Answer Sheet (Hints are always FREE!)


Download the ClueKeeper app to your phone at (free, on iOS and Android) to be able to validate (William Hartnell, 1963-1966) intermediate, partial, and final answers. Born on the planet Gallifrey, in the domed capital city from where Then tap “Find Hunts” and then “Puzzled the Time Lords preside. Died as his life force was pulled away by Pint September 2015” to get started. the planet Mondas.

Familiar Faces ______

Second Doctor (Patrick Troughton, 1966-1969) Executed by animated scarecrows as the Time Lords’ punishment You will see Doctor and for stealing the T.A.R.D.I.S. bios throughout your puzzle pages. Some will be useful in solving certain puzzles... I’ve got an Ood feeling about this… ______

Third Doctor (Jon Pertwee, 1970-1974) Died by radiation poisoning from The Great One's Metebelis crystals.

Companion Susan Bad Wolf ______Foreman ’s (Tom Baker 1974-1981) granddaughter Known for his unique and impracticably long scarf. Died falling from a great height.

Stuck on a puzzle? Not having fun? Time Loops ______Tell Game Control and we’ll do our best to make it right.

Please return this Answer Who am I? (Meta Puzzle) ______Sheet before you leave the bar! Companion

Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart Commander of the British contingent of U.N.I.T.

Question of the Month (write on the back): How easy or hard and fun or boring was each puzzle this month? Familiar Faces

When our adventure begins, The Doctor is just relaxing watching a movie. As the opening credits roll, he knows something has affected the time stream! The first name, Savage Tony, should actually be the great Oscar Wilde.

Below are names of some of the most famous actors and actresses from Earth, but they’ve also been changed in a similar manner. Set them right to figure out who the Doctor should invite into the T.A.R.D.I.S. to help find the cause of all this!

Lime Hoist ______[ __ ] ______

Coop Dent ______[ __ ] Companion K-9 Hawkers Taper ______[ __ ] ______Robotic dog. Loyal, smart, and has laser beams Cross Badgerchild ______[ __ ] __ __

Tally Steppe ______[ __ ] ______

Dole Bear ______[ __ ] ______

Fawkes Lake ______[ __ ] ______

Companion Starboard Finch __ [ __ ] ______Peri Brown Botany Student from California and Warrior Dr. Paine Loo ______[ __ ] ______Queen of Krontep Nick Bolt ______[ __ ] ______

The Doctor’s Movie Collection

Alien — Charade — The Dark Knight — Moonstruck The Pink Panther (1963) — The Princess Bride Some Like it Hot — Stand By Me Star Wars — Twelve Monkeys Companion Puzzle by Neal T. (Austin, TX) Computer Programmer

Fifth Doctor (, 1981-1984) (, 1984-1986) Sacrificed himself by using the only Arrogant, dramatic, self-absorbed, dose of the Spectrox Toxamea driven and stubborn, this Doctor antidote to save Peri's life instead of died due to an overdose of his own. He died to the disease. chroniton radiation. I’ve got an Ood feeling about this...

The Ood are such a visually surprising race that they would make hipsters jealous. Happily, they are not so snobby and are usually helpful. In order to not give you an overwhelming task, the Ood are testing you to see if you are ready to face this new challenge. If you can’t see the answer, you’ll need to look at things from a different angle, incidentally, at the end of this challenge.

Puzzle by Adam H. (Austin, TX)

Seventh Doctor (Sylvester McCoy, 1987-1989) (Paul McGann, 1996) This ‘sad clown’ liked to speak in This effortlessly charming, Dundrearyisms like “a bird in the hand keeps romantic doctor died in a crash the Doctor away.” He died during open heart landing on Karn. surgery in San Francisco. Bad Wolf

Rose Tyler's message “BAD WOLF” has repeated itself and is showing up seemingly everywhere. As the T.A.R.D.I.S. races past the Pleiades, bringing the Doctor to Earth, he watches the seas, continents, and wonders of the world come into view. He knows he will need to find the patterns in the message if he is to discover the location at which he must finally end. Babies are not dunked in this Big, furry, four-legged beasts roaming in denomination, only adults New York State, perhaps

Along with its altitude, this measurement An additional thing of the same type, will locate an object's position in the sky please

Doctors often do this to have their notes Drivers use these to bypass roadwork entered without typing

We are four days from it Woolworth’s wasn’t the first chain store – this British company was

Official city where many people find the Olive green leaves and purple flowers Magic (and the Magic Kingdom) distinguish this perennial from marjoram

Lacking many words — usually a terse, Large flyers choose exit rows for this biting retort

First to the finish in the 100 meters is Flying disc once known as a Pluto Platter usually known by this superlative

Puzzle by Matt S. (Austin, TX) (Christopher Eccleston, 2005) This more gritty and grounded Doctor Companion died of cellular degeneration due to Captain Jack Harkness overexposure to time vortex energy. Con man from the 51st century, WWII soldier, Immortal. Tenth Doctor (David Tennant, 2005-2010) After refusing to die once, after being Companion shot by a Dalek, and simply using up a Companion Martha Jones regeneration, it was intentional exposure Medical Student, to radiation in order to save Wilfred Bad Wolf served with U.N.I.T. Mott that killed this Doctor. and Torchwood River Song (Matt Smith, 2010-2013) Professor of Archeology. Part Time- Known for his bow-tie and the Lord. Convicted of the Doctor’s Murder. occasional fez, this Doctor Married to the Doctor. Likes to say enjoyed having a relationship in “Spoilers!” when he asks about his reverse with his wife, River Song. future. Died saving the Doctor’s life.

Time Loops Puzzle by Neal T. (Austin, TX) The war between the Time Lords and the Daleks has ripped apart the fabric of space-time itself. Instead of one continuous loop, time has broken into two parallel loops. You’ll ultimately need help from a companion to set things right. Cut out the two strips along the dotted lines, then fold each in half along the long edge to form two two-sided strips. Tape each strip to itself to form two loops. Start by intercepting the message the Daleks are sending to each other across the timelines, then ask if the doctor is really spinning through the time vortex randomly or not! 108 113 94 95

105 108 103 95 94

105 109 95 93

109 104 105 99 97

Who am I? The doctor stares into the time vortex and detects the presence of an entity within. He questions it to determine its identity.

Use your answers from the previous four puzzles to find the entity’s responses, then reexamine all 20 to figure out to whom the Doctor speaks.

Note: The answer is not only from the show and is not on your puzzle sheets. Are you an (both grows and breathes)? ______Are you a mineral (doesn't grow and doesn't breathe)? ______Familiar Are you a vegetable (grows but doesn't breathe)? ______Are you a person? ______Faces? Are you unable to speak? ______Are you a time traveler? ______Are you an alien? ______Ood Are you (probably) fictional? ______Are all of your tales written within the last century? ______Feeling? Are you often found in a castle? ______Is it in Eastern Europe? ______Is it underwater? ______Bad Is it a place of political power? ______Is it known for a council of authority? ______Wolf? Is it round? ______Are you a wizard? ______Are you a warrior? ______Time Are you a noble? ______Did somebody sacrifice their life for you? ______Loops? Do you have a friend with extraordinary abilities? ______

______BW FF OF TL Puzzle by Matt S and Neal T (Austin, TX)

The War Doctor (John Hurt, 2013) The Chronologically between the (Peter Capaldi, 2014-?) Eighth and Ninth Doctors, the This current incarnation of War Doctor helped save is older and has an Gallifrey during the Time War. interesting relationship with a woman named Missy...