Gopikrishna, et al., Int J Res Pharm Sci 2015, 5(2) ; 57 – 60

International Journal Available online at of Research in Pharmacy and Science Research Article

Immunomodulatory activity of methanolic extract of of coccinea

Gopikrishna V1, Suresh JV1, Reddy GN2, Gunnam R3

1 Department of Pharmacology, KLR ABSTRACT Pharmacy College, Paloncha, India 2 The aim of this study was to investigate the immunomodulatory potential of an methanolic Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, KLR Pharmacy College, extract of flowers of Ixora coccinea () in rats. Ixora coccinea was administred Paloncha, India 3 Department of orally at doses of 100, 200 and 400 mg/kg to healthy rats divided into five groups consisting Pharmacy Practice, KLR Pharmacy of six animals each. The effect of the methanolic extract of the flowers of the Ixora College, Paloncha, India coccinea (MEIC) was evaluated by the cell mediated and humoral immunity response for a

Address for Correspondence specific immune response. The effect of Ixora coccinea on the neutrophil activation was V. Gopi Krishna evaluated by the neutrophil adhesion test for a nonspecific immune response. On oral E-mail : [email protected] administration of the extract, a significant increase in neutrophil adhesion was observed. The data was analyzed by one-way ANOVA followed by Dunnet’s comparision test. In Carbon Received: 27-11-2014 Review completed: 05-06-2015 clearance assay at doses of 100, 200 and 400 mg/kg/bw showed a significant increase in the Accepted: 30-06-2015 phagocytic index, which determines the stimulation of reticuloendothelial system. The study demonstrates that Ixora coccinea triggers both specific and non-specific responses to a better Access this article online QR Code extent. The study comprised the acute toxicity and preliminary phytochemical screening of Website: Ixora coccinea. From the results obtained and phytochemical studies the immunostimulant effect of Ixora coccinea might be attributed to the alkaloids & flavonoids content.

Key words: Ixora coccinea, Immunomodulatory activity, Immune system,

Neutrophil, Carbon Clearance


Natural products of plant and animal origin offer vast human pathogens 4 and contamination in the food chain5. resources of newer medicinal agents with potential in Ixora Coccinea Linn is a small which is cultivated clinical use 1. Some of these are believed to promote throughout India. It is called as ‘Flame of the Woods’ in positive health and maintain organic resistance against English, ‘Rangan’ in Hindi and Bengali and ‘Kisukare’ in infection by re-establishing the body’s equilibrium and Kannada. Its roots and flowers are used for the treatment of conditioning the body tissue 2. The historic use of herbal dysentery, dysmenorrhoea, leucorrhoea, haemoptysis and medicines to treat and prevent infectious disease has been catarrhal bronchitis. Its are used for the treatment of supplanted with the emergence of specific synthetic drugs diarrhea. Its roots are also used for the treatment of hiccups, nausea and loss of appetite and externally for the and antimicrobial agents. However, the use of plant 6 remedies, known to possess natural antioxidant, treatment of sores, eczema and chronic ulcers . etc. immunomodulatory and other activities, has increased in However, there is limited scientific evidence to verify the last decade in human and animal medicine, as it is these claims. There is a dearth of reports on the perceived as a natural approach to treat disease. Intensive immunomodulatory effects on the flowers of this plant. It farming system rely heavily on the use of pharmaceuticals, has been reported that alkalois and flavonids in this plant but there is increasing public concern regarding their use, possess various biological activities such as anti-tumor, mostly for the emergence of drug resistance 3, the anti – oxidative and anti – inflammatory activities. In view associated risk of developing antibiotic resistance in of this, the current study was designed to evaluate the


Gopikrishna, et al., Int J Res Pharm Sci 2015, 5(2) ; 57 – 60 immunomodulatory activities of the methanolic extract of Neutrophil Adhesion Test7 the flowers of I. coccinea in rats. Adult male Wister rats were weighing about 150 to 200 g were divided into 5 groups of 6 animals each. MATERIALS AND METHODS The dosages of drugs administered to the different groups were as follows: Group I – Vehicle Control (received Plant material distilled water 1 ml/kg) The plant Ixora coccinea was collected from Palvoncha, Group II – Standard Control (received Levamisole Khammam (Dist), A.P, India and it is authenticated by the 2.5 mg/kg) botanist and the voucher specimen(number 0040) was Group III – Animals receiving methanolic deposited in the Department of Pharmacology of KLR extract of flowers of Ixora pharmacy college, Paloncha, Khammam(D.t)., A.P., India. coccinea (100 mg/kg p.o) for These flowers were shade dried and powdered 14 days Group IV – Animals receiving methanolic extract of flowers of Ixora Preparation of extract coccinea (200 mg/kg p.o) for The powdered flowers of selected were subjected to 14 days successive solvent extraction. The extraction was carried Group V – Animals receiving methanolic out for 16 h with the following solvents in the increasing extract of flowers of Ixora order of polarity i.e., coccinea (400 mg/kg p.o) for 1. Petroleum ether. 14 days 2. Chloroform. 3. Methanol. All group of rats were administred orally with vehicle, standard and extract for 14 days as per the above Preparation of petroleum ether extract: prescribed design. On day 14, blood samples were About 250 g of the dried powdered flowers were extracted collected from the retro-orbital plexus into heparinised with 2 lt of Petroleum ether by soxhletion method for 16 h. th vials and analyzed for differential leukocyte count. After The extract was concentrated to 1/4 of its original volume the initial counts, blood samples were incubated with 80 by distillation. The concentrated extract was taken in a mg/ml of nylon fibers for 10 min at 37°C. The incubated beaker and evaporated to a thick paste on water bath, 0 blood samples were again analyzed for DLC. The maintained at around 50 c to get Petroleum ether extract. percentage of neutrophils in the nylon treated fiber and nylon fiber untreated blood was determined and the Preparation of chloroform and methanolic extracts: difference was taken as index of neutrophil adhesion. The above dried marc was extracted successfully with chloroform and methanol as solvents to get chloroform and Carbon Clearance Test8 methanolic extracts respectively. Adult male Wister rats were weighing about 150 to 200 g were divided into 5 groups of 6 animals each. The Experimental animals dosages of drugs administered to the different groups were Adult male Wister rats of 150 to 200 g of either sex were as follows: used for the study. They were provided with a standard diet  Group I – Vehicle Control (received distilled (Pranav Agro, India) and water ad libitum in animal house water 1 ml/kg) facility and maintained under standard laboratory  Group II – Standard Control (received conditions. The experimental protocol was approved by Levamisole 2.5 mg/kg) Institutional Animal Ethical Committee (IAEC) of KLR Pharmacy College, Palvancha, Khammam (dist), with  Group III – Animals receiving methanolic CPCSEA Reg. No: 1516/PO/a/11/CPCSEA dated 01-11- extract of flowers of Ixora coccinea (100 mg/kg 2011. p.o) for 10 days  Group IV – Animals receiving methanolic Qualitative chemical evaluation extract of flowers of Ixora coccinea (200 mg/kg The above prepared extracts were subjected to qualitative p.o) for 10 days chemical examination for identification of various plant  Group V – Animals receiving methanolic constituents. extract of flowers of Ixora coccinea (400 mg/kg p.o) for 10 days Chemicals Indian ink (Camel industries, Mumbai), Eight groups of normal Albino rats (Wistar Strain) Cyclophosphamaide (Endoxan injection, Elder consisting of 6 rats each group were used for studying. Pharmaceuticals, Mumbai). Levamisole was purchased Albino rats were treated with the extract or vehicle orally from Khandelwal Labs (Mumbai, India), all other reagents for 10 days. After 48 hr of the last dose of the drug, used were of analytical grade. animals were injected 0.1 ml of Indian ink via the tail vein. Blood samples were withdrawn at 0 and 15 min after injection. A 50 μl blood sample was mixed with 4 ml of


Gopikrishna, et al., Int J Res Pharm Sci 2015, 5(2) ; 57 – 60

0.1% sodium carbonate solution and the absorbance of this solution was determined at 660 nm.

The phagocytic index K was calculated using the following equation: K= (Loge OD1-Loge OD2)/15 Where, OD1 and OD2 are the optical densities at 0 and 15 min respectively

Statistical analysis: The statistical significance was assessed using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Dunnett’s ‘t’ Figure 1: Histogram showing effect of MEIC on neutrophil adhesion comparison test by using Graphpad prism5 trail version. The values are expressed as mean ± SEM and P<0.05 Table 2: Effect of MEIC on phagocytic inedex and % increase in was considered significant. phagocytic index in normal albino rats

S.No. Treatment Phagocytic Index % Increase RESULTS AND DISCUSSION in phagocytic Qualitative chemical tests for extracts prepared from index 1. Normal Control - flowers of Ixora coccinea 0.0595±0.0004282 (1ml/Kg,po.) The extracts of flowers of Ixora coccinea was 2. Standard 0.0920±0.0002582*** 53.37±1.165 qualitatively tested for the presence of various (2.5mg/kg, po) phytoconstituents. The petroleum ether and chloroform 3. MEIC 0.07383±0.0005426*** 23.37±1.668 extracts of Ixora coccinea gave positive tests for steroids (100mg/Kg,po.) 4. MEIC and glycosides. The methanolic extract of Ixora coccinea 0.08533±0.0003333*** 43.30±0.63 (200mg/Kg,po.) gave positive tests for steroids, triterpenes, alkaloids, 5. MEIC 0.09178±0.00005426*** 53.05±1.936 tannins, glycosides, saponins, flavonoids, carbohydrates (400mg/Kg,po.) and proteins.

Effect on neutrophil adhesion test Incubation of neutrophils with nylon fibres produced a decrease in the neutrophil counts due to adhesion of neutrophils to the fibres. Methanolic extract of Ixora coccinea showed significant increase in the neutrophil adhesion when compared to control. The neutrophil count in untreated blood was also increased by all the treatments (100 mg/kg, 200 mg/kg, 400 mg/kg) (fig. 1).

Effect on carbon clearance test Methanolic extract of Ixora coccinea at (100 mg/kg, 200 Figure 2 Histogram showing effect of MEIC on Phagocytic index in mg/kg, 400 mg/kg) doses showed significant increase in carbon clearance assay the phagocytic index when compared to control indicating that there was increase in the clearance of colloidal carbon Immune system dysfunction is responsible for various from the blood after administration of these drugs (table 2). diseases like arthritis, ulcerative colitis, asthma, allergy, 9 parasitic diseases, cancer and infectious diseases . The Neutrophil Adhesion Test degree to which the patient becomes abnormally susceptible to infections by this microbial environment Table No.1: “Effect on Neutrophil Adhesion in rats” depends on the extent of immunosuppression. The suppression of the immune system is characterized by S. Treatment % Neutrophil Difference No. UB(A) NFTB(B) (A-B) reduction in the number and phagocytic function of the 1. Normal Control 48.0 neutrophils and macrophages, as well as an impairment of 39.0 ±0.04 9.0 ±0.61 (1ml/Kg,po.) ±0.04 the intracellular bactericidal capacity of these cells. This 2. Standard 57.53 38.05 19.48 immunosuppression allows opportunistic pathogens to (2.5mg/kg, po) ±0.23 ±0.04 ±0.20*** 3. MEIC 54.75 ± overwhelm the host to cause secondary infections. This 41.37±0.16 13.2 ±0.87*** (100mg/Kg,po.) 0.79 problem can be overcome by boosting the immune system 4. MEIC 57.2 ± 40.27 ± by the use of immunomodulatory drugs. Use of plants and 17.03±0.18*** (200mg/Kg,po.) 0.22 0.08 plant products as immunomodulators is still in a 5. MEIC 41.5 23.8 10 65.03±0.04 developing stage. It has been reported that Piper longum , (400mg/Kg,po.) ±0.56 ±0.06*** n=6 significant at p<0.05*, 0.01** and 0.001***. MEIC: Methanolic extract of an immunopotentiating plant, enhances the total bone Ixora coccinea UB: Untreated blood, NFTB: nylon fiber treated blood marrow cells. Tinospora cordifolia which is widely used in


Gopikrishna, et al., Int J Res Pharm Sci 2015, 5(2) ; 57 – 60

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