VERBA OMNIA through Chapter XXXVII Modus Operāndī: Words in bold are verba discenda. Roman numerals in parentheses indicate the chapter in which this word became a verbum discendum. Definitions of verba discenda aim for comprehensiveness. All other words appear at least once in DISCE LATĪNAM. The definitions of these words focus on the meanings in the context of the narrative. -A- ā, ab, abs + abl. from, away from; by (with persons) (V) abdo, abdere, abdidī, abditum hide, conceal (XIX) abeō, abīre, abivī / abiī, abitum go away (VII) abhinc from here; ago abitus, -ūs m. departure abluō, abluere, albuī, abūtum wash, cleanse absum, abesse, āfuī be absent (XIX) ac = atque and, and also, and besides ac and, and besides (XXXIII) academia, -ae f. the academy accendō, accendere, accendī, accensum light, burn accendō, accendere, accendī, accēnsum light, burn accidō, accidere, accidī, happen; fall at, near (XXIX) accipiō, accipere, accēpit accept, receive (XVI) accumbō, accumbere, accubuī, accubitum (+ dat.) recline at table accurrō, accurrere, accurrī / accucurrī, accursum run, hasten to acer, acris, acre sharp acervus, -ī m. heap acētum, -ī n. vinegar Acrisius, -iī m., Acrisius (Perseus’ grandfather) Actiacus, -a, -um of Actium āctor, actōris m. actor ad + acc. to, toward, for (II) and (V) ad dextram at the right ad lūnam by moonlight ad sinistram to the left adamō (1) fall in love, love passionately addīcō, addīcere, addīxī, addictum consecrate addō, addere, addidī, additum add, give addō, addere, addidī, additum add, give addūcō, addūcere, addūxī, adductum bring in, lead to adeō, adīre, adivī / adiī, aditum go to (VII) adhūc to this point, still, yet (XXX) adiungō, adiungere, adiūnxī, adiūnctum join to, add to adiūtor, -ōris m.
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