Bakersfield General Plan Template
2.4 PARKS AND OPEN SPACE ELEMENT DRAFT EXISTING CONDITIONS, CONSTRAINTS AND OPPORTUNITIES REPORT 2.4 PARKS AND OPEN SPACE ELEMENT The Parks and Open Space Element details how open space, recreational areas and natural resource areas will be preserved and managed. 2.4.1 EXISTING CONDITIONS The 2002 Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan addresses Parks and Open Space in two separate elements. It is proposed that these two elements be combined under one comprehensive Parks and Open Space Element as part of the General Plan Update. Therefore, the following is a brief overview of both the Parks and Open space elements of the 2002 Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan. Parks Parks are generally categorized as either “local” or “regional” in the 2002 Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan. Local parks generally range from 1 to 2.5 acres for mini-parks, 5- 10 acres for neighborhood parks, and approximately 30 acres for community parks. Regional parks, on the other hand, can range anywhere from 20 to 1,000 acres and may serve a population living within a one–hour drive (about 50 miles). Historically, park facilities in the planning area have been provided by the City of Bakersfield, Kern County, the North of the River Recreation and Park District (NORRPD), Bear Mountain Recreation and Park District, school districts, colleges, and, most recently, private developers. Regional parks have been the responsibility of Kern County. The City of Bakersfield and Kern County operate regional, community and neighborhood parks and trails, along with community centers and other recreational facilities. The park system under the jurisdiction of the City of Bakersfield includes more than 50 parks, recreation facilities and trails such as the Kern River Parkway (see Figure 2.4.1-1 Existing Parks in Metropolitan Bakersfield, below, and Table 2.4.1-1 Existing Parks in Metropolitan Bakersfield, located at the end of this chapter, for a listing of all parks in the Metropolitan Bakersfield area).
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