The Daily Egyptian, September 26, 1996

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The Daily Egyptian, September 26, 1996 Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC September 1996 Daily Egyptian 1996 9-26-1996 The Daily Egyptian, September 26, 1996 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: Volume 82, Issue 28 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1996 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in September 1996 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Inside: Glyph poses the ,question: ls Car.bondal~ a cultural oasis or wasteland? e Daily.Egyptian Th~z:zo Southern Illinois Uni\'ersity at Carbondale · · ·' Vol. 82, No. 28, 12 pages .t,Unplls .. chc1nges ·:·tuition ':'p<>licy By Dylan Fenley D.iily Egyptian Reponcr Kevin Ford was shocked on Sunday when he received a teller from the University telling him he had to pay three time., a.~ much in tuition next year or lea,·e. ·Ford.a freshman from Barlow. Ky .. received a lcuer on Sunday from the Office of Admis.,ions and Records infonning him that SIUC's policy regarding in-slate tuition rates for residents of Western Kentucky will change. · Under current policy. resident, of the 14 counties of Western Kentucky arc allowed to aue.nd SIUC and pay in-state tuition rates of SSO per credit hour. 811Ai111Awu - The D.1ily fJ;r,J/~m Starting in summer 1997, .. folm·Corker,fon11er director of tire St11dc11t Center. and t'isiling proft·s.-:or in food and 1111/rition, is a 110111im-c for Ilic Administrator of t!rt• Western Kentucky residents will have 10 pay full out-of-state tuition • Year award. His desk, an pct11al piece ofa. St11dc1JI S:cnter l10wling lm!c( is cotwcd with signatnrcsJrom former Student C,·11tcr staff. rates of S240 per credit hour to anend SIUC. Ford is one ·or 74 students at SIUC affected by the policy I change, Carol Wcstennan-Jones. Admissions and Record, officer, said. , Ford transferred to SIUC to oming full :circle• major in architecture after 1wo years :it Murray Stale Univeri;ily in Kentucky. He said the quality of education he ha.\ received at SIUC is superior to what he wa., n.-cciving at Murray State. Former Student Centerdirector nominated for administrative award "I've learned more here in half of one semester than I did in two By Shawnna Donovan 1l1e thought of being nominated by fonncr been tabled by the University administralian. DE GovcrnmenVPolilics Editor fellow workers is enough of an award, Corker. The company that wa.s going 10 build the hotel· sec.POLICY, page 10 who is now a vi~iting professor in food and eventually built the hotel next lo Pier I lmpon.\ nutrition, said. off Route 13 east of Carbondale. · · ife ha.~ a way of working itself into a "I felt ,·cry plea.\Cd and honored." Corker · Har\'ey Welch. vice chancellor for Student circle. or so it S(.'Cffis for John Corker•. said. · · Affairs and Corker's former din.-ct superviser, L fonncr din.-clor of the Student Center. Even though the transition from being an could not be reached for comment as of who ha.~ been nominated for an· award for a admini;trator to teaching more than 200 stu- prcs.,time. posit_ion that he ha.~ not hccn in·formorc than dent\ per semcMer ha.s been smooth, Corker However, Jean P.Jr-Jllirc;a.s.sociatc vice chan­ a year. looks oock at being director and said he wa.~ · 'ccllor for Student Affairs and dean of students, Corker. who. was din.-ctor for 19 year.-. is one not political enough to ket.-p the JX)\ilion. said Corker more than qualities for the award of four people nominated for Admini~lr-Jtor of "I think that to be moved from a position of his many yl!Ul'S of service. the Year by the SIUC Adminis1ra1ive/Prof- that I had operated effL-ctively for 19 years wa.s · '.'If he wins, it v,ould be \'Cry nice and very· CS.\ional Staff Council. the twilight of my· career," he said. "I wa.s never lining,"' ~he said. •. The :iward will be given tonight during u a very good politician. I work hard :ind feel Paratore said she would not comment on ceremony in lhe Student Center, a facility very strongly in this institution. lha,·e a ten- Corker's resignatil}n a,\ director or on what' . Corker u,-ed to manage. ~ency 10 be ou1~poken over is.sues:• · Corker calls "politics."· · • ·. · . ; · During his 19 years at the center. Corker One of those is.,uc.,;. Corker said. wa.(a pro- · Corker resigned from his position in May '. ·. helped create Sun.sci Concen.,;. Springfe~I and· JXISCll hotel on campu.~. He said although ii wa.s 1995. He said he wa.\ given notice in January many other programs the ccnll'• panic.ipates in. a great idea and concept. the hotel proposal did · 1995 that "a change would occur·· and \\U.~. He hdP<,-d add 30 m;ijor ~ervice.s ai the center, . not addrc.s.~ how the hotel would interfere with - a.,ked if he wa.~ intel'C.'ted in teaching. _ including the I.D. card service and the­ the day-to-day liperations of the L-enter. · . · ,' -- In spring 1995, Corker said the move wa.~ transil bus Corker said he_ ~upponed, the hole! but raised _ ''lateral." and he' was looking forward lo teach- · Uc said one ofhi, m;iin accompli~hrncn1, a.s · questions about saL-rificing student sc'rvici:s to ing Mudcnt\ again. _Corker now says the move director was making the center seem more accommodate it. · •. · · · · wann :ind comfonable for ~tudcnls. Since 199-t the propo~d hotel is~ue. ha.~ see CORKER, page 10_ . Sports Campus Index Weather Opin~on :: • · ·• p.1ge 4 . ·To_day: Cloudy Tomorrow: Rainy Men's golf team Canadian fuifills Egg-tempe~ artist Preschool garden ·. - -~ lakes eighlh at - dream of. displays talent at teaches children ciassifieds : .._ pasf 6 . tournament. running at SIUC. ; Universi1y. r~ponsibi.lit~'. _,- c~_mics ••••• ~ ~p.1,;e 9 ~- ¢'RPI ;71 page 12. page 12 ~ge3 page 3. :sports p.1ge 12 High • ·:",'\. _.. ;: _.1 ~:Low· .. :·s1 Daily Egyptian Thursday, September 26, 1996 2JNEWS_ ~;[i~~~R~~li---·.. __ _ i· • •!Ill'. TODAY men's support group, Sept 26·- 27, ' ---.-.-. -- · · Sept 30-'- Oct 2, daily by appoint- . 11 · Puerto Rico Association meeting ment, Woody A306. Conlact Nita at for future events, 7 p.m., Student 453-3655. .~~ Center Basement, lounge of ISC & . HSC; , Contact- Jose· Luis al' • Organ1zat10n for Mult1-Ethmc , _______,,...,,._~-- 5294929:' •·•• ···· · Students in EducatJon·(OMESE) • · meeting, 6 p.m., Wham 219. 95.~ Pnroera •, SIUC Library Affairs "ERIC" Contact Lajoi at453-4223 .. Wolkshop, 9 to 10, am. & 2 to 3 .t~ • 'Pan-African Committee meet­ L·~ .:.~ Retro Music . CH.. ;_,_:__ '_·.. p.nt, Moms Library7103D;.'.'Basic 1) RESEAR , . Video for the' Cliissroom" ing, 10, p.m., Student· Center ~---"""~t.50 One shot·m~ers PARTICIPATION OR · Workshop, J: to 3 p.m;, Morris Kaskaskia Room. Contact Chantee at53~740t 2) QUIT SMOKING . Library Room . 15. Contact. Thursday-/'..· Frid~y . RESEA_ RCH · . Undergraduate Desk at 453-2818 to . • : Latter-Day Saint Student Buck Night ., ' I 1 , • 25¢ Drafts , register. Association seminar, "Church , '.Affi'ERNOON.MORNINGOR SESSIONS. ·. ·· . ._• • Equestrian Team & Riding qub Ed eauon· S ystem:· I nst11ute· Cl ass $1 almost . .· Bud, Bud It. · · · meeting, every Thursday, 7. p.m., · Subject-Doctrine & Covenants! - everything . .., Miller, Miller It. f_ AVAIL MUST BE l8i42!/ : Student Center Missouri Room: 10. ~ 3 p;m.; Student Center CALL THESMOKINuLAB·:'. ·Sangamon Room. Co tact Ste "' Alternative Honey Brown · · ~ontactl.ori_at351-1725. n . ve,u · · · No Cover AT:453-3561 OR 4.~3·3~!7:~ • United Asian-American Council 4?7-5303; Music. · · ~c1tu_rday · · (UAAC). general: meeting; 6 p.m.; .; Sophists.Political S~ety orga­ Student Center Basement near ISC: nizaticirial ·meeting; 5. p.m., Student · Center, Activity Room A. Contact Be Surprised at the Specials . Con~ Andy at 351-1172. David at 536-338L No Cover! -.• Hillel Foundation for Jewish· • · Sophists Student U.S. 760 E. Grand Ave. Carbondale 457-2259 Campus L(fe slide presentation by Presidential Poll; 9 am. to 3 p.m., Judith Joseph - "The Ketubah: Joy Student Center Hall of Fame. in Paint· & Letters" 7, p.m;, Contact David'at 536-3381. -- C!IC o:- University Museum Auditorium. Cori~t Betsy at 549,-7387. •, Southe_m Illinois Collegiate Sailing Club meeting, 7:30 p.m., • · "Music in the G•" free. out­ .Student Center Saline Room. door concert, No.on to I p.m., Contact Myron at 351-0007. Try ou: Museum Sculpture· Garden, Faner ~ sramng .. Hall, west side of Univers:ty • Catholic i;harismatic prayer convenient -uaen REX Museum. Contact Lori or Tracy at · meeting, 7:30 to 9 p.m., Newman ~ HARlllSON 453-5388. Catholic Student Center. Contact •-1/DREY Tom at 5494266. ~ drive-thru LaDY. - HEnl/RN •, Museum Student Group meet­ ON THE 8Kl SCREEN & STEREO SOIINO!l ing, 4 p.m., Faner 2469. Contact .• Psi Chi Psychology Honors I . STARTS TODAY! I Christieat453-5388. · meeting, 7 p.m., Student Center service ! Showing Thurs. •m., Sq,t. 26!h-27th • Societyof Advancement of· :~~-oom._ContactCathcrine Adutts-$-UlO I Management (SAM) general meet- . Chlldren & Seniors - $3.00 830 W. Walnut St. We, Deliver! Hollywood Alm Club Members-SZ.00 1 ing, 5 p.m;; Rehn. J08. Contact Matt · Showtlmes: : atS'}}J-7777. · Sun-Wed lla.rnAa.rn. 54' 9-. 303: o·. 2:00 & 7:00 PM Each Day • American Marketing Assoc­ Thurs-_Sat 11 a.m.-3a.rn.
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    IAN BOGOST CURRICULUM VITAE Ivan Allen College Distinguished Chair in Media Studies Professor of Interactive Computing Professor, Scheller College of Business Professor of Architecture Georgia Institute of Technology Founding Partner, Persuasive Games LLC Contributing Editor, The Atlantic CONTACT Georgia Institute of Technology Persuasive Games LLC Digital Media / TSRB 318B 1100 Peachtree St. 85 5th St. NW Suite 200 Atlanta, GA 30308-1030 Atlanta, GA 30309 +1 (404) 894-1160 +1 (404) 907-3770 [email protected] [email protected] I. EARNED DEGREES Ph.D., Comparative Literature, University of California, Los Angeles, 2004. M.A., Comparative Literature, University of California, Los Angeles, 2001. B.A., Philosophy & Comparative Literature, University of Southern California, 1998. Magna Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa Diplôme Approfondi de Langue Français, Centre International d’Etudes Pédagogiques, 1997. II. EMPLOYMENT 2019–2022 Adjunct Professor (not in residence) Centre for Digital Humanities Brock University St. Catherines, Ontario, Canada 2013 – present Contributing Editor The Atlantic 2012 – present Ivan Allen College Distinguished Chair in Media Studies School of Literature, Media, and Communication, Ivan Allen College Page 1 of 57 Ian Bogost Curriculum Vitae Professor of Interactive Computing School of Interactive Computing, College of Computing Professor of Business (2014–) Scheller College of Business Professor of Architecture (2019–) School of Architecture, College of Design Georgia Institute of Technology
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