VOL. XX No. 27. MEADVILLE, PA., MAY To, 1904. NEW SERIES. TWO SHUT-OUT GAMES IN ONE WEEK. Tri-State Contest. MACONDA SECURED. The Famous Soprano Will be . Here to To Be Held in Waynesburg Tonight. Assist in the Glee Club's Spring A Few Lockwood on Saturday Shuts Out Pittsburg College With- Thompson to Speak on Oliver Crom- Concert. well—Oration Given in Chapel Sat- The management of the Glee and out a Hit, and Selkregg Sends Grove City Home urday. Mandolin clubs is to be congratulated Monday With a Goose Egg. Frank M. *Thompson left yesterday on having secured Madame Maconda Pointers morning for Waynesburg to represent foe the commencement concert which Allegheny College in the Tri-State is to be given June 15th. Madame Allegheny 1, Pittsburg College 0. Allegheny 7, Grove City 0. Inter-Collegiate Oratorical contest to Maconda was here two years ago and On Saturday afternoon the Alle- Allegheny met and defeated her old be held at that place tonight. He will won the hearts of all music lovers. gheny College baseball team showed rival from Grove City yesterday after- speak in competition with orators Since that time she has had a most About both the Pittsburg College team and noon by the decisive score of 7 to 0. from Muskingum, Geneva, Westmin- successful career and is now one of Allegheny's baseball admirers how The visitors have made a splendid ster, Waynesburg, Bethany and Thiel the foremost American sopranos. The the game ought to be played by de- record themselves this season and Colleges. coming concert promises to be espe- feating the Pittsburgers by a score of came to town with the intention of Mr. Thompson delivered his oration cially successful. The Glee and Man- 1 to 0. A better game has not been winning. With the exception of one on Oliver Cromwell in the regular dolin Clubs are in better condition Clothes. seen for some time in Meadville, and or two misplays they put up an article chapel service Saturday morning be- than ever before and the news of it is doubtful if another like it will of base ball that under ordinary cir- fore the entire student-body. At the Madame Maconda's engagement will be seen for some time. The Alle- cumstances would have won from any close of his address he was given an undoubtedly receive a hearty welcome Don't infer that our gheny boys could scarcely better the team. To offset this, however, Alle- ovation. Through the efforts of the leom her admirers in Meadville. work of this game as only one error gheny played the same gilt-edged Quill Club the custom of having the goods are inferior to the was made and that on a difficult play. ball that has marked the work of college orator deliver his oration to best makes, becausethey Although the number of hits was not every game this season. While the the students before leaving to take The Football Schedule. great the team batted in much better score would indicate that the home part in the contest has been inaugu- sell for less money. team had things much its own way, rated and will doubtless be retained. form than usual. Every player on both Allegheny Will Encounter Some Stiff the game was not lacking in interest. The oration on Oliver Cromwell is Because the doctor teams was "on his toes," as Coach Propositions on the Gridiron. Comfort puts it, from start to finish. On one or two occasions it looked as one of the most remarkable efforts Manager Reynolds, of the '04 foot- found a harness under The beautiful weather seemed to have if the visitors might make enough which has been heard from an Alle- ball team, has been hard at work on a very good effect on them. runs to even up the score. At such gheny student for years. It shows the the bed he had no reason times Selkregg pulled himself out of result of long labor and application. his schedule and after sumounting Lockwood cannot be praised too innumerable difficulties is at last able to infer that the patient highly for the kind of pitching he is dangerous places in a manner deserv- It combines much investigation with ing of much praise. The winning of good judgment and selection. The to give it to the public. It is as fol- swallowed a horse. We doing. If he keeps the pace already lows: the game was due to timely batting, climaxs are forcible and eloquent. set by himself, he will make nothing Open—Sept. 24. know we have today the short of a big league pitcher. Only as Allegheny was up against a pitcher Mr. Thompson's delivery in itself adds who handled himself in a remarkable to the power of the oration. State College at State College— two hits were made off his delivery Oct. 1. strongest line of Union last Monday, and on Saturday against manner, giving the home team only Allegheny has won the Tri-State five hits, one of which was very contest on three occasions. It was Hiram at Meadville—Oct. 8. Made clothing in the city. the Pittsburg College boys, who came Western Reserve University at here with a good record, he accom- scratchy. The thirteen strike-outs re- first won by W. W. Youngson, next This is talking big, but corded against the home team indi- by Paul Weyand and lastly—two Cleveland—Oct. 15. plished the -rare feat of pitching nine NVestminster at New Wilmington— innings without being hit for a single cate more truly than anything else years ago—by R. G. Freeman. Mr. we have the goods and the effectiveness of his delivery. His Thompson's masterly oration coupled Oct. 22. base. Not an opponent reached third University of Syracuse at Syracuse, the prices to back it, base and only two reached second. southpaw delivery and puzzling curves, with his delivery and presence makes combined with his spi:ed, proved an him a strong 'andidate for the prize. N. Y.—Oct. :.."J W hi Lock-Wood pitched excellent Won't you step in and enigma to a number of our heavy Allegheny has the fullest confidence Geneva College at Meadville-- bail, the playing of Allegheny's whole hitters. Selkregg also pitched a mas- in his ability o bring hack the gold No v. 5. give us achance to show team must not be lost sight of. –a11"4424"*Q41111–""ka–lgt44' you these goods-and see tfi'e Ileilnianana'Aar` two of which were Texas Leaguers Case at Meadville—Nov. 19. was partitularly good. Heilman cer- jast out of reach of the fielders. Westminster at Meadville—Nov. 24. whether or not our talk tainly captivated the hearts of the Allegheny's scoring took place in Pan heave; ray Banc& spectators by his quick, heady plays. Princeton Seniors Will Build New is right. He saved Lockwood from having two the third and eighth innings. In the Seats. hits marked against him by running third, Upp could not get the ball over Allegheny's Sororities Hold Their An- the plate and Heilman walked. Haas nual Symposium at Saegertown. The cramped accommodations back, and catching flies which seemed dropped the ball back of third just Lots of Fun With Jolly Good Fel- which have been a source of annoy- to the spectators impossible. Rus- sell, too, played an excellent game, outO of reach of the fielders and sent lowship the Rule of the Evening. ance in recent years to the visitors FRED LORZ Heilman to third. Then on Gal- who flock to Princeton during the having five put outs, five assists, two The anual banquet of the members braith's attempt to catch Haas at commencement season will be ma- hits, and the only of his team to of the Allegheny College sororities TAILOR, CLOTHIER, FURNISHER, second, Heilman crossed the plate for terially helped by the construction of his credit. Besides this he was the was held Friday evening at the Sae- the first run of the game. Mook gertown inn and the event was one new seats for the canon exercises of central figure in a play in 212 Chestnut St., Meadville, Pa. reached first on the third baseman's class day. This is Princeton's most which Heilman and Lewis took part. of the most brilliant in college life fumble of his grounder. Turner unique exercise attendant on gradua Mook played an exceedingly good held for some time. got a . With the bases tion, one of especial interest to the Eyes examined free. Fill any prescrip- game behind the bat, and Haas did Miss Edith itoddy was the toast- full Selkregg sent a pretty single to class and visitors alike, but for which tion or replace any broken lense..., good work with the bat, getting the mistress of the evening and very ef- center, scoring Haas and Mook. Dar- the accommodations have heretofore no matter how complicated only long hit of the game. a two base fectively and entertainingly presided ing base running and Morris' fumble been very meager. The present sen- hit into right field. which brought in over the flow of good humor and fel- enabled Turner to score an instant iors have started a fund for this pur- HERBERT VAN PATTON, the winning run. lowship that were characteristic of later. pose, and subsequent senior classes Collins pitched great ball for the the evening. Graduate Optician, are expected to con*ribute their share visitors and would have won an ordi- Allegheny scored three more runs The menu was all that could be de- 281 Chestnut St., until the seats are entirely paid for. nary game. He had all kinds of ben- in the eighth inning by good, clean sired and was interspersed with songs Meadville, Pa. There has been a general impression ders and succeeded in fooling some of hitting. Turner singled to left cen- and yells for the fraternities of the among undergraduates, handed down our best batsmen. He seemed to have ter. Selkregg reached first on balls. college. from year to year, that one member perfect control of the ball as he gave Comfort's attempted sacrifice forced The toasts were all brilliant and of the faculty has been pecuniarily in- but one base on balls, permitted six Turner out at third. With two men witty and added much to the enjoy- WE SELL terested in these seats, and much hos- hits, and struck out seven men. Mur- on bases, Wynn put the ball down ment of the evaiing. tile and severe criticism has been ray and Hayes played their respective the third base line for three bags, The toast-list was as follows: MEVER.5' heaped upon the head of the unfortu- positions well. scoring Selkregg and Comfort. Wynn Interfraternity Spirit—Mary Rob- nate member. A committee of four Davin was the first batter up for the scored on Russell's single to right erts. "Pearl Grey Suede.' prominent members of the senior visitors, and he also proved to be the center. "A sudden thought strikes me,—let class have carefully investigated the " THE SWELL first victim of Lockwood's slaughter. Things looked somewhat blue for us swear an eternal friendship." GLOVE." matter, and in a signed communica- He struck out. Keating did a little Allegheny in the first part of the third Song, Alpha Chi Omega. tion to the college "Daily" have ex- better, knocking the ball high into the inning. Baldwin, reached first on a Dwellers in the Valley—Helen Mc- onerated the accused professor, at- air. but he too was doomed to meet pop fly to short left, but was forced Clintock. tributing to him the entire credit for with the axe, for the ball was caught out at second a moment later by "Every valley shall be exalted and the "order and efficiency of the whole Allegheny by Wynn. Mook then retired Herrly Sandles. Snedden then singled to every mountain and hill shall be made commencement" demanding that the by catching a foul fly retiring the side. left, and Galbraith's easy grounder low." classes now in college put a stop to No runs. took a bad bound as it neared Selk- The Source of All Wisdom—Effie College Turner opened the batting for Al- regg, allowing the runner to reach Milleren. such unjust criticism. That some pro- fessors are unjustly criticized cannot legheny and he made it look as though first. Elliot forced Sandles out at "Who mixed reason with pleasure the game would be an easy victory by home and Businsky relieved the strain and wisdom with mirth." be doubted, but that some others earn Students knocking the ball on a line into right on the spectators by going out to Song, Kappa Kappa Gamma. their unpopularity is just as true. field where there was nobody. Sel- Russell. The Light of Other Days—Ruth Will find E. L. GROVE'S kregg strengthened Allegheny's out- Three of the visitors reached first Townley. PHI GAMS VICTORIOUS. look by hitting the ball hard in the base in the ninth, but two of them "Fond memory brings the light of New Fine Leather same direction. Turner went to third were doubled up in short order by other days around me." Baseball Team of Phi Gamma Delta Goods Store on the hit, and on the throw to third Haas and Lewis. Our Sweethearts—Jess Crissman. Defeats the Willard Team. 'O, what. Phi Gamma Delta Monday morning to catch Turner, Selkregg went to sec- The score follows: men (fare do! what men the proper place to buy Spald- ond. Then when Daugherty muffed may do! whatw men daily do, not defeated the Willard club in a well the ball, which had been thrown to Allegheny. AB. R. B. PO. A. E. knowing what th(Y. do!" played game of baseball. The battery ing's Athletic Goods. Don't fail him to catch Turner off base, Turner Turner, rf 1 1 1 0 0 Song, Kappa Alpha Theta. work. of Reynolds and Horn for Phi to see our up-to-date line Import- Gamma. Delta and the pitching of Root made a dart for home but was put Selkregg, p. 1 1 1 4 I. Alma Mater--Winifred Terry. out at the plate. Selkregg reached Comfort, cf. 4 1 0 0 0 0 "To know, to e. teem, to love—and for the Willard club were the features ed Dress Gloves and Belt Novel- of the game. Score: third on the play. Wynn then put a Wynn, if 4 1 1 0 0 0 then to part." ties. We are in the lead. fly to Relihan, and Lewis put a similar Lewis, lb 4 0 0 13 0 1 Phi Gams ...... 1 2 5 1 0 2 2 2 0-15 Willard 0 0 4 1 0 0 1 2 0— 8 one to Keating retiring the side. No Russell, 2b 4 0 1 4 3 1 There are two hundred and sixty- 297-299 Chestnut St, runs. Heilman, ss 2 1 0 0 2 1 six periodicals published by students Batteries — Reynolds and Horn.1_ Duffy being hit with a pitched ball Haas, 3h. 3 1 1 2 8 0 in American universities and colleges. Root and Griggs. took his base. He reached second and Mook, c 3 1 0 6 1 0 Of this number 150 are monthlies, 65 Murray reached first on Lewis' failure weeklies, 11 are dailies, 12 are quar- • Western Reserve University is E. L. GROVE, terlies, 10 are bi-weeklies,. 9 are semi- to have a department of Political to catch the ball thrown from Lock- 30- 7 5 27 18 4 THE ONE-PRICED LEATHER monthlies. 3 are semi-weeklies and 2 Science as a memorial to the late (Continued on 3d page.) (Continued on 3d page.) are bi-monthlies. Senator Hanna. GOODS FURNISHER,

THE CAMPUS. some symbol of their abnegation engaged William R. Hamilton, the of Freshmen days and Freshmen , well known professional ball player of the Haverhill Crib of the New Eng- characteristics. Issued Weekly by the Students. land league, to coach the baseball Unsurpassed Showiag Permission to make this change of I One Year, $1.50. In Advance, $1.00. team this season. seating would, of course, have to Single Copies, 5 Cents. The number of girl students at the be obtained, but we see nothing University of California is limited to The Campus is forwarded to all sub- which would stand in the way of five hundred. There are now four eribers until an explicit order is re- hundred and ninety-nine, and when in New Goods. its being granted those whose ceived for its discontinuance, and un- records make them eligible to the five hundredth girl is enrolled the til all arrearages are paid according gates of the university will be closed , L "move up" into next year's classi- educated Clothes to law. to the young women of California, un- 7)rogress and development stand Subscribers are requested to inform fication. til a vacancy occurs. the Business Manager of any change for `h clearly in Kuppenheimer's He of the dead practical turn will ob- A number of institutions have re- of address. Spring and Summer Clothes Creations, ject, What's the use of it? We cently incorporated a journalistic Send all business communica- now compelling 'public favor at all course in their curriculums. The tions to H. J. POLLOCK, Meadville, are prone to admit that the col- progressive retail establishments. University of Michigan took this step Pa. Office 749 N. Park Ave. lege won't die without it, that it's Educated intelligence has dispelled some time ago, and now the trustees old prejudice against ready-to-wear at- adoption won't build any more of Indiana 'University have made the Editor in Chief, tire. Through the highest artistic buildings nor endow any more addition to the regular course. J. GAYLE NELSON. skill and most advanced thought, the chairs, but all those who feel and Students at Yale University are appreciate our utter lack of obser- seeing a grave danger to unified col- Associate Editor, lege spirit in the fact. that groups of Kuppenheiraer Superiority MALCOM H. DEWEY. vances at Allegheny which are strictly college-y ought to work men are constantly leaving the cam has been developed. It is recognized pus to take rooms together at some by thinking Local Editor, heart and soul for the establish- men who appreciate the hotel or private club. They claim if importance of genteel dress. SAMUEL WILSON. ment of some such custom as this, this condition of affairs continues and we believe the college au- Yale will lose her democratic spirit, Reporters, thorities will eagerly welcome so that various efforts are being made The painstaking tailor-work and the Religious Work—Miss Edith Rowley. any efforts to infuse into our life to stop the present tendency. superior linings, "in-betweens" and Literary Societies—H. M. Scott. sewing silks impart to Society—J. R. Crawford. more college observances. The problem is for the Senior class. Athletic Editor, If it believes the scheme feasible "Eff-EIT Fashionable Clothes C. R. HAYES. let it appoint committees and ALUMNI NOTES. unmatchable wearing quality. The immortalize itself by being the fabrics used for "Eff-Eff" Fashionable Alumni Editor, founder of "Moving Up Day ." Clothes are tested, shrunk and thor- H. B. MANSELL. Among those called to the front in oughly dependable. the Russo-Japanese war are Professor Exchange Editor. DIRTY GRANDSTANDS. Okada, of the Anglo-Japanese College, MISS WINIFRED TERRY. Tokyo, who holds a captaincy in the While the attendance at games is Japanese army, and Mr. Arimatsu, al- Kuppenheimer' Rain Coats Publisher, so connected with the Anglo-Japanese not as large as desirable, the The new "Watersheds," are particularly H. J. POLLOCK. College, who holds a commission. Both fact that so many students have handsome coats. They are about 52 of these are Allegheny men. turned out is an admirable tribute inches in length, so as to fully protect Assistant, the wearer from collar to shoe tops. The "Watershed" is the Kuppenheimer solu- FRANK FROST. to their loyalty, considering the tion of the raincoat problem — it represents the high-water mark of the twentieth filthiness of the grandstands they Letter From Allegheny Alumnus in Korea. century progress in clothes making. Entered as Second-Class matter have to sit in. The Rev. Wilbur C. Swearer, pre- October 30. 1904, at the Postofflce at We can hardly blame men in light Meadville. Pa., under the Act of Con- siding elder of South Korea District, suits and women in light dresses gress of March 3, 1879. of Korea Missioia, writing from Seoul for having an aversion to sitting under date of March 15 to Dr. A. B. Leonard, says: OHL1VIAN & SON, down in seats covered with soot AN INNOVATION. from the nearby railway; and it "At the present time, in these dis- LAFAYETTE BLOCK, turbed coriditiOns, we are working at does seem as if more considera- the duties that are nearest at hand 91.3 WATER STREET, The traditions of Alegheny College 912 MARKET SQUARE, NEEADVILLE; PA.. tion might be shown those who at- and are waiting for the issue of the has been a theme much discussed tend the games than to compel conflict. When the tramp of armies Allegheny College Students Have Al- by the Quill Club of the college. is over we shall hive to face the ways Math, the Most Money Working for them to sit in be-sooted seats the KEYSTONE VIEW COMPANY. One It has fOnnti them sadly few Problem of reconstrw,tion of our work Always of their n•mber oleared over S0t.)0.00 in four •would they see the contest: months last year, We have graduates and former .numbe• and decidedly trivial in this country. In South District we students of A Ilegheny,College with us who are at cons are willing to make allowance present eitelring above all expensesfrow8150.0cIto have suffered in no vise from the war. $250.00 per month. A it cannot aceomptish the " Tacf —Mat 'rfte-brriltfing Lift 'the -j1fiiiiTrY7,444110aieMell t tfr;e same,' iltrt,sfrrner nrc- ems+ -Wally enn-nottsuW-eft.Mii Class distinction, too. is a mei::: mice. those referral. to. Will you be one of them? a hard one to keep clean. But impetus. In West District, though We have :eeently added a tint' line of views at Alleeheny. As a general thing from China. Japan, Korea, the b-mitiful island of they ask that some al tempt be conditions are not quite so favorable, Ceylon, the Hawaiian .U11111(1,4, yorto Rico, the the Freshman classes, without no serious disturbance has occurred, Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden Colorado and made in that line. Our lie of fine leather South Africa. Our views of the Paris Exposition and no loss of any moment has been, and Boer kVar will cont;nue to be good seller:. any particular reference to the it is hardly the duty of the managers sustained. In the North—the Pyeng- and our nets set of views of Switzerland is ae, present one, are unambitious and goods, suit cases, traveling bags, knowledge(' I,y all as being superior to anything to do personally the menial labor Yang Province—the work has suffered • they have seen, We have also ;aided largely to uninteresting in a college way. our already line collection of childhood and that will be connected with this. severely, the people of whole villages 'trunks, razor straps, etc. comic views. and our views of Alaska, Palestine, Our Sophomore classes, upon fleeing before approachinig armies. Egypt, Mexico, United States and other parts of We don't elect them to slave— the world, continue to hold first plat e \ vith the whom falls largely the responsi- Chapels have been used for quartering New line cf Kid Gloves for public they get jolts enough as it Our motto is quality first and quantity after- bility of making the spirit of the soldiers. The reorganization of this spring trade at attractive prices. wards, although we are in position to offer both. is. But the Athletic Board work will require care and skillful We have a large force of photographers, Nvho have college. are as a general rule, won numerot is medals, working for us excluSively L. ought to devote a little of its management. Conditions in this part in new fields of interest, and will always he in slow and more self-centered than position to offer you the LATEST and BEST. funds towards giving the grand- of the country are very quiet, and but Students who value their time should consider they need be. They manifest no . our work before making other engagements for stand a good cleaning and keep- f. r the groups of .Japanese soldiers their mid-summer vacation. sauntering about on the interest in the welfare of the ing it clean. The money it dis- that we meet e 111 011 streets we would not know that we WE LEAD---LET OTHERS FOLLOW. "Freshies" throughout the year; tributes is student money; the We have the only all-finished and perfect 'scope. were in the land of a belligerent. they make no objection when the HARNESS AND TRUNK STORE, We have the only perfectly finished original views. student body is furnishing it a "The Japanese soldiers are a sturdy We have the only views that give clear and per- "Freshies" try to run the college: 245 Chestnut St. Wfeet. ect. base ball coach, thereby saving be- well built, active, and displaying have only artistic Hand Painted views. Both Phones. 'Ye have the only views which focus perfectly. they adopt no class insignia--ethey the association some two hundred gi eat endurance. They are an order- We have the only views on which are printed an do nothing to display the grand ly, sober, and well-behaved body of historical sketch. dollars. Surely the student body Our Library Sets are acknowledged to be supe- men. Most of the army has gone THE BILLIARD ACADEMY.... and honorable fact that they are has the right to ask that a couple rior to all others, and our salesmen are making North, but a large guard is left here. phenominal records in the sale of the same. Sophomores. Newest and Swellest in the City Our new Aluminum 'Scope is the best in its line. of dollars of this money be de- "From the present outlook condi- A large number of the students of Alle- In a similar way conditions might be voted to cleaning up the grand- gheny College work for us every vacation. tions will radically change in ) this Next to Easterwood's Drugstore. Make it a point, to see our goods and we exposed in the two upper classes, stand so they may better enjoy country at the conclusion of the war. will leave Use rest to your judgment. Chestnut street. For further information, address all revealing the utter lack of the game. It is to be hoped the Japan will probab& establish such a protectorate over Korea. as England KEYSTONE VIEW CO., class distinction we have at Al- managers will assume, the respon- has over Egypt. Japanese subjects Meadville, Pa. St. Louis. Mo. legheny. To remedy this lack of E. S. CUTLER, Oakland, Calif. London, Eng. sibility of having the work done wi,t immigrate to this land in great Toronto, Ont. tradition and lack of class dis- before the next game. numbers and will 'settle particularly tinction ought to be the work of in Seoul, Chemtdpo,, and the South. FINE FOOTWEAR, the coming- year. • +*-41411■4044-..••**40•41,04.+•.4**•* Already the problem of their evangeli- 227 Chestnut Street. A. G. Spalding & Bros. In the line of tradition why should zation has become too pressing to be banger neglected by us. I have; there- Largest Manufacturers in the world there not be inaugurated at Al- Exchange Department to! e, written to Bishop Moore and WATCHES, of Official Athletic Supplies. legheny a "Moving Up" day? It Japan CO'iference making a proposi- Jewelry and Repairing, BASE BALL would require sanction and co- tion that the two bodies co-operate in Several members of the cadet bat- AT LAWN TENNIS operation on the part of the an. effort to eYangeliZe these masses talion of the University of Minnesota JEWELER, FOOT BALL in Seoul. A homogeneous mass of FABEVS , s faculty, but we see no vital rea- have started for Japan, with the in- GOLF more than 5,000 people, among whom Corner Chestnut and Market Sts. sons that should stand in the way tention of volunteering- in the army of FIELD HOCKEY are a number of Christians and many that country. BASKET, BALL of the establishment of so charm- others favorably inclined toward THE STUDENTS' OFFICIAL ATHLETIC IMPLEMENTS ing a custom at Allegheny. Brown University is to debate. Christianity, and yet no pastor and no against Johns Hopkins this month, The general scheme of it is this: The mission at work! Ten years more and BARBER SHOP. Plans and Blue Prints of Gymnasium the subject being, "Resolved, that the the number will 20,000 people, who Paraphernalia Furnished upon request. day the Seniors are dismissed attitude of the United States govern- are bound to exert a wide influence on ANLREW J. SPORR, Spalding's Catalogue of all Ath- from chapel is made one of con- ment toward the republics of Panama Korea–politicall:e financially. social- 250 Chestnut Street. letic Sports Mailed Free to any Ad- •-• siderable importance. The class and Columbia was and is justifiable." ly, and religiously. We can use them A Japan club has been formed at dress. is formally dismissed with fitting as a stepping-stone to the evangeliza- Harvard. It was organized to further ceremony, then the Juniors—next tion of Korea its0f. But if we neglect For Fine Package Goods A. G. SPALI)ING & BROS., the interests of the ,Tapanese in I-Tar- A New York Chicago Philadelphia year's Seniors—file into the seats ti:em we may sometime find them ar- Boston Baltimore Buffalo yard, and Harvard men in Japan. rayed against ire a hindrance to our Home=Niade Candies St. Louis Minneapolis Denver formerly occupied by the Seniors, San Francisco Kansas City Montreal, Can. One hundred and three men are out cnurch work asiong the natives. I Go TO London, England. the Sophomores into those of the for the crew at Columbia, and the have made the imposition that Japan Opposite Send for a copy of Spalding's handsomely illus- BURCH'S , Academy of Music. trated catalogue of athletic sports, Juniors, the Freshmen into those squad has been training for some time. Conference send over one of its best of the Sophomores. A. program Columbia, Harvard, Yale and native preachers to live in Seoul and Princeton, have forwarded a challenge under the supervision of the to organize a Japanese church here, John J. Shryock Co LAFAYETTE BILLIARD PARLOR to Oxford and Cambridge for a cable suggesting that the Conference pay Senior class is carried out, after Carpets, Furniture, Largest Room in the City chess match to be played on six half and we pay half of the preacher's which to properly complete the Paper Hangings, ! boards for possession of the Rice salary,' and that (as fast as possible the 7 New Brunswick Tables stunt the Freshmen ought to form trophy, church be brought to a self-supporting Drapery, Bedding, a fantastic parade and with appro-! The Dartmouth athletic council has basis." AND HOUSE FURNISHINGS. - W. 0. Harris, Prop.

amahM11•111r,.... *****************),00‹,r,;(***-* The Place to Get a Allegheny and Pittsburg College Game, Allegheny and Grove City Game. BOSTON CLEAN SHAVE OR A .(Continued from 1st page.) 1 (Continued from 1st page.) UNIVERSITY NOBBY HAIR CUT IN A AB. R. B. PO. A. E. LAW SCHOOL is AT wood. Thtngs looked (lark for Alle- 1 Grovee City. SHORT TIME 5 0 0 0 0 0 Opens on the first Wednesdily iu twtober, gheny at this stage of the, game. Sa.ndles, lf. Three Years' Course leading to EL, B. de- FERRY'S, 5 0 1 1 0 0 College Boys gree. College graduates receive the degree There Were two men on bases and no Snedden, ss of 3 0 1 2 1 2 of Bache/or of Jurisprndence 244 Chestnut Street. one out. But Locke caught Duffy Galbraith, 3b. three years, and may reeei hut )1 jfits€,,• and Hellman. Elliott, lb. 4 0 1 3 0 0 of Jurisprndence at the same time hy pur- Ask the old Students napping off second suing special courses in (1) Jurisprudence; . about our work . . . 4 0 0 12 2 0 all invited to (2) International Law, International Arbi- Russell and Lewis closed the inning, BusinskY, c tration, Diplomacy and Consular Service; by making a double play on Daugh- Thomas, 2b. 4 0 0 2 0 0 (3) Spanish Institutions and the Spanish 4 0 2 0 2 0 Code; (4) The Commercial Code of Germany erty's bounder. NO runs. UPP. P or Fiance; (5) RomanfLaw. For College 3 0 0 3 0 1 Graduates one hundred Scholarships Russell opened up the second in- Morris, cf of Fifty Dollars each. Address TORDELLA. 3 0 2 1 0 0 come down and take Ming for Allegheny by hitting the ball Baldwin, rf. Dean MELVILLE M. BIGELOW, Ashburton Place, Boston. into right field. He reached second on an error by Murray. Here is 35 0 7 24 5 :3 *--* sic * * *******--* * Ic * * * Home-made Chocolates, -where Collins' effectiveness and our I Innings. a look at our Spring lack of timely hitting came in. A man Allegheny 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 3 *-7 A. KREUGER, Fruits and Fine Package Goods was on second and no one out. Heil- Grove City 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 man and Haas both struck on: and Two base hit—Upp. The College Florist Three base hit—Wynn. assortment of CHESTNUT STREET. Moak hit an easy one to the pitcher. Store, Corner Market and Center Sts. Double play—Haas and Lewis. No runs. Both 'Phones. Hayes received a free pass. Reli- Hit by pitched ball—Baldwin. LADIES' AND GENT'S :ham struck out. Collins walked and Struck out—Selkregg, 8; Upp 13. Hayes advanced to second. Again Bases on balls—Selkregg, 2; Upp 4. J. M. ROBINSON, men on bases and only Umpires—Watson and Stockdale. there were two Corner Water and Arch Streets, one out. Davin hit to Haas, who re- Time-1:50. Watches all Chains. tired Hayes at third. Davin was Rain Coats, A very large selection of forced out at second. N runs. GROCER. A Sound Mind in a Sound Body. RINGS of all kinds. Lockwood was put out at first. Tur- The false view of college athletics ner failed to hit the ball when he is the playing to win; for the college Schumacher Snow Flake Flour. Brooches, Pins, Sleeve Buttons. came up the second time. Selkregg man is not primarily an athlete: the White House Coffee. reached first safely on Duffy's error. college man is primarily the scholar, SILVER SPOONS of --Wynn made a single advancing Selk- the thinker, the gentleman, says the Suits, Canned Fruits of All Kinds all kinds at regg. For the third time Allegheny Saturday Evening Post. But the false Heinz's Baked Beans. - .had two men on bases. A hit meant view of college athletics is altogether W. FtECKMAN'S, two runs, but there was no hit for too common and too strongly held in Angel Food and All Kinds of Cakes. Water Street. -Lewis went out at first. No runs. American institutions and in Ameri- In the fourth inning Pittsburg went can. society. Winning represents a out in one-two-three order. Murray Positive result which one easily per- The Bus knocked a fly to Heilman, Daugherty ceives and naturally rejoices over. It knocked a similar one to Russell and Top Coats, Hilgendorf Bros, is a form of materialism which is a Tailors. Hayes was out out at first. No runs. sign of a new civilization. Why do we have the reputation of turn- Then Allegheny scored the only' run The true view of college athletics of the game. Russell batted out a ing out the swellest Suits in town ? is that athletics , represents a means base hit, Heilman struck out. Haas and not an end. Athletics embodies Because we take particular pains in making came forward with the hit of the day the training of muscle the improve- our clothes to fit and please our customers: —a two base hit—and Russell was ment of health, the discipline of physi- Hats. Our Spring Stock is complete with swell novelties sent around the circuit. Mook and cal force. These results, however good Lockwood were both put out at first. as results, are only methods and con- One run. Hilgendorf Bros., ditions for the enlargement and en- After this the gamd was void of in- Merchant Tailors, Savoy Block, Chestnut St., Meadville, Pa. richment of every part of manhood, terest as only one player reached sec- If the true view of athletics could ond base and not another hit was be made to prevail noble results made by either team. would follow. The excesses which too Allegheny often accompany college victories The Pennsylvania A.B. R. H. P.O. A. E. would cease; the undue attention on Turner, m 4 0 1 0 0 0 the part of college authorities and Pd9 Selkregg, r 3 0 1 0 0 0 bodies of students would be eliminat- of Music Wynn, 1 4 0 1 1 0 College ; a more proper adjustment of all Lewis. 1st .. . 4 0 0 7 0 1 conditions of college life would be (...:1-1A112ThRIED AUGUST 1, 1903. Russell, 2nd 3 1 2 5 5 0 =:ectired. and Park Ave }legman, s 2 0 0 3 2 0 In England athletics art regarded Corner Center. St. • Haas 14r .,k 3. 0 1 V 0 more as a means than as al, end. The c 0-40 1 0 English custom should prt .. all with - BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Lockwood, p . 3 0 - 0 0 1. 0 us. T. L. FLOOD, President. W. S. McGUNNEGLE, Vice-Pres. E. A. HEMPSTEAD. Secretary. S EU RWELL, Treasur. r. A. C. HUIDEKOPER. F. C. SOUTHWORTH. Totals 29 I. C 27 11 1. ARTHUR L. BATES. Pulitzer or His School of jcw.nalism. 13. L. SI NGLEY. Pittsburg JOHN J. HENDERSON. Some of my critics have called my Office Secretary, MISS MARY E. HOWE. A.B. R. H. P.O. A. E. scheme "visionary," says Pulitzer in Davin. I 4 0 0 1 0 0 regard to his school of journalism. If Keating, m 4 0 0 1 0 0 FACULTY. it be se, I can at least plead that it is Herrly, 2nd 3 0 0 1 2 0 Harry Waithe Manville, Musical Director and Teacher of Voice. a vision I have cherished long, thought and Miss Mary Thorpe Graham, Teachers of Duffy, 1st 3 0 0 7 0 2 Mrs. Albert C. Knudson upon deeply and followed- persistent- Piano. Murray, c 2 0 0 11 1 1 ly. Twelve years ago I submitted the • Mrs. Flavia Davis Porter, Teacher of Pipe Organ. Daugherty, 3rd 3 0 0 0 0 0 Teacher of Violin, Mandolin and Viola. idea to •President Low; of Columbia, James Brown Martin, Hayes, s 1 0 0 1 2 0 Mr. Martin will also teach Harmony, Counterpoint and Theory and when it was declined. I have ever Relihan, r 2 0 0 2 0 0 History of Music. since continued to perfect and or- Miss Leona Woodcock, teacher of China Painting. Collins, p 2 0 0 0 2 0 - ganize the scheme in my mind. until Hart Schaffner Miss Edith Roddy, Teacher of Drawing and Water-color Painting. & Marx it is now accepted. In examining the Totals 24 0 0 24 9 3 Hand Tailored criticisms and misgivings I have en- Allegheny 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 *-1 deavored to do so without prejudice, "HANAN" Shoes for Men. Pittsburg 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Copyriglo 19u3 hart Schaftrior 6c Matz anxious only to find the truth. I ad- Summary—Struck out by Lock- mit that the difficulties are many, but "CROSS" Shoes for Women. wood 8, by Collins 7. Two-base hit, after weighing them all impartially I NEW SHAPES. NEW HEELS. NEW TOES. Haas. Hit by pitched ball, Duffy and am more firmly convinced than ever TILE BUSY SHOE STORE, Hayes. Double play, Heilman, Rus- ., 208 Chestnut Street. of the ultimate success of the idea. IEK.4:2•31itil.x sell and Lewis. , Hayes. Before the century closes schools of It's a Great Assort- -Umpire, Watson. journalism will be generally accepted Westcrll Pcusylvallia Eftical Collcze Chafing Dishes as a feature of specialized higher edu- PITTSBURG, PA. Nickel Ware Bransfieid's Record. cation, like schools of law or of medi- ment You 11 See. Yes It. Cutlery SESSION OF 1903-194—EIGHTEENTH Baseball. a game in which novel cine. Gas Light Supplies Medical Department of the Western University -happenings and situations are always They object, the critics and cavil- of Pennsylvania. Allegheny Gas Mantles coming up, established a record last lers, that a "newspaper man" must Reading Lamps week which is liable to remain un- depend solely upon natural aptitude, Graded Courses of Eight Months: commencing Oct. 1, 1903. Four years required. Instruction .broken for many years to Come. At or, in the common phrase, that he practical. Superior clinical advantages offered Stoves, etc. must be "born, not made." students. College and Clinic Buildings Commo- that time "Kitty" Bransfield, Pitts- dious Extensive Laboratories and Apparatus. 'burg's crack first baseman, turned the The "born editor" who has succeed- Hospital Medical Clinics, and Ward bed-side Chil- We make a specialty of ies, Surgical and Medical, Operating and Mater- trick of pulling out seven assists in a ed greatly without special preparation nity, and Dispensary and Out-door Clinics daily. is simply a man with unusual ability Laboratory work continuous. Quizzes regularly. Graham & McClintock, nine-inning game. For particulars, address The seven assists were acquired in and aptitude for his chosen profes- Dr. J. C. LANGE, Dean. 96'2 Water Street. sion, with great power of concentra- 129 Ninth St., Pittsburg-, Pa. this manner: Togs for Business Correspondents will address In the first round, when Pittsburg Von and sustained effort. He is one Dr. W.J. A sdale, Secy Board of Trustees, executed a play, Bransfield corn- who loves his work and puts his , 5523 Ellsworth Ave., Pittsburg*, Pa. PICTURES pleted the trick by a throw to Wag- whole heart and mind into it. He is College Fellows. nen in the strictest sense an educated AND PICTURE FRAMING In the second inning, when Evers man , but he has merely substituted WHY YOU SHOULD HAVE bunted, Branny ran in. Richey came self-education for education by others, HARRY M. PETTINGELL, YOUR PHOTOS MADE BY down and stood on first, and Brans- making up for any deficiencies in his field threw him the ball. training by the unreserved sacrifice OWLER. 964 Water Street. In the fifth, Kling was run down on, of strength, energy and pleasure. the line, Bransfield getting a hand in Even in his ease might it not lie an on the play. He also fielded Chance advantage to have a system of instruc- You all know the place, out to Lee, covering first. tion that would give him the same 1st.—They are best posed. results at: a saving of much time and FRB ORY GUN CO In the sixth, with Briggs on first, 21:O. —They are best lighted. Slagle hit to Bransfield, who sent the labor? Dry Goods, Cloaks are the latest styles. ball to Wagner for a force play. 2rd. —They and Millinery. Webster defines "Buss," to kiss. • / In the seventh, when Evers and n O0fi Ell GROUPS A SPECIALTY, MEADVILLE, PA. Kling worked a double steal, Branny Therefore be it insisted that "Re- handled the ball: and got an assist buss" is to kiss again, that "Buskin" even though the final play at the plate is kissing your cousin; that "Blunder- LOOK HERE. Drs. D. C. & W. C. Dunn was a miscue. 1 buss" is a kiss administered to the In the eighth Ritchey covered sec- l wrong party; that "Omnibus" is kiss- If the students want anything to eat DENTISTS, ond and took Branny's throw of Mc- ing all the girls in the room and the they always go to the Oyster Bay, Corner Water and Chestnut Ste., Carthy's grounder. And that was all fellow that does it is a regular "Bus- , Place for the foot of Arch street. for one day, thank you. Best Goods. Geo. Miller, Prop. EADV I LLE, PA.

Geo. T. Wilson & Son will tlx your watch or your eyes to your satisfac- tion. College pins, college spoons and FOR FINE SHOES everything in our line at special prices TRY THE to students.

GEORGE R. PRATT. NEW SHOE PARLOR, FOUNDED IN 1815. PHOTOGRAPHER, 221 CHESTNUT ST. HENRY J. RICE. + 4* Good Traditions, Strong Faculty, 245 Chestnut Street, Meadville, Pa. 4* Unsurpassed Location, Reasonable Expenses. + Successor to W. F. Stewart. For Stylish Turnouts go to Chas. Muckinhoupt & Bro . + + Allegheny College Catalogue sent Free of Charge to any Address on + + Souvenir Stationery Proprietors of Application to + + Visiting Cards LIVERY, + PRESIDENT CRAWFORD, + Artistic Printing BOARDING and SALE ÷ Meadville, The Crawford Journal Pub. Co., Stable + + Journal Block, Park Avenue. ++++++++++++++++++++++++' Corner Market and Center Sts. X H. DREUTLEIN, Either Telephone, 104. - • - Manufacturer Of famous MEADVILLE, PA. 409 • ow' . 01, . our' . 010 . 01, . A rip. 42.- 41■•• inw 411M.- 41110. lbw 4111., 411■-•..111■ •••48, ESPANOLA • • • •■• • N... • • 010 • as, • 010 •AA.. • .0 • „.• • 10 cts. and the PAN AMERICAN If You Wish J. A. RUPERT, 5 cts. cigars. lllemz off lint:eTed, 11; DOCTOR OF Chestnut street. 412. a Good hovel • 00 • • • '1% • •■■• ••... imo •••■■ DENTAL SURGERY. •-■■•• 411111, lbw 411■•• 411b. 411., 4110, 411Iw 411... law -.N. •••■• -ft•-•••• •■■ -alb -.11. 41,,i • ilik law • All/ • 00 • /111, • AI/ • AB, • OP ,a., • ••■• • 'I.. • 'I.. • • • •■•• • • • 00 • 0, . • 011., • OW • AV \ • 'gm. • •••■■ • 'I.. • 'ft. • ' The Medico - Chirurgical College Get THE RED KEGGERS, by 248 Chestnut Street, Phone 328-3.. of Philadelphia. Eugene Thwing. .It is the best book of the Hours-8:30 to 12:15; 1:15 to 5. DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINE. year. . We have the Students, Patronize Our Ach)ertisers. The next session begins Sept. 26. 1904. The lorgest stock of fine Stationery, course is carefully graded and covers four ses- Blank Books, Drawing Paper, and sions of eight months each. Instruction thoroughly practical. Free quiz- Instruments in the city. BASEBALL. THE LITERARY SOCIETIES. zing in all branches; ward-classes, litni red in size; clinical conferences and modified sellinar meth- GEORGE SCHWARTZMAN, ods of teaching. Particular attention to labora- KEPLER HOTEL Notice. tory, bedside and ward-class work. Clinical facil- Scores: ities unexcelled, and the largest and finest clini- Book Seller and Stationer. MEADVILLE, PA. cal amphitheatre in America. Thoroughly equip- April 25, Allegheny 9, Franklin 0. All news for the Cosmian, Alle- ped new labarotaries and a modern hospital, re- gheny and Ossoli Literary societies modeled and reconstructed throughout. May 2, Allegheny 3, W. & J. 2. The College has also Departments of Dentistry LEONARD'S BILLIARD PARLOR May 7, Allegheny 1, Pittsburg Col- that is desired printed in the columns and Pharinacy, in each of which degrees are of The Campus must be handed to granted at the end of graded coursts. For an- lege 0. nouncements or further information, address 938 Water Street. May 9, Allegheny 7, Grove City 0. the reporter by the said societies. SENECA EGBERT, M. D., Writers Wanted Dean of the Department of Medicine, Largest and Finest in the City. Schedule: The said reporter can be present weekly at his own society only, Philo- Cherry St., Philadelphia, Pa. Cigars and Tobacco. Cash for local news items an May 14, Hiram at Meadville. original articles. Prospectus Franklin, and will hereafter hold him- for May 16, Grove City at Grove City. stamp. John T. Mason, Han- self responsible for this society alone, cock, Md. May 20, W. & J. at Washington. except as stated above. All news May 21, W. & J. at Washington. fersey Athletic Suits must be handed in by Saturday morn- May 25, Geneva at Geneva. ing. GIVE ME May 26, Pittsburg College at Pitts- and heaters Present Officers. burg. YOUR LAUNDRY. Allegheny. May 27, West Virginia University at President—W. Hewitt. a Specialty. I Shall Take it to the Morgantown. Vice President—Main. May 28, West Virginia University at Secretary—Amy. Morgantown. Sergeant at Arms—Reaveley. Park Ayque Laundry May 30, California Normal at Cali- F. G. PRENATT. - Janitor—Stanley. Where it will be done fornia. in First-Class Shape. Treasurer—Ottaway. June 3, Ohio Wesleyan University Domestic Work a Specialty. viewerE----prmn, Darrow. GO TO THE at Meadville. College Clothes June 15, Western University of Pennsylvania at Meadville. Philo-Franklin. President--Mansell. K NIALEY. Won Lost Pet. N0101EkliOleile . Barber Snop. Allegheny 4 0 1000 Vice President—Wood. P Secretary—A. D. P. Miller. GO TO Ballinger & laqt sergeant at Arms—Dye. lisiward Amy visited his horn,• in COLLEGE SUPPLIES. Critics—McL tugh lin, Wood, Phil- Cochranton Sunday. DR. 'W.. B. TOWNSEND, Drugs, Perfumes, Etc. .Draughtsmao`e, lips. Supplies, Artists' Wterials, Pilot? (Successor to Dr. Cyrus See, ) Walter Mack spent Sunday at his Janitor—A. D. P. Miller. College Mon graphic Goods, Huyler's Candies. home in Andover, 0. There has been considerable nego- Water and Chestnut Streets, Meadville, Pa. R. G. McKinney was at home in tiation between committees appointed Room. No. 7, MEADVILLE, PA.. Franklin over Sunday. by Allegheny and Philo-Franklin as to Phoenix Block.. when, if at all, the Inter-Society con- Office Hours: 9 to 12 and 2 to 4. Roy F. Shepard spent Sunday at test should be held. It seems that - BUY - his home in Penn Line. the faculty has set apart the usual DR.C. C. HILL, Miss Nellie Wilson was visited last time, Monday of Commencement week, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. week by Miss Goodrich. for an organ recital. In all probability Pell and Pencil Near Diamond Square, Meadville, the contest will be held on the Mon- PaL. Florence Pfeiffer was in Waterford GLASSES ADJUSTED. day before Commencement week. The over Sunday at her home. contestants-elect are as follows: Miss Winnifred Terry spent Sunday Allegheny. TABLETS GIVE YOUR at her home in Corry, Pa. Essayist—Baker. LAUNDRY TO at the Charles Smith went to New York Declaimer—La Bounty. city last week on business. Orator—Thompson. Eisman Debater—Darrow. Miss Bates and Miss Quinlan spent New Stationery Store. It will go to the Meadville Philo-Franklin. Sunday in Randolph, N. Y. Steam Laundry where it Essayist—H. M. Scott. will be done in first-class Harry Hamm, of Knox, Pa., was vis- Declaimer—Dye. More paper for your shape. Domestic finish a ited by his mother last Saturday. Orator—Winner of centennary con- money than can be specialty. test. Ada Berry was called home last had anywhere else Try and be Convinced Debater—Mansell. week by the death of her mother. in the city. . Program for May 16. Miss Eva Hart, ex-'04, of Girard, is Allegheny. FINE LINE OF visiting her Kappa Gamma sisters. Debate: Resolved, That the nation- BOX PAPERS, Harriet Hampson was visited last al government should co-operate with week by her cousin, Ruth Town, of the various states or civil sub-divis- PENS, INK, Erie, Pa. ions thereof in the permanent im- Walk-Over provement of public highways. MUCILAGE, etc. Frank Frost was at Ithaca, N. Y., Affirmative—Main, Reaveley. The Best Shoe Made last week attending the Sigma Alpha Negative—W. J. Hewitt, Stuntz. Epsilon, convention. Sold only by Note—The above question was sub- FINE JOB PRINTING. Walter Shaffer, who is attending W. mitted to the Allegheny societies by U. P. Medical School, is visiting his Congress. 4.1:17fRICriTED A. L. BEACH, brother, Fred, today. 1904 BY Pennsylvania Farmer Office, LADLES New 217 Chestnut Street, - Meadville, Pam . Fred Shaffer responded to a toast Football Rules. BRO. & CO Next Bates' Music Store. The following changes in football on "Auld Lang Syne" at the Cochran- rules for next fall were made by the 301 Chestnut Street, ton High School alumni banquet last week. national committee at its Philadelphia The only exclusive Millinery Store meeting: COM MISARIES in Meadville . . . . Sam Sckiek, '96, who is in the oil Goal from field to count four points Will do well to get our prices business in Marietta, Ohio. was in instead of five. " The Enterprise" town last week for a short visit with Six men must be in the line of before trading elsewhere. Wallace Wilson, '96. scrimmage at all times. AT Here you will find your hand- LAKE ERIE FISH CO., some mid-summer hat at just If seven men are in the line when C. J. Scott, T. F. Fish and W. P. 712 Park Avenue. the price you wish to pay. Stbrtevant attended the annual alum- the ball is snapped, the first man to ni banquet of the Conneautville High receive the ball from center may run Faber's, Mack's, School on last Wednesday night. Mr. with it, providing he goes outside the Maunheim and Other PARTRIDGE'S Scott responded to the toast—"Our second man from center—that is, the SLIDE RULES. Old School Days"--and Mr. Sturte- tackle. Chas. Veith's Send for catalogue and special • Athletic Outfittings vant spoke on "C. H. S." Team which is losing can have prices to students. Everything for Recreation. choice of kick-off or the wind, but can- The Wm. E. Stleren Co., • Dr. Smith was away last week vis- not have both. 543 Smithfield St., Pittsburg. Foot Ball, Basket Ball and iting High Schools between Youngs- The team which loses twenty yards TOILET ARTICLES AND Gymnasium Outfittings. town and Mansfield. He inspected the by penalty is not to be given first PERFUMES. worli of the High Schools, their lab- down. Order through D. A. BOLARD, oratories, etc., and. conferred with North Main Street, Meadville, Pa. Elmer A. Smith, members of senior classes who are FOUND—A K. 0. V. pin. Owner Registered Pharmacist, HORACE PARTRIDGE & CO., thinking of entering college next fall. please inquire of C. A. McIntire. Meadville, Pa. 4 Franklin St., - Boston Masv.