Choppy Currents or AlternaRCMt ves Smooth Sailing? Managed Futures Outlook 2017 621 South Plymouth Court | Chicago, IL 60605 | 855-726-0060 |
[email protected] RCM Alternatives: Managed Futures Outlook 2017 RCM Managed Futures 2017 Outlook This non correlated investment stuff sure can be frustrating, can’t it? Fig. 1: Asset Class Performance 2016 There you are in mid-February of last year thanking your lucky stars for diversifying into non correlated managed futures investments as they sat up 5% on the year while stocks were down -5%; only to finish the ASSET CLASS 2016 year like this: See fig. 1 U.S. Stocks 11.81% Yes, after a flat year in ’15, and despite some real value provided to Commodities 9.94% start the year - ’16 was pretty much a fail… with the SG Managed U.S. Real Estate 7.02% Futures Index down -2.66% after starting out so strongly. Beyond the World Stocks 4.31% index, bellwethers such as AQR – Managed Futures Strategy Fund Bonds 2.45% (-8.43%) and Aspect – Diversified Fund (-9.16%) couldn’t escape the Hedge Funds 0.70% down year, although there were winners in the alternative space, both Cash 0.15% amongst established names such as Quantitative Investment MGMT Managed Futures -2.66% (GIM) Global Program QIM (+16%) and in the emerging space with funds such as the Attain Relative Value Fund (+16%). And while the Past performance is not indicative of future results. absolute value wasn’t so bad, anyone can live with a small single digit *Source information can be found on pg.