Botrychium Hesperium (Maxon & Clausen) Wagner & Lellinger Western Moonwort

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Botrychium Hesperium (Maxon & Clausen) Wagner & Lellinger Western Moonwort western moonwort, Page 1 Botrychium hesperium (Maxon & Clausen) Wagner & Lellinger western moonwort State Distribution Best Survey Period Photo by Susan R. Crispin Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Legal status: State threatened disjunct populations occurring in northern Michigan and in southern Ontario along the northern shore of Lake Global and state rank: G3/S1S2 Superior. In the primary portion of its range, western moonwort occurs from British Columbia, southern Family: Ophioglossaceae (adder’s-tongue family) Alberta and Saskatchewan south to Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, and Utah to the northern tip of Other common names: Moonwort, grapefern. Arizona (Morin et al. 1993). Synonyms: Botrychium matricariifolium subsp. State distribution: Western moonwort is documented hesperium Maxon & Clausen; B. X hesperium (Maxon from fewer than 10 localities in northern Lower & Clausen) Wagner & Lellinger. Michigan and the Upper Peninsula, occurring in Alpena County in Lower Michigan and at widely disparate Taxonomy: Now considered a distinct species, B. localities across the Upper Peninsula (Chippewa, Alger, hesperium was long puzzled over by botanists, who first and Keweenaw counties). described this moonwort as a subspecies of the common, wide-ranging B. matricariifolium (daisy- Recognition: Botrychium hesperium is most similar leaved moonwort) and in 1981 determined it to be a to the common and wide-ranging B. matricariifolium, a hybrid between B. lanceolatum (triangle moonwort) species it is often associated with in Michigan and and B. simplex (least moonwort). Wagner and Wagner elsewhere. In western moonwort, the sterile portion of (1983) ultimately concluded that this taxon was a distinct the leaf blade, the trophophore, is short-stalked, whereas species, based on studies of large populations in the spore-bearing portion of the leaf, the sporophore, is numerous localities. According to Wagner and Wagner, relatively tall and robust, ranging up to twice the length previous studies resulting in the classifications as above of the sterile blade segment. The leaf blade, which is were based on data derived from scanty and poorly oblong to broadly triangular (deltate), is divided into prepared collections. up to six pairs of ascending pinnae (leaflets) that are usually at least slightly overlapping. The basal Total range: Botrychium hesperium is concentrated pinnae are often separated slightly more than the in the Rocky Mountains in western North America, with distance between the other pinnae, and these Michigan Natural Features Inventory P.O. Box 30444 - Lansing, MI 48909-7944 Phone: 517-373-1552 western moonwort, Page 2 oblong pinnae tend to be distinctly larger and this species may have the ability to remain dormant more strongly lobed. B. matricariifolium is a highly during droughty years. variable species that could be easily confused with B. hesperium, but is generally distinguished by its markedly Conservation/management: Because western smaller basal pinnae, as well as the presence of pinnae moonwort is poorly known in Michigan, a statewide that are not strongly ascending nor particularly status survey would be useful in order to further direct overlapping. Even good botanists will find this species conservation activities. In areas where populations of to be relatively difficult to identify, as are others within this species are relatively well known, such as at Grand this subgenus, and thus it is suggested that good Sable Dunes within Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, herbarium collections be consulted and studied prior to this taxon is protected and at least occasionally conducting inventories for this taxon, in addition to monitored. Effective conservation and management reviewing relevant pteridophyte manuals, such as Morin actions will be dependent on attaining a better et al. (1993). understanding of the life history and ecology of this species. Best survey time/phenology: This species emerges about midspring, persisting until senescence by early fall. Comments: Western moonwort is among numerous June and July are likely the primary months for seeking Botrychium species described by the late Dr. Warren and identifying this moonwort. H. Wagner, Jr. are part of his landmark research in this difficult group of pteridophytes. Habitat: In Michigan western moonwort is associated with several other Botrychium taxa in sand dunes, Research needs: Principal research needs include life especially perched dune systems in the Upper history studies, including population monitoring, and Peninsula. It also inhabits a variety of habitats with possibly genetic studies to ascertain the structure of sandy soils, such as outwash plains, and occurs with populations. other botrychiums in grassy roadsides and rights-of-way. Associates include such species as B. matricariifolium, Related abstracts: Open dunes, wooded dune and B. campestre (dunewort), B. minganense (mingan swale complex, acute-leaved moonwort, dunewort, moonwort), B. lunaria (common moonwort), B. fascicled broom-rape, goblin fern, Lake Huron tansy, acuminatum (acute-leaved moonwort), and several Pitcher’s thistle, Pumpelly’s brome grass, dune grass and sedge species. In the main portion of its cutworm, Lake Huron locust, piping plover, red-legged range in the Rocky Mountains, western moonwort spittlebug. typically grows on grassy slopes, on roadsides, and at the edges of lakes (Wagner and Wagner 1983). Plants Selected references: have even been noted as occurring in gravelly road shoulders. Western associates include such species as Farrar, D.R. and C.L. Johnson-Groh. 1990. B. echo (echo moonwort), B. lanceolatum (triangle Subterranean sporophytic gemmae in moonwort moonwort), Lonicera involucrata (honeysuckle), ferns, Botrychium subgenus Botrychium. Amer. J. Potentilla fruticosa (shrubby cinquefoil), and species of Bot. 77(9):1168-1175. Abies, Juniperus, and Ribes. Morin, N.R., et al. 1993. Ophioglossaceae C. Agardh, Adder’s-tongue Family, by W.H. Wagner, Jr., & F.S. Biology: Very little is known of the biology of this Wagner. In: Flora of North America. Volume 2. species, especially with regard to population structure, Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms. Oxford life history, and genetics. Plants emerge in late spring, University Press, New York. 475 pp. and sporangia develop and release their spores by Wagner, W.H., Jr. and F.S. Wagner. 1983. Two perhaps mid to late-summer. Spores of this fern family moonworts of the Rocky Mountain; botrychium migrate into the soil and germinate to form subterranean hesperium and a New Species Formerly Confused gametophytes, from which aerial plants (sporophytes) with It. 1983. Amer. Fern J. Vol. 73:53-62. develop. It is possible that as in other moonwort taxa, Michigan Natural Features Inventory P.O. Box 30444 - Lansing, MI 48909-7944 Phone: 517-373-1552 western moonwort, Page 3 Wagner, W. H. Jr., and F. S. Wagner. 1981. New species of moonworts. Botrychium subg. Botrychium (Ophioglossaceae), from North America. Amer. Fern J. 71:20-30. Abstract Citation: M.R. Penskar and P.J. Higman 1999. Special plant abstract for Botrychium hesperium (western moonwort) Michigan Natural Features Inventory. Lansing, MI. 3 pp. Copyright 2004 Michigan State University Board of Trustees. Michigan State University Extension is an affirmative-action, equal-opportunity organization. Funding for abstract provided by Michigan Department of Natural Resources-Forest Management Division and Wildlife Division. Michigan Natural Features Inventory P.O. Box 30444 - Lansing, MI 48909-7944 Phone: 517-373-1552.
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    This PDF version does not have an ISBN or ISSN and is not therefore effectively published (Melbourne Code, Art. 29.1). The printed version, however, was effectively published on 6 June 2013. Zhang, X. C., Q. R. Liu & N. Sahashi. 2013. Ophioglossaceae. Pp. 73–80 in Z. Y. Wu, P. H. Raven & D. Y. Hong, eds., Flora of China, Vol. 2–3 (Pteridophytes). Beijing: Science Press; St. Louis: Missouri Botanical Garden Press. OPHIOGLOSSACEAE 瓶尔小草科 ping er xiao cao ke Zhang Xianchun (张宪春)1, Liu Quanru (刘全儒)2; Norio Sahashi3 Plants perennial, mostly terrestrial, rarely epiphytic, usually small and fleshy, lacking sclerenchyma. Roots lacking root hairs, unbranched or with a few narrow lateral branches [rarely dichotomously branched], fibrous or fleshy, sometimes producing vegetative buds. Rhizome mostly erect, less often horizontal, rarely branched, eustelic, glabrous or hairy. Fronds 1 to few per plant, monomorphic, vernation nodding (not circinate), erect or folded, stipe base dilated, clasping, forming open or fused sheath surrounding successive leaf buds; buds glabrous or with long, uniseriate hairs; common stipe usually dividing into sterile, laminate, photosynthetic portion (trophophore) and fertile, spore-bearing portion (sporophore); sterile lamina ternately or pinnately compound to simple, rarely absent, glabrous or with scattered, long, uniseriate hairs, especially on stipe and rachis; veins anastomosing or free, pinnate, or palmate. Sporophores 1 per frond [rarely more], spikelike or pinnately branched; sporangia exposed or embedded, some- times clustered on very short lateral branches, wall 2 cells thick, annulus absent; spores many (> 1000) per sporangium, globose- tetrahedral, trilete, thick-walled, surface rugate, tuberculate, baculate (with projecting rods usually higher than wide), sometimes joined in delicate network, mostly with ± warty surface.
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