Town of Hyde Park Route 9 Sewer District Map, Plan, and Report
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TOWN OF HYDE PARK ROUTE 9 SEWER DISTRICT MAP, PLAN, AND REPORT Prepared for: The Town of Hyde Park 4383 Albany Post Road Hyde Park, New York 12538 Prepared by: Delaware Engineering, D.P.C. 28 Madison Avenue Extension Albany, New York 12203 518-452-1290 June 2020 Town of Hyde Park Route 9 Sewer District Map, Plan, and Report TABLE OF CONTENTS Contents 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 2.0 PROPOSED DISTRICT 1 3.0 GENERAL PLAN OF IMPROVEMENTS 2 4.0 DESCRIPTION OF FACILITIES 3 4.1 PROPOSED COLLECTION SYSTEM 3 4.2 PROPOSED TREATMENT FACILITY 3 5.0 PROPOSED DISTRICT OPERATIONS 3 6.0 REGULATORY REVIEW AND APPROVAL REQUIRED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION 4 7.0 MAXIMUM AMOUNT TO BE EXPENDED 4 8.0 COST OF HOOK-UP FEES, IF ANY 4 9.0 DETAILED EXPLANATION OF COSTS 4 9.1 DEBT SERVICE 4 9.2 SEWER RENTS 5 10.0 EXPLANATION OF IMPACT OF ADDITIONAL FUNDING ON COSTS 5 10.1 DEBT SERVICE 5 10.2 SEWER RENTS 5 11.0 COST TO THE TYPICAL PROPERTY 6 11.1 COSTS FOR EXISTING FINANCING 6 11.2 COSTS IF ADDITIONAL GRANTS AND LOW COST FINANCING ARE SECURED 6 Delaware Engineering, D.P.C. i Town of Hyde Park Route 9 Sewer District Map, Plan, and Report 12.0 METHOD OF FINANCE 7 13.0 STATEMENT AS TO BENEFIT ASSESSMENT 7 14.0 SUMMARY 7 Figures Proposed Town of Hyde Park Route 9 Sewer District Map 1 Tables Proposed Sewer District Parcels and Projected User Rates 1 Projected User Rates with WIIA and Subsidy 2 Projected Cost Estimates 3 Delaware Engineering, D.P.C. ii Town of Hyde Park Route 9 Sewer District Map, Plan, and Report 1.0 INTRODUCTION The Town of Hyde Park is an historic community located along the banks of the Hudson River in Dutchess County. During the 20th century, the Town developed into an automobile-based suburb with residential neighborhoods surrounding the heavily travelled NYS Route 9 commercial corridor. The Town has been actively planning the creation of a walkaBle community for over a decade, advancing the goals identified in the 2005 Comprehensive Plan into prioritized recommendations and conceptual plans outlined in the 2013 Hyde Park Town Center Pedestrian Study. In 2018, thanks to generous funding by NYSERDA, the Town completed a Planning and Engineering Report for the Revitalization of the Town Center, which included a Preliminary Engineering Report that evaluated the feasiBility of building and operating a public sanitary sewer system that would catalyze development in the Town Center by allowing for much denser and more vibrant development in a corridor that has largely languished due to lack of infrastructure. As a result of the deficiencies in the existing on-site, private wastewater treatment and disposal facilities along the Route 9 corridor, the Town of Hyde Park proposes to form a sewer district for this area and construct a Town-owned and operated wastewater collection and treatment system. The proposed collection system will connect to a newly constructed wastewater treatment plant to be sited at the northern end of Pine Woods Park, ultimately discharging treated wastewater to the Crum Elbow Creek. The purpose of this map, plan, and report is to present the information necessary for the creation of a Town sewer district as required by Town Law, Article 12-A, Section 209-c of the New York State Consolidated Laws. 2.0 PROPOSED DISTRICT A Preliminary Engineering Report dated April 2018 was prepared which evaluated alternatives for addressing wastewater disposal. Based on this evaluation, ongoing Town analysis, and the result of several public meetings, the Town of Hyde Park is proposing to create the sewer district descriBed herein and to construct a wastewater treatment plant to ensure that all resulting treated water discharged into the Crum Elbow Creek meets all NYSDEC SPDES limits. As a solution to meeting the wastewater collection and treatment needs of the businesses (and several residences) along the Route 9 corridor, the Town of Hyde Park proposes to form a sewer district and construct a wastewater collection system along the Route 9 corridor from Linden Lane at the northern end of Route 9 to Terwilliger Road to the south, with a service area that principally includes commercial on both sides of Albany Post Road (Route 9). Wastewater collected in the Route 9 Sewer District would then flow into the new wastewater treatment facility in Pine Woods Park. The District is defined by the lands contained in the tax parcels listed and described in TaBle 1, and as shown in Figure 1. Delaware Engineering, D.P.C. 1 Town of Hyde Park Route 9 Sewer District Map, Plan, and Report 3.0 GENERAL PLAN OF IMPROVEMENTS The implementation of a sanitary sewer district which would provide municipal sewer service to the Route 9 corridor has been attempted multiple times throughout the history of Hyde Park. The Town has recognized several driving forces Behind the need for centralized sanitary sewer in this region. Currently, all wastewater treatment within the project area is accomplished via on-site treatment and subsurface disposal systems. The soil conditions in the commercial areas on the east side of Route 9 have high bedrock, resulting in poorly performing treatment systems, endangering ground-water quality and leading to resident complaints of foul odors. The potential for environmental degradation will remain high in the area until a centralized sewer system is implemented. Relatedly, poor hydraulic conductivity combined with a lack of public sewer system has been shown to limit economic activity in the area, making the development of apartment complexes, mixed-use development, hotels and even new restaurants impossiBle. The proposed sewer district is composed of 111, principally commercial parcels, with several not- for-profit and Town-owned parcels and only 11 single-family-home residential parcels. All businesses and homes in the proposed Route 9 Sewer District are served By septic systems. Many of the existing septic systems are old, and anecdotal evidence suggests that several are underperforming or failing, or are constructed on lots too small to support a leach field of sufficient size based on current standard methods of subsurface wastewater disposal. The majority of properties within the proposed Sewer District are provided with potable water by the Dutchess County Water and Wastewater Authority through metered service connections. The Hyde Park Route 9 Sewer District is proposed to consist of a municipally owned wastewater collection and treatment system constructed to serve the Route 9 corridor between Linden Lane and Terwilliger Road. The collection system would connect to the proposed treatment facility to be constructed within Pine Woods Park. Topography of the proposed sewer district is such that a system of gravity sewers, wastewater pump stations, and forcemains will be required to convey wastewater to the proposed treatment plant. As the proposed Route 9 Sewer District is primarily light commercial in nature with no significant industrial users, the quality of collected wastewater is not expected to be different in compositions from wastewater collected in typical residential areas and collection systems. Water usage data obtained from the Dutchess County Water and Wastewater Authority indicates that water use rates vary by parcel, with some of the larger commercial parcels using between 3,000 and 4,800 gallons per day (gpd), while the average water usage by single-family homes in the Route 9 Sewer District area was approximately 130 gpd. Due to the varying nature of water usage and the types of businesses, not-for-profits and residences contained within the proposed District, sewer district costs were allocated using a formula that takes into account both road frontage (for commercial parcels fronting Route 9 only) and parcel acreage. The proposed methodology of benefit assessment is described in Section 9, Detailed Explanation of Costs. Delaware Engineering, D.P.C. 2 Town of Hyde Park Route 9 Sewer District Map, Plan, and Report 4.0 DESCRIPTION OF FACILITIES 4.1 Proposed Collection System As part of the proposed project, sewer mains would be constructed on either side of Route 9 between Linden Lane and Terwilliger Road. The proposed collection system will include 14,776 linear feet of gravity sewer line, 5,563 linear feet of force main, two wastewater pump stations (required to convey the wastewater), and a wastewater treatment plant to be constructed on approximately 2 acres (the plant itself will occupy approximately 9,000 square feet, with another 7,700 square feet allocated for parking). The proposed pump stations will be located on two parcels, one owned by the Town of Hyde Park (SBL 6065-16-764341) and a privately-owned parcel at the southern end of the district (SBL 6064-02-986757). A preliminary layout of the proposed collection system, with pump stations and treatment plant identified, can be found in Figure 1. 4.2 Proposed Treatment Facility The effluent limits for a system discharging to the Crum Elbow Creek require a higher level of treatment than that of a subsurface discharge system, an option that was ruled out due to geological and parcel-size constraints identified early in the engineering process. All collected wastewater will be conveyed to the proposed treatment facility at the northern end of Pine Woods Park, where it will be treated utilizing a Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) process followed by ultra-violet disinfection before surface discharge to the Crum Elbow Creek. The system will be capable of meeting stringent phosphorous limits and complying with all NYSDEC requirements. All equipment will be monitored and controlled by a full Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system; the facility will include the treatment processes, a chemical feed room, an office and a laboratory, and will be equipped with a backup generator.