Abrahamh. Maslow It Is Increasinglyclear That A
THE FARTHER REACHES OF HUMAN NATURE AbrahamH. Maslow Brandeis University It is increasinglyclear that a philosophical revolution is underway.A comprehensivesystemis swiftlydevelopinglike a fruit tree beginning to bear fruit on everybranch at the same time. Every field of science and human endeavor is being affected. While I will be consideringsome facets of this revolution as it is affecting psychology,the fundamental finding is the simultaneousdevelopmentin other fields as well. This new Zeitgeistof humanistic reorientationis affectingsocial institutions,work,leisure,education,as wellas the areasof science,philosophy,and religion.In all these areas similar work is being done by persons who are unknown to each other yet are linked by a common core of belief and in tention. It can be termed the HumanisticRevolution,the turn back to human needs. It is the new center of concern and the growingcenter of human knowledge.It is a centering of knowledge,of epistemology,ofmetaphysics,of science,and of all human concerns,with human needs and with human experience.While this maysoundobvious,it is in fact a new anew departure from the prevailingGerman intellectual style of departure Kant and Hegel and Leibnitz. Their proceduresof moving from the abstractand the a priori towardsgeneralsolutions is edifyingand elegantbut not completeand often not use ful. They derivedspecificanswersfor the concretequestions from the big abstract words which came first, so to speak. The dangeris that these abstractwordsneed not be derived from concrete experienceand may become what I've been I Edited by Dr. James Fadiman from the tape of a lecture given at the F~rst Unitarian Church, San Francisco (under the auspices of the Esalen Institute), September 14, 1967,Copies of this tape are available from the Esalen Institute, Big Sur, California,This lecture is the first public presentation of the emergence of Transpersonal psychology (fourth force).
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