Philip Bradbourn OBE MEP

Profile: Born on 9 August 1951, . Until his election in 1999 he was adviser to the Conservative Group Leader on City Council. Held various local authority posts mainly based around planning. Chairman of the West Midlands Region Conservatives. Conservative European Parliamentary Candidate for County Durham in 1994. Conservative Candidate for Wolverhampton South East 1992 General Election.

Policy Portfolio: • United Kingdom Conservative and Unionist Party • Spokesman on Budgetary Control for UK Conservative MEPs • Local government Liaison • Chairman of the EU-Canada Inter-parliamentary Delegation • Member Committee on Transport and Tourism • Vice-Chairman of All-Party Friends of the Commonwealth Group • Honorary President of the EU-Sri Lanka Liaison Committee • Member of the Trans-Atlantic Legislators Dialogue Steering Committee • Co-Treasurer of European Conservatives and Reformists Group • Honorary Vice-President Local Government Association • Chief Whip UK Conservative Delegation until November 2010 • Former Vice-Chairman Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Committee • Parliamentary Member Royal Aeronautical Society • Honorary Patron Go Skills Political Career

In a career in both Local Government and the Conservative party for over 40 years, Philip Bradbourn has held many posts which have equipped him for his role in the European Parliament.

In Local Government he spent nearly 20 years working in Town and Country Planning. Following that, he diversified his professional interests becoming Political Adviser to the Conservative Group on The City of Wolverhampton Council a post which he held until his election to the European Parliament.

He also served as Adviser to the Conservative Leaders Group on the West Midlands Metropolitan Joint Committee and was Hon. Secretary to the Conservative Group on the West Midlands Local Government Association, again until his election in 1999. He spent 10 years as a representative to the Party's Local Government Advisory Committee.

In his party political career, he has held a range of posts starting as a Young Conservative in 1969 when he was, progressively, Constituency Chairman, Vice-Chairman and then Chairman of the West Midlands Young Conservatives and then a Member of the organisation's National Committee.

For 4 years he served as British Vice-Chairman of the Democrat Youth Community of Europe, an organisation bringing together the youth wings of Christian Democratic and Conservative Parties from across the continent.

He then moved into policy work becoming Regional Chairman of the Conservative Political Centre and then the Centre's National Chairman from 1990 - 1993. He served on the former National Union Executive Committee and General Purposes Committee of the voluntary party for 10 years. His career in the voluntary party culminated in 1997 when he was elected as West Midlands Regional Chairman, serving in that capacity until July 1999. In 1992 he stood for election as Conservative Candidate in the Wolverhampton South-East Parliamentary Constituency and in 1994 was European Conservative Candidate for the County Durham European Constituency.

He was awarded the O.B.E. for public and political service in the Queen's Birthday Honours List in 1994.

Black Country Background

Born and bred in the Black Country, Philip Bradbourn still represents the area and takes pride in serving its people.

In order to bring this huge region to a manageable size he has taken on the specific role of direct liaison with Dudley, Shropshire, , Walsall, Wolverhampton and Worcestershire on behalf of the Conservative MEPs in the region.