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Absaroka transgression (sequence) 98, 116, Capitan reef 141–4, 150 122, 132, 141, 150, 161 Cardenas Basalt 41, 44, 48, 59–61 Adriatic Sea 114 Carmel Formation 170, 173, 179 Alamitos Formation 128 Castile Formation 147, 149 Alamo breccia 108 Castner Marble 40, 54, 56–8 Amazon craton 38, 67 Cedar Mesa Sandstone 124, 133–4, 136–40 Ancestral Rocky Mountains (Ancestral Cedar Mountain Formation 186 Rockies) 116, 118–22, 125, 128, 130, 132–3, Central Basin Platform 141, 142 149, 155, 159, 165, 177, 208, 209 Central Colorado trough 119, 121, 125, 127 Animas Formation 205 Chihuahuan trough 181 Antler Mountains 105, 110, 119, 122 Chicxulub 204, 206, 207 Antler Mountain thrust 105, 111–12, 114 117, 136, 156, 158–66, Antler orogen (orogenic belt) 110–11, 113, 176 156–8 Chuar Group 44, 48, 75–6 Antler orogeny 92, 109–14, 121, 155–6 199 Apache Group 40, 44–7, 49, 51, 60–2, 73 Coahuila terrane 120 Apennine Mountains (Apennine system) Coal Creek serpentinized harzburgite 37 112, 114 Coal Creek terrane 36, 37 Arapien Shale 173 Coconino Sandstone 101, 124, 137, 140 Arroyo Penasco˜ Group 105 Cocos plate 216–17 Aztec Sandstone 153, 166, 168–9 Colorado Plateau 1, 9, 19, 94, 105, 132–3, 136–7, 140, 155, 166, 173, 179, 180, 192, Bandelier Tuff 243 207, 215–16, 222, 227, 229, 232–7 Bandera flow 241 Comb Ridge 208 Basin and Range province 1, 9, 23–4, 215, Cordilleran miogeocline 76–81, 107, 119, 218, 220–37 123, 154, 157, 176 Bass Limestone 44, 47–50 Cordilleran orogeny 156, 182 Beck Spring Dolomite 44, 52–5 Core complex 224–7 Berringer Crater see Meteor Crater Cow Springs Formation 179 Bliss Sandstone 87–8, 90, 101 Cretaceous–Tertiary boundary 199, 204, Boot Heel volcanic field 219–23 206–7 bounding surface 167–8, 170–1 Crystal Spring Formation 44, 52–4 Brushy Canyon Formation 147 Curtis-Summerville Sea 175, 177 Broken Jug Formation 181–2 (Cutler Group) 117, 124, Bright Angel Shale 65, 85–6, 101 133–4, 136–40

Cable Canyon Sandstone 87, 97, 99 (Sandstone) 101, 193–7 Callahan event 109 Death Valley National Park (Death Valley) Canyonlands National Park 131–2, 137–41, 35, 53–5, 73–4, 77 167 DeChelly Sandstone 117, 124, 134, 136–7, Capital Reef National Park 153, 180 139, 140

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eaa rgn 5,170–8 152, orogeny Nevadan aksi eune9,11 0,106 103, 101, 95, sequence Kaskaskia

ac lt 210 plate Nazca abbFrain(ietn)11 3,137 133, 101, (Limestone) Formation Kaibab

7,176 172,

aaoSnsoe13 5,167 6,170, 169, 166–7, 159, 153, Sandstone Navajo uie adr 221–2 caldera Juniper

aua rde ainlMnmn 138–9 Monument National Bridges Natural und uapae217 plate Fuca de Juan

oni omto 4 3 77–8 53, 44, Formation Johnnie

101 ee ocncfil 240–3 field volcanic Jemez

uvLmsoe(omto)6,8–,99, 85–6, 65, (Formation) Limestone Muav

180–1 vna rgn 25 orogeny Ivanpah

orsnFrain10 7,16 179, 176, 174, 170, Formation Morrison noAsrla lt 28–9 plate Indo-Australian

or uc ha oe1,17 15, zone shear Gulch Moore bxFrain75–6 Formation Ibex

ouetVle 1,136 117, Valley Monument

101–2 obc ooln 208 monocline Hogback

oty ru Frain 7 7 99, 97, 87, (Formation) Group Montoya iaaaMutis236 Mountains Himalaya

oa omto 108 Formation Molas ems omto 2,131 124, Formation Hermosa

oaepoic 4 23–5 14, province Mojave emtFrain(hl)11 2,14 137 134, 124, 101, (Shale) Formation Hermit

179 ae omto 6 4 57–8 44, 36, Formation Hazel

oolnulf hglns 5,10 177, 160, 159, (highlands) uplift Mogollon aalhBsn101,10 156–7 150, 110–12, Basin Havallah

oolnDtlVlai ed20 222–3 220, field Volcanic Mogollon–Datil agioSae14 3–,136–7 133–4, 124, Shale Halgaito

onoiSae158–9 Shale Moenkopi aaa hl 4 48–50 44, Shale Hakatai

onv omto 6,16 6,170 168, 166, 164, Formation Moenave

eia odradrf 181 rift Borderland Mexican 147

eerCae 109 Crater Meteor udlp onan ainlPr 144, Park National Mountains Guadalupe

eclLmsoe4,4,5–,60 51–2, 46, 44, Limestone Mescal 2 4 1 78 71 67–8, 61, 54, 42,

eaVreNtoa ak197 Park National Verde Mesa rnil rvne(rgn 11,1,34–8, 14, 11–12, (orogen) province Grenville

eaVreGop14 199 194, Group Verde Mesa 1 01 63 60–1, 51,

eee omto 9,189 202 198–9, 194, Formation Menefee rnil rgn ,1,3,3–,4,45–7, 42, 34–8, 30, 12, 4, orogeny Grenville

edcn rpejnto 215 junction triple Mendocino ra lis10 3–,237 232–5, 150, Plains Great

edcn rcuezn 1,217 215, zone fracture Mendocino ra ai 7,13 8,25 3,237 234, 225, 186, 173, 171, Basin Great

eierna e 1,114 112, Sea Mediterranean rvttoa oeta nry21 235–6 231, energy potential gravitational

cat’ o 3,240 238, flow McCarty’s 76

aazlpoic 31,1,2,3,68 32, 22, 18, 13–16, province Mazatzal rn aynSprru 01 4 48–51, 44, 40–1, Supergroup Canyon Grand

aazlooey4 8 1 12 45 56 34–5, 31–2, 21, 18, 4, orogeny Mazatzal 1 5 1,120 118, 95, 81,

aazltrae1,1,2,2,3,68 30, 22, 20, 18, 15, terrane Mazatzal ooaacGnwn 76, Gondwana arc Sonoma see arc Golconda

acsSae11 9–,196–202 193–4, 101, Shale Mancos ocnaalcto 156–8 allochthon Golconda

aio ietn 105 Limestone Madison lreaSnsoe14 3,140 137, 124, Sandstone Glorieta

aeaGop145 128–9 124–5, Group Madera lneCnlmrt 182 Conglomerate Glance

aLo ai 178 basin MacLeod hs ac 6–,18 195 178, 162–3, Ranch Ghost

alpSnsoe134 197 193–4, Sandstone Gallup

o pig omto 108 Formation Springs Log

ln pit3–,5,5–,159 58–9, 54, 35–8, uplift Llano usla ooie8,9,9,11 103 101, 99, 97, 87, Dolomite Fusselman

ei hl 9–,199 193–4, Shale Lewis riln omto 9–,199 193–4, Formation Fruitland

edil omto 104 Formation Leadville 231

0–1 1–6 1,236–7 218, 215–16, 202–11, rn ag 1,11 2,10 5,208–9, 159, 130, 128, 121, 119, Range Front

aaieooey18 5,12 184, 182, 156, 128, orogeny Laramide onanFrain18 130 128, Formation Fountain

aeVle omto 0,107 101, Formation Valley Lake 237

aeTo’ih’180–1 T’oo’dichi’ Lake aalnpae16 1,241,293,235, 229–31, 214–17, 210, 186, plate Farallon

aPsd omto 2,128 125, Formation Pasada La

sars ietn 93 Limestone Escabrosa

boundary 5,10 7–,179 173–7, 170, 159,

Cretaceous–Tertiary see boundary K/T nrd adtn EtaaFormation) ( Entrada

lmt–ira r 2 0,111,114 111–12, 100, 92, arc Klamath–Sierran lPs omto Gop 7 7 101 97, 87, (Group) Formation Paso El

itadFrain(hl)134 9,203 199, 193–4, (Shale) Formation Kirtland lMlasNtoa ouet241 Monument National Malpais El

igtnPa omto 4 3 4 36 80 73–6, 64, 53, 44, Formation Peak Kingston lpatCno omto 3,17 139 137, 133, Formation Canyon Elephant


aet omto 5,19 6,16 168, 166, 164, 159, 153, Formation Kayenta o omto Snsoe 1 4 8 50–2 48, 44, 41, (Sandstone) Formation Dox

aksi rngeso 2 98–109 92, transgression Kaskaskia eaaebsn141–4 basin Delaware

◗ Index

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0521816394 - Geology of the American Southwest: A Journey Through Two Billion Years Billion Two Through Journey A Southwest: American the of Geology - 0521816394 Cambridge University Press University Cambridge Press University Cambridge ©

9–,200 195–6, 0,28 231 208, 204,

etr neirsaa 8,17 190–2, 187, 185, seaway Interior Western aged rsoMutis(ag)125–6, (Range) Mountains Cristo de Sangre

alota on 107 mound Waulsortian aged rsoFrain126–8 Formation Cristo de Sangre

aaoiiFrain125 Formation Watahomigi adaFrain14 128 124, Formation Sandia

a unvlai ed220 field volcanic Juan San

alySrn ern 59 terrane Spring Valley a nrsFrain11 2,17 141 137, 124, 101, Formation Andres San

alyo h os136 Gods the of Valley aaaDsr 165–7 Desert Sahara

alyo ieSaePr 168 Park State Fire of Valley aka19 4,16 7,177 173, 166, 141, 139, sabkha

alsclea241–3 caldera Valles

oiinsceso 4 75,7–,80 73–6, 47–59, 44, succession Rodinian

pevlDm 108–9 Dome Upheaval oii 8 0 4 67,7,8–,8,8,94 89, 83, 80–1, 76, 66–73, 64, 40, 38, Rodinia

na ru 1 4 8 01 96,6,75 62, 59–60, 50–1, 48, 44, 41, Group Unkar oet onanalcto 110 allochthon Mountain Roberts

pit 1,19 3,19 6,209 161, 159, 133, 129, 119, uplift) ieafatr oe(rpejnto)215–16 junction) (triple zone fracture Rivera

nophr onan (Uncompahgre Mountains Uncompahgre i rnerf 0,21 2,235–7 225, 211, 209, rift Grande Rio

nophr omto 22 Formation Uncompahgre 80

itt-rf ucsin4–,6–,7–,78, 73–6, 63–4, 42–5, succession rift-to-drift

yreinSa114 Sea Tyrrhenian ewl ietn 3 0,103–8 101, 93, Limestone Redwall

wnCekLmsoe(omto)13 176 173, (Formation) Limestone Creek Twin e lf rnt 88 Granite Bluff Red

ryQatie4,4–,5–,6–,73 60–2, 51–2, 44–7, 40, Quartzite Troy alemncie208 monocline Raplee

rn-eo ocncfil 2,223 220, field volcanic Trans-Pecos

11–12 uroBac omto 64 Formation Blanco Puerto

rncnietlPoeoocProvinces Proterozoic Transcontinental rusFrain176 Formation Preuss

rncnietlAc 4 0,105 100, 84, Arch Transcontinental r-rnil ucsin4–,5,6–,73 62–3, 52, 42–7, succession pre-Grenville

ooepFrain11 2,13 3,141 137, 133, 124, 101, Formation Toroweap on oku adtn 9,197–201 194, Sandstone Lookout Point

ot ru 86 Group Tonto itrdCif adtn 9–,199 193–4, Sandstone Cliffs Pictured

oit omto 7,177–8 175, Formation Todilto erfidFrs ainlPr 162 Park National Forest Petrified

2 5 97–101 95, 92, ema ai 4–,17 149 147, 141–2, basin Permian

ipcnetasrsin(eune 82–3, (sequence) transgression Tippecanoe ecaSae8,101–2 87, Shale Percha

epeBteFrain8,99–103 86, Formation Butte Temple 209

aet adtn 4 8 48 7 102 97, 84–8, 78, 44, Sandstone Tapeats eenlulf 1,11 2,17 4,161, 142, 127, 125, 121, 119, uplift Pedernal

astog 1,11 2,127–8 125, 121, 119, trough Taos eo ern 23 terrane Pecos

asl omto 4,146 143, Formation Tansill eo resoebl 23 belt greenstone Pecos

asnohoie1,2,29 21, 16, ophiolite Payson

upieCno omto 0,16 108 106, 101, Formation Canyon Surprise aao omto 3–,147 130–2, Formation Paradox

7,178 177, aao ai 1,11 129–32 121, 119, basin Paradox

udneSa(udnesaa)12 175, 172, seaway) (Sundance Sea Sundance ataascOen81 Ocean Panthalassic

umril omto 174 Formation Summerville 212

terwt hut57–8 thrust Streeruwitz 4,112 5–,14 6,11 187, 181, 166, 164, 154–5, 151–2, 143,

trigQatie4,5,77–8 53, 44, Quartzite Stirling aga9 3 1,18 3,17 3,141, 139, 137, 132, 118, 116, 83, 9, Pangea

ooaooey13 2,195,156–8 149–52, 121, 113, orogeny Sonoma aepne 6 69 66, Paleopangea

ooaMutis16 158 156, Mountains Sonoma ae-aicOen8,161 81, Ocean paleo-Pacific

ooaac(ooi)156–8 (Sonomia) arc Sonoma arm ru 4 7 9 23 2 73 62, 52–3, 49, 47, 44, Group Pahrump

itml omto 4 8 0 75–6 50, 48, 44, Formation Sixtymile aeSnsoe19 7,13 179 173, 170, 159, Sandstone Page

iraPmens(apaa ags 210 Ranges) (Pampeanas Pampeanas Sierra akadetrae3,58–9 36, terrane Packsaddle

iraMdeOcdna 1,20 2,233 223, 220, 218, Occidental Madre Sierra akadeShs 59 Schist Packsaddle

iraGad rh(pit 142 (uplift) arch Grande Sierra aicpae215–16 plate Pacific

ebr 1,159–60 117, Member)

hnrm ogoeae(Shinarump Conglomerate Shinarump uciaMrto rgn118–20 orogen Ouachita-Marathon

hee iecmlx1,1,21 18, 17, complex dike Sheeted reaFrain2,24 22, Formation Ortega

0,25 1,237 218, 215, 204, ra okSae14 3–,167 139 136–7, 133–4, 124, Shale Rock Organ

eirooey12 7–,14 8–0 202, 186–90, 184, 170–8, 152, orogeny Sevier pilt 71,2,2,29 26, 21, 17–19, ophiolite

1,211 210, ñt omto 101–2 Formation Oñate

eirooe 7,19 8–,12 9,204, 199, 192, 188–9, 179, 172, orogen Sevier a re uf222 Tuff Creek Oak

eunesrtgah 95–7 stratigraphy sequence

cnbyHl omto 2,14 136 134, 124, Formation Hill Schnebly ugtSnsoe13 6,176 166, 153, Sandstone Nugget

4 96–9 94, ot mrcnpae20 1–7 235 214–17, 210, plate American North

aktasrsin(eune 46,81–90, 64–65, (sequence) transgression Sauk ona ooie4,5,74–7 53, 44, Dolomite Noonday

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5,15 7,17 190 187, 172, 155, 152, aaa rvne4 31,2,2,4,68 42, 25, 23, 13–19, 4, province Yavapai

uitasrsin(eune 8 2 98, 82, 58, (sequence) transgression Zuni aaa rgn ,1–9 5 12 34–5 31–2, 25, 18–19, 4, orogeny Yavapai

uiSnsoe177 Sandstone Zuni ae omto 4,146 143, Formation Yates

inNtoa ak167 Park National Zion

arsi urzt 3 77–9 53, Quartzite Zabriskie odCno omto 4 3 2 77–80 62, 53, 44, Formation Canyon Wood

igt adtn 5,167 170 166–7, 159, Sandstone Wingate

aaa ern 2 0 42 30, 22, terrane Yavapai iht eaha 1,120 118, megashear Wichita

aaa uegop15–16 Supergroup Yavapai ht i adtn 3,17 140–1 137, 133, Sandstone Rim White

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