavors, they, too, had a great influence upon this book, for they helped to shape the person behind the words.

Grateful acknowledgment is also made to the following: Press and Faber and Faber Ltd., for permis- sion to quote from The Use of and the Use of Criticism, copyright 1933, 1961, by T. S. Eliot. Liveright Publishing Corporation and W. W. Norton and Co. Ltd., for permission to quote "of evident invisibles" from E. E. Cummings, Complete Poems, 1904—1962, copyright 1976 by the Trustees for the E. E. Cummings Trust. The Johns Hopkins University Press, for permission to quote from The Complete Short Poetry of Louis Zukofsky, copyright 1991 by Paul Zukofsky. New Directions Publishing Corporation, for permission to quote from Selected Cantos, copyright 1934, 1937, 1940, 1948, 1956, z959j 1962, 1963, 1966, and 1968 by ; Selected Poems of Ezra Pound, copyright 192.0, 1934, and 1937 by Ezra Pound; and "Old Zuk," copyright 1957 by Ezra Pound. New Directions Publishing Corporation, for permission to quote from The Autobiography of , copyright 1948, 1951 by William Carlos Williams; The Collected Poems, volume 1,1909-1939, copyright 1938 by New Directions, copy- right 1982,1986 by William Eric Williams and Paul H. Williams; Paterson, copyright 1946, 1948, 1949, 1958 by William Carlos Williams, copyright 1992 by William Eric Williams and Paul H. Williams; and Selected Essays, copyright 1954 by William Carlos Williams. Sun & Moon Press, for permission to quote from pp. 50, 51, and 71 of Content's Dream, copyright 1986 by Charles Bernstein. Charles Bernstein, for permission to quote from The L=A=N= Acknowledgments ix

G=U=A=G=E Book, copyright 1984 by Bruce Andrews and Charles Bernstein. Paul Zukofsky, for permission to quote from Louis Zukofsky's "A", published by the University of California Press, copyright 1978 by Celia Zukofsky and Louis Zukofsky, and from the Louis Zukofsky Collection located at the Harry Ransom Research Center, University of Texas at Austin. Published and unpublished Zukofsky materials appear with the permission of Paul Zukofsky; Zukofsky material may not be quoted from this book by third parties without the express permission of Paul Zukofsky. The editor of the Journal of Modern Literature, for permission to reprint portions of chapter 5 that appeared as "The Link Between Williams and Zukofsky" in JML 17, no. 1 (Summer 1990). September 1992. Los Angeles, California