The Gazette May 1969

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The Gazette May 1969 Langston University Digital Commons @ Langston University LU Gazette, 1960-1969 LU Gazette (Student Newspaper) 5-1969 The aG zette May 1969 Langston University Follow this and additional works at: archives_gazette_newspaper_19601969 Recommended Citation Langston University, "The aG zette May 1969" (1969). LU Gazette, 1960-1969. Book 25. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the LU Gazette (Student Newspaper) at Digital Commons @ Langston University. It has been accepted for inclusion in LU Gazette, 1960-1969 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Langston University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Langston U niv er sity Gazette VOLUMNE 31 NUMBER 1 LANGSTON UNIVERSITY, LANGSTON, OKLAHOMA___________ MAY, 1969 Langston Students Receive Top Honors Langston Universtiy honored Custer McFall (sr) 3.34; Art, its outstanding students at the Joyce Tease (sr) 3.*3G; Biology, seventh annual Honors Day Con­ Wayne Jackson (soph) 3.48; Busi­ vocation Wednesday. ness Administration, LaFrance Convocation speaker was Dr. McGuirt (soph) 3,48; Chemistry, Preston Valien, acting associate John Edgar, 4.00; Elementary commissioner for Higher Edu­ Education, Etoise Flenoid (sr) cation in the U.S. Office of Edu­ 3,21; English, Ruth G. Anderson cation. He said “ young people (sr) 3.63; Health and Physical today have tilings going for them. Education, Joe Love (soph) 3.59; He urged them to work with the Home Economics, Mae Stidham older generation to make tliis (soph) 3.43; Mathematics, Norma a better world. J. Collins (jr) 3.85; Music, Receiving awards were: Robert Crisp (sr) 3.26: Social Most outstanding student of Science, Lola Dewberry King each depart ment-Custer McFall, (jr) 4.00; Technology, Glenn E. Agriculture; Charlotte Cooper, Jones (sr) 3.57. Art; Wayne Jackson, Biology; Scholarship Awards-Alpha Margaret Tucker, Business Kappa » Alpha Sorority, Grace Administration; John Edgar, Goff; Verdell LuGrand, Jacquelyn Chemistry; Janis Holland, Ele- Williams; I.A. Breaux Memorial mentary Education; Sandra Gaff­ Award, Ernest Millhouse; ney Sledge, English; Connie Continental Oil Co, LaFrance Mc­ Sledge, Health and Physical Guirt, Melvin McClellan; Irene Education; Rosie Jones, Home Garrett Memorial Award, Dwight - Economics; Marcia Johnson, Dejear; Kerr-McGee, Samuel Marcia Johnson, Mathematics; Burns, Nancy Cochran, Norma SENIOR LANGSTON UNIVERSrTY students M arcia Johnson and Robert Crisp re« ‘v® Collins, Mae Zola Green, Lefoj University President William H. Hale Wednesday during Honors Day ceremonies at the university. Patrick Smith, Music; Melzenia Hawkings, Linda Parker, Harold The two were tam ed “ Most Representative Senior Man and Woman at the jniversity. Story and Mansker, Social Sceince; Glenn Jones, Technology. Robinson, Carroll -Stevenson, Photo on Page 1. (LU Photo) Highest Ranking Student of Each Earl Symonette, Richard Class-Freshman, Julius Hilgurn, Williams, Joseph Woods. Penny Morbley, and Lonnie Music Faculty, Sharron Bluitt, m Vandeveer, all with 3.82 Sopho- Oklahoma State Club of Wash­ m Dean McGee to Deliver more, Christopher Williams, ••••••• ington, D.C., Ronald Wallace; Sad­ ler Award, Janis Hale; Sears- *:>: Commencement Address 3.95; Junior, Lola Dewberry King, ?:❖ Roebuck, Glenn Fincher, James 4.00; Senior, John Edgar, 4.00. Hathorne, Julius Hilburn, Albert Highest Ranking Student of Horn, Linda L. Johnson. Each Department-Agricuiture, cl •“ ", r ° Special * Awards-Baptist Dean A. McGee will deliver ment exercises at 2:30 p.m. Sun- Student Union, Ruth Brown; the address at the 69th annual May 25> President William Drama, Best Acress, Janis Hale; Langston University commence- H- Hale announced. Best Actor, Rayfer Mainor; M.B. Tolson Memorial Award for Ex­ • r The Results cellence in Creative Literature, Tfie speaker is chairman of Rayfer Mainor. the board of directors and chief TEAM SCORING j i NAMES, ADDRESSES, Lanqstgn 84, Southwestern 48. CenTral Outstanding Achievements— executive officer of Kerr-McGee 44 Oklahoma Baptist .14, Northeastern 29..- William J. Diggs, Donald R. Gib­ Northwestern 29, Southeastern' ?6, pan ' handle 12, Phillips 4, East Central 3. son, James A. Johnson, accepted Corporation in Oklahoma THE RESULTS 440 relav—1 Langston1’(Hamilton, Sim. to the Logistics Training Pro­ HOMETOWNS He is a graduate of the Uni ve mons, Ro-eburr, Sledge), 42.2, 2. Norlli easier*. '.12.5; 3 Southwe .tern 42.7, 4. gram U.S. Material Command, of Kansas and joined the cor Central. 43 I, 5. Southeastern,^.!. Texarkana, Tex., Wayne Jackson, Mile— I. Rios, OBU, 4:39.3; 2 Bra/iel, Central, 3:34.4; 3 Grallon, OBU, 4:.14l; Undergraduate Research Parti­ <r 4. Christen, Panhandle, » 40.6; 5. Beck. NortHifcestern, 4:45 3. cipant, Summer, 1969, University 440— 1 BrrrvO Central, 40,0: 7. Hudson. in 1937 as vice president in SE, 50.2; 3. Blankenship, SW, 50.5; 4. of Michigan; Robert L. Jones, OF GRADUATING Guess, Lanqslon, 51.5; 5 Powell, Langs ton, 52.0. Jr., undergraduate research par­ cfttrge of production and 100— 1. Ham ilton, Langston, 9.5; 7. Lla- ticipant, summer-, 1969, Harvard mos, Panhandle. 9.6; 3. Roseburr, Lanas exploration. ton, 9.7; 4. Anderson, N E , 9.75; *5.' M im s, University. Central, 9.8. SENIORS ON One-hundred and eighty-one- 12* HH—1. Jones, Langston, 14.5; 2. Ro- scburr, Lanqslon, 14.9; 3. Harrison, Cen­ seniors are scheduled to receive tral, 15.0; 4. McCauley, Central, 15.15; 5. Senior Awards for Graduate degrees. „ In addition, three Knight, NE, 1*2. M0 relay—1. Lanqston (Hamilton, Sim­ Study-William Addai, $1,000 students will receive associate mons, Roseburr, Sledqe)," 1:29.4; 2. SW, 1:29.8; 3. Central, 1:30.4; 4. NW, 1:31.2; stipend to study toward M S. degrees inelectronics technology 5. Panhandle, 1:32.8. degree in agricultural science, PAGES 2, 3, 4, 5. M 0 -1 . Rios, OBU, 1:58.0; 2. M ay, NW, and one will receive a certificate Dean McGee , 2:02; 3. Larry Eggett, OBU, 2:03; 4. Du Tuskegee Institute, Alabama. in cosmetology. rant, NE, 2:03.5; ,5. Solsona, OBU, 2:04. Pole vault— 1. Gfeen, SE, 13-0; 2. B rad­ Julia Cravens, assistantship at ley, Phillips, 12-6; 3. M artens, SW, 17-6; Oklahoma State University. John 4. Nabors, SE, 12-6: 5. Potter, OBU, 1 1-6 220—1. Hamilton, Langston, 21.9; 2 „ Mims, Central, 22.4; 3. Fowler, NW, 27.5, Edgar., NDEA Title IV Fellow­ \4 . Bennett, NW, 22.65; 5. Hicks, SW, 22 7. Oiscus—1. Pincknrd, NW, 154 5; 2 ship, Michigan Technological Thompkins, SW, 146-4',?; 3 Becknam University. Doris Evan, As­ Lanostor, 146-1; 4. Pugh, East Central 145-4',4; 5. Newton, N E. 143-4';. sistantship at Kent University, 440 IH —1 Monroe, SW. 55.5 2 I us'er Lanqston, 57.5; 3. Herrera, SW, 57.5; 4 Ohio. Earnest Gardner, As­ N^bs 5th Track Title Eilis, OBU, 57.5; 5. McCauley, Central 62.4. sistantship at Southern Illinois Long lump—I. Everly, Langslon, 23 5; FROM THE DAILY OKLAHOMAN 2. Webb, OBU, 2 2 -71,2; 3. G4imes, NE. University. Joseph Woods, 22-5',it; 4. Callen, SW, 22-4; 5. Bennett The to was only one record one curve in 1965. Langs- NW. 22-1. $5,900 stipend, Tufts, Univer­ 2-Mile—1. Rios, OBU, 10:23.8; 2. Grat- EDMOND — Versatile broken in the two-day meet, : ton’s Kennard Jones won the lon, OBU, 10:23.8; 3. Williams, NW sity School of Dental Medicine, 120-yard high hurdles in 14.5, Reaoan, Panhandler 10:36; 5. Connie Sledge and sprinter with Northwestern’s Ron Lehman. NW, 10:47.2 Bpston, Mass. CollisJohnson,ad­ Pinckard throwing the shot three-tenths of a second off MHe relay—1. Southwestern (Herrera, Leonard Hamilton led ’ Hewitt, Blankenship, Monroe), 3:23.5; 2. m ission to Meharry MedicaJ Col­ 54-91 -j. That bettered a toss a lim e spl by Milton Rose- Central, 3:23 9/ 3. Southeastern, 3:24.5; 4. lege, Nashville, Tenn. Langston to its fifth straight Northweitern, 3:33.5; 5. Panhandle, 3:33.4. of 52-01 by Langston’s Ed ' burr in 1966 and Central President’s Honor Cabinet (4 Collegiate Conference track B azile in 1966. ^ .• State freshman John Kscoe Langston posted 84 points point student)- Ruth Anderson, crown Saturday afternoon at Four records wore left high jumped, 6-6U>. missing with Southwestern second Norma Collins, John Edgar, E- Central State. _ standing, but just: barely. fHat record set by Langs­ wilh 48 and Central State t.oise Flenoid, Lorene Johnson, Hamilton’s 9.5 being one- ton's Eugene Howard in 1967 Sledge, who won the triple third with 46. Marcia Johnson, Lola Dewberry tenth off the mark shared by by half an inch. Hector Herrera, running King, LaFrance McGuirt, Christ­ jump and javelin in Friday" Central’s Tom Qolhert and the anchor on South west­ opher Williams. night’s activities,' anchored Langston's Lloyd Beasley Hamilton, who also ran on ern’s mile relay team, over­ Other president awards-Most and his / 220 mark effort the 880 and 440-yard squads, cam e a 10-yard deficit, harp- Representative Senior Womaiv, Langston’s winning 440 and three-ten/hs away from a picked up first places in the ly nipping Central State’s Marcia Johnson; Most Represent­ 880 relay team s. mark set 6y Beasley around 100 in 9.5 and the 220 in 21.9. last runner at. the finish line. ative Senior'Man, Robert Crisp. Langston University Gazette VOLUMNE SI NUMBER 1 r LANGSTON UNIVERSITY, LANGSTON, OKLAHOMA MAY, 1969 Langston Students Receive Top Honors Langston Universtiy honored Custer McFall (sr) 3.34; Art, its outstanding students at the Joyce Tease (s.r) 3.*36; Biology, seventh annual Honors Day Con­ Wayne Jackson (soph) 3.48; Busi­ vocation Wednesday.
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