Suitability of key Central American agroforestry species under future climates: an atlas 198

Pachira quinata (Jacq.) W.S.Alverson

Whole attributes Uses Reproductive attributes Stress tolerance Commercial Monoecious Family: Growth form Tree Yes Reproductive system Drought Yes timber cross-pollinating Sinonimia: Plant height (m) 33 (25 – 40) Timber uses1 SM, CS, MB, CH, AR Pollination vector Bats Flooding Unknown quinata Spinescence Yes Firewood Yes Weight 1000 seeds (g) 31.28 (22.84 – 40) Frost Unknown (Jacq.) Dugand Vernacular names: N fixer No Fruit No Seed storage type Orthodox Shade No Pochote (NI, CR), Wood density (g cm-3) 0.51 (0.35 – 0.7) Forage No Seed dormancy Unknown Salinity Unknown cedro espino (HN, PA), ceibo (PA) Leaf phenology Deciduous Other uses Medicinal Seed dispersal Anemochory Fire Unknown

1 SM= Suitable for Saw Mill; CS= Engineering and Structural Construction; CL= Light Construction; MB= Furniture; HF= Farm Tools; PS= Flooring; DT= Railway Sleepers; CH= Veneer; AR= Handicrafts

Species suitable areas under current climate

* Areas in white in the map, indicate areas where the species is not suitable. Suitability of key Central American agroforestry species under future climates: an atlas 199

Suitability changes in year 2050 - scenario RCP4.5

Zone Current distribution per zone (km²) Remains suitable Potential new habitat No longer suitable Net change Dry forest 13,872 66% 1% 34% -33% Rain forest 44,090 75% 2% 25% -22% Whole region 57,962 73% 2% 27% -25% Suitability of key Central American agroforestry species under future climates: an atlas 200

Suitability changes in year 2050 - scenario RCP8.5

Zone Current distribution per zone (km²) Remains suitable Potential new habitat No longer suitable Net change Dry forest 13,872 59% 0% 41% -41% Rain forest 44,090 77% 2% 23% -21% Whole region 57,962 72% 2% 28% -26% Suitability of key Central American agroforestry species under future climates: an atlas 201

Points of observed presence