
>•44, WEDNESDAY, MAY 31, 1967 Average Dafly Net Press Ron For The Week'Bqded PAGE THIRTY-SIX The Weather ilattrbpBtfr lEttFttittB IlFralh May 20, 10«7 Clear, cool tonight, chance at ■cattered boat; sunny .and ... Members of St. Bridget Ro­ mild tomorrow, bigta t t sary Society and Gibbons Xe- 15,210 the 70m. A b o u t T ow n sembly. Catholic Ladies of Co­ m MarutheKter—,A City of Village Charm , H ■i. V. lumbus will meet tonight at 8 Airman Frank M. RugglcJro, oSt tr vjv s § (Olaeaifled Advertising on Page 21) PRICE SEVEN CENTS ■on ot Mr. and Mrs. Saibastine for a recitation of Uie Rosary VOL. LXXXVI, NO. 205 (TWENTY-FOTJR PAGES-^TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1967 •B. Ruggiero of 396 Woodland and to pay respects to the' late ill t i :St., has been selected for tech­ ‘Mrs. Lillian Mahoney at her * t r t- home, 25 Hollister St. She was nical tamining art Ohanute AFB, .A'.. IM., as an Air FV>rce aircraft a member of both groups. maintenance specsal'ist. He re­ • 5-J The American Legion Auxili­ Men! For, A Cool. Carefree cently oonrapleted basic train- ary will spon.sor a kitchen bingro ilng art Lackland AFB, Tex. He Friday at 7:30 p.m. at the home U.S.' Carrier Gains. V Red Sea ' a 1966 graduate of Manciics- of Mrs. Emma McKeever, 214 Summer Wardrobe— iter Mig •* ** lOamier USS Shangri-la after Stock up now. today after passing through the Suez Canal. .an eigtrt-monith deployment In librarian of Manohester public C l About 300 Egyptian dem on------:------jthe Mediteanean and its border­ H'braries, will be feted at a re­ strators screamed epithets at ception Tuesday June 6 from 8 The United States pushed for ing countries including Spain, the carrier from the canal bank, adoption by the U.N. Security 'Francg, Italy, Greece, Turkey to 9:30 p.m. in the Children’s apparently convinced the 41,000- Wing of Mary Oheney Library. Council of a resolution urging and Malta. ton ship will try to break both the Arabs and Israelis to She will retire June 30. 'The Egypt’s blockade of the Gulf of event is open to all friends of cool off while diplomats contto- The executive board of Man­ Aqaiba. 'Hhe Defense Depart- efforts to resolve tha Middle chester WATES will meet. Fri- Miss Fyenoh. Retiring Sergeant Is Top Cop Pop ment In Washington Insists the crigig_ 'day at 8 p.m. at the home of A fund is being established Snappy salutes from hi^ seven policemen sons greet Sgt. Arthur S. Pugsley, Intrepid is sailing for Vietnam. Mrs. Raymond Smachetti .of 38 in Miss French’s name to pur­ 64, as he carries uniform and badge' on retiring from Boston Police Department Cairo newspapers reiterated ’The United States was told by Christopher Circle, East Hart­ chase books for town libraries. charges that the Intrepid’ would Egypt to avoid 'involvement in The fund is in appreciation for after 38 years. Police officials believe this is a U.S. record. Sons (left to right) Egypt’s announced blockade of ford. are Arthur Jr., Stanley, Ernest, Robert, Charles, John and Richard. take up a position off the Gulf of the outstanding service Miss Aqaba, which President Gamal the Gulf of Aqaba and by Israel French has given to Manches­ Abdd Nasser has banred to Is­ that not only Israel’s interests ter and the users of Its public raeli shipping. but the foundations of interna­ libraries. , U.S. Losses Mounting LIQUORS—WINES -.-J... •>% The Egryptlan submarines tional law are at stake in the Oontri'butions may be sent to Aqaba issue. The gqlf leads to CORDIALS passed through the canal ahead Russell B. Granniss, cu.stodian of the Intrepid, then began the Israeli port of Elath, Minimum Prices of the- Anna B. F’rench Book thirough whicti 90 per, cent of ^ (Horald photo bv Suternis) shadowing her as ■ she entered Fund, in care of Mary Oheney the Red Sea. the Jeiwish nation’s oil is im- ARTHUR DRUG or Wlhiton Libraries, or may be Navy Bombing Uncovers poited. left with staff members at either Thompsons Wed 25 Years Ajs the Middle East critsis sim­ In a pointed warning to Egyp­ library. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton A. children. The couple received mered, troops from Iraq and Kuwait joined Arab forces tian Presidentr, ^ Gamal ■ „ Abdel Thompson Sr. were feted at a a gift of money. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson were against Israel, and Britain 25th wedding celebration Sat­ Viet Guerrilla Fortress urged maritime powers to de­ tary George Brown told the married May 26, 1942 in Hart­ Souse of Commons that the urday night at the home of a ford. They are members of St. SAIGON (AP) — An Ameri- and Jeeps crisscrossing the area and at the same time beat clare the Gulf of Aqaba and the Strait of Tlran at Its mouth, in­ British government will consid­ NOW OPEN IN OUR daughter, Mrs. Joseph Hender­ James’ Church. Mr. Thompson can armored force charged to- area. Despite sporadic contacts, ofi attacks farther north along er any unilateral closing of the was employed' before his re­ day into a huge guerrilla for­ the U.S. force was suffering no the demilitarized zone, ternational waters open to - all son of 20 Packard St. ships. Including Israels. Gulf of Aqaba an act of bellig- Friends and relatives from tirement as a foreman at Pratt tress uncovered on the South losses to the enemy troops still jyst to the south, In coastal ereinoe. NEW LOCATION..- and Whitney, Division of Unit­ ■Vietnamese coast by one of the around the bunkered area, U.S. Binh Dlnh Province, U.S. 1st Soviet destroyer escort is framed by nose of an American plane on the carrier Swamipscott, Mass.; Farming- Brown said his government is ed Aircraft Corp., East Hart­ war’s most spectacularly suc- spokesmen said. Cavalry Division Airmobile seeking a clear declaration USS America, sailing in the Western Mediterranean. The Soviet ship followed WATCH FOR OUR GRAND OPENING! ton, X,ebanon, East Hartford ford. Mrs. Thompson is a mem­ cessfW ngval bombardments. Such a complex could easily troops were in hot pursuit of a State News from the international martime the American vessel for the fourth day today. It has approached within 500 r , and •Manchester attended the ber of the Acorn Butt(» Olub. The coastal action was an­ house a Communist battalion of Communist force flushed from a community that “the Gulf of yards of the 77,000-ton carrier. (AP Photofax) h event which was given by their (Herald photo by Sate'mis.) nounced as the U.S. Command 600 men, probably more. It was similar but smaller bunker sys- Aqaba is an international water­ Expert reported the highest American located just east of the main tern Wednesday, way in which and through which casualties of the war, the great­ coastal highway in an area of n Quang Tin Province, anoth- Police Trace vessels of all nations have the Brake Adjustment est monthly loss of U.S. planes sand dunes and beach scrub er of the five northern prov- right of passage.” More Cash U.S. Copters Fly Group 1! Reg, 1.98 Group 21 Reg, 2.98 % In raids over North Vietnam that had been swept before inces, Commimist troops over- K ilroy Visit., The Cairo newspaper A1 Akh- Brake Safer and a ^record monthly toll of without ground troops detecting ra.i a government outpost bar reported that Egypt was WASHINGTON (AP) — North Vietnamese MIGs. anything. Wednesday and inflicted prepared to use force to Back Here’s more proof of grow­ and Smoother U.S. casualUe^ lart weei^ to- Quang Ngai Province is one of "heavy” casualties on the de­ Make Arrest up the right it claims to inspect ing American affluence. FANTASTIC The Treasury Depart­ taled 2,941—813 killed, 2,616 the five northern provinces of fending force of some 300 men. all commercial ships passing Across Atlantic wounded and 12 missing or cap- Scuth Vietnam that have long HARTFORD (AP) — from the Red Sea through the ment said today there was The outpost guarded the pro- $220.16 c a ^ in circulation PARIS (AP) — Two U.S. helli al AeronautlcB Federation rules toed. ’The command said 36 been prime areas for Commu- vlnclal capltal”of Tam Ky mid S tate 1)01106 admitted Strait of Tiran into the Giilf of copters today made history’s do not allow to rebelling on Any U.S. luta 1.77 Aqaba. for every man, woman and plus parts North^^Vtotoifm attacks and infiltration.. It had been there for about two sheepishly today ttiat Kil- child in the nation as of first nonstop helicopter flight distance records. The lieliopp- 2 FOR North Vietnam during May, ig regarded as one of the two ----- t' v J The newspaper gave this list across the Atlantic Ocean, ters took off from New York at 2 for ^3.50 months. Evidently the defenders roy WHS here, of items that would be seizdil April 30. Remove front & rear, wheels, three more than the previous provinces in the nation most had grrown careless, and the Ronald S. Kilroy, 36, Was ar- flying 4,270 miles, in 30 hours 6:06 a.m. Wednesday, Dress Shirts, with regular or button down collars, from ships headed for Elath: adjust brakes, repack front high last July, while a record 27 tightly held by the Viet Cong, position was quickly penetrated rested at about 4 a.m. today That wasn’t a record-the and 48 minutes. Lee Johnson, president of the 1 DAY SALE! Dress Shirts of 65% polyiist.r Dacron end 35% tapered toils, in 65% Dacron—35% Colton batiste. Communist jets were shot down g reinforced task force of Arms, explosives, ammunition, per capita high was $225.59 wheel bearings inspect Cotton—o broadcloth thqt's permanent pr.u. Short White, blue, maize, linen in sizes M h to 17. when attacked by some 600 and charged ■with breaking and spare parts, planes, automo­ lEist December when the The two Sikorsky HH3E Jolly Sikorsky Division of United Air- grease seals, add fluid, test In dogfights during the month. u.S. soldiers moved into the Communists after a heavy mor- entering and larceny in connec­ Green Giant helicopters of the criaft Corp., said the slgnlfl- sleeve styles in white, blue, maize, mint. Sizes 14V4 Sport Shirts in Ivy league style with tapered toils, biles, railway equipment,, cloth­ Ohristjpas season created a at the to 17. . . The naval bombardment took area last month to relieve the tar barrage. tion with the theft of uniforms U.S. Air Force Air Rescue Serv- cahee of the flight is that it in 100% permanent press cotton and button-down place in Quang Ngal Province— heavily pressed U.S. Marines ing tax the Israeli armed forces, heavy demand for cash — Sport Shirts in paisleys, tottersals, plaids, wide- collars. Solid colors, wide track stripes. Also regular from State Police Troop H machinery for making any of but the trend is again up­ ice were refueled in the air nine proves that long-range deploy- collar in 65% Dacron and 35% combed cotton. one of the most firmly held Viet who had been trying to hold the (See Page Ten) Headquarters. times by a C130 tanker plane ment of helicopters is possible, track stripes—and in solid colors. 65% Dacron and Cong strong pointo in the coun- these items, chemicals and med­ ward. 35% Cotton batiste. S, M, I , XL. S, M, L, XL. Light blue, pewter, maize. during their flight from the New with refueling in PRICE BREAK SPECIAL Magic Mirror try—and uncovered a vast com­ Kilroy entered the barracks icines, meat, cereals and gradns, Total currency and coin * through the rear door, police gold, sliver and bank notes. in circuiation as of April 30 York Naval Air Station in ^^r, ■ helicopters would be Spalding plex of bunkers, trenches and Brooklyn to Le Bourget Airport ^7 around a battle zone r'v fortifications. said, than tried to leave throiiSh was $43.7 billion. Golf Balls V.*.V.Vi PERMANENT PRESS the front door, by identifying (See Page Fifteen) in Paris. almost indefinitely until they Firing 300 rounds of 6-lnch himself as a troox>er assigned _ . 4. j _4 would be needed in rescue oper- Beauty Studio rockets a minute, a Na'vy rocket Death Reveals Tramp The flight was staged as part Liquid Center to another barracks. of the 27th Paris Air and Spae'e altip opened up on the coastal He apparently panicked and Helicopters have crossed the "Co-Flite" 775 MAIN STREET area Wednesday. Within Show. Atlantic befoire, but only by is­ MANCHESTER ON men’s jeans in 3 styies minutes the beach was a holo­ As Wealthy Playboy bolted from the building cariy- Each of the huge helicopters land hopping. caust and it was evident „the Ing a uniform hat, blouse, and Arrested in State^ — of the type used for rescue rocket ship had unearthed a BLACKPOOL, England (AP.i At night he returned to a luxu- two shirts. wok in 'Vietnazn—iMbd a five- 3 ■» * F m ihajor Red fortress. — Julian Ellis-Morris dressed rious bungalow where he had ____ilice______were able_ to______trace Kil­ man crew. • cotton cord jeans Shattering secondary explo­ like a tramp and sold razor three television sets aqd two r o ^ through the registration Draft Evader Fasts The crews said they would Six Indicted sions began to rise from ammu­ blades, shampoo and soap door automobiles, including a chaof- niSber of his car in which they have been able to make the Limit one sat to ■ customer • liopsack jeans nition stores hidden in the bim- to door in this resort on the west feur-drlven Daimler limousine, found the uniform items, MONTVILLE (AP) — A con- assistaince of some 20 state flight in considerably less time For Mligging’ at this price. Consistent long kers. One massive explosion coast of England. He vacationed at Nice, Cannesa He was arraigned today -4n gdentious objector who says the troopers to make their arrest if they had not encountered distance ft accuracy. Lasting But in Paris the gray-halred and Paris, Circuit Court at Hartford. ghould be abolished has Wednesday. The pacifist had headwinds and bad weather ripped a crater 30 feet across. old Englishman was a wealthy Stock Prices tough cover finish. • fast backipocjent press in 75% rayon, 10% oce-’f booby traps exploded by the. was revealed :Wednesday when aware WASHINGTON (AP) — Sen. thau said the defendants had Hand Made rocket bombardment. SmoUl^- his will was published, losophles’,” Stephens said short' IN STOCK tote, T5% nylon. Belt loops, front scoop pockets, back (See Page Sixteen) (See Page Seventeen) «« jy before he was arrested. of the consequences _ of his ac- Thomas J. Dodd, D-Conn., has lifted the price of Pentron stock Wigs $69.95 ering, twisted logs jutted from Dressed In an old army over- put his Georgetown home up Tubeless or Tube- patch pockets. Brass, copper, brown, chili. Sizes ______^______;______Federal marshals needed the (See Page Sixteen) artificially and created the plo- Including styled, wig the wrecked fortifications. ioat and tattered canvas shoes. for sale and is asking $90,000 tore of an active market to 1,10- Type New Treads case and head. ^ 29-36. , The U.S. sweeping force num- he went from house to hou.se for the property, the Washing­ mote sales ',of about 320,(X)0« Retreads on sound tire bodies. •**»*»*••*•* bered more than 3(X) men, with selling cheap toilet, goods from a ton Post reported in its Thurs­ shares in February, March and tanks, reconnaissance vehicles tray. Machine Made DRESS-UP"jeans—fast back model of 55% Fortrel—45% day edition. , April of 1966. plus 4 tires off But the real estate broker The government charged that your car. Prict . Avril. In a tight oxford weave, Brown, Navy, Rost. Includos Wigs $49.50 handling the sale is quoted by four of the defendants had Fed. Ex. Tax. Including styled, wig the Post as saying Dodd "is agreed to sell 144,000 shares at case and head. Record Budget Approved not selling t^e bouse because $3 for Andreas, who In-turh ars FOR *■ M o re Great Specials for Summer Wardrobes he is short of funds.” ranged for them to buy 178,000 Falls $67.50 The broker, Matthew E. Don­ shares at $2 from a trust fonned (An Shades) ahue. said Dodd’s “family has for the children of Andreas. iW ’.:;::: GOP Amendments grown up and he wants to move I . . ■ . li‘X>>X ■ • f ■■ into an apartment. This is not (See Page Tea) Wiglets from ivy styled slacks summer pajamas a dlstresB sale ...” $11.50 v!.-r Donahjue said the house, pur­ You get the egme roed-grip- (All Shades) Are All Vetoed chased by Dodd when he en­ piqg Rib Tread Design that reg. HARTFORD (AP) — Repuh- deficiencies in the Democratic tered the Senate in . 1969, has 5 .9 8 lican amendments that would administrattbn budget, be said been on the market for two cornea on our new car 4 . 8 8 S3i 1,88/ B iille tm have added some $68 milHon Besides money for the general weeks. “Power Cnehion” tins Koratron permanent press 50% Short sleeve,, knee length perman­ Dodd’s six children either ent press, or long sleeve, long leg to the administration's budgiet fund—used for the state’s day- No M o ney D ow n on ook Ea sy Pay p l a n Kodel and 50% ' Combed' cotton, were defeated one-by-6ne in the to-day operation In the next two ' have already moved away or POLICE SCHOOL PLANNED Beige, olive, grey cloy, green plaid. broadcloths. Atsortgd patterns. A, are preparing to move. HARTFORD (AP) — The Sizes 29-36. B. C D. Democratld-domlnated chamber years—the' budget bill included FREE M ounting Plan Tjp as the Senate approved the gov- $207 million for the highway Dodd stands accused by .the Connectlcat Munlclpa) PoUce emor’s general fund budget in fund. Highway bonding, for Senate Ethics Committee of Training Council unveiled a session that lasted Into early v^itch the governor has atf\d having converted campaign plans today for a $lJi mlllloa Be Here this morning. $55 million, has not yet come funds from te^imonial dinners police academy. The academy, Banlon sport shirts Madras Bermudas ■ The harassed lawmakers, up for action In the General to his personal use. Senate ac­ which will be one o< Uie first pressing for the June 7 dead- Assembly. tion on the committee’s censure In the natloa, win be need Tuesday, motion is scheduled for June initially to train state and lo­ G O O D / y E A R 3 fo r Hne, Bjpppoved a recofrd $1.03 The only major change in the r«g. I ^•X'X'J bUllon budget on a roll-caU vote general fund budget was a shlft- 13. cal law enforcement offloen, The Dodds also own a home June 6th. 3 .9 8 3 . 3 9 $ 1 0 24-9. ing of monies within the budget and later for In service train­ SERVICE STORE 1.88 ~ If the OOP’s first amendment to provide an addlUonal $1.8 In North StiOnington, Corm. ing. The building—the eltn Short, sleeve style. Fathlpn looped Ivy League model of'genuine Indian [ x<*!'X: Donahue described toe for which has not been dis­ collar and placket^ Choice of over a $180 per pupil int^ase miUlon for the teacher’s retlre- Kelly RocmI In the' This Offer madras. Choice of colors. Sizes 29- M state aid to education — was ment fund, Georgetown home as having a closed — will cover 117,MB 12 colors. Wondenully washable. 40. double living room, 6 bedrooms, accepted, minority leader Fred- Also Included In the budget square feet. Is ‘‘U” shaped and VERNON CIRCLE S, m, .j. xl. Y 3% baths, 8 fireplaces and a Is two and three storlee Msh SHOPPING CENTER Will Not Be •rick Pope Jr. indicated, the bill. was ^07 million for the others 4rould have been with­ State troopers restrain members of the Committee charge. The CNVA members crawled under the ver garden. a l^ to the senator of conttaapomry denIgB. It In highway fund. Highway bond­ h^e and prostrated themselves in front of it. valued the outstanding mort­ expected to be steel ttmam, Phone 875-S292 drawn. ing, for t^ c h the governor has for Non-'Vlolent Action yesterday afternoon in Vol- Repeated! The RepubUcani were trying unixTwn after they had blocked movement of car> Troopers prevent them from renewing efforts as gage at about $20,(XX), .-toe Post concrete, brick Moelt to point out what they felt were (Bee Page Btacteea) oarrying one of their n u n ^ to face draft evadinir car (not seen) prepares to move away. , •aid. Wofeh For Our Grand Opening DOWNTOWN MAIN ST., MANCHESTER OPEN 6 DAYS 'X THURS. N IG H TS riU 9

■ m » ! ■ . ,.7 - ■ / V, i i- \ t >K,.' , 1..T^« •~f ■»-r n^ :fren k a ix trn *5 -• r':■’='! -r' -/-••r.r.: .*• •:'. *

. / MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, C O m , THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1967 P A G E T H R O i •PAGE T W O MANdfiESTEB EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1967 cinity of Rockville, . Borge will be the headUner Advontagiea Cited Cor the Governors’ Oommand €k>al Reached IsraeVs Military Hero Sheinwold on Bridge The report concludes the Exposition Ferfomnance at 7 ;S0 pmi. in the Commuter in 2000 needs for new tranaportaition fa­ Exposition's coliseum where In Scout Drive USE HANDFUL OF DUST cilities will be greatest In the Political Storm Center governors ot the six New Eng­ MofftAMkr NOW OPEN Signs Borge FOB OPPONENT'S BYES BodiiUes vidnsnbli The 1450,000 first-phase goal Will Still Face Car rapidly expanding suburbs, "un­ land states win be in attend- less trends ohonge drastically In, TEL AVIV (AP) — Gen. which was formed Wednesday. shoe. Borge’s appearance wUI By ALFRED SHEINWOLD la n r r a toward making the 1,000-acre The daily' commuter of the the same size as the area now the future.” Moshe Dayan, the one-eyed Isr­ However, an influential sector be preceded by a pageantry of It’s easy to get the Inapres- 6 A |2 Girl Scout site near Tolland, year 2000 will basically face has. The plan provides the moat of Mapal, led by former Foreign For Openiilg C? 74 A typical expressway has an aeli hero of two campaigns bands, t-H preeentations, and sion that there’s only one way Mass., a yeatsround camp has the same methods of transpor­ extensive coverage of the areas initially larger cost imd con­ 'Minister Golda Melr, and. 3 ^ against the Arabs, w^s the cen­ WEST SPRmOBTOLX), Mass. the FEA (Future F'armors of to play a hand. The advantage been reached. tation as his 1967 counterpart, east of the Connecticut River. sumes more land per rivUe than pai’s SociEdlst party coalition America) program. The star 4 >KQ 172 / THE GASLIGHT according to a 48-pEige Pre­ ter of a swirling political storm —Opening night o l the Bastern of playing In tournaments Is The announcement wai^ mode- Proposed Area Highways other types of roEids.i' ■ partner have been urging the States Exposition, scheduled farmer of the 12-state region of WEST BAST liminary Transportation Plan Several hlghwayis have been in Israel today. appointment o f Labor kflnlster that everybody plays the same 4 K 54 4 3 by Paul H. C. Haggard, chair- The CRPA report states the . fiept. lff-24, wiQ feature the in- the Northeast FTIA wlM receive released today by the Capitol proposed to allovlate the trans­ ^vantages in superior safety, Dayem, 62, is in line for a role Ylgal Alon to the defense post. hands and that somebody else ^ A Q 76 9 10982 30 Oak Street — Manchester Region Planning Agency in Israel’s confrontation with Cemationally-^ainKiUB pianist Vic­ an award. mart of the ComteeUcut Valley portation problems of those liv­ time saving and traffic-qaary- Alon is also a former chief of may come tip with a novel way 4 1932 O A 1086S tor Boig« in a single perform­ Borge lyill come to the Expoai- A 65 ______A 843 Girt Scout Council’s camp de- (CRPA). ing. in towns in the Manchester ing capabilities outweigh the the Arab world, either as minis­ staff and a heto of the 1948 war. Won after spending six months of playing a hand that seemed area ter of defense or as a field com­ ance o< hte unique show, “ Com- SOUIU velpctnent ditve, after receiving DINNERS— LUNCHEONS SERVED DAILY The commuter will continue handicaps. ^ A short-lived campaign to re­ «d y In Music.” on Broaidway, a busy summer routine. Sometimes the other fel­ a cettifloata of appreciation to commute in automobiles and The widening of the Wilbur "The expressway' will more mander, politiCEil informants turn former Premier Dayld on the east and west coasts and low’s Idea Is an improvement 4 Q J 10974 <7 K S 3 fi>oni ttie counoU at Ms annual by bus, but In greatly expanded Cross Highway (1-84), to ten than pay for itself in direct saM. Ben-Gurlon, Israel’s longtime in Canada, pli» autumn engage­ on your own. volume. The report considers the Mkyan, who as chief of stsiff leader and now its elder states* STANLEY WARNER 0 4 -V dinner. DANCING EVERY THURS., FRI., SAT. lanes through Manchester and benefits to motorists, through ments in England, Scotland, Ire­ Opening lead — two of dia­ «AM 9 Atty. Anthony Orjdt, ishalr- futuristic methods of high speed a portion of Vernon, find to lower operating costs, fewer piloted the Israeli war machine mEui, to the head of the govern­ NOW land and his native Denmark. monds North Kart 80081 West man of the Soout Family Dlvl> transit, but cites the high ex­ eight lEuies through most of accidents, and travel time sav­ in its successful 1956 war ment apparently folded during TATE Par the i»8t 12 years he has When this hand was played in 10 Fisi 1 4 , P w slon of the Moncheater - Bolton penses involved, and the p^sent Vernon and Tolland, is recom­ ed,” the report states. against the Egyptians, reported­ the night. Ben-Giurion la now 80. "Rods” 6:16 - 9:85 entertained huge crowds a recent tournament the play 24 Past 4 4 *^ AOPaiB Community AasoctaiUon wtth a lack of co-ordinated efforts be­ mended. The project is pro­ It will also provide increased ly seeks a military command Another.ftyrmer geneiral and Biuian-Moea photo "Fight" 8 p.m. throughout the world, Borge hcis was the same at all tables but goal of 812,000 set,°wes able to tween various governmental grammed by the State Highway comfort, convenience and ca­ under the present chief of staff, chief of staff, Ylgal Yadin, of­ never forgotten that "charity be­ one. West led the deuce of dia­ go way over the top with a total agencies arid private Iridustry. Department to 1975. pacity, as the backbone of the Gen. Itzhak fered his services to Eshkol ei­ llDMBPtiian|^Sw»^i gins at home.” When his sched- E ngaged monds, and dummy’s queen about the nature of his partner’s o f 116,187 from parents o f Gtrl The use of express buses on Also recommended is the con­ region’s traiisportation system, Premier Levi Eshkol’s cabi­ ther in the army or the govern­ tile permits, he makes his home engagement of Miea Bar­ forced out the ace. East return­ opening lead. The deuce Is Scouts, leadens and Irleads of high-speed expressways or bus- struction of a new Rt. 6 it says. net met in Tel Aviv Wednesday ment. Yadin is also well known In Greenwich. The whole state bara Kennedy Bye of West ed the ten of hearts, and the de­ sometimes led from length, but Girl Scouts. ways is envisioned ha a more through the. southern part of The expressways will evem night to discuss an assigpiment abroad for his archeologlcEd Of OonneoUcut has benefitted it may liutead be a singleton. BURNSIDE for Dayan but failed to reach Hartford, formerly of M)anches- fenders then continued hearts This first success not only hi, l. N '-I AVI t econonjical and practical ap­ Manchester imto a porUfln of tually remove most of the long exploits in connection with the from ,Borge’s donations such as It began to look to East as agreement. Other party and ter, to Richard Blelds MunkxSt untU dummy ruffed the third means that the scouts will be pAk’KirjG proach to mass transit for the Bolton. This is programmed by distance and auto amd truck Dead Sea scrolls imd digging at to the Hartford Symphony Or­ though South surely bad the committee meetings were set of Cincinnati, Ohio, has been round. able to start building their Capital Region's 29 towns. the State Highway Dept. ' to traffic from local streets, reduc­ Masada. chestra and annU^ concerts for jack of diamonds for his pldy for today and a decision could announced by her parents, Mr. Now South had to lose a trump comp this spring but it provides The main method of trans­ 1975 on the basis of an eight- ing congestion there. the Victor Borge Scholarship of the low diamond from dum­ portation will continue to be by lane highway to mid-Manches­ The report notes, despite the be reached tonight, the inform­ and Mrs. Thnothy Kennedy Bye trick since with only two trumps a great incentive to their many PORTUGAL’S HOTELS Fund at the University of Oon- my. It was possible that West car, particularly in the suburbs. ter, then as six larKS to Bolton. public support for mass transit ants said. of West Hartford, formerly of in the dummy he could not pick solicitors who have already re­ LISBON—New hotels and mo­ neotlcut. He has served as Na­ had led the deuce of diamonds Car ownership will increase The extensive plan of the CRPA as a solution to the growing Eshkol was under gp'eat pres­ Mhnehester. up West’s K-x-x of trumps. ceived funds end jdedgee from tels In Portugal, when classi­ tional Chairman of the CARE from 9-3-2, but It seemed more from 1 million in 1960, to 1.7 continues this route through transportation problems of the sure to give up the defense port­ Her flanoe is a son of Rich­ Down one. over 6,000 friends and parents of fied Eis useful tourist facilities, PufbUc Service Committee and likely that the deuce had been million in 1980 and 2.5 million Boiton and Andover toward region, privately consumers con­ folio, which he holds. Press re­ has entertained U. S. armed for­ ard W. Murdock of St. Peters­ So it went at all tables but scouts to raise the total amount are exempted from property a singleton. by the year 2000. ' WiUimanUc. tinue to vote for the use of the ports said he would relinquish % HWIIIlIR'JHtlKm burg, FTa, one. There the South player kept o f 8038,000 needed to build the and Industrial taxes for 10 years ces troops throughout the world. East therefore returned a The report details three alter­ A highway linking the South automobile. the defense job and devote him­ pins Chad Everett in MiiaB Bye attended Ml. St. a handful of dust in his pocket camp. Pianist or comedian, Borge is diamond, and South easily took nate expressway plans, favoring Windsor end of Biasell Bridge The report will be pre nted Scout-Marine Receives His Orders self entirely to the premiership. and are assessed at only 50 per Joseph’s Academy, West Hart­ to throw In the eyes of his op­ certain to provide an enjoyable twelve tricks. The dust brought the "Extensive Network," which wltli 1-84 in Manchester is at tonight’s annual meeting of Explorer Scout Robert Benito, 17, of 32 Deerfield Dr. receives active duty orders from Ma­ Dayan has the support of his cent for the following 15 years. evening of family entertain­ ford, and Regis CJoHege, Weston, ponents. He threw the dust this In three tricks. will increase the present high­ recommended, as Is the con­ the CRPA at 7:30 in the Hill­ rine Gunnery Sgt. Ririhard Sahford, Manchester recruiting officer, shortly before Benito own Rafi party, which broke Purchase of property intend­ Miass. She is employed as a re­ time by playing the seven of Violence ment way system by 146 per cent. struction of an CEisterly exten­ top House, East Hartford. Pub­ marched in the town’s Memorial Day Parade. Benito left yesterday for four years’ duty away from the ruling Mapal; ed for use as a hotel or tourist search assistant at Boston diamonds from the dummy at Daily Question Is Their This network is roughly equiv­ sion of Rt. . 20, bridging the lic hearings on the plan will be with the Marinoa Left is Marine Sgt James Hubbard, recruiting assdstEUit. (Herald photo the Herut; the Liberals and a facility is exempt from trans­ (Mass.) City Hoapdtal. Mr. Mur­ the first trick. As dealer, you bold: Spades, G od-^And alent to constructing another Connecticut River EUid eventuEd- scheduled at a later date, by coEilition of religious parties fer, gift and inheritance taxes. dock, a 1962 graduate of Union Q-J-10-9-7-6; Hearts, K-8-S; Dia­ by Pinto.) Misreads Lead They Hunt regional expressway network ly connecting to 1-84 in the vi­ the Trajnspoitatdoin Committee. University, Albany, N.Y., re­ East thought longingly of monds, 4; Clubs, A-10-9. In A Pack JHE- ceived Ws master’s degree from DELICIOUS playing the ten of diamonds at Wbat do you sayf Like Rabid H a r v a r d University, Cam­ the flirst trtek but was aftraid Answer: Pass. You have 10 D og s! bridge, Miass. He Is employed that his partner had led fourth- points in high cards and 2 points '^OVAL- with the Public Health Service, best from 10-x-x-x and that for the singleton. This would he Cincinnati. f RAVIOLI South held the singleton jack. enough for an opening bid if ynu V DEVIL’S ANCELS A Novemher wedding Is East went up with the ace of had at least 2 quick tricks, hilt SHOW BOAT planned. COMPARE! SAVE 24%! C am R o iil, diamonds after deep thought, in this case the high-card stnfe- ■ plus "Swingers’ Paradise” June 2—June 17 and South naturally played his ture is nol quite good enough. lASf WINDSOR MfiMStroM low diamond. Copyright 1967 HKATREI DRIVE IN ★ RT 5 Farmington Avorae Now East had second thoughts General Features Corp. 1 and Sousoga FARMINGTON Ebrtford’s Newest Available at all times, made 677-9119 Finest Showplaoe for your eattng pleasure at M id bom a MICHAEL CAIN CHKISTOPimt Coma and Rina and Peter — of PLUMMnt " A lllE " ! DIHf plna VILLA MARIA A u en fj» Vanessa Redgrave |=jj| DtrAKIMHT a O K S “MORGAN” I«H1 WHIK SAVINGS AU IN FASHION Color ^ Mon.-FrL “Mor.” 7:10 SBUTSIU IR. "Alfle” 8:55 FOODS Mon-tailored is the cool fashion-word for summer-shirts. Buy yours 618 Colebrook Road Olaatonbnry sleeveless, or with roll sleeves, with Bermuda, convertible, spread, Plus Jane Fonda or button-down collars. Enjoy easy-core Dacron® polyester-cotton CHICKEN FRIES “A n y W e ^ e s d a y ” MISSES’ JAMAICA SETS and combed cotton broadcloths. Sizes 32*38. AliSO A SPECIAETF EASTHARTfORO Printed, washable J CALL 633-9858 DRIVE-IN ★ RT 5 I Kodel® polyaster- rayon acetates. Hip- w - w TJie CLARK'S IsI Stmt T.L T.L (20U (2W) 41U length, tent, tonk tops, „ WUHmmtUft Flnml Time; 8 P.M. Saturday, June 3 I Mrllin - PiMtr - Ctdltoai 0fmn|lonl. Wllbu, Ctou Mi-y. EiH M RESERVATIONS CO 5-1551 FILLET MIGNON $2.95 tMI Ord«fi Accfpttd • Box Oftico 0^ Dally lAKDALE 10 Ml TO 7 r.a ■ Sim. 12 mm TO IPJL / Complete Lobster IIIN F 19 17 MoaiauT.- neqimtsuo J u n e 1 4 * 1 / UT.EVEt-JO -MT.MAT.SPJl Dinner Friday Only WAYHE New Low Price 8 TIMELY SUPER BUYS AT GRAND WAY’S FAMOUS LOW PRICES! Spedallzlng in NEWTON Fine Itallan- American Meals!

YOUNG AMERICANS Fresh breads and pas­ imillnTHURS-1S.H-4.SI-3.SI-mUT-Sini-16.S0-S.0O-4.00 tries made daily. 8AT. MAT. 5 P.M.4aiO4J0a» Children under 1 5 - % Price (M at) Featuring Daily Specials A s Alw ays t r i p l e .. Legal Beverages JUNE 22-24 SAT. MAT. ^ 5 PM . Tel. 649-5544 t r e a t A la n K IN G : j amt THE AUN KINS SHOWh b m i»

2 PfRFORAIANCES • 2;30-8;30 RAY CHARLES PtkBSS hi B U C K i DECKER HEDGE TRIMMER UWN ED6ER AND TRIMMER PAlCtt S3 .3 0 -4 .3 0 -3 .5 0 B U C K 8 DECKER 7'/4” CIRCUUR SAW BUCK 8 DECKER 3/8” BBUl KIT Only saw lafety-opproved for 14-pieces includes drill, drill bits, Sure grip handle, finger tip ' 6 AMP motor delivers HP, 714" and blades. 115 VAC, custom plastic cate, wire wheel twitch. Side handle for left or winged blade cuts smoothly, in« 9 AMPS, 1.HP, 4400 RPM. brush. right hand operation. suloted adjustable handle. Feature 1st 2 9 . 0 0 16.99 3 9 . 0 0 TONITE *U130 ‘ , » ^ U 1 2 2 K N igh tly Special Purchasel. Our regular 19.99 Except Both 1st Stop In Ert Burger Chef for a Triple Treat First a hamburger P r i .-S a t . Both h Color play the game of excitement IN THE CUFF-HANGER . . . the leanest, Juiciest hamburger you ever had (Our LYNN OFTHEYEARI secret: It’s cooked over Open Flames). Then add a REDGRAVE heaping bagful ot crisp goiden french fries and a full- IN flavor milk shake (the rich, creamy kind). An appetite lSniaiSK»U iG bargain in a b ^ Slop, eat and enjoy tonight at Burger Chet deadly ia ffa ir 23^ A IN STREET

MANCHESTER, CONN. URGE COOIERATOR AIR COMDITNIIER GIUETTE1ECHMATIC RAZOR AND BAND 8' X 15 " steel w all pool DYNACHROME SMM HIM * PROCESSING 10,000 BTO cooling power. S O^kes blade changiai abtoletst,fhe ^ ^ ^ Buy now'for months of fun for Famous Dynachrgme 25 ASA iiH B b year warranty on compressor. bond moves into 6 pesiUons. 1 D u the youngsters. Heavy gauge, movie film. , Ncj money down. exposing 6 diffireht edges lorreoJ A 3D vinyl liner. Corrugated steel ' m tU K M M cfrsrAiMMa 1 7 0 . 0 8 I wall, bbnderized and double 1.99 f n i i ‘ i|U 6 a m . : ____ MX e m m smooth shoving. Compare ert 249.9S • Compare at 2.9S 1 coated. OuT i^egukir 9.99 Our regular 2.39 w B m h m a jamas mason maximMan s c h e l Oo-Featnn MIDOUI lURNPHOE WEST harry andraw h lYank Blnatra in Opwi Mmi. thro Sat. 9t30 A.AA. to 9 F.M. TRIPIE CROSS **Vai Bxpraw’* A X a 4d l V B

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.,, THURSDAY, JUNE 1,1,967 PAGE FIVR 1»Ag b p o u b a^NCHESTEB EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, OONN^ THURSDAY, JUNE 1,1967 Lithuanian, Slovak and Ukraini­ of the Little Big Horn where now wants to rebury the major haVe to realize he’s not/On Polish Church to Celebrate an. The English Mass is pre- Events Custer and his unit were wiped at Custer National Cemetery In ‘What’s My Line?’ anynmra His Columbia "domlnant in the Western Diq- out in 1876. Altoough a court of Montana. job is purely adminUtratlve. It Road, Sewer Funds oesc, which has its headquarters Inquiry cleared him of that has to do with conjr^ts and the First English Mass Sunday in Chicago, Bl. In Capital chaige, he w'gs kicked out of the Advice for Daly 'purchase of .equipment. .And Porter School Will Hold USDA CHOICE Army four years later on the WASHINGTON (AP) — John where he dgeS get into program­ St. John's Polish Nartional On Agenda Tuesday A program of sacred music, Reno Cleared other charges. , Charles Daly, due to become ming, he^'fihould realize his job Oabholdc Qhuroh will have Its hymns and songs at the Mass Charles Renp, 54, a New York director of the Voice of America is to ptomote our way'of thlnk- Site for Car-Scrap WASHINGTON (AP) — Maj. Its Graduation on June 2i first EnglMi Mass Sunday ait wtll be directed by Miss Beverly next'Augaist, already is getting *^*The Board of Directors Tuesday night, is expected to Taconite Test Picked Marcus A. Reno has been City bartendeV and great- ' Plans for the. activities of toe points to put the local club in 8:30 a.m. The Rev. Walter A, Burger, orgaqd^st and choir di­ advice about running the show,. c a p i t a l TJu o t e »Hoc»te $47,141 from the Capital Improvement Reserve cleared of charges of brawling, grandnephew of the major, filed Porter School graduating class first place in the first national Hyszko, pastor, wiill . be the rector. ' • MINNEAPOLIS—The site for Daly had been quoted this "It is more like an open invi­ Fund to pay its 50 per cent share of road and storm- drunkenness and taking liber­ a petition last October to have have been released by Principal regatta of too season. celebrant. The Enp,Hsh Mfiss a Bureau of Mines demon.stra- his great-great-uncle’s name week as saying he intends to tation to hotheads and rabble lewer myjrovements into Green Manor’s Manchester In- RIB The Polish National OathoMc tlon plaint that will use auto­ ties with another^ man’s wife George Patros. Clubs from Chicago, toe will be celebrated each Sunday cleared. have the Voice of America re­ rousers in those areas to move ^duatrtal Park.“ ■ Hi« Imjwjoie- Chui-Ch, according to Fatlier mobile scrap to convert an un­ that led to his dishonorable dis­ for $100,000. Mr. MdLagan died Graduation exercises will be Army Selective Service, W w*- at tihis time. An Army board for correction port "fully and fairly the divi­ into action on cue. It puts them ^ineniUi wUl ba llnoin Colonial Hysadto, is an adaption of the used type of iron ore into suit­ charge from the Army 87 years Dec. 2, 1966 of natural causes. held kt the school auditorium ington, D.C. and New York; The right To hold a Mass in of military records reviewed the sions in the country,” including on notice that they are expected Bd. Sitavonlc Church, and its apo.s- able I blast-furnace feed has ago. —- Anthony McOruden o f . 43 Jime 21 at 8 p.m. No tickets plus 14 hlgli schools gave local English received ■ a plurality itles are Cyril and Matljodi'u ■. case and said Wednesday "the the conflicting opinions on Viet­ to riot” —FBI Director J. Edgar H m aidtiion ts oonsiiiored rou- will be printed as the event Is been chosen in Itasca County, The action probably means Hoover, protesting statements Jensen 9t.. $3,600. He fell Feb. youngsters plenty of competi­ vote in 1958 at the ICth Synod They knew several recent loss of Reno’s wife, his nam policy. tlm bepoauM the board has ai- open to anyone interested. Mirmesota, between Na^towalk little to Reno, who died here of by civil rights leaders pinpoint­ 1, 1965 on an Icy highway at tion. of the PoHsh National Oath- guages and alphalbets anc state of bachelorhood in a deso­ But, replied Rep. Charles S. When? reajdy approved town parU.ci{)a- Graduates are asked to be at Wlnneirs include Junior men’s ROAST id Keewatin. Vast reserves of cancer in 1889. But it does per­ late frontier fort and in the field Joelson, D-N.J., "the Voice of ing cities where riots may occur Parker 9t. and E. Middle Tpke. olic Church in Scranton, Pa. tten undar the recently adopted arranged a Slavonic alphabet an mSn, ore called nonmagnetic mit removal of his body from an He sued the town for $30,000. the school by 7:30 p.m. —girls C-2, David Ramm, Peter le - &l. John’s Church is the sixth and the attendant primitive con­ America is to promulgate our this summer. June 4fh fcndustiriall guide Unes. Itie allo- of 40 a(ymboli3 and translated taconite^Jwe, found in the area. unmarked Washington grave to Mrs. Gnax» Pa'hcW of 15 Wel- in street-length dresses of white vesque, flnrt; Leland Plaseckl, 4th thru 7th RIBS ditions were not conducive to government policy. If that poli­ 3 to 6 Pirn aatton wm be tSw finst under pirlsh in tho EJastern Dioce.se the holy Itturgioal books from The plant,">«^mated to cost a national cemetery where only oome PI., $1,500. She fell or pastel, the color of the shoes Warren Jurovaty, 2; Stephen producing 'plaster saints’.” ' cy is wrong, we should change it Ctiocolate milk i.s whole milk the new ndes. of the church to celebiate MOass Greek Into Slavonic.' $4.6 million, will Use^ bureau- the honorably discharged may Mlarch 11, 1964 on an Icy side­ and the height of the heels is Ramm, Bruce Gardner, 3. • Secretary of the Army Stanley here, not brond/ia.st .statements with chocolate syrup added; ^ Watch For Our Ads! G 646 CENTER STRBET PLENTY QF FREE PARKING o

, / ■ \ ^NCHEStER-EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, THURSDAY, JUNE 1,1967 PAG® sEvral PAGE SIX MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1967 ------.■....— Tolland when they' wish, but not later deer licenses by lottery, since night despite some RepubUcldl Hebron Legislative Roundup than 9 p.m. Individual owners the'State Fish and Game Board misgivings that the bill lack* School Menus have said they could not close said It could issue only 10,000 strength. j' earlier voluntarily because of licenses but anticipated Rep. Lowell B. Welcker, Rs Annual Budget Meeting Church School Plant The Manchester public Gty Affairs Bureau Bill competition. times that many applications if Greenwich, said more mone]^ Fix-Up Time school menu for the week of the bill became law. should have been appropriated The Baby Has June 5 is as fcHlowa: OOP REAPPORTIONINO OK’D but that he supported the blU Set for Monday Night Monday: Soup, chicken salad Awaiting Action by House HARTFORD (AP) — The Re­ TWO WH,L SEEK VETO becatise ‘‘It is a beginning.” Reported Unsuitable publican Interim Rules Plan­ sandwich, vegetable sticks, HARTFORD (AP) — A State be granted within the $4 ,mll- HARTFORD (AP) — Two in­ The proposed measure would The proposed annual budget Manchester High Schoql and at­ milk, pineapple up^de down ning Committee has approved dustry spokesmen say that if breate a 10-member air pollu-. tended Boston University and \TOe state lire marshal's of- lated the pettttons as in terr­ Department of Municipal Af­ lion proidded in the governor’s a party reapportionment plan will be voted on at the annual Specials cake. fairs would be created in a bill budget. The bill now goes to the liberadlzed unemployment tion control commission to su< University of Connecticut. ed taxpayers, not as Selecririen. High School Oply: Pepper that would give urban and sub­ Been Named... budget meeting on Monday eve­ flc ^ ls reported to feel the that awaits final legislative ac­ the House. compensation bill passes the pervlse the new state-wide pro«' Lassow, his wife, Mlarllyn'and C hrlstt^ Education Building of The referendum must be held steak on roll, French fried po­ urban elements of the GOP General Assembly they will ask gram apd a 100-member task ning. The lioard of Finance has their family live on. Jan Drive tion in the House. The Senate amended a bill to more Influence. the u y i t e d Congregational wiithin seven to fouiiteen days tatoes^, asparagus, piilk. ' the governor to veto It. , force to study the problem thofw made copies of the recom'mended in Hebron. He is a memiber of aifter the town meeting, ac­ Tuesday: M«!at balls, gravy, The Senate passed the pro­ prohibit employers from dis­ i Delegates would be added in Frederick Vl[aterhouse, execu­ oughly. Holmes, Brian Scott, son of Frederick B. and Carolyn Church ml^y not be suitable for posed measure Wednesday. It Tobin Holmea, 23 Fairfield St. He was born May 14 at Man­ •budget for 1967-68 available at the local school board and build­ at Glenney’s cording to town counsel Rob­ mashed potato, peas, bread, charging workers whose pay is proportion to the total nymber tive vice president of the Manu­ A maximum fine of $500 a public s c h ^ classes. would centralize state afforts to chester Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandfather is the town clerk’s office. ing committee bertdes being in­ ert King. buttw, milk, ice cream. garnished to say that employee of votes cast for the GOP 'can­ facturers Association of Con­ week is pro-vided for violators, The finance board is recom­ volved with many town activi­ The newlyXrompleted church Wednesday: Frankfurt on combat community problems could be fired if the gamiria- didate for governor in the last necticut and David S. Clarke, while industrial polluters are of­ James Tobin, Merrimac, Mtis.s. His paternal grandfather Is building is bunt in compliance Petition Prevents 'Vote such as housing, urban renewal Percy T. Holmes, Haverhill, Mass. He has a sister, Elizabeth mending a general government ties and clubs. 3-DAY SALE ONLY roll, potato chips, spinach, ments exceed seven in one year. election, but each town would president of the Naugatuck Val­ fered a 5-per-cent tax credit on budget totaling 8174^05 and a with regulation^ for church Hie filing of a referendum and poverty. The amendment sends the biU Ann, 4. filanchestcr Evening Herald petition will prevent the taking milk, harvest cake. ^ be guaranteed two representa­ ley Industrial Council, told purchases of pollution control Board of Education budget Hebron Correspondent Mrs. school buildings, but according Thursday: Italian spaghetti The department would be able back to the House. tives. newsmen the increase would de'vices. totaling 8309,304. to the fire marehal’s report, ’may of a vote at the town meeting W'lth meat sauce, tossed salad, Lazure, Carleen Marie, daughter of Robert Richard Marjorie Porter, tcl. 238-9116 NEW on the kindergarten imue. to make grants to community Thef total number of delegates cost industry $10 million a year The amounts recommended not meet’ the moreXstrlngent bread, butter, milk, jello with programs under a $30 ' million PACKAGE STORE HOURS would Increase from 959 In 1966 during high employment and CENTER APPROVED and Jeanne LaPierre Ivazure, Torry Rd., Tolland. She was coupled with the previously ap­ GARDEN HPUSE publld school building d^e. Those attending the meeting, VERSATILE topping. bonding program. bom May 16 at Rockville General Hospital. Her maternal however, will be given the op­ HARTFORD (AP) — Package to 1,008 in 1968. more than $27 million in a re­ HARTFORD (AP) — A b*U proved 8276,276 share of the No written copy of the fire Friday: Orange juice, toast­ The Senate amended a bill to store cloafing hours wtHiM be The recommendation will be grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Leo A. LaPierre. Stiirbridge, Opens Office Lobster Lovers’ marshal’s report is available at portunity to seek answers for cession year. establishing a medical health Regional Di.strict Budget which ed chese sandwich, milk, mix­ make proposed legislation on set at 8 p.m. Monday through discussed and voted on at a The bill was amended In the center passed the House on a Mass. Her paternal grandparents are Mrs. George Langlois, Carl J. Pattavina, former must be paid by the tdwn total the state office In Hartford, ^ d the many questions that have ed fruit and peanut butter Brimfield, Mass., and Robert Lazure, Southbridge, Mass. She tax relief for the elderly more Saturday in a bill the Senate GOP convention sdheduled for Senate Monday to cut the pro­ roll-call vote of 31-1 early head of the physical therapy 8759,885. Outlook Gloomy Sgt. William Bllert of Tollai been raised, and to clarify the cookies. liberal. The bill would grant a has amended and sent back to Sept. 30 in Hartford. has a sister, Kathleen Ann, 2% . AUGUSTA, Maine (AP) — A who made the Inspection har various rumors being circulated posed Increase In industry’s Thursday. department at Manchester Me­ The Board of Finance has tax exeption figured on $1,000 the House. contribution to tlie unem­ • • • • • estimated a mill rate of 47 mills gloomy prediction has been of­ been unavailable for comment troughout the town, David The New Ha'ven Central La­ morial Hoispiilal, will op;n the of the assessed valuation on the Sen. William F, Hickey Jr., DEER Bil l d e f e a t e d ployment benefit fund. But it bor Council, AFL-CIO will sjxm- Riendeaii, Wayne Maurice, .son of Lionel and Frances Alanohester Phytsioal TTienapy for next year after consideration fered for lobster lovers. since Monday. ■ iHhoIland stated laat night. tha Payne ;_Lorralne White. Do­ homes of-persons over 65. Oliver Riendeau. 21 West Rd., Rockville. He was bom May The Maine lob.ster catch has The iiuIpecUon was completed ' lUbolland is the circulator D-Stamford, Wednesday called HARTFORD (AP) — The has apparently not appeased in­ sore the center. Service at 257 E. Center St. of estipiated revenues totaling lores JacobMi), delegates to de­ The amendment would give the 8 p.m. closing time a "good House has defeated a bill that dustry. ' 22 at Rockville General Hospital. His maternal grandparents Monday. Trciatments ^vdll be $257,170 and appropriations of declined 4Vx million pounds in last week, acording to Sgt. Paul of the original kindergarten partment convention and Lois are Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Oliver, Scitico. His paternal the past decade and may keep ■ hooding of the state fire mar- petttioV calling for the special the exemption to all elderly compromise with respect to the would have established a deer­ given by appoontment only. , $20,000 from surplu.s. Lawson and Rose Sargent, al­ homeo-wners, not just those who CLEAN AIR BHX BACKED grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Adrien Rjerideau, 21 West Rd., on sinking until the 1980’s, ac­ shai’5 office. Neither school town mWing. convenience of the public.” hunting season in the state. The therapist is a graduate Competitive Ride ternates. own homes assessed for less The House had approved clos­ In taking the action .Wednes­ HARTFORD (AP) — The ■ Rockville. of Ithaca (N.Y.) OoHege and The 4-H Hoofbeats held a cording to Robert L. Dow. authorities nor representatives I’e urged towmpeople to at­ The Scoreboard COSMETICS * • • • « Dow, research director of the of the llintcd Congregational than $10,000.' It also would ing hours of 7 p.m. Monday, day, the House ignored a plea state’s first air pollution control I « Albert Einstein Medical School, competitive ride Sunday over a tend tomorrow’s meeting, to be Tlie Yanks will play the In­ freeze the property tax for el­ Tuesday, Wednesday and Satur­ from Rep. Renato Calchera, D- bill has gone to the Senate after WE CARRY ALL Callahan, Tlieresa Marie, daughter of Michael P. and Bronx, N.Y. 25-mile trail. The ride took more state Department of Sea and Church' wcre'aiyare the inspec­ held at 8 p.m. in the high school dians tomorrow night at the THE TOP LINES than four hours with time mil Sliore Fisheries, said Wednes­ tion was being 'nj^de and did derly persons after the time day and 8 p.m. on Thursday Stafford, who said the state’s receiving strong endorsement in ; Gall Stamler Callahan, Springfield, Va. She was bom May He served two and one-half gym. He pointed out the mill Hicks ballfield. they applied for the exemption. the House. 17 at Fairfax Hospital, Church Flails, Va. Her maternal for a lunch break. This first day the drop in catch may be not accompany Ellert on the in­ and Friday. deer population of 6,000 animals years at the Gaylord Rehnb'.U- spection. rate is already set for this year, Democratic leader Marcus As the law now stand;^ pack­ needed to be controled. Unanimous approval came In ARTHUR DRUe grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stamler, 550 Keeney competitive ride involved 46 related to colder waters in the that the costs of kindergarten tiaitlon Center, WaJUngford, be­ It is not known who 1%q'ileet- said the added tax relief could age store owners may close The bill would have Issued the lower chamber Wednesday St. Her paternal gjandparents are Mr. and Mrs. John Calla­ fore coming bo MancheBter Hos- riders. Gulf of Maine. will not affect this year’s budg­ han, 34 Oliver Rd. She has a brother, Timothy John, 3%. In the Senior division, the Dow said Maine’s lobster crop ed the Inspection, or exactly Dedication Set pirtaJ ln 1963, where he was In prizes were: First, Dorothy St. has fallen from nearly 24.5 mil­ what the-report states, although et and will total less than one- • * • • • oharge of phys oal, ociupationa' half-s mill in the coming years By Pre§bytery Lolselle, Nicole Ann, daughter of Valmore J. Jr. and Marie; second, Gary Richard: lion pounds in 1957 to less than rumors are running rampant and inhetetiion theiapy. third, Jeanette Nolan; fourth, 20 million last year. At the same through the town. when the. rtate grants are ap­ \iMelissa Crist Lolselle, 233 Northvlew Dr., South Windsor. Pattavina lives at Willie Oii- plied to costs. Eastminlster United Presby­ ' She was bom May 22 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her Donald Nolan; fifth, Linda Har­ time, he said, the ocean temper­ Presumably a' written report terian Fellowship will have a ole, ToiWand, with hda wife and rison, and sixth, Linda Now.sch.' ature off Maine has dropped wfll be presented to those at­ The date of the referendum -maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Charles Crist, York, three dhildren. may be sot by tiiosfe attending dedication service Sunday at ;tpa. Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Valmore In the Junior division, awards from an average 49 degrees to tending tomorrow night’s 11:15 a.m.'of rezen/Uy purchas­ ■^iiOiselle Sr., Holyoke, Mass. She has a brother, Scot, 2. went to: First, Elizabeth Paige; about 45. special town meeting. The meet­ the meeting or by the'l^ard of ed land at 131 Woodside St., on * * « • • • second, Janice Forbes: third, Dow has proposed environ­ ing has been called to vote on Selectmen. Zanghl and Kolas the Manchester-East Hartford Rainbow Seats Gary Keefe; fourth, Posie Lip- mental control in an effort to providing public kindergarten.^ have advocated the referendiim line. This property was purchas­ * Marquis, Karen Marie, daughter of Alphde A. and Bar­ pincottj. fifth, Susan Ann Sweet, beginning in September using as a means to permit more peo-' bara Stachowiak Marquis, 71 High St., Rockville. She was restore the state’s lobster ed, as the site of a future church GM/ntA and sixth, Michelle Rae. production. His department has the Christian Education building pic to register their feelings on i .■horn May 19 at Rockville General Hospital. Her maternal Miss Livingston by the Eastminster Fellowship The ride was judged by Vin­ begun to study the effects of classrooms. the issue. and presbytery of Connecticut KNOWN FOR VALUES * grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stachowiak. 26 Grand Miss Dianne Livingwlcn, cent Seville of Colchester. Riders Can be used for bathhouse, tool shed and barbecue shelter. Completely pre­ School Board liiapectioii «.Ave., Rockville. Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. heated water on lobsters and Practice Teacher Valley. In the event of rain, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Har­ were scored on natural trail hopes to start soon on lobster fabricated, ready for easy erection. David Cook, diairman of the Mi.ss Alice Campo, a mem: service will be held Sunday, Adrien Marquis, Fort Kent, Maine. old Livingsiton of 23 Loo. at St., ob.stacles including a bridge, Board of Eld^Jo^tion, stcitod lest • * • • • "farming.” THE SUNADEE ber of the Senior class at Cen­ June 11. Wapping, was installed wW-hy flowing brook, paved road.s, nig'ht that a written request tral Connecticut State College, The congregation df. Eastmin­ Mo'Uies, Carln Ljmn, daughter of William H. and advisor of Manchcs’ler Ass.m- jump and swamp. The condition ATLAS PITBLISHED 6’ X 16’ Knotty Cedar and Barbecue Shelter. has been forwarded tj the state ;,Nancy Kearney Mothes, Kenwod Rd., Vernon. She was born has succcsefully completed ten ster Fellowship now rrieets at bly, Oixier of Itainbow for GdrLs, of the horses was the most im­ NEW YORK—The Serial At (A s shown). Shingles not included. Yours For Only *333.00 fire marshal’s office, re ,u sting weeks of teaching experience the George E. Slye School, King­ '-•May 22 at Rockville General Hospital. Her maternal grnnd- at semi-publi'c ceremondos last portant. ’They were checked in las of the Marine Environments Reg. $369.00. aji inspeobion be m'ade and a ston Dr. off Oak St., Fast Hart­ ‘ parents are Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Kearney, Somers. Her at Tolland High School in the Saturday night at tlie Masonic the ring, at the lunch break and published by the American Geo THE LENOX repart f-'t>mi;trted prior to to­ Social Studies Department un­ ford, for Sunday Worship Serv­ SALE PRICED EVERY DAY OF THE MONTH •"paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mothes. Largo, Temple. About 200 attended the at the end of the ride. graphical Society of New York 6’ X 8’ Knotty Cedar. morrow night’s town meeting. ices. “Fla. She has two brothers, David, 2, and William, 1; and a The money made from this der the supervision of Mrs. Ruth event. is one of tlie most unusual at (Shingles not included). Yours For Only The request is in addition to Matteson and Kenneth White. The dedioaitaon service Is ■•Sister, Dorothy, 8. Miiss Diane Bernard, junior very succe.ssful first for the lases ever attempted. It is pub *210.00 the inspection made last week. open to all members and friends “ • • • • • past worthy advi.«or, was the club, will help defray expen.ses lished like a journal,, as a series Reg. $229.00. The school board hias not VFW Auxiliary Officers of the fellowship. ; Girard, Bryan Allen, son of Leon R, and Pauline De-. of the members in other com­ The VFW Auxiliary will hold CHILDREN’S POLOS in.'JlaU'ing officer. She was a.s- of separate folios. •een any copy of a fire mar­ W R A N G U R ® - maraJs Girard, Plains Rd., Tolland. He was bom May 22 at 3i.9ted by Miss Patricia Rhodes, petitive rides. Each is a complete study of a shal report on the but tling and iti' regular meeting Monday COLORFAST AND .‘.Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandmother oliaplann; Miss Elaine Mai'tcll, Bonnie and Posie Lippincott particular aspect of the sea— has not been officially Inf.rmed night at 7:30 in the Post Home. WESTERN "Is Mrs. Napoleon Dcmarals, Worcester, Mass. His paternal ntaralrai, and Miss Sandra Fox, and Linda Harri.son will com­ biological, geological, chemical Recently elected officers are MACHINE WASHABLE regairtiing either inspection, ac­ Lorraine White, president; Lois the OLD .^grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Albert L. Girard, 286 Wood- recorder, aJi past worthy ad­ pete in a trail ride in Burling­ or physical. Since 1962 a dozen cording to Cook. KNEE JEANS "V 'brldge St. He has two brothers, Richard L., 2’.^, and Paul J., ton on June 11. That same day folios have been issued and a Lawson, senior vice president; visors. Jaancs McKay was or­ ‘The petition .seeking to place Dolores Jacobsen, junior vice ;l% . ganist and Ronald Erickson other members of the club will 13th is due soon. the kindergarten issue on the * ***** show their horses at a horse president; Louise Dombek, Weldon aolodal. voting machines in the fo:m of treasurer; Sandra Crawford, J Belanger, Jaime Lynn, daughter of Robert and Astrid Mr. and Mrs. T. Dye Hoop­ show in East Hampton. The members also rode in the Me­ a referendum waa presented to secretary, and Bertha Payne, •Skoog Belanger, Lathrop Dr., Coventry. She was born May er, worthy patron and matren to b/iigliteh\ ' town clerk Clcria Meuramt yes­ Drug Co. *22 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. She has a brother, morial Day parade yesterday. WINDOW SHADES chaplain. of Temple Chapter, OES, were .\t Training E.\erci8e terday, by circulator First Se­ Also, Leila Grifflir, conduc­ REG. 1.00 •James L#ee, 2'.4- welcomed by the wtrthy ad- lectman OarmeJo Zanghi. a( Ihcir new ii(ldr*‘s,s REG. 2.99 «<* • • • * » M.Sgt. Gordon B. Lassow of Green, White, Ecru tress; Lillian Johndrow, guard, vi.sor, and Mi's. Hooper presen It The petition contains about end Laura Hickton, Rose Sar­ ’’ Corfelp, Ricardo David, son of Ricardo and Maria cd tlie Asecmbly with three London Park participated ir Wdshabie a dog’s ' 767 MAIN ST. ^m bed cotton knit with IjOGEX 67, a military logistics 350 signatures, according to gent and Leila Griffin, trustees. Pre-shrunk! 10-oz. cot­ ■■jVale de Serra Correia, 1,54 N. .School St. He was born May 19 Rainbow Bibles as gifts from Mrs. Meimant, considerably I’nrkliig III Blr< li St. ton denim cut lean and / little or no shrinkage. ,iat Manche.siter Memorial Ho3i>ital. His maternal grandpar- training exercise just conclud­ CASCADE FINISH Delegates to county organiza­ Crew neck styles in Temple Chapter. ed at Fort Lee, Va, more than the neceesarv 200. tion are Louise Dombek, Lois snug. Pockets back and *ents are Mr. and Mrs. liYancisco Vale de Serra, Rigego The worthy advij o t ’s ccloivs 2ianghi and Sclectiriian Vrjnk stripes, solids. 3 to 6x. »Dosete, Portugal. His paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Sgt. Lassow. wlio is affiliated 2i» Made to Order Lawson; alternates, Sandy Tri- front...new colors! 8-18. are red, while and blue. She With Your Rollers SAKRETE BLACK TOP Kolas have ^ated they circu­ 'oarico, Dolores Jacobsen, B«r- \ ^Francisco Correia. Rigego Dosete, Portugal. He has four sis- is 'a junior at SouiUi Windsor ivith the Travelers Re.^iearch •*ters, Julia, 14, Isabel, 11, Maria, 7, and Linda, 2. High Schcol and a memiber of Cenicr Inc, in Hartfoi-d, has a FULL LINE OF CUSTO.M « # « « « the French Club at the school. niV lization assignment as a GRANT MAU weaUier forecaster with the Air VENETIAN BLINDS *1.80 Dombek, Debra l«e, daughter of Robert E. Sr. and She is also a member of Com­ Grants-otrn Fsis* “SUPER VALUr' table •Lorraine Ott Dombek, 30 Windemere Ave., Ellington. .She Weather Service headquarters munity Baptist Church. APPLIANCES “was bom May 19 at Rockvli’e General Hospital. Her ma- Special guests at the event at Scott Air F'orce Base in E. A. JOHNSON SLEEKLY TAILORED •tem al grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Louis N. Ott. Merrow were David Hastings, niaeter Illinois. -tRd., Tolland. Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. counselor of John Mailher Chap­ Lassow, son of Mr. and Mrs. ACETATE GIRLS^ FUN-STYLED Herman Lassow, 40 Autumn St. PAINT CO. •John Dombek, Pinney St., Ellington. She has a brother, RioB- ter, Order of DeMolay; Whiter 723 Main St„ Tel. 649-4301 Sole co n o N ■“ert Jr., 3. Manchester, is a graduate of FULL SLIPS • • • • • A. Person, wcrrhipful master of Manchester Lodge of Masons; JA M A IC A S E 1 S Mattox. Paul Robert, son of Robert J. and Mary Byerly Mlarshall Hodge, senior dc'icon ONLY .’.Maittox, 151 Hany Lane, Rockville. He was born May 23 at of Frienctohip Lodge of Masons; ALL-WEATHER 9.44 "^Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandmother is Earl C. Larsen, high priest of ^ r s . R. A. Byerly, Clarendon Hills, Til. His paternal grand- New England's Leading SAVE ^400**! Delta Chapter, RAM; and Mr.s. Quality irons, can opOTers, "parents are Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Mattox, St. Petersburg, Fia, toasters, portable mixers. Thelma Gray, past junior moth­ Two-Year Professional REG. 1.69 ■ -He has a brother, Ted, 6; and a sister. Marjorie, 7. er advisor. DOG HOUSE REG. 1.99 1-yr. over-the-counter re­ ***,*•■ Refreshments were served by placement guarantees. School of Shadow paneled, white tri­ " Bombardier, Teresa Lynn, daughter of Robert J. and Mrs. Rupert Uppling, prc.‘idcnt TWO SIZES TO CHOOSE FROM Ea^-care fabrics in 'tol.- ^Ann Goldstein Bombardier, 102 Beepwood Dr. She was born of the Motlliers Club. Members Reg. $6.95. cot. Sizes 32-38. Sizes 40-50, ids, stripes, polka dots,' reg. 2.59 . . . 1.94 ;;^ay 27 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal of John Mather Olrapler, Order Large Dogs *28.95 Small Dogs *21.95 *5.95 prints. Colorful inrofusion- ;-'granctfather Is Jack Goldstein, Wethersfield. Her paternal of DeMolay, served and u h- ACCOUNTING of shirt tops and Jamaica t"grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bombardier Sr., 86 : ' ered. Applications now being accepted for shorts. Sizes 7 to 14.. •Deepwood Dr. She has a sister, Cindy Ann, 214. Sept., 1967, admission. J • * • • • National Safe Boating Week HARTFORD INSTITUTE OF ACCOUNTING Joly, Kim Marie, daughter of Omer F. and Lorraine HIDE-AWAY this year will be observed from 66 Forest St., Hartford—Tel. 247-1115 'Salisbury Joly, 57 Bigelow St. She was bom May 25 at Man- July 2 to 8. FOR TRASH GrantS'Otvn Pennleighfi 'chester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandp&rents are and GARBAGE CANS . CIRCULAR 'Mr. and Mrs. Lester L. Salisbury, Warwick, R.I. Her • pa- ' .iJSkdV :------MEN’S VERSATILE -ternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Joly, West STITCHED ■Warwick, R.I. I 100% COTTON ‘■■* * • * • I’Sir’ BRAS Keil.v, James Joseph III, .son of James Joseph .Tr. and Special POLO SHIRTS -Judith Washburn Kelly, 35 Pleasant St. He was bom May 25 JJ^at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandmother Ic h e g . •Is MfS. Jeanette Washburn, 35 Pleasant St. His paternal GOOD! BEST! Sale 68.00 .grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. James J. Kelly Sr., Fort ■Lauderdale, Fla. COL. LOGAN -*»•*» REGULAR INVESTMENT I Pre-shruhk, snowy white cotton bra with batiste NO MONEY DOWN REG. 1.19 V Rcmlllard, Robert Charles, son of Noel V. Sr. and Carol SAVINGS ACCOUNTS SAVINGS ACCOUNTS IRON RAILING elastic yoke. 4-section low Monthly Tormi "McGinniss Remillard, W j island Beach Rd., Amstpn. He was cups up^t! AA-C. 30-42.. The nylon-reinforced "bom May 29 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His matepnal • Bright, sharp picture, , neck retains its shape. ^^grfindparents are Mr. and Mrs. Charles McGinniss, Vtrnon and GOLUMliS o Solid state power supply. Handy chest pocket. 4Trailer Park, Vernon. His paternal grandparents are Mr. and GAiUl ’o'Picture Steadying.AGC. I White and new Spring "■■Mrs. Joseph H. Remillard, Amston. He has a brother, Noel V. 4- Ft. Sectifm *74 $q. in. ama colors. S-M-L. •Jr., 2H- ‘ Reg. $5.68. .25 .80 .... s 'A • Conceals unsightly refuse containers and loose trash. IMAGINE! • Ends animal and pest nuisance. 5- Ft. Section SAVINGS FOR EVERYONE %/O c Weatherproof—keeps out snow. Ice, rain, wind, 16 FOOT. . . CUSTOM CRAFTED KITCHEN IPhone 649 - 5405 % e Easy to assemble. Sides, door, top and floor prefabricated. Reg. $7.09. ^ 4 4 Nalls, hardimre and Instructions included. ‘ FOR • Exposed surfaces prime painted ready for finish coat. with Bronzgiow Birch Cabinets WINTUCK YARN, 4 oz. skein ...... 1.49 1 .2 4 6- Ft. Section A t T c H y /V ' No vviilidru ,v(j| (.'! 90-Doy Wltlvirawal hJoticu Kuqi-- t'fi FOR 2 STANDARD GARBAGE CANS.. . 9 t 7 J i 9 DERANS WINDOW BOX CANDIES ...... 33c 4/1.00^ Reg. $8411. IROY and EARLE’S FOR 3 STANDARD GARBAGE CANS.. .$3SJM $ WTG LIGHT BULBS ...... 4 / 7 7 ^ COMPLETE WITH APPLIANCES! BOYS’ CUSHIONED FOOT SO C K S...... 3/1.00 3/86^ IS! I FLOOR COVERING • Eveiy account insured up to $15,000 Enjoy your home improvements NOW with Glenney’s Easy Revolving Budget LT. GIRLS CREW SOCKS, sizes 6-81 /2 ..3/1.17 3/94^ Account (R.B.A.). As little as $10 a month buys up to $100.00. FOR $ e f i ^ . o o Regular INFANTS’ PLASTIC PANTS ...... 39c 3/90« I 57«/2 COOPER STREET no ...... • Deposits made on or before June 12 • , QUALITY THE BEST ECONOMY OF ALL $967.00 Value! MEN’S COTTON TEE SHIRTS ...... 3/2.29 _ 3/1.36 • FREE ESTIMATES—ALL WORK GUARANTEED earn dividends from the fir st day ONLY Seem Zde m ptg,. MEN’S KNIT SPORT SHIRTS...... 3.49 2.86 wonder of the month Crrnnls Ginger LmndS MEN’S SIWDY 567 MEN’S S /S DRESS SHJRTS ...... 2.49 1.77 COnON WOM SOCKS r 1 "CUTIE PANTS" LtNOLEUM FORMICA so many • Dividends paid semi-aimually MANCHESTER HERE'S W HAT YOU GIRLS’ 1 PC. PLAYSUITS...... 94c 7 7 t BRUSH ROLLERS ...... 1-00 S 8 t FLOORS COUNTERS • Modem Built-In Wall Oven • 16 F t of Scheirich Braiui^ow Blreh Kitchen Cabinets AQUA NET HAIR SPRAY, 13 oz...... 88c...... 64$* people (Gas or Electric) REG. REG. 3 for 1.17 a Modem BuUt-ln Counter Top Baage a 39c WOMEN’S STACKED HEEL SANDALS ...... 1-99 1 .4 7 iW.G.GLENNEY 6 4 9 - 5 2 5 3 Tbe sign of a Copper Tone Hood evn* Range Soft knit combed cottea. CERAMIC KITCHEN prefer thla (Gaa or Electric) Sizes 6 - 16 PAPER PLATES, 100 c o u n t...... 77c 6 3 « PROfeasiofial nylon reinforced at h ed CO. • *1” X 24” Sink with Faucet, Ppray BOYS’ POLO SHIRTS, sizes 6-16 ...... - ...... • 1-19 88$^ and toe. Sizes 10-13. TILE CARPETS I»EO I»i:.E’S dealer who . .and Strainer • Installation Arranged By Our Owe" to save exoells In Trained Craftsmen lOY STRICKLAND EARLE TEDFORD 3 r 6 PBOfetalonal a 6-Foot Formica Conhter-top > at... and oiqiable LIMITiD OFFER PLUS MANY UNADVERTISED SPECIALS SAVE Fermcriy of Roy & John ^ eiNge 1870 NORTH MAIN ST R ^ X PLUS SAVE ACT NOW AMD SAVE! - CORPORATION . Member Ftdtrml Deposit Ihturence Corporation OPEN FRIDAYS UNTIL 8:30 N O d o w n PAYMENT! 986 Burnside Ave., East Hartford ROCKVILLE • VERNON CIRCLE EILLINGTON GLASTONBURY LOW IANK TERMS! TE L 287-7778 MANCHESTER PARKADE Read Herald Advertisements BUILDING MATERIAL—LUMBER-FUEL ...... I S I - ...... ■ ., • 1. n

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1967 PAGE NINE ^ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1967- PA(^B EIGHT One of th* main sources of the salmo­ Offfce of JFK Library • I t * ilSanrlfpatpr nella bacteria, the rieuths are now con­ vinced, is to be found in the modem In- 47 BROAD STREET 1Euptittt5 IJpralb troduoUon of extra protein to the feed t PUBLISHED BY THE Located in Apartment BERAIJ3 KlINTmG CO.. INC. which is prepared for livestock and S t o r e y 13 BIssell Street poulti-y. ’This extra protein often comes I " BOSTO^ (AP) — At the top of memorabUia, including'the late Manchester C^n president’s books, paintings and THOMAS F. B'ERGUSON from rendering plants which grind up I Boston’s Beacon Hill, across the Across MANCHESTER... R. FERGUSON street from the Massachusetts whaling curios which he had In SILF-SIRVICi DEPT STORE Publishers . and use the inedible remains of various his White House office, ahd of the Founded October 1. 1831____ animals. i.“st State House, is a fed brick other articles which he had col­ Piihitshed Evei-v Evening Except Sundaya The salmonella from the remains of apartment house which has lected. Notion! Manchester.an^Hoiidays. Conn., Entered as »'„iJl*_a“ciaM' Second Ciasa Mau animals gets into the feed, and the pro­ ^ V been a Kennedy headquarters- * Another section will be a con­ Matter. ,' I . ' ______tein involved makes the ne\y ' animals for 20 years. \ stantly changing e^lbit of BUBSCRIRTION RATES and nAw poultry grow fAst and put on >v. ' Now it is the main office of hHinreds of other articles, gifts Better Quality... Better Value... Beper Selection! Payabie in Advance " the John Fitzgerald Kennedy which were sent to the White One Year ...... ™ weight. ' Ubrary. I Six Months ...... tl.w But they also pass the salmonella on. House by foreign royalty, dlgni- ' Three Months ...... “•“« The library site is on the tiaries, or from Americans who One Month ...... And, in one dearly demonstrated and Cambridge bank of the Charles thought some object should be member OF proved instance, the salmonella was River, a scant two blocks from THE ASSOCIATED PRE® in Kennedy’* possession. The Associated Press is pas.sed on, from its general presence on ■M the heart of Harvard University The third section wlU be given to tlie use o( repuhltcation of aii j}f^ ^ —^the famed Yard. Datri'% credited to it or not otherwise crediU a poultry farm, to a milk-processing over to exhibits of art, current Sd hi this i»per and aiso the iocal news pub- plant which was in the neighborhood. I '■ And It is only a couple of events, and other showings Casual Wear for All the FamUy ‘''ai'i'^ rlchts of repuhltcation ot special dta- What hapF>ened was that the air ven­ ^ hundred yards from Wlnthrop which would interest visitors. pntches herein are also reserved.______. tilation system in the milk-processing House where the late president A good deal of the Kennedy \ fe; lived as a Harvard undergra-' collection of papers, records auL^'s mf“nnan^fa'l‘'?l-pSn^bimy plant sucked salmonella bacteria out of ^ duate. Mens Short Sleeve Relax So Perfectly in This New ••*Colorful,,mWondorfut the air from Uie nearby poultry fann; and official documents has been ; j The ilibrary site now Is occu­ shipped to the Federal Rejeords the sleuUis found themselves led to this E venins Herald ______pied by the Cambridge yards of Center a dozen miles west of Full sendee client o'N. E. A. • situation when' they searched for the Boston’s transit system, the end Boston In Waltham, where it is Publishers Representatives -- The JU^s cause of a sudden outbreak of a new of the line yard for the Boston- Henley Mathews Special Agency — New York, cm In the care of an archivist, cage. Detroit and Boston. ______brand of salmonella among infants. Cambridge subway, and for bus Frank Harrington, and of Davs Cool Print • Unea which radnaite from Har­ member AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULA­ Dried milk fi-om the plant was responsi­ Powers, who was Kennedy’s TIONS.______- ble. Ghanges in the venttlating system, vard Squar6| friend, camipadgn eld, and Wlhiite The Mtusachusetts Bay Knit Thursday, Jun« 1 plus additional sanitary safegu^ards, House greeter. Transportation Authority is The record center alloted 20,- have cured this danger. working on plans for use of an It has been relatively only a few 000 cubic feet of space for ths Culotte Pants Still June, In Spite Of Every^ing alternate yard, but so far hasn’t temporary storage of the Shirts No one but our ancestors In one oi years in which this kind of sleuthing been able to complete arrange­ records already on hand. those unbeUevalble y e ^ «ar back irf the has been poasible. Before that, any ments to transfer the Cam­ 'They are in a huge, air-condi­ One of 1800’s could possibly -have seen a First body who tried to claim that a disease bridge facilities elsewhere. tioned warehouse, with papers Wash 'n Wear Day of June in Conneotiout which fea­ could fly out one window and into an­ The library corporation se­ and documents stacked up bn a Large tured apple blossoms, dogwood, and other and then find its way into some lected the famed New York ar- row after row of shelves which King’» 55% Acetate, human body a thousand miles away j„ chltect, I. M. Pel, to design the reach 20 feet high. Loxc Selection lilacs at the peak of bloom. library. But his work is being Half of the big Kennedy ware­ PricBB 45% Cotton The predominant bloom the First Day would have been accused of supersti­ A tion. But, once again, modem science : delayed because it still isn’t cer- house section is packed with of June would be the daisies and but­ ^ tain exactly how much of the hunreds of cartons containing Seersucker proves the classical myth much closer Courtesy Wndsworlh Athencum. Hartford tercups in the meadows. Apple blossoms, j. land at the site will be availa- everything from paintings to • 100% Colton Knit < to the truth than thousands of years of ' ble. for one, would be long gone. a t h f n f tm whale teeth, and from lamps ' The beet thing new on the l^rst Day subsequemt supposed fact. Pandora had T 125 YEARS OLD TODAY: Architects Rendering Of James Lippincott Goodwin Ruilding A spokesman for the Ubrary and other objets d’art to one • Contrast Color Piping At \Swm th A t h e ™ of Cornerstone Ceremony Today. New MiUion Dolkr Gallery And Office of June would be the first scattered a box. She opened the lid. believes, however, „ that con­ specially made, hardwood case • Cool, Comfortable, Casual ripening in strawberry patches which, Building Will Open In May 1968. At Right 1842 Atheneum Building Being Remodeled. struction may begin by October, which contains a three-foot-long • Assorted Popular Colors this year, have juirt blossomed, with Enough Is Enough j 1968, and that the library may model of the famous Vatican open by the spring of 1970. state by Michelangelo, the Pie- only an occasional srt yet visible. The U.S. apparently is still commit­ l) • Small, Medium, Largo ted to oppose aggression in the Middle Nineteen million dollars of the ta. The state of the home garden on the I required.$21 million needed for Bast. If 8 0 , and in view of its heavy Herald The model Is a gddJt of the First Day of June, would have the peas Connecticut Yankee land purchase and endowment Pope, and the papal, coat of showing the first thin lines of white commitments In Asia and elsewhere, it Sizes had better be pretty cautious about in­ Inside Report Yesterdays j of the John F. Kennedy School arms is on the cover of the case, bud, the string beans sending out third By A.H.O. of Government has been raised, carved In wood. terpreting the pledge. by Men's 10 to 18 leaves, the lettuce fuU and rank, the The language of the oommiitment, In 25 Years Ago^ .] and backers see no real prob- 'Tlie statistics of the Kennedy , Others in the group tomato plants safely and robustly past was just off the Senate floori ■ lem In raising $2 million more.. collection are staggering. 14% to 22’/4 the version formulated under President Rowland Evans Jr. and Robert D. Novak The Rev. James A. Young, For a.long time, during the the small black beetles and the clay- Truman in l.P.’iO, is strong; it talks of unprecedented confusion w'hich between a certain high political Part of the Kennedy center The library now has 14,900,000 pa-s'tor of the Ohurcih of, the command, and a certain distin- already is in operation. Harvard pages of original manuscript Scrub e Printed Westerns colored cutworms.. taking action, in the event of the use WASHINGTON — Although tween a man, and a cow at the 1967 session of the General The staite of the moon, on the First Ntijuarene, is re-eleoted chair­ gui.shed advocate of the bill in , renamed its graduate school of materials of Kennedy’s speech­ or threat of force, both within and out­ details are a tightly-guarded scarcely believable distances. man of the Connecticut Valley Assembl.v has somehow man­ • S-t-r-e-t-c-h June Night, would, whatever its phase, side tlie United Nations. L,ater Presi­ question. As the Senate clock ' public administration the John es, memoranda, speeches and secret,~ plans for a new and Furthermore, to prevent mis­ Zone of the Nazarene diurches aged lo\produce out of its own Fitzgerald Kennedy school of documents of all descriptions. Cotton Denims be one that could be observed without dent Eisenhower reaffirmed the policy. taking friend and foe, friendly unprecedented political unity, ticked its seconds away toward Denim revolutionary type of electronic at the annual assembly held in adjournment, tlie debate be­ Government, and it is operating There are microfilms of 2,600 bundling up against near-frost tempera­ In 1963 President Kennedy put it simi­ barrier between North and troops can readily neutralize the local chiuroh. we have liad trouble getting our , under that name at Littauer pages of copies of manuscript • Stripe Patterns larly, saying we would support appro­ the detection mines by the sim­ bearings. tween these two was over th* tures. South Vietnam are row well- Chanles S. House, pixisetut- question of whether or not Ihia I Center, a few blocks away. miaiterfial in acditilon. Other Mat­ • Tattersall chesks That normalcy contrasts, in our cur- priate measures in the UN and adopt advanced. ple expedient of attacliing a ing aittorney of the ’To'wn Then, the other day, we sud­ When the library project is ing* include 11,800 books and Slacks other courses of action on our own to mini.scule electronic device to denly touched an old familiar bill had been included and ap­ pent experience, with gardens ivhich The new-style barrier is not Oouait of Manchester, is ap­ proved as a part of the final completed, the school is to moVe other printed items; 10,500 mu­ prevent or stop aggression. a physical barricade featuring their uniforms, weighing only base, and, lo and behold, it j there, into one of the buMdings seum objects; 73,000 photo­ have full spaces still ungerminated, with If the Truman, Eisenhower and Ken­ pointed by the judges of the bi-partisan legislative bargain tomato plants which nightly feel forced barbed wire, outpo.sts, and a few ounces. Superior Court as second as- seemed an orderly world again. \ Ina complex which also will graphs; 860,000 feet' of motion nedy Administrations could have fore- ’The beauty of this electronic The particular item that be­ package of the night. The cer­ to put on mufflers against the chill, heavy concentrations of troops. S'iistanit prosecutor of the Hart­ tain high political command f 1 house the Kennedy arohivee and picture films; more than 1,000 .seen our heavy, bogged-down involve­ To the contrary, these physical wall, if it ahovild work with any- came a point of reference lo and a miiseuim. . tape or disc recordings; and but which are not in much danger other­ ment in Vietnam today, they might not ford County Superior Court, maintained that it was not part oharaicteristis will give only a tliing like the effectiveness criimdnal side. sessions past, and, by all indi­ I The library planners expect 6^,000 feet of film from news wise because the little black beetles have been so free with their promises. claimed for it, is that it dis­ cations, an index to future ses­ of the bargain; it withered on the museum to be di'Vided Into modest as-sist to the most soph­ the Senate Calendar as the ses­ film collections donated by NBC See King's Entire Collection find it too cold to fly and the cutworms Even so, the Middle East commitment, isticated electronic shield ev.er poses of the troublesome mili­ sions as well, w'as located, on , three sections, also. and • CBS covering the years 10 Yearj.Ago " sion adjourned. Carefree button front step-fns !n white-striped haven’t grown big enough to try a main as we. read it, does not require military contemplated. tary argument that up to now the day of our encounter with First wiU be tlie presidential from 1954 through 1963. Pants shown are of printed eoHon tiop* trunk. ’This year, so far, they lop off Intervention. And indeed it would be a has always smothered the bar­ George B. Williams of 407 it, on the Calendar of the Keeping such past incident* •W ashable Cotton D«ntm charcoal or blue with large roomy pockets, At the heart of this ingenious in mind, our readers can well sacking. Finely tailored with side lip p ^ the smaller side branches, or do a neat, . 8ad business if the U.S. Government barrier concept is a plan to sow rier concept. This Is that a tra­ Woodbridge St. is chesen as House, starred for action. belt. Misses and women's sizes. imagine the surprised warmth • Popular ''Faded'' Leek tie and smooth regular waistband. R m s 10 to but not necessarily fatal Job of topping. should feel otherwise and decide that it the ground along the Demili­ ditional physical • barricade one of three runners-up for What was familiar about it had to send troops. tarized Zone (DMZ) with small would be impossible through WmC’s entry in the “Most was the fact that the title of of recognition with which w* • Heavy Duty Zipper And a year which is not even a good encountered the bill title on the year for cutworms Is pretty low on the We do not deny that the U.S. has metajUic devnce.s called detec­ the mountfiin jungles of we.srtern Beautiful Voice In Ameiica” the bill included the words ‘ M16 Blasted, Praised • Blue in Sizes 21 to 36 legitimate interests in the Middle East. House Calendar the other day. meteorologfioal scale. tion or sensory mine.s— not South Vietnam and would re­ contest. “Concerning the Praoticq of En­ Generally it has an interest in peace­ letlial mines that Explode but quire several divisions of troops The second outdoor concert gineering By Corporations.’’ Here was legislation of the For all of this, It someliow look.s and keeping. More concretely it lielped make to man it. Tlie second outdoor concert type our certain high political By Overseas Marines feels like that famous rarity, a Day in electronic mines that transmit The very words were like a H ide-#' possible the formation of the state of the sliglite.st movement in tlie Moreover, a physical barrier by the Manchester Pipe Band bell, tolling out draiu^itic mem­ command had been able to Jrme. Israel. It has an obvious economic stale of the . kind used with such block in the part two sessions DA NANG, Vietnam (AP) — training the M16 before they surrounding terrain to a cen­ is held in Center Park, with ories of sessions past. 'Tha M16 is called the "little come to Vietnam, in Middle Ea.stem oil; once again there tral detection receiver. malev’olent effect in Berlin, or ail proceeds going to the Mtin- To be specific, the words car­ when it got to .'his Senate. are Arab threats about blowing up the 'There it was, flourishing again black rifle’’ by the Viet Cong Greene told Washington re- Not In Triumph More than likely, these re­ like the one tliat cut off the ohester Association for the ried us back to the closing sec­ and all sorts of nsunes by some porters recently that the M16 R would be pleasant to be able to re­ pipelines if war comes. ceivers will be stationed in flight of refugees from Hungary Help of Retarded Children. onds of the last two sessions. in the House, in spite of the So any uses of Ameiiican diplomacy fact tha,t the House was now U.S. Marines. has proved to be reliable and cord that Walter Lilppmann, a presence U.S. airplanes above the DMZ. after the aboited revolution of ■"Two years ago, a bill “Con­ Controversy surrounds the hard-hitting. He described a* who has so often seemed almost the to prevent that war would be very much » As soon as a signal is received 1956, would cost an astronomi- cerning the Practice of Engi­ also his. We inquired as to Uie slate rifle, for two years tlie standard faulty any impression that the only remembrance of sanity within the in order. Beyond that we believe the that there is unusual activity . cal sum. The initial oo.st esti­ neering By Corporations” pro­ firearm in the U.S. Army in Marine Corps is dissatisfied socks (A Today in History of the measure, and found that nation, is retiring firom his regular or­ U.S. should not go, and we hope the pol­ wiWiin the mine field—in other mate of the electronic barrier, vided high behind the scenes Vietnam but adopted . by the with it. cotton, 25% stretch oytoo* to* icy-makers in Washington are of the however, is around $3,5 billion. By the Associated Press it was not quite flourishing, af­ deal full of serenity, dignity and wis­ words, that men or suijplies Today is Thursday, June 1st, excitement in the State Sen­ Marines only three montiis ago. A three-man group from the same opinion. from North Vietnam are cross­ The manpower required to ate. After lingering on the ter all. It seems it had been one “I ’d rather have an air rifle.” House Armed Services Oommit- dom. For one important thing, the nature make it work would be com­ the 152nd day of 1967. There are of the bills passed over in sev­ I'fx. He deserves, for his past services to ing into South Vietnam the 213 days left in the year. Senate Calendar for long “We’d be better off with the tee is coming to Vietneun to of the conflict is simply not such as to U.S. air' patix>l can call in paratively small. dreary days being held up by eral days of House business, in­ M14.” So say some of the check Into various reports about us all, a departure which wwild have warrsuit the military attention of this How e.xtensive the new-style Today’s Highlight in History dicating somebody had placed a * hea\’y air attack on the tres­ On this date 1958, General high political command, it siid- Marines whose lives may de- the weapon, the atmosphere of a triumph. country. It is one thing to oppose com­ passers or dispatch airborne barrier would be is still a secret. denly, about five minutes be­ hold on it. pend on the M16. A captain here said his oom- Cool Adorable f New Styles! But we do not always get what we de­ munism abroad, at least in certain For example, the Prime Min­ Charles de Gaulle became pre­ Next, we happened to encoun­ troops for immediate -intercep­ mier of France. fore adjournment, foun<^ itself Others praise it as excellent. Pariy had no trouble with the serve. areas, since after all Soviet and Chinese tion. ister of Laos—’the eastern edge taken up and passed. ter a certain high political com­ Miarine sergeants, lieutenants weapon In two months of cmn- ’The actual reading of the edreum- communism have been clear and present These sensory mines are the of which comprises the Ho Chi On ’This Date About three minutes later, a mand, which happened to be and generals — and even many t>at. An officer who was at Khe Little Girls stancos, moods, and intimations of the dangers to the U.S. for a good many silent hidden sleuths ^lat, drop­ Minh Trail-has informed the In 1637* the French mission­ identical with the high political in the ranks — agree the prob- Sanh says Ihe fight would have ary- and explorer, Jacques Mar­ certain high political command years. While the Soviets have long been ped from the air in prearrang­ U.S. he would not tolerate a happened to hear the bill had command which had functioned lem will wither away with been Impossible without tha Uppmann retirement comes out with a making trouble in the Middle East as quette, was bom. touch of sadness and cruelty in It. ed pattems along the border, barrier across his country to been passed, and issued new or­ in the, scenes we have described proper care of the rifle, more MJ6s automatic firing option well, an Aram-Israeli war, if'■it comes, the Mekong River. And yet, if In 1792, statehood was granted from Itwo and four years ago. He withdraws from his ordeal with should provide the alert neces­ ders which resulted in a quick training time, and just plain extra ammunition, Pinafore and does” not constitute a substantial threat sary to stop much of the infil­ these broad but hidden avenues to Kentucky. We showed a certain high po­ living ■with It. Another school of thought con- the world at the moment when the to American security. reversal of Senate action, so tration. And infiltration, accord­ of infiltration are not cut off, that, about 30 seconds before litical command the electric The M16 is four pounds lighter tends that when the rifle has world Is rushing pell-mell and point- Put it this way: The United Arab a barrier at the DMZ would words, “Pi’actice of Engineer­ than the 11-poimd M14. Thus a extensively, it will be ing to the be.st mllita.ry brains be inestimable. For example, it the adjournment deadline the blank in directions his own reason and Republic’s Nasser may not be greatly in tlie .lohnson administration, amount to locking the ft-ont door ing By Corporations” as they soldier can carry more ammu' broken in and less likely to jam. Panty Sets would give U.S. commanders bill was dead again, having had Intelligence label disastrous folly. beloved in the U.S., but he is not in the Is one of the principal rea.sons but leaving the side doors wide appeared in the House Calen­ nition. It I* fired singly or apto- Army ad^viser, however, same league of menace as the Commu­ in the central higWands a ma­ the prospective status of law And he withdraws at^a moment not why the U.S. and the South open. for about 180 seconds alto­ dar. mattoallyf giving every rifle- ®®id: “I got n ^ e third-hand when he has succeeded in demonstrat­ nist dictators. Vietnamese government can’t R is po.ssiblc, however, that jor weapon to break up the of­ A couple of hours later the man the Increased fire of a light dam thing still jams on Unfortunately, a cei'tain lack of dis­ fensive that is widely antioipa/t-'“ • gether. ing his superiority to pie man in the bring the war in the South under if the electronic barrier works House got to it* business on machine gun. *"®- * ^"® weapon in every King’a crimination about military commit­ ed for this summer. That was two years ago. But sometimes a cartridge respect if It ■would not jam.” White House who has been so busy in control. in the rugged western edge of Four yeftra ago, believe it or the Calendar. 'This time some­ Lou ments has chanaoterized U.S. foreign South Vietnam, it could also With intelligence indicating a thing happened to the bill. 'The get* stuck in the chamber, mak- Observers of Army units tend Frieoo recent months dieaply denouncing him Detection mine.s are only one m-aseive buildup of forces just ■not, another bill "Concerning policy ever since World War II. We of the sensational new devices work down the border of South House leadership moved it to Ing It Impossible to fire the next agree that the rifle improve* 1 8 * and sneering at him, but at a moment have a opuple of score or more of such across the border in Cambodia the Practice of Engineering By round. ®K® when a jam that military experts, prodded Vietnam and Daos and South Corportttions” was the subject rthe Foot of the Calendar, a when he himself, lAppmann, has come entaglements around the world today, Vietnam and Cambodia. __a privileged sanctuary—the After the vicious hill fighting occurs the weapon has not been elo.se bo going down to the level of by President John.son, are get­ of one of the hottest debates combination escrow and grave­ irretiftible group of pinafores 'n pCinties. Ap­ and the di-ain on our resources that The advantage to U.S. forces .massing of these forces in South yard section. If things go a* near Khe Semh early last month oa.red for. “ad hominen” argument engaged In by ting ready to experiment with. of the closing mom’entSsof an­ Boys plique, lace end novelty Kreen-printed trims. Vietnam has become sliows how rough Others are cameras that can of assured, eleoti-onic intelli­ Vietnam would became all but iisual, we an^ a certain h i^ po­ several Mairines complained ^® eemiau- that man in the tVhlte House. it would be If moi-e than one had to be gence about ihifiltration at the impossible . without triggering other session. ’The scene again their M16e jammed at critical t^omattos fired^ singly, were aim- Some with head scorfs-all With matching pon- •ee in the dark and sen.sory was the Senq-te. I h e debate litical oomrhand will be wattti- moments, P^® weapons, durable, and with- ties. Cotton, rayon seersucker and .textured R is no disparagement of such a fig­ carried out simultaneously. moment it takes place would timely UB. reectior. • ing it there, adjournment night, devices that can distinguish be­ The M16 will Jam, Marine ex-‘ ^® ®^°®® tolerances of the White Back ^ rayon fabrics. Delightful color combinations. ure as Walter Uppmann, so wise and R can be ar^ e d that the manner in to see if it attiracts tm}! sudden pert* say. If corrosion on the '^^®y were practically im- Sizos3t«6X. cool for ,8 0 many decades upon the which World War II ended gave the last minutes Interett *^d ac­ U.S. little choice. Victory left it stuck sides of a cartridge glues a shell *uuu® sand and mud. scene, to acknowledge that, at the age tion. Some day we’ll find out In fhe chamber. Too much ^ gunnery sergeant had this Dungarees of 77, the world has succeeded in bat­ in both Europe and Asia. It left it the what the bill does, beside close only powder strong enough to stand up cleaning oU, or a little dust, also ^ say: “Hell, I know men who tering him, and weakening him, until sessions. are bad. didn’t want to give up the to Soviet and later Chinese communism. be has had moments of losing his own- PaWlilicM Newspaper When a ehell Is jammed the ^*^*^®*^ .Action for the composure, of lotting the boorishne.so But to say that America has to stand Sjhdiratr, 1967 against those thiroats does not mean it extractor hook ■which grabs the In others get under his own skin, of has to stand everywhere. 'This is what A Thought for Today eartrid|;e rim will not pull the —— — !»• raising his own voice, of reaching for the strategic, as disUnct from the emo­ shell out. The only ■way the bw> i-. ■ , '• j Sponsored by the Manchester rel can be cleared is to assem- , UCffFCC dlfllC C l the argument which has the slight Wnit tional, criticism of the original commit­ Council of Churches Sturdy 10 ez. sanforized ble A cleaning rod, shove U *> S . •■ ■■ Permanent press work pants Cool Summer Tops of desperate over-emphatts or over-4n- ment In Vietnam is all about. True, the cotton denim zipper fly, S down the muzzle, and ram the -D y A f l S t J r ld S tC T S of 5 0 % polyester, 5 0 % cot­ tenpretaiUon in it. U.S. cannot withdraw now without Hemembrance’ pocket style. Regular sizes cartridge out —.an unnerving *' .- ton. Durable, heavy duty ■\ This Is all a measure of the world, and damage to its interests, but it may be sequMue in combat. The Entered Apprentice df- 6 to 16, slims 6 to 14. ' for Mothers-to-be! S hum an beings, even more than It Is a that it would have been better tq make Television,' newspaper ads, pants. Tan, grey, green color splashed on magazines, Miainne spokesmen, including gree ■will be exemplified by past in sizes 30 to 44;’ HUSKIES, Sizes 8 to 16..2.SB moasnire of Uppmann. He has been what a stand elsewhere, rather than getting the outgoing Marine command- masters at a meeting of Manr -• into an Asian land war. At any rate, billboards, neon lights, they all he has been, and that has been, we snp- are to help us remember a er in Vietnam, U. Gen. Lewis Chester Lodge of Masons Tues- pdse, the greatest of our time. ’That his the succe-ssive decisions do not appegr to W. Walt, says the problem day at the Masonic Temple. A have been made on any clear aspese- product. 78 tipies should finally, in his advanced would be solved if Marines roost beef dinner-will be served Mceo ment of the national interest. “This is my body which is yoaaa, be able to bring him to bay. and given for you, this Is my blood would clean their M16s proper- at 6:30 pjn., preceding tha de- 3 Detennining the national interest .-in a unnerve oven him, and even yield a which is shed for you, this do ly. A Jammed gun Is most often gree work, particular trouble spot is not easy, but. the . result of a Marine'’ “not Officers ,'of the evening are Cheap chortle, at his departure, to vul­ It is not impossible either. More and In remembrance of me.*’ One of the great spiritual doing what he is supposed to .Hayden L. Griswold Jr., master;' Just ono of a group of sleeved Or sloeveless tope In easlty garity In high place, is a bitter sadne.ss, more in the future, it seems to us., . do,” Walt told reporters. Walter C. Waddell, senior war- cored for dacron polyester and cotton. Shown is button but something to be noted, and not audlo-'visual aids of God for. His 'oirvinii e**aiasei< Boys U.S. strength is not to be nibbled away, people is His Sacrament. Given From time to time sergeants den; Howa,rd Waddell, junior back, Schiffli trimmed tbp in whit*. Sizes 8 to 18. glossed over, If we are to understand the criterion must be whether the to help us remember that It is can be seen inspecting a ■warden;- Molcoln^p Robertson, liiiiiii liiiiii' I' the kind of world we are nhaking our­ threat to America interest 1s fairly through His Son and the giving Marine’s weapon and some- secretary;- Erlond R, Johnson, selves these days. direct or' mertely peripheral. On that of Himself and the laying down times dressing him down. One senior deacon; David R. Span- M n il Ik riMTsABu Walk Shorts basis, the Middle East doesn^t qualify; of His life that we have for­ veteran, who says he has had no oer. Junior deacon; Oarl C. Hult- Maternity JamaicaS' Science Catches Up To The Myth cotalnly J«uch more eyldence giveness before God. Is it any trouble, adds that the Leather- gren, senior steward; Frank H. The stot^ of how the government’s of a dirrot Commundet threat emerges. wonder that. God bids ,us to neidiB bod only

■ ' -7 , ■i f '1 3 O H n -1 B e

'A ‘ ■'

,,fAGE TEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1967 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTEIR, CONN., THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1967 PAGE ELEVlOf I? - Bolton Key Judffes Protest , Zone CKange Approved 12th Circuit Prime Minister’s Wife lOH Graduates NO REA$0N TO HAVE ■■ t.' Class Sunday For Condominium Units Court Cases ^Ghiistiati Social Relations’ Probate Reform BUI Mn. Celia J. aergeron Unrtauatiom otf the Handlicap- POOR INSULATION! Tile Town Planning .Cominis- approved on the added con- Is Domestic and Quiet ped, Xnc. (lOIH) will have a Hie funeral of Mrs. Delia J. MANCHESTER SESSION Bergeron of 4« Whiting ltd. was sion last night approved a ilngenoy Uiait a $1,000 bond be Is Topic of Meeting Sunday water sbow and graduation of diaries A. MecrtU, 17, of tONDON (AP) — mt&t is Ufe i»ed volumes. Stacked cigar aentens Sunday at 8 p jn . at the Chanees ‘Exeellent’ l^W y^erday morning froin ^Jd'1j”o iJcStles”'^’' Rd., Ttolland, was fined Kke for the' wife of a British boxes and a dgar cabinet o< "AH people to Botton who an referral service (when profes­ Menctiertieir High School Pool. " HARTFORn (AP) - Despite would restrict the use of. ap- a 3-im i b d ^ o n off Bush % ^ s k y said the land is ^^0 by Judge Eli K.-amer this prime miniaPter? unusual figured woj)d te«^ffled ooncemed with Chriafaten social sional help is needed). On an The event te ofien to the pub-' op^sVtion from key- probate praisers in processing estates. of requtm at Hill ^ d . such that gm ^ n g h C l o t s ® ® ndations’’ a n ooHed to a meet­ emergency basis, the group wUl n& hicii?Vs a nrovislon for a Pro- The subject of appraisers has “L . requiem at me d „„ i would cause an excessive guilty to a charge of larceny of oad’’ wife. She finds making jdeasure pf the pipe-emolung ing Sunday at 7:30 p m . In the provide bal^islitlng, a meal, The Rev. ClUlfoird O. Simp­ b a t f ‘^u r t TdrninUtramr in a been criticir.ed a.s a .source of °htirch of the A.ssumption. The The zone change from Rural would ^ cause^^ w m a v ^ ^ t e than $15. speeches an orxleal and general- prime minister. Elducatton Building of B dton houseworic for the alck, trans- son, postoir ,of Center Congre­ probate reform bill has an “ex- political patronage in the pro- '^ ‘'^or- w^s^'^uest^ bv^Green Man^n ^'ture problems. Merrill was arrested April 24 ly stays out of the limeidght, Nemo^e W ilts' 12-3^ Oongiregatkxnal Church by portetion, and locate needed gational Church, 'Will be the cellenf chance of passage, re- bate, courts. ganist and soloist Burial v^'s '^e a X ^ ir iSatJr'betwern * The Green Manor request on after a store'»detective at Cal- step or two behind her dynamic ‘oild chocolate SlameM ca^ memtoens of 9t. George’s Eplis- articles. ’There are 60 volun- keynote speaker. Other speak- oopal Church. port.s the Senate chairman of “ We are h i^ fu l the apprats- -- es* __ • Parker and Vernon Sts. and the,zone cne,zionezone onange,ohahge.ohahge, «though aP- ap- ' Com- ers will be m ken B lo ^ fie ld The Rev Rifhart Orcen Manor has indicated itIt Proved, P'1 wtll wuii have ai'O'Vt; tola» COflTl€ Up —Burr’s ^ Comer w— saw him put a She is ctoariy »r I happier *« in the - topped >.«. by a potted plant. a__ a. The Fleh Itself, symlbol of the teen-age president (1956) and mittee purely political arena and given oioomiieio. ine tvev. ruenaro , , ^ „ condiminiiim- again ...... when building ia readv Pa-'r of men’s shoes, valued at qui’C* domestic island of the It is to this homely re ^ a t, of the results of lenten study movement, is an ancient sym­ president and chairman of the groups on what is known in “ They want their way o f n o profes.sional status," Pickett . the co.mmittai ser^- apartment complex .....______in the »« -•dart. Tamsky said. A public $10 imder his coat and leave P^m* minister’s private apart- with son Giles doing his bol of toe Christian Church. lOH Corporation: and C. J. ice. .. lyp® apanmeni COmpieA in me .7 __ ^ TA rkrutWsMJiv^ unrwlr im +V»,« n.OVlt tVM\m flhaif WIi- Episcopaliten circlies as Mirtuol way,” said Sen. John F. Pick- sa^d. _ ^ ____ area. heaping on the building of the th^store. menits at the top ^ 10 Dowh^ng work in the next ppom, that Wll- The MRI oommlttee at St. OarroU, reprbsenting the stu­ ett D-Middletovn Wednesday The Connecticut Probate As- ■Bearers Bearers were William Clark, area. aiiKdividrm off Hill apautmente itself will have to The detective and two stom ®*-' ^ spotlight of pub- son comes In the ej^ in g s to g o Responslbllilitites and Intende- dents and toeiir parents. pendence (MRJ). (Jeorge’s sees the proposal to after he and Sen, John F. Car- sembly has blasted the .reorgani- Robert Mercier. Donald Rolfe p J *’ ® bv be held. employes chased him n\Ai4ashamed rtf of ituolf itself, eVlA.^ftAI* chesrter. H diediaH f.Vii this O rVT morning rt T*n i n O' ofat tank ^ would have to the.t _ a.partftnen-ts__ . would.1 o>ver- Pines—. totaling $50 were re- Harold Wiiaon’s poetry-writing Despite the country-house Louis Dimock, Dana Donovan, charm of the apartment, being m;ent beyond St. George’s. their commenfas concerning par- Pam FVankMn. ’Thomas Fteddo, harmonious level,” Pickett add- Pickett said he found it “ in- Waterbury Hospital. She was ^ compensate for orowd the area itself and the mitted in the case of James H. ' Reporte xm these two pro­ tldpation. «d. temperate, inflammatory, com- the^wife of John W. York. „p .schools. ■' .Bidwell, 25, of 149 Chestnut She is Inevitably a more for- hositess of 10 Downing St. offers A. Luanne Heck, Barbara Holman, grams and op a thdo'd, Inter- Actiem Panel Report It was called in an effort to pletely inaccurate and a pro- Mrs. York was bom in Man- subdivi.sion an iin- At the same pirbHc hearing s t„ charged with mai, guarded person than the little scope for the kind of vigor- Sue Kane, Sue LaCJoe, Barbara Chester, Dec, 6, 1900, a daugh- ropairing housewife who talked to ous, practical domesticity Mary Communlty Action, were pre­ John Gleason of Vernon gave McCurry. reach a compromise on the pro- duct of gross misinformation sented by MRI partlcdpants lost bate reorganization bill, but He,also denied that the com- ter of George and Man’ X ^ ^ m a d ^ f r ‘‘S ™ 'w r t e r t o ^ ^ S t S n s e ^ ” '"^ reporters on her move to Down- Wilson most enjoys. She Is a toe parish the report of the Also. Richard McKeon, John L . -J ^ 4 ’ wiiVxIlr. rixlQV*.. rs M r-7 1 1 ... - . ^ 1 w. A f .... m a .. O.licrv i ■...... ^ month during a worship service Inter-community action com­ MHohaJlck, Ludel Muiricio, a for­ at St. George’s. poses "the opening of a dialogue eign exchange student from ...... — — , ,.,o« oTirf 411,0 ti.ho am.onH . ----- ...... — uvifc wj UK: — and smaiil household like their Scllly The report on the Youth Ed­ between St. George’s, Bolton, Spann, and Ake Nordilundh. an ucation oonuntttee was present­ exchange student from Sweden; of a Superior Ctourt judge to probate reorganization. School ® •es had' not been requested - ' voo-i.io-ti no ..-o.ro guilty by Judge Kramer, saw some of her casual remarks Isles vacation bungalow, where and St. Paul’s Wlffllmantio,’’ and to ed to feUow pariahtoners by Mike OrfiteHH, Leslie Rubin, administer the Probate Court. “ It’s completely Inaccurate to install catchers for water The judge remitted the fines become national jokes when “ you’re the electrician, you’re Is not concerned with town- drainage. He .said h ^ had added to permit condominiums arter BidweirexpYained 'thaT he thT^ appeared‘ to c"^l7“print!' the gardener, you’re the cook, PhUdp TonHey o t Manchester. Nancy Sotomon, David Turk- The probate judges are op- say the bill was held to be band. wide participation. can do Seminars for Teen-Agers St. Paul’s parish contains Ington and Da'vid 'White. ’ po.sed to the bill because “ each sprung at ^ the last minute," Frank MaUon of Talcottville, matter thoilrii that is one in which the tennanto ^ ^ you’re the manager, you c The cormmiiittee proposee that Ushers wiQJ be Oandd Oald- ^ e runs his own little empire Pickett said. Oliv-er Mallon of Manchester ^w n counsel s a ^ t h e L themselvea are owners of the fer to her h u s l^ d as “ Harold’’ the whole thing yourself,” many Spaniah-speaklng peoples. Bt. George’s Church "join in The committee suggests, as weM, Peggy Ann Johnson, and wants no one over.seelngAttending the meeting were John Mallon and George Mai- vvithto town su^ property in which they Mve.' » mterviews. Now it is^ w a y s Rabin, the Wilsons’ 2 3 -y ^ - Nancy BeOcher and Greta ChrirtUan feiUowelhlp with oth­ first rt^is in bringing toe pre­ him," Carrozzella charged. Probate Judges James H. Kin- ion. both of New Smyrna Beach vi.sion jurisdiction. Collectively they oivn the buSW- er community churches in to- Grant. . He was arrested Apnl 24 on vate personality is still friendly Oxford after completing his phi- dominantly ufbon and the pre­ Pickett said he and Carrozzel- sella of Hartford. James R. pia., and several nieces and The Noch subdivision was ings and the property. lUtelUng the first of a series of la would accept most of the Lawlor of Waterbury, John P. nephews. a warrant requested by a State arid ^rmpaithetic, with a ,ready losphy doctorate at the Univer- dominantly rural communities Motor Vehicle Department m- humor, but it ig sometimes aity of Pennsylvania, and his toatrudtlonol seminars for the changes asked by the judges Flanagan of Bridgeport, (Tharles The funeral will be held Sat- » t rx x- n *• • together, the following: Organ­ epeotor. masked by officdiaa reticence. mother looks forward to youth to their teen-ege forma­ Rotarians Hear during the meeting but would Henchel of New Haven, Ray- urday at 8:30 a.m. from the L l . S . IjOSSCS M o i l l l l i n g tive years. ize toe annual St. George’s June , J ls Why be “fried” by torrid temperatures not yield on what they felt were mond K. Adams of Windsor and Bergin Funeral Home, 290 E. ^ In Monday’s court session. She is a aidght woman with savoring the academic life picnic op an inter-parish basis; —ItiTOUgh mutual understand­ 4:'- when you can keep your home the crucial ones. Robert M. Ddh-ling of Meriden. Main St., Waterbury, with a Robert Lemieux, 32, termerly eyes oivi honey-bnown hair again on vl.aits, attend St. Paul’s St. Jolui the Chaplain Camp pleasantly rool with Fiberglas* Home of Rockville, was sentenced to hriished back from a high tore- jjg_g ^ strong streak of ro- ing of the moral, phystologtoaJ, ■ f ; “ The vested interests of the ’The Probate Assembly, of .solemn high Maas of requiem ethical and reUgicus develop­ Baptirt Festival on June 24; Insulation? This efficient heat barrier— Navy Bombing Uncovers one year conourrent on eight head. She uses little mahetjp on manticism expire.ssed in her ’The Rev. Russell E. Camp of blown into walls and ceilings—keeps summer heat out­ Probate (Jourt Asseipbly are which Dowling is executive sec- a^t St. Peter-Paul Church 67 ment of our youth," the report and attend their Spanish lan­ counts of obtaining money or ^er clear complexion. The conn- fondness for Victorinna — nov-^ 41 Walnut St., chaplain of toe side—maintains inside temperatures that are up to IS clearly demonstrated and not retary at J1R.500 a year in addi- g Mayd Rd., Waterhurv at 9. continues, “we can hope that guage Mass. goods under false pretenses. He daughter of a Oongre- poems and sentimental chl- Connecticut State Prison, En­ degrees cooler. consi-stent with the best interests tion to his income as probate Friends may call a- the fu- Viet Guerrilla Fortress. they wtH bo adequately pre- The committee also suggests 'v'' ' 'I field, for toe past 14 years, will of the state," Pickett said. judge, was establi.shed several ne.ra] home tonight from 7 to 9 ... . j also received a 60-day consecu- g®tional mdndate-r, she might ornaments that .she picks up (Continued from Page One) Other raiders again attacked sentence tor probation of taken fOr the wife of a cvynndsh junk shops. |Mred to assume their respon- that partial scholarships be pro- lecture tomorrow and Saturday Best of all, wintertime fuel savings pay for insulation The judges "were extremely years ago to oversee the opera- tomoi>ix>w from 2 to 5 and 'V' ■ ' . the Kep army barracks and rail -----rural' vicar -■— or - — as------she once------albilDUee to themselvee as per­ ■vlded for Camp Washington, at toe Spring District Confer­ in just a few years. upset because they feel the ad- tion of the Probate Court. 7 to 9 p m Emily Bronte’s “ Wiithering The Communi.sts faded into yards 38 miles northeast of H.a- - v v. . j was — the wife of an Oxford sona, of marriage and their toe diocesan camp; that toe Bol­ V / ence of 35 Rotary Clubs at ministrator would demean their It has complained that the re­ ■ V, '...A . So—don’t suffer during the hot days ahead. Insulate! the night when H.S. reinforce- noj „ „ „ne „f rail lines " Jail fm- Heights" is her favorite noVel place to the society and the ton church property be Investi­ office and hurt their image in organization will would retain tutor. WiJson taught ectmomios Lake Morey Inn, Fairlee, Vt. Phone us now (or a free estimate on your home. Farnk Galanek ments reached the scene. to Red China. Pilots report-’ d ...... rnorvth. Charges 4 against.6— >4 Oxford after their mairioire ^story and church.” gated for possible joint uses, the public eye,” Pickett said. the astembly “ only for window hum came from his passing ^ ‘ mam age novels “ to sugar tih« .7'.' t; } • a-’' Cimptein Camp has spok­ Frank Galanek, 55. of Hart- American warplanes flew 112 heavv damage to the barracks his passing The committee suggests that such as a summer day camp; / to V some bad checks in the area.. in 1V4U- xvjit »» en bo more lOian 1,000 clubs, ( ) U I \ s ( I » K \ I N ( . The probate orga^zation bill, dressing," becoming “ a useless brother of Jo.seph. Galanek „,,,,i„n s over North Vietnam area' and multiple cuts She wears well-made, oasuail- ^ x. i. the scope of the discussion and that toe Willlmantic children be a' and organizations throughout 1-. 4 1 ^ 4-m w,,„4^ wa She is rather reticent about invited to toe homes of St. r r i . S « ‘ „ 2 'M ont" S ." ‘'.‘f;.. 2 n.!!“ •* WednesdayWednesaa>, attacking two fuelruei tracKs...cu. in,» inree^re. or... areas oi the lail through arcu it tin® Court were 12, lodged Man- ly styled clotnes in muted, be- , i. tosttrucltion include "religiious New England. He is a past pres­ Hartford Hospital. ____ _ her o^^m poetry. She haa a fine, George’s parlshoners on an in- F l H KRGL.X.S BLOWN IN and storage dumps and a radar yards. ^ oomang colons. snare atvle but hasn't written respohaibi'liities, emotional ad­ ident and a member of toe Survivors also include his site 3 to 4 miles north andinoith- The U.S. Command said one r-!™,.).. n *■ The room in which she met a ® ' wnxien justments, sex education, fi­ diiddual basis during toe sum­ Planting a Garden in the Esplanade board of directors of toe Amer­ wife, and two sisters. reporter for an interview had a lately. nancial responalbifity, legal re- mer, and that these children' be in s u ia h o n west of Haiphong. Pilots repori- Navy Skyhawk jet was lost fTI w v . ^ UrtAWtS ArtVtnA Members of Manchester’s Garden dub plant flowers on the esplanade next to the Post ican. Inter-Faith Chaplains As­ ’The funeral will be held to- ed the Cong My storage coni- Wednesday, bringing the total ” ^ oozy, lived-ir feeling, remote Poems come to her on long spoasibiUtiee and ramifica/Uons taken along on family outings. sociation, an organization of I The MRI study groups also Office In conjunction with the (Chamber of Commerce’s May Clean-up Campaign. Taking De-mothing Warship morrow at 8:15 a.m. from the piex heavily damaged, a large U.S. combat planes reported Eart Hartford, the bustle of eecretanee, soWi^y weekend to mixed marriages.” root are cannas, ageratum, begonias, aiyssum, and dusty millera (Herald photo by Pinto.) 2,000 chaplains in the United Talarski Funeral Home, 380 Lcondary Lplosion at the ra- lost in the war against the Viet for shop- of trieirinters and com- c<^tr>-sdde round Chequers, the iThe oommttitee reported that recommend that a parish re­ States emd Canada. Inadequote InsuMion Mokes Maple St., Hartford, with a dar site and thick black smoke Cong to 565. The pilot was listed goin«:s of mindsters several Connecticut oommuni- treat be organized that toe wor­ fond Springs; Fmieen Wendzy, Mrs. Camp will accompany Mass of requiem at Sts. Cyril at the Loi Dong fuel dump 11 after they took some clothing dispatch cases several d«nce in the Buckingham^ira ship service be examined to as missing. Hes hod been contacted, where Vernon 'Vernon (jenter Heights; Mis. her husband to Vermont. Under Study by Navy and Methodius Church, Hart­ and knitting needles with a total below through the London programs of a similar nature make toe worship experience Your Home Hot ond value of $5.31 from Oaldor s White striiped waMpaper. com- psrks. more meaningful “within the Jean French and son, Vem oo WASHINGTON (AP) — The action at $25 million. ford at 9. Burial will be in Mt. hod been tried, and always, the Deportment Store on Tolland h>rtable red sofas and chairs onShe is keeping notes on soma limits of canon law” . TTie gp-oups Gardens. IMPORTS SOAR IC'.vy wdll see if it’s practical to The New Jersey, commis St. Benedict Cemetery, Bloom­ response by teen-agers was oi- field. Tpke. a sage-green carpet, chintz cur- events that touch her life, commended members of toe Consolidation Study Panel PARIS—French Imports from Uncomfortoble take the battleship New Jersey sioned in 1943, .saw service lioth Paratrooper Officer Dies moait overwhelmitog.’’ Arthur Bikemlcks, 23, of 426 tains framing rtews of the but .she won’t write a book on Brotherhood of St. Andrew for The Herald’s Vernon Barean toe United States in 1966 were out of mothballs and Into Viet- in, World War II and the Korean Friends may call at the fu­ ‘Fish’ Explained W. MSddile ’Tpke. was fined $25 Horse Guards Parade an St. her years as wife of a prime their weekly visits with resi­ is at 88 Park St., teL 815-8186 10.3 per cent higher toan in nam service. '' j War. / neral home tonight from 6 to 9. Frederick TaylOc of Meivow Holds Its First Session Did You Know? After Drinking ‘RituaV for breach Of peace. He was James’s Park gave the air of a minister. dents of Mansfield ’Training or 643-2711. News items may be 1965 and totaled $1,200 million. Secretary of Defense Robert She carries nine 16-inch guns, TCpocted flor the “Fish” oom- School. mailed to P.O. Box 327, Rock- arrested on May 12 as a result country house. Family photo- ‘ "rhe sort o4 book I would Total Flanch imports rose 14.9 8 . McNamara authorized an each capable of hurling 2,000- nfittee. He said tfliot the Idea The first meeting of the new ford, He studied heart artery vUIe. WASHINGTON (AP) — An board of about five officers and of a domestic disturbance. graphs and sdh-er trophies write could only be published 50 Church School Ends per cent to $11,884 million. The THAT TODAY'S HOMGS NEED $800,000 study of demothballing (xjund shells 21 miles, plii.s 20 ef Christians organizing to pro- ConsoUdaition Study Commit­ disease. Funerals Aimy paratrooper drinking ritu- from the blast cup while Gary M. Dollak, 16, of 454 crowded one uirc ’ cabinet, L.n,iL».ir. John Field, $57.11; a Manches­ June 4th of preparing the New Jersey for nam. H'ather Hu.ssey, i-ead the com- role in developing esprit and a tor making a poor judgment. charge of obtaining money as crimes by Which drug ad- j3q jjjg $2,160; and nnd consider better govem- Discharged ’Tuesday: EFlzs/- ter radiologi^, $16. His wife's mittal .se\rice. sense of unity within military We want to see this doesn’t'lap- diets have tried to p t the mon- gj jg pigggant St., where the mental structures, centraliza­ beth MeSweegan, Hartifbrd; local creditors are W. T. Grant 3 to 6 p.m. I >ca;yis were Fnancis StephM E. Vm Schaick, 22, of ey to buy narcotics, the co- buildings are assessed at $20.- Passed by Voters ford, 98-4; William S. Ewing JV units." They added the cere- pen to another boy ever again.’ tion of certain functions, fiscal Helen Frokop, 14 Oak St.; Pre- and Co. $177.38; Dr. Joseph J. of Westher.sfield, 94-3; William honc.(t,, Ra.>TmondRa.\Tmond Mahoney, monies “ must never become a • - Ea.s Hartford, was .-educed to .sponsor of the bill. Rep. John ggp ^be land at $10,390. fa a one-hour-and-flfteen-mln- value of the idea was what was standards and quaHfications dik Pold, 475 ’Tunnel R d ; Agnes Guardino, $18 and Regal’s Men’s Watch For Our Ads! New Judges Ra.vwiond Demeo, Thomas F.^ source of embarrassment to the fraciulont issue of a check and Boyd, R-Westport, pointed out. Planter 203 of the StiYe Sta. Qto town meeting last night, vot­ importaint. for state and federal aide. C. Bieluch of Hartford, 94-9, ^ lie was fined $25. Police said he cnapter 204 ot the blate bta- Unberger^ (jonkUn Rd, Stoif- Shop, $91.96. (i^I&l5JSJSISI515J5l5JSI5JSi5J5JSJ&fSJSJ5l5iS' POOR BLANKET INSULATION Norton M. Leving of New Ha- Monarty, Thomas P. Shea and individual or endanger his well- $250,000 Suit tutes, titled “ Assessment of e r ! accepted a $1,846,610 budg­ Ft was also brought out that Criticism of the committee i-ssued a check for $25 at Sears- Get Approval ven, 102-4; Roman J. Lexton ^bea- being, Property Tax", is ambigpious in et for fiscal 1967-68 and ap­ the town is ourrenitily paying before it even started centered Put In When The House Was Built of New .Britain, 100-5; and Ddeg’ataons from Oatholdo And Brig. Gen. John L. Filecl in Wake Roebuck at the Parkade on an proved formation of a reserve on the “witch hunting” aspect. account that was closed. Property Group pinpointing the deadline date tor odf bonded Indebtedness, and Family Services of Connecticut, 'Throckmorton, commander at fund for capital and non-recur­ Mayor Grant said it was a James F. Henebry of Water Charles V. Dore, 55, of 10 De­ filing tax appeals. the question was loteed wheth­ Of Assembly bury, 105-6. Manchaeter Public Health Ft. Bragg, N.C., where Reeves Of Accident Polls Members Sec. 12-118 states, “ Any per­ ring expenaee. er the town ooutd, in foot, ao- campaign promise and was Nurses Aasooiatiion, St. Bri-dg- was stationed, said Wednesday pot Square, was fined $25 for necessary. Fernand and Margaret Dufour abandoning a motor vehicle. He son claiming to be aggrieved The boiard of finance met im­ tlaaiHy have a surplus under this HARTFORD (AP) — The et’s Rosary Society, State As- his office would have to approve Over Tax Suit by the actidn of the Board of mediately following toe town ciircumstaaice. B ooid memiber But all n;iember8 o f the General Assembly has approved Probe Pressed •sociation of Oatiholic Ladies of before future such functions of 59 Walker St. have filed a -soW he had left the vehicle in PJfwksibL WmdA, §jv J ojvjtl $250,000 damage suit against the north end area because he The executive board of tiie Tax Review in any town or city meeting and set the tax rate Peter 'Vkn Dine B a ld thalt the Board of Representatives and Gov. John Dempsey’s 23 Judge- Columbus and Gibbons Assem- could be held there. for toe upcoming fiscal year surplus oouM be used to pay others appear to agree that Our Own Cure sOiiip appointments that were Wy ^ h T L ^ r o f R e e v e s T c emsonUniversitv Raymond L. A^disio and James Lad no license and no o t h e r Manchester Property Owners may within two months from In Cornell Fire r ., a University j %j^aisio, both of 14 Otis St., place to leave the car. Protective Association is poll- the time of such action, make at 49.75 mills, or just exactly oDf the indetednesB, but pointed consolidated Veriu^ needs ex­ U. S. Choice Bubmitted to the legislature last the same as the current mill out that the town can earn amination. week. ITHACA. N.Y. (AP) — Police so-called nroD blast ritual the action stemming from a The following cases were al.so mg the membersfliip on how application, in the nature of an car-pedestrian accident Feb. 3 disposed of; Francis J. Miele, they .stand on possible court ac- appeal therefore, to the Court rate. more interest money through Members of the ccmimlttee Boneless Brisket In the House vote Wednesday, Pfaaac*! their Investigation to- Paul L. Young night of April 14 at the 82nd Air- at Main and Pearl St.s. 20. of 393 E. Middle Tpke., un- tion to invalidate the recent °t Common Pleas of the county The meeting was notable for investment o t funds than the are F\>rzley, Arthur J. Bryant, the highest number of “ no” *^ay of three similar fires in ROCKtTLLE Funeral serv- borne Division’s headquarters Mrs. Dufour, in papers filed necassary noi.se with a, motor revaluation of all town prop- tn which^ such town or city is Its brevity and relatively low amount of interest it must pay W. Glenn Roberts, Seymour votes went to Atty. Gen. Har- buildings In which some of Cor- ., tees for Paul L. Young of 54 ^t- Bragg, in the town clerk’s office, claims vehicle, $15; Dennis F. Machie, erty. situated.’ attendance; about IQO citizens. on loans. lairitt and John Orlo'wskl. old M. Mulvey, who was con- n®*l University’s most gifted vv-a,.^ gt. were held vesterdav »is body was found the fol- , i« r u ^ CORNED .1 n ™ii ~,n students were livlne “ a‘-®™ay , . ^rvvnnno- ir, fs,. ^batthat she wa.s struck by a car 18, of H.artford,H.artfoi d, unnece.ssarvunnece.ssary Wilber ILittle, the associa- ruling would set the dead­ Host discussion of toe evening ■With approval otf the reserve Hospital Symposium nnmed on a secret roU-caiU vote were nvuig. afternoon at Holmes F u n e ra l 'P"^ng moinang in the tourust . . , . , , * j- , . . . 4*la, fire a town meeting. It iwas meant to keep abreast to the Superior Court bench by C^fAries Weaver Glastonbury. ’ No probable cause tor crimi- lesSneas” ^ j f m t e .,a;v ro i.c "^® 9«®«U«n^'''® asks for ^axpayer^ may^ m trucks or other non-recurring of recent advances in treatment \ # a vote of 85-24. -said there is just too much Bearers were Han.. Tomlin- " " t^'® ''®- states that s L T a s hoJpU aliS $15' expenses, and that the money The ectuel budget portion otf of thyroid disorders. 3-Leqqed Chlcktns Morrall Bacon Coincidence for me.’ and is headed by the sdatement: mon Pleas and that "Such ap- lb. 69o THE WAY IT SHOULD LOOK, The Senate had previously son Rmssell Tomlinson. Ever- P°‘ t showed. An autopsy per- thef-Mhe wm for such expenses would then be the meeting was quite brief and Dr. MUton Hjamoilaky, profes­ \ V ryer Wltli Extra Leg! "The executive board of youi plication may be made within FROZEN CUBED t 6”''OF BLOWN IN FIBERGLAS eonfirmed all 23 nominations. n" Tomlinson. Simon Bal- formed by an Army pathologist unable^’tever^agato^^ available in advance, rather passed unanimously. Hie new sor of medicine at the newly Tha House votes on the other "®^'’ R^denltia. Cluib. chunas and Charles Balchunas. -®bowed Reeves’ body contained , househofd duties^ a-ssociatdon, after a consulta- year from the date as of than paying in arrears. budget toitafo $1,948,610 otf Lb. Veal Gutleis ^ ...79c Senate Ponders tion wdth an attorney, is con.-, which such property was last developed Brown Medical \ 39c Judgeships were; nine persons, tour of them Rockville Lodge of Eaks held ^ ®°ntent of 327 Coughlin also pointed out that which $1,300.24 is to be raised Sichool and physlolan-ln-cblef at Plain or Rreoded THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL Superior Court: Jay E. Ruibi- members of a new, accelerated a memorial service Tuesday milligrams per gram of blood. ^ ducting a survey of its mem- «valuated tor the purpose of 000 in damages and her hiisbajid the recommendation to establish by taxation. The remaining tlM Rhode island Hospital in # Double Broonfed CMekons U. S. CHOICE now o f Mandhester, 107-8; Wll- “ °®fbral program, perished as afternoon at the funeral home. At the inquest, officers ^ Measure to Aid bers m regard to the recent ^ . $946,160.76 Is esUmeited rev­ 700 Sq. Ft. of CEIUNG only $139. is asking tor $15,000 to cover such a fund was unanimous on Brovkleince, said the average Flyer WlUi Extra Rreosti Item L. Tlem ey Jr. otf Green- ^®"®® ” ” ®^ ^nd the Orient Lodge of Ma- f/®/®"* ^t the prop blast testl- hospital medlcaT’!^ d surrical Town Revaluation to consider the part of the board of finance, enue to the general fund, such •X Ground Chuck, or Drug Addicts __ _ 1 1 was last evainated as of Oct. patient suffers from thyroid de­ wlch, 101-5; Joseph F. Dannehy corridors. A fire May 23 sons of Bast Hartford held a ^‘®‘* °"® invited to the expense's and costs of aDoUan- If any action might succeosfuUy ^ ^ w o u i d ^ and that monies in this fund as state grants and other ficiency for five yeara before of Willlmantic, 105-1; Samuel S. ^^maged a couch at Watgrmar- Mlasonic service Tuesday eve- function need attend. And the „gg are available for investment by sources. The new budget will Lb. 49c Meat uaf Mix lb. 79o CALL NOW 527-3119 HARTFORD (AP) - A bUl be taken to ooimteraot any un- deadUdne date at Oct. 1 Googel of New Brl’taln, 113-1 i House a fraternity to which...u.-,- ping. . Resor-Johnson statement said it is finally diagnosed by a •‘iinriAr '^^® fiction is returnalple In ... that----- would ------require___ .... medical___ _ ex- .,just appraisals.”------1967. ' the town treasurer. be in effect July 1. plhysician. nnd Jamas F. McGrath of Wa- “ ’" f ^® t^*® ‘^°®' .6 a uo c reumstances Hartford County Superior Court, aminations of arrested persons Little said that if enough Sec. 12-118 is , an action According to state law, no He added be has seen patients Gentlemen: WITHOUT OBLIGATION Please Send Yotn terbiirir 111-7 profiTam had been trans- should an individual be penal- • f . . , • more than two mills can be add- Selected Produce! Representative for FREE Survey. ’ ferred. No one was reported ized or ridiculed in anv w aJ fnr '^‘’ ® a*"® being repre- f4i.?pecteci of being “ drug- “yes" replies are received, an against the'Booid 6f'TPx Re- hospitalized in psychiaitiiic e^ to the tax rate in a town for Court ot Common Pleas: Mi- injured. Six Indicted dppiininp- tn4.^ ^ 4.1in 1 any . ugy . for . ociitcusented byuy thevuc iv&aiit;aeai.t:rManchester tawlaw dependent” ttiiuand aiiuwallow auaisuspend- invalidating • court action will view and is not an appeal Parking^ on Foot worda for senlUly or mental OH use in such a fund, Coughlin SWEET, JUICY N a m e...... ehael A. Ctanp of Waterbury Wednesday’s fire heavily functions ’’ ^ Lessner, Rottner, Karp ed sentences if the accused con- be ^ sought. - ». against an.tUogoi tax. 'When dtaordeni who were later found iO Y — W-12; Archibald H. Tunick of damaged a tiiree-rtoiy, S For ^Rigging^ and Plepler. sent to being treated under su- ’ He said that the question- these fl]4|;wn.iig are filed, the ap- said. He added that the prea- Costs Driver $14 The Washington Post, which ent finance board recommends to. suffer ttqlroid deftoienoiy. LOOK! bouse where seven, other stu- published the story of Reeves’ pervlsion of the State Depart- naire was prompted by the peUant is roouired to' nav at Sdimple bonmoiu) therapy re^ Peaches A d d re s s ...... rt# UifrtMXrtl T.Y.J...1X1. 1a . ___ . 4 . « ...M ■ . . _ _ I r ^ i J that one-half of toe general fund GLASGOW, Scotland (AP) — t o of Thomarton, 95-2;^Edward dents In the program had Stock Prices death in today’s editions, said m entof M®ntal Health has been number of , a p p e ^ filed by least 75 per centfof his assessed turned' them to their nonned sent to the Senate„ ...... tor final leg- laig^g property owners. ^ pending a decdsioii. surplus at the end of any fiscal Alexander Young, 48,' hsus been C. HamUl of N o ^ c h 99-3; Irv- ^oved after the fire in the rest­ attendance at prop blasts is or­ About Town Hvea. OCEAN FRESH, LIVE Oily ...... I ...... ing Levine of Danbury, 102-7; dential club (Continued from Page One) Islative action. IJ,-ttle said that Mayor Na- ^ear be set aside for toe re­ fined $14 after parking his Rolls- dered on a document closely Alrm-an l.-C. Richard L. Sec. 12-119 • is an action to Other ^leakers at the con­ Lbs. Henry J. Naruk of Torrington, Weaver said a stairway door serve fund for toe following Royce in a no-waiting area on a The Associated Press had re- resembling an official military Pouech, son of Mr. and Mrs. da^nieht’ bv R e o ^ J o h n T ^ a r “ “ A.goaUneni will speak be- ference were Dr. Geraid Bur­ loDf *i,„4 4U- 'prurt i J *.i__ ...i._ T.-.i_Ti».ts____ ..e nlgnt Dy Rcp. Johii A. Car- the association's 15-mem- acted iffilegi^y, arbitrarily year. patrohnaii’s foot. LOBSTERS Orang^*87^0*” °* the second floor had been ported last weekend that the order. The Post said those who John Rilcer of 61 Union St., rozzella D-Wallinetord Consirteixt with this reobm- row, assistant professor of med­ Serving Connecticut Since 1946 ...... , ii*® ber executi've board on Monday or in abuse of ddteretion. 'When Constable Ralph Perkins testi­ ’ L ™ i n v e s t i g a t i n g fab to attend'— or refuse to has recenUy been promoted to House chairman of toe (3ener^ nseodaition, the board suggest­ icine et Yale University, tmd FANCY, YOUNG, TENDER^ £ut 8 p.m. 'in tihe Circuit Court- a{)(>eaJis are fUjed, the ap- fied Wednesday that Young was Better toJ-5; Ma^M ^vodka-champa^rcom hte pT^'nt rank ed 186,000 be used to start the angered when Perkins told him Dr. Bnioe Bower, thyroid ape- Get **• "^®‘inesday’s fire “fits in!to a were expected shortly. vpoctlon from a so-called blast tog with the U.S. Air Force at toe^^tor recomizinp*"thnfT^on room of Police Headquarters. ** required to pay his ftmd hi fiscal ie07-88. he could not leave hia oar at clallrt at Hlattford Hospital. Y ear tovttt or West Ha^ord, 107-8; pattern set by toe residential Andreas and toe others were cup — hurt their chances tor Tuy Hoa Air Base Vlatnam nersons are a”mpdicni nmhiem AgosUnelli wtU speak on ^ A t PedutilM OouiM Summer Squash O it e Francis Quinn Griswold 108- club tragedy." All three fires named to a 21-count Indictment, promotion. ’uy Hoa Air w Vietnam. are ^ »n®^®f P«>btem ^ w iU w plato During dfamusalon, B tefiiea Queen Street rail terminal. He Ijoyrttn oaksd lit a.^ieciflo pro­ rolled the Rolls hack on toe Dr. Luke O’Connor of the lo- b O i ^ l S, Maurice J, Sponzo of Hart- were between 4 am . & 5 am. - After toe grand jury of 13 men The Post said toe story of lA. Robert W. Anderoon, tem”" prob- ^ aoqutaltton 1 wish to thanlt the doctors, nuiees f- Sfea?^ an^SHlchlea ?! charge 1. Poet’s Corner to Westmlhster pre«rive. .In 1950 Italy had a lit- eMo projerta tor use of tb« Young denied be deliberately 317 Htglildiid St., Manehaslwr, Conn. PhoM M3.427S leste staff for the excellent drove onto thf oonstaUe’s foot, dagr oordtojogy gympotimn at SSSto®" whUp I was a denS-^eteUiSwr^o” 'toeto ad' Marlo^’^^Lm^n^^M Z ^ suspended for a period of one Abbey. London. No other Amer- tie over 800 mUe. of.'autoatrade, fund were behiig reecpaBepded, 307 Wethersfldd Avenue, Hartford 6, Conti. leteer MemorUM Hos^ ' Trombone, 88. to drink whUe doing strenuous tton Center In the Command year to toe case of A mlsde- ■ ■ • ...... u«.»unae, but fe lt nstiMT ^ the whole Hb waa eonvloted e< asianlt a t Fraaote HoetHtal la Hart­ Oianin C. Fuller ' ’®noed degree in a(x yeoira both of Manhattan. ------■— _ « i.iioun lean poet haa ever received the or turnpike roada, while today it »eeeeeeeeceeeeeee» exercises. Then they face a Fiotit, Nbntolk. VO. meanor and two yeara to the honor. haa about 1,400 mllea.

^ f ,

j ' - t * Ih I


i Ca g e t w e l v e MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1967 Section Two THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1967 iimtriiFBtFr lEbrnlng il|FraUi THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1967 j ■ ‘ . . of Her New Movie R e a lis m From Your Neighbor Kitchen Story of Judge ■ 4 . Turns Off Actress Hayward Bj DORIS BELDIN6 Renewed Pleas Made June brides wishing to cut Magazine Item HOLiiYWOOD (AP) — Susan sonal reasons, is her first in down on wedding costs should Good news tor d'eUnquenbi 1$ Hayward, furiously: “ Get outa Hollywood in four years. In late enlist the aid of relatives or YOUR BEST BUYS IN For 'Capital Works to be assigned to ^ e court a t my* way! ‘I've got a man waitin’ ’0S ^ e made a film with Rex friends and commission them to Margarert; Drisooll, Oonneotl- for m e!" Harrison in Rome. *"ake this Wedding Cake, which The Board of Directors started its meeting at 8 last out's only woman judge, Patty Duke, nastily: ".That’s Will Hollywood be seeing ***’»• Raymond Merriman of night by quietly considering an $879,660 Capital Im­ neotiout Life Magazine, inchid- • switch from the fags you’re more of her on its sound staged? 96 Norman St., says is “ deli- ed in Saturday’s HMold, follows USuaUy stuck with!” " I don’t think so. Once in a rious andinexpensive." In provements Bond Issue request for renovations and im- FLOOR COVERING pI*oyements to the older school buildings. "her honor” as she olrouits , Patty yanks off Susan’s hair great while, maybe. I have no April, Mrs. Merriman|lmade and (\ through two counties. With ("My God! It’s a wig!’’) and/plans excepit to get babk to Ft. decorated a cake made from It Around up its meeting a t ------^ oniy two other juvenile judges riches with It to a toilet, Susan:';Lauderdale as sc(on as possl- this recipe for her own 25th wed' ARE AT 10:30, visibly gro^pgy over addi­ $i«l ■with the unconbroHed heat­ ding anniversary. tional Capital Impcovements ing. He said that they aa-e seek­ to serve the state, the tough- "M y God! She’s throWn it down ble.” minded, soft-hearted Margaret (lie can!” Patty: "How do you Divorced from Jess Baa-ker, Wedding Cake requests ffom other sources, ing an answer artiy opened and Large Assortment — StyteO and Colon on empty cookie box on the The ‘i’ OUT OF TOWN 1007 M A IN STREET, NEAR MAPLE STREET - TEL 649.4588 floor. The oar rack was stden from .95* CALL COLLECT COVENTRY^OFFICE - ROUTE 31 - TEL 742-7321 • a truck owned by Albert E. SQUARE K-vart o f 27 Harttend Rd., po­ Wurti neufortomotrow if of SINC E R todagf*' YARD. lice said. K-vort told police he ^crnarTI&h 882 Main St. & *Pfeparatiion anid Installation Extra noticed the rack gone yester^y Mancliester T - . when he get out of fate truck at work.' , MANGHE8TER PARKADE \ SINCE « •# M IMQM COMTAHT C o J n e . OPEN DAILY 9 to 6 - THORS, FRI. 9 to 9 The rack was taken while the truck -was parked at the side OPfiN WED., THURS. & PRl. UNTIL 9 P^.l Manchester 64.3-9890-—Rockville 875v2534 o f fate honHb 20 UNION STREET-^ROCKyiLLE, CONN.

• u 1 • • . r • • - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1967 PAGE FIFTEEjpi >AGB FOURTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTE]El, CONN,, THURSDAY, JUNE 1,1967 New England Motorist magsxM Braved Kidnaper^s Gun New England Vignettes that ;‘the most dUfietdt ttiing a Moran Doctor Events woman has to overcome in.learti- South Windsor TPC Links Lincoln Ing ti> drive a car is not to tw For 50 Years in the Truck Drivers’ Lights afraid of being afraid.” Oongratiilations are In order 85 EiUt Center St. Bristol Dog Warden Meanwhile; the poor male driv­ 1,000 Families in Wappin To Similar Schools er has to worry about being to Dr. A. B. Moran, vetenul At Sununit St. Can Be Helpful Signals Manchester orthqpedlst Bx- World The Town Kanning Commission met in executive ses­ afraid of the,woman driver who To Get Home Mail De;livery actly 60 years ago today. Dr. Given Hero’s Award li.S. Citizen? sion last night and faced the often-discussed question BOSTON (AP)—New England by the Federal Reserve Bank o< Is being ofrdid of being afraid Moran Was graduated from the WEEKEND CASH and CARRY SPECIAL PITTSBURGH (AP) — A.Con- with Bunn, a casual acqualnt- ATHENS (AP) — Greece’s of what to do with Lincoln School. Chairman JohnsLa- Vignettes. ^ston, observes that the bec.'s — and that’s real fear. Soma 1,000 famOIaa In tha Htadjogilou, membership, and linlyersity of Maryland Medi­ necticut dog warden who traded ance, trjdng to persuade him Mrs. f^renlc Stnepek, newalef- military rulers want to give an- menzo asked the TPC members some questions on how In the Mack of night on an un- stinger is only .03125 of an inch W|ippln( area wUl hava their cal School. a drink of water for a young- to surrender. The man refused, timonarchist leader ^ndreas they felt about the matter. lit highway, you swing your car long. , ANOTHER DALLAS CAVE-Ilf ter. A Willimantlc native, he went •ster abducted by a gunman was but agreed to give up young Papandreou back to the United Many dlveirgent amwers were more was. a stand which was ^ ^ truck and all of a irjM delivered directly to the Soouto at Reservation out to pass a truck and all of a The.trick is not to let the bee bouaa \lnatead ot rural delivery directly to-the medical school CARNATIONS doz. f L79| cited for heroism Wednesday by Albee. States if they can prove he is given, but t h ^ was imani- exp^ned. He said he sudden the truck driver starts get that close. DALLAS, Tex. (AP) — Anottl< Borne 40 membem of Boy uiKm graduation from WilUman- the Carnegie Hero Fund Com- Morin took, the child in his still an American citizen. , mous agreement on the major could see the reasem for ^ i to « yjg yg^ts very er Dallas street has caved in.. hoxea oil tb» street starting Scout Troop 186 wliil spend a tic High School. His was the mission. arms and______carried him downthe the The , sharp-tongued. 47-year- points. - \ 25 techer-pnpll ratio,, but could quickly—his ^turn MOTTO IS UPHELD Traffic officers late Wednes- June 24. week at the Lake of Isiee Soout last entering class permitted OPEN TO 9 P.M. THURSDAY and FRIDAY Wilfred E. Morin, 31, of Brlst- hill to safety. Bunn was killed old soh of ex-Premler George After the flree-speakin^ dis- undertknd why a 1 to 500 Tlie motto of the “House of day routed traffic around tbs im . Shirley D. Little, post­ Reservation In North Sitondng- body lights. ' ' into medical school without a ol |Was given a silver medal minutes later in a gunfire ex- Papandi^ou was one of the chief cussdon was ended, Lamenzo school-inipil ratio was necessary, , A wise griy? Not likely. “What Hay” — a take-out restaurant in fissure, in Alamo Street, ths master of tttO; Wapplng Pof^ Of- ton thds summer with part of and $760 for his heroic act of change with police. targets of the military junta said he and Town Planner Jo- flea, said today ttmt as a result college degree. he’s probably trying to do,” Lewiston, Maine — is “Take it size of an automobile. their eoDpenaee paid hy the On June 1, 1017 Dr. Moran's ' almost a year ago when he The commission silso named ^^hich seized power on April 21. seph Taansky would get togeth- room that counts, he said, and A block-long section of Elm of efforts Instigate by her In troop. says Dominic Pefine, who ought from the Colonel.” entire graduating class of 07 en­ saved Michael S. Albee, 6, of two Devon, Conn., schoolboys ’ Both Fapandreous were arrest- ©r and draft a letter to the TPC classrooms there to know, “is save your _life. So .someone did, a bandit. He Street, one of the principal itOroh, the delivery S^em will F'or the first time, proceeds listed In the various branches ot Terryville,-Conn., from possible to receive bronze medals and ed, but the father was put under members on the points die- ^ school. be converted to house -delivery There’s probably an obstruction took $100 from a waitress after downtown traffic arteries, from the troop’a quBirterly pa­ the service, and many of them harm. $5 0 0 each for their part In the house arrest later. cussed. The memo woukl be out “jf the town Board of Direc­ caved in several months ago this month. tors'4s intent on having the in the road and if you pass, he told her he had a gun in a per drives will be, applied to­ were lost In World War I. ' Young Albee was abducted by Jan. *10, 1966 rescue of another The younger Papandreou is in a few da.ys, be gdiscussed fur- you’ll it.” - pocket of his trenoheoat. and still Is closed to traffic. Letters from Mrs. Little, win ward each boy's camping fee. Dr. Moran was commissioned a man and taken to a steep youngster from drowning in Mil- accused of leading a conspiracy tlhw ait a future meeting and concept of small neighborhood City authorities blamed be sent to all town residents schools,” Lamnezo said, “ then , Pefine, 61, of .Cambridge, In the past, moorne from the in the U. S. Army Medical hill. There, the man, Albert ford. Conn. pt leftist army officers who plot- then draifted into a document, Mass., drives a rig back and NOTHING ’TO FEAR BUT... Wednesday’s cave-ln on heavy affected by the changeover in paper drives baa been used for Corps. Upon his d i^ a rg e , he ORMAL Bunn, 33, armed With two shot- Th6 boys cited for heroism ted to overthrow King Constan- stating finally the recommenda- they should atari condemning the near future. The regional land now In the^sore area.” forth from Boston to New York A woman driver qrote in The rains. such as tents, oooking geiar and Interned at St. Agnes Hospit^ guns and ammunition, forced were James Deschenes and tine, withdraw Greece from the Uoms of the ’TPC on Lincoln on the night run two or three Post Office Department in Bos­ trOqp and patrol equipment in Baltimore. “ Albee onto a ledge and settled Christopher Broderick, both 14 North Atlantic Treaty Orgrntza- School.' Using Center Springs Park ton confirmed the ruling yester­ for the school site was not a times a week — about 100,000 laotOpis. He opened an office In Man­ down behind a rock barricade, at the time of the Incident in tiion and set up Socialist gtaite. -The concern of the ’TPC last miles a year. day. ‘The -hxiop win camp under chester on Oct. 1, 1920 and re­ WEAR Police arrived and pleaded for which Gary Reiser, also 14, fell Interior Minister Styiianos night was not only of the Lan- solution, members agreed, since Areas to be Included In the it would only solve the problem He’s been doing that for 34 the leeuMtahip of Scoutmaster mained here imtil 1930, when Albee’s relea^ie. The man re- through the ice at a pond, Patacos said Andreas “will be coln School Issue of the present, years, about 3 million miles aonversion are the area east of Joseph R. 'l^iaso Jr., and other he took a post at the John Hop­ fused. Bunn’s sister, accompa- The citation said Deschenes, tried and, whether found guilty but also’ the maittero of future temporarily. If it was necessary, Avery S t OaJk Rddge Elstaites, “Ldticolin SdhoolB” as th e y the park should only be used “as wonn, ana he figures that Savings Bank of Manchester adult leaiderS'.from Augrueft 13- kins Hospital, also Baltimore. nied by a policeman, started trying to reach Reiser, also or acquitted, he will be deported makes him an expert on driv­ Birch HHl Estates and Birch 19. The Lake M Mes campsite In 1036 some friends talked FOR up the hill. He wounded the went through the ice but contin- if he still has his U.S. citizen­ would inevi/taMy anise again ^ tast resort,” Welti said, HIU area number n, areas Eeist and again. Crandall, who is also a mem- ing. is 'operated, hy the Charter Oak him Into opening an office In officer. ued to look lor the submerged ship.” “Truck drivers use their and West of Graham Rd. and Stamford. He remained there Morin, called to the gunman, youngster. Deschenes brought Cbaidtnan Latnenzo at one tier of the Town Building Com- aU areas in the Wapping area OouncU of the Boy Scouts of Papandreou served in the U.S. lights to signal and help each America. \ until 1937, when he returned to who said he wanted some wa- Reiser to the surface and sup- Navy and became a U.S. citizen podnt quoted a statement by mittee, said the TBC had diaft- delivery area designated ‘‘easily HIRE CSairence Welti, secretary of the some recommendations and other,” he says, “and what we What Can We A paper drive wlU l» held Manchester and opened an of­ ter.- Morin, carrying a bottle ported him at the edge of the after World War II. A diplo­ wish is that the motoring public wiailked by oainler areas." fice In the North End. He has of water, proceeded up the hill. ice. Then, the citation said, TPC wldch WeJU made at a sent them in a letter to the by the troop SatJurday. Wap­ WHITE COATS matic source said he did- not Town Board of Directors. He would learn some of them so we Church Ehepansion Drive ping residents who bave paper been there for 80 consecutive As he approached the barricade Broderick crawled out on the renounce his citizenship but that previous meeting. “The schools A special dinner to launch a Jarvis Wins Landscaping Award CUT AW AYS have a crisis every year,” La­ said the TBC stated In the let­ could help them to. to be ooiBect-ed a re . asked to years —40 years In Manchester Bunn took aim with a shotgun, ice, went into the water and it was automatically removed “The main thing: if a tnick 1160,000 fund drive for the ex­ Dr. Douglas Smith, (left), chairman ot the Chamber of Commerce’s City Beautifiti Oom- all told. BATIK FORMALS menzo quoted Welti., “This year ter that the particular site chos­ leave It seoureiy tied in oon- miittee, presents a plaque to Alexander Jarvis of Jarvis Construction Oo. for winning the Morin continued and got be- helped get the two others back when he was elected to the en for Lincoln School In the park driver blinks his lights quickly, Do for Your Home? pansion and renovation of the BLACK TUXEDOS hind the barricade. He talked to safety. Greek Parliament In February it’s Liincollin School, last year it Wapping Commtmity Church ventent bundtee In front of Chamber’s landsoaping for new construction campaign. ’The campaign is part of the May was sometbinig else. What will was not adequate, they felt, and it means danger. Look out. their h'-mes, either at the edge Olean-Up Drive sponsored by the'CofC. Jarvis, builder of the Pancake House on Broad St., COLORED JACKETS 1964. His wife,_ the former Mar­ that their first recommendation Somebody’s in trouble. If he wHl be held Saturday. garet Chant of Chicago, and be the crisis next year?” The dinner for church mem­ of the road or a t the head of Hartford National Dank and Trust C5o., and the Minit Auto Care, both on W. Middle T'pke., FAT OVERWEIGHT “When the next Limcoln for a site was the land off E. bUnks the lights slow, it means the driveway. won the awaiti for landscaping there. The campaign started about a year ago. (Herald photo their four children are all U.S. Center St. behind .,the high be cautious. Take it easy.” bers wlM begin at 7 pm. in the Available to you without a U.S. Carrier Gains Red Sea citizens. ^ School Issue comes up, where South Windsor hdgh school cafe­ Jane Hartan Cited by PiMto.) doi- we go then?” Lamenzo school. “For truck drivers — I mean Jane Hartan, daughter of Mr. doctor’s prescription, our prod­ ROTH'S Clothiers teria. The tihurch’a Chancel uct called Galaxon. You must Thompson Due Home aisked. Tamsky said that as he saw professionals — the first thing Choir will sing and members of Sind Mrs. Samson Hartan, Scan- end of King's Road to the tatUer lose ugly fat or your money INCORPORATED Trailed by Egyptian Subs Members of the TPC unani­ it, the /job of the TPC was to we think of is the other person," tic Meadow Rd., Is the winner MOSCOW (AP) — U.S. Am­ the Men’s Brotherhood of Tem­ erwtrons of Fuiham, doing a back. Galaxon is a tablet and bassador Llewellyn E. Thomp­ mously agreed that their re­ get information, study the mat- be says. “We’re not wise guys, tjjfl of a Loyalty Day contest for London^s Young Designers (Continued from Page One) concentrated in the Sinai Penin­ ter and present several altema- A truck drived never plays with ple Beth HUlel will serve tremendous cash buainese. Reel easily swallowed. Get rid of ex­ Tri-City Plaza son left by plane today for con­ sponsibility was the overall fu­ town Girl Scouts and Brownies. cess fat and live longer. Galaxon sula on Israel’s southwest bor­ ture development of school sites, lives to be acted upon. “In a his lights.” estate along the road has sky­ costs 33.00 and is sold on this A government spokesman re­ der. But the arrivals underlined sultations In Washington on Speakers will include Doraakl Some ten girls submitted po- May Be Getting Hemmed In Vernon Circle Vietnam, the Middle East crisis particularly concerning the democracy, the people should Kingflbury and Paul Lemont of essays or songs In the con- rocketed. gpiarantee: If not satisfied for fused to confirm or deny the the growing Arab unity Nasser know what the alternatives are. PRAYER BAN OFF!! any reason, just return the Vernon and other issues affecting U.S.- “four core schools,” Nathan tbe church building oommittee kOsa Hartan’s entry was LONDON (AP) — This did Several recent fashion shows Has Cajmaby Street gone too newspaper report, but he indi­ Is forging. Hal®, Bentley, Washington and After they know, they should The Chariho Regional District package to your druggist and An advance unit of the Iraqi Soviet relations. end Ed K. Ota, chairman of the a Poe™. "Our Flag.” She was city’s young designers—trend- by adolesceht creators of Lon- King’s Road outdone get your full money back. No 644-8221 cated it was accurate. ■ , He denied that there was any Lincoln Schools. decide themselves which alter­ School Committee sat down for fund raising oommittee. presented a 326 Savings Bond setters for much of the teen-age questions asked. Galaxon Is sold Welcome Here army arrived by plane in Eg;3rpt Lamenzo, in presenting his native they want.” a meeting in Riclimond, R.I., ^ fashion ^ e d v y ^ p u b l i c ^ supply the answer, British Prime Minister Harold Wednesday, and more Iraqi special significance to the tim­ Bari Smith Is in charge of __ by the Abe E. Miller Post, war4d—ere ehowing signs of with this guarantee by: Quinn’s 875-8150 Wilson refused to tell Commons ing of the trip,' saying it was questions, traced the whole his- and found this printed on the stmww arrangements. American Legion and AuxUlaij. like . offices Tuesday to protest a l ^ ”^’Joo®> _ ® spokesman The meeting started with a “In the history of the Church lack of hot water and an abun- P«rty, said Salman-Pink Fedara $4.75 Memibera of the nominating On Student Connell Kwon waJ killed in an argument tiiocussion of a sriiool boanl re- 10% OFF SALE! Larry W. Garner, eon of Mr. • Finest Materials $ 1 ,1 8 9 - different groups within congre- dance of insects. jp sn r “ lArge size. Keg:. $6 50. oommittee ere Edward Pastula, Regulor with some hooligans over a on the of I ebalrman; Everett DeLaney, end Mrs. Louis V. Oamer Jr., gations have felt that they wish They carried signs saying: soim hooligMis over a School. The one thing definitely Michael McDugno, Miss Mary 69 Farmstead Dr., Wepplng, to do other types of work, that “Ma Bell can’t find plumber woman. He accused the New agreed on quite unanimously has been elected to the 1967-68 • Reliable Service God Is asking them to do other imder the yellow pages” and f^ricating stories BEDDING PLANn Nicholson, John Lehy; Dr. Irv­ student Oounnfl of Becker Jun­ and ‘■dishonest’*'campargn tac- ^ t the mahyrpaged re- VEGETABU PLANTS ing Pireedmen, and Raymond eicpresalons of work than that to “Bug bites are bad at Southern ticis which are far from tiie stated nothing new. M«m- ior Ooiliege, Worcester, Mass. • Direct Factory ' which their order la dedicated,” Bell.” — HARDY Bhd HEALTHY ' Petunias, Alyssum, Marigolds, Snaps, Salvia, Calen­ BaMowelL hera said the leport seemed to Get yours planted this weekend! We havO Peppers, dulas, etc. Season Special! He Is a 1966 graduate of the she said. Mitchell Roshto Jr., president n®™- be a rostatemenit of all theut had Woman’e d u b Officers town hiigta school end a fresh­ Lettu(%, Cabbage, BroccoU, Celery, Cauliflower, Brus­ New officeiv of the South Purchasing '"Rie nuns, through the mind ®^ Local MU of the Communlca- been said before and cast no man at Becker. ideal for your favorite taeo- of tile Church, are answering tlons 'Workers of America, la­ new light on the piro/blenis. sels Sproub^ Rttsley, Eggplant, Tomatoes, Etc. Windsor Woman's Ohib Inatall- In Trinity Fraternity Masons to Note sd by Mrs. Walter Joensuu et • Helps cut cost of heat and ONLY *115°° agerl Plays 33 and 45 RPM the request of Vatican n (sec- sued a statement, Miembers discussed the defdnd- 79c For ’ 3.75 Harold R. Cummings, son of ONLY ond VaticEin Council) to go out “For those of you who Me tion of “neighborhood schools,” the club’s annual banquet in- Mip. ■ and Mna Harold J. Cum- air conditioning in yonr Advanced "tubeless” TV! records; Tone and Volume Controls. Second Birthday home. Insulates in winter, Solid-state components re­ and live a different type of reli- unfamiliar with mites, I can FriendsIWi) Lodge of Mb« ; ^ meeting the argn- dude Mrs. William Young, pres- mings, 716 Deming S t, Wap- Solid-State Components'assure gioMB life other than the struc- only refer you to a chicken Ident; Mrs. Richard Kelley, first pfnE-, has been elected to the cooler in summer. place tubes—the main cause .highest reliability by eliminating waa oeftdhrate Ms second eraii- Come » e Quality Fresh Dug: Japanese Yews, Rhododendron, Azqleas, Headquarters for complete $ |Q 9 0 ture the Daughters ojisthe Cross house. These mites crawl veraaoy tonight at (he Mbeonto Diatrict was that vice-president; Mrs. Richard soctel sclenoe flroteratty, PI of TV failure—to give you tubes and damaging heat—brings now has. This is their desire.” around In the switchboard and ^ ^ ------HemlocKs, Junipers, Pines,' Spruce, Shade, Omameptal and Fruit Trees. Une of SCOTTS PROD­ Gamma Mil at' Trinity Colitoge. • Fire and weather resistant, Temple. Hamry BeSUnl of Lake- must k e ^ neighborhood lasting reliability plus better you instant sound, too. Long-life The group members range In when they get h m ^ , toey look iJaster of Oonnec- "chooto.” “Buy Yours Direct From The Grower” UCTS. dent; Mn. Moreland Berkamn, Oummilngs Is a meenber of (he 38 sq. in. pictures. Model • Eliminates maintenance and batteries included. Model 1-P210 age from 24 to 54 and It Includes Lor the closest thing they can wfilll be among 'What la a “nelghboriiood — A lso —- oorreqponding secretaiy; Mrs. senior eSaas at TMnMy. UFETIME OOARANTEE 1-S101, in several colors, Tuberous Begonias, Flower and ■Vegetable Seeds, Peat Moes, Pots, ndmuad Gtriebel, - recording repair problems. in several beautiful colors. one member who has been a K®t blood from. This happens to guests' aibteniNsiig. school?” There are many kinds, IN WRITU^G plays anywhere on optional nun for 87 yewa and six who he the operators legs,” the roast beef ApnteciajUon of nedgWboiiioods,^ members said, I Redwood Tubs, Window Boxes, insectlcldee, Trowels, Cultivators, Hubbard Hall, Asgrow, sacretsiy, and Mra. Walter Ver- Manchester Evening Herald m-chargeable battery pack. do, troamirar. South Windsor oomraondent, Now you eopi save os never FROM THE MANUFACTURER Also available with optional AM Radio, only $29.90 .have not professed their final statement said. Ddminer at 6:30 wiffl be followed aud they did not agree with the (Spading Forks, Turf Edgers, Rakes Shovels, also;—Sakrote and Conn. Nurserymen Lawn before on the finest qual­ vows. Southern Bell spokesman anniversany program in definition of the term as ex- 'Swlnmiing Pool Supplies. Fertilizer, Ortlio, Organo, Mis. Young, new inresldent of Ann Lyons, tel. 644-8688. Thelr departure will leave the said, “We are tryii^ to get in- ipdge room, airanged by pressed by the Town Board of tbe olub, ennounces the follow^ ity Ahimlnum Siding. Our Shreveport-based order with formation right now to deter- o h ^ ter M. FemriB, lodge hto- Directors, which they said de- E tc. tag new oomenlttee chairmen; ‘PAT IS MI8LEAD1NO warehouses ore bulging NO DOWN PAYMENT! Tostod, Adjusted, Delivered, Serviced By Our Own Mechanics about eO nuns. - mine if the exterminatjng com- torian, Speekera will include fined a neighborhood’school as H&H Lawn Sb«. Jobfi Hopkins, Mn. Rob- I . FAMOUS FOR SERVICE SINCE 19311______Stater Mary Michael said sev- pany we had in'the building sev- past grand mastiera, Irving n school in a certain nedghbor- met Smlitb, ways and means; with overstocked colors LOW BANK TERMS! Food ...... 50 lbs. 2.44 EUGENE, Ore. (AP) — Foot­ eral of the nuns have applied for ®fal weeks ago was successful jj. Baitridge, who granted the Imod as it is now located. This bJioodlaiuL GARDENS Mra. mask Perfita, sits; ball player Patrick Mallory is and oqt vdnter prices ore jobs in Milwaukee public In eliminating the mites. As lodge ItB dispensatiion, stid 'WU- definition was far ^om ade- (Covers 5000 sq. ft.) Mk«. Jltnes Arnold, eduoaiUon; being graduated from Sheldon new In effect. LIMITED OFFER schools, others will" teach in soon as we know, wo will taka ijum CbmipbeU, present grand quaito, miemibers said, shice Lin- H&H Garden M n. Donald I^nron, oommunity High ischool this spring and his parochial schools dr universities any steps necessary to alleviate seoraiwry, who chartered ttve coin School is made up itself of Tour Complete Ctafden Center! Let hs help you with your lawn aad garden probleinsI F o o d ...... 50 lbs. 1.99 •CtlaArs; Mrs. Robert Mlaitto, name Is listed on the class roll', Hurry! This offer will not and others will pursue other any conditions of this sort.” lodge. “several neighborhoods now.” 168 WOODLAND STRCCT ^ L im e ...... 50 lbs. 59e : Mdottaii; Mra. Robert Warren, as Pat Mallory. , X PLUS fields of work ------^----- Mbre than 180 reservations Lamenzo said ’a solution to 643-8474 puBUoRy; Mra. Michael Oe- He has received Invitations to be repeated when these JOHN & LEON ZAPADKA , 80 lbs. 79c ‘ CORPORATIONS She said the group will not The Kansas City Athletics are hove been mode fdr the dinner, Lincoln School may be to com- lorenao, Jmepitallty; MA. TQM- attend a Honolulu secretarial are gone. Don't miss this necessarily live in the poor sec- looking for ,pitcher Lew Krausse and Raymond E. Bogue, mas- bine several dlstricta into one, GO TO A GROWER FOR HIS EXPERIENCE AND KNOWLEDGE! 986 Bnnieide Ave., E asi Hertford Potterton’s "FROM GROWER TO YOU!” OPEN DAILY TILL 9:00 PJVL Lawn Seed, too. «H See, social; Mrs. EdFar school, an Eastern nursing once In a lifetime oppor^ h«ti« of town, for “we are edu- to have a big year. He achieved ter, says 260 are expected hi and Tamsky said that the OsniriiH, program. sdiool, an airline stewardess 130 Center St., Manchester, of the Comet of Church cators and feel that our impact four of his 14 victories last year the lo d ^ room for the enniver- school board stand on limiting Also, Mtoa Jblu Roeenbeck, school and a Portland beauty tuidty. TEL 287-7778 U ta tha aducationai field. Wa after September 1. arav; nwcoita. - • school to 6$0 pupOi aad DO ’projedt; Mins.|lias sonegs.

r ' A JL :dl V S

• ^

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1967 PAGE SEVENTEEN l^AGB SIXTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1967 Bolton ^Bristle Off Old Brush’ CHARGE YDUR \Hehron NEED A PRESGRIPTIDN TV-Radio Tonight SPECIAL 130 New Books Are Added Migrant Painter ^inds Son ZBA Denies. CAR By Town Public Library Assistant on Kentucky Job Request for Television DANVILLE, Ky. (AP) — It were adopted by a family in A total of ISO books were add- Hollywood Pilot; Gulnagh, Dic­ was only natural that painter Boswell, Ind. Walcom* H*r* 6:00 ( 3) Movie (40) You Asked for It / ed to the Bolton Public Library tionary of Foreign Phrases and Chester Sparkman should ask The father said he recognized 8-a^ Mike pouRlu 7:30 (24) French (3hef i A Kennel (■10) Perry Mason .(18) X + X last month. Abbreviations, and Guthrie, The his young co-worker,. “What’s Oscar, though the boy had no AT (12) Merv Griffin g-40) w tm a n (C) Added to the Marine ,L. Fish Hen’s Chick. your name, boy?’’ Idea of his dad’s identity. In executive session, the Hc- (18) Hlrhway Patrol (12) (Coliseum Now that they’re together (20) This le the Life (10-20-22-30) Daniel Boone (C) FOR A Collection was Taber’s “Still ,-Klelty, Masters of Chester was hardly prepared PINE PHARMACY lK«n Zoning Board of Appeals (30) Rlverboat 8:00 ( 24) Point of View Painting; Lockridge, One Lady, for his reply: “Oscar Spark­ again, the Sparkmans are a lit­ 664 Center SL 649-9814 (40) Woody Woodpecker ( 3) Brajided (C) Meadow Calendar,’’ and to the tle unsure of their plans. Unanlmoually denied the request 6:18 (24) Friendly Giant ( 8-40) F Troop (C) SPECIAL David Murdock Memorial Shelf, TVeo Cats; Manoheeter, DeaUt man.” 6:30 (20) Navy Film 8:30 (10-20-22-30) Star Trek (C) Bosnan, “Oreait Hookies of the of a President; N.Y. Times, The It was the first meeting of the M Albert J. Barone Jr. of 67 (24) W hat's New? ( 8-40) Bewitched (C) (40) Peter Jennings (C) OCCASION? Major Leagues,” and Felsen, Kennedy Years; 90th Congress, father and son since Oscar, an Pearl St., Manchester, to esbab- 6:00 (30) McHale's Navy ( 3-12) My Three Sons (C) (18) Subscription TV “The Tc6n-agcr’a Firat Oar.’’ Congressional ' Pictorial Direc- older brother and three younger Uah a board kennel under Zon­ ( 8) Ncwswlre (24) Fourth Estate (il2) Nowsbeat Rent a new CtAnet or Amo'ng''thrfiction'titles“ ^dded ^ sisters were taken to an orphan­ ing Regulation C3iange 3. (10) News (C) 9:00 ( 3-12) Movie POISE ‘N’ IVY SHOPPE (20) Phone Your Answers (24) Collcga Sport of Week Mercury. Low Rates . . . are: , Purdy, Holiday Cards for You age in 1957 after the death of The board felt that the ap- U8) Merv Griffin ■ ( 8-40) That Girl (C) Daily . . . Weekly . . . to Make; Robert, Robert’s Rules their mother. pUcant had failed to supply (24) Harold Clhaney 9:30 ( 8-40) Love on R«>ftop (C) Blackstock, Knock at Mid­ of Order. Revised ed.; Sanford, ( 3-22-40) News (10-20-22-30) Dragnet 1967 (C) The reunion came In the proper proof of sufficient acre­ 10:00 (10-20-22-30) Dean Martin (C) Monthly. night; Caidin, Devil Take All; P.sychhology; Shepard, 'The 6:16 (40) Bronco Sparkmans’ home town and on age. Barone was represented by 6:30 (10-22-30) Huntley-Brlnkley ( 8-40) Leonardo da Vinol (C) Cooper, A Week at the Most; Doom Fhissy; U.S. Post Office, SPECIALIZING IN (C) 11:00 ( 3-8 (C), 10-20-22-30-40) Delgliton, An Expensive Place a job where the father and son the firm of Alhanson, Cromie, ( 3-12) W alter Cronklte (C) News, S))orts, Weather Directory of National Zip to Die; Fleming, Octopussy; worked for- more than a week Ldtobey, Totten and McGinley of (24) What's New? (12) Ncwsbcat Codes; • Williams, Marriage for (20) British Calendar 11:15 (40) Sports Pinal Hersey, Under the Eye of the before finding out who each oth­ Hartford. ( 8) Peter Jennings (C) (20) Memory Lane CouTiKNm Bcginner.s, and Wycoff, Dic­ PRE-TEEN. TEEN 7:00 ( 3) Daklari (C) (12) Newsbeat vIriUMy Storm; Innes, A Change of Heir; tionary of Stock Market Term.s. er was. School Board Meets (20) Huntley-Brlnkley (C) 11:20 ( 3) Movie Mercer, Promise of Morning; The Hebron Board of Educa­ i 8) T w lllrtt Zone 11:26 ( 40) Country Music (C) Tile picture of the month, on After placing his children In (22-30 40) News 11:30 (10-20-22-30), Tonight (C) Nicols, Wizard of Loneliness; display in the library, Ls “Bolton the Soldiers and Sailors Chil­ tion will hold a special meet­ (lO) McHale's Navy (12) Movie Erokosch, The Wreck of the JUNIORS ing tonight at 8 in the elemen­ (24) Culinary Arts. Japan ( 8-40) Joey Bl.shqn Sliow (C) RESERVE A CAR Hi U.S and Beypnd,” on oil by drens Home in Knightstown, 7:15 (.30) Newsreel (18) Siibscrl)>tion 'TV f ,H5assandra; Quirk, Hard Win­ Ind., Chester Sparkman migrat­ tary school to discuss the $5,603 (22) Highlights 1:20 ( 3)^la«s Vegas Show (C) Myrtle Carlson. NOW . . . CALL ers, and Vidal, Washington, Bulletin Board ed to Ohio, Virginia and finally reduction made by tl^e Finance air-lii SATURDAITS TV WEEK FOE COMPLETE LISTING D. Board In the School Board’s The junior claps will have a to Colorado for work. CLOTHING & ACCESSORIES budget which totaled $314j907. Non^^Kttlon titles include; car wash at the high school Sat­ “There never seemed to be Board of Finance Chairman 643-5135 Asimov, NOW Intelligent Man’.s urday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., a enough money left over to get Guide to Scichee (2 vol.); Bodg- THE ONLY SHOP IN THE Howard E. Porter has been ask­ Radio ^ dollar a car. back to Indiana,” he said. “And er, How the He^her Looks; The selectmen wyi meet to­ AREA CATERING TO THE 'TEEiN-AGER ed to attend this meeting and ' I ain’t much for writing. (Hils listing Includes only those nows broadcasts of 10 or 18 Butler, Twice Queeit\of France; night at 7 in the town offices. discuss the budget reduction LEASING “I finally got back to Indiana mlni’te length. Some stations c»'ry other short newscasts.) Carnegie, Our Holidays’Sp Poet­ An awards assembly will be with the Board. last year and went to see the One-Two-Three ry; Child, Mastering the held tomorrow at the high school Weevil Warning WDRO-136S 7:36 World of Religion children but they weren't in the 693 TALCOTTVILLE RD — ROUTE 88 6:00 Dick Robinson 8:00 News French Cooking; Claibom, at 1;30 p.m. 8:10 Speak Up Hartford Year Leasing Plans home any more. Every time I VERNON, CONN. John H. Elliott, county agri- 6:00 Joey Reynolds Times Menu Cook Book; Dacey, j cultural agent, hais notified all 9:00 Ken Griffin 11:30 Barry Farber Show All Makes and Models found out where Oscar was 1:05 News, Sign Off 12:00 Commeiil How to Avoid Probate; Day, nchester Evening Her­ working I went to look but he dairymen In the county of pos­ WBClf^91# 12:16 News. Sign Off Spice Cook Book; Deetz, Invita­ ald ^'^Iton , correspondent, had moved to another job by the sible damage to be expected by 5:00 Hartford Highlights WTIG—1080 7:00 News tion to Archeaeology; Dwiggin.s, Clemeiveli^Voung, tel. '64.S-898I. time I got there.” COLONIAL SHOPPING CENTER allfaMa weevils. The weevite 8:00 Gaslight 6:00 Afternoon Edition MORIARTY 12:00 Quiet Houi-s 6:00 News. Sports, Weather Oscar, now 19, came back to Hours; 10-6 Daily have started to lay eggs in the Americana WPOP—HIO 6.15 Danville and last January went fieidB and serious damage may 5:00 Donnv Clayton Show 7:25 Chet Huntley BROTHERS Culver, 599 -^ye St., South Friday Nights until 9 P.6L 7:00 Lee "Babl ' Simms Show 7:.3i> News of tlie World Hospital Notes Windsor; Valerie \C oven sk y, to work at the Pioneer Play­ result within a weeX or two. 12:00 Gary Gli-ard Show 7:45 Joe Garagiola “Connecticut's Oldest house. His brother and a sister 875-6444 Charge Accounts Welcome The letter has informed farm­ WINK—1230 7:50 Sing Along Broad Brook; John Bgck, 476 .3:00 News 7:55 David Brinkley LIncoln-Mercury Dealer” Visiting hours are 2 to 8 p.m. Gr.abhm Rd., WappingT\Mis. live nearby. Two other sisters ers what to do and copies may 8:(16 Coast Guaiti on Parade Sorry, No Duck Dipping This Time 5:15 Speak Up Hartford .. In all areas excepting mater- Mhureen Martin, 315 Benedict be had by contacting the Tol­ 6:00 News 8:26 Pop Concert 301 CENTER STREET 6:15 Barry Farber Show 9:10 Motion Before Uie House '■nlty where they are 2:30 to 4 t)r., Waipping; Jules Piliere, Dv. James Penny, chief veterinarian at the Pennsylvania Society for Prevention land County Extension Service 6:45 Ix)wcll Thomas 9:40 Nlghtbeat OPEN EVENINGS p.m. and 7 to 8 p.m. and private 7:00 The World Tonight 11;()0 News Dartmouth Rd.; Joan Howai-d ?f Cruelty to Animals in Philadelphia, tells six-year-old William Blattner that In Vernon. 7:15 Frank Gifford 11:15 Sports Final rooms where they are 10, A.m. 11:30 The Other Side of the Day East Hartford. t hfe’S sorry but they can’t dip ducks today. The boy, with his pet duck, “Jim- Building Permits 7:30 Harry Reasoncr to 8 p.m. Visitors Ore retpiested Also, Mns. Cathy, Cordner, my’^'showed up as the S ^ A dipped do^s to combat ticks. Agent Bob Paezew- Blwven bufllding permits wore Curiosity Cans the Cat not to smoke in patieitis’ rooms. RFD 1, Andover; Mns. Li^y ski dipkN^bigdi™ dog while . —Frank - Turco, 6, holds his dog and awaits his turn SERVICE OUR BUSINESS Issued by 21andhg Agent Karl sulted in his head being wedged tightly in the can. After No more than tyvo visitors at PeMce, East Hartfond; Mns. H. Linlcs during the month of Taking time out from his duties as glazier on the new addi­ the can was removed and without pausing to purr thank one time per patient. June Tomipkins, Colonial Dr., .‘April. tion of The Herald, Gerald G. Taylor of 37 CJhestnut S't. Russian-bborn Piatigorsky emd bama, said she was returning to you, the cat was off like a flash, caught taking flight by the Columbia; Jennie SchHchtlng, REFRIGERATION AIR CONDITIONING ^ Penmdits were Issued to Jo­ ahows his skills in other fields by perforrning a delicate kissed him on the cheek to the the state to arrange to make up fast lens of Herald Chief photographer Sylvian Ofiara. Broad Brook; Mrs. Lorraine INDUSTRIAL, COMMERCIAL, seph Tralongo for a house on surgical operation on a cat whoite appetite for dog food re­ Patieiils Today: 261 delight oif the audience. examinations she missed while INDUSTRIAL, COMMERCIAL ADMITTED YESTERDAY: Wolk. Eiast Hartford; Mrs. The festival continues competing in the pageant. ’’Basket 9hop Rd.; Biacldedge ROOFING... SIDING Shelia Chernerka and daughter, Low Temp., Ice Machines, Joseph Aubey. Clark Rd,, Bol- through June 14. The Miami, Fla., girl said she RESIDENTIAL -ilaunrtiry Club, garage and srtor- Notch Rd.. Boltan; Mns. Patri­ ^ P e o p le Coventry Record Budget Approved Mrs. Anne Campbell, 49 Brian plans to finish her education Water Coolers, Reach-ins, DX Systems, Chillers, llge Shed on West St.; John Ly­ cia Aldalch and daughter. Bol­ after filling her commitments man for house on Martin Rd.; Rd.; Emile Boutcloup, 49 West- ton Rd., Vernon; Mns. Ann' Prince Philip Walk-ins, Freezers. Split Systems, Window Units SCUNT.HORPE, England as Miss USA. She will compete “IlonBld Bmamielson and Melvin wood St.; William Brennan, 28 Bombardier and daughter, 102 •■(Btricldand, poultiy building on Retirement Tea Planned GUTTERS...AWNINGS Princeton St,; William Caldwell, (AP) — Pstoce Philip, husband in the Miss Universe Pageant in SERVICE • SALES DESIGN • INSTALLATION Deepwood Dir.; Mrs. Lorraine 629 Deming St., Wapping; of Queen Elizabeth II, thinks July, Ibajst St.; Emanudlson and GOP Amendments Joly and daughter. 57 Bigelow f^ In T h e / Strickland, stable axlddtdon on Mrs. Anne Campbell, 49 Briad horses are just plqin dumb. For Mrs, Ann VanDeusen at UPrlOVED U HTNIN MDS St.; Mrs. Patricia Tiemann and CONTRACT Ma in t e n a n c e East St.; Walter F .Gustafson, 6 6 St.; Timothy Carroll, East Hart­ daughter. Boston Hill Rd., An­ “God Invented .^ d o t of ani- Queen Victoria enclosed porch on Deopwood Mrs. Ann VanDeusen, who to town organizations to help to ford; Anthony Choma, 28 Mc­ dover. mals,” he said Wfed)iesday, LAUSANNE, Switzerland Pihdbip (Siii^eUa h o i^ ^ - taught ioi the local public determine what types of activi- Are All Vetoed COMBINATION WINDOWS and DOORS Cann D r,; John Derby, 12 “and Just about the most Stppid (a P) — Ex-Queen Victoria Eu- iSiitiioTi..dStdan, Woodsdde Rd.;rui.. CharileB ppcsiHprwtQ afp intpr-psted in Vernon St.; Richard From, 88 N. E. MECHANICAL SERVICES, Inc. achw)! system for 19 years and resudemis are iniereaiea in. (Continued from Page One) Democratic majority leader Is the horse.”. 'x genia of Spain entered a clinic Desso, a house on Slocum Rd Church St.; Christine Gabriele, , N e w s ® Those received' by the ele- Edward Marcus of New Haven The prince was introduced to^AV^^esday for what was de­ PHONE 643-7257 Bdehond Desso, house on Slo- in the schoods in the stiate for g^hool ehildfen should BUY THE BEST 43 Hilton Dr., South Windsor; a horse called Ranger during a asked $55 million, has not yet agreed with gen. Lucy Hammer 1 )7 ,1 sc rib e as a minor operation. tfa m Rd.; AHiPred end Morirls 25 yeara, wUl be honored a»L a filled out by parents. The come up for action in the Gen­ Gilles Girard, 39 Chester Dh.; State News visit to Scunthorpe in connection J R-Branford, who introduced the — ALL WORK GUARANTEED — Th^vfidowv(ld( of King Alfonso Laura Haines, 115 Barry Rd.; with his award for enterprise GoJdsteta s u i ^ w tea from 2:30 p.m. committee will encourage' those eral Assembly. resolution, that aid to education xni is 7^ Raymond Hancock, 91 Laurel shown by young people. ^ i ^ R d . , a n ^ andM. .to 5 p.m. Sunday ait the George activities which can be largely The amendments would have was a worthy cause. But ke 0t«n, summOT cottage on Deep- Hersey Robei^tson Sdhood on sumxwlin^ CALL E. STEVE PEARL St., Wapping. Roundup He patted Ranger’s nose, de­ added $700,000 for state camp asked; “where is the money James Smith Dr- OnosB St. Also, Warren Hajiis, 33 clined an invitation to ride him sites to bring the total to $1 going to come from?’’ 16 RICHMOND, .Va. (AP) — Klndwgarten SeMion JMor to coming to the Cov- Library Meeting Coolidge St.; Carroll Haw­ (Continued from Page One) and passed his opinion on the I’m cutting prices million and would have increas­ Sen. Wallace Barnes, R-Far- James Smith was on the job for Mrs. Ellis Heads TVi® afternoon Mndeagarten enitry system in 1948 Mrs. Van- Tire Porter Library commit- thorne, 24 Avon St.; Mrs. Anne beast’s brainpower. ed from $4 million to $10 mil­ mington, said the administra­ BEACON LIGHTNING dilion to tlie fact that the boy .50 years a.nd .stayed out .sick dhUdiren willl also a/titend ■the Deusen taught in Andover and meets at 8:15 p.m. Monday lion funds for state grants to Kantor. 33 Cu.'^ihman Dr.; Mark was not a pupil at Wakeiee at His comment may have been one-haUf-day sessdxyn to be held tion was only passing a tax only once. And that was be­ PTA at Green/ WPS principal of the elementary ^ room in the Church Com- municipalities for open spaces. Klosowski, 89 Overlook Rd,, the time, the beating took place cause of an injury suffered in a prompted by his experience during Gur— E Sm ^tary scrotal'There 'for “a year. She muirity‘y House on R Rt. t. 44A. increase on to the towns—forc­ PROTECTION COMPANY Wappang; Martiha Kramula, 214 playing polo last weekend. The budget and bonding pro­ ing them to raise property taxes after .school hours. company baseball game, Mrs. Raymond L. Ellis of S e J ^ on ^turday. A1 classes (laugibt in Tor-rington for Jack O’Leary Cited Newberry Rd., South Wind.sor; He fell off his iiolo pony. U grams also need House ap­ The prosecution maintained Smith, 65, retired Wednesday home at 1pm. as ^ MandheiLer to pay for education. BUSINESS 643-5315 — RESIDENCE 152 HOLLISTER ST. 643-5465 129 Parker St. recently was in­ The Whdrlaways Square proval. The governor’s total Thomas Leemon, 12 Newman tliat it was a simple case of a from his job as a bookkeep­ other regular haOf-days Her fii^ posi Sen. T. Clark Hull, R-Dan- St.; Mrs. Ellen Li-ving.ston, 784 George Master stalled as president of the m Dance (Jluib recently honored spending and borrowing pro­ bury, said the flat $180 per 30-year-old man beating a 12- er. Dion in teaching j^ck O’Leary, ■who has been gram is $1.7 billion. E. Middle Tpke.; Mrs. Alice year-old boy. At a going-away party, he re­ LAS VEGAS, Nev. (AP) — Manchester Green School PTA BIGGEST pupil grant was a "bare mini­ McFetridge, Biviad Brook; Don­ at a meeting at the .school. „ . , _ , „ , , Grades 2 and 3 ait the Niaitihan their official caller for many Already approved by one or mum’’ and recognized as such called that day he didn’t get to Hair stylist George Master, 28, more chambers of the General na Maheu, RFD 1, Coventry; Redietrict Ordered the office. It was on a Sunday in Hollywood starlet Gappy Other officers are Mr. and H ebroT TOrpJ^ndfnt, ^Mrs. months, and who is soon leav- by the State Board of Educa­ Elizabeth Mas.sa.ro, 57 White t the town was under the Eltate s the mid-West where his Assembly are bonding au­ NEW HAVEN (AP)—A fed­ 1922, Smith said, when he Porter, 20, were married, each Marjorie Porter, teL 228-9116. tion. St.; Walter Matkof, Case Dr.; Mr.s. Charles Borgida, co-vice elementary suipevisoiy progam There thority of $150 million for the eral court judge has formally strained a ligament in his leg for the first time, in a brief cer­ He said he had introduced a Kimberiey Medeiros, 42 Russell presidents: Mrs. John Garop- wCith John C. Reilly as edemen- were 15 clubs represented at water pollution control pfo- ordered the reapportionment of and etfiyed home the next day. emony. SALE EVER bill at the request ofc the Con­ tiary superintendent. Bt.; Joseph Mulvey, 40 Olcobt .. , “We just decided to get mar­ polo, secretary; Mr. and Mrs. the “farewell party" for gram, $13 million for housing necticut Conference Of Mayors, “They temporoirlly put it in a Tolland County l^ en the Robertson School St.; Albert M5.88 $4.00 amendments to the budget b«l children, $7.3 free public librar­ ^'PlRTHS YESTERDAY: A of legislative apportionment” in Sliedel rallies and meetin uate of the Willimantdc State ^ Nathan Hale Homestead called for a flat $180 per pupil their city. Casals, 90, conducted while November. presented to Mrs. Rice from ies, $10.1 million to towns for daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Rich­ children who represented each •re Bchodulled this week School in 1921, that South St. by courtesy of the grant in state aid to education. grants to the elderly, $4 million A special master, appointed Piatigorsky, 64, played In Rob­ 1/4 BARNBOARD4x7 $7.47^ $6.00 Connecticut Antiquarian and ard LaPolla, 43 Garden St.; a ert Schumann’s Concerto in A Sylvia Hitchcock grade. ihronghout the county parishes is now known as Willd- The governor’s budget includes for operating funds of state col­ ALL OUR MEATS ARE FRESHLY CUT AND DISPLAYED daughter to Mr. and Mrs. John April 13 by Timbers, was ex- - Landmarks. So(?iety. pected to file a temporary re- Minor for Cello and Orchestra MONTGOMERY, Ai«. (AP) The Grade 6 Glee Club, di­ to kick off the house-to-house mantlc'Btate Oohege. $180 for the first 300 pupils in a leges, and $1.9 million Hamill, 16 Server St. Mrs. P. Raymond Broga, districting plan with the court. Wednasday ndgibt. Miss USA, Sylvia Louise r e c ts by Mrs. Geraldine Maz- 1/4 BARNBOARD 4x8 $8.77 can'vass for the St. Thomas She repdrt® she has einjoyed school system and $150 per pu­ for operation of state commu­ DISCHARGED TUESDAY: teachtng in CJdventry and feels chairman of the committee in After the performance the Hitchcock, met Gov. Lurleen zeo, .sang several selections. Mlore High School drive. pil over 300. nity colleges. NOT PRE-PACKAGED CliiflPord Kubiiak, 173 Spruce Mtore than 700 volunteers will •‘prtvtlegod to liaye a arrmll oharge of securing hosts and Newspaper Praised crowd gave tlie two men six Wallace Wednesday, Refreshments were served in $8.77 hostesses who will assist Mrs. SL; Dees Trahan, Basrt Hart­ minutes of applause. Casals The beauty contest winner, a the school (sifeteria after the 1/4 PECAN 4x8 $7.00 seek a Builder’s Gift Pledge In the eduoaitdonad Mfe ford; Linda Bilverstone, 34 Du- WALLINGFORD (AP) —Sen. Robert Patterson, permanent South Windsor extension of a loop which orig­ himself led the applause for the student at the University of Ala- meeting. from every Oatihollc family in PENOBSCOT FANCY GRADE "A" nant St.; KeiTle Murphy; Mrs. Abraham Rlblcoff, D-Conn., She also said that Uie Cay- hoste.ss at the Hom^tead, has inates at Pleasant Valley, N.Y., the area toward the minimum Hilda LaElanc, Carpenter Rd.; say's vigorous and enterprising 3/16 JAVA WILLOW 4x7 $5.88 $4.00 entry Educational System has -I'isted her group. The.se include and feeds through a substation / goal of $600,000. Injured Youth Mrs. Bernice Gi'ous, RiFD 1, reporters working for txwra- “grown tremendously and I feel Mr., and Mr.s. Julien H. Beville, at Southington, and another at A final tally of all memorial Manchester which relays pow­ ROASTING and FRYING Bolton; Mns. Ella Oaiffrey, 468 geouE, laspomslble newspapers $9.33 gWtB made diBirg the post few ^ 8rown along with it.’’ Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Brainard 1/4 WORMY GHESSWOOD ^ $7J9 Loses Law suit er to Middletown. Woodlbridge St.; Kevin Me- are the best defense against weeks of campaign aoU-vity husband, Charles, Thomas Brainard, P. Raymond A (JL&P spokesman said the Crewell, WilYimarttic; Mrs. Dor “secretive bureaucracy.” showed $376,500 already pledg- 1927, live Broga and Robert Gantner. Against Town The government, he said Be aWeight Watcher. 3/16 SANOLEWOOD 4x7 $5.33 $4.00 B in Andover, v,„„-have t... two--- children,un.1— Hickey, Mre.' 115,000 volt line would soon be olbhy Ames, Baah Hartford; ed to the campaign fund. James Ftallcone Jr., 79 Robert Wednesday night, has no right Mrs. Robert E. (Betty Lou) Car­ S. S. Hdtohcock, Mjia. H. G,' completed and the 345,000 volt Campaigns workers will de­ A Superior Court Jury yes­ Rd., IVlappling; Mrs. Blizaibejh to distort the truth. learn how to lose weight and keep it off... dinnl of Andover and Charles Iger, Mrs. C. Irviing Loomis, terday, rejected the $25,000 line is scheduled for operation SICKENS $3.99 vote Sunday to making calls for EJveneitit, 374 S^lInsmlilt St.; An­ “I do not believe the govern­ 3/16 AUTUMN LAUAN 4x7 J. VanDeusen of Westerville, Miss June D. I>x>mjs, Mr. and lawiuit of ,a South Windsor in the fall. with WEiIGHT WATCHERS! contrilbutiona. - Aiddiitional cafls 8'/j TO 4 LBS. drew Doll, 720 Spring St.; Mrs. ment has the right to hide the Ohio, and eight grandchildren. Mns. Laui-ence Moe, Mrs. Maud youth who Was injured in an The World’s Largest Weight Control Organization wd'U continue until Jime 15, Jean MdElraevy, 394 Poitter facts or misinform,” Rlblcoff In her hometown, Mrs. Van- Murphy, Mrs. Christine Pderce, automobile accident three Manchester Evening Herald Four years ago, a 214 pound fat to tdach you how to eat sensibly. It's not a fad, a crash 1/4 ANTIQUE BIRCH 4x8 $8.77-" $8.00 when all ■workers will make a South .Windsor Correspondent, EXTRA LEAN—-FRESHLY GROUND at.; EJmeaft) Bcmitaeitite, Eiast said, adding that “the distortion Deusen is active in the First Miiiss Mdldired Truax, Mr, and yearc ago. FOR OUTDOOR COOKING of truth is frequently a de'vlce ^ woman lost 72 pounds and program or an exercise group. You take no pills or • victory report to Bishop Vin- Ann Lyons, tel. 643-8582. NOT PRE-PACKAGED Haaitford. Congregational Church and its Mirs. Donald Watt and Mr. and Richard M. Flenke said he DELICIOUS to protect government officials slipped into the first size 12 medication. It's not magic. . . except.for the weight you $8.77. $7,001 Mwt J. Hines at St. Joseph’s, choir, the PTA, and the And Also, Paibrioia Graves, 38 1/4 ENGLISH OAK 4x8 Mi«. Joeeph Sandler. sustained numerous injuries in giullty of bad judgment and ■ she'd ever been able to wear. lose. At Weight Watchers you lelrn new ways of eating Church in Rockville. Bruce Rd.; Paul Buck, 135 It changed her life, and you Yearn them together with other overweight over Grange of which she is a Admis.saion to tlie fair will in- July 1964 when he lost control S' faulty policy.” The Rev. George F. X. Reil- past mastpr and lecturer, Tramp Revealed Her name is lean N idetch... Pe°P'e in a friendly, helpful atmosphere. Hundreds of cl\ide a tour of the Hale Home­ of his car and overturned on ST^KETTES „ 8IP Chuck Ground ^,.79° Spruce St.; Mre. PaiuMne Lep- Rlblcoff made his remarks al- 1/4 ENGLISH BIRCH 4x8 $9.GQ $7.00 ly; pastor of St. Bernard’s wife mother of two sons thousands of lost pounds prove it works! Many doctors, FestivaU Held stead which ends at 5 p.m. Foster Rd. potnies, E)ast Hampiton: Wttlimore a Wallingford Chamber of Com- . Church in Rockville and mod- As Rich Playboy a ^ u n n re blond b Z ty . ean psychologists and nutrition experts give it their full Her classes at the Robertson Dealea''s booths will i-emain Through his father, Flenke ■I*e(teirson, 25 Alton S|t.; Kristin merce banquet honoring the •rator of the campaign, urged school have annually put on a 6 p.m. when the Na Vlan KSrk, 44 'WiHow St., Wap- knows full well the pain the approval. . . often take classes themselves. Your lecturer 1/4 NATURAL BIRCH 4x8 $8.33 $7.00 sued the town of South Wind­ (Continued from Page One) HOME FREEZER DEPT. Meriden Record on its 100th an­ sorroTtheLpelLsness^r^^^^ former “heavywhighl" . . . trained by Jean Nidetch aK parishioners of the county soj,g^ verse, and dance festival, than Hale Ancient Fife and sor, charging that his loss of ptng; Erriie^ Bovi, E)adt Hart­ niversary, pe^shes to do their share so participated in the stu- tDruni Corps will offer selec- (broke)’’ said Johnny Miller, WESTERN STEER BEEF ford; Ohristopher Godin, 33 fat. She has suffered the unkind herself. At Weight \Valchers you learn how to lose control' was caused by a hole in "It takes two to manage the remarks of thin friends. She has weight. . . and keep ihoff. . . forever I 1/4 KNOTTY CEDAR 4x8 $9.33 $8.00 ’ the burden can be equal- dent-teacher training program tions for a shont time thereof- the road. Tlie defense was that the steward , at a Blackpool Vemwood Dr., Vernon; Law­ news,” he said, “not only the . Ized and as much money as pos- of the Willlmantlc State College; tea-. Working Men’s Club. ' 1 USDA rence Daigle, 225 DOane Dr., burned With envy at the svelte For Jean Nidelch quickly realized that only fat people the youth was speeiKng and press agent but the newspaper size sevens. She has hated herself, can give other fat people the understanding and help $9.33 $8.00 albJe raised toward our over- la a meriiber of the Educatiimal There wiiHl also be open house that the accident resulted from Yet he was a regular custom­ Wlapping; Kimberly Melroy, reporter who is willing to stand 1/4 KNOTTY PINE 4x8 er — seat A16 — for 16 years at 38 Graaidvlellii St.; Karen despised her lack of will power. . . they need. Jean Nidetch carei about other people. She aD conBtmction coat of $2,250,- Association of Coventry and has throughout the day at the heed- his own negligence. for It. her repeated failures. Time after believes that every fat person in the world can profit 000. served as Its recording secre- quortens of the Coventry His- the Folies Bergere. Each night CHOICE ^HINDQUARTERS Chapmen, 117 Gerald Dr., The verdict was accepted time, Jean made herself promise from her exciting results. Because of Jean Nidetch’s 1/4 AMERICAN WALNUT 4x8 $16.95 $15i0 The a.vorage gift to the com-, tary and vice president; is a tomcal Society on South St. lo- and ordered recorded by Judge he sent chocolates, flowers and Rockville; Mrs. E’llomena G8o- Fire Cause Cited to lose weight. Time after time, dedication, Weight Watchers is an inspiring success . palgn to reiwrted in excess of member of the Connecticut Ed- 9fited just East of the Hale Alvs P. Loiselle. cigarettes backstage to Mi- f APPROXIMATE CUTS vleMi, Meadows Oon'valescent BEIRUN (AP) — A fire that she let herself down. Then, at an story. . . novy. receives international acclaim .. .and the 1 $50 i>er demor. Father Reilly ex- ucation Association, and "the Na- Homestead. ^ The towm was represented cheline Roine and Nicole Del- 6 to 8 Sirloin Steaks 2 Sirloin Roosts Home; Mrs. Borbeta Oheney, took the life of an 29-year-old obesity clinic, she learned for the heartfelt thanks of'thousands, 1/4 TEAK 4x8 $8.77 $7.00 _ presBed deep gratitude to all for tional Education Association! ------In the (rase by the Hartford law attre. 8 to 10 Porterhouse Steaks 1 Rye Round Stouth Rd., BoMon; Mrs. Helen engineer and three of his five first time a comfortable way to , , When the shy old man clucked • 2 to 8 Short Steaks 1 Flank Steak ! the diapHay of generous support She has served as correspond- Manchester Evening Herald firm of Gordon, Muir and ■Wtoltford, 29 Durant St. children, has been blamed . on lose weight. . . and began to find h o w d o c S i t w o r k ? $8.77 $7.00 ; and catted on aB to match the ing and recording secretary and Coventry correspondent, F. Fitzgerald. The plaiptiff was up courage to meet them he and 8 to 10 Swiss Steaks 4 Soup Shanks DISCHARGED TESTER- children playing with matches. she could keep her weight off When 'you join Weight Watchers, you join a senes 1/4 CHERRY 4x8 : fenerosdty. served on numerous committees Pauline Little, ,tel. 742-6281. the girls became close friends. 2 to 4 Top Sirloin Steaks 10 to 15 Lbs. Hamburg wh?n she shared her exciting of classes. From the beginning, we set a realistic represented by Atty. F. Timo- 1 Rump Roast^A. 4 to 6 Lbs. Stew Beef DAY: Mrs. Barbara Ddk, 149 That whs the cause listed in The 800-Beat acbool la to be nt the Robertson School PTA, •t’.iy McNamara of East Hart- His closest friends were In the Chestnut St.; Mrs. Mary Ounde, a report Wednesday by fire and ,, new knowledge with a group o f. goal for you.. . and every week we keep tabs on your lb overweight friends. From weekly progress. You keep it up until you've reached your ideal 3/16 WALNUT LAUAN 4x7 $3^ ■ built in Vernon. and has served as sunshine and foni. Salvation Army. He stayed at No Extra Charge For Custom Cutting, Packaging and Sharp 27H Bluefield Dr.; Mrs. Eliza- police officials and the medical social chairman for the school its hostels and attended Its serv­ Freezing. • beth Gado, Glastonbury; Mrs. examiner. meetings in her living room, to a rented loft,to Weight figure. From then on you may go on "maintenance" Rome Supermarts Voltage Line Installation Watchers International— which is living proof that ...c o m e to Weight Watchers once a month if you faculty for many years. , ices every Sunday. Marie Mayne, “82 Bridge St.; The Saturday blaze killed Few Until 1962 The (Connecticut Light and Your Conn. Charge Card Honored With This Order overweight people can be slim. wish, to check up on yourself. (Though experience Mrs. VanDeusen's hobbies Power Co. is installing two sets He left the biggest part of bis Benjamin Tutens, Warehouse Thomas Leedom Sr., his daugh- Draft Evader money, $98,000, to Annie shows most Weight Watchers come back to see their DON’T MISS are painting, sewing, designing, ROME—Rome is finally be- of high voltage lines in South Point; Mirs. Antoinette Paul, Cynthia, 2, and Mary Alice, friends.) The cost? Registration is just $3.00... Weekly Graves, a-. 36-year-old Salvation wKsit is weight watchers? Fasts in Jail knitting, basketry, enameling, ghming to get oome lai^ super­ Windsor. The , lines -extend for 104 ^ h ool St.; Mlidielle Reno, and his one-month-old son Weight Watchers it ah educational program designed classes $2.00... a fantastic bargain for a new way of lifel ceramics, and canoeing. Upon miarketa, but oa recently as 1964 a distance of 4.9 miles between Army worker. We rent cold storage leekers for yJur froien moots and vegetables ‘Haiyes Ave., RockvlHe; Frank- Anthony. “I am surprised as stnyone,” (Continued trom Page One) retirement she plans to write! there were only about 200 a substation on Barber Hill Rd. for os Httle os $1.25 a month. Hm locker holds about 250 pounds Hn Richmond, 52 Mt. Nebo PI.; Leedom’s wife and two other NEW CLASS NOW FORMING stories for children, enroll in a throughout Italy- to Jfanchester, using tSie same ssdd Miss Graves. “I only used ' Charles Zelonis, South Rd., Bol- children fled to safety from the ;tlon'' but felt compelled to do study-group for appreciation, a 1064 survey showed that I'kgbta of way aa prevloualy to talk to him Euid ask him how of moot. Comporo this deal bofero you-buy a homo freexer. ton;.Mrs. Katherine Taylor and flames that swept their home, Ma n c h e s t e r m o a iit because of his cqiposltjon to theory, retoric and composition housewirvea in Rome did 08 per used for transmission Mnes. he WEW.” (laughter. South St., Coventry: . oonscriptioh. of musical numbers, as well as cent of thelir mairtcethig by going One of the new llnee, which Mrs. Constance Zane and t'wln 6,000 CHICKS BURNED Wednesdays — 8 P.M., Opening Class June 7 t • A federal marshal Indicated travel. from one spedailty phop to will carry 115,000 volts, will be Better Tean daaighters, 10 Ekdio Dr., Vernon; GUILFORD (AP) — A two- Manchester Hospital Hoynes St. ^ ; the man w4U be b*ed on the The public Is invited to the af- another—Miydng poultry in o r ^ carried on the previously Altitudes of 3,000 to 7,000 feet IF YOU LIKE THE BEST GIVE US A TEST Herman Lovl, 94 Spriice St. alaxm ftae *wept a two^rtoiy building and klUed the 6,000 other class .Accepting New Members Pre-regdster by phono ^ draft evasion charge In San Dl- fair honoring Mrs. VanDeusen. beef In another, vegetables or erected towers. The other line, produce the finest quality of tea. DISCHARGSID TODAY: Mrs. MANCHESTER, Monday—7:15 P.M. LAPP PLAZA ROUTE 83 — VERNON etgo, which to has legal reet- ®««reatlpn Questions fruit in a third, canned goods 51BISSELLST. REAR OF ICE PLANT ^ 643-8424 mvira Braaitls, Swamp Rd., yountJ chickens Inside Wednes carrying 345,000 votta will be The moderate temperatures at West Side Recreation Center S76-4S04 — Open Wed.» Hiurs. and Fri. Even^gs till 9 |dance. Stephens faces a hearing The local Recreation Oom- in a fourth. To this day they (»n carried on wooden poles near these heights produce a smaller PLENTY OF FREE PARKING SPACE Covootiy: Dean Setzler, Wol- day. The loea waa estimated at South Boom —- 110 Cedar St. 232-7600 Fflnt baftm a U.S. Commission* mittee wW be sending .question- buy their salt and meitchea only by. leaf with less water content and Cfltt liana, Rockwltle: Daniel $20,000. natras by sehool dhUdran and hi a tehaoco abon. ' Tb* S46,000' voR In* !■ u more flavor. * ' .■ .■■f-


$6 Ball Bearing Failed Jones with Less Than 10 Miles to Go THE Herald Angle Indians Wind Up iSlate on Winni By ’s Coyote Ford Best at Indy BUlHiUnski .W' PETE ZANARDI INDIANAPOLIS,* I n d. Victory Dinner Wednesday into the third,” he'said. “ It felt equipment, Jones and Foyt up- Other crashes or spinouts Aulstant Sports Editor Gets Verdict Young in No-Hitter, (A P ) — Parnelli Jones’ *’*K*’ ^- Jones, who slipped to just like pulling the car out of held their reputations as two of eliminated Gordon ' Johncock, ‘whispering wind” turbine wreck-halted race, gear.” the world’s greatest drivers. Larry Dickson, Mel Kenyon, Baseball May Prove Theory car died awav and lost to including WI.OOO in poyt won the hard way in On the Blst lap, southern stock Gale Tarborough, Johnny Ruth- Over Eagles -Ashe downing two Mexican opponents, Rams Top Ellington A . J. Foyt Jr.’s convention- ,nn leading 171 of the 1904 and joins___ the ___ only other______car racer______Lee_ Roy Yarbrough______rookie« » k l e Wally Dallen-~ the U.S. Davis Cup team threw a wrench into the gears ptanck FH^d. Mike Andreo and 'll i-pnr pnirinp P ovrifp F o rd three-time winners, Loula Mey- spun In front of Jones. Jones ^a^h, and the qualification rec- By PETE ZANARDI Brian Weldh with two hits entry High southpaw Ricky Young yeateriiay. 1716 Pati- of William Miller’s theory about the Latin’s faster re­ Lowering the boom with 10 u average was er; ' Wilbur Shaw and kau ri did a controlled spin, drove prd setter Mario Andretti, who Loading the bases with runs in the fourth ifintog, Nas- apiece paced the winning o f­ ots’ ace hurled his second no-hitter of the year, pitch­ mWednesday s 500 - mile 151.207 m.p.h. against Jim Rose. ^ through the ihfleW grass and » wheel, action time. Miller still may have a sport to prove his Wethersfield High errors, -siff Arms had MtUe trouble reg­ fense. ing Coventry into a tie for Charter Oak Conference auto race. Clark's m s mark of 160.688. poyt said he might be in a went right on racing. This let McCluskey droVe a theory, however. It’s called baseball. Mark Anderson blasted a tri­ honors with a 4-0’ win over ------— ------Manchester High basketball Manch^stei High pushed istering a 16-8 victory over the But controversy over use of Jones had one lap at 164.926, an- turbine car himself next year if Gurney lead the next two laps magnificent race, charging , across an uneanied run in Meddes last night at Buckley ple and Harvey Cassell had two Portland High. A highlight being Tim an aircraft engine for the first other record. . the rules aren’t changed to bar but the turbine soon was back 'rom 22nd to 3rd place before tennis Coach Phil Hyde brought M a n a c » r Her/nan Franks bottom of'th e 10th in­ Pieild. The winners coUected 10 singles for Norman’s. Oov’eatry and Portland ended Qvinn s two-run triple. Quinn time in the 56-year-old race had Second place A1 Unser, Albu- it. He said he simply couldn’t *** control. bis engine blew a -little beyond to light the point. b e n c ^ Anisaidi’s 303 000— 6 6 5 , Miller, an author and train­ ning yesterday to defeat htto, including homers by Den- the campaign with 12-2 Con- •'he tying run wfhich not quieted today. the 400-mile mark, Moving around the league are Norman’s 310 000— 4 3 2 ference records. eventually sent the game into querque, N.M., won $69,977*and catch it when Jones was on the The moment of truth for Foyt er, stated that Latins are prob­ the Eiagles, 4-3. The Indians, nfe MoCon'viHe and Dan Carl­ Henry Banka, director n ie hot drivers from tte some other notables -a Felipe son. Klotzy and Leber; Cas.sell and of third place Joe Leonard, Foyt’s track. came as he rounded the last who finished with a 6-10 marit, Rockville High scored a run innings. It was sche^Ied world Grand Prix circuit had a ably 30 per cent faster in their Alou, and Rico Carty with A t Bnazdxindous. competition for the U. S. Auto teammate, got $43,527. The tdTal International racer Dan Gur- turn on his final lap. A drive pull down the curtain on a MoCon'vitle had three binigle.s in the bottom of the 10th ki- seven inninga. miserable day with only Denis Cookie Rojas and Tony for the Sportsmen while John Club and himself- a former na- purse of $727,346.98 broke a rec- ney also tried gallantly but was shaft broke in Bobby Grim’s. nf imow mnnin, stock we Americans are sup' three-game winning streak. ning to defeat Ellington High, Quinn had two hits to pace tional champion, said the ques- ord of $691,808.90 set last year, washed out by a series of me- car, tearing off a wheel, on the , ,, in /nnntvi nnaitirJF Gonzales with Philadelphia and Rutwnow and Tony Kallsk had A.3IERICAN LEAGUE posed to stenv from. Miller also A ^ l f o '^ l u p s (^toago! Errors put-Steve Banas, Dale 5-4 in yestterday’s other action, ^ club. tion of running a turbine against xhe race, run in sections of chanical problems. ’ mainstretch. Cars of Carl Wll- „ < a pair apiece for the Medics. A tain in the sixth gave Wip- a twilight affair. Tim Quinn carried a big stick concluded that Americans have some further evidence — Ctetrout and Mike McCiarthy on pistonniston ene-lnesengines “ definitelvdefinitely will 45 ^nd--- , 455 ..r miles_,______because___ of liams and Chuck u..iHulse_ also_He was voted rookie Of the Nessiff’s 010 1014-—16 10 5 co a 6-3 win over Army & Navy . , for the Knights, knocking in a Foyt and Gurney pushed ---- - " — yg^j.’’ a tendency to bum themselves player of Latin heritage has base in the ioth. Kent Ough be brought up at a June 5 Tuesday interruption by Medics 050 003— 8 6 4 at Wadded! Fiedd. Burger's sin­ C O V E N TR Y— Young struck two runs with a triple in th# rain, Jones as hard as they could and Graham Hill of London and meeting of the US AC rules com out faster by trying too hard. ^on the National League bat- ‘ >’®" “ rst pitch to short- Ghila and Oapuccio, Carlson; gle and double and Smith's tri­ out 15 in picking up his 11th inning, then scoring him- proved that. ., the STP-Pratt ,. *& the Blst 600 literally was a ‘n » » direction. Jimmy Clark of Duns, ScbUarid, mittee.” M iller’s theory may ting crowd the last three and “ ‘oP Banos beat the throw Stoneman, Rubinow (4), Kadisk ple led the winners. win of the year, and 35th of his gelf. He had two hits Whitney turbine could go off three-car race. Foyt snaked through the mess winners of the last two: BOOS Joins Staff A I ^ of the last six years. Last to the plate. (5) and Breraian. Showing home runs by Ei-ads career with the Patriots. Rockville “ It’s our job to keep the com­ and hide from any pi.stoti engine Foyt led twice before the fin- °n the track and took the check- both went out early with burned Asne is an American —he is on year'.^i Moat Valuable Player Billy Hilimski went the route and Boma-vage, Arm y & Na-vj' Young’s first no-hitter this sea- 20O 200 000 1 6— 10— 3 petition even; arranging formu­ on the track whenever Jones ish as the indirect result of a erad flag just before Chief Stew- pistons in their Lotus-Fords, Connecticut’s all - time leave the Army —it can- pon 1. \ five Latins withiji the for Manchester, win- had tied the contest with two .son came at tlie expense of Etungton las for that purpose is a fore­ hit the throttle. rule for two compulsory pit ard Harlan Fengler ordered the Jochen Rlndt of Vienna, Aus- hoop star, Wes Bialo- I.NTBRNATIONAL I.EAGUE not be said he stems from An- f;rst 15 vote getter’s. Felipe bis second game of the runs in the sixth. Vinal Tech. 000 004 000 0 most consideration,” Banks A $3 .ball bearing finally failed stops for fuel. Jone:I made both race stopped because the track tria. No. 2 in world road racing suknia has been added Three runs in the first and - 6—4 g*o Suxon gtcck. Alou, was fifth, Marichal sixth, year against one defeat. Hilin- Wipco 000 411—6 5 5 Coventry finished with a 13-3 said. thdud inning's proved to be Wilcox and Wheelock; Hol- COME ON A. J.— His own car wrecked, Gordon Johncock, cheer.s on conipeti- in the gear box with less than of his stops before Foyt, who 'was impassable. standings last year, retired at Baseball, especially the Na- tg tting champ M atty Alou was s'o aUowed nine, hits struck to the staff of the Glen A & N 102 002— 5 5 2 overall record. • There were no ground rules 10 miles to go and the dogged then led from the 80th through Nobody wgs seriously hurt in 270 miles with piston ring trou- enougih for Ansaildi’s last night, land and Hill ■tor A. J. Foyi as latter races past vantage ixiint. (A P Photofax) tional League, may prove a bit ninth and Cepe da 14th. out six and walked three. All Haven Boys’ Day Nelson and Drown; Wallen- Bob Green, collecting a for a turbine and we think we Foyt won as he had in :t961 the 83rd lap and from the 131st a series of mishaps that kept ble and said he wouldn’t ba beating Norman’s, 6-4, at Ver- more trustworthy for Miller, ciemehte, of course, was first - three Wethersfield runs were Camp at Sperry’s. buig and Erads. double, single and two RBIs, came up with a pretty good for- when leader Eddie Sachs through the 149th. the yellow “ no passing” light back. The senior circuit, always the the fir.sit L.atiii to win in the unearned. George Mitchell, camp and Lionel Jean, showing a run- mula for one. All you can do for stopped to change a tire with Each time Foyt made his own on a total of one hour and four Jackie Stewart of Dunbarton, Innovator, has more Latin back- National League The locals jumped on owner, said the ex- scoring triple,' were the offen­ UMass and B.C. a new development is run it only 2 U miles to go. pit stop, Jones swished ahead minutes. There had been only 13 Scotland, drove a fine race from ground players, ju.st as they * » * — Peters, Chic., Going Slow, Funny Instinct, Wethersfield starter Rich U C n n shai-pshooter 75; Lonborgi Bost., 71. sive stars. once and then reconsider.” Jones said he was running easily and was in full com- minutes of running under the a 29th place start and w a a have rtiore Negro players. 0 Major League, HeimgaPtaer for a run in the Next stop for Young and Co. Clash for Title Foyt picked up a record first slowly and smoothly when the mand. yellow when Clark set the old among the leaders when his en- Within the first four teams of f o p s in L e a g u e would be on hand two first. Singles by Ed Kowal and National League will be in the CtlAC CSasB C place check for $171,227 at the bearing went out. “ I was going 'Whatever the merits of their record in 1965. gine blew at 420 miles. the current National League In the Junior circuit, Luis afternoons a week to =Leadlers=l AMHERST, Mass. (A P )—Bos- Dick Cobb and a fielder’s choice Tournament. standings .are seven Latin ball Aparacio of the Baltimore Ori- run the basketball Batting (80 at bats).— Cle­ Helped Foyt Pace 500 Field pot men on firet and third. Tim American League Coventry noi ron n i o i College will meet Massachu* players, all established stars, oles. Joe Azeue, Chico Salmon, program. mente, Pitt,, .380; Staub, Hou.st., 021 010 0 4-8-1 setts in a Friday Oouglulin's hit brought home .355. Portland 000 000 0 0-0:2 if, J, best-of-three series for the INDIANAPOLIS, I n d. Ju.st get back to the .start- The short, balding Jones said, forem ost on the list is Roberto rookie Giis Gil and Pedro Gon- Kowal Batting (80 at bats)— Kaline, Clemente of Pittsburgh. The zales of Cleveland, Bert Cam- Det., .347; Mincher, Calif., .338. Runs — Aaron, Atl., 34; Cle­ Young and Papanos; Agogliati j,jew England championship and (A P ) — Going slow, not ” disappointed I don't Cobb accounted for two more eft ristmas Tourneys andrl Kuzminski,1^1 i i-v sir { . * Nye Batting Hero Puerto Rican outfielder is lead- paneiis of Kansas City, Rod Runs — Tovar, Minn., 36; F. mente, Pitt.. 34. a berth in the NCAA baseball fo o t A T Tr tn triumph was the third in know what to say.’ ’ markers ' in the third. After ing the league in batting and Ciirew, Zollo Versalles, Cesar NEWTON, Mess. (A P ) - The Robinson, Balt., 33. Runs batted in — Clemente, ROCKVILLE)— Bill Tedford’s toumament opening June 12 at the finish line first in the ^2-year-old T^e Californian said, ” i was Kowal’s second hit, Cobb chased RBIs and is second to Hank Tovar and Tony Oliva of Min- Boston College basketball team Runs batted in — F. Robin­ Pitt., 37; Perez, Cin., 31; Brock, single, his fourth hit of the day, Omaha, Neb. him home with a slice to right IndiaiTnolirSOO-iuie Race ■’ smoothly and all Aaron in homers. I'c.sota, Ruben Amaro of New will compete in two Christmas son. Balt., 37; Kaline, Det. 35. St.L., ^ 1. scored A rt Wheelock from sec- BC gained the District 1 tlUe 5 winning car. Like a sudden it wore out. . .1 was then went for a , hi.s Wednesday. his fir.st victory in 1961, it came driving those la.st laps so slow And on Hillf Too * * * York are front liner-s. Others tournaments and meet UCLA’s Hits — Fregosi, Calif., 51; Ka­ Hits — Brock, St.L., 64; Rose, ond, giving; Rockville Its sixth berth by rallying for 10 runs in second of the .season. ^ , J . ™ making headlines are Jose Tart- defending NCAA champions line, Det., 51. Cin., 61. win in 15 starts. Ellington is the sixth inning and then going Foyt explained that he was when the leading driver dropped j thought there was nothing that NEW YORK (A P )— “ I just try to make them hit Manchester made three able to dodge a spinning, five- out in the last few miles. ^rong It was just like RJn L p a d in n I c a m s abull and Jose Santiago of Bas- next season. Doubles —Tovar, Minn., 12; Home runs — Aaron, At,, 11; now 1-14. Wheelock had walk- on to a 15-13 victory over Dart­ erroi-s, two in Wethersfield’s car crash on the final turn be- “ People stood up "and were driving my passenger car down my pitch,” says Rich Nye, who did quite a job of hit-i Pitcher Aupelio Montengudo ton, Paul Ca.sanova of Washing- The 23 - game schedule an­ 5 tied with 9. Torre, Atl., 10; Clemente. Pitt., ed and gone to second on a month Monday. The Eagles three-iun fifth. Mike DeMeo’s cause he had purposely lagged waving me on then and it was the highway.” ting theirs. and first baseman Tony Perez, ton .and Orlando Peuia of De- nounced during the weekend is Home runs — F. Robinson, 10; Brock, St. L., 10. sacrifice. boosted their record to 11-4-3 by singled, then came all way behind the rest of the pack still the same thing today.” Foyt , r-- J . The Chicago Cub i*ookie lefthander beat the National another home run leader, are troit. featured by appearances in the Balt., 14; Mantle, N.Y., 11; F. Stolen bases — Brock, St.l., Dan Wilco.x went the distance edging traditional riv'al Holy circling the race track. said. “ The fans were the ones , Granatelli, owner of the League-leading Cincinnati Reds 6-5 Wedne.sday night, main-stays with league leading Oliva, the rookie of the year around when Buster Arndine’s Boston Garden Tournament Howard, Wash., 11. 21- Wills, Pitt., 13. 7 for Rockville, .striking out 12 Cross 2-1Tuesday. single rolled past an outfielder. “ I had a funny instinct,” said who told me_. I knew something ^ear- although he needed relief help in th ninth inning. Cincinnati. in 1964, and batting champ in Dec. 20-21 and the Holiday Fes­ Stolen bases — Agee, Chic., Pitch'ng (4 decision.^)—Holtz- Ellington batters. Bud Holland ------Foyt as he described his last had happened when the fans ^ crippled the Rear But Nye didn.’t need help i n ------Orlando Cepeda, second in 1961 and 1965, probably leads Heimgartner reached on an in­ tival Dec. 26-28-30 in New York. 16; Buford, Chic., 13. man. Chic., 5-0, 1.000; Face, suffered tlie loss. The last no-hit game pitch^jd box. Foyt called it a $6-million lap en route to victory. “ I let started waving me on.” the batter’s box, a place where Staub’s double. Ron Brand "sin- the batting race, carries a big the Latin lust in the junior cir- field error, setting tlie stage BC will meet UCLA at the new Pitching (4 decisions) — Hor- Pitt., 4-0, 1.000. Tlie Ram’s "were rolling along against the the rest of the guys run ahead. The Texan was on the other bearing- usually feel anything gled in two more and the sixth b;it far second place f-l. Do is. ciiit. Apatico was the first La- for Mike Mason’s two-run Madison Square Garden in New len. Chic., 6-0, 1.000; Sparma, Strikeouts — Marichal, S.F., with a 4-0 lead until the Knights was hurled by Sam Jones of the I knew there was a lot of wall side of the track when the tur- He conceded Jones’ turbine but at ease. He drove in a run scored on an error by shortstop Julian Javier Joins him in the L;n to win rookie honor.s in elth- knock. York Jan. 27. Det., 4-0, 1.000. 86; Gibson, St. L., 68. erupted for four markers in the in 1955. out there and I didn’t want any- bine-powered car of Parnelli car was easily the fastest in the and scored twice on two singles, Bild Harrelson. Cardinal infield. ■ er League, doing it with Chic- Arnone, who relieved Heim- thing to happen.” Jones, easy leader almost all of I'eld and said he would have to a double and a walk. Dave Giusti allowed the Mets Le.lins joining Clemente in ^^43 in 19,56. ga'rtner, suffered the loss. He The curly-haired Texan said, the race, failed just " '2 mile.s drive a turbine racer to keep up Houston whipped the New only four hits, one of them a Pittsburgh are pitchers Juan ^ "O th e r point, espec ally con- allowed only three hits, struck "When I came to the fourth from the end. with otliers next year unless York Mets 6-1, Philadelphia homer by Bob Johnson, in gain- Pizzaro and A1 McBean. the iat- ®oering reaction time, o< in­ out three and walked two in turn I saw all the smoke, so I Foyt, who had led only twice officials inipo.se restric- downed Los Angeles 6-0 in 11 ing his second victory after five ter a native of the Virgin Is- Aparicio, O iva, Cle- five and a third Innings, whipped the car over to the earlier when Jones made pit die engines “ to make innings and San Francisco straight losses. He struck out lands. outfielders Manny Mola ''^®hle, /le Alou’s, Versalles and Manchester's infield of Ron grass and came almost to a stops, said, “ I just tried to set diem more equal to us.” trounced Pittsburgh 15-4 in oth­ eight and walked one. and M atty Alou, both nativas of Ckumiiianerts all among the top Conyers, Banas, Kowal and halt. Then I just went to the in- myself a good pace and that Foyt's third victory followed er National League action. The * • * Uie Qominican Republic. defensive pleyens in baseball. Cobb came up with so spark­ side of the track and weaved on was all. 1 just wanted to stay previous triumphs in 1961 and Atlanta at St. Louis game was PHILS-DODGERS— FHery Juan Marichal, anoUier Oon®ider, for a moment, a ling deferislve work. Cobb han­ through. on the same lap and move up 1964 and put him in an elite cir- rained out. The Phillies, held scoreless by resident of the Dominican Rc- team made up of all Laitiins. dled 16 chances at first, Con­ ‘.'I was nervous,” he related, if he had trouble.” - cle with Louis Meyer, Wilbur Don Drysdale on six hits public, is second only to W illie They would have two base- yers had five assists and two “ I. could have walked as fast. I He grinned and added, “ Like Shaw and Mauri Rose, who was CrBS-REO.S— through 10 innings, explode in Mays on the San Francisco stealing champions, three bat- put outs at second, Banas doing didn’t want anybody to hit me. I ’ve always said, the race Is 500 the last man to win a third Nye doubled in the third and the Util, with Bill \Miite driving club. Marichal is copsiderod by ting cihoanplons, two former Uio.samc at short. Kowal threw GET A BETTER JOB I knew I had the race won if I miles long.” crown in 1948. scored on Glenn Beckert’s sin­ in the first run with his first hit Seine folks as the best hurler in MVPs and a leader. four runners out from third. gle, singled home a run in tlie of the season, a single. White the game today. Another Alou, Our advice to Mr. Miller is Hi'.inaki seemed to get strong­ sixth and walked and scored in has been sidelined most of the Jc.sus, joins Marichal on the Gi­ to forget about tennis and con- er in the later innings. In the Pressure Finally Getting to Yastrzemski ^ ^ ^ ^ (AP Photofax) the Cubs’ three-run eighth. His season with a heel injury. He ants’ front line witli Tito Puen­ .sider baseball for your next fourth and eig'hth he ended DEJECTED— I’arnelli .Tones, center, sits on pit wall with Tony Grantatelli, left, other hit was a bunt single in had gone 0 for 18. tes, a Cuban, a mainstay on theory. Wethersfield threats with strike car owner, and Vince Grantatelli, after car left field with four laps to go. the fifth. After the second run scored outs. Beckert doubled home Nye Phil Regan replaced Drysdale, Kowal, Hilinski and Cobb led Visit Pratt & Whitney Aircraft’s and Ron Santo singled in the but he couldn’t get the final out Manchester with two hits apiece Red Sox Trail by 4V2 Games Bouton Sent Dotvn to Minors other two runs in the eighth as until four more runs had Drop Mets into NX. Cellar while Hank Schilke, Bud Ro- the Cubs took a 6-2 lead. NEW YORK (AP)—The oings staked right-hander Dar- ninth inning assist from relief crossed the plate to put the laski and Heimgartner had a rell Brandon to a 2-0 lead and .specialist Dooley Womack, Then the Reds, who had been game out of reach, pair apiece in defeat. pressure is getting to Carl held to three hits by Nye in sev- Rick Wise and Dick Hall, who Astros Finally Look Down Mancbeiter (4) Yastrzemski . . . and it’s the Red Sox added another run Whitaker cra.shed a two-run ab !• h po a e rbl in the seventh on a suicide lionier and right-hander Tillot- Yankees Take Chance en innings, finally got to the took over starting Uie 10th, scat- Ooiiyprs. 2b 4 0 0 2 5 0 0 the best feeling he’s had in Rifle Club Notes rookie in the eighth when tliey tered eight Los Angeles hits, Kowal. 3b 5 1 •7 1 4 1 0 squeeze bunt by Mike Ryan. .son, making his first major At Someone in Standings Cobh, lb 5 1 O 18 0 0 o seVen years. That run turned out to be the ieague start, checked the A ’s on scored three times on a walk, # * * ■ ’ ' Bana?, as 5 1 0 2 5 0 0 Mobile Employment Office “Every time at| bat means SHOI4TS SETS P.AC'E On Vet Monbququette single, two doubles and a field- GIANTS-PIRATES— Coug:hlin. rf 4 1 1 2 0 1 1 winner when the Twins chased five hits before tiring in the HOUSTON Tex. (AP) — For pitcher Dave Giusti’s grounder O.strout. rf 4 0 1 0 0 0 0 something now,” |Yastrzemski Brandon with a two-run bur.st in ninth. W ’lUi Ant Sharis' 292-6.V lead­ er’s choice. Nye finished the San Francisco got a three-run McCarthy. If 3 d 0 3 0 0 0 said Wednesday Inight NEW YORK (A P )— Bill Monbouquette got anotber inning, and then got homer from Jesus Alou in the the first time since. the season to let in the sixth run. Ware, c 2 0 1 3 0 0 0 eightii before reiiever John Womack replaced him with ing the way, the ManohcsJter Ouffh. c 3 0 0 1 0 0 1 clouting his ninth and 10th home chance to save his major league pitching career, but the Reds out in the ninth. OtiEiU piit'ched a four-Jiltter Wyatt stemmed the tide. one out and tiie bases loaded Rifle Ouib'a b.g bare team fourth and a two-run shot by was two weeks old the Houston HilTiLski, p 4 0 2 0 2 1 0 runs .to help the Boston Red Sox Jim Bouton will have to make a go of it in the minors • * * Ollie Brown an inning later in striking out aight and walking IN MANCHESTER The Red Sox are 22-20 for the and struck out the last two RC .scored a lino 1,407-20X out of Astros can look down on some­ Total.^ 39 4 9 30 16 3 4 edge ' Minnesota 3-2 for their for a while. ------ASTKOS-METS— clobbering Pittsburgh and only one in liegistering his sec­ season, compared to 16-'26 at tlie hitters, 1,500 ait 9he recen-t Stewards’ body. Wethersfield (3) fourth straight victory. Houston exploded for six run.i Handing Bob Veale his first loss ond victory of the season ab r h I>o a e rbi same point iast year, when they • » » n'jal.ch at the Blue Ti-ail range Monbouquette relea.sed by and sent Ken Henderson to Lukas, cf 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 “We’re playing tight ball They whipped the New York against five losses. finished ninth. “ 1 said before SENATOItS-.^NGELS__ in Middlefie d. Shorts’ rtcord- Detroit two weeks ago, was phoenix to make room for him. in tlie sixth inning against the after six victories. The Giants Amoiie. p 3 1 1 0 5 1 1 games and you've got to be Mets, moving into ninth place wrapped it up in tlie seventh Mets 6-1 Wednesday night to The Mets’ only run came on a Heinifrartn r, cf-•p 5 1 2 0 1 0 0 the season tiiat thiu team would Cap ^Peterson’s three-run sotviiig pace included at 100 mgned \\edne.sday by the New Baltimore sold catcher Oiar- Ma3on. If 5 0 1 0 0 1 o bearing down all the time,” the climb over the Mets and out of homer by Bob Johnson in the win more games tlian it loses, liomer a'lid a two-run blast by prone, 98 kneeihig and 91 York ^ n k ees, who also op- pe Lau to Atlanta for an undis- by 13 percentage points over when they scored six runs, only Pola.ski, 4 0 2 0 0 2 6 Manchester Shopping Parkade Monday, May 29th - Saturday, June 3rd slugging outfielder added as the tioned Bouton to Syracuse of closed sum and recalled back- ^^w York, one of which was earned. the National League cellar. The rt.I.h. It was hie firsit N a ’.(lonai Krllicofl, 3b 5 0 0 1 1 1 (! and I .still believe that,” said Ken McMuiien ~ both with two sitanding. Tliese scores wore Schilke, rf 4 0 2 1 0 0 0 Red Sox savored the heady at- Three of the Astros’ runs Gene Alley and Jose Pagan margin separating the two clubs League home run of the seasori. Manager . out in the third inning — paced fired on the new, more dif- the International League subject stop Vic Roznovsky from Taco- Sablone. c 4 0 0 6 0 0 0 mo.sphere of third place in the • ♦ to 24-hour recaU. of the Pacific Coast League. came in on singles by Jim Wynn hit consecutive homers for the was only 13 percentage points. O.urdiweJil had blanked the A s­ Giordano, lb 4 0 0 13 0 0 0 300 Middle Turnpike West 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. the Senators’ attack. Rookie ficirl't, targets. Tlie lO-ring, or Houston scored all its runs in tros on five hits until the sixth. DeMeo, 3b 4 1 1 7 3 0 0 American League race. WHITE SOX-ORIOLES— u right-hander, Washington optioned pitcher and and Rusty Pirates in the fourtli. pitcher Joe Coleman scattered buUseye, is tw-o inches smaller the sixth inning, when it sent 12 Astros manager Grady Hatton Totals 40 .3 9 28 10 ,5 3 Yastrzemski has won one A L Ron Hansen’s run-scoring sin­ Monbouquette iiad iiis best year jim Hannan to Hawaii of the Manchester .... 102 000 000 1—4 nine hits for his third triumph. tliian t'Vj old one. All firing is men to the plate against Met M-asn’t around long. He was batting championship and bare­ gle in the 11th lifted the White at 200 yards. with Boston in 1963, winning 20 p c L to make room for first Wethersfield .. 000 030 000 0—3 ly missed another since joining games. He pitched a no-hitter in starter Don Cardwell and re­ ejectad In the first inning by Hr — Cobh: sh — Helmpartner 3, Sox past Baltimore after Boog Final team standings are not baseman and Schilke. McCarthy, Hilinski, Kritl- 1962. Bouton, 28, won 21 games Little Book Came in Handy lievers Jack Hamilton and Bob Umpire Ken Burkhart for pro­ cos. Banas: sac — McCarthy, Con- Boston in 1961. But he has never powell’s sacrifice fly pulled the Martens Feature in yet, but U's expected that pilcli^r Frank Bertaina, who played on a pennant contender for tile Yankees in 1964, but has were obtained in h S!maiw. testing too vigorously on a dou­ yei-s: dp— Conyers .to Cobb: lob — HIRING ON-THE-SPOT Orioles even in the ninth. Manoheater wiili be in the top were obtained in a trade with Manchester 6. Wethersfield 8: bb— This year, Yaz is off to his best had arm troubles lately. Joe Morgan, who had four hits ble play call. , Hilinski 3, Arnone 2; so—Hilin.ski 6. Ken Berry, whose bunt single At Jaycee Meet 10. Baltimore for pitcher Pete Rl- For Tollotson in Debut in five times , started the Hatton claimed Met third Anionc 3: hits off—Heimgartner 6 start 4?ver and tile Red So.x jf, delivered Chicago's In other action on the baseball chert. for 3 runs tn 4 innings: Arnone 3 Carrying away three fir.sls in Individual scoi’e.s: Firsit team: NEW YORK (.\Pi —. Thad third and brought Houk on the sixth with A double. Jim Wynn baseman trapped, are keeping paeW pr a change. second'run, led off the 11th with , trading and signing front Pliiladclphia bought pitcher for 1 In 6J; pb—Sablone: L —Arnone. Wednesday nigJjVs victory the Manchester Jaycee Junior 100-98-94 -232; Wood Wednesday, San Francisco .John Boozer from its San Diego Tollot.son patted his little book '’hn from the dugout. singled to score on run. Rusty rather than caught, a soft liner a single, took second on a sacri 98-96-95—289; Dougan 100-95- over the Twins lefn-'them 412 Olynipic.s la.st ' Saturday wa.s bought outfielder Ty Cline from farm club in the PCL. He has affectionately and gently re- , asked me if I was tired,” Statib doubled another acixies, off Sonny Jackson’s bat which fice bunt and scored the tie­ 91— 284; Sullivan Jr. X83-95-84 Come in and find out about the steady, high-paying fobs (many with overtime) open now at games out of fir.st place. Bob Martens. The cx-East Cath­ Atlanta for something more posted a 3-4- record with a 2.59 , .3 , .u . . . . Tillotson, who hadn’t Ron Brand knocked in two resulted in a as breaking run on Hansen’s hit. — 272, Bancroft 94-87-87- 268. placed it in the comer of his ____ .i. lu The Chicago Wliite So.x ♦ ♦ * olic athlete took the 100-yaixl Ulan the $20,000 waiver price ERA. Ditched more than three mniiigs more. Bob Aspromonte singled Morgan was trapped off first. the Aircraft. If you are inexperienced, you may be able to qualify for one of the Aircraft's dr.sli, the 220 and the high .Second team -- Jan Jacob.s Yankee Stadium locker. in any of his first 13 games this (rimmed Detroit’s league lead INDIANS-TIGER.S— in another one and Met short­ The Astros now have won to one-half game, nipping Ba’» - jump. The event attracted 75 98-96-81 ■275, Sitcltenberg 98- " I ’ve got tp take good care of season. “ I told him I still felt stop booted of tiheir last five gamM. paid training courses. — Tiant breezed to his third vic- cbnte.stants. 91-83 272, Cams 95-92-80 - I it,” the New York right-hander pretty good.” more 3-2 in 11 innings while lory against one setback and Double winners wei-e Steve 267, Tinireck 94-88-83— 265, smiled. "A fter all, it took pretty When Tillotson walked Roger Cleveland was drubbing the Ti- knocked in two runs wltii a sixth Dieterie”(44()"an“d'880l7and'Ron Baseball’s Rarest Play gers 9-0 behind the six-hit, 13- Oalliagher Sr. X90-89-72— 251. I good care of me tonight.” Rspoz, Houk made his move, inning smgle. Leon W aper and Angotta (di.scu.s and sholput). Next major hiaitoh will be Tillotson had just turned his bringing in Dooley Womack, strikeout pitching of . NEW YORK— (NE.\)— Wright lined to Cooney Larry, Brown each drove Individual winner.s Find out about the many extra benefits at the Aircraft, too; medical and life insurance, a fine New York blanked Kansas City were Doug Jupe 11 ait the Blue Ti-ail Tile rarest play in baseball who touched Hecond, rlou- first major league start into a 3- who has become the ace of the REC LE A G U E three runs for the Indians, who H-ncon imiioi Pavelack Range. 0 victory over Kansas City Yankee bullpen. Womack 3-0 and Washington trimmed pounded six Detroit pitchers lor Is'tl^ unassisted triple play bling W'aner. Cooney ili :ii Base hits were plentiful last r'ltirement program, pajd 4ick leave, nine paid holidays and up to four weeks vacation with (120 low hurdles), Ken Yizint- Wednesday -night and he did it fanned Dick Green and Phil California 6-3 in other AL jg hits. ami,'if you don’t believe it, tagged Grantham who v.us night at Mt. Nobo. Lenox Phar­ sky (pole vault), Jim Leber by the book. Roof to end the game. |;ames. Jon Harri'-on, Dave Lewie the odds are .50,000-1 that on his way tp second base. macy. collected 21 in di^opping pay. * • • (broad jump) and Greg Turek “ It's all in here,” he said, “ I ’ve got a few things to add YANKS A ’S— and Allan Ai-clhlbald heart up you’ll see one. The triple play enabled the the Army & Navy B’s, 19-3. (hop, skip and jump). holding up his dossier on Ameri- to my little book' tonight,” said (RED SO.X-TWINS— Rookies Steve Whitaker and a comm'jltee aimed at a mem- It (vmM not Jlmmy-the- Cubs to win, 7-6, and the Don Standish haxl two homers can League hitters.' “ I ’ve been Tillotson. J National League American Leagua , Yastrzemskl's leadoff homers Thad Tillot.son' led the Yankees bers(hiip drive centered around Greek who came up with •victory broke an 11-ganie end Dave Turkington one in the compiling it all season. Every- :------; ^ W. L. Pet. G.B. W. L. Pet. G.B. In the fourtli and seventh In- the senior program am? its ac- the oddsr>j It wa-s former Pirate winning streak. slugfest. Turkington led all bat­ / This is your opportunity to get a steady career job. Act now! Visit the Mobile Employment to their shutout victory, with a time I get a batter out, I write Detroit 26 15 .634 — tiviiUcs. The commiittee. c\- Cniled Press sportswriter Neun’s play came In .the Cincinnati 30 18 .625 — ters witli four hits with Stan- down how I did it in the book.” A]umni Baseball 24 16 .600 2 Chicago 25 15 .625 g’aged in ftormulaiLing a pam­ Carl Liind(|Uist, one of the nln^h inning against the St. Louis disli, Dave Dooman and Don Office . . . hiring "on-the-spot." , So, when Manager Ralph Pittsburgh 23 18 .661 Boston 22 20 .524 4^ BATTING—Carl Yastrzfemski, phlet O’n the benefSta of mem­ all-tiiiic great “figure-fil­ Indians, who were threat­ Burns oollecUng three apiece. Houk told Tillotson he’d be Tryouts Listed San Francisco 24 19 .658 3>^ Cleveland 21 20 .512 5 Red Sox, hit a two-run hon'w bership. berts” of baseball. ening to break open a run­ Bill Peck had two hits for the Automatic Triinsmission Trouble? startiijg against the Athletics, Cliicago 22 19 .637 41^ Baltimore 20 20 .500 6V2 and a bases-empty blast in 3-i The last unassisted triple less game. Vets. Thad went to his trtisty spiral Tryouts for boys interesited in Atlanta 22 21 .612 6% Minnesota 20 22 .476 614 viiotori' over Mfinnesoita. The annual club picnic will play came on May 31, 1027, Glenn Myatt had'walked Lenox ...... 312 085 x— 19 21 0 pad and did some studying. playing in the Alumni Baseball Los Angeles 19 24 .442 S'A Washington 10 23 .462 ?Va ZSA ZSA GABOR says - PITC H IN G -Lu is Tiant, In­ be held July 9 at Wickham In a game between the De­ for. the Indians and went to A & N ...... 300 006 0— 3 5 4 “ I told him about three days wiU be held tonight for PhUadelphla 18 23 .439 BVt New York 18 22 .450 7>A Gracyalny and Turkington; TRAINING COURSES WITH PAY dians, struck out 13 and scat­ Dark in East Hartford after troit Tigers and Cleveland second when Charlie Jamie­ ago,” Houk said. I ’ve wanted to ouWielders only and Friday Houston 16 28 .364 12 Kansas City 19 24 .442 8 tered six hits in 9-0 victory over Indians in Detroit. Johnny son bunted for a hit. Hom­ Barker and Haiuion. SAVE MONEY at AAMCO the big bore match scheduled start him for some time. He’ll "^6*^ infielders. ' 14 26 .350 12 California 18 27 .400 10 IN-TRODUCTORY TRAINING PROGRAMS Detroit. Noun, the Tiger first base­ er Sunupa then lined to New York that day. be In the rotation for awhile.” Tryouts^will be held et Ui« Wednesday's Results - 7 - If you don’t have shop experience, you’ll man, was the hero in that Neun “who,” the New 'York CHURCH LEAGUE HUNDREDS OF GOOD JOBS WORL D ^ lA RBEST AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION Tillotson prepared for his West Side Oval atartihg at 6:15. Wednesday’s Results Bouton 3, Minnesota 2 10% BONUS FOR SE(X>ND SHIFT be given 80 hours of intensive training on one. Times reports, “took the Pulling away wi-to four runs AVAILABLE start by reading his book’s This year the leai^e.wUl allow San Francisco 16, PittsBurgh 4 New York 3, Kansas City 0 the machine you have been hired to SPECIALISTS! Neun’s unassisted triple- ball standing still, ran bver In the final two Innings, the operate. Instruction will be right in our chapter on the Athletics and IB-year-olds. Tryouts are for Chicago 6, Cincinnati 5 Washington 6, California 3 AIRCRAFT ENGINE MECHANICS play came a day after and ta g T 'l Jamieson be­ B.A. Club handed Savings Bank own machine training school at the same COMPLETE INSPECTION ^^RVICE watching their boxscores. a-11 new pdayers. However, those Houston 6, New York 1 Cleveland 0, Detroit 0 a 16-9 loss. short-stop Jimmy Cooney tween fir t and second and AIRCRAFT ENGINE TESTING high "Aircraft” rate of pay. “ I Just went out there deter- who played last year and intend Philadelphia 6, Los Angeles 0, Chicago 3, Baltimore 2, 11 In­ Ken Jones had a perfect five Pratt & GRAND OPENING of the Chicago Cubs exe­ Continued to second base, MACHINING • SHEET METAL ADVANCED TRAINING PROGRAMS — *“ * 2 3 K L l MAKES FRIDAY lUNE Rnd • i p.m. _ mined to pitch nine innings, to again this year must register, 11 innings nings for five! for winnens. Dave Mlfber OF CARS mt open s p.m. • 1st race cuted one against the landing there before Myatt TOOL AND DIE MAKING Courses ranging fron^j^ weeks to 93 week# Tillotson 'said.'“I’m sure I wesTt They may register by oalllng Atlanta at St. Louis, rain Today’s Games McKinney, Mike Kilby, Mike Includes! Aemoyinf, Olsmsntllnf Pittsburgh Pirates In Pitts­ could return.” Detroit went EXPERIMENTAL MACHINING Whitney in Machining, Jet Ehigim Sheet M8tal, Tool, farther than anybody In the the East Side recreation center Today’s Games Olevetand Siebert 4-3 De­ Walsh, had two hits apiece. Inspection and Reassemble. 100 Lap Nat’l Championship Race burgh. on to win, 1-0. INSPECTION Die and Gage Making, Machine Repair and FREE! nClUSIVE WITH UMCO park expected.” before 5 o’clock or by stopping Chicago Culp 3j5 at (Sncln- troit McLain 5-5, night B.A...... 350 401 3— 16 21 2 R ire raft Pipe Making. MUS NM7X A M CONSOIATION KACt So on May 30-31, 1927, I' Just as a reminder how PLANT PROTECTION •Towin* LIFHIME 6UARANTEE ' He went until the ninth, nurs- by the Oval and checking with neti Nolan 4-1, night California Clark 2-4 at Wash­ Savings . .. 121 410 0— 9 14 7 • Rotdtast rOK SMAJiMtN A M MODIHK O U S there were back-to-back long it has been since there APPRENTICE PROGRAMS — Course’# Frt* parte and labor on all AAMCO ing a three ruu lead produced W ally Fortin during the tryouta. Atlanta Lemaster 5-1 at St. ington Pascual 4-2, night Nead and Jones; Coops and FIREMEN A GUARDS 4 D«y $wvlct custom rebuilt transmissions and uii'issisted triple p^ys. has been an unassisted ranging from three to four year# in Jet lAJY n » M f torqua convartera as lon( as you own by Joe Pepitone’s run-scoring / ------Louis 'WiBsbbum 2-2, night Minnesota Chance 8-2 at Bos* Matrick. STENOGRAPHERS • CLERK TYPISTS u Engine Metalsmithing, Machining, Tool de There have been none since. triple playt the Tlmey front your own car and lervlce It annually *5, 000'’’TSS” single In the first Inning and r a n tA im . New Yoirk / Seaver 4-2 at ton Rohr 2-2 KEYPUNCH OPERATORS Die Making and Electronics. at a modast tervice charta at any of Lundqulst estimates that page that day read; the 300 AAMCO ihops coast to coast, Steve Whitaker’s two-run homer L e n t r a l L a p tR in s Houston Cuellar 4-2, night Only games scheduled , DUSTY LEAGUE n,ooo'TO TW tMNMR 50,000 games have been “King of England p TMrt art no other (uaranteta Ilk* In the third. 1 NEW BRITAIN (AP) — Walt Philadelphia L. Jackson 2-5 Friday’s Games , Scoring; In the first fflve Ir- ONtr AAMCO HAI IH played since May 31, 1927. decorates Lindbergh” Tillotson retired nine straight Fitzpatrick of West Hartford at Los Angeles Osteen 6-4, California at Minnesota, N ndng$3, M'iddleitiawn Bug handed HO MONEY BOWH I HAIF-MIU tANKID Cooney's triple-play came ^ « W ! MVIO TUCK In the ?irst Uiree innings and and Ron Thompson of G rc»i- night Konsas etty at Chicago, N Oantone’s Oil their flrcrt de­ in the morning game of a Bubba Satisfied then 10 in a row from the sixth wloh were named co-captains PUtelburgh Plzarro 3-4 at Boston at Claveland, N feat, 17-9 at RobertAon Phrk. NMMM Memorial Day doublehead­ -lAMCO TRANSMISSIONS OF MANCHESTER waMw BALTIMORE (A P ) — Bubba until the ninth and had a three- today of Central Connecticut San Francisco Perry 3-4 Washington at Baltimore, N Three home runs, two by Bob a j M E W lr s : m e w i er. - S3 Toilland Turnpike Route 83 Smith, Michigan State's 6-foot-7-, hitter before, running into troii- State College's 1968 track team. Friday’s. Games Detroit at New York, N Slmler «nd

* .ar V' •\


OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLB BY EAGALY and SHORTEN Help W onted ■ , BUGGS BUNNY Answer'to Prevleue Punle Businm ScrvicM THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW H*lp Wanted^ Dress Up W IA Offered 13 Female 35 Female 31 ZOUNDS! IT:I 'L L BE SOAKED ■ ■M l VEAH, EGAD, HE I NO B efore THEV vnere spliced A mp six moi^ims later. — M'/. mv, mv WANTED—An elderly woman WAITRESSES —full or part^ IT'S STARTING ■ BEFORE M/ BUS iwww^Wk ACROSS 37 Wheel naves W I3Il _ CUSTOM WORK done on all M AY B E UF COM­ H iiid n m CLASSIFIED as a Hve-lh companion in north time, must be over 21, ApptJT TO R A IN ! ARRIVES! AMOS. 1 Headpiece E-**^*^ dii^ta types fences, wood oil' chain HAA/VM I WONDER IF AMOS TT WAS TO S O M E - j PLAINTS^ IM KIM end o f town. Call 528-6640 a^- O a ^ g iz f Restaurant, M 4 LeaOi#^rdle « Heavy volume ill link, etc. Painted and repair­ IM OUR l i t t l e h o m e MV RU6S - MV DRAPES'- H E R E ter 7 p.m. St., Manchester. AN Y DOUSH ? THOSE- W A BIG TH IN G /3 asfiveleS"”* iz ir j ed. Clothes line poles. No job IT V/ILL BE SH APE ARP MV MEW PIEHE6'"MV HOME PET CLOWNS IN THE LAST// YEAR EITHER, I .Ai=i / 1215st*” ‘ ADVERTISING too small. 18 years experience. SW APS A L IR E / WE TWAIN SHALL) MV CAR'" WMEMl HAVE A TOWN PICKED ME /(pOR MEl 3AK E .' ^liii •SHOP* =ll»3 Reasonable. 742-7698. LIVE AS ONE.'' MOT "V O U R S '- FAMILV, MV KIDS WILL CLEANER THAIsl A ( N MOW'D CLASSIFIED AOVERTISING DEPT. HOURS i5SMe‘^i«“ Information PAINTING. Interior, exterior, per week. School licensed sists of lapping and polishing BOARD OF DIRECTORS MBQQ G O V E R N O R anytime. Household Services by the State of Connecticut CLEAN UP THE STREETS/ y 6-f free estimates. Contact Gerald quartz wafers to a precise WAITRESS — 11:30 a m. to 2 TOWN OF IN S T E A D O F e H0 w HIA. bi Department of Motor VeJil CITY HALL/. WHY (MCTHERS GET GRAY TM ta» m O THE HERALD will not 1958 OLDSMOBILE, good run- Offered 13-A A. Stratton, 643-8748. 843-4887. thickness. Small shop atmos- , daily, apply Jane Alden MANCHESTER, DOG CATCHER/ discloiie the identity of ole. mng condition. $100. Call 643- yVALL TO WALL^^ci^etmg phere with liberal hospital and Restaurant, Vernon Circle CONNECTICUT any advertiser using box JOSEPH P. Lewis custom 1691 after 5 p.m. “ insurance coverage. Apply in Vemon. Notice is hereby given that letters. Readers answer­ Cleaned to factory approved painting, interior and exterior WE TRAIN IN SHORT RIBS BY FRANK O’NEAL person 9-12 and 1-4. Reeves- - the Board of Directors, Town ing blind box ads who paperhanging, wallpaper re 1963 FORD Gala.xie 500 XL hard- specifications, minor repairs, HARTFORD, CONN. Hoffman Division, 11 Bragg of Manchester, Connecticut, desire to protect their top, 390 cubic inch engine, 427 Call HIgble Servlcemaster. moved. Wallpaper books on re­ identity can follow this St., East Hartford. will hold a Public Hearing in WQ.U, WmTDCPECT ' K model cam, 4oyd lifters, 411 649-343? quest. Fully Insured. Free es­ DON’T DELAY procedure: * the Municipal Building Hearing SG, yoa'SJt DONE A N V M E R C Y. timates. Call 649-9858. — ACT NOW — D A Y W A IT R E S S wanted 10:30- r.-ar end gears, C-6 electro sWft s ^ G CT-EAND^b' pioblems? CLERK Room, 41 Ontor Street, Man­ \T NGMN"? Eiiclose your reply to the transmission. Asking, $1,095 4:30, minimum 5 days. Please C all Suburban Cleaning <»erv- GYSIDE - OUTSIDE painting. chester, Connecticut, Tuesday, ■X box in an envelope — Call after 6 p.m., 649-1865. Phone 289-6547 Anytim e appiy in person, Willie’s Steak 6-f .ice at 649-9229 coday for tree Special rates for people 65 or Mu.st have apptitude with June 6 , 1967; at 8:00 p.m. on addressed to the Classi­ House, 444 Center St. fied Manager, Manchester 1965 C O M ET —202, 2-door, good *4esMmate. Budget terms svall over. Call my competitors thee fdgui'e.s. interesting and di­ proposed additional appropria­ Ehrenlng Herald, togther able or use your Conn .Piarge call me. Estimates given. 649- versified work, no typing tions as follows: BUZZ SAWYER BY ROY CRANE tires, standard, excellent con­ with a memo listing the dition. Transferred, must sell. Card 7863. 876-8401. required, full employe bene­ To: General F\md Budget compemles you do NOT Asking $1,200. 6^-3811. fits. Apply lp66/67, Board of Educ­ ' THE m / , MlTTl, WHO'5 i / YOU HAVEN'T THERE'S N 0T\ OH, PEAR, BUZ.' I DON'T KNOW. I'M want to see your letter. F.EWEAVTNG OF bums, moth PAINTING BY Dick Fontaine, AAA RN’S—LPN’S ation ...... $ T i7 .p e THE HAND50ME MAN? I ( TOIP ME ABOUl MUCH ID TELL. IN A QUANtWY, HE'D MAKE A 600D Your letter will be de­ holes. Zippers repaired. Win­ interior and exterior. Paper CHEVROLET GORVAIR Mon­ fo r Public L a w 89-10, Tow n OH, HES ATTRACTIVE HUSBAND, HE'D GIVE THE CHILDREN stroyed If the advertiser Is dow shades made to measure hanging and wall paper re­ TRACTOR TRAILER za, 1962, standard shift, good Full Or Part-Time CONTINENTAL account No. 481, to be fi­ THAT'5 BOB, f WELL-TO-PO, .AGOOD HOME...BUTIDONTLOVEHIM. one you’ve mentioned. If all 'kizes Venetian blinds. Keys moval. Dutch Boy and DuPont. not it w ill be handled in condition, $225^ 643-2353. TRAINING nanced from 1965/60 Sur­ ONE OF MY HAS EVERYTHING. made while you wait. Tape re­ Quality workmanship. Call BAKING CO. BEAUS. the usual manner. For modern nursing home, 1956 OLDSMOBILE convertible, corders for rent. Marlows’s 867 (Wonder Bread) plus, evenings, 246-959?. paid hieal time, free meals, radio and heater, good body Are you tired of »a small 'To: General F\md Budget Main 649-5221. holiday pay plan. tvA\S -nVAE I'M (50ING TO and top. $150. 649-2088. EXTTIRIOR AND interior paint­ paycheck? If ^ let N ew 5^1 Connecticut. Bivd. 1966/67, Board o f Jlductr TvAe.OW TKE. 600H. NT YOU! Lost and Found 1 HI-SHINE personaTzed floor ing. Wallpaper books, paper England Tractor Trailer East Hartford, (Uonn. tlon ...... ^i.SOO 1956 TEN passenger Mercury polishing Specializing In home hanging. Ceilings. Floors. ^1- Traininv sihow you how to An increase in existlnf LOST—MALE mongrel, yellow station wagon, fully equipped, floor polishing. Kitchen. ree ly insured, workmanship guar­ make $9,000 to $12,000 a THE MEADOWS account for- Adult Bpaie end white, black face and ears, A n Equjal Opportunity dual exhaust, good condition, rooms, etc. No job too small. anteed. Leo Pelletier, 649-6326. year. N.E.T.T.T. has train­ Educatteik.,;^,, be financed vicinity Branford St. CMII 643- •648-1174 V E m ployer whitewalls, $150. 649-1584. Call for free estimates. 648-9964 I f no answer 643-9043. ed men for more than 130 from Pederai Funds.' 8404. major trucking companies. To: General Fund Budget PAINTING— Paper hanging, 30 A short training program S E C R E T A R Y FY5R rapidly ex------— ------;— ------1967/68, Board o f E duca­ 1957 PORSCHE —Call 649-7239 Bulldinq— yeers experience, Manchester in your area, full or part- —T i * l panding company. Excellent ACCOUNTS ‘v^b e clerk tion . : ...... $8,000 Announcements 2 after 7. and nearby towns. C. Y. Paul, 0 Contractinq 14 time, day or night will we need a steady full-time girl for Summer Ebirichment g IW hy HU. I»fc TJA t»t. UJ Oft fringe benefits. Must have top ELECTROLUX vacuum clean- 875-6359. make you eligible for the to handle our accounts receiv- MICKY FINN BY LANK LEONARD ALL TYPES of cabinet work, diversified office skills, good Program, to be financed trucking industry. We train able and other office . duties “ Not only do I agree that with his talent he is on hin ers, sales and service, bonded f r e e —1955 Cadillac for parts, kitchen remodeling our spe­ typing and shorthand required. from tuition fees. on gas and Diesel tractors, Typing helpful 'lut not essen­ OH, rriAiAS SOMETHW' HE MADE MONKEYS 6-/ way . . . I can even tell you where and when he’s representative. Alfred Amell, 049.4712. cialty, 22 years experience. Roer Finlshinq 24 Business school or college T o: General FYmd Budget 110 Bryan Dr., M a n c h e s te r,______35 and 40 foot boxes and tial. We will train. Apply Car­ ------CLANCV-THE OUT OF US' HOW going!” Fair prices. Call Lou Dascanio, trained preferred. Rockville 1968/67, Board of Educa­ HEAAOWED COULD A GUY THAT 1958 LINCOLN Premiere —best FLO O R S A N D IN G and .'eflnlah- tankers. Placement assist­ ter Chevrolet, 1229 Main St. 644-8141 or 643-4913. 649-6985 anytime. area. Salary open. Write Box tion ...... $9,623 OLD, HAVE SO MUCH offer. Must sell this week. 649- ing (specializing in older ance upon graduation. Call G I^erald. , for purchase of Data Proc­ SPEED— AND FOR THE WILLETS BY W ALT WETTERKERG 1116. QUAIJTY Carpentry—Rooms, floors), cleaning and waxing H artford 247-1353. E INNINGS? Personals essing Equipment, as ap­ dormers, Dorc!ies, basements, floors. Painting. Paperhang- LET'G GOMG1DER.TWE TWEV NEITHER TOl L WQR ^ R N , WANTED — Registered hair­ proved by the Connecticut BUT THEY'VE NEVER BEEN OUT NOW, LET'S CONSIDER WANTED —ride to Windsor cen- 1965 CHEVELLE -4-door, 6 reflnlshed, cabinets, bullt-ins, tng. No job too small. John dresser as working manager, NOTICE ULtlEGOF TMEFIELD, cylinder, standard shift, pri­ State Department of Edu­ ter, or Day Rd. and Poquonock fo r m ic a , aluminum, vinyl, V erfaille, 649-5750. I low; THEY GROW ... ^ OF STYLE - t h e y K EEP YOUR NEW PAISLEY PANTS 1 central location, good working 'TOWN OF COVENTRY cation, Division of Voca­ Ave. start work 7, a.m. 643- vate owner, beautiful condition. steel, ceramo siding. William ( t u r n i n g p e o p l e O V . ' ' Help Wanted— conditions. Call anytime, 643- ZONING BOARD tional Education, to be fi­ 1988. Call 649-3035. Robbins Carpentry Service. Bonds— Stoeks— Female 35 ______OF APPEALS nanced by reimbursement 1960 AUSTIN Healey 3000, red, 649-3446. Mortgages 27 TAB OPERATOR—want Intelli- There will be a Public Hear by Connecticut State De- Automobiles For Sole 4 excellent condition, radio, heat­ CARPENTRY —concrete work NURSE S AIDE, 3-11 shift part- o-ent experienced operator with Ing June 5th at 8:00 p.m. in . . portment of Education er, Tonneau cover, 649-0678. time or full-time. Laurel Man' 1955 F O R D — Custom V-8, auto- anything from cellar to roof. MORTGAGE LOANS — first, 402 accounting machine 088 the Town Office Building to T o: General Ftond Budget or, 649-4519. matic, radio and heater. Me- 7954 c H E V Y n, 6 cylinder, auto- inside and out, no substitute second, third, all kinds realty. collator 514 reproducer. Salary hear the fo'llowing appeals, 1967/68, B oard o f Educa­ ^ * A 9 .. m M A 64 A 64 O 6 a 6 chonically good condition. $90. matic transmission, radio and for quality work, satisfaction statewide, credit rating unnec­ open. Call Persofmel Deptr Nel- 1. Delmar Potter, School Street, tion ...... , ...... $970 ^ '-'T. (Coventry, requesting permis­ 1 CaU 647-9827 a fte r 6 p.m. heater, excellent condition, call guaranteed, competitive prices. essary. Reasonable, confiden­ son Freightways, Inc.-, 47 East for Project No. FY67-SDC- tial, quick arrangements, Al­ PAYROLL CLERK sion to erect a 4 x 6 foot 0772.1* (PAVE) approved MR. ABERNATHY BY ROLSTON JONES and FRANK RIDIJEWAY 643-0145. No Job too small. D tP Car­ St., Rockville, Conn. 875-3388. NEED (3AR? Your credit turn­ pentry, days 643-1904, evenings vin Lundy Agency, 527-7971, sign at the comer of South by the Connecticut State and 5 T ed down? Short on down pay­ 649-8880. 983 Main St., Hartford evenings CLEANING woman wanted, dr- Road, Department of Education v d u e got o n e NO! NO! GET .. V ment? Bankrupt? Reposses­ 233-6879. pendable, two days weekly, John B. DeQuattro and Rich- under Title V of the Ele­ o f >o u r o w n ! TIMEKEEPER s OFF THAT sion? Don’t, despair! See Hon­ Motorcycles NEWTON H. SMITH h SON— 643-8686. Bezzini, 618 Center mentary and Secondary WELCOME Un- *1/1 _€■ I to lease, low initial invesrtmemt, Pioneer Industrial Park SunJ^eam, Simea D ealer m any new parts. $299. 649-5417. zynski, Builder, 649-4291. Signed: Dated at Manchester, Con­ T absentee management, located Manchester, Conn, MANCHESTER, j OUTTHE Grant E. Toothaker Sr., neoticut , this twenty-lourtll In growing business area. Call Exit 94 off Routo 15 CONNECTICUT MBRCCEIDBS-BBNZ, 1959,180A, 1962 PARIUJ motorcycle, 360 DrivBW im 1 4 ^ Notice Is hereby given that Chairman .» day of May 1967. 2 Qfwia-n cmHnp COmplj^®* ftVPftllent GOTHlition. Ooll * • 643-5234. 4-door sedan, engine cc, excellent condition. ______the Board o f Directors, Tow n PRISCILLA’S POP BY AL VERMEER ice, $37 643-0929 after 5:30. FRIENDSHIj ly overhauled, sactiifice, AMESTTE - QuaUty workman- ^uTO AGENCY, excellent loca- COMBINA'nON counter girl of Manchester, Connecticut, peoF 649-2618 ” • ------ship on driveways, parking ______1966 X LO H — like new condition, ti on good financing. For an ap­ and waitress, 7-8. Egg and You will hold a Public Hearing in NOW LET'S WHEN DID ANYHOW,' CLUB/, areas, commercial and resi­ SACRIFK3E — 1966 Bel - ^ r low mileagd. OaU 1-429-1109 af- pointment paU Paul J. Corren- Restaurant, 1095 Main St., the Municipal Building Hear- TRY A O A H COLUMBUS NO, NO|! 1 KNEW IT WAS , HUFF dential FYee estimates, no ob­ PRISCILLA 1942, : A LONG TIME Chevrolet, ^ation| wagon, ter 6. ti R eal Estate, 643-5363, 643- Manchester. tog' Room. 41 Center Street, DISCOVER j N 1 4 9 2 ^ ligations. Call Eastern Paving ------Manchester, Ckmnecticut, Tuee- lu ACSO/ l!,l. power steerliig, power brakes, „ - 2125. !l AMERICA. Q>., 628-3937. PUFF seat beltd radio, excellent con- MOTORCYCLE 1966 (Sears) ------— ------COUNTER GIRL -part-time, 6- day, June 6, 1967, at 8:00 p.m. COLLEGE STUDENTS r o o F a m> >, wz*. !««• 6 - i PACXCAGE STORE for Bale. For j a.m. shift. Ap|Hy Besa Eaton on proposed additional appro- dition, 6W)0 miles, t 649-2376. Push. 260 cc. oil injection, ex- ceUent condition, 8(K) miles, I X tafocmation mrormaaon caHcan PWlbrlckx-iuii* Donuts, 150 Center St. printion as follows: For interesting and remunerative summer em­ Roanny—SlOing lo Agency, ReaHors, 649-6847. c .^p t a i n e a s y BY LESLIE TURNER (CORVETTE StingraV — 1966. $450. OaU 649-2824 after 6:30. ------T o General FHmd Budget CLERK TYPIST to handle J9gg/g7^ L ib r a r y Board ployment, apply in person at the AT THE BIDWELL HOME Improve- pmvATE ART tutoring, 10 to ALL I CAM MAKE PERHAPS fto OmLS' b ^ > . al­ variety of W'Ork for industrial ...... ; $5,203 OUT ON THIS BIT IMPOST ment Co.—Roofing, siding al- ^ hour. CaU 528- most new, reasonable, 649-3761 OF SCORCHED PAPER OFFICE PM radio, positraction, gold- r““ teratlons, additions and re- supply Ann. Modem East Hart- for the purchase of reference AND Uned tires, original owner, low after 6 p.m, m odeling o f all types. E xcel- ‘------,------ford location. Salary and fringe materials to be financed from ALDON SPINNING MILLS GORK '' m ayb e " 6 " USE m ileage. 643-2030. - lent workmanship, 649-6495. — benefits. Call 289-8291 lor ap- Federal F\mds. ' TALCOTTVILLE, CONN. ZIP Business Services Schools and Clossas 33 polntment. John I. Garside Jr., CODE ------7" Secretary f Offered 13 Roofing and RN CHARGE nurse for newly Board of Directors NOTICE opened wing to new modem Manchester, Connecticut nw *, HIA. W. TJ4. U. US. tt on. ft-1 TOWN OF COVENTRY s t e p s , s id e w a u c s , stone------Chlnuie^— 16-A convalescent borne. Pay scale ^ated at Manchester. Con- BY BOB LUBBERS r n M T N G BOARD ^ 1 ® ' fireplaces, flagstone ter- r o OFINQ—REPAIR of roofa exceUent, hours 7-8. RockvUle „ecticut, this twenty-fifth day ROBIN MALONE AAA OPPORTUNITY n ^^ A P P F A T ^ ^ concrete repolie. best to gutters and con- I Memorial Nuratog Home, 876- jpgy, ^ ■mere 5 u be a pubUc H ear- Reasonably priced. 648-0851. 0771 649-8081. F PROBABLY ANOTHER LONG HOT TT MIGHT FeMORB PADDV tog June 5th at 8:00 P.M. In the r u SS’ MOWER Service — too. Call Oou^n. 648-770T. Operate Heavy Equipment HASMT SUMMER IN THE CITY / PHONB FUN THAN WIPING soar OFF rue Town Office Building to take sharpening and repair. Rotary r q o f i NG — Specializing re- ^ HELP WANTED i TOL£>, HIM AT SKPO AHPsee IF HBlU LET you SFSNP A WEEK WITH WINDOW SILLS ... up the following appeal. and reel. Hand mowers a spe- pairing roots of all kinds, new Earn while you learn. Earn r YOUNG HAN TO LEARN A Me .'T H E L A K E S COOL, AN P w a t c h in g f o r Arnold E. Ckirlson, Standi^ cialty. Pick-up and dell ery gutter work, chinmeya to $300 w eekly as a p ro­ HIM TO DROP BY Rd.—property located Standish service. 742-7607. oleened and repaired, 30 years’ . fessional HEAVY EQUIP­ B E TW E E N Lrm .E SPORTS BY ROLSON Rd., and Highland View, R-15 r'FTJ.ARa and vards e7q>e**eoce. Free estimates. MENT OPERATOR. For HELP WANTED f , THE PRINTING OUSINESS ^ .j L. SPEECHES'" Zone. R e i ^ W to keep 2 horses OaU H o w lo y , 643-5861. 644- the fitot time to the USA, Allstate Training Center Men needed en all ahlfta In eniding dept. Ezperienee r ' on 2 acreh of land to open Reasonable. OaU 648- ****• i 37'/2-H0UR WEEK >• PAID VACATION 4 offe rs qualified m en 19 and helpfiil but not eaaentbil, w e tram you. Attractive of approximately 10 for ^ l-68i-4524. Q ^ —iT*—^ over the opportunity to wagea, group tosomnoe and profit ■baring, benefits. PAID RETIREMENT PLAN a period nto; to exceed 5 years. ------>------Hoatingond PlumbUig 17 T R A IN LOCALLY in Apply to person at This appeM Is a request for an SHARPENING Service —Saws, ------SPARE TIM B on all makes ^ APPLY A ^ exception to a permitted uee to knives, axes, shears, skates, OOI^LJtfl'E ]ri^bing a ^ of equipment, bulldozer, \ R-15 Ztone. All interested per- rotary blades. Quick service, beating tos^ation, scrapers, backhoes, etc. ALDON SPINNING CORP. V sons Invited to stteiid. Cspttol Equipment Co. 88 ^ Accredited program. Job TAlJCOTrVtLim, CONS, k jianrtfPBtfr £wpnttt9 IfpraUK J Rjened- St., Manchester. Hours daily given Inunedlate attentkm. placement upon completion. asssss-*"« VK , ,CraS*E. TooUvaker 8 r. 7-5.^un|^ir 7-6j^.8*t«w»»y T- Oa^ jnk^H um W ng * Hast- B udget plan. 622-4589 any- CfaiilraMtt

, ' •

X, V, ■ '' ■. ■ri' '• ' i n n B M o H


Help Wpnted-^Maie 36 Dogs— Birds— Pets 41 Musical Instruments 53 Rdsort Property Houses For Sole 72 Houses For Sole 72 Housos For Solo 72 Houses For Solo 72 Suburban For Sole 75 Wonted—Real Estoto 27 New England Vignettes 6 7 CARPENTERS, outside men, GROOMING and boarding all Used Hammond Organs For R ent CONTEMPORARY—9 rooms, 4 EXCEPTIONAL 6H room fire- M ^apjO TER — Handyman’s MANCHESTER—6 room single GLAS'TONBUR T—custom 6 WANTED—Lokefront property. placed Ranch, rec room, 1V4 special, 6 room older house on framers, helpei-s. Steady work. breeds, Harmony Hills, H. C. Model L rlll Mahogany Spinet MISQUAMICUT rooms, bedrooms, 2H baths, automat­ home, 2-car garage, hot water room Ranch on 4 acres, 3 Cash paid. Also, multiple dwells CLASSIFIED Call 643-2282 or 878-8702, after Chase, Hebron Rd.', Bolton, $825. ic kitchen: family room, din­ baths, encloeed porch, garage, bus Une, only $7,900. Paul W. heat, storms, screens, new bedrooms, formal dining room Ings. Contractor, 649-7^6. Rules Were Very Strict completely furnished, hot wa­ large yard enclosed with stock­ Dougan, ReaMor, 649-4586, 3 p.m. 648-6427. Model M-3 Waliqut Spinet with ter and heated, $96 per wfeek. ing room, beautiful large wood­ awningB, fruH trees, 2 fire­ kitchen with bullt-ina, 24’ liv­ ed lot, $31,900. Philbrick A|;en- ade fence. Leonard Agency, places. Write to L Thuriow, ing room with fireplace, heat­ HOUSES WANTED—In every •separate reverb, speaker 643-(M91. MANCHESTER — Attent 1 o n part of town, all price ranges. For 1908 Automobilists DACHSUND puppies—AKC mln- cy. Realtors, 649-6347. ; 646-0469. . 98 South Second Ave., IW t- ed and fi^placed family room, cabinet $850. horse owners, gardeners and Buyers with cash waiting. CaU ADVERTISING iatiire, small standard, stand­ Model 3000 Everett Walnut GIANT’S NECK Heights—pri­ vUle, Conn. baths, 2-car garage, high fa 1908 the good, farmer-fear- teJot hls ham, ring a beJI, flr* a CONCORD RD. — beauUfid .land lovers, 6% room Ranch, now Paul J. Oorrentl, Real Bla- PARAGON TOOL Co. Inc. ard reds and blacks, also Eng­ Spinet (made by Hammond) vate beach resort, 4 room Cot­ 20’8, Wolverton Agency, Real­ Ing motorist planning to tool revollver, jKtUoo and send up CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS lish Setters and Weimaraners. Ranch, large living ream, for­ 3 bedrooms, full basement, set MANCHES’TER vldnlty tate, 643-5868, 648-2126. oooliy ^ong New England roun- three bombs ait imftervals of ttift $4,50. tage, 2 bathrooms, heat and GLENDALE RD. mal dining room, cabinet kitch­ on almost 8 acres of land. Hur­ tors, 649-2813. 8 A M. to 5 P,M. Call 1-628-6,573. All in excellent condition and hot water. Huge rear sundeck, Ranch with 4 large bedrooms try wads needed several acces- minutes.' NEEDS en, 2 bedroom's, recroatioa ry, at $20,800. Paul W. Dougan. or an bi-law arrangement, 2 ANDOVER lokefront — your sortes — Hike paint, toiixuuliine, 6. AutomobUes running on tli* gtiaranteed. sleeps 8. $90 weekly.'' ’742-8142. Now under construction — Legal Notices Tool niakers (with experi­ room, landscaped yard. Mar­ Realtor, 649-4585. fUU bathe, lart'v kitchen with own summer place for $12,500. beUs, revolvera, bombs, rockets counitry roads nlgM m urt GERMAN SHEPHERD puppies WATKINS Ranohes, Raised Ranches, lon E. Robertson, Realtor, budlt-lne, fireplaced Mving and Roman candles. send up a red rocket every mil* COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. mental!* Aircraft part expe­ HAMMOND ORGAN & COLUMBIA LAKE —for rent, Year ’round 4 rooms with UDHTATION OBDEB 5 P.M. D A I BEFORE PUBLICATION. for sale, call 643-4678. Oolomdals. Chocs# your 648-6968. ON MAIN STREET. . .a four room, excellent condition, $20,- fireplace, aJmoet new stove AT A (X)URT OF PROBATE, rience). ' , PIANO STUDIO small waterfront cottages, bedroom colonial with 1% . . J . held at Manchester, within and (or In a guide tor'"automobiilists” mfautes for th* Deadline for Saturday and Monday U 5 p.ml Friday. model. 500. Wolverton Agency; Real- ----and ----- refrigerator„ ------included, the Dlatrlot of Manchester, on the for that year, the Farmers’ ro®^ i® dear. Utey may then BEAUTIFUL black and white 17 Oak Street, Manchester June, July and 'August. 64$- MANCHESTER —spacious Co­ baths. Corner, location. 'This Jig and fixture men. 2593. tc^s, 649-2813. 'treed 6&x 180’ lot. Wolverton proceed carefully, bSowing thei# male cat seeks a new home. 643-5171 lonial, 7 rooms, 4 years old, home would ^ p t beautifully . n n.n nn-n PTeseiic, Hon. John J. Weileti, ' Anti - Auto IProteottve Society Directions: Follow Keeney Agency, Realtors 649-2813. Judge. published the following rules. horns and shooting Roman can- TOUB COOPERATION WILL H I AI 9711 AH around machini.sts Please call 289-6366,'^Tnomings. MISQUAMICUT, Rhode Island St., turn right on Bush HIU 2V4 baths, family room, panel­ for a professional office. T.J. ______u,------— Elstate of William J. Austin, lat* BE APPRECIATED I I (mu.st be able to set up and ing, aluminum aiding, 2-cor Crockett, RejUtors, 648-1677. BOLTON—new 6 room Raised District, de- They wore repubMahed this - summer re.sbrt. Stanton Real­ Rd. Glendale Rd., first Lots For Sole 73 month in Yankee Magozdne. 7. The speed limit on country work from blueiJrints'). Antiques 56 ty still has a gbod selection street on right garage, $29,900. Phllbrick Ranch, cathedral celling In Hv- on motion of Mary F. Austin. 38 roads this year 'wilS be secret FREE —female puppy, mixed Agency, Realtons, 649-5347, ON EAST (3BNTER Street ... BOLTON—Large wooded lots Ing room, stone fireplace, glass **^“ri*ester. Oonn., ad- 1. Automobiles must be sea­ Excellent opportunity for Beagle, call 643-1432. of two a.nd tliree bedroom cot­ real nice older three bedroom in prime residential areas, \ and the penalty for violation Continued From Preceding Page WANTED TO BUY-Antiquer. tages for your summer vaca­ sllding doors, sundeck, built- o rd ered -.’ That sbe months sonably painted—that is, so they wma be $10 tocLjevery mile an of* qualified pemsoTMiel. top steins, furniture, pewter, lead!- MANCHESTER —unique oppor­ colonial. ’Three rooms do'wn starting at $3,500. CaU 643- Itvi bnoftment flT-PTilapA mnft- front the 34th day of May, 1967, be v m merge with the pastoi^ en- fa rt Tt. wages and fringe benefits, FOUR miniature silver male tion to rent by the week, two WESLEY R. SMITH me, oasemeni nrepiace, one- limited and al­ ed lamps, art glass, primitives, tunity. Well kept 2 family, 6-6 plus a sun'room. ’Two car gar­ 4461 or 649-7367. car basement garage. One acre lowed for the creditors within which ^ble and not be start^. TRIP, SHORT PROFIT liberai overtime schedule, poodles, AKC registered, home weeks, or more. Winnapaug CONSTRUCTION CO. duplex, 2 heating systems, 2- age Deep lot. T,J. Chockett, Help Wanted— Mole 36 raised. 643-7116. any quantity, 644-8962. Rd., Mi.squamicut, R I. Tel. 100x200’—A-ZONE LOT. water letloi. TmTnedtntpimmemate nociinnncvoccupancy estate,*0 bring and in their said claims administratrix against said is They inust be green fa spring, members rt the New Help Wonted-— excellent working condi­ car garage, extra B-zone lot Realtor, 648-1577. golden fa summer, red fa a«- Mass., lobster boat tions in new fully aiir-con- 1-401-596-2885. §43-1567 and sewer. Call 643-4168 be­ , $22,500. U&R Realty Co., Inc., directed to give public notice to the F em ale 35 ELECTRICIAN’S journeyman, included. Hurry. Hayes Agency Rnhnpt Tt IWiirdncV creditors to bring In their claims tumn and white in winters Deep Water, buffeted for aJmoat ditioned shop. 646-0131. MANCHESTER—.oversized tween p.m. 643-2692. KODert U. MUraoCK, yj„e allowed by pub- BABYSrrrHR.for one cihffld, 5 experienced residential, com­ FREE 5 cute kittens Wonted— To Buy 58 room SpUt Level, large Uvlng ---- =r— 643-6472, llshing a copy of this order in some . 5.. On discovering an ap- three days fa the raging storm mercial and indiLstrial. steady homes. Call 649-3084. MANCHESTEIR—6 room Garri­ ______newspaper having a circulation in proaclting team, the automobil- off the east coast, lost most rt days in my home. CeiU 643- APPLY Wonted To Rent 68 MANCHESTER — handyman’s room and dining room, kitchen TREED LOTS Vernon VERNON — Hublard i-\_ _said probate district______within____ ten days 0277 after 5:30. work, Rockville area. Call 875- HOUSEHOLD LOTS, antiques, son Colonial, modem kitchen special, 8 rooms, city water, 100 x 166’ for $8,000. Manches­ *• from the date of this order and re- 1st must stop off-side and cover their cotcih over the side, FREE KI’TTENS, 7 weeks old, bric-a-brac, clocks, frames, with ample cabinets, a. good maculate 6% room fireplaced turii' make "to this court of the no- 5906. 121 Adams St., Manoheister CLEAN, nicely furnished room with built-in range, dish-weish- ciity sewer, convenient loca­ sized bedrooms, also paneled ter 180 ,x 800’ $4,700. Wolverton l \ . has machine with a tarpaulin result was a harrowing THREE GIRLS wanted part- male, angora, housebroken, glassware. We buy estates. Vil­ Agency, Realtors, 649-2813. Ranch, rec room, 1% baths, j . wallett. Judge. , , - pointed to correspond with the battle with the sea and weaithet' LICENSED jouneyman plumb­ 644-0048. with private family. Day work­ er, disposal, 2-zone hot water tion, stmcturally sound. Only recreation room, 1% baths, time. Apply in pea-son UA Thea­ lage Peddler, Auctioneer, 420 er. Parking, ceutrojl location. heat, excellent financing, $19,- garage, large lot. L eo n ard ------— — scenery. at pay of a couple rt cents an er, experienced in plumbing Lake S t, Bolton, 649-3247. $9,500. Hayes Agency, 646-0181, fireplace; basement garage, Agency, 646-0469. OBDEB OF NOTICE VV tre EJast, Manchester Parkade. PUPPIES for sale, part Ger­ CiUl 643-113|. 900. Philbrick Agency, Real­ A COURT OF PROBATE, S. fa case a honse ridl not pass hour. Capt. Geotge Edwarda, and heating .service. H. G. PART-TIME help 8 a.m.-12 noon large lot, Immaculate condition Land Far Rant 73-A held al Manchester, within and for Schulze, 876-9707. man Shepherd, and Labrador WE BUY AND sell antique and tors, 649-5347. Inside and out. $26,900. UAR VERNON — Immaculate 6% the District of Manchester, on the the scenic tarpaulin, the auto- tor example, got $14.33 as M* to work in nursery. John WTiit- Retreiver, $10. 742-8450. MANOHE33TBR the scenic tarpouldn, the auto- ^hare from the Bade rt the sal* ham Landscape Nuj-sery. 643- used furniture, china, glass, Business Property MANCHEST&R —new 3 bed­ Realty Co., Inc., 643-2692. Rob- BOLTON—150’ frontage, busl- room Ranch with 8 bedrooms Hon. J^h'John J. Wallett, © 1W by NtA, Help Wonted— Mole 36 EXPERIENCED all around silver, picture franie.s, old art D. Murdock, 643-6472. ness zone on Route 6 & 44A, and heated family room. Kitch- Judge. , mobtllst will t^ e the machine vaged lobsters, machini.sts, call 643-2781, 8 7802. ^ADORABLE silver and white For Sole 70 room Garrison Colonial, formal FIVE BEDROOMS V.OO Estate of Rose Goldberg of Man- apart as rapidly as possible and UNDER PRESSURE CARPEJNTE3RS wanted, fram­ coins, guns, pewter, scrap gold, dining room, 24’ living nx>m land lease. Oall Paul J. Oor­ en has 0111/11-111 over and range, cheater, in said I>istrlct an lncai>- Hey, baby— are you a homely girl or a long-haired boy?" a.m.-4:30 p.m. Quint Machine tiger part angora kitten, train­ watches, old jewelry, hobby MANCHESTER —3 year-old, 7 rentl Real Estate, 648-5363, large living room with fireplace able person. ^ ^ . ______conceal the parts fa the grass. Leonard Joseph Jr., 16, rt ers, layout men, 50 hour week. ed. Free. Call before 2, 649- APARTMENT HOUSE—6 units, with fireplace, huge kitchen Oorp. collections, paintings, attic ’Two fuU batihs, Ideal for room Oolonlal with central air- 643-2125. assumable 6% per cent mort- t S ^ ^ - - 4. In case an automobile Ocean Side, N.Y., preparing a Oaffl Oote OarpentetTB, 24^2136. 5944. located at the center of Man- with built-ins, headed family RETIRED MAN — wxwk 10-20 contents or whole estates. Fur­ large family. Only 13 years oondltlonlng, 3 generous bed­ gage. $17,900. Wdlverton Agen- ^ ^W ^^X em tms'’^ r t “W - NeW SuW eY StlOWS makes a team run a'way, the high school engineering eixlhiibit che.ster, excellent condition. By room, I'a baths, attached ga­ old and in good condition. rooms, formal dining room, 12 penalty will be $60 for the first for display at Tiifts Undvemsity, hours per week doing light niture Repair Service, 643-7449. appointment, Philbrick Agen­ rage, $28,500. Wolvertoo Agen­ cy. Realtors, 649-2818. lowance. It is cleaning in pleasant surround­ (Convenient South End loca­ X 20’ fireplaced litlng room, Resart Prapeny ------ORDERED: That the 13th day of mile, $100 tor the second, $200 bent over and spUt hls pants, MAN WANTED — ’Two used .single cy, Realtors. 649-5347. cy, Realtors, 649-2813. kitchen with bullt-ins, heated SOUTH WINDSOR—Beelzebub June, 1967, at ten o’clock forenoon for the third mile, etc., that the He grabbed a stapler, ran into ings, good pay with uniforms Live Stock 42 tion. Offered at $21,.500. Far Sale 74 Dj -...-.1....) a ___at the Pro)>ate Office In the Miinicl- axle dump trucks. 3-7 yard PARICER ST —3 bedroom Co­ family room, attached garage, ___ Rd. oversized 6 room Cape, full Building in said Manciiester. be Samaritans Increasing team runs, in addition to the the men’s room, removed hls ^ HELP WANTED For day work in printing and equipment provided. Ap­ BOLTON — six family apart­ shed dormer, 1% baths, finish- and the .same is assigned for a ply in person. Friendly Ice TEN SHETLAND ponies. Must bodies. Call Conn. CJonstruc- ment unit. Excellent condition lonial, excellent residential sec­ like . new. $25,700. Wolvertoa CAPE CX>D — East Brewster, NABLUS Jordan (AP) — The Pentateuch. Although the exist- usual damages. pants, stapled the split together plant, some work experi­ tion, 643-9565. L. C. GREENOUGH Co. , ’ ______hearing on the allowance of said ac- Cream, 1155 ’Tolland ’Tpke., sell immediately, no rea.son- throughout. All three room tion, 3 rooms down, full base­ Agency, Realtors, 649-2818. nice lot, private beach and ed rec room, 2-oar garage one countCourt directs with said that notice estate, of and the time this Samaritans are mnUlnsrmaking a come- Ino-_mg mnTm‘aorintmanuscnpi___ on Hhee-nskinstteepsKin, is 6. On approaching a corner and went back out to fsuce tn* Second and third shift ence desirable but not re­ able offer refused. 643-5927 acre wooded lot, excellent con- openings, 10% shift pre­ next to Caldor. units, all rented. CHose to four ment, excellent condition 647-9921 MANCHESTER — Cape, road, $6,000. CaX 649-4997. __ .1,.. T> J j ’i nnn a and place assigned lor aald hearing hack, srid ’to be' at least 2^000 years where he cannot command a judges. quired. Good working cou^di- dition. Reduced to $21,900 for be given to all persons known to be old, the original Is dated fa the view r t the road ahead, the ou- His exhibit won an honorabl* mium paid. tioms and benefits. Apply Rooms W ithout Board 59 acres of land. Choice location throughout. Only $17,500. T. J. rooms, large family room, din- CHOICE WATTlRiFRONT lot quick sale. R. F. DSmock (Jo., interested therein to appear and be A i with unlimited possibilities. T. Crockett Realtor, 643-1577. ^ ' hao.fv) thAiaAf-in Kir rkiiKliciKilnvpuwffig r^>py-a /srkfMr. — 13th “j^"rt"'the o^u^on rt ^ ^ Mins. ChiristenEen, 8:30 a.m.- ing room, 8 bedrooms, $19,500. with new Chalet type cottage. of this order in some newspaper Joraanion City aoout 2u niues _ . _ 90 cen- 'than 100 yards from the turn, Dor Ingenuity In time r t crtel*. 4 p.m. The Burroughs Articles For Sole 45 THE THOMPSON House. Cot­ J. Crockett, Realtor, 643-1577. MANCHE S T E R — executiv* Philbrick Agency, Realtors, OaX 647-9589. ^ n ; d r ' r t ■je';;^;m"sh;;ra"ii;a^ oanaan by the Israelites 32 cen. Apply In Person tage Street, centrally; located, MANCHESTER — 3 bedroom home, Porter St. area, 8H COUNTRY LIVING—New .3- trlct, ^ le^t seven days brfore the ^ allttdme low r t around ago. Carp., Bustness Forms and YOUNG MAN wanted for deliv­ Ranch, oversized garage, nice 649-6347. ------Supplies Group, Rt. .30, Tol­ SCREENED. LOAM for best large, pleasantly furnished rooms, 2 baths, 2 lavs, 4 large bedroom Gold Medallion Ranch ^ betoTe jfay isev"* by 160 the community now is up to I" revision rt the KI/X3K COMPANY ery truck. Call 289-1568. lawns andlgardens. Also sand, rooms, parking. Call 649-2358 Houses For Sole 72 location, nearly 2 acres of land. bedirooms. Florida ixawn, 27’ MANCHESTER — Cape, large Suburban Far Sale 75 land, Conn, An equal oppor­ A country home in town, re­ just completed, built especial- 345. with every prospect rt fa- 1272 Tolland 'Tpke., Manchester tunity employer. gravel tind fill. George H. Grif- tefe overnight and permanent kitohen with budlt-lns, Inter­ family sized kitchen, U'vlng ly for the young couple jugt aon, Robinson & Cole, Attys., 799 creasing. Exodus ere combined with AFTERNOON part-time, truck MANCHESTER --7 room home, duced to $21,900. Mitten Agen­ room with fireplace, 3 bed- SOUTH Windsor—6 room SpUt, Threat of Starvation driver, mu.st be over 18. Apply fing, Inc., Andover, 742-7886. guest rates. excellent condition and loca­ com, completely air-condttion- getting started, lot 126x475 with SL^arUorA^^nm^ (ElM: ^^^ey have been regarded by Deuteronomy. They cy. Realtors, 643-6930. ed, 2-car garage, beautifully rooms, 2 full baths, aluminum rec room, garage, large Wt, contain an extra commandment in person. Alcar Auto Parts, IT’S INEXPENSIVE to clean SINGLE ROOM for one gentle­ tion. Only $14,900. Mitten Agen­ gurden area and trees. More Chester. Conn.; Samuel Lewis, 4937 the Jews as a diissident Hebrew PART-TIME—Clerk and driver, landscaped lot. For further In­ aiding, $16,900. Philbrick Agen­ swimming pool. Leonard Agen­ naming Mt. Gerizim, the holy 226 Spruce St. rugs and upholstery with Blue man, central. 9 Hazel St., 649- cy .Roaltor.s, 643-6930. MANCHESTER—8 room Colo­ cy, 646-0469. water than you can use from a Nmh sect-since Old Testament days. Hanging over Indians adult, good driving record, for formation call R. F. Dimock cy, Realtors, 649-6347. 190’ drilled well. Priced at on- Hazardvllle. Conn., and return make (Jhristdans have a particular mountain of the Samaritans, as UCENSBD plumber wanted. Lu.stre. Rent electric sham- 2170. nial, 1% baths, dishwasher, Co., 649-524.5. wboleeale di.stributor in Man- FULL-TIME real e.state sales­ MANCHESTER — $14,500 -- 4 ly $14,500. May be leased with to this ^ r t. ^ wALLETT. Judge. Interest in the Samaritans be- »»t® holy place rt the Lord, fa- NEW DELHI, India (AP) — ing a big part. 644-1317. man with or without sale.s ex­ pooer, $1. Olcott Variety Store. carpeting, family room, recroa- MANCHESTER — (jonvenlent- ohester, steady work. 643-2626. room home, on 60x100 lot. Rec tion room, double garage, cen­ option to buy by qualified buy- oc: Hajtford National Bank & Trust cause they are the subject of stead rt Jerusalem. The threat rt disease hangs a* According to figures compiled perience. For more details call room In basement, all city ASHWORTH ST. —custom build­ ]y located 6 room older home, As the Samaritan woman said MEN WANTED, part-time open­ DARK RICH, stone free loam, LIGHT hou.sekeeping rooms for tral, $22,900. Hutchins Agency, er will design and build your rec room, garage, extra lot NORTH COVENTRY er. See tWe one. You will like Co- Ooarservator______Jesus’ first parable. heavy over the heads of people by hls staff, seven mllUtm i>ei> ings; avaMable mornings for Mr. Philbrick, Philbrick Agen­ $15. Gravel, fill, stone, sand, rent. Call 643-4074. 4 utilities. Bel Air Real Estate, Realtors. 649-5324. the quiet surroundings. (Jail OBDEB^OF NO'ncB __ High Priest_ Amram____ Isaac,___ a to Jesus: "Our fathers wor- In drought-stricken Bihar.State sons are getting at least on* cy, 649-5347. 643-9332. home on one of tliese nice level available. Leonard Agency, Janitor service. Call General SUMMER HELP patio and pool sand and ma­ lots. Our signs on premises. T. 646-0469. W.UU,. .urn LKj, a------o------.1, t ) T ( cv, M the Uireut rt death by starva- meal a day through such organ- nure, 643-9504. ROOM FOR lady or working 5H room Ranch, built 1958, the Services Inci, 46 Oak St., 649- GENERAL factory workers, ap­ NINE ROOM older home, de­ JUST LISTED—6 room Garri- J. Crockett, Realtor 643-1577. lorated on 60 acres rt high dlstrict of Mrm^ester, on the and flaming red turban, attri- y® ®®-y- in jerusaJem is me "conditions are abso- izaiHons as CARE, the OathoUo 5334. WANTED gentleman, parking, some •son (Colonial, with attached ga­ TWO-FAMILY close to Man­ 24th day of May, A.p. 1%7.___ ■ place where men ought to wor- . _ .... _____ . ply 8:30-4. New England Metal WIN $1,000. $10, $5, Chevrolet, kitchen privileges, 132 Birch sirable, soutli end location, dry land, 4-room cottage BOLTON-Ooventry line—3 bed- Prc.seht, Hon. John J . ‘wallett, butes the upturn to two-factors; lutely ripe for a widespread Relief Society, (Smrch World rage, beautifully maintained, MANCHESTEH—3 lArge bed­ chester High School, one apart­ the ending of centuries rt perse- ’ cholera epidemic starting with Service and Lutheran World MEX3HANIC WANTED — for Products, 44 Stock Place. TV, camera, recorder, radio. St., 643-8556. good cohdilion, 2 fireplaces, Itj and chicken coop also on room Ranch, fireplace, % acre Estate of Mary Chmpbell Scranton Becattse of their belief, the We are now hiring High half acre lot. This exceptional­ rooms, living room, dining ment has 3 rooms, one 5 rooms, lot excellent condition Call0^ ] akaotta Mary Scranton, late of Man- cutioll, and new blood coming fa the monsoon rains,” reports Relief. This figure is expected general repairs and servicing Ask about bonus envelopes. batiis, tree shaded •’'i acre lot. room, kitchen, central, near property. A real buy at Samaritans not only pray to- School boys 16 years or ABLE, active, astute. The Sing­ Transferred owner. Priced rea­ ly well cared for hom« Is 5 one heating system, 2-car ga­ $22,800. nr.lv .dlstrijx. deceased. through conversions of outsiders Alan Berg, head of a U.S. anti- to reach eight mlUloin dally next new cars. Flat rate. Paid holi­ over for full or part-time Cole’s Discount Station, 451 schools, bus, shopping Im­ rage, good lot. ExceUent in­ now. Only $15,200. Hayes Upon application of Lawrence A. _ _ ward that motmtaln, which er Co. has openings for man­ Apartments— Rots— listically *n low 20’s. Principals years old, located in a quiet Avenev (U6.0131 Scranton and Arthur E. Scranton, marrying Into the COmmiBUty. famine program. month. days, insurance and vacation. work. agement trainees. If you are We.st Center St. resddenUal area. There are 3 maculate. Bed Air Real Elstate, vestment. T. J. Crockett, Real­ aBciicy, uiox. execiitrvrs praying for authority to The l ^ ‘i r i e i s ’-e 'o i^ e goes overlooks Nablus, but also cele- Contact Tony or Earl, Paul only, 649-7861. ularly Berg says an epidemic can be fa addition to providing intere.sted in sales and man­ GBRT’S A GAY GIRL—Ready Tenements 63 large bedrooms, l^i baths, 643-9332. tor, 643-1677. WARREN E. HOWLAND v e RNON — Extraordinary Sac- d^'eribed^ a^ica^oo^ra fUe^ back to th^ days rt Moses. But PosMver there, in a expected any time after the meals, various groups are help- Dodge Pontiac, 649-2881. kitchen built-ins, formal din­ APPLY agement, we want to talk to for a whirl after cleaning car­ LOOKING FOR anything in real MANCHESTER —6 room Ranch , riflce. room Ranch; 4 room “ o rd ered : That the foregoing the newly fa begin because fecal bac- Ing dig wells tor water tor hu- ing room, fireplace, excellent SEVEN ROOM Cape, Bower* TWO FAMUJES — We hav* Realtor 648-1108 e S * ^ v f S n LATHE HANDS and gmeral you. Guarantee of up to $100. pets with Blue Lustre. Rent 6'tate rentals — apartments, with 3 bedrooms, formal dining School area. 3 bedrooms, kitch­ home, over 3 acres land, 150x application be heard and dete* built white limestone temple as tt must nave Been m teria, ’’lying all over the place,” mans and cattle, and are pro­ per week during training. Good closet space, aluminum .storms several to choose from, one machinists, paid ho^ltaliza- MCDONALD’S DRIVE-IN electric .shampooer, $1. Paul's homes, multiple dwellings, no ix>om, fireplaced li\ing room, en, living room, dining room, only 3 years old, fine locatton, ______200, zoned for business. For ?J,‘esfor“^n^SLiri‘’T^trir?^on the^slh comfortable houses in the ™® *^y® Moses, may be washed into drinking tiding clothing, tion, holidays and vacation 46 West Center St, salary, commission and car al­ Paint & Wallpaper Supply. large kitchen with built-ins, and screens. Wesley R. Smith, complete details call Paul J. day of' June, a.d. 196'7, at eleven Samaritan quarter rt Nablus as water with disastrous conse- The United States is providing fees. Call J. D. Real Estate, Realtor, 643-1567. family room and garage. Like good tacome. Thinkfag r t fa- TOLLAND -oversized 5% room plan. Apply Metronlcs. Inc., lowance after training period. 643-5129. I ’o baths. 2-car garage. $26,500. (Jorrentl, 643-5363, 643-2125. , ^^ ''b e^g rien to llT p e rs ^ fotel^ ®vidence of hls people’s new quencea. 76 per cent of the food base re- PICNIC Tables—several styles new. Principals oiVly. Call 649- vestment property, let us show ^ on a beautmui% acres, *^*^v*, ^p ^ ^^ in te^ ^ LopeZ-MatCOS, •40 HillJard St. AW employe benefits. For this Wolverton Agency, Realtors, 6260. you what we have. FhUbcick Cholera, endemic to India, qulred fa production rt a high Help Wanted— Mole 36 better than average position from $15.50, up. All bolted ta­ MODERN 4 room second floor 649-2813. 3 bedrooms, country kitcheai, BOL/TON — Owner transferred, of said application and the time TnTrfM-niflin idTurrirtm ^ ” takes a heavy annual toll of protein, low-cost baby food, bles from $20. up, delivered. Agency, Reoltovs, 649-5347. LABORER — Experienced pre­ apply to the Singer Co. 71 Pratt apartment, heat, hot water, SPLIT LEVF3L —family room, prrteselonally flnl^ ^ ly this 7 roexm Ranch has largo a'ci'pT ’S The world’s ^ t 'surviving M cxicail L cad cr, lives. It strikes harder at under- Production of 12,(X)0 tone a St., Hartford. W. Zinker, RockviQile, 875-0397. electric range, refrigerator, MANCHESTER—Own your own dining room, modem kitchen $19,000 — Eight rooms, 4 bed- room, minutes from UOonn. f&mlly room, fireplace and some newsjiaper having a cdrcula- Tnidnlc sivd- al,sm honato a mod. ^ ferred, full-time, driver's li­ 2-bedroom liome for only $12,- nourished persons. . month is hoped for by the end rt cense required. 643-08.51 after country location, $125. Adult ACT with built-ine, I’.i baths, ga­ roems, 2 baths, ftreplace, ga­ The effect could be intensified June. Factories are going into ACCOUNTANT BARTENDERS —full or part- EXCELLEJNT, EFFICIENT and couple, no pets. 643-7056 after 9(X). Big shaded yard. Ideal WRealtors. 649-2813. ______^ teths, ^dsc^ed “'a Samaritans, half by the Jor- Suffers Stroke 6 . rage, large landscaped lot. $23,- rage, trees bus, ’ Manchester. ______this year because Blliaris by the operation now. tiiine. Apply Gaslight Res­ economical, that's Blue Lustre .starter or retirement. FHA Now while mortgage money Degree lequirM, ait least 8 carpet and upholstery’ cleaner. 1 p.m. 900. Philbrick Agency, Realtor* Hutohdns Agency, Reettors, BOLTON LAKE room year ^ relative thereto, end by mauing on dan government, MEXICO (JITY (AP) — Adol- thousands are on the verge rt The Americans have set up an taurant. 30 Oak St., Manches­ $500. dowTi Call now. Paul W. is plentiful and there is an 649-5,347. room year jjg 500 Louis Dimock Realty, or before May 26, 1967, by certifiedAmraim oliccalso vdwill display the fa Lopez Mateos, president of starvation. elaborate ‘‘early warning sy»- yeans’ experience in indus­ ter. Rent electric .shampooer, $1. tVE HAVE customers waitiug Ilougan, Realtor, 649-4535. 649-5324. ’round home. ’Two-3 bedrooms,oms, 649-9823 mall, a copy of this order to Ar- Amiraim also Wl„ —^—., ----- ample supply of housing porch overlooking lake. 100 x '______. thur E. Scranton, 160 Tolland Turn- Samaritan’s most precious rel- Mexico from 1958 to 1964, re- Ji rains do not come, officials tern” at vtilage level to signal trial accounting, tlmough The Sherwin-Wi'llianis Co. for the rental of your apart­ available. If you are hunt­ MANCHESTER -older 6 room WOODHILL Heights —^7 room pike, Manchester, Conn., and re- general ledger and finan­ ment or home. J. D. Real Es­ CHENEY ESTATE—14 rooms, 4 (Jolonlal, near shopping, 200 lot, drily $13,500. Wolve- ANDOtfER^Pive room Ranrti, ?u™‘ike to this Court" Court. j®' ^® A^bleha scrrtl rt the first mained „ . unconscious . , ^ a y, after . expect . many - persons. to die of food and water shortages. ing for a new or used home Ckilonial, in top condition, cab- JOHN J. WALLETT, Judge,five books r t the Bible, said to suffering a stroke Wednesday starvation or lack r t water. Officials aay the key to wbetb- cial statements. Some HOME Help Wonted— tate. 643-5129. baths, 2 car garage, approx­ schools and highway. 'Three ton Agency, Realtors, 649- 3 years old, walk-out base­ in the Manchester area let ineted kitchen, enclosed porch, 2813. CtoexecSor^’ be the oiWest known copy rt the wid doctors said they feared heads a team rt experts er Bihar becomes a tragedy liM , knowledge of cost and Mole or Female imately 3 acres of land- By ap­ one of our experienced real baths, conveniently locat­ bedrooms, baths, oversized ment, acre lot. Cali now. only taxes. Salary open. Please 37 Boots and Accessories 46 THREE ROOM apartment, heat pointment. Philbrick Agency, 1*2 $14,500. Hayea Agency, 646- death may be imminent. drawn from the U.S. Embassy in rains which usually come in estate coun-selors' assist you ed, $17,300. Hayes Agency, 648 garage, shaded lot, lower 20’s. b OLTON —8 room house with send resume or coll DELIVERY and hot water furnished. Call Realtors, 649-5347. 0131. He was found unconscious in and the U.S. Agency for Inter- late May, making the ground REAL ESTATE .sales person, 35 H. P. MERCURY outboard, in finding the right home 0131, Principals only. 649-7813. swimming pool, barn and 8 0 ______Koneer AerodyTbamlc Sys­ licen.sed. full or part-time. Mr. 1959 model, rebuilt in 1965, 643-2068. Auctioneer’s Gavel to End the bedfroom of his home. . national Development staffs, suitable tor planting. If they do tems, Inc., Manchester, MANCHESTER - 4 bedroom Ck> to .suit your family needs. ______' . 7T ~ 1 acres of land on Brandy Rd. SALESMEN Miller, 647-1198. electric starter. 649-6326. .As members of lx>th the INVESTMENT minded—Lovely Dr. Manuel Velasco Suarez, plus some from Washington, to not come, the hea’vy monsoon •44-1581. 3'i. ROOM apartment, central lonial on a 150 x 200’ lot, big T. J. Crockett, Realtor, 643- veanon director of the National Neu- help In a famine relief program, rains due a month later wlH do TAXI DRIVERS FuU or part- location, heat, hot water, gas family kitchen with all built- Manchester and Greater 2-family with a pos.sible third kUcheiL, bufllt-4n vacuum sys- vomon Glamorous North Texas Era Good home seiwice delivery 15’ WOLVERINE, 30 h.p. Evin- Vernon Multiple Li.sting unfinished, located a block tern. SBiracCv 119x165 lot, cbit- ____*______rological Hospital, said Lopez Private relief agencies are play- no good. routes are now open, which time, days or nights. Good rude, electric start, trailer, for cooking, garage, second ins. Heated family room, for­ MUENSTER, Te^, (AP) — it as the homestead end thus Mateos was being kept in a spe- An Equal Opportunity driving recoird required. 643- floor of private home. Middle mal dining room, fireplaced Systems we have over 150 from Manchester’.s redevelop­ den, trees, $21,900. Hutchins VERNON—NEW 2-famlly Oar- QUALITY Employer wall give the right men complete with top and canvass. li.stings on file at all times. ment, 220 wiring for -stoves and Agency, ReoUtors, 649-5324. rlson Colonial separate faclU' The rap of an auctioneer’s gavel exempt under state law from cial tent at a lowered body tem- good income. 5 day week, 2123. Call after 2 p.m. 643-5457. aged couple or working lady bring room, 2-oar garage, Vol- PRICE Thursday will signal the end ol seizure for delbt. perature to reduce hls blood prefen-ed. C.sll 643-8101. verton Agency, Ren.Uors, 649- Drop into oui’ office and air-conditioners. May be pur­ ----- " ■■■' ' — ■— ties, 649-4498. many fringe benefits. A chased completely furnished. a glamorous era in this rural The Medders’ big bubble circulation and his metabolism Beatnik Grooms for Office liberal commission arrange­ 2813. look these listings over at LOCATION EXPERIENCED spray painter IDEAL for busine.ss woman or vour convenience. Wolverton Agency, 649-2813. GLASTONBURY — immaculate area rt north Texas. broke fa February when deeds in an effort to avoid another ment makes possible high Fa$hion Plus 10x55’ 4 room trailer on 126x w ant^. Custom work. Display- I earnings. PERSON OVER 21. Mu.st be Diamonds— Wctches— couple, second floor spacious FOUR BEDROOM Ranch con­ By late Thursday, all that’s of trust, notes and other docu- hemorrhage, On Love-Art-Beauty Ticket craft,! Manchester. 643-9557. MANCHESTER—4 room Cape, 388’ treed lot. Artesian well. Custom buUt Raised Ranch expected to remain rt the show- ments came to light. Bank- Dr. James Poppen rt Boston able to accept responsibilily, good condition 4 room apart­ veniently located near East on landscaped wooded lot be .shift supervisor and take J e w e lry 48 ment, heat, hot water and Hartford. Large living room 2 bedrooms, large kitchen, $10,000 full price! Bel Air Reed place (Jcfloniel Acres Form rt ruptcy proceedings followed. operated on the former presl- ne)W 'YORK (AP) _ When “I’m glad I wasn’t wearing CARPENTERS wanted. Apply Apply Personnel Department .TARVIR REALTY CO. near shopping and schools, St. Estate. 643-9332. easily expandable to meet charge of shop 2-4 nights a WA.TCH AND JEWELRY r f parking. $100. monthly. 649- with fireplace, 2 ceramic baths, Ernest and Margaret Medders Six years ego, Medders was a dent two years ago to relieve jgyg conquers all end Louis my cape today or the trip would in person, Wilshlre Rd., Ver­ Monday-Friday REALTORS MLS INSUR'o r S -James Parish. Selling below the needs of your growing week. Earn excellent wages pairing. Prompt service. Up ro 9286, after 4. unu.sual 14 x 20 family room, will be a homestead. truck mechaitic’s helper for an the pressure of blood passing Aihoia/Wn becomes president, the have been much worse.” H* non. 649-5391 for information. 8:30 A.M.-3 P.M. appraised value. Asking $9,900. fondly, $22,000. The remalnd^ rt the foibulous distributor in Memphis, through arteries on which small cajijinet may consist rt: heaved a martyr’s sigh, with food allowance piwided. $20. on your old watch in trade. 2-car garage. Excellent value, 283 East Center Street 643-1121 Set For Baby EXPERIENCED janitor for lo­ No experience necessary. All SCHOOL ST. —six room duplex, 10 per cent down, 30 year mort­ J. D. Real Estate, 643-5129, or spread, once one rt the most Tenn. Mira. Meiddera was a blisters had formed. Doctors Beat poet Allen Ginsberg os Over his turttoneck and skim- Closed Mondays, F. E. Bray, adults, no pets. Available July 649-8538. cal oiffipe building. Excellent SEALTEST FOODS training done on premise.s. Ap­ 737 Main St. State Theatre gage available Wesley R. lavish party sites In the state, uurse ait St, Joseph’s Hospital, said at that time none of the g^cretary rt love; TMmothy Lea- py dark suit he slings one rt two ply in per-son. Friendly Ice 1. Call 643-5563. Smith, Realtor, 643-1567. DIMOCK REALTY will go to the highest bidders to ^ ®^® Poop Sisters rt St. blisters, known as aneurisms, secretary of food and drugs, black capes with gold or silver working conditions. Call 646;- MILK DIVISION" Building. MANCHESTER — 4 bedroom 0133 for appointment. Cream, 1155 Tolland Tpke., 649-9823 649-5245 settle creditors’ claims.^ The Francis, in Memphis. had been removed. One of them televlsian entertainer John- linings. Thus with W« silky 3*2 ROOMS, furnished or un­ M^NCHESTER —now 3 bed­ .MANCHESTER—6 room Cape Ranch, ideal family home in 255 Homestead Ave., Hartford next to Caldor, furnished, oil heat, good loca­ Medders are bankrupt. Medders was told that he was burst, causing Wednesday’s (jarson—^if he will accepL-as beard afid soulful yellow eye* MAN WANTED to work In lum­ room Colonial, with 2>.l. bath.s, in a Clolonial setting near snop- Choice central location. Spa­ The auctioneer will call for heir to a big Texas oU for- hemorrhage, Velasco Suarez secretory rt joy. he seem*j a sort r t hybrid Alb* An Equal Opportunity Household Goods 51 tion, reasonable, parking, c(>untry size kitchen with built- ping and schools, 2-car gar­ cious living room with wall' to said. beryard, must have driver’s li­ Employer adults only. Call 643-6389. ANDOVER — Wehster Lane, bids on such symbols rt ef- fa”®- He borrowed $600 from the There will be no secretary rt Lfaicoln and Batmen, cense. Davis & Bradford Lum­ ins including dishwasher. For­ age, very nice lot, St. James vv'all carpet and fireplace. Lopez Mateos’ wife, Eva, and war. Indeed, the Pentagon Though not boom fa a log ca- CLEAN, USED refrigerators, 5% room Ranch, 1% baths, 2 fluence as a trophy-twinning Poor Sisters to check out the ber Co. 200 Tolland St., Eas* WANTE3D MARRIED couple mal dining room, 24’ living Parish. Asking $17,900. J. D. Landscaped ti'ce shaded lot, their daughter Avecita were might possibly become a mam- bln, Abolaifia did menage to do ranges, automatic washers, acres. Leonard Agency, Re*d- bull, a champicn stallion, a vta- with a lawyer, Hartford. for jamitorial service in office FOUR ROOM duplex with ga­ room, heated I and fireplaced heal Estate Co., 643-5129 or $19,700. Louis Dimock, Realty, tors, 646-0469. tage car ajid an oil well. Last week, Mira. Medders told with him. moth art golierty. the political thing and be born with guarantees See them at OPPORTUNITY TO grow with bviiildmg, ev’enings, mu.st have rage. Call 649-2190 after 6 p.m. family room.l 2-car garage, 649-8538. 649-9823. Louis Abolafia, 26, is a New to bumtole parents fa a Wert TIRE SERVICE mail, 45-55 a young expanding company. own ti'anspoilation. Good B. D. Pearl’s Appliances, 849- $31,900. Wolverton Agency, VERNON-LARGE Ranch on hours per week. Must be Main St. Call 643-2171. ^ I • n • > York artist, who says he Is Side Manhattan tenement. At In the sales department. Pre­ hours, good pav. 46 Oak St., Realtors, 649-2813. , wooded tot, 2-car garage, alu- cas^’ s t o c k s I 5 r i 0 1 going to try to -win the presiden- age 10 his aridatic abUity wa* steady worker and married. 649-,5334. mdnum storms, fireplace, $17,- the Medders borrowed in vious experience in processing SEWING MACHINE —Singer Furnished MUST RELOCATE NEW YORK (AP)_The stock ti-al election in 1868 on the Love- ddscovered by a social worker Paid vacation and other bene- orders desired, typing requir­ CXIZY 2 bedroom Ranch, fire­ 900, 10 per_cent down. Meyer large amounts from the Poor fSits. Experience helpful but not MANAGER .—man” or woman automatic zig-zag Ip cabinet, Apartments 63>A place. garage, priced for quick plates and surveyed the Angus market rebounded Thursday Art-Beauty ticket. who arranged the first rt a se- ed. Excellent wages and full for snack bar, Holiday Lanes, button holes, ■ embroiders, hems Agency, 643-0609. herds, fat and testwl for virility Sisters. “We would send them with trading heavy early in the HisHls followers claim nehe re- nesries oiof scnoiaramic,scholarships, mciuumgincluding a essential. Apply in person, company insurance provided. RfXlKVILLE —3 rooms, com­ sale (Thar Bon Agency, 643- Nichols-Manche^er Tire, Inc., Inquiw in per.son Monday etc. Like new condition. Orig­ 0683. EAST HARTFORD—6 room Co- and diseasedisease. ptona and ■when they approved ceived 2,600 write-in votes In the much-prized one at the Museum Pleai^ call 872-0655 for an in­ through Friday 9-12. inally oven’ $300, balance now, pletely furnished, first floor, WANTED them’they w ^d send us men- ^ mixed opening the 1966 New York gubernatorial rt Modern Art. 295 Brood St. , parking, centrally located. 875- toniai, with attached garage, “We ought tp take In a half- Air mJhA rrsM 4>Ka /imMvf T <*0 .. ______a i..,^!. terview. Oonitromatics Oorp., $58. Take bve;- payments of $13,900—Older 7 room home on excelient tot, vith many ma- miUlon doQato, maybe more,” market rose, graduaUy widen- race—just a warmup, they say. By 1864 Abolo^’s disUhi^ 200 West Main St., Rockville. F(X)D. SE3RVICE, personnel, 8322. bus line, loaded with posslbili- to Buy, Rent or Lease BLECTRICIAN’S helper; ex­ $10, monthilY. .522-04'76. -t- tun trees and shrubs, lira- said Cook. >^eople^v» been ^ indicated the iijg its gains „ untilt,hi ninnplus signs torfor the huge “-vouth“youth awareness” with museums attitude toward perienced, , Immediate steady fiiU-time, 18 or ovei' for kitchen tie.s, excellent financing avail­ place, large Bving room and coming trpm all over to take a outnumbered minuses by near- vote for prertdent which will be centemporary painty Ibd hta SINCiER automatic Zig Zag THREE ROOM furnished apart­ SMALL SHOP or BUILDING LOT •mployment. Wdlsstatue “The Thinker,” at morial Hospital. obc.* (sold for over $200 !hew) MANCHESTER — Split Level, fa the morning. Under Abolafia’s love admin- the MetropoUtan Museum rt .To take charge of our like new, 9 rooms, 3 baths, ED'S SIGN CO. ______648-8538. curiosity seekers and souvenir tear, $5 a month .or $43 70 cash!' will Stocks rose from fractions to Istratlcm, mothers—Instead rt Art. After be got out r t Jail, hs men’s department. Good PART-TIME cleaning, nights, many extras, $29,900 firm. DEAN MACHINE fuJl-time position. Apply accept trade, (jail 246-4486. {Business Locations 79 CHARTER OAK STREElj EAST HARTFORD —2-tomUy fa^®rs, t^-” . ' “We never meant to defraud a point or better along a broad screeching at their kids—whl picketed the museum. This ao- Monday-Friday, $2 per hour. Owner, 643-9859. TEL. 643-8268 bouse, garage, $26,600. Phil- early tooker wop Peggy gnyhody,” she said. PRODUCTS 643-2449. DANISH DIVAN—walnut with For Rent 64 ■ « ! - Levine of Btort Worth. She wo. 5 ^-^ei"anyiS y." * ^he higher-priced tihann^ energies into notional ^ glamor issues or specially-sltu- beautdfloattan projisots. And underground m o m e n t fo r D & L foam cushion and coffee table 5647. interested fa the big Meddqra 166 Adams St., Manchester IN THE electronic field we need with gla.ss top to match, rea- STORE FOR RENT, Main St., ‘Why did you oonseot to gtocka snapped back sev- youth—instead' of mugging old Ameirtcon eirt and a oonuMeta Manchester Shopping Parkade production workers. No pre­ -sonable Call 649-3761 after 6 Manchester In State Theatre COVENTRY — newer 6 room building, reasonable rent. For Abolafia soyfti Has Immediate Openings vious experience neces.sary, p.m. home, exioeUent ocodittaa, tire- “Some rt these trophlea nuu more money, will train. Multi-Circuits, Inc. information please call theatre place, garage, privacy, 8 riibbctis wtll sell high,” sbe said. The Wediiasday decline, based by smearing at easeJs, pracOc- “We enjoy ourselves, DISHWASIBEH — Houirs 13:30- 50 Harrison St. BEAUTIFHL Antique Blue manager at ’ 843-7832. on trepidation about the Middle music lessouje, or scribbling “Some people think tbes* Day and Night Shifts acres, pend,, call now. Only’“if a person wonts a souvenir, a . • w j 8:30, no Simdays. Apply Cen­ Wedgewood lamp; 6 .x 9 hook­ *1 East situation, was tlie biggest undnhiWted literature on their have somethfag to do with sex. LARGE CORNER store, down­ NEW FARM SHOP $17,900. Hayes Agency, 646- he’U pay $1 for something fa m ily Auto to Klde ter Restaiuomt, 499 Main St. ed rug; chest of drawers; book­ TALLWOOD Fsired to become both mother of the year. writing pads. But -sex is another thing alto- Turret -latlhe (sot-up and Situotions W ontedr- town Manchester 45x70’. Par­ om . worth 26 cents.” Train Down Seaboard operate) Herdinge Ohuck- case headboaird. Excellent con­ end daughter, these charming nvwj a fa® prizes came from JACKSONVILLB, Pte.. — A The Associated Press average Alboilafla, who posed for post- gether. It fa not necessarily my TWO EXPERIENCED painters dition. Call 649-0679. tially finished basement. Call took-aUkea have jdeture-pretty «r (set-up and operate) and a painter’s helper, top Fem ole 38 522-3114. is a unique community of TCOiiAND—NEW 8 room Rais- January’s Southwestern highly oultoinBited ‘^auto trip” of 60 stocks ait noon was up 2.4 ere wearing nothing but a ticket.” ' ' _ APPLICATIONS NOW BEING TAKEN oolhUB, button tr ^ ^ na^ g„flt aheiUrBtttoh and orion ed Ranch, wooded acre lot, gan Antonto! down"the Coast to Fkxrida at 819j2 with industrials up 4.3, strategically...... placed derby,— ------says Abolaaa plans to_ ____ keep___ Wa Days, Bridgeport AMllers wages to Tight men. Call after RELIABLE MOTHER with ref­ fine homes in a' private E xpo^tlon fa Sen (set-up and operate). «. 649-96,58. row aatf-tying belts. Tvro pait- oonoWna to make a alm- M eS ers^L nataS - may be avaUahle soon on a car- raUs iTp .9 and utUltles up .6. ho definitely plans to ^ ^ erences wishes babj^sitting TWQ PLAY’ER pianos, $76 and 24 rec v ri^ fireplaces, prizes. tnala. The fomlly cor would be The Dow Jones Industrial av- hat into thering. t o He fa days or evenings for working $125. Call 643-7449. SMALL OFFICE for I'ent. Call wooded setting. Two model aaaa. ■- . . pls beBUtlftil sSt ftw hohy! AX Benefits DIuVFJR aalesman, small food parents. 643-8857. 646-0090, or 643-5675. homes for your unhurried FOR MALE AND FEMALE HELP fa orochot. J?*” Anlmafa for sale include loaded dlreotlly oh dotible-deck erage at noon was up 6.57 gt ardent supporters are absolute- fa som ^^ CX>U(jH, 2 chairs, 3 tables, re­ handy to parkw ay, $23,90»; 10 cham pion Appaltoosa railro ad oaira. 859.18. - ly oerbata young voters wiU t ^ p ^ “ canteen truck, good wages and STORE — HEATED, 20x70’, S ***?? ^ faofaded a oardUgan, hel- An Equal Opportunity WANTED — full-time counter frigerator, good for cottage. inepection. Just off South Siml2, 82 bust, 2% yards bunting—not shown. per cent down. Meyer Agency, staillon r S ^ s S m ^ Food, reoreattan and an op- Chicago A North Western held boost Mm Into the Whtte H(^e. *“ “*• good hours, full or part-time, downtown 840 Main St. Man­ Employer (jail Lou’s Pood Serrice, 876- job as secretary. Have assoc­ Call 643-2216. Main Street, 5 minutes TO OPERATE OUR BEAUTIFUL NEW 46"IDC1L RAfV 643-0609. champion mare Jok- portuMty to stretich one’s legs a gain rt 7 points after rising ^ P^y to^^^eraitloa baa iate degree and 4 years exper­ chester. (jail 522-3114. er’s Queen, qurntw ^se more would he servUces offered en about 10 in early dealings. The and c^eiy woman as the vice- After the love generation baa 9077, between 8 a m .-4:80 from Manchester Center on , Nto- . ' ' [al running mete. —gottai him a lease on the WMto p.m. ience. 742-9176. MAPLE TABLE and 4 choirs, SUITE V of offices presently Waiter Trlx and prize Block An- route for less than $100 per Mlwaukee Road, prospective pr^idi suitable fpr kitchen or dining ^ we -win find such a House, Abclafia fatenda to suited for professional purpose the Glastonbury town line. W anf«l-R ei.l £slt.f 77 gus wnii", Qreat Berdo- auto. The Introduqttan dato for merger partner rt North West- “Pe’ PRESS OPERATORS MAN WANTED-Apply in ALTERATIONS and ironing room, $36. 649-1619, after 3:30. Open 1-9. leenm ere and (.mijgatvaf Ele- siich a o ar tra in fa e a rly in ern, rose m ore th an 3. oandli at our cosmic tove-in change, the United States into a done In my home. Reasonable is now available in the St'ato fa a; few weeks," tove-one-enotber, do-sometoing^ PORK LIFT ORERATORS son, Capdtol E3q|iipment, Theater Building. Can be sub­ I FARM SHOP pnwph*l(tote AW AW &rtril»aa._mB^, ^ fflwt-cHaflB m aiang, your home? For gance. 1988; toe train between Jtack- IBM and Xerox snapped hack fa W< 649-1916. 30” FRIGIDAIRE electric stove, for aoioh pattani, to: Sua Bur- prompt, service MtaMsy, 38, a textile beautiful country. Then he piano ; PACKERS Main St. good condition, $50. Call 649- divided If necessary. For In­ The IBOifoot exhlMticn bom fa ronviMo end Washington, D.C., half a dozen points each in a said 6 4 7 - 9 9 Z 1 AT KELLY RD. IN VERNON nett, Mancharter Bvaatag Her- that gats res baif-fWl rt veterinary equip- 'would make' the 750-mile trip show r t reslUence alter stiff r and convert to to travel extensively ehrood, Shift, 45 Hour Week 0382. formation call Theater mana­ party. love-meameriztog the rett rt tha APPLY CASHIFIR WAFJt ED — part- ger. 648-7832. 649-9828. men't, horse wMps, caiMe prods in about 12 hours. losses Wednesday. the m . . ___ time nights and weekends. Ap­ Dogs—4frds— Pets 41 L.C.GREE|MOUGH CO NEW TORE, N.Y. 10086. International Telephone Abolafia granted an interview crassly commeredoi world. FLORENCE combination gas Full or part-time, no experience necessary. Training course W ANTED ^ 3! bediocfn home, ®nd $40,000 worth rt tools, sad- ■astero Boiler, 99 Loomis S t ply in person to M r\ Gordon, AKC BLACK miniature poodles, stove, bedroom set, light Wood, TAVERN—^F\>r sale or rent, In­ Print Name, Address with Pancakes wm li®ep warm till sagged more than 2 points as a the other day, ru^ng in Who will be first lady? 'Manchestei(|. Cojintry Drug, 277 West Mid­ quire Birch St. Tavern, or call with pay for an employes. Apply In person Mon. thru FrLi' Zip Code Style Number and ^ j s . . _ _ _ _ "I’M have to do somaifainc puppy shots, wormed. Call 876- kitchen set. Excellent condi­ Sfip Ctoda w d Sityw Nuiribear. dle Tpke. 0187. 643-9505. tw^*abeete"rt '^'p^lowakig ^ed agalntt the proposed mer- hour. He Mumped toto a chair, fa® <***■ DRIVER FOR laundry route tion, best offer. 643-5919. Including Memorial Day, from 10 AJIL to 5 P.M. or caU pao. with the lateot Have you the ’67 with buBt-iB^ 2-car garage, was known as “the party bam.” seeihingly exhausted by throngs dent bachelor candidate. *^ik part-time mornings, pall 649- ADORABLE PUPPIES—Pedl­ 627 MAIN ST. —large store and huta gradating toa 1967 AWim Ofant wiiUng to pay up to A lawyers for the Meddlers on a POinU and rt”"^ -w l^ and hail thatwlll have tobe my ow«i* 872-4856 for an appointment. l$SO,000. Keiith Agency, 649- hope to save the -acre core rt wen. They wlU stay Just baked 1002 for appointment,’ Lucky (jONTROL DESK operator, eve- ar mixed. Wild Cargo Pet basement, renovate for tenant. Spring and aun»wr Baate IbJh- 186 IlflOL Ufa l,40O«ara q^nad. afafanlng mofat y r i wtmft b* aonor- Control Date 8. Lady Laundry. J , . ninga, Holiday Lane*, 643-2120. 643-6108. Read Herald Ads 0294i5U.

r: . I.'A. • * - ^'-5*^ « .....--••W ’ -V-'-,V -• -f .....

THURSDAY, 1987 | a GB TWENTt-FOUR Average Daily Net Press Run ?■ iTOanrljPBtfr ^ tiBiting ------For The Week Ended The Weather »» ^ Mtay 20, 1907 Police Check || Fair and mild tonight, low : About Town Town Shriners Head ii I 46-60; aunny and \warm twmor- Reservations for the Mystic Four Accidents For The Graduafe... 15,210 row, high 86-90. ■ i" Review, North American Benefit V Mancheater— A City of Vittage Charm Association Mystery Ride will Four minor oar accidents, in­ Some Sphinx Units I ' ' close tom ortw^, and may be A new and unusual gift for Manchester High and cluding a three-car crash, were MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JUNE 2, 1967 (CSasaifled Advertising on Page 2 1 ) PRICE SEVEN CENTS i made with Mrs. jbhn Vince, 227 East Catholic graduates. Colorful plaques of their VOL. LXXXVI, n o ; 206 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES— TWO SECTIONS) reported today by police. No in­ Manchestfir Sliriners are providing Sphinx Temple \ McKee St. Those planning to at- school'emblems on solid birch wood. You Will find r tend will meet Tuesday at 5:45 juries were I'eported. with much of its leaderaliip. Four from this town have p.m. at Hartforfi Rd. and Char- In the three-car cra ^ at Rt. been appointed as heads of their re.spective Shrine units them at ... ■ •V ^ tor Oak St. 44A and E. Middle Tpke., An­ that will take part in the Spring Ceremonial parade and thony Ohicerrohia, 32, of Ireland initiation of candidates Satur- —^ Chapman Court, Order of Dr., South Coventry, was issued day. jof units, some of them serving SHOpR JEWELERS Amaranth, will observe Royal a written warning for follow­ Sphinx Temple Band is the as officers, 3 Die on Israel-Syria Border Matron and Patron Night to­ second oldest band in Slirinte-' in the band, William Forbes 917 MAIN ST.. MANCHESTER morrow at 7:45 at Masonic ing too clo-sely, police said. They said the car he was dom, and was the first to ever ■ of 231 McKee St. is drum ma- Temple. Guests from other participate in an Imperial, or jor; Alfred W. Driggs Jr. of 616 courts will exemplify the de­ drii^ng^ at 6 p.m. yesterday national. Shrine convention. Its n . Main St. is librarian, a post THE THEASIRE SHOPPE grees. Mrs. Irene Lindquist of struck the reaj’ of a car driven manager is Harold E. Turking- he has held for about 18 years; Blast Hartford and John F. by Janet M. Bagge of 99 Fer­ ton of 15 Berkley St., who is Joseph Gatto pt 60 Durant St. MANCHESTER PARKADE Ilamilton of West Hartford will' guson Rd. which had stopped in serving his third term in that is chief quartermaster, and In First Armed Clash of Crisis preside. Officers will wear w’hite Frank Maloney of 22 Englewood capacity. Joseph A. Kowell Gerald X. Millington dresses. Mrs. Virginia Lewis is a line of traffic. The woman’s Dr. is assistant secretary-treas­ Joseph A. Kowell of 107 He- tn charge of refreshments. car then was shoved into a car AMERICAS LARGEST FAMILY CLOTHING CHAINl lalne Rd. is chief director of the urer. Other Manchester-firea Motor ahead operkted by Evelyn E. Sphinx Temple Directors Asso- Other Ixuidsmon ftx>m tliis Paitrol membdrs are Woodrow The VFW Post and Auxiliary Miller of Windham, police salcl. F iremen /Quell will visit Rocky Hill Veterans elation. They are responsible for a.rea arc Raymond Brown, McCann, Charles Biwicr, Ornrles Hospital Tuesday. Tho.se plan­ A minor hit-and-run accident the initiation of candidates. Welland Byler, Thomas Grove, Thayer, William Stanek, Frank Two. Grass Fires Fight Follows Recall ning to go w ll meet at 6 p.m. occurred at 7:05 p.m. yester­ Kowell was appointed to liis Phtink Kalas, Max Kabrick, Ceaser, Joseph Gallant and day on Paster St. Police .said a post this year. Walter Schub, N. John Fellows, Harold Geer. at the post home for transporta­ The Town and 8th District oar owned by BaiPry Guliano, The Spliinx Cycle Unit is only tion. Gerald T Millinirton of 37 Herbert Kingsbury, William Fire Departments each exting­ 20, of Wind.sor was hit while Of Hawkish General Benton St. is captafn this year Waddell a.nd Elliott Washbrnu. three years old. and its current uished a minor fire yesterday, parked by an unidentified car The Royal Black Preceptory of the Temple Guard, which is The Sphinx Arab Patix>l has president .is Carl Somers of- 36 officials said. JERUSALEM (AP)*— An armed clash erupted on Is­ which left the scene. will meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the Shrine’s own built-in police Jornm V. Nurmi of 39 Foxcroft Barry Rd. while Kenneth Pair- Town firemen from Co. 1 rael’s border witli Syria today, bringing the first fatali­ Orange Hall. The Royal White weatihor of Bolton is secretary. A rear-end oi’ash occurred at staff. Millington is a former Dr. ~ as one of ' Its” lieutenants *' quelled a brush fire at 12:41 ties since the Middle East crisis broke out. Israel’s degree will be exemplified. 11 p.m. Wednesday in a pri­ Harry Bra.im and Alfred Cur­ Philip H. Brass Jr. is a member. captain of the Manchester Po­ p.m. on Bush Hill Rd. a m y spokesman said two Israelis and a Syrian were vate parking lot near 69 Birch lice Auxiliary. rie are patrol members, as is Aaron G. (Buzz) Olmstead of Eighth District firemen put killed. ’ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Little Flower of Jesus Mothers St. Police said a oar driven by Ru.s.sel'1 Stevenson, a former Ellington is captain of the out a grass fire at 12:18 p.m. on Herbert Urweider of 51 The fighting came a few hours Britain, and France to try to Circle will meet tomorrow at Alfred M. Gioleili, 52, of 53 town resident. Sphinx Mounted Patrol, a horse Stock PI. Princeton St. is captain of the after the appointment of Gen. solve the crisis—a call received B:15 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Steep Hollow Lane backed into Members of the Directors As- unit that is being organized Motor Patrol, tlie national Moshe Dayan, a vigorous cooly by the Russians although Donald Duffy, 90 Cambridge a parked car owned by John .sociation include Robert Bant- now and has three members. OLD FASHIONED THIEF champion Shrine Motor Patrol. fighting man and architect of arousing interest In Washington St. Mrs. .Robert Giorgeti is co­ Dietrichsen, of FVench Rd., ly, Walter Waddell and Thomas AH these units will appear SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Those are the little cars that Israel’s triumph over Egypt in and London, hostess. F; Feiguson. in the parade Saturday after­ Two men slipped into a U.S. Bolton. perform precision drills and the Suez war of 1956, as defense Egypt showed no sign of back- Dr. Merrill B, Rubinow is noon at 2 o'clock from Soutli Army base post office near The Manchester Bridge Club Another rear-end crash oc­ formations. They will defend minister. Israel looked to Dayan ing down in the confrontation Terminus to Memorial Field at closing time Wednesday, locked win sponsor a duplicate bridge curred at 10:30 a.m. Wednes­ their national title next month .secretary of the Medical Di­ to prosecute a vigorous policy. with Israel, which began early 2 Manchester High School, where three employes in a vault and game tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the day at M)ain and E. Center Sts. during the imperial Council rectors, and other doctors who The skirmishing was at the this month after its alley Syria Police said a oar driven by sessions in Washington, D.C. are membei's are I>i'. W. How­ drills will be performed for the made off with $3,331. Italian American Club, 135 EI- One of them was carrying an village of Kfar Hanassi, pop- charged the Israelis threatened dridge SL Registrations will be Gary N. Lawrence, 27, of 38 Besides these heads of units ard Baldwin, Dr. Amos public before the ritual work 'Ulated largely by settlers from an Invasion. and initiation of candidates in old-fashioned, long-barreled re­ taken at 7 :30. The event is open Liberty St. struck another there are many other Munches- Friend and Dr. Robert R. Kee Britain. It is less than a mile Egypt threatened to close the volver. to the public. Refreshments will operated by Daniel G. Jannetty ter Shriners who are members tiey Jr. Clarke Arena. inside Israel’s border and five Suez Canal to any nation that be served. of 69 Thompeon Rd. miles north of the Sea of Gall- tries to break the blockade lee. President Gamal Abdel Nasser An Israeli army spokesman has proclaimed in the Gulf of said a patrol encountered four Aqaba.| armed Syrians as they were At the north end of the gulf rotumlng to Syria. Found near Ues Elath, the Israeli port that the Syrian’s body were a. sub- imports most of the nation’s oil. A low price isn’t the only reason why machine gun, two antipersonnel Israel has warned it will not V M c f u i n mines and ammunition. wait indefinitely for the Western It was the second day of firing powers to work out a plan to k\ ^ PINEHURST GREAT Chicken makes (I on Israel’s border with its Arab nullify the blockade, High Voltage Lines Snag Huge Airship neighbors. Jordan said it opened Fpllowlng up this warning, V y/L(- fi e Thursday on an Israeli hell- Eg3rpt’s Foreign Ministry de­ Crewmen work to free Goodyfear blimp Mayflower after it became snagged on copter that flew over its half of dared that maritime nations f i \ Comer Main and Turnpike a great huy! high voltage power lines above a major highway in central Indiana. TJie two- dirfded Jerusalem. Israel said a “ should realize that they have Native man crew of the blimip slid to the ground unhurt on a safety rope. Sparks shell burst hit a house but no no authority to impose their Wilson Welcomed at White House WE KNOW SOME STORES ARE GETTING bounced from the lines when the blimp hit but there was no fire except for casualties were reported. (See Page Ten) Prime Minister Harold Wilson of Britain, bows in salute to colors during wel­ $1.09 FOR THIS BACON . . . WE WILL HAVE Radishes bunch lOo ,/ a'Nbrief blaze in the gondola, quickly extinguished. Damage to the blimp was As the border incidents added coming ceremonies today on the south lawn of the White House. Standing be­ to war jitters, French President believed slight. (AP Photofax) hind Wilson are Col. Joseph Conmy Jr., commander of the honor guard, and Fresher By Far TO ADVANCE WITH NEXT SHIPMENT . . . Native Charles de Gaulle spoke out on the Middle East crisis, warning President Johnson. The prime minister is in Washington for conferences with Scallions, Rareripes, bch. 10c Explosion Heard for Miles that any nation opening fire will IJ.S. Confers Mr. Johnson. (AP Photofax) These Penobscot New England, Government inspected, Grade A birds are OSCAR MAYER VAC-PAK have “ neither the approval nor J SLICED LEAN support” of France. Arab states On Proposal the finest, freshest chickens we can buy. Packed in cracked ice. all from ❖ have considered France a friend in the crisis although H has sold No Miniskirils nearby farms . . . that's.the kind of fresh chickens you buy when you shop South Viet Units arms to Israel in the past. To Open Gulf ATLANTA, Ga. (AP) — Pinehurst U. S. Choice Essex Plant Blast “ The worst thing which could Miniskirts have been ban­ PINEHURST. BACON 79i happen would be the opening of WABOHINGTaN (A P) — The ned from has office by Gov. ho-tilltles,” De Gaulle said in a Umdted abates and Britain are Lester Maddox who also A Special Value, too. On GROUND CHUCK oonsultitog wSith a dozen mari- Paris statement. warned' the male employes tiime counrbries on iistsuiinig a 3-POUND SIZE—WHOLE Oscar Mayer HAM S L IC E S ...... each 8*1^ De Gaulle again called for the of the executive department SAIGON (AP) — A task force A few mUes .to Oie west U.8., OR Kills 4, liijures 2 dedaraitSon for free and open Unitefi States, the Soviet Union, 5 against allowing their hair of South Vletnamee paratroop­ Marines were calling in air and' U passage bhirougih tflie Egyptdan- to grow too long. artillery against a bunkered he said. scene of a blaze when barrels btocked Gulf of Aqaba. Offi- ers and infantry with thunder­ ESSEX (A P )— Four per­ In a memorandum circu­ Communist ridgeline where Health and Beauty Aids cdBls saM today the declairation ous air and artillery support 3 IN 1 BLEND sons were killed today in an All windows in the building of powdered magnesium caught lated among his aides, Mad­ dug-in North Vietnamese regu­ would fuMy cover Israel’s inter­ chopped up a crack Communist CHICKENS S>ave every day in the week at Pinehui’st low that houses the pharmacy, a j^^d exploded. NO 6ne was Union Reduces dox isued the bans and said lars killed 13 Marines and explosion that rocked a est in the waterway. battlion just south of the demili­ dentist’s office and several oth- ^urt in that incident, he wants “ skirts down to wounded 03 on Thursday. prices. The price listed at the left is the Manu­ plant that produces incen­ Egypt’s blockade and Israel’s tarized zone today and killed at Lb 79c er establishments, were shat- Residents have been anxious Picket Force at the knes and hair up to the The fighting raged a few SPLIT OR CUT U P ...... lb. J | 3 e diary materials. The blast tered. flog oppOEdtioin to it constUtute least 160 of the enemy, the 'Viet-' facturer’s suggested selling price . . . the figure ears.” miles below the 17th parallel at the Valley Metallurgical On April 2, the plant was the (See Page Ten) the isaue wlfadcih U.S. offfioiels namese Command announced. Firestone Plant di^viding Vietnam, an area We will have Boned Shad Haddock and BTounder at the right Pinehurst low every day price . . . Processing Co. shattered beMieve cquDd igmite war in the ❖ AKRON, Ohio (AP)—United Bast. They are seeking where the Communists have windows in businesses and shown every willingness to feed N homes and shook buildings Congressmen Oppose Plan Rubber Workers Union strikers diplomatic solution and the Our Price resumed normal picketing at dedo^rmtion. — whidi essentially in fresh troops for a growing over a wide area. war of attrition. 3 V2 to 33/4 Lb. Firestone Tire & Rubber <3o. makes thiree points— repiresents Pinehurst Deluxe The dead, all employes of the Showgirl in a Twirl > k'-’ 69c Tek TOOTHPP"SHES ...... 55c plants here today after pahss the meiiin effort to find a solu­ The 5,000-man South Vietnam­ company, were identified as F. S. Choice picketini; had kept salaried em­ tion ■without WOT. ese task force of paratroopers, CHICKENS „ Forest L. Hartson Sr.. 26, of Guard, Army Reserve 69c Pepsodent brushes...... 55c ployes out Wednesiday and Detains of the U.S.-proposed infantry arid armored 'vehicles whole Ivoryton; Clyde Robinson, of Thursday. declaration became known as After Johnson Swirl ran into the crack Viet Cong New London: a;nd Raymond G. British Fhime Minister Harold 708th Mobile Battalion within 1.09 Spray MUM ...... 89c Defying a court order, pickets ROUND STEAK Steel, 27, and John F. Gowak, Wilson arrived and began talks WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi­ Holt, who comes from a thea­ five miles of the U.S. Marine SPLIT OR GUT UP lb. 38c Reductions Expected massed three-deep at the 61, both of Old Saybrook. ■with P ru d en t Johnson on the dent Johnson, in a dancing trical family — his aunt Vera base at Dong Ha. 69c Johnson's Baby Powder ...... 55c Stanton A'venue gate to the Two other persons were re­ WASHINGTON (AP) — All the combat and combat Middle EJast crisiB, Vietnam mood, gave a pretty Broadway Pearce was a comedienne on Roast these S'/j-lb. birds or have plant Thursday to block en­ The South Vietnamese jumped Congp'essional sources said to­ support elements will . be and other ponobdems. showgirl a White House twirl the London stage — said it filled them cut to fry . . . they are 79c Phillip's Milk of Magnesia...... 63c Giound Lb. 99c ported injured. trance. A dozen police cruisers off on a ■widespread sweep at / day that Secretary of Defense grouped in the National Guard The two leaders expected to Thursday night that left her him with nostalgia and “ I had plnmp and tender with large George Connerat, vice presl-, v/ere called to the scene, but dawn and within hours hit the Robert S. McNamara plans to and the service outfits will be review the strategy worked out spinning. tears in my eyes.” breasts. ' 59c Fact toothpaste...... 53c B.ARBECrE STE.AKS dent of the firm, said damage no incidents were reported. guerrilla battalion of about 600 amounted to $25,000 to $30,000 eliminate 15 National Guard left to the Reserve. earlier for dealing with the Is- For five dances — and during Johnson, who jdkingly admon­ men in a coastal area of sand Late in the afternoon the Chicken L e g s ...... lb. .59c 69c Wilkinson Sword Razor Blades .... 55c Properly Aged for and that production was expect­ Army divisions and five Army Men displaced from abolished raeU-Arah dispute, and make one number while watching illu­ ished Secretary of Defense Rob­ dunes. Low hills a n ' brush ed to be resumed later today. Reserve brigades despite strong units will be urged to transfer to mass demonstration was called any last-nminute alteratians they minated fountains from the ert S. McNamara to go home where it has long Operated. The Flavor and Tenderness off while union and company might find necessary, early and saw Holt out at 12:30 Chicken Livers .... lb. 79c Connerat said the explosion Senate and House opposition. existing units to beef up their front porch —-the President ahd battle northeast of Quang Ttl Special Special representatives met in Summit A contingency plan covers a.m., led the dancing in the occurred at about 8 a.m. in an -A news conference was called strength. songstress Barbara Williams City was the third in the area in Gizzards, Hearts . . . Ib. 33c County prosecutor James Bar- uHtimately the ixwslWe use of north portico hallway until 1:10 WHOLi CHICKiN $1.09 Size $1.69 Size (40’s) Sporeribs Isolated system that produces by' top defense and. Army offi­ Guard streng;th would be re­ enjoyed the music of the Marine the past two weeks. cials, at which they were ex­ duced from the present 416,000 buto’s office to discuss the sltua- force to dear the blockade and Corps Band. a.m. magnesium powder. He said thq tion. open the -waterway iif necessary To the west, the Marines were pected t o disclose details of the to 400,000 and the Army Reserve Johnson put aside crises in His most frequent partner Smoked Pork Chops cause of the blast was not After that meeting, leaders of but U.S. officials said that all attempting to dislodg^ the North HALO TAMPER plan. from 254,000 to about 240,000. the Middle East and Vietnam to was Miss Williams, a farmg;irl PENOBSCOT EXTHA LARGE AVRIL' & COTTON known. URW Local 7 told union mem- emphasis and all decisions so Vietnamese from a ilow ridge­ National Guard leaders have entertain Australian Prime Min­ from Wisconsin with reddish- ❖ Nearby residents said the ex­ It appeared certain to stir an­ hers the picketing would be far made calll for peeweful solu- line that gives them observation petitioned Congress to take a ister Harold Holt and 130 guests brown hair and a purple even­ plosion sounded like a thimder- other feud between the Penta­ limited to six men t each gate, tions. of Con Thien and Caipp Carrol, hard look at the plan which at a state'dinner. The entertain­ ing gown, one of four featured clap. It started a fire at U)^ gon civilian chief and congres­ Union sources commenting on The brief declaration, which two ’ bunkered Marine outjMsts Chicken Breasts 69' *1.09 TENT SHIFT sional sponsors of the citizen- many of them oppose on ment included a rolicklng rendi­ singers in the show, “ A Salute just below the demilitarized plant that brought police and the mass pic|ceting said strik- Secretary of State Dean Jlusk grounds it would reduce U.S. tion of showtunes going back 100 to the American Musical Thea­ Ib Dubuque Franks Ib. 69c firemen from surrounding soldier forces of all tlhe armed zone. More meat on these large breasts. services. combat effectiveness at a criti­ (See Page Ten) (See Page Ten) years. ter.” . at a next-to-nothing price! towns. cal time. In this area where sawgras* Buy 10 lb, lots for lb. Save 6c On Each Can ' Save 10c On Several times in reirnt years “ Oh, it was thrilling,” Miss grows. five feet high, the The company produces fuels Congress has frustrated other and linetal powders for the aero­ Williams said later. Marines hit a strong Communist Each Jar You Buy Oscar Moyer McNamara moves to merge the The music ranged from fox .force near noon Thursday and .B & M space and defense industries. Army Reserve and Guard We feoture Calif. Long white Potatoes at o lower price ...... ,.. 5 lbs. 49c Pinkerton detectives joined trot to ,frug. but Johnson kept battled them 'Uitil -sundown^ Franks Ib. 79c forces and reduce their num­ his usual ^low pace which Miss ^ polled in evacuating an area running into well prepared bun­ KEN’S NEW bers. Williams described as : “ rhyth­ FAMOUS about 300 feet around the plant. kers and trenches. ■Deputy Secretary Cyrus R. mic and fun.” Inching forward since then, BAKED BEANS RUSSIAN or The explosion was heard at Vance, Secretary of the Army During the evening she said the Marines directed a hail of First Prize Franks least five miles away. Stanley R. Resor and Gen. Har­ Morrell's &Z Cut Save On Groceries (Pea or Yellow Eye) she told Johnson she was born artillery and jet strikes on the Robert Doane, proprietor of old K. Johnson, Army chief of and raised on a dairy farm in Red fortifications. 1,000 DRESSING in 6-ib. boxes 79c Ib. a pharmacy across the street staff, were lined up to explain Reody-to-Eat 28 oz. 36c Cans Wakesha, Wis., and how her There was Bp report yet of from the plant, said his store the plan to newsmen at the Pen­ interest in music stemmed from enemy casualties in the contin­ 2'”lba ^ was filled with customers at tagon. singing and playing piano in her 2 COFFEE 1 .39 Special uing battle. Hockless—-Shankless Home’s heaven when,you can slip the time. The net effect of the action is Scattered actions and Red Grbte’s skinless expected to reduce the National vSee Page Twenty-Three) MAXWELL HOUSE can into something as pretty as this! ‘ ‘K was a miracle no one here mortar fire were reported all was hurt and that there was Guard and Reserve by more along the area below the zone, ' Franks Adorable Avril* rayon and cotton tent than 1,300 units. Save 9c on BATH DIAL .3 bars 59c no one outside at the time,” an area shielding the five politi­ shift with scoop neck, softly flowing Pupils Give 11.97 cally shaky provinces of north­ R&R CHICKEN ...... 2 6 oz. cans 89c 5-lb. box 89e Ib. lines. So cool and comfy to slip into for ern Sout*- Vietnam. Sporadifl HAM Hunt’s Tomato Sauce ...... 2 '/z cans 89c •• lounging or marketing.. .sb colorful To Help ‘Uncle’ Save 10c On Iplach Of These-Pinehurst (See Pago Ten) Bumble Bee T u n a ...... 2 cans 79c with its floral or abstract prints... ‘Pitiful Minority’ Retire Big Debt Frozen Food Features . . . and so great for summer days! At whole or butt half SAVE lOc ON NABISCO G rote's 1.97, you’ll be real smart to scoop up WASHINGTON (AP), — The 29c federal debt is $1.97 lower FIG B A R S HOWARD JOHNSON'S Natural Casing a few ! Misses’ sizes 8 to 18, Can W ield Power thanks to a high school govern­ News Tidbits ment class. $1.53 Instant YUBAN COFFEE ^ $1.38 Avrll^ ii a trademark of FMC Corp. HARTFORD (AP) — The oth­ and any way you look at It, Chicken Croquettes Clas^ members took up a col­ er day, a Republican assistant the faithful 59, who seem glued «1« RPAM ...... 49o Franks lection and sent their check to Former Prerident Elsenhow­ leader In the House referred to their seats thfough many a VIVA NAPKINS...... 4 for $1.00 or„, the^.. Treeisury ’ Department to er dedicatee D-Day mural at to the GOP ranks as “ this piti­ long and grueling session, have Hudson 2 for 27c NAPKINS for 50c help retire the debt which by West Potat, paying tribute to .. 4 10-lb. box 99c Ib. ful minority,” the ability to block suspension . 2 for 39c SHRIMP Craquettes comparison to their contribution soldters “wtio reach^ deep for SCOTTOWELS . . . , j ...... On paper, the Republicans are of the rules. is staggering—about $328 bil­ fortitude and discipline” to outnumber^ 117 to 60 in the . It takes only 20 per cent of Welcome Here lion. make the landing . . . More House. Since one of their mem­ those present to force a roll-call The class donation went into a than 600 New York City land* bers is Incapacitated, the count vote. special fund for debt retiremV- lords, accused of prolonging an Is actually 69. But, because of Anyone can offer an amend- ' (AP Photolax) which will celebrate its sixth apartment house strike, atom the nature of the parliamentary ment. And another amendment. anniversary this month and Cfity Hall as police call for , process, those 69 can actually And another, probably wnll reach its first mil­ reinforcera,e!nta . • • UN diplo- outnumber the 117 on some oc- Lobster Fishermen Attempt Salvage Operation PINEHURST GROCERY A t R t 177 (PlalnvUle Ave.) ent to suspend the rules — a lion doUars within the next mats laimoh another round of Route 6 (Scott Swamp. Rd.) caslons. ______ashore move ■which allows the House Lobsterr fishermenfifihermen try to umtansieunitangie a huge mass of smvaged from beach when they were cast; year. intensive eonferenoee aimed at Perhaps the most crucial oc- breaking the Security Omncil OPEN THURSDAY and FRIDAY TILL 9 AT PINEHURST— 302 MAIN STREET to function' with much more lobster pot ropes and buoys on dock at Grpen Har­ by northeast storm last week. Massachusetts fish­ The fund isn't designed to oasibn is vdien the Democrats speed and freedoip than usual— ermen lost over $2 million alone in lobster gear, a deadlock over steps to ease the want auspensian of the rules. bor, Mass. Ropee, pota and buoys were piled on (Bee Page Seven) ’ Middle Bast erieti It takes two-tbiids of thote pros­ (See PageuTen) do(^ to. be claim ed by.4)>wner8 after they were partial explanation for current high lobster prices. f

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