Prospectus Sicav Bnp Paribas Easy Fr

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Prospectus Sicav Bnp Paribas Easy Fr PROSPECTUS SICAV BNP PARIBAS EASY FR A SICAV (OPEN-ENDED COLLECTIVE INVESTMENT SCHEME) COVERED BY EUROPEAN DIRECTIVE 2009/65/EC 1 PROSPECTUS – SICAV BNP PARIBAS EASY FR I- GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS I.1 - FORM OF THE UCITS NAME: BNP PARIBAS EASY FR LEGAL FORM AND MEMBER STATE IN WHICH THE UCITS WAS ESTABLISHED: A French société d investissement à capital variable (hereafter the "SICAV") having its registered office at 1, boulevard Haussmann, 75009 PARIS, registered at the Paris Trade and Companies Registry (RCS). CREATION DATE AND INTENDED LIFETIME: The SICAV was created on 16 September 2013 for a term of 99 years. FUND OVERVIEW: BNP PARIBAS EASY STOXX EUROPE 600 UCITS ETF: MINIMUM MINIMUM CURRENCY LISTING INITIAL NET ALLOCATION SUBSCRIPTION AMOUNT OF OF SUBSCRIBERS EXCHANGE NAME ASSET ISIN CODES OF DISTRIBUTABLE AMOUNT PURCHASES/SAL DENOMIN CONCERNED (SECONDARY VALUE AMOUNTS (PRIMARY ES (SECONDARY ATION MARKET) MARKET) MARKET) EUR 2 million EUR EURONEXT apart from 36.3757 PARIS companies of All the BNP EUR C (Divided FR0011550193 Accumulation EUR subscribers ONE UNIT XETRA Paribas by 5 on 8 Group and June authorised SIX SWISS 2018) participants EXCHANGE EUR EUR 2 million EURONEXT 100.000 apart from PARIS 0 Accumulation companies of All EUR C/D FR0011550672 and/or EUR the BNP ONE UNIT XETRA (Divided subscribers Distribution Paribas Group by 14 on and authorised 8 June SIX SWISS participants 2018) EXCHANGE BNP PARIBAS EASY S&P 500 UCITS ETF: MINIMUM MINIMUM CURRENCY LISTING ALLOCATION SUBSCRIPTION AMOUNT OF INITIAL NET OF SUBSCRIBERS EXCHANGE NAME ISIN CODES OF DISTRIBUTABLE AMOUNT PURCHASES/SAL ASSET VALUE DENOMIN CONCERNED (SECONDARY AMOUNTS (PRIMARY ES (SECONDARY ATION MARKET) MARKET) MARKET) EUR 2 million EURONEXT apart from PARIS EUR companies of 63.2656 the BNP XETRA (Divided All subscribers EUR C Accumulation EUR Paribas ONE UNIT by 12 on 8 FR0011550185 Group and SIX SWISS June authorised EXCHANGE 2018) participants BORSA ITALIANA EURONEXT USD 84.3 USD C FR0011550177 Accumulation USD All subscribers EUR 2 million ONE UNIT PARIS 837 apart from 2 PROSPECTUS – SICAV BNP PARIBAS EASY FR MINIMUM MINIMUM CURRENCY LISTING ALLOCATION SUBSCRIPTION AMOUNT OF INITIAL NET OF SUBSCRIBERS EXCHANGE NAME ISIN CODES OF DISTRIBUTABLE AMOUNT PURCHASES/SAL ASSET VALUE DENOMIN CONCERNED (SECONDARY AMOUNTS (PRIMARY ES (SECONDARY ATION MARKET) MARKET) MARKET) (Divided companies of XETRA by 15 on 8 the BNP June Paribas SIX SWISS 2018) Group and EXCHANGE authorised participants EUR 2 million EURONEXT USD 100. apart from PARIS 0000 companies of Accumulation (Divided USD the BNP USD C/D FR0011550680 and/or All subscribers ONE UNIT XETRA by 18 on 8 Paribas Distribution June Group and 2018) authorised SIX SWISS participants EXCHANGE EURONEXT EUR 2 million PARIS EUR apart from 100.0000 companies of XETRA (Divided EUR the BNP EUR H FR0013041530 Accumulation All subscribers ONE UNIT by 14 on 8 (Hedged) Paribas SIX SWISS June Group and EXCHANGE 2018) authorised participants BORSA ITALIANA BNP PARIBAS EASY EURO STOXX 50 UCITS ETF: MINIMUM CURRENCY MINIMUM LISTING ALLOCATION AMOUNT OF INITIAL NET OF SUBSCRIBERS SUBSCRIPTION EXCHANGE NAME ISIN CODES OF DISTRIBUTABLE PURCHASES/SAL ASSET VALUE DENOMIN CONCERNED AMOUNT (SECONDARY AMOUNTS ES (SECONDARY ATION (PRIMARY MARKET) MARKET) MARKET) In cash: €500,000 By contribution of securities: A minimum of EURONEXT 34.2396 100,000 shares PARIS EUR of the BNP PARIBAS Accumulation/D All subscribers EASY EURO XETRA EUR C/D (Divided FR0012740983 EUR ONE UNIT by 4 on istribution STOXX 50 UCITS ETF 06 July sub-fund SIX SWISS 2018) apart from EXCHANGE companies of the BNP Paribas Group and authorised participants 50.7085 In cash: EURONEXT EUR €500,000 PARIS All subscribers By contribution EUR C FR0012739431 Accumulation EUR ONE UNIT (Divided of securities: by 6 on 06 100,000 shares July 2018) minimum XETRA 3 PROSPECTUS – SICAV BNP PARIBAS EASY FR MINIMUM CURRENCY MINIMUM LISTING ALLOCATION AMOUNT OF INITIAL NET OF SUBSCRIBERS SUBSCRIPTION EXCHANGE NAME ISIN CODES OF DISTRIBUTABLE PURCHASES/SAL ASSET VALUE DENOMIN CONCERNED AMOUNT (SECONDARY AMOUNTS ES (SECONDARY ATION (PRIMARY MARKET) MARKET) MARKET) apart from companies of the BNP SIX SWISS Paribas Group EXCHANGE and authorised participants ADDRESS WHERE THE LATEST ANNUAL AND INTERIM REPORTS ARE AVAILABLE: The key investor information documents for the sub-funds, the SICAV's prospectus and the latest annual and semi-annual reports will be sent within eight working days upon written request of the unitholder from: BNP PARIBAS ASSET MANAGEMENT France Client Services 14, rue Bergère - 75009 PARIS Postal address: TSA 47000 – 75318 Paris Cedex 09 (France) These documents are also available on the website: Additional information may be obtained if necessary by sending a request to: BNP PARIBAS ASSET MANAGEMENT France Client Services 14, rue Bergère - 75009 PARIS Postal address: TSA 47000 – 75318 Paris Cedex 09, France The AMF website "(" contains additional information on the list of regulatory documents and all the provisions relating to investor protection. 4 PROSPECTUS – SICAV BNP PARIBAS EASY FR II - PARTIES DELEGATED FINANCIAL, ADMINISTRATION AND ACCOUNTING MANAGER: BNP PARIBAS ASSET MANAGEMENT FRANCE Simplified joint-stock company Registered office: 1 Boulevard Haussmann, 75009 Paris Postal address: TSA 47000 – 75318 Paris Cedex 09 Portfolio Management Company approved by the Financial Markets Authority (AMF) on 19 April 1996, under no. GP 96002 DEPOSITARY AND CUSTODIAN: BNP PARIBAS SECURITIES SERVICES Partnership limited by shares Registered office: 3, rue d’Antin – 75002 Paris Office address: Grands Moulins de Pantin 9, rue du Débarcadère 93500 Pantin Authorised by France’s Prudential Supervision and Resolution Authority (ACPR). CENTRALISING AGENT FOR SUBSCRIPTION AND REDEMPTION ORDERS BY DELEGATION: BNP PARIBAS SECURITIES SERVICES ISSUER ACCOUNT HOLDER BY DELEGATION: BNP PARIBAS SECURITIES SERVICES STATUTORY AUDITOR: PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS AUDIT Crystal Park, 63 avenue de Villiers, 92208 Neuilly-sur-Seine Represented by Mr Benjamin MOISE FUND PROMOTER: BNP PARIBAS A French Limited Liability Company 16 Boulevard des Italiens, 75009 Paris Companies of the BNP PARIBAS Group As the SICAV is admitted to Euroclear France, its shares may be subscribed for or redeemed through financial intermediaries or fund promotors that are not known to the SICAV. ACCOUNTING MANAGER BY SUB-DELEGATION: The sub-agent delegated with managing the accounts administers the sub-funds (accounting and calculating the net asset value). BNP PARIBAS SECURITIES SERVICES Partnership Limited by Shares Registered office: 3, rue d’Antin – 75002 Paris Office address: Grands Moulins de Pantin 9 Rue du Débarcadère - 93500 Pantin DELEGATED ACCOUNTING MANAGER: BNP PARIBAS ASSET MANAGEMENT UK LIMITED 5 Aldermanbury Square, London, UK Management company authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority The delegation of accounting management covers management of the residual liquidity of the UCITS ADVISOR: None 5 PROSPECTUS – SICAV BNP PARIBAS EASY FR IDENTITY AND FUNCTIONS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS: In order to find out the identity and functions of members of the Board of Directors and the main functions they perform externally to the SICAV, subscribers are invited to consult the SICAV's annual report. Produced under the responsibility of each board member, such information is updated annually. RESTRICTION ON SALES: The Management Company is not registered as an Investment Adviser in the United States. The SICAV is not registered as an investment vehicle in the United States and its shares are not and will not be registered under the Securities Act of 1933, and thus they cannot be offered or sold to Restricted Persons, as defined below. A Restricted Person is (i) any person or entity situated in United States territory (including United States residents), (ii) any corporation or any other entity under the laws of the United States or one of its States, (iii) any military personnel of the United States or any personnel connected to a department or agency of the US Government situated outside the territory of the United States, or (iv) any other person who might be considered a United States Person as defined in Regulation S under the Securities Act after 1933, as amended. In addition, the shares of the SICAV may not be proposed or sold to employees’ welfare benefits regimes or to entities whose assets constitute the assets of such regimes whether they are subject or not to the provisions of the United States Employee Retirement Income Securities Act of 1974, as amended. III. MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION PROCEDURES III.1 - GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS These general characteristics apply to all sub-funds of the SICAV. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SHARES: RIGHTS ATTACHED TO SHARE CLASSES: Each share entitles the holder to a share of the company's assets and profits proportional to the portion of the capital it represents. DETAILS ON THE MANAGEMENT OF LIABILITIES: The custodian is responsible for the processing of subscription and redemption orders, and for custody account- keeping functions in relation with Euroclear France – to which the SICAV is admitted – as part of the management of the SICAV's liabilities. FORM OF SHARES: Shares are issued in bearer form. The SICAV is admitted to Euroclear France VOTING RIGHTS: Each share gives the holder a voting right proportional to the portion of the capital it represents. One share represents one vote. FRACTIONATION: Subscriptions and redemptions
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