Crucial Debate Fails to Close Campaign Gap KANSAS CITY, Mo
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Howard, Kennedy clash over policies of Reagan, B1 •- I 1ED BANK EATONTOWN Fattest marathoner NFL teams split - BRANCH Jones sets world record Jets swamp Chiefs, 28-7; in wet Chicago Marathon. Eagles top Giants 24-14. , chance of rain Page B2 Page B2 let* weather on A2 The Daily Register VOL. 107 NO. 98 YOUR HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER .. SINCE 1878 MONDAY, OCTOBER 22. 1984 . 25 CENTS Crucial debate fails to close campaign gap KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) - President Reagan and Democratic challenger Walter F. Mondale, attacking etch other's Judgment and competence In a showdown debate, were heading Into the campaign's closing two weeks with Mondale stall playing catch-up and Reagan's supporters confident his victory was secure. Mondale stopped short of claiming victory, but at a post-debate rally he repeated the leadership theme he •tressed daring their 90-minute televised confrontation last night on defense and foreign policy. Debate analysis, page A3 HA**Y DAY — Stephanie Lee-Miller, left. state Sen. Richard Van Wagner, D-Monmouth atstetant secretary for public affairs, Department and Middlesex, take a break yesterday during Jersey reaction, page A3 of Health and Human Services, Thomas the dedication ceremony ol the hospital's new Goldman, president, Bayshore Community Hot North Wing. Lee-Miller and Lautenberg were the pital, U.8. Sen. Frank R. Lautenberg, D-N.J. and "Tonight, despite all the tragedy in Lebanon, I think ceremony's keynote speakers. I heard the president, the commander in chief, blame it on somebody else." Mondale told about 1,100 people In a downtown hotel. "Tonight, despite aU the embarrassment of that covert action In Nicsragus. which hat strengthened our Senator lauds creators enemies, I think I heard the president, the commander In chief, blame somebody else," he added. But Vice President George Bush wss jubilant. "I think we just wrapped up four more years," he declared RONALD REAGAN after the debate of new hospital wing Bee Debate, page A2 BYMKHAEL W SUtKOWWI adjoins the main hospital tower, wtMrlilas MA us —-»l—A hanlai HOLMDEL - Sen. Frank R. Related story BI provides oo new pttiwni DNI, Lsttenberg, D-N.J. saluted yester- centralised outpatient services day the "blood, sweat and tears of and Increased space for supportive Partisans services. the community" for IU part in It also houses a new making the aew. $12.2 million "Prom that early morning on materials managemeng t depart- NorthWIag of the Bayshore Com- Hay 2, 1972, when a Hadet ment and pharmacyh . munity Hospital a reality. fireman was overcome by smoke The addition of « beds while fighting a plus oven fire, claim victory Speaking at a dedication cer- the hospital's total to 233. emony for the new wlag, and became the flrtt of what has Each of the three new patient Lautenberg said, 'You haven't now become 100,000 patients, floors will house a centralised come to government.. to help do Bayahore has distinguished Itself nursing station which provides as a member in the New Jersey for their side this. My compliments go to those Immediate access to patient health care delivery system," the needs Patient rooms contain Indi- said. Although the hospital's building vidual "nurse savers," enabling "Now It the time for all good man to come to the aid campaign Is $200,000 thy of 1U She praised Bayabore'i staff of the staff to administer to the of the party," goat the oft-quoted line from an I goal, $1.3 million has been raised 100 physicians and dentists, and health needs of the patient In a by private donations. The re- the special programs the hospital more efficient manner. For the And last night, six good men - Republicans and mainder la funded throughbonding. offers mch as health fairs, clinic convenience of the patient, each Democrats - did Just that In declaring their party's according to a hospitsl services, lecture series, CPR bed is equipped with IU own candidate the winner of the presidential debate. classes and Immunisation pro- television mounted on s movable "I do feel Mr. Mondsle scored some points. He "I come here to give you tribute grams. arm extension for the patient's clearly demonstrates that he la for a strong America and to ay thank you. This is Sharing the podium with Lee- viewing comfort. and for maintaining our military defenses," said demonstrative of what New Jersey Lautenberg The patient units are the first in Congressman James J. Howard, D-N.J "From the It abort," Lautenlwrg Hid. i CaMn Bell, chairmahalrmanofthn of thee Board the area to offer resUursnt-ttyle point of view of stage presence, both men did well," he of Trustees; Thomas. Goldman, menus. The meals will be serviced WALTER MONDALE Also delivering a keynote ad- Dr. All by the Marriott Corp. 1 did find It curious that Mr. Reaga uld spent dress was White House reprssen- The limited number of special $30 billion to develop 'Star Wars' technology and it hand "I couldn't help but look at the bags under Mondsle'i Charles F. Pierce Jr., state deputy accommodation rooms are avail- it over to the Sovieta," Howard said. eyes. I thought they were going to explode," he said. tant secretary for public sfftlrs. commissioner of health able for patients and family mem- "Mr. Mondale emphssHed that It lakes knowledge ss State Sen. S. Thomas Gagllano. R-Monmouth, echoed Department of Health and Human bers upon request These facilities well as strength to properly conduct foreign affairs," Kennedy's observations Services. She said she represented Nearly 600 persons attended the offar areas where family members he said. "I thought Mondale looked tired. He had big black, President Reagan who could not under a canopy may dine with the patients and Brian Kennedy, the congressman's Republican oppo- bags under his eyes," Gagllano laid. "I wonder If they attend because "of the debate on the hospital's grounds. •lay overnight. nent, thought differently made a mistake with the make-up." situation." The hospital occupies 16 acres Bayshore has more than doubled "I thought Ronald Reagan blew him away and re- "Both did well. There was no knock-out. I didn't see She called Bayshore Community just oft the Cardan State Parkway the stso-of IU otttpttianU services established himself as Mr. Number One." said a fightln' Fritz at all," he added. Hospital "a modal for the rest of and Holmdel Road to keep stride with the growing Kennedy. "I was so proud of him." "On the age issue, the president got a real laugh," ths country." The new t-slory wing, See Hospital, page AS "I thought Ronald Reagan was totally at ease and in he said. ' I thought he was Just fantastic," be said. See Partisan, page A2 Chronic sleep problems can make life miserable EDITOR'S NOTE: THs Is the first brain reset themselves, when bal- Probably no people are so sett- face«t sleep, and some of these are el a ance U sought naturally, when concious about their sleep ss Ameri- life endangering. Some people hormonal secretions do some of cans. They complain that they sleep chronically stop breathing during their most Important work. too little or they compUin that they sleep, and this may well be a cause Yet on any given night one Out of sleep too much. They complain of "crib death" among infants. ef the new three of us will complain about when their bad partners snore and Snoring can also be hazardous to 1* lead te safe sleep. Fortunately. It hi often a they complain when their children one's health, not something to Joke different one of us every night. But sleepwalk. BY JOHN BARBOUR not always. Some people have They wake ap groggy ai At least 11,000 people la the (Pim as a ttriet) chronic sleep problems that make enough to kick a cat. Or they may United States taffer from their lives a misery, and others have oversleep with the same result. narcolepsy, a disturbance of the Etch sight we flick off the l.ghu potentially dangerous problems that Cats, Incidentally, may wake up and sleep regulation center In toe brain and Ian eanatvea ever to a poten- could take theS lives tome night. sleep as often at l.oao times a day, They may suffer from groat halluci- tially vaJaanbla state called sleep. Millions of M take sleeping pills nations and periods of absolute Seme people will die in their to pave their way to sleep. Minions I are discover lug muscle weakness. Sleep constantly sleep. Yet not one of us can do more pour an alcoholic nightcap. that moat of this pain and turmoil Is Intrudes into their lives, anywhere, without It. Both methods are counter- unnecessary Sleep can be adjusted anytime. They may fall asleep • It It a thaw when the body and the productive to good sleep. without chemical aide and can be as eating, have vivid hallucinations while driving a car, or dote off restful and restorative as nature during an Interview. meant It to be. They are also 1 Of all the phases of the human Monday chronic physical allmenti condition, sleep has been one of the Make A Date A7 most mytliluat. Until the elec- Movies AS trical encephalograph was Invented Advice 86 People A2 »% off dinner to town residents this some SO yean ago, scientists had nd* Ana AS Obituaries A7 S72-1M5 useful device lor discovering wnst i A5 Opinion AS the bran wat doing either at rest or t B7 8porta...t B2 at the alert. But beginning with that Cornice _ BS Television AS Get into M.0O0 I wUawtthThe , they were able to probe Llteetyte B8 Your Town B1 s 1MB New Car Section At Thursdsy Oct.