University Of Throw Pudding South For United Appeal Campus Edition 1ampa Story, Page 15

SEVENTY-SECOND YEAR-No. 225 TAMPA, FLORIDA, MONDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1964 PRICE FfVE CENTS Wagner, Helvey Clash in Science-Humanities Debate By CLELLA HOLT There is a National Science study in the history of man. the moon - and who cares? I may use more money, but the norant, if he does not know the Of the Campus Staff Foundation, why not a National 3. Better equi~ment and fa- can look at a Rembrandt my- h u manit i e s (or connected advantages of being first on the USF professors Gerard Wag- Humanities Foundation? The cilities in the schools. self! studies) takes three-fourths of moon. Telslar alone will bring ner and T. C. Helvey last week humanities are necessary to de­ 4. Better relationships between HELVEY: I am supposed to the student's time. a revenue of two billion in 1966. staged a heated debate on the velop the critical sense needed the colleges and schools. be the antagonist, I suppose, but College professors find them- I enjoy a Rembrandt as mucb Role of the Sciences and the Hu- to understand ourselves and to I do not believe we are at I a~ re~lly on your side. But selves teaching l3th grade in- as you, but how _much money d~ manities in the Public School preserve the best in our culture. war, and don't believe we need the time IS not now. stead of college freshmen in you ~eed for pamt and canvas . Program. Even in the interest of science competition among nations. The We scientists do not feel sci- ~ science. We haven't time for Let 5 end the, war ftrst, maybe The program was part of the itself, the other aspects of soci­ people themselves are willing ence and humanities must be this! We are in a war now. Only drop a couple of nuclear bo~bs. regular Student Florida Educa- ety need be studied. There is to l;>e friends. The conflict is balanced in education. The well-, the most naive people call it and then. on to the humamties. tion Association meeting. no national program for the per- between pressure groups, and being of our country comes first. " competition." . Followmg arguments of both c m ·c 11 b d . . I sides and rebuttals questions WAGNER: There is really no fo~ming arts. We ask these e ono 1 a _Y ase . . thThe Russ_tans have JUSt put t I deny there is no antagonism were heard from the 'noor. Wag- conflict except in the relative thJDgs: 0 ur opm10ns on war are tr· ree men m a space sh1p. We award the Chinese and Rus- ner s gge t d t H 1 "Y reconcilable, so we. will drop do not know how to do this ! sians. What good are our sol· go onu a ds e so e vey,, ou space allotted and the amount 1. Better qualifications in the th' d' 'f th n an wer; you re on WAGNER of money provided by the na- humanities for high school teach­ IS. . ~et's s a v e the . humani~ies lers 1 ey 1ov e t he enemy? my side!" Helvey obliged, and HELVEY • • . No Conflict tiona! .government for the pro- ers . But thmk of the money we untJl later. We need more tlme I I accuse my opponent of being was still answering when time .. Drop Bombs grams. 2. Improvement in courses of are spending to put a man on in the high school program. We anti-progressive, and even ig- ran out. Graduate Program 1 Soccer Club To Meet Help Stepped Up Miami-Dade Saturday ) Spotts Go Who Decides? Nationals Off USF Ca~pus Debate The USF Soccer Club meets its first off-campus competition Saturday when Subiect the squad tangles with Mi­ ami-Dade Junior Colle~e on the USF intramural fields.

More Pages, c ·olor USF's yearbook, the Aegean. scheduled for publication next GRE Given spring, will expand to nearly 200 pages and feature greater use of color . On Nov. 4~ 5 Sam Nuccio, newly - named The Graduate Record Exam Ae gean editor, points out that the ol'iginal plan of publishing will be administered at USF a book each trimester now ap­ on Nov. 4 and 5. The exam is pears to be impossible, so the required for graduation and by book will become a true "'an­ some graduate schools for ac­ nual." ceptance. All students interested Price of the Aegean will be in continuing studies should sli~htly more than $1 , Nuccio Foerster Nuccio FLYING TRAPEZE? No, it's Tom Eure check the entrance regulations sa1d. soaring over the stage in "The Tempest"- with of schools they are interested Aegean Managing Editor 1s is Layout Editor. Dr. A. T. the aid of a special flying rig. in attending. Michael Foerster. Larry Hevia 1 lContinued on Pare 15. Col. 3>

.. I THE TAMPA TIMES, Monday, Oc~ber 26, 1964 ~®'ffl1i'i'ili~~.qmen~~~mii·~~~llW!WiiW®W.mrt:!I!!)Eiilfifl~f !lillll•mBtm•IJRIIImrrgm:mm-~ill!iiR~11lM"l\.'l~~·~~.;;~;;li£ll!mallell!*il•li•llll•lllll•~m¥«11~rn. m,..,i!!.. &i*~·W;§;~:§!m''""~tmoom~!f- ... :1!·.mz~:~' is rare and mighty welcome. ing the course of the orientation. "-c_;_ fice in January, a new • appropr1'ati f th L · 1 t 1 d ,., These are self-incurred criti­ formed Board of Regents to nine or more members (and a ch·ange ons o e eg1s a ure n e- changes have been taking place in the ~-- We have a few kudos to toss; cisms. To their credit, the members IM likely to be installed at of name to Board of Regents>: ~endent of the Cabinet. Such administra- past few years, and a new answer to the~[t,.. they are well deserved. ~ the same time, and a Leg- Lengthening of terms for members to tion_ would, of course, be subject to post- question is emerging. As new faces ap· of the orientation team success­ Legislature, on the Board of This year, for the first time, a fully conducted this past Septem­ fi islature preoccupied with nine years; audit. pear in the comprehensive orientation program , .•,:,_,t,~'. reapportionment conven- Confirmation of the governor's ap- THE 1963 LEGISLATURE included Control (Regents?), in the State Cabi- . ber: the these provisions in its "regents bill," but net and in the governor's chair, the face ~ was provided for incoming stu­ A casual street dance, an edu­ r ing in April, the big ques- pointments by the State Senate and dents. Chaired by Tom Oldt, the ~\~ tion on governing higher State Cabinet. . after passing the bill during the regular of higher education in Florida will ~~ cational movie, campus tours, many ~ education has never been These proposals are mc?rporated in session, the lawmakers modified it dur- change, as will the rest of the state's ~ Student Association Projects Com­ question-answer sessions, a satirical mittee gave its first report of plans ~ more timely, or more im- a~ ame.ndme_nt to the Flonda Constitu- ing an extended session to return much programs and services. it~ skit, another dance with live music. lf. portant.' tion which Will be voted on b~ the peQple of the budgetary power to the State Gov. Farris Bryant's chief contribu- @ in May. Included in the report was During the course of the two ~~ Since 1905, Florida's at the Nov. 3 general election. If the Cabinet. tion to higher education has been finan- ~ a proposal for an entirely new ori· days, the new students were in the ~,~;_;;_;_ universities have operat- amendment_ passes, these changes r~c- Will the question of autonomy come cial; if an autonomous Board of Regents ~:,~

WANTED TRAINEES Men and women are urgently needed· for I I I IBM I ,• MACHINE TRAINING I Persons selected will be trained in a p rogram which need not Interfere with present job. If you quality, training can be financed. Write today. Please Include home phone number and age. AUTOMATION TRAINING, Box T-866 c/o t his newspa p er

"'f\1 \Ufnl HI!Ht Uf 11Mt\/M!. Mexico P-ALACE 700 TAMPA ST 229-9JOO I Sophia Loren iiiiuGJiiiW EMI¥111- bas bullfights

:,R cU ~J IIIU \[ll and bargains and castles TAMPA and cathedrals 'II I RA ~KLIN S T. 129-1877

ROMANCE AND RACING and frescoes and fiestas ARE IN THI!IR Bt.oool and mosaics and JAMES PAMELA DARREN •TIFFIN Mayans and horse races DOUG JOANIE and jai alai. And Jazz. McCLURE· SOMMERS CONGRESS INN U. Marvin 4655 N. Dale Mabry Angie Dickinson Dial 877·7571 John Cas.savetas CO-HIT AT 8:50 ONLY! "'NOTORIOUS PLUS LANDLADY" IN PERSON "WONDERS OF "THE INCREDIBLE" MIAMI BEACH" in color 'LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT JIMMY INVITATION TO BID Sealed bids for the furnishing and In· atallation of certains items of furniture and accessories for the Administration SMITH Building at Peter Knight Airport. THE WORLD'S GREATEST Tampa, F lorida areo. invited. Bids will J'".,..,...... , be received by the Hillsborough eounw ORANGIST and GUEST Avlat'lon Authority at the offlce of the Tippi Hedren has the only Jets. Sean Connery ~~N1er,1 0~~m~~M~t~':~~~alst~=J Artist Carlton "King" Coleman Time on Friday, October 30, 1964, at at CO-HIT AT s:20 ONLYI No change of plane to owpehichned timepublicly and and place read bids aloud will. B idsbe MCKAY AUDITORIUM "'TO CATCH received after said time will be re· turned unopened. Yucatan or A THIEF" Detailed plans and specifications for SATURDAY, OCT, 31 All Seats Res. $2.25, $3, $3.30 Mexico City. Cary Grant • Grace Kelly the work prepared by the Architect IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING T H E I may be obtained at the offices of H. )) :00 p ,M, FLORIDA A~ M FOOTBALL GAME! 3420 W. John F. Kennedy Blvd., Tampa, Just $11 down, 1 ~ hours up, and you're in mi\U4PU.IInl:;.• LeslieFlorlda-33609, Walker & onAssociates, and after Architects, October '=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;~~ 12, 1964. Cost of Contract Documents Merida, Yucatan. is Four ($4.00) Dollars for Specifica· .. Uons and One ($1.00) Dollar for Draw­ Only $17 down, and less than 4 hours to ings which amount Is not refundable. ~=l~~·w~~~r ~ A~"o~aC.~:able to H. Mexico City. A P roposal Bond or Certified Check Take your choice of the ancient or m odem­ In the amount of Five (5% > Percent of the amount of t he bid must accom· only Pan Am can have you in either place so quickly. In by 8:30 s .. Complete NO MONEY pany each bid. No bid may be with· Show! drawn within thirty (30) days from the See astounding Mayan ruins in Yucatan. They AT 7 :00 ONLY! s~~u le~;rl!~ti~r ~.::f~ ofA~~~ion IF YOU rival ancient Egypt. Wander through temples, ADULT ENTERTAINMENT! Authority reserves the right to waive "'CARPET­ any informalities In or reject any and ACT palaces, pyramids, and m eet the white-clothed all bids and to award or refrain from DOWN ••• descendants of the awarding a contract for the work. people who ruled here fifteen BAGGERS" Bids shall be addressed to Hillsbor­ NOW! Georgo Peppa rd ough County Aviation Authority, Office centuries ago. Alan Ladd of the Director, Terminal .Building, Or make it Mexico City, where buildings come 8ob Cummi n gs 'S s1 Tampa International Airport, Tampa, ll•B 1: 1\'{;\'4: Pf Martha Hyer Florida, and plainlY marked on the ROMI E • outside of the envelope, "Proposal for in mosaics, and the night life can start with the CO·HIT AT S:45 ONLVI lilt of a mariachi band and end up in the wee !If:' t:IJMANCHERIJ$ lot Run! ~r~~=.t~t~~tu~~ll~~ .~~~y~e<>~ PLUS .ISESI·· Knight Airport, Tampa, Florida," In hours to the cool rhythms of a jazz combo. PRDM 1 addftlon to the name and address of "THE SON OF Your ..,.rine& Starring ------·•1 the Bidde:f>. F. TAYLOR, Chairman round-trip Jet economy ticket from Tampa CAPTAIN MANSFIELD • MARIE McD Hillsborough County AviaUon to Yucatan is only $105, Mexico City $164. Just BLOOD" TOMMY Nl!!!.N~N Authority ..,QDI' ------~N~O=T=JC~E~O~F~SA~L~E~------10% down gets you on your way--with the mn TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: 9__';•jijfi•• . .oPIEtr• ... . You are hereby notified that t he fol- feeling that comes from flying the very best there iL ko~~85Z~~~~. ~'lil1cf!' .~e.f2at TP~~~?~ See your Pan Am Travel Agent or call Pan Am. sale at 11 a.m. o'clock on the 2nd day of November. 1964, at 401 Jackson NOW • • • for A Limited time only Pronto. St., Tampa, Fla. The proceeds of the sale will be applied to the payment Phone: 229·1521 of the cost of retaking, storing and WE'RE ABLE TO OFFER sale of said motor vehicle and the Ticket Office: Hotel Ta~ Terrace, cost of publication of notice of sale and then to the satisfaction of the balance 401 Florida Ave. due under the contract with Jerome G. Greenough, 6005 40th St., Tampa, CHRYSLER'S Fla., covering the flnanc1n11 of said motor vehicle. Any surplus will be paid to you, and you will remain liable for LOWEST-PRICED SEDAN any balance remalnine unpaid under said contract. ASSOCIATES DISCOUNT THE 1965 SIMCA 1000 CORPORATION 401 Jackson Street Ta mpa, Florida. COMPLETE WITH NOTICE OF SALE 5·YEAR 50,000 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: or You are hereby notified that the fol­ ONLY MILE WARRANTY lowing motor vehicle: 1963 Corvair $59~~"' Conv., S#30967Wl93628, will be sold at public stile at 11 a.m., o'clock on the ------· 2nd day of November, 1964, at 401 SIMCA DIVISION 0 CHRYSLER MOTORS CORP. ~fci:.~0~a~~·· w1Jim~a·a:~~eJ'~~ f~~C:~~ ment of the cost of retaking, storing You're better off with ·Pan Am­ and sale of said motor vehicle and the cost of publication of notice or sale and then to the satisfaction of the bal· world's most experienced airline ance due under the contract with FREE James H. Parish, 3002. Dodge St., PARKINQ Tampa, F la., covering the financing of I'IRST IN LATIN AMERICA FI RST OH THE PACIFIC said motor vehicle. Any surplus will be FIRST ON TH E ATlANTIC FIRST 'ROUNil THE WORlD ro':-id ~~:ruba1~~c~0ur~~G,'l~alnu!}~~~~ ]f!!!J.J!!JJ~H~~~~~~ under said contract. ASSOCIATES DISCOtiN T OPEN EVENINGS TILL 9- CLOSED SUNDAY CORPORATION 401 Jackson Street Tampa, Florida. • • THE TAMPA TIMES, Monday, October. 26, 1964 Australia Hangs Killer PROSTATE PERTH, Australia, Oct. 26 UP! 1963. The prosecution held him HERNIA 1r HEMOIIHOIDS - Edgar Cooke, 33, one of Aus- responsible for five killings but corrected non-surgical met•od News About Tampa Bay Area Servicemen tralia's worst k i 11 e r s, was Cooke claimed he had also mur- WltiTE FOil FltEIE •OOKLIIT hanged today in Fremantle. dered two other people. DR. E. AUSTIN ELLIS N.D. By JIM UPSHAW has been assigned to the Air [basic training at Lackland Air Cooke went on a rampage in He shot most of his victims 116 S. HOWARD PH. 253-5470 Times Staff Writer Force recruiting office in Tam- Force Base, Tex. He will be the suburbs of Perth early in but strangled one. M. Sgt. Benjamin H. Grace pa. He recently completed a trained . as a ~oi?munications­ ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ course for recruiters at Lack- electronics specialist. Hender$on Blvd. Shopping Center, Henderson at Dale Mabry land Air Foree Base in Texas. · IS HEW REDEMPTION Grace is the son of Mrs. John Navy Ens. William E. ,Wilson, H. Salley, of Dunnellon. son of Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Wil­ Phone NEEDED? son, of 3308 San Jose St., re­ 876-1354 HEAR R. C. HOEFLER 8~~~ Airman James T. F . Houston, cently flew his first solo flight I su ., ~ov. 1st, 7:30 P.M. son of Mrs. Medora F. Hous- in a Mentor trainer plane at the GOOD SHEPHERD CHURCH HENDERSON BlVD. · ton , of 2921 Wallcr aft Ave., has Naval Air Station at Pensacola. I 501 s. Dale Mabry ~~~~~~~~~!!11!!!!!!!11!!!!!~ completed the first phase of his :: Marine Pvt. Alexander Gar- Grace Houston Wilson cia Jr., son of Mr. and M;·s. . Alexander Garcia, of 3245 Ty- try Division in Wurzburg, Ger- Bohannon, of Route 1, Box 211, .· ··~· son Ave., has completed a .week many. Thonotosassa, has been as- of testing. and scr~ening a~ ~he . signed to the 24th Infantry Di- Naval Air Teehrucal Trammg Marine Sgt. Robert T. Lewis, . . . G Center in Memphis, Tenn. son of Mrs. T. I. Lewis, of 10024 VISiOn 10 ermany. . . Nebraska ~ ve., i~ taking a N v Air m an A rentice Army Pfc. David G. Ehnch, course for Jet engme mecl:lan- a Y . . PP 14,460,··:J whose wife lives at 2916 Price ics at the Naval Air Technical Charles E. Williams, son of Mr. Ave., has been assigned to the Training Center in Memphis, and Mrs. Donald C. Williams, of 30th Artillery Brigade on Okina- Tennessee. 4506 Fairoaks Ave., is serving TIMES A DAY . · ~ ~a. Ehrich was a Ta':Tipa po- . with Training Squadron Two at hcema~ before entenng the Airman 2.C. Douglas P. John- the Naval Auxiliary Air Station YOUR, BRA SIZE ; :~ Army m 1962. son, son of Mrs . . W. B. J?hn- at Milton. son, of 930 Cornelius Ave., IS a Navy Seaman Appren. James member of th~ T~ctical Air The Air Force has promoted CHaNfiES ~ ..· ~,~ : Beckett, son of Mrs. Fletta Command Special Air .~arf~re James R. Burleson, son of Mr. - . . ?udly, of 8306 Greenw??d Av~ .• Center t~am now particJp.atmg and Mrs. William G. LeMon, of > 1s aboard the ammumtion sh~p in Exercise Cherokee Trail IV 6220 R ell to staff sergeant 1, Nitro w.ith the Sixth Fleet m in North Carolina. at Hor::::te;d Air Force Base, .j the Mediterranean. Florida. Army Pvt. Edmond S. Selph, Air Force T. Sgt. Lawrence son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Army Pvt. Robert E. Rogers, H. Bishop, son of Mr. and M;rs. son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. C. N. Bishop, of 6017 Second Rogers Sr., of 3105 Van Buren St., has been named Outstand­ Young Tampan Drive, has been assigned to the ing Fuels Man of the Month for TIMELY WATCH VALUES Second Armored Cavalry Regi­ J Headquarters, c o Sn de Air < a. Handsome 17·jewel BARON .. . shock Eyes National ment in Germany. j and water resistant,* with matching ex­ Force, at Grand Forks Air pansion band. $1488 Force Base in North Dakota. ROTC Award Navy Airman Apprentice Don- Wells, son of Mr. and b. Man's 17·jewel Baron is automatic ... Edd' W 0 1 Robert T. Bodden of Tampa, ald c. shock and water·resistant* w1th match· Armfy MPfc. d IMe · Thoo eays, a 1964 graduate of Florida South- Mrs. David C. Wells, of 1606 ing expansion band. ·$1888 son o r . an rs. om A · · · E D le f 603 E. North st. ern College, has been nominated 2~th ve., 1s ~ervmg a.s .an av.ta- ;. p rices plus t R.x: 00 0 ~ . Y. . . • . • . twn electromcs techmcian with recently participated m a field for a n a t I o n a 1 ROTC award T . . S d T t th • ZALE'S ••• AMERICA'S LARGEST· JEWELERS·i· · · · · G rammg qua ron wo a e . trai~mg .exercise m ermany. given by the U.S. Army. Naval Auxiliary Air Station at : &04 Franklin ~~v:~~,~~~ F~rfe~H~f;;.;A~ri. 'Til • P.M. He IS with Headquar:ers Com- The award is the Hughes Milton. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~p:a~ey~·~M~t:h~A~rm~&~·-T:h:I:r:d~I:n:h:n:- Tro~~ ~Hn an~aliy ~the j nation's outstanding ROTC grad- Airman 2.C. John S. Salzer k , .. · uate cadet selected from nomi- Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. John Maiden~orm 86 PROOF • ©1962, ECHO SPRING DISTILLERY, LOUISVILLE, KY. nces of participating colleges s. Salzer, of 2111 Seaman Road, Thi"s new Concer'tina® Bra has "action frames" 8 0 ------~Bodden,~~~~. who was graduated course~ ~n for ~d~~ft~air armament me- a thta s tre thtc 0 f"tI you peiteCJ tl y WI"th every brea th you tkfa e. last May with a B.S. degree, chanics at Lowry Air Force served his senior year as cadet Base in Colorado. "Action frame" at·ound each cup is made colonel and commander of the with "Lyera" Spandex*, s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-s as you ROTC battalion, the top cadet Army Pvt. George L. Hicks, inhale to give extra "breathing room." Cot­ post. His nomination also was son of Mrs. Dorothy 0. Hicks, based on scholarship and all- of 821 S. Orleans Ave., has en­ ton where it counts keeps its snug-ability! IN cups, $3.50). BIG CALL A, B, C cups, $3.00 (D round campus leadership. rolled in the Army S g ni a 1 Bodaen is now a second lieu- School at Ft. Monmouth, N.J ., • All Cotton Bro3dcloth tenant in the Army reserve, for 10 weeks' training as a Frame & Band: Cotton, "Dacron" Polyester : Nylon, "Lycra" Spandex awaiting call to active duty. His photographic technician. 'Power Net Elastic FLORI A parents are Mr. and Mrs. T. W. p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Bodden, 3006 Stovall Place. new concertina· bra Roaches? Lions' lnd·uction 16~ 798~404 bottles sold! There will be an induction of Call BURKE Tox-eol new members at the N or t h JUST SAY bymaiiie'lform· Tampa Lions Club regular meet­ · ···~···;~.:·····::;~~::·:~:··~··:···::::~·~ -r;:··~ ·.-: ::;:l?··· 876-2463 'CHARGE IT =·=·<;::::· ing Wednesday at 6:30 p.m .




It works like this: Now, at last, it's easy and thrifty to make travel plans courteous service and thorough-going dependability for t he whole family ! AIR CANADA offers a Family of one of the free world's top ten airlines. TAMPA/ Fare Pl an that's uncomplicated - and unlimited as Plan a family holiday in Canada. Fly 11ft for sight· ST. PETERSBURG- TORONTO to flying days. You go and return any day of the week seein9 , •. for a "foreign" shopping spree. , • to visit you choose. fam·ily or friends .•. for skiin9 lit comes first to Cern. Dad pays $62.00 adal Get the facts about AIR CANADA'S new daily ~ Taste 'vhy more attd trtore JteOJtle Father pays fu ll fa re (or Mother d oes, i f she 's 25% discount Family Plan on First or Economy Class. Mom pays $46.50 shepherding the brood). The rest of the fa mily, chil­ pays $46.50 dren between 12 and 2 1, go at 25% oft. Except See your Travel Agent. Or phone AIR CANADA by ~all for tltis extra age Ketttucky Child 12-21 children 11 and under - they go half-fare. If there's a sking Long Di stance Operator for WX 2041, Child 2-11 pays $31.00 a child under 2 - he goes f ree! St. Petersburg (no Toll charges). Ticket Office: at Bourbon again, agaitt att~ :tgain! Airport Terminal. Chll~ under 2 FREE The new daily discount Family Plan provides special Aft fares are one way Economy, meals and reading material for the youngsters. You II.S. transportation tax extr3. make a swift, comfortable trip. And you enjoy the AIRC~~~E~@ Allen Gears Plans For 10,000 by '68

·1500 Hike Meet Mrs. Muriel Allen Expected Next Fall By BOB CHICK Of the Campus Staff A re-gearing of antici- 1 pated enrollment figures has caused USF President John S. Allen to conserva­ t,ively estimate a 10,000 stu­ dent body for the fall 1968 trimester. The 10-year (1960-70 ) plan placed the school enrollment at that figure no earlier than 1970. In order for USF to handle that total, the Florida Legisla­ ture in its 1965 session must ap­ propriate $12,897,000 to cover the mini­ mum amount of' construe t i o n . Without t h a t grant President Allen Allen feels that the school cannot adequately handle the load.

Clerics Tall{

SATURDAY, OCT. 31, 1964 7:30p.m. Movie- "Fiower Drum Son&: FH 101 WEDNESDAY, OCT. :!8, 1964 9:00p.m. Stereo Dance VC 248 8:00a.m. Placement Interviews UC 223 SUNDAY, NOV. 1, 1964 11:15 a.m. Political 10:30 a .m. Wesley uc (7 Science Class UC 252 3:30p.m. Martha Rearick FH101 1:25 p.m. Young Democrat. UC 47 6:00p.m. Westminister uc 47 Accounting Club UC 20:>. 7:30p.m. Movie- B~FH~~~~:rr;;ociety uc 203 "F'Jower Drum song FH 101 Committee UC 205 OFFICIAL NOTICES Water Ski Club UC 215 Nov. 17-Southern Bell Telephone, Jack- Amateur Radio Club UC 223 ~on ville. Business. management open. Business tngs, program Adminlstratlon Club VC 25:>. - Mutual and United of Omo.ha, Tam• 2.:30 p.m. ~a~e~oC~~r~:mmlttee gg ru &~es. Openings for sales representa- 4:30 p.m. Bridge Lessons UC 108 - American National Red Cros~, At· 4:30p.m. Gymnastics lanta. Various positions in u.s. and Workout PB Shelter overseas. 6:15p.m. Program CouncD VC 2~-l Nov. 18- Arthur Anderson It Co., At· 7:00p.m. Dr. Barfield 11C %41 \anta. Accountants. 1:30 p.m . Exceptional Child Club UC 252 Nov. 1$--Hasklns lr Sells, Tampa. Ac· VC Leadership countanta,

' ) 16 THE TAMPA TIMES Tole Painting Monday, October 26, 1964 Weekend Brides To Be Taught At Tampa Center One of Early America's fa­ Wedding Bells Chime vorite forms of decoration - tole painting will be taught Winter P ark Presbyterian Ross Calleja Jr. Sunday after- 4517 Watrous. Parents of the Haven, Miss Betsy Beote of every Tuesday afternoon f r o m Church was the scene of the noon. The Rev. Lawrence Mur- bridegroom are Mr. and Mrs. Jacksonville, and Miss Cathy 1 until 3 p.m. starting Oct. 27 marriage of Miss Nancy Plapp phy officiated. Sam Bucklew, 4216 Dale. Mosley of Nashville, Tenn. and Oscar Juarez Saturday. The Parents of the couple are Mr. Silk peau de soie and Alen- Best man was Sam Bucklew, at Community Center. Rev. Oswald Delgado officiated. and Mrs. Ralph R. Bitetto, 2409 con lace was the bride's choice father of the bridegroom. Keith Mrs. Carolyn Babcock will in­ Col. and Mrs. Herbert Plapp Ripgewood Ave., and Mr. and for her formal gown with pearl Bucklew, Don Cawthon of Or­ struct the series which is spon­ crystal trim and a court lando, Harold Brock and Glenn of Enterprise are parents of Mrs. R. R. Calleja, 1710 E. and sored by the city recreation de­ the bride. The bridegroom is Northbay. train. A silk rose held her illu- Schatzberg were groomsmen­ the son of Dr. and Mrs. Oscar The bride was given in mar- sion veil and she carried roses. ushers. partment. A nominal fee will A. Juarez of Tampa. riage by her father and chose Her father gave her in mar- A formal reception at Palma be charged. The bride was given in mar- a formal gown of peau de soie riage. Ceia Golf and Country Club fol- in tole painting, colorful with a chapel train. Attending her were Miss lowed the ceremony. After a riage by her father and wore a and lace stencils are applied to various formal gown of peau de soie and Her veil was attached to a Betty Lou Claywell, maid of wedding cruise to Nassau, Mr. pieces of furniture and trays. If you are among the lace. Her veil was attached to crown of pearls and she car- honor; Miss Ann Milton, Miss and Mrs. Bucklew will live in many women who use a a floral crown and she carried ried orchids on a Bible. Margie MacCalla of Winter Tampa at 4311 North A St. The designs are just as varied natural silk sponge to mas­ an orchid on a Bible. Mrs. Sonia Meabe of West • as individual tastes and include sage creams into your skin, Miss Anette Tyner of Orlando Palm Beach served as matron stylized, floral and scenic. as well as to apply make-up, was maid of honor. Miss Vir- of honor and Mrs. Sylvia Gor­ assure yourself of its maxi­ ginia Shollar of Orlando and don, sister of the bridegroom, mum effciency by keeping it Miss Sarah Booth of Clearwater was bridesmatron. They wore Those Horrid fresh and clean. According were bridesmaids. They wore gowns of antique gold peau and to a leading beauty author­ emerald green gowns and car- carried single chrysanthemums. ity, when a sponge becomes ried bronze flowers. Best man was William Gor- Mrs. Oscar F. Juarez AGE SPOTS* soiled or hardened with Best man was Richard Juarez, don of Gibsonton. Groomsman make-up or other requisites, brother of the bridegroom. Jack was Frank Bitetto, brother of the application of make-up Moore of St. Petersburg, Nor- the bride, and John Bitetto, also -WRINKLES will not be as smooth as it man Pricher of Orlando, Tom a brother, and Wayne Mallo should and, the massaging Parson of Manchester, Tenn., were ushers. Date Pad of creams on the skin will and Robert Plapp, brother of A reception at the Cruise-A­ be less than gentle. the bride, were groomsmen- Cade Club followed the cere­ Del Rio Woman's Club will STONEY POINT ushers. mony. After a trip to the Smoky meet 8 p.m.! at the Members of Stoney Point Gar- To restore the sponge to at the Orlando Mountains, Mr. and Mrs. Cal­ ~es?~Y, A reception Del RIO CIVIc. ~lub. Jim Co~e den Circle have changed the its original condition, im­ Officers Club followed the cere- leja will live in Tampa. m e r s e it in a cup of hot of Florida Christian College will date .for their November meet- mony. Mr. and Mrs. Juarez will speak on government. ing to Wednesday, Oct. 28, when water with about one table­ live in Orlando. They both at- a picnic will start at 11 a.m., spoonful of mild detergent. tend Stetson University. WESTGATE After letting it soak for a Miss Susan Cawthon became Westgate Y-Wives will meet at Tampa Federation of Garden short time, squeeze the suds the bride of Karle Emil Buck­ Tuesday, 9:30 a.m., at St. Paul's Clubs. through the sponge with the lew Saturday at 5 o'clock. The Methodist Church. An art class ABW fingertips several times until A double ring ceremony In Rev. J. Robert Miller perform­ is scheduled for this meeting. Tampa Bay chapter, Ameri- all the make-up and other Our Lady of Perpetual Help ed the double ring ceremony in POINEKAH can Business Women's Associa- residue is dissolved and the Catholic Church solemnized the Methodist Church. Poinekah Club, Poinsettia Re- tion, will sponsor a covered dish sponge is again clear and marriage of Miss Josephine The bride is the daughter of bekah Lodge 20, will meet Tues- s~pp_er at Busch Garden Hos­ soft. Rinse thoroughly, Theresa Bitetto and Risvelio Mr. and Mrs. D. Roy Cawthon, day, 8 p.m., at the IOOF Tern- p1tality House, Wednesday, 6:30 squeeze dry, and it will be pie, 6220 Nebraska Ave. p.m. beautifully ready for use. BETA PSI SORORITY COUNCIL Members of Beta Psi Chap­ Tampa City Council of Beta ter, Beta Sigma Phi, will meet Sigma Phi will meet Wednes­ at the Thomas Jefferson Hotel, day, 8 p.m., in the Floridan 8 p.m., for a special program Motor Hotel. on charm. Fade Them Out! ZONTA SEMINOLE GRANDMOTHERS Zonta Club of Tampa will Seminole Grandmothers' Club •Weathered brown spots and wrin· ·n · t 11 Mr D th S kles! They tell the world you're meet Tuesday, 6:45 p.m., at the Wl ms. a s. oro Y eese getting old-perhaps before you Fluridan Motor Hotel for a din­ as president Wednesday at noon really are. Fade them out with ner meeting and program on at the 99'er Restaurant, 2803 ESOTERlCA, new medicated cream Choose a cerebral palsy. Temple Terrace Highway. that breaks up masses of pigment on r;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ the skin-makes hands look white, Mrs. Karle E. Bucklew MILES smooth, and young again. Equally PTA Executive Board of Miles effective on face, neck and arms. Not CRUISE •• .! BUYING a cover up. Penetrates skin cells to ,.~:m,:c.::;::;c.;ir::.:::::?:':W~.:::w:::t':mr:':::':':~::::cruw.~::l''-'''""'"m"r:':;m:;::":m:%:':~:l:r:>:i.!i~:kl~':l':t:'~%~f.~'~"'''l!M:M~ ~~:O~~~~~i, 9 ~c~~~ inwth~ s~:~ stimulate new, smooth beauty. Fra­ grant, greaseless-it softens, lubri­ A CAR? cates and moistens skin. Now only for that special .• ~t Newlyweds Are I cafetori~:~TERN STAR $2.00 for 3 ounces W M Palma Ceia Chapter 243, OES, -3 months' supply BE SURE AND used as hand crcam r;~ T R ·a mwill observe d i s t r i c t night SEE OUR AD and powder foun­ m ampa esz ents t¥ W~nesday,_ 8 p.m., at Fellow- dation. If you want & ~ shtp Masomc Temple. lovelier skin quickly CHRISTMAS PALMA CEIA PAGE 11 get Esoterica today. Miss Helen Naomi Griffis and Nelson LiCalsi were Palma Ceia Woma'n's Club ELKES-CAMPBELL ON SALE AT PRESENT married Oct. 16 in Calvin Presbyterian Church. will meet Wednesday, 9:30 a.m. Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. William at Interbay Community Center. MOTORS WALGREENS M~oo~d,1W4S~hAve.,a~Mr.mdMrs.~reph~R~kih~a~~~G~·~R~~i~~d~w~il~l~s~p~ei~~·~ii~~~~~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;; Call us, or stop in LiCalsi, 3023 Florida Ave. I Joe Venning gave his niece in marriage. She chose for information a formal gown of lace and carried white carnations and OPEN AN orchids. 826 Miss Jennie LiCalsi, sister of the bridegroom, served as maid of honor. She wore a gown of aqua peau de soie ACCOUNT "TJRT.D TRA\'Jo.:L C&VTI:IJt FRANKLIN 1601 E HJIU..aY~."~;,.;::::: - ~ ~~: '59 .... 545 NORTHSIDE '6"' & brakes. Automatic. 935-1960, after Sta. Wag. COMPACTS Ill Hardtop, Full power 5:30. BAY-3500 FLA. AVE. '63 Olds .. $2895 FORD fact. atr cond. s1699 Top $$$ for your valuables. '60 ~~~~~; ...... $860 '64 & '63 Chevy ll's '64 '62 GRAND PRIX Loaded. One owner! Speedometer Trading Post. D88 CONV. Factory air con­ ditioning, auto. trans., pow· 5 '64 & '63 Falcons RAMBLER F'actorY air cond., electric 111U Tampa St. Ph. 229·1525 See MACK DAVIS er, radio, heater. '59 ~~PAL~ ...... 310 windows and seat, power 190SL. Excel· '64 & '63 Ramb. A111er. GALAXIE 500s COMPAC_TS MERCEDES Benz 1 0409 Florida Ave. & 4·DOOR steering and brakes, mag. lent condition. Beautiful car, re4 Corvair Monza 2 '64 &hevrciiet II Nova '400" '63 HARDTOPS nesium whcols. Automatic,'e HT, new pa1nt, AM· '63 Olds .. $2595 '60 ~~,R~T ...... $545 '64 & '63 Falcon Wa9. Ph. 932-6171 R&H. Choice of two (2). Co u p e Hardtop. PG, FM radio, WSW. $2,000. Will ac­ Cruise·O· Matic transmis· 6~cYI. of new car 088 SEDAN. Auto. trano., 5 Balance up to $500 in value. power steering and brakes, '63 Chev. II Wagon sion, V·8 engine. FAC· ~.f.~o~~~de '59 ~-"o~~~E .... 565 I· S2295 warranty, PPiced $2199 radio, heater, factorY air '62 Chev. II Wagon TORY AIR C 0 N D to sell! 1964 IMPALA 2 door Ht, AT, PS, oondt. TIONEO. R ad i o and PB, 409 eng. Must sell due to '58 ~-HD~~ · AT .. ... $245 heater, power steering, '62 CHEVY II '63 Buick SkYlark Coupe illness. Can be seen at 2302 W. '64 IMPALAS Nice color selection. Hardtop. Full power Sligh Ave. 935·1559. '63 Chev. II $1895 '51 Chevrolet $595 Hardtops. V-8, AT, R 300 S e r i e s. Automatic and air- cond., radio and SUPER SPORT NOVA. Auto. BelAir 4·0r. and H, PS. Low mile· Per trans., rad io, heater. Real LADY must sell her beautiful Chrys· $5480 4-door economy car. heater, $2399 trans, radio, heater, extra age. Nice $2445 BUICK nice WSW •• ler 4 door hardtop. Worth $795 will Month sacrifice today for $575. 3005 Ne­ clean. '58 ~~:o~· ...... $160 colors ...... Cash down payment of $53.25 mo., 48 mo. $995 '63 Corvair M o n z a s - braska Ave. $500 or if your car is trans., SPECIALS 50 0 5 Financing. Balance of Coupes, 4·sPa.d "56 CHEVY, 1 owner, low mileage, '63 Dodge . $1295 '51 ~~ .~ ...... 115 Factory Warranty. appraised at $500 no radio & heater. Some with au- V8, AT, R&H, $495. 248·2.511 2· DOOR. Std. trans., radio, cash is needed! '63 OLDS 88 tomatic 51699 '60 CHEV '58 FORD $245 INSURANCE EXCLUDED 1953 CHEVY coupe, good tires heater, real nice. Sed. DeVille. CORNER & radio, trans...... 4·Dr., HT ..... '64 Cad. 48 MONTHS TO PAY 4-Door. PS PB, S125 cash. 834·3233. Full power, air For Our heater, full power assist, '62 Corvair M o n z a s - TAKE over payments '61 Pontiac. $1040 '63 Falcon . $1 095 fresh. FULL PRICE factory air cond. Auto· Couoes. 4·speed trana., V-8, atr. stick, real clean, low std. trano., '64 T. Bird HT. Every Exclusive matic, WSW tires. Green llel Air. I cyl., 2-DOOR. 6-cyl., radio & _heater. Also $1399 mileage. Bal. $799 at $39.87 mo. 4-Door heater. factorY option incl. & white. Matching int. No cash needed, no payment until auto. trans., R&H, tu· Mr. G's automattc trans.. .. factory air cond. Liietitne December. Dlr. tone, white over 1ilver. '62 Rambler Custom 4-0oor. 2819 Fla. Ave. 229·2288, 224-8221 '64 Olds 88 HT's. Fact. $2295 Very 1harp. Auto Out1et air cond. V-8, AT, W a.rranty $2495 Auto. trans., $1199 R, H, PS, PB, WSW. GW Warranty radio & heater•. .. •• Year • 00 1 00 Plus '53 Cadi. . 00 $295 *- * --lr- * COUPE de Ville. Power otecring. '62 CHEV. '64 Pontiac Cat a I i n a '62 Ford FL 500 4-0r. Rebuilt hydramatlc. HT. R • a I beauties HORTHGATE YOUR CHOICE Fordomatic, V-8, pow­ Hale" 1 YEAR WARRANTY with fact. air. Full power. '63 Buick s1875 er steering, radio & heater, ''Short Profit $1695 '63 Pontiac Grand Prix. Skylark. 2-tone, S/S, Midnite blue. Every $595 ~;wc:on _d.': ...... s1599 2808 Jfv!. P-'8'77-!362 trans. FERMAN R, H, low mileage. ~*e~n!i:J~ · extra. FORD, INC. '59 CHEV. Bel Air 4 Or., over payments '57 Ford paint. '62 Metropolitan C o u P e TAKE OLDSMOBILE air conditioned; v.s. Hardtop. Fact. equipped conv. Real sharp. Loaded, new '59 BUICK 4 Or. Automa· '64 RAMBLERS '61 Buick radio & top. Bal. $297 at $14.89 mo. No FLA. & LAKE-223·325:Z ft tie, radio, heate,., power incl. sagg cash needed, no payment until OPEN 'TIL 9 P.M. Classic 660'J, AT, Special 4-Dr. S/S, H, heater ...... and H, PS, reel. seats. one owner. steering. . December. Dlr. CHEVROLET 4 DR., $ft99 2819 Fla. Ave. 229-2288, 224-8221 Factory $1945 '60 '63 Fiat 1100 4-Dr. fresh ...... radio, heater, automatic. Factory eqpd... ;J 1960 IMPERIAL hardtop; Fully Warranty equipped. New tires. Private. Must Bal. of Fact. '63 Buick '61 Oldsmobile F-85 4-Door. sacrtrice. $12.50. 988-4374. Special 2· Or. 5/S, R, *_* _ * _* Automatic trans., radio Chev. II.A. 4 · door '62 CORVAIR Monza, 4 Dr., AT., '63 H. Economy car. 5-1199 OSTER sed. R, H. 8000 mi. '63 CHEVROLET andheater ...... • $1195. Accept trade. 838·23'71. One owner. Station Wagon. Automatic, 1959 PLYMOUTH Fury Spar! Coupe, '62 Volkswagen. Clean. private. Automatic. R&H. $545. FINE CARS '64 Buick heater & defroster, white One owner. Whole~ CHECK finish with turquoise in• 876-9785. LeSabre 4·Dr. AT, R, sale price. terior. Nice. '62 Chev. B.A. a. AT, R, H, PS, PB. H, PS, air c o n d. Perfect familY car. THESE~~ $1G95 '60 MERCURY ... $895 '62 Rambler Classic a '63 Buick Sheppard's 2-DOOR. Standard transmi•· cyl. AT, h eater.. LeSabre .C-Dr. HT. AT, '63 FORD sion, radio and heater, 22,000 Very nice. One owner. R, H, PS, PB, air cond. CAR BUYS Galaxie 2 .. Door Sedan. miles! '61 Comet wagon dO· First Line Quality IMPORTS actual luxe. AT, R, H. New Automatic transmission, WSW tires. radio, heater, V·8 engine, (4 Mechanics On Dub) s1775 tutone paint, real nice. Cars At Big Savings Sport Cars & Sedana '62 Chev. AUTO SHOW '64112 GALAXIE XL's I p m a I a 4-Dr. HT. ' 61 RAMBLER Super 4 dr. sdn, '64 FORD ...... $1995 White, AT, R, H, PS. $1395 Trans, R&H. This is a EVERY DAY! I 2-Door Faotbacks. 352 s2295 Auto 2·DOOR. 6 cyl., stick shift, eng., AT, R, H, PS, (424·A). '64 Pont. Sharp car, 6 cyl., low mileage. TEMPEST 2-DOOR. Auto· '62 STUDE. Daytona HT, VB, 1 heater. New car warranty. PB, factory air cond. Bucket 1 e a t s, t-inted matic, radio and heater, '64 FORD owner. 25,000 actual miles, '63 Chev. s2185 WSW tires. Extra clean. show room cond. glass. 53095 Galaxie 500 2·0r. Hardtop. WAGONS '59 THUNDERBIRD R , H . White· WSW ...... Impala Spt. HT Cpe. Radio, heater, V·8, stick '64 Ford Country Sedan. 9 walls, Red & White Real nice. '63 YOLKS Bal. of Fact. Warranty AT, R, H, PS. (490-A). shift, sharp. passenger. Full power, '61 STUDE. Lark 6 cyl, Auto v.a, factorY air cond., radio & & De!. Low SEDAN. A little Trolls, Heater '61 Olds 98 HT. Fact. '62 Chev. s1895 $2195 heater. Balance of mileage. l·owner, extra clean. low mileage. full power. One '59 Chev. s1095 air, IMPALA COUPE. Radio and new car warranty! '61 STUDE. Lark 6 cy!, Stick shift owner beauty~ Impala 2·0r. HT, AT, heater, automatic, p ower '64 Plymouth Fury 4-Door. - heater. Show room cond. 1· '59 Buick lnvicta 2-Dr. R, H, PS (691·A), a ir 2555 North owner. oond. steering, WSW tires. Full power, radio & 'S9 RAMBLER Super 4-door, 6 cyl. HT. AT, R, H, PS, Dale Mabry heater, wsw. Balance of new R&H, Stick shift, Whitewall '62 RAMBLER ... $1195 PB. Low m ileage. '59 Impalas. 8 in stock. 5 tires. new paint. A good buy. '65 MOi ua" Rdstr. White, CLASSIC 4·000R, Air condi­ '63 FORO Fair lane ... '61 Ford s1195 Ph. 877-8234 ~~rrant.Y! . • . , .. , . 2199 '63 FORD 2·0oor v.s, AT, R, H, PS, red, black. Wire or diac: tion(ld, automatic, radio & One with factory air. Galaxie 4·Dr. Sedan. '64 Ford Country Sedan. '63 RAMBLER 11440" . .. '63 Ford Cruise· 0 .. Matic, V-8, WAGONS!-WAGONS! '65 AUSTIN Healey "3000" heater. AT, R, H, low mileage '65 AUSTIN Cooper S·1395 CC '63 CORV. Monza. Auto. (712·A). GALAX IE '500' 4 • DOOR. PS, radio & heater. Balance '62 STUDE. wagon V-8 R&H 4· 4·Dr.. . '63 Conv. Impalas heater, auto· '63 FORO FLSOO Radio and of new oar $2699 door. Show room cond. MIDGETS 062 MONZA Spyder 4 spd matic, power steering. '61 STUDE. wagon V8, Heater 4- '65 SPRITE & ond Galaxies warranty! Roll-up wi ndowa. All colora '62 CORV. Monza. Auto. All have V-8, AT, R, '60 Ford s695 '64 Pontiac Tempest 4·Dr. door, A·1 cond. '57 PLYM...... $395 II 4·Dr. AT. 1 '62 CHEVY H, PS, nice colors. Rar-ch Wagon. Beige Automatic trans., radio '81 RAMBLER cross country, 6- 65 MG "1100" Sed'n 2 or 4·dr. Bel Alr cyl. stick shift, heater - top TRIUMPH TR·4. Green BELVEDERE 4-DR. HARD· '61 CHEV. finish, S/$, & heater. Balance of new '65 '59 FORO Galaxie HT• . rack, extra clean..r '65 TR SPITFIRE. Red TOP. Full power, automatic, !i:~e ~~~~- .. $2095 '63 Stude. s1595 '60 P L Y M 0 U T H 2·door, 6-cyl. . Sunroof '59 PLYMOUTH 4·Dr. .. Bal. of Fact. Warranty ...... '65 SUNBEAM Sedan radio and heater. LARK 4· DOOR. Automatio ~'::"rrantyf $2699 otick shift, real nice. '65 SUNBEAM Sedan. Auto. FOREIGN ECONOMY '62 Ford s1685 '63 Volkswagen Panel. All '60 CHEVY 4·door V8, Parkwood­ '63 SIMCA 4-Door ..... '60 Chev. Kings wood Galaxie 4·Dr. Sedan. transmission, air co n d i· '65 SUNBEAM Sed. 4·on·flr. tioned. fac. equipped. $1499 real nlce. '65 SUNBEAM Tiger V·ll '63 ENG. FORD Cortina wagon, 9-pass. AT, AT, R, H, PS, PB, air One owner ...... More To Choose From '62 ENG. FORD Capri .. '65 SUNBEAM Imp. Blue R, H. One owner. Nice. c:ond. BONNEVILLE '62 Falcon Station Wagon. '65 SUNBEAM Alpine Rdatr. '60 OPEL Sta. Wag. '51 i:hev. B.A. HT. v.a, '63 '60 VAUXHALL 4-0t.... Convertible. •uto m at i c. Fact. $1199 '65 SUNBEAM GT. Cpa. AT, R, H, PS. Low equipped ...... FELLOWS MOTOR CO. Automatic transm111ion 60 VOLKSWAGEN Conv. mileage. Puff. '62 01ds s2375 radio, heater, power deer. '60 SUNBEAM Rap. conv. '60 Line. ing and brakes, p o we r '62 Ford Country Sod an, AUTHORIZED STUDEBAKER & '64 ALFA "1600'' Spyder 98 Convertible. AT, R, '64 XKE Jaguar Roadster '59 RENAULT Dauphine PREMIERE 4·000R HARD· windows, v .a. Real nice. Fordomatic, v.s, PS, KAISER JEEP DEALERS H, PS, PB. TOP. Full power, factory air 1417 W. Kennedy Blvd. 253·5719 '64 AUSTIN "350" Cooper STATION WAGONS fact. air, $1699 '59 JAGUAR 3.4 4-Dr. Sed. ORIGINALS conditioned, all-leather in· radio, heater ...... '63 CHEV. Impala. Air. terior. Truly a fine car! $2295 CADILLAC '63 DeVille Purchased '63 MG "1100" 2· Dr. '62 CHEV. Wag. V·S ... '63 Plymouth 2·Dr. '62 Pontiac s2185 new by one o£ Pinellas County's '62 ALFA ROMEO Roadster '61 FORD Cty. Squire .. Sedan. 6 cYI., std. Star Chief HT 4·Dr. CONVERTIBLES "'ealthiest men. It's showroom '62 HILLMAN Husky Wag. '61 FALCON Wag...... shift, w/heater, 1 , ft, H, PS, PB, air '60 CORVETTE ll·pau. AT fresh. Driven 6,491 completely veri­ '62 SAAB Sta. Wag. '60 CHEVROLET 4·Dr•.. careful owner, ab· con d. Convertible. 4·sl)eed trans. '64 Chevrolet Chevelle Mal· fiable mUes. It's infrequent use is '61 SAAB Sedan CONVERTIBLES aolutely showroom Maroon with white top. ibu Super Sport Conv. explained by the fact this gentle· '62 HILLMAN Convertible condi· $1395 SEE 'EM Coupe. PG, V-8, PS, R, H, man spendS a good deal of his '54 MG-TF. Black. X·sharp '64 BUICK SPe., AT, V·ll '64 THUNO'BIRO. Sharp tion .... '61 Pontiac s1595 fact. ai r cond., bucket seats. time traveling abroad. $3,995. Qual­ '62 HILLMAN 4·Dr. Sedan ' 63 Galaxie. Air $1995 ity Caclillac City. Home of the '61 SPRITE (Bug-Eye). Clean '63 CHEV. Super Sport. Bonneville Convertible. Balance of new ct~r $2999 LoMana . . cond., V-8, AT, R, AT, R, H, PS, PB. warranty! ...... most perfect pre-owned motor cars '60 VOLVO "544" 2·Door '62 TEMPEST beautiful beige in the world. Cor. U.S. 19 at 38th '62 DODGE Polara 500 .. H, TODAY! '60 Austin Healey ''64 Chevrolet Impala Conv. ' 60 RAMBLER Sta. Wagon and white, car kept tt 9 9 '62 T·BIRD. Loaded . Coupe. PG, V-8, PS, Ns~~aie!ft::uifliur~~~ . '59 RENAULT. Auto. trana. spotless by 1 owner, s1685 Roadster. W i r • wheels, ::iT).. '59 SUNBEAM Rapier '&1 DODGE "Phoenix" '63 Comet electric clutch, red finish R&H, air cond., wsw. Balance '61 THUNDERBIRD new wsw $1595 4·Dr. s-dan. AT, R. ATT. WHOLESALE BUYERS '55 SIMCA Sta. Wagon tires . ... with leather interior. of new 52899 1960 PLYMOUTH Fury. Air cond, '58 Magnette Sedan. Clean WHOLESALE car warranty! ..... best of!er cJr trade for lot. 1.210 '55 Plymouth. One '58 MGA Coupe. Clean owner, 2·Dr. Sedan, '64 Ford G a I x a i e '500' E. Fowler. PRICES! '59 Mercury s795 $1295 Conv. Cruise-0-Matic, V-8 eng., AT, R, R, $495 - :NICE Crown Imperial 1957 1413 S. HOWARD AVE. H, PS, green and 2-Dr. Sedan. AT, V ·8, PS, radio &. heater, wr.w. ai~ 1-Year Warranty 4 dr. MR. MELVIN, 14825 Ne· Week Nites 'til 6 P.M. white, Perfect H, PS, PB, cond. '61 BONNEVILLE Balance of new $2599 brask.a 'til 6 P.M. Ph. 2S3-0139 '61 RENAULT .. $98 tires, must see and Plus car warranty! . . .. '61 MONZA Cpe., automatic, LifetiMe Warranty 2·Door Hardtop. Automat· Dauphine. drive to appreciate, power '63 Comet S-22 Convertible radio, heater, extra sharp. $999. ic, radio, heater, Coupe. Merc-0-Matic, 628·6304 Only $391 ateering & brakes. Loaded. Dlr. 4701 E. J{lllsboro. Ph '59 PLYM •. . .. $575 EZ Term• bucket seats, ra· $1999 FERMAN dio & heater, wsw. Hardtop. It's sharp! 1960 ,.falcon Wag. $995 '63 Chevrolet Impala super '60 DELUXE-4 Dr. Falcon Wag. SPOrt Conv. Coupe. Full '62 CHEV. . .$1850 One-Year Warranty Chevrolet r, fact. a1r cond., bucket on, radio, heat, XXXX sharp. 2-Dr. Hardtop. Auto., power. '63 MONZA powe Very low m ll e age. Beautiful '&4 DODGE Po lara HT .. seab, radio & heat. $2699 & White f i nl s h with SPYDER Green '&4 PONT. 4·Dr. HT. . Mr. 1428 fLORIDA AVE. er, tinted glass, wsw. 1 lull yr. .... $550 Avis matching interior. '58 OLDS Black finish, radio, heat.. written warranty. Wk. End Spec. '&4 BUICK LeSabre 4·Dr. FAIRCLOTH '62 Chevrolet Impala Super 4·Dr. Automatic. 229-2196 Ph. 229-0706 re wheels, etc. Onl.Y $795.00. Dlr. 9308 Fla. Ave. '64 TEMP. 4·DP'. "326" er, wi Sport Conv, Coupe, PG, '63 BUICK Electra 225 .. , PS, rt~dio & heater, G's Open 9 a.m. 'til 9 p.111. v.s '54 FORD .•••. $85 '63 OLOS Starfire Con. Corner $1595 TAKE over payments '59 Ram· Stick. bier. Gas saver 6. Str. stick. Bal. 4·Door. '63 CHEV. Impala Wag, 2000 N. DALE MABRY BUICK Mon. thru Sat. !~~ke~ .. ~~ts: ..... $1899 $487 at $25 mo. No cash needed, '63 PONT. G.P. Loaded . PH. 872·9306 '62 Dodge Convertible Cpe. '63 MONZA 2·Dr. HT.. . 908 E. Hillsborou9h CLOSED SUNDAY '63 CHEVROLET no payment 'til Dec. Dlr. '57 CHEV. . •. $450 OPEN 'TIL 10 P.M • Full power, 51699 2819 Fla. Ave. 229-2288, 224·8221 Station Wagon. '62 OLDS Starfire PHOME 239-1109 Impala oonvertibte. V-11. radio & heater . Church "FERMAN NEVER FOOLS" '62 TEMPEST Conv. . .. Open sunday After Power steering, r ad i o, Coupe. '61 FORO HT...... tires, auto· '61 Cadillac Conv. WANT AD. Ph. 223-4911 heater, WSW Full power, fact. air . '56 CADI •.... $375 '60 CADILLAC Sed. OeV. matie. Turquoise w i t h Hardtop Coupe. '59 IMPERIAL 4·Door white top. All vinyl in· cond. Loaded- !J2599 terior. one owner .. , , .... I '55 OLDS ..•. $350 SPORT CARS ------: 4·Door Hardtop. '84 TRIUMPH TR4 .. .. Drive ltl Today To $2095 FOSTER'S COUPES· SEDANS I AUTHORIZED DEALER '64 MC Midget • '63 CORVETTE Fastb'k '64 Chevroleb. Impala 2 '58 PL YM •.... $175 Month-End '&4 CADILLAC SEDAN '83 TRIUMPH TR-4 & 4 doors, Hardtops, 1 F'ishermt~n'l Speciall *-* -* -* I Alpine White. Factory '63 A.H. 3000. Wire whls. PG, V-8, PS, heater, fact. '63 CORVETTE. 4•speed Bargains air. 54195 '58 CHEV. . .. $350 BILL CURRIE'S YOUR CHOICE air cond. Bal. new $2899 I 1 Extra clean . '63 TRIUMPH TR4 .... car warranty! ... v.a 4-0oor. '63 TRIUMPH Spitfire .. S595 '64 Chevrolets 2>. & 4·Doors. I I ' &4 CORVAIR MONZA '63 TRIUMPH TR·3 ... and let otte of Tampa's most helpful and courteous Fact. equipped. Balance '60 CORVAIR Sedan. Fac. air, A. '57 PONTIAC $120 '63 M.G.B. Wire WhHla '60 FORD Faorlane 500 2 of new car warr-anty! Also 2 trans., show $2495 4·Door. V-8, auto. '63 TR·3-2 Tops can own a Dr ., automatic, R & H. I '700' 4 • DOOR. Standard I Midget .. salesmen show you how easy you & 4-Door Hardtop $2199 room cond. '13 MQ '59 OLDS 2 Dr. Automat· Impalas . . . • transmission, $150 '63 A. H. SPRITE. Red. CHRYS. . . $650 ic, R&H , air cond., p/steer• '64 Ford G x a I a i e 1500' I tadio & heater . . . . I '63 CADILLAC CONV. '58 '62 A. H. SPRITE. Red. in g. power, soft Benton 4·0oor HardtoP. Coupe Hardtop. V -8, Full '62 JAGUAR XKE Rdstr, 4 Dr. HT. B e I u leather Bucket '62 TR·4. Blue '59 PONTIAC PS, radio & heater, wsw. Automatic, R&H. of new ~2399 I '60 RENAULT I Seats. $3595 '60 PL YM •.... $475 '61 AUSTIN Healey 3000 Balance DAUPHINE 4· 000R. A little .. '61 TRIUMPH TR·3 Con, FORD '59 CHEV. Sta. Wag, Auto· car warranty . . . 1 Extra olean 1964 I '61 M.G,A. . matic, R&H . (2) in stock. '63 Chevrolets. 2 & 4 Doors. __. gas-saver! $550 MANY MORE also 2 I Extra clean ...... I '80 CADILLAC SEDAN. * * '58 TRIUMPH TR3 Fact. eQuipped, Fac. .air, full power. OPEN SUNDAY 15. 4-Door Hardtop $1199 Alpine white, $2095 Galaxie ·soo· 4-Dr. HT Impalas . X clean .... '63 Ford 2-Door. Factory I '61 COMET I equipped. Balance of 4-DOOR STATION WAGON, '63 OLOS 98 SEDAN AIR CONDITIONED new car $1599 I Automatic, $1150 I Faot, air. Full power. warranty! , . . . . tutone finioh .. . .. Lovely beige, $2995 Transmission, X·olean .... • Plus Cruise·O·Matic '62 Da~ Coupe, Faotory I I equopped. s1 099 '63 CORVAIR Monza Cpe. Power Steering, Radio, Heater, V-8 Engine, Priced to sell I '62 lUlCK I Fac. air, A. trans., '61 Chevrolet Impala Coupe SPECIAL 4·DOOR STATION Whitewall Tires. PS, R&H, $1895 Hardtop. PG, V-8, 1 ~:!!~Nj,!~~c'::~tic radio & 1 Extra clean radio & $1499 5 heater ...... I late throughout.. 1550 I '58 EL DORADO Brough· am. Fac air. Original Top Dollar cost $14,000. $2395 I '59 FORD I Only ...... For Your STATION WAGON. 6 -CYI •• I '62 CADILLAC CONV. Present Car I automatic, tutone $650 Goddess gold. Fac. air, -Plus Best I red and white . . . . . I bucket seats. $3195 DON'T MISS X clean .... of Ter1ns! '62 CADILLAC SED. DEV. I Nevada s i I v e r, red OUR SPECIAL FOSTER leather interior, fac. I air. 53195 PRICE AD ON LINCOLN-MERCURY 1 X clean .... 408 N. Dale Mabry PAGE 11 1711 East 1505-1515 I Phone 229-0857 111 E. Platt St. Hillsboro Ave. AVE. I Open Eves. and Sunday Open 8 A.M. FLORIDA TAMPA TIMES Ph. 237-3323 ------Ph. 229-9341 I 229-610!1 'Til 10 P.M. 28 THE TAMPA TIMES Monday. October 26, 196( The world's leading acoustical experts made the test.

By OSWALD JACOBY Newspaper Enterprise Assn. The U. S. Auto Club certified the results: Albert Morehead, one of the greatest bridge writers of all times, has just written mph ... at 60 mph ... "Morehead on Bidding." This at 20 mph ... at 40 book discusses modern Amer­ ican bidding from the stand­ point of both beginner and expert and, in addition, he il­ lustrates many bidding situa­ tions by showing the play as well. He points out that South has a book three no-trump bid and that South's first play would be the ten of hearts from dummy in the hope that West The 1965 Ford had led away from the queen­ jack. He continues by remarking that after the ten of hearts failed to hold .inexperienced

NORTH .32 quieter '1 rides • 10 + 8653 ... Q 10943 WEST EAST 4QIO? .J865 ¥8542 ¥QJ9 + J974 + KlO% .76 •Ks2 SOUTH (D) 4AK94 than a Rolls-Royce! ¥AK63 +AQ ... AJS North and South vulnerable South West North East 3 N.T. Pass Pass Pass Opening lead-¥ 2. Prior to the introduction of the 1965 to make the test. The tests were su· decibels quieter than Rolls-Royce. players would not see any way Fords, the country's leading auto­ pervised by the authoritative United At 40, Ford was 5.5 decibels quieter. to make the contract unless they could find a singleton or motive writers drove the new models States Auto Club. All cars were At 20, Ford was 4.9 decibels quieter. doubleton king of clubs. Never­ at Ford's top secret Dearborn test tuned to factory .specifications. (Decibels are the universally recog­ theless, South managed to make most of these nized units for measuring the vol­ it in spite of the fact that the track. The first things king of clubs was doubly experts remarked about were the ex­ The Result ume of sound.) However small protected. traordinary quietness and smooth­ these advantages over Rolls-Royce , The Fords proved to be slightly At trick two he led the jack ness of the ford ride. An automotive may be, they are significant evidence of clubs and overtook with quieter at all moving speeds. dummy's queen. East held off writer, in Mechanix Illustrated, put of quality-important to anyone Of course, no claim is made that with the king and the ten of it this way, " ... the first thing that buying a car in Ford's class. To clubs was played from dummy. a 1965 Ford is a Rolls-Royce. The impressed me about the new Galaxie achieve dramatic results such as East played low and the ten differences are many and obvious, was finessed. was the quietness. If there is a quieter these, Ford invested $170,000,000 including the nearly $17,000 price Now South led a diamond car made in this country-then I in the past four years in a gigantic and finessed the queen. This of the Rolls-Royce. For example, worked and gave him his nine haven't driven it." quality-engineering program. You tricks (three in clubs and two Ford does not have hand-fitted can see and feel and hear the re­ in each other suit). parts, nor seats covered by the same Quiet Means Quality sults in every mile you travel in a Of course, South was lucky leather used on seats in to find East with both minor choice 1965 Ford. suit kings, but if you give the Quiet is a traditional measure of England's House of Commons. But cards a chance they will fre­ quality in a car. Ford engineers had Ford does have a quieter ride. That How Ford Quiet Is Achieved quently reward you and South did give them their chance. designed the '65 Ford to the finest astonishing fact has now been doc­ A major factor is the newly de­ New Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud ill during series of tests. luxury car standards. The experts umented and certified by a team of signed body, frame and suspension. tz:R'n :lt,tfi!ND instantly recognized the dramatic the most reputable judges in the The body ofthe 1965 Ford is much Q-The bidding has been: results. The question became: bow United States today. The official stronger-so strong that, if wheels North East South West to demonstrate this important fact llifo Pass 1 + Pass report reads, in part: "At all moving were attached to it, it could run SOUND LEVEL 1 ¥ Pass ? to you. Ford chose to make a docu­ speeds, on both courses, the Fords without any frame at all. But there You, South, hold: (All readings in decibels) •ss ¥KJ7s +KJ75 •93! mented test against the world's finest were quieter than the Rolls-Royces is a frame: a new-concept "isola­ I What .do you do? luxury 'car-a brand-new Rolls- · ... the differences were sufficient to tion" frame that absorbs road vibra­ A-Bid two hearts. You have FORD good heart support. Royce. Could a Ford match the leg­ show up clearly both in listening and tions. It is sealed off from the body MPH FORD ROLLS-ROYCE QUIETER BY TODAY'S QUESTION endary silence of the car that long in the calibrated measurements." with eight soft butyl-rubber mounts Your partner continues to has been considered by many to be placed at the exact points where 20 three hearts. What do you do 67.4 72.3 4.9 the best car in the world? If it could, vibrations tend to cancel each other mph now? The Difference Answer Tomorrow this would be evidence that no one, out .•. and virtually disappear. 40 however skeptical, could shrug off. Unlike the difference in price, the In addition, ultrasoft coil springs mph 75.9 81.4 5.5 sound level difference, to be sure, Halloween Dance Bolt, Beranek and Newman, Inc., now form the.rear suspension. And 60 A Halloween dance will be world's leading acoustic consultants is small-but it is there. At 60 miles the front suspension is a further re­ 82.6 sponsored by the Police Athletic industry, agreed an hour, Ford was actually 2.8 mph 85.4 2.8 League of Tampa at Lowry to government and finement of Ford's famous "reces­ Park at 7 p.m. Oct. 31. Music sive wheel" system which takes the will be furnished by a disc jockey from radio s t a t i o n thump out of bumps by flexing back­ TEST CONDITIONS: Dry, level, 24, 1964, by Bolt, Beranek and New· WFLA. ward a trifle as well as up and down. moderately smooth concrete divided man, Inc., of Cambridge, Mass., the highway; light, quartering wind. All world's largest acoustic consulting Take A Test Drive cars operated at steady 20, 40 and firm. TEST CERTIFIED by the United . SOFT AS 60 mph with all windows and vents States Auto Club. CARS TESTED: A key-and a warm welcome-await closed. Noise level readings taken at Two brand-new Rolls-Royce Silver you at your Ford Dealer's. The key, ear level in right-hand front passenger Cloud III sedans, V-8 with automatic A KISS ~ incidentally, is the same on both seat. TEST EQUIPMENT: Bruel & transmission, list price in New York Kjaer precision octave band analyzer, $16,655 each. Three 1965 Fords, edges. It fits in the lock no matter recording through direct observation each with 289-cubic-inch V-8 engine Ill which side is up. Now, there's a touch and through Nagra precision tape re­ and Cruise-0-Matic Certified by INVeR. corder. Data expressed in Perceived transmission: f{OUSe the other makers haven't thought of -symbolic of the hundreds of ad­ Noise decibels. Note: Decibels are Galaxie 500 LTD, the universally recognized units for Galaxie 500/ XL vances you'll find in any Ford you measuring the volume of sound. and Galaxie 500 4- road-test. Come in and see for your­ TEST CONDUCTED on September Door Sedan. Acoustics expert and USAC official (in rear seat) monitor self. You'll be pleasantly surprised. sound measuring equipment during low-speed test. •

PRODUCTS OF~ MOTOR COMPANY Test drive Total Performance '65 •.. best year yet to go MUSTANG • FALCON • FAIRLANE • FORO· THUNDERBIRD FINEST QUALITY, yet INCREDIBLY INEXPENSIVE Try the quiet ones for yourself at your Ford Dealer's now! IL!NDEI SCI!CM W!ISKT £liMIT IIDIF • IMIII!ED I!INYEI HOUSE DISIIll!IS,lli.,PIIll, 1 ------~------•