The Common Thread: "The Book of John, Part 1"

Pastor Andrew Wharton February 21, 2021

John 20:31 NLT - But these are written so that you may continue to believe that is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing in him you will have life by the power of his name.

7 Claims & 7 Declarations of Jesus Son of God - His Authority Rabbi - Teacher Son of Man - Born of Virgin Messiah - Promised Deliver King of Israel - Christ the King Jesus of - Fully Human The Lamb of God - Die for our sins

7 Truths of Life in Christ Can Be Born Again Never Thirst Again Know Unfailing Love Eternal Life is Available Light in the Darkness Forgiven Our Sins Sin is Death, Life in Christ is Life

7 Metaphors of Christ Toward Us Bread of Life Light of the World The Gate for the Sheep The Good Shepherd Resurrection and Life The Way the Truth and Life River of Living Water 1 of 2 Real and genuine, a life active and vigorous, devoted to God!

The state of one who is possessed of vitality.

John 10:10 NLT - The thief's purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.

Events in our life can leave us with scars, the question is, is Christ in the middle of the scar.

7 Miracles Turning Water Into Wine in (2:1-11) Healing an Official’s Son in (4:46-54) Healing an Invalid at the Pool of Bethesda in (5:1-18) Feeding the 5,000 Near the Sea of (6:5-14) Walking on the Water of the (6:16-21) Healing a Blind Man in Jerusalem (9:1-7) Raising Dead Lazarus in (11:1-45)

THE SIGN T – Turning Water into Wine H – Healing the Nobleman’s Son E – Elevating the Lame Man

S – Serving Supper for 5000 I – Intervening on the Sea [Walking on Water] G – Giving Sight to the Blind N – Notifying Lazarus to “Come Forth”

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