February 6,9999

Mr. F. Andrew Turley Supervisory Attorney Central Enforcement Docket Federal Election Commission Office of General Counsel 999 E Street NW Washington, DC 20463 RE: MUR4816

Dear Mr. Turley:

Enclosed is my response to the charges made against me by former congressional candidate Sarkis Joseph Khoury on August 25,1998.

I am also requesting at this time for the matter to be made public

R.M. “Cook” Barela


The following is the official response 0fR.M. Cook Barela to the FEC charges filed by Mr. Joseph Khoury on August 25,1998.

mSPQNSE FROM CAMPAIGN WASURER Mr. Carpolino has responded with the information pertaining to his responsibilities as the committee's campaign treasurer. (Exhibit 1). rj- c: 2 fS' KHOURY'S CHARGES :.1 "The caruiidacy of Mr. Barela appears to have operated as the equivalent of Q~Iindependent 3 expettdi1ttre for the Calverl cand&cy. " g iF The Federal Election Commission, the State of California, and the office of the Riverside County ;:I Registrar of Voters all have on file my sworn statement and oEcial declaration of candidacy as a

-. ._.,_ verified candidate seeking the offce of United States Representative, 43rd Congressional ..1 ...__.-..- District. L4

::*.--.. My campaign was independent ofMr. Calvert's campaign. As such there was no cooperation, is iii;..:La I coordination, support or conspiracy between myself, members of my campaign committee, or Mr. Ken Calvert, his committee members or supporters. There is no truth to Mr. Khoury's complaint. He has provided no evidence that a violation of the Act has occurred.

History of intent to Serve in Congress, since 1988, (Exhibit 2).

KHOURY'S UNREPORTED IN-KND CONTRIBUTlONS The Conservative Voice newsletter advertisement was an unreported in-kind contribution by that business to the Khoury campaign, or it operated as the equivalent of an independent expenditure for the Khoury candidacy (Exhibit 3).

Two full-page political advertisements published by The Conservative Voice and the Christian Times were paid for without campaign cost disclosure (Exhibit 4).

The California Republican Assembly (non-profit) mailer was paid for by the Khoury for Congress Campaign Committee. Was the CRA operating as the equivalent of an independent expenditure for the Khoury candidacy? (Exhibit 5)

Mr. Khoury's web pqe located at www.kI1011ryl998.tomdoes not declare who authorized or paid for the internet advertisement as required by FEC regulations 2 I' S.C.34 I d (a).

Iloth Mr. Khourv and Mr. Calvert received in kind contributions via shared ne\vspaper political idvertisillg costs fro111the Olivc <;row Itetirciiient Rescirt. a I11!D li.drrallv liillded housing liicility (F.zliibic 6) 2

NOT "INDEPENDENT" ACCQRDINC TO THE TECHNICALDEFINIT~ON Wecampaiqi was riot '~tf~epe,ldetr,"accorJilll:to [he fechrrical dejtrifioti of fhr FEC. " '3arela issired literattire attacking me atid only me. No mential was ever made of Mr. Calverl although Mr. Calvert was atrd Is the iricrrmbent. "

Khoury states I attacked him by citing 'yalseh&, race, race baiting, andnatiorral origin."

Mr. Khoury fbrther states claims made in the newspaper regarding his PAC finding was a "lie and was almost verbatim !he same exact claim made by Mr. Calvert whose mailer was sent mit abinif the metime containing the same theme and 1aqpag.e. "

ANSWERTO THESE CHARGES As sworn to above, my campaign was independent of Calvert's campaign.

Khoury made statements that the campaign race was going to be very bloody. He was going to win at any cost. He was going to make it a racist contest. He had the support of some very influential individuals. A letter I sent Khoury on May 14, 1998 notes the racist agenda Mr. Khoury was developing at that time, and helps verify that the FEC racist charges he filed are without merit (Exhibit 7).

Khoury's comment to the press that I was involved in "lyingto cover deep racialprejrrdice" reflects his first public attempt to bring me into the racist game he was playing (Exhibit 8).

The "American Homefront" mailer was designed to reveal that neither Calvert nor Khaury possessed the community service and experience I possessed (Exhibit 9).

I was not silent in issues of importance concerning Calvert, as Khoury charges. Either the press was not publishing my responses and inquiries or 1 was not being contacted for a comment before press stories were published. (Exhibit IO).

The "American Homefront" questioned Mr. Khoury's integity, loyalty as well as expose the blatant lie he had made to the Hispanic voters in Riverside County that "Tl7ere is riot n Larim rruirritigfir Corigress irr the 43rd C'otigre.s.siorral Disiricl. ". What was written is verifiable from oficial FEC records (Exhibit 1 I).

KHOURY'SARAB PAC CONNECTIONS -ARE REAL Dr. James Zogby has used the false and misleading charges Khoury submitted to the FEC. to label niy campaign racist and Calvert surrogate. This proclamation 1)laces nie and ntv family in a very daiaeerous situation and the KIIoIw/ZQ~~~tav-tcani is well aware of\vvh:at tllev ;are doing with tliese false cliarges. These charges must be dropped and rriirst reflect ail FEC investigation whcrc they arc declared unrounded and charges by Khoury totally dismissed. (Exhibit 12) 3

been almost exclusively Arab PACs. FEC records show that Khoury did receive reported and unreported PAC hnds in 1998. To date they have not been returned to those organizations (Exhibit 13).

Mr. Khoury charges that the issue was "more prohlemafic when me considers the ethnicity Of Mr. Barela who was desperaiely, or so he wanted us to believe, seeking Latino voles where the majority of the commiinity is foreign born. "

My commitment to my country is based upon my American heritage not on my ethnicity (Exhibit 2b).

Mr. Khoury knew that I was Hispanic and had qualified for the ballot. Vet he sent out a racist mailer stating thzt "There is not a Latino runningfor Congress in the 43rd congressimai Disrrict. "(Exhibit 14).

I demanded an immediate apology and cladfiation to the voters From Khoury for that mailer. This was the second apology 1 had requested From Khoury that involved racist insults directed towards me by Khoury. (Exhibit 15). , il ..+ :* id RESPONSETO SIMILARLANGUAGE CHARGE. Perhaps 1 should have called the Calvert camp and charged them with plagiarism for having used information I provided to the press and the public ir; i.- ..i without having given me proper credit as the source of those statements. ..-.....il i KHOURY'S TACTICALLEVEL CHARGESthat "there was ahevidence of sonie coordifitionon the tactical level. "When I called to see if Mr. Calvert would be in attendance at the debate, I was also informed that he was in Washington, but they believed Mr. Khoury would be in attendance. There is no truth to these charges.

CHARGE OF EXCESS CAMPAIGN FUNDING Mr. Khouty submits as evidence to support a excess campaign contribution by my campaign, "The cotttrihiitiatr vf 92.000 atid the limirtg of the contrihulioti are reasons IO he siispcr. Simple addition reveals only one $1,800 campaign contribution. It is a duplicate of the contribution already reported on the itemized receipts that is summarized in the detailed summary report. These charges are totally false, but used by Khourv to submit what would not otherwise be an acceptable FEC complaint

KHOURY'S QUESTIQNABLECAMPAIGN FUNDING -A SMOKINGGUS EiPhtv Seven Percent of Khoury's campaign contributors in this and in his past campaigns do not list an eniployer or occupation. a practice of Khoury since I992 Khoury's failure to supply that information atier repeated requests from the FEC does warrant a full FEC invesliyation. FEC should i!iitiatc a conyke audit and~~S"l~l~l~i~~cti~~~d~c?tild~i+~\\i!I~t~cst.~~l~itati~ FEC violations. (Exhibit 16) Khoury charges that "The committee to elect Cook Barela to Congress was "an iirlegralpart of elrrhoratc nirrltidinietaiorial strategv cflrace baiting. I'

"Mr. Cdwrt," Khoury writes, "rhotight at the time that 1 was his only opporienr despite thefact that Mr. Cook BGrela, a Latino American, had alrea& registered as a candidate. "

If we take Khoury's statement as true, then how muid my campaign be an independent expenditure of the Calvert candidacy, or be tactically involved with Calvert, as Khoury charges, when according to Khoury, Calvert did not know I was a registered candidate?

Mr. wloury states, for Jewish leaders, "Mr. Barela wus riot considered an oppofieitt.I'

Mr. Khoury fails to mention that in that letter these same Jewish leaders had written, 'FA primarv oomnent, Sarkis Khoury, jirst moved into the district.I' A primary opponent, means at least one other opponent.

Submitted are two letters supporting Khoury. Both excluded me as an opponent (Exhibit 17).

'Encotrragenient and support, " received ftom "Mr. Galen Walker, the hiisband of Kathy Walker, a professedwloury supporter, was a surprise to Khoury he charges.

Mr. Galen Walker is a good and tmsted Christian friend. Mrs. Walker denied ever supporting Khoury. Her answer is included as (Exhibit 18).

ASSAULT ON DR. JAMES DOBSON'S ENDORSEMENT Khoury assaulted my Christian faith, called me a liar, and questioned the integrity of Doctor James Dobson for his endorsement of my candidacy. Joe Khoury's campaign workers called, faxed letters and threatened to withdraw financial support of Dr. Dobson's ministries, for having endorsed my candidacy (Exhibit 19)

I have found similar patterns generated against others. When Anti-terrorist espert Steven Emerson was interviewed on the National Public Radio talk show. "Talk of the Natioc," '.hat interview was quickly condemned by Arab organizations that bombarded the station with calls and faxes. The verbal assault continued until the Chicago-based Arab American Action Network, was assured that there had been a "mistake" and "it won't happen again." Emerson soon found himself blacklisted, much like Khoury has attempted to do by calling for sanctions ayainst me by the Republican Party.. These cases are too similar to ignore (Exhibit 20).

Khoury contintics io plea that rlirre is no Zogby connectioii. 'I~Ii~./iiirc*Itr. /iitp,l/)rg oi@ i~td iwwihc iiiLwitfxVit/. fiddIO ii(wthii I mil tioi ti titc.titlw if4illl...Ild~ ~tpi~ii:tiiI(~~i tuiJ irtrw /IO1 1ICCt'jll~'d//l~l/li~l~,~~~l/l/ tit!\' ~Jl~~~~/lll:l//itl//. ~fi/cl. Illid /IO/ 11,~kcdtil!\' ~ll~~/l/l~il/ltlll10 /!/~Cl'l'~dt* O// h~~l/~~lfi////it*it/iwiiitil/t Of I//(' S/t*I*/iIc~iItti/~/t'I/t.v. U/iI,

REQUESTFOR CHARGES TO BE DlStWs5ED Having read the charges, I am now asking the FEC that no action be taken against myself, my committee or campaign treasurer in this matter as there is absolutely no substance to the charges presented by Mr. Khoury. Me offers no truth or credible evidence to substantiate his charges or in support of his conspiracy theory.

1 ask that the evidence against Khoury that has been submitted in defense of those charges be investigated as they do support some very serious FEC Act violations by Mr. Sarkis Joseph Khoury, his treasurer, and his committees.

By submission of his essay to the FEC, Mr. Khoury ha5 secured a foundation from which he and others may launch a concentrated effort to deceive the public fbrther by lies and false charges of racism in America. If there is a conspiracy, it did not involve me or my committee. If there is a conspiracy, it is one that involves national and international associations. (Exhibit 22).

Respectfblly submitted,

- R.M. COOK BARELA i. a Sacred Honor Protecting Representative Government in the The United States House of Representatives R.M. COOK BARELA, M.A. 1998 Congressional Candidate CONTENTS

A SACREDHONOR: AN INTRODUCTION I. Congressional District 43 - Analysis 11. Initial Response to Charges 111. Request for charges to be dropped IV. Statement of Organization

SUPPORTING STATEMENTS, EVIDENCE & kPECLARATlONS 6 r. Response from campaign treasurer, Exhibit 1 6 11. History of Intent to serve in Congress Exhibit 2 6 III. Khoury’s unreported in-kind contributions Exhibit 3,4,5 7 IV. Other in-kind contributions Exhibit 6 8

IT WAS GOING TO BE A RACISr CAMPAIGN 10 I. Win at any cost Exhibit 7 10 11. A campaign Funded by Arab Americans 11 Ill. Deep Racial Prejudice Exhibit 8 12 IV. One Sided attack Exhibit 9, 10 13 V. No Latino running Exhibit II 14

KHOVnY’S ARAB PAC CO”ECr10N 15 I. The Dangers of Fairness & Exclusion Exhibit 12 16 11. Questionable Campaign Practices Exhibit 13 17

DESPERATELYSEEKING LATWOS Exhibit 14 21 1. Deceiving the Hispanic Community Exhibit 15 21 II. Response to Similar Language 23 111. Why is a Good so hard to Fathom? 23 1V. Khoury’s Smoking Gun Exhibit 16 26 mSP0NSETO KHOURY’SPOLITICAL ESSAY& LETTERS 27 1. A Funny Thing happened to me on the Road to Congress 29 11. My opponent, your opponent, Exhibit 17 29 111. The Fourth Leg of the Conspiracy Exhibit 18 51 1V. Lies and The Consul General of 33 V. A Citizen of Two Countries $4 VI. Dual Allegiance 55

LIES, HALF-TRUTHS, KHOURY& THE CONSERVATIVE VOICE Exhibit 19 56 I. A Similar Incident Eshibit 20 3 7 ii. The Arab Canipaign Connection Exhihit 9,12. .: 7

TIIEt\;iio~~vlZocu~ AHAU CONNECTION Exhibit 7 I b. c .; 0 I We Iiavc Been Iiad Exhibit 77 4 0 A Sacred Honor Protecting Representative Government in the The United States House of Representatives R.M. COOK BARELA,M. A. 1998 Congressional Candidate

With Malice Towards None "I shall do nothing in malice, what I deal with is too vast for malicious needling" President Abraham Lincoln, 1862

The following is an excerpt from an E-mail message, received from an educator, author and highly decorated Vietnam veteran. His note was sent shortly after he had examined the campaign contribution summaries of Congressman Ken Calvert and Joe Khoury from official FEC records. The conclusions he drew on both candidates were surprisingly accurate. It wasn't until mu& later that I realized the insight he shared. The writer is a Native American.

TO: Cook Barela Date: May 04, 1998 908 AM Subject: RE: Arab-American with Qual citizenship and Arab dollars in congressional race?

Dear Cookie: These are my thoughts and you are welcome to submit them to any type media under my name or yours... since we think alike and love our country by the same sheet of music. 1 hope I have been of service to someone I respect a great deal.

Perhaps the greatest challenge to any elected leader is the need to "fairly" represent each member of their constituency. Congressional leaders are tasked to represent people from a certain demographical if not geographically defined body. Within these parameters, a broad spectrum of interest compete for dominance of political favor or power. Certain credence is given to the adage, "The Power in Numbers." Democracy operates upon the premise that the greatest number in agreement represents the greatest will cfthe people, embracins the sacred idea "By the people, for the people and of the people." TOQoften, polished politicians proffer up "collusions." secret agreements for a wrongfir1 purpose, especially for the purpose of predation of others and defrauding others of rights and privilege. Those who collude join forces in secrct to conspire tQ further the specific interest ofa selected few. at the espense ofniany. In politics. the evidence or collusion always conies in a careful review of. from where the niost avid supponors lend their support. In Mr. Khoury's case it is evident that "special interest" tion1 tlic kliddlc-liast 11as prompted a huge cash flow destined to buy this mati ofrnultiplc.citizcnships i~ seat in the Congress of~lieUnited States "

Your 13I0 - MTI 2



(Voter Registration: 39% D - 46% R) -- Democrat: Mike Xayburn of Riverside. Republicans: Incumbent Ken Calvert of Corona, Cook Barela of Riverside, Joe Khoury of Riverside. Green: Phil1 Courtney of Riverside. : Annie Wallack of Riverside.

Just when incumbent Republican Ken Calvert thought he'd seen the last of Joe Khoury, here comes the UC finance professor once again to gum up Calvert's summer vacation. In 1992, Calvert and Khoury finished 1-2 in a field of seven candidates in a hard-fought GQP primary for what was then a new, open seat, Two years later, the pair squared offby themselves, with by-then incumbent Calvert barely squeaking through with a 1000-vote victory out of 40,000 cast in the GOP primary. Khoury, a conservative, bashed Calvert over the incumbent having been caught with a self- described prostitute by Corona police. That campaign was expensive and nasty. But Khoury did not surface in 1996 as Calvert breezed to his third term. Now, he's back and always has had plenty of money to toss around a campaign. Not only that, but a third Republican -- retired police chaplain Cook Barela has joined the fray. Barela last surfaced in 1992 when he finished second in a four-man race to eventual winner Ted Weggeland in an area Assembly primary. Barela joins Khoury on the right of Calvert, which is not good news for Khoury because it should split the conservative vote. The pair may hold Calvert to under 50 percent of the GOP primary vote -- even in a blanket primary -- but neither likely will unseat him. The old personal issues used against Calvert with some success back in 1994 have mostly faded from view

RESULTS United States Representative; District 43 (Basic info only)

Ken Calvert, Republican 31,818 votes 38.8%(55.6?40 in party) Expenditure $422,005.37

Joe Khoury, Republican Expenditure $3 11,955.00 19,705 votes 24.1% (34.5% in party)

R.M.Cook Barela. Republican Expenditure $7.9?5 00 5,706 votes 6 O"O (9 99.6 in party) 3

INTRODUCTION R.M. COOK BARELA- I am a United States citizen, born in America. 1 am Hispanic, Republican, and an ordained Christian minister. My ancestors fouglit and some died in the American Civil War as Union soldiers. 1 am Hispanic by birth, Republican by choice and a Christian by faith. 1 have never entertained a racist belief. Racism is not in my nature as a Hispanic American with strong family values and traditions and especially not because of my strong Christian convictions. For over twenty-one years I served on the Los Angeles Police Department. During my service there was never a complaint or discipline charge filed against me by other police officers, supervisors or the public. For the last ten years before my retirement, I served as the Police Department's only ordained chaplain. As a chaplain I ministered to the needs of police o&ers, their families and the public without regard to their ethnicity, nationality, financial, or religious background. Today I am the senior pastor of a multi-ethnic Christian congregation. As pastor of a Christian outreach ministry, I have personally assisted and helped suppo~Lebanese missionaries during that country's civil war. I enjoy the fiiendship and trust of Arab-Americans as well as people of other ethnicities. The charges of racism, race baiting, bigotry and illegal campaign contributions made against me by Mr. Joseph Khoury are a slanderous assault against me personally and as an American who has the right to speak the truth. I have never attacked an Arab-American for any reason. What I say here is in response to the attacks that have been made against me.


The answers and statements herein submitted are under oath, with the respect and honor such a declaration demands. The following is the official response of R.RI.Cook Barela to the FEC charges filed by Mr. Joseph Khoury, on August 25, 1998.

Due to the nature and method employed by Mr. Khoury in making these charses against The Cook Barela for Congress Committee, a complete and disqualifying answer is required. Since, Mr. Khoury chose to send these malicious, false and slanderous statements to others, has also obtained the support of a number of Arab organizations to suppon his false statements and unsubstantiated charges and since he has not hesitated to label me a racist in the syes of my community, my country and the Republican Party (Khoury's exhibit I'd). it became necessary for me to use the following niethod to respond to these charges.

REQUEST FOR CllARGES TO BE REJECTED Having read the charges. I ani now asking the FEC that no action be taketi against nlyszlt: my coninlitlee or canipaign treasurer in this niatter as there is absolutzl!. no suh~riinceto tl~rcharges presentcd by hlI Khoury. I Ic ott'ers no truth or credible evidciicc IO suhstanriatc his rhargcs or in suppoi1 of his conspiracy tiiccii? PRIMARYCOMPLAINT DISPUTE Mr. Khoury's complaint against me should have been filed separately from that which he charged against Mr. Calvert. The charges Mr. Khoury filed with the FEC combines two separate and independent campaigns. The complaint should have been rejected on those grounds.

Having the FEC consider the complaint as a unit only serves to support Khoury's conspiracy theory and justification for his loss.

Mr. Khoury unites both committees as one, then proceeds with his charges, and the reader is left to assume his first statement is true. The complaint against my committee should have been filed separately and not combined with Mr. Calvert's campaign. My campaign was totally separate and unconnected to that of Mr. Calvert.

KHOURY'S CHARGES "The candidacy of Mr. Bareta appears to have operated as the equivalent of an independent expendititrefor the Calvert candidacy.'1

Mr. Khoury offers no material sipporting this charge. The statement is not worthy of consideration. Oficial FEC documents do not support such a statement.

....--. Mr. Khoury states he believes the charges are true based on the information he submits and "on I. rd ...... ntimerotis conversations with many indiviaiiais. " :.;._ Mr. Khoury does not submit documents that substantiate any of those numerous conversations, nor does he name those individuals. He does not provide FEC with any factual information in support of his charges. Mr. Khoury's delusions should not be justification for an FEC investigation. IMAGINARYBELIEFS I ca.n just as easily state and submit a conspiracy theory similar to Mr. Khoury's with information provided by the press, Khoury and Arab sources.

I could say that I believe Joseph Khoury was professionally groomed for political office. that he was educated, trained, coached and began his prepara!im in French schools to run for federal ofice in the United States. That he arrived in America like the prince of Bel Air. moved in with relatives in luxurious New Bedford where he continued his political training. That Riverside County was pre-selected by a special interest group of Arab-Americans and Khoury was sent here as their representative to run in a new open congressional seat. A group of wealthy. powerful and influential Arab-..\niericans have beeii tinancins his campaigns through a nzt\vork of individuals scattered across hnierica. lhose individuals receive fiinds froni secret Arab oryiizations that lauiidcr fbrciy con~r.ibu~ions.'fk plot is elect "cpalifretf"c~indidi~~~~s \$IIO support their interest in Congress. 'lhese candidates heconie qualified when they iiiake an initial financial or other personal coniniitmcrit to the Arab cause. I!pon entering politics the candidate receives the laundei-cd liincis fioiii prescicencd Arab :\nicricaiis itlid various Arab inslitutions. 'l'lic morc cducatcd. rclinctl. ;ind articulatc ;; caidithte is thc niore Arab I'A('s iintl otlicvs coiilributc to tlicir. Iwliiical ciiiiipiiyis 1 could further state that 1 believe there is a conspiracy behind Mr. Khoury's quest for public ofice. That many of these various institutes, associations and organizations and their directors have connections to foreign nationals with ties to terrorist organizations as well as to some questionable international financial banking institutions. They have conspired to elect Arab Americans to ofice for the purpose of subverting America's Middle East policy fi-om within our American institutions. However, I could not make all those charges, because I would be missing some supporting documents as well as statements from identifiable witness.

If I was to make those charges without support, the FEC should not launch an investigation into those charges, nor should the FEC or any other Federal agency be looking into the source of Mr. Khoury's personal or campaign's financial gains.

Yet, in these charges against my committee and myself, Mr. Khoury seems to have dane just that. He charges me with criminal conspiracy, racism, bigotry, hatred as well as having violated Federal Election Campaign laws; all of it, solely based on an individual's egocentric imagination.

1 am asking for the FEC to dismiss these frivolous charges with prejudice, toward myself, my campaign treasurer and The Cook Barela for Congress Committee.

STATEMENT QF ORGANIZATION In my declaration of candidacy, I took an oath in which I state I am running for congress for The United States House of Representatives, NOT to elect or in support of Congressman Ken Calvert or any other candidate. Those official federal documents state that I was a qualified candidate running for federal ofice, to represent the people of the 43rd congressional district. For Mr. Khoury to charge me with something that is not recorded as an independent committee is to question the oath I took as well as my loyalty to my committee and to the citizens of Riverside County. This charge is uncalled for and not supported in any of ;!x exhibits or statements submitted. The Federal Election Commission, the State of California, and the offce ofthe Riverside County Registrar of Voters all have on file my sworn statement and official declaration of candidacy as a verified candidate seeking the office of United States Representative, 43rd Congressional District. Mr. Khoury's insinuation that I would be involved in such a vile and deceithl political practice and would willfully deceive the people of the 43rd Congressional District is defamatory.

I qualified for the ballot by personally gathering valid signatures of registered voters in Riverside County. It was the people of Riverside that nominated and placed me on the ballot. To them I alii grateful. For Khoury to say 1 deceived them by running a campaign for soiiieone else is an iiisult IOtheir intelligence arid intentions. I ran an honest campaign as a Republican congressional candidate. I was not a pawn ofanv individual. part\. special interest organization or itssoci;itiori.

I neither cooperated. conscntcd to. consulted with nor did I decide to run for public ol\ice tlpoll the request or suggestion of Mr. Calvert. his agenrs or authorized committee. I was ireitlicr encouraged nor discoiira~edto run ['or. ohcby Mr. CiiI\fclt, I did not suppnrt. rcceiw or. contribute to Rlr. Calvwt's caiiipiiign ill iirry iri~aiis\vti;itsoc\w tior (lid I iri;ihe iitiy itrfoniiatioil availihlc 10hli. (*iilvcr~i~l)oir~ 311 Khoirr~~Ihiil I did not iirst nrakc. iivaiI;ilik to 111cpuldi~~ ;III~ 111s 6 press. I was not involved in receiving any independent donation from any incorporated entity, labor organization, individual or business organization associated with Mr. Calvert or the federal government

As sworn to above, my campaign was independent of Mr. Calvert's campaign. As such there was no cooperation, coordination, support or conspiracy between myself, members of my campaign committee, or Mr. Ken Calvert, his committee members or supporters. There is no truth to Mr. Khoury's complaint. He has provided no evidence that a violation of the Act has occurred.


RESPONSE FROM CAMPAIGN TREASURER Mr. Carpolino has responded with the information pertaining to his responsibilities as the committee's campaign treasurer. He was not involved in our committee's operational decisions or other parts of our committee's decision making process. He was and is our committee's trusted treasurer and handles those responsibilities with great integrity and thoroughness. He would not, however, have access tolor be in a position to answer the charges that do not pertain to the campaign's finances (Exhibit 1).

WISTORY OF INTENT TO SERVE IN CONGRESS In 1988,l unsuccesshlly sought the Republican nomination to challenge Democratic Rep. George Brown in what was at that time the 36th Congressional District (Exhibit 2).

1 first ran for congress long before Mr. Ken Calvert decided to seek public office, and long before Khoury moved into Riverside County. During his two former runs for congress, Khoury lived in Orange County, well outside the 43rd congressional district.

In 1992 I supported neither Khoury'nor Calvert for congress. In 1994, Khoury asked for my endorsement, I would not support his candidacy, much to his irritation. My endorsement was quite valuable at that time because of the many and varied high profile community projects I had been involved in. The m!y public or personal support 1 gave Mr. Calverf at that time was encouragement and the published letter to the press (Khoury's exhibit 11). Mr. Khourj lost that race by a little over 800 votes.

In 1992 I lost an election for State Assemblyman because my opponent used the same type of character assassination tactics deployed by Mr. Khoury against Mr. Calvert in 1994. I filed a lawsuit in Riverside Court against my opponent. Ted Wepgelatid. for what one newspaper called "the worst venoni and slanderous lies ever used in the political history of Riverside County. One Ilia1 Iial 110 substaiice or ilierit." The paper called for an apologv. I dropped the lawsuit oncc \4cggcI~iiidalmlo$cd in writing 7 practices. My rehsal to support Mr. Khoury should be no reason to believe 1 would be engaged in a deceitfid enterprise in support of Mr. Calvert.

Mr. Khoury, however, did ask me a number of times in separate telephone conversations not to run. Instead Khoury asked me, to join his campaign so that we could "blossom together."

On April 21, 1998, long after 1had qualified for the ballot, Mr. Khoury's public relations consultant, Ms. Shirlee Pigeon from Word Mill Publication, publishers of the Conservative Voice newsletter, made a similar request. She asked me to withdraw fiom the race. She had made several public comments that I had no right running and should withdraw from the rzce and support Khoury.

KHOURY'S UNREPORTED IN-WND CONTRIBUTIONS When I rejected Ms. Pigeon's suggestion, she refused to publish my declaration of candidacy, even though Tom Pigeon, her husband, had asked me to submit my biographical information for publication. She would also not accept a full-page advertisement in The Conservative Voice Newspaper.

The income a hll page, paid political advertisement would have provided to a small publishing company would have been substantial. I believe Ms. Pigeon's refusal to accept the paid advertisement was an in-kind contribution by that business to the Khoury campaign. Enclosed, as exhibit 3 is my announcement ofcandidacy, submitted to the Conservative Voice, and the press release that followed Ms. Pigeon's refusal to publish my candidacy. (Exhibit 3).

While I was not involved in receiving independent donations fiom any incorporated entity, labor organization, individual or business organization associated with Mr. Calvert or the federal government, it appears that Mr. Khoury did receive campaign contributions from Word Mill, a privately owned business and publishers of The Conservative Voice. The Conservative Voice is not a recognized newspaper under California law. As a privately owned monthly publication it cannot be seen as anything other then a private campaign contribution by Word Mill to the Khoury campaign. Those advertisement costs or in-kind contributions are not revealed in his campaign disclosure statements.

Exhibit 4 shows two full-page political advertisements made by The Conservative Voice a Word Mill Publication. One appears in the Christian Times and the other in the Conservative Voice newsletter. A third advertisement for KI~ouryappears on page 5 ofthe Conservative Voice. That is also not revealed in his campaign Contribution disclosure statement (Exhibit 4).

'llic full pay paid advertiseiiient that appeared in The Southern California Christian Tiines with B cos1 ofoiicI $800 00 was also not disclosed as having been receii.4 as an in-kind contrihution lioiii Word Rlill. l'lie Conscrvalive Voice. Tlie lnlaiid Eiiipire Conservative Coalition. or its publislicrs editors h4r and Mrs 'Iom Pigeon (Sec pay j ofthe May 1998 Southern California Clii-istian'l'iiiics. Vol 0. No 5 1 (Exhibit 4). 8

These advertisements endorsing Khnury by "The Conservative Voice" are listed without a public notice. It does not identifv the name of the person or committee that paid for that expenditure and thev do not state that the Dublished communication was paid or authorized bv the candidate or his authorized committee. Mr. Khoury does not disclose these in-kind contributions nor does the advertisement in those publications indicate who paid for the ads, which may be violation of 2 U.S.C. 441 d (a). I believe the failure to disclose these contributions as well as Mr. Khoury's failure to include a disclaimer in these advertisements is also a violation ofFEC rules and regulations and merit an investigation.

Was the Inland Empire Conservative Coalition, The Conservative Voice or Word Mill Publishers ..... working as undeclared "Independent Expenditure" surrogates for the Joe Khoury for Congress .~~... .~.. committee? There certainly is cause for concern as Word Mill, under the ownership of Tom and ..- .~ .... Shirlee Pigeon, served as Mr. Khoury's Public Relations firm during his campaign. Certainly the ... .-..~. FEC Act was violated. Mr. Khoury, who, through his own admission is co-founder of the Inland Empire Conservative Coalition, fbrther violated it. ..-.. i j- .. .. As First Vice-president, Riverside chapter of the California Republican Assembly (non-profit), ii ...... ~. Mrs. Pigeon sent out (on what appears to be official CRA stationary) a letter in support of Mr. Khoury, with Word Mill Publication's business phone number and Ms. Pigeons home address i.?...... -. .. listed. The mailer was paid for by the Khoury for Congress Campaign Committee. Was the ...... California Republican Assembly in Riverside working through Ms. Pigeon as an independent .-~. ._:....- expenditure or campaign committee for Khoury? Were other FEC laws violated as well? ...... -... .. (Exhibit 5).

Mr. Khoury's web page located at www.kho~1y1998.com was repeatedly advertised and announced in The Conservative Voice paper, but no in kind campaign contribution was declared nor does Mr. Khoury's web site contain who authorized or paid for the internet advertisement as required by FEC regulations 2 U.S.C. 441 d (a). The web site is not disclosed as expenditure by the Khoury committee. The Conservative Voice web page or Word Mill located at www.wordpr.com/voice and www.wordpr.com did not have a disclosure statement on its web pages during the campaign.

OTHER IN-KIND CQNTRIBUTIQNS Both Mr. Khoury and Mr. Calvert received in kind contributions via shared newspaper political advertising costs from the Olive Grove Retirement Resort, a HUD federally funded housing facility. Both candidates participated in two fbnd raising events where they were provided with booth space during the day for their political literature and allowed to make campaign speeches. I was excluded and not invited until 1 inquired about the event when Khoury's paid advertisement appeared in our local newspaper. When 1 inquired about the event. hls. Iiansen told me she had lefl a niessage with a lady working at our campaign headquarters .Actually. I would haw been the only one to atiswcr that phone since it's in my otlicc and no one was wcwking for the campaign at that tiriic. hls. Iiaiiseri told me that tliere was no opportunity available for me to participate during that organization's "April Political Events Series " I believe this may constitute another kdcrd \.ioliitioii (b:xliil)it 6) She then offered me an opportunity to speak at that organization's health care event scheduled for May. However, most of the cheap advertising spots were already taken. and I would have to pay more what the other candidates had paid. In a follow-up phone conversation to discuss the paid advertisement, I found out the events were HUD funded and said I would not participate. I was later called and informed that this second event had been cancelled (Exhibit 6b). Another form of federally funded support Mr. Khoury seems to have received is in his employment with the University of Riverside. His response to an FEC request for more information concerning charges against The Cook Barela for Congress Committee was sent on official University of California Riverside stationary. Is the University of California Riverside involved in support of Mr. Khoury's slanderous statements toward me, in his labeling me 2 racist and charging me with criminal activity? Is it an official complaint from that prestigious university against me or is Mr. Khoury using a federally hnded institute in his campaign for personal and/or political gains?

NOT 11~~~~~~~~~~~'1ACCORDING TO THE TECHNICAL DEFINITION "Decampaign was not 'independent' according to the technical definition offheFEC. "

Mr. Khoury argues in support of this charge as if his first statement that the Cook Barela for Congress committee was 'kii independent expenditure for the Calvert candidacy" by stating:

"Rarelaissued literaltire a!fackingme attd on& me. No mentim wns ever made ofMr. Cnlverf although Mr. Calvert ivas and is rhe incumbent. I'

He also states, 'Barela sent ozif in the last days ofhis canipaign a newspaper slyle mailer. exlollirig his accomplishmetrts and offackitrg n7e based oti.fal.sehoOds race, race baiting, aid natiimnl origin. "

Mr. Khoury further states claims made in the newspaper regarding his PAC funding was a r, Lie and was alnrost rwhntinr (he sme exact claim made by Mr. ('chert who.se nidm WCIS .SW! orrf ahorrf the some tinre conlaitiitig !he same thenie mid langiiage. I'

ANSWERTO THESE CHARGES As sworn to above, my campaign was independent of Calvert's campaign. As such theis was no cooperation, coordination, support or conspiracy between myself, nien:bers of my campaign committee, Ken Calvert, his committee members or supporters. I detest this vile and slanderous accusation by Khoury and answer his charges above with the followins statements and eshibits:

From the onset ofthis caiiipaipn and in all of my political veiitiircs. I have never publicly attacked an opponent I have alwass sought public office on nrs oivii iiierits and accoiiiplisliiiiccits not by attacking the personal flawol'otlicrs. I Ii;w challenged iiiy oppoiielits by giving the public an altcrnativc choice with a record of accoiiiplisIiIiieiitsatid new ideas.

When I dccidcd to run for consress. I pave both Klioury and Calvtrt :I coiiI~csycall iililiotllicilig iiiy decision IO Iwi I Iiad prcvioiisly acinouiired to tliciii that I \V;IS c..ollsitlcrins ii rwbr ollicc I 0

California's new blanket primary was a strong incentive and 1 knew thzt the Democratic Party had no candidate willing to run.

When I finally decided to declare my candidacy, Ms. Pigeon of the Conservative Voice was the first individual I called instead of the regular press as she was the editor of the Conservative Voice and I wished to give her that news opportunity since she ran a monthly publication. My mistake was not knowing she and the public relations firm of Word Mill were under the employment of Mr. Khoury. When I informed her of my decision, she asked if 1 would talk to Mr. Khoury and he called me shortly after that. I was later asked by Mr. Pigeon to submit biographical information on myselfto The Conservative Voice Newspaper. This was a very .. dishonest and deceitfid lure by the Pigeon's. It is unethical for any business to request .. ... information under false pretenses. I believe they call it fraud because of the betrayal of trust it _... _-.- was once empowered with......

~. ! !: L? IT WAS GOlNG TO BE A RACIST CAMPAIGN .. ~~...... 1 I mentioned to both Khoury and Calvert when I informed them I was running, that I wm!d not ._...... run a negative mud-slinging campaign, and I would not personally attack them. It was at that time that Mr. Khoury told me he was going to run a "very bloody race."

Mr. Khoury's statement, while not a surprise to me, was contrary to the high moral anti racism * -.. declaration he had made that had been published in the press on January 17, 1998. In that news ..~.._...... story, Khoury had called for "opposition to racism'' Now he was telling me that he was going to ., ii.- make the contest for congress race based.

In a telephone conversation with Mr. Khoury, he made several other statements that were both clear and disturbing. He told me outright that the race was going to be:

1. Bloody, very, very bloodv. 2. He was going to "win at any cost" 3. He was going to make it a racist contest. 4. He had the support of some very influential individuals

Mr. Khoury emphasized he had support from some very powefil people, and that 1 would be surprised if 1 knew who they were.

When Khoury made the statement that it \vas going to be a racist contest. I understood it to mean that he was going to play the race card "At any cost" he had said. I believe he mentioned racism. because, he may have believed as a Hispanic I \vould understand and therefore help hin1 in his campaign and not rtin In support ot'thar convcrsatiorl exhibit 7 is enclosed. Unfortunatel!.. ~iiy coinpurer crashed shortly betbrc Christtnas I WSiiiid oidv a copy ofthc drall oftlie letter I sei11 Khoury on May 1-1. 1908 \\as limid It \vas \vrittoir right after a public t~rIiiiii meetiiip. It roveids part of'tfie conversation I Iiad wirli Mto~ir~~I~ICII Jx initially called iirc iind of what trailspired at the foruni. It shows the racist apcnda hlr Khouq \\as developing at that time. and substantiates tho l:IX' charges he tiled aic \\ithour iiicrit (Is:sliibit 7)

'l'hc in~1ucnti;iliirdividuiils Ire irrciriioiicd I I,iic\\ did not isicludc coiitlu\.crsiiil chid sti.;i~cgist Ed Rollins, who was already known to have been hired by Khoury. The only influential individuals that arose to defend Mr. Khoury were Dr. James Zogby of the Arab American Institute and Hala Maksoud of the Arab American Anti-Discrimination Committee.

Mr. Khoury asked me to join in "his crusade," so that we muld "blossom together." When I was not impressed, he questioned my rationale for running and asked why I would run against him. I mentioned to him that I was not running against him but for the ofice ofthe House of Representatives. He then became hostile and angry over my decision and called me Calvert's soul mate. Later, when I walked into his campaign headquarters to demand an apology for a slanderous statement he had made about me to the press, he called me Calvert's agent. At a public debate when Calvert was not present, I questioned why he held passports from two different countries, and he called me a proxy for Cahert. In an October 15,1998 press release in support of Khoury, Dr. James Zogby called my campaign Caivert's surrogate.

KHOURVLAID OUT THE POLITICAL SCENE AND CALVERT TOQK THE BAIT I realize that with Khoury playing the racist card and Calvert possibly responding negatively as he had in the past, it could very well work to my benefit. Khoury and his strategist laid out the political scene. The race was going to turn ugly and my chances of beating Khoury and unseating Calvert was a possibility, providing I could raise the hnds needed to inform the public they had an alternate choice.

Unfortunately for my campaign and fortunately for Mr. Calvert, with my entrance into the game, it seems as if Mr. Calvert's campaign strategy drastically changed. He decided not to run a negative campaign. This was a very smart move and I must give him credit, both for the moral integrity this showed and for the political benefits it brought him.

Calvert discounted the initial barrage of attacks from Khoury's flyers but found himself defending a statement made to the press by his campaign manger, Ed Slevin. Slevin claimed that Khoury had raised the vast majority of his money from outside the district, which was almost entirely Arab-American. While both statements were true, the statements played right into Khoury's plan and he immediately raised the racist card. "Mr. Shirr ~vair/slo pi/ a racial forre lo this caniynipi. The kirid of mcial oiw/ories ho ic,crrrls /o pi:/ or1 /his canipaipi ore reprigriairfntld haie rio place irr Anrericcrtr polirics. " Khoury told the press.

With those words. the campaign took on the racial overtone Khoury had wanted from the beginning. The press played it as it had before. Khoury had told me he was going to play the race card and while I had earlier shared that information with the press. they chose not to print it. It was evident that there was a special interest group of Arab Americans supporting Khoury's campaign. It also appeared that financial contributions were being solicited for Kh~ii;j;'srace and the financing for his campaign was coming almost exclusively from Arab Americans. The business or occupation of almost all of Khoury's campaign contributors remains unknown. It's no secret that money can buy elections, and it was very evident that someone was interested in buying a congressional seat in Riverside. Mr. Khoury knew this, Zogby and Maksoud knew this.

Zogby's Arab American Institute (AM), formed in 1985, describes itself as "an electoral strategy and planning center for local Arab American communities. The Arab American Leadership Council (ALC), its National Policy Council as well a number of other Arab . ~. (NPC), as ... .. associations and institutions, offer leadership training, political, technical and financial support ...... _...- for Arab-American candidates. While not illegal, this type of information is very important for ..~. .._.. the public to know. Riverside County does not have a large Arab-American population. ..

... In a follow-up press story on April 30, 1998, an apology from Calvert was demanded by Khoury ..I :i .~...... and two Arab leaders, James Zogby, president of the Arab American Instit&, and Hala ... _. ..~~.... Maksoud, of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee. When I was called for a comment, J commented from the FEC reports I had already provided the press. Khoury's campaign hnding showed that only one family and 11 other individuals living in Riverside who did not have Arab-American surnames had contributed to his campaign. That financial contribution amounted to less then $7,000. The rest of his $123,000 was mostly from Arab- Americans living outside the district. Arab American PACs had contributed to Khoury's past campaigns and in this race. However, only my statement, "This is a speck! interest group" and "this looks like a league of Arab leaders that are buying a congressional seat here in Riverside," was printed.

In my 1992 race for State assembly, 1 was criticized by the press for having received a large portion of my campaign hnds from a group of conservative Christians. Why should Mi.Khoury not be questioned? Because he is an Arab-American?

Khoury's press comments claiming Calvert, Slevin and I were "/ryingfo cover deep racial prf?jiidice"was meant to he1 the racist card Khouiy was playing. But now he had dragged me into the mess. I demanded an immediate apology, as Khoury had demanded one from Calvert

Khoury's racist game plan was following its path and his race baiting scheme was being played to the media's delight. They were fine-tuned during the race and most recenfly resurfaced in the charges he filed against nie with the FEC. Khoury, while claiming to be proud of his heritage, for SOIJI~reason does not want the information I had provided to the press made known. One would have to wonder why'? 1 i

to Khoury at his campaign headquarters an open letter demanding an apology for the racist statement he had made about me to the press. Exhibit 8 reflects copies of the original news story, follow up stories, the letter written to Khoury as well as his response (Exhibit 8).

The letter 1 delivered calling for an apology from Khoury showed a history of involvement in helping Christian Lebanese missionaries working in Lebanon through financial and food relief during that country's civil war years. I demanded an immediate apology and told him, "I am not Ken Calvert and please do not associate me with his campaign. I raise my own questions regarding your campaign and now your integrity when you have to resort to these types of tactics. I have warned you once before that I will not tolerate false and slanderous comments ...-.. ._ made against me." Mr. Khoury responded by saying: "You're never going to get an apology from ....-... .. me! You've accused me of being a second hand citizen because I am a citizen of Lebanon! .-...... _ .- You're an agent for Calvert." -.

.~- .. . .. Evidently, his campaign strategist must have convinced him otherwise as be did Write a response .. letter and while not apologizing, he does say that the racist remark printed in the press did not ...... -...... include me. "'The 'they' he said refers to Calvert and Slevin." But that explanation was a lie, according to the story's reporter Dion Nissenbaum, who said Mr. Khoury's statements were said to include me.

The statements I had made to the press were true. Mr. Khoury's campaign knds were coming almost exclusively from Arab Americans and from Arab-American PACs with connections to Arab leadership organizations. News stories and press releases published by these same Arab leaders and associations confirm this to be true. SO why does Khoury call them racist?

Havins studied Middle Eastern organizations as an anti-terrorist expert, 11 was well aware of the ties some of those associations operating in America had in other countries, including Lebanon. What is troubling is that it's all true and Mr. Khoury knew it was true. Yet he changed the subject matter by crying out "racism."

A ONESIDED ATTACK As far as attacking Mr. Khoury and oniy him, this also is a lie. 1 had some le.#rnate questions concerning Mr. Calvert in many areas, but the press chose not to print my concerns.

The ten page "American Homefront" mailer with special insert was designed to reveal that neither Calvert nor Khoury possessed the community service and experience I had. In comparison. their biographical campaign brochures were tluff, with no substance in comparison to my qualifications as a public servant (Exhibit 9).

On the vcIy front page of'tlie "Americaii I lonielicint" I state. "Our country is sull'ering tYbm a lack of iiioral and Iespcctablc leadcrsliip Our representatives seeill more interested in holdin$ the pal-ty line tlliin in iipliolding wliat the United States Constitution deinands of its representatives." .. 1 tic IlycI. tiowcvcr. was no^ out to set allyone. Khoury or Calvei-t. 111 regard to Khoury. I had to dcknd tlic truth wliicli I tiad spoticri ;iliou( Kltocii.!. antl Ie~pciiidIO his racist Ieiiiatks about ilic and the lies Iic Ii;id told I tfidii'l like fi;it.tiis IO itwnfioii KIiowy. but tic ;ttt;rcLc.tl and I rir.sdcd IO respond. Had he apologized and written to the Hispanic community he had lied to and made things right as 1 asked him to, 1 wouldn't have mentioned him at all in the "American Homefront."

In one of my first press releases, I questioned Congressman Calvert's introduction of H.R. 2866, a campaign reform bill which I called nothing but fluff and background noise. The lack of sponsors he had obtained on the bill showed it had no hope of passage, just a smoke screen set up to show he supported campaign reform. The press did not print my concerns, even though it had printed a story on Calvert's fund-raising bill. ks writer Onell R. Soto based in Washington, D.C. had apologized for not having given me the opportunity to respond to another story involving Calvert.

There were several other political items 1 brought to the attention of the press concerning both Calvert and Khoury, which the press decided not to pursue or print. While I was later informed that many of those issues had merit, Press Enterprise managers had already decided I was not going to get the same press coverage as the other two candidates. The press it seems had already made up their minds that it was going to be a race between two former rivals using the same tactics. My entrance into the race, with my values and support, was not to get the press coverage congressional candidates normally received. Six press releases were issued over a three week period announcing that I had taken out papers, announcing my candidacy, campaign organization and other fund raising activities before the press printed one small item regarding an event I was to attend. Of the dozen or more letters to the editor written in support of my candidacy by citizens, only one was published and that was toward the end ofthe race.

However, the challenges and questions 1 continued to raise concerning both Calvert and Khoury were legitimate questions that required coverage. The majority of those concerns became the heart of the issues the campaign and the press eventually had to deal with. However, I remained systematically excluded from most of the press coverage. Several news stories appeared quoting either Khoury or Calvert but my name remained unmentioned. When I questioned press reporters Onell R. Soto, Skip Morgan, Mark Petrix, Dion Nissenbaum, and two others covering political news stories about this, no excuse was given.

I was not silent in issues of importance concerning Calvert, as Khoury charges. Either the press was not publishing my responses and inquiries or 1 was not being contacted for a comment before the stories were published. (Exhibit IO).

ETHNICCLEANSING, "No LATINOR~INN~NG FOR CONGRESS" A Middle Eastern adape. "The !worst insult an Arab caii pirje his eiieiny is to not recognize their eristeiice." FALSEHOODS,RACE BAITING $i NATlONAL OR161N As far as the "American Homefront" citing, ~fnkehoo& mace, race boi~jt~g,nr~d iintiolral origirf, Khoury does not state what those falsehoods, race, race baiting and national origin were.

I have every right to question not only where Mr. Khoury receives his campaign funding but also who his supporters are. What is a natural American ppe. If there was any "racism or race baiting," it was found in Mr. Khoury's eyes, his heart and verified by his campaign literature. This charge shows how desperate Mr. Khoury is to change the subject pertaining to his campaign funding practices and turn the focus away from where we may find the truth.

What is written in "The American Homefront" was taken directly from respectable government watchdog organizations and verified from official FEC records (Exhibit 11).

KHOURY'S ARABPAC CONNECTIONS ARE: REAL Federal Election Commission records show Mr. Khoury contributed $922.00 to the " Antejiican Task Force for Lebanon Policy Council" PAC. FEC records reveal Khoury's PAC finding has been almost exclusively Arab PACs. Those are factual government figures that were reprinted in The American Homefront. They reveal PACs from where Mr. Khoury has received hnds or had contributed hnds to. They are: Americans for Lebanon Political Action Committee (ALPAC) American Task Force for Lebanon Policy Council Morgan Companies Political Action Committee (Morganpac) Physicians InterindemnityEed-Pac Arab American Leadership Political Action Committee

Some of these organizations' fund-transferring practices have been repeatedly questioned by the FEC. There are several requests for corrections in the files of these organizations, because they have failed to provide full disclosure statements foe the sources and origins of questionable campaign fiinds. Some have been under investigation by the FEC and special congression.! committees. I believe there are some very serious and questionable connections that bear investisation by the FEC and other federal government asencies as to Mr. Khoury's connections to these organizations Are the same individuals contributing to these PAC. also corltributing to the same candidates? Are the PAC funds then bein3 sent out to supplement certain "qualified" candidates?

A special insert incliided in "Tlie American Homefronr" is a report from The American Suectors November 1997. niagazinc ar1icic by Kenneth R. Timmerman. In rliat article the rep0rtt.r refers to Mr. ZoSby as hcins involvcd iri soliciting carnpaigii con1ribii1ions lioru Arab businessmen in Saudi Arabia. I.cbniion. and Syria. mnittd (Jotrors.'They sed in checks of Xi, 000, $5,000. occnsiormlly SiO.000. hiit rieiar niore. WL'(I.L'inlkitrg ahorrt seieral hiitidred /iiorisatrddollars irt .wfl ntrd ltnrd niorrey. "I

As an American 1 have a right to question foreign associations that may have local connections when it invofves a candidate that may become my representative in congress. For Mr. Khoury to launch these malicious and unsubstantiated FEC charges against me long after the campaign has been lost calls for an examination of h4r. Khoury's true motives.

Already these false "racist" statements filed with the FEC by Mr. Khoury are being used on a national and international level to solicit support fPom Arab nationals. Do we have &ab organizations trying to buy seats in congress? The evidence is there. It is found in the political statements of those organizations and associations. It is there in their publications, letters, news reports and any number of other media services used in support of Arab candidates. BM~k4i. Khoury would want us to believe that ifwe inquire into his source of hnding and support, we are racist in nature.

Will Khoury become the spokesman for Arab political institutions while he points at Riverside as an example of racism? Are we going to be labeled as a race-baiting county, all because Mr. i :> Khoury did not win his race? Or is there another motive behind this complaint? ...... ~ ... ..- .. THE DANGERSOF FAIRNES & EXCLUSJON ..._. .. ._;:.- ..... Under the Arab American Institute banner, Dr. James Zogby issued a press release on October :::: 15, 1998 calling for "Fairness and Inclusion" in support of Khoury. Zogby stated, the call "was prompted by the recent experience of Arab American candidate Sarkis Joseph Khoury in California's 43rd congressional district. Khoury, a conservative Republican, had a strons primary campaign until his opponent, Rep. Ken Calvert, and his surroaates resorted to Arab baiting." (Exhibit 12).

According to this new Zogby/Khoury doctrine of fairness and inclusion, Americans must refrain from questioning the campaign financial practices of all Arab-Americans running for public office or they will be labeled a racist. This political race in Riverside County is now being used as an example of racism and Arab bashing by over 39 liberal organizations, when in fact it was their own candidate that set it up to look like a "racist" event.

Using Khoury's false and misleading charges submitted to the FEC, Mr. Zogby has recently sought support to combat Arab baiting in American politics by identifying my campaign as a racist surrogate of Calvert's re-election campaign. Mr. Zogby and Khoury have switched back and forth in their accusations levied against Calvert or myself as ifthe campaiyis were one and the same. I resent being used bv the KhourvlZogby conspiracv teani for this purpose. k'ilification arid scurrilous attacks of this sort to which Klioury and Zogby have indulged thenisel\es can create thc atniosphcre in which u$y actions niight occur. This I)roclim:atioii vliices IIIV fitiliils aiitf nir iii a VCN d:iitgrroiis situi~tioltaiid #lie KLoiw~/Zo~by~;IE-~C;IIII is well ;iwire of wliat tlicy are doing sitti tliese false rharees. They must be dropped and iiiitst retlect an FEC investigation whore (hey arc tlcclared unlbuiided arid charges by Ktioiiry ~otxll~~tlisrnissrd 17

Unless these FEC charges are quickly dismissed, the charges filed will continue to be used as an example of racism and Arab-baiting in America. They will be used to solicit funds for the purpose of electing Arab-American candidates, because anyone questioning their fund raising activities will be likewise branded a racist. Khoury has reproduced his six-legged conspiracy theory as an example of racism in American. He is today using these unsubstantiated racist charges as a reason to justify his loss, when the truth is the citizens of Riverside County did not tolerate Khoury's negative and sick methods of political campaigning

MHBUWY'S Q~~~~I~~~~E~A~~A~~~BRACTICES Does questioning a congressional candidate with financial support and connections to international banking make me a racist? Does questioning why Mr. Khoury has four different congressional committees with four different addresses, four different bank accounts in four different cities, a different treasurer each time he runs for office, a number of telegrams from the Federal Elections Commission notifying him of his failure to file reports of receipts and expenditures each year since 1995, make me a racist? Does questioning Mr. Khoury's campaign practices make me a racist? Isn't the American public entitled to know the truth? FEC violations by the Khoury campaign do warrant an FEC investigation.

What is surprising and perhaps a little bit troubling is that Congressman Ken Calvert has apparently never questioned Khoury's connections to those Arab organizations that do seem to be behind the source of most ofKhoury's campaign hnds. In all these races, he has never asked for Khoury's financial campaign disclosures to be audited, when this abuse is evident in all of his races. The connections seen on the surface should sound an alarm in anyone, regardless of our political positions. Not because we are racist and these are Arab organizations, but because we as citizens. We must assure the representatives elected to congress have America's best interests in mind and not another country's political agenda.

I believe these are honest questions deserving a proper response. They are questions that the public, who may have been deceived and may have donated hnds to the Khoury campaign because of those lies, deserves to know the truth.

Mr. Khoury made a public proclamation, indeed wrote a book against PACs, stating he says he has not received any PAC hnds. The public believing him was deceived. He !ied to them. FEC records show that indeed he did receive PAC hnds in 1998, which to date they have not been returned to those organizations. Mr. Khoury continued to deny those fennds until I brought it to the attention of a Press Enterprise Newspaper reporter. He then supposedly returned thern. bgt FEC records do not support this claim

Another disclosure Khoury failed to file is the discharged debt of'$ I .OOO.OO owed to The Americans for Lebanon PAC. Tliat debt was liocn a $I .OOO.OO excess contribution ALP:\(' had wade to Kliotiry in 1092 (wliat Klioiiry here charges me of doing). \\'hen that coiiiiiiittw terminated. it showed $600.81 cash on hand and 31.000.00 owed by Khoury on 11s books Khoury iicver repaid tlie cscess canipaiyi contribution by ALPAC. ALPAC' in ordcr to tcrminale its comriiittec donated llic $hOO SI to (I))Senator Charles 1: Sclioiiier's canipaigii. 'Schomcv 9s' ;tiit1 Klioury's Oraiigc ('OLIIII\ ('miipiiigii ('omiiiitti:e \vas credited wilh a $1 .OOO 00 liugi\ciiess of I I I I I I P 1- la 11 $ IF a3 1;: ", la3 I I I I I 1 I 2 I d 4c 1 E I I !


! ...... -.

FEC4763-TDP-0224 19 national politics. When such an individual has chosen to retain his own country's birth right and is heavily funded from questionable sources, this type of connection bears eternal vigilance.

Are these charges levied against me "sour grapes" by an individual whose vanity has prevented him from accepting three rejections by the majority of informed and educated voters ofRiverside County? Or, are they a clever device meant to lay down a foundation for others to play the race card in hture political campaigns? If the latter is true, then this type of racism is the height of bigotry. This is true race baiting and the American voter is the victim.

VERBATIMSTATEMEWS Mr. Khoury's charge that the Cmk Barela for Congress Committee violated FEC laws because we were an independent Cdvert committee working with Calvert is, according to him, krther substantiated by his statement:

'The claim imide in the iiewspaper regarding my PAC money was a lie and was almosf verbatim the same exacf claim made by Mr. Calver! whose mailer was seut oirt about the same time coiimiiihg the same theme atid language. 'I

I was also surprised when I received Calvert's campaign mailer sent out during the last week of the election. That it contained the same theme and almost verbatim the same language as my mailer, as Khoury claims, would be plagiarism. 1 had already supplied that information to the press, at my campaign appearances and fkd raising activities for weeks. That information was also made available to the press and the public at the public forum meeting where Khoury and I spoke but Calvert was not present. I made sure Calvert's representative received a copy as well. I have often wondered why Calvert had not used this readily available information before. It was important information that the public had the right to know. Had the Calvert camp never really looked into Khoury's campaign financing status as closely as I had? While Khoury and others may have seen what I was questioning as a political or racist move, in my eyes it was beginning to look like a national security issue. 1 did not trust Mr. Khoury and began to question and continue to question his true allegiance.

HYPHENATEDAMER~CANS In the letter addressed to the Chairman of the Republican Party, Mr. Khoury makes it a point to state: '7 have diqsIliorcglii of iiyscff cis CII~Anrerictiu aid wiecrcd till hyphw0~4~t1.v.I OW timv hcirig.forced to rcwnrsidcr. "

Klioury apparently believes .4mericans would not \.ate for liini if he were referred to as a11 Arab- American! If so. that is stereotyping aild racist. It'. however. Iiyphenation means to Mhnury a dual atteyiaiice staius that he is "hziii.~/i~.iuc/11~ ~z~c~o~~tss,~/~~i; "as tie threatens in his tetter. thrll yes, I once again qucstian liis dual citizciisliip status and his alleriance to Anierica

A hyphenated Aiiiericati is no reasmi why I would no! vote for ail individual I would not vote for a candidate that lies. dcceives aid brings racisin into politics. I \\odd not ~tcIhr ;I caiidiiim that is rccoiving c;iiiipiiiyi liinds nliiios~cxclusiwl\ lioni ii specially selected ethnic roup or 20

special interest PAC. That reeks of racism and favoritism, and I would question who such an individual was going to represent in congress.

For weeks the press had chosen not to print information 1 had supplied them concerning Khoury. They also chose not to write about Khoury's dual citizenship status. I was surprised to learn that Mr. Calvert did not have information pertaining to Mr. Khoury's dual citizenship standing with Lebanon. While that in itself is not a wrong, connected with all the other information that arose during the campaign, it was alarming. If it's not wrong, then why was Mr. Khoury so alarmed by its disclosure? Why did he wish it to remain hidden? Why does he label a racist anyone inquiring into his campaign finances or questioning his support base?

I was engaged in a congressional race between two highly financed, well known candidates with ties to influential individuals with vast monetary resources and highly priced national campaign consultants, which included the three Ed's, Ed Slavin, Ed Rollins and Ed Goas. While Khoury

:-. ..~~. ... was attacking Calvert, he was spending a great amount of time in my "backyard" trying to .. .~ ...... overcome my influence and swing support in his favor from the commuoiiies in which I have ;-..... been most active. Meanwhile, Calvert's campaign literature seemed surprisingly directed at overcoming my life experiences, community involvement and commitments. Both Calvert and , .L Khoury sent out literature dealing primarily with law enforcement and education. Khouty's literature even went as far as echoing, the building ofa church from the ground up and even took on the theme of our campaign, "God, Country, Family". For the first time both sought Hispanic and military support for their campaigns. These were areas and activities where neither of these two politicians had ventured into before, certainly not with the zeal they did so in this race. There is no doubt that both candidates considered me as a viable candidate. Both also hew that I was financially challenged having entered the race at such a late hour. By making these false charges against me, is Khoury hoping to prevent me from considering another race? Or is he planning to use these false racist charges to solicit more campaign funds from Arab-Americans?

THE;DEMQCRATK VQTE While Mr. Khoury courted the Democratic vote, he was clearly not their choice. They chose to vote for a totally unknown candidate, an individual that obtained more votes then Khoury while spending less then the cost of a night's stay at the Mission Inn. Mr. Khoury did not lose his election because of racism, as he would like for us to believe. The citizens of Riverside County did not support his candidacy and his veiled connections. Over 76% of Riverside County residents that voted in the June primary voted against Khoury.

However. the possibility that the racist card niay play well in Riverside in what AAI described as a majority-minority state niay very well be why Riverside County \cas selected as an easy tarsel by outside special interest goups. Compared to other districts natioirwide. Riverside may have been seen as ai\ easy target because of its minority makeup. Tliis tells us a great deal about the racist attitude Klrourv and his associates' liarbor Fool the iiiinoritics iir I

DESPERATELYSEEKING EAT~NOS Mr. Khoury charges that the issue was "more prohlenicr/ic wherr one cottsiders the ethnic@ of Mr. Harela who wns desperately, or so he waiited lis to believe. seekitg Lalitlo iwies where the niqjorify ofthe ccir?ir?iritii~isJowign bow. "

What a depraved and rzcist remark is made here by Mr. Khoury! This is race baiting at its height. This statement reveals that Mr. Khoury neither understands the Hispanic community nor the true value of the American political system. The majority of Hispanics voting and living in Riverside county are third and fourth generation Hispanics. We value and love our country more then our nationality. My commitment to my country is based upon my American heritage not on my ethnicity (Exhibit 2b).

Mr. Khoury knew that 1 was Hispanic and had qualified for the ballot. Yet he sent out a mailer that offended many Hispanics (Exhibit 14). Mr. Khoury's ethnic statements found in that mailer reeked of racism, race baiting and bigotry. His stereotyping of the Hispanic voter is unforgivable. His implication that inclusion in the American political system should be given because of an individual's ethnic features is not what Hispanics support. What a disservice that would be to America, to that individual's national origin, elected to public office by a3rmative action.

What many politicians do not understand about the Hispanic voter was once addressed by conservative commentator, Linda Chavez, who said, "Hispanics are the most heterogeneous of ethnic groups, a fact that even Hispanic leaders choose to ignore, for political purposes." There are however, liberal Latino "La Raza" type of individuals that share Mr. Khoury's beliefs. They are small in number in the Hispanic community, and Khoury chose to surround himself with those Latinos without taking the time to know the heart ofthe Hispanic voter in Riverside County.

DECElVlNG THE HISPANIC COMMUNITY Khoury's low opinion and stereotyping of the Hispanic voter was found in the mailer he sent to thousands of Hispanic surnamed households. Khoury tried to deceive the Hispanic community by having sixteen unheard of liberal "Latino leaders" from the Democratic Party, some or whom were not registered to vote, sign a very deceiving letter, a letter that was sent to Hispanic surnamed households. Calvert sent out a similar note that also met with displeasure.

Mr. Khoury's letter was a racial insult of the type only Khoury and his campaign's chief strategist, Ed Rollins, could have produced together. Ro3ollins is a consultant with a cont:wwsial history. In 1993 Rollins said he had paid off black ministers in the New Jersey election At a roast for California State Assembly Speaker Willie Brown. he referred to Jewish Coli,cvessnien as "those tlyniie boys." This latcst canipaign blunder is a tasteless and offensive insult dc.sig11edto deceive and degrade a caIeliilly selected ethnic group of people. 22

Race baiting could not be defined in better terms. The letter can only be seen as having been sent to deceive. humiliate, insult and degrade me as a Hispanic American. Not only was my ethnicity i and nationality questioned, but also my qualifications as a valid candidate. It was an effective and very deceitfid way by which the Khoury camp patronized, divided and destroyed the power of the Hispanic vote in Riverside County.

That there was no Hispanic running in the 43rd congressional district was a blatant lie. It was a contemptuous attack upon my ethnicity, peppered with tasteless vanity and false glory. Khoury's letter reeked of prejudice and stereo typing while proclaiming to Hispanics that inclusion in America's political system requires the embracing of racism. It told Hispanic voters that they couldn't be trusted with the truth, that they were not intellectually capable of making a decision based on the qualifications of a Hispanic candidate, and because Khoury had learned "Spanish" they should vote for him.

I received a copy of the letter because of my Hispanic surname, and afler reading it, demanded an immediate apology. It was the second apology I had requested from Khoury because of his racist insults. In response, Khoury continued his racial assault as reported in a follow up Press Enterprise story.

"The letter should have said. there is no "Viablc"Lutitmit1 the race''He apologized for leaving out that word. "There was no intent fo ob$wate here in any way, shape orform, "Khoury said. "The word 'viable' was missing arid for that /ayOlogize. "(Exhibit 15).

Mr. Khoury lied to those Latino leaders, he made them look like fools. He told them that there was no "Latino" candidate then circulated a letter and asked them to sign while he fed and entertained them with ethnic dances and music. All of the so-called "Latino leaders" had either not read the letter before signing it or had not bothered to inquire if indeed a Hispanic was running. Many felt betrayed, deceived and many were angry.

The responses of the "Latino" leaders when they were made aware that there was a Hispanic candidate was published in "The American Homefront." The newspaper type mailer was meani to show how Khoury had lied to the Hispanic community. It quotes from an Old Spanish adage.

A slick snake-oil selling salesmen came into a small Spanish village using sweet sophisticated words that were hard for the villagers to understand. He sold them products they didn't need or want. When the products' quality began to be questioned and he was about to be found out. he kissed them on the cheek while he stole the socks right out from underneath them. Likewise. Joe Khoury gave tlic Latino leaders a kiss on the cheek. stole their vote. then called them sophisticated leadcrs to tiirther obtiiscate them

In return (or tlirii sipattires. according to Mr. Toni Ruiz owner ol'the Hacienda restairrant in Coronii and OII~ol'ihc signcr-sol'lltr letier. Joe Klio~yproinised the Latino leaders to be their "wice" in Washinglon. D C. I IC wwcd IO earn their trust and made a promise to represent their lilwal intcicsl ill ('onycss 23

Because Khoury made similar promises to liberal members of the Democratic Party, many Republican voters questioned Khoury's Republican commitment, his conservative views, loyaity and integrity as well as why he was running on a Republican ticket.

RE§PONSE TO SIMILAR LANGUAGECHARGE AND PAC FUNDING I have already responded to what Mr. KhouTy calls a similarity to the tone and language used by my committee and Mr. Calvert's in regard to PAC contributions. Perhaps I should have called the Calvert camp and charged them with plagiarism for having used information I provided to the press and the public without having given me proper credit as the source of those statements.

Mr. Khoury's statement that FEC records show he received no PAC funds "in the 1998 election cycle" is not twe. Khoury received PAC hnds in December of 1997 and in early May 1998. Khoury fails to reveal that he has been a recipient of PAC funds in all of his campaigns for congress. This is a fact as recorded in official FEC files.

WHY IS A GOOD DEED SO HARD TQ FATHOM? Khoury submits as proof of a conspiracy and that my committee "operatedas the eqiiivaletit of ati itidepetident expenditure for the Calvert candidacy." becalm I 'Did not show lack of etiihicsiasni for Mr. Calvert afler the latter was caught with a prostitide in Cororia. "

In an article written by conservative commentator Cal Thomas, regarding Senator Bob Dole's $300,000 loan to former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, Cal Thomas wrote: "It is everywhere true that no good deed goes unpunished. But, in Washington, cynicism now runs so deep that on the relatively few occasions when we see a selfless act, it never goes unanalyzed unless the proper ulterior motives are assigned."

Khoury's reference to a letter I had written to the press in 1994 is supposed to support his independent expenditure charge. He writes that I, "Was !oleratit of h4r. Cahrri's beiicmior arid most siippor~ivcof his tc)iiire iit cougres.v it, 1994. There is t:o evidetice that he has liiiiia chaiige of heart. "

I do nor possess a Larry Flint heart I do not seek venseance alter an individual has voiced repentance and issued an apology. Selflessness in the age of press agents and large egos is difficult to recognize because it is so rarely seen. When it is seen it is oAen slandered lest it catch on and indict those who prefer the placement of themselves in front of others. Unlike our President, as State Senator Raymond Haynes wrote, Mr. Calvert has not repeated this behavior. 1 chose to support Congressinan Ken Calvert at a critical time in his political life. It \vas an mpopular thing to do and I was severely criticized and condemned for that support by many conservative Republicans and even soiiie Christian pastors. But niy Christian convicrions dictated otherwise. However else it may seem. I believe a new unattached relationship did eniergc with Coiigressnian Calveri. one that transcends politics. policies and powcr. I bclicved Mr. Calvert's repentant stateniciits arid had no reservations tbr supporting hiiil at thar fii11e. niuch to the irritation of Mr. Klioury. Whatever else Khoiiry knows. he does not understand my I)ackgrouiid, I.esp"tislhilitics. and coniniitnienl as a Christian pastor 24

The poet Longfellow sensed what benefits come from selflessness, not only to the players, but to the wider populace: "Whene'er a noble deed is wrought. Our hearts in glad surprise, TO higher level rise."

During this year's election, Khoury once again repeatedly bombarded Calvert with negative brochures for a transgression long forgiven by the people of Riverside County. Khoury assumes that we all share his distorted views of American politics and his hatred toward Calvert. Lacking anything positive to contribute toward his election, Khoury, as he has done in past elections, attacked, attacked and attacked, again and again over the same incident. He used the prostitute incident to such a disgraceful level that there is no doubt he quite possibly inflicted deep emotional abuse on the woman involved. I felt grief for her as she was once again being publicly ridiculed by Khoury's assaults to the anguish of her fiiends, children and family members. Khoury's contemptible political practices are not the type of politics I practice or support. The conservative voters of Riverside County did not welcome them. This is what destroyed Khoury's chances. It wasn't racism, but his immoral and degrading political schemes.

I did not need to "attack" Calvert on this issue. The press will always remind the voters of that transgression every election. Besides this, Mr. Khoury was already spending great sums of money pointing out to the public Congressman Ken Calvert's faults. Perhaps it wasn't, as Khoury wrote, that the people asked if it would bother them more if a "Congressman was cuughf with a proslitrite or ifhe were receiving Arab money, "that did not turn people away from voting for him. The Press Enterprise newspaper reported the negative reaction the first of Khoury's numerous mailers had on the voting public. One recipient of Khoury's first negative mailer against Calvert said, "1 felt sympathy for Calvert." "I was just livid when I read that letter (Khoury's). It really tore at my loyalties too because I don't like Calvert, but I hated this letter." Another female reader echoed those sentiments, "It turned my stomach." What bothered the decent people of Riverside County the most were Khoury's continuous assaults over an incident that had occurred four years before coupled with his own self righteous declarations after he had unleashed a barrage of 3egative campaign flyers. It was the height of Mr. Khoury's hypocrisy coupled with his denials of accepting PAC funds and his selective campaign financing that disgusted the American voter in Riverside. Khoury was seen as untrustworthy and deceitful. It is, however, unfortunate that Congressman Calvert, while voting for the President's impeachment, has not been able to publicly speak out against the immoral practices of our President because of this past indiscretion. 25

Interestingly enough, when I called to see if Mr. Calvert would be in attendance shortly before leaving for the debate, I was informed that he was in Washington, but they believed Mr. Khoury would be in attendance. There is no truth to these charges.

I knew that without Calvcrt being present, the press would not cover our debate, which is exactly what happened. They were not interested in covering what I knew and would expose. A Hispanic American questioning Khoury's campaign financing wo~!dnot ring as being racist, which was what the local newspaper was embracing as newsworthy. I wanted to inquire about Mr. Khouay's associations with Arab institutions that had contributed to his campaign and about Khoury's dual citizenship status, issues I had asked the press about but they had not pursued. Other local newspapers were covering those topics but not the Press Enterprise, the largest circulating newspaper in Riverside.

Indeed, when I began to question Mr. Khoury on those topics, his colleague, Professor Hamilton, cut me short. When others in the audience asked similar questions, they were also cut off by Khoury's supporters or by the professor. What were they trying to hide? What conspiracy was Khoury involved in and what did he fear? He had individuals as plants sitting in the audience who did not ask questions of me but lectured on items and ideas I had published in my campaign flyers. A supposed military veteran charged me with witnessing or committing atrocities during my tour as a Marine in combat. That individual's testimonial was highly questionable and when I turned to inquire about his military credentials, 1 was promptly cut off by Khoury's employees and the professor. It was obvious to the audience that Khoury was either hiding something cr it was all a set up.

When 1 did get a chance to question Mr. Khoury about hi5 two passports and dual citizenship status he became quite irritated, pointing out that he only uses his American passport to travel from or into the United States. Khoury knows full well an American citizen can only use an American passport to exit or return to our country. He failed to mention that once outside this country he could travel without restriction to any number of countries by using his other country's passport. Traveling to Mexico then flying froin there to other countries using a different passport is a practice many individuals use that do not want our country to kno\\ they are flying into a country that is off limits to the average American citizen.

CHARGE OF EXCESS CAMPAIGN FllNDlNG Mr. Khoury submits as evidence to support his campaign contribution allegations exhibit 111. ''UWconlrjlmlio~i ofS2. 000 trrd rlic* /hitig of /lw cwr/rihrr/iotr lire rw.soIr.s lo hr .srr.s/)rc/."

Khoury knows these charzes are totally false. They are. however. the only iiieaiis by \vhicli Khoury could include iiir with tlir racist charges he wished to chaIge against Coiigressiliiiii Ken Calvert. Wlicii Khoui-y could not find ail! vmirrg. hc stibiiiiffcti tticsc clii~ysthat iiriXo1k' reviewing the docullleiits can see \\'as without Iiicrit aid vcry devious. 'I'hc cliilrgc bccal11c. the means by which Khoiirv could submit what would not otherwise hc an accclrtable 1.W coniplaiiii 26

Khoury charges my campaign committee with iniproperly receiving $2,000 in campaign contributions during the last week of the campaign. Mr. Khoury, who is a political financial professor teaching at the University of Riverside, doesn't seem to be able to complete simple addition. Khoury has been involved in congressional campaigns for years and should be knowledgeable about FEC rules and regulations. He is aware that a contribution of over $1,000 front any one individual would be a violation of FEC campaign contribution restrictions and charges this is what occurred. Khoury would have us believe that an additional $1,000 contribution was made when it was nothing more than our campaign treasurer's compliance with FJX requirements of 48 hour notice of contribution on an oficial FEC form as required by FEC regulations. The total amount received remains $1,000 which is evident, ifall the FEC pages had been submitted in proper sequence in Khoury's complaint.

Simple addition reveals only one $1,000 campaign contribution. It is a duplicate ofthe contribution already reported on the itemized receipts that is summarized in the detailed summary report.

Mr. Khoury's complaint included copies of FEG reports deliberately placed out of sequence to try and prove his point. This was a very deceithl ploy and can only be seen as an attempt to deceive FEC commissioners.

This charge, without substance, came fiom a candidate whose campaign reports are peppered with questionable disbursements, numerous mathematical errors and questionable contributions. To date it is unknown if Khoury gave/loaned himself $4,000.00 or $8,000.00 during the last days of the campaign. A number of requests from the FEC to Khoury requesting clarification remain unanswered.

KHOURY'SSMOKING GUN The business or occupation of almost all of Khoury's campaign contributors remains a mystery and undisclosed. Eighty-seven percent of Khoury's campaign contributors in this past campaign have not listed their employer or occupation. Failure to list this imponant information is a practice Khoury's campaign committees have repeatedly done since 1992. This missing information gives credence to the possibility of the laundering of campaign hnds. I have submitted only a few of the numerous letters of request for correction and disclosure of documents that were not properly reported or accounted for by the Khoury committee and their treasurer; David L. Davis. This information is still missing from the Khoury campaign, and these reports do require full public disclosure to which Mr. Khoury has failed to properly comply. Khoury's failure to supply that information long after repeated requests from the FEC does warrant a fiill FEC investiytioii Tj1e FEC should initiate a complete audit and/or leyal eiiforceittei~~t~~!~~~i~~~~~~~~l~.t~~cl,l~~aiirFEC \.iolatioiis (Exhibit 16) 27

disbursing. There is no accounting for the overall consulting fees paid to political strategist Ed Goas.

Where did the funds to pay for those mailers come from and how were they dispersed is not reported in any of Khoury's campaign disclosures. These campaign letters and flyers could not have been printed previously as they reflect last minute campaign strategies and response to last minute press coverage. Other postage related costs are not found in the campaign disclosure reports he submitted. This does warrant an investigation and proper accounting.

Did Mr. Khoury deliberately submit my official FEC campaign committee's reports only as an excuse to bring these unsupported racist charges to the national forefront? It's hard to believe a professor of finance would misread clean typewritten documents with an amount totaling less then $8000.00, and come up with an extra $1,000.00, then call it 2/7fh of the funds raised. Yet, he wishes us to believe that. We have already seen Khoury use this type of deceitful half-truths throughout his complaint. These practices should seriously question Khoury's integrity and the value of the declaration he submitted under oath.

A WILLING, CONSCIOUS AND BLLEGAL PARTlClPANT Mr. Khoury's concluding charge that I "was a willing, conscious arid ilkgalparficipunt"in what could be a crime are serious charges that carry no truth or substance.

...... I ...... Mr. Khoury has offered no believable evidence in support any the charges he submitted to the .._... .- of FEC, concerning the Cook Barela for Congress Committee. There is no evidence of excess campaign hnding, no evidence of racism or bigotry, nothing to substantiate Khoury's claims. He has, however, in these char es managed to divide the Republican Party in Riverside Coanty, insult the voters of the 43' Bcongressional district, insult thousands of Hispanic citizens as well as prominent leaders of the Jewish community.

RESPONSE TO JOSEPHKHOURY'S FIVE PAGE POLITICAL ESSAY I hesitated to respond to Mr. Khoury's five page essay, but since he submitted it as background material for FEC consideration and makes several serious charges of race-baiting, racism, illegal acts and conspiracy against myself and my campaign committee, I felt compelled to answer all these charges as well as those listed in Mr. Khoury's official complaint.

Once again these charges are not credible. There is no truth found here and one can only question why Mr. Khoury would resort to filin!: these false charges. Is there another motive involved by the subniissiori of these charges? There is no substance to the charges presented and at best they are a cleverly disguised smoke screen that may involve a iiiore sinister purpose. It is not my intention to prove tliat purpose or what motives hlr Kttorrry iiia~have in the submission of these unsupiwrtcd charges. Ilie reader is tell to draw their own conclusioiis from the evidence I subiiiit in my (iclkiisc As Rep. I,a\vrence J Smith (1)-Fln ) ~ncesaid alicr sult'crin~a siniilar racist attaci ti.oiii %ot$v. "Anvthins I said was in response to attacks that had been niadc." 28

THEPOLITICS OF HATE "'l'lle I'olirics qf Hare atid Kaoe: Not it1 my cir~~tiiy,Not iti my Comitry!" So, wrote Mr. Joseph Khoury in an essay he submitted as evidence and background material to Federal Election Commissioner Lawrence Noble.

Copies of the essay were sent to Jim Nicholson, Chairman, of the National Republican Committee, calling for "sanctions" against Cook Barela. Why? Because I was a Republican congressional candidate and found out the truth about one of my opponents? Such sanctions, if such sanctions could be imposed, mean absolutely nothing to me.

I am a Republican because it is the party most closeiy aligned with my strong moral family values. I am a Republican because it is the party most aligned with my Hispanic culture and heritage. I am a Republican because it is the party most aligned with my Christian faith and beliefs. Although I am not strongly connected to my party, I realize there is much I can contribute to their leadership and strength, should I ever be elected to office. But I fear no sanctions that the Republican Party could ever tpy to impose upon me. The Republican Party does not own me or my soul.

The essay Mr. Khoury submitted is a labyrinth of half-truths that lead nowhere. His unsupported racist charges, deceitful innuendoes and lies have no merit. While I will respond only to those articles where Mr. Khoury makes reference to The Cook Barela for Congress Committee, due to the overall nature of Mr. Khoury's attack, I reserve the right to respond to the charges he has made about others as he unites us all as being involved in a six-legged conspiracy.

He charges that "The committee to elect Cook Barela to Congress was "at1 ititeflalparf of ail elahorate nidridimeiisiorial stravegy of race baititig. "

These are serious charges made by a former Republican congressional candidate. Khoury submitted a six-legged conspiracy theory. Scattered throughout his essay are charges of a conspiracy. The conspiracy supposedly involves Congressman Ken Calvert, his committee, his campaign manager, Congressman Ben Gilman, Congressman Jon Fos, Congressman Sonny Gallahan, State Senator Ray Haynes, six prominent members of the Jewish Community in Riverside, the Chairman ofthe Riverside County Republican party, her husband, myself, my campaign treasurer and the Cook Barela for Congress Committee.

This conspiracy theory "worked iit I(iwrsitle ( 'orittry," Khoury charges. It worked to defeat hini through race baiting he insinuates. In the letter written to the chairman ofthe Republican Party Khoury makes a number ofother unsupported charges, and then cries out that the charges are not sour grapes. that he is only seeking to stop racism in the Republican Party As I have already stated in niy previous dclense. Mr. Khoury told nie before the campaign beg-an that he was going to use the race card in his race apinst MI. Calvert. He shared that \\it11 hoping that I\\odd not ruti. Now I ani be!jtining to believe that all this was very cleverly and deliberately laid out. I shared those reniarks and coiicerns with the press and many Republicans. I e\.en warned Cnlverf's caiq~a;gficonwiftcc abotil lliose slalenieriis .l.liey wtre rilrkl. and race haititig. I knew this was not ping to he :I clCi1tl txt. but Iwas alarnicd with \\hat clsc I berat1 to discover There are many alarming coincidences 1 discovered last year as a candidate running for congress. While I tried to disregard those troublesome coincidences, I found that my conscience would not allow me to shy away from the responsibility of seeking out the truth. I had to make a decision, disregard those troubling issues and just concentrate on the race, or use my experiences to find out the truth at the expense of taking time away from my campaign plans.

A FUNNY THINGHAPPENED TO ME ON THE ROAD TO CONGRESS Perhaps it is my natural curiosity as a former United States Marine, police officer, crime analyst, or as a Christian pastor who has studied the Middle East conflict on religious grounds. Or perhaps it was something I studied or have written about on the operational procedures of wor6d terrorist organizations that bothered me. For whatever reason, there are some disturbing coincidences in what Mr. Khoury says and what the FEC and other public records reveal. This connection bears further investigation by the FEC or other United States federai agencies. I have submitted only part of those disturbing coincidences in my defense of the allegations charged agzinst me. A systematic review of Khoury's campaign fbnding may very well reveal a national security concern. 1 was running for Congress but those disturbing coincidences were too bothersome to ignore as an American citizen. These charges submitted to the FEC by Khoury provided the door of responsibility to bring those concerns to the surface.

A SECRETAGENDA By submission of his essay to the FEC, Mr. Khoury has secured a foundation from which he and others may launch a concentrated effort to deceive the public fbrther by lies and false charges of racism in America. If there is a conspiracy, it did not involve me or my committee. Ifthere is a conspiracy, it is one that involves national and international associations. If there is a conspiracy, it is very sinister and meant to use Riverside County and the citizens of Riverside as scapegoats and as a national example of racism. All for the direct purpose of securing political offices and personal gain by individuals with questionable character who are supported by ultra special interest Arab-American organizations.

If indeed this is the secret agenda of Mr. Khoury and his supporters, then we must question their loyalty. We do not need Arab-Americans or any other foreign born candidates with two passports in their pockets dictating their native country's policies and agendas while impersonating congressional representatives. After all it is The United States House of Representatives, not the House of the United Nations.

MY OPPONENT, YOUR OPPONENT, EVERYONE'S OPPONENT In paragraph five of the front page of that essay. hlr. Khoury quotes Mr Calvert. "~h/ikcmv II/J~OIICII~,/ WIS horu iiiiil rtriavl iir l(iiwA~( hi/,\? 30

If we take Mr. Khoury's former statement as true, that Calvert thought Mr. Khoury was his only opponent, while Mr. Khoury makes it a point here to state, that "Mr. Cook Barela, a Lalino American. had already regts/ered as a candidate. I' Now then could my campaign be an independent expenditure of the Calvert candidacy or be tactically involved with Calvert, as Khoury charges, when Calvert, according to Khoury, did not know I was a registered candidate?

Mr. Khoury makes it a point, once again on page two, paragraph two, to state that certain "leaders,of the Jewish community in Riverside County," also seemed to have been involved in this conspiracy theory, among them, Mary Rubinstein, Nick Goldware, Herb Speigel, Dave Goldware, and Steve Platt.

These leaders, according to Khoury's charge, were involved in a six-legged conspiracy, in "un itI6egralparl of elaborate rnultidimetisional strafegyof race baiting" Simply because they wrote a letter of support for the re-election of Congressman Ken Calvert? None of the Jewish leaders named that I was able to contact were aware ofthis so-called conspiracy. To be named a racist by Khoury was very harmful. "Minorities are not racist, but victims," said, one of those leaders. Some are considering legal action against Khoury and those associated with the slanderous statements made by Khoury in these documents.

"We irust Ken Calvert and know that he is a loyal jirierid ofthe Jewish cornniiinity.... We do viol have the same faith in the oppotienf,who does tiof have fhe same rooes in ow corn~nit~~ity."

Mr. Khoury states in support of his conspiracy theory, that for these Jewish leaders, "Mr. Barela was not considered air opporrerrt. "

Mr. Khoury fails to mention that in that same letter, these same leaders of the Jewish Community had written, "His primary O~~OIIWI,Snrki.s Khoriry.,jiis/ nioved itrlo /he di.wicf."

Now, I may not be a University Professor or a financial expert, but 1 do know that if there is an opponent that has been identified as a orimary oDponent, there must be at !elst one other opponent.

This type ofdistorted half-truths and lies are peppered throughout Mr. Khoury's charges and throughout this background essay. In this Mr. Khoury has insulted the Jewish community and its respectable leaders. He has slandered their good names and charged them \vith criniinal conspiracy. Is it Mr. Khoury's goal to bring the Middie East conflict into the heartland'? IS there a more sinister purpose for all this 01 it is just Mr. Khoury's irresponsible vanity getting in the way? If the latter is trL!t'. then Iir would liavc heen a very poor rcpresentati\e in Coiigress. .. I hew are. however. issucs that iiiiist be addressed. Tliev iiitist be ;iddressed since hlr ).;~IOU~ made it a point to include 11ic~i~iii his cliarycs ol'criniiiial conspiracy and tlirse people's y~od names must Re vindicatcd atid this \vIoiig iiiiist he made riyht. 31

In regard to this exhibit submitted by Mr. Khoury as evidence of a conspiracy, I am submitting two letters. Both were written in support of Khoury. The first was written by Lewis Lee Millett on May 2 I, 1998. He states in paragraph five:

''I ''I ani deeply coricenied that your place oj birth (Lebanot$ is beitig used against you by yortr opponent. That is clearly not the Aniericari way.'' Here, Mr. Millett fails to recognize me, a recognized and decorated military veteran, as an opponent and only refers to Calvert. Does this make Mr. Millett racist or involved in a conspiracy?

In a similar letter dated the following day, May 22, 1998, Mr. My6 C. Rupel informs his readers that he has researched the candidates for congress. He makes it a point to stress the research he has done to ';GIpow as much mpossible about the catidiabtes who ask us for our vote." Yet in the very next paragraph Mr. Rupel writes, "In the campaiigfor Congress, I have spetrt time reviewing what P canfindabout the reCora5 of both ofthe Republican candidars. " Both candidates. So much for research or checking out the credentials of an educator and former school board member running for congress. In the past few years over 70 articles have been written in regard to my involvement in "positive" educational issues in Riverside county at the local, county, state and federal levels. Yet this educator does not know this, or did he willhlly exclude this third Republican candidate? Was it bemuse 1 am Hispanic? Is he a racist or involved in a conspiracy? He continues in paragraph after paragraph, and only mentions Calvert. Finally on the other side of the letter, in the first paragraph Mr. Rrrpel writes:

"&ti I lookedat Joe Khoiiry. Mr. (Inlverf's opponent. Aid ...,I'

Oh, well, 1 guess 1didn't impress Mr. Rupel. "Crtlverf's oppoiieii/,"only one opponent lek out again. Another letter send out in the last days of the campaign by Khoury likewise, mentions only one opponent, Ken Calvert. Exhibit 17, reflects letters from Millett & Rupel and page five of Khoury's ten-page mailer (Exhibit 17).

THEFOURTH LEG OF THE CONSPRACY In the fourth leg of the conspiracy theory, Mr. Khoury submits exhibit IV, as evidence in support of his conspiracy theory. He was surprised at the: 32

Mr. Walker was quite supportive and hlly involved in my State Assembly Race in 1992. I have attended and participated in a number of anti-abortion rallies and events that are the very heart of Mr. Walker's political commitments [I ached and prayed for him when he was arrested at an anti- abortion rally, because of the strong commitment he has for the rights of the unborn]. Mr. Galen Walker is a trusted and good Chrisiian friend.

Another outright lie Khoury makes is when he states, "Karhy Walker, the chairperson of the Republican Central Commiflee of Riverside Coirny. and a professed Khoury supporter. sudden@ gave Mr. Cook Barela." .. ii.. .. , ... ~ .:= .. _.: ::.L% I don't know if Mr. Khoury wrote this statement to imply I had received Mrs. Walker's support or , i: ..-... to point out he had received her support for congress. Khoury is a shrewd doublespeaking .-.. politician, "Kathy Walkr, a professed Khotrry mpporter, " he wrote. I= ...i7% .. 1 +'. I have never asked for Mrs. Kathy Walker's endorsement or support. I respect her position as ... #T ...._~~ . Chairman of the Republican Central Committee of Riverside. I am an independent candidate, , :I and have never asked anyone for his or her endorsement. I have always stood on my own merits and accomplishments. However, after receiving this complaint, I called Mrs. Walker and inquired if she was a Khoury supporter. Mrs. Walker denied ever suppohg Khoury, her answer is depicted here and included (Exhibit 18).

Dated January 20, 1999

"To Whom It May Concern;

"I, Kathy Walker, Chairman of the Riverside County Republican Party, did not support Dr. Joe Khoury for Congress, or any other ofice, in the 1998 elections. Nevertheless, Dr. Khoury has used my name on several occasions insinuating my alleged support for his candidacy. I have conveyed my concern to him regarding this matter and requested that he not use my name in any way in conjunction with his campaigns for public ofice."

"Sincerely, Kathy Walker" Mr. Khoury's loyalty, his associations and financial support from questionable sources, are important issues the public has a right to know. No racism involved just honest. American concerns. I rehse to turn a blind eye to something that could have been an embarrassment to our communities and/or a national security issue had Mr. Khoury been elected. When individuals receive funds from organized associations that harbor strong Anti-American feelings, that have ties to Middle Eastern organizations who oppose American policies in the Middle East, I have a right to question that candidate's loyalty and commitment to America.

MR. KHQURY'S OATH STATEMENT This is what I did whet1 I rook the US citizerOsh@ oath. " Khoury answered, in regard to Mr. Walker's comment that he would prefer for his congressman to pledge allegiance to AMERICA only.

It is unfortunate that the oath of allegiance, required of all naturalized citizens has little practical effect since the Immigration and Naturalization Service doesn't ask new citizens whether they have retained the passport of their country of origin. It used to be when persons became a new

I.= citizen, they made it a point of turning in their old passport and going on with their new lives as ..s:: Americans. The War of 1812 resulted primarily from Britain's refisal to recognize naturalization ._... of its former subjects in America. When a new citizen chooses not to disassociate themselves .. .-...... __. from anti-American radical hate groups, especially those who defend terroeist organizations, then one should question their loyalty. 5;- ...- .~ : ....,.r: __.. Today, certain loopholes exist in the law where a new citizen can claim dual citizenship. If arrested for crimes against the state, for national banking violations, or other high crimes, he can cry out to his former country to come to his rescue. Many ofthese former countries that continue to count them as citizens are doing just that. Dual citizenship allows foreign countries to influence our politics directly and indirectly. These hyphenated Americans may also be acquiring an ampersand: Lebanese & American rather than Lebanese-American, Mexican & American rather than Mexican-American.

As a Mexican-American I could accept dual citizenship with Mesico. However, 1 could not then serve in the United States House OfRepresentatives and keep that dual citizenship status. Why? Because the Mexican government sees political office holders as a national security risk. Perhaps it is something America needs to look into. As was reponed in the press, i believe all congressional candidates should be required to undergo a Federal Bureau of lnvestiyation background check before they can be elected to public ofice. Our forefathers had no reservations in pledginy allegiance to only one country and breakins all ties with any other country Pledging their lives on this new found liberty. leaving the old behind. they signed "Ihe Declaration of Independence!" 34

The "American Homefront" does accurately report what a Lebanese Consulate officer stated. When asked about a Lebanese citizen running for congress, the officer said:

"He rentairis a citizeti of Lebanon and ofthe United States. He can vote in electiom in Lc~urror?, atid, if he wants, rtrrifor political oflce in Lebanon. He can hma two or .%ere passporis, if he wamto. thal's all right with 11s. He has a Lebanese Identijicatioti card."

Those were his statements. They were not taken out of context, but written down as the official responded to questions posed. Three or more phone calls by myself and the press to the consulate office regarding these same questions on different days produced similar responses;. These statements were reported in the mailer, not lies or inaccuracies. The consul general was no& erroneously quoted as Mr. Khotrry charges.

These are the policies and the laws of the Lebanese government They are the truth that apparently Khoury does not want the public to know. Perhaps it is bemuse K~QU~understands American culture and knows that it is not racism but American values and American patriotism that would question and demand to know who he would be representing. When ones sees who is financing Khoury's campaign and who is speaking out in his defense, then there is firther cause I + ..., for alarm. , .._..... A CITIZENOF "0 COUNTRIES The truth is Mr. Khoury does hold dual citizenship in two countries. He does cany two or more passports liom at least two different countries, one of which is from the United States and another from Syrian controlled Lebanon. He has never surrendered his passport as citizens pledging their allegiance to the United States used to do of their own free will. Khoury's Lebanese citizenship require him to have an encoded Syrian issued Lebanese National identification card. That card allows him secured passage throughout Lebanon and Syria. His American passport would not.

Perhaps if Mr. Khoury had surrendered his passport as other Arab-.herican have done he would have been looked at disfavorably by Arab American associations and institutions who are actively engaged in electing Arab Americans to represent their Middle Eastern interest in the United States House of Representatives and in other high government offices. He would not be enjoying the financial support he receives from them.

This is not a racist remark as Klioury and his associates \vould have us believe. Attach and well coordinated smear tactics leveled against anyone questioning their financial transactions or investigating their advities show that they are quite possibly hiding something more that bears investigation,

Uiilike Kliouiy OI-Calvcrt. 1 liavc Ibii~l~t1'01- oiiI zoiiiiti-y klioury ;II ninc1r~iiyears of age lled his couiitiy during its \vi\r years \\it11 lsracl 1 voluntcered io fi$t foI liiirie io tk jt~itglesof Vietnaiii. Marines dicd'all aroirrid me iri the bartlrfelds OTS~W~~IC;ISIAsia. Soitie died in IIIY place. All tlicd hclicviiig iii this country that sent us thcrc. iiiilike. the qiicstionablc iiidkidiial wlin stood iii stippori of Joc h;lrouIy aid iiisiiiiiatcd at a public dchnre li~iiiinillat I mid niy lkllon Miiriiics hiid ct)iiiiiiii(cd y:i\ c atrocirics iii c(iiidw I rvotrlJ rtwu si~wliso Icin its lo stt itp sitrh ;I hurtful, demeaning, anti-American assault. That was an offense against the honor of dedicated military servicemen who died defending his right to make those statements. Such negative comments about America's fighting men coming from a Khoury plant does raise questions concerning that candidate's loyalty to our country.

As an American, 1 have the right to question the integrity and loyalty of any individual running for public office. As an American who has fought for our country, I have earned that right. For that right to be labeled as "race baiting" and "racist" is the height of bigotry and Kfioury has done that.

I have a right to question where Mr. Khoury obtained his campaign financing, regardless of his nationality. I have a right to question his association with organizations I know harbor Anti- American sentiments. I have a right to question Mr. Khoury's allegiances! By turning that inquiry around and labeling it as race baiting, Mr. Khoury hopes to prevent inquiries into his .c .. financial support and his allegiance as well his association with those organizations. All ...... as _-.- ...... Americans who Rave contributed to Mr. Khomry's campaign, regardless of their ethnicity, .- I"_- deserve to know the truth.

. ._... _..~ _.. .. DUALALLEGIANCE i. ...i f am an American that happens to be of Mexican descent. Yet, I would not hesitate to quesrion . ... to ...- any Mexican American who would pledge allegiance our country while still holding his ..-...... ~... former country's passport in their back pocket. That is the American way, to question those ._ii running for public office.

What made America great was individuals that broke ties with their native land and embraced the American dream--to be an American! That's the dream, not to just dip one's hand into its financial institutions and claim victory. After all it is the United States House of Representatives, not the Mexican or Lebanese House of Representatives. We have ambassadors for that purpose. We don't need another country's representative sitting in policy-making positions within our capitol's hallowed grounds.

Mr. Khoury's first recorded campaign contribution went to the AMER~CANSFOR LEBANONPAC. Not Americans for America, but Arab-Americans for Lebanon. At thirty-five years of age, Khoury's thoughts are not on America, instead he enters the political arena by showing his commitment and loyalty to his former country-Lebanon.

As soon as Khoiiry offcially entered American politics, among his tirst PAC contributors were TIIEAMERICAN TASK FORCE FOR LEBANON POLICY COUNCIL and AMERICANS FOR LEBANON I'OLITICAI, ACTION Coi%lI'fI'EE (ALI'AC). That first year he received over $4,300.00 in PAC tilridi rig 36

ASSAULT ON DR. JAME§ DOBSON'S ENDORSEMENT One of the most blatant and totally disrespecthl assaults that Mr. Khoury launched right after the campaign and has once again raised its head is Khoury's assault on the integrity of Doctor James Dobson. Mr. Khoury not only calls me a liar, he questions the integrity and motives of Dr. Dobson's endorsement of my candidacy.

The truth is Mr. Khoury never sought out Dr. Dobson's endorsement. It seems it is Khoury's practice is to attack anyone not supporting him or who supports a candidate he is running

...... - against. We have S~Rthis in Khoury's attack on four congressmen, a state senator, a law- i j :i enforcement oflicer, five Jewish leaders and Mr. Walker who supported me. .!!__.. , ....._ ...... 2,s i ...... _I Khoury wrote, '7t will be interestiiig to know what lies were toldDr. fames Dobson togive his endorsement :o someme lzke Cwk B~rel~.This eHdorsemeiit mysrified everyone as I am afami& m~91who was never divorced adwho has wonderfill children who art! outstanding citizens. I am pro-life and pro-family: two critical issues jor Dr. Dobson. "

What arrogance! Mr. Khoury's statement, '70 someone like Cook Bmela, "is slanderous, degrading, and full of hatred. Khoury knows absolutely nothing about me or my Christian convictions, yet here he attacks my Christianity, my Christian convictions, beliefs and the 3 endorsement I received from a well-known Christian commentator.

As I have already mentioned, I have never asked anyone for their endorsement. When Dr. James Dobson chose to endorse me of his own free will, I welcomed that endcrsemed withoilt reservation. Why did Dr. Dobson endorse me? Was it because I am a decorated Vietnam War veteran? A recognized public servant? An evangelica! Christian? A graduate of Fuller Theological Seminary? Was it because of my patriotic and moral views? Because I support the same biblical views on :he sanctity of life and marriage? Because I am a pastor? Or perhaps it was just because nothing negative was said about me. Doctor Dobson's press release mentioned his endorsement was based on my family values. I welcomed the endorsement.

I do, however, question what lies the Khoury campaign told to Mr. Maddos. Dr. Dobson 'S representative, after the election.

LIE§, HALF-TRUTHS, KHOURY AN0 THE CONSERVATWE VOICE I became aware of Mr. Khoury's bitterness over Dr. Dobson's endorsement immediately after it was announced. He and his campaign workers immediately launched a very concentrated effort rhrough one of Khoury's supporters with a relative working in Dr. Dobson's office to ask Dr. Dobson to withdraw tiw etidorsemeiit . Joe Khoury's campaign wirkers called. faxed let:ers and threatened to withdraw financial support of' Dr. Dobson's ministries. simpl!. becausc lit !lad endorsed my calldiditcy (Esliibif 19)

While I value Dr. Dolw~ri'sctidorsetiieiit. I resret the attack his niittistry experienced liom the Kliourv cointnittcc hrcaiisc oC that endorsernent . I'olitics. like nar. olien dispatclies it ~irriwsiiito lllc trcnchcs It is thcrc wc ot\ci~liiid o~~rs~lvcspinned down by itss~t~~ltaIlci itssi\tllt 0Ilc:1 in IIIC 37

rice paddies of Vietnam, all we could do was wait for the firing to cease or until help arrived. As Marines, we were never trained to retreat.

The assault levied against Dr. Dobson's ministry is the type of hate and vengeful encounters I have discovered in the aftermath of the campaign. It is found in all of Khoury's campaigns. A month after the election, the Conservative Voice publislied a very damaging, slanderous, mean spirited and misleading article about me in regard to the Dobson endorsement. The story was published without contacting me for comment or asking for my response before publication. One would ask why the assault afier the race had been lost by both Khoury and me? Was it because 1 dared to run for public ofiice which is my American right? Or, was it because I dared to speak the truth?

I question what Khoury reported as having come from Mr. Maddox and in what was reported in the Conservative Voice Newsletter. We have already established that Khoury has lied in this ._ ... .. declaration and in the other statements he has made in filing these charges. .~. ... ~. ..~-.. When 1 contacted Mr. Maddox regarding these charges, I received a completely different :; response than what was reported here and in the story that ran in the Conservative Voice. While Khoury's and the Conservative Voice's distorted remarks are demeaning and insulting, Mr. Maddox did not substantiate those sentiments. However, I don't believe Dr. James Dobson, who believes that life begins at conception, would support Joe Khoury's views on abortion.

There was, however, another more disturbing pattern that surfaced from the aftermath ofthe Dobson endorsement. That ministry was immediately bombarded with telephone calls and faxes calling for Dobson to withdraw the endorsement. Threats of contributors withdrawing their monthly support to that ministry continued until they received remarks such as, the endorsement was "a major mistake," an error they were "anxious to rectify." This was followed by verbal commitments that it "would not happen again." We find here a pattern similar to what Arab organizations have set up. With a few strategically located phone banks, within hours a series of phone calls and faxes can be unleashed upon an unsuspecting group of people or organization.

SIMILAR INClDENT Journalist Jeff Jacoby wrote of a similar incident following the US raids on Osama Bin Laden's terrorist facilities in Sudan and Afghanistan last August. Anti-terrorist expert, Steven Emerson was interviewed on the popular National Public Radio talk show, "Talk of the Nation." That interview was quickly condemned by Arab organizations that bombarded the station with calls and faxes. The verbal assault continued until the network caved in and Ali Abunirnah. leader of [lie Chicago-based Arab American Action Network. was assured that there had been a "mistake." and that "i! won't happen again." Emerson soon found himself blacklistcd. much like Khoury called for sanctions aginst me bv the Republican Party. This saiiie activity pattern was generated against nie. following James Dobson's endorsenleiit 7'hcsc siiiiilai-itics are too iilikc to ignore (Exhibit 20). That story has enjoyed substantial support by a majority of informed Lebanese Americans that are true conservatives, Americans from Lebanon seeking their country's freedom from the Syrian government. They abhor all the lies and misrepresentation Dr. Zogby and others supporting Mr. Khoury here and elsewhere are propagating. The story inserted into the "American Homefront" refers to Dr. James Zogby's connection to Middle East monetary contributions hnneled into US congressional campaigns (Exhibit 9). 1 :-. .. ~...... Most recently Zogby called on Arab states to reinvigorate the secondary boycott against Israel, ....- , ..... , -...... which aims to deter U.S. companies by threatening to ban them from contracts in the hr2b world .. if they do business in Israel. Both James Zogby and American Muslim Council (AMC) ...... chairman Abdulrahmm Alamoadi have been accused by PLQ chairman Yasir Aratt of ...... supporting the military wing of Hamas, the radical Islamic group that has claimed responsibility ...: .i.. , ...~...... for a recent suicide bombing in Israel. Both James Zogby and DNC foreign fund-raiser Edward M. Gabriel serve as executive committee members of the Pro-Syrian AMERICAN TASKFORCE FOR LEBANON POLICY COUNCIL.The ATFL remains on the list of officially recognized Lebanese organizations by the .-..~ .. ..._ Syrian-controlled Lebanese government of billionaire Rafic Hariri. Both the American Muslim ...... - Council (AMC) and ATFL surfaced in this race to endorse the Zogby/Khoury "Call for Fairness & Inclusion" doctrine (Exhibit 12).

THEKHOURY/ZOGBY ARAB-CONNECTION What is interesting is that in all this, Khoury continues to plead that there is no Zogby connection. He refuses to recognize publicly his association and ties with Mr. Zogby. 'Mr. Barela. kwgelijtg OJI~me oiid iiever tire itrciinihetii.~f~ile~io ttote that I ani itol n meniber

We have already established Khoury has indeed received PAC funds from these associations. Now Khoury wishes us to believe he did not ask Dr. James J. Zogby. president of the Arab American Institute or Hala Maksoud of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, to intercede on his behalf When the story broke concerning Mr. Slevin's comments. Zogby and Maksoud. with their otlices in Washington D.C.. responded alniost immediately by I'as \villi support for Khoury.

Dr. Janies L. Zopbv is tlic treasiircr ol' Arab Anierican Lcadership Political :\ction ('oiiiniittcc that donated liinds to Khoury's campaigii last December. It appears lie is also the author of Mr. Khoury's livc-l:agc css;iy.

While Mr. Kliow.\ disiiutcs his ;issociation will1 Arab estrcniist Jniiics %o$i\. [tic coiiil1l;tirit lilrtl againsl IWand niv coniiiiittcc to tliu 1.T.C by Khoury can bc liwid ;illnost \ crlutiiii in :I 39

newspaper story written on June 23, 1998 by Dr. James J. Zogby for the Daily Star. The story under the title, "Bigotly against an Arab American candidate," is enclosed as background information for consideration (Exhibit 21).

Indeed, it was Zogby that called for Republican leadership intervention against Calvert and apparently myself as well as indicated by Khoury's letter of racist complaint sent to the Republican chairman (May 7, 1989, Press Enterprise news story, Exhibit 8).

Zogby has a long record of extreme anti-Israel statements. For example, Zogby accused the Israeli government under Shimon Peres of "state terrorism" defended Hezbollah terrorists as "the 1 .- ....~.. . Lebanese armed resistance" urged Arab states to intensify their boycott of Israel aed denounced , .:? , r =: .- the 1995 anti-terrorism directive as "McCarthyism." (Exhibit 21b) .... .-. ._.. Enclosed with exhibit 21 is another revealing document circulated among Arab Americans with

~ .. ... ?... strong Middle Eastern interests that boldly reveals a systematic hnd channeling enterprise bent ...... - .. on electing Arab-Americans to political ofice. These are the same individuals that have now >.I .._...... :ri united to condemn racism because of the Riverside campaign and have launched a "Call for Fairness & Inclusion" on behalf of Khoury and for the purpose of denouncing Arab Baiting, based on the false charges Khoury makes here (Exhibit 21c).

WE HAVE BEEN MAD We have been had! Joe Khoury a first-generation Arab American political activist, came to Riverside. Without taking the time to become involved in our community, he took out a flute and started to play a tune he found Republican leaders in Riverside liked to dance to. Those same Republican leaders were so blinded by their hatred of an unpopular Congressman that, without question, they believed all the lies Khoury told. Khoury divided the Replblican Party in Riverside, brought racism and bigotry into our communities, attacked respected Jewish leaders then called us all bigots. Khoury did the same thing to the Hispanic community and is now involved in dividing Arab-Americans by fabricating charges of hate and racism where there is none. Should Mr. Khoury reach out to kiss you on the cheek, guard your socks.

Is there a conspiracy? Probably, but not in my agenda. What I have introduced here in defense of these charges has come from the compilation of evidence that shows a tot of circumstances, all leading toward a questionable link with Anti-American Arab-American associations.

Mr. Khoury's statements are hll of false accusations. The information he has provided to the FEC does not support an FEC violation by the Cook Barela for Congress Committee. These charges are a1 best just a vitidicrive individual that is seekhg to hlame others because the riiajority of'r-egisrer-edvolers in Riverside Couiity have thrice retiised to grant him the collgressiolli1l liower and prestige he seeks. 'llie oiily otlicr qtrestioll would be that there does csist a iiiorc sinister iiiotive beliiiid all these charyx ilia[ iiiav prove to be wry hariiifiil to Illc wclfirc of'our countiy in (kc years ahead.

Khoury clii~rgcsthe coniiiiittre and ~iiysell'with certain l4K viol;itions .Anlong Ihelil. it coiispir;icy t1icoi.y. i.cceiving illcgnl ciiiiipiiip conlrihurioiis. ;is \\ cll iis cliarges of tics. lacisiii. bigotry. iiiid othci- vial iiccw;ilioiis I~IIare sl~~~~~icroi~s.Iibclous mi Iiariiit\il to 111~iriteyity ;IS :I 40

Christian pastor. It is offensive to other respectable members involved in my committee and to the registered voters of Riverside County. These are all lies meant to deceive the FEC and others and can only serve another purpose, which we can expect to resurface in the next natisnal election.

DRQP THE CHARGES $r BEGINWOURY'S INVESTIGATION 1 ask that all the charges against The Cook Barela for Congress Committee be drbpped. I also ask that the evidence against Khoury that has been submitted in defense ofthose charges be investigated as they do support some very serious FEC Act violations by Mr. Sakis Joseph Khoury, his treasurer, and his committees. .. Whatever else may come of this investigation, the truth remains. There is no substance to the

.-... charges filed against me or my committee. I have never made a racist remark against Mr. Khoury .. or Arab-Americans. This attack won me is not without precedence. These charges follow a pattern that Arab organizations operating in the United States have undertaken. They have launched a verbal Jihad to tty to silence the first amendment rights of those who criticize or investigate their activities. They have now united under the "Call for Fairness & Inclusion" banner to smear any individual's good name, and to intimidate their supporters by making false charges of racism and discrimination. These tactics have worked well in Lebanon and in other Middle East countries, and they hope they will be as successh1 here in America.

As Jonathan S. Tobin, writing for the Jewish World Review, stated on Sept. 4, 1998, "Unfortunately, in their effort to halt discrimination, these same groups have chosen not to disassociate themselves from the excesses of Islamic fimdamentalism and Arab nationalism in the Middle East. Indeed, some ofthese same Arab and Muslim anti-defamation groups such as the Council of American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (AAADC), have become the most important defenders of Hamas and Islamic Jihad in the United States. Even worse, they have taken the task of smearing anyone who speaks out against these groups or investigates their activities" (Exhibit 22).

@LOSING REMARKS Americans participating as world citizens should not come at the expense of forfeiting our nationalism, Yielding the power of our hard won Democracy and its supportive institutions,, for: which so many American patriots have paid the ultimate price, is not in the best interest ofour nation. A "Collusion" under the semblance of "Fairness & Inclusion" by individuals that advocate the interests of a region of the world which is characterized by many third world states that are dominated by kings and dictators, and a religion that is in itself "the government" appears to be a serious threat. Any person, association or institution that claims to be an adversary to the ciieniies ot'oiir "American" way of life. while embracing the financial support atid camaraderie o!'those pwerfiil individuals and cultures who oppose free religion. our democratic way ol'life. and the rights of woiiien. denialids eteriial vigilance "It is a well known fact that they don't even represent 1,000 individuals all combined" (Exhibit 23).

I have over thirty years of distinguished public service, as a United States Marine in service to our country, as a law enforcement officer, an elected public official and as a non-denominational Christian minister. To be called a racist and liar by Khoury and those that embrace the enemies of our country because 1 dared to seek out the truth in regard to their campaign hnding and associations only makes me more determined to expose these corrupt campaign practices. They have no place in American politics and in our form ofgovernment.

Mr. Khoury, in bringing these false, malicious and frivolous racist charges against me, has insulted my integrity as a Christian pastor. He has scoffed at my Christian practices, profaned my military service and desecrated the memory of honorable men that served our country and paid the ultimate price of fieedom. Khoury scorned at the oath 1 took in seeking to serve my country as a United States Representative. He purposely misconstrued my commitments to my community and my country. He has chosen to seek the assistance of individuals that have lobbied against American interest, in the Middle East, sheltered, assisted, praised and participated in helping Middle East terrorist organizations that have destroyed the government of Lebanon From within. Do I have a right to question his allegiance?

The issue may be more problematic when one considers what one Lebanese national said, "NO one in Lebanon will talk about the reality. Our government is not a government. Syrian intelligence forces are controlling this country. We are moving toward a police state. Here in Lebanon, there are masters and servants. Lebanese government officials are the servants of Syria." Today those same forces are determined to do the same to Israel and here, in A.merica, Khoury calls me a racist because 1 question the financial and political support he is receiving from those individuals, associations and institutions. Khoury questioned my religious convictions and practices, called me a liar, bigot, and racist. I can only wonder, was it because ofhis own selfish and political ambitions, or is it that he truly does have torn allegiances between two countries, Lebanon and Syria.

'I I have never denied the truth of the Scriptures and 1 have never spoken with intentional disrespect of religion in general, or of any denomination of Christians in particular. ... I do not think I could, myself, be brought to support a man for ofice whom I knew to be an open enemy of, and scoffer at, religion. Leaving the higher matter ofeternal consequences bet\veen him and his Maker, 1 still do not think any man has the right thus to insult the feelings, and injure the morals, ofthe comniunitv iii which he may 1it.e. ..." President Ahraliam Iholn. 1846 CONTENTS

A SACREDHONOR AN ~NTRODUCTION 1. Congressional District 43 - Analysis 11. Initial Response to Charges 111. Request for charges to be dropped IV. Statement of Organization

SUPPORTINGSTATEMENTS, EVIDENCE & DECLARATIONS I. Response from campaign treasurer, Exhibit 1 11. History of Intent to serve in Congress Exhibit 2 111. Khoury's unreported in-kind contributions Exhibit 3,4, 5 1V. Other in-kind contributions Exhibit 6

...... , i.i TO BE A RACIST CAMPAIGN 10 ... .-,. ._ . h WAS GOING L: i 10 <- I. Win at any cost Exhibit 7 .. 11. A campaign Funded by Arab Americans 11 111. Deep Raciai Prejudice Exhibit 8 12 IV. One Sided attack Exhibit 9, 10 13 V. No Latino running Exhibit 11 14

-* KHOURY'S ARAB PA@ CONNECHON 13 I. The Dangers of Fairness & Exclusion Exhibit 12 16 11. Questionable Campaign Practices Exhibit 13 17

DESPERATELY SEEKING LATINOS Exhibit 14 21 I. Deceiving the Hispanic Community Exhibit 15 21 11. Response to Similar Language 23 111. Why is a Good so hard to Fathom? 23 1V. Khoury's Smoking Gun Exhibit 16 26

RESPONSE TO KHOLJRY'SPOLITlCAL ESSAY&! LETTERS 27 1. A Funny Thing happened to me on the Road to Congress 29 11. My opponent, your opponent, Exhibit 17 39 111. The Fourth Leg of the Conspiracy Exhibit 18 31-.-, IV. Lies and The Consul General of Lebanon 3 J V. A Citizen ofTwo Countries 34 VI. Dual Allegiance 35

LIES, HALF-TRUTHS, KHOURY &! THE CONSERVATIVE VOKE Exhibit 19 -36 I. .A Similar Incident Exhibit 30 .3 7 I1 lhe Arab Cainpaipn ('ontlect ion Exhibit 9. I?. -37

'UlK KlIOlJRl'/%OGBY,IRA11 CONNI<~TION Isshibit 2 I b. c I. we I lave Uwn I lad I'shibit 1-7 I I

making your small business...... *...... IG!

January 14. 1999 Mr. Alva E. Smitli Federal Election Commission 999 E Street, NW Washington, DC 20463 Dear Mr. Smith: I just received today copies of your correspondence dated October 5, 1998 indicating that the Federal Election Commission received a complaint which indicates that the Cook Barela for Congress Committee and me as treasurer, may have violated the Federal Election Act of 197 1. 1 became associated with the Cook Barela for Congress Committee in early May 1998 and my activities were confined to the finctional role as treasurer. Having briefly read the complaint, I can trutt~fi~llystate that I had no knowledge of the Cook Barela for Congress Committee pursuing anything other than victory over both Ken Calvert and Joe Khoury. Further, 1 have no knowledge of any cooperative tactics between the Ken Calvert campaign and the Cook Barela campaign. Having little interest in the details of the voluminous complaint from Mr. Khoury coupled with my knowledge of the correctness of my activities with respect to the Cook Barela campaign, I have little inclination to address each and every charge contained therein. However, in order to simplify any research you or your ofice need to undertake. 1 will make every effort to cooperate with any written or verbal requests for information. As evidenced by the length of time between the actual mairing of the notification and my actual receipt, 1 encourage you to direct any correspondence intended for me to the following address: Automated Accounting 12625 Frederick Street. Suite 15255 Moreno Valley, CA 92553

Additionally, I can be coiitacted over the phone at (909) 653-5053. Sincerely. /3 Ja: Giiry Capoliiio .. ,-.

%y HARVEY m duty in Vietnam. and was a ser- Sun Political Editor geant when discharged. An oflicer in the Los Angeles Police Officer Refugio M. Police Department, Barela wants ':Cook" Barela of Rlverside flg- b-hold the user responsibie In qres he has a good base in the the waron drugs. 36th District If he faces Rep. "He is just as guilty. 85 dan- George E. Brown Jr. in Novem- gemus 8s the drug seller." Barela ber. Onequarter of the popula- said. "As long as the USer is out tion is Hispanic. there, there's golng to be a mar- Barela's problem is that he keL As long as there's 81 market, might not be around in Novem- our next generation is in danger." ber. Most Hlspanlcs are Demo- He'd like to stitren the law to qats - and Barela is running for make it possible to confiscate ve- the Republican nomination. hicles when drugs and weapons are found in them. He'd combine win in the June 7 primary. To that wlth a blanket 10 p.m. cur- Is Aw: 39. hG has toovercome San Bernardi- few, afler which vehicles could be 0 Fambncr: Riverside 110 businessman John Paul Stark, stopped and searched without 0 Occupatlan: OHicer tor Los a three-time winner of &henomi- probable cause. Angeles Police Deparlmenl nution. and Cluremont buslness- Barela, who participated in Family: hloman Dorothy H. Davis, stock- Is Wife, Marylu; five the gang "sweeps" in Los An- daughtare. two 80116 broker Robert M. KernsofColton geles. said drastic measures are 0 Edlsusllcn: Anended Cerri- iiid real estate broker Doug Cra- required to bring gang and drug 80s Cotiege and Eaet Lo8 An- ham of Riverside. problems under control. geles Junior Colleae The 36th District lakes in Barela add he would give the 1 0 Qmea: Board member. much of San Bernardino and Riv- peace prwesa a chance in Nicara- Jurupa Unlfied School OifilricI; erside. Bloominglon. Colton. Fon- gua for two years. In the interim 1 County Juvenile Justice lana. part of Grand Terrace. part he would permit Nicaraguan sef- and Oellnquency Prevention of Highland, Muscoy. part of On- ugees and Contrrss to enlist in the I mmmlssion tario. Rialto and Rubidoux. U.S. armed forces with theoppor- : Barela's ancestry is not the lunity to obtain citizenship in six grade, he would increase class only thing he hasgoing tosupport years. If democracy is not re- sizes in the upper grades. tiis cundidocy. As a board mem- stored in Nicaragua, he'd release To reduce the deficit. he IFr of the Jurupa Unified School the refugees and Contras "to gain would put a temporary fteeze on Dislrict. he's the only elected olli- back tbeir owncountry." increased spending and see If the cia1 in the field and is paslor of IT elected. he would push for functions of some government t.hc Sun ri yslopc Comrnun i ty commuter trains from San 5er- agencies could be turned over to Church. nardino and Riverside to Eos An- private industry. Among the ; Ilc founded the Christian gel~and Orangecounties. agencies: the Postal Service and, Kwnrcness Crusade in 1976. a He aupporu more money for posalbly. the Coaat Guard. cpipaign he supports with ser- educellon, higher pay for teach- He opposes abortion, unless nioiis and writings on Christiani- ers and federal incentives to en- the woman's lire is threatened. rf. tcrrorium. substance abuse courage people to go into teach- He ala0 opposes trade proteetion mid AIDS. Sic scrved four years ing. In ordcr to reducc class slzes measures. IIe strongly supports in tlic Mnrincs. including combat from kindcrgartcn to second the strategic defense initiative. I I

I By DAWID BOYLES &la, the son ..of ,parents The Press-Enterprise who originally came.from Mexlco. I RM. **Coii~Barela. a billn- was born in New Mexico and gual Hispanic Republican candi- grew up In Casa Grande. Ark --. ~ date in the 36th Congressional Alter leaving high sehwl .In the mn's &ice wall a pictuR-oP a D.Mrlct. said he plans to'aggres- 1Ith grade to work in the. Zlelds of soviet fighter plane. *ely pursue the Hispanlc 'vote Califoaia's San Joaquin Valley, **It irked me." Barela said. he enlfsted the Marine Barela said he so far is Nn- &ring the primary campa@, but In US+ afig his prlmary electlon cam- .he Isnot making It hk sole quest corps .. . "I want to represent the palgn out ot hls home and plans to T Me served three years, which solicit and spend about 625,000 to &eds of the dlstrict as a whole." Included 13 months in Vietnam as Earela said In a recent Interview. a machlne-gunner. i.. n Hispanics "make up 20 per- Durlng his military career, :&?fat. .. to 25 percent of the dktrict's Barela earned his high -school ..l?stlmated population of more equivalency certificate. Later he &inn 660,000, which translates into attended Cerrllos College and 8 folr number of Hispanic votes. East Los Angeles College. worked 011 me 1984 campalga OP .~..;Barela . said he belleves many Hls- A Angeles police officer +anics have not yet realized that Los John Paul Sbark, one of the other '-6onsenraUve Republlcan ideals since 1971. Barela currently Republicans tn mb yew% pdm- w0rkS.a~a patrolman in the Watts ry race. Sw. a'San Bemardlno . ..coincide. In his view, with many area, an area plagued by recent 1of thelr desires. insurance sent. Is maldne hls .. gang actlvity...... ~. .. . "Hispanla want their chtl- fourth bld lot, CangreSS. Be lost to 1985,: Police, Chief Daryl aren educated for a better life," In Brown Lo the 1980, 1982 end 1884 Barela said, adding that family Gates appointed %rela a depart- general elections. Be sat out the ment chaplain, whose responsibil- 1986 race. values also are priorities among ities are to counsel other officers. Hispanics. The department has four other In additlon to Barela and Barela-was quick to reiterate chaplalns. Stark. three other Republicans that he does'not intend to run a Barela and his wile, Maryiu. are seeklng the GOP nomlnatlon one-sided campaign or favor one have five daughters ranging In la the p~inary:Dorothy R. Davis faction of the 36th District's-con- age from 2 to 9. Barela has two of Claremont, a businesswoman StitUenCy over others. He pointed older sons. 15 and 20. from his and civic and palitlcal adlvW: B. to factors he. hopes will enable first marriage, whlch ended in Dou&is "Doug" Graham OX Rlver- him to leap ahead of the other dlvom?. Barela said he enjoys side, an investment proper@ con- four Republicans in the primary - sultant and former mllltary pilot; race. photography as a pastime. adRobert M. KeinS of Col!n!!!, an Me is member of several In Barela's view, his longtime a Investment advlser and stochbro- civic, political, Justice. veterans kar. employment as a LOS Angeles po- and Christian organizations. Bare- lice officer lends credibility to his Brown. the Democratic IO- emphasis on law and order la's campaign literature describes issues. him as having lectured "primarily cumbent is being challenged In He sald his additional respon- on four subjects: Christianity. ler- the primary by James D. Sparlrs sibilities as a police chaplain of Rlverslde. an unemployed lor- make him a leader moral is- rorism. substance abuse and on AIDS." mer insurance underwriter and sues. truck driver. His combat service in Viet- "I've laid some very good nam. he said. has helped foster foundations. I believe, for the of- The Rlverslde County portlon strong feelings about national de- fice," Barela said In the interview. of the 36th Dktrict is comgosed of lense and the need to check the "I've prepared myself." parts of Rlverslde. Lncludlng spread of communism. Barela said the longtime in- neighborhoods in Ihe Arllngton. Barela said his position as an cumbent. Rep. George E. Brown CBSa Blanca and Eastslde areas: elected member of the Jurupa Jr.. D-Rlverside. Is too liberal to and the unincorporafed communi- Unified School District board of represent the 36th District. (la of Glen Avon. Pedley. Rubi- trustees demonstrates his political &rela recalled an incident doux and Highgrove. experience and makes his voice that he said fueled his desire to The San Eernardlno County an important one on educational challenge Brown. He said that on portion of Ihe dlstrici includes Son issues. a trip to Washington. D.C.. he Bernardino. Fontana, Colton. Rial- "Education is my No. 1 - went 10 visit Brown. whose inter- to and Ontario. and smaller areas ity." said Barela. a high school ess include science and technoi- of unincorporated terrltory ndja. dropout who later COmplcled his (See BARELA. Piipe 8.6) cenl lo Fontana and Rlalto. in- secondary education and iilicndcd cluding the ronmunlties of Dloo. college. miniton and Crestmore. /------1. 2/The Sun THURSDAY

By HARVEY FElT Sun Political Editor -

JOIW IWI Stark ilircwly rhs four rivals for thc llepublican r)rJdAR=QW notnina!lon in Bhc 36th Disiricl- ,un Political Editor Inure Illall he went clgaillsl ill 1980. 1982 nnd 1984 when he SVOII - ~..... the GOP primary cleclion in thc : In the three years he's lived in 36th Congressional Districl. icerside. R.M. "Cook" Barela They are Refugio Barela ol' la5 plunged into community af- M. -Ilis*erside.a Angeles policc .. with gusto. Los e$rs orrtcer and board member of the i(:He won a seat on the board of Jurupa Unlfled School District: ...i;e Jurups Unified School Dis- Dorothy R. Davis, a Claremont rtct in 1985. when he received businesswoman: James C. Norton ne most votes among nine candi- of E'ontana, an aircraft engi- ibres. and served as the boards In the race neering planner; and Eugene L). tterk and president. He's pastor Richsu of Fontma, a business ',Cthe Sunnyslope Community general manager...... ;rturch. chairman of the Jurupa ment plant will win him friends .&terans Home Committee, a and votes. Thi already crowded field in the GOP contest reflects a feeling .&mber .- of the County Juvenile Xf elected, he would push for iustice and Delinquency Preven- commuter trains from San Ber- by some candidates that they .ion Commission and the Jurupa nardino and Riverside to Los An- have a chance to upset Stark be- Aamber of Commerce. geles and Orange counties to re- cause of his three defeats by duce air pollution. And he would Brown. All in all. he' a member of a fine the South Coast Air Quality However. only Barela has a iozen or so organizations. Management District for failing &&tics! base or name recogni- Now he's running for Con- to impose regulations which tion on which to build his candi- :ress. would enable the area to meet dacy. A Riverside resident only federal clean air standards. three years. Darela. 39, has Barela. 39. a trallic accident He supports more money for served on the Jurupa school nvestigator and chaplain for the education, higher pay .for teach- board two years and is 11s past .os Angeles Police Deparlment, ers and federal incent!ves to en- president. He has been active in in the crowd running for the courage people to go into teach- the community and in qpposing ;OP nomination in the 36th Dis- ing. He would increase class sizes tire shredding plants in Sun- rrct of Rep. George E. Brown Jr., from third grade and beyond, if nyslope and Rialto. :)-Riverside. necessary. to reduce class sires Barela plans to campaign for The Republican candidates, from kindergarten to second commuter trains to help cut down : the lasl count, included San grade so that children get offto a -air pollution and formore fedem) sernirrdino businessman John good start in school. I'IIII~Sto raise tcitchcr saliiriish -aul Stark. who already has won Barela grew up in Casa Gran- ;ilitl 10 ~i~uviclciriccntiws lo ;I!- .ne nomination three times; Do- de, Ariz.. and leR school in the trxt IINJIY peolilc*tu twcliii1.s.... . -othy R. Davis. a Claremont busi- 11th grade. He served four years 'wswoman: James C. h'orton of in the Marines, including combat oniona. an aircran engineering duty in Vietnam. and was a ser- )lanner: Eugene D. Richau of geant when discharged. He at- ontana. a manager; and Hubert tended Cerritos College and East A Candidate With a Vision .1. Kerns. a Riverside business- Los Angeles Junior College. for the Future! A Corigressman nan. The nomination period re- Ile founded the Christian nains open until March 1 1. Awareness Crusade in 1976. a .. to Represent Your Interest, Barela concedes he's not too campaign he is supporting with Arilerica's Comnion Good 41 know in the San Uernardi- sermons and writings on Chris- 13 '1 County portion of the district tianity. terrorism, substance and Our Area's abuse and A1 DS. ,,,.1..~11,S+y ut hopes his opposition io the ;'I .ialto tire-burning plant. the Mil- Barela and his wifc. Jfarylu. jl:.:.-- . ,?=.& Necd s iKen incineralion project and the have f~vcdaughters: he hits two .i~iscrhazardous waste treat- sons kom a prior marriage.

Continued from B-1 why we hnve five kids.” Republican nomination. Barela’s base of operations is a R.M. “Cook” Barela windowless omce in his garage, lllled with books on religion and politics. There, drinking cup after cup of black coffee, Barela spends hours cruising the Internet for infoma- tion on his opponents, issues before Congres. and Vietnam, where he spent 13 long months of his life. Refujio M. Barela was the Arizo- na-born seventh son among 13 siblings. His nicknamed him “Cookie.” which he now short- ens to “Cook.” In Vietnam, the 19-year-old US. Marine melted three machine guns ?he Press-Enterprise Bghting the North Vietnamese and was one of just seven members in tive Republicans in Orange County Washington. his 47-man platoon to escape seri- who provided most of his cam- “He’s not a leader;’ Barela said ous injury or death in a fierce 1967 paign money. The links prompted of Calvert. “He Caters more to the battle. Weggeland. who went on to repre- needs of his party than to this Barela has spent part of his sent the district for four years, to community.” I retirement writing a nonfiction label Barela “a tool of right-wing Barela said that if he is elected hkabout his experience in Viet- extremists.” to Congress he would want to use nam, which documents what he Barela’s latest foray into politics his military and law enforcement calls his loss of innocence. has been greeted wilh skepticism experience to focus on national “In the beginning, I never really by some of the conservatives who security issues. He believes all tried to kill the enemy.” Barela might otherwise be hiit natural members of Congress should be said. “I just wanted them to stop support base. forced to undergo security checks shooting at us.“ When Barela sought to place a before they take otnce. On his return to the United paid ad in The Conservative Voice On other issues, Barela said he States Barela landed in Fresno, monthly newspaper, editor Shirlee would cany legislation that would where he took care of a sister who Pigeon rejected his request. Pi- make it a crime for doctors to was dying of cancer and joined the geon, who has received $10,000 perform abortions and opposes sherilf’s department. through her public relations firm many gun control measures He eventually joined the Los from Barela opponent Khoury for backed by his fellow law enforce. Angela Police Department, where work on his campaign. said she men1 colleagues. he served 21 years as a patrol was concerned that Barela would Even though he is a conserva omcer, crime analyst and chap- siphon off conservative votes from tive, Barela’s personal history has lain. Barela. who has two children Khoury and could hurt his chances inlluenced his views on some is. from a previous marriage. moved of beating Calvert. sues. with his family to Riverside in In fact, Barela has devoted most Barela fondly remembers the 1985. of his time and energy to criticizing welfare worker who checked on That year, Barela was elected lo Khoury rather than Calvert. his family after his father died the Jurupa Unilled School Board The retired police omcer has when he was 4 years old. Welfare and served there for four year;. sought to raise questions about money helped his mother keep His current campaign represents Khoury‘s loyalty Io the United lheir family together. he said. his third bid for state or federal States because he has received The Republicawled Congress ofnce. financial support from Arab-Amer- has gone too far. he said. in placing In 1988 Uarela unsuccessfully icans and Lebanon still considers time limits on qelfare. sought the Republican nominalion him a citizen even though he is a “I think our hem have gone to challenge Democratic Rep. naturalized U.S. citizen. cold there,” said Barela. But he George Brown in what was then Khoury has denounced such said he agreed with language in the the 36th Congressional District. criticism as outrageous and said law that prevents legal immigrants Four years later Barela came in his loyalty lo America. where he from receiving welfare. second to Republican Ted Wegge- has lived 32 of his 51 year;. is not in Barela’s Hispanic roots (his land in the GOP primap in the question. mother’s family came from Mexi- 64lh ,Wembly District centered in Barela said he probably agrees co) also have influenced his views Rivenide. with Calvert two-thirds of the time on bilingual education. rvhicli ht’ Darela received extensive nn;in but thinks the three-term congrt?;. opposes. cia1 support in l!i!K! froin conserva man isn’t an independent vo~rIn

112 :?Today Cook Barela serves as Senior Pastor for FACES, a Christian family outreach organization.

e Decorated Vietnam War Veteran, USMC; Los Angeles Police Officer, Police Chaplain, Crime Analyst; Elected-School Board, Jurupa L'nified School District; Elected-Delegate Assemblyman, Riverside County, CSBA; Legls!ative Member, California School Board Association; Elected-Federal Relations Legislative Representative, National School Boards Association; Commissioner, Riverside County Juvenile Justice & Delinquency Prevention Commission; Member, Riverside County Substance Abuse Network; Member, State Attorney General's SehooljLaw Enforcement Partnership Cadre; Founder, Citizens Awareness Committee; VFW Post Commander, Jurupa Post 1027 I; Chairman, Jurupa Veterans Honie Comniittcc; Member, Aniericaii Legion; Mctirhcr, Victniinl VctcriIIlS of .4mcrica; Chairman, Jurupa Christaias Cmined Food Drive; Board Mcinbcr, Jurqxi Y hlCA; Orduined CilriStiaii Minister; Mastcrs Dcgrcc, Fullcr Tlicological Sciniixiry. Writer atid lxctwer: Sulistaiicc :\husc. AIDS tk Y~itlll;it liisk, Early Christiiinity, Tcrrorism. ESENTATI COOKI~AS~ELA is A MAN OF INIXIGI~IW WIIO I,STI;NS TO OIIR (-o~(wtssAND .~AKKSAC*I'ION

"My Ch ristiuri conservciti 1'4 A iwricti ir Jim il p vcrlrr~sti rid vie I~S(Ir~ sol itl!v btr sctl

on the Uibliccil yrinciplcs tlitrt n~cicl~o~ir c-orrrrtrv grcut. " c'oori H..WXRA - -.._ . .-- TO:The Conservative Voice Newspaper 3 April 3, 1998 From: Congressional Candidate, R.M. ‘CQOK” BAREM Phone 361-1802

Christian Minister, Cook Barela in 43rd Congressi~ndrace While many candidates speak about making a difference, Republican conservative, RM.“Cook” Barela has made a difference representing and serving his community before Iocd, state and national legislators. He is known for his continuous involvement in important cornunity issues. He was elected to the Board OfEducation of the Jwpa Unified School District in 1985, but lost his re-election bid in 1989 by 22 votes to newspaper/owner publisher David Barnes.

In 1988, Barela challenged three times defeated John Paul Stark for the Rep&lican nornina~onto run against liberal congressman George Brown where he came in third in a field of five candidates. In 1892, Barela came in second in the Republican primary for State Assembly.

“I abhor mudslinging and political assaults that weaken the public’s image ofour American institutions. 1 lost two elections not because the other candidate was better qualified, but because the public was deceived and real issues were never debated. I will have nothing to do with tactics that delude public confidence in the ofice I am elected to represent. Holding elected oEcials accountable for their actions or in-actions is what representation and leadership is all about. I have done that locally and will do SO in Congress.”

Barela has lived in Riversids for 13 years. He is an ordained minister and writer. In 1992, Barela retired from the Los Angeles Police Department where he had served as a field Patrol oflticer before becoming a crime analyst and department Chaplain. Barela has a Master’s Degree in Christian Leadership from Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena.

“Character, Integrity, and honestly does count in public service and everyday life. I have trained pastors for Christian ministry and it’s important we all do what is biblically right. That is what I will take to Washington.”

“Our county is suffering from a lack of moral and respectable leadership. Our representatives seem more interested in holding the party line than in upholding what the United States Constitution demands of its representatives. The Republlican Party represents what I believe in, but it is moving away from what made the party great. That’s a concern of mine and one of the reasons I’m runnins for Congress.

“Of the original 65 members of Congress, five of them were clergymen. Other clergymen hxe since served as Congressmen, but today there are none. Our founding fathers were committed to God, their families and to our country. That’s why this nation has enjoyed God’s grace. We must return to those American family values, perhaps then, our educational, judicial and moral strength will return.” To rcxh Cook b4dl I-8(W-7(lGVOTE or c-mif him at uSConrrcss~~-lotrilnilCOI-n. His Wcblhgc \\ill mnbe on line CC: Prcss Entcrpnss FQR CONGRESS 5974 PALENCIADRIVE RIVERSIDE, CALlFoRNiA92509 909-361-1802

PRESS ELEASE "The Gonsenmtive News & Views "Ihe COnsewative Wee'' Refuses to WjW

The Conservative Voice Newspaper refuses to print conservative views of ChPisUan. Conservative Congressional Candidate R.M. coo^ BARELA

''Cook. I wish you weren't in this race, you shouldn't be in this race. Why are you running?" said Ms. Shirlee Pigeon Coday nhear congmsioml candidate Cook Barela wntacted 1ier.

RM."Cook Bareia, a Christian Conselvative Republican in the 43d congpessional dislrict fmt notified Shkk Pigeon, Ediior/publisher of The Consemtive Voicc newspaper to infomi her of lLis hientiom to run for congress.

"I first notified Ms. Pigeon hi I was considhg running for congress since she is the &tor/pbliuher of =e ConsenrativeVoice a navslener !In! supposedly prints 5000 copies every month according to managhgeditorTom Bigeon. hf.s Pigeon asked me lo fud speak t[, Joe Khow which I did and after lie failed to pew&me not to mQ for congess, I notified Ms. Pigeon chat I was inded running Wore notifying the other two candidates. Since The Conservative Voicc was suppose to bc a Republican publication dedica~edlo publishing "The NW.% R. liiews The Liberal Media Refises lo Pu6lish";is its front page banncr proclaim, 1 felt it wufd repon: b11was running for congress ;pnd 1supplied it ~5~ information about my candidacy.

when if did OBI pblish any information on my ondidacy after seven! publiwtioioas, I submiltcd my om\vrivrilC up even to the point of submitting a news article equal to thc very word count including the amc size pholowph &Q llad mn on Joe Khoury Wlien no covcngc was given to me by the Coilscrvarhe Voice including my rcqucstr to buy space in t4c pFr. I conmaat Ms. Pigeon to inquirc why thcy wcrc not cowing my candidacy. Ms. Pigeon oncc 3gah mcnlioned Uwt I shouldn't bc mruuiig Tor coiigrcss. I asked lie^ if she was going to prinr the story 1 had scnt hcr and slic said no, shc w3s not.

"Wc 3rc no1 likc The Prcss Enicrwisc aid \vc can cliwsc wlwi uc print." slic stid

"Shirlcc docs dl31 iiicludc ad\.chsing spacc?" 1 askcd. "Docs tint nican &I I ann01buy a&crlising spsc on ?.our pap."

Ms. Pigeon sr;itcd tlnl is concc~."You C~IUIOIadvcrlisc. in tlic p;lpsr." Since Tom Pigeon had requested I send the ConServalive Voia Lhe information on my candidacy as well as copi@s of all my press releases to the press. I felt he was going IO pblish them. Had 1known they were working for Mr. Khoury 1 would not have sent them the information. I have asked for the Conservative Voice lo nhun all lhe information I Ilad supphcd as I had sent it to Ihe paprand not 10 the public relations fim working for Ihe Joe Khoury for congress committee.

1 bve lost all respea for The Conservative Voice; do they sec my candidacy as such a Ihrc;lt Io Mr. Khow'y tiat they will not print my conservative vicws?

Wlat happened IO their proclamation found on the front of their publication that states, The News and Vim3 the Liberal Media.Refuses to Publish," Guwmy conservative views are too conservative for the Consetvative Voice Nervslctter.

Think I'll start my own Newspper, maybe then I can get my Chrisli;m Conservative Views out 10 the public. Maybe 1'U call is "The Conservative Views" with a subtitle of, "All thc consentative news, The Comenative Voice and the Libenl Media refuse to print!"

. .. :., I am Cook Barcla ~. .. :.;

. ~. ..::...... ,.. . ;Y:,I 4


Vd9 NaS . May 1998 INUND €MPIRE LDMON wwuv.chhristiantirnes.com

I J Pro-family Leaders Focus I


SUPERIOR COURT iebe Endorsements

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I . ban a man! 'Race' rears its Take il Look at our Weaver has Ugly head in the recommendations been 'Man race for the 43rd before yoti hit the of the polls June 2. I Joc was barn In Lebanon nnd came four yeare ago wwe dm 1 to Amcrlca at the age of 19 with just a :%?%t pla~caricaturedeplomble. of Joe no( on In a 4:the for buclu In hbporkel. He Uved Mth mhlivc9. worked hard and out Mm- t%Xumorous' as CaIvcrtg cam. self through school. And hcproudly chosc to become an hedeanclWn. He went through Leyeam 01 papara- UOn (0 bCCOUK M hmC&Stl ClUICn and renwnced all all ance to any other muntry when heefPld 80. Joe earned Ills Ph.D. from the Ecludationd' Whwton School, Unlvcrslty of Susan Holladay PennsyhrenLz a pm us Lnsuhr- uon mgright upyeMh the best L1 wr mumy. nvmlyamn yeam ago he mcdJqne Kho who wan born In New Bedlox Masarchusells. and to ether thy have nhcd four bcautlfufand talent- cd dnughtcrs. I hav+Lnovn Joe and hln kmuy rot many yeam and have been In Ihctr home many Ume. I have snn Q aldc of Joe that h. unforrunatcly. scldan Rflcctd on the campal@ Lrall. I have seen Joe. the lovlng husband of Joyce. I hare seen Joe. lhc dmtcd father. HLS daX:%t him deeply and, equally lmpcNnL Iheyrespccthlm. IhmcaeenJoe,a courageous Amcrlcan. a true Amertcan ~nevery 8r.m of the mrd. Joe end hls lamlly are the AmUimn

cringe when I hear the hate-mongm and ra&b vldoudy llack Joe on hls huitage. The ncul ovcmonca In Ihe


i Bow to reach w: Ma: 600.5 LdhtDr.. N2W Wrasldc. CA. 82507 phone: (9091 686-7575 or (W)688-1812 Fue (909)686-0290 Emall. aordmlllmrdpr.mn Web w.wordpr.mmfvalcl The Conservative %ice Recommendations for Initiatives on the Jime 2 ballot

Concerned Women for America names Mason Weaver 'Man of the Year'

Pmu. 226 Camualpn Reform .res I

Mountjoy Wiebe -frrmp 1 ~vlusd~p.I at Callforrda BapUst College In Rivcnldc. Priar to that. hc wan an cducaUonal consultant for Rlvcnlde County. provtdlng ndmlnls- traUvC scrvlms in the amas of budget, cunlNlUm. (aclllUeS. tran?porIaUon. personnel. bmrd poUdu. mnmct.9. bl& and other of rvhool management and adrmnlstnllon. He plm Check out these served 22 yearj as SupcNltcndenl of Schools for the Nuvfear UnUIcd School Dlstrlct In Nuevo. web sites! -My bacclrgmund as supcrintcndcnt leacher and PmfcSWr in Rlvvslde County schools give me ImporIan1educauonal WlghrS abaut Important education wuu ln the county. My chlldrcn BR pmdu~lfof fuvcnldc publlc educauon: ihcrclorc I haw a gMt Interest In runhcrlng uccllcncc In publlc cducauon.' sald Dr. Wkbc. Hc added thal he Is in favor of CreaUng an educaUonal cnvimnmcnt Wth some muscle. -one that won? cmmbk In the lam of rmsdlmted Ideology. Through tnlning and hlgh upeda- Uons wc will male the kinds of rhmls thar parents dlwant lhcir chlldrcn lo attend. As Coung Supcrlnlcndenl. I will help schools move 10 sound p~i~~~lplcsof basic cducauon .. pmvldhg students with lhe fundamcnals of rcadlng. Uvough phonks. mung and reading comprehcnslon and by dmloplng aaund math programs through mastcry olcompu!aUonal skllls.' Mountjoy for Lt. Gov. Thc cduwlor continued: 'Our chlldren arc not gulnca plgs. We must quit cxpcrimcnllng and rclurn lo what works .. Back to wrPw.wordpr.cum/mountjoy/ Basics. All chlldrcn can learn. kfs give them thc chance. The rcscarch Is clear sunply QULwe get what M upccl. and M need 10 cxpccl more.- Wiebe for Riverside County For lnformauon an Uic Ur. Wick campaign. ple~Contact 1-1 686-7575. 1909) 656AJ425. or 18WI 686.1972 or dSl1 the Superintendent of Schools Wick campaign web site: ww.wordpr.cornlwicbebcl

HC'S got 11 dl .. upcrtencc. educauon and common sense. He's alu, go1 our vote on June 2. KC. and R. E. MchllUn. Nvcnldc wme to fold?' June 2 .. the &IC of the prtnwry clccuon. Whal a @cat umc lo say no lo raclsni bv voltnp, out the prcxnl Incumlwni. Cdvlvm. along wilh hb blK -_i ...... -...... ~.:- _.>:I. ....~.. ..

... .. _...... ,.- . _.. ..., .....

...... ; . _i...... -..

..-...... ~...... ~~ .... .-.. Your Pro-Life Candidate I;' Your Pro-Family Candidate E+ Pro Strong Defense I$ Pro Education Reform 0 Pro Major Tax Reform and an Across the Board Tax Cut I$ Pro Second Amendment Rigt 5

~.~~~~-~ * Unanimws endorsement 01 me Calilomia Republican corm adyocats cm& a&uitq our&b. Assembiy (CRA). means llle a1 ail stages (born and unborn). Thank we need people 6ke JOseph Wry m me US you tor ahng a siand to 6gm lor mis imenable Cocqress.' - taw FraU Exme[hrenor. * Young Repubhcan Federabon 01 CdidMnia .-Khoury ngM' 'POSSCSS~Sme conserva1Iye credcnoalr. me coin. .Inland Empire Conservaove Coallbon - Khoury %ill moo sense and Ute desire lor real change in Caldornia Colleqe Repubbcans -- 'Sbng COnSeNaBe bnng baaIO vli olce mal has bren missing lor Washngton th~twould do our org3n~abonproud. principles ana Convxbons. miegrny and commdmem me past mree lerms -- integrity, mdb, ptincipler. -.Kevin D. smmi. YRFC mimca Dlreclor are very impottanl to us and we are more man vision. courage. and mrq canseriahe values. happy IO YNC YOU our efl0OEemenL' .. David J. Ywr [Khwry'sl UceUenl leaderstip wles will Calilomtr young hencans 101 freedom .. 'h m~srace Cordcra. ace.clia~rm~n01 Caltfomra College pmde our Gsbwl wm me me d Congressman Iw Congress. you [Khouryl are me mas1 pnncicled Republicans We deSeNe. n'S &Ul h.'.- lECC aml ideologically carnmmed candldale lor a monqcr Amenca. -.Bnan Pxk. C3MamnY~Char Paul Weyoch. Pwidenlol Free Congress Faundabon. Washmrllan. 0 C -- 7 believe n IS Pme lo send a clear message. even lo the Rec~biicans.mal we (nerd somemtnq bene, ma busmess as usuai.'

Your Voice for Values 3694 Sunnyside Drive Khoury for Congress Riverside, CA 92506 (909) 787-1998 ww.khouryl998.com

I'J~lot by Kliouw 10, Caniircsr Cmipaiqn Cornminee. Dau~aOavts. ireasurer __- Pa0 WLlllTil AOV~RllifMfNl

So slip on pur blue suede slioes and stroll on down to tlic \$lord Mill, where owner Shirlre Pigeon will make you a legend California epublicaro Assembly (C

May 1998 Dear Friend,

On Tuesday, June 2, you will decide which direction our nation takes in the next ceniiiiy. Will we continue to slide towards bigger, more intrusive government? Or will we build an America in which all have a share in the promise of hope, geowth, and opportunity as envisioned by our founding fathers.

The California Republican Assembly (CRA) cares very deeply which path we choose.

'Fhat's why we urge you to elect Joe Khouhy as our next Congressman. The CRA voted unanimously to endorse Joe Khoury for Congress in our district for two reasons. First, our current Congressnan, Ken Calvert, has proven he lacks the basic moral character necessary to sewe in high elective office.

Calvert voted to take millions out ofprograms to provide healthcare for veterans. And Ken Calvert even voted to take $500 Billion from the Social Security Trust Fund to pay for other government programs. But Calvert voted yes to benefit tobacco producers with rniliions in subsidies. And he voted yes to raise his own taxpayer-hded salary.

Ken Calvert has proven he is not a conservative Republican. Rather than representing our needs and desires, he works for the wealthy special interests who fund his campaigns.

Ken Calvert's brand of get-along, go-along politics is a big part of the problem in Washington. D.C. When Republicans first took over Congress, we were excited by the prospect we would finally tackle the tough issues of high taxes, failed schools and rxnpant crime.

But so far that hasn't happened. Taxes are still far too high. In fact, most families spend more lo feed government than they do to buy groceries, clothing, shelter and healthcare combined. The IRS continues to abuse its power and authority. Even the brutal practice of aborting perfectly healthy babies in the 8* and 91h month of pregnancy is still legal.

Congress spends more and more each year on education, but our schools continue to decline. Real reform seems as far away as ever. Crimc continues to plague our streets and communities. And the moral core of our nation is under siege by the very peolde wc used to tell our childw to look to as role models: our elected leaders.

Which brings me to the second reason we unanimously endorsed Joe Khoury for Congress. Joe Khoury is proud to be a conservative Republican.

You can count on Joe to step up and fight for the moral values \i.e share with encrgy, passion, and conviction. I'm talking about values like honesty, integrity and character.

Joe and his wifc, Joyce, have raised four wonizrful daughtcrs here in Southcm California. Aid, like us. JOC worrics uhout the kind of Amcrica wc leave lo our children......

Joe knows that our current tax code sticks it to middle-class families. Almost 40% of the average fkily’s income goes towards paying taxes. That’s wrong. And we can count on Joe Khoury to fight for positive change. As a professor of business finance, Joe understands that if we cut income &xes on middle class families, reform the WS and make the tax code flatter and fairer, our economy will explode.

Joe knows, like you and me, that our schools are failing our children. We aren’t getting our money’s worth. But as a professor at the University of California here in fiveside, Joe has unique insight into the solutions needed to fix our schools. Joe will fight to give parents more control of their schools and more choices in which schools they send their children. He’ll move to crack down on school discipline and get unruly students removed &om the classroom. Joe . ~. .~~. will also fight to reward the best teachers with merit pay and to reform tenure so we can get bad ...... teachers out of the classroom...... ~ .. .. Joe will also fight to take criminals off our streets and get drugs out of our schools and neighborhoods. The safety of our families and our children is just too important to play politics ...... with...... ~. ..~ ..... Most importantly, Joe will serve the interests of the people of Riverside County. He championed the fight against the El Sobrante Landfill project. Be conducted an extensive study on the . i. finances of Riverside County and was the first hdependefit expert to test@ that the landfill project was a disastrous idea from an ecological, fiscal, quality of life, and political perspective. In fighting against El Sobmte along with many community leaders and activists. Joe Khour; captured our attention and our hearts. And this is just one of the many things that Joe is ready and willing to fight for on our behalf.

Joe Khoury is exactly the kind of decent, honest man we need representing our values in Washington, D.C. But you don’t have to take my word for it. Just look at the kind of husband and father he is. Joe’s wife, Joyce, and his four daughters, Alex, Leila, Natalie and Mona, are the most important thing in the world to him. No matter how much Joe wloury accomplishes in his life I know the title he cherishes most is that of Dad.

Please. I urge you to help the Cdifomia Republican Assembly and thousands of other volunteers to elect Joe Khoury, the conservative Republican choice for Congress in our district.

Thank you.

Best regards,

Shirk-@+ Pigeon First ViceIPrcsident, Riverside - Chin

P.S. Ken Calvert has failed us. He voted to take money from the Social Security trust fund and give himself a pay raise. Fortunately, we have a choice. Joe Khoury is exactly tlic rxc kind of honest and conservative Republican we need in Washington, D.C. today. He’ll fight for Rivcrsidc County families day and night - for 1QWer taxxcs, bcttcr schools aid an cnd to crinic. Plcase join thc California Kcpublican Assembly in hclping clcct Joc Klioury 10 Cotigcss. Thanks. POLITICAL CALENDAR Publislicd: Friduy. April 3. 1998 Scclion: LOCAL Rig#: BO4 Thc Prcss-Eaicrprisc

Retirement resort to host candidates

Olive Grove Retirement Resort in Riverside will serve as host for four "Get to Know Your Candidate" events this month.

Candidates in the 43rd Congressional District will discuss their views on issues important to senior citizens, including Social Security, Medicare and other topics.

Events will begin at 6 p.m. in the plaza clubhouse of the resort at 7858 California Ave.

Republican candidate Joe wloury will speak first on Wednesday, followed by Republican incumbent Rep. Ken Calvert of Corona on April 14. Green Party candidate Phillip Courtney will speak on April 21 and Democrat Mike Rayburn will speak April 28. Information: Diane Hansen at (909) 687-2241.

(MDHTS) 3 your Company: L A-%&

KFRQG Sponsorship:

I have pledged: $50 $150 $250 $500 $1,000 $2,000 Other:

I only wish to pay the $25 for participation.

I will advertise for the fair within my organization using flyers, etc.

Mail Checks to: Olive Grove Retirement Resort Attn: Diane .Hansen 7555 California Ave. Riverside, CA 92504 p'. 1

I (Evayone who has donated $50 is locked hfor ohat mount)

Event Soonsor $500


May 14,1998

Dear Mr. Joe Khoury

This is now the second time you have publicly refereed to me as being racist, that is slanderous statement and I question why a congressional candidate is playing a racist card because I question your dual citizenship. The thuth is you are a citizen afLebauon and of the United States, htyou hold two passports, one bearing your Lebanese citizenship and the otther this country’s. taS a citizen $1 were not running for congress 1 would question your loyalty, especially when you have chosen to obtain the majority of your funds from Arab-Americans. Those are facts found in official FEC records, does that make the FEC a racist organization?

The facts are you did receive PAC funds and to date there is no record that you have returned those fimds found in FEC records.

You have received Arab PAC fimds each and every time you have run hr congress and have also donated hdsto Arab PACs, those are the facts Mr. Khoury as recorded in official FEC records.

Does looking into your association with the multi-candidate PAC organizations such as the “Arab American leadership Political Action Committee” the ‘‘American for Lebanon Political Action committee, the American Task Force for Lebanon Policy Council Political Action committee, make me a racist? Those are official records open for public inspection.

You may recall that before you decidcd to play the race card wlieii 1 informed you that I was considering a run for coiigress againsl Mr. Caliwl yo11 had iiientiooed to iiie that it was going to be a racist issue, ;I racist tliat you arc iio~pliiying against IW WIWIItlicrc is IW SU~S~~IKCto ~OUI accusations. You are using this issue to divide the county of Riverside but I fear how you would use it in the United States House of Representatives

Today, you mentioned that I was there at the forum as a prox for Mr. Calvert, how dare YOU! Out politica+ science professor and his students that invited us to participate in that forum, I did not respond, but I will warn you this last time, you once called me Mr. C- (on the phone), then a Calvert agent (when I delivered ;he demand for an apology letter to you at your.cmpaign heaclquarters), and OW you called me Mr.Calvert’s proxy in public. I was recently questioned by the Press .. .. Enterprise and asked, if “I had been contacted bv Mr. Cdvert’s camp and ...... -...... - requested to run. Such an accusation could have only come fiom ysur camp, ...... -. unless it is the press that is soliciting this type of unfounded accusations.

...- ... .. YOU . ~~ I have spoken to Igore-lhen I have to Mr. Calvert or anyone associated ...I _i.. .-.. ::&.. with J3im:there is no truthvwhat so ever to those lies and irnsinmations that .. maremaking. Such an accusation is a crime according to federal laws. c- --, ~ .~. * - .._’ . .~ your spreadmg of those lies is therefore a slur, and a slakerous statemeit ..~..- :=. and you can be and I will hold you responsible should such an accusation .. -..~ .. appear in print, because of what you have said today in public. 1.. =...... -.... ~. I atn an American citizen and I have a right to question where you receive your finds and what PAC hnds you have received and who has suppol.t,~d you in the past. That information is found in public records. Records that are open to the public and some of which do seem to require an explanation.

Perhaps itsjust plain naiveness on my part, but I question why you have four different congressional committees, four different bank accounts in four different cities, a different treasurer each time you run for office, four telegram demands fiom the Federal Election Comtnission notifying you of your failure to file reports of receipts and expenditures for each year since 1995?

Those are I believe hmest questions that the public deserves an explanation to, especially from a “financial college professor who has publicly and in writing stated that those are your qualifications and that you receive 110 PAC funds. Till this date there is no FEC record that PAC funds have been returned to the Arab American Leadership PAC of \vhich Mr. Zogby is the treasurer. unfortunate that the Anti-Arab anti defamation league sees it that way, especially in light of what those organizations are involved in when it comes to what can be perceived as anti-American, anti-Western and anti-Israel sentiments when one visits their web sites or reads Mr. Zogby weekly columns.

Ivlr. Kliury those individuals and the organizations they represent xose to your defense, its only proper that I question who they are, who you are as well as who Mr. Calvert is or what he has done or has failed to do in Congress, but there is no reason why such an inquiry from myself or the

.: ...... general public wishing to howthe truth about your congressional political involvement to be branded a racist or a Calvert agent, please stop referring

. .~. to me as such, as there will be no further warning, before legal papers will be .._i filed against you, and those associated in your campaign, employees and

... .. -:... associations...... ,...... ~

~... .~, .. f 5 ~ ..


Money and where it comes from has once again brought up race as an issue in a Republican primary beween Rep. Ken Calvert and challenger Joe Khoury. Calvert's campaign manager said Monday that Khoury has raised the vast majority of his money from outside the district. "It's almost entirely Arab-American," said El Slevin, the congressman's campaign manager.

If Calvert got most of his money from a single group, the press would be all over him, Slevin said, adding that he sees nothing wrong with Khoury's financial base.

But Khoury sees a problem with Slevin's argument.

"Mr. Slevin wants to put a racial tone to this campaign," he said. "The kind of racial overtones he wants to put on this campaign are repugnant and have no place in American politics, in Riverside politics."

In the first three months of the year, Khoury raised $80,014, slightly more than Calvert's $79,538.

But Calvert started the year with more money and spent less than half what Khoury spent.

The figures come from recently filed Federal Election Commission reports that show all incumbents leading their challengers in fund raising this year.

Mary Bono of Palm Springs. who takes oflice today by virtue of a special election earlier this inonth, raised and spent more than $400.000, bv far the most among area candidates.

Rep. Jerry Lewis. It-Redlands. who recently ruled out a bid I'or the U.S.Sciiatc. has tht mod casll 011 Ilillld. Khoury complained of racism. Slevin said it was a humorous way of portraying Khoury as an outsider using money from outside the district to win a seat in Congress.

Monday, Slevin continued with his old line of attack.

"Joe Khoury has no ties to the district," he said.

"He's not from the district."

Khoury, a professor at the University ofCalifornia, Riverside, was born in Lebanon and has many Lebanese-American supporters.

But there is no way to say how much of his money comes from that community.

"This is total nonsense," he said. "We don't ask people's nationality when we ask them for donations."

Political analyst Tony Quinn, co-editor of the California Target Book, said pointing to ethic background is not a winning strategy.

"It's not an issue that the voters are going to decide on," he said.

Unlike Calvert, Khoury said, he accepts money only from individuals, no political action committees.

And, he said, he's well ahead of previous campaigns in his fund-raising efforts.

Khoury spent nearly a third of his money on well-known political consultant Ed Rollins

Calvert isn't taking the race lightly. He sought and obtained a contribution from the National Republican Campaign Committee, a party organization which often stays out of primary contests.

That didn't surprise Khoury, who is characterizing Calvert as tQ0 cozy with the Republican Party's leadership.

More important. he said, was an endorsement he received over the weekend from the California Republican Assembly. a conserva:ive organization that describes itself as $he "coiisciericc" ofthe Republican Party and is the state COP'S larpest volunteer group - and the Region

h-'s remark * BTwo Arab American 'I .'W LS another example of our beingmw s I! we were not part leaders characterize , of thls mcsatc, 85 if we were remarks by a campaign ourside !he palltp' -.sped"' aide to the congressman Slevin's contentions received support from Rhl. "cook" IbIrda, mti-Arab. i,Uie ullrd Republican rUaning In the 143rd congressional DiswCe. ' "This is' a special Interm! group," said Barela, a former Junn- The leaders of two prominent pa school board member.""iWs I looks like there's a league of Amb leaders that are buYrng a congres- n Continued from B-1 sional seat here in Riverside." ptatement in the next few days. On .Wednesday, Calvert met in -AWashington with another Arab said a majority of hls Bnanclal support hss come from k- hherican concerned about Sle- Americans mudthe natloa He titiog remarks. :called Slevfa's and hela's re- , 'Wldid satlouri, president of the mark "outrageous." gamic xnstitute in Washington, "I believe they m try@ to =said Calvert wanted to reassure ,cover deep raclal prejudice, and dmthat Slevin's comnenls were ithey have no place In Amedcan 'net meant to t~ disparaging, and politic+" Khouly sald. !were intended only to point out I Kboury sald he has aIWap :that the money was coming from :thought of himself as an Amedcan *outside the diict. land expressed concern that hls { Wouri, whose fledgling insti- opponents were trying to r& ;tute will work to bring more Mus- racial or ethnic questions to +ud :Urns into the Republican Party. a serious debate on issues io the ;said he was pleased by the meel- ~dktrlct :ing. - Ron Schsnidt, a polltical sclence '&I'msure what bis campaign $rof-r at wiornia state W- :mager said does not represent ive&@, Long Beach, sald polill- 1my racist views on the part ol the Icim in America have suetsup- ;congressman," he said. "I know :port their ethnic communi- :that from my past dealings wlul from hlm." ;(issince the nation was founded. q "I don't mink there's anyihlng Slevin himelf sald on Wedns- !sinister about ethnic :day hat his remark had been an group or- IganIzjng to gain @enter access b ;taken out of context, but declined :polltl~," said Schmldt. 3Yh0 Campaign ihat depicted Khoury ina fl -to elaborate on bis contention that spe- !voters should explore Ule motlve- clnllzes in elhnlc politlci. 'That's I who! rnnkes (LS inciulve." I tlons of any candidate whmmon- APRIL 30,1998

An Open letter to Mr. Joseph Khokuy

.. ... :. .. .. ~...... A DEMAND FOR AN APOLOGY ...- :...... gcar Mr. Khoury

I find your remarks that I am trying to “cover deep racial prejudice” offensive, slandernus and totauy unsupported. I demand an immediate apology, as they are offensive to me, to members of my congregation, as well as to many of my political supporters and friends. 1 served as a chaplain on the hs Angeles Police Department for over ten years, I ministered to mypolice officers, their wives, children and the general public who wre often caught in the turmoil of crime. I am a Christian por,I havc served them with respect regardless of their ethnic, ficial or religious hckground The remark you rnadc that were published in today’s Riverside PFeSs Enterprise are offensive, slanderous and not substanliated by public sewice record I have given a lot to the communities of the 43“‘cong~essionaldistricf and believe your words were meant to slander my reputation in the eyes of lhose I have served As me Conservative Voice Newsletter and the Public relations fm you hired, Word Mill, are well aware I filed a lawsuit against my last political opponenl for &g similar false, and dandernus remarks about my character and attacking me pemnally. It was only out of respect for the office of State Pwembly that I dropped the lawsuit aRer he apologized in Writing 1 will not be so tolerant this time and I demand an immediate apology for the repugnant and vile accusations you slandered me wilh in t&y’s pap. 1am not Ken Calvert and please do not a~WCi3teme with his campaign I raise my omquestions reganliag your campaign and now your integrity when you have to reson io these types of iactics. to which I have wmed you once before via the Conservative Tunes, that 1 will no1 tolerate.

For your information, for years Christian Awareness Cwde, a minisby I founded in 1982, served to fina~ciallysupport Lebanese missionarics working in Lcbanon. We workcd hard IO send them financial and food relief during somc very disturbimng times of war. For yean. 1 haw ministcrcd and enjoyed the fticndship of many AnbAmcricatm friends. somc of whom an: contributing IO my mpaipn and thq havc also found your rcnwks oflcnsivc.

I have only stated the truh in rcsponsc io a qucstion posed IO me by thc press. regarding the sourn of your campaign contributions which arc a public mrd Ma( is oEcnsivc and very aidenl lo (he ppleaf this dislria, Mr. Khoury, is hatyou an: being financed almost esclusively by Arab canifign funds. Thi!&k!!!S -INUi. FEC documents rcvd Uut only onc family and 1 I individuals Lhal arc not kdh4nienculs haw domtcd only $7,@2! lo your wnipign. Thc rcsl ol your S123.000 in umpign funds C;UIIC from oulsidc thc &stria and Uic nujority of it froni individuals who cnjoy dual Lctuncw: citizcnshir,will1 you. Illat is the tNU1. I find the selective financial conUibutions offensive and ailainly not the American way. It smells of racial bias and questionableelhis =-just whom you would mpesat in congress. Since you enjoy dual Lebanese atizenship with these same suplwrte~I believe the ppkof this district have every right to question your loyalty.

What is mcist, bdand caiainly prejudiced is The Conservative Voice newsletter which is employed by you, and has refused to publish any information regdingmy candidacy for Congress evathough I a conservative wbliciawith stmng community sqpr!. I am a Hispanic AmcricanrUnning for 05Ce, the first in this district to do SO, and The Consenative Voice because they have been cnnplored by you will not even allow me to pmbase an ad in their newsletter which is sent out to RepuWcan leaden, that's the am W both The Ress Enterarise and The Conservative Voice refuse to print. Mr. Khoury, you are a political science professor and I beliere ahat you are usingthese false sta(ements against me for political gain and to hivethe public. You are stking up a rackit issue when the= is none and for no other reasan then to gel a sympathy vote. You am hiding Wind a false racial issue to hi& the fact that you do not have nor enjoy strong community support in &is district and must rely on outside huds and W statements to m here. I question your integrity when you and your campaign advisors have to ~CSORto this type of tactics and attack me for staling only the truth

Mr. Khoury, you may recall that you yourselftoldme pasonally when you (ridto talk me out odruoning for congress tbat you plan to win this congressional race at "any cost". that it was going to be 'tergr blw, very, very, bloody," politicians resort to this type of personal bashing when they have no sublance ~2 hereby cloud the real issues of American politics. Please do not refer to me as being prejudiced for your political gains as that is slanderous, libel, offensive and certainly not substantiatedby my myyears of public service. I will not tolerate these ms of remarks. I will hold you, !he Conservative Voice, the public of the Inland . .. relations firm Word Mill ... .. Empire Conservative Coalition, as well as Mx Edward Rollins responsible for any Meroffensive, ...... - unsubstantiated and fakremarks direaed agahme, either telephonicaUy to voters or through political literature from your campaign and supporters or from any Arab organizations suphsoning you for congress. Sincerely,


To: Mr. Cook Barela

From: JoeKhoury

Dale: May 1, 1998

Dear Mr. Barela;

I will not deal with the numerous hccuracies in your letter. I wish you would have checked the accuracy of your facts and that you had been more careful in the words you have chosen. Some ,of your comments are simply outrageous. Incidentally, I categorically reject the statement that 1 planned to win "at any cost". This is simply untrue.

However, I believe that you have mkintespreted the reference in the quotation in The Press Enterprise because the way the article was written. The "they" refers to Calvert and Slevin. I simply have no fight with you. I am SOW that you would want to have anything to do with the tactics of Calvert.

All the best!


Congressional candidate R.M.Cook Barela rejects Joe Khoanlrqr’s letter as arrogant and certainly not an apology

Riverside -In a tw~-pmgnpbklter fiom Joe Khoury IO congpessional candida& RM. Cook Barela Khoury “never aplogized’’ says Banla

Y am not one of his political science students to kc lectured to.” said Barela, who~&missedKho~y’s letter as arrogan~

“I believe iharpu have nrisinterprefedthe refirenee in the quotation in The Press Enterprise,” Khoun. wites, iiientioning that Ihc “‘rhey”refers to Calven and Slcvin.

“Klioq fails to mcntion clarify or apologize for his remarks w\uch have been misinterpreted by others,” say5 Barela. “Klioury doesn’t undersad hthis nards nCrc slaiderous and libclous and weSeen a5 such by Cluisuuts in niy congregation, niy supptlcrs illid Uie gciicral public. IFLc wa111slo deIhiiles rigk Lhca IIC sliould apologize.”

Using carefully cdedwards lwving double maling nukes IUScomntcnte obtuse and irrc!cdanl. if he Can dcmdan apology for somclhing hc nlay ha\-%misundcrstaod that CalvccrC aid. Ihcn 1 Wn certainly deniand an apology for sonicthing that even his own supponers see as having invol\d me.

As a Christian niuxster that su~rporteda MncseChrisrian missionary in Lebnon during the civil war ywrs of Uie early 1980’s, Khoq‘s comment o&mled my family, my congregation and me and he should apologize IO the people of Uie 43“ dislrict for his ~iurttulremark . Zogby denounced Zevin’s comments as “Arab-baiting” :lnd criticized Calvert for Continued from B-1 not specifically disavowing himSelf from rind spent less than half what his campaign manager’s comments. IChoury has. according to the latest Slevin said his remarks had been taken Federal Election Commission re- out of context and that he had been trying ports. to point out that most of Khoury’s Bnancial Calvert did not respond to mes- support has come from residents living sages left with his Washington outside the 43rd Congressional District. ofice and with Slevin for an inter- In hfs statement. Calvert said “the only view. fund-raising issue that is relevant regard- “I think we’re just going to let ing Mr. Khoury is that he raLses very little thisstatementstand as it is.”Slevin money, and has very little support, from said. residents of western Riverside County.” In a two-page response to the In the first three months of 1998, Khoury congressman’s statement, Khoury raised $80,014 to Calvert’s $79.538. But said, “Mr. Calvert should fire Mr. Calvert started the year with more money Slevin and should issue a clear Please see CALVERT. 8-2 apology to every citizen in the 43rd District especially to those who pology still sought wish to put the politics of race behind them. “Would Mr. Calvert have raised ..... the same issues had my money .~ 43rd District .. come from African-Americans, VfBlon Nlssenbaum Jewish-Americans, Indimnhmeri- ig Press-Entewnse cans or other nationalities?” d3eo. Ken Calvert sought Monday to Slevin’s remarks were “refiec- slain comments made 6y his campaign R. M. Cook Barela. Republican rive of the entire c&%paign of Smager about his main Republican oppo- candidate for Congress in the 43rd racial prejudice.” said Khoury, a itnt’s ethnic support. but the effort only District, Will speak on “What Made UC Riverside finance professor. n-pered Arab-American leaders who had America Great” at a breakfast Hala Maksoud, head of the liled for an apology. fund-raising meeting Saturday at Washington-based American-Arab The Corona Republican issued a one- 8 a.m. at mas' Farmhouse Cafe. Anti-Discrimination Committee, mgraph statement two weeks after his 5620 Van Buren Ave., Riverside. expressed disappointment with vnpaign manager, Ed Slevin, said Cal- The public is invited to attend and Calven‘s response. zn’sGOP opponent - Lebanese-born Joe “It actually bothers me that noury - has received financial support sign a copy of the Declaration ot someone running for Congress :at is “almost entirely Arab-American.” Independence. Information: 361- c’oes nor realize that what was said Following calls from two Arab-Amen- i802. was cause for offense.” Maksoud .XI organizations for Calvert to apologize. said. “He says half of what he 2: congressman issued a statement that 43rd District should be saying.“ zrther upset the group leaders and Calvert, Khoury and Barela, a -ompled Khoury to call for Slevin’s former Jurupa school board mem- 2SlliSSal. ber. xe running as Republicans in ”It is unfortunate that any offense was ~~~~~~ “fair visits the June 2 primary to represent wen by anyone regarding remarks made Twocandidates for Congress in the 43rd Congressional District .n my behalf,” Calvert wrote. “I promise the 43rd District will appear Mag Calven. who has twice before de- engage my primary opponents Joe 13 at a health fair at Olive Grove feated Khouv in the COP pdrna- ..noury and Cook Barela on the issues and Retirement Reson. 7558 California ry. Iias represented the district :. the factual reponing of my achieve- Ave.. Rivenide. ’ since IW. Tents in Congress.” Joe Khoury, Republican, will .James Zogby, president of the Arab speak from 1 lo 120 p.m. and -..merican Institute, called the statement ha ii table at the fair from 1?:30 to 2 .:rritating” and renewed his call for an p.m. 2OOlO~Y. “What‘s unfortunate is not that we took Phillip Courtney. Green pan!.. xiense.” Zogby said. “What‘s unfortunate will speak from 4 Io 4:30 p.m. and that he doesn‘t o,et that he offended 311 stav until 5 p.m. xnic rommunily.“ The 1ie:ilth kiir xi11 fcaturr SO liusinwsw froiri throughour the In. Iml1:rripirc oilerins free scrccn. iiifi’.. inforrii;ilion. denionslr;ltinl\l;. .~i~~iiiii;~is;iiitl ~ii’c.:iiv:i\s for SP iiior; liifori1i:iiion: tiS7.22.i I B-? Thursday. May 5. 1998. THEPRESSENTAPRISE Another Republican lawmaker ! from Southern California said both Calven and his critics need to re- Continued from 8-1 evaluate their stands. American gmrnps for an apology, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher. R-Hun- . b He pledges to not make Calvert on Monday hued a one tington Beach, said that Slevin’s or ethnidty issue pmphstatement calling It “un- remark had been inselasiUve and 2:d race an in fortunate that any offense was that Calvert’sstatement wuld have his campaiw. taken’‘ by the remark. been more CtUetUUy worded. ]But. That further angered the groups he added, Arab-American groups B Clon Nlssanbaum and prompted Khoury to call for and Khoury have been oversensi- Tie Press-Enterprise Slevin’s dismissal. tive to the “oR-hand& COmmWIt” Rep. Ken Calvert Ad Wednesday he Saying “that’s my decision to by Calvert’s campaign mnxer. will not make race or ethnicity an Issue in make. not somebody else‘s.” Cal- “(Calvert) could have been a his re-election campaign. but he has no vert refused to fire Slevin. little bit more sympathetic when plans to apologize for remarks made by his At the same time, Calven said he some peopIe’s feelings were hurt mpaipn manager that were viewed as would not make race or ethnicity by his staffs commenb” Roh- irwnsitive. issues in his re-election bid. bacher said. “But on the other side, The Corona Republican also said he “i’m not going to talk about that when you’re playing rough and would not heed calls by his main primary in the campaign,” he said. ready politics. . .you can’t ewect . opponent to fire campaign manager Ed Calveti already brought up .such not to have your feeunsf hW I Slevin, who has been criticized for making issues, Khoury said. The thlrd Republican in the I race an issue two weeks ago. “The truth is in his actions. race, former police chaplain R.M. In discussing Republican opponent Joe which speak for themselves.“ he “COOL”Barela, also has questioned KhoUry’s financial base, Slevin noted that said. Khoury’s ethnic support base. the Lebanew-born UCR finance profes- James Zogby, president of the Khoury has denounced Barela’s sor‘s support has been “almcst entirely Arab American Institute, said he views, prompting Barela to CAIfor Arab American.” plam to continue to press for a an apology. After calls from Khoury and two Arab- direct apology from Calverr and Khoury said he has no pIW to Please see CALWERT, R-2 the Republican Party. apologize to Barela.

~ I - .- .Friday, May 15. 1998 - THE PRsssENTERPRlSE

.. -. ’

between incumbent, pms&ute B Dlon Nluanbaum fx, PressEnterprise ever having B sexual Republlcan congrdonal candidate Joe -Onship with tewlnslry or ask- Woury ulls week sought b equate hb I$$ anyone to lie. primary opponent, Republican Rep. KeZ 9‘1 8111 ashamed for my nation, Wvert, wlth Democratic President CUn- qd embmassed for my four ton by sayins in a campaign mailer that I daughters that men like BiU Qln- both men lack the mod character to be toh and Ken Calvert are the kind of American leaders. I role modeis we see in government In a letter sent to thousands of RepubU- ’ tdllay,” mote Khoury, who IS chal- cans and addresed to “Dear Friend,” lmghg Calvert for the time Khoury wrote of a l993 incident tn which i WOUr elections for the right to Calvert was stopped by Corona pollce in his ’ represent much of western River- car with a convicted prostitute. I stde County In Congress. Neither Calvert nor the woman w& ! meyhave shown bey lack the arrested and police said there was not ’1 I common decency, sense of right enough evidence that a crlme had been and wrong, concern for the truth committed. but the incident was used and respect for women that the against the congressman during his tight rest of us learned 8s children,” 1994 re-election bid. raioury stated. . The maliar evoked emotional responses Calve% a threetern Corona from recipients, some o! whom denounced R6publIcan, dcscribed the mailer Khoury for mudslinging. Riverside City Councilwoman Maureeg Kane. a Calvert supporter, said the lettq “turned her stomach.” “It still doesn’t say what (Khourjr believes in. He just wants to demo&$ Calve&“ Kane said. “It‘s gotten old.” Calling it “the most dimcult letter I’ve, ever wrltten,” Kh~urycompared MveQ andCUnton,who hasbeenworkingunder& cloud of allegations that he had a sexual, relationship with former White House Please see KHOURY, B-? !

wQMIy’S IStter. Calling it ’the most dlfficult letter I’ve ever written.“ Republlcan congressional candidate Joe Khoury sent a campalgn letter equaling Rep. Ken Calvert. R-Corona. wlth President Clinton. Khourysaid that both men lack the moral choracler lo be leaders. 51 ... I.....

T '5 +=' While many candiitcs speak about making a diffacnce. a cocgps.sional candidate aU. "Cook" Barela bas made 8 dflerence $4 by representing and saviag his comwity before bcal state and ;:a national legislators. Cook Banla is known for his ~0ntinUOu3 involvement in important community issues and br ha[ding individuals 8cCOUntabk for the positions of authority they have been entnrned with

CharrreteP., htegrity and does eouant h pmme stemiee "Character. Integrity, and honesty does count in public service and everyday life. 1 have trained pastors for Christian ministry and it's important we all do what is biblically right. That is what I Will take to Washington. '1 abhor mudsliiing and poldid assmlts that weaken the public's image ofour Amnican institutions. 1 lost two elections not because the other diewas better qualified, but baause the public was deceived and real issucs wen never debated. I will have nothing to do with tactics thdelude public confidence in the offic~I am seeking io represent. Holding elected officials accouniable for their actions or in-actions is what rcprcxntntion and leadership is all about. 1 have done that l~~allyand *.vi11 do so in Congress."

BULK RATE U.S. POSTAGE PAID COOK 1 The folJowing story written ten vears ago summarizes part O~COQ~BareJa's Me's story. It is reproduced here for your information as it appeared at that time.

(nulls RDbb s0n-in-h of Raidcnl Lyuh 8. Johnson. In Ihc aha e5~e.his 'Em' Ron Moore. fmm ManInm Beach took his pxC as nnchim-gunna on &un puol wisidc Da Nmg nnd mtr tunc W. 'Hc M tenlhac longer lhm mc nnd hc nluan told ine 'Nnu \uluniecr lor m!lhin&'* But on UUI puticubr warning Moorc gam his jxkct to ahe slccping %-& pickcd up Wb's M- MI and bta ~valkadinto the Ynkrth fmm which only one Maine suniml Lib \dcmu Imm thc na. Lhreh KldIO chc mlcs soMIhl disorinrted and discoungod Hunt yd &pcm for nork. liir first pb mmidc \\os goingdoor-tc+r selling ~ClOpcdi3S. Ancr his fim &!. Barn13 mudlo UIC ofioc cmpv-huldcd and nilh doubts ab0.11 his futurc. ~ICulcs mmager nmtc 3 quote on thc bl;lck$cwrd and told him IO nicinoruc 11' 'On UIC @ins or hcsiwiion lic ihc born of countlrrS millionr nlio. at thc &nn of vicion. Inid donn 10 ml. and mill&dlcd' Barcin acnt out Ihc nc\t &! 2nd sold his fim sa of cnc\clopcdi~r 'I kncti ikn llul I eould MC~swnc' hc chuck!r. For the iwu six nmnths B~rclasold enc)clopxius until 5igning up as J mnr +I! wih Ihc Frnno Slunll ocplnmt He dccidcd hc liked !an cnlomicnt 2nd in\ohcd hinisell in acridcnt tinwigation. ncnlull! pining thc Cciitd Tn8c Di\ision of tk Lor Aiigcls Palicc Dcplnn~ciil @.~rch said Iic Iwd a mllgious aaakmin& in 1Y75 JI thc li111c hi5 bruhcr itas dring of lnihcini~ Uircb M knmid 2s J C~IIOIICbut lud otasiowl c\w~~rcIO his siuc13 RntmtaI church- 'Slr uud io la nr ux hcr CIV dnng the WCL I wni IO chdrch on SUA\* b-ch u,s Irlud J xn,3 of JR-Jfll, tlut ~nrJa fcncm f~ii11 OI Yes, there is a Question of L~yralt)land lnte THE NEWS - THE PRESS ENTERPRISE AND 2HE CQNSER VATLVE VOICE WON'T PRINT!

.r Toe Khoum'sI ual CitizenshipI status, "Hr. is a clrimi of Lrbaliclli and ofrlir Unitrii Srarcs, he cait votr in rlcctioils in Lcbaiioii and it'hr waits to lie can ntn for yditical tlth irt Lrbatioli, Hc can liarc two or iiiorc pasywns. ifhr wants to. rhar's aII riglir with ILC Hc lias a Lcbanea Identification card. '' Lta All&$ WMrr ClmsULu tlllkr "I IMII~IW. iiiy Anirrican Pasycirt." ]or Kliotiry ar a caiididatc bnnn Joe Khouy on PAC firnds - "I don't reccive, nor one, not one, not one dollar of PAC moncy."

'I%c l'mth- According to thC Fcdcral Elcctions Commission records. Since 1982, Joseph Khoury has financially contributed to Arab PAC's and has received dmost exclusivdy PAC hds

ImIPJZ S1J100.(Nl cntrihuticm "I don't Weve ourfounding fathm deigned a . MORGAN COMPANIES POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE IMORGANPAC) government &at would allow for &e election of 'rmrcr:CORY N STKIJPP tt9lIJNI sz~fi.~wlrntriltuthm congemen who have a foot planted fbdy in two separate nations. aka all W~Kthat what &e war PHYSiClANS I"ERlNDEMNIIYIFED4'AC of was about)" caK&wu Tmulrm SAUHI M EL. FARRA m2. 9 L Duty and patriotism are not political words addedtothiscampaign. Coat BARELAhas fought for our counbV and has %"Ito prest3v-e the Americdn Values we all cherish.

'$IOU Bufu served wmbat duty in the Marine Cwps from 1966-1970. During the ibjjWac he served OR the fmnt line as a machine gunner, His fellow Marines $@wcrediihim wiM saving many dtheir IivesdurIflgfkKe batXlesaWhstbattleW =~~neseCommunIst-bainedNorthVleb~mesesddiw.Forhsmce hewas by his counby and the government of South Vietnam several ribbons and .. .. .,a: .. ' !!he UunbaE Action Nbb'n~,Presidential UnLCitation with two bronze stars, ..... c?"im Caps MeritocMus Unit Citation, Marine Good Conduct Mealal, National

;;p+?nSe Medal, Vletnsm S@wbMedal with t!me bronze ~QS,the Crw of MY CHM$TW CONSERF~T!?E&,.2 .,. . ,Gallanby Mentoribus Unit l.l&l, We Civlc ANon Meritorious Unlt medal and .fs Vletnam Campaign Medal. AIMEHC.4ATFMIL.Y V-XLWESMD -2 -. 6M I(mo* believes In pfaa and in a strong NaUonal Defenje. we must have WEWS AMSQLIDLYBASED ON E3m[litsry stmqti~befm we can have dfectiw diplomacy, that is the only fmwer IMrd wwld governments undentaRd. Today are nations like ' China some there THE BIBLICXL bq,Iran, Ubya, Lebanon, %a and other§ that howe tenwisl organiations who are experimenting with Molgllcal, chemical and nudear devices that threaten our f; f; national interestin the Middle East. Our US armed fmes are not ppotected, Woperly PRINCIPLES TMAT MADE OUR trained or equipped to deal with these new emerging terrorist threats. We must: COUNTRY GEAE 1. Rebuild cur National Defense 2. Wmmw our bDops fmm Bosnia CQQK BARELA 3. Ensure that American foreign inteere- American interest first 4. Trah khzd law enforcement officers on how to deal with domestic and interna- tional tencnd incidents

- ...... -- ...... > !,. .., . .., .-.. . -- . I. "\ .; . .,> ......

Res(mmrbiliti~dpublicoff~~aren'tsomethingnewtoCcoltRwma, hewaselected m be Bo3rd of Mucation of the lurupa UniAed Sshool District in 1985 where he senred as dcrk of the board and board president.

Sx Brnar lnboduced and was respmsible for over 46 new sdrwl Improvement Dotin, chanpes.

With tke SUpDat of his fellow xhcol board members, he was e!Wt or appointed mYsveonseveralIccal,county,stateandfedeml~basedorpani~t~.mere .~:"ptexcrcisedtheinaue~edasdrcs!boardmember, hiscommitmenttoeducation, i ;@Iintegrity and a mng sensed fiilresponsibili to lobby our state and federal ..,~~~k... fox kxal sdrod neecis. i!i :?R&UCA daos sizes with unqualifieci teachers is not going to OW needs." answer educational R.M. COOK BdREu representing wr i' Educatlmal needs In WashlnptMI, D.C. $1. Weneeda return tobaslc~led~tionalprograms. b'2. To pwidea safe beaming environment. fq3. mlnittedteachen. ,4. Motivatedstudents. : 5. AcCountabiliPV frmWool Adminisbtors 5. AccwnebilitV from XWhard Membes iy *.:a r

i_ id {Q

, The foundatjon of American family values and human relationships begin at home. America's greatest wealth remains in its family structure.

I Today, we pay the highest taxes ever demanded from families in our nation's history. Both partners must work just to make ends meet and we pay almost 40°/o of our wages in tam. This is one of the reasons family time has suffered. Commitment to 0ur families. religious beliefs. Whcols and civic responsibilities has taken a backseat to meehng these financial needs. We becanie so buw making a living, we begin to toIeIiib2 celtain level5 of SOClal immOral practices, which haw no" filtered into and are desfroying our family structure5 from within.

No leaders in Congress, today. are activelv =king a real reduction in the amount of taxes we pay. As your congressman I can assure YOU lhat this will one of niy prioritiff. n. be YES Prop. 219 Stops the use of -Ballot Box Hlackmail' by politi. cians and will guarantee benefits ofall ballot measures will be provid- ed fairly and equally to the people of mry community in Olifornia. regardless of how that county voted on the measure It would eliini. nace !he use of words which give the voter no choice but to vote for the measure It would maintain the democratic process and integrity of the initiative qwm. - ZOProvides for consoliQtion of superior and munic- ipal COUN in county upon appronl by a majority of county's superior and municipal iudgcs. This measure would do away with the munici. pal couri and there would be one single superior coun instead. Municipal judges would automaticallywithout review of their qualifi- cations be promoted to superior coun iudges. ~QP*221 This measure give the California Commission on ludidal Performance dwetionary authority to oversee and disci- pline coun commissioners and referees according to the same stan- dads as iudges Present1 they are subject to the oversight and dixi- Dline of the Residing iu&es of 1-1 couns whose cases they hear. IEi is a positive step towards judicial reform. RoP*222 Keeps murderen behind bars longer with no early release. This measure provides pcmns convicted of murder to no longer be eligible to receive nediu for good conduct or panicipa. On chr: right is R.M. Cook Barela. .6Jd Congmsionsl Diarin d&C. tion in work os education programs that reduce the time they musl with Phyllis Schlally. Prcsickru of Eagle FOW. and stay in prison. Also. provides second degree murder of peace of@ Lou SheldanoCthe Traditional Valucs Coalition on ~UFJpunihabie by life in prison withouc parole where aggravatmg fanon are present. No prop. z2Authored by the LA Unified Teachers Union this measure mean3 that School diuicu could spend no more that 5 per- The highestgloy afthe cent on cenmi administrative CMU7he remaining monq, at least 95 putcsrl of total funds. would have to be spent on direct se~ces10 sIUden& schahool rite employca and school facilities. Disuicu not in compliance will be fined as much u $175 per student. This money is thm &uibuted throughout the state Since smaller school districts will find it most difficult to comply, the largcr districts will be the real bmdiciuia of thi musure this: it united in one No bop. 224 mi measure was funded and sponsored by atate bureaucrats mostly Cal-Trans cmployca to ensure they would get che bulk of $tauooncranr and CUI out private engineeringcontrac- COR Wi proposition increases the state bureaucracy and will cost ~dx- payen in higher (axa This measure is decidedly slanted in favor of public m layca and dilcoura a private conuacting. This will most directly a&c~highway, horpitafand school coruuuaion and earth- quake rrtrofiu mi measure is oppoxd by the California Chamher ofCommerce League ofcities. and the California Taxpayerr Am. .- - NO prop. 225 This measure would direct htemben of the California Lqidature and Members of Congress from Cdifornia to vote for pasuge of an amendment to the United States Constitution to limit United States Senaton to no more than two terms (11 years) - and United States RrprcsentativPs to no more than three terms (G John Quincv Adarns years). If any candidate for either house of the LWlature or for CongrPfsdoa not suppon the proposed amendnlent. the ballot would indicate that fact. hlthouRlr'I\'C suppons limn I.imits. this measure opens the door for all kinds oi ballot indlcdtions. as Prop. 226 This is the most imporianl measure on lhls ballof!\Vi11 stop unions lioni ruriding liI~~~r.~lpolititians with the unlimited colfen oltheir rii~ploycrsdues. Itcqulres ccriployer's or union member's written perniisrion io withhold \cages or union dun for political contributions. Also. prohihits lorcign national contribu- lions to mte and local r~ndid3tes.

YES Prop- 227 ~uquircsriu~~r wit11imitc~ liiifiiisli vruli. ciciiry bc tauplii~ri~pcrijl cl,~ssrs iirtiig iinglirli iiiiiiimioii I~YII. lllqurr IllStcJdol the hl.llllpuJl 'I,i\,C, t.ti,)$it IIICIIIV 111 SpJlllslI. It docs ~ivrihr pxma the riplit IO opi rur IIJ~IIIIIII.I~tu-l~i~gt~.d CIJSWS tor thcir cllrldrcn 11 thrv Ire1 it is IWC~S.IIV IIN c~ld itwilt ~I~~sII~xIIS I riglisli lilrraiv .II d1 J~CS. Barela, continued from Page 2 Soniciiincs just luving soniconc school dcgrcc. and law attendcd rccogniic tlicir ciistcna is cnougli Tor Ccmtos Collcgc nnd East Lor Angclcs ;I kid IO clungc.' hc wys Junior Collcgc. Hc holds lirctimc &rcIds wok xs D clwplnin 2nd lcnurcr tc;lchcfs crcdEntials for drtrc.fr training Ius conic in h~i@at Uic Sunnyslopc aid administnlioii of justicc. Communi!? Church i\~hcre hc Ius Wia 6prinG brcb intcnds to cnmll at rmcntl? 3cccplcd the position 01 RCC IO complctc requircmcnts lor a intaini @or. Hc will continac 10 &gm in admidmtion of jwiDc. xnc thm until D rull-timc plstor un brch sqs he mynvitch to politiul bc scad. scicw lalcr. Amid the ha\? &ma& on his timc is A or the who01 or hud u EarcWr lop primt?.-$imC nith his uifc Bmla sq-s wbtnrr succus he amins or io yon. Ma~lu.and their fisc is due Io nnking Ur m021 OS cvw dauglnm: Rmdinh Chriah 9: SaJh opportunity md Wnghis bounty uith Jak7: Debomh Diylltr. B: Janmh ahax Bemicc. 4: and Amah Uvhxh 2. He 'Soon you'll find clal you iue aIu'a13 SI aka has tuu SONfmm n pmious thc rigid placc 81 chc ri& timc" he myri;lgc Troy. 20. d hlly 15. Sl33. Ihughm Rebdwh povidcd chc somehow Bmh finds cimc lor a few inrpintion for Bych Io xxk ollice on hobbicrg~lf.phacognphy and wiling Ihc xhool bard. Her pmr chssmom Hi ~~ is mostly color LNI pmhmuuc allcr the famiffs mmc to ocusionauy hc has taken bLxk and JUN~co~cmcd &I&. and Y hc whitc pinlr which i~rcsubsequently narlred IO hclp hcf impmc. hc bcpn plldlad by the Arrocialcd hcn. to re things hc \\adlo changc in Ihc Banh is an mid wntcr. hing ¬ disuici whcn his ompoign plMished sercnl anicln on lcnoripn bcgan hc b3d n lis! of 49 cbnga hc andrcligion. \1IIIcd IO nukc-2Cl of which hatr hccn doacorarcbcingdonc.n~s&rcia. Topping his list for chc ncu ?car is mcry or thc Icgislali\r issucs uhich nil1 hn-c an inipocl on Ihe Jump Unilii School Diruict It's a complex jOa he %I!% IO gnsp somc 70 spending Ullr pcndmg in UIC wtc Icgishturc. ach of which \\wid changc incoinc in Ihc *I diprin, Hc is nlx, corn& with dc '\ultun: s!uqn' or wudcnc fliccmcnt which CIKOU~~CS lrtrins IO mb otbcr districts 01 wudcnts in lhcir aucii&ncc "'fie Republican leadership in Congress, must reflect the values and views aru in order to pin Ihc supplcnicnlal majority IOIC ioccmc. of the of American families, otherwise we are leading where brch wppons cityhmd for lurupl but no one is following." UXJK BARELA .. his pmotul poliliul mibitions go IiigJm. If hc anmaster thc Icgislaivc is- hc u)s. IC hops IO run for SLIIC or lcdcral otficc ancr his rclircnicnl rmlll thc LAW after nnoihcr tlrm >Un. ThU WJ! Iic could coibiiic his arwl~tialskills. liis upit? IO find conipmniirc 2nd his dcwrc 10 hclp pcoplc IO pmducc 'thc utmost posilivc cITm for cvcr?onc.' At thc wnic linlc lic is improving mhrJtion Tor aherr. &rch has bccn norking IO ciliwnm his onn cducation. Whilc tn tbc Mannc Corps. Bnrch oMnincd :I C E.D. cqui\~lcnl10 it high Congressional Priorities: Educational reform, As a former school board member, Cook understands real Educational neds. Seek the Reduction of all taxes paid; support a simple one page IRS tax fonn. Pay off our National Debt, The national debt today, $5,548,018,308,389.50, Your share: $20,755.73. Eliminate criminal plea bargaining on serious felonies, drug sales & possession. Seek Higher Educatjon tax credit; make provisions for IW-type Education Savings Account. Provide opportunity for a secured retired system. 100% tax dedumon for preventive health care needs. Higher tax deducttons for families filing Protect traditional Family values THE AMCRlUN HOM630NT PAGE ;

_... , .:= .. A- , :.;: .'f .. , :. TIIEPRESS ENTERPRISE ...... _... A1 Gore's Arab Moneyman ...-. .. -. i.- _> Reported on April 30, 199%that two Arab

...-. ~. American leaders were demanding an :.-_. ...a. j apology for what they called as anti-Arab .-, l.> remarks, however the public was never informed on just who those organization leaders speaking in defends ofJoe Khoury were. (;alincl urcd hi* Iiiisiiliiin :is a lnundrr and chcculive cnmrnitlcc incmlicr iil a The Arab Campaign Connection - !!:riri-suppnncil niinprnlil. lhc prn-Syrian American 7'141 Forcc fur LrBanini (ATFI.). Io lokb) Coiigrcss and llic adiiiinislnlioii IO ha\c Ilic IrJ\cI Continued lion1 Section Ironr l'isu "E" lun lificd. In ilus acU\il! Iic niis aidcd b! Zogby. nho %KCS niih Gbriel on thc KTFI. board. ji~lIS Gibric! scn'cd on llic covgordof Zo&&Al;lb Aiiicnc;tii Iiirriliilc. hluii~~hilc.Abiiioudi. 1%110 licads llic i\iiicrican Muslini Cuuiicil llwl niis iiirilcd IO lhc \Vliiic House by Ililla~Rodham Clinlon during ihc Muslllil Eld As Caiwe Cidy. cscculivc dircclor of llic ATFL and one of Gabriel's bigcsi holi&ys. IEIS bxii raisins funds for "chnnwblc" orgIiimlions \V\(IOSC bniichcs in supponcrs. told TAS: "Ed Gatnicl has kii vcn iiislrunicnsl oii Ihc trawl bilii CUI and Ihc \Vcs! BJ nk ucrc closcd donn in lalc Scplcnikr by IIOIIC olhcr Ilwn Hc raiscd this a1 cvcn opponunii!. including during iiicclin!$ \wh Vice .ArJfal. 'The PLO chairman IICCUW~ lhcm ut'w(ipartinp Ihe mililrn eini: Id Ius Pmidciii iuri~hResident Cliitton" Cody ivcm wcn funhcr: 'Gabncl 15 Hamax. lhc rJdical Ishniic pup llwl has claiiitcd rcspollsibilily lor rCCCiil (inre aid king supponcd in iliis iioniimlioii las ambilswdor MomccoJby Gorc. lie wicidc bombings in Isncl. Zncby. Cabrid. and Alamnudi MI iogclhcr on Ik IO has an csccllciil rclalionsliip with the VP and wilh lhc praidcnl.' Thoup,li Cod\. SCnp. comniincc of Anb Amcricms lor CliiildGorc "Jf8 and frcqucnlly personally rmllcd paying llirce YisiI.5 10 lhc Whik Housc with Zngby and appear a funnioiis 0rg;Uilrcd b? Zogbx's Anb Amcriwn IIISIIIUIC. Gabriel. olhcr sources lcll TAS tlial Gbricl lo& in IO risil ihc vim prnidcnt ai llr Wliilc Houx fcwr illan wcnlccn lima. Ycilhcr IIY vice oresidcnl's Giim !hoc connections. (inc could cady suspccl lllc pm-lsncli lob? Ol no oflicc nor lhc Wliilc Houx Counxl's oflicc would rawnd IO alionc a&i Iccking IO ubotagc Gabricl's nomimion. Not only has ciabricl supponcd ndiul au Gm.his fundraising activilics. or his business and lobbying .\I& QWS. bui if confirnicd \vould SCKC in a niodcnlc Arab counln \\hose aaivilics. dcspilc rcffalcd raquais. der. King Haswn II long been an "hones1 bmkcr' klrvetn lsncl atid ils Nor ivwld lcy aulhorizc (hbricl io . has conimcnl bclorc his noniiiwlioii Iimring. ?\nb nei&bon and pmlncd Momcco's Jctvish communlr?. G-dbricl's ATFL Ius rcccivcd lwo Ennls from Ihc Clinton adminisiraiioii. TAS \ins ilrll tipped onlo Gbricl by an aiionynlous soum nho wllcd scrcrd sI(w).o from dic Agcnq lor Iiiicnwiioml Dc\zlopmcnc in 1993 I- d@r &rorc Gabriel's nosumion kmcpublic ho\vlcdgc. Chiming 10 be a mnfclrna? on Lcbanon. aiidanothcr IZS.(HNJ in 1'195 IO conduct 8 svmmiurn on forma DNC ciiiploycc. ~hcwllcr -mad+? &Oiled pllcptions about Gabricl's Lcb;lnon's umUI nwrkcts - a lopic of gal inlcrcn IO Hariri, vlio has sindc- aclivitiu as a f undnirr lor Clinton-Gorc and tics 10 lomicr Ewgy Sccrelsn. I_wndcdlr flmicd scrrral hundrcd million dollin in Lcbune;; iuurcmmcnt bonds Had OLcar). and Via Pmidcnl Gorc. his bigcsl tnckcr ill lhc Wliitc AI on IhC InIC.IwUONI markc1 10 sunwn his cofiSINclion MOlecIs Hour. Noiic oi lllc Po-lsncli organlwtions and lobb?isis nc coilwclcd \\as aiiarc of tiabncl's pnding iiomimlioii. nor &d aiiy have hiin 011 their radar rnxn.

In subqucnl convcmlions. thc anonymous 'fomcr DNC cmploycc' awd that @bricl mcd asendoil for WniLuien conlribulions IO thc DNC from Arab busincssmcn in Saudi Ambia. Lchnoh ziiJ Svria. llic sourcc cbmied lkc funds ucrc solicilcd bv Gabriel. and occ;lsion~llvhv Zoebv. and wrc dcl,auited into accounl!i cnnlrnllcd hv ZoChVr Ar%hAmerican Inwilt!&!. vhich then pxid OUIllic iiionws 10 Arab Anl,mc;lns who could Icpll? contribute 10 Ihc samplip. Wicr arc pcoplc who havc no rcsourccs. who are no1 on the bard of mv org;mv;ltioii.' lhc soulcc wid abul 111eu: nominal donors. Ilq SCIIIin clicdcr ol S1.~1lUl.ES.0001. awsionall? S111.1110. bul nncr morc. Wc'rc talking abul sc\cnI hundrcd Iliouwnd dollars in soh and hard moncv.'

According IO FEC mordr. Cabricl. Zochy. and bard iiicnikrs ol such groups as Ihc Ardh American lnxtihrtc conlrihutcd marc lhan 5180.01Il1 to Democratic cnmpaipnu durinp. the I995-19Y6 c?clc. IOlhcr AAI nicmtcrs conlnbulcd IO ArJ&Anrkm Rcvublican andilrcs.I But iloiir source Im ius1 Ihc nioncv ihai 3pmm on lcsurfacc.is corn.

111 tclcplionc ii~~cn'icwsZogby admitted IO baviiig solicilcd nionc) lor his innilulc lroni Asrb bur~ircssiiic~r.bill dciacd scning as a COnduil for donlions 10 Ilic DNC. 'Our PAC docs 1101 suppon Dcniocnlic CJUY'S. It suppns Anb Amcnwii oii&&lcs. bo111Dcmocr~ls and Rcplbliuns.' he uid In a lcllcr IO lhc Sepmikr 211 \vashin#on Tiiiics. Iic wllcd allcpiions 1ha1 Iic itas lunncling

iorcigi Adb iiioiicv iiiio ihc Cliiilon-Gorc wiiipligi 'anu-Anb bigoin I' Tlicrc arc ArJb busiiicssincn \vho hvc conmbutcd IOllic insiilulc -.~Iwl's INC.' hc told TAS. 'UUI ~hcrc\vas no nionqfor-hvors. Tlla's an unfair ~I~~C~IIOII. kcauw: 11's JUSI 1101INC. Iso IO Saudi Anb;a. Yumcn. Kuwall. Lchnon. ihc \VCSI Bank rcwdxh .And lhcrc :ire -DIT o\cr lhcrc who hlw coiilnbulcd 11u1 I Iwrcn'l gonc llicrc sIx.ciliwIIv IO rolicir coiilnbutions *

1h11 'ZntIi? clcdrly uwnr in be hidint rnmrfhine llirce III~I~Suc t1c111 10 111s ullicn IO wqucsc :I cop) of his IIISIIIUIC'S ti\ ioriiis -.as i tionprolil Croup II IS rcquircd b, kit+ IO IIIACiliciii ;i\;stiblc oii 11) prcniiscs .-did ciiuli IIIIIC Logb! rciud lo slto v ilicin IO US hgbv cI:iiiiis 111s iiis~ilulcolr.nlcs nit .I S7IXl.IIiWI iiiii~ulInidget. IWI~Iic -i"r!i!cr_ll,Nc"..riii~o~~~.". LI !iU <;Illcd .II\ .x!iL&I\I di~Ilcrl.~l~e~q~l~~~_~~tl$~_~iitll~on IU I*JM \Vlihoui Ihc la, lornls. \!Iiicli Logb\ has dlcg~ll~nttliln.ld llicrc is no ui) I o aklcniiiiic !tho IS IcIIuig Ihc l~lhAI Icasl lhrrr cmgrcrrionnl cnmmillrr%arc niin iinrrliealint (hhrirl 2nd %%h? atid tlir p.d~iIii~101an "Arnhtalc" ill lhc I)\('

11 iurm WI ih:ii I;.tlx~l.itid /oglx'\ aiimi dslcrniind <'II~IIIIC\.IIC uo1 .\ii~cr~:ut leu\. lhit l.~~,,,~,c.:\,~,c,,~~,,,, 011icrO op~xwdit) S\rc.i'~ IIIKII ~ki1w1#01101 I.cLuiio~i.id tlic \I \'\ .I~c~~~.IIIC~LII (hi, \I.IIC 01 .i11.111\ I .I\! JuI) Ill! ittg rllllrt ,111 IS.h.ll1 <-IlllC \~l~.~~l~'~~~~i~~~llC~ I cklncw glrcIlllllCIII ,)I I~,III,I,L,,,C It:,li; ll.,r,rl llllid ,I\ 11.111 (111 lKl\Cl III khmwt <;.~l,rirliliitl /mgltj id+rd crttiral nilrr m iht, rllw7 111s IIIIIII?. tnc:ii~I' i I>UWCW1, 111,11 itw1,) III\C\I IO ptqcLi, i~wrr~lkrlh! lt.ir!li .iid hi\ S.llld1 .IIU i\,,.,,, p,rl,,,'l\ Prws Release. response IO Press Enterprise news dcle "Calvert's fund-raising bill brings partism sniping."

Press Enterprise, February 27,1998 Editor Press Enterprise,

Just a bunch offluff and background noise accompanied Mr. Calvert's fund-raising bill, says congressional candidate Cook .._- Barela.

Over a month ago I shared with Congressman Ken Calvert that I supported his bill @I.R. 2866, which would not go into effect until 1999), but would include that a candidate should only be allowed to receive 50 % of their campaign funds ftom local citizens within his district and the rest from residents within the state. That concept was not considered in Mr. Calvert's bill and if he was serious it would have included more then just the nine original co-sponsors and would .lave called for the elimination of all PAC's campaign contributions as well. A simple one dollat per registered voter in a congressional district for campaign expenditure should be a sufficient amount of campaign expenditure by a congressional candidate. is .I*.-.- ...... ::s: ~.3 It's obvious that out-of-state and PAC's money interferes with the rights of voters to select their own officials. The constitutional principles of one-person-one-vote and election "by the people" are offended by the spending of campaign money that is raised out-of-state from persons who do not have the right to vote in the election. These cash constituents from afar are affecting, in many cases decisively, who ends up representing "the people" of the district or state conducting the election.

Questionable is where hnds from other states originate. Outside the state contributions should require full disclosure, a concept also not included in Mr. Calvert's bill. The framers of the constitution seemed to have had in mind that Congressional Representatives were to represent their state, not just their district (found in original wording of the Constitution Article I, Section 2, Apporlionment of Representatives and Direct Taxes). I don't oppose fimds raised from within a representatives state.

However, the ClintodGore Campaign Finance Abuse investigation reveals some presidential campaign contributions originated in China, or as in a recent GOP investigation from Hong Kong, other hnds associated with the President seem to have come from other foreign sources. Such contributions makes the voice of other nations just as equal if not more powerfbl a contributing factor on who is elected to office. and because ofthis the local vote and influence is bypassed

The 17th Amendment was adopted in 1913 to provide for the election of U S. Senators "by the people" of"each State " Its purpose was to break the political stranglehold of corporations over the 11 S Senate by renioving from state lcgislalors the power to appoint Senators, that political stronghold via PAC's and outside finding still governs in the election of today's Congressman.

Senator Joseph Bristow, author ofthe 17th Amendment, declared that the "great financial and industrial institutions" were using their power "in a most reprehensible and scandalous maruler," spending "enormous amounts of money in csrmpting legislatures to elect to the Senate men of their own choosing." Standing OQ the Senate floor in 191 1, he asked: "Shall the people of this country be given an opportunity to elect their own Senators, or have them chosen by legislatures that are controlled by influences that do not many times reside within the State that those Senators are supposed to represent?" It is a question that needs to be echoed in today's congressional ram.

I question a candidate's allegiance that owes their offices to outside financial contributors, because they would have no obligation to the people of their district or state. Out of Sta:e fkd raising diminishes the independent representation of the people of each state and exacerbates the political neglect of the home-state poor by making elected oficials more accountable to Political action Groups or the national interests ofwealthy groups and industries, such groups may also have middle East or communist countries connections, such as China or Libya, where we know Maj. Gen. Mu'ammar al-Qadhafi has tried to influenced American politics through financially supporting individuals like Muslim leader Louis Farrakhan.

While Polls show the public is fed up with the current system, it seems like its going to have PO take a big scandal, where members of Congress face investigation or prosecution, to force legislative action in this area, until then it is all just fluff, background noise placed there to entertain the public.

COOK BARELA 5974 Palencia Drive Riverside, CA. 92509 909-361 -1 802, 1-800 706-VOTE FAX 1-909- 361-0720 FOR CONGRESS 5974 PALENCIA DRlVE RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92509 909-361-1 802

APRn21,1998 Dear Mr. Luke Clark Once again I have been excluded fmm pvticipOtion in a story involving congressional candidates of the 43d district. I had witten Mr. Dion Nissenbum abut !his and attached a note for of this concern some time ago, but the practice continues without abatement

I don't understand why the pbess Enterprise has chosen not to print any of my press pel ease^, campaign meetings and or fund raising activities. This is not what I would expect from a newspaper seeking nratiorid recognition.

Today's anicle does not even mention me as a candidate for congress. Gsantedthat I nas not a candidate prior to the last financial reporting period but a simple statement to that effect wouId have hen appreciated

1 believe the public has a right to know that information and while I did not began any fund raising until I was oftitially on the ballot, a11 ofthe funcis I have so far received ha~ebeen giined fmm wit hi^ the 4P congressional district, but I \vas never contacted about this nor given an oppaftunity to respond I believe the fact that all of my funds have wine from within the district is important and pari of the subject matter covered in the story.

The fact that none of the campaign funds have been used to pay for the salaries for P politicii consultant or for the salaries of individuals working on my campaign. is another imporiant item of possible interest to the conmiunity about a congressional candimte.

That I was not given the opportunity IO respond to the financial contributions or the professional consultations and mcial concern of the other two candidates was not right. It \vas not fair political reporting and contrary to American libenies we should be able to enjoy as an informed public. I believe as a qualified candidate for congress I desewed at least the courtq of the opportunity to respond.

Had 1 bncontacted 1 might have mentioned that. " I also am concerned Uut 85% of the funds Mr. Khoun has received come from individuals with origins in the Middle East and there is no way of vctifying that they are indeed American citizens.

Caninn. to what bfr. Khouy h3s said the fact that lhe wst majOrip of his contribtors are hbsan be verified via the FEC documents which are also availablc \:ia the internet at litt~://\viv~v.tciy.coni/fecwcb/ lo'JX/caiidnioitsc/I~/~CAnllo? I .him

Or wc can go direct to thc contribuiors siic 31 I!&p/lwn\\\ I~J~.c~I~C~\~II~",X~I!~C.C~~~'"

Whilc Mr. Klioun funhcr statcd [kit he has rcccivcd no pck moncy. llic FEC reveals \hat he h;ls indccd rcccicvcd hnds from a PAC. llic "ARAB AMERICAN LEADERSHlP POLITICAL ACTION COMMl~E"."PAC/Olali~cd-(hi~licrlimit)". in Nomiibcr or 1997. But he did not rcporl it as a P.4c contribiition.

Tlic nlaitr silc Tor this inforni;l[toii is localcd ;I[ h!I~~/il\\\\\.l.r:i!~~n~~~c!~~l~!l~~~!.c~~c-~~~t-~~~1!Im And is availehlc lo anyonc \visliing to scc nherc ;lnd nlio IS contributin!: 10 \vlioni in this ncc. Had 1 as a Hispanic, reported that 85% of my campaign contributors were Hispanics or Mexicans, 1 would have been ctucified and my integrity as to whom am I going to repestnt in con- questioned. I would have questioned who I was representin& Not of this is true concerning my apntributars.

Had I been conraaed I might have also mentioned that Mr. KROury can also enjoy duel citizens hi^ that means that since he is a forma citizen hmLebanon, he has hat oppormnity available to him to retain chiel citizenship lights.

Duel Citizaship is a concern of mine that I have adQessed in some ofspeeches and comunicationg especially once Mexia, allowed duel Citizenship rights this year.

These are not racii but legitimate American concerns, that others that already a- in a number of news articles, for example they can te found in the following news articles,

n\e Wall Street Journal Intenctive Edition -March 25, 1998, htal Citizenship Stin Debate: Is It a Double-Ekiged Sword? By G. PASCAL ZACHARY,StaKReporter of TBE WALL STREET JOURNAL

The Wall Street Journal Interactive Edition - March 18,1998, Edit Page Features. Dual Citizens, Goad Americans By PETER H. SCHUCK and PETER J. SPIRO

Id Los Aneeles Times, Monday, April 6,1998, CQLWONE, Pledging Multiple Allegiances, A global blurring of boundaries challenges notions of natiod!y. U.S. analysts worry about a rise in dual citizenships of convenience. By MARK FREZ, Times SMWriter Are among the most recent articles &ling with this problem. Where American elected oFlicials represent their native countries concerns in the United States. (INSERT FROM THE TLMES ARTCLE):

Galtiis, asked whether he could represent his Hackensack constituents whhile splitting time in Colombia, said he would have been like a U.S. congressman with an office in his district and one in Washington. In each place, he said, "I would be representing the Colombians in the Wted States" The U.S. State Department reserves the right to revoke the citizenship of Americans rhovote in foreign elections. seek a foreign citizenship or run for foreign oflice, yet almost never does. DuMg the last 30 years, the couTts have sharply limited the State Department's ability to revoke citizenship, except in the case of the occasional Nazi war criminals who seem to surface on a regular basis. In recent years, in fact. the rules have made it easier for peopie who dodged the Vietnam War by fleeing to Canada to come home and resume their citizenship. By 1994, the U.S. mles had been liheralized to the point where even Winston Churchill, rho had an American mother, could easily claim U.S. citizenship if he were alive today. Some other eramples of tacit U.S. support for dual citizenship: e Last year, when Seerrtar?. of State Madeleine Albright announced an end to a decadeold ban on U.S. travel to Lebanon. shc hererred to the hardship the ban was causing lo thousands of Americans with dnal Lebancsc citizenship. e 's Marriott Rotcl ant1 Casino is run by a man with U.S. and Lcbanesc citizenship. * Also last year. thc U.S. Sute Dcpxmcnt and Slovakia rescindcd an old UCIV. tlicrcby enahling "thc citizcns of both countries to hold dual citizenship." tlic Slovak Enibasy in Washington said TWOycan ago. Washington protested when lsracl threatened to revoke thc rcsidmcy riEhts of Palestinian Americans in Jcrusalrrn unless they surrendered thcir American passports. In that cast. the U.S. was in cfktacting lo protwr dual dlqianrcs. . 0 nlc Sutc Dcprlnicnt wid tlut as far as it antcll. llussein Mohammed Aitlitl. a U.S. nl:trinr Corps veteran. is still a natrir;ilirrd American citizen as well ;IS Somalia's most pwrrful w;irIiiril When a congressional candidate such as Mr. Khoqobtains the majority of his funds from Arab Anicricans the majority of which do not live in the district, who he will aepresPnl in congcss should be ;1 concern of all Americans. Who's interest will he be voting for?

%is is not a racial question as Mr. Khoury would have us believe, I am of Hispanic origin, my family members Barela fought on the union si& during the civil war, I am a pudAmericaq have fought for my country my loyalty to my county is evident from my service to it at time of war.

Mr. Khoury moved into this district to run for congress and he has contriited nothing to our comunities. What happened to the time when we elected people to qwntus that refl&ed our local vahm and who had contributed to our communities, who were known to us and could be busted lo represent OUT interest? At times in this race I fix1 that I an running against four different people, the hvo Ed's and the two declared candidates.

Who am I in this race against') Is it Mr. la Khoury or EdRollins, is it Mr. Ken Calvert I am Wng to unseat or Ed Slevin?

Who are we electing to office? Mr. Rollins and Mr. Slevin? 1 would have appmiated an opportunity IO responQ

Cook Barela ..

... May 5,1998 Hispanics can skip voting this June, The Press Enterprise ignores them anyways, says congressional Candidate, RM. Cook Barela, in a press release, released to the Associated Press and Hispanic radio and television stations across America.

Ri\2eni&, CA --Nispmic Americans OM@ 10 slay home nexl election Their MLes will no1 be iIIf0mIed votes if the Prw Enlaprise in Rivedde has say so or not. Last Jaiuary RM.Cook Barela, a Hispanic hetican, Vietnam Veferaq retired Police Officer and Chaplai an ordained Christh Pastor and bomer Sclrool Board member qualied for che 43"' cungresioml ballot in Riverside, county. He qwlifined Ute old fashion way by seeking QU~signatures instead of paying the full filing fee as n&t candidates do.

To Urc initation of Ib Republican p;utY lie refuscs Lo nilme the Republimns and finlocrals Ih;u supP0n him in California's new blanket primyy. Barela calls such practices, *The AiTirinative Action of politics." "lI I can't mid on my own merit and nccomplishwtts, why do I need someone else M sip;I little slip of paper thl says thcy Iluilk I ani ok nry ONTI achiwenients and qualificaiions. spk for thm!~!!:':'~." He irritates both llic Republicans mid sonic Dcnrocr~ps.by saying Chal it will be Lkniocrals (1131 Itill b electing chc ncxi Rcpublicm congrcsn~cnfrom Uis disUi~.

'Ifilic dcmocrdtic candidalc in llus mcc ren\cnrbcn to vole for liniselllie will bc Iris party's noniiirec. sincc llis is a Republican disvia clic voting public un cl~cngo Christmas shopping in June. ThG rill i~nuallybc able IO finally vote across put!' lines for die candidate or UIC~choice. Bclorc. once (11c Republican prinlary \vas over. Chq hnd no clioicc and ind io scrtlc for Ihe w.didatc Ihc Republican PA?. chose. Caliromia's nc\v blanket prinlary will givc Uicm tlut choice ad 1 mi Urc only Republican Ual enjoys strong biparusan suppart bccausc 1 bavc contribulcd so much IO Urc communitics. I hvc scmd."

l3ut Cook Barela's voice rcnains silcnl in newsprint. Thc Pivcrsidc Prcss Enlcrpnsc and 3 locut Rcpublican conrrvalivc ncwsyper Lvc refused lo aiiirouncc his caiicfidaq inuch lcss prinl many ol'ltIs s@irig crrggeniciits and xtivilics. Ilic Conxmalivc Voicc CSCII rchuscd 10 print a lull pgc olorcd alcfliiscnlcnl bcciux llic PR firm Uut owns the ncwspapcr has bcxn lrircd by ;I un$&tc opposing Mr. Uarclu llic Ad ;ipp:irs iii 111chick pigc of this nioriths C4tristi;tti Ttmcs 1 am beginning to think btthe Press Enterprise has systematidly excluded my campaign and the political issues I have raid in chis race because I am a Hispank American, buseI am a Conservative Republican Umt does not mingle with the higher ups in the Republican circles and becaw 1 am a Chrish n~sterchat is against everything the libel navspper, the Ress Enterprise supports.

No greater evidence of (his is visible then in the lack of news coverage the paper has given my auiiiiaign. from its hilure to announce my candicb~and failing to contact me for statements on issues of importancx to congressional representation.

Otlier evidence ofthis bias encounter and selective as well as negative reporting is also found in the two stories printed last week in Uie Press Enterprise.

"Tlic sloties wre vcry damaging news stories about me and I ws never contacted nor given the opportunity to respond to some wry serious shbwrem;uks made a by another congressional candidate against me." Later, my Written response were also ignored and not pblihed in the Press Entaprise.

,I ...: =: While the Press Enterprise myenjoy the rights and freedoms I fought to preserve, This freedom is not , %:> i .i; unlincted No man, foreign citizen or native born and no newspper has the right to slander another mW .. nor do tlie laws of this nation and sate allow Mr. Khoury and die Press Enterprise to do so...... - .. .. Freedom of the press means the liberty to publish, but it does not mean liberty to publish slanderous and , ...- ._. .. libelous statenients when the person to wbom they were directed to, is not given the oppo&ly lo respond ._..i ..... to Uiose charges. However this is what the press Enterprise did to me last week (twice) and 1 am now denmding a wrinen apology and a fuIl opponunity lo respond to those charges...... ~. .. I wasn't given Uie opportunity to respond to those slanderous slatenients, on that story nor on fie story that ran the day before where I was not contacted aid where some very damaging information was printed that ... _...... - could Iwve becn clarified had I been conlacted...... - I don't believe that I am being treated as equal by the Press Enterprise as the otlier candidates. of the 13 press release 1 have issues and functions where Uie press have been invited none of Uiem have been covered nor have niy scheduled speaking engagements publislied until I complained

1 believe this recks of very bias and now what appears to be prcju&ce reporting. and it is widlout escuse. When I ran for State Assembly the Press enterprise crucfied me with sonic vev negative press covenge on issues Uiat were later found lo be unfounded they published a full story because I was receiving supporl from an outside conservative organiwlio&yet here Mr. Khoury llas dune the same Lhjng from a Per?. sclccted group of individuals that enjoy dual citizenship with him in Lebanon but Uie press has not covered those issues, that 1 brought to the attention of the press on April 21. The comection of the Arab organizations supporting Mr, Khoury's is B matler of serious public importance, as those organizations cenainly do not reflect suppon for American views and interest in the Middle East.

On Uus issue, w!ien 1 would not slate anything Unt could be conslmed as racist Uic Press Enterprisc F.e\sS rcponcr hung up on nie. All Uus is without excuse from a newspaper wing to win national acclaim.

I an1 now. dcmidbig a writlen apology for publislung sucli a slanderous statcnicnt about mc. wllcrc 1 \vas not given Uic opponunity to respond aid for publisliing a story abou~a court scttlciltent al~crcagiil I was not givcn UIC oppnunity to respond.

I ani waiting Tor ai iniiiicdiatc rcsponsc. Uicrc \vas no rc;1son for niy dcrnluid of an apolog~froni Mr. Kliouq for his rcniarks made to me. not to Inve becr publislicd in Uic press as Uicy arc sitnihr to the demand nwdc Goin Arab-An~cricansto Mr. Cal\ut. --

Presented by the Federal EIectio~Commission Conunitlea that match spenfied criteria:

Candidate Corn. ID Committee Name City St Party Des Type. State Office




Committee contribulions - WIOURY, S JOSEPH for '92 9 coilbibutions this candidate received from (or made to) other committees.

AMERICAN TASK FORCE FOR LEBANON POLK'd COUNCIL PAC DAVTD J SADD Kind of Conunitlcc: CORPORATION PAC 22 13 M STREET NW .iRD FLOOR WASHINGTON, DC 20037 (PAClClualified - (higher contnb limit)] 05/13/92 $2,000.00 contribution AMERICAN BASK FORCE FOR LEBANON POLICY COUNCIL PAC DAVlD J SADD mid olConuuillcc: CORPORATION PAC 2213 bl STREET NW 3RD FLOOR WASIUNGTON, DC 20037 [PAClQualified -(higher contrib iirnit)] 01130192 $200.00 contribution

I AMERICANS FOR LEBANON POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE (ALPA@) Treasurer. JOHN BARAKAT Kind of Committee: NON-CONNECIED PAC 1165 FFIX AVENUE 135 NEW [PACINonQualified Committee - (lower contrib limit]] 06/01/92 $1,000.00 contribution 01101192 59,000.00 contribution

GOPAC INCORPORATED JEFFREY A EISENACH Kid of Committee: NON-CONNECTED PAC 440 FIRST STREET NW #leu WASHINGTON, DC 20001 [FJAClQualified-(higher contrib limit)] 04/28/92 $5.00 in-kind contribution 05/28/92 $6.00 in-kind contribution

MORGAN COMPANIES POLITICAL ACTION COMWIIITEE IMORGANPACJ Treasurer. CORY N STRWP Kind of Cornminee: CORPORATION PAC 60 WALL STREET NEW YOW NY 10260 [PACIQualified - (higher contrib limit)] 09/13/91 $250.00 contribution

PHYSICIANS INTERINDEMNTPIIFED-PAC SABRl M EL FARRA Kidof Conunittee: COOPERATIVE PAC 341 WEST COLORADO BOULEVAR GLENDALE, CA 91203 IPAClQualified - (higher contrib limit)] 05/29/92 $500.00 contribution 10/17/91 $250.00 contribution

KHOURY,SARKIS J 10125/92 $250.00 SANTA ANA CA 92705 -(Contribution] DICK RUTAN FOR AMERICA - ‘92 COWTEE



5 contributions from/to this Coinmittce

KWOURY FOR CONGRESS 11/03/97 $100.00 contribulioii madc TERESA ISAAC FOR CO?4@RESS 12/11/97 6200.00 contribulion nndc I 1/03/97 S2SOIOO conGbulion nladc

FRIENDS OF RAY LAHOOD 11/03/97 6250.00 concribtition madc

KEEP NICK RAHALL IN CONGRESS COMMlTTEE 05/13/97 $250.00 coulribulion madc

ARA5 AMERICAN LEADERSHIP POLITICAL ACTION CO1\lR11TTEE - CUU19422S Contributions 1996 16 contributions from/to this Committcc

BALANOFF FOE CONGRESS 10/15/96 $1.000.00 contribution nndc 10/07/96 Sl;OOO.OO contribution nladc 10/30/96 $1.000.00 contribution nu&

FR- FR- 10/08/96 $2.500.00 contribution nndc

BALDACCI FOR CONGRESS 96 CORIMITTEE 10/30/96 $500.00 contribution madc 10/15/96 $1.000.00 contribution madc 10/07/96 S1,OOO.~contribution madc

CHRIS JOHN FOR CONGRESS CQMhllWEE !NC 10130/96 fSOO.OO conuibulion mdc 10115/96 S1,OOO.OO contribution madc 10/07/9G $1,000.00 contribution imdc

SIINIIIVU FOR CONGRESS 10/15/96 S 1.UUO.UU contribution rriadr 12/08/96 $500.00 mitributioii nudc I0/07/96 6 I .000.00 contribution riiadc l~l/3(1/'X~%SU~1.00 coiilrihutioii nwdc Committee contributions - KHOURY,SAEzMls JOSEPH for '98

3 contributions this candidate received from (or made to) other committees.

ARAB AMERICAN LEADERSHIP POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE [PAC/Qualified - (higher cantrib limit)] 11/03/97 $100.00 contribution [view Imagd

G_U_N_OWNERSOF AMERICA INC POL~~lC~L_VlC=~O~Y~UND [PAC/QualiEed - (higher contrib limit)] 05/07/98 $72.00 in-kind contribution [View Imaqe] 05/07/98 $170.00 in-kind contribution piew Imaae]

Time of this request: 1/27/99 11:14:59 PM

UOI , .,.-... llllp.//IICI IlUUll 1 .SUI UC. ClJllU~:gl-UllUl~Cll~l~:YOU.DL0WL JY.? IIL //'1Y Subject: Arab American Mtutc: "Call foe Fairness & Inclusion" Denounces Amb-Baiting

Support MSANEWS. a project of learning and enlightenment "A Mind is a Tenibte 'Wtg to Waste" [ see footer for confact and other perlinent information source: Direct Submission Organbation: Arab American Institute Eraail. Jennifer Wan [email protected]> Tide: oCaIlfor Faitness d5 Inclusion"Eknounces ArabEaiting Date: Thu, IS Oa 1998 1704.50 -0400


"Call for FaimesS & Inclusion" Denounces Amb-Bailing October 15,1998, Washington DC - Disturbedby the use of anti-Arab and anti-Mdh taia employed by some ondidafes and officials, a broad range of ethnic or&ations, fed by the Arab American Institute, has responded by launching "Call for Faimffs and hclusion", a national campaign to promote fair and inclusive political discourse. Currently, 28 national organizations have joined the mmpign

"Call for Faimes and hclusion" was prompted by the recent experience of Arab American candidate Sackis Joseph Khoury in California's 43rd congressional district. Uoury,a consemtive Republican, had a strong primary campaign until his opponent, Rep. Ken Calvert, and his sumgates resorted to Anb biting During the final days of the campaign, Khoury's opponents not only questioned his loyalty to the United States kusehe is a nahrralized citizen but also described Arab American support of Khoury as a "foreigilattempt" to buy influence.

"Implying that Arab American involvement in the political process per s=z is sinister or samething to be fared isa contemplible tactic, Such comments are unacceptable," AAl President Dr. James J. Zogby said

This is not the first timc chat che Calvert Campaign has engaged in Arab-baiting In IYYJ. UIC Calvcrl canipign produced 3 nailer dcpicting a ariaturc of Khoury on a flying carpct.

During a prcss bricfing a1 tiic ArJb Anicriclrn Institute. Zogby pointcd out clic dangerous iniplications ifcffmic baiting is Icfl urrchdlcngcd. Vie dcplorablc ram biting of tlic 80s docs not lit with llie demographic makcup of Anrcriw I&)'. In California cspially. \vhcrc it is a nujority-minority swc. rhc potcnlial for this kind of abusc is obvious. Wc cannot fuvc ;I politic;il syslcnl whcm cllinic Amcriwns ;IK cscludcd or Iraicd as suspcct for simply pirticipling in rlic poli1ic;il process." slated Zogby. Of tlie more Um30 national and local organizations who signed a "Statement of Concern" condemning ethnic baiting, The National Italian American Foundation's Elizabeth O'Connell joined AAI at the briefing today. "Ethnic stereotyping is not an acceptable part of the political discourse of this nation It offends the sensibilities of every American who believes we have the right to be judged on our character, not stereotyped by our elhnicity. Unfonunately, Khoruy is not alone; other candidates and politicians have been @ed, 5uspaXe4 stereotyped and insulted based on their heritage," O'Connell stated. Other participnts pointed to the recent targeting of Asian Amerisans and called for the recognition of ethnic conmdties in the political process. "Unfortunately suspicion of 'foreign' loyalties is not a foreign concept to Asian Americans. 50 years after &e intenunmt of Japanese Americans during World War 11, Americans were questioned about their political activities in the aftermath ofthe 19% elections on the sole basis of possessing an Asiisounding surname. It is lime to reaftinn that immigrant communities are vibrant and vital parts of phe American political landscape," stated Debasish Mishm of the India Abroad Center for Political Awareness.

A Call for Fairness and Inclusion

We are deeply troubled by the recent upsurge in anti-Arab and anti-Muslim tactics employed by some candidates and political leaders.

The rmnt case of Arab American candidate Sakis Joseph Khoury in California exemplifies this disturbing trend. Khoury, a candidate for the Republican nomination in California's 43rd congressional discrict was in a tight primary race with Republican Congressman Ken Calvert. Calvert and his campign surrogates made an issue of both Khoury's birth in Lebanon and the fact that his campaign had roceived extensive national Arab American support. Questions were raised about Khoury's loyalty to America and about whether there was a "foreign effort" zo influcncc thc congressional elections.

The Khoury GI% is a wake-up call to all those who seek to foster a more fair and inclusive political clinute.

As panicipants in Uie civic and political life of our country. active in tlic politics of both parties. we urge political leaders and candidates, both Rcpublican aid Dcniocratic. to take a finii slmdagainst Arab-baiting lslmii-bashingand bigotry of any kind.

We call on our political lcadcrs to disuvo\v tactics of bigot? and division and to proinolc a niorc Pair and inclusive political discourse Endorsing organizations National Or@nizations

American Arab Anti-lXminimtion Committee American Fedepation of Ramallah, ]Palestine AmericanFriendsServiceCommittee AmencanMuslimcouncil American Taslc FOPQfor Lebanon Arab AmericanInslilute Aiab Women's chw5l Armenian National Committee of America Chaldean Federation of America Federation ofpolish Americans India Abroad Center for Political Awareness Japanese AmericanCitizensLeague LeagueofuBitedLatinAmericanatiaens Ma~~hoIlFathers Justice and Pace OfEce Muslim public Affhirs ceiancil National Arab American Business Association Nationa! Asian pacific American Legid Consortium National Association of Arab Americans National Association of Filipino American Associations National Cmter fQfUrban Ethnic Affairs National council of La Raza National Council of Negro U't;men, Inc. National Urban League National Italian Amenan Foundation organization of Chinese Americans Palestinian American Congress Slovak League of America Syrian (9rthodox Church in the Eastern USA

Local Opgankations Adenac American Community Center, Maryland Algerian Anterican Assxiation of Northem California Arab American Community Center for Economic and Social Services (ACCESS). Michigan Arab American Comcil. Michigan hbAmerican Cultural and Corn. Center, Houston Arab American Educational Foundation, Houston Arab Amcriean Foundation. Yonkers Arab American Lcague of Volers. New Jersey Lchnesc Atnerican Atlllctic; Club. Dckoit Philadelphia Amb Ariicrican .Association Philadelphia Amb Aincriciui Business AsS0ci;lIion F.E.C. IMAGE 98032583289 I of6) Page 2 of4 F.E.C. IMAGE 98032583292 4 Of6) rage z Or 4

P F.E.C. WIAGE 98032583293 Page 2 sf4 KHOURY~ORCONGRESS P.O. BOX 51 598 RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92517 **AUTO*************5-DIGIT 92509 THE BARELA FAMILY 5974 Palencia-Dr Riverside CA 92509-7027

11111111111111111111111011111(((1111111~ll,1l~l1lil~11l~l1lll May 1998


I am proud of the support the Latino leaders have given me in the attached letter

These are the men and wonien who struggle with the problems ofthe Latino community on a daily basis. Their trust in me is deeply appreciated. I will.'continue to earn their trust on a daily basis.

Thcy bclieve, as I do. that the Latino community can play a critical role in the blanket primary (open primary) scheduled for June 2,1998 As you know, you may vote for any candidate of your choice regardless of the party affiliation of the candidate.


A votc for Joe Kliouq \rould mean that you will have a VOICE in Washington. D.C..not merely a vote. Please vote on June 2, 1998, at the polls or by absentee ballot. kipvay we can assist you, we would be delighted. We can easily provide you with an absentee ballot request form.

Thank you for your consideration and for your commitment to our country and out' Constitution. Please call me or e-mail me with any questions or concerns.

Muchas gracias.

Kcpubliciin Candidatc. U.S. Congress 43rd Coiisrcssioiial District

End JOE KHQURY ...... YOL'R VOICE FOR V1LUES From: Your Friends in the Latino Cornunity

May 1998

Estimados amigos y migas de la comunidad Eatina en el condado de Riverside!

This letter is about the future of our children and the standing of om community in the political arena in Riverside County.

It is imperative to recognize that the Latino community holds the decisive swing vote in the upcoming primary on June 2, 1998. This is so, if and only if, we decide to exercise our right to vote. Our numbers are large, but this is not reflected in our political power in this community and in the political representation that currently exists.

There is not a Latino running for Congress in the 43d Congressional district. We believe, ..-,.. , ..-2 however, that there is a candidate who shares our values and our concerns, who . .~ .... %L understands the uniqueness and the pride of our culture, who will protect our rights, who will open the doors of opportunity to our children, and who has zero tolerance for racism and discrimination and all of their by-products. His name is Joe

Joe learned Spanish, has traveled extensively in Latin America, and has a deep understanding and respect for our culture. He holds a doctorate from the prestigious Wharton School, is a full Professor of Finance at the University of Californiz-Riverside, and has lectured all over the world to include the Monterey Institute in Monterey, Mexico. Dr. Khoury has extensive contacts in the MexicanLebanese community of Mexico which has produced a President for Mexico and many Governors and Ministers, as well as leading entrepreneurs in all fields of economic endeavors.

We trust that you are registered to vote. If not, please do so at your earliest convenience. We urge you to vote for Joe Khoury on June 2,1998, for the following reasons:

I- He is strong on education reform and will fight for the rights of our children for excellence in education. 2- Joe will not support those bills and constitutional amendments that Mr. Calvert has supported. Mr. Calvert has voted to limit legal immigration to the United States, and is supporting an amendment that would deny citizenship to those children born in the United States to illegal immigrant parents. 3- Joe will fight for zero tolerance for racism, and masinium penalty for those tvho discriminate. and 4- Joe will work with our community to solve real problems with coninion sense solutions and a great sense of accountability. 3- Ilc will IIC ;i fricnd I\ ficn wc necd oiic. We have known Dr. Khoury for a long the. We spoke With him personally at different occasions and we can attest to his qualities and his commitment to OW dues, and the dreams and the welfare of OUT children. Dr. Khouy is a Republican with a heart that Can identify with the pains of the Latino community. He is a decisive and strong leader.

Please join bs in this campa&m to establish a more effective and concerned representation in Riverside County. We are counting on you. Sincerely yours, Mayo del 1998

Estimados arnigas y alnigos de la Comunidad EMspana del Condado de Nverside!

La siguiente carta se tiata del. futuro de nuestros xlijos y de el papel que de nuestra comunidad en el area politica y social de el Condado de Riverside. Es muy importante reconocer que la comunidad hispana tiene una hema decisiva en las votaciones del pr6ximo 2 de Sunio de 1998. Esta hemse mantendra, siempre y cuando nos decidamos a ejereer el derecho de votar. Nuestras comunidades son bastants, pem eStaS no refmejan el poder y la qresentacion polidca que existe Wtudmenle en este condado.

No tenernos ningun representante Hispano en las vokiones para elegir a1 Conpsista que representara a nuestro 43 Distrita Congresional. Sin embargo, creemos que existe un candidato que comparte nuestros valores, preocupaciones y que conoce el authtico orgullo de nuestra cultura; y que adernh va a proteger nuestros derechos. Alguien que abrira las puextas de las oportunidades para nuestros hijos y que no tolera el racismo y la discriminacion y 10s problems que estos nos ocacionan. Su nombre es Joe ,QQU~Y.

Joe habla el espafiol y ha viajado por toda Latinoamtrica; el tiene una profunda conciencia y respeto por nuestra cultura. El obtuvo el titulo de Doctorado en la prestigiosa escuela de Wharton en la Universidad de Pennsylvania, es profesor de tiempo completo en la Universidad de California de Riverside y ha dado conferencias por tedo el mundo, incluyendo el Instituto Tecnol6gico de Monterrey, en el Estado de Nuevo LCon. Mexico.

El Dr. Khoupy esta muy bien relacionado con la Comunidad Mkxico-Libmesa la cual dio fiuto a uno de 10s mejores presidentes de Mexico el Lic. Plutarco Elias Calles, asi como a algunos otros buenos gobemadores y geandes empresarios del area econhica.

Nosotros confiamos que tu estas registrado para votar. De no ser asi, registrate 10 antes posible.

Te motivamos para que votes por Joe Kboury el proximo 2 de Junio de 1998, por las siguientes razones:

I. El apoya fucrtemente a la reforma educativa y a la lucha para buscar la excelencia en la educacion de nuestros liijos. 2. El seaor Cahert a votado para limitar la ininigracion a 10s Estados Ulnidos y ha apoyado las iniciatvas de ley que ie ne- la ciuddmia IP 10s n&os nacidos en 10s Estados Unidos'j de padres ilegales. Joe no aaoyara emleyes e iniciativas constitucionales propuestas y apoyadas por Calvert 3. Joe no tolerara y luchara en contra del racismo; y aplicara sanciones y penas muy SeveraS a cualquier persona que discrimine. 4. ~oe&jam con nuestra comunidad para resolver 10s verciaderos problemas con soluciones de sentido comb y con u11 gram sensibilidad y respnsabilidad. 5. Joe sera nuestro amigo siempre que lo necesitemos.

Nosotros conocemos a1 Dr. Khowy desde hace mucho tiempo. Wemos hablado con el prsondmente y en varias miones. Somos testigos de sus cualidades personales y del compromiso que tiene con nuestros sueiios. valores. y con el bienestar de nuestros hijos. El Dr. Khouq es un Republican0 y tiene un wmon que puede identificar 10s sufnrnientos y las necesidades de la cornunidad hispana. El es un lider fuerte y deciso.

Por favor, bete a nuestra campaih para establecer pana representacibn mb efwtiva y ii conciente en el condado de Riverside. Contamos contigo.

These are the names of signors Prom the Englisb letter.

John M. Sotelo. Id0Leoq Sr.. Luz Maria Ayala, AndrC Luis Soto. Mario Peru. Anita hA. &cez (Fmnco), Glen Ayala. Mary Ayala, Javier Rosales, Jennie Rivera, Albedo R. Fipueroa. Gorge MS% Richard Perez. Amador Corona, Tom C. Ru4 Ralph V.Media.


TO: Edinuiid Rohs, Campaign Consultant

FROM: Refujio M. “Cook” Barela, Congressional Candidate

._... , .. DATE: May 19,1998 __..... :I c . .. , __.. <+.. Tile recent letter that was sent out by your campaign to Hispanic voters of I ...... _.::: .- tlie 4Ydcongressional district is a blatant lie. It is also insulting, deceitful arid degrading to my (Hispanic) race, wliiclm yoti seen1 bent on dividillg and destroying. Your patronizing letter reveals deep prejudice reeking of hatred and conteinpt similar to operations you have been iiivolved with in tlie past. Once again you have insulted a selected etluiic group for tlie political gains of tlie candidate who has paid your thirty pieces of silver.

You owe tlie Hispanic comrnunity of the 43‘’ congressional district an apology. You insinuated that we are ignorant and racist and would vote for a candidate simply because he “leaned Spanish”, supposedly has connections to policy makers of Mexico, or because of an individual’s skin color or surname.

Stating tliat “tiiere is not a ~atinoruruiiiig for Congress in tile 43” congressional district” is a blatatit lie. As you are well aware, 1 ani bilingual, of Hispanic heritage and 1 am a candidate in the 43’’ Coiigrcssional race. Since you arc Mr. Khoury’s priiicipal campaign strategist, 1 caiiiiot fallioiii that this letter would have gone out without yotu political fingerprints on it. It certainly reeks of similar gaines you liavc played in tlie past. ai Hispanic American by Mr. Khoury’s campaign and the FR firm Word Mill, wl~chpublislies the Conservative Voice newsletter. Word hili refused to infonn their Republican readership of my candidacy eveo though I am also a a;onservativeRepublicail and fully qualified to ruii for Congress. Altlmugh they reqtlested inforillation about my campaign aid myself, they refused to publish that information or allow me to advertise in their paper. Afterwards, I discovered.tliat the Conseevative Voice is under the employ of Mr. Khoury.

1 .. The Hispanic populatiai ofthe 43rdcongressional district and I, :-. as an ji:.- ...;1 .-_-..: Hispanic candidate, deserve an apology and a letter of correction mailed out . .. :i; immediately on behalf of your candidate to all those who received that letter. i:? .. We do notdeserve this injustice. There is already a liar in the White Hmse; we don’t need another representing us in Congress.

-+ .. . .-.... ij.. .- R.M. “Cook” Barela Response from The Latino Leaders that signed tbe Better endoming Joe Kho~v

John M. Sotelo 11728 Sedodck Ave Rived& Signed letter. didn't look at it much - I was thinking about Calve& I was foased on getoing ckalvert out. I'M so~.I didn't thi& If I can help.. . I signed the letter about two weekr ago, h;ld I how(a Hispanic was nmning). 1would have said there is one and insiaed that he put in &e lener that a Latino was mnning, Why hasn't the ppwitten that you ate running I didn't how. I fed tenible.

Ignacio Leon Sr. Not registered to Vote, no phone listing

Luz Maria Ayaln (Spanish speaking only. WeEnglish), Iiiin register of voms twice DemocmL Armando Mesigno Tore. helps labor camp %orleaen I.umto see that letter. 1 don't think I don't believe 1 signed it, I would not have signed 1I suppart Hispanic we need to unite. I'Qupt Uut he nodd do that. I didn'f read an! lener, but I guess I signed something, I w~~fIOlook at lhat letter. Andm Luis Soto -no phone fax only. no retum on hx hpiq

Mario Pem - Not registered to Vote. no phone listing

Anita M Garcez (Franw) -Not registered to Vote. no phone listing Glen AyaJa - 7495 El Sol Way. Riverside. no phone lined received phone no. from Jennie I have not Seen the letter. He came here to my house I liked what he said I didn't how. I merasked him abaut a hati0 mnning We never talked abut it. I'll have IO ask him about it. Map Ayala - nife of Glen newr spoke to her

Jar+erRosales - 3757 Castle Reagh PI ' Called day after the others- ve? Angry over the whole situation hung up. won't talk about it. wife got on the line. Well! !&"re not going to do it then! Shc wid and hl~ygup!

Jennie Rivera - 6945 Lincoln Ave Hc wnie inio our coniinunit?.and invited us a couple of times to his functions- he had a meeting and while the had the enienainment going on die letter \\-aspassed around by his secrew. 1 rally didn't read &e letter. I diMt have my glasses on. I h\v \vhcrc Glen and Man had signed it. so I Signed it. I didn't knorr. 1 would like to see that letter. ? didn't how.

Alfred R Figucron - Noi registered to Vote. no phone liaing

Gmqr Mesa - Not rcgistcrcd Io Vote. no phone hing Richard Pew-2 I61 Dm Succi Wcll. I hard that thcre \\ere only two contenders 1 have read the neivsppers and I ncvcr saw your name in the paper. \vhy hasn't !he paper nnncn ihai you an: running? I \\astold that there \vas 3 Latino htwas going 10 run but that he dropped 0111.1 think wc might h3vc even invited him once. but he never showed up. No. I didn't bo\\ you wcrc running 1 didn't scc the letter. I didn't read it at all. 1 \van110 gct Calvcrt out. I didn't know.

Amatlor Corona - Attonic\.. 1.334 Frccdoni dnse I didn't know. it \vas ni! undcnwnding lhat thcrc \vas no Latino running for cottgrcss. why 1iavcti.i we XCII your Ilm1c in IhC plpcrs? I rcad tlicni and Iiavcn't SCCII your tunic thcrc. I didn't knott yon wrc running. you go1 to gel your tutnc kit0 lhc ppcrs to lei cvcryortc knou . Tom Rub front thc Hacicttb armged tlic aicciing. !oil ouglil to sivc liinr a call.

Tom C. Ruiz - Hacictih El Rio RcslaurJnt in Corona NQ. I d~dn'~knot\. I rcad [tic lcticr \vc signed it about IVO \\CCKS ago. I d1d11'1kno\\ lhcrc \\as a Latino runntng \vh\ Iwvc !oo 1101 conic around ?ou should bc. a Dcmocrat- I don't knot! nott. ucll !call. thc lcttcr spsthcrc is no Latino runiiing I gucss I twsn't told Ihc trulh I t\mtcd Calvcn 0111. md I read and rc-rcad tlic Icltcr- I pcss I should Iwc binid 0111 on tn\sclf. I h~i~cri'thc.cn IM nincli invol\cJ 111 p~ltttcs.rcccall!

Kalpl~\. hlrtliwt - No1 rcgisIcrcJ to \'ole. no plioiic lisiiiig B1 Saturday, MR?23. 1998. THEPRESS-F~RISE n in politics trying to clean it up. 1 believe I am one of them." The latest letter, dated May 1998 - Continued from &Iand written in Soanish and Enfilish. there is no "viable" Latino in the urges redden6 to back wliury ra e and he apologized for leaving because he "&ares our values and ouf that word. our concern. . . understands the "There was no Intent to obfus- uniqueness and pride of our CUI- cate here in any way, shape or &re," and "has zero tolerance for iorp,'" Khoury ad. "The word racism and discrimination." 'viable' was missing- and for that 1 Included In the packet is a black apologke." and white phobgraph of Khoury Woury, a University of Wfor- stand@, w16h a WWCrardlnal The letter contended no nia, Riverstde, thmce professor, in Mexico Clty. said he did not catch the omission The letter also states that Latino is running in the unul after the mailer had been sent Khoury would not wpport mea- to.,thousands of registered voters. sures backed by Calvert that 43rd Congressiond district. Waals0 noted that Barela, a former ghced ~tson imm&ration Lq ~~@espolice omcer who and would trv to deny cltizenshlpto RM.Bmia, a Republican formally announced hJs candidacy children ofiflegal immigrants. a candidate, is Hispanic. in .February, did not file dacu- law m: is currently gumteed by mhls with the Federal Election P:-;xme eOurt rulings. B DIon Nlrrenbaum Commission until mid-May oa- On other issues important to ~rlehesi-mterprisc ciqlly foming his campaign. minority voters, Khoury has en. Republican congressional candidate Joe But mela said Khoup. in his dorsecl a June ballot measure that Khoury is again coming under 5re for one leuer. 'Wilfully deceived the His- would virtually eliminate bilingual of his campaign mallee after sending out a gaaic population." education Ln public schools and letter to voters that emneously claims no :'Once again, the Hlspanic race emphasized his op;cs.sition to mr- Hispanic Is running in the race. hag been used and misinformed by mauve actlon. The letter, signed by a bipartisan gmup pegple bykg to use them,'" said Some who signed the letter said of16 HIspnnic residents, incomtiy states Bawls, who is Mexican-American. they did not know and were not that "&ere is not a Latino running for Rollins, a nationally known con- told by Xhoury Mat Rarela was i Congress in the 43rd Congressional dls- sultant who once boasted of wing another candidate In the race. 1 trid" It urges readers to back Khoury In to depress the black vote in New Even so, they sald they still support 1 the June 2 primary. Jersey's 1993 gubernatorial race KnOllry. That angered R M. "cu~k"Barela, an and then retracted his claim, could "We were under the impression Hispanlc who is running in the Republican not be reached for comment. that there was no Latino running," ; The dispute marks the second said Tom Ru& a Corona restaurant j Primary With Khoury and incumbent Rep. ! Ken Calvert, RCorona. time Khouey has been criticized owner and Democrat who signed the letter. In a letter demanding apolog that during the campaign for his mall. an Mary Ayala. 67. another Demo- ! was sent to Khoury campaign consultant upset crat. said Khoury has visited the Ed Rollins, hela called the mailer "in- '?&me Republicans were IGt week when Khoury sent a Aier Caw Blanca area of Riverside ' sulting, deceitful and degrading." qat urged voters to reject Calvert several times and that she did not .Khoury said the letter should have said bfcauSe he was caught more than know that Barela was a candidate ' :Please see FUER, B-6 until 1 four years ago with a prostitute in for the Same seat this Week. I -_- his car. "We didn't know this other per- ;Calvert, who was never arrested son (Barela)." she sajd. "He never or charged with any crime. eventu- made contact, to my knowledge. in aHy apologized far be incident and this community." hp been reelected twice since Khoup said he never mentioned then. Barela when he asked people tv This year. Khoury has launched sign the letter over the la<[tai? an ambitious mail campaisn 11131 months. bu! never tried to hide th~! Inp included n glossy biogmphic fact either. mailer, an absentee ballot applice- "~llof thew people iirc very tion and several form letters. sophisticated people." Iihour! '!'They say that politin is dirty!" said. "If there is ;I slight error. thiil Moury writes in one leticr. "It i9' hsnolhing to do with t1lP f;lCl !h:l! But there are n lot of !mxl peOpk these people support Joe Ktio~r-'' CONGRESS" 'MAKER BAHIGE'."2R6/96","30O.OO"."BROCKTON"."~L'17hlA~;O~~I"."ASA);ERMEDICAL MSOClA~S"."CanCrib~.,"~O~YFOR CONGRESS' ...... ~......

... .~ ..~ .. .. ~ .. . ~~ ......

...... _ .. CONGRESS" ...... _.. "BUSHALA, GEORGE-,"I 1/4/97","ZM).W"."NLR~N",~CA~,~83Z~.'RE~D","Con~b~".'~O~YFOR CONGRESS. THAGHOURI, GISEtE'."I2123/97'."I~.~~~C~~~CTTY"."CA"~"90230"."HOUSE~~,"C~~~","~~URY FOR CONGRESS' ...: 'CHAGHOURI, JAMIL".'12~3/97"."lOOO.OO".'C~~RCITY".'CA",~Z30',"B~S~S~~.'C~b~~".'KHOURY FOR CONGRESS" 'CHAGOURY, MARRTS ELIE'.'12/22/97'."1000.00"."~GTON STATION'.'NY","I I746"."'DOCTOR"."Con~bnuibldion".*KHOURYFOR CONGRESS' %HALFOLN, VICTOR","4/28/98-, "250.D.DD';L.A ~~,'CA",~l7~0",'CNS:'CMluibuiion",'~OURYFOR CONGRESS" 'CHAU)UB. J P,~lO/18/9T."ZJO.OO"~SANDaCO'.'CA'."92123"."POLY KONSLIT SERVICES'."Camriblnion"."~OURY FOR CONGRESS" THAMMAS. SABAH4w.'1112 1/97'."500.00'.'DEL MAR',"CA'.92014".'DR'."C~b~~"."~OURYFOR CONGRESS" 'CHAMOW. KHALIL"."I 1/17/97"."500.M)',"D~AS~,~,7S2S2"."O~R~E","C~b~i~","~HOURYFOR CONGRESS" 'CHNEDDIN. HASSAN"."300198'.'20O.OO','CARROLLTON",~~,75~~.~~.~C~~bldion".'KHOURYFOR COIU'GRESS" 'CHARAF. A"ONY.'11/17/97".750.(M".'PEACKTREE CTTr."GA".'30269'.'DE~~AAIRLINES:-C~iribution":~OURY FOR CONGRESS" 'CHARIF. GHASSAh'","3128/98'.100.00',DALLAS"."TX"OURY FOR CONGRESS" "CHEBEIR CAM1LLE".'2~5/98".'S0O.M)"_"."CONSUCO"."Conuibuljar"."KHO~~YFOR COXGRESS" "CHEUEIK; SAM".'9/16/97".'100,oo"."BEVERLY HlLLs".'CA".'WZlO"."PLAS~C~;C~~~~.'~OUR~FOR CONGRESS' %HEDID, JOHN BfSHOP.. "I lR2/9?","5Do.Oo","LoSANGUES:"CA*Y,'OUR LADY OF LEBANOIU'"."Canribution'.");llOURYFOR CONGRESS' 'CHEIKH. ISSAM".'2/I4/98"."SW.W'.70WSO~P.'MD".'al204"."MEDICALDOCTOR*.'ConlriMion"."KHOURY FOR CONGRESS" I

...... -.~ ...... - .. ..

...... ,...... ~ ... ..~. ....,~.-. ..~~

. .. .~...... , ...::: .. FEDERAL ELECTION CONMISSIQN RQ-3 ~~WIwGroNDC m3 June 18,1998

Dnvid L. Davis. Tnx~mres kttry for Congrea 16780 Lake Knoll Parkway Riverside, CA 92503

~dentifsatiooNumber: COD329491

Dear Mr. Davis:

This lcner is Lo inform you that bs of June 17, 1998 tsie ~olnnaisaionhes no1 rrceived your rcsponst to mu quest for additional information, dald May 26, 1998. This nDfice quests infomation essmdd to full public disclosun: of your federal election cempaipl Gnunccs. To aswe conupP;anre with the pravlsions of tlic Federal Election Campaig~Act ((he Act), please respond to this request (copy mched).

if no rcspwe is received within faltsab (15) days fi~mthe date of& notice, ahe Commission mey choose 10 initiate audit or legal enforcement action.

If you should hare any questions ngarfmg 1hi5 matter, please contact Lisa J. Shpson w OUT t01I-E-e~numbcr.(800) 424-9530 or om local numk(202) 694-1 13Q.

John D. Gihson Assislaat Staff Director Kzports Annlysis Disision



Dc;rr Mr. Davis: Page 2 of4


David Dovis, Treasurer iihoury for Cungrcss 16760 Lakc Knoll Parkway 22 RiveEidt. CA 92503

Jdcntifictttion Number: COO329391

Itefereiice: July QuarWIy Repn (V14198-6i5014R)

Dear Mr. Davis:

This letter is pxompvd by the Commission’s preliminary review of the teport(s) rcfereuced above. The review raised questions rcmcerning certain infomaliorl contained in the rcpon(s). An itcmizarion full~vis:

-Your coninlittee fjlcd a 4s 11our notice disclosing a ‘last minute” connibution from Joe Khchou? on 5129!9,8. This coiiaibution does not appear on R Sdiedule I\ of this repport. Plwse nmend your report to include iliis contribution or provide an explwi&on of this apparent discrepancy.

A witfen rCsp0tlSC or an amendment to yourotigiaal rcport(s,jcorrectiag thc above prabk:m(s) sbov~dbc filed Vcithhthe Ftdem\ Elecion ComlissiDn wilhin fpftecn 5) of ffrc date oftllis letter. If you need ossishce, piease feel free to cm(Bct me on OUT toll-fret number. (800) 424-?,F30. Mylocd nurnba is (262) GY4-1130.

Slncercl?. . .C .


$/29/9@ I $1000.00

I rage L 01 4


David L. Davis, Tmsurcr IchouIy for Congress 16780 Lake Knoll ParLmy R iversjdr, CA 925 D3 identificaiioo Number: eo0329391

Reference 12 Day Pre-Primxy Rcpoa (4/1198-5/I3MS)

Dear alr. Davis:

This letter is prompted by fie Comlssiods Felirninq &ew of the rqort(sf referenced above. The review raised questions concemiag certain infmation comhcd in tlie repofis). Au itenwidon €ollo~v~

-On the Deuikd Summary Page. Line 26 oftbe Gagh sunumy should eqwl (be Column A total for Line 7-2 Please cnnect this discrqmcy and file an amendmeat to your repon

Column B figurcs for the Summary and Detailed Sunmnry Paps should quo1 the sum of Ihe Coholn 8 fipees on your previous rcporr and the Column A figures. on this report. Please fife an amendment to your repot, to wmct the Colum B discrepancies fox Lines 7(b), 7(c}, 14 tlnd 15 ad any subsequent rq:porl(s) whieh may he affected by this torredion. Note that Cotumn B should refled dythe year-b-date totals For the cnlenda year 1996.

-You Y~WIanunpt eo obdn the occupalion and name Q~CIII~JCI~W for a! individuals who conmhte morc than %200 io a cJen& yw.

A cornminee may establish "best e%&in by pmidmg thc Commission with B dcsdptiori of icS procedures for requcstiting the infowlion. It is 8190 in the best intcrrils of the conimitlrr to provide n copy of ifs solicifaion. In order to cstablish "best efforts", the wmminee must demoristrrte that il m&cs a1 leost une rcqucst for the infomuion sncr Ute co::tributioa is received. This cwc rcqiitxst must bc ni~dcfor any sdiritd or iinsolicited WOURY FOR CONGRESS PAGE 2

If a conmittee mekes contributor hfonwfioa after the conlributions have bmreported, thc committee shd either a) file with its next ~epldy scheduled xport, an amcoded memo Schedule A ljsting all the contributions for which additional infamation wos received; or b) file on or before irS next mguldy scheduled reporting dak, arnendmenb to chc rzpmt(s) originally disclosing the ccwrriburion(s). (I 1 CFR $104.3(a)(rl)(i) and 11 CFR $104.7) '

-OnSdiedulc €3 of your report, you have itm~zeddisbursements for which you have Glsd to includc the addrcss and an adequate purpose. Please amend your regort to include liic missing hformation. (! 1 CFR §1M.3(hKJI)

-Line 17. Column A, of the DcUilcd S~uumuyF3ge of your mpurl &doses $63,433.32 in opdjng mpditures. ?he sum Qf dl entries sugpoating that line is $70,433.32. whilr: it is permissible for &e figure on he17, Column A. to exceed the suo! of disburvemcnt entries as a RSUII of unitemized transndions, %hcsup1 of itemized disbursmeoh may not eh-d &e fipx provided on Line 17, Column A. Plaqe mend your nport (0 mncct this disacpmcy.

A written n'spmse or an amendmcot lo your original nyon(s) conffthg the abcve problern(s) should k filed wilh the Federal Flecrion Conunissinu withi!) iifraen (15) hyS

-- - .. ._ 1111)' ~~1'11111111)lw11111 L11111 \~l~,*lll1~11111>! I - ,....I Democratic Party 1. Chapa, Joseph Texas 2. Devin, Delbert 95.00 3. Dietze, Knute L. 98.00

4. Hume, mrgaset 25.00 5. White, Mrs. Charles 25.00 -... . I_:xi ...~. .?'~; .. 6. Coma1 County Democrats 98.00 ..:.~...... -. . .-~.:. 7. Cooke County Democratic Party 200.00

tf 8. 150.00 -. Democrats of Collin County .. ::-. . :.:: 9. Hutchinson County Democrat 225 - 00 .~.-. Women .. .~. 3. 10. Nolan County Democratic Party 248. QO ..

~.~.' -. . 11. Potter-Randall Democratic Club 150.00 ._:,...... ii TOTAL DEPOSIT $ 1,344.00

919 Congress Avenue, Suite 600 / Aush, Texas 70701 / Tel. (512) 478-9800 / Fax (512) 480-2500 WJ

-.. .. - . .. . - - .. . _.

...... t -.,'"' 4,. 2 ... :-4

Dear hk. Davis;

This letter is to inform you thet M of October 14, 1998 the Cammission has 10t received your response to our request far additional information, &ted Gepttcmber 22, 1998. m-snotice requcsts inforntdon essential to full public disclosure of your Werd election canipaiga fioanecs. To ensure compliance with tbe provisions of nhr Fehd Election Cwnpaign Act (the Act), please respond Lo this request (copy enclosed).

If no response is mcavCd Within fifteen (1 5) days &m the dhie of thh nutice, tbr Commission may choose tpI inidate audit cn legal enforckment action.

If YOU should have any questions regordin6 (his inaner, please wntacl Lisa Simpsm on our toll-free numbw (800) 424-9530 or air l~elnumber (202) 694-1130,



I I t i i Lewis Lee ~~~~~~~ World War I1 194 1-45. Korea 1950-5 I Vietnam 1960-61, 1968-73

May21.1998 Dear Dr. Khoury.

I am proud &oendorse your candidacy for election to the office of Congressman for the 43rd District.

Through my long military career, 1learned the lesson well that hedorn is not fkee and that we rnwt diligently ddmd that freedom in every way possible. One of these ways is to elect a congressman who will defend our freedoms.

I am confident that you will bring to this office the leadership that has been missing for the past three tenns. I know that you have a strong dedication to the defense of cw country as well as the protection of veterans' rights.

You are a true patriot.

I am also confident that you will protect and improve healthcart and social security benefits for senior citizens. And, equally important, 1 know you'%Xll pledge to keep the commitment to our military personnel, both active and,retiied. We are tired of the broken promises, and we need someone to represent us who will not break his word to us.

I am deeply concerned that your place of birth (Lebanon), is be& used against you by your opponent. That is clearly not the American way.

We should be reminded that our current Secretary of State, Madeleine Albri&t. is foreign born, as was the former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs. In addition, Mr. Kissingel's commitment to the United States was never questioned because ofthe fact that he was born in Germany.

Your strong allegiance to the conservative values as well as your inlegrity, moral character, principles, vision and courage will serve us well in Congress.

My prayers are with you during rhis campaign.

Col. Lewis Lee Millett Medal of Honor Recipient World War U 1941-45, Kow 1950-51 Viemm 1096-61. 196s-73 From the Desk oh: el, E O

May 22,1998 Dear Friend,

Wether YOU are a young mother, businessman or, like me. 69 year old retired educator, something is imppeningin just a few days that is w&nt~yimportant for us d1.

I’m talking about the election for congress in our district and %hefact that our Congressman has made retirement a lot less secure with his votes against social secwity.

It’s always been important to me to know as much as possible about the candidates who ask us for our vote. I try, as you do. to research tbeir positions on issues that matter to us and I also try to get to how them. I want to give my vote to 8 true hmican.

In the campaign for Congress, I have spent time reviewing what I can find out about the records .of both of the Republican candidates. And I can tell you, our Congressman, Ken Calvert, has voted against senion the and again, He voted to hurt our Social Security Trust, he voted against Veterans benefits and he voted to decrease Medicare benefits.

Here’s what Mr. Calvert did: He voted to take $500 Billion out of the social secw%y trust fund and spend it on other government props - then voted for a pay raise for all congressmen.

He voted to take away $2.7 Billion in veterans’ health benefits. What kind of man would deny veterans’ healthcare? These men and women risked their lives for America, and now Ken Calvert chips away at their health benefits while giving himself a pay raise.

Mr. Calvert doesn’t stop there, however. He raised taxes on all seniors, by increasing fees for Medicare, and decreasing the services Medicare provides. In addition, taxes on Social Swm’ty were raised.

And it gets worse! Congressman Calvert also voted for huge payments to wealthy corporations like tobacco companies and mega Midwest food producers like ADM.

Imagine going to your mailbox to collect your monthly check and it wasn’t there, because your money was spent on other government programs or just given away to giant corporations.

What kind of man would take money out of social security, cut Veterans’ healthcare, and erode Medicare and then spend that money on payments for wealthy corporations and a pay raise for himself?

Ken Calvert did just that. And now he wants us to reelect him to Congress. It’s time for us to put an end to Kcn Calvcrt’s trcatmcnt of scniors. Then I looked at Joe Khoury, Mr. Calvert's Republican opponent. And I can tell you there is a difference that I admire.

Joe is a friend of mine and is a true American. He's a trusted friend of seniors. I'm convinced we can count on Joe Khoury to fight for our best interests always. He is exactly the kind of man Riverside County's seniors deserve and need in Washington. He Cares about us and he understands our issues.

Joe Khoury will do what's right for the seniors of Riverside and America. I how he will ... fight to protect ow Social Security and Medicare. i :.. ?7 ...... -.. And, as an educator myself, I appreciate what Joe is doing to help OUT younger generations to gain perspective and improve our culture.

Joe Khoury is an honorable man. He and his wife Joyce have been mded 27 years, and have 4 beautiful daughters. He is a dedicated and loving husband and father, who wants what's best for the seniors and families of Riverside.

.-._ _. _.... For senior citizens like you and me, Joe Khoury is exactly the kind of decent. honest and __i.. :..., hardworking man we need representing us in Washington DC.

If you're like me, you really know how importarit it is to elect a Congressman who will fight to protect the promises our nation has made to its older citizens. That's a big part of tlie reason I support Joe Khoury for Congress.

I urge you to do thc same.

Won't you please join mc and vote to elect Joe Khoury for Congress on June 2"d


CIyrfC. Rupel, Ed.D. Retired Educator

P.S. Thank you for rcadins my Icttcr. OuI Congcssman. Kcn Calvert, votcd to take $500 Billion out of tlie social sccurily trust fund and use it for otlicr go\'cntniciil programs - iiicludiiig support for big corporations aiid :i pay riiisc for Iiiniscll!

I hope you'll join nic in voting for a cliruigc. Plcusc liclp clcct Joe Klioury. 1 know Joe will fight to protect social security aid makc sure Amcrics kccps its proiiiiscs to our older citizcns like you md nic.

January 20, 1999

To Whom It May Concern;

I, Mathy Walker, Chairman of the Riverside County Republican Party, did not support Dr. Joe Khoury for Congress, or any other office, in the 1998 elections. Nevertheless, Dr. Khoury has used my name on several occasions insinuating my alleged support for his candidacy. I have conveyed my concern to him regarcling this matter and requested that he not use my name in any way in conjunction with his campaigns for public offke.


Kathy Walker THE PRESS-E~CRPRISESaturday, May 30, 1998 * B-3

I Conservative broadcaster backs

The Press-Enterprise Republican primary in the 43rd Republican congressional ad- Coeonal DMct. date RM.“cook” Barela picked up an endorsement thk week when In terms of endorsements, Cat- conservative Chrlstlan broadcaster vest has llned up the largest base ol support The biparihn llst C ; Dr. James C Dobson backed the dudes RepubUcan Gov. Wilson, ...... 1 former Lcdr Angels pollee omcer‘s ,_ bid lor public ofHCe. RepubUcan Attorney General Dao -.. - ~. \ .. Dabson, head of Focus on me -&state Sen. R* ..... Rlverslde. former Democratic .... . Fmyin Colorado, saia he does ..+ state Sen. Rokert PresIey, Assem .. few endorsements but decided to back because he is a blymRod Pacheco, R-Riverside, Barela family and Rep. Mary Bono, R-Palm .-...- .. values candidate. i i SPW. .. To aid Barela, Dobson taped a ..[-. i: 3o-secOnd radio spot that the candi- wloury has picked up bacm = .+ ..... date is trying to place on local from the Califomla Republican Christian radio stations. Assembly, the Gun Owners 01 Rarela and UC Rivemlde 1- America, Paul Weyrich, presided nance proiessor Joe Khoury are ol the Free Cangres Foundation in trying to unseat Rep. Ken Calvert, Washhgton, D.C, and Che Inlaad RcOrona. on Tuesday, and win the Empibe Conservative Coaltion - - Publish lune, 1998


gjk from receiving the 5096+one I@ needed to win thisi non-partisan _--fice. %I San Bernardino County. $%bum crrngresslonal candidate @ Piroal won the support of tpublimn volers by over 40 percent :g four-time candidate Rob Gupnan $0 reccived 29 percent. In the I996 Linda Wilde received 34 per- xit o the Republican vote and won $,wcingly.9 Pirozzi will come up @nst liberal Democrat George rown in Novernber. Some political pundits believe a xong economy led many voters tq refer experienced leaders over new- Jrners In contested primaries. :cording to Capitol Resource stItute in Sacramento. This may explain why Republican we Stirling. chief deputy attorney xed and second-in-command to mgren. beat challenger WeCaplzzi .fo-ts-one for the GOP nomimtion for rrorney general. Stirling, who is .ostJy consenative but not very pro- or t .t.will face liberal Democrat and for- .zr State Senate leader Bill Lockyer Mark Maddox, spokesperson for election. causing immediate response .lose well-financed campaign easily Dr. James Dobson. told The from the conservative community. shed him past Lynn Schenk and Conseruatiue Voice that Dobson's many of whom were astounded that :.arles Calderon. In the Treasurer's endorsement of candidate Cook Dobson had not endorsed Joe Khoury. -e. name-recognition helped Lhebr- Barela in the 43rd Congressionalmcc. We received a lot of calls and faxes :r Assembly Speaker Curt PringIe was -spontaneous' and in retrospect from your area." sajd Maddox. Many .n the Republican nomination over 'the endorsement should no1 have of those responses were from contrib- Jderate Republican Jan Goldsmith. been made.' utors to Focus on the Family who :ingle will ncxt face Democrat Phil An article. 'Conservative broad- werc withdrawing their monthly dcx- Ligelides. who has bcen endorsed by caster backs Barela.' appeared in TIie tions. 3xer and Feiiistein. Press-Enterprise the Saturday before Pbesee Endorsemen!. p. 3 According to Capitol Resource rtilute. whcii Uie dust finally set- 3. tlic clccticu results lookcd better e Republicans than for Deinocrals. s 22 :. llirce-pcrson ducl lor thc The niost painful loss for pro-lnii- rniocrat nor::ination for governor. ly citizms. according lo CIU. was the :!? ll1e 1,ugr XCl-out-thc-vole cam- defeat of I'rop. 226. llic paycheck pro- cn lo dcfc;it l'rqr. 226. brought out tection initiative. Tlie union bosscs ~isl,roporrii.,i:ilclyiiigli iiuinbcr of spent a11 c.stini;lted $30-35inillioii 10 'iocratic \ ,i:vrs.- according to defwt Prop. 226. a IO-lo- 1 spendiiig criinisl I) 111 iValtcrs of the aduntagc that deceived 53.5 pcrccnt ..r .,... .._..,_-.. - ~ ~~ ~~~ Endorse mOntinuedJmnp.1 .- b&ttlln( Although endorsing as a pri- Commentauy by sense diela vate citizen and not as head of State Sen. Ray Haynes allow them t Focus on the Family. Dobson's children all, endorsement of Barela was con- KMlms ftU$ sidered by many conservatives as When one of my understand 'a major mistake," an error they daughters comes en cannot were anxious to rectify. home from school. the teacher Since the article appeared on there are any num- able EngUsl the weekend before election, there ber of questions I cNld who3 was no way to make contact with lnightask what heavy an a Focus on the Family until did you learn come. hi Monday. and even then neither -Do you understand E@hh-spc calls nor faxes brought any imme- your math assign- biWaual ed diate response. It was not untll ment?" "Do you &e by a teacha the Saturday after election day your teachers?" Until recently. however. This is unac that The Conseruatiue Voice I would never have thought to ask 'Does School d received a return call from your teacher speak English?" My guess can't be as Maddox. is that l'm not alone. Most of us assume because of Maddox willingly took the that our children's teachers are required shortage. T I= blame for the endorsement, not- to have the minimal qualification of reduction a 1 ... i! ing that he was relieved that due being able to understand and comnuni- bilingual edi , __.- I ::j cate in English. It is an expectation SO need for ma ._. .. to the lateness of the endorsement that it probably did not severely basic that common sense dictates the an increase affect the election's outcome. answer. that ifs oka! Barela received only 6.9 percent Our school districts. however. have most cmcia of the total vote. Maddox did note, however, the potential harm that could have come from that endorsement in that it could have atti drawn votes from the conservative Assemblyman Jim Battin announced 2219. The frontrunner. Joe Khoury. progress recently after the Assembly Classrooms I Maddox admitted that they did Public Sdety and Revenue and Taxation deductions : not research the campaign'or con- Committees unanimously passed two computers ti tact any of their conservative bds designed to better the lives of mese bii sources in California before mak- California children. His Assembly Bill a parent ai% ing the endorsement for the 43rd 1646 will protect school childsen by pre- protect the Congressional District. Maddox. venting paroled child molesters from designed to I an intern who works as a volun- being placed within haUa mile ofany ele- around the tcer policy assistant with Dobson. menhy school. The other Batlin bill. AFJ while also i described Barela as 'winsome." and stated that Dobson often likes to back 'the underdog.' However. he added that they did not know nternet I about Joe Khoury and that -in the Tlie Senate is expectcd to vote won on Christian 0 future we need Lo do more a bill (hat targets the coinmereid dislrib- 70.000 harc research before making an ution of pornogrnpliy on Uic World Wide Uie Wcb will endorsenient.- Web. Uie gnpliics portion oftlie Intmiet. appearing e Maddox added that he is being Scnator Dan Coals lias sponsored S. sites arc ffi replaced in his current position by 1482 which would require Uie conuner- inmy. Free t sonleone with -more cxpcricnce-; cia1 distributor to rcniovc Ule frcc yorno- the web Iiav lie will be workiiig with Dobsw iii graphic imigcs or require a credit card. live IlleallS I ii different capacity. iitiult PIN nunibrr. or ;idtilt iicci'bs ctulc industly [mi iii ortlcr I(I view tliciri. s. IJW' 8wtrrtliiig to .I iqiiirt Iruiii thc IlitClSl.ltC 0 Jewish World Review I August 3 1,1998 I9 Ehl, 5758

Jeff Jawby Tale of a blacklist: 'it is NPR policy'

TO JOURNALISTS OF IN'EGRITY. blacklist is the vilest word In the dictionary. Nothing cormgts a fm pnss lik~comphing to silence a lllilf~And whw the campiracy malts from m-twisfing by extremists, it is not only sormpting but cowardly.

This is a soy of bhdcbting at National Public Ra6iio. On Aug 20. NPR's popltar "Talkof the Nation' dealt withbcakingnevrj: the US raids on Osamabia Laden's terror facilities in Sudan and AfgImima One dweral guesls intcrvicwadby telephone was Steven Emerso~an investigativejournalist and a leading on Islamic fw.~hnmtaIist8enOaiSm. EUUSSW has nzported in detail on Islamic emmisn, and has focused public anmtion on tlpe netm& of temr cells and front groups operating in the United Stabs. His 1994 teleyision documentary "Jidin America" won some ofjoumalinn'smost coveted awmk, and he has repeatedly been invitedfa test@ befon Congress on Islamic violence and US countertermtist policy. "It may be," the FBI's former assimdirector of comtertemrism has written, "that Mr. Emerson is acruafly Mrinformed in some areas than the responsible agencies ofgovenunent." In short, Emerson was an ideal guest for NPR's show, and his brief on-air conversationwith host Melinda penkava was unobjectionable.

Unobjectionable, that is, to anyone except the Wamic terrorists and their supporters whom Emerson has done so much to expo%. In recent years, he has been the target of a brutal campaign ofvilikation and defamation. The Council on American Islamic Relations - a radical group that warmly defends Hamas and other terror outfits - has led the way in demonizing Emerson as an anti-Arab racist.

CAW'Sworld vicn is simple: Criticism of anything linked to even the most fanatic nings of Islam is bigotry. (For example, it labeled a "hatecrime" the amst of Sheik Omar Abdul Rahman ringleader of the World T& Center bombing) Its approach to press relations is also simple: Deluge media outlets with protests, invective. and cries of "racism!" when they publish or broadcast stories unflattering to Islamic extremists.

Because Emerson has shed so much light on the operations of these zealots. his appardnce drive them into a particular froth, Right after his NPR interview, CAIR urged its adherents to go on the auack. One ofthe many attacken was Ali Abunimak a leader of the Chicago-basedArab American Aaion Network. Judgingby its web site. the AAAlrTs chief pject is condemning "the genocidal policies OF the Us government toward the people of Iraq." But AhninIah has a pl project of his om: Lobbying lo blacklist Steven Emenon.

In June. he e-nnilcd NPR's ncw division to say he \vas "honified" chat Emerson had bxn pcsed in a story on MolladSalah a reputed Hmas fund-miser. Emerson is an an!i-Arab bigot. he uid - witness his comment in April 1Y95 chat bc Oklahoma City bombing bore "a Middle Eastern mil."It ras iniolcrable Io "have to listen to such a blatant. sickcning ncisl." Abunirnah demandcd chat NPR "not allow this IO happcn to Arabs _..again."

Hc pmsed his vcndctm up and down thc NPR food chain: To the network's national news &or. XfichaCl Ficlds: to thc gcncnl nulrwgcr of !tic aniliafc rhat had produced thc sfor?: IO Jackic Noh.who hd rcporlcd it: to Lorcn Jcrrkiris. NPR's forcign cdiaor. Thc network cavcd. Ficlds assurcd him that quoting Enicrson hdbccn 3 "misuhc" imd tlwt "it won't happcn again" -- i.c..that Enicnon \could bc blaihltstcd. But on Aup, 2Q. Emerson appeared on "Talk of the Nation" Livid, Akmimab firal an e-dto Ellen Silva, T(YiWs producer.

"I am shocked an8 disappoinbxl," he wrotc, "that T(JM had Steven hmnon its d-hshow today as a guest. Mr. Emerson is B well-documented mi-&, ~-MUslinr& Wbm he was W 011 NBR on June 24, in a report by Jackie Nortbam, there was a public ou tny.... This should aot have agaio.... Lasf time, Iaoceptedtheexphationtha!ithadlmxnaninnocenterror. But how manyemonk innocent? This isawry serious mattmand wiUreguire anappmmuse." Abjectly, WRcaved again The following exckge ensued

From Ellen Silva

Thank you for your letter.

Our execuhve' producer was in charge of that decision -not me. I take your point andextend an apology to you from the staff of TOTN. Please take care, Ellen ****

From: Ali Abunimah: Thank you for your response. Who is lhe executive producer of T(yI?J? Have you forwarded my cancerns to him or her? Other than an apology, which we received previously. what assurance can I have that tlais won't happen again? ****

From: Ellen Silva

I have forwarded your concern Lo him You have my promise he won't be used again I1 is NPR policy E +**+

WR's obsequious smndcr spkfor itself. Tha~an eqmt who testifies before Congress ~~uldbe band from the airwaves of the radio network Congress subsidizes is too scandalous to need elsbontion. It remains lo add only chat. late last week. 1 learned of the Abwhih-Silva cormpondenu: and asked NPR to csplain iis blacklisl policy.

Silva retrJcted everything. "I U'JS wrong to uy: Ute word 'polig."' she said "I misspoke. We don't haw a policy on Sfmcn Emerson." 1 askcd mcml tinics \vhF NPR was repudiating its words Silva declined to mnvcr. by James J Zogby (The Daily Star, June 23,1998)

AIlhough Arab Americans have ma& peal political progras in the United States in the past hvo decades. the community remains didiglyvulnemble to eacksof bigotry. This faa was brought home by the war waged agahthe congressional &a of Sakis Joseph Khoq. who \MS an ideal candidate and ran an emobycampaign in the Republican piiina~'in California's 43d congressional district. This area is quite comenaive in both politics and religion ill is inland from Los hgetes. with the city of Riverside as its population mm. Sin= 1992 the district has been represented in congress by Ken Calverl a Republican. Khou~is married and a father of four daughters A native of Lebanon, Khoury is a classic Aanerim success ston'. He hokk a PhD in international finance from the prestigious WonSchool. For a niunber of years he hs been a professor at the University of California in Riverside. He is &e author of 20 books and is itiddy kmvn and respected in his field Khowy ran for congress heCe before. in 1992 and 1994. losing on both occasions by an e?iuemely namlw margin. In 1994 he loa to Calvcrt by only a few hundred votes. This time. in an effon to run the moa effective campaign possible. Khouq began early. raising money and seeking professional campaign assistance.

With more than SJoO.OO0 in his campign \\ar chest and an unbeatable political team made up of hvo Of the Rcpublicrn w'spremier politicll spntegisls Ed Goas and Ed Rollins. KhouI?' had menthing going for him He began his campaign to unseat the incumbent by spelling out the principle differences behveen his candidaq and that of Calveert. In addition to thc issues he nised fiou~also reminded voters of his opponent's past outngeous behaviour. In 1991. Calven \\as caught by the police engaged in a scs act with a proslitulc in an automobile.

Calvcn's team struck back with a vengeance. Using a multi-proaged appraich. their canipaigi against Khoury focussed both directly and indirectly on his ethnicin.. Early in thc cariipaign for e.umple. Calvcrt's manager publicly dcnouiiccd Khoup' for mising large amounts of campign contributions from Arab Anierican donors. When a number of mtional Arab Amenmi leadcrs dcnundcd an apology for Uus bigof?. Crtlvcrt escuscd his attipign~amgcr's Ixhviour. saying that hc had only sought to point out that Khowy's support \vas coming from oulsidc IC district.

This tactic \vas rcniinisccnt of Calvefl's 1994 attack on Khoup' in thc lomi of a mil shot tha~included a cartoon of Khoup' fl+g into thc congressioilal district on 3 "flying carper. As in 1994. the tactic worked.

Wliit Calvcn sought to establish in thc minds of tliosc among his constituents wlio iirrc fuurtchnmztdband cliauvinislic wsrhat both Khouv and his supponcrs wrc "forciga.. .

To pund ihis rlicntc IIOIIIC. Calvcn's cmipign sen1 a Icaflci to all ~hcI~o~ischolds in llic dislricl. claiiiiing thit lhcir invcstigJtion of Khoun.'s publicly filcd list of caiiipiigi contribilors"rcvua1cd an atlcllrp 10 buy Rivcnidc's scat in thc US congrcss'. lls loiig list of iiamc's printcd in thc mailing includcd onl! lhc Ambic-sounding nanics I\ ho had scni donations to llic Lhoun cimpaigii.

Ilui C;il\.cn's IIW of biSotp didn't slop Ihcrc. A lcltcr dislnkilcd b? ;I C;ilscrt suppoflcr clurgcd tlnl Klioun "must scck foreign c;iiiqxip conmibutions hcc:ius~.IIC c:imio~I\ in tl~csupport of his os\n pcopk ill I116 o\\I1 Il(>I1IT tin\ II" Further developing this heof attack ~asanother letter, sent by Calvert's Jewish supporters in the 43rd district. The document began by describing Calvert as -one of Israel's most loyal supporters in the US house of representatives". (Remember this word 'loyal", i! wiU come up again in a very interesfjng way.) But the most lethal blow delivered in the letter is its description of Calvert as "a nSkx of our country. county and district". This echoed a pluase used frequently by Calvert himself. who often reminded voters that "unlike my opponenk I iyas born and nised in Riverside City*'.

Now it is not unusual for a candidate to charge that he has more familidF with an area than his opponent especially if the opponen! has only recenUy moved into the district. But Khouq has been a long-Pime resident of the am.Calvert's point and that of his supporters. however. was not the issue of residency and familiarity. it was that Khow was born in Lebanon and is not a "native of our This Line of atpack vas also echoed by other supporters of Calven One Republican leader questioned whether Khour?. had "dual citizenship" and whether his loyalty was to the United States or to Lebanon

"Frankly." this Calven supporter stated "1 would prefer my congressman to pledge allegiance to America only." (Apparently this issue of loyal& to America was not a concern of Calvert's Jewish supporters who had outright boasted that Calven was "one ofihe most loyal supporters of Israel" in congress!)

"The Arab camplign connection" and questions of Khouq's foreign birth and loyalty were the bases of the Calveen campaign's anack on Sarkis Khoq. The mail shot sent by that campaign was augmented an insidious telephone campaign that repeatedly called Republican voters in the 43rd district asking questions like: "Would it bother you more if your congressman \yere caught \\ith a prostituie or if he were recei\ing Arab money?" Another such ..phone survey" deliberately mispronounced Khoup's name in order IOaccent ;=; ,_.. its foreignness...... - .. In thc cnd Calven's effort was successful. Bigotp won and Khou~\vas defeated. Evcn in victor!'. Calvcn could not help but boast on TV that his campaign won with "all-American dollars." as if to suggest that Klioury's Arab American contributors ivere less tllari Anierican. By seeking to taint Arab American contributors as foreign and to question Khoury's loyalty because he is an inunignnt. Calven threatens Uie civil riglits of Arab Americans in particular. and ininugrants in gcncnl.

The targetting of Arab American donors to campigns is an old sion. dating back to Uic LYSOs. To see it rcsurfacc in the late 1990s is ominous. It is clear that this tactic could no[ be used in ! otlicr arcas of thc Unired States '? where hbAmericans are more numerous and have become LliOie politically recogniscd. But if bigot? is allowed to \\in an!\vhere. it will ultimately effect the entire coninrunit! and countn.

Thc fact that Khoun's binh in Lcbanon was used against him is especially galling. Wha~.in effect. Calvcn's campaign has done is most un-American. The! have nised issues and themcs that undcrcut tlic ven principles on tvhich the United States \vas founded.

If tlicrc is any silver lining Iioncw. in Khoun's dcfcat. it is ~hcrcsolIc sl~oiItiby thc candidrrlc and .kJb Anicricans nation-wide Uwt thcrc must bc a firm rcsponse to tlis bigop

Arab Anicncans rcllisc thai if such acucks go uncliallcnscd and unpunishcd thc! nil1 onl! go\\ The! iniist bc Coiiglit and dcfcatcd.

I )I.,/~IIIIV\.I Z,I,?J., ~~rmlmr~!/~111c Idr. lr11mwu ~WJIIIC,III~IC. IIIIV ,imd,*./& 17w Ihilh..h Clinton Praises Arab Loyalist Who Accused Shim~~Per~ of "State Terrorism"

May-. 8, 1998 NEW YORK- Arab lobbyist James Zogby, whom Resident Clinton enthusiastically praised this week has a long record of anti-Israel activity, and was director of a group that gave "political support to suspected PLO terrorists," according to the Anti-Defamation League. The Zionist Organization of America called Clinton's praise of Zugby "another indication of the Clinton administration's increasing pro-Arab tilt." Speaking at a conference of zogby's Arab American Institute in Washington on May 7,1998, Clinton said: "I want to say a special word of appreciation to Jim for his advice over the years. He is a remarkable voice for calm and clarity, no matter how heated the issues. But I can tell you, he is one of the most forceful, intense and brutally honest people who ever come to the White House to see me. And you should be proud of that." James Zogby's record of anti-lsael activity includes: 0 Accusing Shimon Peres of "State Tenorism" When the Israeli gwemment of Shimon Peres struck back at Habollah terrorists in southern Lebanon in 1996, Zogby accused Israel of "state sponsored terrorism." (Foward, Dec. 12,1997) ... .. Denouncing Clinton's Anti-Terror Anions ...... Zogby denounced President Clinton's 1995 executive order banning donations to terrorist groups as ....-.~ .. .. comparable to "some of the worst abuses of the McCarthy era." (Washington Post, March 27,1995) .~ ~~..~... .~~ ~~ 0 Praising Arab Terrorism as "Armed Resistance" Zogby has praised the Hezbollah terrorists in southern Lebanon as "the Lebanese armed resistance." ...... -... (Forward, December 12,1997) ...... - ...... * Defending Arab Mob Violence In a letter to Members oPCongrcss on April 9, 1997, Zogby, refening to &e Arab who hadbeen .. mobs ...... - attacking Israelis with rocks and firebombs, wrote, "it is important to distinguish terrorism from the daily ~...... - demonstrations that have erupted in the ..Paleslinians have acted out of a loss Of ho pe..." Defending Convicted Arab Terrorists According to the Anti-Defamation kgue, the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination ahnee,under Zogby's leadership as executive director during the 1980s, provided "political support Io suspected l'L0 terrorists residing in the US."(Pro-Arab Propaganda in America: Vehicles and Voices, published by the ADL,p.3). To this day, Zugby continues to publicly defend Ziad Abu Sin, an Arab terrorist convicted ofa 1979 bombing in which two Israelis were murdered. (Washington Jewish Week, Sept. 28, 1995) Urging the Arab to Boycott Israel Zogby wrotc in 1997: "It might even be time for the Arab League to reinvigorlate its stand on the bo!cott" (Jordan Times, May 21, 1997) and urged the Arab states to boycott the US-sponsored Mideast econonic conference inDoha. (Jordan Times, November 12. 1997) 0 Inciting Americans Against lsrael &gby led a vigorous lobbying effon in 1993 to prct'cnc tlic State of Ohio from purchasiiig Israel Bonds His argument to the citizens of Ohio was that they should not "be investing in a foreign counu\.--and creating jobs in that coune-whcn there's a nced Tor investment hcre" (Columbus Dispatch. May '3. 1993). lmpugning the Loyalties of American Jewry Hemy Siegman. thcn c.uecurisc director of tlic knericarr Icwish Congress. wok that Zogby has "consistently impugned the loyalty of American Jews by suggesting that they put the interest of lsrxl ahcad of the interests of the Unitcd States. and hitthcir lobbying activities in support of lsmd subvcn Lhc dcaiocratic proccss. Such accusations arc thc standard farc of anti-Scmitism." (Village VOICC.J~II~~~ 3. 1091) 0 Accusing lsncl of "Nazisni"and "Apnlicid" In 19x2. thc kiicnCan-hJb Ai~ti-~i~riiiiii~~lioilComiiiittcc. wilh Zosby as cscsutivc dirCJOr. C3lkd the lsriclis "N;v.is" and callcd 1sr;icl's anti-tcrror ;iction in soutlicn~1.cb;iiion '';I tlol@cwSt." (Pro-:IClb Propaganda in Anicrica: Vchiclcs and Voiccs. publishcd by tlic ADI.. p.5). In 1997. Zogb? woic: "Long artcr rhc rormcr South Arrican sysicni oC apartlacid and its rcpu:iml s!stcni of Baiitust:ins bas bcmi rcjcctcd ;IS inhuiiunc. thc cflorl to iiriplciiicnt :I siiiiikir r! stciii by Is~icli11ust ;~lw bc rcjcclcd." (lordin 7'inics. Ikccriibcr 17. 1997) On Tuesday. November 3. millions of Americans will go to the polls to elect tliek local. stale and natioraal rcprescntalives Dozens of Arab American candidates are running for spo& all over the nation In order to aid their efforts. such organizations as the Arab American InslitUte (AAI) and the Arab American LadeSkip PAC (AALPAC) have ken working to educate vohxs about the candidates and to raise funds lo suppon quaM~ed candidates in their mpeaive races. On Oaober 27. Al-Hewar Center in Vienna. Virginia hosted a discussion 5r. James Zogby. Resident of AAI. who talked about the role of Arab Americans in the upcoming elections. Congressional members seeking re-election include Repaesenlatives John El& Baldmi P-ME].Pat Danner P- i =: Li ...- MO]. Chris John [D-LA]. Ray LaHood [R-IL], Nick Wl[D-WVl. and John E. Sununu [D-W.First-time .. . :_ congressional candidates include Phillip J. Woof. the Democratic candidate for New Mesico's first congressional - ... - . ... disvin and Leslie A Tom. lhe Republican candidate for Michigan's 12* district. ._.- _-_I Jeanne Shaheen a Democrat is seeking reelection for a second term as the governor of New Hampshire. Dozens of Arab Americans are also m'ngin loa1 races for sfate lepislahues.judgeships and myoral and cily council spots...... ~..... As parl of its canapign to "get the word out' the AAI has released its "Vote '98 Congressional Score Card" which ..... lists the voting records of all Conge!% issues si&fkana to Arab Americans on domcsdc and foreign ..i !: members of on lij.! matters. The Score card helps to asluate candidates based on their voting paltemS with ~~SpeCtto &e% issues. The .. score card is also important because it helps the Arab and Muslim communities find those candidates who vote ... consistently in favor of their important issues. It also shows lhat not all Arab American members Of Congress .... necessarily rote in favor of those issues. ~ .- $1, In the Washington D.C. area AALPAC hosted a reception on September 10 to honor the members of Congress who have eanicd tlie respect and support of the Arab conimunih. including the Arab Anieriwn congressional delegation , .- .:Ii.- -I.. Gucsis of ., honor included Represenwtives Darid E. Bonior. John ConFen. Nick Rahall. Dale Kildee. James Monn ._...~.. .. Pat Danner. John Baldacci. Toni Davis 111. Ray LaHood Jesse Jackson Jr.. Cluis John Ciro Rodriguez and John E. Sununu. AAI and several oilier Anb Anicricari orgaidzations ahhosted 3 Virginia Candidates Niglrt Rece tion on Septembcr 20. fcaturing congressional candidates Rep. James P. Monn and Mrs. Dcnlaris Miller of thc 8f.. [)lslnct and Cornell Brooks. Esq. of the 10'' District (who is challenging Rep. frank Wolf). and Rep. Toni Davis 111 of the I I*District. nie forum ivas pan of M'S voic '98 propm. a national. non-partisan campaign to regster voters. cducate Amb Amcricans about campaign issues. increase political activism in tlic conmniunih. and get people out 10 the polls. Voce '9X tias kickcd OB81 AM's national teadcrslup confcrcncc i\.Iiicli includcd addrcsscs by Prcsidcnt Clinton. iiiorc illan 30 Congrcssioml lcadcrs and numerous candidates for public oflicc. Tlic Council on Amcrican-Islamic Relations (CAIR) hosted "The Muslims of Anicrica and the 1998 Elections" on Scptenibcr 28. nic confcrencc fcatured presenters Sdaynian b+alig. professor or African Studies 81 k10\\.iIhd Univcnity and Alif Hardcn. Esccutivc Director of the Amcrican Muslim Council. At this point. the outconic of ilic clcctions arc anybody's gucss. In Ius Scpicniber 28. 1098 lIk.shhgfon Il'ntch. Ds. Zogby wrotc: "Most analysts prcdici that thc 199%clcctions will feature the losest votcr tuniouc in dccadcs. 71Us is also 3 factor in both panics' political stratcgics. Sincc 1974. tlic non-presidential !car wtcr turnout has tccn lcss Ihan 40 pcrccnt. This yur rhc riurrrbcrs rria!. k as Ion. as 33 pcrccnr. llicrc arc IIYO rcasons for ~liis.On tlic one hand votcrs arc sonicnhat coinplaccnt Tlic cconon~~is good. crinic is 1011 and 11s national niood is 31 3 thrcc dccadc higli. CoiiipI;iccn~\oicrs doii'~\oic ".AI tlic WIIIC tiiiic. o:licr \o:crs arc so disillusioned and disguslcd h! rlic pol~t~~~lmcss 111 \\';ishingoii llUt Ihc! ha\C 'iuticd out' of politics "Uctiiccii iiou ;ind No\ciiihcr ;ui\tliing can Iwppco. Rcpiib1ic;iirs c;in o\cr-ph\ ilicir Iwnd (tic Wscsrdcni 8fld Dciiiocr:its ciiii k hurt b! iicu disclosurcs. local or rrIiioiwl rncdia c;in dccidc io locus on ISSIICS and crcatc ;L dcklic on tlic dircclion of ihc COUIII~.or an\ nuiubcr or thing cm Irippcii on tlic l0i:il Icvcl to iiilliicncc thc oulconlc of 3 iiutiibcr of iiidir idicil r;iccs. I>isiurkd h\ ;I rccciit upsurge in :inti-Ariib ;ind mii-Miislini I;ICIICS cnrplo!cd h! SOIIIC andidtlcs sild oflic~ds.:I hrwd r;qc ol C'IIIIIIC (1rE;iw:liioiis Iias rcspndcd b! I;iiincliii~g''('AI for 1;;iiriicss ;iiid I~iclus~on.";I n~~tion;!l caiiip;iiyi io proiiicric I;iir ;~iid~~iilus~\ c polilical discourse Currciitl!. 3 n;ltltriril etli~~iiortyni/;iiioiis II;IIC J~IIIC~ tlic c;iiiip~~gii.\\lii~h \\;I\ proiiipicd 13) Iiic rcicni c\pL.ricncc of :\r;ih ,Atiim;.iii c;indiditc %irkis Jirscpli ti11t~n111 California's 43d congmsional disUict Khoq, a c0nServ;ltive Republican had a mung camp&@ until his opponent. Rep. Ken Calyert and his surrogates resorted to &ab baiting During the final days of the campaign. Khotq's opponents not only questioned his loyalty to the united Slates because he is a nauralized citizen but Jso dcscribed Arab American suppon of Khoury as a "foreignattempt" to buy influence. Zogb and ADC h.Hala Maksoud joined other ethnic lsaders on October 14 to hunch "Call for Fairness and Inclusion" and to release a "Statement of Concern" whish has been endorsed b more than 30 organizations...... ~-...... ,...... ,...... -.-...... 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For more informa8ion. please contact AI-Hewar via e-mail at [email protected] .Jewish World Review Sept. 4,1998 I13 Elul, 5758 Jonathan S. Tobin

s IN RECENT YEARS, a new group has been added to the pantheon of vidims in modern culture. Arab-Americans have organized, and in the best tradition of r$mE?riMn democracv have cried out against what thev claim is svstematic discrimination. Like many other minority groups, Arab- Americans have a legitimate beef. People who look, sound and talk different from the majority have always faced an uphill fight in America. Though anti-Arab discrimination was never as institutionalizedas anti-black hatred, as ingrained in American history as anti-Hispanic sentiment or as rooted in the culture of western civilization as Jew-hatred, it exists nonetheless in our society and popular culture. Understandably, Arab-Americans are outraged when depictions of Arabs in the movies and on television are limited to characters who are bloodthirsty terrorists or quaint exotics. The millions of ordinary peace-loving and hard working American citizens mho are Muslim or of Arab descent deserve and have a right to expect -- like everyone else - - to be treated with respect. To that end, Arab-Americans have followed the pattern of American Jews and established graups dedicated to fighting discrimination and defamation of Arabs and Muslims. In that effort, they deserve the suppost of American Jews. Indeed, their efforts have gained a lot of press lately with their protests against a forthcoming feature Film entitled, "The Siege." The Edward Zwick production stars Denzel Washington and Bruce Willis in a story about Arab terrorism in the U.S. The producers went all out to avoid stereotypes -- even making one of the good guy policemen an Arab-American. But that wasn't enough for the Arab groups, who are still unhappy about the movie. But the story isn't quite that simple. The problem is, the claim of discrimination falls apart when it demands that depictions of terrorism never be associated with Arabs or Muslims. The problem with their protests is that Arab and lslamic terrorism isn't a stereotype or a racist fabrication. While it ought not to tar every Arab or Muslim. it IS still real. Unfortunately, in their effort to halt discrimination. these same groups have chosen not to disassociate themselves from the excesses of Islamic fundamentalism and Arab nationalism in the Middle East. Indeed. some of these same Arab and Muslim anti- defamation groups such as the Council on American- Islamic Relations (CAIRI and the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (AAADC). have become the most important defenders of Hamas .and Islamic Jihad in the United Slates Even worse. they have taken on the task of smearing anyone who speaks out against these groups or investigates their activities. The main target of their ire has been investigative journalist Steven Emerson. Emerson has earned this enmity with ground-breaking work on the network of supporters of Arab terror groups operating in the United States. His documentary film "Jihad in America" was shown on public television and won many awards. His writing regularly appears in leading newspapers such as the Wal! Street Journal and he has testified as an expert on the topic of terror support groups before Congress. All this has made him a marked man. But rather than argue the merits of the cause of the bloodthirsty terror groups like Hamas whose actions they rationalize, CAlR and others have gone on the offensive smearing Emerson as a racist. Emerson's repoiting has revealed the hate and support for terror inside their groups that goes on in a routine manner inside CAIR. But, as far as CAlR is concerned, the mere f2d that Emerson has told the truth about them and other Hamas supporters makes him dangerous. And like all political extremists they believe those who disagree with them must be destroyed. Given the fact that Emerson's work has beer! confirmed by law enforcement agencies who have started to crack down on Hamas fundraising, one would think that radicals like CAlR would have no more influence than the nuts who make up the far-right militias. But that is to underestimate them. Leading Arab- Americans such as Washington Democratic party insider James Zogby, a man who has entry to the White House aiid the highest levels of political leadership in the country, have taken up their drumbeat, repeatedly blasting the truth- telling Emerson. But the latest and most egregious instance of these "~nti-discriminafion"activities is their apparently successful effort to persuade National Public Radio to ban Emerson from its airwaves. After a campaign by the Arab-American Action Network (AAAN), NPRs national news editor Michael Fields apparently promised that Emerson would not appear on the publicly funded radio network again, But after Emerson was interviewed last month on NPRs "Talk of the Nation" program, AAAN leader AI; Abunimah demanded again that Emerson be banned. Astonishingly. the program's producer Ellen Silva apologized and promised in an e-mail that Emerson "won't be used again. It is NPR policy." When Boston Globe and JWR columnist Jeff Jacoby inquired about this statement, Silva backed off and claimed there was no NPR policy on Emerson. But if not. why had she said in writing that there was such a policy? Jacoby rightly questioned why NPR. which is funded by U.S. taxpayer dollars approved by Congress. had banned a man whom Congress has used as an expert on the topic. But that's where the anti-Arab discrimination crowd came in again. Following Jacoby's Aug. 31 column in the Globe and on JWR, the Council of American-Islamic Relations fired off a press release accusing -- you guessed it -- Jacoby of being an anti-Arab racist. Citing Jacoby's defense of the Jewish claim to Jerusalem as well as his writlng about Yasser Arafat's references to the Prophet Muhammad's broken treaty wth the Jewish tribes of Arabia (a troubling precedent for those who place their faith in Oslo), CAlR falsely branded Jacoby as someone who had defamed Islam. But they didn't stop with that. They had the audacity to claim that Jacoby's column about what these same Arab groups were doing to Steve Emerson was "fabricated" and called for his firing. Affer the demise of columnists Patricia Smith and Mike Barnicle for fabrications, that's a fighting word at the Boston Globe. Will the Globe's editors try to assuage the claims of anhi- Arab bigotry by "investigating" Jacoby? Anything is possible. The unpleasant fact in this sordid story is that the people qingdiscrimination and bigotry are themselves the haters. They are the front men for groups like Hamas wl;sse main purpose is to kill and maim as many Jews end Americans as possible and to destroy the state of Israel. Their enemy isn't discrimination against Arabs, but the truth that men like Emerson and Jacoby are risking their careers to bring out into the light. American Jews have an obligation to rise to their defense with at least as much fervor as Arab and Muslim groups have displayed in trying to blacklist them. NPR and the Boston Globe need to be told that we will not tolerate theirgiving in to front groups for Hamas. If Emerson and Jacoby are effectively silenced, then no one is safe.

JWR conuibutor Jonathan S. Tobin is executive editor of the Connecticut Jenish Ledger. He was the recipient of the American Jewish Press Association highest award: First Place in The Louis Rapport Award for Escellence in Cornmentar?. and Editorial Writing. The Rapport awrd is named for the longlime &tor of the Jerusalem Post and \\as given to Mr Tobin at the AJPA's 1997 Simon Rockowr A\\ards dinner a1 Cleveland on Jwie 18. 1998. XCFL - The United States Committe... of Leb Americans to speak out http://www.frcelebanon.org/prrss/p4.htm

ress Release

The United States Committee for a Free Lebamon blasts tbe current Amb AmePisan kadersbip, calls for sponsohing a "Study RE~o~l1 on Lebanon and invites the Q~Wgeneration of Lebanese Amerieans to speak out.

....*.. ..:. 'Z.. New York-September 14,1998- The United States Committee for a Free Lebanon (USCFL),a coalition .. . s.: s.: of the tQ .-- Americans established for the purpose of educating public as Lebanon's strategic admod .. .- . significance as an ally of the United States and an outpost of Western values in the Midde East issued . .~ ....- today a press-release, blasting the current Arab American leadership, calling for sponsoring a "Study Report " on Lebanon and inviting the new generation of Lebanese Americans to speak out. .- ..! i' .. cj;__ While a number of prominent Lebanese American public figures such as secretary of health and human ...... - services Donna Shahda; former senate majority leader Congress aeoqe Mitchell, CoDSpIIIIer advocate ..i. > in Ralph Nader and Congressmen Abraham, Lahood, RdhalP and Smunu Jr are the pride of many sons and ...... daughters of Lebanese nationals, it is sad to note that the majority of Lebanese American activists today ...j . .. have miserabIy failed in promoting a free, independent and sovereign Lebanon said Mr. Ziad Abdelnour, L .i President of the USCFL, to a group of US foreign policy experts at a private reception hdd yesterday in

. _i New York City. .. -2 Take for example Arab American activists James Zogby from the Arab American Institute ,Abdulrahman Alamoudi from the American Muslim Council, Peter Tanous & Nijad Fares from the American Task Force for Lebanon and Khalil Jahshan from the National Association of Arab Americans .These individuals are nothing but "hired guns" who go for the highest "Arab bidder" as described by Kenneth R. Timmerman in the American Spectator issue of November 1997 entitled: "Ai Gore's Arab Moneymen "and numerous other articles on the subject matter in the US media First, these pseudo "lobbyists" have no right of high jacking the heritage ofthe Lebanese Americans and claim Arab victories. Most of the Arab American officials in the US Government today at all levels are the descendants of Lebanese only. They have nothing to do with Islam or the Arab world . Second, these "Arab promoters" have no right to claim that they represent over 3 million Lebanese Americans in this country when it is a well known fact that they don't even represent 1,000 individuals all combined. Third, although the aforementioned gentlemen keep preaching about working toward a common "Arab agenda" to liberate Lebanon from the "imperialists and the Zionists", we ,at the United States Commirtee for a Free Lebanon, do not believe in a common Arab agenda because we don't see it necessarily playing in Lebanon's hand unless one considers Lebanon as part of Syria; which I believe most Lebanese along with Lebanese Americans still fiercely reject.

We would like to call on the new generation of Lebanese American activists to join forces with US in sponsoring the First "Study Report" of its kind on Lebanon. The Lebanon's case cannot anymore wait. Creating a US-Lebanon file separate from the US-Syria one is an absolute must for the freedom. independence and sovereignty of Lebanon.