Agreement for the Establishment of the Caribbean Commission, Washington, 30 October 1946 *
International Law Studies—Volume 45 International Law Documents The thoughts and opinions expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily of the U.S. Government, the U.S. Department of the Navy or the Naval War College. IV. THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE THE CARIBBEAN COMMISSION Note.—An Anglo-American Caribbean Commission was established on an informal basis on 9 March 1942, with a view to improving the economic and social development of the region. In 1945, it was enlarged to include members designated by France and the Netherlands, and its name was changed to Caribbean Commission. The secretariat of the Commission has its head- quarters at Port-of-Spain, Trinidad. The Agreement of 30 October 1946, designed to place the Commission on a more formal basis, had not formally entered into force on 1 November 1947, but the Commission operates within its framework. (17) Agreement for the Establishment of the Caribbean Commission, Washington, 30 October 1946 * (British Parliamentary Papers Cmd. 6972) The Governments of the French Republic, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the United States of America, whose duly authorised representa- tives have subscribed hereto, Being desirous of encouraging and strengthening co-operation among themselves and their territories with a view toward improving the economic and social well-being of the peoples of those territories, and Being desirous of promoting scientific, technologi- cal, and economic development in the Caribbean area and facilitating the use of resources and con- certed treatment of mutual problems, avoiding duplication in the work of existing research agencies, surveying needs, ascertaining what research has been done, facilitating research on a co-operative basis, and recommending further research, and Having decided to associate themselves in the work heretofore undertaken by the Anglo-American Carib- bean Commission, and The Agreement was approved by the United States on 5 March 1948.
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