Winter 2017-18, volume XXI, issue 4 VETERANS FOR PEACE NEWS MINNEAPOLIS/ST. PAUL VETERANS FOR PEACE, CHAPTER 27 Veterans For Peace News is published quar- Tear down walls, terly by Mpls./St. Paul Veterans For Peace, build up people Chapter 27. by Mary McNellis Veterans For Peace works to increase awareness of the costs his past Armistice Day, of war, restrain our TVeterans for Peace led a government from intervening in the bi-national march on both internal affairs of other sides of the Arizona/Mexican nations, end the arms border at Nogales to shine a race, reduce and even- tually eliminate nuclear light on our new administra- weapons, seek justice tion’s highly politicized “build for veterans and victims of war, and abolish war the wall” and the humanitarian as an instrument of abuses of the U.S. Border national policy. Patrol. Scores of people gath- We pledge to use ered in front of adjacent democratic and non- stages, separated by a 30-foot violent means to fence that “protects” and sepa- achieve our purpose. rates the U.S. from Mexico, to protest a wasteful and inhu- To subscribe to this newsletter, mane policy. please call: It was a weekend filled 612-821-9141 with actions, sponsored by the Or write: School of America Watch Veterans For Peace Ch. 27 (SOAW), founded in 1990 by Father Roy tics resulting in torture, assassinations, kid- 4200 Cedar Ave, S. #7 Bourgeois. This was in response to the Nov. nappings and repression. Labor leaders, union Minneapolis, MN 55407 16, 1989, El Salvador massacre in which six organizers and environmentalists have always Or e-mail: Jesuit priests, their housekeeper and her been among the primary targets of SOA vio-
[email protected] teenage daughter were murdered.