-Raj? Sds.m.s? PUBLICATIONS OF THE SCOTTISH HISTORY SOCIETY VOLUME LIX PAPERS RELATING TO THE SCOTS IN POLAND November 1915 I v PAPERS RELATING TO THE SCOTS IN POLAND 1576-1798 Edited with an Introduction by A. FRANCIS STEUART ADVOCATE EDINBURGH Printed at the University Press by T. and A. Constable for the Scottish History Society 1915 PREFACE It is very necessary to present to the members of the Scottish History Society, in an apologetic vein, the disastrously chequered history of this very much belated book. The original intention of the Council was to issue Papers relating to the Scots in Poland, a collection made by and in part edited by Miss Beatrice Baskerville, and, as it was expected that this volume would be ready in 1907-1908, its title was accordingly placed among the Society’s publications for that year. Many and serious delays occurred, however : some were caused by the awkward climatic conditions of Poland, which render the transcribing of original documents by copyists almost impossible for many months of each year, other delays were caused by the difficulty of printing exactly (as was originally intended) the Manuscripts sent in Polish or Polish Latin transcriptions by not too accurate archivists. Losses of letters in the post, and changes in the secretariat of the Society further protracted matters. Then, as could not have been anticipated, the Balkan War arose, which distracted Miss Baskerville’s attention from her book to a more active Slavonic field. Lastly, the Polish and German literati engaged later to translate portions of this unlucky work were suddenly called off to fight in the great International War of 1914, and their places were only filled eventually by gracious volunteers, who bridged over by their kindness and labour yet another difficulty which could not have been foreseen.
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