Historical Memorials of Beauchief Abbey
Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from University of Toronto http://www.archive.org/details/historicalmemoriOObeau ^i^ III jli ^^^ X 3 2 re ^d^-l = ^ ffiilfUiitllr "trl: /•/5 ^ '^ — ©rDmis IJrfmongtratcnsts. HISTORICAL MEMORIALS BEAUCHIEF ABBEY. SIDNEY OLDALL ADDY, M.A., Oxon. 'We beheld the satd monastery adorned with such fair decorations, buildings, and repairs, that well may it be said with the prophet, 'o lord, i hate loved the beauty of THINE HOUSE.'" Visitation of Beav.ch.ief, in 1491. Oxford and London: JAMES PARKER and CO. Sheffield: LEADER and SONS. OS Sheffield : Pbinted by Leader and Sons, Bane Stkeet. ; PREFACE. HAVING spent the greater part of my life in the immediate neighbourhood of the monastery which forms the subject of the following pages, I was induced, some three years ago, I scarce know how, partly perhaps by a natural inclination towards the study of antiquities, partly by the genius of the place, to set on foot some enquiries concerning it. The judicious and learned Dr. Samuel Pegge had already published, in 1801, a laborious work on the same subject, so that my antiquarian ambition appeared to have been, to some extent, forestalled in limine, and accordingly my first intention was to edit, with some additions, the work of my predecessor, more especially as it had become rare and very costly. But I soon abandoned my original scheme. It is almost a hundred years since Dr. Pegge began his Historical Account of Beauchief Abbey ; and I need scarcely say that, since his day, the accumulation of historical material now arranged and made accessible to the public has been immense.
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