Harlaxton Medieval Series (2017)
Copies of the Harlaxton Medieval Series are available from: SHAUN TYAS / PAUL WATKINS PUBLISHING, 1 High Street, Donington, Lincolnshire, PE11 4TA E: shaun@shauntyas.myzen.co.uk T: +44 (0)1775 821 542 Harlaxton Medieval Studies I (Old Series) Proceedings of the 1984 Harlaxton Symposium: England in the Thirteenth Century, ed. W. M. Ormrod Articles: M. T. Clanchy, England in the Thirteenth Century: Power and Knowledge, 1–14 Adelaide Bennett, A Late Thirteenth-Century Psalter-Hours from London, 15–30 Michael Camille, Illustrations in Harley MS 3487 and the Perception of Aristotle’s Libri naturales in Thirteenth-Century England, 31–44 D. A. Carpenter, An Unknown Obituary of King Henry III from the Year 1263, 45–51 E. C. Fernie, Two Aspects of Bishop Walter de Suffield’s Lady Chapel at Norwich Cathedral, 52– 55 John Glenn, A Note on a Syllogism of Robert Grosseteste, 56–59 John Glenn, Notes on the Mappa Mundi in Hereford Cathedral, 60–63 Brian Golding, Burials and Benefactions: an Aspect of Monastic Patronage in Thirteenth-Century England, 64–75 George Henderson, The Imagery of St Guthlac of Crowland, 76–94 Virginia Jansen, Lambeth Palace Chapel, the Temple Choir, and Southern English Gothic Architecture of c. 1215–1240, 95–99 Flora Lewis, The Veronica: Image, Legend and Viewer, 100–106 Suzanne Lewis, Giles de Bridport and the Abingdon Apocalypse, 107–119 Michael Prestwich, The Piety of Edward I, 120–128 M. E. Roberts, The Relic of the Holy Blood and the Iconography of the Thirteenth-Century North Transept Portal of Westminster Abbey, 129–142 D.
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