Journal of Mormon History Vol. 21, No. 2, 1995

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Journal of Mormon History Vol. 21, No. 2, 1995 Journal of Mormon History Volume 21 Issue 2 Article 1 1995 Journal of Mormon History Vol. 21, No. 2, 1995 Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Religion Commons Recommended Citation (1995) "Journal of Mormon History Vol. 21, No. 2, 1995," Journal of Mormon History: Vol. 21 : Iss. 2 , Article 1. Available at: This Full Issue is brought to you for free and open access by the Journals at DigitalCommons@USU. It has been accepted for inclusion in Journal of Mormon History by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@USU. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Journal of Mormon History Vol. 21, No. 2, 1995 Table of Contents CONTENTS LETTERS ARTICLES TANNER LECTURE • --Peace Initiative: Using the Mormons to Rethink Ethnicity in American Life Patricia Nelson Limerick, 1 • --East of Nauvoo: Benjamin Winchester and the Early Mormon Church David J. Whittaker, 31 • --"Lawyers of Their Own to Defend Them": The Legal Career of Franklin Snyder Richards Ken Driggs, 84 • --Women and Community: Relief Society in Cache Valley, 1868-1900 Carol Cornwall Madsen, 126 • --Moses Smith: Wisconsin's First Mormon David L Clark 155 • --The Martin Handcart Disaster: The London Participants Lynne Watkins Jorgensen, 171 REVIEWS AND NOTES --Howard W. Hunter by Eleanor Knowles Richard O. Cowan, 201 --Inventing Mormonism: Tradition and the Historical Record by H. Michael Marquardt and Wesley P. Walters Scott H. Faulring, 203 This full issue is available in Journal of Mormon History: 1 JOURNAL OF MORMON HISTORY FALL 1995 JOURNAL OF MORMON HISTORY FALL 1995 COVER: Abstraction of the window tracery, Salt Lake City Tenth Ward. Design by Warren Archer. Articles appearing in this journal are abstracted and indexed in Historical Abstracts and America: History and Life, published by ABC-CLIO, and in Religion Index One: Periodicals, published by the American Theological Library Association. ©1995 Mormon History Association ISS 0094-7342 After publication herein, copyright reverts to authors. The Mormon History Association assumes no responsibility for contributors' statements of fact or opinion. Staff of the Journal of Mormon History EDITORIAL STAFF Editor: Lavina Fielding Anderson Executive Committee: Lavina Fielding Anderson, William G. Hartley, Jeffery O. Johnson, G. Kevin Jones, Lynne Watkins Jorgensen, D. Michael Quinn, Patricia Lyn Scott, Jean Bickmore White Editorial Staff: Susan L. Fales, Susette Fletcher Green, Kenneth A. Hansen, Janet Jenson, Linda Lindstrom, Marti S. Lythgoe, Vaneese C. Nelson, Marianne Perciaccante Associate Editor: Martha Dickey Esplin Book Review Editor: Richard L. Jensen Letters Editor: Jean Bickmore White Editorial Manager: Patricia Lyn Scott Business Manager: G. Kevin Jones Abstracts Editor: Luana Uluava Miller Compositor: Brent Corcoran Designer: Warren Archer BOARD OF EDITORS Mario S. De Pillis, University of Massachusetts at Amherst Susan L. Fales, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah Richard Neitzel Holzapfel, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah Roger D. Launius, NASA, Washington, D.C. Dean L. May, University of Utah, Salt Lake City Isleta L. Pement, Temple School, Independence, Missouri Marianne Perciaccante, Cornell Law School, Ithaca, New York Susan Sessions Rugh, St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud, Minnesota The fournal of Mormon History is published semi-annually by the Mormon History Association, P.O. Box 7010, University Station, Provo, UT 84602, (801) 378-4048, and is distributed to members upon payment of annual dues: student, $12.50; regular, $15; sustaining, $20; international subscription, $20; Friend of Mor- mon History, $50; Mormon History Association Patron, $500 or more. Single copies $10. The. Journal of Mormon History exists to foster scholarly research and publica- tion in the field of Mormon history. Manuscripts dealing with all aspects of Mormon history are welcome, including twentieth-century history, regional and local history, women's history, and ethnic/minorities history. First consideration will be given to those which make a strong contribution to knowledge through new interpretations and/or new information. The Board of Editors will also consider the paper's general interest, accuracy, level of interpretation, and literary quality. The Journal does not consider reprints or simultaneous submissions. Papers for consideration must be submitted in triplicate, typed and double-spaced throughout, including all quotations. A preferred length is twenty pages, but longer manuscripts may considered. Authors should follow the Chicago Manual of Style, 14th edition (see a recent edition of the Journal) and be prepared to submit accepted manuscripts in IBM-DOS format, WordPerfect, or ASCII. Send manuscripts to the Journal of Mormon History, Box 581068, Salt Lake City, UT 84158-1068. JOURNAL OF MORMON HISTORY VOLUME 21, NO. 2 FALL 1995 CONTENTS LETTERS ARTICLES TANNER LECTURE Peace Initiative: Using the Mormons to Rethink Ethnicity in American Life Patricia Nelson Limerick 1 East of Nauvoo: Benjamin Winchester and the Early Mormon Church David J. Whittaker 31 "Lawyers of Their Own to Defend Them": The Legal Career of Franklin Snyder Richards Ken Driggs 84 Women and Community: Relief Society in Cache Valley, 1868-1900 Carol Cornwall Madsen 126 Moses Smith: Wisconsin's First Mormon David L Clark 155 The Martin Handcart Disaster: The London Participants Lynne WatkinsJorgensen 171 REVIEWS AND NOTES Howard W. Hunter by Eleanor Knowles Richard O. Cowan 201 Inventing Mormonism: Tradition and the Historical Record by H. Michael Marquardt and Wesley P. Walters Scott H. Faulring 203 LETTERS The Journal of Mormon History welcomes comments on articles and book reviews, queries about Mormon history topics, additional information on subjects covered in the Journal, and ideas that will help us make future issues more interesting, stimulating, and valuable to readers. We will consider letters that are one or two typewritten, double-spaced pages; occasionally, a longer letter may be important enough to print as an exception to this policy. Because of limited space, we must reserve the right to select letters to be published and to edit them. Send letters to the Letters Editor, Journal of Mormon History, Box 581068, Salt Lake City, UT 84158-1068. RLDS Reaction to Change Dad took as many ancient language I appreciated Pat Spillman's ar- courses as he could because they ticle on changes in the RLDS were noncontroversial, but he told Church (Fall 1994). My father at- my mother he wondered if they tended the University of Chicago would ever help him in his minis- Divinity School in the mid-1920s try. in response to President Dad remained faithful to the Frederick M. Smith's interest in Church throughout his life, even enhancing ministerial education. though he did not approve of some Dad was a "true believer" in the of the changes described by Spill- RLDS Church and was very un- man. I, on the other hand, am one comfortable at the university. He of the 1 percent who has formally couldn't accept the view taught withdrawn from the Church. I am there that the first five books of now a Unitarian-Universalist. the Bible had multiple author- James E. Elliott ship. He preferred to think that Florissant, Missouri the two creation stories in Gene- sis were better explained by Joseph Smith's New Translation. Visions and Re-Visions Dad loved the Book of Mormon, I enjoyed reading Michael which plainly teaches the virgin Hicks's "Joseph Smith, W. W. birth. One of Dad's professors Phelps, and the Poetic Paraphrase taught techniques of public prayer of'The Vision'" (Fall 1994), dealing for ministers, but Dad suspected with the poetic rendition of Doc- that the professor didn't believe in trine and Covenants 76, most prob- the efficacy of prayer as he did. ably by W. W. Phelps. The fact that LETTERS VII Joseph Smith allowed it to be pub- mented the lack of certain schol- lished without public complaint is arly apparatus such as footnotes, extremely important. History of extended bibliography, and a per- the Church of Jesus Christ of Lat- sonal name index in Seasons of ter-day Saints (5:302) for 1 March Faith and Courage: The Church of 1843 states that the New York Her- Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in ald published a complimentary ar- French Polynesia, A Sesquicenten- ticle which included the poetic nial History, 1843-1993 (Sandy, "Vision" along with other Mormon Utah: Yves Perrin, 1994), which I poetry. The Prophet must have coauthored with Kathleen C. Per- been aware of the broad publicity rin (reviewed in the Spring 1995 the piece was getting and probably issue of the Journal of Mormon approved that exposure. It shows History). that he felt one of the most impor- I agree that such features are tant revelations from God in this required of scholarly works and dispensation was not diminished are useful for researchers and lay by poetic emendation. In fact, one readers alike. May I share, perhaps could argue that he felt it im- in extenuation, a little of the book's proved, or at least expanded, the background. meanings of the original. The book had its genesis several This case supports the concept years ago when Maria and I were that revelations are not finished guests of the mission in Tahiti. We when they land in the canon. They stood before a packed stake house are at least open to expansion by in Papeete and told the story of the poetic means. Once inspired poets coming of the first missionaries, or prophets begin this process, the first Saints, and the successful there is no end to it. Any revelation planting of the Church and the gos- might be emended again and again pel among those people. I knew by inspired poets or prophets. The that descendants of those first very words of the Lord are not members were in the congrega- fixed in meaning that is forever the tion.
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