Farm, Garden and Household Ueo£.t<* on the Salary Grab. I lie debate which arose Mr. Hale's Fattening Animals Gradually. upon bill tor the of the law, who repeal salary grab Kvcry farmer makes (he u feeding occupied several days, and was of animals an important part of his busines special interest. We a sketch of the re- ■sight to know that their unremittim subjoin tii is the marks ot grow only true and successful wa members who spoke on the 10th : "t ‘reatiug them. This is the course vvliioi MA1DKX Sl'EECir OF Ml!. TREMAIX. n‘ most sueec'siul pork-raisers pursue ii Mr. Treuiain spodo in favor of the proposed le, ding their hog- regularly and reduction. He agr *ed witli the report of the fully minority of Sol n. Committee in the state- through winter and summer, till (lies ar- VOLUME tin; LEAST, MAINE, ment that the increase of salary had been eon -nllieieiitlv tat in the autumn. Mam m THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1878. 18, NUMBER 21 detuned by every class. Ik* said this was a telligent persons are aeeustomed to 41.__UK time when tin members should he to -up Gilt lodged Butter. willing pos, that poor animals mm. in a shot- the Jordan. make personal sacrilieo. The country w;i- Beyond Johnstone was us e\ l house. From }lIU'' he •■r.ipi. tolling you cranda-guariled Mv friend wa s tin* -Sli• *lby Kentucky; Council. through a crisis of unparalleled severit eliauged into tat ones i»\ A good dairy man to the Nev they were released an I returned to their passing y stutlilg writing .m.Kjrix aiilt.r:c. peel In lie reealled soon, but 1 hope il i right we hail a very pleasant afternoon and embarrassment of commercial and agricul- thorn w ith rielt to.xi. 1 he more lood ^ The Crittenden I respective homes the; ord Tribune says : only a false We should miss vtr the were Butchery. tural interests, ami The pressure of taxation to •in • report. girls iarge-eycd, I And make them take in a da\ or week tin Andthm ain. *o him. mothers of ,1mlah. large-linibe* thus ended the second meet the interest on tlie National debt was rcst- is all and and to I’lie recent hutclienes in Cuba lend a r expedition Surprise often expressed tiiat I makt I >arL-.-\.•\ er shoulders of beaut*. suppose you'd also, arrived, was pei Angus ihs is to the of some men t * and til I'..i the market lint this t | j ! history blended with the Referring disposition is i And bo.unis the basket of nuts so it sadly hero- butter!" (ertainlv: ? it is ban half hidden, half bare:' shaking energetical leetinn; Imt was unpunetual, and. in when the gallant Crittenden an j protit by holding public u flirt*, lie said there talse as wliynot h> death of Crittenden, as that of the lirsl opinion, experiments clearly show that two or three out on to tears were followers were shot uasan of that class oi work, too hard fora woman who has tin Amltbes him babe- and l.v hopped tin realized, when, on the iadie fifty near the walls the extraordinary example tin is brought llieir he-mud ;j ; recalls similar fate of -mother one «1 overfeeding always wasteful: foi and necessitated our bet! iea\ i at A tares. From an old public otlicers. IK* referred the House to out eares o( a family. this mu him. gravel path ing pis, looked the eloek and sa\ scrapbook 1 tl'M all the animals Itemarking gathere our citizens, the John w ho had once been a member of that who gain blit little I'at Half to them if two lie hand last the gallant Logan. body, at the State a Yoi kneeling. with suppliant air, stooping pirk up. face- nine by unfortunate young man, and 11o’ ■ml the cw iiers to day Fair, lady replied, approaehing lather ol the present l)r. Kirhard subsrMjueiitly held orfice in N *w Vol k ity, and begin think that tin I’o ldt-> the Ill-own eherilhs thex hiMUvhl hin did close for a second wlnl The ladies in the1 of Logan. are one ol a thousand." I am get together had to dress. I saw the possession Mi. Ilenri F. Aliddh win*, l»\ means of with other oilier them for market i- sorry, noi With ho|\ -hands laid hi llieir hair. gen And now the blood of another lib\ is conspiracy .ileiiiiigof unprolil matter. There was I the mm I b’lneii id the intended to t«»n. we have the lull used ofl'u-c tor the l"i‘ but for the nine hundred am only tolly parti foi'l il'i gathered parfienlai front holders, public aggrandize Imsitiess An owner myself, eryingoiit tlmground, but it remain' nieiit may withhold 'i’li-'ii reaehiie; hi- hand-, in- -aid. low I* key on, and he could not tell tab- themselves the of of that disastrou ot* Ins own fort mu*. That man had suf- ■ looking the j enferpri-»>, 1 one into a I against fatigues to be -celt w oe of food ninety-nine. doing day largt •*<>f hether it hall ;l\ enp’ed fered the which sooner or later comes proper ipiaiititv from hi- siit-h i- -M> Kingdom:" and lin n iuekih ! hi a and I William t n 11«*n< I* 11 w.i Imni i penally hog- where seventy-live of Iniltei enming --big drink,” reHerlei Logan Hie to those nd ealtle. and even half -lane daily pounds lo..I, the little brown hands in the hol\ | remains of Shelby's noblest son yet punish who violate the law> of t.od them lot "I (Ion t d care." sanl I r» iviih the ealni of I S'.'.'!, on tin- farm now owned I )r. i- •burned I -aw each o suppose you agon;, dispair, that if I 11\ l.c.ii and man. Those who wished to that ■ '"Wilts every day. in While I lands of the Saviour of men : w her. butchers hem prolit by and then his modi the "''‘I'i enabled to 0is Jeep Spanish placed ; may change lht*s<* immense bowls twenty )>•*:(t ing question. ! kei'p oil appointun n; il latlier was the lion Uenrv Critteiiihu man’s example look in upon him in ceil "l live pound but ire not unhonoreit or might them, and them with ev Sin- he a they unwept ::i of the on Blackwell's Island. treating glut ol butter I 0*1*1 tin in fl ee p. hi- heart and < aiv-sed them did nil reply: she ilid lar better | must b\ a miracle. However, I d"- | brother ol the great dolm ,i. ( it tender penitentiary — > the second l>\ nit lli thus awaiting working : sing immortal et In es ami The waves of which iv- lood, and hope to I'n! his fa.-c down to their- as in raised lids and lermiiied an who was Attorney (Ieneral ol' tlie I nit, part y angry partisanship, rapidly put lie* woman, an overworked little prayer. darkly-fringed gazer upon making attempt, am I ■in into a dairy I’m their hand-to hi- neek. ami >o|.|<- d j j ay the murderous minions of cully raged furiously. are gradually subsiding. I'at condition : but the them ltili at me. W as there a tear across the I States at tin1 time of Spain attempt rivalure; her husband, a -ix fooler, tremblin'] ; leaning tabic, said to Hood: young Crittenden' Ih was sure ho tin-sentiment of •hi abortivo. a- burly W iih hahy hand- hid in hi- hair. -.Mine's a heart situ : spoke every pom the growth of tin on the lash'1 I her round tin “I must lie off. Will let me execution. Hi- mother was a unyielding of tin* House when he said that it it was about the hired caught j yon order I daughte on gentleman atoua! teoio the earliest walking directing Heap my tireasl I he eloil period of their waist, ami draw her to the d. cart at an c !J" ; ot the lamented < ol. u iio leil at til •a as necessary to-morrow to \ indicate the un ing unresistingly ig Allen, M> soaring spirit scorns ttiv will— \i-t,■ a, e, and their help atoned and unsatisfied dishonor inflicted on !lie in fat am ward me, Mi In an "tliUM (iniir, ue:ti oo\, Ml* -am battle ol Kaisin. She afterward murrir-i I I'll kneel to none increasing There i- a erroneous enter A Littlo Late. began. darling!" j I lull Hod." tie-h iiia-t eontimie very opinion t National Hag there was not one of them who without other moment i should have m\ w ith calmness; “1 should ! ».d. ot where lie no- interruption tained lie* uniniltated that the poured provoking have Murray, ’loverport. would not \ ote all the m. ii and 'til tliev are j by \\V were twias—m\ brother and 1 lm j money necessary marketable <'-m-fiil ohser- high love tale a t° doctor resides. the A into her ear. when in pay Jiill cirhcr lor your neck Mis.Allen, grandmother u i-! Spanish Slaughter-Houae. to out flint stain on the National honor at prices which extra butler must be was rustling j wipe taliotis tlint brings for all that lie ten minute.-; older lliai °i‘ < prose tin* of raisin0 | the bushes and a star horse to a il ad I was the o f all ||r therefore to tin jirotits remunerative, and the remark is | neighboring laugh my knees, certaintv young Crittenden, daughter Kr I hazards. appealed aid very i >i‘ course, we were the o liltteidng cattle and realized myself, image i tied me. and I had hardly time to relea-i Nnonc but self-hall drive rd •'''Oil.bjeel treating salaldc oat si and such al Maggie, grasp you cavalier ladies." I graduated disliuetiot: manners and customs of its inhabitants ing duty hay, raw, tra-li. in entrance into life, until In wotiM f* I that 111ev their .inimals wish to linish the go-by my I like a startled fawn, had iv 1 here wa notliinl- more to lie and at West Point in IK-i.s, am! Went to tin in,** to their oath, hut 11«« y They a cost not to exceed cents a instantly, -aid. i : l or mouths he lias at twenty mall.*is me in an- many resided San- deserved and should .•••■rive that, welcome in two or three mouths, day, squared by outrunning her 1 1 Mexican war as Second aliening proees- gained composure, and to teed wisely gave up he idea of in time. Lieutenant in tin 1 d»* (’aha on when billot fare amountsto oyer sixi \ began being if*'v<> and more than one oei a- encomium "> i>* every hard-working d think it is too e my other race l grateful oxpeusjs to continue ! I»oll\. I aim trusted to the of itlli and was for lirnv ';ion he lias w tin* “Well done. ,*o<»d net cents per diem for each and poor, neglected chapter accidents. j infantry prompted ituessed vengeance of the Representative, faithful lor two oi three day every First, it i- to tell you that 1 his would be nee.•--ary At that balked a 1 And a was. at Polo Alto and Itesara de hi Palma servant." year r.»w I feed. These moment, was. | hat- very long chapter it It ,va- j cry Spaniard- at that [dace. His information die ease it seemingly- high prices a whim of mother’s we we their way of was the through my ted Knniee. oven 1 i:i\f ten when we At the close ol the war he hi the ii wvj.i.y \' ous in 1.1 11<>x feeding are in a moderate return Johnstone,[the monkey, exaetly past got under resigned (‘oueeniiug ma mer in which the exc onvrt reality only upon ehristeiied tin1 re names >l one: hut it is not, Im in-ass feed- by portative hut 1 and it wa- twelve command and went to New Orleans, cut ions a investment. This of tiling .Marguerite, whom loved with way, o’clock before we arc eomlucb* I 5-, ,.t inter Mr. Haw!. ot onn.*f ieut. ad*lr<---.-d ii- is large grade milter Charles and Charlewood: mv peculiar j y, ing not to the eon- lather* a rea« lied I where lie was to the ill • lViplisite keep up made in the passion which astonished myself. Ay Her hall, and by that time the persuaded join ■'I at the present time. The of San- Hoiim* in favor ot a reduction of alarie-. il always neighborhood of name was city t.lined condition ol tin- Maimers: my mother, ■I Inn was fated (leu. !... di*l not io thr inercas.* to tin < .p* growing animal eitie- having came for the Levs,” said Knniee with raging last ami furiou-. expedition under Xniviso tiago is on Hie .southern side nl a object given where land is valuable, labor -- gentle Me lias, oi an large been an heir. of the name of net and .Justice- >•!' th>* » »nr:. ! I• in-nd obsers farmer ('ompton a -mile. Of course was bourn) to dam e pez. The was lifted out tin hili. A narr »w supreme ing and farm > perl with expedition by j sloping- harbor is trough in < eniral Ness high, products bring had (*onf«MTed if, with herself, on mv ws- perfect I willing that those otlicers who sing York, who earefttl- made one ell'ort to renew our the Mi —es I'aushaw we into brilliant and lamented i.. .1, one o at its entran-v and a ill, class .Marguerite directly got sijuur, j guarded alter zig-zag came t< at id hot!--■<• in :s -poiidingly high price. Ih-sides. laiher. Mich the ihe Washington kept animal he ssa- grateful being ease, lete-.L tele the tile of the New I course Weighed essay ktlteniiio1 of mm j In her sisier to the ball. on mv j proprietors Orleans Hella into a commodious basin able should have slO.noo :u. A- who make this butter are of a su- double of dispatching Imiiedialidy obtaining opens style s cry week J *, a line -f ,-ei lie gas e ,1ai!\ I palronvmie Compton-Mamiers house with the in release |loiu Miss ; who sold his interest in that and I where w sels the PresidenTs he Inal not votrd !«» make order to farmers in their keys great hopes that my theothei i'anshaw paper the may lie at anchor. On in perior general, descended to the tw in oi the if 'plaits ot meal, and In limn,I oilspring t Johnstone would escort mi 1 went oil on a tin* steamer which vr el ! the tin* £;*»<>,ouo. and would not do so. 11,• was barley t i-te are apt her her systematic -eaivh for Mar- j bought Pampero, slmi-.* is situated From the and tie ir city to v-er -Ii- Il *at il'll the iiieivase n its ss t-i expensive, enterprise lustrious albreineiitioned. a tom* of demim or ;11 glit to lie 1 ell I 4-4niple return but Johnstone stuck to us and j mitered the ante- was devoted to the interests of the harbor the ealle del Theatro leads into pounds entitles them to better journey, guerite, just expedi- he as on pay. Where all 1 over the at ! prevailed in the Holts.* thi -uhjeei. h per sveek. lie then tried tile pass school-days Harrow, from that moment until I i*oom. 1 saw mv ost tion. The sailed from New centre of tin* At a experiment ihelaboi 1- hired. ! perseveringly love a]»proaehin*r Pampero oily. distance ol several wa> below Hie tom* of Hu* nation lb-won:- doubt if any money is a ear it Christ f church, and linallv, as we Ann ■ eight .ipiarts per and ho y look leave. 1 a- I me 1 did not notice her who Orleans with about men. (ion. hundred from tin- harbor ’s situated Vote fol* .1 ! rasonable reduction of at I day. made with butter at Sc\ -li\ e cent my only just managed, partner, Lopez yards alary our •• found that the Cllty per would have it so, lir.-t mv chief in III. nil* A hat lie I bought 1 11 ■1 ,i ii' sveekly increase of weight separation, pressed her hand at parting, to whisper. immediately disappeared to get }i«*i* some command; Col. I’ragav. of the the prison when- the captives are confined. give was pound. brother his commission in have. Ii;-- than when four were Charley getting tin* lirst dance tor me tea, but her and I -m. >nd in command, anil It a ipiarts I would that the of "Keep to-morrow greeted eagerly', pouring lutigarian army low, gloomy looking structure, '■ sen -ay making truly ihe w hile I contended with -V J'.Al* i'.I.i \ l»l.11. Isselse svere now guards, myself 'and even thi w as out for Col. Crittenden, then tear two stories e ijuarts giseip butter In* ranked nigh!, overheard by apelogie- my non-appearance be- twenty-eight only in height, and built, of “gilt-edged" may among one in the rille and 1 had not Mr. of < olinectieut. 1:.\ I tie- r daily, and at tile end sd the week 'll..-re brigade; Johnstone who said fore. I solicited the honor of a dance. To of age, in command of the l'lic stone or From this the i\>*llo,y'!. the line arts, and a certain of en- artillery, granite. place SS a no degree been in that a month before l dlictioit of salaries of im-mb ami *-cnal‘>i gain of lle-h. 1 lies,, ."acts teas'll all regiment "lie'll not lie there to claim it, .Miss astonishment, she received me as if wa- destined to the eastern often forth to thusiasm is essential to success. Patience my expedition prisoner goes execution. luit diil not believe iba! the r. d -ns became convinced that the peopli .m}r* her- who feed domeslic animals that hilly guards lhival. Don't wait for he was •In* had never seen me re- coast of the island, which had always been 1 hose executions take and cranee an* of course you him; before, and always place in the iliterferenee with He -alarie- o| otic *‘tl.. iai persev implied. weic nowhere as there -ueh a as compared with it. and inner her the sea', of but at tiling feeding their stock known o> keep an appointment in gretted inability to confer on me the revolutionary feeling, slaughter-house, about three-fourths of a JI<* therefore could not -upper! the hid of not for untold would I have exchang- largely ,.r heavily that the profits will Dogs in California. gold hi-, lile." de-ireii favor, a- -lie was for the Key West, where the Pampero slopped to mile distant It, wa- there that tie Vi.-'in- minority as to b:c*k pay. Tlc-willol tie- p- Sheep dark engaged If beet, be less svere ed my for the was a in should be ivspeeb 11. it had not than if tils'stock to receive given gaudier trap- Johnstone was really a friend of mine rest ot the evening, dust then her part- coal. Lopez, met by Cub spy in m victims ended their lives From the pie lb"'. K. Ilabb, in one of his loiters of the household stealing dnrin- the whole history "f the <.o\ smaller allowance- When a of pings troops. and a hut as ner r< turned, a of tea. the of furnished with near the centre of the portion good lellow, possessed 1 then bearing cup and to employ Spain, prison city the ealle eminent, it had heen at least a bad siuich bom tells of When 1 wa- very the feed ass as without been California, wliat an old about two and it letters to come Iron pass,— having shep- twenty, thought., of no tael whatever. Direeth my astonishment accosted me with a purporting leading ‘lei Theatre makes a somewhat sudden and blunders were sometimes as bad a- eriim herd told him about the tr: in chaneed that brother’- of il i- a reliable indication that way they my battalion we were “Hallo! < harlie ! are in the western of the Island, curve. digested, oft he began, cheerily: how von?" and patriots pm! On tin* morning of an execution, xna.i'.Y i:i-:nrivKi». the kmious and ■ feed i- not .ill-timed a- a- it shepherd in southern guard- my battalion of the ride bri- was a that an extensive revolt hail dogs What's the row. old fellow'1 Won’t there twin brother, w hom I the battalion of volunteers are summoned c profitable i thought representing Id Id-lu l', of New ^ i*rk. aid he "bey ! tl h'jitfd In*. California, tit* over tin- were ordered to Montreal. It limbeu out in that and says you may go gade hap- sic have anything to civ to \oti safe at Montreal, dressed in the hie part of the island, ! at an early hour from tin* barracks, and popular will beeau-e 1c believcil ii riuhi. mm* be and hills there for miles and to about the time that a certain to at ,- had plains pened. I will not make Mis-, Duval uniform, and evidentlv Lopez come once to the assi to the i he toners are .r. at \ ioleuee and a be k discrimination The Profit of Ashes. beg you brigadi eanwing urging j proceed prison pi thousands of but not a man !<■ outbreak wa- feared, and soon • •harseteri/od tic* on thi- sheep, political the el' am foolish, ! re- on a lliitation with mv love. tanee of the fhe ruse succeed- h-d forth, bound, and tin* solemn public* pre-- question. subject jestin''-,' insurgents, proees- 1. wit! watch them Around each flock or band after our arrival at .Montreal I was -out on The indisonmitiab nbu-i of pubic- tm ii i- in stion with ”\\ by, when did come, and why ed that I10 would find -•ion then takes its death march. In open <}iii many plied. you Lopez, supposing up out a cent w a a im: diaiic- li a arc t<> the j de [»rete\i cry whetbei lin u- >f common of, say, thousand half-a-dozen detachment town of lie a thus 1 bis friends in arms, stpeivd for the little i tie- van are tin* nshe< will sheep, Agnosville, gave whistle long and low. go up questioned. musicians, whose only the m«*ml»ers carried tlc-ir c• to tic oilc-i of a breed: West. 1 >n lain: dogs, peculiar whose Canada Fortin* tir.-i week llirled a town ol about miles we t are bow me pay the As hearing upon thi •. dog- "\\ In you don't mean to saw <'harlie. “Toe hing story to tell y ou now, old Murillos, forty | instruments the drums, which are beat side of tic* Atlantic they would were 1 from the ; the second week 1 to of where he effected a on a ehievoiis this was. '•orrvspomlent t:»I tin* Kura I Home progenitors imported sheep generally began it as serious a- all that teitow,' ho replied, and murmuring some- Havana, larding with low. ominous sound and measured ot the Old World. These reduce the circle ol mv the Mr. Ne-l,w—hid not ilie nth-man earn lh. se taels pastures dogs acquaintance; I vouchsafed no but the about “lost mv borrowed the ldth of is.AL ! The street lead out of tin* reply, gaw- thing luggage- day August, Shortly regularity. tic* other mb "file- Alkanic takes the entire care of the third found me in a state <>| waiver between back pay to 1 the l.s. o a man dri\e mare a cut. oat— rather a afterwards (Ion. ml out for L. t west, hiring year nameil sheep, savage My companion lit your lark," rushed forward Lopez city nvard the past the Hotel .Mr. iS'berts—If the m utleman In- -a’i-m-d them to in the two beauties; and the end «d* the first j AiUmr * pasture hy a or to relieve Miss Pasos. twelve miles inland, ( it He keeping sheep; ; win*. quite up my mind, and the ha-, but her looks, room, me in a slate of mind in I be next Crittenden was attacked the broad, unshaded -treet. and on an pertaining gravel. girl nothing leaving day by whetlc-r tic- utleman did n o but the do not wholly was one ol tin- most innocent and -imply inquire |i>r ii lb* shepherds depend simple- tlie-e, I admit, are which ami an force and to eminence which be seen from cwrv paid >’l,'SOd knew nothing good enough to turn mystification, anger, astonish. ; overwhelming put (light. may lately return hi- b e k p. v to tin* I c:i nry y «*n lliat. cultivate it m this wax so minded "f her sex S|m* wa tall and What followed is be-t told in ib.»ut tanning, being a mnehinrsi by trade, They light an older head than yours; Imt still you'll men! A niggled for the masters' immediately portion oi the city and tii. building Mr. Hubert-—When i consent t<» d«-.-:: i at with a 1- least lie-old sax's; •■When a head, crowned be a his own words; thi- boclv it will and nev er held a plough After paying shepherd graceful, piquant, great tool to give up all your future 1 beonk myself to a distant part of the where the vi« tims di>* It a |.oy white- by pc*i*sonal controversy'. lamb is born it is taken from the w ith of hair, massed in an 1 w hen l my «• tmm.t of pubic* duty, t »• his land, In* had s->no left. He away quantitic- silky to a id tine eves." to eolleel mv battered senses. ; washed structure of t- rebidding began, pair garden Sun* <«i \V v»{ r.-l'l KAN/ V. a'peet abu -c of in.-n- mother before she lias seen and and mvsterious wav, ail ■ say thi' indiscriminate public and hi" wa- worn sheep it. extraordinary What can u air had an adobe house with a found land out. Hi- it matter to you hat 1 do The fresh night tin* desired eifeet August l«k lSel. ^ steep roof, which thi to dr-.e down in lid j a in its 1 he suck- and twist-, and coils and sunshine attempi ..gentleman hl'"t were -wheal, live puppx put place. sheep loops I further AT\ ’mother who u.e \ to bn its wal >u either io Yet thm i«»p" bushels per! retorted, incensed by the con- :ilwa up some Pr.Ui Licikn. In liali'nii hour 1. w ith titi> project beyond body, an injuiw lb- eountry. les the and learns t«. love it. Win n No. it was not and it was not acre rye. eight bu-hels. putaloe-. seVell- puppy dyed, tempt expressed for my I wn-aud-twenlv lark or other, and took an especial de- others, im t" be -hoi. M »> won* taken jm -oil- •id. Ai-otmd this building is a trench lu-wspaper criticism yi'ow out of nc>lal eiil: the old to eat un See fainted in m\ arms mice, !».. inent. It is an ion, v-live. ‘*01*11, mere flu* second puppx grows enough it, bought. "And t consider the in with our ex- it- yesterday. We wen? in o.iall it-. General into which the water from In* roof tall «-\piv perhap nothing year* expression light mystifying people in dm it is fed in the and sent out with and. it came down in the buluiier ->t tin- «»nnnan l bnl still :iu expression of at-.U*ed public veal w a ev en Worse lie had to hire morning though tumbling u.-e in rctereuce to ex- Lopez separated It i- about two feet < hi tin* you ‘being caught' traordinary resemblance, had certainly deep upper nation, let leonorla-i break down idoh ,t I the It with them it and confudon it did not from mi-. I had with un* uboui one lutinlr. I i>1 hi- out, he could sheep. stays became gloriole- golden often ise. in the sense succeeded \\ ith ucritc It was id" of iht the 'ion halts be I part "iieep pastured tremely poor Man.* wa-- attacked l»\ two hatlalioiis oi and building pr.K-c will, bill let his fury be -taxed before is accustomed to In* tumble off. As lor the strongest infantry with it- mother, but it is of a and form a lie-dixnritw not hold his own lint being a man of eye-, simply the win'd to .Ui-.s Duval, whose iiauc not pleased idea to tliink of fin* mi takes one company ot tior-f. 'l’ln*odd w a-loon it' hollow opiate with the pri stroxs He- hou i-lcdd ii;od and ■ it cannot feed with them thex aide to de- ribe I hem. TheV Were .* critic- iv-train t!m client and a get imp.' 1 not be she be of in and to tell 1 win not furnished with a oner in tie* centre The -ide next the lie- Republic. Let the great reader, again request may mentioned in him for strange 1 judgment, might guilty taking tin al » ltd I the gets At im turns and mu ivot did not an. c of tic ii -lenuiiei.iti-n tii aided theories car- dog hungry. length, everything by nothing long. m\ me ii was evidentlv to en- single cartridge. Lope/ get u and tin* victims fury good judgment by presence impossible laughter-le opened, ic 'o tic s I have not ln*art !• w to mii\ c> h to return when- it lo Vi ; w beaut ilul artillerv. the rite arc maiily eiiouyl. -.c-eept ed lorn lie patient hopes get they en*alway melting, "i he) the delusion she led to the bonier of the trench Here through began by buying Mi, tin' e I. a tlic-e lighten respei-iing of If the truth ever .. ones out riti. i-m another ot meat it to tease lo\ 1 liev buy.", grumbled my family. yu I -• and would draw piece begins burning, laughing, mg. corning. wa ni• dec. and with a at • ridicu- are bound hand and Idol, tnough plaster: potatoes adviser; tlieu his hand lirmlv laugh will tind that l did mv duty, and hare the p r the} v i> vN*.I t: >t I-1:1 ju and xvurn it- mother, and starts were were blown, with vevv my laying t hirteen mile- to and load hi finally large, they Jon a dilemma. 1 determined to to te. t < e of every man w ith nw. Wha.i their are left, uncovered Thev are Oswego, "il my shoulder, he -aid. '.Now look here. go ontideiii eye her lo\\ aid- home, tin* other follow irides, and were s, Mi Nibl.n K -I Indian., aid h mid «*!»:•■ cam back with manure from lie- iiverv sheep large, dilating they her and the matl**r to retired from tin* held and wen wtinr to t. then iei.juired i.) kneel the trench Manners, are a fellow parent explain along n* *t and thus tin* whole flock is in a double till* ol la he-. you capital good and wen* overtaken the -leamei .aiilinwi' ul' ala I \ at tin la t i-*n, tables. Hi- < increased. His ashes, brought guarded by Ion.".', them by spnnKli with la.-* turned t>w aril tin- wall. In lie Tops lar too a fellow to make a fool of t oll Ihv.ui a he it ra. fied hi- faith birth.•> It the the home too soon, olt and ainn -t black. good Hubuuci’o, and captured, General Hu thought w *i et>i thick, dog brings sheep 1 found little friend lainiee mid. ! ,jf tin- hollow -tand the bei *n* m 'l. prea.t r.*sp(.iidiugly llej \ourself and with vour best friend my that hi from me on il qunnv than i! had ever tli arri« d «*»• comes In* I \\ nni run* hm.i n.-.n '|iiarrel doing nephew got separated home without them. no .j»mr \% .»I!-(!• »w • s\ i•<•!i c r.b-ed and gels Ik ii Ji< ami 111>.»111«-1 •( loiud and the 1 he duties of the « t U a ft a d.ilK- r ni r. den principally, poialoe- wheat. toil are irril.ited .ins! now, ami uut likelv l:uli—day of Ihe light—Mild that I Mu.- i. priest li:-n and ting ,.i or is in some lienee ti-red there two it was ■ •slipper, ! months, agitated ralln r di and re- seen him v-in* <-. H** haw I | oft -i;t.J > ri 111:: 1 udvi-er at Ini! he.■:.ii-e In* that i' dr- XoW. I'.UOij bu h• tit. m formed pen-at ii ill of lilrlllhir- 111«* "lli'ia! about what he Hi- for hospitable some will thank me for the last ceived her miiie-> 1 joined .ope/.. rapid!\ tin*} retire with the colonel in.I Inty- potatoes, day you prettiest •• •! >• .i m* to it that none ot his ;uv lelt be- tertainer- Would not he only and terior. AI however, w ere -.,0, ouiitle.l higher than w a jni; <•;, am ,« ear- charge right carried het otV, to dam- a people, at a from the latter the a emu -evci■ a| -l. JAM bu-hels hour's work I am nothin;! loth, 'goal huh* W y pa a\crape many years older than on even side Me aw that w>* had !>*<*n u. tin* sel. n v I h.* doubled || iln; He* hind. These animals mv t rained lo tul Imt iti tart, tie- only Jiublif proper. politic thing A- I nek would have it, her tire The nutc-rH;ua«e victim fall -o ,a ! aciv hi- \\.Inter weal, thirty bu hel- you, ami I have saved more thu one quadrille. .mv .-.I riis ,|\ and were makun- lor the l nil. .i | panv e la a -e I. > nn luhei w.nofatn iv:i! idvamn* to restore 1 ■ ads' inta°v of tln*ir instincts amt am! inline < ,• < < ilig ap yyanting completely sister and brother were vr a v and forward into the tre.e h. un It- thou .lit that it made i| ml e.. : and in* ha- saved from his farm youngster from marrying in haste, and re my is, Stales when taken. 1 Miring mv short soi-min dead, oine them. les." dial el y that loy al -tale ot tee that onee < a ling' when slie aw n in thi-- land 1 have not met a d\ i,i!*' otlu r 1 v vv < -eat- more more )»iit.• and m< Jour d! i»e now hold- s!-Minn in bank pel'i ai leisure, and, Jove! i'li ave Marguerite, colored ii]>. .ingle patriot ml\ gl:.■■ lit mnded -harp, penting by | i e it had I" n under I! »»l> ♦ -• I. i. !'. existed in Alter the I mat S inv M e landed some or mile" to the w«--r lie* than luck, and wa-uid not ell liis farm for Agnesville. question like il or twin brother. M’He In in ice," forty tiny artdlei’v toree, who have been -la you, whether vou no." a > • mu-1:." per-sm should under-tan I in ! I wi at bis but in | background advan I-* do a o, o pi-1 treat a llesh wound, because one i- liable provoked obstinacy, the inland l.opez In no friends. M In n w tiio-t graeeful thing'. all declared our readiness to our .am! diava* their v •': -heat and over ! I law n\ ir. m. jmlaloe* to be in aw 1mm good-tempered little, inkling exclaimed, “i never! lint Lope/ j carriage tautially circumstances, euormou- fortune- a! the ol' the e placed ay m "Vo tin* victims t ion- eotm.-ete. I V\ ::! li ll lo h e 1 ! d !. 1 He h known a the best tanner in thi- disposal mv and ms doc know Sh take him had Hot been deiviv ing ii a- 1o lie* Mate Several rimes is this . ■ surgical veterinary me-:- committee, the next yvas lie would have fallen haek with hi- lot.. of the eei after on some nnu ,• appro}, riate oit".,. I: Vet w hen he question I burst into a tor things, pari emon} repeated and it i I«\ county hep.tit luiying ashes, c !. do believe, tor that j sax his ow n life, the life of •( friend or of a- to and dignity, hearty laugh. yon. really gen- ; and made instead of whieh he man-hed oi, the hill reported h\ file ieel mooted ••when" •■when-?" light, ! that time that all arc dead preferred old farmer-' shook their head and said "That's all said iiutliwarla tleman met m at the door, and sin* u opposed to aii\ other o that had I a beast, the exercise ot a little hen'.’ Xext yvas the all-over right, my laughed lmmediatelv to the interior. I am requeded mitte.* pr«*p"-itn simply by \\ week," ! Fhe dead w are then In with He will know better w hen he ha- farmed ble li'iend; "1 see I m Charlie and said, ‘•Punctual. 1 do declare." you to tell Mr. Green of the custom h in- igon. aped submitted. h.- all-.* he be|i.-\.d i* W a mefimes seen a w hit'h the 11.>u linn 111. the of the wound with the hand and wish, time. could •And what did he say I asked. j lips sia-tic of the I’riuee (..'on.-ort's t)y\n. lie did n »i tlii d he in lace of aIso with me, also Stanford. I r.-eolleet n* ! -'till quivering bodv. A halt’ mile aw a. than any otliei. advice “Oh. smart about *>ueh an in- ■ ! hold them to check the Ay liner'- igns your taking my something; other ot at t d! -arioii ol tIn liu-mher of fin- < in--: firmly together Where In hall." j your acquaintance present, are buried. and the ohlier\ •* Prices of and the matter now and tor ducement, and then Mar- j they di-per < o Farm Products. How of several stitches can In* letting drop, yon know,' lit* like a man. Mv heart n.: not I died me vet .1 mlae- of tin* upretin on i. i. blood until The hall yvas finally lived I'm-that to * day 111 i ba rack ■" ever.” thanked him for her llowvrand nor do I he!ieVi il will. Gommunii-at.* viih t,i\ j lie iln* I h •■ ideliV a iai w taken and a Then bathe at a guerite thought I In |act would 1o be that the bandage applied. Aylmer's hall, tolerably i 1 In- inm-e earivd and bat a I appear I'orlnight i became and stilllv oli! what a deceiver he mil A be* He familv. laughter proportion to all the orhei -atari. tin* wound a time in cold water. grave again replied is for set of rooms in the -• ai of wheal. >f corn, oats, \c. long > teivd with bullet on it- *s».toll It :. a\e the |‘r« ,.*» in li\ Ilia -ill;' good public reception I am to for advice. aid were the best he could 'I'lli' i.-. an lliroherent i. ttei. bill the iivllln j northern id, “Should it be a obliged you your They get.* • *i hi '. i\eia.ii»Ue in some part-, ol the \\ «*-•!. painful, correspondent heart of the little toyy n. stance-- musl excuse it. Mv hand are -wollm lb-re art miih a a me til her ol 11, ,‘in*i great and I am sure mean it 1 aw it all now. and l was furious. | inhumanly -slaughtered person- lake a of coals and Johnstone, you to doll their thick nr tr<»m the < 'util'!. and I ha: w a .>m of j on 1 armei- there should be more diversified says, panful burning Hie day before that lived for our hall, hie resulting; having **f all and !>olh a-xt- The Supreme : bill 1 consider I am W hen the xlanre ww over I took Knniee age Spaniard' e and I le •' them common brown kindly compromised them too tightly corded for the lad eighleei tioii to iln- uat nr.- *>t tin in tin e labors. should raise at least sprinkle upon sugar, and yy hen my arduous duties were oyer, I how no melt v to haired they and bound in honor to to Mi: tor a lilth* walk and told her vvliat I •!'!:. ! and hold the wounded in the smoke to re- propose teed jtoek, and fnther sell il fat, or cure part drove out Villa Duval to pay my to woim-n or to < hildivn. t hree wars ihiva!; and. moreover, I tell you lranklv tlien a note* mother. I am afraid ihe new will bleak hei ago po-ition In a lew minutes tin* will be la It yvas pected; scrawling t.oMargue w for the mark* i. and thus consume their pain allayed to belle .heart. heart brat w tow ards her u.-w a little tour of was led N I | spects Marguerite. that 1 intend to do si, to-morrow at the trick ol which -he M> armly girl year age fortli s w I 1 t and hi nix night life, expUiiniug and torn, -tve in and retain recovery proceed rapidlv lovely weather in ‘.trly spring, and \y lien Farewell. Mv lov e to all mv friends. 1 an to her death. Ilu* olfen-e was a refusal freight, charges, tin* ball.” 1 had been the 1 it to tin* >. a victims, gave orrv lhat I a d ! Mr. Durham. Keii.u.-la aal oil. In their or in- case a rii-tx nail had made bad wound I reached destination I found the die owing cent, but im to make ihe manure upon premise-: my jeal- known her father’■■ u mh o "That all settled, il is Useless to little, sister to her Thi she able. \ our- troll: in heart. hiding place lioi helnw e I h n -at "Ui no in foot. The and nervous irrita- over being give promis- ompi which would «m- my pain ousies closed, the The of are -' » nude wool awnings spread ■ execution in tin wa on n* m. g.owing, discus- the -iibjeet further until tin* young I. and having rest wed her to her parents, M I.. < i:i |-'\ i>i days gala da} ti\ed h\ tin* !a ongre- be at e tion w as severe. This was all removed the and some of the inhabitant- h-e in dollbtedlv remilliel i if tin* land is by balconies, I 1 >i I ai- n il I Hundred- oi men, women and In* W oil id till vote for re. in. hedin lads lias either or vou.' I went off to the barracks to a L-uslev. city. : it in for lifteen accepted rejected prepare hi naVt !’ -tillable and the business w holding smokt minutes, of the yilla assembled tinder the shelter- children torth from it- strei ts and to pllhli- -.‘lit 11 lit* 111. He wo.lid eii-managed. lie ami then the tremendous burst I* wrath mv pour and l xv a* able to resume in replied, changed topic, against Al 11 o'clock on the Jblh. these nohh -alar\ li\ed .d sdooo. hut ai tin- ai.ieiun. !■ tla v for tin* seed as well as for my reading eolonade, while the more venturesome forward in tin* As v ing we press throng. the ie- (irowing and talked until we brother and his .Johnstone and of wen believed that hi- dd-tri d« inand* d and ‘In ami both of comfort. We have often recommended it were to yvith all the zest away amicably colleagues. but unfortunate victims deeepliuu tlie fibre also Imps barley, returning croquet tims fail in the trenches tlie-a d ill reached our quarters in lime to dr;-• for Hood, who were both in the near the of at dying of lie \\ hole eouutl lemand' to others with like results, hast week that a interval to evidently taken walls Fort Alan's, which seem to be short in the supply. long devoted sleighing crowds forward to view tin* of ill.* franking ilege. mess. I had keen in a shob An eve-witne* push madly pro one of men had a torn out yvas to them with. plot. caught trap, pur Havana, and then- .1 Any bitsine--that is overdone must work my finger-nail likely inspire bleeding hodie- tin* militar} give vva\ Mr. IMielp-. New After that com ival was I Iron, John- of the horrible massacre 1 iicyci f»r| b\ a of It became verx 1 yyas received with considerable enthu- repast over. pONely prevented proposing by ay-. a h\ Hie < ’..iiuiiill. l!n li a in price and in profit. pair ice-longs. moment, and not until dial moment are reported depression a to own stone, detained from saw men -and could have '*. r in Iln uie i. '.a ■ as was to have been a oil beat retreat mv room, where 1 purposely keeping scarcely sup rather inel'ined pivf. II there is an of grain painful, expected siasm, and fluttering of color Mag- t lie a it i“ of 1 In* hloodl h i rsf v a tor over-production In Hood, and themselves al J >pet speel h\ .M I'oW ll-elid. of I'elill- .1 Held in for minutes a- to a reverie, from which 1 was my appointment personated p sed it proposed very low will -iigar-smoke twenty fair cheeks she lelt her and gave way possihh*-—conduct sated. *~* ■ "‘O iii tin West, lrcights hardly gie- game mv I not ti \ ill.' t he -a h.' ■!' member- a I recalled to a sense of mv brodier need trouble mv such an awful moment with tin* fortiiudt better as tin* the ceased, and promised re- came mallet in hand, to present position by trjw tin* prices, pain speedy forward, greet it \ r \« i: 11* u producers llie leaders to in de- men uieli ! cox un- yya- a the of ante-room door, wi.hmynote Marguerite these under trying 'increased supply lor the Hast and seaboard cry 1 not little annoyed, however, by opening displayed A Welcome Libel Suit. tail; it was n. the nr. ... from whence distasteful sounds of mirth *rely exposing trick, circumstances. were shot six at : \| i. hi v e. u Maine, did not u ant will tend to lessen the price here, and the yvhen 1 discovered in a young man tv ho They 11 a!U>i:nin<. Still Tools, Kh\ Tin* and I concluded her mv heart. were t" tin [1 rum 1 lit* ■•prhuiJirM I »«** h hill desired lo < liter e,i\ .»! U one were borne on the tobacco-tainted air: by ollcruig time— i. e.. twelve brought I!<-|»u!>ln. spri will There was her in of my i. equipoise remain unchanged. partner croquet, | l woke trom troubled of tin* pro* ceding Ii the : u. ..m following secret, unpatented composi- then, as I f-ared, mv When n.y sleep of execution, six made to kneel dow? lulling tin late elect ion cmna- in stage i-. however a tor this state of brother ollieers. steps approached place for iw. or three <1 iv- long, r uni *ni u remedy the chemist Kulick, ha.- the 1 found a note al'tei 11 tion, suggested by which I had taken the foil.wvtrig morning, and receive the lire of the soldiers, re r.rrfili<>n <>/ hohi< 'nut/‘hr Is I therefore rather refused Mar- doors, precaution Springfield, ^tiie Republican sharply lui!ldre*l more -pee. In*- w. mail* :d! *-t lie tilings-—tin* Inf w success at Saarbruek- surlily me, not from as it been ith of awaiting Marguerite, which the six were made h .Mr. Willis a in fa v•»I* of tin* of the Snlars hid Ii lout/ umnuiaHun s. Ii is employed that, 1 yvotihl their locking. remaining j raigtied Phelps, prominent repeal tin i*r me m opposite they city gov- year, but beginning used lor lazily rug spread powder to bring him to. II.* widled to ly hard metal, it is also temper- vv ivn. h al the handle, and "I s;iv "1 il tel- cxpress tin* deep sense she has of the extreme After being- and their bodies mu- I ernnienl I'avorahle to an of hamlet or tow n is such a eolonade devoted my self to a younger sis- stripped appropriation not lo the Hoii-.e.hut to hi far-o|| ui-l il:n n Kvery village steel tools that are too soil, or max low ami unmerited honor you ha.e done her in tilated in the barbarous manlier I have de- slino for his railroad to ing ter of my who, for her proposed that he should not tn.ak* a spee.-h. that tin home market, fora large portion of the enchantress, age, her your hand, hut sli< feels that with become so by use, as chisels, saw-blades, I ottering shoved six or seven I It that this mill was m» of hi- a and th a ot "Well!”' surlily. scribed, they together .ongnieadow. charged need making -peeeh. are in the mechanic scarcely' sixteen, had very fair idea growled, your habits of unpuuetuality she eouhl never population engaged (*t<* rather it. is real- I old lellovv !" as were, into hearses, whiel was nn re than lie had declared himself Iln* peeelie- made her** w* ri*in»i for hi- Although expensive, Kimiee yyas as a rule say. in? with and far from bound, they ;ill- ,,i at least arc and flirting. Miss kept hapi y you, although version. beeaiise In* had alwa\ h n in non-producers, an economical treatment where ea e-. N< to the it ly large "Weil?" (still more and drawn mercenary, she eel that she i; not .me who were used last year for cholera willing build road for: recalled uiiist be the farmer. Hence in the and how heartily -he surlily, j faith and need* d m* e«.n\ r-i*ur II nip supplied by of steel tools an* used, burned background, eon Id exist Without, the amenitilo ; l diink the circumstances of the •s:’, non numbers mil into a tone of irritation.) of lift—that coffins were allowed them and, previous on, t** uinl. *iau t 'In numerous these be- ed oil this occasion lirst instead prolonged desired hi- constituents ihe more enjoy being i< to sav.on lo\• alone. She eoniesses that s populations si< •*! heated to a red. and ■.■11- onlv me Hood: I want to she the manner wore into the hearse: i in aid of h railroad to Athol. ami cherry forged of I could see the speak they put appropiation 11 .lighter applan-e. the increase of tin* second, by dimple- allowed herself to become attached ■ ! i»me, by non-produe- on an is into a temporarily as and to how that this amount somewhat anvil, plunged to was as tlieii othe1 attempted mi:. I'vwi:-'- \n.u i.i iuo- the of cotton and round the mouth and the quiver ot the you." to you, sir believing you to be one who could equally disgusting; class, by starting mass a box near i was it wa- well-mixed doughy (in Here another voice chimed in: “Oh? bestow on her the the heads of some were alum drag inmeeessarilv large, and that dark position her beauty should acts; j ti-. -aid hr tu woolen factories, turuaees, eye-lash. * Mr. 1 >:iwis, .it M.i'-ai’husi rolling-mills, of tartaric acid, H ounces- leave him alone -lie's and come for hei. She tinds she has b;»on deceived, on th and it had more tin obtained the interference, in by), composed My back was turned to the sulky, gain ging ground, j by personal im laim t** tin* of but if Ik |r* mid many other branches of business, the croquet t the gift piopli cod oil, ;;o charcoal '1 and have a of Then the and hat your brother is futim possessor ot >t' a on il" wa\ tie amt with the of •••! ounces; powder. but I soe the whole scene re- game pool." appearance slaughter-earl, I Legislature people, dieteil when In oj.po tin* inrrr better it will be for tin* farmer I 11i< i party, could the title sin had reason to fanev would have anything bone S ounces; beet tab to market Irom the lliai him self and friend- : and. alike lor w hat he session his wa Ir- ounces; black, in the ol speaker walked oil'. slaiigliter-lnuise of salaries Iasi prediction he direct and unmistakable w to flected panorama-like plate-glass been yours, sir, die feels sure that, such being w!- ay remedy 10 ot was a of and as that ot a hoarse the dead bodie ; i hail done in the one ease, and was ion now. If hr urged am r< i-*.n loxv, ounces; yellow prussiate poi- of and in ol Hood great chum mine, the east-, will all to her convey ing trying |iien of l«»w the window in front me, spite you resign pretentions not become .1 law and all complaint liartshorn. niei to do in the it denounced him as a that mea-u-e should the p.,* over-production a-h, •> ounces, and burned a fellow as ever lived: so, hand. I enti.vlv endorse m\ -t-iui- of human beings. A liner -ct of young I other, so as the is my access of 1 yvas not a little good repenting dauglit- of the a wa ll a- the * otulitioii **i is useless temper ■ ■ pit* eouuiry prices long supply ounces, is then cooled in I ment and he to suhserihe 1 never saw. made not a ! robber" and a and completely yvhieli my opened my dem- myself. 'They -high ''public “publiccorrupter." the them imw l<» he »t -«) than tin* demand. This amused at the evident Mag- ungraciousness, country pronounced much greater pique Yeiir obedient servant. sen It delined this business .if a man water. Steel tools are .similarly treated. ab and admitted him. complaint, not a murmur against their ; making and valid reason-, lie had n >t lien impnt l which is s<> and can- endeavored to hide by apparent \ i.fonso | >rv ve. truth, plain palpable, as gie been shuwi both the t,, a t<» who < T Small articles of east-iron, such xvheei- al- tenee, and decency should have himself practically parties am wrong movtive any e.-Mitlrmen one with a sorbtion in her and I yvas as usual ol>I ellovv you have got an j not be overlooked game, "Why, ■ w ith him on that or, i-ion. and ii -n. by any grain etc., max be success brother w ,o most aston- to their dead bodies in admiration for tin I of ihe liberal leretl boxes, axel-bearings, by her am t u'k of blue-devils, and no mi My agreeably bargain, using opportunities t and tin* sooner it is and irresistably fascinated grace, to-night, tlien hr had invasion, in publie or <>tb-rw i e. -ewse, applied fuliv ( ase-hardened red ished at his welcome. when he heroism when mi of our to get con- by being plunged loot -he in take. said mv him hearty they displayed brought | republican government measure*, lie had on tin* better it will be for us all, at the displayed the rapid companion, helping criticise that impunged acted of h> buckets ot urine, perfect for execution Not a muscle was seen t. ■ ! tracts and for himself at much hot into a mixture o self to "i'll appeared in the enure of the morning. I jobs prices moti\es of in* mail win* w a in-t n.menial in th- whatever of the we movements entailed by the vagaries liberally liquor, give you I point compass may ■> of and 1 ot handed him elfusiou above move. died those than he could to get from of that law. II had brlirwd il llr-i. pounds whitening, pounds Meanwhile Kimiee did la belli some of this delicate bev and the elegant tie They bravely, gallan higher expect passage live. croquet. erage, you'll ■ ii n*»w moi. n on and uiitortunate men When tin I as the essence ,f Tweed t». he unwise, and In* b.-h vd salt. be all in no time at ail." scribed, and mastering it contents lie young private parties, ingenue to perteetiun. square than then to liav. h.-rn an unw i-.c nr:i was tearful of const* moment ot execution came I’olone 1 ism. Ter these and denunciations possible, a of that till 1 tin* many, ; charges Winter Feed. ■•And will, promise me, vvon'i Having taken dost* remedy laughed ure. Those who have-upported it tlmugli: you you and Victor amoip Mr has now sued this for ouonees. (Tittendon l’apt. Kerr, I Phelps paper no iva-on In* w in Raw min'. The skin of an you, Mr. Manners'?" she said, will evils, I became more amiable, and Terentiy from him. and whieli 1'sK.s ending against of tbe mil of _\ly lull ol fare for winter is twenty He then, tohl me the them, refused to kneel with their back i libel, and alleged damages ahltf to* them could eonviin «■ them <»i w li u animal, whether cow. calf, colt, or horse these words a torrent of vivacious non we both began to smoke. At last. Hood by my request. urge clover liar, one peek roots, anil whole how In* had received a. fran- to their « xecutioners. ‘No.1 said the chiv- I tsTI IO.UOlf hr thought was their error, lie had dan.! pounds oil farm, is worth more at sense about her lirst ball and her fears tha asked : story- that dies the t.» f.*r ... tour line corn meal. That will be to alrous *a Kentuckian kneel l'lie welcomes this thru that the proposition impo-i quarts ( it into dance snel "Auv tilaiis for to-iuorrovv Manners? tic note from Johnstone relative my Crittenden, liepubliean arraign- home than at the tanner's, ill. I should be too grand to "with time an annual drain ol two and a h r the if any row wishes more she determination to fall into the only to his God, and always faces his en ment. It is the only libel suit ever offered coming average narrow' and shave off the hair w ith a a little as me. know.” "No. I’ve no plans." loolliardy million dollars on the Treasur. of tin* l niir.i A cow strips, stupid tiling you their cxceii to it that involved the hail hau* il good always pays laid for me, how he had run down t< emv.* stood up, faced highest principles and unw i e; that u knife before the kitchen lire, or in (lie ■Yes, you little Cinderella I yvil "Not going to ee Mademoiselle Mar trap T’hey States was inopportune Last sharp poor the one that it • tor what she eats. winter I cut and and he. Hood and John tone Honors, were -hot down and their brain of journalism, and only was -da\." lie « omimir i. paid hold a horse bettor, and last longer, than yvas and yya pmba d uiieoueern family the same proportion. about it, whet Maggie approaching seem rather to record the inhuman veil about the liie's on either side: the deal of labor especially than "1 am to Nether- that he should pute ■•we meet a detieite in Hit* icveuue-. *• I the an melt It is stronger hoop yy illiin ear-shot. going; drive out to they arranged personate I am certain that it rope. bly the ice o i was the .* von do it re me until he had become ac- geanee of savages than -fern just I j ipie-diou Republican justified in country ot three time* thaf amount, and il! yourscll. iron and lie used to hoop drv casks Kimiee looked a litllu astonished, and. coles," he presently said, sufficiently the meal when the weathei may apparently civilized men." the character of the transaction-. further inereie-e in tin* •••'imat* of lie* ex- pay rt to cook lonl. Iron of m\ la t "Will quainted with to find out whiel, exposing and boxes, and lor received ail admonishing garless remark you Marguerite the \i m Thin skins make the best and then and 1 were left to : our ball .’" younger person- Sards, slaying their commander. (lenern for the romp*•maiion o and nail fast. lea, cooked food Proprietors Maggie ated me in order in make? the to We e that it shall he the Civil -ervire of tin* I nind '•lair-. *i w * hy feeding; in the world. A rawhide ropi certain extent alone. A- the house yya 1 have Iodine aequaintanm Knna. He continued advance but, meet speedy. proud- ar* bag strings "Decidedly. promised us to with our-vlw and tin* food cutters and of one whose was wide re unwise for begin steaming apparatus for a chain. It i val a the -It there and eseurt them and I have beauty world with no responses from the native- thorough the is a good substitute square surrounded by piazza, ] hither; ing officers of the Government w in* wnv be e..m very enthusiastic over grea nown. So well did he do this, and wit 1 was always liable to mend a broken link in a tract or two 1 had taken in had carriei I ail invitation for you to do the same." after various vicissitudes, urprise for their service I thought tin :*. of it. In fact, si rising pensated -aviug hay by it is liest. It 1 about to m such tact, that lie w'as im- at Maritoniua. and ins forces t > l li>‘ Humane el (Ireal luo mor* tin* truth .»i cooking chain l-'or some purposes me round one corner of if, a newly loalet I was express my approval extraordinary dispersed Rnyai Society aud every day developed is their it tin ■ w(*re that with to and Mademoiselle the mountains. Here wandere 1 a medal on Miss what l then *ai«l, that there -•ftieer- ot th.- potent machinery, use it in its natural state l-'or other pur and ereepe the arrangement, for 1 had long wished mediately forgiven, Lopez liritnin lias bestowed can reiusi thickly-growing Virginia Government on whose an ! i: tanner (so they sayj transmute Duval turned the whole of hei about with a mere handful of i n a lad of responsibility it, he dressed soil. ns from the rest of the make the Miss Fanshaws battery followers, Mary for saving fifteen, of d. into a poses may screening parly aeijuaintanee Kerridge to‘rritv the vers rcvciim-s ihe countr> straw and musty hay product sttperi charms on him, as the nldei such dire that he was forced t a who sank while There yvas a silence for a moment, am 1 when m> appointment with Marguerite representing extremity named Stewart, bathing and win* were eking out a -rant -ad* or to the best hay uncooked. What : son. She Haltered herself she had sue pended, taut then she "Come and ice the mon Hashed to recollection. slay his horse for food. The 1 at Wentworth, New South Wales. The distance on a mere |>iftaiir« of «(*mpen•<*p ,.ps are disastrous. They p.*i but «»tln*i we on on r and 1 you a thankfulness that my dreadful habit o F were sent to where were eoi i- rose the third time Atter considerable thorn from was unwise: influences I t she was lVightenei started cautiously and rapidly o’clock, promise very agree Spain, they temptation, without its vivifying though considerably foronee i rent While I wa- pcakim tented si > able afternoon." had saved me Iron lined within the walls of a to the of the d tie ly. I the rude was not little excursion. unpunctuality prison durin g difficulty, rapidity thought « mistake to curtain and l.lin by horse, the mishap owing \vKite Tni:ismv »*i n* ivi.s i\ t is a fearful “We must not be ■aid I consented. The next at foil a terrible error, and with the eonvictioi t the and to work durin current, hav only one hand at TitixUi: for tear of Ih t> serious as it have been, long,'1 Maggi. day, night, compelled g ing liberty, H»)l S|;s W IIOW I IM' ni I in IMi .M<»l!l windows so closely injuring might particular!.! far worse I’OM “lor tea will be o'clock, found me with Kobii that a man can do things thai the with halls and chains attached t o and her efforts by tin I Hot A NI» IMG to the sun •> ia> as several young gents who saw the pro ready directly driving day being impeded HI\\ ONI* 111 N1>RK1> furniture hv exposure ever «■ commit the crime ot ten minute > their After out sevc n ot her she ultimately sue- IHKIH si ltYh Tin I iit 1 were for at an hum It be the last time l shall Mr. Faushaw’s pretty pleasun being legs. clothes, I.ARs roil liglllV- rooms eleim feeding least half may through dragging weight, ciiat positively gather the whiti late. months in le needed in in have at m\ command. I could get no disease. lost in admiration. the I said ground, and approaching large weary this degramng servitut placing the lad safety. hearing darkness which engender [Hanger Whig. monkey," pathetically. I h* re on :i measure ot their hall ormav have mine into his possession hv Letter from Boston. equalizing eompen- Specie Resumption. : ttaoked and succeeded in capturing a Goneraltie*. News of the and 'Htioib with that of those on whose judgment lie return thereof. | City County. t After a discussion the Men C'orresiKmik’iKT ol’ the Journal. 1 who had broken into his a- appraiser- and as measurers and ns other Mr. Hale stated how tlie onnnittce had ar- protracted airglar residence. the of 'Hie l'lic town <»t paid SITU tor To-dav is the shortest day in the vear. official- the collection of tie revenues depen. 1- i\cd at figures $'5^500. aggregate DEI EM HER RS7i5. York of Commerce has Huston, Dec. 1.3. i was I Wesley bounty THURSDAY. IS, Chamber adopted Vhat he mentally dare not attempt bears last t. and who could get hut £'HiOO for their -er\i- uiloagc of both Houses of the last Congress filing year. Capital winter weather llii". a to Oil horror's head horrors accumulate, o The reason- that I then are the rea- \a- ss.-2so.P21, making a yearly average of $5,- memorial to be congress in i SutHce it to say that the craft I’lie excuse of a to her minister urged BUBLTSHKD EVERY THURSDAY MO'RXING presented portray. young lady 1’lie -oii- me lo for « ach member, and to that was to he Sheriff >« i/ed a r>l* on '-ai- that now urge the undoing of everv- favor of an have the recovered from vim caught her napping \va>, ‘Don't you think keg li.pior — of ) ave in him the HY- early resumption specie Hardly public lost brightest jewel of liin. we iheii did. just as far as the (’.m-titn- aided tlie allowance for stationery. $125. That :tdies had belter be fast asleep than fast awake." irdav. v was the shock occasioned the bold murder t *;'*n of lie I lilted States will permit u-. We mild make tin -alary and allowances $ payments. The memorial reported by heir order. A man in Jackson, hid., has Hubert ini-.ak. n if w e that -hurt fhe Committee had therefore fixed the total WILLIAM II. SIMPSON. made 2.*>,ono >ylvester ha* !»«■• n 1*. suppose anythin- the of a in than a most it appointed by committee Dorchester, ghastly tragedy i« feared, will with us fallons of eider, this season, and doe* not cou- tha? will meet either the public exp.ctation- •mount at s5.5oe. majority appointed Agassiz, tarry mister at Xorthport. PD1TOR AND t’ROPKl KTtMI. is enacted in pler himself much of a "inner, either. : •-«!::> or the fair and honest judgment of Mr. Ivas-on ol' Iowa, a member of the Com- tor the purpose, while the minority brought Charlestown, by which three t nit a short time, possibly lie is dead or Mr. Morrow is now < .1 ir our all that nittee. an a several futur--on acts. We inns! undo otlered amendment. providing that m ns» r.ii'TioN Tkiims. In advance, $g.oo year; human are ree^i\iug in a in favor of the beings ushered into as 1 write. II he should contimie I'lie coroner’" in the case of e.. did then a- far a-tin Constitution of the senator^ lb-pn- ntatives and Delegates of the within tlie year, ijck.iU; at the expiration of the year, report drilling policy. eternity, lying jury Bridget oad> of potatoes daily over the railroad. Your .andergin, who was recent 1\ murdered at Cnited state- will permit it. I desired-implx l5tl Congress. who r> eeivrd eompensation since As the ideas of an influential readers are ere this, 1 make no t o live the alternative i- that he will Advmi:itsix<; Tkrms. For one inch indicating only I>ondii "ter, havt exonerated Tims, < ahill from si'h. Ned is make that -tatcnient a- the reason which will he tth ol Man-li. l^T-'k in accordance with the square, (one Sumpter diseharging a eargo of of length in column,) &1-for three weeks and '■> of our business men we tie' doubt, familiar with the details I in unable to his labors in behalf ill connection with the murder. mvern all the \otes I shall here on the let of Is-;;. ..hall hereafter he such body give sickening prosecute •oal at railroad wharf lor in Waterville give paid only cents lor each subsequent insertion. A fraction of a parties \ari-uis measures. ’There was no more reason installments as shall in the towards of this three-fold and as read < if *«liial monthly square charged as a full one. suggestions resumption which th* murder, they his beloved science, hi> disease I>tiring the gale on the 17th of last month ol tending I.. K. has heen for some ■» wlr w« -hoitld raise the salaries the otlier- iggrograte make their compensation for the Arthur S. Boyle, IX.p da) chamber will now for these lines will the i a 'I’homas, aged 10. of Kden, was lost m. ntn.ned in this hill than there was x\v whole C 1 to the amount fixed ill present Congrce experience yet again owards complete paralysis of the whole •ontined to Ins house h\ an attaek of hleedm why <|:la M. Pktkni;ii.i. 8c ('«'.,(> .State St., Boston, werboard trom the -chooucr Itcxter < lark, -Imuld rai- our own. 'The Constitution of the ;hi- law are shudder which and :\7 Bark Row New York, are our authorized sional consideration. They as follows: involuntary accompanied uuscular development. rile vessel \v:i" Imiind tor Jacksonville. Fla. it the lungs. 1 nite.l State- ha- w the Kxeeutive Mr. lliirihut of 111.. otU-n-d an amendment for and isely guarded Agents procuring subscriptions forwarding their of on First—That tile purchase of Cnited Stale* reception the horrible narration. lioston and -Massachusetts have \ < alitornia against any encroachment his compensation. providing for three classes of Congressmen : adv ertisemeuts. grown judge has deeideil that a woman 'Hie high wind of‘Saturday night blew tie bonds lie if not who \\ an. therefore, talk frc-lv about the -:dar\ t'la-s, \ with $7,500 class B. $5,000, It. No. f> Tremont is suspended, already sospendel Mr. the murderer and suicide, has lived with a man for twenty vear* and salary: fib^-S. Xn.i-.s, Street, Boston, t tie force Kimball, entimental over their and three afters from the house of John linn •••. building we anx- e • by of, eups, been him ih. Kxeeutive. beeau-e know that and i a >:;.ooo—'members to select for agent for the publisher of this paper, ami his receipt s by acknow ledged as hi* wife, can ’Second—That the of Cnited Stall< who the at the card table leveral •hum a m lia\ \ iew street. ng we do cannot reach the present Kxeeu- tiiejiiselxt to xvhieli class they shall belong. and orders are always recognized. redemption spends evening tea-parties are announced for this homestead out of his estate, even in tie He stands before the thank Cod. Mr. Butler legal tender mites lie oommoneetl on the +th day ibseiiee of country, of Ma>s. oll'ered an amendment tj^hKO. I*. Rowki.i. & (’«>., 40 Bark Row, New with his wife and friends and bid tin* lat- and to-morrow in any marriage ceremony. t*ordon ha-, Ids to of but flint tlie of re-issue be con- ■veiling the city, and again turned attention In- one who never sought that place as a posi- providing further that members of any Con- York, will receive advertisements for this paper, at .May. power tinued': that the in New York lie ter in a natural and lion. Samuel Nelson. c\-Judge .»t tin* l S. iolin ami one.- more tin i:iil rewound" t<» t!i tion for the attainments of wealth; but we have gress :md who received hack pax under the acts the lowest rates. Their orders will receive prompt sub-treasury good night pleasant litto without end all over the Stale. attention. the appointed place, with to the Supreme » ourt. died suddenly of made th compensation for the future together passed :>i that Congress, shall have the amount liberty depart- tone of is not. cannot be. appolew iv, Vil Washington St., Bo-ton, points past pay Sum ». ( is an for the .Journal. ient the same man on the fol- lay afternoon, .it hi" re-idem, in r- lollies |in. r. r.i 1 iue fhe him lc realtor when lie -hull have left that place w e dm- them for this < ; Ceneral laughter authorized Agent who. morning .<»]>« <»j•* engross. Hen. Howard, tin* ••('hrisiian soldier” tow n. New *1 ork. .all to the that the Third—That provi-inn lie made for the final- ot tin New proclaim country highest and hand clapping all over the House. is discovered, razor in hand, lr> yard |.u- nnl ||«»u-.- w;n r.... a Administrators, 1ai;ittoi:s and oi'vudiws ing of a portion of tin- greenback-, if the addi- lowing. n trouble Hie. in it- gift i< position for the attainment Mr. Hale of Maine) his belief that Tin* of War I lie < .azt'lle -as one M*d P'l-elit expressed to again. Secretary ilia! ol tie* female ''Veiling l\. and lilliell M lilt. we con- desiring their advertisements published in tin .Jour- tion of the other money of the country the keen, across Ids wealth. If h ave the matter there, Mr. Butler's amendment wa- otlered for the gold drawing bright edge si-hool teachers in \ nal will so state to the Court las made a communication to Dexter indicated her au- >•"1. oitrselve- w the that tlii- whole please -lioiild appear to render sm-li a measure neces- (ongress. nting ith idea purpose tif weighing down the hill and killing bared and his la\ one of her sary. already bloody neck ; step- thority giv ing pupil mdemnation is confined to the fact that it it. -lowing that a amount of the funds Min-.fa\ hi't Week 'fli. ) .limit- to have the addre-- of large good sijuare hor>evvhipping for repeated viola- .i11«| Kdilti. o ue SUBSCRIBERS desiring That the national law in- anu-iuli I sent in advance to that borne to he our own -alarv. w- misjudge. With M r. Butler denied ii. hanking daughter tions of tie* rule- ot papers changed, must state the Post Oflice to which in Hie d tin* Freedmen's Bureau is and the -ehool. :i«*r passage from Boston, net w lien m ar \N !m i. theui u- following particulars: missing >.‘m,ooo-alary vniPEitqrisnEs A ipiesiiou was taken mi Mr.‘Butler's amend- the ha< been sent as well a- the one to which paper a more which he is driven I. OWT.H X r.KY I I I I lf i:\T.KX liy stringent reipiirement as in tie rapidly hastening, *an not accounted A helle of (ireen |>av, Wi-.. a Mi— Head, collided with a not he 'ebnoner. cat v m WHICH \ Ai:v ment and was rejected, yea- 121. nays 120. it is to be for. lie appears to dashing go. reserve of ii cent, for the *f I \i: l!i»M lidY THors \nddoLL\PS. -.‘.Ml After a second motion to was defeat- per redemption thither the same with which Until I’aylor, a few sine*1, was her adjourn by weapon >e one of that of days presented may jilt-boom and le ad gear. hank indebtedness so that tlie whole shall lie ii kind Christians with w ith a -ilk lor II.MEs Aliovr. AND SOMETIMES UEI.OW III ed. tin- House Mr. Ivasson's amend- & Ian ki :;l Bark Row. New York, dress her gallanirv in taking adopted 4J®“Bati-:s he now severs his own life-thread: while mii lot >o tender notes and held liv the hold ot a and t<> a little girl, ol Mai HE. that We lea\e the President*.- otli. ment making tin- reduetionjof member's salaries are authorized agents for procuring adv« rtiM-ments legal respoctite Klder Beck, the former Si tie Treasurer >f spanner helping pull the engine Thursday daughter \ or bank- throughout, the t'nion. to a lire. The aereafter with compensation Kol K take efleet from ihellhof Mann |s7:;. Yeas for the Journal. tin* wife of his bosom, also in the cold tiremcn haw had to add two in knowltoii. while earning a pail *d hot wm- Maine—a class ot devotees who are \. | \ lllMHiKD TllOKsAND IHUJ.AKs vi- 172. naxs 77. Without further the Schemes for are as hundred feet to the rope since then. All tie progress resumption plentifil embrace of death, bears on her throat the •r. slopped it on her la -•*•. ni \i-rel\ s.-aidin'' win D to ii ion he; and 1 submit lion-- idiourimd. Subscribers are requested to take notice of tin- •arelcss with other s monev. girl- want -ilk dre-se-. as blackberries and arc people w liieh -lit w ill Ins. toil when w can do it without our motix <•- b> date on the colored slips attached to the paper. It only outnumbend tell-tale of his vise-like >»*. probably imprint grasp! A hov in a i_ w. so am iv the only form of receipt now used. For instance, telegraph messenger Western when far from — impugned, stand by tin- still more abundant of John Wadlin had hi* *e\> it J Shocking Tragedy. U> 74, means that the is to that crop projects and can have A belter arrangement fur our eii v Male, got his mixed tie- bauds Is hunt* I’-nii whom it can atl’ect. and when we do i: May subscription paid Insanity, insanity only, keeping despatches other dav. date. When a new is made, the date w ill bdewulks clear from -now i- needed. and handed a a last week. Hi llU*i Washed them ill ben/ill- ■ payment for off (if the fornnr (Age. horse-joekev which uder circumstances that nobod} -"111 -ay ii i- a Fa-l w eck < I in staving resumption. transformed the inoffensive l telegram leorge Kimball, living be changed to correspond, and SUBSCRIBERS ARF (ieorge read. •» an our n The best would he a ordi- you -upplv pulpit next Sab- and a tleciioti iqum him. it i- our dutx t<* me, TO SEE THA I Til FIR MATES ARF we have noticed none whicli scorns to arrangement city immediately afterward* took up lam ( REQUESTED sir- hat h r* And to a harlesinwn. Mas ... committed a Kimball of las! into the demon oi nance that all wiihin certain well known elergvmau in lirlx and .-qtiarly. 'Tim -alarie- of .Indues t shocking CORRECT. Subscribers in arrears are requested to night pro\ iding per-on-. w hich *ct lire to the s from hi- hands. in and shall town a de-patch wh « h read. The tr.-l i- apor h< "ii .feme c.nirt were ««tdy tx\o years i»efo., double murder. his wile and forward the sums due. pass simplicity efficiency that pn- this limits, clear the walk- in front of their po-t by killing morning! polled till .Moinlav. < an’t von roue* down ami a .t mad. >sooi) a year by the addition of Siloou the well-known premises. [Belfast .lournal. I lie sen iff' of I he lie V \|he|t V. Foi l, to ■ posed by Joseph Hopes, Ami spend Sunday ill a f.M life. We cannot touch step tiding liy self-inuriler. then, again, the terrible ami des- We have an t oil nh■ ot pension daughter. 4Mjr*In sending niom*y, state 1 HE Bos I ol- FIt I. -ueli ordinance in hi- \. hut rI> Bryant Pond, in iln- stale. ha*<- I*. me. -alarv- hut th.-ro wa- no in tn\ llostoti financier. and by him, we believe, :he\ claim isn't can’t he 1 In* first \»r-»priet\ Tlie follow tue, are to wJiich the paper is sent.,4*2* suicide of J Roberts at the < ul- pi h*iral and. enforced, patent i--m d in tin* ( uited m of M-eured the li ait, live.l tiieir salaries at puriiridar- given— perate by liapfi'l 'oeiely inllii'filv. llnioi. having advocated at the late ol the Na- lienee tew pay any attention I" it. (iardiner wliieli then* i- :iiiv n*eord wa- grain -*d »«» Sol- '"•Min and a f«*r life, to hax e added s*jnuu the ill-kited a meeting Farm Station on the lioston A Alb W ill eolimieiiei- lali.ii-> i,. \| ilh. pen-ion family kept hoarding lage my Reporter. omon llopkin-. .InI. :’.l. ITdo. tor making pot < ..Mi- !■ t«» them. I*til that i- covered by the house at the corner ot I’ark and Common Convict tional Board of Trade. Hi* is that and ashe-. file second wa- to Competition. plan on as it know pearl .lame- Mil \\ .shies |a\ ,,f I | Week Ml 1 < Mill ssoon a Railroad, Tuesday last, coining We don’t what kind of an ordi- llion. Tie Cabinet officers had also streets, Slaev n. 171*0. for and from the surrounding circum- tin- shall i-sueOiin.OtMl Minpson. Augu-i making w hove block .nd th.-i; salarie-w.-iv increased t«» spi.- The of convict labor in any of government per did 1 ietween the Dorchester and Charles- nance exists in hut that cities eamlle-: ami the third making "hop i> in the basement stances it is that the murders were employ (iardiner, (ami last in that wan 1 un- judged Mathew's -ubiuil. Therefore, that the people month of miles, a. the end of two wa- to Oliver Kvan-. I».*eemh'-r Is. for Brothers mill. lt»»l hi' \- -ni 4 the handicrafts which minister to tin- payable town ire I7'»b. t w not enmmitted some time after It butcheries, and lienee somewhat authorized to make ellieieut and hai measure xvhieli. hen passed, midnight. regula- Hour ami meal. in a y ear- irom ssue in and the making "haft, and \v a* drawn an mm I it and s.-\, t mhr ie.‘.l our «>xvn compensation and put seems that Mr. Kimball arose at his usual wants ot the people and in competition gold, green- dwarfed in with them, was tions on tin* be seen the comparison subject, may by l\ Wrenched. blit llo \\i re an unreasonable but that it all Thursday afternoon.Align- I! unerof Tnnton. boiie> broken. figure, put hour in the morning as was his custom, with those who make it their life back- paid ii for them in lie -> employ- destroyed, indeed a fearful of a crazed and extract from the Revised Stat- ai work lor Mr. Win. >«*a\e\ m 1. •': i, i' in alike position. It did while ending following orrington. stairs about -ix o'clock to l’lii- was MVSOXK file <»tliee|'s elf t of kill/ l»a. : ■• other officer- of the (i.)\ ernillellt proceeded up ment is an undoubted to the latter process is to lie till •S-.'nil.Otio.- chopping down a tree, and as it tottered wrong kept up man. lie is defrauded of the little utes, sec. -in 1 a; use to no wronged .hi ■.n^.iind'r eiieiim-taiiees xvhi.-h the boarders I'p this time chapter ami was about to fall, lie -tailed to g.*t out o| l"d. ilh*. w ill he installed m I required class. It but little consider- OtId of the have been drawn .t. n; noise h l horn heard in the and requires very greenbacks he lias striven so and weari- Towns, cities and the Imi hi- foot he tell, and hi- on. that their compensation should house, property long village corporalion- may way, -lipping, day evening. ! >•-■-. -J;td, b\ l». I> i. M. h in make such or a- ma\ axe iinf. .10 d. I Tit xv, turned a deaf oar to them, ation to make this manifest. ami unless arrive by-laws ordinance- the\ somehow getting under him. in- persons who must have boon Kxpcricnccd destroyed, resumption to call his own ; his business is edge up. W >-rht "I t hi' ! passing ly grow ing think not in a 'e-r i11 a!s-, |,, .,n .. i-Ii to :.!! the attention of the House to an- proper, •on-i-tent with the law- of dicted wound in hi- thigh. -i-wring while the terrible deeds were com- before that as it would. -hocking being and men have condemned the point, probably die state, amt enforce b\ the -o 'tallalion 'am. ie r leal nr* m the bill of the which thoughtful daily from bad to worse; his family will them -uitahle pen- arterv. that In* bled to death ill liw niu M iniiei'* lod.- mujoritv, mitted. neither heard nor saw r \s a- in bill. anything There would be at once a contrac- alties. For reserving and #lf minutes. any other compensation practice whenever the experiment has slight soon be for bread, and lie unable setting Seai-'port. 1 Id hern the 1 of the President ot the "• 11- to attract their attention. A few minutes suffering such portion- of their street- for -ide walk- a- try s been <>f carri- tion. measured the realized The Piv— -a \ t liat < o|. .1. Frank Miller bb was army, and among otlmr he held that o.M Tnex are thus below the standard at dfc-s and with a terrible in his the National Builders' Associa- they presented so resemble ? llow can positions, pul gash Carriage already painfully of ot New Orlean- for pretty 'C\ ere iiii11»*ie~ wa- t<* t rate of 111 a military mayor one-year. hi.'!; their •■ompeiisaTion lived up hi from w hich the w as stream- s;;.iifio. •- oi e. a to while I hold that i: should remain at thought silently John ■"ina 11 ol wan«i lh’. w In ■ mirage while in his hand lie held an but was men of ill lature from Portland. "do. ! hold al.-o that the of member-of ing. open and took in as once supported by parties, salary question strong grounds oppo- them all he leaves his prosperous heal tin- old mail ^niilit l.rl Week. Was tak- razor. Mr Kimball on his boarders, I.N aliinet should he brought dow n to the -am. seeing Marshal Bazaine. as lit for the Bogus detectives in \'e\v York are endeavor- sition to the policy of the Maine authori- home, and the wild and unnatural look being eminently position before iii'tie. Walla-■ --I this iiv. '■jatmdu- mire. It !- ju-t as easy for u- to pa-.- -u.-h nmliiined to them with the razor to keep ing to create P-rror in tie* Hud-on riwr village- on •* •i'l. -o far a* Hi. Constitution xxib it. ties. We from the had I'll*1 of Tour ladies are elected tin* school lui! waived an e\..nnnat i-.n, lb- was permit hack, and a a earing to attempt to disarm quote proceedings condemnation Kazaine for the which they see in his eye strikes terror to A despab IPsigtied I’homa- P. .lorn-- A < order* !• '• ii W id pa-s the bill reported by thi- detective-,'' wa- sent to i** in the 'inn --l him. they ran speedily mil into the street at that body— -acriliee of Metz and the that he each fond heart and tills them with dark board, viz: Abbie W. May, Ward b; Ann private Poughkeep.-ie •-•ogn;/ !>.:-»o for hi' app-n .mi iiit- I no sound and no army the other night, tie* eiii/eu- that a argument informing an. e .it the If- .. to -muni"!, the in a short time Mr. •!. W. Britton of N. Y. stated that he had Adeline Tucn*tia ni oj li, .1. < tuff \| m-wer make to the people of the -ountry police commanded, his condemnation to of the terror. Badger, Ward'd; ('rock- gang of thieves had started for that plaee. and degra- presentiment foreshadowing s>nilli w a* l*i 1 w, have m 11 time to do mea— otlieers (liven, \Vehb and l’earson were learned w ith that the stale authorities . L. Hun1 and William I'.n.l. It:. I MS. P.lliED, 1- \n \i- pool lay ganized large carriage shop pri*«m. has made his mark in the history of the or the awaiting somebody something; day that the newspapers of tluv-tate. :lll,| l “1 Jackson. Ibr -I lm dx bushels \i 1'•—I do not mean to -a> ’hat it wa- de- fortunate man. He was not dead, for as these carriages are thrown upon tin* mark* tin lemipson. ot Fast Vbbington i-avs tie* Boston .u potato (i ) oil of with trade. Mr. Brit- 'void's events. He lirst atiraeu-d train he draws nearer to the of Portland, lent baud lobe killed fourteen wild at one vollev and four i vi a Jii'-d the part those who eporte { it. but otlieer I' nir-nii stepped up t,> him lie at- competition tin-regular public approaches; especially helpful geese bag', \.»ulh*U tifteen yea?' ■ .. -o the fol- on In the v oumr\ w ill read it and hax a riglit to ton concluded hi* remark* by offering Thursday last. two day- pari killed w.i' -li tempted to get up. at the time ex- attention by the ability before track; the liistle sounds it- note of toward- the disasters of our barged, but hi' h-mor w:i> m»*st >e\- 1 displayed i,— T« > SHIELD THE PEMAlNDEP Ol Till lowing resolution— slirilljw retrieving twenty-four wild geese, and in eiglu dav killed ”J)—n ou. out of or in • m k/ra. compelling him !.. li'hmlo <. .: .i.n. h j:- i:mih:a( li> in the hii.i 01 i.x-i claiming. y get here, Whereas. This as>oeiation ha* heard with Sevastopol, tin* Crimean war, Dr which alarm ; he heed- it not : will he get out of great lire la-l fall,—the Pres- subscribing -ixly-eiglit, be-’uh*- an uncounted number ol i will cut too He then fell hack that the (Government of the black duck, eo »t, feel. \e. The -lle- h'ldliliu for thirl \ .ia\». —IoN I liUM i.W Pr.Dt’crioN n| l.'HIK you. profound regret he was of the the of the No *7b. the *7»0 widgeon, appointed governor way and the Advertiser ei M J'LN’S \TI< ‘N Ill the pIV-elE cri.-i- lllld UU- weak from the loss of Id.I Otlieers State of Maine is now employing the inmate* of e.iptured ourtisiiing engine? Argus --fill hunting ground i- on and around army. spokes willingness ability among tin* frater- m Minnittee- charge*.I xxitli tlie unph-a-ant competition i-leiu.'. e\ pr*'" the ni'*'I., at is tied wit: cuts would have in hi.-lily •hui.- of looking around among the industries proved fatal and live their great and *erious injury, t herefore be it, ; French commandant in Mexico, cowcatcher the force of the blow and The Case. support- by nity. Virjjinius 1 heir entertainment ami intend io visit th.*1 -t tic country to see whehe some new i minutes after the otlieers arrived lie was licsolved. That the Carriage Builders' Nation- he a was a -• • Mnxamilian, less credit, and wlmt but moment before sentient Nt'W times \\i> can p.i imposed to me t the current dead. al Association of tin* I’nited State* in annual ing gained union mis «mgn4-snn*n nave made Yoi:k. Dec. |. A Key W est gentleman duriu. th- winter He \pmi-es ni the (Government. oil ha> to' meeting assembled, earnestly and solemnly pro- lias even been aeer.sed ot i- now but a and indiscrimi- dateil Dee 11, sirs /'lie De '••t' good table, with all th- luxuries, -in’, y got On the the otlieers liaving sacrificed being pulpy haste to introduce hills t•» r. tore tie- free special, entering sitting-room a so and *o iii-xver for it to the people whv you do not mi- test against practice unjust, directly eh sails t with four otlieers from tiirni'hfs noticed tliai Mr-. Kimball was -till in bed, land that unfortunate nate mass of flesh. spat o-nigill mii'ie. Norton will 11,11 ahead ot h ! xx Iim v.iu .‘(Mile-- here it wa- imxvi-. for vmi infringing upon the lights of the citizen. betrayed emperor. quivering ew hange of newspaper- h\ mail, ami 1<* the Worcester on hoard, and an ti k> i at ii*- ’•do. apparently asleep, but upon investigation Resolved, That the Secretary be directed to I’lie surrender ot the Drlilied what with Hag-ship th \! 11« 11.•:i for sheriff. strongly Why, murders, suicides, all the of free circu- extra eivw of :;h men from the I'twin- m 'ii A hi i; wit ill— ■lie wa- found I" be dead. There was no forward this resolution to the (iovernor of the weekly papers right tnyyii Ml fri-la eva-nim .1 lined nit-* Slate of Maine. of Metz lias been held tit* robberies and assaults, one would think lation in the to receive the and to lamp M Male, ol N. \v York—I a-k the gent ietie i; 1 lark- about her to -how ill wliat by high- counties the leader of tin- lloti-e. manner -lie lmd been murdered, a military authorities of all nations to the little man in black had broken loose, have evidenth keen in eoiisul- port. Despatch except for his views as lie had heard from him gentlemen "hit.-, set the --n t i md a- < hairman ol the chief linam ial commit* nothing will earn a full "I otlieers lothiim r It wu* n v discoloration about the throat. have been as it we to on to compliment slight on the subject. unnecessary, was only don't like put every thing tation with their ami eamc “l Hi* Hoiim-. whether, ill his judgment. ! certainly constituents, selected from the to take noticed at tin- moment, but soon bla --1 I roni this ii i- that she was Mr. said it would seem squadron charge up :t\ the voire *»f a-ide the mo- supposed Kimball that although a terrible disaster the ing the |» oplt for I and humiliation to shoulders of that per- hack w ith new :**1* 1 the hotlse W.i' b. that he was interested in this much-maligned light. of the rely -avod ny the la-1:.-* m ilt and on hi- oath a- a member of the strangled to death. largely question, Virginins a manufacturer in Maine, he France, lie failed at the crises of the war Kill thank fortune we have an ad- Asitixa. tux. and Mr. < olliii' w h-< .-..n-- I then — \\ Dei I.V fhe truth ol i"i'iau Hmi-*-. he roii-idcr- tin* -alary of > Phono a year Tlie body lay in a natural position, w ith being carriage sonage. Household words: "shut the dooi." I w as, the least affected it of in probably, by any Ihe ml \ li amount of \ ,, im>i*dinate. extraordinary -alary either for the hands crossed the and to give to McMahon that and ministrator Ait’ justice hero in lioston who took from a patient -utferer ju-t two hour- ami Havana despatch | dished this morn- aluabh lolliin:- w d '! upon breast, the as the of lu* sale* were co-operation h* fe id of a i >• or tor a J mlu« .*f; lie State, largest part minutes ot hi" lni-ine-- in \ partnieiit the of the bed clothes aid which is twenty time to-day. t« ing relation to the irginius mil the and Mi \\ Idle had lie hands burn; -i ourt? orderly appearance made in hi* repository in Boston. But it does the nation had the right to ex- thoroughly alive to the necessity of -liproni* close the iti were at la-l accounts at d>- t 'uha jieo]>l«- money chief. covered with blood -tains, was this bo-in. tence of the court was itemh ).y military before him are sure to receive a blow |e Santiago maker by irade. ami thought that Wei-lied lO'l tin- Mill-- \ lieu Olie a- \ ! -ay to my friend from New ^ork.what that and it is understood that these vessels will louml In tlie bedside, which had could be''carried on with profit. The -tale had execution, alter been in from tile siiouhler, and one which never forgets to elo-e it. will lind m tlx records of two year- ago. evidently having degraded straight receive “titer of hav iiiL- -m the most clothes. and .-,1 since then a amount in the erec- the passengers and crew while the belie* *• been used lo her and her out- expended large 11: I that it will be a sorry day forth'* gag prevent presence of the and of his will be remembered the —Senator ( with all Ids had • d to bet that III' tion of and purchase of tools ami army, stripped long by recipient arpenler. will lie delivered elsewhere naked Weight W i' the ni„.; >untry wli- n im n put -ueli eompeii-ation to cries. buildings Virginins machinery. The plan has been claimed a* \ery decorations and of rank. The and serve as a to others amenable record, has been elected IYe-ident at Ikihia Honda. noth- It wav accepted, and ami*! di-mt' ol olii'*e- that they will be sought for the “-raivh v, a- then made for the insignia wanting again perilaps Although latlglit daughter, successful and profitable to tin* Slate. But In* the ii ij. \ they w iil bring, and I -ay therefore that of President McMahon has to law and order. tern of the Senate reliable on this ran now be ob- disputant' peeled to a staled Until.- wh-o a young woman about 17 years, and on doubted whether, if the tacts could lie ascer- clemency outraged pro ing point i- better tor e\cr\ one of these men that their tained from ollieia! sources. to-morrow it was found that door to her a tained and an account of stock taken, at its real w.-ighed III'! m I lie opening the bedroom, very this I,\ banishment to an island At the close of the war in lsti.'i, nearly — -mpeu-ation -hail be what it wa.-before supers.sled Portland lad week made a raid on a a- value, if such a favorable could be heretofore stated, is the lime for the I hat w agei will pi obahlv m-v. r t. t--. ided a of the law of 1-7J. small out of the showing -age apartment opening parlor, in tin* Mediteranenn; and unless some all our cities and towns were in- made. On the contrary In* had no doubt tin* larger taro hank, and locked up lln* manager- ot roii'iiinm iI ion of the agreement 'Ii. .Maynard, of Tennessee. 1 a-k the geu- another horrible met the otlieers' < sight State would lose in the end tin* 'll ^ III* 1.1 V 11 i 111 I. -1 .m aili-lil ■ largely by oper- shall restore him to liber- fested of lers. w ho sent Week, man from Massachusetts whether lie doe- or which caused the stoutest heart political change by gangs garni the institution, with all their I It gaze, ation. He was of the that when tin* gambling ap- wa- .- not think it would be a sorry day for tlii- opinion If to l*n ak inn. the -ion- of H-.w,- .v them to The of the matter was before tin* (iovernor and ty, the world has seen the last of Marshal terror to the hearts of -nch as were com- a man he to among quail. body brought II tt V \ A Dee. to. I lie is { untry when would constrained paratus. city pclTcclIv • lie "Ul-i«le door 11i11into t|*t- ba. » was found aeros- the bed with Council and other State official*, most of w 1mm «»|»«■ decline an office tendered to him. either on the girl lying Kazaine pelled to be out late, ami also had the not un- iptiet. I tclails from the Volunteer batai- he knew personally and regarded as holiest I he W hig learns that W M. I’haver, >an! wa- -plit in pie,-,-., a pain- ..| .01 ?h -mpi'- me jh m h or any other place, beeausi lIn* her throat cut from ear to ear. the head liotis the streets last I here men, to do all tin* citizens of a fleet of husbands to be patrolled night. ill-id. "in- .da of the office is insufficient to sex from the desiring right by pleasant causing of the .Mansion 1 broken ami tin boll draw 11 bill y -upport being nearly erod body From formerly loii-e, Angu-la. is no late new— in to the \ tin* State, that would give the subject tln-ir The Portland m it- regard irginius him ? <.f they Daily Press, prospec- fond of the of their wives burglar- found tbai *\eii then -uld u 1 the the tied it is careful consideration, the and unusually society has elleeted a lease of 1 he Frank 1 i 1I I’lie they 'll'. 1 >awa-1 think that tin* greatest and appearance thought allowing carriage House. Diario 'trough condemns the that -he was awakened before the deed maker* to be heard on tin* if tus for the announces new and "pen I In* door, and gu\e the Ill i- harness subject coming year, families, with whom had riotous ol tip alteinpt. -i men of tin- country who can he bought by they pre- Bangor. demotislraliott Friday night and was and to save desired, and would then act in tin- -am*- tin* door re- money ol an otliee had better decline it in accomplished, struggled they fairly and valuable features that will add little more than a wants to know who the move- night opening from tin* ha i. in would soon large- viously enjoyed speak- instigated •■ matter, and his opinion change '! beginning. her lint without avail. —The House ol on ment. All those who took in it van! of the .Journal into Hu* driv, life] the mode of Mr. Kimball at ly to its excellent as a w as Representatives part loallv building Mr. Mavnard—Tie* ha- failed t-» ■ operation. spoke already reputation ing acquaintance. F.vervbody alarmed, gentleman N ile- found If, a clue to \sa\ wa- lorn down, but n.» by police give length, and c losed by saying that In* did not Tuesday passed the lull v pea ling the aided the rebellion. 1'lte ('aptain-t ieneral furthei .latna understand the point of my inquiry, for he eer- newspaper of enterprise and Them and the sleets were almost deserted soon the whole atl'air. I he is a clue wish to be understood as convict la- ability. should wa- done. ainly ha> not met it. I a-k him whether lie foliowing opposing law proceed with vigor against Ihedi- of the mosi .amt which was but lie was averse to the is no in Maine that makes so Bankrupt ce- a note, bor, decidedly govern- paper after sunset; and as cadi turlicrs of if not think it would be public calamity imp, large night repealed and neeessarv declare VI a nvelil peace Sundu) evriiin un.lin- 111 a lode- xvritt, : a e ,u letter ment, either State or National, entering into hen a man-uilahle and lilted, and called upon pie, paper and expenditures its ueyys and editorial the refrain of •■another man martial law the Idand manufacture on their own account. His re- upon garroted." throughout "I our eliun in -, tw .1 w *»m* u line it because the compensation wa- iilsiiffi- unstained blood D\\\ Dl.i The lollowillg e i-»• at Wearing ta-hnej- by so Ihe \ o'c de Cuba the several marks met with tin* warm of tin* and the results of which reports m s nt to -upport him? approbation departments, people felt more and more at. the mercy law ill the District have been de- al»l<- I Millet Willi bugle t li III in in.*-, gol then "Tiii-trout,,- v. a- all don Ihndv for members. rioters were arrested and Nil I »aw. —With !I Irankne.-- I -a> it w mid by tiding recommends well It is j of of cided the Court head- el In -1 T *» Ifll r;n h other a II siiiiii tlihi.a- tliai was an true and my w ife Mr. Britton followed w ith some remark* co- justify liberality. specially strong the desperadoes, and short by Supreme dudieial tog wiiat fnvhl While y ou may have here and there in the nothing that tlios, proved gniitv lie treated with kept -cot,line every time that t was Heartier with tin* and stated and able in it- editorial and .Marsh River of Masons \- Inh.ib- "J > l»onnet 1 In* Woman a f.-w t mig life --I lie Kepuhlic -mh an instance inciding fully president, force, brings dire necessity could tempt even the bravest Dodge the utmost It attributes the pew- all* ad h and to-night v\ te n W Wo to tied She began that the did not interfere w ith the em- itants of Brooks. “Plaintitfs nonsuit severity. mi. I want to know of my friend from Tonne— question to trouble "li. When the) ti l.-.| to v.-t upri’.'.nt a am. tin again and the best of state bear upon each question as it arises a abroad after dark. This state of allairs to the machinations of the l-a- w not a to linally my temper got ployment of prison labor by contractors, hether lx- would think it calamity hell the members of :i \ ohllllarv ili.-eovered that tin- .,1 m I >:i\id now-:h! about tin* trniibol. i was was Rescript—**W borantes and declares that the (ioveni- win their boinn-t trim i.. \• but directed their employment by and comment which show s -ueli otliee- sought after by inferior; against prompt ready continued for some time, until a association, a under one name, out thare a -liort time ago and fold him finally lodge bcconje hi/ehed to •• -tin w ttindy the (Government itself. tnenl should a to their ming-wm* The) 1 men ail over tin* country for the pay high they under a ditfereiit name, and a -nil put stop intrigues. pulled i- at the boll,,11, of a It this. Mr. Simmons, of Maine, who had introduced that it waits for inspiration from no out- fellow just from the incorporated tin- w oiil'l them r young discharged i- in the name of right, tlnn tin- I. ft. !.. 11 !ik- bring (>iaiiiOK l brought the voluntary associ- pn-lu-.J Kimn.ii.i ." the for the consideration of tin* A seda- side source. Nl: Maynard—rmluubtedly : and therefore I subject The commercial new-of Port- army, wherein he had lost an arm. was ation, an amendment siibst ituting thecorporate etillple of eow- with link- 1 horn-. \ From the above il that after tion, was called for some remarks but Great Storm in Kansas. :mt to see w hat would be adequate -alarie-. appears upon name is not allowable." been land and full marine find a daily- and secured Mr haml- that am. to tin n-ein- did no belt, Nli >. F. in tin of his wife so en- stated that his views liad fully expressed reports overpowered by White, Hoar—.My colleague*.-statement retiring scoldings The recent storm which over the the The resolution w;i* Mark II. Crindlevs. Nathaniel A Hew ,*-. swept h inallv. ea* iation to tin* lh. -itjenfs perquisite- will un- him that lie arose, doubtless after by previous speaker*. in its columns, and are of a reliable he was to h gave 1 \ig-.rou- backward pull raged place whom attempting garrol. in Kansas was attended with terri- .• attract attention the eoiin- passed. for defendant." plaips th* -ultedly throughout -In had fallen and set about character. a Appellant. -‘Judgment rigging gave way, and tin*) -epurut.-d. asleep, calmly The Press is pronounced ad- t 'at 11 r (1 think such was his ble in a number of in- >. Ib* has stated that the t in* n is 1101 mill inis is Young name) t here i- no consetpiences large perquisite-of both his w ile and the surprising protest Rescript—“ allegation of any il- linn it wa- "b-.-i\ed that their head I Ye-.dent*.- otliee on an tosJo.- murdering daughter, A of amount, average, ministration paper, and of course we have was tried and convicted. Russell, legality or misconduct on the pari of lliedcfcml- stances. party live herders, includ y xvho -eeiii-. to lui\e been the cause of tlie entered. While no one can to the undJudge didn't look better that ot ear. making the -alarv ami for object a w from than th woman n perquisite* sometimes occasion to ant. i laving arrant in dm* porm of law. lie ing l'rof. L. 1‘. Cooke Rhode Island, term Now I wd-h to a-k him this dill’er from it, but (now collector of this port) in order to -ingle wfuu.ouo. tragedy. Having accomplished he punishment of criminals, there must be a i- protected by il in all action- under il and in started out from Rlatte fIn- **tln*r pew •v. Valley, intending In* makes out that -um. write- the abox e note and also the lullow- we in its columns a never tail- an of with it- mandate.” recognize make example the prisoner and tlm- •onlbrmity to Texas. started out with Mi. !>aw<-1 ha\e dom 111i- : 1 have very decided to their to They All alarm **l tire on inornin at ha ju-t hue- to indicate to the coroner objection making proceed >aturda> T ig what candor and fairness. We are to ken from the appropriation hill- mi: -i m- a ing glad deter others trom continuing the nefarious one wairon drawn bv two mules, and had -e\eu, wa- found to th course punish worthy l*a-t pro.-e.-d from M ! !•:!• «m x to in noli his friends: employment incidentally Congress. i’ia>i*uta m; n:i Min r*s mu si> pursue lying know that under the able of but a short distance when the storm 1 management sentenced him to gone "lift House, where -m*»k* W a- di.-eoVelv-1 > seen at once business, twenty-live H"I.I> A NI HI- IKll'M,. Just what would !»*■ •■send for s. < Kimball, over class of citizens. It will be ju-t tlie bridge In the Senate W edlie-dax a debate eu-lied on overtook them. on, however, 1 T. Pullen, the Press is in :1 State They kept --nitia from the window- and root. I a Apegfci' by any other officer w ho ha- hi own in K\civil, and fur -i-i. r. No. Ml Chelsea Stanley Ksq., years' hard labor in the 1'rison. uppi*r my that competition with the state, by private he majority and minoritx report- of the Fi- until the trail was lost in the drift snow, In 11 -e, not the cost. of the liou-c hut tin* -1 reel. and tor her ! liv id ing in* wa n on hand tn yearly brother, I.. Stable, Nourishing condition. This had the result of nance Committee, and were made the eotnpanies pr unpti) for it. on and it manufactories must be a ruinous one. In surprisingly good they and sudden darkness upon them appropriation carry ing keeping -Meiliiei,I. M and for Charlie K. Kimball, coming a a run tin- -l ui wa\-. v special order for .Monday. The minority re- up and tin n wa- order and repair. Mount Vi-rnou \ Me. at once a to the went into beneath the shelter illage. the first the state is drawn putting stop choking is in favor of a return to they camp . ,.ven-«i that Mr. F. Hoar—1- ii m»t for maintaining tin- I went to work in the Yard Nov Like the human An was made to kindle Navy 22, epidemics upon family, and not a ease of the kind has, umnents. In the House a hill increasing the of a blutV. attempt : lie in that house which pertain- to tin jveep- 1ST.'!. 1 want .nine one to gel wliat to erect and tools operations, n a room adjoining the eourt room a there is upon buildings, provide the lirst assault of the •lilisted men in the navx wa- after a a tire with a tew dead willows, but the -love-pip.- *n- ami otln*r of the otliee? horse disease, which adopted exp.m-e- due me for work." 1 think, been recorded since. a ’an a wooden and then convict laborers, fed Hy singu- spirited discussion, and tin* debate on the -ala- three of the wind was so that it w as through partition into the eourt Mr. I>awr:—They are the -unis which the The Traveller that materials; made such trouble last viill strong say jealousy oil tlie year, probably lar a of the same name \ question was continued. ‘""in. and tin n into a V eoal tin had Ide-ident. if he were put on a footing with and clothed the state, are trained until coincidence, judge found impossible, and the party resolved ehimney. pari ot the wile xv as doubtless the by subside into a mild the In the Senate Thursday, the 1 Ith. senator other official.-, yvot i.i» i;k •»i; i. i«. inom on primal distemper present in New York treated a case in that in to in their blankets, towards •erii made in the -tove. the ilral'i thrown cause of the skill. The arti- city was elected President t«*m. A wrap up open, ‘»l HIS OWN IN COM K. the murders. The did they acquire necessary arpenter pro daughter winter, l'lie disorder lias in the < increased in md left to .-are of appeared like manner with like beneficial conclusion. »ill removing the political di-abilitie-of >. >. midnight, the storm violence, take itself, rti1 that he was violent nor in the wagon ga\ tin* tin- 1. thought insane. A brother yet general character, that the to crime sideration of the salary qm-iion wa- re-mued. Mr. Hawe-'- minutes here those whose and often only proper way punish md the live men huddled in the twenty expired. committed a private inadequate md after a disru-Mon, Mr. I together va- an over-iglil t-* h.u* a -to\r sot in that suicide few vear since. recollections of last year's create long laic'- motion W l\l 1MC ll.N ATI! MKAM'KK. adversity is to make the heavy or the was refused found themselves with means are obliged to provide whatever penalty suflicicntly previou- question and the wagon freezing vay, but it might have run -al'eh Inti tor the Mi Marshall, of the liveliest Some louse w ithout further action. while the robes were a Illinois, favored tin ref apprehensions. opin- and certain to the to under- adjourned •old. becoming an*l**-.-in -> in facilities have for on their give culprit lea\ ing tin- tin- in the wav it »l i)i< hill. He believed that it was a un- Marshal Bazaine. they No -e-sion of the Senate was lnld tic very carrying ions of are Friday of ice. It was finally r< veterinary surgeons, not cal- stand that is not to he trifled with winding-sheet found. Tin- t < onimi—min should fortunate measure. I 'liforumate because it had work. II' the merchandise justice 2th, that body having adjourned to Monday. omit) \ I.K- \ii.i.i 1>I*.-. III. .M. produced by solved to build a tire and a lew blows from iiaken the confidence of the country in tin :r l,aciiaii(l, tile culated to allay fears. But the awakening with the week sentenced In the House, the charges agamsMien. Howard, ;uard ngain-t both dillieiillhs in the future convict labor cannot lie sold at the impunity,has past lie axe made lire wood of the wheels. As i*:ihlic servants to a ami emui-el linished readily ire.sented from the War were re- great extent, had iiaz.iine, his address to to Department, V-it was the building had a narrow e-eap. prompt precautions may prove be four men in w as dawned a lair distribu- 'liakenthe confidence of men scat- tlii- lielbre the ot it accordance ith this convic- erred to the .Military Committee. The < i\il ioon morning occupying morning, judge- withdrew ruling prices private manufacturers, In* tin* run to the alti* and nude in cither If In* had voted to a It is certain that service Committee was authorized to a was made and having got House, for that meas- liazaine said : equivalent remedy. it is to be that like present tion of food and whiskey be sold at some even it tion, and hoped happy ■nod I In* ure last session he would still believe it to will price lew hill for the of the whole law as headway. eourt room, otliee ot K- ought 1 two greatly the owners of horses know more than repeal salary •urli startl'd otf to save himsell best tic oe have words in tn\ breast—honor they those 0 repealed, because, on a question of this below the cost of For the results will follow with recorded far as it can eonstitutioually he done. ’After Try of Probate. Kegi-ir\ ot l»eed- Wen and eounti'V, i have production. amid. The mules had diappeured, and f ind the will of the people to he om- never been wanting did last year about the proper course to be 1 long discussion the House voted #4,000.000 ought above. In the first ease John Williams Ibiirol the ar rein-lied with water, and nnnh damage,1 nipotent. He believed also that the towards this motto deficiency that results, the public treasury or tin* Adiounied to Mon- iller a terrible tramp party pomling proud Ibrtv-two Navy I>eparlim*nt. ■ during and it will be wise to in re- ’In* tin- an 1! < •’•ih sliould he amended 11 pursued, put and were convicted of lav. ived at a of shelter. The tilth man repair-to building pi"hnl»h by provision that no years of service. I swear before Christ is drawn upon and it will of course follow Henry Connolly place member should draw ltis until all known to In the senate the committee on a search been tuoo. fin l't-onl- wen :*■! d salary after he that 1 have not quisition preventives, and In his sen- Monday, ,vas missing, and having without had betrayed France." that tlie tax or the state are highway robbery. delivering appeared and qualified and taken hi-seat. payers obliged elections reported that the\ could not agree on it was discovered that lie After a the stock at the of winter nade for him, ijni). long deliberation the de- give opening tence the -aid that this was the most l he contested seat from Louisiana and asked i:\Tini: i:i:m;.\i. dkaiandi d. judges to the means, and judge the snow He had ultimately piovide uul in ap- I »* clared liazaine guilty of the eharn*es of the very best of care. Observation shows hat the matter he brought directly before the perished ll'* i* bout ing <|»oii which lias been enjoy Mr. >outhard, of Ohio,believed that the whole ease of that had ! lareiitl\ been attacked wives and Ins the of .Metz them the class the state is in- flagrant highway robbery Senate, w hich wa- A di-eu—ion by 'don tin* in tlii" ciiiii1 near iv ! the law of the last session capitulation and of the army among very that those animals most affected granted. long ponds viciniiv sliould be severely 1 clean and 'altered repeal- in lield without ever come to his notice; a man being nsued on tinaneial matter-. In the House, a nines were entirety 'd. and not a part of it only. Tin* bill of the open doing all that was juring by this unjust competition. suiting serioiish Iasi week. On Wednesday last year are to the disease, rmgdiscussion followed tin* reception of the re- < n er the drilled snow moriiv was good pro tanto. It was one honor and predisposed knocked senseless and robbed almost with- step prescribed by duty to avoid the Mr. Kimball has hit upon the fairest and ue-t of the Secretary of die Trea-ury for in- night. W. V.. Bickford and V. I*. .Mansfield ii th* direction, and one and not as of resist its attacks. right step onlv. surrenders, and capable ing < unanimously condemned in the shadow of the Court House. 'This reased taxation, and it was dually voted to r«*- went to a eamp on tin* inlet <.i rui: i*i:i:\ lot s qrr.sriox. easiest solution of this If the Tin- l^nuntcbucoot. him to death, and to be thus difficulty. In fact, doubts are entertained whether uest the President for a revision of the e-ti- l'mlland l’rcss says Uiai a few degraded class of eases wa- Bond to take a moonlight sail. 'They rigged tie Mr. Hale, of Maine, who had charge of the trout his rank to his state has a large number of convicts becoming alarmingly nates for the various departments. reeks ago a [ire man camp previous execution. horses that have suffered badly have ever possessing young eraft, made sail, and started b. tore the stion> hill, notice that he would move the common in lioston. and if there was o gave prey i- After .judgment was rendered all members trained to the business of any Camden, engaged board, and lived as •n- at ;» o’clock to-morrow. carriage making, recovered. north wind toward the went question of the court an fully law which should be it man of leisure. \\ ho he was, and what point. They signed appeal for mercy, labor it desires to turn to test, strictly enforced A t- la. whose the 1 dated at until the mouth of the inlet w u> Hie debate was fiithcr extended, and on which the Duke d'Attmale despatch Apalachicola, j os business was, seemed to know, along glibly, immediately was the one to a crime was nobody account without to relating highway robbery. ] )ee. 7th, that brutal * a injustice any interest, says j his was passed, when they came upon some thin call nf the tin* lion.-e conveyed in person to President MaeMahon. The in the dually, character suspected, hut previous question l’rog. Age commenting upon He to award a sentence which 1 ommitted on board the Adeline liazaine was let their labor be hired to the bid- proposed brig ( 00 late, lie to lie a which the boat crashed, breaking the letused to greatly when lie highest proved professional through sustain it and order n. vote on agitated last great steamboat disaster says— be tiehardson, Crowley, from Kingston, da., beard tile derision of the court, should a to parties about to -ambler, Tisdale, alias Frank Howard, of iee for a considerable distance around, and der therefor. The will doubt- warning > l-’la. The first mate the bill. So it remains with an I employer Why Providence did not interfere to guide J Apalaehieola, open, op- Mils. December \ J. The runioi* circu- commit such a and it if ieiv Bedford notoriety, and nohodv knows leav ing them up to their necks in the icy watei less i»e some man or firm of skill and Hie helms of those vessels mid thus prevent a crime, prevent ( (liver (i. Moore, kicked two seamen to 1° consider amendments. lated last that j iow other names he owns. A few to the frame oft lie ma< tone, the wat. portunity night President MaeMahon collision, or why lie did not open a wav of es- and concluded S. 15. Nelson of Denmark, IS many clinging laid commuted abundant means, who while possible, by sentencing oath, aged \ he I) On tin* the death sentence ol lia- employing cape lo those who called upon him in their euings ago took si t'rom a lift cell feel Ii w as ten o'clock a.:: Tuesday consideration of tin* Williams to ears, the left the ill-fated \niing being deep. zuiiie is this the labor to his or their own ad- agony, can never he known ill this state of fifteen years in the State (who by way, nail and smaller sums out of morningeontirmed. It is now personal ' J others ; hut night, free/ing cold, and tin nearest house u -object was resumed, as follows— existence. To view such an at an hour before announced human interfer- Prison and to twelve years in 'irginius, Kingston, he worst ol the remains to authoritatively that the sen- cannot enter into or in- Connolly part story yet mile The frame ,,i the boat was 11.>i Mr. Hale of Maine, from the Select vantage unjust ence would have had a strong he sailed for Cuba.) and Walter Tibbetts away. Coimnit- tence has been counteracting same | e told. < hi he was seen changed io years' influence to the I he with one of soli- Tuesday night, to bear them and it it n-e on salaries, back a bill, the first twenty with other manufac- unbelief mid inlidelily which is institution, day f f Bath, Me., l'l' The men enough up, had been, reported jurious competition aged years. ( 1 seclusion, and that the .Marshal so enter the house of a married -eetion of which all the will be strongly prevailing. young of cold in a repeals provision.-of turers the state to lary imprisonment in each ease,and again, 1 tigered until they reached Apalachicola, they would perish 'hurt lime. In 1 he act of March .‘)d, ls7.‘». which increases the spared tin* degradation of rank to which by having treasury who embodies in inn. who had gone out. for the evening, Pope smoothly flowing in the ease of two named ml were then conveyed to the marine this emergency Bickford made all effort to reu< lie salary or compensation of Senators. Rcpre- lie was to have been subjected under the Iraw upon. Now that the carriage milli- young men, j1 | wing his wife alone. Il<' shortly learned • verse a deal of and where died on the Jttth nit. the linn iee He succeeded in ntatiw- and 1 in or of good religion philoso- James, they by swimming. lelegatcs Congress, any sentence of the Court. establishment at the has been Fitzgerald and .fames Scott, who ( hat Tisdale was there, and on returning, •ttievr- or of the ng prison ,j Nvo coroner’s held over the the of employes Government, except The believed to says that— juries inquests .'as lo 1 clutching edge the ice. and by the most * result is have been ox- phy were tried and convicted of the of obliged uirst the door in, to dis- lar a- relates to the .Judges of the fire, the time seems robbery ,| ead bodies, and in verdicts that Supreme teeted the friends of lestroyed by oppor- •‘The lirst Cause brought over evidences of his wife's painful exertions, inch by mi ll, in drawing him ourt and the President of the I nited States by liazaine, who Almighty \ weak old man named Dennis of J B. Nelson of Denmark, and Walter infidelity, tune for a new order of Acts not but bv laws.” Maguire se;f out, to on during his present term of office. Taint that his valuable services to the beginmg things, by partial general le gave his wife a few hours to up. and then had lie tint the iee to one I 'ibbetts of Bath, Me., came to their pack The second section The same that $11 night in the provides that hereafter the were entitled to consideration on it which no one shall have just reason to great law guides the November, judge ml Tisdale hours to leave prevent breaking through. Kneonraging lus <>l •ountry oaths inhuman in dieted twenty-four compensation Senators, Representatives and in sentenced the to by punishment, occasion like the present. We to see. this matter stars in their courses or directs the trick- defendants five years j mil. eompauiou to hold on till hi*. return, lie started Delegates in Congress shall he at the rate of ■omplain. hope y the lirst mate, Oliver (i. Moore. The P-Mils, Dee. 1l’. The Island of Salute •acli in the State back to the for a The distance w:n per annum, and this shall he in lieu of ventilated both the rill the hillside to the Prison. ,, late has been arrested and is now in dur- eamp rope. horoughly by public ling upon applys The Brunswick a in all allowances except actual and necessary Marguerite, has been settled as the place t diaries \V. Telegraph says lady a quarter of a mile, and with his wet and froz- >ress her across the ocean. Moore, whose name si amis a nce vile. The Adeline Richardson is individual >1 and in debate, feeling ship pursuing trip .| on the horn travelling expenses, coming to, and confinement for Marshal liazaine. and legislative opshnin, Friday, hid powder en clothes a considerable time was consumed. the National preeminent masons the 0 wiled in the Maehias District. returning from, Capital once every 1 >e will be sent there this •ertain that will show the We cannot fathom the of Provi- among world over, the ashes of an stove, to week. The investigation designs airtight pre- as as In* threw the -ession, which shall be paid to every Senator out Keturniug quickly possible. Marshal received the news of the eom- of state to been dence but must content ourselves aid down forever his tools on enl her son from gunning. On Representative and Delegate on the same joliey the have wrong. toknow working The Virgiuius Delivered. going rope to Maustield, who tied it under his arms, bein'' 1 was to certified him to the mitation without emotion. ^ unday, a prayer meeting he held by proper accounting officer! that such are and must lie, and that Friday evening last, at the ripe age of 7l\ and was drawn ashore, hut so exhausted that things Dee. Hi. a lire was The salary- or compensation of all officers ami 1‘akis, A despatch from the i the house; lighted in that —Dr. of was tried lie of miracles are liter a eareer that would seem to en- % lie could with walk. The two got to of the Government to the ex- Germaine, Rockland, days past. fully ew York Herald at Mail- s and it was not. till it went to the difficulty employes subject, ii»e month of November ju>t was the correspondent eve, past as soon as condition ceptions in section I shall hereafter he the same < oldest of an\ the ille him to admission to that Celestial \- that e the the eamp their exhausted November of which there is a re- lef'ore U. S. District Court, at Port- d says Castelar made an otlleial call .‘iling of room, almost carrying the as they were to the of the act of < <>rd in and prior passage this country. November 1K27 was ex- above where o 11 Minister Sickles I with it, as he stood would permit, made up a big lire, warmed K*rn and, last week, and found of ex- —Gloucester is over a clam six ,odge the Supreme Arehiteet to-day, accompanied ny nearly astride of but last November was guilty happy remdy cold; one degree the of State a il that realized themselves as as But it was The third section ( 1 if the Universe V Secretary and made for- the lady how quickly possible. require# the Secretary of older than even that. In Boston the last eight ! illegal fees from pensioners. Sen- mil a quarter inches long anil four anil a presides. Mr. Moore was extravagant the to e-over into the all <■ of the " ml announcement of the surrender of the h ad been her preparations to the a long time before their teeth stopped chatter Treasury Treasury* I:‘.vs month anv < light up averaged colder than ence been motion a inches which is claimed t 1 man of unusual for one 'tuns that remain or that iiomli of has delayed by for piavter wide, possessed vigor and s mini no got iee bo li- may undrawn, have damian which there i- :t record iii irginius prjsnneys. The utmost gathering. Fortunatelv one was ing. They think they have enough been reeeiveil a* increased wliirh t hat mi \. « if his and les a tin eompeiisition. i 10w trial. >e the largest known specimen. year-;, than year ago lie e lnlialitt wa 'shown on both ide h ne* for the sea-mi. 1 )• Whitten at the night of hi'dam ! A opening Whole Family Murder ed. Centaur Liniments. seli«Mil procured forty-three couples. SHIP NEWS. Lit Ark. lb. A n.Kliix'K, named There i< no Kn!• i>\ the I family pain which the nainment nitarian parish, of llic wife PORT OF BELFAST. j Moore, consisting luisbnnd. < ii.i. d Vntaur Liniments will not re- Gifts! to l.»st \\vck. will be hold ;,t and llayford | child, passed through this city Thurs- ARRIVED. Ha W'. lieve, no will not Holiday din-s.lax veiling. Dec. *21. last en 'Welling they , Fourth Grand Gift Concert day route for Texas. When about Dec. '•ili. Sch. Helen Maria, Frinc, Portland. Christmas is seven -uhdue. and no lameness which Heo. B. Boston mi; thi: ui-.m rr or Tin. u a 111. the. miles out from here, to a '.•tli, Ferguson, Ferguson, Coming! lingoi ity government. iuesda> coming Httlt, Fannie & Edith, Bartlett, do. stream which was were ad- they will not cure. This is H. E. McDonald '• HiI. William B. >ieiison and Hiram I swollen, they llth. Abby Meld. Yeaton, New York. Public Library of K\, * vised to deviate from main uu \Y. li. Eddie, Kvder, Seal Harbor, TO H. J. UX » « 1 *' 1 i* as the road, and * fllCCEXSWB hE, drawn jurymen for the Januan •• ratocs*'h b ill. Lillian, Ryder, 'Boston. make a at a some distance Inn e more cures m of tin s. .1. ( ouri. i crossing point riiey produced Ida & Anna. Cook, New York. —AT •• OVER A above, which i- of rheumatism, ! ah. NedSumpter.Pinkham.Philadelphia MILLION IN RANK, i h. unfrequented. They neuralgia, lock-jaw, palsy, lecture at tie Methodist ve>tn reached the indicated where P. M. Bonnie, Burgess, Carter'^ Tuesday point the en- sprains, swi caked breasts, scalds, burns, CHRISTMAS IS COMING I dings. Harbor. *'1 * *1 ■ *> *< auip-me. John Allen was tire were murdered, and success ASS UK F. I > ting'* lamily their salt rlienm. < aracbe. Ac., the human frame, llth, Lizzie Carr, Teal, St. (irorge. Hi- ’’ upon in'- returned i Vo in P»OsT«>N with a new l»y > party and gave general bodies thrown into the stream. The bodi es 1 'th, Empire, Kynu, Boston. ami of-train-, spa vin, gall-. Ac., upon animals -took of at is a. •;imi. of Moore and his wife were recovered. SAILED. A iu one year than haw* all other pretended rem- FULL bHAWIMS D£f?TA‘W. An was held 1 ^ inquest to-day, which failed Dec. l"th, Sch. F. E. McDonald, McDonald Cha Clocks & daily -.u by lie residents on edies since the world began. Tlu\ are counter- Watches, Jewelry, On 31st of to elicit the clue to the leston. Tuesday, March Next. 1'' h 1 1 i> slightest perpetra- which Hia1 of a l» \ of a do/e it years irritani, relievers. llth. Ceorgie, Forhes, Charleston, W. Burkett & Co. lie «ill’cr- In tin* public a! tlv 1/dVKsT tors. I he child’s lias not been all-healing pain Cripple- body found. lath. Ceil. Meade. Patterson. Boston. PRICKS. Iii order to meet the general \v sh and expect >ool with his books under lii> arm throw awa\ their crutches. tin* lame walk, Qeorge lion* of the public and toe ticket-holders lor the hr l a pip- di his ukmif h. poisonous bin are rendered liarinic-- and the Launclu d at St. (,, urge by Bean & Long Dec. at It. payment of tin* marnUiccnt gifts announced forth a of named the Watches! * An ehle.rh ami a little wounded are healed without a -ear. The re- splendid tbre!' mast schr. tons, Watches! W'atches! Fourth «.rand (iift Concei t of tin Public Lilvars *t1 ■ lady girl (Mrs. A *».. have tin* ttn k laid tin keel t Levi Hart, built ol the best, materials, and in tie NOW IS THF Kenturkv. the management ha\e determined aplain Robinson anil a ter of .1 1’. cipe i- published around each bottle. The\ sell 1 TIMK TO BUY YOUK now daugh most liianuer. Said to be on** of the best i have in stock one of the a»-<»r;- the Cone a: and until ■_ -i eon ,>ois a. |»e owned in a- no article- ever before sold, and sell be- thorough largest postpone Drawing by parties \ T2 they is -4ft t> arnoy, aged years) came near losing vessels built this season in the Slate. Shi- owned mcnls uf Ladies* and Cents* to I*. t cause do what they pretend to do. & El well. i*> ..ud commanded by apl. Joseph their lives in last week. b\ they just by th< builders. K. Long rfc Son. Jackson lYlarch 1874. Skowhegan. Tlio-e who from < now* -ntier rheumatism, pain apt Henry <. i 1« ~. Kilham. Loud & Co., and others. 31st, n I- at. Mm e J aim Miller. the room in which were Gold and Silver Watches Tuesday,I have alnadv realized they staying lili- or swelling deserve to -ulfer if they will not use I«. be eonimauiled b\ Capt. Henry titles of M hey with Mrs. was able • eiitaur Liniment, w hite w .More than < B< s:o tin i. boa* a- idem at ing gas. Robinson to rapper. merge. put urtiTPil in tliu <; > > > (.Mnnitobn. ook At EIFworth .‘>th in"t.. from th*- ol II. M. & lily. Al'.i I. L AND OVER A MILLION move across room 1000 certificates of remarkable eiire-, including yard DOLLARS. :| !" 1 11 •'' s> the Tuesdat and i- als.) 1 : ions disaster i It. Hall, a lim 'dir. ealleil tin* of Chelsea, ol H l.V Eli ( II and have a happened frozen limit-, chronic rheumatism, run- City VIX>..f!illl|.-s.Ti|.li..iu.KIN(,Kl! great many agents vet t<> hear from. -o gout, \\ :i- master Wo a Ao /., in' ,v 1,M " not last as the ''»! ions burUu-ii. She built by John have received i/tuchf riiit (a inn/ .'in sni- m' it' > improving, though quite tumors. \\ .• just very Ill M.1S |. r |,;iilii" :iinl i.,His disporting themselv. ju ning Ac., have been reeej\e«|. will t and t oind-dini; uf ininr. fit i/rmri \ arne\ Neither have recollec- >uiiiinsby borongldy fastened exhibits hrougli in/; /.ni\. lilniMl'-tum 1'inv.di- nnd int/ iri/f />" :!/1 h/.iml itnt ‘i iii tions of came large f how under the effects Ac., to one it. one I < >>•*! built then, -■'a(ill iL> Jihii-r on tih i. ■ ■' cipe. gratis, any Messrs .i11 ami it is t !•«* seeond by ,/iri/nnir tin ■/, ./ ,, : imi* minute, and loaded they requesting IVnrl. SHI.II) III>I,r> BANIIS. bott I• of ( vntaur Liniment is in tlii> tin* season. Her master i llll.l>ia.V> nun'll 1‘iiSOltl irilf In rnnci /ii h of the gas—it seems to them like a yellow wrapper yard present lltri/ 'i, i:/(h, j,, ■' sleep In 11fiiriti ip,.re w s :i one Sanno 1 A. (iooilwin, :tinl sh»- will la* l; ( SI niinoii iii /irn/iortii'ii (•> (in ti,■].(■. sudden eolapst* —and but for the of worth hundred dollars for -weenied horses apt. employ IS, ,Vc. A llirli l’:il t ell)' .if Silu-r A\ timely inter,ention * d in husiness. 00,000 rickets hav been i--u. «l. and 1 in h'nve. mast. and mule-, or for -erew-worm in sheep. Stoek- foreign mly sail, stay and rudder. Miss folks Schr. Dexter ( at Jacksonville Dee Linen Handkerchiefs iKltll solid llllli 1.1 ;lt. .!. u llirll 1 Hit jI V I’lt'l Varney's after her, owiii are atteii- Clarke, urtis, coming —ilic.-e liniments worth your CAS It ( r s at lestrueiion. and a 3d, from New York, was struck by a seven* Morn l-i.nno I !•’ T large mini, they would have slept forever. The whole tiin Mill FoK listingiii'ho.l eiti/eiis. bis cause of "White for use Yellow w ineluding the accident hangs upon the fact wrapper family rap- ing away tin* deck load and n ry thing movable TEA SETTS, .‘»o $1,500,000 M.ivor. sboi .tf .u that the in funnel of the coal per for animal-. Sold by all Druggi-l-. tore away tin galley. broke Hie cabin windows,near different angles. damper the v\'ll be the -L II. In ii n\ i 11 anil a tin* boom ICE PITCHERS ! distributed .r.nnug- ti- ket h »M»-r». ond« cent- pel' bottle; large bottles. Sld'O. tilling water, carry ing way Tii ( roeession the stove was closed : had added IVesh i i ln- ticket- arc ii oj .ii moving tip pond they Ibtsi' A Co.. .V{ New ^ ork. 1 wo i,l namedJWillium Joy and Arthur Thom printed coupon-, t liroadway. all ti be ■ SALVERS, ! actional will •n?< •; m .p .. do b a i!ra .* rope mid hauling the de- coal on retiring at night and the gas had as, of Ellsworth, Mi*, wen* washed oft* and lost CHRISTMAS GIFTS j part ivpre • — a- whole t e\sioi:i \ i- mor than a substitute for a < rip! < urtis was thrown over the wheel anil hail a CAKE i11y j11-f irk > are. • '' 'ii. ins of the Iioa1, tie all info the room. Whether ihi.- BASKETS, suggested escaped tor Oil. It i- lie' only article in existence narrow escape, ami tin mate was knocked down LIST Of GIFTS. ■ 1 'd was closed h\ accident or turned and sjiiousi\ flu* storm continued La BUTTER DISHES. ham mil bis companion in their damper which i- certain to as-imilate the food, regulate injured. dm: i.KAMi ( as11 (,n i | -••veral the vessel to Ion 70 lat T_* $250,000 so as to been a days, 34, > *f- the North P de. easily have closed by puli' tie- bowel-, cure w iud-eolir and produce natural driving SPOONHOLDERS, »M. .HAND \s.l (,! i I iOO.OOlf ■ if wind, it is impossible to tell. Mrs. sleep, li contain neither mineral-, morphine om: i.iiaM) asii mu. 50 000 * Ml *> M \ It I \\ 00* I', .MatlUW i- to take, children CARD RECEIVERS. dm: MIAMI ( ASH ..Ji i. that two are or alcohol and plea-ant ?5 OOO Robinson says da\.- complete- DM « HAND ASH !.i FI. A l': k' an- lua-liiiL ~• 11. l.i/./i* (‘arrwitli need not ;• i'y and motlu r- ma\ re-t■ Is T.j O S T VASES &p. liny ly blank to her. lias no recollection _i\ 1,1 'HI Cl FT-. Mr... 100,000 u < tin removal of at the '.‘I ( miimii ’Imi». V Pin ln*r A >mi haw whatever of under the etfeel of r..' >aiii|i|t*- I»y mail. .►<» d s.,riu. during my Library I -lull! i'i,f in) j*,-1--uaiil ,ilII’nlioii to ilie re Ash c IF I'-. ;..uo, eat-!. 150,000 coming 1 N. Y J time of the great lire in last. I t uum (• I 1 m.n * id i. l.» i»\ If. I oi l’. 11 C!i:ilii:nn Sq., I«'-l August Call and see FI.-, 50,000 Bo'loll sell. Ewlvn. the coal l'‘*rs of La Fontain’s and lii those 1‘iiuim' uf Wnu lic luil.-and-IcwpIvv. \d ( gas. 1 v'JU Fablis, numbers of bon ash (11FI -. 40.000 -»|iI*1 *m«? ui i»«•!:»i<»«• lia« nmiH iictMl in (Quixote, all illustrated by bore. Moi l, \s 1,Hl CASH Cl FT-. "1 HAS JUST RECF'i VED urcuntpd. ftt-iui inli-T ilic [due*. 40,000 b* undersigned will feel under obligations to any t.0 (A-11 l.lFlfs, •. e:,cn M •me who where are, will him the CASH 'ilF IN -no Last a Mr. SPECIAL NOTICES. knowing they give No. 6f> Main St Belfast, Mo. j 50.000 '.>• buggv eontainiM;’ as l i»•! al«*• HI" -! 1. i‘"1 m■ in « Thursday, information, the works are praetically rendered IJiieii Handkerchiefs AsII (.IF I Inn 52,500 Miaw and his two sisters. Miss Shaw ml valueless bv the loss of these numbers > as 11 ell r>. ,u .;.d. i lln 11 all I i' i">l perminent 550.000 illy fa\ oiahl*- for CHILDREN often look Pale and Sick hellast. Nov.-nihi 1>71. :;w’t I K KOYLF. : Mrs Melntire, residents of York. dro\«> r, 15151 s r kkkND I I > •Iaim Morrow i- loailiny: m-1i. .1. P for no otln-r ain- than ha\»nfr worms in the MOW OPENING ! ••'-* ’■ min (,ifi :1 ash, amount towards tin* track at Conway junrii.M a stomach. 100 to. mm I"!' Ho-'oii. ami Ml.cri < .ut**r i' !";<• Mr Shaw r.uowvs v ihmill <.i ( ton-1 is ■ the train was BOOKS BOOKS ! I chance- nr a gift are a in- t<- a '• 1 approaching. atm*i.» 'aim |»1 a* »•. 4 apl. l'ark**'. be ju mped from the lmggv to seize the r-e will dest ray Worms with out injury to the child, New York PRICE OF TICKETS. •! \\ lil t.on! fret- from all o I 'Inixim; aryo lor (ilon«*i*^l«r. so ing perfectly coloring Applets. the head, and in and >• Whole Picket -. S.-.n; Hal..-, .- 1 :. 11. -. ... doing slipped other injiirioii li« nts used in worm .)u-t ree« h ed a V-.v and Attracts ‘took ot hook* ■ A ingr« usually F. If veil -:.m. 4.,.;liain iia\< .Mi I W I-\ \ FlVK ( I.NT* A l»« *\ ! HOLIDAYS. 1 .. tin* Hsmf: Jewelry n nn mlwrti'iiiy violently ground. respects like the three which have alm.niv b.M-u nil. -m o» thrown a distance of feel into 17 Plicenix Me and full part i.-ii lar- in a. he b .inn M t.-. di "mi- a h'liii|on«*\ "l ih« * 1111 < -: \ or- "I twcnly-live How, Belfast, KIND WORDS. which will I..- a ditch. One of the ladies, the I’.id- :<> says Choice Gift Juve- I i»..r i•! ih, mod and well m k-rt« d stork <»t 'hop koi*pi*i' n iniml im oi tin* Books, Holiday LACE COLLA RS! eomph-tr apply for them « deford 'l imes, had her baek broken, and halers Por t ...... Mi Til*- A ociuted Reformed For Miscelaneous & Standard Baldwins, til- i:: :iy. l all "in- alt' inioii io 11 it*ir w aiv*. Presbyterian s.iys- rules, Greenings, Spits, :..(»d- in line »n rr -dr.-red it. tin- -♦•rtion. ns;, Will he attended !•> i>'.v :i"' ■ the other a crushed Ii is Dav i*’ Pain-killer has been known a a Books in Good rath. -■!«•! r«- o'm leg badly yeal Perry Variety. «*• j-rt •'•■ui*• w ill In* <• \.hau**n<|, a' ii'iial. iuo uset’ll 1 medicine. For ami ache* i uiul •! is hoped tin* ,v i11 t :i! in ; ••••mpth rumored that one of tin* ladies 11 a -mice family pain* A so a* of Gills, Seeks, Swaar, thriv may be no or in n. u M i- ml*-. I'M.-i' ami lvlaliw*. ami ii i' we know nothing good tile Pain Killer. For great, variety pretty Kings, ; j alb Liberal t« rm to ♦. iii*.I Mr Shaw escaped without injury. many internal di-«-u-c» it i- equally good Ww*peak t *i-. who l. ;. .•!! w. look a1 Ml ii' '•••• collars receiv- Gold Silver Watches All are ami wlnMV th«*v frojii expr-rience. audtevtif) to what we know. No style just agents perompt.u-ialh retpir--.l 10 1BLEB. and their accounts and r. taru ill mi-aid tii i;< t- "Pfaim 1. In ilir lnalliT- f ton* Tin* laws of Nature are just, hut tena- nnikii |iarkl»*' both Rich & Plain Bindings GIFTS. price- THOS. E. BRAMLETTE. ble. There is no weak in them. M i---!. Pkuia Dwi- NS-.. Pi ov. If I Rox. Russets. Mi .»rii« li*'. ami loy- thal will make mercy Ayyiit Public Library K\ and Man.ig--: «.d Cent* a to am not M ! Soled Bold and Plated Fine Gold and are Although -tiungi-i you I Chains, « cert. Public v |\ m-' W < Cause consequence l.ibrai ii -hiding. f.oiu- die. yhul. «». Poor A Son an al- inseparable invaluable medicine. Pain-Killer. 1 formed it- no your and inevitable The element* have 1 Desks. » THOS. H. & iir.! upon: >ni ihi' o<<:i'inn their acquaintance in >47 and 1 am on mo*t intimate Writing and Piated Jewelry, Finger Rings, all HAYS CO., forbearance. 'Lin* tire burns, the water term- with it still; my experience in its use confirm* 1 astern A fiiD, hwi' hup llroadwax oil- I In* Ja.lii-' w ill liml ai IP P. a of be sold in belief that there i* no medicine to Pain Leather Covered Desks, Nice All which will and Patterns. drowns, the air eon-umes, tin* earth buries. my equal Styles ""I’lni'Mii "i fam y arti**les that Killer for tin- cure of Summer Complaint*. Sore Article, Rosewood, Mahogany race And it would be well lor our Throat Bruise* and Cut* ! hat e used it in mi in* -iat**, wliili* for fruit perhaps Croup. and Black Walnut Desks, to suit and PAOBATE NOTICES. u‘-|* all and found a cure in evt rv case. customer-, if tin* punb'hnieni of our crimes against speed»• & ti !!.• -. >11.1 in punishment of crimes the law's of Judging by our own experience whoever once School &c &o.’ prices Solid Silver Ware. County aid. against Books, Stationery ;. >M ami -i'v.-r #w:tiv Hmey's piv- makes a trial of Davis’ will not December. A. 1).. l>: man as in his Perry Pain-Killer, on •< Nature—were unerring always hand. i- .;i:.i Faiirv in -podity ai. I m »!«—i ait ra«*lion a In- ha*- lal**lv iv- fail to recommend it widely as an unequalled liui Nice Towels on Exhibition j VLPIl HLl.lNijU«i.Mt named Lm-cut- a** Nature. will allow. not to h- .-vrelh-d judgment [Longfellow merit, ami valuable internal remedy for cold- and JOHN W. -hip r)II. certain iustrmin i.: pm p •: t lie. to c ; i. # :• P. ni wiin m\\ 'loi k—A hook various other Month CALDWEU,,; will ami testament of John Murtevnnt.Uvie m• complaint-. I-'.very •» I No. M v!N SI IIKl.FAST at Low Prices I very in said « of !. i-a- in*.* 'ii* •••'! | r.‘'i-n1** ilia! ran l*<* yiv.-n lo ounty Waldo. pr. Probate Court. I he eihcuoy of Pern Davis’ woi ld-ivuowiiedPain- i said wi.l uu* Probate n 1m* I a! Iw T' rail loll m I a •moil Come and see for at Ordered tile -aid noli- n. Kill. r in all disease* of the bowel*, even in that ter yourself flint lla.pii >, .k, ii’>iiin'. writiny- i!. -k'. Am*.—At- A * v I'UIKI.OI (.u Judge—li. P. Kiki.m I* .i'Or rible scourge the Asiatic cholera, ha* been amply persons interested by caicin# a copy ot thD .a ati e-ted by the most com inciug authority. Mi**ion’- Christmas Goods! Sliver Plated Ware. be published three ■ p, sU Mlid P h. lUViil .N'i.u in ‘-lock selling Cheap. at a Probate < ourt. to ho held at lb I \. it!, it w a ui •* %. I lnakoi-'— liooiim l*. mendation of this remedy in terms that should carry pear fa's* a—ortnmut of mber Term of said Court— conviction to the most while its ltd n munf.itt t and for said Couut }. mi tin <. mut 1 oe -d.-.\ ot .If 'I skeptical, popularity Mai n*l ItaUf li—II ami oo|.- next, at ten ot tin- teP.;. .« t •)»' ADMINISTRATION' fjlt.W ItL) M.\ K-lWlI in communities nearer home is ample proof that the ary clock noon v. ■> v iriu claimed for it at >• real and -'how cause, if any have. b; 11. Mil- -111. I Pr a m all Imarborn of Albert Hum tangible. Among HOLIDAY GOODS. F. A, FOLLETT they Hurriman, late Prospect. m.i be and allowed family medicine-: ii stands unrivaled. [Boston LADIE>. (.I;\ C AND MISSES proved, approved man. late ol WORSTED IP 1» \ l il«*r n**\t -huniay Administrator; Aaron Kdgcomb • 'curie r. GOODS! ASA I HI PJ.« H i.II. dud: eoluvilh- T. Fxerutoi \\ jlliam A true copy. Att« st B p i n 1t», IB ■ -*i«-» »n i** '• *n /oroa'l* Mill tin-* Sylvanus Kdgcomb. reliyioii Tin- Cazette of 11 V \ D K E R ( II I E E Clocks. O loops. H onner. late of Belfast. 1 v. i- \v Pendl. ton. Saturday Evening Boston, says TSTo. SO iVTa-in St., lire worship' i'. It is impossible to find a place on this broad land A nice line of these Goods A II I Ait t fill si lid t’t At a Probate Court held at lblta-b within au.i i .xecutor. where Perry Davis’ Pai.n-Kii.i r i* not know n a- a R T ,1PP ER PATTERNS, the County ot Waldo, u tie ...ii I; i« l 1 •' < I'lir !iu"i"*i .lnjiii Pihljy. vltDiAN'- o\ > most valuable for In December.' A. L> i-: (Ji A i»i»oin William ii logler r remedy physical pain. the HI TY D11 1 1 KVN l STYLES < i 1 have just been received. miles from or the HKLI’AST. t n» -. vv ki)• -11 ail«**l ii oin IP.'ton N"\ in. for Horatio fwitcln 11, ol Jackson, a non country, physician" apothecary, ; FLKK 111.1. A.huini-tr.t'D. ■ t 11 coinpo-; Pain Killer is cherished as the exclusive calculated to panacea make MAI.VINAFstate of Ainu ;o F. Fbdeliei' late el Non:., •-tj.'i/.-.l at 'i-a. Tlnv*- ol tin* *n*\v Franklins. Trundyover Horatio C. Moore, of Irank- and it never deceives PORSEB port ill -diid County of Waldo, de<» a•> >k bavin a B e a u f u 1 ■ 1 1 m- r- iii.iimln w« i<* r«- a valuable Spectacles- Spec tion on 'aid t-state t'oi allowmi.a t-i luo-. w In !* ai riw*l al Hoi l.b \si; to Si ii Bi ai l-i \n <>• l. iwem Dec. 10, 1873 Piii'liiny. medicament, unlike most of the articles ot the .■. •. and, presents. Alva;. --II hand Y- y-. d uu a—vi rin-n; pi e Ordered. flint the said Aditix i, .tie: ! -M Minor heir of Moses Bullen. late <•! Swauvilb-. de- i- used It is A S 1*1 FNDID ASSORTMENT ol puli in-1. from l*t»iknl«.lpliia. i ln day, by many physician*. particularly -ons int* n -ted by causing u copy < ;d: .- ot-u, t * t.ti 1. and I yi* lil't tt~. rati hr l-.niut ill t !.* -i:itr e«.-a;ed luinot la ir of Fai rnr. late ol I-b desirable in location* where are not neai three Wei k~ -UC-'es.;. \. In- IB 1 Pi1 t"i»' ami wa* luiill in (ieurge physicians published ]•;:*. and. it at hand, families will utten save Hair Hand Mirrors, .1.1 t- d itl. .If- : t :ilI :iv-' .lournal. at lb-liu-t. that tin muv boro. deceased; minor heir of Sarah A Patti r-i-n. by keeping Brushes, can punted app n li P-To. \v ii; ,• In* \\ a* oWIn-.l the necessity ol -'ending ont at midnight lbra doctor. at a Prohute ourt, t-' he held at Bell i-'. vvith.u an t late of deceased french &. Baskets. -• «► Northport, A bottle should be i;«-pt .ii ev< rv house Boston Fancy Boxes, Bags tor said Count on tl,.- c..nd »• ia. -i .lani'M, J \ \ I ui:ii’s Fil.hl* * *n f.-'i vi mi lioma- L. Traveller. next, at f« n of til. .-!• !. !' »r. .-. ind N can-.- if anv they ha\• w h tin- aim houid -j 1 he Cliiit smith, late ol Montville, Hannah II late ol A END! ES- VA R1E 1 Of Jubticeshiji. Fly*, r-t. ••\V«- have tested the Pain Ku.i ru, and a**ure WANTED. alloy, freedom; (leorge \V. Alexander, lat*-of Belmont; our reader* that il not only possesses all the virtue* Work \ A lilt Ul. H ..ii dim I W of tin* Writing Desks, a-hingt" eorrespondenl minor heirs ol Aliuuu M (.ordon. late ol Thorndike: claimed for it. but i:i mam instances surpasses uny :o oXjXjSS -; o ;- \ true e..p Allot ■. I* I h IB pi other remedy w«- have ever known lh.\. Aihun.- a. ri ai-. \:.-i 1 .dula. ItrinliC-’ : I t .I n. ;•! Herald <>i In Wax, China or Rubber. uinl. tin* I.'.ili. lias minor heir of Kdwiu H. Baler. late .ibertv ; ■* Hundred Thousand Birch and u l | I v. 1 on ifieri\ Patients ilanii! ti> (iusj.i sji Hive me a call, and all l uy something to plea-e i th.v. and tl inr i li it ut urirt\ 1 AT a Prohate Court held at Beila-l. w.tbi.. i« minor heir ol Clara 1 Wliitehoii-e. late oi Mont rj^WO I* -ill ill!*" lh- lit t le 1 .lie- n w -i 1 a- 1 hi- oin-v Slipptii the » oilUtV ot Wa’do ,,it -, Hie Household big v ilie. Panacea, Hoops and Holes, December'. \ !». 1 ,a \\ illi ,in- ime iu Kxi>- and Yours l-'.me v ( .in. I Toys up ■ Respectfully, \- mi n A mu mx r.\ i} mi Z.duina Liniment Four and a half IN t Ions?. for which a fair pric ill I IA ANN BUY AN I w; I :l.i vi le-ilav. was Family t nmn. ioi.' to uWsni. mi anil dismissed WELLS. h»* late of Lincoluvil! -. in -aid < d W ., Washburn, late of I Union M (.onion, late ol i- tin- fie*t in the world for the B. F. paid t\ J'l .nut;, nity, remedy following ■ .; e i;• 11i and with .mie id I UF4» k aat ai' .tl pr. nit.1 .. petit. ... : display ( of cumjiluiut-. \ i/. in the Iambs and Mom' Thorndike; lurries Turner, late stocktou minor Crump- B-li nrr If. Is. 1 mice from th. •-• tat. t' ud I ! Al tile lit the discussion ach, Pain in the Stomat I' nil era, Fresh W *ore per01ms eau-iii;: >pv > i>> t-uters, Colds, ound.*, Burn*, : o :-— a nut to WAR! WAR! WAR' to In* published thr. e week -a:■ 1\ Wi ham force the W u.i Pi’.mk \ .u *u I Throat, .'-pinal and Biuis.-q Watches. Clocks and daring boma- Town, late IP 1 Complaint-, Sprains Jewelry .lournai. orlm.-d ib -1. tv .• ti. a <.t t publican in. Chill- and Fe\*-r. For Internal ami External m e Vb.U *.pt iiing larg<- line l.nrlis and tli t !e* '-it i. It is miderstnod s at tt o:- rt. t.. h d a! lb ipp. faM ; (.rout, late *<1 vv illiain r. 1' t l app.-iu Pi ohab Abby Wiuterport it operution i not onl> to ivlii «■ the patlent, but TIMERS, among which are New and Beuuti Christmas Goods! .»I..:;' tv pit in'd *u the be t mutim Mi iI .li111111.1 uiaud.mis ITesis Vicioricma! within ami ldr suid oil the -. nd t.o hi-po-iiimi Conner, lat. ..i Aaron 1 ol eutin-lv I'eimui the cause ot the It liii pattern- <.i BRONZE and \VAI,M i All the now employed in n.v w ork d. pan in«*ut. i~ .1 -uperior County, Belfast; dgcomb complaint. in \t -It 1 1 ..O •< in* ot .1 Uhtiury t. U in ..-I, de' tin White House and the whole >-y teni, -tiiiidard t\l«" of and ::o hour, at low price-. workman, from th \\ iiltham I aaun. 1 way pressure, Idncolm ill**. penetrate* pervade* restoring day a 11V 1 lew li.M tin a 1»k«• io-w shew cause, if health* action to .tii ii- part-, and i|iiickeniug the HI Ht El. IMtenix Rom. A Assortment can he watches eouie*- out of his hand'. looking t lie and Pratt, ot Indiana, still < U'll he allow d A a.n« vj Ain; U 11imu m\ f; 11 mi blood. .Splendid have resumed work in our machine mom .(• toll! Ilf ihe OU in < lit '• hill! a call. A \ i II I .m i ir ..w ii in the of a Samuel M. ( uloord, late et Sear* seen our and want ai.yin m-: in m leadership strong port: Stephen The Household PaNACFA is purely at Establishment , WF. A true «•-»!*'• Mi t B P. Ill IP :; -1 ..Jiiieneal | p.e tion to the eontirmation. Knowlton, late ol Belmont. \ eg<-table and all Healing. Sales, Small Profits SEVENTY-FIVE GOOD VEST MAKERS. IJeltaM, Dec. in. IV *>v : Pi i hv Quick that we cannot enumer- i’OVF. & IMBY ta. .inpr. —>i• ill in all circles al tile close W UU1A.V1 mi l\s*u \ l.Xi v i. m f rt par.- tjl At a Probate « ourt In id at ib a-t dim ;. tl-4 Cl R ITS N BROWN. Belfast. Dec. 10, l^r tin* < of v\ a do. e ! ;.. I ... ! »a- the ounty I., l week that President had th. Senate into obedience and aIimo: Cini.u A iinrn n—('lara I raev. and name F.*r uh by all druggist*. lyl-p HOLIDAY GIFTS! whipped M our stock before mak- \\r II lb l .I.K a: 'ant \\ ini.mi would he eonlirnied to lara \. Plumiuei in- 1 ■ w to-day. changed fe Merchants & Manufacturers V\ • trunn nt purpor: ! tc- tameiit of W illiam he.itin > t na' lie* in u-notion in tile matter show- lwill best inxiiii their-ldpment- to their your selections FURNITURE m b ing in said t'oiudv of \\ aid". ... a P.. a i.e White iloiisi- lash has lost nnieh 'destination hv using Pills,& Potion* I) E iv W ft Mini N e1sew h ere. < h.l. red. I hat tin -aid p.-L'inr e not it and Hit- President'-- Pungencies. he moll III efe-t e.t |,T e ill ill', a ot till "lb. i.-rror. power. PATENT SHIPPING TAGS! M M coj. be I tin. •• w.-. k- -n ••! int!" I: :m 1. III ali'illllle over the __D\er 1'wo Hundred Millions have been pui.lisin power, FURNITURE! llt'all .lournai. -It B d.i btltal the\ A beiiie :i .1. 1 whethei lie* printed young t^iakcres-, u*ed w itliiii the past ten years, w ithout ol I N- is ii Williams’eontirmation is complaint lit a lb i-al- 1 old”.. ! .- In id a! •it.' W p. Spirit. ever inclined her t<» los- l detached. All Co’s A.. Q A. pear marriage replied. by ag becoming Express t ■ •• t» J m ■w not ui v •! iiilit I'll 1. hut is a and for s»i.| omity. n In t. ! 1 in there “No but the llesh hath." u*e them. 1 ;tml?sp at •• n ot tin >■!■•. i. a.uhilin that he will he Printers K< >SE\V< H >J ), ary next, pi rejected Sold by & Stationers everywhere. LOW PRICES. cause i-i- Via it: 1 IN E lias never tailed 1o e rt'eet a lire, I In- ... iiiiiualioii not witle not be ed and all w « d. immediately A BLACK proved approv giving tone ainl strength to the -ym'Mii debili BOOK FOR EVERY MAN. WALNUT, \' \ I Hi Bla *1 « II I wi, I'll.-President is niueli exercised Mil: “SCIENCE — ■ ’• luted 11\ disease. OF LIFE, OR SELF-PRF* -AN 11 \ true n.-p. V11 B I* Pi IP n-l.i '’.'-i the turn allairs have taken. J'.KVA I ION." a Medical Tri alise on the (Jau*e and NEW GOODS Cure of Exhausted Premature Decline in 1 o.i I.. the ih'-l time in his Kxccutive 'Minkin- remarked l<> lii- wilt- that Vitality RUSSIA H E A T H E K. DRESS GOODS At a Probate mr: in ! a« B- n. v playfully Man, Nervous and Physical lie had four Idols; bealitifor:1, dlltifool. Debility’, Hypochondria, tin ( omit v ot \\ aid.- ni In- ..ili sh..w~ to It y«mlli- or Seminal 2L disposition yield. •* Impotency, Spermatorrhoea Weffikne*.*, In fool, and del it idol. Pool’ lie !” aid In ; "I SATCHELLS, BASKETS, JEWEL HICKS, December AD that there igl and all other^diseases arising from the errors ol pi opei to-ay. however, have but one.” We are out the balance I < >iB i I Ii. PI A D youth or the indiscretions or excesses of mature closing 1 now readv to n c« i. «■ t lie ladi* oi mil:: 1 and .atliei of advices the ive 1:. ■ 1 ■ \\ concerning year-. This is indeed a hook for man. Thou- at In rooms in Met' 1,1 .\ 1 < u k’S IJlo. k. (~Tf 1 every uf a vieinitv I • sands have been this work the true w these Goods at Great. hii'ine l symtonis of a cough. old. taught by ay WATCH GASES. win re In- will continue to at tend m tin* pn petition to health and It is the and aline ii'onl tin "i::.i •• : ■' -a. ihove are based direct attack of inllueiiza, or any oilier affection of tin1 happiness. cheapest per- upon best medical work ever < irdered. That tin- ml '. •>! :••• I! the of the bronchial published, and the only oni- Reduction, preparatory Cloak lungs, windpipe TVEMking ! >. a > l mat ..n, hut there are other advices passages, on this class of ills worth reading. 1‘JOtli edition, all persons inter.-;.,i e. u-m.- with li nt's llonet! of Horehfniml ami lar. to account in connection with oriier to he w <-k u.. sources, re\ ised, much enlarged, illustrated, bound in beauti DIARIES, STYLES! taking published y equally responsihle » No. 1 wit hill and f. »r lid t < i.tilv > .. 1 in -> >'••:.« 1 no; debated t.. hut that the time MEDICAL INSTITUTE, Bullineh street, Finest Porcelain and Glass Vases. Beauti- n a l‘at*erns to day. Pike's Toothache cure in 1 minute. Having added nearlv one hundred I■. Drops Boston, Mas*., or Dr. W. II. Assistant j daimary n< a: t'-n t b ii'itmed in a PARKER, ful Assortment and i,t»r elect -t»ck and having had ten years debate upon the ques- Large Variety. already 11 n.\ cause, if am •he have. ul:. th. -r X. 15. 1 he author may be consulted on -lie can <••■.< i :.i to if ex- Physician. -: o :- of sin- feels eonlident that r. “Boss" “What's become of me, you die?” the" above a* well a* all di-ea-e skill and practice", said p- titi.ei -iioiild .i"t he -rant I .-..lisideriag Shepherd’s requiring that branch of business. n Black. claimed a devoted wife to her sick husband. "1 Stamping .\ \ I II Mil o| ». it. .1 a'.. uui!i..ii. In ly.'*9sp -» (»• fa t. th thi-connection it is also experience. material, warranted perfectly > better lie BRONZE MATCH BOXES any \Np. \ i; V11. t !; P I'' m •, I:. don't Know," replied he: “you'd LARGEST STOCK of toilet article* to h. found in ii.< p. to -ay that the conflict mentioned greatest variety thinking what's to become of me.” Thirty Years’ Experience of an Old Ac. citv, consisting of ( < H DRAG’S. KI.MMLl.i vane ■ Dressing, Odor Cases, &c., \ hetw.-. a ditVerent Senators, Nurse. rrtii-i ■ i\ the is CALL AND SEE THEM. — r.l'-i I 11 ill I: ii.l- ! 11 dal* II. 1 •. f win an have made .me statement Ikon Blooi>. When tin* blood Mrs. Winslow’s is the — IN .1. i].| Soothing Syrup ■>' i• well with its iron element, we feel Ut lin iiiiut the place. S POMDES A POWDERS. taken upon him <11 t ';• i- 1 t• *i tin ! an.- Ihe other Of course there is no supplied ou'’ of tile best Female PKKVr'HRS SOAPS. prescription of Physi- tUtf \ I> 1* OH li determining of this vital element that makes us feel never and Will 1AM 11 .‘ .M l: !•> ficiency used for thirty ears with failing safety WATERPROOFS! UKI Sill'S, HAIR BRI SUKS DHI.r.1 m»MB>, ui \ ■ th a ■ way. lad the of weak and : in Midi cases, the Prru- siicce*- bv million* of mothers and from in th <’ountv of Wald >•• a-* d.b. ini-h.-nl weight, low-spirited children, FA S T, I1ANDKKIB 111 KK BOX1.S, (i 1 .O Y I BONKS, and >,d< BEL -v ’'ah. .1. i- ill lav.a ..t tile advices first rian of can the feeble infant of one week old to the adult. It Vases. Vases. law din-.!-: In-tier love >. qii -I- all p. rnm Syrup {it protoxide Iron) supply a variety of other goods desirable foi CHH.IST- corrects of the stomach, relieves wind colic, ami- are iudeht id to aid -h v .i d'- "Pile P imio U-. Iltiolj.-.t, this deficiency, and it- use will invigorate us acidity MAS and HOLIDAY GIFTS. I-adies, the bowels, and gives rest, health and com mediate meat, ant v .ho ha e m .- \\ onderfullv. regulates sm.n ai please give jm* a call. pn\ mother and child. We believe it to he the assortment of l'lated and Imported a\ii n un i. n» ante for settlemei fort to All cheerfully show n, w hether yon purchase thereon, to exhibit tIu Death of Best and Surest Kemedv in the in all cases of AJiuhtil..VS VASP.S and TOlLl.T SETTS sell- goods 1.1 W \Y. 1'I.M‘I.I.m‘N Pvof^Agavsiz. World, or not. Rooms open every evening r.ntrauc he A tipsy fellow, mistaking a lettered street- and DIA RRIKEA IN ing vi-ry low at (’. limVIA M. black ALPACAS DYSENTERY CHILDREN, tween Dr. Moody's and \Y I < oiiiuru's store* up H'.'I'l I I’he last hours of Prof. lamp for The queen of night, exclaimed. “I de- whether it arises from Teething or from any other stairs. 1 i« I.I.- give." public Hot..'■ dare! Dr. A>cr lias stuck an advertisement on cause. Full directions for will accompany each DV •; rpill were in uneon- using best trade on these Goods to Belfast, Dec. 10. IS?:*.. eoii 'ernn!. th:>i I 1 -« du|\ ,- Agassis apparently passed the moon.” bottle. None (ienuine unless tin* fac-simile of Rooms to Let. The 1 appoint- liiinseli'i !o iniM a i ix'-cuior .. t il- n~iiess p ,\| In' had an tukett upon \t Sunday CURTIS & PERKINS i* on the outside wrapper. -: o :- be found in Belfast to urv von: trite .,1 1 a ok similar in tile one before ; a No use of the Sold by all Medicine dealer.-. lylsp rni: n.ACE suspeii- taking huge, offensive, griping small family will be furnished u suit ol‘ rooms A ARON < >MI. 1 it. oi I,in,- dm d. ■ l 1 which continued hall a drastic pills, put up in cheap wood or past- A in a new house on Spring St., near the Port i-spiration m diiiioed, b\ ^oo. board boxes, when Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pur BELFAST PRiCh CURRENT. hind Steamer's Wharf. 'IVrius reasonable. Apply FOR in the I'ouniv Waldo, ; uii- c i.mpanicil ,>y other indications PATTIRv (IIVIA TO EACH PURCHASER. bond as the law direct- In-then h>iv -t -.-,!1 » Pellets, or Concentrated Corrected Weekly for the Journal. to the subscriber at her house A Patent Medicine gative Sugar-Coated, sons who an- indebted to aid deaii'i .i'- -tot* *;■ j»r Mi lling di xohnion. These were Bki.i'ast, I)ec. 17. 1-7". MRS. MARGERET HAliGH. Boot and Herbal .Juice, Anti-Billious Granules Wednesday, make immediate and tho-v who lin\ .: .•.•lied In Flour, .^y.Ooald.OOiHound Hog, a'' Belfast, Dec. 18, 187:1. tlV’l PURE DRUGS payment, uunaiuralh rapid breathing larger than mustard seeds—possess- demand-* thereon, to exhibit tin- am. 1.»i- etil. in. —scarcely Corn Meal, y >aOU Clear Salt Pork, ?18ay" P I T 71 N T T I. J TR :ec: and CHEMICALS, ... '.ntinued i" fainter, with de- as much as and neat- to him. SYl.VANT' I U'dO'Ml gww ing power any large pills, Rye Meal. l.lUrtl.15 Mutton per lb., ‘»:i> in little vials that their FANCY GOODS, ; \ig.u l ii' patient lav upon his ly put up preserve Rye, yOttl.OO|Lainb per lb., uaU Solid Silver Ware. r in t" a Virtues for of time, in Hal/ — CHOICE CIGARS, 11 l. subscriber hen y not t. el lievind an occasional convulsive unimpaired any length Corn, ydaOOiTurkey per lb., AND |T ;>iv- p'd-lic la n dulv .1 -imt any climate, can be bad for i*7 cents of all Barley, 05a75Chicken per lb., llab! SPONGES, &C., .L concerned, that lie h:i" appoint, in. .. ment ufthe limbs there were no Butter and Fruit Knives. Pre- him-elt' the tru-t «i \ dmiui-p a. signs Druggists. 7Oh Beans, ’..Via'!.oo Duck per lb., bails PIE, Berry, taken upon :. it lie suffered pain, and the finale was Marrowfat Pea-*. 1 •Mai.50 House per lb., i'-’al4 serve, Olive, Table, Desert, Sugar & Tea of the estate of Oats. 5Sa00 sbialo DF.ARBORN H ARRIMA.N late .1 iii'eix A drunken Frenchman chatters: a drunken Hay per*ton, Harelim Pickle and Olive Forks, Sfc Rrospco. perceptible. 55aOU Lime, $l..‘t5a0.00 Spoons, German a drunken Briton a Potatoes, R. II. MOODY’S iu the Countv of Waldo, d* v. a ed, giving hon.i t in are at ball stuff, sings; lights; lual‘3 Washed Wool, Plain and Ornamented. CROCKERY. by ags Cambridge Dried Apples, 4ua0y as In- therefor- all drunken Spaniard swears ; a drunken American < IIKHVEY. Shawls. Cor. Main and High Street* the law direct..; nqU.Ms pet lie be Cooking Apples, 7'.al.j funeral will in tile College Chapel talks Paisley sons who are indebted to sai l deceased' polities. :!0a3.'I Pulled Wool, 40aUo a or Butter, ( Ahi. ON Who has also assortment make Immediate and those who have -u.> .t I* M on l and will be 18a00 large payment. lmrsday Cheese. Hides, (i:u‘*l-y demands tln-feou. lo exhibit the aim- for -.-Mb l-Ulilie Don't temporise with Piles, ointments iouOO Calf TRUSSES and SUPPORTERS, Kggs, Skins, 15a0o Are our Uive us a iu. nt to him YI.BI R I H \RRIMa N manner of 12a00 Skins, Sl.OOati.Oo specialty, ver\ lor A ,• ttiistiin lotions, electuaries and all quack Lard, Sheep All "i which he offer- cheap morning papers jmblish « 7a0 Hard nostrums are a waste of time and money. The Beef, Wood, $0.00a7.(Jo For call on these Goods. 1’leaso call ami examine before and in it ices of Prof. Baldwin l /',a 1.50Soft Wood. $4.uua(>.0u Cash. rupni'sl obituary only absolutely cure for these painful Apples, Holidays! X C. Infallible oaO Pollock, 4 l-'3a_ Thompson, elsewhere. Sheriff’s Sale. a--, file serious I'haraeter of diseases is discovered Dr. Veal, Dry purching bisjill- AXAKESIS, by Dry Cod, ; a8 Straw y-.uooa.o> our entire ami enreiully \ l„ ss. >n in favor o1' es- had fully prepared the public for its Silsbee. it has been pronounced by scientific We offer Slock of MEN’S, BOVS’ [yPhysicians* proscription' DO, taken execution t HILDHF.V (Tithing at greatly reduced price*. ?te Uf Andrkw IN Van 'll vi. Mai:, -.el ti nniuatinn. niulthe news ofliis death men as the happiest discovery made in medicine MAIN ST., Belfast, conipouniletl. against affords instant MARRIED. R. kil l', and will be sold at public aueliou, to tin ■ for 200 years, it relief from pain ■•in I re was not a matter of highest bidder, on Saturday, tin- sev enteenth da> oi surprise. in the worst cases and lias cured more than 20,- In Dec. Rev. W. B.Jaeksou, Men's Overcoats Liucolnville, loth, by January, ls74,at ten of tin* clock In the forenoon, o All Mr. Harduer ol and Mi-s from $.5.00 to All woo 000 sufferers permanently. Doctors pre- | Augustus Liucolnville, hanging in price $25.00. the office of Williaiicon, m Bella-1. in d. 1 L Thomas ol Searsmont. $18.00 Joseph Atkins' salmon breeding this year scribe it. Price #1.00.’ Sold by Druggists Cora Beaver Overcoats only $1X00, former price County, all the right in equip, which tin said kit* In Dec. Oth, by A. F. Mathews, L-<| close fine Bearer u«ercoats $11.00. former dav ol A 1- iia- been a remarkable success, it. was a where. Walker st.. New York. Searsport, only has or had on the twentv fourth fitly. every Depot,40 Mr. li. Blood and Mi-*1 F.vehn Ma-on, Reduction Alexander price $10.00. Great lS7g, the time w hen tin* am. was attached > -ueocss Iasi buL this lias lar of AMERIC AN HOU SE being year; year both Searsport. FLANNELS. the writ, of a >-.xt tin parcel ... “And .Joseph wept aloud, and said unto his Mi- original redeeming excelled it lie ill the Pond about the In Rockland, Dec. Oth. Mr. Simon Welt and land, situate in said Belfast, boumn.-d an l dmrib. t put brethren, I am : Doth my father yet both of Rockland. Overcoats Joseph Mary K. Savage, Boy’s u« follows, to wit at a duke in the north tine number (boo) of lish and lias taken his brethren answered him. Mr. 11. Piero.- aud at $4.Go, former $0.50. Latest Style beginning live?* And saving, in Rockland. Dec. Oih, Sidney Selling price Checked Flannels west corner ot laud formerly o\van d h. c'harle- So. Thoniaston. ( hildreiH' ( oats $5.50, former Shirting GENERAL RENOVATION ut about the same number each year. He ‘You bet! the old man is doing bully! 1J« takes Miss Allie ,1. Dean, both ol ('ape only priceSO.Gu. $20.00 Burt, the southeast corner t the i eightou (. Melvin B Hmio Fine \NI)- being out more this lmt but Ayer's Pills now?' In FUsworth, Dec. 5th, apt. \'ery .Stylish for the dents. Mufflers made of for 12 1-2 cts. lot; thence on the easterly line ot Mod 1.eight.>i would have taken year nothing (’. both of Trenton. selling and Miss Salome Halley, iishmere goods only $1.00. lot, north, thirty seven dejuv* s, one minute u. t lot the cold and ice. He lias Mr. John F. ami F.--* > premature CONSUMPTION. In Fllsworth, Dec. yth, Ray NEW FURNISHING. live rods to the southerly lii.e ot Railway street. BRONCHITIS ANO Addie A. Wakefield, both of KID worth. P RICE. tivei taken this year i.odd,000 eggs against 1.- Under Shirts and Drawers called; thence easterly, on said line of -aid rods to the westerly lim- of 1 nion stre-t oOO.nnn last The will Letter from Dr. Crane. at 05 ci nt?, former $1.00. eight year. breeding ‘Tiling price ' fhe subscriber informs hi' old friends ami thence southerly, on said line oi l nion street be _ probably delayed by the early cooling, Halifax. X. s. _DIED. the public that he has resumed the manage- rods to the uorthea-1 corner of the -ai Burt I >i FLANNELS FLORENCE House, and that he of iid Bu the of the •I In this Dec. 13th, Miss Estelle Littlefield aged ment of the merieau thence westerly, the northerly line and extremely low temperature imks I Fellows, Esq, city. (» l ; cents, former 18 cents. it Iroin by aud 11 months. price will proceed at once to renovate top lot, rods to the place «>f beginning, v.'wtuiiiiu.- water He ha* :',,isi(i Heap. Sm: From a knowledge of 21 years eight California young general Dec. Miss Hattie Mainline. to bottom and refurnish It with entirely rods, more or les-. b. up tin- hi. < In this'city, 13th, aged FTTRNISHINCr GOOG'n lorty square the of .. that are are all prominent ingredients your oinpound in *» IIUU III Ull l« which were tin- -aid kill i- salmon doing well. These 13 years. lllllllllllt.-, premises mortgaged by >v 1 sueli a s Machines! uf formed Trunks and Valises, on the of Muv. he saved troiii the no.ouo an i'll]) Hypophosphites, In Camden, Dec. 7th, Mr. Coburn I yler, ug.*d Hats, Caps, Sewing best hotels In the State. Fred \. Gilmore, twenty-ninth day sent, in hotel re- lly favorable as to lie induced to recom- lo months. Tickings, ha«l long experience the business, A.D. 137'J, by his deed of mortgage of that date, toi opinion years and Closing out Very Cheap. Haviug who the eggs Mr. A. were switched mend it to my as and more Nov. Freeman James Heal, aged he flatters himself’ that travellers and guests corded in the Waldo Registry, \oI. U»7, pay i. p> oversight patients pre/eroMe, In Camden, 21st, cull before elsewhere. so /tf^-Please purchasing the Best. American House will find a table, which refer* uee Is herein- had. off in transit, and long that convenient than mv own prescriptions of the 10 years, 5 months and 3 days. Always patronize the good delayed child of Albert rooms and attentive waiters. SAMI I'l. NOIMM. Sin ri:l most of them were For several years I have In Camden. Nov. 20th, Carrie Rose, Feathers, good polled. [Flllsworth Hypophosphites. 1 and H N. LANCASTER. Belfast, Dec. lo, le>7b w t continued to prescribe it, In many eases with W. and Annie R. Iiassan, aged year ^months. A. ANDREWS, Now the American. In 6th, Grace A. wife of David it. cheapest. Belfast, Nov. via, 187'?. beneficial results. Since, upon solicitation, Camden, Dec, very Decrow, 53 years, 11 months and 17 days. HAYFORD BLOCK. afforded me a more intimate knowl- aged you kindly In Dec. 12th, Charles Thomas, formerly Straw Mattings, LADIES & MISSES’ mun Rockport, for John \\ iliiams. a young of the composition of your Compound of 80 Selling $4S residing edge Lincolnville, aged years. GOOD PANTS MAKERS WANTED. on a of I have used it freely In Dec. Mrs. Susan M., wife of \Y illiani ■ was horse-sled in Hypophosphites, Surry, 3d, DIARIES!! a t lilion. riding Syrup oUl2o on DIARIES! 5 in of the months and 3 hand. hi mv both diseases Chest, ii. Kittield, aged 26 years, 8 days. Constantly Former Merino Under (larnieiils' liiat town, standing up and practice, In Maria ol price tes Thursday, as and Bronchitis, etc., and in No. F.llsworth, Dec. 0th, J., daughter h -4 of Consumption 6 and a loaded the butt which or Jas. D. and Julia F. Ratten, aged years VARIETY ! holding gun, infantile diseases of tliv ji'riitid rid, Stomach Notice. GREAT ALL SI/.K S. cjiscs ju ;i n £*• iv»‘ i inni L'V }»!«• in front of months. Legislative 0J .-stcd on the bottom of the sled and eminent success, considering :ii » xtr» nu lv low In Bowels, with In Tremont, Nov. 26th, Iva May, daughter of < apt. Every Machine Warranted! ^ IN prio- a sudden threw the it sii)ierior to am similar yet offered 8 and 3 undersigned and tlieir associates hereby give him. when jolt preparation Stephen and ilunnah S. Hillings, aged years npHR the next F. WEI LS to the vou for kind in- 1 notice of tlieir intention to petition Sold on the 30 Plan. B. the hammer struck a public. Thanking your months. ot In- Days our stock is full. forward, 54 Legislature of the State of Maine, for an Aet BURKETT & CO.. &xj-Select curly while weapon formation, lu Sullivan, Dee. 3d, Mr. Albert Simpson, aged ( oni G. W. and the was ex- :i- The Belfast Marine Insurance O. & SON. Oar ot the sled, charge f remain, voiirstrulv CH A XIH.EB <11A XE. years. corporation iyio WM. POOR a load of shot into m. r>. In Swanville, Dec. 13th, Mr. Samuel Lames, aged pany' Makers Wanted. ploded, sending heavy n ,1 i>. WHITK, Vest about 87 years. Mr. Lames was a'prominent citize W. K. the man's side, about six M K. HOUSTON, Church St., Morison, Agent. young right of the town, spent his entire life there. V rati lilnll.lrntv ol' >.l A asked a examination having i' B. HAZKLTINK, HayfordBlock, F r MAKKKS '/o inches the 1 lie wound was Lady pupil at a public In Rockland, Dee. 3d, John Qinlon, aged 82 years. •s-Offlce removed to Shellbarks below armpit. of the JOHN U. BROOKS, XTew (•tool)y work at J. E. SLEEPER'S, of a Sunday-school: "What was the sin in Thomaston, Dec. 8th, Willie Berry, son of Ld- ‘itore of course and lie lived about JOSKI'H BKAN, H. H. JOHNSON & CO.’S Dry Goods N'o. 5t’< Main Sirrft fatal, only Pharisees!” inariu." ward and Lucinda Willis, 1 and 1 month. At .MITCHELL’S, “Eating camels, quickly aged year II IMI’SON. Me. minutes after the accident. He was the child. She had read that the Phari- In So. Thomaston, !»<■. 2d, Mrs. Thirzn, wife ol \y. BELFAST. Belfast, thirty replied 1 •*'. ‘.»7 r. month-. Rplf.i-t, Dpc. 1". .iwenty-two years of age and unmarried. see "Strained at «itat and swallowed camel (’apt. l -3ue Tolniau. aged year-,

* Then and Now. Muskrat Masonrv. FOLLETT’S Hew Notice of Foreclosure. I winter snows are tailing, friend. A- soon as the lirsl frosts are fell, the Firm! 1 In gr«n e in CATARRH! yonder glen muskrats select a mud liar, or spot where AIT’ II Kill! \v. .hum L Whittle:, lin n of < lin; i- ..." a- when saw it last— vou Sanford’s ▼ < now of in the near Lias. V tore, but Hurulium, in Waldoi'oun: I'w.t- the bushes grow water, often P‘‘r wanted! All bright with verdure then. CO A day! Agents on December ('•, l>ri, his deed of tk.. a classes of of Independeni by mortgage the root of this is favor- 4)vi lU working hallowed spring w ith “velvet feel.” lilies,—as plant people, —FOR- :, com to Hunk lightly plains, pro- torus in their spare moments, or all the time, than eyed Newport Savings EMPORIUM! in the > \ /• Hew of one undi\ i~ide of a nd adjoi 11 edge .piaatity the Sebusticook Liver, acre I and -till below : containing about es and small hashes. this be- “TRUE to NATURE? WINTER ft ^ Another (lathering two or stream wavelet- bant. ARRAnIeMENT: parcel containing acre-, more 1. murmuring whose tween the chin and as if for car- This First-class Chromo will be given to same d V for forepaw, every being convey, by Kphraftn Hatch to l.lia- ai dirge “long ago.” subscriber to « Deo. Milliken deed dated in their arms, it Mi and alt«T I ue-dav, hi Miannr by Augu-t, and fm- mo—v bank, -cat: rying material they push ISTo. SO, IvTainStreet corded in the rustic Waldo Legi.-tr> of Deeds. Vol y.y i»ag« " to w shared that merry May. before them the place here they in- Two other parcels, one containing about ;?o acre \ b. Book foi l 874 w ;tr- th* of Godey’s Lady’s and the other about 1" acres, same convex« impres-. too, diangt— tend it. i’he place w here they have Whether to a Single Subscriber for Three Dollars, being 1 it using by Lorenzo Haxter to William McAllister d* loot-print- of decay. and as or in a Club of Six, for Fourteen Dollars. —is— by harvested their grass rushes looks ! dated October and recorded iti Waldo lb Address JL. A. C-OIOKV, I maid i- if some one had mowed it with a i-ti ol Deed-. Vol. all of ot aid -b-rping calmly, friend. scythe. N. F.. Cor. Sixth and Chestnut Sts., Pa. page-hr.'; U Philadelphia. parcels being -nine described in Deed ot |- lin- ,M iuTe woodland brandies w ave After the muskrats have -See Terms in Twin's Hook for other clubs.jt# I:i brought together ken to Ihlward MilKken and said dame- L. \N bitn. nir-rk -olemnity above to material enough make a solid founda- dated April *:'. and trcnrdid in Waldo lb ji-' l hat -a«*ivd spot her grave. Tin* I’liHMi to KATAH'D 1 H and have raised the structure to the ol I )eeds, Vol. l.v.h page I.i. ! oiee W e loved to li'. hushed and silent now : water's dive below and tunnel Real edge, they Estate Bonds AVil 1 make hut one trip per week. h-aviiia IP llan p>; broken, notice i- herebv given to for.-close the -am. 1 Mortgage (Successors to J. U. Lane & Co.) warmly beating heart is -tilled. underneath it. coming up through the Hoston every Tl l>l»\Y at I*. >1 A l l\ I \>«»N Holt \|jl, I rea 1» ath‘- -eal i- oil Dec. her brow. middle of Ihe mass. The work is then PAYING 12 PER in N. Y. Roturning-Will leave Hnstou e\«r- f i: 11» \ X .,: Is;:. :w r: CT„ -» i'- m. «.i:o '• w i:u.-. \ni J -ea o’ertlow- w ith carried on from the inside: mud, Prove the best. change-. friend. decayed .Semi-annual Coupons. Abundant There you can find the liella-t. hec. 11, 1>. I'liinullou- w aves destroy vegetation, moss, and other such material, Security, interest prompt, unaffected by panic*. Send State of Maine. I in- gathered sands of bv-gone davs, lor circular to Kansas Loan and Trust Co., Topeka, is carried this tunnel and * pushed Kau. T. B. Sweet. I‘res. A. C. V. 1’r. '-•* hours with through Burnham, \ ^ I I I ..oil III ta* .»r i'»right replete joy. G. M. Wholesale it Retail Dealers RAISINS the Box or Lb. \ out from thi* inside until il is raised to the Noble, Sec. ▼ T lhi\ if. > '■<< ,, and wn'\ me severed friend. | by l.'.Ui oil | |:. *! lit ail! •.III,; n<* over: or, as LARGEST AND BEST 1 an.I a a a i n-t,., t \.. a in link, no kindred tie. right height, and roofed STOCK At C. II. M IT. IIKU.'S I'.rooks. 1 Oil lit V now a !*•— iilfii «,| ! < 1 iie-the Past and Present for Whittier describes it.— | .1 uit'OiMi ill the onnl poetically r.-lloh eut. .111.1 will !.. i,,.n l In i i- .r.!i, \„. hain doth broken lie. ■flic nni-krat tic mason’- trade. e |>lie :tl T1 * «,t u — Miiferin^ iiailr —IN crie & clock ill line And tier liy tier lii- mud wall- laid." OLD MAIDS rTyT GO, j the III-Oil, :it til. otic ol | h. lit •• ami foul aliteute look at the aliuve teachers, Students, Clergymen, Postmasters, and WliO.’.-al r< in pic* *■» I’e] 1:i't in -aid Count*, hillock .1 small chamber I aUthciigii: tn-uii* tin- wide-awake Men, and Men and Women of all ture When Love is Kind. Young Tobacco, of hit natal org-aut. A tlaort trial e.juity which -aid Herbert < \r. v has or bad classes: Confectionery, Cigars, :ilunit a foci in diameter is left, and here, Groceries, Grocer's of (lie tlie e|e\filth dav ot dune last, will U the »\e*s suiv t<» J’.euinning lind or a ton ami New York.) Wooden Ware, & Go Stereoscope; good Time-keepr Clock or Watch monument on tin- met -ide ofib.-’t onntv comfortable winter will toon convince road lead Welcome from me. quarters. or a Music or a Gold or Rockland, .July l.-t, 1*-7P in ..' .vou of it* wonderful Box; Pen; a Photographic iug uv ii Itrooks village to iMxmout, and ITo t l'heit itimiel them access to the or a Stand merit an tlii* gives Album; Kerosene Lamp for your Parlor; curing vile ditorder: in from tic- north w. cornel t the Put when Love ora Chestnuts, Filberts, English Wal burying grouud brings In Fine Accordeon or Webster’s >*> water when the brook is frozen over. ; illustrated Quarto & fact you Mill he and then, aud not course North :;u Wt-i -thence South Last :• Heartache or Fancy Family Groceries, D. BUGBEE & CO. cured, pang. or World-renowned Statuary nuts, Pecans, Castanas, Shell- rod- lo a on this nest will Dictionary; Rogers’ till a stake, tln-nce North tour rod to a *»t»k I cars, and the winter rap bring or a then, will you look like the folio... such tine ora Rifle --- < thing— Groups; Violin; Remington Cum-'; barks, Virginia and African thence North W -t i-. the I a-t line ot mi. Love liana ! one or more of its inmates out. and or a Double Barrel Breech Shot ill; may go you Remington Loading New Figs, Va- BOOK SELLERS County road. tlo-uc.- southerly b. -aid t onntv r»» Gun ; or a Cabinet worth bv Peanuts, •\ ill see them scatter away on the bottom Organ $H0; simply to the place of begin niter, coat lining b) square rod II l ove ran time in a lencia Layer and Mus- sigh working up your unoccupied wav explained Ad HINT HOOK M \ MT\( It 111 K- AND with tile hilildi im- theieoli. lie above of the brook, their in the circulars of pietu.- for one way among the M. H. p. Co. catel Lem- Ic < alom*. picking Perfectly legiti- Raisins, Produce HOOlv HIX IH‘.Its, .\|i Ac. .unt IP.ok< ot ing subject to ii mortgage orded in \N .d 1 mate IPnigor, U ll the stones and roots, wherever and mnnv would Country i i-1 >«■•« > pleased am 1 leaving respectable; savphilanthropic. ons & ruled to made to order. Keg ry ol I ■!-. Hook I'ag* »• .■ veil Address M. II. P. ^ Oranges, every description pattern, To be CO., 1Fast ‘,’sthst.. New «>rk. -aid Herbert » \ ... ! >. that one, tliev go. if the brook i- frozen over, a line Riano .Music. Magazines. &r.. Ac., h.uni.l i•!i neat i.i Lincoln t-- ness mid tr< the pay lin-ut "I a note of one tholl-a.i an dispatch. Return edit paid proini-or* P It should I see of bubbles under the ice. When open to $loo invested in Wall M. Hairs am! I wite! j&irA 11 orders promnt 1 alien.l. d t... I'.m"»■* dollar-, dated .lull 1**.':. pa\aide hy the tvvent Love Wrapping I’aptr, Paper -ecotld of giv*ll to ro\ e -pace is reached the creature gently rises often leads to a fortune. No I':i|ht. SHIP CHANDLERY, day dull. 1>; L with interest thereon l the rate ot twelve cent able anniialL wo or three, to the water's sitriace. and just ■UbKfl r‘s^. oJ-pagepamphlet free. per pa putting a hich there i now .im- t !••• -cm ■.: ,me 1 | .live Valentine Tumbridge it Co., Bunker- 1m icit e.I ; hell—good-by the nose and one eye above water lakes I Which will be sold. Wholesale Molasses Cream and Wall St.. New York. Candy an observation and a breath of fresh air at Brokers, .»♦ »s| 1*11 U \ M li. puiv slier.rt we must, in short. or Retail, at that will Made three time-a \Ye, \ :i| Mill III l.l/s same dives prices hardware;! Iveep fond aud t me. the time, but instantly again. ^7A A. WEEK to Agents everywhere. New Ma. Outfits, Chandlery, pairs. working from the inside. When afflicted. Ship Carriage \ainiiie the claim- ot creditor- t‘* the -’ate ol To .Iwrieho Syracuse, N. V Fishermen's Goods and 'tel 1111 C •» kite Sc 11 lie .lit dec. :t the meadows and brooks are frozen over, Stock. | -ml, |,pic-c Groceries. ed Ii -• •! v e|i r 111 lull It’ giv e llotire hat 111' the nest as ii built on the ice. and ! ar* allowed to -aid creditor- to in i: appear New Stock of Fine and Oils ami Varnishes! Ale O’er VMI-'dil. \N III bring Taints, :i;.-nl I1IWIII d c in winter ami Single pi o\ their claim and that vv e hall attend that sometime-, the late spring Rockland, duly l. P .t. j rii-eefter on the •• i«« at tin otic .a i. | .lobk-t u. ii "ii ; Prayer-Meeting. of the nest is lilt- Double, Breech & Muzzle Load- Kell a-t a freshets, the upper part -<•' enteenrl ! uii struck with this, that ed and moves, which would Shot o',-lock ill tile at 11o a an ot, the util la 'iiiiuually tip naturally Guns, Rifles, Revol- -«► 1 s' WAR! ing ELMER M Mav \ I t" o lo. i; WAR! SMALL, L, tin i introduce a in eonlirm but exami- i)., Ilott aival tl»«* lion *»il afternoon topi.■ prayer-meet- this upon iliangr: impriii 'I impression, Flasks. I.I I .lull NX >N ami it a- it runs ii be foundation Hiiir naval hav<> Ih>c»iiic. "pen in my mitul, I nation wii: found that the vers,Cartridges,Powder or^auv M Al \ INI \ I I I» \ \ Is. v m s 1 »:it. -t I! i .-'ill dav ot Nov A * .:.iiv get through presenting it—1 am alwav re-ts on the solid ground below. Shot Pouches, Game Bags, Gun It **in**mitt*r a* a ■*»•**» «*otali» «* » on* ember. I 1-. I !.."k at some cash for mutt l»av«* a ll«»\ of ."■till. tilings in the light of I.a-t fall the mu-krais, moved by Highest price paid Physician* Surgeon aluay* AMi iacAX Wads, Wad Cutters, *>og Col- Maine. Axn r«)iu:n:x mi x i- ig>- and hope—before a brother on my freak, built a nest in the boat-house at Hay and all kinds of Country Belfast, 'i hand, who ha- a kind of niei- 1’oud. after the boat was housed ‘yy lars, & Blast- «»i in i. i:i R/EDERS CERMAN SNUFF alway- l'ltiikapog ~\/^r i Knives, Sporting -'ll'! m H. II KI )1 > am Produce. Y, !y ion. brings me up with, for the season. The foundation of the ( h er < VI.I.W ! i.’- IP ..: n.-r \|;il.-r „X on. Shot & "Inch will ii'i \ I \ ing Powder, >• I’Ll I' i!i'•■•m-' and *a\t i' : on think Brother Beecher, that it' ne-ts rested on tin- boat and Caps, store. .Main r> ;, by partly partly huuilrrtls of tl«.liars. Solicitor of Patents -ni- were to follow that out in. s.ieh on the lloor ol the house, which to owing ■to 1 hoc take any o«l»**r pi «*paralion.lMit For Inv elifiolis I a 1 iv >. 1 i ti i» lti ms it would lie liable t" such and the high water was submerged, and as the Im» »nr«* to olu tin tli<* allot «*. Prin* TA No. 7t> State St.. Boston Ii ••Oh. 1 never boat was not raised in the house, tile for Cash! BRADLEY’S St., opposite Kilby perversions!'" yes; space Cheap cvni». t»i»-,* lit BtK II till) II ..gilt slop up that hole;" so then 1 between it and the door served the ~ame IIOOlIl Coriit*!' II .tin «t 11 i. Ii v( i l l: \ n 1 \ 11 \ ->1 \ 1 in: \< i ll r i.t it a little in that direction, a- the tunnel under »ril <>i thim plaster purpo-e they, ordinary S-P-A-I-N-! We have a full and fine stock Bvltuvt. Vi Muirs i'onl;in.»*' to >erui«• P. 11 ‘11! 111 tin I torn.I a around, and men \ fish- M;lfi-~ :iN.< in Great If til .. got-all look circumstances, would make. 11 the For ale the Suh'criher. at \\ \\ i: r. >.: in the where hy I raiicr. and ot In ', Only place city we im *-iyn < .,1.1.: •,, ;i\ e*Hf *>. >pe -ul'jei t from some of tackle, ami e\ could man- that have low for experience ing cry thing they can find a of bought you B. \' 'it' on .1 PLUMMER. d 0 a ■wn. f. in some habitude of their was drawn to form good variety ' 1 n, d. -l a! !, i: age. together help cash and shall sell for cash as -• 1>7::.— til- airln< lo di-ti-i "• \:d'.d»|\ ami 1 was Tackle. Bamboo Rods, April Jn, tit :"•>■ ]11JI .plestioiis which result, in their structure. When the house Fishing "l "l low as the Patent's Invention'. and Im/al ami d. in &e. lowest. ire render, d in •• bringing this truth home tVom opened in the spring the m -t was found, &c., all mallei tourhim.* lie- o.. 1 ot the i-laini' a aii\ liuui'le '> avn. ri. -tat.- !• a truth, ti ii wis estimated that in it about opie- patent personal -' building in i 11 nr oil. 1 NEW STORE! i dollar \- .am. 1,1 1.-. .1 d«-d 1 a W ■■ d whit.- to each person. live bushels of material had been i ii:: ton. particular brought \ X I > N" -«•. b g-i* it as lie wants it. in. The tenants were loth to leave their Good Flour and first \ •'iii*i ill llm I Mat; <- 'll].- Family ta.'ilit V lor I'aleld a I a in n 2 He ■ ohluil.iny truth, when ir into tiie comfortable as yui firing quarters, returning again class Groceries, Fresh Roasted VEST FACTORY tent ahilitv of in nt:..11- it toil, i- like a ot went A II lien-, i ot a mi ri ■ a roll cloth, which the work of removing the material .Ju1>S. In n a d no nt » I men It comes Otlice Now to order. We have i v/ /;//■/•: / x t in cloth, it goes Kemiilmg Open ground recently received ttjf-ru- c\ii 3sr o! \\ \i: I In- lioslon Adver- irmciu- When mu come to see of 8. Ij. DODGE ffcSl IMONIALS. tiser tiie ol another cargo Corn and Oats truth stands in it' relations Vo tin gives following particulars Hrooks. Sept, t. tt. 1 !’• raid Ml I add o||i- o’, tin llio-t ip.i the Wiard at Nut Island and "Iii'.-f— I'll 1 pi a.'tilioin-r- null vv tnuii I haw- huJ do etna! man : the of the uni- gun experiments per Schr. G. M. and infinity it, Partridge oiluial inlet a .mi1 | \ i; i. 1 M \ -«» \ .mm The were conducted with tty of it. the multitndinousnes.s of experiments are same ioin-r oi Patent' Pern* Tidcr low lor •• the view -11" the ul the in- selling very I have m> in ,n a' nun : lie wonderful in it, this is one testing efficacy Vinegar. nation inventor- thuT power AT tin ■1 a •• vention at short The guns used cash. Call and rallliot eIII11!■ malt lliol c nnpetelit .1I1J ie- in.lh relation men's wants, is like I I*M1 M> |{| If K I lioston One of these was rifled 'lin e itself, when you come to study il in toundry. 1..II- < Ollllui- -1. Oil I r.itelit under tin- of Mr. and CONSUMPTION ii- infinite diversities and minute difi'er- supervision Wiard, M i: II 1 id. im- mad. to, ,... over | H1H ! the other had the ordinary -month NEW CIDER EVERY DAY ! which can bo cured a appluat 1 ■■ r.iteiit* a 1. ! in urn «-i„ by aiino't e\fi\ ."urli iiliini-I lioj-e. was tried. One Signs, Show-cards. Etc. akahle proot I' if! let a The rifled gun lirst prayer-meeting know that resort to this stand- vreat talent uud ahilili oil hi- J.all. lead'* liie to. olV were two R. DAVIS’ 58 MAIN STRCET, timely and feet C. Mr. 1 >• 1 hundred m to re i- anybody there but the brethren fifty placed BFLFASf, commend inventor-, app!> him To prm. fifteen inches ns >; nut-, i; aril as has their patent', a- tln v mav he -nr.- of luivin* u. 1> u't a to 1 iron targets exactly alike, Give a call and examine for been -ny word "sinners." would preparation, most faithful attention !■■ -1.0.. .1 m iheir .'.ni- a .J in thickness and of live three- ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO '. it up a man's liieiuli who begins to talk composed the hundreds of a! erv reasonable chare. di»M\ I \U. \ C 1 inch linulv bolted and Now is the time to in yourselves proved by Ho-iou .Ian. 1» i. ibat way. as iptiek as 1 would turn the pinnies together, bring backed the natural of the bank, testimonials received the meet .I a w ine cask if the wine was by gravel your cans and get them filled hy a inns! The It is the actual of forming powerful resistance. Do not forget that there is money saved It is acknowl- b-aking away. -iglit some those nice proprietors. was loaded with a conical shot of loo with of by purchasing Goods at ;"ii7 hat we mean by piety, it is the of gun your BOSTON LEAD 10. sight on to lit O it i' with a either side A \l:inul'.tomvil :t! \i I'l'i III J.I.'S r. .j- thi- edged hy many prominent ', the recital of joys, it is faith, it pounds, flange J. Nickerson, IVol!;l'..|:ill |i IV l‘"i the rifle 1 iove. The was loaded in to he the most I. -pe It l- five, it is t,-llo\v-iii)>. il is powder \\ a. Wa-.l.' ir.hlr physicians I" tie- amount «• 1' loO the foi/Letts, H .. H. Grant. .) H CHADWICK & ipfuliu-imi in any of their grander ting- pounds, reliable ever in- CO AgU heaviest ever tired from one cannon. preparation .. .. tieal forms, but as exist in actual charge Proviki River Maine. they Belfast, Office 22, 24 4 20 Oliver Street. The was means of a I" S, Grant, troduced for the relief and .ien and women: it is the battle of life charge exploded by Oysters! MUSICAL GIFTS BOSTON. ■ who it on before man's that makes string, tin man pulled standing cure of all ng For > .1. eyes, Christinas and New Years Lung complaints, 'I v NI 1 \1 11 1:1 1. "• several hundred feet oil'. The effect was most and of all \ r• imperative impersonal finis, «(JMsToiiSsi lunik •:i«I, ni and is terrific, the force the shot til 1 l ollered to the w vs of preaching the truth to many men. carrying entirely Also there will be found the SEARSPORT. MAINE. V1JV I in I tunic A mu (. II 1 \ |.*v' public, Bosinn Pure While the and twelve feet into tile '•nl i n s t r u in .• n t Lead, there i- a man that can stand the through target SINCtl.H AND DOUBI.K sanctioned the many SloLIN'-’ Ini iii \ 1111 | N> by experience and in solid which was frozen for some and best assortment of Dry Ground Oil. ab-t fifteen inch of the gravel, largest limn. <, i v n tin* ! >< > gun & of over * pulpit, Muzzle Broeeh Loading, THE PLACE TO BUY I'l l I • When I I: N AM* Gl.*n| \i» /.IM III ii \fi.r 1,1 a distance. The massive target was almost KS I )R| M, 11*1 •'in 1 1 ii. \ 1» lirst oth»-na two the shot made a clean cut hole, \ N 1 I I I 1 I Mm. 1*1 Ml". x I hate been accustomed, in times ol revi- plates t" :t l:lil\ irinml .1 dom fails tn effect a hir I'ore \\ loti- I a-a* I, hoi ti di 1 on but the last three \\ ere rent and shat- MS* liii-.- iiiitai*. Violin. |»!;i Ms* speech' ml aIs of to to awak- plates \v warrant to h. oid *. 1 v 1 i.v 1 religion, say persons PISTOLS OF ALL 1NDS ! or o n .• o t It o s cure in the severe strictly pure tered. the bolt and rh et> which held them « 1 most that lor tiiu in and 1I111 abilit 1 d •'ied and in In* the FURNITURE I.A Ii I« -\ I I s l.uvi a ml I..-mil I t,.»t coming slowly along their Oity. ilnI ! \(, l .i H l .i- broken and torn from their p.i-ed In aii la III 111 III. market eitlio -b towards the ••Come to together being eases ot p- light, the At t bronchitis, A ineriraii sockets. b:i Gt^s t ock! o|;|i|;ii\ t t »\t 'Kl.T'l \ A Coughs, a fine lot of to 1 our 1 The most eon- with — Uu In order 1 I. vv h:.*. Homing prayer-meeting." Together \ r— IS AT- Music Moxes. N\ pro!. uei*•] A of the si nin a- o 11 r trade mark an «*» :• Ii t 1 d 't vv h 1 have known target weighing thing I lin-» Croup, hooping Cough, pointed ar. it agency in my whole piece Uli.l Otlmr iii the hounds oft' *. tim t our: t'.i -<• » Sore or meeting, keep *1 *1 11. n .. |; 'Throat, l’ains Sore- alar "If. in a manner to strike terror to I men. so that they should not be exhort- OA I .C AND SKK. their hearts. |i fell iut" the sea A Duuieslii' ness in tin* < 'host and Side, ig them ami telling them how sinful they something linjiortcil Dikii's. UIRAM CHASK. .a. y m t-j, m like i all' a oil' ere. see what mile The second experi- Liver < Let them alone; let them '• M.uii SI.. Opp. American llnii-e. omphtint, bleeding lie of (tod is in the brotherhood. ment w wit li the -mi mi h Imre gun. which grace at tin- cte. Wistarh ISA USA PA U ILIA! A who is wa- loaded with the same amount ol pow- Lungs, wise pastor conducting meet- o„r der and a shot of the same BELFAST Who t'llft* tor -ah- at th«» living th*- balsam a •ig- will be conducting meetings all the spherical j>ri«-»*- doy*. mn dry up w a- the other The shot lnrgvst us'ortuuMit of « \tra gooit '"e-s eek penetrated long. There will be ail undertone weight Meerschaum and leave* the cause BURIFY1NG THE BLOOM! but tliree of the live ol its Pipes! Cough, Id- mind. All manner of and plates target feelings I In- ■ »l was then crushed and show- Parlor Setts, as is ease ct>lii|i«iuiia n are mind. and -topped, FOUNDRY CO. behind, the with nights running through your \'“i IiiMi- nilI. SINE’S TWENTIETH t roubh 'Mill, .li'orilit I in p 11 tin* k i ti ai and all the for the Prepared to Fill all Orders Ever to this Town. 'here!'’ He is engaged in the plates surroundings, Nuts, Dates, Figs, Raisins, Brought tin- appearance on tin -.urt'ace *-t hum.*i' that -dioul noticing with and to turn out < use of the next promptness KIR^T l.ASS In* n mi itary of the Navy Department. Early CATARRH! ••\pi-lhal ff, n tin- blood. ini. nial .hi angcim-ut advantages country. of WORK. week further will be made at Sardines,Can Fruits all kinds- are tin- determination ofthe-e -nun huiunt- t*i 'em With of those experiments NO EXAGGERATION! Grand Annual Distribution! respect Mr. Mr. and all well acknowledged in the direction of Abbott, Chase, the known internal !i..-, i* -n :In anr* long range, Strawberry To In- Drawn A Woman Catarrh 35 or;;an. *>r,-igait',w act hindrances to and all kinds of I'lmr-dav, .Human ’-t, 's;j Having good meetings, professional liill and Nantasket. with a view of ascer- Malaga Grapes supervisors and workmen of the establishment, will ami wlin'i' 'uli-tano tin «i:ami !• -'ti < ■■ he found at the new to ms. Cured. V VI-. i:*s *s I: \ I* V1 i- !. '.Ill' f. tuirter-." Mr Beecher thinks this; taining the velocity of tin* shot and the dis- Foreign and Domestic Fruits in place, ready wait upon FEATHERS, Years, I'\p* tance t" which it can be fired. turners. t lie blood. W I, ii t In I' _■ 1 11; -I ll ■ I |,, You cannot always stop them. You All kiinls, from Simpson Koost<*r^ to IhM ^200,000 00 Aiui Droppings in Throat, Chokings. their season. Manager’s office in Plienix Row, ovei «;••«». F. Pams in ttio Side. produce di-appi ir -udi a / '*•, / tin ite got to drive prayer-meetings just as live (toese. Stranglings, •mneh A/,/ t //_•//. ,. mal l', ■ Kksli.i Woman Si'kfkaok Wv- GIFTS. Hcadaeiie. Dizzinoss nrt u tio horses. You cannot keep flies Doins, and umin". (lev. in We are t A /;/,»/, h-/;.,l,<, day. and of makes the some new expensive tools for the purpose, we MATTRESSES, $20,000 IN GREENBACKS! CONSTITUTION AD .■on--. Tetter mill Suit Mr v H, u,I, /: r"t to make the best of your annoyances. sembly Wyoming Territory, No 1,439, Hayford Block, can now execute iron planing to if. inches, and turn Hair. Husk ami ExreKuu'. n’orni, I /errs mi,I S'w. Mriimafi.-.n, \turm I tie absurd saints that I have the follo wing statement in regard to the prac- ONF GRAND CASH had, to l(i feet PRIZF. tical of woman there : shafting up lengths. CATARRH REMEDY Ihiiii in the Homs si,/, //.„,/. / ...... if.,,, .dieii!' ms creatures that have came in. the working suffrage CUSTOM HOUSE SQUARE. i " 'll "ii I.l in !.I li i» t .i / The of to woman Orders left at the office over (Jeo. 1\ White’s, $10,000 IN GREENBACKS! ...I'lojirn of o/i- ,Seri/iffy, /.(’tteorrhoui arisini/ fr<‘ internal that we have had! Meet- experiment granting / it ut,mini iitnrili /,’./>,•<.///. .Mauelir'tei N. li interruptions Plienix Row, will meet with attention. FIELD & hrn met nt, rin ■//••.<•' ■•. />• I a voice in the which was in- prompt MATHEWS, I reside ;ii N. •/» ht/'jn/ifia. ings t" a blessed a government, .Manchester, II.. and plu s iously re brought point—like W. W. CAS I Sc e alt am amt «.- h n for the lirst time in the BELFAST. LF, President Manager. Phoenix Row, Belfast. ided ai llmniker and am a native of Weare, this e.ii / In lit \\ 111| then depart l-' e < ow that lias a bucket of milk augurated, history ONE CASH PRIZE ill GREENBACKS given good ISAAC C. & $5,000 Mate. I have had catarrh live e\.-r of our the first As- ABBOTT, Se.c’y Superintendent. Belfast, Oct. HI, 1". twenty year-. health return'. t" her foot in it—to be country, by Legislative since I u l1.' old; had it had all I he I inn It only put entirely Belfast. Sept. 22, IsE! till Ono Prize years ft: i* v i: u r. of has now been tried $3000:’ tM run all that and w ■tiiui 'l' There are a kind of spiritual sembly Wyoming, period, night'it ouid till up and for four I heretofore taken DRY s„ drop down in my 1 hroat, causing a feeling ot chok Dr. J. C. AYER & CO.. MAbb ■ niniiii r< run years. have GOODS. LOWtLL, that around to pr:iver»meei CARTER’S ing, so that 1 vvoulds pring up in hed to save nisselt views to l'»: VI Til U \\l> N V I V (HI occasion to express my in regard JiREtNBACKS from Ir allected headsothat I \ 111 \1. Vll'l' illgs Florence, Singer, Ten Prizes $500 j \ strangulation. my of || felt contused, and was troubled with -. sen* load the wisdom and justice this measure, '••<1.11, all and Pi'.iln* iii Medici In ache at Intervals, for a week at a time. 1 also had that its had 2500 Hold and Silver l.ever Ihn.’inc: \\ alrlu in and my conviction adoption Elias & A. B. Howe had in >houlders, hack, and from I m Happy Clam. The moral and in- all.) worth from $"n to pains kidneys, been attended only by good result. Two which 1 sutlered immensely. >o had were they, that lleetnal condition of (he salt-water clam RESTAURANT. Loin Sil\er \"e-t Chains, Solid and l>ouble a ear last summer 1 was to lie in jdaled y ago bed years more of observation of the practi- & Wilcox & Gibbs obliged of a kind that cannot be considered as Silvirware, Jewelry. &<■., R.\ most ol'the time for three month'. I have tried all cal of the have ( ^ a Italin tor ,- er ache .onI j. .. n working system only Whole number Gifts ! kinds of snutt and atarrh remedies with no par particularly enviable, and there are 25,000 cure' file ick and lie.,! tin I, ill* yet served to deepen the eonvietion that what SEWING lit AO HINES ticular benefit, and con>ulted physicians. | had a many reasons the clam be re- Tickets limited to 100,000! hacking cough. I began to take ihe < \>ni.. gers by learning clam, all the FILL WINTER orison, AT ALL HOCKS. A stock of 101 W. Fifth St. Cincinnati, O. in with & M! name mentioned connection large Confectionery .'laucllesli I-, \ || .. it It Office removed to II. 11..JOHNSON & CO.’S DRV l-’eh. 1. I>ri. cholera inorhiis, can't he heat we believe, ever yet skated. never lives of every description, and Tobacco always on stoves and we ever saw (,< M H»S Belfast. Cigars None better for rheumatism, neuralgia. j u next who stove-pipes put STORK, hand. I j door to a four am .Vi old, have had Catarrh ev er since I diarrhoea and fronted l» ■ girl practices or years bruises, here elsewhere." —•••■- &itTA.NNF.l) FKl'ITS and .IF.LI.IFS a specialty. " us times a day on the and it never lias together eighteen years old, and headache all the tiine; piano, SEALING OFF AT FISHER MEN! have sutfered with the cats around under its win- COST. heyoud de-crip!ion ruuningut any frolicking nose, in t he throat, ami-trail of Oil A droppings choking Balm Gilead dow to it It never Vr'IlVE ME ('A 1.1. Have tried ol « keep awake at night. .1ACKSOX, SCIIVIVIXG IbVHTXEU OK glinps. any quantity atarrh Kerne iaticitiscmcnts. OUR MILLINER dies, hut have found no relief t ill I tried vonr Y es, use the ltalin oft iilead Oil. lias t.» blow its nose when it has a cold in JLiu MISSthe late firm of Mrs. I'.. K. .Johnson Sc Co., Con st it ut ion a 1 ('atarrh -i \ lo t all quack im-dicine nloiu to close business, now otters A I COST, will Kentedy. niont h* ago. 1 found it wishing up You always limi every that is * hi the shoulder of each bottle tint head, and it never suffers front bald- Block for thing usually immediate relief. at llayford a few weeks, their entire Stock in a first class Saloon. A. It. (’AIM IK. blown IIA«.TITST UF.TITRNF.n FIHttf kept Catarrh and all its attendant evil- have Head flu* name of H. J. STEVENS 'idn! lie—- Its nervous is never iu trade at retail—consisting of a Choice l.ine of Belfast, Dec. left, system unstrung 24—lyi*2S ache, t’aius in l.oins and CUSHING’S MANUAL! MI LI.INF.R V, DRK.SS TRIMMINOS and FAN’C\ Pack. I»iz/ine-'s, Loss of by political excitement, and it retains its and Ceiieral Wi '-. t.«—; HOODS, AM. NF.W, including Hats in the latest Appetite, akiii than three HAS NEVER OF PARLIAMENTARY PRACTICE. hotth-s of BEEN EQUALED firmness when there is a financial Dimmed in Ami a constitutional Catarrh Kemedv have eureil Teaches panic, of styles, order. Liberal discount practical piano play la* Rules proceeding and debate in deliberative me. I have not been so well -ino | ran ami li never lias to maintain its BOSTON will be made to tin* Trade. remember theoretical moaic thoroughly mother-in-law, An hand book lor as now. I feel as if I assemblies indispensable every Call aud See our stuck before else, NEW FALL could not -u\ too much for the Clarke's Hew Hethsd mid it refrain from member of a deliberative- body, and the authority iii purchasing medicine. or thank Cod too heartiiv that through ii- /) may entirely dancing where. \|1>S MAID JACKSON’. — for ike Plaatt-Forto carrlee u -• the States. WITH A FFI.I. STOCK OF —ANU ili-t III mental it' I ha e u lien it goes to a party. It does not wash all < let. ‘.".»t It. WJ. tf. been restored to health. pupil by easy gradatloua to the “The most authoniive expounder of American M A K\ M. AP.ItOTT, highest practical results. on and ever asks law.” < has. Sunmer. Saturday nights, nobody parliamentary Ao. 17 -Manchester ( orpoi'aiion. _* feat*/Mall. Prise, *8 it to sing. It is not persecuted by life in- l'rice, V ALUEK, 1*111 ladeIpliiu. Address Tii*»mi* Bi:i;<'itKit's city Consisting tie is;-.* and *avt‘ L' LM I,1ol{ railroad; carry most attrac- TIME, STRIKING. ALARM! SCHOOL HATS, FEATHERS, A essor's over store of and finest (il.KotiRAI’HS—two SELLING AT LOW PRICES. I>A strikes at the Office, tin- (hike's Augi. in umbrella: and ever sits on largest FLOWERS and RIBBONS. SASH RIBBONS in root, builds up the constitution, nobody it's tive that “take” on by Mrs. all every afternoon in In-eemher, except. .I subjects, sight—painted all and SLIPPER PATTERNS make- it new ami drives away < atarrh and dis- »Sundays for her styles qualities, » of each •oat-tail. So. it all in the clam Anderson, as contrasts and eases of betwn and o'clock dav. taking all, companion® from ?’> cts. up. Now is the time to make the mucous membranes ami their attendant “Wide Awake” and “Fast Agents have O A. L E N ID A PL ! your IhWIF.I. I.. I‘l 1(11 FK. to be no matter what the Asleep.” selections for Christmas. Al| lector of fax« IMMENSE ESS; Patterns. and throat. condition of the tide. Chron- We furnish the and Rack kidneys, [Portsmouth offered canvassers.” lightest Price I pefbottle. Sold by all I >ruggi-t-. A Pam- and commissions. invite customers to call ami ex- on icle. handsomest outfit, pay very high tyWe 40 DIFFERENT PATTERNS Salmon, Sluul, phlet ofpages, a Treatise Catarrh, and w m lot T UCLA V two beau- WORSTEDS giving Each subscriber receives innumerable ca-e« of cures, sent iti r. Belfast for IMMEDIATE JITftT OPENED. containing Foundry Company. tiful pictures, which are ready amine our Stock before in all shades by the ounce or lb. HUMAN HAIR Baps A1 Smell by addressing the Proprietors, SrxuAY Stowes. Aunt Ethel—“Hut DELIVERY. The paper itself stands peerless purchasing. SWITCHES, HAIR RATS, and of its every description & among family journals, being so popular that Head Dress Uoods. Children’s Mittens, Gloves, LITTLEFIELD CO.. mill; annual meeting of tin* stockholder-* tn tlu* when his brethren next saw Joseph circulation in the world! TIME -ml'.' N. II the}' •class it 1ms the largest WARRANTED BOOD OR NO SAE. Hosiery, Hoop Skirts, Shirt Bosoms, Travelling Noll iiii>'s, MANCHESTER. 1 Itelfast Foundry Company will he held at the hmnd him in a of Employs the best literary talent. Edward Eggles- Baskets and aud in fact all the novelties of the office of the No. 10 1‘htmix Kow, on position great authority HIRAM CHASE: Bags, Ol bej-t quality anil lowest prices, always in com- one a A ejection of Directors. was next to the King.” year. Any wishing good salary Q E NT 8 H & 0. W. l,i-fori- tin-ill uni for tin- very high—nearly or an business, should Your* Respectfully, LORD, It II II t .\s n.F. Pres’t. he a independent MW ANTED, NICE NEW FIGS DATES the Wholesale COCOA NUT CAKES Aliee (who is font] of cards)—“Was send for circulars and terms to J. B. Ford & Co.,New by 111 COMMERCIAL ST., 1. C. ABHOl I'. -Iccj. At C. H. or Retail at MITCHELL'S. Cm knave, then ?” Turk, Boston, Chicago, CUniup^ti or s-au Francisco. MITCHELL’S, B. F. WELLS. Boston, Mass, Frejh every week :it -UliX'HKkL'b Belfast, Dec. la, l?r3W«
