Howard, Kennedy clash over policies of Reagan, B1 •- I 1ED BANK EATONTOWN Fattest marathoner NFL teams split - BRANCH Jones sets world record Jets swamp Chiefs, 28-7; in wet Chicago Marathon. Eagles top Giants 24-14. , chance of rain Page B2 Page B2 let* weather on A2 The Daily Register VOL. 107 NO. 98 YOUR HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER .. . SINCE 1878 MONDAY, OCTOBER 22. 1984 . 25 CENTS Crucial debate fails to close campaign gap KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) - President Reagan and Democratic challenger Walter F. Mondale, attacking etch other's Judgment and competence In a showdown debate, were heading Into the campaign's closing two weeks with Mondale stall playing catch-up and Reagan's supporters confident his victory was secure. Mondale stopped short of claiming victory, but at a post-debate rally he repeated the leadership theme he •tressed daring their 90-minute televised confrontation last night on defense and foreign policy. Debate analysis, page A3 HA**Y DAY — Stephanie Lee-Miller, left. state Sen. Richard Van Wagner, D-Monmouth atstetant secretary for public affairs, Department and Middlesex, take a break yesterday during Jersey reaction, page A3 of Health and Human Services, Thomas the dedication ceremony ol the hospital's new Goldman, president, Bayshore Community Hot North Wing. Lee-Miller and Lautenberg were the pital, U.8. Sen. Frank R. Lautenberg, D-N.J. and "Tonight, despite all the tragedy in Lebanon, I think ceremony's keynote speakers. I heard the president, the commander in chief, blame it on somebody else." Mondale told about 1,100 people In a downtown hotel. "Tonight, despite aU the embarrassment of that covert action In Nicsragus. which hat strengthened our Senator lauds creators enemies, I think I heard the president, the commander In chief, blame somebody else," he added. But Vice President George Bush wss jubilant. "I think we just wrapped up four more years," he declared RONALD REAGAN after the debate of new hospital wing Bee Debate, page A2 BYMKHAEL W SUtKOWWI adjoins the main hospital tower, wtMrlilas MA us —-»l—A hanlai HOLMDEL - Sen. Frank R. Related story BI provides oo new pttiwni DNI, Lsttenberg, D-N.J. saluted yester- centralised outpatient services day the "blood, sweat and tears of and Increased space for supportive Partisans services. the community" for IU part in It also houses a new making the aew. $12.2 million "Prom that early morning on materials managemeng t depart- NorthWIag of the Bayshore Com- Hay 2, 1972, when a Hadet ment and pharmacyh . munity Hospital a reality. fireman was overcome by smoke The addition of « beds while fighting a plus oven fire, claim victory Speaking at a dedication cer- the hospital's total to 233. emony for the new wlag, and became the flrtt of what has Each of the three new patient Lautenberg said, 'You haven't now become 100,000 patients, floors will house a centralised come to government.. to help do Bayahore has distinguished Itself nursing station which provides as a member in the New Jersey for their side this. My compliments go to those Immediate access to patient health care delivery system," the needs Patient rooms contain Indi- said. Although the hospital's building vidual "nurse savers," enabling "Now It the time for all good man to come to the aid campaign Is $200,000 thy of 1U She praised Bayabore'i staff of the staff to administer to the of the party," goat the oft-quoted line from an I goal, $1.3 million has been raised 100 physicians and dentists, and health needs of the patient In a by private donations. The re- the special programs the hospital more efficient manner. For the And last night, six good men - Republicans and mainder la funded throughbonding. offers mch as health fairs, clinic convenience of the patient, each Democrats - did Just that In declaring their party's according to a hospitsl services, lecture series, CPR bed is equipped with IU own candidate the winner of the presidential debate. classes and Immunisation pro- television mounted on s movable "I do feel Mr. Mondsle scored some points. He "I come here to give you tribute grams. arm extension for the patient's clearly demonstrates that he la for a strong America and to ay thank you. This is Sharing the podium with Lee- viewing comfort. and for maintaining our military defenses," said demonstrative of what New Jersey Lautenberg The patient units are the first in Congressman James J. Howard, D-N.J "From the It abort," Lautenlwrg Hid. i CaMn Bell, chairmahalrmanofthn of thee Board the area to offer resUursnt-ttyle point of view of stage presence, both men did well," he of Trustees; Thomas. Goldman, menus. The meals will be serviced WALTER MONDALE Also delivering a keynote ad- Dr. All by the Marriott Corp. 1 did find It curious that Mr. Reaga uld spent dress was White House reprssen- The limited number of special $30 billion to develop 'Star Wars' technology and it hand "I couldn't help but look at the bags under Mondsle'i Charles F. Pierce Jr., state deputy accommodation rooms are avail- it over to the Sovieta," Howard said. eyes. I thought they were going to explode," he said. tant secretary for public sfftlrs. commissioner of health able for patients and family mem- "Mr. Mondale emphssHed that It lakes knowledge ss State Sen. S. Thomas Gagllano. R-Monmouth, echoed Department of Health and Human bers upon request These facilities well as strength to properly conduct foreign affairs," Kennedy's observations Services. She said she represented Nearly 600 persons attended the offar areas where family members he said. "I thought Mondale looked tired. He had big black, President Reagan who could not under a canopy may dine with the patients and Brian Kennedy, the congressman's Republican oppo- bags under his eyes," Gagllano laid. "I wonder If they attend because "of the debate on the hospital's grounds. •lay overnight. nent, thought differently made a mistake with the make-up." situation." The hospital occupies 16 acres Bayshore has more than doubled "I thought Ronald Reagan blew him away and re- "Both did well. There was no knock-out. I didn't see She called Bayshore Community just oft the Cardan State Parkway the stso-of IU otttpttianU services established himself as Mr. Number One." said a fightln' Fritz at all," he added. Hospital "a modal for the rest of and Holmdel Road to keep stride with the growing Kennedy. "I was so proud of him." "On the age issue, the president got a real laugh," ths country." The new t-slory wing, See Hospital, page AS "I thought Ronald Reagan was totally at ease and in he said. ' I thought he was Just fantastic," be said. See Partisan, page A2 Chronic sleep problems can make life miserable EDITOR'S NOTE: THs Is the first brain reset themselves, when bal- Probably no people are so sett- face«t sleep, and some of these are el a ance U sought naturally, when concious about their sleep ss Ameri- life endangering. Some people hormonal secretions do some of cans. They complain that they sleep chronically stop breathing during their most Important work. too little or they compUin that they sleep, and this may well be a cause Yet on any given night one Out of sleep too much. They complain of "crib death" among infants. ef the new three of us will complain about when their bad partners snore and Snoring can also be hazardous to 1* lead te safe sleep. Fortunately. It hi often a they complain when their children one's health, not something to Joke different one of us every night. But sleepwalk. BY JOHN BARBOUR not always. Some people have They wake ap groggy ai At least 11,000 people la the (Pim as a ttriet) chronic sleep problems that make enough to kick a cat. Or they may United States taffer from their lives a misery, and others have oversleep with the same result. narcolepsy, a disturbance of the Etch sight we flick off the l.ghu potentially dangerous problems that Cats, Incidentally, may wake up and sleep regulation center In toe brain and Ian eanatvea ever to a poten- could take theS lives tome night. sleep as often at l.oao times a day, They may suffer from groat halluci- tially vaJaanbla state called sleep. Millions of M take sleeping pills nations and periods of absolute Seme people will die in their to pave their way to sleep. Minions I are discover lug muscle weakness. Sleep constantly sleep. Yet not one of us can do more pour an alcoholic nightcap. that moat of this pain and turmoil Is Intrudes into their lives, anywhere, without It. Both methods are counter- unnecessary Sleep can be adjusted anytime. They may fall asleep • It It a thaw when the body and the productive to good sleep. without chemical aide and can be as eating, have vivid hallucinations while driving a car, or dote off restful and restorative as nature during an Interview. meant It tobe . They are also 1 Of all the phases of the human Monday chronic physical allmenti condition, sleep has been one of the Make A Date A7 most mytliluat. Until the elec- Movies AS trical encephalograph was Invented Advice 86 People A2 »% off dinner to town residents this some SO yean ago, scientists had nd* Ana AS Obituaries A7 S72-1M5 useful device lor discovering wnst i A5 Opinion AS the bran wat doing either at rest or t B7 8porta...t B2 at the alert. But beginning with that Cornice _ BS Television AS Get into M.0O0 I wUawtthThe , they were able to probe Llteetyte B8 Your Town B1 s 1MB New Car Section At Thursdsy Oct. 2$. Dead- Talking Pumpkin Family: Free Hal- GANGWAY SPECIALS is Tuesday 10/23. Call The Yarns Unique. Now Open .Mon, loween pumpkin for every $1 ad- 4 Lobsters It s bottle of wine $22 Cat Mr. Car CHalc J-MJr D for Tats,Thaw,Frt. 11a.m-6p.m.Sat mission. Spring Hollow Nursery, 625 Chowder, steamers, lobster 17 to. Save You Money??? Tonight 104. Evenings M 10 p.m Laurel Ave. Holmdel 7J7-14M Highlands, U1-SM1 A2 The Daily Register MONDAY, OCTOBER 22. Debate fails to close PEOPLE 9 Mondale, Reagan gap Jackson 'satire 8M. Paul Laxalt, R-Nev, the example of a strategy that's embar- A panel of seven scholastic and Reagan campaign chairman who rassed ea. strengthened oar opposi- collegiate debate judges called Mon- waa clearly upset two weeks ago tion and until mined the moral draws viewer ire dale the winner by an even wider after Reagan's subpar performance authority of oar people and oar margin than in the first debate In in the first debate in Louisville. Ky.. country la the region." NEW YORK - The Rev Jeue Jackion sang and Louisville, Ky They gave the Demo- waa obviously relieved after this Reagan repudiated the manual aa clowned as host or NBC-TV 1 "Saturday Night Live." crat 187 points to 166 for the one. a contrary to an executive order he but while he called his performance "political satire, signed directing that "we would president. The same panel declared "In the worst caae scenario, I perhaps at its best." not everyone saw it that way. Mondale the winner by a margin of have nothing to with regard to Jackson said he tried to "walk this delicate think It was a draw and In that caae political assassinations." 174 to 157 after the Louisville ... it was a Ronald Reagan victory." balance between message and celebration" as he did debate. The president referred to the impressions of President Reagan and others, said Laxalt. "M~wf«k nwidnfl a "It was a decisive victory for knockout tonight and It was far from Democratic administration of Jim- portrayed » zany game show host and chastised NBC Mondale. " said James M. Copeland, my Carter. In which Mondale was for failing to hire more minority workers (or the that." president of the National Forensic Even some Moadale supporters vice president, as pursuing "the show. League and debate coach at Mar- policy of unilateral disarmament, of The former Democratic presidential candidate got gave the president credit for a far quette University High School in stronger performance than two weakness, if yon will " raucous laughter when he confessed to having a Milwaukee. "silent passion" for United Nations Ambassador A snort time later, Reagan said But voters often have far different "It was leas one-aided than the that Mondale while in the Senate had Jeane J. Kirkpatrick. one of the staunchest standards for evaluating political conservatives in the Reagan administration. but time, and the president was "a record of weakness with regard debaters than the technical points good on themes," said Democratic to oar national defense that is But not everyone was amused. UNO oy oeome cowcuci. NBC spokesman Alan Baker said the network Gov Charles Robb of Virginia. "I'm second to none." An ABC News poll of W people not sure it will move public opinion received approximately 300 calls from viewers in who watched the debate said that a Mondale retorted. "Mr. Presi- New York, many complaining that the show was in very much." dent, I accept your commitment to narrow margin thought Reagan was Former Democratic Party chair- bad taste and lacking humor Baker said the show the winner. The network reported peace, but I want you to accept my usually generates 75 to 100 calls. man Robert Strauss said Mondale commitment to a strong national that 39 percent called Reagan the "eliminated the question of la be Approximately 40 members of the Jewish Defense winner, 36 percent said It was defense." League and Jews Against Jackson demonstrated tough enough." Bat Strauss ac- Reagan was clearly prepared for Mondale and 25 percent said there knowledged "the president waa outside NBC's headquarters, calling Jackson "a was no clear victor. The margin of a question about bis age. When the racist and an anti-Semite." SING A RAINBOW — The Rev. Jesse Jackson better tonight than he was two 73-year-old president was asked if he error was 4.5 percent, which meant weeks ago." Whether people liked the show or not. they were sings to a portrait of Jeane Kirkpatrick, U.S. that statistically it was a virtual tie. were concerned whether he could watching. ambassador to the United Nations during a dress Reagan was flying to the West hold up in a crisis In which he might Another poll taken for USA Today Coast today for campaign appear- Overnight Nielsen surveys in nine cities gave the rehearsal lor NBC's "Saturday Night Live" in had a larger percentage calling get little chance for sleep, Reagan show an average 10.4 percent rating and 29 percent New York over the weekend. ances la California and Oregon. replied, "Not at all." Reagan the winner. The newt- Mondale was heading in the opposite share of the audience, which NBC spokesman Kurt paper's poll of 850 registered voters Then, referring to his 56-year-old you can't really take umbrage at it," she said in a direction tor appearances In Phila- Block said was "about SO percent higher than had 44 percent saying Reagan won, opponent, he added: "I will not British television interview yesterday with David delphia, northern New Jersey, New normal." 27 percent saying Mondale won and make age an issue of this campaign. Frost. York and Ohio. Jackson had been warned by NBC not to endorse 21 percent saying they tied. The noil I an not going to exploit for political The opening question of their any Democratic candidates so the network would not Thompson, who chatted with the 34-year-old by Gordon S Black Corp. hid a purposes my opponent's youth and debate dealt with Central America. have to give equal time to opponents. daughter of Queen Elizabeth II after his victory, told margin of error of plus or mius 3.5 and Mondale moved quickly to put reporters she had told him that he was a "good- percent. In then- closing statements, both the president on the defensive. candidates stayed with the themes Symbols, untile* are teacher'* tool* looking guy." He also talked of settling down with With 14 days left before Election He said administration policy In the princess, who is married and has two children. Day. national polls are saying they bad pursued throughout the MURFREESBORO, Tenn - Smiles and symbols the region "brings up the whole debate. The princess said Thompson's remarks were a Reagan's lead is anywhere from 9 to question of what presidential leader- are often the means of communication in the 25 points or more. classroom of Susan Gendrlch. Tennessee's teacher of -very kind" way of not revealing what they really ship is all about." Mondale said that viewers should Mondale. who got a boost in the the year. discussed. Mondale referred to the CIA try to Imagine the nation under polls from bis strong showing in the Gendrich teaches approximately 55 students from manual revealed last week that nuclear attack and urged them to White Home living i* no picnic domestic policy debate two weeks advocated terrorist actions against "pick a president that you know will other countries as head of the Murfreesboro school ago, was hoping for a similar result system's program in English as a second language the Saadlnlsta government in know — If that tragic moment ever NEW YORK (AP) - Living In the White House from their second and final debate Nicaragua and called covert action cornea — what he must know. "The best thing about teaching is when you see a to help him close that gap. light turn on in a child's head and you know is no picnic if you are the child of a president, what against that country "a classic Because there will be no time for something you did caused it to go on," she said in with "no time off and no vacation," and fears "you'll staffing, committees of advisers, a a recent interview. blow it," says Luci Baines Johnson Turpin, one of president must know right then." Communication was difficult when the program 23 living children of former presidents. Partisan reaction Reagan ended the debate first began, she said "Basically, it was 17 Laotian "Every morning when I got up I knew I was going awkwardly, his closing statement children and me. Only one of them knew a little to be judged and graded," the daughter of President where be might have gone for the (coailaaed) cut off by moderator Edwin New- English, and that poor child had to act as an Lyndon B. Johnson said in the current issue of Life the jugular." Van Wagner added. The 73-year old president said, "I man because he had run over bis interpreter for the rest. We used a lot of symbols and magazine, which features a photo essay on presi- will not make age an issue ... I am Democratic Mayor Paul Stallone allotted four minutes. He began by a lot of smiles to get our points across." she said. dents' children. not going to exploit for political of Haxlet also thought the former talking about his attempt to write a Gendrich can speak Spanish, but cannot speak the Jeff Carter, 32, recalled the 1176 nomination of Ma vice president won on point*. father, Jimmy Carter. purpose my opponent's youth and letter that would be sealed In a time languages of her students - including Chinese. Inexperience." "I believe President Reagan waa "I was sitting next to Luc) Johnson ... and after capsule to be opened in 100 yean, Japanese, and the Indian dialect of Gjudjuarti State Sen. Richard Van Wagner. bettor, but I think Vice President Dad got the nomination I said, Thank God it's over.' and went on to talk about having D-Monmouth and Middlesex. Mondale won on debate points," be She burst out laughing and said, 'It's not over — it's "met young America" during his thought differently said. "I don't think It will affect the I.title prince's name it inspiration Just started,'" said Carter, who started a computer campaign. "1 think fatigue started In at the election." firm two months ago In McLean, Va. LONDON - The 1-month-old son of Britain's end. Reagan was not answering the Republican Mayor Carmen Stop- Prince Charles and Princess Diana has already Elliott Roosevelt, 74. of Indian Wells, Calif., one questions," he said. "Reagan got plello of Union Beach echoed the garnered a dubious honor — "Harry" is by far the of three surviving children of Franklin D. Roosevelt. back Into the script. He is an actor. same thought. The D^ Register commonest name among livestock entries for said he feels "companion for all presidents' children He stayed away from specifics." "Mondale won on points, but December's Royal Smithfield show, organizers said because they are always compared with their "Mondale won the debate on that's not always the way with the (USPS-145-4401 fathers." PuMtfwd D*»y by Tlw Aad Bonk HlQW yesterday. points. But he was not quite aa American people. Reagan did a good E4MMMd 1 1070 There are more than a dozen Harrys among the aggressive as he was during the first job of presenting himself. I think he by John H Cook and Hanry Ckay record 1.253 entries for the show, which is Britain's debate. There were several areas (Reagan) won the debate." Man OKM Sawyer debut* on '60 Minute*' Ono rtagMaj PkKa. OMmoufy. MJ 07701 premier showcase for agriculture, organizers said. I3O1I 542-4000 And there also also many other names linked to the NEW YORK (AP) - Diane Sawyer, the first female correspondent on CBS-TV's "(0 Minutes," Brancn Oafeaa infant prince, including Wee Harry, Prince Charm- MonmouOi Count/ CourtloaM. ing, Charlie's Boy and Donington Harry. says she'll go where her curiosity takes her in her Sleep disorders FiMMd. N i 07720 new Job. The prince s official name is Henry Charles Albert (conliaued) knowing what some of the common Manibaiaoma "I want to do explorations of character, as well Pirn* David, but his parents say they'll call him Harry. new relationships between the body as investigative pieces that make a difference to sleep disturbances are — sleep and the brain. They were able to consumers," said Miss Sawyer, who made her debut apena, snoring, sleepwalking, leg investigate sleep. Anne laugh* off athlete'* 'move*' on "60 Minutes" on Sunday with a profile of a woman Jerks, wakeful periods, muscle ten- scheduled to be executed In North Carolina next This series will look at some of sion, bad habits at bedtime. LONDON - Britain's Princess Anne says she month the most common sleep disrupters, Understanding tome of these and some of the new processes and . _JOJ uimui pou • I laughed off comments by British decathlon champion "1 am following my curiosity. It is a divining-rod things, researchers say, will lead to 07701 PubMhad iraaUyMa* Htacno aids to lead to ssfe and sound sleep. SftOMS Daley Thompson, who suggested after his Olympic process," she said. a better understanding of who you gold medal victory in Los Angeles that he might For most people, safe and sound ToM Miss Sawyer, 38, has been with CBS since 1978 and are, what your nature la and how settle down with her. sleep Is a normal process. They MM Raw left a Job as co-anchor on the "CBS Morning News" you can improve It. I«tm OWy Sunday "He has got a perfectly good sense of humor, so rarely suffer from insomnia until There are a number of excellent, 1-13 mill! I 70/ waak 7ft/ w«6k 2 48/ a for "60 Minutes." 13-91 OHM 1 96/ MM 70/ Mat 139/ Man some external event makes their helpful books, tome of which will be t yaw 140/ «wak 06/ aaak 2 10/ aaak relaxing difficult. Maa rMaa lot i ulam •artawi and maaarj ponon- mentioned from time to time In this nal - » <* aDna >•» And many people worry more •eries But first, we should know Homa tfakvary by Canty — DMy and Sunday Si36a»ak. Sunday only 36 oans. Owyomy i 00 about sleep than is necessary. Sleep lust what sleep Is. Stole* copy at Court* — Daay 30 oanfe. Sunday Is different for everyone. One Next: Sleep - What Is It? 40 car* POSTMASTER Sand MM CItanoM 10 TM THE WEATHER woman In England could get by with .PO Boa 030 •*> Bank. Ntj 07701 something more than an hour's sleep a night and still felt fine. In Jersey shore fact, she couldn't understand why Hospital Th-^Forecast tor 8 p.m. EDT. Mon.. Oct 22 the rest of us waited so much time Partly cloudy with a 30 percent (caatlaued) chance of showers today. Highs in in bed. There are large numbers of population of the community It Mustang Has the middle 70s. Winds southerly at 10 eol serves. A centralized outpatient to 20 mph. people who sleep leas than six hours ITALL a night restfully. There are large service area has been designed to Mostly cloudy tonight with a 30 numbers that need nine, 10 or more offer patient* greater conve- Cr percent chance of showers. Lows nience, mobility and a shorter from 60 to 65 hours. Sleep needs change with age. waiting time. Tomorrow mostly cloudy with a At Big Savings!! Younger people need more sleep. Equipped with state-of-the-art 40 percent chance of showers. Highs technology, the expanded services from 70 to 75. Some babies sleep as much at 18 hours a day. Adolescents may need include: an electro diagnostic Ocean water temperatures in the department, a laboratory, nuclear middle 60s. a as much aa 12 Older people find themselves sleeping leas and worry medicine, radiology, a CAT Scan- about It, when it may be a simple .*r, physical therapy and aerobic Marine forecast change in their nature. therapy. High 70"vT 6O The ground floor of the new Watch Hill. R.I. to Manasquan, For those people with chronic Temperatures sleep problems, there are about 100 addition Includes a community N.J. 7O conference center. Winds southwesterly at 10 to IS sleep research centers around the country and hundreds who specialise The architectural firm of Sw- knots through tonight. ing, Cole, Cherry, Parsky, Phila- Partly cloudy through tonight in sleep problems and research. FRONTS: But for starters, it la wise for delphia designed Bayshore's —• with scattered showers. panaion program. Construction of Warm ,_ everyone to know something about Visibility three to five miles in the project was under the direction haze the sleep process, what It is, how it Showers Rain Flurries Snow Occluded •w-w- Stationary works and what to expect of It. of FlUpatrick * Associates. Tinton Average seas two to four feet Falls. today. National Weather Service NOAA U S Deot o» Commerce Knowing that is as Important aa Tomorrow chance of showers. Weather elsewhere ora« Fait* 40 JO Southwesterly winds at 10 to 15 tVMntbora.NC. 03 00 knots Hi La Ha Oa* Htrtteffj 70 41 ••> 07 41 03 en Htbjral 4» IS ea ATTENTION 40 30 10 ody Honolulu 67 70 Tides 40 41 43 cdy Houton 02 09 69 ody 34 30 41 m indawpalaa 63 52 36 cdy p«r gallon 71 03 07 Cdy JaKlQKn.Mt 70 60 4 21 ody Sandy Hook 00 04 01 m JaKAaWnvMw 00 09 KEANSBURG RESIDENTS All times Eastern Standard 74 03 cdy JungfM 47 34 00 63 1 75 cdy KanutOty 10 43 TODAY. High: 6:39 a.m. and 03 01 cdy LHVtQM 07 5] 6:57 p.m and low: 12:47 a.m. and 40 30 dr LfMRoch 63 55 oo on FLUSHING OF OUR DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM Mastercard & VISA 70 04 134 My LoaAnoM* 74 56 xxxxx p.m. 30 33 00 ody LOUaMM 70 •3 40 My WILL BEGIN AROUND OCTOBER 22nd, 1984. on purchase* of Heating TOMORROW High 7:27 am 40 30 cdy Lutttodi a) 42 14 ody 70 40 ody MaWTajhti 00 63 1 03 My TEMPORARY SLIGHT DISCOLORATION OF OH ft Kerosene and 7:46 p.m. and low: 1:13 a.m. 00 70 cdy Miavn. BtMCri 03 77 13 My and 1:42 p.m TO 40 00 ody UtdindOdMH 04 51 THE WATER AND/OR A DECREASE OF Su«no*jn.Vl 00 44 It in MlliHulHI 04 44 For Red Bank and Rumson Mpe*-8lPtHfl 44 36 Caapai 39 13 01 dr a -s PRESSURE MAY BE EXPERIENCED AS A RE- bridge add two hours; Sea Bright, CMrtWan.SC 01 71 ody 74 62 03 00 n> rMwOrtaarai 06 70 deduct 10 minutes; Long Branch, 62 04 33 cdy NawYork 0* 63 SULT OF THIS PROGRAM. THIS PROGRAM deduct 15 minutes; Highlands, Chayanna 37 30 dr 66 67 on 99 43 74 ody North n-m 37 31 on WILL NOT AFFECT THE POTABILITY OF THE bridge, add 40 minutes. 67 SO 45 cdy OkWnmm Ca> 91 45 on 07 91 00 ody Orraatw 52 34 WATER SUPPLY. IT IS ANTICIPATED THAT CoMMM.SC 00 00 cdy Odamk) Ot 06 Sun, Moon Cokjmoua.O 67 03 30 cdy PTMMMpflal 0) 5a 3 THE FLUSHING PROGRAM WILL BE ONGOING Concwd.NH 09 34 edy PfKMTtiB n so All limes Eastern Standard 01 16 m PtOSOurgh 71 57 on FOR APPROXIMATELY FOUR (4) WEEKS. WE 09 96 31 coy 01 40 TODAY: Sunrise 7:14 am Portt«Kl!o 30 37 ody 96 M WILL BE FLUSHING IN THE LATE EVENING 91 30 cdy 07 46 sunset 6:07 p.m. 00 40 96 ody^y Hajaatgh 02 o2t1 oo on HOURS IN ORDER TO MINIMIZE THE IN- TOMORROW: Sunrise7:15a m ; 43 30 06 ody Rapid Cay 43 sunset 6:05 p.m. ot 40 07 odyRano 93 26 63 93 44 cdy Richmond 09 06 CONVENIENCE TO OUR CUSTOMERS. Last quarter Nov 16; first quar- 31 10 edy Sac/amanto 64 51 at ter Oct. 31; full moon Nov. 8; new 40 10 01 edy SI Louai 52 47 .10 m •28-4932 42 39 07 ody SI Pala-Tampa 07 71 K.M.U.A. moon Oct 24. 40 40 70 cdy SamakaCny 47 31

T MONDAY. OCTOBER 22.1964 The Dairy Re«k«er A3 Candidates9 confrontation didn't yield a clear winner BY DONALD M. ROTHBERG Two weeks ago, when Reagan and Mondale debated administration as pursuing "the policy of unilateral disarmament, of weakness if you will." KANSAS CITY. Mo. (AP) - The lUket couldn't domestic policy in Louisville, Ky., there wss ANALYSIS widespread agreement that the president's per- Moments later the president was back to say that have been higher and (ram the opening question of Mondale "has a record of weakness with regard to our their debate yesterday Walter F. Mondale and formance was subpar and that Mondale had emerged the winner. national defense that is second to none." President Reagan went after each other. Mondale retorted: "Mr. President, I accept your But if Mondale needed « repeat of a victory like the manager, tacitly acknowledged that Reagan might not The president had been hesitant and appeared tired as be delivered his closing statement during the first commitment to peace but I want you to accept my one he scored in the debate on domestic issues two nave won the debate in a technical sense, but scored commitment to a strong national defense." west* ago to overtake the president in the remaining big politically. debate. two weeks of the campaign, be didn't get It. •In the worst case scenario, I think it was a draw Mondale had the advantage of the challenger, the He went on to say that Reagan's "definition of An AP panel of Judges scored Mondale the winner and in that case it was a Ronald Reagan victory. man on the outside who could setond-guess the policies national strength is to throw money at the Defense Mondale needed a knockout tonight and it was far from of the incumbent. It was a position Reagan relished Department." — by an even more decisive margin than in the, first four years ago when he was campaigning against Resgan-Mondale encounter - but people from both that. The president had an off night in Louisville, but Before the debate, many of the president's political camps agreed Mondale did not overshadow tonight be was on." Democrat Jimmy Carter. Mondale was strong and articulate and so was the Reagan had the edge presidents customarily enjoy supporters were saying that to avoid a repetition of Reagan like he did the first time in ways likely to in the eyes of the public when the discussion is on the Louisville debate, White House aides must "let appeal to voters. president. To listeners who have followed their Reagan be Reagan." •It was leu one-sided than the last time, and the campaigns closely, the arguments by the two defense and foreign policy, areas where the public candidates were echoes of their stump speeches. usually is inclined to give the incumbent the benefit president was good on themes," said Virginia Gov. of the doubt. Reagan certainly was Reagan when he was asked Charles S. Robb. "I'm not sure It wlU move public Mondale was quick to portray the president as about his age. opinion very much." uninformed on the details of arms control and on Mondale sought to put Reagan on the defensive from the outset by raising the existence of a CIA manual "I will not make age an issue of this campaign," "It was a lot duller than the last debate," said Miller activities of the CIA in Nicaragua. Reagan lost little which advocated terrorist acts against the Sandinista Hudson, chairman of the Denver Democratic Party. time characterizing Mondale as weak on defense. said the 7J-year-old president. "I am not going to It was a glovea-off confrontation by two politicians government of Nicaragua. exploit for political purposes my opponent's youth and "I feel that Mondale maintained his edge from the last Toe president took his shot at putting Mondale on inexperience." debate, but it was not as decisive." who acted as if they had nothing to lose by going after the defensive when he described the Carter-Mondsle Sen. Paul Laialt of Nevada, Reagan's campaign each other. That one even drew a laugh from Mondale. Backers praise Reagan, Mondale NEWARK (AP) - A leading much better than be was in the first Courter said Reagan was in his his comments regarding the nego- Republican in New Jersey declared debate," Lautenberg said. best form when ho told Mondale that tiations with the Soviet Union on that Reagan could coast downhill In "If this race were neck and neck the Democrat never could have arms control snd defensive his reelection bid after yesterday's at this moment, we would have had made a commercial In which he weapons." debate against Democrat Walter a three-bagger tonight As It Is, I stood on the deck of the NlmlU and "He demonstrated a lack of Mondale, but a director for Mon- think we had an edge," Lautenberg watched the F-14 bombers lake off understanding of the facto and an dale's New Jersey campaign dis- said. "Mondale looked very tired (or If others bad voted against the F-14 inability to turn those into foreign agreed. some reason, bat the content of his fighter as he had pol>ey<" *he said. "I think Mondale "Reagan just again displayed a remarks were very good." "He would have been deep in the did very well. I think be again lack of knowledge of the historical Bat Rep. James A. Courier, R- water out there because there demonstrated that he has a com- facts or situations," said Rosa N.J., state chairman of the Reagan- wouldn't have been any Nimiti to mand of the facts, of the situations DeLauro, state director of Moo- Bush campaign, said Reagan had stand on," the president had said. ss they are and has some ideas of dale's campaign. "His final re- done much better than his last "I think voters, very frankly, where we ought to move." marks were very rambling and not those undecided, are looking for a debate when be looked "less than And Henry Btenen, a Princeton at all pointed in any direction." perfect." reason to vote for Ronald Reagan," Sen. Frank Lautenberg. D-N.J., Courter said. "I think this debate University professor of political and said he was happy with Mandate's "I'm very, very pleased with the did give them that reason. I think international affairs, said "the performance. way the president performed," he it's downhill between now and president didn't make any bowling "My reaction is not quiet as happy said. "I think he stood out particu- November 6." bloopers." as I was the last time, but I think larly well when be showed In s But Ms. DeLauro said the presi- But he added, "fhe only part like It has little to do with Mondale' s colorful wsy Mondale's voting re- dent "demonstrated Incredible that at all was his summation, which performance. The president was naivete and innocence, especially In was dreadful." Conditions for arms talks scored WASHINGTON (AP) - Secretory might ino longer insist that the of a moratorium of some sort st the limiting arms in outer space, Includ- of State George P. ShuKi said United States withdraw ail of the present, very unequal level would ing anti-satellite weapons. He said yesterday that the Soviet Union may new cruiaeand Penning 2 missiles not be to our advantage." toe United States has accepted be changing its position on arms it has deployed In Britain, Italy and "To suggest It would be their "without any pre-condition" a Sov- control talks on deployment of West Germany since last December advantage," he said. "But to accept iet proposal for such talks last Intermediate-range missiles In as a condition for resuming nego- it would not be to ours." September snd still wUl be willing to Europe, but the new position prob- tiations aimed at limiting such The North Atlantic Treaty Or- meet on the subject. ably would be unacceptable. ganisation deployed the new Ameri- On Lebanon, ShulU said "Sec- And Shultz, interviewed on NBC's In the psst, Moscow usually can missiles In response to a "Meet toe Press," also said that retory Weinberger had been reluc- ON STRIKE — Members of Local 677 of the United Auto Workers Insisted that the United States would continued buildup of Soviet Inter- tant from the beginning about the Defense Secretsry Csspar have to dismantle all of the missiles mediate-range missiles, known ss Union picket Mack Trucks World Headquarters yesterday in Weinberger "very well may" nave Marine presence In Lebanon" and before It would agree to resume SS-2OS, targeted on Western Europe. "very well may" have pressed for Aiientown, Pa. The union struck the firm after an all-night bargaining recommended against keeping U.S. negotiations. Moscow broke off arms talks In their removal before the bombing session tailed to produce an accord. The main issue is jon security. _ peacekeeping troops in Lebanon in Shulu said the official may nave Geneva, aimed at limiting missiles attack. the weeks before a truck-bombing been suggesting "a little different of both sides, as the NATO deploy- demolished a Marine headquarters stance," and that a moratorium on ment was getting under way. "Our mission in Lebanon was a building In Beirut on Oct. tt, 1M3 deployment of the American miss- Shulta also acknowledged that mission of peace, a mission to help Ford Foundation donates and killed 241 servicemen. iles may be sufficient to gat arms A Soviet official was quoted million to five colleges Friday as suggesting that Moscow But, be "to think in terms proposal to hold talks in Vienna over were there for," he said. NEW YORK (AP) - The Ford Thomas. Foundation has granted a total of II "Our program Is trying to help million to five urban community restore die balance by ensuring that Student dies in fraternity house fire colleges to help their mostly min- students also have the opportunity to ority and poor students move on to receive a good general education," BLOOMINGTON, Ind. (AP) - A Pino said Edsbnan died of smoke hospitalised, three with second- A fight erupted at a party at the four-year colleges where they can Thomas said. pre-dawn blase roared through an inhalation. degree burns snd smoke Inhalation, house Saturday night between earn bachelor's degrees. Indiana University fraternity bouse Monroe County Prosecutor Ron and the other with wrist and back fraternity members and others, but The three-year grants, announced Twenty-four community colleges yesterday, killing one person and Walcukauskl said be was investigat- fractures and smoke Inhalation, ssld no connection between the fight and yesterday, represent the second received 125,000 grant, last yesr In Injuring M others during home- ing Edebnan's death as a murder. an emergency room nurse who the fire had been confirmed, Ken- stage of the foundation's efforts to the first phase of the program The coming weekend, snd authorities "It appears to have been a set refused to give her name. Thirty nedy said. . boost the scademlc quality of urban new grants, ranging from $100,000 to suspect the fire was deliberately fire," Walcukauskl said. other people, including two campus Edelman, who had previously community colleges that have some- $225,000, were made to five of those set. Some type of flammable liquid policemen, were treated for smoke been enrolled at the Bloomlngton times over-emphaaized "short- colleges which were judged to have Israel D. Edelman, l», a student had been poured In the living room inhalation, abrasions and fractures, campus, was found In s bedroom by term, Job-related training," said made the best use of the first at the school's campus at Rich- of the bouse, which Is located a the nurse said a firefighter at about 5 a.m., foundation President Franklin A. awards. mond, Ind., snd a guest st the Zeta block from the main campus, said The fire started about 4 a.m. in Kennedy said Beta Tau fraternity house, was James Skaggs, chief Investigator the living room of the three-story, pronounced dead on arrival at with the Indiana state fire marshals limestone structure, said James Bloomlngton Hospital. Deputy office. Kennedy, director of the univer- Monroe County Coroner Dr. Tony Four fraternity members were sity's police department


him to safety, the mine's owner said yesterday. Rain deluges Texas, Louisiana "He had the proper belt, and the safety lines were Fast-moving thunderstorms erupted yesterday over there, but for some reason be didn't attach them to have the the lower Mississippi Valley, spinning off tornadoes and himself," ssld Allen Herron. owner of the Pac West dumping rain on parts of Texas and Louisiana that Development Co. already were saturated from waves of storms the day "... Whenever a person goes into an unknown area (of before. a mine), he should be tied by a safety line," Herron said, Tornadoes touched down yesterday In eastern Texas, adding that the miner — who had 27 years of mining Louisiana and Mississippi and other possible twisters experience — "evidently felt secure in what be was figure. were detected on radar, the National Weather Service doing. ... It wasn't attached and they couldn't pull him said. out." One man was killed in a tornado late Saturday - the After a 34-hour rescue effort, Roy Madsen, 42, was nation's 11th storm-related death in a week — and declared dead late Saturday. His body remained in a twisters and high winds caused widely scattered narrow exploration passage 175 feet underground in the damage to homes and other buildings as bands of Governor Mine. The body may not be retrieved for some thunderstorms churned from central Texas as far east time. as Tennessee. "Eventually, when the mine goes into full develop- 'twinge on • counc butt Two separate plane crashes in Cheyenne, Wyo., ment, one of our prime considerations will be getting during snowstorms claimed two lives over the weekend, to him, but it would have to be done in a manner that NewVvbman is the areas largest and most and investigators were sifting through wreckage would be safe for everyone," Herron said. "It's not prestigious fitness facility for women-and yesterday to determine If the bad weather caused the going to happen in the next couple weeks." we have the figures to prove HI And now, crashes. Madsen apparently fell Friday morning but managed New Woman offers a rate so low and so to yell "bad air" to two companions while trying to affordable that you can enjoy the very best Soup firm to change advertising scramble to safety after encountering the gas. Your figure deserves the best • Over 75 classes each week including aerobics and NEW YORK (AP) -The Campbell Soup Co. has slimnastics • Superb equipment including agreed to change an advertising campaign mggesllng Nautilus* Universal* and Cam Star* • that eating its soup promotes good health, when hi fact 1 dead, 7 hurt in shootings Indoor pool, whirlpool and sauna at every it has too much salt, the State attorney general's office location • Optional child care and ainbeds said yesterday. LOS ANGELES (AP) - A 13-year-old girl was shot to death from a passing car, five people at a party were •Public pro shops featuring design*, * A single serving of Campbell's soup contains more work-outwear. J**> salt than recommended, for one day, according to Injured and a man was critically wounded during an AttorneyjQfneral Robert Attains, who ssld Campbells argument in weekend shootings In the city's poverty- also agreW to pay bis office $B,000 in expenses. stricken soutiwentral section. Abrams said the Campbell ads, which use the slogans Authorities said there was no evidence the three CALLTOMY "Health Insurance' and "Soup is Good Food," make attacks were linked or were part of the gang warfare misleading comparisons between the product snd other that has claimed 10 lives In the area since Oct. 12. 389-0110 foods snd fail to msntloa the soup's sodium content. In the drive-by snooting, the teenage girl and her 22- A 10-ounce serving of the soup contains as much as year-old brother were shot as they stood outside a house 1,900 milligrams of sodium, Abrams said, noting that around 10 p.m. Saturday, ssld police Sgt. David the National Academy of Sciences recommends s dsily Gunning. intake of between 1,100 and 1,300 milligrams as ssfe and "A car Just drove down the street and somebody fired adequate. Salt contributes to high Mood pressure. shots from It." Gunning said, adding that there have been no arrests. The desd girl wss identified by the coroners office Miner didn't use safety line as Tarshima Relflord. Her brother, who was not identified, was in critical Shmmbury/tht Market Place/Roue 35 ACTON. Calif. (AP) - A man who died deep inside condition yesterday with a gunshot wound to the face too AHmtok.Enw**! F»firU. Otd Brtd»t s gold mine filled with toxic gas had not attached a following surgery at Martin Luther King Medical CrulNiBil! New Cay and WHIr PWm. NV required safety line that could have been used to pull Center, said nursing supervisor Kathleen Jones. A4 The Daily Register MONOAV. OCTOBER 22. ISM Old Bridge man charged in shooting death at party shot first WOODBRIDGE - A 60-year-old Brunswick. Old Bridge man was charged yester- Rocfcoff Hid authorities had no The suspect then turned the gun day with fatelly shooting one woman moth* tor the snooting. Delbacs and oa himself, sending two bullets brio and injuring another before turning Beoga had been "ranisntlralrjr" his chest, said Rockoff. The bullets a gun on himself at a dance attended involved m the past, although they did not bit any major organs, he by 200 people, authorities said. The suspect, John Benga, was Rockoff did not know bow long reported In guarded condition at IDS pnavcwMM BOM. ago Delbacs and Benga had stopped He said the shooting began when University Hospital In Newark with •eeing each other. He described the two gunshot wounds to the chest Benga approached Delbacs on the after the shooting "spree" that dance floor of the Hungarian Ameri- began shortly after midnight, said can Club here. "Then waa no warning," ha said Middlesex County Prosecutor Alan Benga allegedly shot Delbacs The dead woman's U-year-old Rockoff. "many times" while ha stood sev- daughter, whom authorities declin- Benga waa charged with the eral test away from her, and the ed to Identify, waa present during murder of Dona Delbacs, 40, of woman died before she waa taken to the shooting. Rockoff said Carteret, and with the aggravated the Hew Brunswick hospital, Rock- Rockoff said it was not clear assault of Eva Digioia, 38, of Perth off said. whether the dance was sponsored by Amboy, said Rockoff. Benga also fired his gun several the club or whether the hall had He said Digioia was an "Innocent tunes In the general ares of the been rented to another group. No bystander." She was reported hi dance floor. One of those bullets hit one answered the telephone at the satisfactory condition at Mldrilesm DigJoU tn the thigh, he said club. General University Hospital, New It was not dear which woman was Three questions face voters on New Jersey ballot Nov. 6

ma • _ !• * * l ** — — — Si M^h^Bn^ TRENTON - When New Jersey people who wen veterans It doesn't make good fiscal i— voters go to the polls next month '•We're talking about veterans The more prominent issues on the they win be asked to decide the fate who served their country daring ballot are a U0 million bond issue to of three amendments to the state wartime who are now senior dttssns renovate Department of Human 3HOOTINQ SCENE - The Hungarian-American woman, Injured another person, then turned the constitution that have been largely Services facilities, a IK million Club in Woodbridge was the scene of a shooting weapon on himself, leaving him in guarded overshadowed by several nadti- _. "I think It's i bond Issue to promote high tech- early yesterday In which a man fatally wounded one condition. million dollar bond questions that they des't get both sew." nology, and a constitutional smend- Voters will decide If people enti- Voters also will decide whether to ment to dedicate 2 5 cents of the tled to veterans' and senior dttasns' prohibit any future taxation of current B-cents-a-gallon gasoline lax tax deductions should receive both Social Security and railroad retire- to Improve the state's highways and Candidates: Endorsements benefits simultaneously, If senior meat benefits They are not current- citizens' clubs should be allowed to ly taxed. In Jersey City, voters will be conduct raffles, and If certain Sao. Edward T. O'Connor Jr., D- asked to decide If that towns mm J - jsV • A^M^^atfakBWa^hBBftw'si axeMUiaawBl* retirement benefits should remain Hudson, tne amenamenr s ipwaw, Iroiirriff w'» °* exempt from cannot make losers winners exempt from taxation. said he wanted to ensure the Hudson County's Sunday-dosing Assemblyman Robert UtteU, R- benefits would never be taxed law. BY ALAN FRAM four New Jersey lawmakers who Rep. James Howard, a Democrat Sussex. said he sponsored the "because our elderly, retired per- A ballot question that would have received the group's endorsement from Spring Lake Heights, dis- measure concerning raffles because sons should not have to worry about allowed voters to decide whether to the provision was left out of legis- WASHINGTON (AP) - Late Utt He said that while the power of an tinguishes among three types of losing part of their beneftta ." continue simulcasting hone races lation enacted In 1(72. month, a crowd of reporters dutiful- endorsement varies according to endorsements: by Individuals, But the amendment is opposed by after Jan. 1, KM, was taken off the "Under that law, senior cltlsens' ly attended a news conference here where It comes from, he believes he which he ssys carry little weight; by the New Jersey Taxpayers Associa- ballot last month after Gov Thomas to hear members of the Consumer clubs were given the authority to will be helped by the consumer newspapers, which can be either tion. H. Keen signed legislation approv- Federation of America announce the conduct bingo games. The portion group's support. "very powerful" or "not much "We've taken a position against It ing the practice. group's endorsements of 97 House good," and by organizations, which we are asking voters to approve this "The Consumer Federation of because we don't think its good The msaaure permits three and Senate candidates. America arts across all lines, he says mainly attract the attention year was Just left out." UtteU said. fiscal policy to exempt a certain of the group's own members. Regarding the question on tax racetracks - Atlantic City, Mon- Pens scribbled and cameras roll- because everyone Is a consumer, group from taxation," said rrank mouth Park and Freehold - to ed as federation officials explained from the president of the United "It's an art, not a science," deductions, Sen. C. Louis Bassano, Raines, executive director of the Howard said. R-Unlon, said be sponsored the continue broadesting races from the their positions snd about a dozen State, on down, although I don't MeadowtanU without voter ap- lawmakers expressed their commit- think be does his own shopping," Rep. James Courier, the Hacket- amendment in the Senate after We don't plan to actively cam- proval. ment to consumer Issues. utown Republican, believes the receiving complaints from elderly paign against It, we Just are saying The lawmakers, including four Not receiving the consumer feder- value of endorsements varies de- from New Jersey, later were able to ation's nod was Sen. Bill Bradley, D- pending on the circumstances add the nation's largest consumer N.J. "If you are running hi a primary advocacy group to their list of The group's spokesman, Jack and people don't perceive you to be State considers requirement supporters. And a ritual of Ins GiUis, said the lawmakers were a serious candidate, endorsements campaign process that seems to be rated on their "right" and "wrong" by groups and Individuals can give of debatable value - the endorse- votes over the yean on Issues you credibility," be said. "But I ment - had been played out. considered of Interest to consumers. don't think they win you elections." for student microcomputers Opinions vary on the benefit that Their career scores had to be 80 Courter also said that endorse- NEWARK (AP) - New Jersey some students who planned to attend candidates gain from endorsements. percent for endorsements, but Brad- ments by Individuals might not help out-of-etate schools to remain hi Those who get them often flaunt ley's rating has been just 7J percent, much in general elections. officials are considering a proposal to allow public colleges to require New Jersey. them, while those who don't either atUls said. "The presidents endorsement of Hollander said college officials downplay or Ignore them. "My view Is I represent 7.5 Mary Mochary was not a surprise," that students own microcomputers, the state's top higher education would be consulted "fairly soon" on The consensus seems to be that million people. Individuals," Brad- Courter said of Ronald Reagan's the proposal. It would have to be while they don't hurt, they aren't ley said. "My Job li to perceive support for the Republican U.S. official said yesterday. Higher Education Chancellor T. approved by the state Board of enough to turn a sure loser into a what's in those Individuals' Senate candidate. "And if an en- Higher Education. winner. interests, not groups. I don't know dorsement comes out of the blue, Edward Hollander, said that under people think there's something go- the proposal, described la a The final decision governing Rep. Joseph Minish, the West how many people feel a group whether a particular college adopts Orange Democrat, was one of the represents them." ing on. So it cute both ways." memorandum now being circulated among department officials Indi- the proposal would rest with the vidual colleges would have the school's board of trustees, he said. option of requiring students In all, or just some, disciplines to own com- "It wouldn't make much sense to Sex change ID bill moves on establish a requirement for every puters. institution." Hollander said. the person has bad "sex reassignment surgery." He said computers are "clearly TRENTON (AP) - A bill that would allow people Hollander said that changes may The person's original birth certificate would be very useful" in engineering, math- who undergo sex change operations to obtain new birth have to be made In the financial aid placed under a seal that could not be broken without a ematics, the sciences and business certificates reflecting their new gender has quietly system to accommodate needy stu- worked Its way through the Senate and will be presented court order. on the Assembly floor today. Current New Jersey law only permits the Issuance of The potential for Instructional use The sponsor of the measure, Sen. John Ewing, R- new or amended birth certificates In adoption cases. It of computers In liberal arts courses Higher Education officials also Somerset, said the problem faced by transsexuals was also requires that when there la a change to a birth Is not yet clear, though the equip- are looking Into ways to help poor first brought to his attention by a former New Jersey certificate — even to fix a typographical error — the ment la very helpful in the prep- students pay for the computers. One resident who bad undergone the operation. certificate must show the Information as originally aration of term papers and the T. EDWARD HOLLANDER possibility Is the bulk purchase of Ewing said he thought it was a private matter If a given and the corrected information. collection of notes, Hollander con- the equipment which would lower person was a transsexual, and an Individual's privacy Therefore, a birth certificate could aay "female, in beginning in the fall of IMS at the the prices charged to students. ought to be protected. corrected from male," under the heading "sex." He noted that two private New earliest, Hollander said in a tele- Officials In the state Department of Health, which Jersey colleges, Drew University interview from Us home In Under measures also being con- "They could be perfectly happy living their new life sidered, the department could and (somebody) could dig It up and ham them," he supports the bill, estimated that 10 to 15 transsexuals and Stevens Institute of Technology, inquire about amended birth certificates each year. now require Incoming students to Higher Education Department of- provide direct granta or loans or said. allow students to stretch payment* Ewlng's bill provides that the state registrar of vital If enacted, the measure would bring New Jersey In own computers. ficials said the computer ownership line with a doien states. Including New York and A computer requirement for stu- program would give college gradu- for the equipment over the four statistics Issue an amended birth certificate after being years of their undergraduate educa- presented with a ft fee, a court order that the parson's Pennsylvania, that have provisions for Issuing amended dents tn the state college system snd ates a strong background In hlgh- name has been changed and a doctor's certificate that birth certificates to transsexuals Rutgers University would be phased Isrhnnlinj flews ani may |ii—aits State workers join nationwide strike against Mack Trucks BRIDGEWATER (AP) - Ap- Macungle. Pa., and AUentown, Pa., younger ones," Alles said. Mack said it had asked the union earlier losses. Ths company said Mack em- proximately 225 employees of Mack where Mack has Its headquarters He also said the union was to help control health-care costs, but Mack said tn a statement that it Ptoyess. who receive an average of Trucks Inc. are among 9,200 in three "Our truck production Is closed concerned about the movement of that the package did not reduce had "exhaustetad an reasonable ef- IM an hoar hi wape and benefits, states who went on strike yesterday down in the United States," said Jobs out of unionized plants to a non- coverage. forte to prevent this action by the had bsea offered a package that against the nation's No. 2 heavy- "William McCullough, Mack vice union facility In Severn, Md., but The truck manufacturer said It and was surprised by ths would have provided ''sssWaiiilsl'' duty truck manufacturer. president for corporate affairs. declined to say how many Jobs also bad sought to address the Job- strikedecauae most local contracts increases amounting to an average Negotiations that began Aug. 13 McCullough said the strike was would be lost by the time the security measure, pledging 1600,000 governing work rales had already of W.OOO per failed to produce a master contract the first authorised union walkout transfers are completed In mkt-lM. for Job retraining and offering to to replace the two-year agreement against Mack since 1964. Picketing Mack said hi a statement em- establish a union-company commit- that expired at midnight, and no new yesterday waa orderly and company ployees, who receive an average of tee to help develop a Job-security talks were scheduled. managers were able to enter the $34 an hour In wages and benefits, plan. Jim Alles, president of the United plants freely, he said. had been offered a package that Mack said It had lost sat million Auto Workers Local 229, said pickets Casstevens accused the company would have provided "substantial" increases amounting to an average in the past four yean, but the would go up at 5 a.m. today at the of trying to shift the cost of health of 19,000 per employee over three company reported prof ite In 1984, In Mack Trucks parts depot In this care back to the employees, and said Somerset County community. years. part because of tax benefits from the union wants a contract provision UAW Vice President BUI that would allow Mack to lay off (before high heating bills Casstevens, director of the union's Mack Truck department, said after workers only when sales drop. make you with you hap) talks broke off that the company and Alles. a member of the UAW's FREE WINDOW the union "remain far apart on bargaining committee, added that several key Issues, most notably Job the union wants "enticements" for CAULKING WITH security and economics." workers over the age of SO to reti-e Rumson Public Notice EVERY WALL "The big issue is Job security," similar to early retirement plans INSULATION JOB said Alles. "We're losing many Jobs worked out between the UAW and throughout these plants ... There's General Motors Corp. and Ford ATTENTION WEST PARK RESIDENTS ALL INSULATION no use negotiating all the benefits In Motor Co. the world If you don't have a Job." "If the enticement is there for the The boro will test an EMERGENCY WARNING REGULATED AND Also affected by the strike are older employees and they take it, SIREN in the West Park and (Southest section of plants in Hagerstown, Md., that win open up Jobs for the Rumson) on Saturday, October 27, 1984 be- tween the hours of 11 A.M. and 12 Noon. The Los Angeles firm plans casino purpose of this test is to determine if such a ATLANTIC CITY (AP) - A Los Walter said Friday that the f ISO Angeles company has announced million casino hotel would have siren can adequately alert the area residents to plans to build a 500-room casino- about BOO rooms and a eO.OOO-equare- a serious storm emergency. When and if the hotel at the end of the Atlantic City foot casino. Expressway, officials say. siren Is installed the area residents will be Lou Walter, an executive with He said the company must com- notified. L4M Enterprises, said the company plete design plans and get approval has purchased a 6.66-acre tract at from various regulatory agencies Mayor and Council the end of the Expressway from before it can begin construction 655 Broad St., Shrewsbury Resorts International for $21 within two yean. million • MONDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1984 The Hauly Register AS Medicare payments to doctors source of complaints BY SYLVIA PORTER may- at Mat reach the problem bat participating physician* after lha charge. certificate* or signs to display inin you may want tosho p around for a in a r~wnlaH»rt way. la a move end of the frees*. Only X) percent of ail physician* theitheirr office*office*.. doctor who ha* signed up. But there While Medicare 1* one of the matt prlmartrf to cat Medicare Since It began toe Medicare OH the alignment method of billing In addition, all participating phyt- Is no need toI panic! • social programs we have n* lor the government, program hat provided a phydclan lor aU of their Medicare patient* afl irlana will have their namet IIMed You willstill have Medicare ever aaatrfitn,. aad while K habatt Coacreat flapped a lVmonta (raeae with the option of accepting attlgn- of the time, recent flguret thow. In dlrectorie* that will be available coveragei,, aani d Medicare, at before, nnouettlonably improved the health itta *2* doctort treating meat of a Medicare Dtoeftdary't in December at Social Security will pay SO percent of the reasonable aad longevity of older Amerlcaae. Medicare patient* Until Oct. 1, benefit right* (and billing Medi- office*, ana Agency on Aging charge* Although a non-partlcl- my mail b increasingly loaded with 1W, the Medicare tcberMe* of care) or of blUlng the patient and offlce*. senior cltlsen organisation* patlng doctor may bill you for more "rmnttlili charges" will remain letting the patient collect from and at we office* of lha Medicare than just the remaining » percent payment of doctor bills. at the level they were la Jane MM. Medicare. With the acceptance of an decide whether or not to bi carrier*. Notice* being tent to the M of the reasonable charge, he or aha O«r elderly citlsent, led to helieve Then wat concern that phyt- -r'f——* goet a commitment on parttdpating phytlclant aad million Medicare beneflclarie* cannot bill for a higher amount than that Medicare will icians mlcht thlft the burden of the the part of the phyaician to consider back the agreement* tlgn provide a toll-free telephone number the charge for the same type of the da for obtaining Information on partlcl- service in effect in June 1984. Non- they Had paling and non-partlclpatlng phys- participating physicians who raise Iciant. their charge* during the treat* treatment If you are a Medicare beneficiary period can be fined up to 0,000 and mach lower than the doctor* actual thoaa participating will have and your doctor Is not participating, penalised in other ways. charge — and that they have to pay "aarttdpathM phvatdaat" — tbejGference On the whole. MedT t£ept MeS^^achedale care ppicks up about 75 percent of the reasonable charge* as full payment •A — iMotuppiomonaaMtaaAd coat ofbospiUlizatlo pon for the elder- for all of their Medicare patients all MM*- dondum -A1 danod 4/it/ai and ss.?r SL-S sr aroHmrn a-illl'aiMW ly, but it ha* been xsrsrsssxz: i aa aaaany BOW jka m »a about X percent of their Incentive, Medicare y Mb. '«.! a aManoa*or tMM lamply lo allappjloakla AtofarUUlei»bllcisedprovi»ion to fee feaa of participating e»a diiarn ano ot Lei I » par 7 lal abova. and na groaa- aon •*— oontorm » doUanaaan of the 19M Deficit Reduction Act a* than in the fee* of non- -lorl-Iollhaourrorngradaaan of 9MJ) PMVf aTtaVfjfjy a au. aM aaaal oooy ol a H—- -^M-. • ij |i i|*Bi J BH tBBBm T I BB1BII • tiBfl fJO" tjoofSBBsej W •/*• • ••apTapiaBBj iaynea oi *• ToanaWp at Moffcoro al a maaang naW an

laar- •*a» man tun T mlnlrrii—rj~ rio MM ihrou(hoiH maw — h >ASMO OOMMr II IM4 TeaneNB Oounod at ma Team. grs oMp ol JWBjuio aai an Ordk j^rrr

MMay Huah «liT MJt. 1. Tho uppar ari.onai i IMM oouraa UMB oonalal al I nohaa minimum ot fABC nml. l-« TO TM* PHOVIIION* OP M MAB0 turn Mt muiwnoua CMATTWM 0* TM* LA«aj 01 •aakia, TM laaar dilnaai puna (ar MM Munal anal • OANO: FIXINO TNI at al Moat • UM at uHiSSSfr ^ntTSSSftiitm lasM, oamppMM ami • prnna aajohoaoaplaoodonllprlorlo veWff)iaVy M anill n 111 ddMI Moh toord of SduooUon ol SaC (or MAM) Mam*, TM* OKIOM. •* aatwiy Sa•HiC IM (orM MAM H»ar) PMTMam*M ,pMaa TMd* HaaM. Mam Jonay OTTtt H IT nMTHM MtOLVtO tn tea al On adaqualaly a>oi a» aoma aa aradaM Bj» an* paaaaaa.. Noxaa a.

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•"•••a* gysajp^afJaffW iWVay Wf lrtrfajt) Of oa OM nan nnwdany i ^HAYS o. al IM WM MaHaaiaol. Jr 4S BrMnrood raj., fair Mavon. N j*O7TOI a A aajlahod haraa aM maaa SunCpa CMn bid ki lha term at a oarakad SdMar Arliur I Kama, it Oranaa we» fair Ma>an. Noa aTiTaUaa mama.. •Ma ot a wd boiM lor 10H al M oat aa (Maja • a» Maow

irli • 1 «a «MWi o» oaa aonaa IM a nil ii ••(•• pjajaaj trngsv^nrWTiajrrtp O* gntv irMiaMKW ate aa^ a M laauad PumaM to an MM* MM aaMraaanaM aua- kraaaa» Aj u> noo» ohaa Tt>»!SSrttPii. t» *1TTM M«m .M* M mar ka liMimim ay aa a lam* »n To aroOJa ' ay l.llunn tor pa» purpaao pf Of eaajaraBBBaa/ v ^•aaaan w^aa n^BBBav aanaaa BBW va9ri inaj ajpgfaj •fsaj/kftaji ftpajjajr aj Na arainil «•> oo oooopHd Cajg# at> gajga> gatvaAurVtB C# **• *^eay •••aWrmrta) M*i d M*"MM « •• wnaaw »M iiaamat fa*)* BpfaTfatM •> •*• MuMatfeB ByOrdoroiawHaaalT MM>>nMiii£i«)»MCmwi araorana •> aio TomMa irlec or uAeci anon aompm fldb jBaaVeHBa? aa dta^awwaaakrii anal aaWabaaakal tak aaaaaeHrt an waraaaPHm aav i#v^naap> ^ BjbPBF^hM aaapar av^ar a^ vaaaaaaj ar • vaj^hv « ^- ^^^avaaj TSL?jrZ2f5X*nT~ I* INI «J Aandord tW > muaatv Truai Caaaavw ol mo Vat* •oaio ' O**4a*aja% awn, » no TOOTON. anah *mm Vark, Naj Vark 10*0* M«M.M TaamMa «• a/a MMaasI Moon iBBMwaa cimki* Oara. 1*0 eouai LatoM araat teen

TH* FOtLOWINO POHTION Of TH* aaSHT O« WAV MM VA. Nap Vark, Hpp Vetk 10*04 iATIOWU. MVUTT TOLOT1. Comooaao Co o/o tank oil at • M K. a— ynoroior » Ai nataom ana a» •<>>• ana r*» OanaoKtCo o/o riaiii ii. _ . - . ^ BwHBSUiaMBBl tarn BBMh to tmnanaa OtJfWB/aMaj •) tataajf/BoBBBJ BB> B/BB> HaaVark. Naa Vork 1004* ear^ .— MM Mddar mua) a«Nr> aoMraaajtaMBj awl la raoa> Mr -• - - -•-* am aal ABadl tagjn pTeaTef OOIF/BTJI apTVgl

OSITHriKVI having a radkia ol IT*' and an T arc iJllli'll or Ml a a pom. *. fat IHIIIIHHIIII MUOIUTIOM «lttw«W raigi panod ot uaaUMaaa o( aaM purpoaa ««hlri M M •POM roat laaoaon l*£ It*. PoaM Manuall. TM M 17 WWOLVIO try In* i at aaHLaoai eono Lao M tauna Mk> oanaMMnaaa m HBka at Hi imaniaMon • —fcaMBPaauaa^A **-- * • ai»w»>»iol»iai>IJimMiii'ii».i»in»«ja«loraiaa»^») and n. a«i WOIHANC( nal nliainiil iliiilnu kill in at ar a, •) a parM. Tha niinmiina MM immiiiii WMX aaM •>> M laVv ptJafpi btftfiO 0** vle> ^oa't/vgeTrV awv am«a aM *aa n Ka oaaa af M tarauax Ckn aM oM or aad I0- BOW xono. ajr_a| aaa. >BB Vga- BBV* naajoaaBBPa•_* faaWWieMr aaar avaMr >O BMBO- m<)t> w . #tond} aTit> Ao**fatogtfty *mg| ot aatd •0- -lOW. a dManoa ot A. Taw Ma. aeowo *nr«M (IM jotria aa BBM ar paaa al PBBJP nalB n ) a. NWW O OliBMH •OSOWIMO rormoti of 1. taaa j t oar- VrV rtara,rtara MraM vandora a TO IM. LOT1 «h tj^BBVJ ^BEJBBBfePJa^B%jTavBPaa M *» nuipi.Ml C. Tow POM CkaWMan (Sum ol M LP> nay ka naxaad aa adpil II.IK in —» MW m»pm. omr>- PavSBgpBaM to •r'rta pa^pnt^aUgtT ajtSkHBbBBPB| BBJ BBJ omor Iroa o»»ad»»al . I uTt^liMMi alawtCZaK.andna a ToWDMrauaonlaunolCtOI Mali t*i4al ataakVJ ka> ^aa^kaataaad BA lannt aal iiMiiiann ^aaaaat uaaeafi akM alaai a. Oaaua Hal DMajuM aBBBBBJ BJf# CBBBBSBBBBBBBJ BB> BtaPW fJBB •BBBBB/aaaa| BBBBBBBj aBBBBBri fBJ fBBBJ VMM SSl** •aBtaBBPhH OBBBBttfl BtfeBl BBflBMBlBBla BBBT afaBB EM dBBBBBBA jut BjeBBi tICOMOID BV: Ceu QBe"*^ajF a^aaTttn ^BB^ BjejiTXaaBBi e*ar a^aj gfea|BBBBBBa| *BV ^BBBS) oaajaj* a TaB?TSa*a7af ajHt a« proaa CdancwMw *t Man* a oyrva la «e rMM naMna a raaxa ot IT*' aM an aro aMana- •* at a a a tdM In al Let M.JIM.' II? KSnSJZTSmZ.Tm'Tic MM pnMaa. M poranaM part Ma ponan who BOUM tmim aaon AMaa o'ourvo io Iho I IMM a 1—1 mmm «naar armor !•••• 4MB ol Pa» laa aaWaTaTJ PfTrMM tvaVoVV rraaTaal iffis&SSSZ. SoS"

Oaual 0i Mtjaj Ta«s*1«W#

SSSTttS •™<2i%A rtOAOWAY mOl a TO M VACATIVACATSOS BY TH* TOWNBHTQwiai •'W c^mSaaZ^vrLOT0^ SLOCK eat oartar ol Lot ? JSk 'MM.'MS lllHili eatnirVBa W MOW vppn Pa IIBj.lnp laPhMapa I lilt »HII

atttsna mim «rtjn aaamc aianoa tfia astHMaae. a*J etHt) • - f/MB BB*BrfJPBB| fBJ BBBBJ 1 oMa*w'a*aaanaaprsBr Taj oaBd now aaw> Una. ny Okakv TM aaf M> M parpMto a M war ar» at lal 1, BMM aar an aaaamam M> a ana at wal t I) AWaj a ourva a aa •ManM •> d MMM a ra*ka of ITS' aM a VapTri aroaiiM inaim *.!> prajMaaajwr Illlllllli The Daily Register Casey and the arms promoter WASHINGTON — CIA Director William in ltn. More recently, the Greek i Established In 1(78 - Published by The Red Bank Register ministry launched a maj( A Capital Cities Communicatioiu Inc. Newipaper Casey has been caught in the uncom- fortable embrace of Basil Tsakos, a Greek of a Tsakos-related arms promoter whose international deal- wrote about JAMES E. McKEARNEV. JR - Greek government reports confirm Premtlenl and Publittirr ings have attracted the interest Of Intelligence services around the world. Tsakos- earlisr criminal record sea describe him as someone who "woeld do Herbert H. Thorpe, Jr. Charles C TribTehorn I've seen s thick report on Tsakos from Arthur Z Kamin i Editor /liiatni Edlwr Saadnv Editor the files of Greek intelligence alleging inTuuns; >u UMJUWJ that be had a criminal record in Greece Russell P Rauch Jane Foderaro Doris Kulman -The Greek files state that Tsakos was m» Edilor Editorial Poor Editor and was suspected of dubious inter- denied a passport in IMS because be had .Viglll Editor national arms deals. Thomas C Donahue Lawrence C. Newman Michael J. Pellegrino been as arm/deserter. He later obtained Dirrrlnr o/ .tlark#tM0 Cttrmtatten Ihrtctor Com roller Sources ssy Greek intelligence cooper- * STRICTLY PERSON*ATT1S It safe for and /tflirrtlimu Prank J. AJlocca ates closely with the CIA, sod st least Prodiwlwm Manager some of the information is in CIA tales. At lbs snap of s finger, Casey could the British guveiumenl In its effort to sell days? have obtained a report on Tsakos. Either nuclear power plants to Greece. Soarces My sources at the State DeparbMst teO A6 MONDAY, OCTOBER 22. 1984 he failed to check his own files or ignored described Tsakos as a "bag saan" who was me it's a lot safer now than it was a few what they contained. Casey also Ignored paid thousands of dollars to hi" ago, and they're • warnings about Tsakos' criminal record. Greek officials to bay the Brtusbra „ by the development 9 This says a lot about the competence and Though Tsakos was • It may be due to the department's 'There's a definite coal-tail factor here, anyhow coherence of the nation's spy master. the right people, tl action following a number of physical Tsakos came to Casey during the early abruptly when a military Junta attacks on Americans stationed or visiting days of the Reagan administration with a power in Athens m Ut7. in the fascinating former csartot capital. multi-bllllon-dollar scheme to -Tsakos la suspected of being more The department tossed a travelers ad- 1 trans-Africa oil pipeline Casey has denied ¥ LVsaw% iaiai*4 a\ f%sas *B^BBSBV*»HIM4w%t wv\BTBVI a^snTV^aa* ft VW^BT visory warning tourists of possible dif- endorsing the project, though a CIA London Greek rntalHgenca, the KYP, ficulties TheSoviets were furious at the spokesman said the agency was interested •aspects that he was a part-time British prospect of their lucrative tourist trade in the Idea because of its potentially spy. 'Tsakos Is very closely - drying up. Miraculously, the attacks strategic Importance. with an agent of the British r Service," a KYP report states, adding: The pipeline would carry Saudi Arabian "Our rer^orU indicate he is a collaborator Did Israeli security keep Prime Minis- oil across Africa, bypassing the unstable of the British i ter Shimon Peres behind barricades at the Persian Gulf and transiting three central - The Greek fuse Israeli Embassy during his Washington visit? African states - a route of questionable rep firms, but he The Israeli prime minister stayed at the stability. moved his military-sales operation to Whether the plan was endorsed or not, elegant new Regent Hotel during hto Switacrland Washington visit. The management, in- r • •• • ^— - - — -— — — -»^ oof— " ^ ~ ™ • •—• • • • — bis American partner - an old Casey cidentally, went all-out to please the Israeli delegation. It even had the kitchen sidekick named Joe Rosenbaum - an — Tsakos was suspected of important name to drop as they sought specially cleaned to accommodate guests antlniio smtigg*^f>e* operation support for the pipeline st the Pentagon who demanded strictly kosher food. and State Department. France. The antiques were Is the Kremlin going soft on religion? Casey also put Rosenbaum In touch with Diplomatic sources teU me the Soviets some former intelligence agents who airport with the aid of a Greek Civil are no longer as Draconian In their might have been Interested In the project. Aviation Service employee. The network punishment of priests or nans who speak Here, meanwhile, to what my associate was also tntptrlTd of smuggling illegal out against the government's antl-re- Corky Johnson found out about Tsakos Immigrants from Italy and Bulgaria to the Ugious propaganda. Such dissidents used from Greek Intelligence reports and other United States -»they an thrown

nssv«*>. -Th— iitev GreeUIWWIk armI y Investigated Tsakos in jail for a few years In the Soviet Union, - In the mld-mos, Tsakos represented when be tried to sefl tank parts to Greece this constitutes an Improvement. Child rearing with Manners

SCRABBLE, Va. — Let us suppose, to tainlngwhatg e dicta ught It OB." be supposing, that you have a cat named Last she be thought authoritarian; Miss Tlnkerbell and an old acquaintance named Mansers recommends that parents oc- Susan. One day Susan comas to call, casionally should confess error to their bringing her (-year-old daughter along, children: "Yes, you're right, I shouldn't and young Natasha, an absolute brat, have done It. "The advantage of this ploy, undertakes to put Tinkerbell in the JAMES J. tisaaalriaM •Jww*aTtrUf aa /"hills' Itlln SUWktkohlalBaaU freezer What is the protocol for such ness, to that It leaves unsaid but well occasions? KILPATRIC understood that "I am perfect most of the This Is the kind of question that Judith time, a demonstration of which Is my Martin, otherwise known as Miss Man- graclossnass in admitting fault." ners, deals with in her newly published martmm-> • ilanilsrailtlai •• 11s li — nialil "Guide to Rearing Perfect Children.''Her s aVinuraDic wora would book is more fun than a Gens Wilder be worth double its price if only for the comedy; It can be read In bits and pieces; profound truth that she packs Into a single and as a way to spend a profitable evening of glare that can be turned like a laser sentence: "Life is full of situations that in October It beats presidential debates all beam on the bratty child. It Is the glare cry out not to be commented upon." The hollow. that says, "If yarn don't cut that out, you maxim should be put brio needlewoih sad Miss Manners begins with the plausible will catch it when we get home." framed lor every home, t thought you premise that children-all children-are The glare gelid baa Its complement in were on a diet." "You certainly did born with the Instincts of con-artists. She the smile frosen. This Is the weapon of crumple that fender." "You didn't touch has no truck with the notion that children choice for the nosy acquaintance who your dwMMcrt." Of such conuntnts we lasting hostilities born are born good, and need only to have then* Inquires of a pregnant woman, "Was it p y pe natural goodness reinforced. In her clear- planned or was It a surprise?" The smile A final pearl beyond price la Was eyed view, "We are all born Ignorant and frosen may also be turned upon per- expressions. The first of these, of course, oafish. What Infant ever considers, when missive parents who rattle on about "not Is. "Because I ssy so." Aa a mild A living memorial it can't sleep, that someone else might wanting to inhibit the naturalness of their leptlmaiid she suggests, "Do that once want to?" The parents' Job hi to civilise children." Why-not Inhibit them, Mist more and I'll kill you." There to also "Go savages. Manners asks? "Repressing the dear pat on a sweater," which she defines as Like too many parents, Elsie Schulz memorial they began 10 years ago. "There is no quick and easy wsy to rear things can only improve the state of the an order given to a child whose parent it of Middletown lost a child to the At the East Orange Veterans Hospi- a child," she writes. "It takes 18 years of cold. Vietnam War. After her son, BUI, was tal, they visit veterans who have constant work to get one into presentable Whamming a kid, she CimesSBS, • not Getting back to the brat and lbs cat. killed In Vietnam 17 yean ago this enough shape so that a college will take the answer to misbehavior. If a child has upon miccuon, MIM nunnvrv concnaMB survived their wan, but are now bun or her off your hands for the winter month, she began volunteer visits to been given enough love, s withering "I that nothing much could be gained by a hospitalized The Vietnam Gold Star was very disappointed hi you" may feeble "Kitty doesn't like that." The patients at the Veterans Adminis- Parents honor their dead by bright- The chief tools for child-rearing, she produce the trembling Up and the tearful . ' response is to say to the child's tration Hospital in East Orange as a suggests, are example and nagging. If eye. No parent worthy of (he name will mother, "I'm afraid that Tinkerbell to ening the lives of Injured and ailing way of coping with her grief. parents will regularly say "thank you" to tolerate a tantrum or an outburst "Swift vicious-you'y d be ragge Natasha veterans — bringing gifts, providing each other, it may require no more than punishment or the technique of treating t ti h ld't In 1974, she decided to remember tram teasing her, because we wouldn't news of the world, or Just 'being 6,411 reminders before s "thank you" pops the offender as a non-person for the want that pretty face to get all torn up." her soldier son in a special way. After out of a child's mouth. There are other duration of the fit are the standard ways there." Such Is the path toward clvluiing the noMe a struggle to locate other surviving tools also Miss Manners "rp^'ftPy rec- of dealing with this behavior, which savage. Miss Manners, who has civilised ommends that parents cultivate the kind ifies the , families, she founded Vietnam Gold This useful, living memorial is fortifies steadfast parent hi main- two savages of her own, hi s great guide. Star Parents. especially to be commended as these The 26 original families have parents share with strangers the love gathered other survivors, and the they might have lavished on their own FROM OUR READERS group's membership now approx- children. imates 100. About half are from The Vietnam veterans, living and Monmouth County; the rest from dead, have often been forgotten by something worse from happening. But throughout the state. They continue, Cry for peace even then he was chastised by not being this nation; we're glad to see some permitted to enter the Holy Land. Taiwan ties as often as twice a week, the 1 that won't forget. Fata Haven Jesus was a pacifist although Us wrath . Hailet To the Editor: sometimes overflowed hi maddening frus- To the Editor: "They cry to the people, 'Peace! tration. The Kingdom of Thailand, The Republic Welcoming the skipper Peace!' but there is no peace" Mohammed was a pacifist for the first of Chlna-Natlonallst China (Taiwan) and (Jeremiah*). Do selfish forces de- IS years of hU ministry. During mat time The Republic of Korea (South Korea) are liberately interfere with peace? ha was frequently beaten and suffered three very superior and prosperous orien- It's called "Meet the Captain." Marines and other forces ashore. On At the recent local peace conference many other attempts at bis life. He was tal countries that deserve the continued Matawan native Richard D. several occasions, the battleship fired this question was raised. Also the state- exiled from place to place and be saw his support of the American cltixenry and the ment was made that the issue of war is faithful brothers killed. He must have American military establishment Mulligan, commander of the battle- its It-inch guns at shore gun replace- dividing the churches andsynagogues. ship USS New Jersey, will be return- ments harassing the Marines. finally said to himself, "The people last Perhaps the truth has been the converse: aren't ready for pacifism yet That to a The continual acquisition of ing to a hometown celebration tomor- Former state Sen. Joseph Axxollna the churches abdsynagogues have been concept that will have to wait." Christians technology and science to essential hi row when he will be honored at a of Middletown, who served aboard the dividing the people on the Issue of war. should note here that it was not until order for these three free Aitan countries In history "differences" In religions to continue to prosper sod ptogieas. dinner at Fort Monmouth. New Jersey In Lebanon as a reserve Constanttoe took up the sword and have caused more bloodshed than any demanded. "Believe in Christ, or else!" The United States should rs satahllah Since September, he has been captain, Is a host of the reception. He other differences. that Christianity began to flourish. So let's full diplomatic relations with Taiwan for skipper of the battleship, now based in also was instrumental in bringing If true religion Is an Individual's honest not point an accusing finger at the the purpose of Improving the security and Long Beach, Calif. Mulligan to the county. search for reality, names do not matter. belligerence of Islam. prosperity of the free world. It is the striving for knowledge of what The New Jersey has served well. We hope everyone will turn out to A publication from Israel, issued In President Ronald Reagan, during hto constitutes good living for the human July, states there are si active peace successful campaign for Use presidency in Mulligan assumed command less than give Mulligan the rousing welcome be family that should Inspire mutual respect groups in that state, giving addresses and ISM, promised that be would reestablish two weeks before the battleship was among all worshippers. deserves. listing personnel. full diplomatic relations with oar long- the heart of a Navy flotilla off the It's called "Meet the Captain." But religions, often through s malevol- How beautiful to see the people return- ence in leadership, compete with one time ally and friend from World War n, coast of Lebanon in support of U.S. Plan to attend. ing the cry of "Peace! Peace!''andeotag Taiwan. The sooner full diplomatic rela- another - a characteristic that belongs to aomething substantial about bulkwag tions are srcnrapllassd between this the animal, not the divine realm. peace with their Semitic Arab brothers All religions in their original purity and sisters! country and Taiwan the better off and New police headquarters teach peace. A Commandment forbids But not a word in our media about this. more secure the free world will be. killing. Moses killed a servant to keep Why? John Laval A new police department head- officials who implemented it, the Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU quarters was dedicated Oct. 14 In workers who built It and the police Union Beach. officers and residents who will benefit This facility, which includes of- from it. fices, an instruction and physical We also commend Union Beach fitness room, a mug and print room Mayor Carmen Stopplello for his and a cell block, represents a big step grace in Inviting former Mayor Vin- forward for the police department and cent J. Farley to take a major role in the borough. the dedication ceremony. Farley, who The cells will shorten the time broke the ground for the facility, was spent by police transporting prisoners allowed to share in the ribbon-cutting. to the county Jail In Freehold. This It Is refreshing to see a politician who should make the police officer's is willing to share credit for a project difficult job a little easier. that benefits a community. It was a We congratulate the planners and classy move that capped a classy architects who dreamed of It, the ceremony. MONDAY, OCTOBER 22. 1984 The Dairy Register A 7 OBITUARIES 'Hackers' targeted Francois Truffaut, 52, by anti-crime bill WASHINGTON (AP) - Com- national security information French film director puter hackers who hanker to fiddle though illegal entry Into a computer. with national security Information Other unauthorised access to gov- PARIS (AP) - Francois Traf- teenager bounced between callous or financial data that doesn't belong ernment computers or to private faut. the French titan director who parents and reform sffwH^t. brought to them had better be aware that the credit or financial Information spearheaded New Wavt cinema and him international renown. long arm of the federal law is about would be classified as a misde- woo (wards from Canaei to Holly- Truffaut later established the. to descend. meanor concept of the director as tbs wood for hii portrayals of ordinary Federal authorities also were The ever more popular practice of "auteur," or author, of his work, people, died yesterday of cancer at given new powers by Congress to trademark counterfeiting is dealt aa* carved oat a reputation charm- (heaieof 52. deal harshly with unscrupulous with by the creation of federal ing moviegoers with portrayals of Troffaat died at the American manufacturers that counterfeit the criminal sanctions for trafficking in the everyday Uvea and loves of Hospital in the Parif suburb of trademark of other firms — thus such bogus goods or services. Courts common people. What tamed out to Neullly, a spokesman there uld. He confusing the public about the may grant triple damages or profits be his final fUm, "Decidedly Sun- said Truffaut was admitted 10 days authenticity of products for trademark counterfeiting under da*." a critical and commercial ago and fell into a coma, retaining The much talked about "crime most circumstances. coneriousnau only briefly from lucceaa. was made In im. In 1977, he took his first acting job package" contains these as well ss Another boon for business is a time to time. other measures that will benefit Truffaut found out in lW that he under another director, playing a provision that prohibits the use, French UFO expert in Steven U.S. businesses In the years to production or trafficking in counter- bad a brain tumor aad took on a come. Consumers, too, are given the secluded life, seeing few people Spieiberga wildly successful "Close feit credit cards, automatic bank Encounters of the Third Kind." hope that federal watchdogs will be teller machine cards or the equip- Last year, be became the father able to take a bigger bite out of the Truffaut was bora hi Paris on ment designed to produce such of a girl. The mother of the child "Buyer Beware" tactics of some cards. was his companion of several years, Febraary », 1MJ, the son of an foreign firms. French actress Fanny Ardant, who architect He discovered the movies Stories of computer whlsaas gain- Those using lost or stolen credit was the leading lady hi his movie at age 11 and once skipped school to ing entry into financial network or automatic bank teller cards on s "The Woman Next Door." He also aee "Tke Night Visitors." When he computers and, to some extant, the big-time basis could be fined up to had two daughters from his mar- was later taken to see the movie, he fictional movie "War Games" - In twice their gains or up to 10 yean riage with Madeleine Morgenatern. realized how much be enjoyed which a high school student broke in prison. It would become s federal His first feature film, "The 400 seeing films more than once. It was into s Pentagon military alert offense only If the gain was more Blows," in 11W. about a sensitive a habit he would never abandon. system - made the public realise than 11,000 in a year or the culprit the freewheeling that can be done by possesed 15 or more cards. owners of computer equipment. The anti-crime package also tries DIES — Francois Truffaut, 52, one of France's leading filmmakers, So in answer to some of those to head off some wily, foreign Physicist Paul Dirac, 82, died yesterday of cancer in Paris. Truffaut is shown in this 1981 photo concerns, a new law was passed defendents from using time-consum- 1933 Nobel Prize winner receiving an award for his film, "The Last Metro." making It a federal felony to steal ing rigmarole to avoid trie law. Stanley Koletki Hugh Gill TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) - Physicist Paul A.M. Dirac, winner EATONTOWN - Stanley Koleskl, sons, William Koleski of Golden, KEYPORT - Hugh GUI. U, of Surviving are his wife, Elizabeth of the Nobel Prise in 1933 for his 60, died Friday at the Monmouth Colo , and Michael Koleski of Eaton- Bethany Manor, died yesterday at Church Gill; two sons, Philip of discoveries in atomic theory, died at Medical Center, Long Branch. town; four sisters, Wanda Simko of Bayshore Community Hospitsl, West Babylon, N.Y. and Patrick of Ms bom* here after a long illness Born In Newark, he Uved in Stockholm, Florence Scavone of Holmdel. Port Monmouth; a daughter, He was tt. Stockholm, before moving to Eaton- East Hanover, Gentry Rudjlnskl of Bora In BaUy Brack. MovUle. Margaret Sullivan of Aurora. III.; Dirac, who Joined the physics town IS yean ago. Bayonne. and Sophie GresaUxik of Ireland, he moved to Brooklyn. NY. two sisters, Elizabeth Foster of faculty at Florida State University He was employed as a toll Greenpoint, N. Y.; a brother, In 102S, where he Uved until moving OUve Pride, N.Y. and Kathleen in 1971, continued teaching until collector by the New Jersey High- Theodore Koleskl of East Hanover; here four years ago. Norton of Eckelston, England; IS shortly before his death Saturday. way Authority. and three grandchildren. He was a retired painter for thegrandchildren and nine great-grand- said university spokeswoman Mr. Koleskl was an Army veteran The Robert A. Braun Home for New York City Transit Autbortity. children. Martee Wills. of World War II, and waa awarded Funerals, Eatontown, la in charge of Mr. GiU waa a communicant of St. Day Funeral Home, here, Is in He won the Nobel Prise in physics the Purple Heart. arrangements. Joseph's R.C. Church, here. charge of arrangements. along with Erwin Schrodlnger, an He was a member of the BPOE Austrian scientist, for research In 2402, here, the Disabled American atomic physics. Working separately, Veterans of Fort Monmouth, and the the two pioneered quantum mech- Ray Paskoe Chapter of Deborah anics, a mathematical system for Hospital. describing the behavior of molecules, atoms, sub-atomic par- Surviving are his wife, Lucille ticles and other aspects of physics. Bray Koleskl; three daughters, Pa- Dirac's work established the base tricia Koleskl of Hayden Lakes. A paid directory of coming events tor non-profit organisations Rates M 7J for three lines for I day *IIM each from which television, computers, Idaho; Jackie Gualtieri of Eaton- additional Urn), MM for tone lines for two days (ti.Maach additional Una), ss so for Ihne lines (or three days space travel and other high tech- PAUL A.M. DIRAC town; Laurie Qulnn of Rumson; two m 00 each additional llna). 17 50 for three Unas for fear or five days (•>.» each additional llnsi. WOO lor three llnei nology have emerged. lixililoelihld.y.(tlMe«ha


ITAM JennHer O'NaW TUCMOvm *•' ()»»». Adventure) teen Comery Brooke Aeeree m mtmum OM*H» tMOW MOV*] ** "The Dick'a alaaM'enel. las are eenmwnes te Smerta And The Mask) tilrtiM. AettHe, le leoale PMe" deal. Drama) Ani- , e mated MMMlAh. • *«niF"wajwaBi *WB"*BBJI •Jfjaarn •Hie hM ajyaierli>BBl» du *«•©~ WOM' B Of ••* I (beet Mar Jaa look at the we,y [INI. OraaMS dletypled naiwe and how t •w KMeley. JerarajHwaa, can be reetored. ga OASSV a u5p> aw- Dura Md UOMO Mbekv ing a MM check <*|e»e- •re practical Me vkaime; lo Granada, e vacation MkMKMIkMlttMl ;«*•*!» "DM*" Kan-ape ken "wed/Hao- reeorl onee again; an dm. Onwl M Kerr. dcMta'*' a* fcj jfc^ i«iijfcai,i*i'* ***•»" * SS •/ arei 11 ITW if U MB I aj apedaliiee to Miarra la* pliceminla J OAU 10 OAOWV F«r • MOM *•* "The earehnee an Mr Pome pert Mftse Aad The ahooglrr' •"•* «u»a) fejpnaBBtaraMVy rufl IN • KATI a AUJi A deal- io»a^ wirv wet Hi and Ha. med: ol Cattiay new leane tha ten The WtodT' Con- Ime lancet el We itom the dealer) o> the Dory ot a ("The Reel M ui"). AM Ja> eoy'eoaaiiaa at at* nrarel kan. a aone-Mad Mrd aad a km- aaemohowaii Tin Acade- MM** DraUltas hf kitchen maw Bud Cert, NFL POOTIAU Lee (•if AwaVtf-wWtfMng tiSOfi fHm OalfBME dh( JJL. j^x5- OAVTaaj MOWN •erbara Herehey. Edward "Boy. lad QM." loaowe Okaoa and Make erne alar. g tOOSNOW •• "Priaoaere 01 • HtPnTAOi: CMLOA- The LOM UnwarteT (I***, • MOMi ***H "lira* TBM AMO nej J*W* Th. Done (1971. Drama) Due- ttJO« *MON 4 Siiamia riuttua) Kay Leas, ' to A wrejtjL OF PoarruNt as* Fata are ***** Ma • Ik) Moriman, Sum Oeone. lyt development emu the • FAttXYPsMD • MOM ***» •The •*•••> ajrwe^wwa-f aaaawaani aaaar fcM TMC MOVatl * Themes Crown AHelr" love cuoenta ol tha Redela- (It**, Advemere) Mem WlH»|" (tMl. • ~*ft "aanaaii" *aOTMO a>« "OperatlDa md aance, ReformatkMi JMMryMoNMiOi. *J B*3*FtM)aNT a Flower In Ms Mean" (1*71, *•» • wn«>aica«ca> Th« 8tm" (1M7, WMIMD) Drama) *M Kerr. NeM Tre- SOAP OPERA UPDATE

BY LYNDA HIEflCH declares war. Maggie breaks en- support Sky'* theory. Sky atdar Becky a former wlf* of Bo* ALL MY CHILDREN: Spottlnf gagement to Frank when aba lean Geraldlne had to be the one to btD UTVTNO: Ann and Dane. _ •taea Draw calls Bo "ddd i SANTA BARBARA: Kelly die- Erin and Mike aeaUnc tbeir «• CaT will take Jill away. Learning Logan. Geraldlne .hocked by sis IaaW vehemently oppoaad to cibot covtrtgold eon belonging to the lagonent with • kin, Jowm she's almost broke, Diana hatches explanation '"•frhg all tha Hrrt telling th* grandchildren that late Channlng CapweU. Uonel tells Inform* Adam of the enga|«nant. tctMflM tO ITteMt rSQUirtfiMtltel of that she had shot Dave Grace. Mike Shane's his daughter Lome has fit child Tina Ctayten. Thai Hat ae't bar secret admirer. Inheritance erom Whit by marrying plan to review the evidence and when, aha learn* Ann has hired wort at Banner, buti Lionel wtatt to recover th* family Adam ruihaa home, but on the way , Cat and adopting Jill. Marcle U1U aakt charges be dropped agalatt le for San Francisco BUbsaBaaaai gtfft'v VAaaVaaL an^ aaaaV art collection believed lost at te* tn Billy Clyde Jumpa into Adam'i car aWefelW#w iO laBareV mk JUw and kldnapt him. In Klnfi Croaa, Kirk she and Ted laUlag In love, Raven and OeraMln*. Raven It Curtl* fears Sasha with Aaa Alex toll* Laurel he waota til* IMOat SaaaaiaUMI IMeUHV that Brook* admits to KaUy tba'd Ilka CAPITOL: JJudgd e didismissei s released. With LU bavtag fWehed Mt*ttt Inporao fUw. tomateevforaUdMeUd^M is hit ton C.C. stops Tom back. Whsn Brooke calls Tom, urder charges against Kelly after work oh the next phase at th* Stacy teaee Jack! did to bar In tha part. ' Jo*'s Donna answers, clatainltai i to ToT mI It testifies In closed chamber. sculpture reconstruction, TliMthy •bet net ready for RYANt BOTBi HM take* Pr» Amy comes to town. Cr« aai Baval aaaieBBBnl BBsaa^aam aaaV^'ei a^i^L.^^ was awronf number. ROMagree g s that she taw Kelly kill Denny In self- and Benedict sneak Into the Ub and rwiawfliitnawit tv«o aVftstr Jtck •*%** gives eulogy at Joe's memorial to let EUen tell Palmar Andrew not defense Myrna'i testimony forever disfigure It. be loves ber and I* sorry for aU th* storm Ptaak carries a hurt Maggie Rosss son. Linda aad Andrew sealed. What Thomas gives Hal go- GENERAL ALt M CeaWMd Mr. In prifton, H*wry SEARCH FOR TOMORROW: attracted to each other Daisy ahead to leave hotpltal, Hal wants informi Holly that I tt aatkwtti hall do anything to Sunny alienates U. aware Cynthia broke. " to mov* to outskirts of town with press charges, ha can't hav* Laa ah* trlti to nave Cl Devon head for llouywood Kelly, but Thomas says Hsl needs to srrested for extortion. Edward *•- tram Jail. Brett flatten! ., -•-,.,. , . aanlast faia>a»ai In- ~ be neerhoepltol. Hal contacts.' " ddat to atU apt to raJat aseaay to awn aaxasetf Matlhti aad **ea bytmtn.Sha asking for a job with TV stetita. • Greg, given photo aadgnment to waat to move back to th* fai ber captor la Max. Max Mils JU1 he than receives orders from Warren. shoot Sheila, warms to bar. Angle from prison and wants Scott* Jimmy La* kilting quiet. Jimmy had to come to bar becaae* she Is After being related (ram Jail. Jealous when Jesse sings with turned. Jail* balks, saying she won't La* tarn* down marriage propoaal ONE UR TO LIVE: Raf*. the only person he can traat. After Ctgney anat looking for tat aad Yvonne Hillary tells Bob she's not return child until she hat meeting from Lorena. Against everyone's feeling raaaoajlhlt far Sam't dykig hearing news that be can no 1 find* her engaged In . romantic with Brett r readady for a n*new romance. Walking wlWituh mother KtUy admits to Julie advice, Grant an* Scorpio decide to • Milat Zac'h performs psychic healing £aba• and Trey art Scottv's parents. help Mrs. Porcbinko aad her haa- on Whan lam catches Brand* andband, a professor from the Mether « thatta Jinx may have drowned rnaiaasr th* world He ateaa to sal YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS: Nina, Daisy tells him to-stay «hWatti y • motel, ha decides to tend J awaray from Nina. At Brook* tad Wai land, delect to America. Jacks** Sas^batlsanUM/tax protected by Sck^shaa tVoJTraV*, nW »<* «• Ttaty T1» enaaasd She Tom look st their new daughter, bar to French boarding tells Scorpio that he broke rates ef b-pitel -tn, T JZintUtoT r-^-totdmltthat*: Cftov« an look at thetr aarw ataasMar. hePaular , embarrassed by the Laura, their warm family "olhtr. MTWOXCU hi brof aftert-g from brain vSsr-h^.Rr-xt FZTten.^h.ts^ M==g*^ arrive. tumor, von toi mak makee neneww lifUfe foa rforthe Motherland herself If she can avoid prtom. Tracv'i pregnancy. ANOTHER WORLD: M.J. 1 protast. Amanda Barrlagua't Sr^aSMfBM .L^fe 5*?-«5 Ued that Kathleen hat ban shot *"1t r "* meeting liolmni nephew Derek arrive* at tow* la snd Jsy (Jordy). Uke over control of TV stotlea and because she's wearing i YS Or OUR LIVES: Andre newspaper. Derek oomta on to vest. Kathleen feel•ass:s betrayed by *watch on Kimberly's apsrt- Glnny bat tha rebuff* him. tg MOVIE TIMETABLE Cass's obsession for CecUle. Sally snd decides to search It, Las tell* Lorena he's about to ait begins spying on nurse Joyce. believing the hat prism Klmberly •bout $10 million from the Q«ar- Moving In with Mac and Rachel, decides to quit her Job. Megan's termalM*. Frisco upset who* Tanya Blair* separates from Sandy. Dur- father orders her to let Andre lead •ays she ha* no romantic H ing fight with Carter, Grant suffers her to the prism. Megan remembers for him and It heart attack. Ben and Marley admit playing with Ranee as a child and Tony. their love for one another. Donnas being at the feet of their father GUIDING UGHTPhUlp fearful that bar association with Dr. Stefaao. At Sam'* birthday party, that anyone was hurt la Dunning it about to be revealed. Mariana goes Into labor, assuring He rushes t AS THE WORLD TURNS: Re- Roman It's the real thing. Not the hospital, turning to U.S. with Michael, Steve telling NeU about hi* return, Carlo she hat retina arrested at airport for Jumping hall. picks Us op himself, laying bell leave her Craig return* Betsy to Dave and always be there for bar and do Floyd Ellen He seeks comfort from Lyla, anything the needs. Lit saddened negligence In Bath'* accident. Alex who insists he was under a hypnotic whsn t drunken NeU cannot make won't poet Lujack'i ball bocaaae her spell when be took Baity away. In love to her. Hope held at gunpoint by lawyer bat advised against It, as an attempt to make amends for hi* Will white she talks to Bo on her India gate money from Warren. put misdeeds, Crslg decides to sign two-way writtwatch. Marten* f Ights India aware that Philip caused document allowing Danielle to take a deadly battle In the delivery room explosion. Learning Piper hi hi Stave's last name. With Michael's to save her second twin. Just as Barbados, Claire and Fletcher bead help, Stove escape* while being Roman and Mariana hold their for the tropical land. Mlndy furious transported to courthouse. Steve babies and vow their love for one Billy hat hind Rosy to work at and Betty rendezvous and tail to another, we realise that Stefano It Lewis Corp. Nola assures Tony ha secluded spot where they consider Megan'i father and would do any- marriage to AmabtU* will be fine. fleeing country with Danielle. Lisa thing to destroy Roman. Klmberly Jonathan pump* Bat (or Infor- upset by Bob and Kim's growing begins career as a Salem hooker. mation on Qulnton't Ufa. AaaabtUe friendship. Rebuffed by John, Lucln- EDGE OP NIGHT: Miles agrees liea unconscious In tunnel with her da pulls hit research (rant and John to help Chria find fingerprints to foot wedged between sevsral Winkler vs. child sex abuse BY FRED ROTHENBSRQ fluence TV's heroet exert on Ameri- abducted, and three were raped. ca's youth It beyond dispute. In the NEW YORK (AP) - Henry When the guy was asterasked, wlr/he weeks after tha Font took out a said th* fourth girlI dMlm*sai. dleu Pft Winkler, whose famous character, library card on "Happy Day*," for the Fonx, told kids It wss cool to go The need for th* video Instance, educational officials laid Winkler whan to the library, wear glttis* and applications for th* cards shot up DUDOflt Illiui ' even cry now and then, has created 500 percent around the country. t™rK*» eaV'"** »••! •aaw IUIM taw tvaj an honest, entertaining and non- Only once before has Winkler year-old daughter. WlakMr's aaaa* threatening vtdaocastttte designed given th* popular Fonii* a forum told Zoe If she came to the car, she'd to teach young children basic skills outside the "happy Days" set. That ,get a kitten. She agreed, which waa for preventing sexual abut* and wss when the tough-talking biker, hTduiihthe_A» . a>_ _ r ** • , ak . ana m • ^ abduction. who sported a leather Jacket but had •••am ner The enormous behavioral In- than e right • t• stuf. afm Inslda. M — , appeared on "Sesame Street" for a lesson In the "She thought *he could get the cat trt of tooth brushing, and then get out of the car," taid "Children love TV, and the Fora Winkler. "Kids figure they have that Is a direct communicator to these kind of control/' young people," said Winkler. adding that be produced and itarrad In the Winkler said he's net home video "Strong Kids, Safe that ill this precautlonan Kids "for bis daughter and millions might create a generation of kttt of children like her. suspicious of Mhrtto. "After (Bat) "If we can teach children not to tpends time with them, the warm* play In traffic, why can't we present up." he laid. "I'd rather take away Information about the possibility of s little innocence than see what Kat abduction and how to respond If an MacFarlana hat seen." adult tries to use kids in s sexual way?" be asked. MacFariane, director of tha i One of the cassette's best seg- Sexual Abase Diagnostic C ments detail! the trick* that child Loa Angst**, and Dr. Sot abductors sometimes use. "We hop* director of the Institute for Family kids will know something it up If Research and fMecatie*, served at they've beard it before," said consttltanta with on-catMn rate aa Winkler. the cassette One rat* to that someone with an official-looking badge or identifi- cation card asks a child to help Aw el •arbtrl ft crack a police case. "We say that Rltter and Mariette Hartley, caa- tslaaiamiaaal that could never happen, and that cerned parents In their own right, at kids have the right to say no, ' said ,well*s such animated character* a* 747-15N Winkler. "There waa i case In Lot the Smurfs, Pac-Man and th* four FUntttoM*. The Daily Register SPORTS COMICS MONDAY. OCTOBER 22. 19S4 Your Town LIFESTYLE. GREATER RED BANK LONG BRANCH' EATONTOWN Republican policies draw fire at debate all they respect, and nothing else. Central America." BY ALAN SIPRESS Reagan's policies, Kennedy said. Aad Erickaon rejected Kennedy's tn disagreeing with hli opponent* ELBERON - The second debate have begun to counter sew Soviet claim that Nicaragua to exporting oa other Issues, Kennedy strongly among candidates lor the 3rd Con- weapons programs. revelation to El Salvador. Thomas backed voluntary school prayer sod gressional Dlatrict put Republican But Howard, said, "We not only Pickering, U.S. smksssadnr to El the banning of abortions. candidate Brian T. Kennedy oa the have to have a leader that will stand Salvador, reported recently that Bat hi a rare moment of agree* dofsuaUo yesterday as he had to up to the Russians, but one who la there Is no evidence of Nlcaraguan meat, 1lH three candidates dodge constant Jabs not only from willing to alt down with them and military assistance to Selvadoran TiTT*"''-* the need for obtaining uaKutnaMDt Dwnocrat Rep. Junes J start alleviating this threat." Ha eaeriUas, ^Nln^f^ said. Increased funding for mass transit Howard bat also from the racooinModid tut turns cootrsl plM Whenever possible, Keaaedy in New Jersey. Howard said the Citlsans/SociaUst Party candidate raised the issue of the discharge of House Public Works and Transpor- Lawrence D. Erlckson. raw sewage off tation Committee, which he chairs. disarm itself more quickly of those shore He said Howard's had developed a transportation Mil, The debate, which drew approx- weapons in which it holds a toad imately 10 individuals to Temple with New York would allow the city only to have It blocked by Reagan. Beth Miriam here, covered a var- On the issue of American amtve- to damp as much as MO million For his part. Kennedy said he nad iety of topics meot in Central America, Kennedy gallons of raw sewage dairy by 1*17 bean Instrumental In obtaining mass transit to the said the Nlcaraguan government Is In addition, the sewage treatment. subsidies for mass transit during his race. exporting Soviet-backed revolution 10 years In the state Senate. Kennedy set out to press Howard to other countries hi the area. "It August lajr, will remove only 25 Erlckson closed the debate with oa New York City's continued anyone thinks otherwise, they are percent of the pollutants, Kennedy an sppeal for Americans to be dumping of raw sewsgeoffithe New either naive or worse. la order to said. "steely-eyed dreamers" who seek to Jersey anorc, which prompted Ken- hinder them from exporting revel- bring about a Just and free world nedy to file salt against the city last This failure to protect New Jersey through practical steps. week, bat seas found himself do- anything It can to beaches, Kennedy said, has forced "Compassion Is not s cliche. fendhig Reagan Administration poli- •MAN T. KENNEDY JAMES J. HOWARD freedom fighters, him to sue New York to Install Decency Is not for case-by-csse cies against attacks from both support of American ssswtsaro to adequate sewage treatment facul- convenience. And economic, social Howard and Erickaon. ties In all new and existing baud- and political Justice is not a per- support for ^•"•tangs ational urvtval He rebels seeking to overthrow the critictssd Kennedy's pp Nlcaraguan government. Ings. ogatlve for power," he said. "I'm "If you've ever watched a wrestl- President Reagan's nuclear further charged Kennedy with ignor- Interested in change, bottom-line ing match, yea may have seen one Erickaon, who said ing Pentagon reports that ssy Howard, however, said this covert Howard refused to accept blame wrestler up against two guys, a tag neither superpower holds an edge In American aid U a major source of Prank Krushinskl of the Christian team. That's what I feel like today," froaae years before It nuclear weapons, much of the region's woes. "We're ho said Inaction by the federal American Party, a candidate for the a national Issue, said ad- Rending angrily. Kennedy talking about exporting revolution Environmental Protection Agency 3rd Congressional District seat, did but- said, "When we negotiate with the witaout ine Knowieago or awawn w under the current administration not attend the debate, which wss The debate's hottest Ing to the wen Russians, we need to negotiate from the Congresa. In many esses, we and deep cute In federal funding tar sponsored by the League of Women came when Howard and Erlckson between the Mat Saw a position of strength, because that's have been exporting revolution kt the cone Inaction of treatment faclll- Van Wagner raps 'political' keynote speech BY MICHAEL W. SUTKOWSKI night's debate with Walter Mon-

HOLMDEL - State Sen, Rich- agan would have attended the ard Van Wagner. D-Monmouth dedication had It not been for the and Middlesex, yesterday sharp- debate. Miller aaswered, ly criticised a keynote address of "Abeolutery. absolutely " a White Hoses represa •threat "I waa galled that they would the edication ceremony of the take advantage of a sltuatloa like North wing of Bayshore that. This was not a political Community Hospital. Speaking after the ceremony, sakt Vaa Wagner "I'm sure 71 Van Wagner described the ' i audience wiU vote speech as "offensive" snd

The woman who gave the cos to Reagan's leadership, address, Stephanie Lee-Miller, praising Ids health care aad assistant secretary for public social security efforts. affairs, Department of Health "But today, because of respon- and Human Services, saw things sible actions taken by yea, and differently. "I didn't think I was too people like President Reagan, political. I Just wanted to bring the Social Security program hss the massage from the President been saved," ah* said In a ilMlalasilM of the United Steles ... I did that prepared NEW WINQ — Thomas, Goldman, left, president. Bayshore Asaemblyman John 0. Bennett, R-Monmouth and Calvin M. Ball, to the best of my ability." Lao- before tne Community Hospital, Stephanie Lee-Miller assistant secretary for hospital chairman of the board, stand before the new North Wing Miller responded when advised of She said la 1»1 the average public affairs, Department of Health and Human Services. of the hospital A dedication ceremony was held for the wing the critique. charge for a gall bladder oper- Sen. Richard Van Wagner, D-Monmouth and yesterday. "It may be, perhaps, the ation was fMil. The sane president's record really stands operation would have coat 115.500 throughout the nation, all Thomas Goldman daring s tele- to U 8. Senatorsi Prank commitment hi another part of for itself, " she said by 1»IO. had the president not phone interview last night. R Leateeberg and BUII Bradley, the state. Goldman said. Lea-Millar said she rep- curbed the 1H1 rate of health tratton. The original Invitation was bothD-N.J. "She (Lee-Miller) wrote the reaaoted President Reagan, who care Inflation, aha added. "I'm surprised Richie took It extended to the president, awl Lautcnberg also spoke at the speech. We had nothing to do could not attend the dedication She also distributed II press V*lHIl Miller served aa a substitute, be dedication, Eat Bradley turned with It," to said. "It was very because he was preparing for last clippings from newsprint entity." said Hospital President said Invitation, were also liven down the Invitation because of a well received."


TODAY Room 1 of the Presbyterian Church. All registered voters are urged to attend. MIDDLETOWN-ThcMlddletown Township Histori- cal Society will meet at 0 p.m. hi the society's RED BANK - Slngled-Out will have Its monthly headquarter! at Croydon Hall, Leooardville Road, meeting at 7:10 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church. Leonardo.-' Susan L. Coloring, attorney, will speak on "Women's Rights snd aad Voting." The society, which has acquired several items RED BANK - Red Bank Cooperative Nursery School relating to Melvln A Rice and the Drynoch Farms will have a parent program at 745 p.m. at Fellowship (Croydon Hall wai part of the Rice property) Is seeking Hail, United Methodist Church. 247 Broad St. Judy farther memorabilia about the farm or Rice. Kramer will apeak on "Ages and Stages of Preschool ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - The Atlantic Highlands 1 Development.' Methodist Church, Third Avenue, will conduct a Mood drive 7 to 10 p.m., sponsored by the Central Jersey TOMORROW MATAWAN - Al Anon tor adult MIDDLETOWN - The Bsh.ii of Middletown will sponsor a free public program. "Education: Tto Baha'l at I p.m at Trinity Eslscissl onRyers View," at the Middletown Public Library at 7:10 p.m. The public la Invited Refreshments will be served. MAN ALAPAN - The Maaalipai Township Parks MARLBORO - The Central Jersey Blood Bank will and Recreation Adult Basketball League will have Us sponsor s blood drive at Marlboro Jewish Community, annual organizational meeting at I p.p m at lbbss Park ss School Road West, from 7 to 10 p.m. aad Recreation Office la the ManalapaManalap a Municipal ENGUSHTOWN - St. Thomas More Roman Catholic Church, 1M Gordon's Comer Road, will sponsor a ia II years aad older who are discussion on "Tto Grieving Process After Divorce" at interested In playing on Monday and Wednesday nights g p.m. Tto speaker will be Madeline Muise, who has with the league should attend the meeting. 1 many Individual and group sessions for LITTLE SILVER - "Women of the Western separatedlan i d dr•vorced» i III Mse> MCMOftY — Or. Jeanne Wurmeer. art, Shrewsbury. Kathy and Jan Victoria are the ifiHiwu any unonw fKTmunm. Kathy Eisner, Jan Victoria Eisner and Mm. Robert Frontier,'' s multi-msdia prsaentslliin of slides, tape FREEHOLD - The Monmouth County Agriculture daughters of Eisner, founder of tne Children's t^titmr and personal rsmaaufeafes, will be offered Eisner yesterday stand before a plaque honoring Development Board will meat at I p.m. In tto Psychiatric Center. Eatontown. The institute will from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Little Silver Public Library Freeholder's Meeting Room In the Monmouth County Robert Eisner during the official opening of the provide treatment, education and other mental RUMSON - The CitlMas' search Committee for Hall of Records, East Main Street. All Interested Robert Eisner Institute. Revmont Park, health services. Beard of Education Elections trill mast at I p.m. In parsons are Invited to attend. YESTERDAYS

IOO YEARS AGO wtththah-.i Keyport Board of the proposed she of the new library, suited for Two Red Bask a'. Organisation, sponsor a card abandoning the borough high school construction • the borough The Aabury Park Shore Press hi sold st public section party aad as* pi a for the purchase of a plastic students to a proposed new high school ka I to twe of 1U chief stock holders, giving them s aad a spade] talking machine tor ass by the residents vote down s board preens! lor an i tttstofi bttad. Money Is alas used te bay books written in Braille of the high school, twice. 10 YEARS AGO . A large asm of meaty hi placed with a Red Beak shop Top officials In and out of L s, and custodians at aU 10 Long owner is wager en results of coming elections. Tto s go on strike over lack of a wage contract •BSkissar reported little or no betting on the death of James P. Mitchell, formerly of Little Silver, the secretary of labor during the Elsonhowtr Adminis- for tto IMMs school year, despite a court order to SO YEARS AGO campaign, bat said moot residents sre concerned over return to school. tto gubernatorial race, gustos' at even mosey. tration. Mitchell had a broad backgioand in labor Corps of workers m ate of the eight relations and personnel management when be was Tto county's Btcoatannlsl Committee urges the state i tofor m a third party to appointed by Eisenhower in October Ml. to appropriate sufficient funds from the proposed Green for township offices, Acres bond issue for completion of tto Monmouth enpport fromn botboth Democrats 20 YEARS AGO Matawan borough aad township officials argee ever Battlefield State Park by lt». B2 The Daily Register Sport; MONDAY, OCTOBER 22. 1964 Eagles' Jaworski rises as Giants fall to Philadephia PHILADELPHIA (AP) - Phila- delphia Eaglet quarterback Ron Jaworski says that last month, be waa afraid to leave hit house. Bat Sundays National Football League victory over the New York Giants— which gave the Eagles their first three-game winning streak In two yean—hat made him feel respect- able again. Cards down Redskins, B3

"A month ago, we couldn't even leave the house to go shopping because everybody wat dumping on us," said Jaworski, who threw two fourth-quarter touchdown pastes as the Eaglet beat the Giants 24-10. "Now we're In the playoff hunt," he said This team really has come a long way In a month." Coach Marlon Campbell called the victory, which moved the Eagles to 4-4, even with the Giants, "the best feeling I've had in a couple of yean. "Our detente just continued what it did to well ...and Ron got hot and came through at the end," Campbell MARATHON MAN — Steve Jones ol Barry, Wales, raises his said. arms as he crosses the finish line to win Ameri- Sunday's winning touchdown waa ca'sMarathon/Chicago yesterday with an official world record time set up by defensive end Greg Brown, whose tack of Giants quarterback ol 2:08:05. Jones earned $35,000 lor his victory. Phil Simms caused Slmms to fumble and set up Jawortkl't 11- yard touchdown patt to Mel Hoover. "We faked a stunt and my man Britain's Jones looked for me to go Inside but I didn't," Brown said. "I went around the outside and Just Jetted and sprinted and got my man. I thought battles weather, he (Simms) had thrown the balTI didn't know he had coughed It up." It was the first touchdown catch for Hoover, In his third season In the GOING NOWHERE - New York Giants1 quar- first quarter play ol yesterday's NFL game at breaks record NFL. terback Phil Simms is sacked lor a loss by • pair Veteran's Stadium In Philadelphia. Giants Coach Bill Parcells said ol Philadelphia Eagles' defensive linemen during the game could have gone either CHICAGO (AP) - Sieve I'll do next year," he said. way, but hit team made key seconds to play. Later in the period, HaJMbslkh for 28 yards Jones, a Royal Air Force cor- Jones said be realized he had mistakes in the last 10 minutes The Eagles added an insurance was wide left on a 52-yard field goal On the Eaglet' first touchdown. poral from Great Britain, be- a shot at the top time with about . "Their pass ruth wat good," touchdown with 1:04 left on a 37- attempt and McFadden kicked wide Jackson caught the ball at hit own came the fastest marathoner In two kilometers left when some- Parcells laid of the Eagles. yard patt from Jaworski to Tony to the right on a similar effort for 25, beating Giants comer back Perry history yesterday as he blazed one In the crowd snouted It. "They're a much Improved team. Woodruff. Williams and breaking Into the through the wet, windy con- "It hasn't sunk In yet," be And we didn't have enough on our The Eaglet had taken a 7-0 lead Jaworski completed 17 of 17 clear, then outruning strong safety ditions to capture the America's said. pass rush." into the tint period on an 83-yard passes for 287 yards and three BUI Currier to the end tone. The Marathon-Chicago in 2 hours, I Even though Jones opened a The score wat tied 10-10 when past play between Jaworski aad pass wat good for nine yards and the 1 minutes, 5 seconds. solid lead after 21 miles, he Hid Simms fumbled after the tack by No.l draft choke Kenny Jackson The Giants Simms, who In his run for 74. That broke the previous best he kept pushing because "I Brown. Eaglet linebacker Jerry New York tied the score with IB team's open-day 26-iT-yictory over The big play In New York's tying time of 208.13 set by Alberto didn't want them to catch me." Robinson recovered the ball at the left in the half when fullback Rob the Eaglet threw for 40> yards aad touchdown wat a 37-yard completion Salazar In New York City In Except for returning to duty New York 6-yard line. Carpenter leaped across from the 1. four touchdowns, finished with 16 from Simms to rookie wide receiver Thursday, Jones said he has no Hubie Oliver gained three yards, But the Eaglet took the ensuing for » attempU and 248 yards Uonel Manuel for a first down at the tan. immediate plant — almost none, Wilbert Montgomery lost a yard and klckoff to their 23 and in one minute Sunday. Eagles' 1. Carpenter leaped over on Rota Mota of Portugal ran that it. "I haven't had a drink In the Eaglet were then penalized five drove 49 yards for a go-ahead field Hoover went In with less than a second down to score. away with the women's race in 5Vi weeks, and I'm going to have yards for delay of game, moving goal by Paul McFadden. who booted minute to go la the half after On the Giants' tying field goal, 2:28.01 at she won her second one tonight," he said them to the Giants 11. one 46 yards. Jackson suffered a shoulder separ- Simms completed pastes of 14 yards consecutive Chicago marathon. Defending champion Joe Niau Jaworski, throwing out of the New York tied It again 5:24 into ation. Hoover, who had caught Just to Earnest Gray and 24 yards to Bob Jones, », of Barry, Wales, of Kenya dropped out after 17 shotgun formation, then hit Hoover the third period oa a 31-yard field 0D8 DAM fOT tlM MMOO MmW Into Johnson for a first down at the topped favored Olympic gold miles because ol illness. in the end tone with six minutes, IS goal by All Haji-Sheikh the game, finished with two catches Philadelphia 20 medalist Carlos Lopes of Portu- Mota, 26, won her fourth gal, who finished In 2:0».0$, and marathon in six outings but was Rob de Cattella of Australia, well short of the women's record who finished In 209 09 of 2:22.43, held by Joan Benolt, A total of 10,112 runners the Olympic gold medlalitt who Ryan, Jets control Kansas City started the race In wet, windy skipped the race. weather in downtown Chicago. EAST RUTHERFORD (AP) - including twice by NFL tack leader Ryan, meanwhile, bad a career- JeU' cornerback Russell Carter that But Jones said he wasn't Mota's 2:26.1 wat a course From a first-quarter "flea-flicker" Gastineau — and had one patt best three touchdown passes to lead put the ball on the Chiefs' 39. bothered by the weather. record for a female — and a to the final down, the New York Jets picked oft that set up a Jets' TD. the The JeU' detente scored their It was his first marathon personal best. She led Lisa Martin of Australia, who fin- had the Kansas City Chiefs well In Gastlneau, normally at left end on "We gave him the game ball In next touchdown when tackle Tom finish and only the second mara- control yesterday. detente, was used on both tides of Baldwin tacked Kenney and forced thon he had started. Last year. ished in 2:27.40, and Ingrld the locker room after the game, and "We were beaten every which the line in an attempt to confute the a fumble which Gastineau re- Jones dropped out after 17 miles Kriitiansen of Norway, who be really deserved It. There's no way," said Kansas City Coach John Chiefs, and the strategy worked. covered In the end zone with 3:16 in the Chicago marathon. finished in 2:30.21. doubt he's the team leader now." Mackovic after a 28-7 National "We were definitely trying to gone In the third quarter for the "Only the last two miles Mota, a bronie medalist at the . For the game, Kenney completed Football League lota to the Jets outsmart them," Gastlneau said. 12 passes In 26 attempts for 124 second TD of his career. The Jets' hurt," said Jones, who picked up Lot Angeles Olympics, said snap was fumbled on the extra-point $35,000 for the victory. "My plan "Defensively, we gave up big plays "We were trying to keep them off- yards, with the only score coming on through an Interpreter that the Offensively, we were backed up in balance." attempt, but Ryan ran the ball over was to stick with the marathon Chicago race was different from a 7-yard patt to Ken Lacy in the our own end lone really the entire The JeU alto kept the Chiefs off- to give New York a 21-0 lead. runners." the Olympics because the raced fourth period when the game wat day. We were not able to do the balance with an offense that In- The Chiefs finally scored with for time rather than for best oat of reach. A couple of passes After the 19-mile mark, Jones things we wanted." cluded the "flea flicker" play on the 13:96 left In the game when Kenney position. were dropped In the end tone by started to pull away, "and they Most of the reason wat a suffocat- first series of downs. On the play, Kenney's receivers oa one second- hit Lacy with a TD past in the left just didn't come," he said. "I ran about a minute fatter" ing Jets' defense sparked by tack quarteback Pat Ryan flipped the half drhm. corner, capping an 84-yard, seven- "I looked around me, and I than at the Olympics, she said. master Mark Gastlneau that was all ball to Johnny Hector laterally la The Jets' also got good play from play drive saw that no one was being very "The weather conditions were over Kansas City quarteback BUI the backfleld, Hector threw It back their special ttimt. especially kick- But the JeU put the 1808 oa Ice decisive at all." be said. "I felt not good, but when you race you Kenney, making hit first NFL Mart to Ryan and Ryan hurled a 44-yard er Cim\ Ramsey. who continually when Ryan connected with Mutter it was time to go." can't think of the weather," she this year after sitting out the first past to Bobby Humphrey over the kept the Chiefs m poor field potitkn with 8:23 left In the game. The TD added. six games with a broken thumb. stunned Chiefs. with bis booming pants. catch was the first in the NFL for Despite the record, Jones, "We didn't get the protection Walton said he had put the play With 54 seconds left In the halt, Mlnta«r, who played previously in the primarily a snorter distance She alto earned 135,000 of the when we needed it and they did a Into the JeU' offense Just this past the Jets moved In front 144 when Football i runner, said he still doesn't $250,000 total purse In the na- good Job on our receivers." Kenney week. Ryan drilled a 16-yard TD pass over The victory improved the JeU' consider himself a marathoner. tionally televised marathon, said. "The Jets' defensive rush We wanted to get on top of them the middle to Mickey Staler, who record to 6-1 as they moved Into "I'll continue to do one mara- which boasted the best field of eliminated our quick passing game. at quickly as we could," Walton made a good catch leaving bit feet. second place tat the American Con- thon a year, and this 4a the one any competition this year. I Just didn't have time to throw." said it looked like It threw I The score was set sp by an ference Baat behind 84 Miami. The Kenney was sacked four times — off-balance a little bit" Interception of • Ktmcj pus by Chiefs dropped to 4-1

5 Fo Truck Today! O'Donoghue's boot lifts Cards MONDAY. OCTOBER 22. 1964 The Mly Register B3 ST. LOUIS (AP) - Neil 21-10, launched a comeback that at and IS yards to Moore to make the ODonogbue, making up for two tint lulled when O'Donoghue score 37-24 midway through the earlier misses, booted a 21-yard NFL mined aa axtra point try following fourth quarter. r field goal with three seconds re- an n-yard touchdown paas play. McMahon passed for 21» yards maining, lifting the St. Louis The mlaa came with 11:31 remain- and three touchdowns and Walter Cardinals to a 2S-24 National Foot- by St. Louis ing With St Louis trailing M-23, the Cards quarterback Neil Umax Payton rushed for two TDs to lead ball League triumph over the Wsah- Cards' kicker mlaaed hii 40-yard the Bean to a 44-9 rout of the Tamps Ington Redskins yesterday. connected with Pat TUley on a 21- attempt with 1:11 remaining yard pass play to sat up the winning Bay Buccaneers and a two-game The field goal by ODonogbue, Pila-drWing runa by John Rigglni lead In the NFC Central. who missed a 40-yard try with 2.42 iB8 A nmbto fioowy by Pro Bowl The Cards, after falling behind Payton, held to leu than 100 yards remaining, capped a 0-yard drive tackle Dave Buti rallied Washington rushing for only the second time this after St. Louis grabbed a 10-7 edge season, failed in his attempt to at half time. become the third runner In NFL FUggins' touchdown, his ninth of history to top the century mark in a the year, capped a 7S-yard drive at record seven straight games. the outaet of the second half. Four Tampa Bay, St. limited Payton to minutes later, after veteran Tony 72 yards on » carries, but he scored McGee caused a rumble by Lomax touchdowns on runs of S and • yards and BuU recovered, Walker caught for the Bears, S-3 McMabon's Joe Thelsmann's pass to build an 11- poliit lead for Washington. touchdown tosses went 32 yards to Dennis McKlnnon on a flea-flicker St. Louis would not quit, however, play, 10 yards to Willie Gault and 4B trimming the Redskins' lead to 21-17 yards to Brad Anderson. when Lomax and Doug Marsh The Steelers, who lead the AFC hooked up on a It-yard scoring play Central by two games despite a late in the third quarter. lackluster 4-4 record, lost 17-16 to In other NFL action yesterday, Indianapolis when Ray Butler the Chicago Bean and unbeaten grabbed a deflected Colts' pass on Miami, led by quarterbacks Jim the run and completed a 14-yard McMahon and Dan Marino, threat- touchdown play with 34 seconds ened to nuke runaways of their remaining. National Football League division And in other NFL games, it was races with easy victories, while Detroit It. Minnesota 14; Denver 17, AFC Central leader Pittsburgh was Buffalo 7; Cincinnati 12. Cleveland t shocked by the Indianapolis Colts and Seattle 30, Green Bay 24; San Marino led a 961-yard offensive Francisco 4»ers 34, Houston 21; Los explosion with four touchdown Angeles Raider. 44. San Diego passes, setting a club record of 24 in Chargers 37 and one season, as the Dolphins re- Tonight Los Angeles Rams play at mained the NFL's only team with s Atlanta. perfect record by mauling the New Raiders quarterback Marc Wilson QETTINQ READY — Miami Dolphins quarterback Dan Morino looks England Patriots 44-24 victimized San Diego for 332 yards downlield lor an open receiver during second quarter action ol Marino, who completed 24 of » and five touchdowns, and Los An- yesterday's NFL game against the New England Patriots at Sullivan passes for 316 yards, needed just geles scored four times In a seven- Stadium in Foxboro. Mass. half a season to break Bob Grlese's minute span of the third quarter an club mark of a scoring passes. The route to their wild victory over the Dolphins. M, who went into the day Chargers The Haiders withstood a with a two-game lead In the AFC 17-pouit Chargers' fourth quarter, East, scored on seven of their nine and San Diego missed a chance to NFL SUMMARIES send the game into overtime when "You want to score every time Earnest Jackson's 4-yard touchdown • • • 7- 7 you get the ball," Marino said after run with leu than a minute left was 7 ? 7 f-SS l T Pat. pr M the Dolphins almost did Just that nullified by a holding penalty. Ted IOOO air 117 NVJ-Humptwy 44 pan torn Ryan (Laahy mckj. Starting with the final series of Watte then intercepted a Dan Fouta .710 Nl 117 1:4* the first half, Marino hurled scoring pau in the end tone to preserve the Ut IN IN BREAKING THROUGH - New England Patriots Mosl Tatupu (30) 171 111 Ml IVJ-IWar II pan kom Ryan llaatiy Met). 14 Ot strikes on four consecutive Miami victory. ooo IN ni possessions. They covered If yards NVJ-J breaks through the Miami Dolphins defensive line while lineman Mike The Chargers also lost light end U0 IN 170 run|, 1: Wilson attempts to slow him down during first quarter action of to Nat Moore, S yards to Dan Kellen Winilow for the season with M0 IM 1S4 Johnson, 15 yards to Mark Clayton IN 101 1*9 KC-Ucy 7 paaa Irom Kannay Homy kick). I 00 yesterday's NFL game. a knee Injury. 000 10S 234 mj-mm N paaa »om Hyan iLnny >«*).• n A-M.TU 171 IN N 171 lit IN Re MTJ 9 FMHOOwna is 21 M0 14S IM RuanaayaMa M 121 N 111 100 Ml III S4 2M 10 IS Rangers rally tops Isles, 6-5^ ^ U-Jt-I 11310 stuma IM 141 Ml 4-40 NEW YORK (AP) - Don Calgary Flames. wards Gil Perreault and Mai Davis mm S» 117 141 FM • a «4S scored two goals each leading the Daaai 171 117 141 Fumtt M 14 Maloney and Mike Allison collected The clubs, both averaging more NV I •00 IN 171 •anal 410 • u a goal and two IUIIU apiece Sunday NHL than six goals s game this season, Sabres to a victory over the Minne- HO IN 141 Tmaot not 97 H sota North Stars night as the New York Rangers skated through a scoreless tint *» ITS IN womouM. STATISTIC* rallied from a 3-0 deficit, then held period before erupting for six sec- Steve Patrick. Rlc Belling, Craig m IN IN RUSHINO-Kanaaa Cay. Haard UN. Jaohaon ond-period goals — four by the Ramsay and Adam Crelghlon also TWINS* 171 141 HO 7-4*. lacy 1-1. Palga II Ma. Van, HaOor 21 M. off the New York Islanders for a «-5 the Pittsburgh Penguins. win n Bartar IN. Ryan y 11. Parga It. unar 14. OBnan National Hockey League victory. Kerr opened the scoring by sliding Oilers. scored for the Sabres Brian Bellows IN is? ISI IIMnua 4) had a pair of goals for Minnesota PASSINO-Kanaaa Cay. Kannay IIDIIK Nan The Islanders Jumped ahead a rebound under a fallen Pittsburgh Gretiky, playing his 400th NHL 171 214 141 Vork. Ryan ll-ll-S-NO. O Snan 1-1*1 quickly in the first meeting between goalie Denia Herron from five feet game, scored twice la the period, his and Dennis Maruk. Mark Napier. 171 ISO 117 RECfrviNO-Kanaaa cay. Mama l» Naam ninth and 10th goals of the sea inn. Brad Maxwell and Steve Payne each 4N 1*4 III 1 JO. Caraon 2-17. Jattton > 14, W Ama) 1-14, tcoa these local rivals since last spring's out on a power play 8:24 Into the 4ft 141 111 111. Paaa 1-1. Lacy 17 Na» von. SraMi 711. eliciting, five-game playoff series. tint period. to snap a 3-2 tie. Dave Hunter In the tallied ones for the North Stars Manor t-il. Mm 111. Humpnary 111. tartar second, Kevin McClelland and Jarl Toe Sabres Jumped on top early n»»»ll " Ha. Yen. I 10 124. lotln I II. Oarlnay II. Oannaon II Pat LaFontaine, Mike Bossy and Rookie Murray Craven gave the IIS. WISED FIELD OOALt-Kanaaa cay. lonrary M Brent Sutler aU scored In the first Flyers a 2-0 lead when be broke Kurrl In the third also scored for with two goals within the first 521 HIM 44. Nt» (H(M 24 Edmonton. as Patrick and Selling blasted short St lou» N. wtiriwi H period, when the Islanders outsbot down the left side of ice and hit s CMoto 44. Tampa in I 7 114 S-M the Rangers 15-5. For Bossy, It was wrist shot from 10 feet out over Haakan Loob, Colin Patterson, shots past Minnesota goalie Don SMS> H. OOPR SK 14 7 17 S-N his 10th goal of the season, including Paul Relnhart and Paul Baxter Beaupre, who had 46 shots fired at • IS. CMHM I Herron's outstretched arm at 1:15 of .«• 17. najturtfl II M.-0W M paai Horn Loma. lO'DonPtnua kick). at least one In each of his team's sis replied for the Flames. him In the game. Omar 17. BuWo 7 ia games. The Flyers increased their lead to BaHaie I, Mteeiisla 6 Minnesota then scored three Na» Vork Ja» N. Kama My 7 Waa-DUar 1 paaa Irani Tnaawann {Moaavy kick). La AngMa FaWart 44. tan DMgo 37 13:41 But the Rangers began their 2-0 about five minutes later as Kerr BUFFALO. N.Y. - Buffalo for- straight gosla to take a 3-2 lead. San fmiwuii M. Mono* II startling comeback at 7:21 of the poked a rebound of a Doug M.-F0 OOonoohua 2t. 441 second period when Mike Rogers Croasman slapshot under Herron on toi Angaka «ama a Aaana, • pm Wai Kgtfna 2 run (Mullll, kick), t M converted on a power play with a a power play. Waa-RWaMr 7 paM mm Thaamann IMcaaay _ . I an. blistering wrist shot. Just 43 seconds Kerr added an assist when he set New Jersey's King SL-MaMiitpaaalrc n Lomaa lOTJooognua ucm. imi 1 ma • oaMa. 1 pm. later, Allison, standing behind the up Brian Propp, who hit a wrist shot OaM* al Oman Say. i pa 1141 Manama • CMoaga. i p m Islanders; net, banked the puck over Herron's glove from II feet out Na» Omana al Cawatand. 1 p.m. Waa-FO MoaaWy M 101 home off of Bossy to make It 3-2. st 15:27 of the second period. Na» Yo* Jan al Mm enfant, 1 pm SX-ROraan 13 paia Irani Lomai |UCII MWd). sidelined by spasms Manaal natongn. I p. Ron Greschoer poked In s pess Pittsburgh reduced Philadelphia's Si. loua at pnaaoww. I p » Ilt-FQ O'Oonognua 21. 1417 from Pierre Larouche at 11:17 to tie lead to 4-1 in the second period when Tampa Say • Kanaaa «y I p m A-10.2*1 NEWARK (AP) - Albert King, a and was to be examined today by SuWo al Mam. 4 pm It on another Ranger power play, Mike Bullard took a cross-ice pass 24-year-old New Jersey Note for- team physician Dennis Quintan. Oaioar al Loa Anjaka midan. 4 p m M • SaV and Maloney put the Rangers on top from Mario Lemieux and fired a San flanoacc al Laa AnsaM ka. 4 pa Fradowna ward entering Us fourth season in Wawaisvn • Na» Von awaa, 4 pm Ruahaa-yama 36 103 24 12a0 to stay Just 26 seconds after that. slapshot under goal Bob Froeae's professional basketball, was hospi- "It's been a chronic problem Paaangyarda IM IN Allison fed Maloney on a 2-on-l glove In a power play at 17:11 talised yesterday with back spasms, during the preseason," said Lam- M.V. Ratumyarda 2 10 pariello. adding that King has Paaaaa 15 2*0 20310 break and the Rangers' left wing Oilers (, Flame* 4 the club announced. SaouSy 1-M 411 managed to play a total of only It steered the puck put goalie Kelly EDMONTON, Alberta - Mark King entered University Hospital •M-JacMon a] paaa Mm Jtmonu IMcFadMn •uma • 37 2-17 Hrudey. minutes in two games. ucm. 10>M Fumcial urn 21 32 and Wayne Gretiky scored in Newark for treatment of the back 141 1-40 Flyers 4, Peageias I mdsd goala in a wide-open spasms which have plagued him The Nets are scheduled to open NV—Carpanajr I run (nay Sham Man). 11 It Tuna ill riiaaaaiinii 1140 2*20 PHILADELPHIA - Tim Kerr period end tbs Edmonton throughout the preseason, said Jim their regular season against the PM-FO McFaMan 4*. 14 41 scored two goals and added an assist nas Oilers killed off s major penalty In Lampariello, a club spokesman. Atlanta Hawks on Friday in East NV—FO na| IhaWi 11. IN as the Philadelphia Flyers defeated the third to capture a win over the Bs is 7 I la-M King was "resting comfortably" Rutherford. •N-HOM> 11 paaa • uct). 1:47. S 7 7 7-tl •M-Woodrull 17 paaa Mm Jaaoau (McFaoUan SF-Franoa II paaa Mm Montana IVNncMng mom. ll-N ucai. 104 n iitTT SF-FO WaraoMng N. 1141 Mou—Mortally 1 run (Kampt Uea). 0-11 Monmouth's Woods: Building a is* 17 Sf iy» M paaa Mm Montana (WartcNng .<•>. 24-N 1411 IIS II IF-FO WaraUang 22, 2 31 lt-31-1 17174 Moo-am* «» paaa Mm Moon iKanxX kick). » u S-4S 1-12 quality Division I baseball program S-N SF-Cwg I mn iWaraeMng Nok|. 7 10 1-1 Hou-WHkama 21 paM Mm Moon (Kampt kickl. BY KEN DEMPSEY S-N 10-71 142 Farleigh Dickinson Unlverslty- 1022 SF-Clark 10 paaa Mm Montana (VMncnmg kick). Teaneck, St. Francis of New York, 10 00 Like a mason trying to build a •McnnouAL iTAntncs A-M.MO brick fireplace, Monmoath College's Brooklyn College. Long Island Uni- MMMMO-Naa von. Opanar ii-4?. Oatnan versity, C.W. Post, WVsgnea r and m WMMI 4*. - I 1-4. Moma wmnua 4). head baseball coach Walter Woods lan-imMual) FHUdowna It •is laying the foundation for a quality Monmouth. r 7-8. W»a Ruahaa-yarda 31-114 Division I program. SPORTS FASSIIIO Ml. Von. Umma H-33-1 24t Ptna- "aanngiaui "The conference gives us an aaV*. Jtmam 17 17*217 Itakjrn yarda And to the former MtddMown CHATTER identity along with a shot at post- *ioilvliaB-Ha» Van. Jamaan 4-SI. Oray 4-S7. IS-N-l 21-11-2 South High School mentor's credit, aaniaaaat i 44)4411 . ManuaMl l MS4MA CarpanaC v 1-ta a FttaaW- 14) 1-0 season play," Woods said referring oa«Na. wooorvr* 1-M. CWak Hi. Ipapnxa m. run* 111 3-4S he has been blessed with s peat to the Metros playoff format for the C4Mr 1-14. HaoMr 131 Moragomar, 2-2J. JacMon ' 20 1-1 deal of patience and optimism while Hi •tnaMa-yaMa S-70 7-7S top four finishers with the winners MUO MLO OOAL*—Na» Vork. Ha>-«iaU a. rm « Poaaaawn 34:11 2147 poisfiemg a positive attitude. squaring off at Shea Stadium. SS. Fliannm. Mr#l««an IS. "I can't dwell on what the program was like before I took Although Woods admits that he over." Woods said. "But I can speak an aid In recruiting and he hat taken was skeptical when he spoiled for atoyed far Coloradoado III I 1M7H , aedjie Ml I _ ....hLnn very highly of what we have care of many deal-related tasks." the post, he does feel that Ins Mfl Me NFrvrLL Nin l niswarvHl f vfj accomplished In the 13 months that program is on the right track. In isis1S»S, , an•ndd «M OelreW In I have been In charge here. While Woods, DeShepio and volun- 1S40. "For starters, we able to play a teer assistant Frank Woodward "When I first got here, I bed set * * 1 l«-game fall schedule this year," worked hand-In-hand in reorganizing some goals for as to live up to," feel worn nie Woods noted. "And that follows s Monmouth'i baseball fortunes, last Woods recalled. "First waa estab- uianipfsa) faU in which we were only able to spring's recruiting endeavor* land- lishing our strong commitment to Lewie won ALL 4 of Me eeld medela acdemlcs. We're looking for the Mi UN THAN ON* MINUTC Of play and schedule three games. We ed the Hawks 14 new additions. ACTUAL TIMII had to do a full make-over of the type of student/athlete who Is "For the first time at Monmouth. equally concerned about his educa- whloh loo* about 10 S4»o«ios ... M« entire program when I arrived and the baseball program was having getting the fall program to the point tion. And secondly we're hoping to perspective student/athletes on put together s competitive col- where It Is at was only one small •ISBakaakSi • A. . ,,-s ^-- - - — — •— _ campos for visits," Woods recalled. Ugiate baseball program. We have WALTER WOODS fc > 1 step." "We were letting people know of wim aW wm mmm mmmm9 wtWaMena • i wMek teek leee MMM 10 aeeonds The first step for Woods was the any new peer leal Twine what we are doing here and what we very much evident In our last game si*aa Use*!? ... ThTke aaV«MalUmi* And h»e miro n Ms MhMh foM nwdal nm- »i*MafM II aU SI id U--• - -? aka*a* Ifeu Sa> — Tk . a^Tat^kSB 111 • l^aflrf II a^i Aa* hiring of an assistant coach who gram." a 1 «M retsy whleli had planned for the future. •^•Tfc S^ssaanwfj TATfjal W^ tff Vlf I •f 4p»„— naaa>aiBiia> 9^^ Wkakaa h - mn > ' flf #• m JaB "That game gave proof that we ... Monmouths 14freshman Include iede> The UWmate Driving Experience unpuruuH JOE nu oem, wwns with the type of teams that we do Play against" are on our way," Woods said. "We several area notesbles: Kevin Case In ... Now On Drsptay. uk] "Because both o( our pgrittoftf have a lot to offer at Monmouth ... of Monmouth Regional, Chris Holln- art part-time ones, my ttft' Another positive step for Mon- a solid academic imltiutloo which da of Brookdale. and Stu Kamlnisky meeting a lot of «-«g-n«— that I mouth was its entrance into tbs Js close to the shore and new we can of Msriboro ... The Hawks closed QIORQI WALL LIMCOLM-MBRCURY out the fall campaign with a 7-» am unahte to do. And Joe has done Metropolitan Baseball Confernce. offer what we feel hi an up-and- SHREWSaUIIY AVI., SHREWSBURY 747-5400 that. He's knows the area which Is The t*ven-te«n conferee coming Division I baseball pro- mark. B4 The Daily Retfster MONDAY. OCTOBER 22, iM4 MEADOWLANDS TONIGHT Hagler begins court fight NEW YORK (AP) - abeat the legality. Last «Mk, their appereoUy would void the WBCs . , am. s r* a •*, m a wia no* sit.7so. a**., i n. • P-. Marvin Hagler wUl begin a coert attamyattorney., Morritlorrl s OilBtng of Bat- action against him. M turn. Ota». • »••<•. m » » 1 ••»»« Wwn ivrfumi n IK FM IWM) - *1 IM flll Il l "Wo have beea wry rssyerthil of 2 DupU Amor (frown) tXX S » I I I I » I O I o r g I o I ;^2LS2TL« !*4-1! fl|htTh«avwl**coaBiiw»1oM ttn. Mad a ao«i JO-IJXX Pi*M Luo> (OlWtOl II-1 IS-I* llll O0II.I4 IDIiginl *« IOMO Ooor hWiMW (VJVri) •.~..~. 2-1 !> Hu>r »iiiyi IW.COI part of the nuddjewetgat caasa- a* rasa BUR jose ffr'* *"*" ol Mexico, |» i shlml tioiptmalt OOMO (Paamoaa)- « SO-I pioaahlp he lost oaUkto the ring. against Hagerran andd thI e WBC. It win IHUOU MMor Al Haw IM 5 AiM JM1 SOW (MoCauay) 0-1 of the WBC, said la Mootraal, where • IMI « Knm IkBV *•! S Hoaaa*n rjom (lot Mor) 4*1 s aummorm •»• iMoCaaay) - in On Saturday, the World Boxtag to aeerd tWeaay at federal dis- 7 AIMor (II (TonVI »»-1 7 ooar on mo new. a-i j u ^ (Am) an the WBCs action was taken on Ike SX C>ln .0" S"»»» ...l»". Doao a) IMoooo) in withdraw title rscoajUUoo Iran Last My, Hamsho took legal Smlafanan said Hagler may make _ J-IW WMi M BMtfi (L) IRoocol *l 1 IMI ilI'T '"As"" ( O o n i o I o 11 to tfgu loawi (No a«1or). • r S-l HajJer. who stlU Is reconlaed as tt i Hl and the WBC M* SMS*. CM*.. > x. • Mr. II Mo. loooy 0*1 loam) S»1 a written request to the WBC. listing in cmon fo CMCK mn*« »> 4-1 W-IIXX VHor-— P«oo f* 11XX Lll| -Jl * ( Cor Ml I champion by the WorlJ BosJnf 3 cunimmum (No mm •-1 4XX Kmpuar Kotv ISIIlilill D is-iSSa 017400, la... ir>l*.ir» AssodaUoo and the ] reasons way it riMxald reconsider Its J O*ono» DM Him—I S-1 S OWoOWl IU (UoCouay) 1 llvanoaao Snorry (romo) S-1 action. The request should by made 4 nooo uno (HOOOOI H S Now Coonnoo (Fona-) 2X fjn^ri Emporor (WarO) M Boxing Federation, aa n n»» l«prooo (Wo*) 4-1 3 urt Sato (MoCouay) S-1 which apt started last year, on or by Nor I, ho said. '-— • MM Ann mCmMit *•< 4 Park Vow Poor* (Tnano) 4-1 "We an war), very strong on 7 COM rn* (Hujtno) t-1 5 For Nousltf (L) (TOBV) « - S-1 The reason for the WBCs I Ow OM CMo (THonWufg) IO-I was that Hagler's defense Priday at safety rules," said Salaiman, up* t Now Mink (No Rlior) "•atlriZaaaTSa^iw l*«l inoj Madison Square Garden agaluat for Friday's light at II roands holding the reasoning behind the U- 10-1 . 11*1 There Is a New York SUte Athletic roandlimit. "We expect the leaden, j y^ ^y--- ...... "T Mustafa Hamsho. the No. HT SELECTIONS jC nMW| *^*» .-•—***^** ^>)...... '" cootander by both the WBC Commission role stadnf the M—lt the champions of the world to da I4AB0I sno SKM (LI lOante* JO-i for boxing." 1 - Come On Cabin. Walk the lUfXX *mr/» Uno |OMn) IH WBA. was scheduled for 15 ro lor title flghu la U rounds. The Beach, Pukka Luck ISA! Qitll Sunon (NO ftldor) Instead oflX The WBC limit for title has allowed two WBC 2 - Donut Flash, Tlp'i EiprtM, 11-11TAI SHpporv lolo (Oonitloi WI fights Is 11 rounds. Cunuueequam 6-' ""Viur^ Hagler woo In the third round, _._i|»«irralr»... Neptune 3 - Stage Door Mamma, Crlnuoo l FoO Bock IL) (Ooooo) eight fewer rounds than he needed In depaty ••~»-»«-*~l—. said It was 4 Cowboy Snooo (L) |Mora.a») 1 C-yt-ple OoMl (U (Mo Mor) Envoy, Hawaiian Gem IIH Or* T« (No PJSor) 4-1 beating Hamsho In IMI. aalltfaaaaaawl nnlll aW- —— »*-- SIP III —III* mm SXXX Anooy HorjjOoa) auowea only MCIUM aw promoter 4 — Sweepaway, Crimson Run, SX baaav Ouaa {Ward) S-1 S K K K Kraar (Mdo SI Hagler, who had been willijam and the fighters agreed to the Patty MeBrtde uMXTni iStai*!?.::::::: :::::::: t! 7 nmiM ItoMr 1LI (HO Mv) champion since 1 MO. was not avail- tops CBA •K Twtfl (Wvd) i - Propafanda, Fait Writer, 0 Hoaaouav (CHykw) 10*1 able far comment. ID the miwlai i lalm. OOISKMI Mai SlMSa, Aa>.. In.lh.. • ExM(M> (L) (VWUI) Cowboy Shoes 1 Ctator TMM IHoCouky) S-S 10XXK King or Iho H "I don't know If they can do it said bis contention la that since the t - Colder Thana, The Jokes On 1 Th. JoMo On YOU (Hooooi . ».1tl M. 0M*ntf (L) legally," said Goody PetrooeUl, who contracts called for IS rounds and r (No Wdar) 12 Paul. Hoflu* You, Manor Parkway trains and co-manages Hagler with bacewe of the NOT Yorfc rale, the SOCCER S AltW TNOMT (CorrJoro Jr.|... I4AI OKU {OCOYI his brother, Pit. flgnt should have been recognted as 0 M*l 0. IWMI . ISAC Edoord M MloO III Iknl Hagler and the PetrcoeUia, of s Utle boot by WBC. Brockton, Mass., Intend to find out A Hagler victory la the litigation NEPTUNE - John Orlando's » Henry Hudson yard goal late In the first quarter Parnaby powers Keyport enabled Neptune's soccer team to stun previously unbeaten Christian grabs second KEYPORT - Tom Parnaby Brothers Academytn Shore Con- scored two touchdowns and con- SCHOLASTIC SCHEDULE NEW YORK - Henry Hudson ference "A" North soccer Saturday verted three two-point conversion POP Regional finished second In the boys kicks to give Keyport (4-1) a M-U "C" Division of the Easterns Inter- WARNER CBA (14-1, U-l) outshot the Jersey Shore Pop Warner football Scarlet Filers 17-11, but Neptune scholastic Cross Country cham- triumph over Eatontown-Fort Mon- pionships Saturday at VanCortiandt goalie Doug Martin stopped 14 shots moutn yesterday Parnaby got the winning touch- \SSmm, Park. The Admirals finished with CBA'f Ray Purdeo bed six saves Dom ValentUi scored all thro* of nan In the fourth Quarter on a 17- NH San IS points and just missed first plain down In the fourth quarter oa a 17- Neptune upped IU record to IM Eatontown-Fort Monmouth's touch- yard run and added his final two- which was won by St. James (NY.) overall and 10-1 In the "A" Nortli downs on a 24-yard pass from Scott point conversion kick He added a V with 1». Simpson, a 61-yard run, and a 71- yard touchdown run In the second Dan Loughran was sixth overall with the Colts If It wins Its two yard return with an Interception period white BUI Fiegle added las for the Admirals In 1323 while Drew SUuffer ran over for the extra other Keyport toacaoWn on a V teammate BiU Moskowits was 1Mb CBA loses IU finale to yard run in the third quarter. in 13:40. Township Brake problems?

Telecommunications Technology. Strength. Leadership. Our Organization b Your Opportunity

Today, technology Is not enough. CoMns TranswssilBn Systems Division Is a In our high-tech business climate, success re- leading supplier to the telephone, other common quires stiaieglc merfcetlng end a balanced carrier, private. Industrial and International organisation At Rockwell Inlernatlooals CeMas marMta We are noted lor our businass oriented management, aggrsaalvo research and develop the balance of our technology, business strength merit activities, quality products and timely pro end tradition of strategic leadership has been s duct Introductions. Key to our grow in As t he largest Independent sup pllsr of telecommunications transmission Organization. Hi part of our success. It can also systems, our products span the spectrum from be part of your own advancement. Join us today in "DC to light." With 30 yeara of experience behind Delias, Texas-one of the fastsst growing high- us, ws're organized, ready and qualified to moat tech centers In the Sunbelt. We have oppor today's and tomorrow's Industry challenges tunllles for your talents in advanced analog, digital and fiber optics: Analog Fiber Optics UakhnrtMD BSEE with minimum 8 years experience In BSEEMSEE with minimum 6-8 years experience microwave systems engineering end analog R&D with 1-3 years experience In engineering manage- design Position Involves monitoring the analog ment directing lightwave tow capacity or high transmission product line, conducting competitor capacity transmission product development Posi- product analysis and long range product plan- tions are responsible lor circuit/system develop- ning. ment of lightwave transmission products. Requires Get a free brake inspection knowledge of gats arraya, PCM. digital signal pro- ceeslng, optoelectronic theory and semiconductor at Shell Auto Care Digital PhDMBEE with minimum 4-6 years experience In Bring your car to one of the participating BSEE with minimum 2-4 years experience In high lightwave or digital product planning, local arse Auto Care dealers listed below for a free, spaad digital circuit design. Experience with gala network applications and telecommunication net- arrays, ECL logic, pulse code modulation, time drvl- works. no-obligation inspection of your brake sys- alon multiplex/demultiplex, real time signal pro- tem, and a free written estimate of how much cessing and error detection required. Position requires knowledge of lightwave or digitaHall your repair should cost. Free transmission products, product architecture Posi- tion Involves MDAnarkatlng coordination ol long If you decide to have your brakes MSEE/BSEE with minimum 4 years experience In range product planning, competitor product repaired at Shell Auto Care, the parts and digital signal processing design. Requires aneryals. product line management, sales team Brake Inspection knowledge of digital filtering, multiplex voice pro- support and customer presentations labor will be backed by your dealer's written cessing, slgnsl processing between time and fre- LajMw-m SjHaaa Daoajo limited warranty. Just briiuj this coupon to one of the Shell quency domains and error detection methods. Your Auto Care dealer wants you to be Auto Care dealers lined in this adver- B6/M8EE with minimum 4 years experience In low or high capacity transmission product design. Posi- completely satisfied with his service, so get tueiMnt before BSEE with minimum 2-4 years experience In tions Involve defining system rsqulrsments, circuits to know him soon. Just cut out the coupon, November 18, 1984 telecommunication software design. Knowledge ol design and modulo development. Poeltlon requires bring in your car, and get your brakes MOO/64000 fsmlly microprocessors, aeeembly knowledge of digital slg nal processing, gats arrays. inspected by a professional who cares. (Xfef moy vary st ptrticipttituj dealers. language and higher languages such as C or PCM's, optoelectronic device interface and PASCAL required. analog/digital circuit design theory. Ptsase call for an appointment. b ••••.. J UDswae BSEE with minimum 2-4 yeara experience In RF PhDVMSEE/Physlcs and 44 years experience In design Experience with low noise microwave 1.3-1.5 micron single mode semiconductor laser amplifiers, DftO'S, mixers, mlcrostrlp/strlp Hue design. Experience In LPE/MOCVD, LED's, Indium filters and waveguide filters required. Knowledge of phosphite compounds, or DFB/EFB lasers desired ®tt Auto Care CAD tools desirable. Arnate* HF Dawaa MSEE/Physlcs and minimum 2-4 years experience hi optical light sources, optical detectors, and wave Auto Care dealers feature: PhD/MSEE with minimum 64 years experience In division multiplex. Knowledge of guided wave op- 4-28 QHi RF component design. Knowledge ol. tics, coherent wave optics, classical optlea, optical Written estimates»Certified mechanics • Old parts returned • Written limited warranty QaAs amplifiers. QaAs FETs, DRO's, QUNN's and alignment, tone and mirrors required. Position In- microwave monolithic Integrated circuits required votvee the design tost and measurement of WDM. Record ol scientific accomplishment and publica- laser diode to fiber couplings and optical at- See one of these participating Auto Care dealers In your area. tion desired. tenuators. Eatontown Manahawkin 8. Toma River Mr. Robert Pruey BSEE with minimum 2-4 years experience In MSEE with minimum 44 years experience In Mr. Gary Blum Mr. Robert ttohrer automatic probing and production testing of lightwave transmitter and receiver design. Requires Estontown Sh#tt, Inc. MananawWn Sheet Haas MfTMCOOdUCtOf OwWICOT. KnOWf#dQ6) OT oMfTHOOOQUC- knowledge oo)f UHF analog and digital circuits , op- Rt. 35 a So. Street Rt 72 ft MM Creek M. tor test systems, probing stations, PC controllers trcel hybrids. Js,, and modulation and detection techni- Phone:349-9670 end application programming required. Phone: 542-2710 Phono: (60t) S97-3.15 qvsaques.. faparliExperience with IC technology desirable. Matawan Maaara. Day Toma Enflllahtown WH-Ran 8vc. Center, Inc. m. 34 a So. Aden* u, Uhn Adams LOCAL INTERVIEWS Mr. Ralph White SJBBJV * aja^a^rvwajv •^•j^sowa*oj»^^S' Superior Auto Svc. CD. Inc Phone: 583-3556 Oak RMoe Stiwi S»e./A»l mo. Nov. 3rd, 4th, A 5th Rt. 8 t Franklin Rt 37 k Lake.iuret Our cucathre rases,..—"—iwWtecoawwrtagloeah Phone: 462-4946 Middletown Phone: 349-7052 Call collect (214) •jJ-WS to Mr. RUaeei Nunxiata Oak HM SheM Mr. Ralph Whlta Rl IS ft Oak MM! Rd. Mr. « Mra^PhN Ls^Compte Monfitoutn Httohts Sh#ti, Inc. As /ou would expect from en Industry Issdsr, Col- ProlssslowiProfeeelonel SStaffingI , RoekweN International, Col- Rt. a • Taylor MMe Rd. Phone: 642-1195 Rt37ft tins Transmission Systems Division offers an ex- Ins Trsnsmlsak... OMalon. MA 4011*2. cellent salary and benefits package end no stale kv «fm F-O. Box 104«t DewasT Texas^SwTpirrnT Phone: 462-0963 Ocean Township a: 270-6668 oomeux. II you are interested in advancing wRh an nent residency required. An equal opportunity prir. noovr uwionnBeii organization that's Intact and prepared tor the employer. C.V.I. Corporation future, call collect or send your resume without delsy to: Lakawood Rt M ft Freewey It Well Mr. David F. Porter Phone: 774-2363 Mr. DonaM Q. •tohrer Ocean County Shell Red Bank WM IneS Servtoe, me Rt. 88 t Chambers Bridge Rt 36 ft Betmar eM. Rockwell International Mr. Ernie Elgrlm, Jr. Phone: 367-6656 SheM Servtoe Station Phone:449-4033 Mapfs ft Monmouth ...where) sclenco gets down to business Phone: 741-9632 B5 The Daily Register MONDAY. OCTOBER 22.1984 CROSSWORD HAGAR

ACROSS 4« Abominate 1 "— imtorget" 47 Nation*! 10 Saiaacy — rSonolJaoob 4» Haip'»oou»m malandoH MVmlMM SI Track ofan 31 CNyol H IS Roman dsepot 14 "A 87 -MwfekM 17 Oeme played dish lor the II Preekneea SSFonMCr.oM "LltHe Indians" M Van* 21 Lasso 41 StDangeraua 22Pan»lout 44 CrUndrtoel 2* Periodical and tapering M Askew In Brit. KPartolHeyer- *S MM*


' SURE I KNOW HOW TOcawr ! THERE'S ONE , "It's just the storm before the lull." COUPLE. A FEW.. AND A WHOlE BUNCH'"


By Stella Wilder read the corresponding paragraph. you thought a line relationship. MONDAY, OCT. 2a Let your birthday star be your daily Take heart. Born today, you are a highly guide. TAURUS (April 2O-May 20) - A emotional Individual who cannot TUESDAY, OCT. 23 morning that IUIU Taurus In his nt W ***help wearing Ma heart on his sleeve. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) - retiring mood. Don't expect large Indeed, it Is more work (or you to Energy and enthusiasm do more to output (or little input attempt to hide your feelinp than gain you your ends today than GEMINI (May 21-June 20) - to express them fully, and this la talent What skill won't accomplish, Work In a field related to your own ^HERE!> true whether you are elated or desire will proves both exciting and unifying, depressed, angry or pleased, /earful SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Oae. not to mention financially reward- or courageous. You have a (lair (or 21) - An outworn idea does little to DC the dramatic, so much so that eve- put you In the way of progress. Be CANCER (June 21-July 22) - 1 1—1 6M> ? rything yon do, no matter bow brave; try something new and Withdraw from the crowd if and irm mundane, takes on a luster of its different. when you get the chance. You need MARY WORTH own and becomes something of CAPMCORN (Dec. 22-Jen. 10)- some time alone to get in touch TV*. TENANTB DtDNT great depth. Don't allow an overweening ego to with yourself. wjENAVMry TELL Ve HOW TMe A natural performer, you work destroy your common sense. Know LEO (July 23-Aufl. 22) - Appor- AD WA tion your work so as to leave your- THec»o« best when your efforts are greeted what you can and can't do. by applause. Nothing irritates you self free (or evening opportunity. SHE IS) I AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-F.b. 18) - Unexpected gains follow exception- CONFRONTED more than to be responsible for a Nervous energy guides you to the Job that goes unappreciated, accomplishment of goals you VIRQO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) - The Crespond well to praise and tend thought out of the realm of possibil- challenge of the big city beckons. to ignore adverse criticism, trust:- Itjr. Don't hesitate if you have a choice ing your own instincts to those of an PISCES (Fab. 19-March 20) - between work and idleness. Work! observer. You appear to have the Midas touch LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) - Also born on this date are: Joan today. Take care, however, not to Acknowledge your own shortcom- Fontaine and Catherine Oeneuve, allow greed to contra) your actions. ings before another points them out actraaaaa. ARKS (March 21-April IS) - to you. You can be a winner by To see what la in store (or you Another's hardheaded insistence day-send. tomorrow, find your birthday and upon his own way may spoil what BLONDIE I'VE KEN MABBI6D 2 IRONIKIS BOAO0 r COVERS v-X BRIDGE ADVICE

By ALTBCP SHUNWOLD ALL UTUBNS FAIL double, he passes; and you should Try today's hand on your part- If Bast returns a heart, dummy's have no problems at your part ner, but catch him before he's seen queen wins a trick. If East returns a score. If partner has more than it Incidentally, if he leads the ten club, dummy's ace captures an minimum values, he goes on to of clubs. West coven with the honor, after which declarer dis- game. queen. cards a heart on the ace of dia- Not one player In a thousand monds and returns a club to get a North dealer nukes four spades. My old Mend, second club trick. Both sides vulnerable the late Charlie Whilebrook. When East actually returned a NORTH brought the contract home without diamond, Whltebrook discarded a • Q2 TIGER even breathing hard. heart, and dummy captured the *>AQ4S 'fl«St Whltebrook took the ace of king. Declarer then led the ten of 0 A1091 hearts and drew three rounds of diamonds and discarded a heart • AJ3 sac trumps, discarding- one of dummy's when East played low. If East ?\\U85 AllPaaa double is not forcing but merely r5 &MH6 TUB A'* CASSttS. BftEATH promises about 8 to 10 points. If partner has minimum values for his Opening lead --"PJ



eesmeeo tAwtstv B6 Trw Daily Register Lifestyle MONDAY. OCTOBER 22. 1964 New freedom put to use

BY JACK H. SMITH ments. Compared to a professional, I am more convenient, more An active, Intellectual mind will prompt, less expensive - and lees never be quiet In retirement. It skillful. I call myself a semipro and IN STITCHES - John doesn't have to be. I thoroughly enjoy my hours In the Donoghue, executive di- In a survey of retired professors TIME glass shop." rector ol Monmouth Unit a year or so ago. Academe magazine No longer front Jine, he admits, he found that most of them regarded ol the Association for OF YOUR now enjoys a relaxed, productive toe condition as rewarding. One Retarded Citizens (ARC) life as one of the support troops. reason is that freedom from bu- LIFE What can we active-minders learn is presented a framed reaucracy and campus politics cross-stitch of the ARC from this? WeU, each one of us challenged and exercised their approaches retirement with a cou- dove symbol by Merle minds even more. ple of parallel assets: (1) ex- Pearman, Fair Haven, One respondent began retirement perience in a specific discipline or "by reading every one of toe fifty president ol Monmouth glassware for his research. He bad business, and (2) knowledge of a Job Auxiliary- lor Retarded Harvard Classics." Another said be in that field. This means we know made "the acquaintance of hun- become so proficient that he bad Citizens. Donoghue, who taught blowing to some of his toe problems of the work, solved and plans to retire in Decem- dreds of books that have long been unsolved, and the unfilled quests II on my shelves, but remained unread students as a money-saving ber, was honored by the only we had had time to concentrate for lack of time." measure. auxiliary at its annual A new chemistry building was on these! Now we do have the time. But possibly the most creative use Out of this, perhaps, we can develop sherry party. of the new freedom reported by introduced about the time of Jones' 68th birthday retirement time. The a retirement career In a familiar Academe was that of retired and cherished environment. professor William H. Jones of department chairman was Emory University in Atlanta. He motivated to designate one room as If challenges to our Intellect and didn't want to leave the campus a glass shop under the retired curiosity do not present themselves, setting with which he bad become professor's direction. we must construct some challenges familiar, nor the association with My "activity Involves both repair- on our own. "Don't let the tastes of faculty, friends and students. But he ing broken equipment and fabri- the American public set your stan- was glad not to have to go to staff cating special apparatus," Jones la dards for you," a New Haven meetings anymore. Nor to prepare quoted. "At first, I did this for free, professor advised In bis Academe syllabuses of courses. but later an account was set up so survey response. "Spend time only that I could charge, especially since on what Is good, whether In litera- During his graduate student requests came from other depart- ture, art, musk, or philosophy." Donoghue years, be had learned to blow feted by Alcohol abuse caught early BY LESTER L. COLEMAN, M.D. other youngsters, a beer serves to enhance their self-esteem and per- auxiliary I have two sons, 14 and It years sonal prowess. RUMSON - John J. old. Eyea thomgh there Is a dif- Bouts of anxiety, irritability, be- Donoghue, Ocean, who plain to ference of two years la their age, havioral changes In and out of the retired In December as executive they both are Mg aid socialize a YOUR home and Inadequate study habits director of Monmouth Unit of the peat deal together. I have noticed are only a few of the signs of Association for Retarded recently that the occasional beer HEALTH withdrawal from alcohol in young- Citiiem (ARC) wai honored at that they drank Is no longer a sters who are not even "thought to the annual sherry party for childhood game. I notice that they be" alcohol dependent. regular and associate members sneak a beer here or there when we You are wise to realise that a of ARC • Monmouth Auxiliary, are net at home. possible problem exists with your held here in the home of Deanna A few weeks age, after a school boys. Unless you and your husband Yost. party, they came home less than check it at this particular time, the Some 40 persons attended the sober. My husband thinks I am over the weekend at adolescent alcohol dependency may flourish event, at which Merle Pearman, making loo much of a fun abort Ikls parties Is beaded for trouble. and begin to alter their behavior and Fair Haven, president of the but 1 am really concerned. Does this The craving for alcohol Is quickly affect their destiny. auxiliary, presented Donoghue a pattern happen often to ekiVrea el acquired and difficult to lose. The framed cross-stitch of the ARC An excellent book written by Dr. that age? - Mrs. C.K., Arizona young as well as the old experience Gary G. Forrest, "How to Cope dove. Dear Mrs K physical and psychological Also presented was a check for With a Teen-Age Drinker," Is It comes as a shocking surprise to withdrawal symptoms when they M.OOO, to be used for the comple- brilliantly written and outlines many parents when they realize that are unable to drink. It is often tion of the nursing station at the many aspects of the social epidemic their young children, boys and girls, astonishing to note the evidence of ARC workshop in Long Branch. of alcoholism that threatens our are far too familiar with alcohol withdrawal from alcohol without youngsters. Parents would do well Faihlom from the Clothes than they should be. Many parent. knowing that youngsters are actu- Barn, The Marketplace, to read this book. Even those who tend to block the reality of such ally dependent on It. are not yet confronted with the p by Col rmo Shrewsbury were modeled problems and feel that time and Teachers readily pick up the fact possibility that a drinking problem MODEL PAIR — Rosemarie Terra ot Oceanport, left, and Martha Martha Brown, Middletown, time alone will solve them. Not so that young students demonstrate Nonle Godvln and Jean Rosen, exists in their home would benefit Brown, Middletown, show fashions Irom the Clothes Barn, Alcohol Is a sly and insidious drug. behavior patterns that are different from learning how to discourage Shrewsbury, at the MARC sherry party hosted by Deanna Yost, Rumson. and Rosemarie Brown, (It is really a drug.) It can be when alcohol becomes a problem. It Middletown. children from becoming Involved Rumson. devastating physically and emo- Is astonishing, too, bow often young with this, one of toe great hazards tionally to young people. It is teen-agers who "toy with alcohol" of modern "civilization." astonishing how quickly youngsters begin to crave the psychological can develop a physical dependence "lift" of alcohol. Beer drinking Dr. and addiction to alcohol. The social between classes serves to reduce frern readers. Please write to I Show eyes women in politics drinker who consumes a six-pack feelings of stress and anxiety. In care of It NEW BRUNSWICK - Women In a unit of Rutgers' Eaglelon Institute party and electoral positions, CAWP politics — their ambitions, their of Politics. has studied how they express their progress, the pressures they (ace — "We're seeing more women in views and priorities. will be examined in a documentary In 1983, CAWP invited Rose Aluminum's shine sustained office; now we want to know how film that will air on Public Broad- they will Influence politics and Economu, who has worked for both DEAR HELOISE: II really works great! The thread casting System stations tomorrow. policies," Mandel says. CBS and PBS, to direct and produce I have cooked In aluminum pots Is easily accessible aad there's Produced by the Center lor the A number of major women politi- a documentary film as part of this for 31 years and have kept each one never a worry akeat Its getting American Woman and Politics at cal figures appear in the film, continuing observation of historic saining like new dariag this tune, as toiled. -Myrtle aad Vtolet Bitdgett Rutgers University, "Not One of the including vice presidential can- developments. I hale my pots to look dirty. Let me WRINKLED CLOTHING Boys" will be shown on didate Geraldlne Ferraro, U.N. Among the questions the film tell yoa bow I have done tab). HINTS asks, according to Economu, are the Dear HeMse: Help! What as* I "Frontline," the PBS documentary Ambassador Jeane Kirkpatrlck, and After each use, I clean them with following: "Do women behave dif- dstag that nukes my ehlMna's series. Airing nationally, the pro- feminist leader and editor Gloria soapy water to remove food par- FROM ferently than men? How tough acrylic sweat paatt. Jogging salts, gram will be broadcast In NewSteinem. ticles, then I scrub them with a should they be? How do they get etc., come oat ef Ike dryer per- Jersey at 9 p.m. on WNET/13 and 10 The Center for the American powder especially made to clean HELOISE Inside the smoke-filled rooms? And maaeaUy wrinkled? p m on WHYY/12 Woman and Politics has been track- alumiaam. It's available ea any what do they hope to accomplish It seems that eace tab) hatptat, The film looks at what has been Ing women's participation in politics supermarket shelflf. when they get there?" they are aever Ike tame agate. called "the year of the woman" in since its founding at New Jersey's I follow tthhe hntracUotts en the Economu earned a bachelor's Hew might I prevent tali aad American politics. State University in 1971. can bat go one step farther. I ruue degree In political science at the what en I « n "save" the "In an era of important change. During these years, the number of off Ike cleanser, then ise a seap- University of Illinois and did gradu- garments I've already reined? - 'Not One of the Boys' casts a women in public office has more f Hied steel wool pad to farther thiae ate work at the Eagleton Institute of Dear Heloise: When I'm prepar- Dtoae spotlight on one extraordinary year than doubled, and the number of then. Wash them again with hot, Politics at Rutgers University. She ing to move, as I take dewa wall and focuses on major developments women In state legislatures has sadsy water, Ihea dry them Immedi- The cause of the wrinkling usually also participated in the Nleman '"t'H*. pictures or what-have- for women in politics," says Dr. more than tripled, Mandel reports. ately to prevent spotting. yee't, I remove the naus or keeks Is excessslve heat, either In the Ruth B. Mandel. director of CAWP, As women have moved into key Fellows program for journalists at dryer or In the washer In too hot Harvard University. This lakes a little "elbew from Ike walls at Ike same lime and grease," bat what retails! water. In the future, use only cool or In addition to CBS and PBS. she tope Ibesn to the back of each To preveal darkening ot the pots slightly warm water In the machine, has worked for television stations In then dry the garment on low heat or Junior Clubs' bowl-a-thon Chicago and Washington, D.C., and while coeklag. I pre-saray them deeMe where to rehaag with a non-stick vegetable spray. them at the new place, there-Is m line dry. Never overdry them either has produced a number of award- - this too. will cause wrinkunc. will aid Early Intervention winning documentary programs This works wonders! Even tkeagh I need to leek for keeks or nails. throughout her career. do Ibis. I still clean them hi my Everything I acea Is with Ike To "save" the garments already usual way. Take my word for It, my MATAWAN - The Junior program, designed for handicapped "Not One of the Boys" is Intended pktare. — Mrs. Tbebna Teraada wrinkled, try dampening them (they pots are beantlM, even alter all Woman's Clubs of the 5th District, children up to age 3, provides child for meetings and educational use in YARN BOLDER should be about as wet as when they these years. — Hooemaker which Includes Monmouth and therapy as well as a parent training classes and organizations. Follow- Dear Hilslsi: My 14-year-eld have finished the rinse cycle in the Ocean Counties, have planned a program. There Is no fee for parents ing Its first screening on In my opinion, the satisfaction one daagkter came ap with a wtatJertal washer). Place them In a plastic bowl-a-thon to raise funds for the utilizing this program. "Frontline," it will be available gets from pulling a shiny pot out of Idea far a balder for my crochet bag. then place them In the freezer Early Intervention Program. The The Bowl-A-Thon will be held the cupboard when preparing a meal thread. I was ia the hospital far a from CAWP. After a day or two, press them Saturday, Nov. 4, from 2 to 5 p.m. Major supporters of "Not One of makes all the extra effort worth- few days sad, to keep my hands sad in the Dave Davis Lanes, Sycamore while. miai busy, I teak aleag say crochet- with a steam iron on a steam setting the Boys" include the RockfeUer while they are ttlll frozen. Use a Avenue, Tlnton Falls. While there is Foundation and the Rutgers Univer- This "extra effort" doesn't take ing- St. Agnes bazaar no cost for bowling the two games very much time either, If one She | afternoon will be provided by Dot "Frontline" anchor Judy Woodruff Bazaar Saturday, Nov. 10, from 10 introduces and narrates the film. Aataale. TX 7KM a.m. to 4 p.m. in St. Agnes School, the Clown and a surprise guest. PICTURE HANGING where luncheon will be available Coordinating this district project for from 11 a.m. to 2: SO p.m. in the Early Intervention Program is cafeteria. Matawan Junior Linda Szabo, Wash- LOSE WEIGHT ington Street, here, who may be Marion Degruttola is in charge of contacted for more information. the Art and Ceramic Room; Ellen Carl A. Qua ft Ha Chretien, Woodcraft Room; Lean Line is in Red Bank Marguerite Dombroski, Gourmet Lean Una meets at Oscar's, 58 Oakland Street Food Room; Dottle Janesko, Nearly CBS Tus>s. at 9:15 a.m. New Room; Mary Andrlola and A HIGH FEVER txaejsal Cheryl Bellottie, Christmas SUPERMARKET Fof Boutique Room; Frances Koehler IS VERY SCARY '5.00 OFF "='••••••" yo«" «•• call: and Pat Mercadante, Needlecraft 36 MAIN ST. Monmouth Co. 721-2766 Room, and Jean Butler, Garden Ocean County 349-79* Room. K1AMSBURQ New Jersey 201-757-7677 Proceeds will benefit St. Agnes School. tinaiU» PROGRAM FOR NURSES Kielbasa RED BANK - Riverview Medi- DIAL A DIE. r RECIPE YOUV O**•R• YOU• *^ — R DOCTO— — _ _R_ _ CAH BN^ • PHON— • w — -»^E» U -WBS whe* vr •••!•n• yomvuw neeM^^dM •• ^V cal Center will present a one-day '1 .49 Pound 117A wil»M1I lI delive«J^1« B>^r^ promptl• *y . withou*•* tA extra a chargea. . A• .^gna_ t mam 2 1 HOURS A DAY program for nursing professionals on ui for their health needs. We welcome requests for C on "Quality Assurance: A Concern for All Nurses" tomorrow, from JERSEY NUMBER GAME 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., in the Pick any 3 Numbers ry Pausi aaaty hospital's Blaisdell Center for you can play muuKummmmjm AT mm uxau. from 7 a.m to 10 p.m. ISBURY SHOI Health Resources. Interested per- »l*W«»,U.U»w>M| •LWUf.t, ItM sons should register beforehand 7 daya a week with Riverview's Staff Development WE ARE A CLAIM CENTER Department. B7 The DfeilyRegister MONDAY, OCTOBER 22. 1964 Classified Landlords point to bad renters PnoneM2 1700 OaWlMAM TotPM Sanooay t»AM To 12 3OPU U* Weal Long. Branch m Qeeaiwocl 61 Help Wanted Dew AM Lander*: A reccat comeuppance. My face Is getting the words attributed to John F. WB*T LONO WUMCH PUBLIC NOTICI Mai*) or Famnle coluna la walca you expressed redder and redder. Here's more of Kennedy: "Life Is unfair." Toe bad mnca The regularltt y hdeehedulel d wort AIDCS-HOMSMAKIPIS-HOMI aarestraiaed Joy at lac jailing at a h the re- ohop mating at Mo Ooeenpon HEALTH AID**— Put or pert the same. that the quote always appears oat of Las Aagelet landlord Indicated to Dear Ana Landers: "Sleaty land- coaleit. The entire paragraph Is •a* aad aU tkal yea have aever bcci lords," eh? I waoder who stopped up worth bearing again and again. I am end bar JO. IBM al 7 JO P M In the phono r* ANN saa^s-rssrlor»aa xgvrtXft£X&Qcaanpun Borough Hall. 212 Childres^sar^pA-tn f those toilets, let! the trash la the enclosing II aad hope you will print MJAC S*4 S. mo Weal ILent taas OoeenpoMonmoutnh BorougBlvd.. h OeoanporlHall, hi, ChildreLong nI Barvtoe. IS1 Beai Ava.. Why ana'i yea lake tome at yaw BrtMH.Board ol Bduoaaon -H Monmouth Blvd Ocoanporl. Long Brench 221-3100 or corridor! that attracted rodeals, II. - D.K.L. la Great Falls, Maa- hold e Specie! Meeeno on Tuae- NJ 130-73* a*rtVearaed money and bay ample day. November SO. I eV el a JO PATPUCIA L V>K« LANDERS cockroaches and Lord knows what laaa P.M.. Hi na Frank AnlanHn BOtrOUOH CUPJK of sijafJe-awelUag hoasei ud KM Sohool Library to dlatuaa Bte lot- oa it else. Surely the apertmeal wasn't la Dear Great: Thanks for sending it them? Yaa will lean Mart Ian APPLIANCi CLBAWNO thai eeadltlia when It was mated. on. It'* excellent. Some delivering maohar tkat tkere are more bad reatan ikaa Since you Uve aa the other aide of "There is always inequity In life. ability a mutt Full time only. there an bad landlords. — One Shoe t m Starting S4/hr Apply W Bridge the tracks, so to speak, yea don't Some men are killed In war and StnOiSSr -.«tMaBBem OB The Other Fool la Qeeeas know anything about people who Uve some men are wounded. Some men Dear Shoe: You could be right. a) and INDEX like pigs. Would you believe some never leave toe country and some 4 The plane and proeramc tm- The Keanaburg Board ot Read on: slobs evicted. folk* have no soap or detergent la men are stationed In the Antarctic lementod i Education Invitee you to bid on PMUCWTKfl Dear ABB Luden: I aever I) to Metal Shop Eqmpmeni Spoclh. When one bused of low-life* the house? They never clean ANY- while other* are stationed In San oaeone may be oblolnad upon ILEOALSl ihoaght I'd live h»c ewMfh lo write moved oat I bad to pat In al least THING! Franclaco. It'* very hard In the roquool el ma Office of ma Board aflClAl NTKft I* yaa bat year reference to Secretary. 140 Port Monmouth three day* scrubbing, scorning, Sure, there are landlords who take military or in personal life to assure rtoed. tieeneourg. NJ 07714. A Lot! and found •sleaiy" ldlandlordl s did It deJoealag, var-lsalng aad replacing advantage of tenants, bat tt to 1 It's waoadeye bemoan the houre or 0 Special Noticei bhl d li f b ' complete equality. Ufa I* unfair." MaMrllll roMNe 10 each ol 100 am end 3:00p.m. I? travel TimipoitMiOn I have bad M renters la the last knobs and broken mirrors before I the other way around. Yea ought lo ABB Landers- new booklet, "Sex MS bo onaSaltlo at tho Tho aoaled bide, clearly 15 Intfeuclion tlx yearsOnly one tenant aid no could snow the place lo a pt^spec- marked Metal Shoo equipment, eat your words. — Bern There la and the Teen-Ager," explain every noaaw TARANTOIO are to be in the office of the l toft tctat AU Beard Secretary on or before 11 Bunnesi Stiv ^" !Sl?* 1!!yH!f " Uva leaaal. Two^lta asVlJat Va. aspect of aexaal behavior — where 10 00 a m on 7 November 1SS4 }? AiltlCialH Ibe others put boles In the wall., my property up for sale. I bope I will Dear Va.: Gulp, gulp, gulp: I'm lo draw the line, bow to say no, the Al that time me owe writ) be open- various method* of contraception, ed pubUoty by me Board Sec- EaVlOfKirT lore oat screens, burned counter be lucky enough to find some eating them as fast as I can. Thank Tho Noow Jorooy BBoonomlo Do- retory Tho Board rninm the 5 Help Winterl Ualt Or tops, mattresses aad carpet* aad .....pectin*; sucker who will bay you and all the others who wrote to Ike dangers of VD. Ike symptoms Mi ni AAu»iorn» y a hld n rlohl lo retacl any or en bide rtmtlf eguier monthly inmeotma o on No- SIOMR9 AM rUQLMSO TO b? Babvt'liing'ChiKJ Cut •tole draperies, mattress covers aad my headache Please stea ilvlu give me the straight scoop. I learned sod where to gel help. For a copy, vember 7. 1M4 at 10 06 am atCOMPLY WITH PL 1*7S, even faraitnre. I had to spead a let ^vicV^eTMbJe^? ,« klo-once again that It is unwise to make •end « and a long, sell-addreised, na ornoee at CepM Plooa Or*. C.127." S3 Oomtilir Help of money to replace Items that were absolutely aelhlag about lutto too. IOO south warren EDITH L CMMIEL M S.lutlioni Wamnt p e y g - a jjudgmeng t until both sides have had lumped envelope (17 cents pod- femilt damaf ed. destroyed aad stolen, not Bammed Oat la Arlioaa a chance to (peak. age) to Ana Landers, P.O. Box hi Silulliont Wanlad UaW to mention lac cost of kavlag the )a»awpmanl Bond |IOB) imano- 66 Silultiont Wtnled Dear Bummed: Thanks (or toe Dear Ann Landers: Often we hear lilts, Chicago, H. Mill. Malf'Ftmtlt ag Jtheee) are- i! Child Caic Nuttti* HeUa) la nomet n iimajannofma School! Halo ol Noew» Jereey. Pundngtor e Loat and Found .I_ la atgiiiir) pBimali through oonverreonel landing BHITANY SPANIBL — Loot In Buiineu Opporlufwly luroao. Llnorotl area. Hat m|ured hind Tma nodoa » paw* putnanad leg. WMe/broam apota Ant Money lo Lotn Many couples haunted by parental ties oodanooonimoputaono to Ouoheae. 7410004 Money WanlM aoa requWmenta ol the Pederel 747»4Jt Tea equity and naaa OOO- Aberdeen, male, medium Many married couple* are cold, perhaps, or weak — in the with old college friend* - that I getting rid of the past is to bmy Act it lee* A olto. Mooh s Ian. mined brood. 7, Mtichtndm lor Sin haunted by the ghosts of their subconscious hope that in mar- start acting sneaky about it way understand it. Blum rec- en Maraat in na Owner mma o*i Aaaeelaled 12 Oangt'riiu Salt tana) may Humane SocXHy al! 0100 73 Machintry For Salt parent*. riage they will be able to rectify In advance. My ineaklnei* does ommends that marriage partner* Putmahad by Odor of mo Now POUND - smell Mesa Hjmale ,'4 fajniil Stivict People tend to seek the kind of what was "wrong" in their upset her — even though she make a list of all the traits they dog. attadow Lake eree Young, 'b Farm Equipment relationships in their marriage* relationship with that parent. originally felt fine about my associate with their parents, Authority was nmmoiod LMM Wueoo- •0 auction SUM The protect*) tot Caa HI-0M0 or ni-SOSS /I Put and livtuor-' that they had with their parents "Another way in which we plans to see my friends. from who wa* boss to who aaved not amlteo to me lnStallw: POUND - Oorman ehan naked 78 Atrcilll NJIDA APPLICATION or observed in their parent*' may recreate old pattern* I* by "At time* this pattern becom- money to who did the dishes Mn» NH dog. Tlnton 79 S»K> 01 EKhangt S1-JTS1 r esNaV MOttfrtdjajt 4WfM. C marriage, report* Jeffrey Blum, projecting all the negative es so obvious to me that I wonder Compare these description* of 90 Bicycltt/Uini BiHtt from lego, can gis MOS. Bl Spoilt Equipmtnl a psychologist from New Canaan, characteristics of our opposite- if I actually want my wife to your parent*' marriage with your POUND - Small tomato. Mack 8? Sv/immino Pooll Conn., writing In the November sex parent onto our spouse," become angry so that I can own. There may be surprising 07714 cat with Mom pawoa white fooe. 83 CBt Eltclionici Owner. Oporetor or Manager Prtandly Pound In vttMty ol Hei- issue of Redbook. Blum explain*. absolve myself of my guilt over similarities III other ton Appaeantv ngh M n P. ebMan. Can ras-4a47 84 UtitMnditt WtnlM 15 PtictouWi "For example, If a woman la "To complicate matter*, the seeing my friend* alone or be- [•Money mar Corp. LINCROPT - Martin Or amaa Oaaonnaon or Project: can- Mack dog. BanHa. MUM but ro- Kill EITME MiltUI lucky enough to have had a marriage partner then may re- cause anger I* familiar and "Because we are human," •truoaon ol en addition u an eemblae poodld e MALE Hat e aOrSris buadmg end to malal 101 Aptftmtntt. terrific relationship with her sent the spouse for those very comfortable to me — part of my Blum write* in Redbook, "the raoMooaeMa r bebbearinai g CWMCoWMOl Vo Voll 10? Houut lor Ami •on of machinery and equlpmon! one Neea. S4S-SS70 father," Blum says, "she may trait*, even If they are im- own early experience of love." past i* always with u*. The more lotaueelotaeed erlnenan. Cone 103 FItniaii u Siait •urjngand 104 Wmltr Ftmlllt recreate this fine relationship aginary. Communication la the key to compulsively we try to deny it, LOST - Maeon Or.. HaaaM. Or 105 Summer Rtnmt with her husband In her own getting rid of childhood ghosts the more likely It Is to come up SwoTsi 0 long-heir male oat HUH Until \M Fumiintd Hoomi "I participate In this negative 1 ooaar Anaeeie to Mumn 1 107 Numng/Riluirhtnl adult We." Blum suggest* man and wife and bop ua on the nose when we MONlmum Agaragato I * transfer' by assuming that my Hornet "If, on the other hand, that each write for 20 minute* on a least expect It. Amount ol Ma SI 400.000 LOST — White Angore Sv* mo. wife la angry at me about Oot IS na — from CHthvood 108 Commticill Htnlllt early relationship wa* unhealthy subject such a* "What makes my something I have done, when in ratum I0B Buimingi/OtrMM or destructive, a woman may partner angry" or "Why my "No marriage i* good or bad LIOAL Nonoa "tsa HO vVtnltd to Rent fact it doesn't bother her at all," The New Jenay BMnarMo Oo- unconsciously create that same spouse love* me." He saya there because It does or doesn't re- •HtM tntnM It* *•"• • ~~ MMt I Brandy) Jun. «MlEI!»liF««IAlE Blum lay*. r*4»**v month* mitHna on Mo- ISV^.Z^V "" 1 1.10 Open MouMt unhappiness in her marriage." may be wide discrepancies be- semble the union of our parents. < wruhi. t l*ti M I00J5 • *> M 2^^,..3J. M 131 Mount F ot SM Some people pick partners who "For example, I am so sure tween what your partner thinks What cause* trouble for spouses *ja> OmOtM tt Gajvpftftj "*aajO# O***V ^^ . ohouMor.•, . Brown morklnge 13? Condorniniumt/io*n is the rigid expectations each SuNa SOS. SOS South Warren oJ-JTSi. oo PIM" M OW 717^031 or Hntatt possess some of toe Mine that my wife will be upset about and what you know to be true of M4-1IM P.EWAP.D SS* yourself. partner may bring lo the mar- • an Mil- LOST - S moo. ago 133 Income Property negative traits their opposite-sex something I plan to do — Mich aa Induatna) mm oowe White I muM-eoi- 134 Fum Ptofjtily parent exhibited — someone going alone to spend an evening The most important step in riage." 1 Brandy S yra 135 Commercial Pioptrty Ma, oW. Laet aaen M Bettor* Family 136 Indulltill Pioptrty Financing tar ma imeeel pro- IttarUjroaen. 4te- loot leeve 137 loll and Acittot •cat) » not on oeagooonof ma maaaaua P4TWAK0 138 Hornet t,. aa atl nilnabilii l-OtatT PtiRaBC -— BnOiVrWofJ OA I3> Camtttt, l«t conventiona•ni utasielpwts""r l pplendin* r^aatjuptpg/ Bjaaeer^^PeejeBreeM aaSahnukai #a*SMt#dj l 140 Hill Emit WirMd Berrios-Ward Thra noaoe ie being putaohid KCMaTWUl maoourdenoevrtthmopuoacno- YOMKSMmi ItftrtlEB Male 4 it? eoatt IN) Account! WEDDINGS Sea raqukementa M the Feeorel yre. Anaeora to Pate Long lege. 1S3 Cimping Equipmtnt HOLMDEL - St Benedict Taa Soully and Plaoel Pllipornl ooaar • Hee collar. amM ciwdran IM Htciilliontl vrfiicln Roman Catholic Church was the runty Act oil H2 Anyone hevtng noart an hilaraM In ma (theee) mat- t7i 02 setting for the Sept. 1 wedding of term may attend the maolliiu. to ??0 Winlrd Hulomolivt 9 Special Notlcaa ?30 Contbuclion [(lu.p Susan Marie Ward and Mark John PubHehoo by Order ol me New mcnl Rhodes-Holof Berrios. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard E. Janey Soonomtc Oe»eropmenl MRS. SLYVIA ?40 Auto financing Authority ?50 Aulo Inlurance Ward. Colorado Drive, Hailet, are The protect!*) inotuoo, but ere P8VCHIC READINGS ?60 Aulo Ftanl/lnl* NEW ROCHELLE, N.Y. - Amy of Cambridge, Mass. the bride's parents, and the bride- AO1 WCT*P1B>CJ IO tffef> fOaVrrMflOQ 77S-8S72 Bogardus Holof, daughter of Mr. IJIDA APPLICATION • ?70 Aulo Stivictt/Pam Steven A. Salter was best man. groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. 21 BuBlnaaa ?IO Mowcyclei and Mrs. Robert Morton Holof of Michael D. Stewart and Gregory J. Names Addreeeor ?90 tiuckl and lil'ltii Joseph Berrios, Briscoe Terrace, Jteven J. Carbona, 3 ..- Service) New York and Elberon, N.J.. was Kiernan were ushers. Hazlet Una. Tame PUver. New Jereey AVAILABLE - Servicea 300 «ulot For Salt married Oct. 14 to Archibald Alex- Mrs. Rhodes, a graduate of Col- The Rev. Anthony M Carotenuto 07701 provided by Itcaneed Pro- DUO row «o ander Rhodes, son of Dr. William H. Ovmer. Operator or Maneger leeelonal Civil Engineer House umbia Grammar and Preparatory officiated at the ceremony, and a "* other then Applioenl) Free- plant drawn Plena lor homo THE FIRST DAT Rhodes of Villanova, Pa., and Mrs. School, New York, attended Ithaca 0ofti 4tieo*x>f>*c# M 4 ' *eaV»to*># '*j>t^ov*ificpn NonM '^*>o*icatoa^ reception followed in Colts Neck mo. Oenarol drafting COM after • rrtfKM Augustine Janeway Rhodes of College and was graduated from the Inn. olProleol Aoqutel- p.m 7S7-S1O3 the Daily Htgillli anil not oe ton ot II.40S equare tool of land •MCAVATtMO — j—iiw A impontiblt lor mort man one Tucson. Ariz. University of Arizona She Is an Kathryn M Ward, the bride's incoi'tKI inwriion ol any ad New York State Supreme Court actress in New York. sister" was the maid of honor. The tool bunding and renoveaona vffrliumtnl and only whan it Judge Martin B. Steelier officiated Her father I* president of Gar- MR. AND MRS. tnoret3 ro an wd the darMMM^ n ol a g^gAg^ materially aflaclt t e wilm ot bridesmaids were Melody Knaster, antes vaoaMheuaa to aeuatdte J KOPH s BON* BXCAVATINO me ad if n conumi an utor at the ceremony, which was set In denbolt Industries, Garden City, MARK BERRIOS Muring, vrarohouee. - Equipment tor hire FM dirt Susan DeVirgilio and Monica Verna. 1 end orrioa tacwty and gravel end atone SS4-TSB4 can clam lied the home of Dorothy Morrison New York; her mother, the former Jason Smith, the bride'* nephew, •ll K» in itwicled u IN« Allen. Georgia Bogardus, of Bradley wa* the junior usher tsburgh, Pa. She Is employed byStr^NM^Mtond*"' i^^SL-^T^ilSZ proper clmilicetion and ttt Wen Street. Suck S3. Lot St. "?°* TS22i iLJ2T aTooai1 >n Hit itgulet Only Ftagmer The bride wa* attended by Diana Beach, is a lyricist. A member of Robert Kmslie was the best man, H.C. Copeland Co., Edison Vaoanl let. Brook 33. UK a. J°?J» °^S!i "fg*J.A "S5 llyltoflypt Flight it ittarveo Allen of Northampton, Mass.; Anne the Lehman Engel-BMI Musical and the ushers were Joseph Berrios, Her husband, an alumnus Borough Ol MW.K.» %£&£"- cSZT tZ*lo edit or retact any copy or •d H. Rhodes of Villanova, a sister of Theater Workshop and thethh e bridegroom'bids' brotherbh ; DouglaDl s Raritan High School, Hailet, at the bridegroom; and Elissa Rigglo AS CAP WkWorkshoph , MMrs. Holof's Hyman; Joseph Burka; and Victor tenda Brookdale Community Col SS0J1S <"K*« "*°"> ** work I* currently in the off-Broad- Lebria le8e. Lincroft. He Is employed by way snow "A - My Name is Alice. " Mrs. Berrios was graduated from Morse Diesel Inc., New York. The bride la a granddaughter of Raritan High School. Hailet, and After a wedding trip to Orlando NURSINGVMEDICAL Herman Holof of New York and Wilma Boyd Career Schools. Pit- Fla , the couple reside In Sayrevllle Miami Beach. Fla., and the late Celia Holof. POSITIONS AVAILABLE Mr. Rhode* is a sale* representa- Freeh-Harding tive with Gardenbolt Industrie*. DAYS • fVFNINGS • NIGHTS • FULL TIME • PART TIME After he was graduated from St. UNION BEACH - Holy Family Andrew's School, be attended the Roman Catholic Church was the University of Arizona and Villanova setting for the Sept S wedding of RN's • GN'8 • LPN's • QPN't • AIDES (Pa.) University Hi* father is a Linda May Harding and William ntWCMIB • MHHCiU TtCHWa/WS • MEDICAL KCKTMIEI. He. professor of veterinary radiology at Paul Freeh. The Rev. James J. Brady officiated at the ceremony, Explore the opportunities Contact the participating recruitera in this the University of Pennsylvania. Hi* DIRECTORY, and pleaae mention The Register mother does volunteer work for the which waa followed by a reception Lutheran Church. He is a grandson in Town and Country Inn, Keyport of Mrs. Helen G. Janeway of The bride is the daughter of Mr. Diana Planer. P.N ' tonrMUNr/Mra. Barraaa Villanova, and the late Brigadier and Mrs Robert Harding, » Lake Orettor ot Nuratno KUJMIILV NUtalU. MC CUMIIM MtALTH CAMCINTII) f»vt«vifw MSOCAL CUIU Gen. Augustine S. Janeway. Ave., Haslet. The bridegroom is the 4S SaM Mem Street 100 Center anal MLWartSt Freehold. NJ 07713 CMnvood Baaah. Mi orris Pad Bar*. Mi 07701 After a wedding trip to Spain and son of Dorothy Freeh of Beachwood, (301) tee-M» and the late Cornelius Freeh. isot) wmoomi Englandg , the couple reside In New AMY RHODES Debra Miller wa* the matron of York. honor and Diane Zingler wa* the bridesmaid. PSOPII CAXT Donald Miller wa* the belt man MR.' AND MRS. Of SOUTH JJKSfV. IWC SAYSMOKE COaeMMTV HOSPITAL WILLIAM FRECH 344 Broao St/PO Baa aa» 717 Nanh Been straa) and Glen Zingler ushered M Bar*. NJ 07701 IHIIlHH. NJ 07733 aa Bantj NJ 077*1 BIRTHS Mrs. Freeh is a graduate of IJOi) uo-iata (301) >33ISat Raritan High School. Hailet. who degree from Orange County Com- MONMOUTH MEDICAL berta Laboluonnlese). IS Keats earned an associate'* degree from munity College, Middletown, N.V., CENTER Drive, Bayville. son, Oct. 12. Brookdale Community College, Lin- and a bachelor's degree from Uni- NurMna Supervieor Director of Nurang Ted Itoaanoars. Siac 0» Leaf Branch Mary Ann Loretta, IMA Main St.. versity of Miami (Fla.) He is a ACTIVE leUPJJMO CAM MONMOUTH AKOUNO TMI CLOCK croft She attends Monmouth Col- 43S New •runeMch Ave CONVAlUCtNT CINTIPJ NUMINO CAM. INC Mr. and Mr*. William C. Ken- Keansburg, son. Oct. 13. supply management specialist with n* Saai Avenue m iwaol Pram tna lege, Weat Long Branch, and is an Panti Ameoy. N j oaaei Red BaM. NJ ornt Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J. Benzlger U.S. Army Communications and Long Branch. NJ 07740 nedy, Wall, son, Sept. 10. auditor for U.S. Army Communica- IM1I 2M-4JO0 12011 HIIW Mr. and Mrs. George B. Hall (Susan M. Parxick), R.D. 4, 91tions and Electronics Command, Electronics Command, Fort Mon- (Deborah E. Smithi, 1210 Chicopee Pittenger Pond Road, Freehold, Fort Monmouth. mouth, and is a U.S. Army'veteran. Ave., Point Pleasant, son, Oct. 9. son, Oct. 13. The couple took a wedding cruise Aanee M Addonulo Her husband was graduated from Employment Coordinator Sonya Wright and Paul Richard, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Reich (Lynn to the Caribbean, and reside In Cornwall (N.Y.I Central High FWIM010 AMA MOaPtTAl MUPtWtOMOM* 150 Prospect Ave., Apt. 52, Asbury Hammer), Freehold, daughter, Oct. School. He received an associate's Shrewsbury. 1S4S Comae Am fWa 1 and IS Park, daughter, Oct. 10. 13. Meplun.. NJ O77U NO. Brunaatal.. NJ 0SSO1 l»n naJJSOO. Sat eat uoti r" Mr. and Mrs. Michael Berwick Mr. and Mrs. Michael (Debbie Raber), 177 South St., D'Aromando (Theresa Smith). 17 Ciminello-Annarella Freehold, ton, Oct. 10. Maple Ave., Farmingdale, daugh- ISELIN - Joan Marie Annarella MACMVIEW Nurung Oept Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wennlng ter, Oct. 13. INTHMIOIATI CAM OMcio. ol Paaenf Core ortOVE HEALTH (Jane LaFleur), 7 Tyson Lane, Mr. and Mrs. Juan Fernandez and Glacomo Ciminello were mar- FACILITY ALWAYS CAM NURSINa ItKVICi CAM CINTEP. ried Sept. IS in Faith Fellowship aai 101 Brlanton Avenue ttt Oimun Orovo Neea Rumson, ion, Oct. 10. (Elizabeth Hernandez), 74 Seventh Kaaneouro. NJ 077M Lone Branch. NJ 07740 Neokine. NJ O77U (»i> rtr-etoo Marshall* Norwood and Terry Ave.. Long Branch, son, Oct. 13. Ministries The Rev. David T. (201) 22*0440 |2O1| 121 1400 Thomas, 211 1st Ave., Asbury Park, Mr. and Mn. Louie Fiore (Gina Demola officiated at the ceremony, son, Oct. 11. Straniere), 307 Chelsea Ave., Long which was followed by a reception in Landmark Inn, Woodbrldge Mr. and Mrs. David Weiner Branch, son, Oct. 13. Mary earn State. UN (Kathy Burn*), 401 Sunset Ave., Mr. and Mrs. R. James Annarella, Asbury Park, son, Oct. 11. Mr. and Mr*. David N. Dervish 42 Northover Place, Middletown, ZSXt~ (Nubia Beta), 128 Oakland St.. Red are the bride's parents, and the SroaneaMM. NJ OKI I Lois Fitzgerald and Barry S. ieoei eto-wii. «ieo Greene, 1SS Pleasure Bay Apart- Bank, son, Oct. 14. bridegroom is a son of Mr. and Mn. ments. Long Branch, daughter, Oct. Jack Ciminello of Clifton 11. Patricia Ann Adubato, 27 4th Mn. Gary Bennett wa* matron of Tina Caron, 57 Wayside Drive, Avenue, Long Branch, daughter, honor; Sandra Boulware wa* maid Oct. 14. of honor. Paula Putche and Mrs. HOUIOSL COSvAUSCaNT Cllftwood Beach, son, Oct. 11. CIKTIP. Sapr^^alS , Mark Washko also attended the lai""*. »• It So taist Roaalyn Ann Johnson, 213 2nd Nuiiat, NJ. 07107 Mr. and Mn. Rod Clements Dr|de MR. AND MRS. netmelel. NJ. Offal Ave. A-4, Asbury Park, twin boys, noil tis taw mi) apvatrs Oct. 12. (Lynne Westlake), Harrison Street. R^L.Meeha n wa. ,„. n^,,, gj,, GIACOMO CIMINELLO Middletown. daughter. Oct. 14. ,„„ JwHt F ciminello wa* the page. Mr. and Mn. Herbert Boyd (Jane Mr. and Mn^ Michael Altaian., Beat man wa* Frank Fornadel. After a wedding trip to Fort For information on placing an ad in this Barrett), 74 Golf St.. West Long (Maureen Donohoe) 407 Broadway, j^ „„,„ „„. , Lauderdale, Fla. the couple reside Branch, daughter, Oct. 12. Pttrick Meeh ni Long Branch, son, Oct. 14. in Aberdeen. DIRECTORY please call (201) 542-1700 Mr. and Mrs. John Fragale (Ro- Richard Gomez and Jerry Mokar. B8 The Daily Register MONDAY. OCTOBER 22. 1984 SI Help Wanted SI Help Wanted Si Help Wanted Si MetpW Si Help Wanted SI Babvilttlin LAWN MAINTCMAtaCE ASBM- SALES HSLP WANTED — Part- Olid Care 51 Help Wanted SI Hslp Wanted Help Wanted AHT — I* TS/hr Pun Brno *mi REAL ESTATE In Pa* Hovon. Intoreaans ALL DAY - Ouiab Chad Cora. 7 AM-S PM. Hand AWMIl SALSS — TrMMona iOLMTBRHau'—MuMboeer- FLOHM. DUMNSJt e PiausM a Eiporlanoad Panama EOAL aacParrAnv - Saaat- Nimf. Ou Mrl Brno Lrrba BBver CHlMn Can 4SS-B«00. 4 aoclaua. Moni ana womerfo 41-1100 •wiM«r and WM oMNng BABY arrtwi wAarrso — TO Salary plua DOOM. Con MI-MS OMST — Part-Brno. Thura. apaad and aaan raaiarawa TSUPHONB OPERATORB — Mre tor t cMdren. Men. swoupn CPT OPERATOR - Bap., to f n m ear MaaM homo. Can work Mo arlarnoona. evenings. S heaaeve. BwMronea to to Boa 14. Had Sank. 07781. Opentng^a-4 pm Mono aatoa and Beral do- ARCHITECTURAL"- aaskstiaa tor Chaman, Bet- DRAFTBPER»ON - Joo m "- id. Roaan. cavanough, 4 UL- Ifeeh wjrsoo BAaYSfTTSRj - Mon-Pn.. laval, minimum S ' > open, caa Mr IIU pm Harmony BlHIll TBBJVHONS OPERATOR - Por •roa. Stan h..V7aiilih. Caa e buoy BlIHullln aantoa. Eap anaarrod Mua> bo MM a novo CUSTOMER a*> Mi Mua) ba awr II Call al hdna BaSovnS r oaxDCAM-ic II am. M4-S0Si. Aak tor unrmm - aaa> L#tl PUtL TMIl - 11-T. (ao. LfWiOsaV- Ya CaBiaaa Inn. Koyport ang/rooarvMa Mark. PlllUJII afi pereort AITWPI L Apply In poraon Arnold aura. Oat 747-seio. POJCKER OMVBPI P/T — la- t. Rod LL OH PART TIMS — JHHIl, wSns rfirna. SM ea. BBf^aadWVaaaBi aM^aW BBBBSI A a\ aaaabaal sN^e. Peerto St. Hi. PART-TIME OFfSET PLATS ^C? "fmm" ""•• » VOUP) AM — Hiking tor a ATTENTION! MANAOBR POP) 4AKIR - Per Uoal nowaeopor Ba oMd can lob. Baa is Bto a pwl al dur naagnaj Tata. kjoal tor roerae Idova por weak: ow pw CAR/TRUCK CO. - ThopoeleonKvoNoatapinog g e Oopt NaaajMnanaa RESTAURANT WORK t dbto ti» abj n TMt REOISTER martaeng Ml a.anatW) to XLY sguraa 4 parsenebto. eare et en adaobto ti»j». abj n whan replying to a RRaplala r rucmary WAITRSMU — Naadad tor day i 14 par hr. Bond re- rrAr^raM-SpM Now hiring erM « foun- our Baal Sana homo- a you ere aMI * njBMaMl Apply Ml par- O 4SS. Tno Dolly RegMBar. tain workers. SSDPCTAin - For PM Sana km to bo wan, i .andhavo AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE i. NJ. O7701. ployar M/F CENTER - Neede paraon WHn washers. FnnKMa houra, fneoftoeoeoeJ eotNfyt to pe^foffif i MSNf CO NEEC4 MASON • Iling. Moura a a.m -a no CAM — Hoada atatora minor raeaua IvaMng nra «-• EAR-ROUNO FOR ROOM o exp. najosaaary. Must nomo Ston ranxe at SIS4 00 iMndaa arvj natoonoBMO paaaao Saiory • immmloaton. Paid hol- • over 18 yeare of age.BPvary inn To*" iday* t banana. Apply Mi person IIOOLETOVO. ARCA sae-aaas etre. had Sent. NJ 07701 Brejaavee aV ffVaflsl bes^ewie "or Nicholas Depi Mora. Hoy. M a DELIVERY PERSON NUDU — appt. OSS S4BV7444 Lloyd Rd.. Mllli, IQt M/P. laCMANrC — To rapaar pnau- 'or Ptoaars leap. Mua> M re- ATTENTION! AUTOUOTIVI CASHIER 4 WMol Maim. » QuiOc^ayH. WeAs) osieeaj Oil eVP St. Sfirawsbufy. tOE. *jgj» PHONI RECEPTIONIST - Pud uao our Van. BeaMe Tour. 'jyaji] lujnafld Ceil HI mo for Waao maneon THS REOISTER paTTAM. aAiaa Pn - a*- aeHaa •roan 7-S p m el »S7 SB'S. Aak ploy men I, #Mp- poy e GARDEN STATE aajpolnaxam. S-Oa. tor Tony. taBMs to baby 1 Applply RoRodd Im Vo DELI SAHOVMCH - em ear- Bton eft n DIM Mas. ETARV VAUT - laahrlao CondO- 10-*. esS 741-JSB1 or N e o Eje a MANOR •Mat you naaa) to set a tab ki |ual PART TIME aat a Sun. Dnvar-a ssenae re- Shrav/abury. NUR8INQ HOME aANK/EATONTOWN - m — Fus/pan flaw, it 7:S0. ojS71-oeM [vomnga Mual nova own oar. ttona tor nursing ald«a von, truck or largo oar to . n a aero tor S sHEBi'll. 7 BANQUET — Day- m/f) poaitlona. for all rujuto The Praaa to oerrtara rl am 7 pm bibeilse > BBxiWe houre 4t eABtslInQ iTOffl RNorLPNMVPP/T-M«alh oo. noa rua-ama oponmaja on our Waltroae/Warlar. m vain Can Ifla. Apply In paraon: MODELS •pononooln OW wonMs snjp. sJBp.m.Be e.m. •42-2M4 MNTAL ASSISTANT - pt OQQorhmnt IB earn lor vHtoo dkaloy tarmlnal oper- 16 Van Brackla Rd.. extra tncome etttie*- pert »fw or BAIIC WOODWORKING — BMi •JSl olmdai. No phongj calls ators. You wet bo kamaa) by our fui tmtki theeMMIng MM «f *, a«»od mmn to -m cotigi. motminq. You rrwy o»iaiaaoloi» lss, 11 W . artang I oohool oho- BOYS/GIRLS a. RtM S*aada.NjeT7iNJiirrisirrisl. Aatr. kaMk - „ IM PM, Man-prl. Musi be sate » an. K n. man un» w, • aaTT HI dron Pram I 7th thru 10th grades ao STATION ATTENOANT _ NAIL APJTIST — Waniad lor a>- seB7S7-nao. WOP4K AFTER SCHOOL 1 SAT. art ama. pn a aat. to pm-7 > anop M Pair Havan. Mani- RUMSON MOTHER — LOOHIng EASILY EARN MO TO MO MtaMba IS or oMar. Cat Al- Manaa raawrad. Por M- RNORLPNM/F — Sk>11aNR. O* laeMBPefl ejBBre^BBajaaj BW PTlSriO aj WEEKLY NO TRANSPORT COMPUTBR • inaWain» Shan. 2S1-470S OM 747-1711. swaal siris. 4 yra. « s yra. Artor TATION NECSB8ARY, HOW- SPECIALIST - Oueaa. IP wort ••on 7 am s 1 pm. Momo. eohoM hra. your homo only II EVER YOU MUST LIVE IN NEED BXTRA CASH! — PTwjrk Pn only, toOOL OaS S4B-7B4S KtANSSURO. PORT MON- wnti and oavawo KidMdual alu- rt n0cH6) priOrpe proof em. Fle^- MOUTH. HAZLET ARIAS. THIS aaM progroma. Mual MM N.J '• Typing eei iwo Bam up to S1SiSt paper hhour. ran »m i«si snn in seen BrTTBH - s yra. S S mo BBS. IB NOT A PAPER ROUTE FOR i. OiKnJrat. , BBS-Ties. ptcruM rpuuaaaa - Pua amo ROUTE DRTVBR - FuS amo 4 MORE INFORMATION CALL Including Sol. W» »am. but mual mm noon, e day woak. Mawa- Sc BChoOIS M1-7S7-6SM 1 (WOUNDS MAINTENANCE NICHOLAS HOME IMPROVE- . - EM M1-0SM. MR TAYLOR LANDSCAPE MEI.PEP. MENTS CTH. - Wa nova enma hava an background ana) I y.Noi " S4H71Sa>larSp.m. oa KI quality rom Mnonoo aarvktg ase tood 4 BOVB - OILRLS - MonWIS eauor nooaaaorv Lunoh 4 dmnor OUNOS PERSON - b- day or avanlnq iphadulaa Ston in Long Branch. Red Bank. See mm of a nra. tnakly. Mm. — 53 DoitteeMc HsUp SCHOOL BUSSES ag. to evhr. itonee neesssery, Hmng oi oin. Freehold, Freehold Twp. MWe required Put erne deys WAJTRSSSBS 'WAITERS - Sap. MOTHER'S Manslapan. Marlboro. Howe". A.M.-P M. WW train end rarnv voaaVJM! DO m Koantburg, B. Koenoburg, bures MV Pee. Apply In paraon only lo-» Mon - toetourarn S44 W. From ess ri?^Uv!*M.vmS 2 Metowan. Hanoi end Leonardo. rl. MIIIIIHI Daot euro, Ha*. TV, 140 Morn ham at, usa Port/tuB amo. doy or nlgM anil Bao. oarmnga and a ohanoo to HAiROPaustRa M » Uoyd Wd.. lUlanan. iO.t ovaa. Cooka endo rSBIBJliaei nlgM anisl Own win pruao and trip Con ponurmy tor lalo PIZZA MAKER — Seme a»p SBIBJliaeis. B4/hr. soo-242-0490 tod Ires or naaaaaary, mgnta Apply m par. You wo bo running 177-4011 aon car a MkTa naaa. Laonarao maae whSo aamlna Sac TAJU-40H dally. 4 |a.1l mMnlght WAITRSaS/WAITBR - Ba- BUSPBOPLI - Bapertsnesd • The only , •Mi retaren- only. Oaya Apery In poraon: PlUMSWra JOB PORBPBM you aro 01 leaat 11 Aflat* i B m~BBB*jBB_ASaaaQ Sr^alon7rlOBBLHWeyia. eeeMHSjnM Hamooi/Cona ATTENTION! Oood pay. MM tar m • »a roady to work . perTTaw sj p.m. B^syB*MaBj»>vt CARPENTERS SIparaHM'a). Dairy M am. area. Cell Mr. Anmony at d. Caa S71-047S o Ugn up. caa S41-4O0O. EM. jauraMM. IBS Rad Bank aroe. PWaaa manaon THE RBOISTER Pad BBanka . Conlacl Barbara S3O-7MO DRIVERS WANTBD-Oaavar an wnonrapJylngloaBai PLUMBERS MEtPBR — Undid WAITMBSrWAITIP, - aap. InctudMg Bat/Sun Lho-m to CARPET CLEANER Mr long tarm work. Can SALES MANA0.ER Apply M paraon bslwisn HI ra out Room, board a mod- •rao Earn S71-O47(or S71-SSW ART TIME EVES M pm. SShorh a PoMI Inn. Mwy M pso d a 0 NURSE8 PLUMBER - E»p a Service Station Bluat navo good driving raoord pan Wna ararti. I) you Hva naar wrniaap. or RN'S & LPN'S M/F U roqulrad I Attendant Call 7B7-U4Soelwsen 11-1. • tnt al inaoa araaa aa> tooar •amad lor caaafiarSpm s CASHIIR/STOCK POSITION a^ a*• - - CERTIFIED XSXiSSS M/F — PuH/perl Hrno. Oaya, NUMBS AlOSa EXXON Company USA la DAY WORKER- nigim a «ad»anda tor Drug pair HOMtMAKERS HSBap Prwata Nurtmg horn.. PARKINO VALETS Cas 741-asia. Suxa In Hun on Rl IS • Poota HOUaiKUPERB • LIVE-INS looking for people to Ava) No tup. noooo6o/y, vjnfl M/P • work In company op#r osTos A N I top roatourama ^ To nia^ntafjln order et Rurneor* iraln Mual bo 17 or older. "Apply srr on. Tmton Paas Pit uH or pen-lime, naadad ror ated store* In: home. Maes 4 out Pus sme S in poraon to '' iiseau. svee. tn-im. lonhorn MonmouHi Arao. High ATTENTION! e a*. Mudtog Sat/Sun. DPI VERB HELPER - Musi nova ••VP no toe CeH tot interview et • RED BANK . _ e*HI< sf In or bye out Pjwm, beers. CASHIER/CLERK — Apply I yra. aap In rotoS rumnuro do- MANOYMAN.M/P •oopWCara. 344 Broad Si Had w» tram Paid bo&ato. eabje laaoo manaon THE RSOISTER Oreherd Inn, Rl 71, paraon: CVS Supermarket. 1 rvery to homos. Knowledge ot Sank. UO-IStt. or S00 Urnon Sea tor Appt *Jpt»Bl fiplj*aa*n) tPal 'tesMet' MIDDLETOWN I Main SI. Koanoburg. Monmoutfi Oooan a Mjrraundlng CeS BBWIiii" """"*° Am. m. 7i. anaaa. >sa-s4si WANTBO — Rotlrod m B-p. >ood»ng^ie- CHRISTMAS SALBS - Hickory 1DYPBRBON - To do varMMy NURSES AIDE - M/P. 7-1 aMft « BALES P/T — OereMe Bto Full time. Part time. AH nanM to a knowtodgo a Farma. Mlddtotown. Imarnlswlne aw A fUHfilSfftnofl |oo# yard eare. T41-SSS4. Thursday, October IS. 4:10-4 10 4 trams srtsllSB. T•alary'Ban. Apply H 4 Bhifie Cell Manager pmi at Mlddtotown own twp. n j Pni'iV""' a71-B7«2. WANTBO - RttH. OROUNOa WORKERS PRESCHOOL TEACHER OR Hwy. as. Koyport — Mall. to atort knmad.. sap. prsl. butNURSES AIDES M/P -7-J.S-1I ABM — Eu> Altor SShoel hra- Equal Pew BmolorBr M/P CIEAN PRIVATE HOMES — ii-aiSfio * mm bp. wmbar awn Pud ama. Eiparlanca J3O-SXI fca« - •SAVfCl STATION ATTVND- w! Mual hava oar. OW Mint MaMa, etoo Aymemer Tree DRUO CLERK P/T - No I iralorrad 400 Hwy M. MkMM- S4a-ross/eves. ANT <—- PaMt afJIftBB. BBBXJBB! ttaoWJ WANTED OH. BURNER SSrV Illlll. Kebsni »1-Oeoe or 747-47M PRSSS MAN/P - SB. dk* SSO. •sense S b-ane. Apply w person. VK* MSOHAWC — WMIOoms - Clean t launder • CLERK TYPIST P/T- Appro Bhrsiwjlliiry^ OME-MAKERe S SRUDENTS i, M/P biparlonood only Fun Ems. Port Monmouet S3 RTse 4 eap. Co* m-UOO or apply In caa S71-SSM. I JO hra/wk. Some Beto. ReouMe Work ovaa. S-l. Now ml Pan Umo poamor. avesalile Ogd^gK-lnl, Setor, open VWaon Ava Port Mounmouai. pereen: Ms Oaanaa Pual Oi. Avo Jinatmaa Iran our LMe S«var Oenwyai. accuracy In tooko. OependsblHy ELECTRICAl WHOLISALIM Now Jereev iioon - - SBRV1CE STATION ATTBNO- D. At M RELIABLE — Retorancaa. atoan- a pleasant demeanor. $4 so/hr. NlUa. Can niamn i » PM ANTS — Various hra and aNIto bonlnB). own Iran* s-3 — Hao opomng tor countar oalaa 7-ein. RN'S 4 LPNEI to PROORAMMERB Band resume to Boa M-44t. The more aap. In IBM. wairain doVaM. SJO-3.10 Caa Deity Feevever ejrnre^a*jOv'y NJ. PAPW WTOOM - Mual 8ECRETARY S + Sonu- a PPer MO Can 07701 Ing • advanopmant aroal at- Kan m oouj mploy fnaxi t ev 6l leoie tor a^pee 4\ i-qiTusavasg7»s e gjt ut. 64 Situations OIL. . Own tranoponoaon a rol- ana/or NJ fsuscSiioisea-eiis a pony. All beneme. CeS I aronaaa logutrad t-Dar» woat HMjndt. stand reeume to: WRECKER ORIVER/OPBRATOP. thorough. Claawng « fMCAOSNCV MtO*CAL REPORTERS-MaUH loo - X hnVM.. or less. S7-e/hr Wanted Female) au^dfcoaoT BwTW^axoawWiexperlonoeant * d TebtoB S71-40M Cot a am to s pm. SIS agis. Cos 7 s S pm. 7B7-SS4S. ask tor r OFFICES aary-ll oleert drrviftfj eooro- as need only apply. WW EVALUATOR COUNSELOR - OUBEKESPER/COMPANION JKJngaHwy. tor The OaPy Tony. . _- neat end oepebto el have to be seas to bo bonded, as^ejrfce)* OK! ebtuWei #nop tpfajei Lrvo-M. amaa houoa. good ' NJ 07744 akjanraj wm puBSe. CeS tor Mear- willing u tram runt paraon, start Safcae^BbuBUf ahftfoTl BBiaBaTaaB#E9tVBBBCt pay, can JfstMsaa. vtow.f41^SSI S4/hr Sembra *"-'— •—•"— S ABOVE THE REST «m Raaoond w PO Bo. ert Nuneasa' AIDES — M/F A> . _J wartl sem- IN CHILD CAM! INSURANCE AOSNCY* - Com- • StlaTBaa »*^- -*• ^ - -*- •-- *-• 741-0770. Call oner 7 pm Long Branch. NJ O77BO. BOS- ptoa lo Jena Fodororo. Chy Bdk and bo abH B runcaon In a Het- mirMal Hnae tnsldo olalms rep- ninTe- wv^Majnoaj oniy. evevaary tor. See 0-SOS. The Oaay Rsajle- 52 BabyalttlnB- COOK — Lino and prop a. FACTORY rBBBntoS»s. Sunnaaa Coverega as oe per hr. msrisis ertor so rvetaPPy aV*d Mi OaVVV Ml* Vpflew parUnoa prakvrM Apply Mi par- tsr. Srirowabury. N J. 07701. ChlldCare Corp. Hohnool Contact Ljy ' 1 DWaieiiaal tor NgMs a We're Bauai Otfportunrly Bm- you work, t am • Fat* Haw*Ni aon: JP-a TnMay stop a W MWa. 14S0 Floronco'Avo . Union S71-4111 Unaa. CeS Red Bonn Con. mother who etjn do •* ot MM FronlSl.. Rad Bank. missint Ctr 741 4B1S Mon - leher. Aleo perl Wile) JANITORIAL - Memisnenee 'rt., 10 am t p.m. f Care wan T COOK (SHORT ORDERI - Yaar person, to molntaln tores auto ITATE SALES — To es/waaer. Mual- ba sap. PARM HELP WANTED — Perl Or NURSE M/P - R.N. or I.P.N. BEST CARE - JOyr o«- CaB 441-4*0 round, full ft port ama. Bawaral run sme (vegetable work) Con 7 dealeranrp. • dor work week. •arl-oma 11 p.m. U7 ti Equal Oppty EmpUyor M/F Ape*y lo pajreor* Keai f pm-IOpm " Must neve driver-elloense Com- WFront St. Had Bar *M beep your 4 year eW happy 4 ATTINTION MOMBI - Need 0 ppy p. pany beneme. Apply m person amar whao you shop, beep en M1-SS00 BA SS. SECRETARY-SOOKKEBPBR- TEACHER — CerlMaa) tor nur. a- 7 -BbSj . • i_ * I— | ,L , „pj aon« Raolauranl 7M Hay M erf 4 prn. WHMrtB Chryeler ADMINISTRATOR - Per a najajreiy in Pny noriie in urtorOri. appi, a*, rs wetoh your ones M IcJd haflOWfi. NO phOfls) OasHfal- FREELANCE Plymouth. Mania 141 W Front -• Monmouth Cournr RIAL BSTATB Rumaon omoa BaaaSaBans to "nosed, reaaaneato lor you eMto you're buoy. Caa Rod bank tongs 747 S7ii aner s PM . COUNTER PERSON - Apply Ml LAYOUT ARTIST NEEDED loal Bataaa acqulakiana a prop- call 442-44S4 paraon Chna'a Uquar t Dan. 4a> lANDSCAPC R — Wanta dapan- rector a numng tor 100 bed riy marwgomont. aMe your s ER WANTED - My BABYStTTINO IN MY HOME nursing home RN wrtti et leeet I aator IBBK auto aap a " W Front St.. Rtvar Plaia Monmouth County pubHoebon "S workara. Bxp. not nanaai IMMEDIATELY!! leal itotoidel, i ••• O" raOrrrkei OeaTy yrs e«psrtonoe In nuramg super- bhSdren. 7:S0 am.-s am Car COUNTERPERBON - Part ama neede an oapartorwed (mln 3 yra) layout amat to work • "AJJ. »*inon Landaooping. vision A admlnlalratkin to a to kun our Heml E«parlonoad. Can Kon's Da* house bsceuse oi inoreaaed - hearth care Monty required. CALL NOW) sai-1111 tail volume. Must ba available on land roaumo to Contemporary YoumayboquamadloraSMOa CPT OPERATOR — Sup., to e random sohedule to Buppla- LANDSCAPS CONSTRUCTION loam Cere ajanolstoa. PO Boa menl preoanl atoll during peek WORKER — Hard-working indi- SIS Balmar. NJ 0771S. up to TO* oam- toede. Call Mr. Cohen at vtdual with drlyar-i noenee. CeS wa'ro not good ba- or weekends tor Cheman. SM- astern Lendaoepa Aaaoc at NURSES - Pan «mo. w Long uand. Roaan. cevaneugh. a m- S42-4000. But JSS. Sranoh araa Poolatrw omeo icuao we're awnar Homoa a leno. Salary open. Call Mr land raoume to: Son T-417. Tha jef cfene* w% t e ©ewer Homee • Roaan aae-ttOO. Equal Oppty Employsr EARN A NEW TRADE - Coma i Rigiim i Oardona bacauoo wora THE ' loam my buMnoas ae a J 07701 BESTI All loqukoa are lonlMsn SI HsIpWantsd SI HsIpWantsd I Carl Joe at S71-1010. OFFICE HELP LOUSB UQATO 1 Help Wanted opamngln anew oar an S7 ROB BARRETT 444 Bathroom 868 Fireplaces 4V e2$ Lsnd.csplna* M6 Painting A up Somo knoModga « boot? RemodeHn Lawn Service Paparhangino; kaapmg pratorrod. Contact Ceramic Looking to earn some Aaron Raoaaa. Ptaaa Berg Realtors POCKET MONEY d St. f extra cash in your TOP SOB. - PaM Momy term Batter Homes & If you arc bstwsdjn tha aga)a of 18 and 60, ara' spars time? You csnl By selling The Daily PANTRY PBRSON P/T - Over Garden a in good hajaith and hsvs normal Mood praaa- 21 Apply To Conaga inn. I4ev7 Register For more In- REAL fSTATE SALBS — We ura, wa will pay you M/hr. for 2 hours of your FronlSl.. Koyport PARTIAL TO OOMPUTa — S formation call and aak t p tlma. In addition you will r«c«iv» • ssmpls of lor: PART-TIME IN8ERTER8 ' ato, new s leseaje. Ploklbla houra. S-S days. ContoM 636 UgtitHauMng a top quality parhinia. W« ars conducting'a UN long tarm study of tn« affaeta ot ttagrancs oH ~ Tna Daay . Jseeb Equal Op! 1. HOUSE* — Ooragso, yard S mood. Paruclpanta In ttn»phaaa) will b»

••B^waaaHBuBaBBOHK Sk * * - —" ** ^ mart. Bonoon Mat li portation a must aurfla*aWTfOVtTi« • nOVP6jei. NO OOt* eieeenc raeei. Ftafji ee^ptet) 4% •»* Contact- •acing. Vary good oornjngo Hue REAL BSTATB SALSB — artor s IBS sell Mr. Sara required. Can oonocl s a-m.-S PART 542-4000 p.m. SST-B7S1 or I am.-7 am nig. M/S LBTUS - rtaae your oetoo wt-4isa Bit. Ji7 TIME Si Help Wanted 51 Help Wanted WILL SSJNO MABSAO* - 6-Hour Shifts rtoop your onorai woikkig tor Monday-Friday WHEN 716 Rooting Idaal lor houtswifs, rsliran. atudanls or anyona XrvE- JSWBLSP4). rna S»pe. who wants to asm axtrs Incoma. YOU'RE A A6kNtwj Qua lo an incraasad damand in production, wg ars looking lor good people to do light manufacturing work. II you have soma spare time you want to put to REGISTER good use. we have the shifts to lit almoat any schedule. We anticipate openings on all the follow- ing shifts: CARRIER • 6 AM-12 Noon • 12 Noon-6 PM 461 Conatrudlon YOU GET A. UK CONTRACToaB Lowna eroded a aaod oral • 6 PM-12 Midnight rou get around to earning that extre monsy Applications ara being accepted at any lima and AROUND) you want. Being a Register csrrler means intervlerws will be scheduled Monday through Fri- Carriers- Needed prizes and Incentives loo. Right now. we're day 9 AM-4 PM MIDOLETOWN looking for carriers. It's easy end Its fun. Join 620 DteaarTiaWng the Register carrier staff todey and get Sweruel Dr.- test M. ores ALTBRATKMS 4 CeaUM MA A-1 OUAUTY PAacnNO, — PaS 671-3000 east Keansburg aroundl Int. sakieng apodal- leer roles Port Monmouth HOLMDEL RUMSON ANO newiB»e.lnaliaai.lnawad.Por 740 Tree Servlcee Ballord-Leonardo FAM HAVEN LAWN BAH0N LANCeJOAPltoS -mete eas Btova. 747-4441. Cell Aneere Cempe ".JfrSs A-1 QUALITY PABIT»ia — I COM DATA toaaj rasa. 542-8880 MOROANVILLE 747-4441 Rout* 35 & Laurel Avenue 771 WoTdataoaaalwa NatoR ejg.. Pronoaa Or. I ptwaareaactaANup ALL AWOUNO PASVTBeO Holmdel, New Jersey 07733 -» — Mfnil • I-.- - - An Eoxal Op •liliiTjSliretoe. Free aaa- S4 Situations Wanttdl 54 SltMttam wanted n MtrchandlM M MarchandlM MONDAY, OCTOBER 22. 1964 The Ltaify RtTKtSter 39 Famale far Sal* tarSaH 71 72 MarcharxJIto »tt| - » Mil lew IMT| tar Sat* kTaMVaTkaaMracaMaa. liao PIANOS PIANO WANTED 5y raoamanav A LOW ARRAAMOiai MTATI MllrlM0H< THt PWK.

YILLOV Bibaianrvv WaaianiBjf TA lB*a>trf "B Mia>#^>BM PJaM DWNCRWARI THAT WAI to a iMan aarpatu«Ma. •» •*"**** POPULAR OURMa TMI 301 I M. balaam. A» ouora up I Aa Muawi txaaoa 4 tarx 40-tT I WILL OUrti PMC! OR rad pard ooucx «iut onaa or, rut Taro PIANO CO 171 aa. It ar*y tin HMyi 1 paM Muk ON*, aa Our ton Yaw INTrM MT ALIO. MIO j klNO Kn.MOO OM i Prl 4 tai a-l nCMtO ITIMWAM null DO YOU WOPK1 Canl cat* ua 1 MMr I p.m. xmtCINWAM AND ORANQI CALL ruPMTUPa — IMBJ raam an, PiAtaO-Pr tninirarajM W0OLITOWH. 4 Mm- UNOA 170-1010 t HIM wan Ma PMC* MTTAN - UC- Caranw aMa. i latntu *naj mi MIMMilfHaMwa aM li Ml . Mao S i.onaiani 4 Mana ale»>aj. OWWIC40 HOUM- aala. t ardSnaa. Gal Ma-T*M ya. OM tunuajra, lumKura. TURN YOOP. OAMON0* INTO Li iimn M«IMJPO jaaaMM war. iMae. aMDOLLARt — Oman OM Ja»- REALTY MKHXEfUOE CHECK THIS OUT... »TCHK> PAW - OMrry aa- PIANO - Pr. aky u Caan DON PONt Jlw- »*>.. OM M1-T11I Orl,. Qal mafa raadara la anaak • 14. nan daa> a/n to Nalltr»» «ia au« rram pMk 201-U»-0100 yaw aditi a CMtm m dia m ttmial aMka by laabaty ***• M* OM-ril Oirananan ADAM COMPUTajn tYITtM OWlUill H«MI aanara and uMiee ANTKXII Harry Tteafturot and/ar babam af yaar aapy. Oat «- MM Or. ;LOCKI MPAWCO AND JIW. t ILRVDMKINID TttRNarRd nrRMTUM-CtaatM) kBOOLITOWN — tvaryMnaln- Pak Ha«an. N J Ml-4»7 I). Ml; kMMn aaM. I MrTeto aaar lurr, aaa pna WANTIO - OM 111. CM 471-»447 aat. Pnaad » aala on Tt 4 u - Narta. I1tt>. i>i. Ram ar Onma. iTannRa lOnnCC ITATWer-MrDOtl- CMtmrr TABLU - Co •M aaai ttn. s n. *xi WANTID - Woadan dusk or TOWN — OJraM Matarar/ 10- iiiatumu aiaipjlaa 4 a/iaddarlMw.. MOJk*MOJk*BB) raam MUtTI PAMP.Y — aal I tun Inlpa daooyi no quann> too CM «> « JO 747^B«7 al w/andMMaaaa,, haavy dank 10-4 PM Camar of 4Bi 4 Laural. MaaarloaamM CM747-OM7 aam 1110; whah n Waal aatyaj r Pka Houaa. w. Keanil»«. WTLL HAUNT YOUR HOUM p M«aMal l aMkaaMka. auaillT m C4.OTHIMQ ••• WtGG&m ttattafln#rT id. MO ar ban aBar. 0ONAMIA aaM auaa. an. POOL TAall 4X4. aaa. oand M tXO. TMOMtari oompMa <*ai MI raak. aaa fcAt CALOPJC RAHOt — WNaa •aau. Mat 4 ta»» aaa> ar »aal MOMt rkMLTH MM — wa atankal oMec. orw M 01 mae 101 Apartmanta 1100.CatalMrIp.m aaakdla*. J"ca«d 4000 OTU 1100. 'a•SM. M»aar. . ankw. ap- 14 31 wnu BAtrtrr — COtOWAi. MAPU TtaWTU >«i T4H14* draaar aaai 4 afcak (It. «M APARTMiNTI CINTRALIV ocBM-om ll/r. Mia TAauOMaMktb aaajv — ~~> In LOCATIO CALL 1 pkaim»up.CMtO4<7aS, W tHOWCAtt _ M »II > na. 1110. Caa 7«i itM at nHwgi n a laatNaa^i Per ram 1 paraon AOU ROOM • rar-MM. Pak Ham. FKIMI tun in: •My. SMS. MM. ar MOO a ma rani aayanni mrtudad • vi B mo rani in adSanaa Apply In HOMI HEALTH CAM 4 COM- boanM. MOO. Oamaa — Ml Monmoukl Rd" a «vo, lano PANION - HOMM. I«M 1 M Situation! uao ttagar aaaM r OMnarM aM at nillkiB an -w- 800-»21 Mat, fatR M aaa. MO. Gal 7474*17 «Mf MM MM" Prl. Ool M. 10 WanladMal* •MM. I Mr. tit*. UfMar nt IM unman ma t ta MT — 4 pa. KM ratm rat »i MAVI — An uraaMM Mm ar a.m -fp m llwMrt 10 A-1 AMROCIN TO MO OANK yaur aampaMan. Uva-wi or out ' unamrjiil •* iQ«10««a> CAI 171-liOT 1 M you'd Ma M) aatt An ad Mt •aa lor 10 daya. KM M.IOL Cat Kaypen.3ro'"'imp . •M naa oond Max AMncoMaaaxo HOUHXMM - Tha MHkPamro HUOK) (»o "8TOP" MANY OTHIU AVAILAILII ESTaXSU n«.fi twyaart NO ON* ILII HAS MORII FORECLOSURE imp. it-Man alb CM MAT f OP. MU1CMM - ajja 1 HOMI MNTALt. Kir Mt-ltM . kartafc 4mT*aaaWB\ rTBHBBB* + * ^raB . aaM oaar CM 73 Machlnary for WO KAM AOOfCV - Baby. pM ' awaapw* an laaapr a> w»aT" a»"w w^pa inn. tto (6 aoc* «n« AMROHN CONGO daTtitaPfaaaaata ircsa'^ii-»?=s 7rS* iSC Yard. »aanar. I7W AMTiou* - axaa bad PUMPKWt - Plan your aan JUOT MNTALI. Okr MO-1 u «tN*t aalt laMr 747-4477/arMr I Mon. PrlHU. T MAT! — mraakia "•••• aaaVy mtM m •«". VI •^•• rna MMM I ITM onMM siMoki MdtW 111411I0. Cat muM BO 'urnNura, US C(uu - • Llvaatock HOMI MNTALII I . Bkr MM4MM ik 4 NURMVMOTHEH B-llll alHr 4 dm. maajrayka baM « raaUM. 4»- — IM MW MM I amal at* AC ptoad «o aat ALL LOCAL ARIA* - 1. ». 3 dran In my lertord Kama. Cat MiTrOUf MDKOOM HT - na» 440 Ca> T kmana 1 oanoo, I I "1I11 RAILROAD Tkll - •HK CM 747 MM I loon . . OOUCH - 7i- a. 1 1 nil alda. pab) OK I am *M ukkj. MUABU MOTHfR — Wa ai WM. M MM, MMa lop CM Advancad And int/uao/taao 4 UP CM lo. I In my hama. LunoMa. AMTIOUt CINTtR or MM I 430-7041 »1 0*11 Baalnnara WM aot-MI-ilfO i klMiaW Par. maa, CM PLANTS-HIM AMUNV PARK - lanja modarn jnunaaO Dot MM 140 main lit _ COUCH HVWALUnvOUrUrPI DOG TRAINING • THUCK PON MM — Moo pan o) Man S3tO/ma. Maai Pick up 4 Bali •» Hi tiaillin >'wil)PtlOlln WNAl kamaaouaKeMMraut waTaM) tl Oayanara Dai dub. 74Hoal mump OMI ICONOWCI MO 4714034 Miar Paa. MMT 1 p m and uMe aaka CM IM-MM TtACMP — a rial anar. —' damaMona. VarK. aaaa • cowtVLTAirrt ^J'-* APPLIANCES 14 ar 771-1111 aRar I PJOA - Mr aarar TV. M67 1 dand 4 am OOUCH - tr Mah IN •rm. I Wnli Olrti baJaSaJI laT/ ATLANTIC MKJMl ANOt - 1 11 sjr* aadraam par aan apw AvM t, 110 oa MOV I.eioltMOtiappacllyar, •tat hom< IneludM naaL hM aaMr. CloM M AMOHTIOMJTAL - COUCH • LOVf HAT — and ROC ROOM IOPA - •MV0404 — „ -aaM n ii a\ auBukdhaiAdb*. ** - aalaa; oaffra laWat larMa* 4 OOraTaWO" • •nvpiP'nQ rao liadraam rat Al ki am ar-CM afrar • PM. 471-47*4 OMTTANV tPAHNU. PUP - CM 101-0000. ea) 747 0810 PamaM AHC limiiil. Mm HrOHLANDO - 1 badraom StS aM. hurrana ml M Mt aM. Condo onn WUK vM» « N V ATABJ tat OOMPUTOI - WWi uppy aha*. CM T4i AAC DHK OUTIIT. 17M M. CAMORIOOI M. OaUwm 431-JPM lllll^M^OII 'llT^lllMI lU ^V^rwPaaodMAIOf) - r IMI a M itn ri*iniMi IM Bab M bam. ••Mr, , til Man) raai. 110 taoi PMI P0PP1M - H Ihapnard, pat*. 111. ttuln tup«w Cauaa DrCTATrMO MACIMkl — aM. «a-i MrMM. 4 — Kpat*K . 1 M Al a ond MkHMndrMn. MOO. 1 mMM an- 110. Baekia iron 44 lairal•Jvay X Mjua «apon .MMa. Mt-Mti. eyawaadla aft Amarkjarva, •AST KIANMURQ ARIA — II naa MM. bad naad ba 1 badreem. uMa. pd UN. m* t adMiawa Ottawa ROOM MT - MapM akaM. 110. lanlnt Wrar JOIT RINTALI. tar. Mt-IMI oak. t araaa. MM arat oandla HaSare ID ir MaHln •a I and laMa. IM Mam aM- IAIT KIAHtBURO ARIA •. dark aaad. HM 7» n •awn aa ».«• ai*. •«•»-- 3 room., yard. 1340 , »1M. 1— aa ranrng rad JUtT MNTALt. t*r ttt-IMt OtMNOj ROOM - OatdaaMul 110. CM IM 1714 "WTSS wa. t oana aaea ahak* IAIT KIANMURO - I Drt CakM. raaa It. k ladieuini, MM ma M uaa Mmwa a/aehaka. CnimkMl KITTINS - | aM p. Oammy raauMd I111111.I huicnaa. daa>. era*. lam oand.. ITM. aauKMrMp akM*. •/ hood, TV T a io. eat. Hand up mrrar Kaulieii oaW- laneMi, wabaar tktrao. 4 am 1 KM. i lew Me, I naat, earti. abwa lap. Can ba nrama bar eMMa. I Riiinn CM7I7.M4* Md. Sat Man. wm nM aM •ATONTOWN uaad Mr eummar Mnw. Cat 1400 11 mime, klila PMa n»M HOOM in - POT. •>»«•* — duo eini Mae aan 1 I pool aup- MNTAL U14M par me paad Opan a»a CM aM-MIt Ram man 10 auy T4T-IM1 JUaCAOCT TRACTOR-11 PRIIHOLO MOfrOOvtsisM MT — I pa. drar, CManar4 TnemaewM AIM. MMfHrTaVIV* MM OLAtt DOORO - MO 4 room., kkja OK. hi pd . |4M drna •.CTSIZXTIIMO* 1144414*0 CCaMn 747M7 K . JUtT MNTALt. tar Mt-IMI anil MM aM aMl burl May • 4IK1M aMar a. iiMtuM On aim OLD INBL1IM IMIIP OOO - Caf jamMa.^10 mM.aM.IM0.OM PRIIHOLD tateTtttot KMaaV VACUUM CLIAMVI - M eaaarwr*. 474 Cap 7a» 44T» Condo. 4 room. >Ids OK. 1444 ¥0 •Of A MO - »RM Naada naa JUIT MNTALI. Mr M4 1444 jpvvwe^^Bay "lW rvapall ^P*eT ^^FaraJa^aW BIOROOM MT - Dark pma doom. Marraa. am CM I7i4tat aaar IM p.m. Hul ajay. aaeaka HAZHT - i aadraom. baai. , 170 ciarajiMa aaa, ay w bajHoit HIM kMban. Hvini raam Mia I sasr aOPA - WMa Haman oaaan. •(Mill. —*"' KM aMar lupmad. M7I laaur- nukjnTJjrneiaiini. lily, £•>- uaad I Unaa, IM. I Ulan inwal Hub Make. opnono I eaaa. law no. M07. fm 4 r •0 M Ikl raok.lnma ar MMk TOT poorxu - k mourn MO. At aM. aand. MmaM. AKC. KM. HMHLANDt - t kalriam. nor CM Man Ma-iTio wtiwST Pan Dr. apt aMi daak WM M KXIDOA•isrK . ., •leyclaa aM earpM raa pabj. tag ra- a-vs Mini Blki omcad. MM • IM 471 OM1 PUOH MA» - 1M0 JuM madl- raOHlANM — AvaHlMl DM I KITCHIN — Oaubaj 1 badraam M7I W/D Pool, HdWMm araW ki am Mmua. am. akw MUM M nr cnaiia IIT — aaai 4 anaka. I MJMO BTMBI ami. OMMauraVM 10444 Hmd Mulen. 1474 Double 1 14UWMI. eMka. 1 aaar. tiM. Cad anar I LAVATORY - Pll ssrrMO. ^•^VnaTajaTrVMB} ^~ 9 P^BT4*aaT4 Tonal baal * lank. MO Map, 1 *oo4are. 4 tany r Wllllll. okaa Irani door. IT* MTM. MM oand rMM pajat. OM Wanted _ COIMUaATID Ill > badraom daara. larw. HWtLANOt -1 badrae7iri4Ot Par uom l PMraaa. and Mr handoarvad t •»• aba) a«i I to-H. lit aa Imm alnliaa. I. * uMa AduM anly CM anaka. Moot aaa la aaaraor M"W « ar M (Incline a>aar, ALL LIONELIONEL TRAINS tr 11* It. w. namat MrJTl. M aa. W»t414. •74.1111 rtr-MM. aM. HOP 741-4111. KIANIOURO - CMan. W/W ! MAM VrCTOMAM - CatMg DlUHa ROOM — I pa. CKany LAWN TRACTOR - ALL ILKTRK TRAiWO . . Mraa krl HMura. Mat. traae akd aaaa taw 0 aMka. burw I aarvar aaa 4 a Ma. tua NYC. Jc, ale r* mo aa» aand. MO. car, a4t-trtr. r Mea daaran. Od i J«iMATanyprtai li •M. etTI 471.MM or 7M-31U auNOV nun - t mown. aw. a. aa aasn. Cat 'LnflNO ROOMI MMT —- •laat JTWrTt- ANTIOUSa— Al kMda. bouani arawa. tin. Prlaa Dmam ROOM MT - Charry, rar Mpaaan Maryjana aioaaa- •Ma t paM OK, MI4/me n Irencn ProxnoMI. MtJO aMl ona •^Tan-ca? ma. Ma. CM 4M 1440 - Caa ai 7 4 1 p.m. MM 4 aada. • aham. amm MM- CAOOVUM PATCH 0C4.Lt - I Livma ROOM etr - enema! KIANttURO - Na> IM Com im I MM. 1001. 747-4341 Cauan I oKakoKa MM1. MM. 10a0 m aka> I room. 1 omma ROOM MT •kMaaM . ITIT! aaanaaan. MMMM MMa M MPOM YOU MAVI YOUR rnaawna. CM 4M.140D. TOOL» — HMa nanunar ana, MU - CM taaond Hand in. WM-M-MII CM anar 0. HI-TOM. 4 wi •« M dra». earn M4-OTT7 ARar 4, Ml Mil Prl- LMNQ ROOM COUCH - MO II d Mr M H MM Mnoad in yard Naar ken. KMhan aal MO. Juka Ma M00/mo 1 mo. eaoumy Call illren. MO. CM aRer TIT-MtT. g — r 7 p m 717-0417 auyiauya bmkjrMd apk) Lanry Victorian KOUM Mt-WTI and 444-4034 Anfiua lurnnura. |IIHII>, MM LOHO IRAHCM - LmMy 1 •Ma M114*. On I Kill oaeri 44I-41M aand. 110. CM p.m.11 p.m. OLD RUM8ON ITEMS SHORTOF WarHod 1M4/1M4 nlMII| CASH? VANITY - WMM. OhM Mp. book, uliilii. paM aarda, aM CM •MMraa MI411I i. earaa 010 CLOTHMM — IMO-IOafa. rAia. Bkr. 3M-1M4 VIOLIN — wall baa aM oa VMMan anraa 4 aMMna. are TRINT baadiM d DRUM MT - I pMoaa. carlo 4-7 p.m. 741-0141. Sfc.«« HAVE A aarauawn. ana. anara, taer JW MIOOLITOVW CONDO Mm. I mimlie tomo. Nfh Ml aMaaa. rMya MM iriir lymtakj. 4 msa. aM. athM JdPauatyn 344-7111 OMk 1110 M1-0HT MAOON —Jara IIW. CM TIT MIT MODtmt APT - Naar kanapar- '.SSS MMn BaM Ikno M I 0RUMITI 4pc Panto, ona ooal l WMr WANTID TO OUT — MM roc* IMan. 444-0414 4700. llmCdDr/iax . 1110. Ilif AM Mr Anna. TRIM Caa 1 PJRUMI - l pc Mnaanaiid. IR/ORYIR - O*. OMO . • IBriaPraaMy oymkoM i«c Mraail CM. oond CM duty. Uaad 1 ma. Marina BOX • 41" 74 LOOM aho> I. •a. MOO vma dakm Cat JOO Autos far salt MO Autos tar sale ' ' 717 1«3 ra MIOITIRRAMtAH ITIMO « CUCTMC ORYIP. - OpM COHOOLI — Par ran. PadM WIlL PUMP - Oould. Irlp _ nindwin, I1M. CM lit Mil anwtm. |7» CM T41-MIT. hMdrno MM. I yaara Md. 1171: Mar t p.m. Couah and era*. Pranen il'«-17 e M-M. VarMua aakjra. MO1 aoaioda MM CHRYSLER •10 aaan. 741-7117 aRar • aurrbaard. MorMy. I MOOULAH eOPA -Ipe DM Tomorrow's Technology wi aw. POOL — WMMMJ ma- •MM. Work. aM. MO ar MM •110 Caa 7471344 MOVWrO-MUtT MLLI — Oweonr» CM Mt-aTtO. WblOOWa — Hun) MM mtrror TODAY OoodConrnon rar. CaUnMI aaiMa t and ML __ 747.7340. CM 7H-4M7 Aak Mr Marlma raannar, Haial 4 nia aM. CMWOOOtTOVt—*aajr4" PANTASnC a* aaad .171" ••52 'or fund rerana orter«aaii a. Movmo TO 'LOfbDA - -| Tr I el * IHllll KMhanll_O4. 4 •S-IOM *"• Mar I kaaMr Ma nwMr »'* yra. Md. Queen MM aor. CM73 Qaraga/Yard ¥r— Qmrngm Sale KIU 7I7-J4M. Whin you ptoct your id hi Tin RMltttr Ciamfled MOVINO- SMfcn. you can pWi up your FREE t*aot safe kit Panwrooo - Mt Mr •* oord AM'lcnMre4aoM.M-llt.'L... 1 DAY ONLY during ragutw buDnoos hours You'll get 1 sign. 2 IMharpMMI mara 171-Mit AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA arrow*, a MpM "HOW TV shall and an inventory ihool thai Ms you KMO track ol -tiat you tell and FIREWOOD 'u» aard auaramrad ar yau Maa how much money you make (Additional kite are »a Mad. Darn aal ripped all n» Caa M7I lekirln.Oolt7.t-4. available lor 50- each) itra. raa MU»T MIMl -- a daa akMra. It •ACKYARO IALI — aal 10/40. ou n onion Pain data IUII. H. Ca*W PIOH TANK — aeiuWld, M NHMn toa,toAh an NEW 1985 CHRYSLER FIFTH AVENUE MO. WNP. • mara IM . wAegister is giving you weather insurance loo aim . 10 OH. FUPWACI _ 1 yr. OM MMC tll - Ran ar • cyi. .uto If.m, Air It your sale is rairid out well run your ad again me 104.000 ITU IIIIIIIIIIII r •Nna It Oraaan A... HajMt at) i/fm Merio can.1l.. wrat. imai Rd. (iq-q t-i fum. tallowing week FREE. (But you must call and request dMan. CM anar I at 747- ja , wirt wnrtl covari. well FOR IALI _ | r _- 60/40 rxlMnq, pwi akaloM. door locki. .Mmna. nil a re-run). ' UOkrMi; wSTaVen •Tar* arm tot aa* Maaav -. — Mr W. 4 pwe Ok) PS/PB. Luaury pka Slock MO l n « IATONTOWN - ta. an Eiti. LMPncail 7.626 lav. $2737 taw, do It now and M The Register help make your aaa baa OVUH4U OATUOC OOOa - fmaur o. brM aiaa. 41 •aleasucctss / •» Hay MM SO, AUTO PARTI POP. IALI 1171 Ml > L oond. alaap. CM Come in or call am aria- ^S^^nJ araTCal 444-4*43 RakllaiaMra . tiM I Ml. 5 I PC. KITCMIN MT — dark I Okacaona- laM on RM M. naM Mr» jaM aandkMn. I1». CMM CampMn Am M KlraanPaM Chrysler • Plymouth • Mazda The Register 741-afTI ar 7474337 aRar. aa - aaoiaaa PdM akkia M I ROM Tarnaa. FrT.JtflRI*n 141 W FRONT sr (Corner Hwy J5) fled Bank 542-1700 Jill'IW *•«.- *•• •%,, 1,UM *|H 1 I I. . | J Lj| | t Your Homaiown raawtptajar Sine* 1878 PIAraD-OAl.DwlNuarlaM.aMi «ai trtt. 10-4 bane*. MOO. Colonial aaap rora. KITCMtN RANM — mBMe anal. I WI aba. pae. aaad and. Cap I Wai aa» M ar part. 171-4044. aParlpjrT?-' 747-0787 akg Autastarl jMAirtMfarMa B10 The DaHy Regfeier MONDAY, OCTOBER 22. iM4 35 ComnMrcial 3N AjrtMtorSaM) 111 HMMMtarMNi CHaVY MONTt CAN.O ttTt -

*>*,-Biay*areMaenln two gar manti. T4i.*44a. el eel la lf» wMteome vt ml Mm BtP 117. By

m«aafa oaaaM-oata CHtVT CUSTOM VAN Itt* riM •wMaV >"»a«Jal MW « Mue * arey Marlar JOM OUR WMMNO) TtAM — . 4 Hue

CHIVY t*o gran - A*O < LITTL* aXvtM - t ream, euo- lam MM MM t ' on 2 . eeree OvarfcaMT-, iler 0*3 pm «Tt-aef« 4 Coaro.m.. i° elrelTijaa' 1174 OMtVY VBOM — m engine w»h 10,0*1 r new pane. Rune wafcMed ma. i*m. aree MuMmo TWINBROOK Mf ream. Many MM. edue. CHtVY UONTE CAM.O 1»Tt — VILLAGE Irk NO pale S alter • WBRANO BANK - MDM NE M 40W0 ee. VI auto. p/e. BA. AW. MM GARDEN APT8. tl liMi OnUMOat,t»4-Tun>. CHIVY - Monae 1*71 VI Auto. P/t P/a. MaVPMcaa****. •7.000 iri. Haw 102 HouMslor ar Mat eter. Rant A-1 AMRDHN TO MO IANK Lana Btanah.jMoo pay* aw

t»100. Cat 71. tttT CARRIAGE HOUSE Hoa In MfptvlP •"vrnajnajfll I. tMO/ma. f u«. « Re* Bank a noo gj poaaroaa y Mi of Ma aeunvy. a Mdraama, (n a amiWiii «« aaunai a y. around t Ma>c a aar tarage. nufa war h

•Nora. M rraaman. Mt-IMM. CROWELL AGENCY COLTt NtCK — CMrnlM t 741-4030. Manam Caaa Ca« M aandMan. PunnaMa-.M L anaaianm la»ga la>m «H)>

JuinK a tmm m *a partUna. KM ranaa (ram ttWaar ma.- TOYOTA PICK-UP lilt - Kt> I oyt PB/PB/PW TOWN! LANDAU - tun .eel BMW A *•>• < anotart aaan/fm •aaaraBD AC M.000 fftl r BBBBe. wj a^irf.f V^tJOjPVwgPUTi akii'ilir BJVir. wv. • • w. vwgnoawanw *«m y TNa treatura oheal ol queMy o<- Wr eleo e»e« riennUhr Baal ajkv awr aio.oorf 300 Autot for tala Mdroom. Mm.. «ary pnxala. Ibearoome. 4 CHPIYBLW _ NOT Yartar run NAVIN - cm 4 p.!Ban - tiTt taw or badfoon, 1 Mlh, aal |n WloMn, ST °" **" °* '*" r BAVUNIR — IM •1/PufMWwd OWoa BuHM TWO RIVERS avmh aao> 4 Ana»anna tan. Oeut. I.N.O m, Hour. »ke naw cap 741 4I00 REALTY taenee Co mual Ml. No

HUMSON CUtTOM Mil ranon 4 dook. 1 acre landeo grounda. ggagloHa•cwue.. al Mdraama Maa yard. tuMaMa a ac a, tatt • KapM* m den 4 IMng '0*4 AMC MATAOOH - 1070 4 Or. - 04.000 inM MMTma. aaa. CaatAoiM. AC. New aahciuat a A/C. am/tm Mareo. mar dekjg- gar. «Mto Kit I oat «ed Mm, W/W Sn eitiiai. taatftiu-tira CVPM. a Mdcaam ranch, ana tAntOAT auuoB - ir Boap I •ncMn. «K lua NVC. JO 4*7 1070 AMC CONCOeW - Walt lit man cac. ttrt 471-aHt 0. iwamiainat. be aon* mw KEAHtBURO - Mini oandNon. 1 10 Wtmtad to R»nt IAII aW OWNtn — •> .... room, an Ma.Blu. 1 manti a*. VHatP ol imagine:. 7 roam PONTIAC PHOBNOI Itti — ourny PM ram, UTl^l I A STAR 18 BORN... Can ilter 7. 717-0421 Hue. 1 dr.. * Hi, ligiig, a/a. UTTll tlLVlH - a >cdiaon eoteot land. Can fti-ttM IH Racraallonal OATIUN aaig - itn. a no. ta«o t PONTIACtWANDPItbT owing room, corner MOMt lira - Low moaege. oMpe 10. talr t IH bMKc. naw kfWian MaeMrl Mtooie. aam «kMa. OMa Wartd CMrm. 1 OM.OOO. 774100a ' ** * ^ tl MrieToood aoat ajMSTtSS g ^ I tti-4iaa. altar I PM. mi eeoo? eaTSrl&git aRar ONOACIVIC trrt-riun.—. TtUN 2*0Z 2*1 1171 - Naw W « Mtt or Met on*. 0*1 tetdayiieamnai. 741-4M1 after 4 5 STnt out Rat Mttt ew h 472-1BM after 1 pm

HONDA ACCORD - 107*. * ep 17.000 rme Aeklng IMOO Oat

HONOA - CMC. ItTT. tUtO DATtUN aiO OX IttO — Hatch- naw Brae. 41400 M. Aeklng ajANCH HOUtl FOR •3000 Can 707-0107 •M 'ram at in 220 Wantad BOO 1074 — BfMM yaMw, tM. AvUI NOV. 1. a oorary nomee en a 0M01 - kaofw. iMna roam t linn cap! CM ol MM and aview ol NY Automotive) t^a^^aVi •• •••pjnanp't w me wta Donl neenele - o4» now OATIUN MAXIMA - 1**1. Mr W7-O7T0. Moe AM/PM. aun reel. All power. room., ikaalasa. raar. Mda. A TWO-FAMILY OtHTUBY at COItNt. Woelini • Puty Mdao). ml. Baa HOMt BldTALi. Mr. att- or>er. Oat 741-4701 RID tANK Meal tar commuter, nuge

•r^ahop^'or^aeaa/iny a ae. Lagge. caourtly ana) rat- Auto Inauranca rtii 11 A IAOQIO> DWTINCTION IB. AUTO INSURANCE vmaga. MALT0M»M1 tail AOINCY am WALK!* t WAlKIPi. AtLowAetttOown BUCK axYHAWK UMtTB) i t. etener. BOMry. OMHr KAOON - 1071. ak. PtVf P4NT - • room.. a» MM. lof 7 Monn Pamet. - 4 CM.. 4 «r.. auto.. A/C. p/e, kjna-up. Irene. lur*uj>. 74flpp «-ia mot. t10ao/mo. • eaa. p/b. pXindowe. p/doore. am/fm MUa. running ooni. 11.000. UWC..HPH.C4* Ml-OaM — aaa0177 JCV. t Mat. Donl 1M00 autan PJUMvOM ^ 4 OatO^OO*^ WaV*O . Onty IMng room. aeUi kaeHan, uw HOENIX BROKERAGE Ttrane^twSrSJ.. a MDMOOMt HOUtt PON tor toaooe l eulo 4 oyrte can t4t-a4iv •All — laa. oond.. «wt neton- eurenoe. now open on route H IATIU •nJMtOH tai!3Eo IH bathe. iMa n* jl Here IMd. 147a. needy no»n Ij annum. CMrry Tra* vikege In HOMI MNTAit. ttr. att-iaa4 BRAND NtW rtOHLANOt 41-m C O 103 Rantalato top. BrajM yeaew. I gaol. ede*. 8h«r« 270 Auto Sarvksaa/ gaiiig.iiew tree and oeSarporlo. a.000 IM. 1 owner, oaa. eend. PartB IIOOO W2MO4. DOOM DAPJT CUtTOM 1074 — anty. IttO • eac. • u«e. A rotor UOO.P/1 boa uMttiOO. 4 door, am/lm. Pt/PB. omM San. It. Nek). Can oner 0 4MB maini , MM • ; -4*70 741-ttta. Beetoner Cee 707-ttT euw.PB/pt, AkVPM. Clean, DOOOE OMM 10*0 - 0*4. 4- MAZDA f0C70a - IBM. 1»J*O mt 4 ape th» AavPMoaeraa

100 Autot for tilt J00 AuUtlorialt StX.MN2iX good. Ceo 707-000* auar -s-rtara DOOOt — ItTt. 0or an01. 440. »0 Moiotcyotai Aiilo..ak.0Mn.pA««wee.t400: g tag UMIUT — neauai auMK - ItTT, fugel. P*/pt "-^•"•"-•••"'BksIMng room (CATHtoitAr L AM/TM twrae. Air 11444 Cot aUOK CtNTUrTV ITAT1ON WAOON — 1070, vary good BMW K 100 RT 1004 - Stand LOWEST-PRICED SPORT louring. Jual m Irom Oormany. Cekweekdey. after»171-1077. TRUCK IN AMERICA! ItTt. t dr.. an power, am/lm

14 hour oacurtty - Me gold ar, DODOC WINDOW VAN — ItTt. tonnle. A> ~—'" -.i.'C..^ UNCuDma INOW REMOVAL) XXXU VAN — 1M1 11.00* Mao. b. oond. In and out Call 201-747-7107 woo ml Pad. Mw, lug, reok. orMti ba***, IHMWle |M0M ekiduee. Auto. AC. 4 mage. 471-070». Ce« Hal rlo AM/rM

Shadow Lake village DODOt OMM 1871 - Oeat ADULT. NOT MTIP.EMINT aand. eeooo M. *om wheel a HONOA 700 — 1*74. Pjaeuaien- NEW 1984 MAZDA 626 CROWELL AGENCY IO#. •^•••aT t*1tfa*V . Me) KINOSLEY AUTO SALES MM, net. ohM. fcl cupiaif. MMM wt e*t Met »Ji 1. HONDA DEALER pwr/wrtndow.p/ , door todtt, ntf Pa. t, Praah 717-7117 uTOCK M>mooi. TAX AMDMV FEES FxnA.ui ill im cWr.. dock, cnaat csmral, MPG 4»» H«gyy 36 dty, ONE IN STOCK. Sft # M1906. tax and MV fm «tr., Lw Prlc«: '12,064.

KAWAtAKI KZttO 1*70 - lag. nnd. ManM y now gam. M-

PIAT 1*7* - lit 4 dr. . 17.000 mace, goad tra*. naw ce- huat taoo etTTcak 7I7.QM7.

KAWAiwi itaa - tunat, aae. naw pamt. too*, good, rune sond. Raced onoe 0*00 or beat aaaa. rune geed. *»**. Oat oood. MM or taefalaV. Cat oner. Ml 0410. aek nr Id. 1*477 747-7711. '