Monthly Catalogue i ublic Documents

No. 207 March, 1912

ISSUED BY THE sup ERINTENDENT of doc umen ts

Washin gto n govern ment pr .nting oef .ce 1912 Abbreviations ...... p ...... app. Page, pages...... _pt.. pts. Appendix...... Cong. Part, parts...... pl- Congress...... cons. Plate, plates...... por. Consular...... Dept. Portrait, portraits ...... 4° Department...... doc. Quarto...... Document...... ’...... ex. Report...... St. Executive...-.-.--...... facsim. Saint...... sec. Facsimile, facsimiles...... f® Section, sections...... S. Folio...... H. Senate concurrent resolution.. ...S. C. R. House concurrent resolution. _.H. C. R. ....S. doc. Senate document S. ex. doc. House document...... - • ....H. doc. Senate executive document... House executive document.. ,H. ex. doc. ...S. J. R. ..H. J.R. Senate joint resolution...... S. rp. House joint resolution...... H. rp. Senate report...... - - • • • •------...... S. R. House report..... -• ..H. R. Senate resolution (simple).. - - ..sess. House resolution (simple).. ;;...... n. Session...... 16” Illustration, illustrations...... in. Sixteenmo...... ’...Stat. L. Inch, inches...... lat. Statutes at large...... tab. Latitude...... Table, tables...... 32” Leaf, leaves...... long. Thirty two-mo...... Treas. Longitude...... m. Treasury...... 12” Mile, miles...... 'nils., misc. Twelvemo...... 24® Miscellaneous...... naut. Twenty four-mo...... vs., v. Nautical...... n. d. Versus...... v., vol. No date...... n. p. Volume, volumes...... ■ yr- No place...... --...... no., nos. Year...... Number, numbers...... '...... 8” OO,”ommou abbreviations >»'

t Document not obtainable. Explanation

Words and figures,inc.^ed^thep^^ but do not appear on the tl.tle.'P £ undwsfood. Size of maps is measured size is not given, octavo is to' be ™id . The dates, including day, from outer edge of border’“nd House documents and reports, month, and year, g^en with Senateandhou printed Usually the prLnngdparompOtiy "follows notlivS with"??num- ™ Congress, 2d session, is to be understood. 528 General Informati on PubHcd8”P“^&X- 8611 at cost any provided for. “ ",s char«c'- ‘be dndnbufon of which is not otherwise "•'<»“X^f.X^ta1Mrabn«aor^X^ t0 indivMuaIs’


the document, a double dagger (J) indicates thatT P™011 1S8uin£ obtainable, and whenever addin™ i d.lcates.that the document is not of procuring a doeuXZets ',“5 ““ of the Bureau. The Senate and RmiwH ° found UQder the name in limited editions and unless otho • .°^ments and reports are issued through Members of Congress. WindlCated’ ma^ be obtained only the name of the^sstin^Departme^ pUpenntend®nt of Documents give publication is numbered give number awT D* ™?n’ and titIe- « Congress card number. ’ not order by Library of ofSeX!'7 thC in8trUCti0M “H<™ -mit>' found at the bottom

XZ^Z^Zd^" ‘hid °fflCe ~ “> - a


however, the best copy .ZaWeTX P‘W°m-

special subject will be^^Zdo^ppliX°°

mo nth ly catalo gu e DISTRIBUTION gafoh“'erTXZTfo d Re~«ve, Dele- Territorial libraries to substanHab SnZ depo3itories “nd State and many eehool, conZand Z 8 k Government authors, and to as supply. 8 ’ d Publrc llbrancs as the limited edition will Subscription price to individuals

529 530 Mar ch , 1912

LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CARDS Numbers to be used in ordering the L. C. catalogue cards will be found at the end of the titles of the more important monographic docu- ments. The figure following the card number (separated from it by a slanting line) indicates the number of cards required for entries sug- gested (title entry not included) on the cards. The price of the cards is 2c. for the first card and ^c. for each additional card for the same title ordered at the same time. Remittances should be made to the Librarian of Congress. Cards can not be furnished by the Superin- tendent of Documents. CUMULATIVE INDEX The Index to the Monthly catalogue will be issued separately each quarter and will cumulate for the twelve months ending June, 1912. That is, the September number of the Index is an index to the Monthly catalogue for July, August, and September, the December number is an index to the Monthly catalogue for October to December, the March number will be an index to the Monthly catalogue for January to March, and the June number will be the Index for the fiscal year 1912. Persons desiring to bind the catalogue at the end of the year should be careful to retain the numbers received monthly, as duplicate numbers can not be supplied. HOW TO REMIT Remittances for the documents marked with a star (*) should be made to the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C., by postal money order, express order, or New York draft. Currency may be sent at sender’s risk. Postage stamps, foreign money, defaced or smooth coins will positively not be accepted. To facilitate the payment of the cost of documents, the Super- intendent of Documents will hereafter accept coupons issued by him instead of cash. Coupons of the value of 5 cents each are sold in sets of 20 for $1.00. Address order to Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office. No charge is made for postage on documents forwarded to points in United States, Guam, Hawaii, Philippine Islands, Porto Rico, or to Canada, Cuba, or . To other countries the regular rate of postage is charged, and remittances must cover such postage. Notes of Genera l Intere st Senate document 190, 62d Congress, 2d session, on the fertilizer resources of the United States, is the latest document discussing one of the most important subjects now engaging the attention of economists. Its value is enhanced by plates and map. Forestry in nature study, Farmers’ bulletin 468, is another handy school textbook, first issued by the Agriculture Department in Dec. 1911 and reprinted in Feb. 1912. 5 cents. Interstate Commerce Commission’s Second annual report on the statistics of express companies in the United States, for the year ended June 30, 1910, furnishes several interesting items, including Wells, Fargo & Co.’s $24,000,000 dividend from surplus, leaving the undivided surplus of the combined companies at $59,215,600. The statistics of the 13 important companies are given, the American Company leading all others in amount of business transacted. Court of Claims reports, vol. 46, Oct. 1910 to , is now in stock. Full sheep, $1.50. Supplement no. 1 to Tariff circular no. 19a has been issued by the Interstate Commerce Commission. The opinion of Chancellor Pitney of New Jersey in the case of the Glass Bottle Blowers’ Association, Nov. 16, 1908, and the dissenting opinion of Judge Minturn in the same case, have been printed as Senate document 374, 62d Congress, 2d session. Chancellor Pitney is now Mr. Justice Pitney of the United States Supreme Court, succeeding the late Justice Harlan. Senate document 338, 62d Congress, 2d session, is in 2 vols. Vol. 1 con- tains the Message of the President transmitting the Report of the Em- ployers’ Liability and Workman’s Compensation Commission, in which he commends the Report and advocates the passage of the bill drafted by the Commission. This volume contains also the text of the Report and of the bill, with several statistical tables. Vol. 2 is much larger, containing hearings, briefs, table of cases, and general index. This edition supersedes Senate document 90, 2 parts, and 3 unnumbered pamphlets, which made up the first edition of the Commission’s report. The United States Pharmacopoeia has been published in Spanish. It is not a public document of the United States, but the fact that the Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service has lately published its 5th digest of commentaries on it (House document 184, 62d Congress, 2d session; also, Hygienic Laboratory Bulletin 79) makes it evident that there are Government officials who feel an active interest in it. Experiment Stations Office Bulletin 247 is the latest revision of the Organization lists of the agricultural colleges and experiment stations 531 532 Mar ch , 1912 of the United States, containing information for which there is demand in these days of agricultural development. A list of the treaties and conventions submitted to and acted upon at various times by the has been printed as Senate document 373, 62d Congress, 2d session. Seventy-four such international agreements are in the list. The document gives also a list of 13 arbitration treaties which were ratified by the Senate Feb. 11,1905, but with such amendments that no Administration has thought it advisa- ble to resubmit them to the countries with which they were originally made. To this list of 13 treaties thus amended probably may be added those with and Great Britain ratified with amendments Mar. 7, 1912. The speech of Senator Lodge of Massachusetts, Feb. 29, 1912, advo- cating amendment of the arbitration treaties with France and Great Britain, has been printed as Senate document 353. It carries also as an appendix the contents of Senate document 373. The 52 State population bulletins of the 13th Census, giving the enumeration statistics of the 48 States, the District of Columbia, Alaska, Hawaii, and Porto Rico, have been issued as one publication. Price, 65 cents in paper, 95 cents in cloth. The Geological Survey makes a timely contribution to the potash hunt by expediting the publication of Potash salts, summary for 1911, which is an advance chapter from Mineral resources, 1911, this latter being an extensive report which can not be issued complete for months to come. Potash salts, summary for 1911, is a 5 cent pamphlet, giving all the latest potash news, excepting only that concerning the ten-million- ton deposit in the Mohave Desert, which at first appeared in print only in the newspapers, but has since been validated by a reference in the President’s message of Mar. 26, 1912. The Intracoastal waterway, Boston to the Gulf, is one of the many big things which the children of our day may hope to live to see in this irresistibly expansive country. Something of what it will mean may be learned from House document 391, 62d Congress, 2d session, just printed, which describes the section from Boston to Beaufort, N. C. A board of engineers has been considering the subject since Congress authorized and directed a preliminary survey by act approved Mar. 3, 1909. The document has many maps and tables. Plant Industry Bureau Circular 93, The danger of using foreign potatoes for seed, is a word of warning to farmers in the eastern United States who may be misled by the large size and good looks of imported potatoes. The February, 1912, edition of Civil service act, rules, Executive orders, etc., is now in the stock of the Superintendent of Documents. 10 cents. Among the new Census Bureau bulletins issued in March is one entitled Population: United States, which shows several interesting things. One of these is the relative rank of the States in population, which has changed considerably since 1900. California, which was the 21st State, is now the 12th. has dropped from 10th to 15th. New Jersey has jumped from 16th to 11th. , which was the 6th State, is now the 5th. Mar ch , 1912 533 Missouri, which was the 5th State, is now the 7th. Massachusetts which was the 7th State, is now the 6th. Other equally interesting and’signifi- cant changes are shown. Another valuable feature of this bulletin is a table of the Congressional apportionments from the beginning of the Government. Another feature is diagrams showing graphically the increases of population. One of the late Census Bureau bulletins shows the population of cities and their suburbs—that is, to each large city is assigned the territory assumed to be tributary to it and the tributary population is added to that of the city proper. On this basis some cities gain much more than others, and changes in relative standing result, pother new bulletin gives the population of all incorporated places of ,500 or more inhabitants and tables showing the relative rank of the 50 largest cities at each enumeration beginning with 1840 Very few per- sons would now guess that in 1840 Baltimore was the 2d city, New Orleans the 3d, and Philadelphia only 4th, with less than 100,000 people. New ork, of course, is at the head of the list from first to last. first broke into the 50 list in 1850, when it was 25th in rank, with 29 963 inhabitants, being outranked by Lowell, Rochester, Newark, Charleston Washington, and other cities now low down in the list This bulletin.* not numbered but entitled Population of cities, gives many other inter- esting data and comparisons, including the comparative growth of urban and rural populations. Of the latter it says: “The decrease or slow increase m the rural population is in no sense due to lack of agricultural prosperity. In most of the States showing a decrease or a very slight increase in rural population during the past decade there has been a remarkable increase in the value of farm property.” A 10 cent pamphlet issued by the Biological Survey Bureau as Bulletin 41 is not remarkable for the volume of its information, but for its char- acter It is reference material of a kind not easily found, and therefore small though it is, the book fills a rather large field heretofore pretty much unoccupied. The title is: Chronology and index of the more important events in American game protection, 1776-1911. If you want to find when English sparrows were first acclimated in America when and where was the last great wild-pigeon roost, when and in what States game laws were first passed, what “game ” is by law, etc, etc, this is the book for you. Medical handbook for the use of lighthouse vessels and stations (can- vas, 30 cents) is a manual of plain and simple directions for use in emer- gencies by Government people whose occupations usually put them out of the reach of doctors. The plainness and simplicity of the directions given may commend the handbook to many who do not live in light- houses. 5 ^ner^ sources of the United States, 1910: Part 2, Nonmetals; cloth, ?1.25. This important annual report by thg United States Geological Survey is now available. Many of the most important mineral products are not metals. Among these are coal, natural gas, petroleum, cement clay, and stone. We are digging wealth beyond the dreams of avarice °Utin!nthe earth’8 crust- For the second time in the country’s history in 1910 a year’s mineral production exceeded $2,000,000,000 in value ' 534 Marc h . 1912

Geological Survey Bulletin 494 describes most interestingly the New Madrid earthquake of Dec. 16, 1811, which is better understood now than it was at the time of its occurrence. Hon. W. B. Wilson of , who is a practical miner, Hon. W. C. Redfield of New York, who is a large employer of labor, and Hon. J. Q. Tilson of Connecticut, who is a lawyer, are the members of a special committee to investigate the Taylor and other systems of shop manage- ment. They have made a unanimous report, questioning the feasibility of much that is proposed under the general subject of “scientific manage- ment” of bodies of workmen. The Committee say that while Mr. Taylor has done much good in working out the details of shop management, nobody has presented to the Committee a system of shop management sufficiently complete and perfect to justify a recommendation for its adoption in entirety. The Committee’s chief objection is to the effort to stimulate the exertions of workmen by timing their operations. The official designation of the Committee’s report is House report 403, 62d Congress, 2d session. Forest Service Circular 205 relates to forest fire protection under the Weeks law in cooperation with the States. The Weeks law is the law establishing the Southern Appalachian and White Mountain forest reserves. Under this law a Government commission is now actively at work acquiring lands for the protection of water powers. As this pro- tection is to be secured by preserving the forests, the protection of the forests from fire is logically the next step after acquirement. There is a new edition of the Judicial code of the L nited States, includ- ing all the amendments to Feb. 6, 1912. 20 cents. Senate document 439, 62d Congress, 2d session, is a reprint of Abraham Lincoln’s 1st and 2d inaugural addresses, his message to the special ses- sion of Congress called by him July 4, 1861, his proclamation of freedom to the slaves dated Jan. 1, 1863, and his Gettysburg speech of Nov. 19, 1863—a small collection of great documents. Army register, 1912 (50 cents), Navy register, 1912, (30 cents), and Statistics of railways, 1910 (75 cents) are now ready for delivery. May 18 is to be Peace Day. The programme for its observance in schools is to be printed as Education Bureau Bulletin 8, series of 1912. Large orders for copies are being filled by the Superintendent of Docu- ments at $30 a thousand. A “preprint” from the American Library Association’s forthcoming Manual of library economy is Mr. W. W. Bishop's handbook of the Li- brary of Congress. It is a handy manual for librarians, with ground plan illustrations, and professional information not readily accessible elsewhere. American ephemeris and nautical almanac. 1914, is now on sale, price $1.00 in cloth binding. , The income-tax cases in the United States Supreme Court, 1895, when an income tax was declared to be unconstitutional, Justices White and Harlan filing dissenting opinions, and the corporation-tax cases, 1911, when the Supreme Court sustained the law imposing an excise tax on the incomes of corporations, are the two chief judicial precedents Mar ch , 1912 535

House document 601, 62d Congress, 2d session0™'emently repnnted Bureau Reprint ITO,“mm sLj"rd°taetuXlleUn “7'/ is r'^tXLon

j w superintendent of Documents at $1 00 p«tod“a ^,-

But he can supply documents, and Senat^00”16 t0 hlm f°^ dlstnbution- of 21 different parcel-post bills, costs only S^tT'43°' “**

sion, in 4 volumes. nt i10’ 62d Congress, 1st ses-

federal anti -trust decisi ons -t'oftdeXaXTe^o FCbrUary’ Page M9’ Vola' W °f «'<> ™

recalled and corrected cover, andHtte n ““ 1 and 2 have bee“ instead of Mr. Lott’shave been substituted rZ-t'' f‘nCh’B nau,e in dark red buckram is sold M n a The set of 4 volumes, bound «.00. single v^X„XXPenntendent °' D°~ at

SCHEDULE K and Z:‘SXS'r’b2d 8eS3“’ »' tha volumes. Thi pri„n. t( d “tT” reprinttd’ this "»'e “ ^ntsdeb/c^r^ distribution ’^uvin^elchlnhe 12’°°0 SetS for House recipients 30 sX 80 Sets and e^h of the

The 2-volume print differs from the a , from the second or 1-volume print in ha-H 'Volume print, and also of illustrations, which of course are imnr °f contents and a which was made foi ihe SeTatXTT^1118- The volume print, document number. The general inde^ ™ Pj?ance’ 13 without a Print in a sepamte pamphlet * SUPPhed With ,he 37169—No. 207—12___ ° 536 Marc h , 1912

Librarians will understand that with the exceptions noted the three prints are identical. PINEAPPLES Chemistry Bureau Circular 57, published May 14, 1910, reported the results of experiments in the preparation of sugared dried pineapples, made in the expectation of producing a new commercial product. The author, Assistant Chemist H. C. Gore, stated in Circular 57 that a method of much promise had been developed, but that another season’s study was necessary before final recommendations could be made. Recently a British Columbia correspondent of the Public Documents Office inquired if the second season’s study had been made and what its results were. The information obtained from the author for the infor- mation of the correspondent is perhaps worth printing for the benefit of other readers and correspondents. Mr. Gore has found that the dried product has not held its flavor as well as had been hoped. This discovery has delayed the experiments, which, however, have not been concluded.

PUBLICATIONS OF AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT A prospective customer lately asked the sales clerk of the Public Docu- ments Office how many separate publications of the Agriculture Depart- ment he could supply and what they would cost. It was rather a whole- sale question, for which no data had been made ready, but in a couple of hours the efficient salesman was able to give the information that he had in stock about 2,919 distinct agricultural publications, one full set being worth about $650. This is probably the publication record for one Gov- ernment Department—here at least, and probably anywhere. And these are publications which are almost without exception practical, useful, valuable, constantly adding to the health, wealth, and prospeiity of the country. SOIL SURVEYS The soil surveys of counties and areas in various parts of the country, which have been made by the Soils Bureau, Agriculture Department, during the last dozen years, have now become very numerous. There is a large allotment of the first prints or “advance sheets” to Representa- tives of the districts in which the surveys are made, but there are always some interested persons whom the free distribution does not reach. According to the experience of those most familiar with the document service, free distribution, no matter how profuse it may be made, always does fall short of supplying the full demand, and often those who are not reached are those most interested. For the benefit of the many who have not been reached by the free distribution, the Superintendent of Docu- ments, at the opening of the present year, effected an arrangement for supplying the “advance sheets” of the soil surveys at the uniform rate of 15 cents each. These are substantial pamphlets and each one contains a large colored map of the county or area surveyed. The new sales arrangement does not include the pamphlets published before 1912. Occasionally one of these can be supplied, but this can not be depended on. Marc h , 1912 537 All of the surveys of each year are bound together in a i and all the maps for the year are put together in&a lar-e case the tw^’ stituting the Field operations of the Bureau of ’ ° C.°n* tion of which eleven numbers, 1899-1909, have been issued”11^ PUb?Ca' been always for sale by the Superintendent of Documents thTnri^0

PELATIAH WEBSTER AND THE CONSTITUTION The celebration by Mr. Hannis Taylor of Pelatiah WM, +

noXXZXd1116 ValMity °' Web9‘CT ““

leaS^r “ Senate docu'”“‘ ™ ’Meh may be mis- BCaUed to “• ?he m!“,CrPri"ted and ending with VI bnt°th • 3 °™an numerals, beginning with I

Government ** the Nation’ not in

gins eng Mar’ll Wi“°nsin’ in the H<>““ Representative., difficult o7cXe“ Xn’DgHeedeh “d and its manner of growth and' befnlt P “* ’ aPPeara“ce information he gave wL pri&d L JT " °' the facts he commnnieated arXse A a fmpresstve of the many is a^v Se‘in aU™? ‘’T'’1 ‘^wer a poun'r iTthem 538 Mar ch , 1912

Morse also gave assurance that will readily take twice the present supply. Whether this holds good since that country became involved in civil war may perhaps be open to question. The United States Agriculture Department has not up to the present time published much about ginseng, its reluctance to do so being attri- buted to the fact that the plant has no recognized medicinal or other value in this country. If, however, the Chinese believe it a cure-all, and will get it elsewhere if not from America, there seems to be nothing for us but to meet the commercial demand. This can best be done if the Department shall supply instructions for ginseng culture in which the people will have confidence. Mr. Morse announced in his speech that the Department had a ginseng document in preparation, to be ready in the early spring. Additional information is to the effect that two new publications on this subject are planned. The first, which is now in press and expected soon, is Plant Industry Bureau Bulletin 250, Diseases of ginseng. The second, which it is expected will follow at a short inter- val, will be a Farmers’ bulletin on the general culture of the ginseng plant. If wide circulation should be given to Mr. Morse’s speech a large sale of the new ginseng bulletins would seem to be assured.


In the Notes of general interest, Monthly catalogue of United States public documents, Oct. 1911, a detailed schedule of the then forthcoming set of bound volumes of the publications of the National Monetary Com- mission was given and some positive statements were made and pledges passed in terms here reproduced: The contents of volumes 1-23 are definitely determined as above stated. Those of volume 24 are somewhat less certain. The Report of the Commission has not yet been printed, and there has not been any public announcement that it has been drafted or considered by the Commission as a body. It will, however, whether long or short, be the chief feature of the volume. Already two drafts of Mr. Aldrich’s Suggested plan (Document 784), have been printed, and it is intimated there may be still others. All will be found in volume 24. Dr. Hollander’s Bank loans and stock exchange speculation, listed as Document 589, but never printed because the manuscript had not reached the Commission, will be in- cluded in the volume, the manuscript having been lately received. These statements were made on the authority of officials of the Com- mission. Such statements are never made in the Monthly catalogue except upon information received from those whose duty it is to know the facts in the case. Twenty-three volumes were issued in accordance with the schedule printed in the October Catalogue, with the single exception that docu- ment 589, listed for vol. 24, was included in vol. 20. At this stage it was determined by officials of the Commission to abandon vol. 24 and rebind the copies of vol. 1 so as to include in that volume the Report of the Com- mission with draft of a bill (Document 243) and the Suggested plan, parts 1 and 2 (Document 784), on the ground that as these are the most impor- tant documents of the Commission they should be printed in vol. 1 instead of vol. 24. Mar ch , 1912 539 The Superintendent of Documents felt obliged to decline the invi- tation rather pressingly given him to join in the plan to cut the set down to 23 volumes. His pledge in the October Monthly catalogue, following which he had solicited and received orders for 24-volume sets, he felt bound to keep; there was also the further fact that he had already, in compliance with orders received, shipped nearly a hundred sets, com- plete except vol. 24, and he did not feel inclined to attempt the unwel- come and probably impossible task of recalling these sets for reconstruc- tion. Consequently, there are two permanent bound sets of the publications of the National Monetary Commission. One is the 24-volume set, sup- plied by the Superintendent of Documents at $45 in accordance with the announcements in the Monthly catalogue and in thousands of circu- lars widely distributed by the Superintendent of Documents and by the National Monetary Commission itself. This set is bound in dark red buckram. The other set is that of the National Monetary Commission in 23 volumes, dark green buckram. The contents of the two sets are identical, though the arrangement differs. The Commission has lately had printed two pamphlets which are not numbered Congressional documents and are not included in its bound sets. One is an octavo of 50 pages entitled Savings departments of national banks and real estate loans. The other is a quarto of 107 pages, entitled Proposed codification of the national banking laws. Both im- prints are 1912. These have been printed in limited editions for the use of the Commission. The Superintendent of Documents will not be able to supply them. . The existence of the National Monetary Commission ended by limita- tion Mar. 31. It is not expected that any action will be taken on its rec- ommendations at the present session of Congress.

AN UNOBTAINABLE PUBLICATION The Superintendent of Documents cannot supply copies of the pamphlet entitled Paper pulps from various forest woods. Neither can the Agri- culture Department nor any of its bureaus supply copies of this pamphlet. Requests for it made to any of the bureaus or to the Superintendent of Documents will be unavailing and will cause useless correspondence. Unfortunately, a demand for it has been started by reviews in certain scientific journals to which press copies had been sent in the ordinary routine.

CORRECTION FOR FEBRUARY, 1912, MONTHLY CATALOGUE For Drimm” in 1st line of 3d entry on page 481, read “Grimm.”

Monthly Catal ogue

No. 207 MARCH 1912


Note .—Those publications of the Department of Agriculture which are for sale will be supplied by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C. The Department issues a monthly list of publications, which is mailed to all applicants, enabling them to select such reports and bulletins as interest them. Amendment 1-6 to Nat.onal forest manual. [1912.] Each 1 p. [Man- ual issued by Forest Service.] t Note .—Amendments to the National forest manual are being issued from time to time. Those numbered from 1-100 amend the Regulations, and those numbered 101 up amend the Instructions to Forest Service officers. Of the first series (see above) only 6, and of the second series (see Forest Service) only 21, have been issued. [Bureau of Animal Industry] order 187, rule 1, revision 9; to prevent spread of splenetic, southern, or Texas fever in cattle. Mar. 15,1912. 12 p. t Food inspection decision 139,142. Feb. 23, Mar. 11, 1912. 1 p. and 2 p. t Information in response to resolution relative to persons injured fighting forest fires. Mar. 1, 1912. 9 p. (S. doc. 372.) J Insecticide decision 6. Feb. 12, 1912. 2 p. f Report of documents received and distributed, year ended June 30, 1911. Feb. 16, 1912. 66 p. (H. doc. 545.) J Statement of expenditures of Department, fiscal year 1911. Dec. 5,1911, [published] 1912. 937 p. (H. doc. 220.) J ANIMAL INDUSTRY BUREAU Ancestry of domesticated cattle [with bibliography]; by E. W. Morse. 1912. iv+187-239 p. il. 3 pl. [From 27th report, 1910.] *Paper, 10c. Bacterium of contagious abortion of cattle demonstrated to occur in milk; [by A. D. Melvin]. Mar. 2,1912. 3p. (Circular 198.) *Paper, 5c. Agr 12—297/2 Concrete construction on live-stock farm. Mar. 18, 1912. 32 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Farmers’ bulletin 481.) *Paper, 5c. Agr 12—476/3 Principles of breeding and origin of domesticated breeds of animals; by J. Cossar Ewart. 1912. iv+125-186 p. il. 7 pl. [From 27th report, 1910.] *Paper, 15c. Protozoan parasites of domesticated animals; by Howard Crawley. 1912. iv+465-498 p. il. 6 pl. (Circular 194.) [From 27th report, 1910.] *Paper, 5c. 541 542 Marc h , 1912

Service announcements 59; Mar. 15, 1912. [1912.] p. 17-22. [Mon- thly.] J Agr 7—1658/2 Some results of cattle-tick eradication. Mar. 13. 1912. 4 p. (Circular 196.) *Paper, 5c. Agr 12—672/2 BIOLOGICAL SURVEY BUREAU Annual report of governor of Alaska on Alaska game law, [fiscal year] 1911; by Walter E. Clark. Mar. 2, 1912. 12 p. (Circular 85.) *Paper, 5c. Agr 11—193/3 Chronology and index of more important events in American game pro- tection, 1776-1911; by T. S. Palmer. Mar. 21, 1912. 62 p. (Bul- letin 41.) *Paper, 10c. Agr 12—478/2 Some common mammals of Montana .in relation to agriculture and spotted fever; by Clarence Birdseye. Mar. 9, 1912. 46 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Farmers’ bulletin 484.) *Paper, 5c. Agr 12—471/4 CHEMISTRY BUREAU Analyses of sugar beets, 1905-1910, with methods of sugar determination [with bibliography]; by A. Hugh Bryan. Nov. 28, 1911, reprint Mar. 12, 1912. 48 p. il. 2 pl. (Bulletin 146.) *Paper, 10c. Agr 11—2170/3 Enological studies: Chemical composition of American grapes grown in Ohio, New York, and Virginia; by William B. Alwood. Mar. 20, 1912. 35 p. (Bulletin 145 revised.) *Paper, 5c. Agr 11—2047/3 Growth of wheat seedlings as affected by acid or alkaline conditions; by J. F. Breazeale and J. A. LeClerc. Mar. 23, 1912. 18 p. 8 pl. (Bulletin 149.) *Paper, 10c. Agr 12—479/4 Volatile acidity of gum tragacanth compared with that of Indian gum; by W. O. Emery. Mar. 19,1912. 5 p. il. (Circular94.) *Paper, 5c. Agr 12—481/3 ENTOMOLOGY BUREAU Historical notes on causes of bee diseases; by E. F. Phillips and G. F. White. Mar. 26, 1912. 96 p. (Bulletin 98.) *Paper, 10c. Agr 12—673/2 Larger canna leaf-roller; by F. H. Chittenden. Mar. 21, 1912. ii+10 p. il. (Circular 145.) *Paper, 5c. Agr 12—482/2

EXPERIMENT STATIONS OFFICE Experiment station record, v. 26, no. 2; Feb. 1912. 1912. cover-title, x4-101-200+[1] p. *Paper, $1.00 per vol. (2 vols. a yr.) Not e .—Mainly made up of abstracts of reports and publications on agricultural science which have recently appeared in all countries, especially the United States. Extra numbers, called abstract numbers, are issued quarterly, which are made up almost exclusively of abstracts, that is, they contain no editorial notes and only a limited number of current notes. Experiment station work 68; Jan. 1912. Mar. 13, 1912. (Agri- culture Dept. Farmers’ bulletin 486.) *Paper, 5c. Agr 6—305/3 Forestry in nature study, by Edwin R. Jackson; [with Key to common kinds of trees, by "William H. Lamb], Dec. 22, 1911, reprint Feb. 1912. 43 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Farmers’ bulletin 468.) *Paper, 5c. Agr 11—2384/3 Marc h , 1912 543

Organization lists of agricultural colleges and experiment stations in United States, Dec. 1911; [by Mary A. Agnew], Feb. 29 1912 103 p. (Bulletin 247.) *Paper, 10c. Agr 6—313/4 Respiration calorimeter, application to study of problems of vegetable physiology; by C. F. Langworthy and R. D. Milner. Mar. 19, 1912. 3 p. (Circular 116.) *Paper, 5c. Agr 12—484/3 Syllabus of illustrated lecture on farm home grounds, their planting and care; by S. W. Fletcher. Mar. 22, 1912. 16 p. (Farmers’ insti- tute lecture 14.) *Paper, 5c. Agr 12 483/3

PORTO RICO AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Insectos perjudiciales & frutas del g6nero citrus y medios de combatirlos- porW. V. Tower. Mar. 1, 1912. 36 p. 5 pl. (Boletfn 10; Expert ment Stations Office, [publication] 1418.) [The English edition of this bulletin appeared in the Monthly catalogue for Mav 1911 page 618.] *Paper, 10c.

FOREST SERVICE Forest fire protection under Weeks law in cooperation with States; by J. Girvin Peters. Mar. 13, 1912. (Circular 205.) *Paper, 5c- Agr 12—674/2 National forest manual amendment 101-121. [1912.] Each 1 p. + Note .—Amendments to the National forest manual are being issued from time to tone. Those numbered from 1-100 amend the Regulations, and those numbered * 1 ,UP amend the Instructions to Forest Service officers. Of the first series (see beenCissued . Par*'menU onU an(l °f the second series (see above) only 21, have Record of wholesale prices of lumber, per 1000 feet b. m., based on actual sales made f. o. b. mill for each quarter calendar year 1911. Mar. 8, 1912. 29+[l] p. [Quarterly.] J Agr 9—1560/3 Maps Natural forest regions of South America and their characteristic tree growth. Scale 10° long. = 1.2 in. [Washington, Geological Survey] 1911. 18X14.2 in. *Paper, 15c.

LIBRARY Monthly bulletin, Dec. 1911, v. 2, no. 12. Mar. 6, 1912. p. 339-366 * Paper, 5c. single copy, 50c. a yr. Agr 10—620/2 Same, Jan. 1912, v. 3, no. 1. Mar. 19, 1912. p. 1-32.

PLANT INDUSTRY BUREAU Bulletins of bureau, 227-230, 1911-12, v. 30 [title-page and contents]. 1912. 9 p. f J Corn crop in Southern States. Mar. 28, 1912. 12 p. il. ([Publication] 730.) * Paper, 5c. Cow-peas. Agricultural varieties of cowpea and immediately related spocies; by C. V. Piper. Feb. 29, 1912. 160 p. 12 pl. (Bulletin 229.) * Paper, 25c. Agr 12—468/2 Grain. Cooperative grain investigations at McPherson, Kans., 1904-09; by Victor L. Cory. Mar. 4, 1912. 22 p. (Bulletin 240.) * Paper, 5c- Agr 12—300/2 37169—No. 207—12-----3 544 Mar ch , 1912

Oxidase. Measurement of oxidase content of plant juices; by Herbert H. Bunzel. Mar. 9, 1912. 40 p. il. 2 pl. (Bulletin 238.) * Paper, 10c. Agr 12—472/2 Potatoes. Danger of using foreign potatoes for seed; by William Stuart and W. A. Orton. Mar. 15, 1912. 5 p. (Circular 93.) * Paper, 5c. Agr 12—486/3 Prickly-pears. Thornless prickly pears; by David Griffiths. Mar. 8, 1912. 20 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Farmers’ bulletin 483.) * Paper, 5c. Agr 12—470/2 Root-knot. Control of cotton wilt and root-knot; by W. A. Orton and W. W.‘ Gilbert. Mar. 9, 1912. 19 p. il. (Circular 92.) * Paper, 5c. Agr 12—473/5 Sweet clover; by J. M.Westgate and H. N.Vinall. Mar. 12, 1912. 39 p. il. (Agriculture Dept. Farmers’ bulletin 485.) * Paper, 5c. Agr 12—499/3 PUBLICATIONS DIVISION

Agriculture Department. Monthly list of publications [of Department], Feb. 1912. Feb. 29, 1912. 4 p. ([Publication] 758.) f Agr 9—1414/2 —— Publications, office of Secretary, office of Solicitor, and Division of Publications. Edition of Mar. 16, 1912. [1912.] 4 p. (Circu- lar 9.) f Agr 11-—200/2 Biological Survey Bureau. Publications of bureau. Mar. 15, 1912. 3p. (Circular 8.) f Agr H—143/2 Chemistry Bureau. Publications of bureau. Mar. 15, 1912. 6p. (Cir- cular 7.) f Agr 11—86/2 Entomology Bureau. Publications of bureau. Mar. 15, 1912. 10 p. (Circular 16.) f Agr 11—281/2 Farmers’ bulletins. Farmers’ bulletins [available for distribution]. Mar. 18, 1912. 4 p. ([Publication] 759.) f ----- Farmers’bulletins 451-475, [title-page] contents, and index. 1912. 7-|-24 p. * Paper, 5c. Library. Publications of Library [Agriculture Department]. Edition ' of Mar. 16, 1912. [1912.] 3 p. (Circular 18.) f Agr 11—274/2 Public Roads Office. Publications of office. Mar. 15, 1912. 3 p. (Cir- cular 10.) f Agr 11—209/2 Soils Bureau. Publications of bureau. Edition of Mar. 14, 1912. [1912.] 7 p. (Circular 14.) f Agr 9—1435/2 Maps [United States, map indicating counties.] Norris Peters Co., Washing- ton, D. C. [1912]. 16X25.3 in. * Paper, 15c.

SOILS BUREAU Analysis. Modification of method of mechanical soil analysis; by 0. C. Fletcher and H. Bryan. Mar. 23, 1912. 16 p. 7 pl. 4 are in pocket. (Bulletin 84.) *Paper, 15c. Agr 12—488/3 Fertilizers. Preliminary report on fertilizer resources of United States [with bibliographies]. Dec. 18, 1911, [published] 1912. 290 p. il. 19 pl. 20 maps. (S. doc. 190.) *Paper, 75c. 12—35358 Marc h , 1912 545 F,elw&X7“ % li,4 wilt?r $4.80. map and portfolio of 53 “d map^VZ

H. Bennett, Mar. 8, 1912. 56 pilma? Ipfpn^J0^8’ and A' L’ Go°dinan. sissippi. From Field operaHons 1910.] ^aper^X?1011 With Mia’ Mecklenburg Countv N O Qr>;i c ’ Hearn and L. L.’ Brinkley. Mar^l^™? o’ W’ Edr^ard pared in cooperation with North Carolin! ri 42 ?' ’ map- fu- ture. From Field operations 1910 ] *Pape? E?°f AgriCu1'

''"SiSa n®TbVwilhfamraH Pfcphato »f Jenneaeee, , 4 p. of pl. mat. 20, !9£ M « H- Uphr

byJ°yA-Bonsteel. Mar.25.W12. 10p. Samn ?: A >. Mtr tz

Sam(C^S? A. Bonateel. Mar. 22, WI^W p'

^“(CirralaVooT *plpi,b5c.'ray A' Bonsteel' Mar- 22, 1912. 13 p.

Soluble Kdts Effect of “'"Ne Kite on physical properties of soils; by of pl. (Bulletin 82) .ftUr L pnnt Feb' I912- 38 p. il. 6 pX ) aper, 15C. Agr n_2173/3 SOLICITOR OF DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE

New York^XcasIs inToTvingX’iolati’o11 wftern distnct of 29, 1906 [relating to confiiement of ?8 law’nact of Hine 1912. 8p. (Circular 62 ) e^er«yive in cars]. Mar. 18,

STATISTICS BUREAU *«-«4SS~.Sf*~ /axs™! lW™Ty,^“rieBPXUc£Se<>fMrnl8’ I’"7'11’ ‘‘nd of W12. 18 p. (CircuKT-Pa^^*8 M' 546 Marc h , 1912

WEATHER BUREAU Barometers and measurement of atmospheric pressure, pamphlet of information respecting theory and construction of barometers in gen- eral, with summary of instructions for care and use of standard Weather Bureau instruments; by C. F. Marvin. 1912. 110 p. il. (Circular F, 4th edition, Instrument Division.) *Paper, 15c. Agr 9—1550/3 Climatological service, district 1, North Atlantic States, report for Jan. 1912; Wilford M. Wilson, district editor. 1912. 14 p> 2 p. of maps, 4° [From Monthly weather review, Jan. 1912.] *Paper, 5c. single copy, 50c. a yr. for each district. Same, district 2, South Atlantic and East Gulf States, report for Jan. 1912; Charles F. von Herrmann, district editor. 1912. 16 p. il. 2 p. of maps, 4° [From Monthly weather review, Jan. 1912.] Same, district 3, Ohio Valley, report for Jan. 1912; Ferdinand J. Walz, district editor. 1912. 18 p. 2 p. of maps, 4° [From Monthly weather review, Jan. 1912.] Same, district 4, Lake region, report for Jan. 1912; J. H. Armington, acting district editor. 1912. 11 p. 2 p. of maps, 4° [From Monthly weather review, Jan. 1912.] Same, district 5, upper Mississippi Valley, report for Jan. 1912; George M. Chappel, district editor. 1912. 14 p. 2 p. of maps, 4° [From Monthly weather review, Jan. 1912.] Same, district 6, Missouri Valley, report for Jan. 1912; Montrose W. Hayes, district editor. 1912. 20 p. 2 p. of maps, 4° [From Monthly weather review, Jan. 1912.] Same, district 7, lower Mississippi Valley, report for Jan. 1912; Isaac M. Cline, district editor. 1912. 16 p. 2 p. of maps, 4° [From Monthly weather review, Jan. 1912.] Same, district 8, Texas and Rio Grande Valley, report for Jan. 1912; Bernard Bunnemeyer, district editor. 1912. 10 p. 2 p. of maps, 4° [From Monthly weather review, Jan. 1912.] Same, district 9, Colorado Valley, report for Jan. 1912; Frederick H. Brandenburg, district editor. 1912. 11 p. 2 p. of maps, 4° [From Monthly weather review, Jan. 1912.] Same, district 10, Great Basin, report for Jan. 1912; Alfred II. Thiessen, district editor. 1912. 8 p. 2 p. of maps, 4° [From Monthly weather review, Jan. 1912.] Same, district 11, California, report for Jan. 1912; Alexander G. McAdie, district editor. 1912. 14 p. il. 2 p. of maps, 4° [From Monthly weather review, Jan. 1912.] Same, district 12, Columbia Valley, report for Jan. 1912; Edward A. Beals, district editor. 1912. 15 p. 2 p. of maps, 4° [From Monthly weather review, Jan. 1912.] Meteorological chart of Great Lakes, May, 1912. [1912.] 17.9X26.1 in. [Monthly.] Agr 8—76/2 Not e .—Contains on reverse, Highest velocity of wind, direction, and date of occur- rence during May, 1900-11.—Total amount of snow in inches, unmelted during May, 1900-11.—Prevailing direction of wind on Great Lakes during May, with percentages, 1900-09.—Monthly mean temperature and departure from normal during May, 1907.— Distribution of wireless telegraph stations on Great Lakes, and call letters for each.— Approximate location of submarine signal bell stations, Mar. 1911.—Location of storm warning towers and flagstaffs. The meteorological charts and supplements of the north Atlantic, north Pacific, and Indian oceans, and the Great Lakes, monthly, and of the south Atlantic and south Pacific oceans, quarterly, are issued by the Weather Bureau for gratuitous distribution to cooperating shipmasters and others interested in ocean meteorology. Marc h , 1912 547 MetXW']Chart °f " “2. 1^2.] 17.7X25.9 in.

“^Tm.^tLyT “ Ocean, May, 1M2. p^j

“Ittj °f nWth PaCi& Ma?. m2. (1912 ] 17.6X26

Monthly weather review v 39 nn inn UT^’ 10 »' “d • Paper,IS.' stoXopy’

year.] * Paper, 25c1 a yr. Y’ 1 ■ SePt->pT 2 ;monthly “th2. remainder of M“a?:enatPraS^*» d”Aya^hed of Ohio Ri;errab?ve and2 (Bulled 40 ) ^PaIr l5e Smilh Maf 4> 1912- Snow and ice bulletin, Mar 4-25 1910 M - 'gF 12 678 [Weekly during winter.] ‘ 25e.. per seaSn ’ 9'2' Komi

“[Dailyand except Sundays hoi da™ 1 ’ ^Fditi ' 1 ?9X24 in' mgton,a^Tu^Tar' D. C., 25c a month «2 S0 J! J FJltlon.s middlc^sued atEas Wash-'™- stattons throughout United Stales, 20?. a month”T^a vr‘ “b°U‘ 5° Stated’ Mar ’4-«. m2.' [1912.1 information as the edition for


apply for themCOmmiSS1On furnishes its publications gratuitously to those who

jrertga™1912.V111BI2V1C £ 79^dcSLS r*Upapear!,andio?SXeCUtiVe Tw °rderS’ Edition of Feb“•- ' * -Luc. 22 354U into classiS 'civiFservfce ta"*?1 rela,iv


Removals. Information concerning removals. Feb. 1912. 4 p f ° Unlted'statTG?ver^ « »«™ under 548 Mar ch , 1912 COMMERCE AND LABOR DEPARTMENT

Draft of act authorizing use of |as bMys“nd otC'aids KXK&tleXto’StirnS:, Md7 Mar. 25, 1912.

2 p. (H. doc. 642.) J . Draft of Wil authorizing use of -^pen^ S^o"^ orounds of [lighthouse] reservation at San J uai , ■ 3 p. (H. doc. 585.) t ..... - ssteJ 4!T Galveston Harbor, Tex. Mar. 2, 1912. 2 p. (tt.uoc.oo/.) * EB‘^u oT^Srie11 Ma?."" ^(H. do" SlTT Estimate of a]

Department of Commerce ana naou & $ participate therein. Mar. 9, 1912. 1 p. (. CENSUS BUREAU

Service.] * Paper, 5c.

penses. [Feb. 1912.] 59 p. d. 4» ♦ Paper, 5c. Same: Manufactures, Florida, statistics for SUte’ Cltl Same: Manufactures, , sMrstrc. of ^nufactu es for State, cities, and industries. [Mar. 1912.] 19 p. 4 Paper, oc Same: Population, United States, cities and their suburbs. [Mar. .] 6 p. 4° * Paper, 5c. Same: Population, United States, population of cities, [teb. 1912.J 46 p. il. 4° * Paper, 5c. Same: Population, United States, total populate. and area, by . ta and Territories. [Feb. 1912.] 16 p. il. 4 taper, oc. Mar ch , 1912 549

Thirteenth census of United States, 1910: Population by counties, and minor civil divisions, 1910, 1900, 1890. 1912. 596 p. 4° *Cloth.95c; *paper, 65c. 12_ 35378


Not e .—The monthly Notice to mariners, formerly issued by the Coast and Geodetic Survey, has been consolidated with and made a part of the Notice to mariners issued by the Lighthouses Bureau, thus making it a joint publication. The charts, coast pilots, and tide tables of the Coast and Geodetic Survey are sold at the office of the Survey in Washington, and also by one or more sales agents in each of the important American seaports. Results of observations made at survey magnetic observatory at Chelten- ham, Md., 1909-10; by Daniel L. Hazard. 1912. 93'p. 11 pl. 4° *Paper, 20c. 9—35432/4 Survey of oyster bars, Kent County, Md., description of boundaries and landmarks and report of work of Coast and Geodetic Survey in cooperation with Bureau of Fisheries and Maryland Shell Fish Com- mission; by C. C. Yates. 1912. 130 p. map, large 8° *Paper, 20c. 12—35381 Triangulation along east coast of Florida and on Florida Keys; by Hugh C. Mitchell. 1912. [ 1]-|-415—584 p.-|-3 1. map, 22 p. of maps, 4° [From Report, 1911.] *Paper, 20c. United States coast pilot, Atlantic Coast: pt. 4, Point Judith to New York [supplement to 5th edition]. Mar. 11, 1912. 7 1. large 8° f 9—35806/5 Same: pt. 5, New York to Chesapeake Bay entrance [supplement to 4th edition]. Mar. 13, 1912. 7 1. large 8°' f 10—35113/5 United States coast pilot, Pacific Coast: California, Oregon, and Wash- ington [supplement to 2d edition]. Mar. 12, 1912. 8 1. large 8° f 9—35664/4 Charts

Chester River, Chesapeake Bay, Md., original surveys 1897-1910; chart 548. Scale 1:40,000. Washington, Coast and Geodetic Survey, Feb. 1912. 33.6X34.8 in. f50c. Honolulu Harbor, Oahu, Hawaiian Islands; chart 4109. Scale 1:5000. Washington, Coast and Geodetic Survey, Mar. 1912. 34.8X26.6 in. f50c. Jolo Island, P. I., Anchorages; chart 4541. Washington, Coast and Geo- detic Survey, Mar. 1912. 25.9X36.9 in. |30c. Dalrymple Harbor, north coast of Jolo, from British survey in 1872 with additions. Scale 1:20,000. 10.7X17.2 in. Jolo Anchorage, north coast of Jolo, surveyed in 1911. Scale 1:10,000. 25.9X 19.7 in. Maibun Bay, south coast of Jolo, from survey by U. S. Navy in 1903. Scale 1:40,(MX). 15.2X17.2 in. Lingayen Gulf, west coast of Luzon, original surveys 1901-07, scale 1:100,000; with inset, Dagupan, from survey in 1903, scale 1:20,000; chart 4209. Washington, Coast and Geodetic Survey, Mar. 1912. 30.9X41.9 in. f40c. Masbate, Southeastern, P. I., original surveys to 1910 and Spanish charts; chart 4418. [Scale 1:100,000.] Washington, Coast and Geodetic Survey, Mar. 1912. 31.2X41.1 in. f40c. Mindanao, Western, P. I., original surveys to 1910, surveys by U. S. Navy and Spanish charts; chart 4723. [Scale 1:402,000.] Wash- ington, Coast and Geodetic Survey, Mar. 1912. 42.9X31.5 in. f50c. 550 Marc h , 1912 FISHERIES BUREAU Mussel fauna of Kankakee Basin; [by Charles B. Wilson and 11 Walton Clark]. 1912. [1] +52 p. 1 pl. map. (Bureau of Fishenes doc -758.) *Paper, 10c. Mussels of Big Buffalo Fork of White River, Ark.; [by S. E. Meekand 1 H. Walton Clark], 1912. [l]+20 p. (Bureau of Fisheries doc^ 75^) *Paper, 5c. Statement bv fishing grounds, of quantities and values of certain fishery pZcSanded at Boston and Gloucester Mass., by American fish- Lg vessels, [calendar] year 1911. [1912.] 1 p. oblong f° (Statis- tical bulletin 266.) t Statement by months, of quantities and values of certain fishery prod- SU uX landed at Bostonand Gloucester, Mass by American fishing vessels, [calendar] year 1911. [1912.] 1 p. oblong large 8° (Statis- tical bulletin 265.) t Statement of quantities and values of certain fishery products landed at Boston and Gloucester, Mass., by American fishing vessels, Jan. 191- [1912.] Ip. oblong 8° (Statistical bulletin 267.) T


Court decision holding that administrative pxnulsion as well as in cases of exclusion, that 3-year limitation within which alien may be deported starts from date of last entry, that procurer may be deported under sec. 3 of immigration act, although not convicted under said section, and that words returned m Stry whence ho came, as used in sec,20 and 21, were intended to refer to alien’s place of nativity or citizenship. leb. 28, 1V12. 7p- t November immigration bulletin. [1912.] [4] p. 1° i Same, December immigration bulletin. [1912.] [4] p. f° t

LABOR BUREAU Mediation and arbitration of railway labor disputes in United States; by Chas. P. Neill. 1912. in+63 p. [From Bulletin 98.] t 12_35428

LIGHTHOUSES BUREAU No te -The List of lights and fog signals, the List of lights, buoys, and day marks;

Lighthouse Service bulletin, Mar. 1912, no. 3. [1912.] ^2^35121 [Monthly.] t MeV?“ m260 n 8“ions; rei2^J

Marine-Hospital Service. Notice to mariners, weekly, nos. 9-13; Mar 1-29 1912 1912. various paging. [Issued jointly with Coast and Geodetic Survey.] t 1912 March , 551 manuf act ures bureau NoTE.-The Manufactures Bureau distributes the rnn„,i Cotton goods in ; by Ralph M. Odell 1912 - - gratuitously- senes 48.) *Paper, 5c. ’ 00 P- (Special agents Same. Mar. 11. 1912. 55 p. (H doc 611 ) 12-35397

Mr ^2. ’ [nany except Sundays and holidays.] f Foreign tariff notes, no. 5. 1912 n 19q _^q ™ . 8~3°775/5 trade reports, Nov. 10,1911-Jan 29 1912 1 *p°m Daily consular and ’ '’ i912 J Paper. 5c. 10—36118/2 STANDARDS BUREAU Ampb7E. in abs°'“* p-i. 3 Pl. (Reprillt ^0. ni™/ CwP.n.P r 6bpi. r&h (Technologic papers 3.) *Paper,si n 20c.r:

_pnntPotemx- 172, b^r[From BuUetin,Bn^ v198:2no. W+^r P-l. 2^ of movi^oUe^^fOmftera1°bvHteBt R m

178.) (From Bulletin7, v.S.4BJ““.p4’5c W+20P. t

PWatersDaenTjHBtIOTutUe,Oh19121Pn^ rubber; by C. E. [From Bulletin, v. 8, no. 3 ] ^Pane^t445-453 P- (Reprint 174.) j ^aper, oc. 12—35432 STATISTICS BUREAU ’"“SSd^ o' building per-

“At'nntie Gu£ P.ific, Monthly summary of commerce Vd^ tFrom Drawback paid on articles exported 1911 1019 , 4“ (Front Foreign eom^ercelnTnaviX, 190?+’’ P'1031’48’ 37169—No. 207-12___ 4 552 Mar ch , 1912

and countries for Jan. 1912. 1912. wp. T ___ Same, Feb. 1912. 1912. 55 p. 4° t — Calendar year statement;" dise, by great groups, 1902 11, iq oi 11 total values of imports exports of merchandrse by”‘’*%819?W^eXndise by calendar into and exports from United btates, LOI1 menu

1911 ] t ___ Exports of domestic breadstuffs, cottonseed oil, food amrnals, meat and Sairy products cotton and nunm^mb Feb. 1912. gl• 12 p. 4° (Bulletin 8, senes 1911-12.) [Momniy.j i ----- Exports of domestic merchandrse. by and^countnra dm i & &~mm”jnavigation, 1911-1 t 12-35434

_ Exports of domestic merchandise 1911. cover-title, p. 775-843, 4 irrum ± & 12—35433 navigation, 1911.] t ,. — Import, of merchandise into.United States, duringi en^ng June 30, 1911. 1912.. cover-title p. 367-474, 4 Lir01^4449J/2 commerce and navigation, 1911.J T ___ Total values of imports and exports of United States, Feb. 19 . [1912.] [2] p. 4° [Monthly.] t

InX^Zsummary ofe [^commerce and finance, Jan. 1912.J T

_...... »«». <• *Paper, 20c. COMMERCE COURT

Not e .—The decisions of theprice for Documents, and as it is not' P°s'sl 1 ? { persOn or firm remitting $1.00 will USA“o“». singlXpiss may Us hrf at Scent, each. . • inti Tmriqville & Nashville Railroad v. Interstate CommercTcomniission[and] United States on final »” b,‘ ■ Xer, Md proofs; [dissenting opinion of Judge Mack, Mar. 12, 1912J. [1912.] 8p. *Paper, 5c. Same; [opinion of court, Feb. 28, 1912]. [1912.] 49 p. aper, •

Mar 20,1912], [1912.] 17 p. *Paper, 5c. Marc h , 1912 553 CONGRESS and, unless othSS Indi"™bUtoto'SKuS1S“g£bIMM ®61tiona Congressional record fibd .+> . " gn Members of Congress. 1 NOT^he (fit91’2 ! ^S-K+POJp381™’ v'48, nos- 68~92-' Mar- ^R^agSw^swsas nofbe aooeptod. °f D““"‘»4'™htai.” DPPc'“fcpsS“5

Same, 7, (to] nos. 76-86, Mar. 11-22,1912.XU [W12“ j 49M16 +27> Mp 4- “■ 2ame8 Breck Perkins, memorial addresses. 1911. 68 p. 1 por, lalge 8° i

12—35141/3 PRIVATE LAWS

2d *S8i™J Pri™e MJ 5, 6; approved Mar. 7, 29, 1912.

J^^p'™^’'“““™J[CJerlurH«ils<>111 Mar.7. (No S) sailors of Army and Navy, and certain sokher^nrJa pel]sions to certain soldiers and War, and to widows and dependent relat&T„1hs‘S,»4


intendent o^D^imen^^a^SbswintionS^rintf i?ay be obtained from the Super- Congress, 2d session); single copies ,5c. each.P Ce °f for tbe Present session (62d [62d Congress, 2d session] public fact] qo m . „ , , 1912. Each Ip. J P L 9--111, approved Feb. 29-Mar. 28,

asmst^f Columbia. s. as, to authorize extenalon o, Lamont Mreeti D c Government officials and employees H ia5?n Ste'^oWrX^

&?' Un“1” Mugn“"to

“ si,“ __nver in Itasca County?Minn. Man*23. t0 COnstruct brid«« across struct br’idgeVrossViX at o^near Bemid^eM?tiOnaifRanway ComPany to con- II iR7Q*i Gtir -Hcmidji, Minn. Mar. 12. (No io? ture and furnishings’ [in canZl bffilding^S^T ^exic"-. f«r u«e of State, furni-

oS' P’“,,‘”8'”AI“a"ratpl"es™“‘^ 554 Marc h , 1912

[62d Congress, 2d session] public [act] 92-111—Continued. Philippine Islands. H.17837,to amend act temporarily to provide for administration of affairs of civil government in Philippine Islands [etc., so as to enable certain classes of Filipinos and aliens to become citizens of Philippine Islands]. Mar. 23. (No. 109.) Pondcreek, Okla. II. 17119, granting courthouse reserve at Pondcreek to Pond- creek for school and municipal purposes. Mar. 23. (No. 108.) Port Angeles, Wash. S. 339, for reappraisement and sale of lands in town site of Port Angeles. Mar. 16. (No. 104.) Public lands. H. 19342, to amend sec. 2455, Revised statutes, relating to isolated tracts of public land. Mar. 28. (No. 111.) Salt Lake City, steamer. S. 4728, to authorize change of name of steamer. Mar. 12. (No. 102s) Savannah River. S. 4551, to extend time for completion of dam across river at or near mouth of Stevens Creek, between counties of Edgefield, S. C., and Columbia, Ga. [by J. L. Hankinson, N. B. Dial, and others]. Mar. 5. (No. 97.) Seattle, Wash. H. 17242, to authorize Northern Pacific Railway Company to cross Government right of way along canal connecting waters of Puget Sound with Lake Washington at Seattle. Mar. 22. (No. 106.) Shipping. S. 4475, to amend act to simplify issue of enrollments and licenses of vessels of United States. Feb. 29. (No. 92.) White River. H. 16680, to authorize board of county commissioners of Baxter County and board of county commissioners of Marion County, Ark., to construct bridge across river at or near Cotter, Ark. Mar. 22. (No. 105.) [62d Congress, 2d session] public [joint] resolution 21, 22: approved Mar. 12, 14, 1912. Each 1 p. Army supplies. S. J. R. 89, to amend joint resolution to prohibit export of coal or other material used in war frcm any seaport of United States [so as to prohibit export of arms or munitions of war from United States to any American country which is in state of domestic violence]. Mar. 14. (No. 22.) Senate. S. J. R. 83, making appropriations to meet certain contingent expenses of Senate. Mar. 12. (No. 21.)

CONFERENCE COMMITTEES Adamson, W.C. Conference report on S. 4551, to extend time for completion of dam across Savannah River at or near mouth of Stevens Creek, between counties of Edgefield, S. C., and Columbia, Ga. [by J. L. Hankinson, N. B. Dial, and others], Feb. 28, 1912. 2 p. (H. rp. 369.) Sulzer, William. Conference report on H. J. R. 232, extending operation of act for control and regulation of waters of Niagara River [and] preservation of Niagara Falls. Mar. 26, 1912. 2 p. (H. rp. 446.)

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Alphabetical list of Members and Delegates and committees of which they are members, 62d Congress, 2d session; corrected to Mar. 7, 1912. [1912.] 18 p. J Contested election case of Aaron P. Prioleau v. George S. Legare, from 1st district of South Carolina [62d Congress]. 1912. 40 p. j Standing and select committees, with location of committee rooms, tele- phone number, and meeting days, 62d Congress, 2d session; corrected to Mar. 7, 1912. 1912. 22 p. ' J

AGRICULTURE COMMITTEE Agricultural extension departments, hearings on H. 18160 and other bills, relating to agricultural extension [departments in connection with agricultural colleges]. 1912. 66 p. J Hearings before subcommittee on H. 18493, to change name of oleomar- garine to margarin, to change rate of tax on margarin, to protect consumers, dealers, and manufacturers of margarin against fraud, and to afford Bureau of Internal Revenue more efficient means for detection of fraud and collection of revenues. 1912. 15 p. J Mar ch , 1912 555 Improvement of post roads and rural delivery routes, hearings [on H. 16443, for construction of post roads and rural delivery routes through cooperation and joint action of national Government and States in which such post roads or rural delivery routes may be established]; statement of William A. Oldfield, Jan. 27, 1912. 1912. 9 p. + Iowa boys’ and girls’ clubs, hearings oh [work done by] Iowa boys’ and girls’ clubs [in corn-growing and bread-making contests of Iowa]. Feb. 3, 1912. 1912. 21 p. J 12—35199 Nursery stock, importation and interstate transportation of, hearings on H. 18000, to regulate importation and interstate transportation of nursery stock [etc.], Feb. 19, 1912. 1912. 59 p. J 12—35208 Simmons, J. S. Report amending H. 21291, to regulate importation of nursery stock and other plants and plant products, to enable Secre- tary of Agriculture to establish quarantine districts for plant diseases and insect pests [and] to permit and regulate movement of fruits, plants, and vegetables therefrom [etc.]. Mar. 8, 1912 6 n (H rp. 398.) v • APPROPRIATIONS COMMITTEE Fitzgerald, J. J. Report favoring S. J. R. 83, making appropriations to meet certain contingent expenses of Senate. Mar. 11, 1912 1 n (H. rp. 407.)

CIVIL SERVICE REFORM COMMITTEE Removal of employees in classified civil service, hearings on H 5970, Apr. 20, 1911-Jan. 16, 1912. 1912. 269 p. + 12—35435

COINAGE, WEIGHTS, AND MEASURES COMMITTEE Hearings on H. 5956 [to fix sizes of baskets or other open containers for small fruits or berries], H. 1741 [to prevent manufacture or use of dishonest or fraudulent weighing or measuring appliances in com- mercial transactions], H. 17822 [to fix standard barrel for fruits and vegetables], and II. 17936 [to establish standard packages and grades for apples], 1912. 42 p. J 12—35132 Standard barrel and grades for apples, hearings on H. 17936, to establish standard barrel and standard grades for apples when packed in barrels, Mar. 7, 8, 1912. 1912. 91 p. J 12—35436

DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA COMMITTEE O’Shaunessy, G. F. Report favoring S. 2748, for relief of Clara Dough- erty, Ernest Kubel, Josephine Taylor, of Ernest Kubel, and of Mary Meder. Mar. 1, 1912. 2 p. (H. rp. 381.) Report amending H. 12371, for relief of Spencer Roberts. Mar. 1, 1912. 2 p. (H. rp. 382.)

ELECTIONS COMMITTEE, NO. 3 Contested election case of Murphy v. Haugen, hearing, Mar. 15, 1912 [on contested election case of D. D. Murphy v. G. N. Haugen, from 4th district of Iowa], 1912. 29 p. $

EXPENDITURES IN AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT COMMITTEE Everglades of Florida, hearings, Feb. 3 [-Mar. 15], 1912. 1912. [391+ 1044 p. (No. 1-21.) J 12-35437 556 Mar ch , 1912


White Earth Reservation, hearings before subcommittee [and] com- mittee on H. R. 103, to investigate expenditures in Interior Depart- ment [etc.], Jan. 23 [Feb. 9], 1912. 1912. [xxx]-4-263—456+235+ 691-1321 p. il. 1 pl. map. (No. 8-23.) J


Buffalo post office case, hearings on H. R. 109, to investigate Post Office Department; [statement of Rowland E. Mahany], Mar. 27, 1912. 1912. ii+5733-5826 p. (No. 55.) J Lewis Publishing Company, hearings on H. R. 109, to investigate Post Office Department, Jan. 29 [-Feb. 26], 1912. 1912. [xii]+4763- 5454 p. (No. 48-53.) t Rural delivery service, hearings on H. R. 109, to investigate Post Office Department, Feb. 14-23,1912. 1912. ii+5455-5732 p. (No. 54.) i Same, ii+3-280 p. (No. 54; H. doc. 651.) * Paper, 15c.


Hearings before subcommittee on H. R. 103, to investigate expenditures in State Department, etc., Mar. 18, 1912. 1912. ii+385-399 p. (No. 17.) J Stephens, H. D. Report favoring H. 21224, to amend sec. 291, Revised statutes [relating to expenditures under fund for emergencies arising in diplomatic and consular service]. Mar. 12, 1912. 3 p. (H. rp. 412.) EXPENDITURES IN WAR DEPARTMENT COMMITTEE

Hearings before committee [and subcommittee] under H. R. 103, to investigate expenditures in War Department [etc.]. 1911. iv+ 3-536 p. 1 tab. J Hearings under H. R. 103, to investigate expenditures in War Depart- ment [etc.], Jan. 30 [-Mar. 12], 1912. 1912. [xiv]+639-829 p. (No. 13-19.) J Same, Mar. 13, 1912. 1912. 26 p. (No. 20.) J Same, Mar. 14, 1912. 1912. 12 p. (No. 21.) J Same, Mar. 18, 19, 1912. 1912. ii+3-41 p. (No. 22.) J


Preservation of Niagara Falls, hearings, Jan. 16-27, 1912, on H. 6746 and 7694, to give effect to 5th article of treaty [known as waterways treaty] between United States and Great Britain, signed Jan. 11, 1909 [relative to diversion within New York State of waters of Niagara River above Niagara Falls for power purposes]. 1912. [2]+iii+ 447 p. 4 pl. 6 p. of pl. map. [An edition without index and without plates and maps appeared in the Monthly catalogue for Feb. 1912, p.469.] J 12—35219 Story of Panama, hearings on Rainey resolution [H. R. 32, relating to investigation of attitude of United States in recognizing independence of Panama, etc.], Jan. 26-Feb. [20], 1912. 1912. [5]+686 p. (No. 1-4.) t Mar ch , 1912 557

for 5th wftH 3S“'“tio"s1‘° »e Md «t B«"”"CMal" SepT^' 1V12I, with hearings. Mar. 21, 1912. 29 p. (H. rp 438 )

Sulzer, William. Report favoring H T R 9~a • $

WaSiaZnUrT^io? W™P™Uon for Inter- Mar. 26, 1912 11 p (H ro ?45 ? f] Internatl0nal Arbitration. P- vn. rp. 440.) 12—35424

im mi gration and naturalization comm itte e BumSLto^~


'“d-an appropriatfon^iU [fiscal year 1913) hiring. before subcom-

II' 19213^to reopen rolls of Choctaw’cK bef<>r'“ .™bcommi««6 on ing of rights securedL to > certain"^W-Chlc^'Jnbe and for award- Dancing Rabbit Creek, Sept. 27,1830]°nS19iy2 ISl^0^ °f treaty °f ^^te^nte ofpayment'of^mpahl^avrnen^8^11^ ^or ex^en8*on °f d 'Alone Reservation »XSt due 0°“ home8teadere on Coenr 1906. Mar. 15, S12 ’ 3 pP (H 41™ 3PPrcW1 Iune “■

T’’ Mar. 9, 1912. 3 p. (HP rp 400 ) Reservation, Wyo.

,aC")yTtabeJ LafeS '=! f 0'^“’ ‘"T™™ °< public purposes, etc.]. Jfar. 15,1912 s’p.^H ^0^ eP™£n8VNeb^K^^^ WI? °7 p'^rn'^"

StePoe?ndLnf of F?rt Be'Xld Rge.H' , ,P 2l?’ f? ?u,horizf allotments for coal. Mar. “1912 2 p Il31i- of valuable

WoalTomp^S Eastern K3M33> 3"d lands within their exTstin- 2 1 Mining Company to exchange nation [nations! for oSr Lh ^.^hoctaw and Chickasaw 15. 1912. 4 p J H rp 417* Wlthln natlon f^tions]. Mar. 558 Marc h , 1912 Steohens J H.—Continued. Report amending by substitute H. 2188/, 1 Pfor restoration of annuities to Medawakanton and M ahpakoota, Santee Sioux, Indians, declared forfeited by act of keb. 16, 163. Mar. 26, 1912. 8 p. (H. rp. 444.)


Heflin J T Report amending H. C. R. 36, authorizing agricultural exhibit at 5th National Corn Exposition, to be held at Columbia, S. C., Jan. 27-Feb. 9, 1913. Mar. 2, 1912. 1 p. (H. rp. 385.)


Limit of indebtedness of Philippine government, hearings on H 20049, to amend act approved Feb. 6, 1905, so as to increase hmit o boiided indebtedness of Philippine government from $5,000,000 to $10,000,000, Feb. 21-25, 1912. 1912. ii+3-106 p. t 12—35323 Jones W A Report amending H. 20049, to amend act to amend act temporarily to provide for civil government in Philippine Islands fete and other acts], and for more efficient administration of civil government [so as to increase limit of indebtedness of Philippine Islands].’ Mar. 4, 1912. 6 p. (H. rp. 390.)


Hearings on H. 19078, to abolish Commerce Court [etc.; statement ol George W. Wickersham], Mar. 14, 1912. 1912. 24 p. + Investigation and report of property values, with status and control of stocks and bonds of carriers subject to act to regulate commerce, hiring” n H. 12S11, as to details, “^91^ 91“ S’p" t costs of investigation proposed, Feb. 15, 16, 1912. 1912. 4b p. ; Panama Canal, hearings [relating to investigations made as to’ canal and to determine what requirements are on Canal; Zone in order that proper legislation may be enacted]. 1912. . L J 1127 p. t Adamson W C Report favoring H. 21969, for opening, maintenance, protection, and operation of Panama Canal, ^nd sanitation and government of Canal Zone. Mar. 16, 9 P- ( _ 35403 [pt. 1].) * Paper, 5c. ----- Report favoring H. 22043 to authorize additionalI aidsto naviga- tion in Lighthouse Service [etc.]. Mar. 19, 1912. Ip. (H.rp.43O.) Doremus F E Report amending H. 20347, to authorize Dixie Power Company to construct dam across White River at or near C otter, Ark. Mar. 4, 1912. 2 p. (H. rp. 389.) Esch J J. Report amending U. 19071, granting extension of time to St Cloud Electric Power Company to construct dam across Missis rinpi River Keen counties of Steams and Sherburne, Mum.]. Mar. 11, 1912. 2 p. (H. rp. 408.) TTnmlin C W Report favoring H. 20117, to authorize Nebraska-Iowa H Interstate Bridge Company to construct bridge [at or] near Bellevue, Nebr. Feb. 29, 1912. 1 p. ( • P ~ t P Rpnort amending H. 20486, authorizing construction rf “ridge 5rJ^iKtte R?ver at or’near Newberg, Oreg by counties of Yamhill and Marion, Oreg., acting jointly or severally]. Mar. 15, 1912. Ip. (H.rp.422.) Mar ch , 1912 559

Knowland, J. R.—Continued. Views of minority adverse to H. 21969, for opening, maintenance, protection, and operation of Panama Canal, and sanitation and government of Canal Zone. Mar. 20, 1912. 16 p. (H. rp. 423, pt. 2.) [Corrected print.] Sabath, A. J. Report favoring H. 20190, to extend time for construction of dam across Rock River [near Byron], Ill. Mar. 25, 1912. 1 p. (H. rp. 442.) Sims, T. W. Report amending H. 20286, authorizing fiscal court of Pike County, Ky., to construct bridge across Russell Fork of Big Sandy River [at or near Elkhorn City, Ky.]. Mar. 25, 1912. 2 p. (H. rp. 441.) Stevens, F. C. Report amending S. 4151, to authorize Minnesota and International Railway Company to construct bridge across Missis- sippi River at or near Bemidji, Minn. Feb. 29, 1912. 1 p. (H. rp. 380.) [Corrected print.]


Adair, J. A. M. Report submitting H. 22261, granting pensions and in- crease of pensions to certain soldiers and sailors of Civil War and cer- tain widows and dependent children of soldiers and sailors of said war, as substitute for H. 79 .and other bills. Mar. 22, 1912. 120 p. (H. rp. 439.) Fields, W. J. Report submitting H. 21230, granting pensions and in- crease of pensions to certain soldiers and sailors of Civil War and certain widows and dependent children of soldiers and sailors of said war, as substitute for H. 179 and other bills. Mar. 1, 1912. 119 p. (H. rp. 387.) Russell, J. J. Report submitting H. 21597, granting pensions and in- crease of pensions to certain soldiers and sailors of Civil War and cer- tain widows and dependent children of soldiers and sailors of said war, as substitute for H. 75 and other bills. Mar. 9, 1912. Ill p. (H. rp. 401.)


Irrigation projects, hearings, Feb. 24, 1912. 1912. 26 p. J Irrigation projects, hearings [on H. 20490, to amend reclamation law; statement of J. T. Whitehead], Mar. 2, 1912. 1912. 24 p. J


Compensation for clerks of United States district courts, hearings before special subcommittee 5, Mar. 2, 1912. 1912. 56 p. $ Compensation of clerks of U. S. district courts, hearings before subcom- mittee 2, Feb. 21, 1912. 1912. 8 p. J Federal employees’ compensation, hearings before subcommittee 3 [on H. 1681 and other bills], Feb. 10, 1912. 1912. 51 p. J Injunctions, hearings. Jan. Il-Feb. 14, 1912 [on H. 55 and other bills, relating to injunctions], 1912. 384 p. J 12—35325 Interstate traffic in intoxicating liquors, hearings before subcommittee 3, Jan. Il-Feb. 28, 1912 [on H. J. R. 163, H. 6293 and other bills]. 1912. 123 p. (Serial no. 1.) J 37169—No. 207—12----- 5 560 Mar ch , 1912 Judicial code of United States in.force meats made prior to Feb. 6, 1912. 1912. x+99-pvn *Paper, 20c.

judicial code, Jan. 25 [and Feb. 13], 1912. 1912. 65 p. +

26, 1912. 1912. 13 p. (Serial no. 1.) I Trust legislation hearings, statement of Fred S. Jackson in re H. 16285, to ™“nt AmE&ons in restraint of trade and monopolies .and ito secure better enforcement ot act to protect trade and commerce a a t unlawful restraints and monopolies, Feb. 3, 1912. 1912. w p. (Serial no. 4.) J Trust legislation, serial no. 2, patent ^islTatio^ [on] H. 11380, 11381, 15926, and 19959, Jan. 26-Feb. 19, 1912. 1912. 207 p. t „ r r Ronnrt amending H. 16450, to punish unlawful breaking lVl of’seals of rafroad cars contaming interstate or forei^ ^ipme^^, unlawful entering of such cars, stealing of freight and express pack ao-es or baggage or articles in process of transportation in interst t shipment and felonious asportation of such freight or■expresspack- ages’or baggage or articles therefrom into another district of United States" and felonious possession or reception of same. Mar. 13, 1912. 2 p. (H. rp. 415.) " " Report amending by substitute II. R. 419, calling for Clayton, H. D. information a. to existence ot Smelter Trust in violation actol 1890, and whether American Smelting and Refining C P y constitutes trust or part of trust, etc. Mar. 12, 1912. 1 p. (H. P 409.) __ Rpnort favoring H. R. 439, calling for copy of charges against Leslie J Lyons district attorney of western district of Missouri, with report of Arthur T. Bagley, detailed to investigate such charges, etc. Mar. 12, 1912. 1 p. (H. rp. 410.) ----- Report amending H, 21226 for compensation of clgta.of district courts [etc.]; with hearings. Mar. 16, 1912. 63 p. (H. rp. * ) TA . T w Rpnnrt amending H. 19418, to amend act to regulate fees and i let? so i to pm«de for removal of clerks of district courts for^mi^ppropriation of^noney coming into then hands and for other malfeasance in office]. Mar. 5, 1912. 2 p. ( • P- tt 1 1 v.,„i Ronnrt amending H. 14925, to amend act to parole °WUnited States prisoners [so as to extend terms of parole law to i e prisoners]. Feb. 29, 1912. 2 p. (H. rp. 371.) Webb, E. Y. Report amending S 2434, for increase olsalary of marshal for district of Connecticut. Mar. 2, 1912. 2 p. (H. rp. 3» .) Mar ch , 1912 561

LABOR COMMITTEE Eight hours for dredge work, hearings on II. 18787, relating to limitation of hours of daily service of laborers and mechanics employed upon public work of United States and of District of Columbia and of persons employed in constructing, maintaining, or improving- river or harbor of United States and of District of Columbia, Feb. 20 Mar. 9, 1912. 1912. 32 p. J ’ ’ Wilson, W. B. Report amending S. 252, similar to H. 4694, to establish in Department of Commerce and Labor bureau to be known as children’s bureau. Mar. 16, 1912. Ip. (H. rp. 424.)

LIBRARY COMMITTEE Slayden J. L Report favoring H. 18841, incorporating national institute of arts and letters. Mar. 20, 1912. Ip. (H. rp. 433.)

MERCHANT MARINE AND FISHERIES COMMITTEE Free ship bill, hearings on H. 16692, Feb. 15-22 1912 1912 381 p. { [1J4-313- Hearings on II. 11372 and [other bills], Mar. 14, 1912 1912 430 p. 1 [l]+383- Hearings on H. 19405, 19406, and 19407, to increase salaries of super- vising inspector general, board of supervising inspectors, and local inspectors m Steamboat-Inspection Service, Mar. 21, 1912. 1912 17 p. + Laws relating to navigation, hearings, Mar. 21, 1912 [on H. 20626], 1912.

Norwegian ice breaker Kit, hearing before subcommittee on H. 17235 to grant American registry to Norwegian ice breaker Kit, Feb. 23,’ 1912. 1912. 25 p. i Officering and manning of vessels, hearings on H. 20285, to regulate officering and manning of vessels subject to inspection laws of United otates. 1912. 142 p. J Alexander, J W. Report amending H. 16692, to provide American registers for seagoing vessels wherever built to be engaged onlv in trade with foreign countries and with Philippine Islands and islands of Guam and Tutuila and for importation into United States free tt -+Ut/a0/ ™aJenals construction and repair of vessels built in United States [etc.]. Mar. 11, 1912. 9 p. (H. rp. 405 [pt. 1].) Carter, C. D. Report favoring S. J. R. 69, authorizing licensing and employment of Otto eumann Sverdrup as master of vessels of United States. Mar. 22, 1912. 2 p. (H. rp. 440.) Greene, W. S. Views of minority on II. 16692, to provide American registers for seagoing vessels wherever built to be engaged only in trade with foreign countries and with Philippine Islands and islands of Guam and Tutuila, and for importation into United States free of duty of materials for construction and repair of vessels built in United States [etc.]. Mar. 26, 1912. 11 p. (H. rp. 405, pt. 2.)

MILITARY AFFAIRS COMMITTEE Discontinuance of grade of post noncommissioned staff officer, hearings 2282z’ for discontinuance of grade of post noncommissioned stall officer on active list of Army and creating grade of warrant officer m lieu thereof. 1912. ii-J-3-20 p. J 562 Mar ch , 1912

Militia pay bill, hearings on H. 8141 [to further increase efficiency of organ- ized militia], June 6, 1911, Mar. 11, 1912. 1912. 108 p. 2 tab. $ Veterinary service, Army, hearings on H. 16843, to consolidate veteri- nary service, Army, and to increase its efficiency. 1912. 20 p. J Bradley, T. W. Report favoring H. J. R. 239, to deliver condemned cannon to Army and Navy Union. Mar. 1, 1912. 2 p. (H. rp. 383.) Burke, J. F. Report favoring S. C. R. 19, authorizing Secretary of War to confer with Fiftieth Anniversary of Battle of Gettysburg Com- mission and to furnish information relating to conduct of such cele- bration. Mar. 15, 1912. 1 p. (H. rp. 419.) Evans, Lynden. Report amending H. 21218, to loan to New York field- pieces and howitzer captured from General Burgoyne at battle of Saratoga. Mar. 25, 1912. 1 p. (H. rp. 443.) Hay, James. Report favoring H. 21170, granting to El Paso and South- western Railroad Company right of way through Fort Huachuca military reservation, Ariz., and authorizing said corporation to construct railway [telegraph, and telephone lines] through said Fort Huachuca military reservation. Mar. 13, 1912. 1 p. (H. rp. 414.) ----- Report amending S. 271, to authorize collection of military and naval records of Revolutionary War with view to their publication. Mar. 20, 1912. 6 p. (H. rp. 431.) 12—35425 ----- Report amending H. R. 448, calling for information relating to development of military aviation in United States and foreign countries. Mar. 26, 1912. 1 p. (H. rp. 450.) Kahn, Julius. Report favoring H. 7142, to appoint Lloyd L. R. Krebs major on retired list. Feb. 29, 1912. 8 p. (H. rp. 370.) Pepper, I. S. Report favoring H. 21952, for relief of James S. Baer. Mar. 20, 1912. 3 p. (H. rp. 432.) Tilson, J. Q. Report amending H. 19788, to restore Harold L. Jackson, retired, to active list. Feb. 28, 1912. 8 p. (H.rp. 367.)

NAVAL AFFAIRS COMMITTEE Kopp, A. W. Report amending H. 20193, to pay cash reward for sugges- tions submitted by civilian employees of Navy Department for improvement or economy in manufacturing processes or plant. Mar. 21, 1912. 3 p. (H. rp. 436.)

PATENTS COMMITTEE Goodrich and Putnam, hearings on H. 15720 [to validate and extend letters patent to Sarah Goodrich, executrix of James E. Goodrich] and H. 15660 [granting extension of letters patent to John E. Put- nam], Feb. 28, 1912. 1912. 18 p. J Hearings, Jan. 10-31, 1912. 1912. [4 pts.], [vi]+68 p. t History of patent system, p. 1-29. Patent Office certificates of correction, p. 51-68. Procedure upon application for patent, p. 31-42. Trade-mark law. p. 43-50. Townsend copyright amendment, statements of Lignon Johnson and E. W. Townsend relative to H. 15263 [to amend act to amend and consolidate acts respecting copyrights, pertaining to infringement on copyrights by motion-picture manufacturers], Jan, 24, 1912. 1912. 5 p. J Same, 1st hearing, Feb. 14, 1912. 1912. 37 p. J Same, 2d hearing, Feb. 21, 1912. 1912. 5 p. J Mar ch , 1912 563


certain soldiers and sailors of wars other than Civifw7 and ^avy and and dependent relatives of such snlcHora S?'1 •} ar’ and to widows for H. 8580 and othe/Sn" ’ubstitute Rucker, A. W. Report submitting H 21478 grantin increase of pensions to certain soldiers -r * \g Pensions and and certain soldiers ZXiN^’ "il"",,W4?nd“h« P* X.-1-1-* Ot/O. )



’report oXrtTemv^v {? >’™" «”>« ^umeut section of proDosed continunns Mass’’ to Beaufort, N. C„ to Rio Grande. Jan. 23, 1912. *1 p** S Boston> Mass-, ~CounPo°?SrS“g % hSlW Opini°n andMd- »< Supreme their employees in Xi *

S'FSh 3?^^ CUHk u"LderbU,^n S’

UnitedReport States favoring transmitting S C R renortn to P„ I ■ pt Message>< of President of Workmen’s Compensation kS -°f E“pl?yers Liability and commission. Feb 29 1912 with hearings held before . -a, ±»iz. i p. rp. 374.) States, 191fiay°Feb.?9, Wl^65’!^ P”h la WS °f Unit ed

Commission, with draft of bill to^in114 Rep?rt of Rational Monetary ciation of United States.^ Feb. in^yPrerpOTt on’lertilizer'res^c^of^^STp Um^SiT® "^rk^.)111 -9°’ Prelim6 aS8°’’ raphies. Feb. 29, 1912. 1 p. (if rp 377 )°d State8» with bibhog- ~41KKgla2incge° oFitS ‘° Public Roads Office Bulletin 1909; by J. E PennJha^kpr n fm" Lmted States, calendar year 1912.’ Ip. (H rp 378 ) er and Maunce °’ Eldridge. Feb. 29,

1912. 1 p. (H. rp.VpnS&Tu^^ 404 ) d Foreign ComPaMmanierce. C ™>Mar. 9,

■»phy; by Wa/e A°Xt."’ 564 Marc h , 1912 Finley, D. E.-Continued. TsWuTot

u2.M“ “>

1912. Ip. (H.rp.448.) •n. ™ n r P 43 to nrint Public health bulletin 51, ----- Report favonn0 H. . • > ., with special reference to Causation and prevention of tyP"^1 Wash . bv L. L. Lumsden, conditions observed in Yakima County, Wasn., oyn. Mar. 26, 1912. 1 p. (H. rp. 449.) ,. up pqi tn nrint House document 105, Report ------Report amending H. R. 331, to p rpceints and expenditures STXSto'Xtion on subject. Mar. 26, 1912. Ip. (H. rp. 452.) — Report amending H^ C.

Mar. 26,1912. Ip. (H. rp. 454.)


Hearings, Feb. 14, 1912 relating to P^rvation of «iJ^ archives, are they in peril?] I

1912. 2 p. (H. rp. 429.) Burnett, J. L. Report favoring H .1647, to amend act to4^ hmU S“£=&sifer'-

9, 1912. 3 p. (H. rp. 402.) tv j.i n q A Rnnort favoring H. 20688, transferring custody and

2 p. (H. rp. 458.)


Amending homestead laws, »“ ^9“*b ments to homestead laws, Jan. 31, 1 eb. 5, 19 . 12—35326

Consolidation of certain forest lands, hearings on S. 4^45 certain forest lands in Paulina national forest, Oreg.], reo. zo, , 1912. 1912. 30 p. t Mar ch , 1912 565 Relief of claimants to Coppinger grant, hearings before subcommittee on H. 16247 [for relief of claimants to Coppinger grant in county of San Mateo, Cal., and other persons claiming title to portions of said grant by mesne conveyances from Juan Coppinger]. 1912. 62 p. map. J Title to Creek Indian lands in Alabama, hearings before committee and subcommittee, Jan. 10,16,1912, on H. 16661 [to relinquish right, title, and interest of United States in lands held under claim or color of title by individuals or private ownership or municipal ownership in Alabama which were reserved for Creek Indians bv virtue of treaty between United States and Creek Indians, Mar. 24, 1832]; statements by Congressman Clayton and [others], 1912. 75 p. J ’ Western boundary of Yosemite National Park, hearings, Mar. 20, 1912, on H. 21954 [to amend act to set apart certain tract of land in Cali- fornia as forest reservations, by changing north and west boundaries of said tract and excluding therefrom certain lands, and to include said excluded lands in Stanislaus national forest]; statement of John B. Curtin. 1912. 13 p. J Claypool, H. C. Report amending H. 20498, for relief of certain home- steaders in Nebraska. Mar. 27, 1912. 3 p. (H. rp. 459.) Raker, J. E. Report amending H. 12211, to amend act to create Calaveras Big Tree national forest. Mar. 7, 1912. 12 p. il. map. (H. rp. 397.) [Corrected print.] *Paper, 5c. ----- Report amending S. 5718, to secure for United States title to patented lands [held in private ownership] in Yosemite National Park [etc.]. Mar. 27, 1912. 1 p. (H. rp. 456.) ----- R jP?rt amen^in? 21535, to secure for United States title to pat- ented lands [held in private ownership] in Yosemite National Park [etc.]. Mar. 27, 1912. 2 p. (H. rp. 457.) Rubey, T. L. Report amending H. 18904, to perfect title of heirs of James S. Rollins to bounty land warrant issued to George Hickum. Mar. 20, 1912. 3 p. (H. rp. 434.) Taylor, E. T. Report amending H. 20491, to grant further extension of time within which to make proof on desert-land entries. Mar 5 1912. 3 p. (H. rp. 394.) ----- Report amending S. 3367, to amend sec. 2291 and 2297, Revised statutes, relating to homesteads. Mar. 12, 1912. 12 p. (H.rp.413.)

RIVERS AND HARBORS COMMITTEE Humphreys, B. G. Report favoring S. C. R. 18, calling for supple- mental report or estimate concerning work of levee construction in improvement of navigability of Mississippi River on east hank for use in connection with S. 4353, to aid in construction of levees and embankments on east side of Mississippi River in Warren, Jefferson, Adams, and Wilkinson counties, Miss. Mar. 16 1912 In (H. rp. 427.) , . Sparkman, S. M. Report favoring H. 21477, making appropriations for rivers and harbors [fiscal year 1913]. Mar. 7. 1912. 4 p. (H. rP- 395 ■) ' 12—35327 RULES COMMITTEE Investigation of money trust, hearings on H. R. 314 and 356 [authorizing appointment of committee to investigate as to whether there are not combinations of financial and other concerns which control money and credits and operate in restraint of trade through that control etc.], Jan. 26,1912. 1912. [ii] + 58 p. (No. 1. 2.) + 566 Mar ch , 1912

Strike at Lawrence, Mass., hearings on H. R. 409 [to investigate relations of American Woolen Company to strike of its operatives at Lawrence, Mass.] and [H. R.] 433 [to investigate whether police power of Law- rence and militia of Massachusetts were used to forcibly prevent parents from sending their children into other States where arrange- ments had been made to care for them until strike was over, etc.], Mar. 2-7, 1912. 1912. 454 p. J 12—35330 Henry, R. L. Report favoring H. R. 425, authorizing Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries to investigate methods and practices of various steamship lines as to whether such steamship lines have formed any combinations among each other or with railroads for purpose of fixing rates and tariffs, or of giving rebates, etc. Mar. 5, 1912. Ip. (H. rp. 392.)


Wilson, W. B. Report. Mar. 9, 1912. 7 p. (H. rp. 403.) [Corrected print.] *Paper, 5c. 12—35332


Hearings on conditions in Alaska, Jan. 16 [-Feb. 27], 1912. 1912. [vii]+134p. J Hearings on transportation in Alaska; statement of O. P. Hubbard, Feb. 27,1912. 1912. 20 p. J Same; statement of William Sulzer, Mar. 5, 1912. 1912. 34 p. J Hardy, Rufus. Report amending S. 267, to provide assistance to per- sons in Alaska who are indigent and incapacitated through nonage, old age, sickness, or accident [etc.], so as to substitute provisions of H. 21773. Mar. 26, 1912. 2 p. (H. rp. 451.)


United States Steel Corporation, hearings. 1912. [29]+2767-3740 p. il. Ifacsim. 18 tab. (No. 39-53, pt. 1.) J 11—26905/3


Internal-revenue measures, hearings on H. 4434, 16690, and 19129, Mar. 13, 1912. 1912. ii+3-52 p. f Fordney, J. W. Views of minority adverse to H. 21213, to amend act to provide revenue, equalize duties and encourage industries of United States [etc., so as to place sugar on free list]; with views of Mr. McCall. Mar. 7, 1912. 29 p. (H. rp. 391, pt. 2.) *Paper, 5c. Hughes, William. Report favoring H. 20842, similar to H. 2896, for tax upon white phosphorus matches [etc.]. Mar. 11, 1912. 11 p. (H. rp. 406.) *Paper, 5c. Longworth, Nicholas. Views of minority adverse to H. 21214, to extend special excise tax now levied with respect to doing business by cor- porations, to persons, and to provide revenue for Government by levying special excise tax with respect to doing business by indi- viduals and copartnerships. Mar. 14,1912. 8 p. (H. rp. 416. pt. 2.) * Paper, 5c. Mar ch . 1912 567 Randell, C. B. Report favoring H. 1745, to amend [sec. 3240, Revised statutes, relating to] revenue laws, so as to provide for furnishing certified copies of certain records to officers and other persons Mar 12. 1912. 1 p. (H. rp. 411.) F Underwood, 0. W. Report favoring H. 21213, to amend act to provide revenue, equalize duties and encourage industries of United States [etc., so as to place sugar on free list]. Mar. 5, 1912. 10 p. (TI rp 391 [pt. 1].) *Paper, 5c. ' 12—35331 Report favoring H. 21214, to extend special excise tax now levied with respect to doing business by corporations, to-persons, and to provide revenue for Government by levying special excise tax with respect to doing business by individuals and copartnerships. Mar. 14,1912. 14 p. (H. rp. 416 [pt. 1].) *Paper, 5c. 12—35404

IMMIGRATION COMMISSION See also Notes of general interest, Monthly catalogue, Dec. 1911, page 287. Immigrants in industries: pt. 2, Iron and steel manufacturing [by W. Jett Lauck]; presented by Mr. Dillingham. June 15, 1910, [pub- lished] 1911. v. 1, xii+807 p. il. 1 pl. 4 maps. (S. doc. 633, 61st Cong. 2d sess.) [Back title on cover reads: Reports of Immigration Commission, vol. 8.] *Paper, 65c. 11—35989

NATIONAL MONETARY COMMISSION See also Notes of general interest, page 538. Proposed codification of national banking laws. 1912. cover-title, 107 P- 40 t 12—35384 Publications of commission. Sept. 1, 1911, [reprint] 1912. 31 p. f 11—35725 Savings departments of national banks and real estate loans, summary of replies from bank officers relating thereto. 1912. 50 p. + 12—35402 SENATE Abandoned property in insurrectionary districts [of United States during Civil War], speech of Cushman K. Davis in Senate, Jan. 23, 1900. 1912. 8 p. (S. doc. 453.) [Corrected print.] Arbitration. General arbitration treaties with Great Britain and France, speech of Henry Cabot Lodge in Senate, Feb. 29, 1912 [with List of arbitration treaties and conventions submitted to and acted upon by Senate]. 1912. 34 p. (S. doc. 353.) *Paper, 5c. 12—35349 ---- List of arbitration treaties and conventions submitted to and acted upon by Senate; presented by Mr. Lodge. Feb. 29, 1912. 7 n. (S. doc. 373.) *Paper, 5c. 12—35341 Canal Zone, Isthmus of Panama. Chapter of national dishonor, by Leander T. Chamberlain, reprinted from North American review, Feb. 1912, presented by Mr. Hitchcock. Mar. 7, 1912. 23 p. (S. doc. 380.) *Paper, 5c. 12—35400 Courts of United States. Judicial power and power of Congress in its relation to United States courts, argument of Alfred P. Thom in opposition to S. 4365 and 4366, prohibiting granting, by any court, of injunction in certain cases; presented by Mr. Sutherland. Mar. 20, 1912. 17 p. (S. doc. 443.) 12—35417 37169—No. 207—12-----6 568 Mar ch , 1912

Democracy. Charter of democracy, address by be- fore Ohio Constitutional Convention, Feb. 21, 1912; presented by Mr. Clapp. Feb. 26, 1912. 20 p. (S. doc. 348.) *Paper, 5c. 1 12—35347 Frve, William P. Memorial services for William P. Frye of Maine in Senate, Mar. 14, 1912 [list of speakers], [1912.] [3] p. 24° J Immigration and emigration.- Table showing European immigration, by race or people, into United States from 1899 to 1909; presented by Mr. Lodge. Mar. 11, 1912. 1 p. (S. doc. 401.) Initiative. Address of J. B. Foraker to Constitutional Convention of Ohio, Mar. 14, 1912; presented by Mr. Burton. Mar. 20, 1912. 18 p. (S. doc. 445.) 12-35416 ----- Compulsory initiative and referendum and recall of judges, address bv Henry Cabot Lodge delivered at Princeton University, Mar. 8, 1912. 1912. 20 p. (S. doc. 406.) *Paper, 5c. 12—35387 Injunctions. Wilson anti-injunction bill, H. 11032, labor’s reasons for its enactment, from report of Samuel Gompers to 31st annual conven- tion American Federation of Labor held at Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 13-27, 1911 [etc.]; presented by Mr. Martine. Mar. 19, 1912. 26 p. (S. doc. 440.) 12-35340 Jonas, George, Glass Company. Case of George Jonas Glass Company versus Glass Bottle Blowers’ Association of United States and Canada et al., opinion of Court of Chancery of New Jersey, submitted May 6, decided May 18,1907; presented by Mr. Briggs. .Mar. 4, 1912. 10 p. (S. doc. 383 ) 12-35354 ----- Opinion of Court of Errors and Appeals of New Jersey in case of George Jonas Glass Company versus Glass Bottle Blowers’ Associa- tion of United States and Canada et al.; presented by Mr. Culberson. Mar. 4, 1912. lip. (S. doc. 374.) *Paper, 5c. 12—35355 Kiowas. Protest of Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache Indians against use of tribal funds for establishing and maintaining hospital as provided by sec. 17 of H. 20728; presented by Mr. Owen. Mar. 20, 1912. 4 p. (S. doc. 444.) Lincoln, Abraham. Abraham Lincoln, 1st and 2d inaugural addresses, message, July 5, 1861, proclamation, Jan. 1,1863, Gettysburg address, Nov. 19, 1863; presented by Mr. Clark of Wyoming. Mar. 19, 1912. 40 p. (S. doc. 439.) 12—35420 ----- Same. Mar. 19, 1912, ordered reprinted with corrections Mar. 25, 1912. 40 p. (S. doc. 439.) Parcel post. Bills introduced in Senate and House of Representatives during present Congress in relation to parcel post; presented by Mr. Clarke of Arkansas. Mar. 12,1912. 30 p. (S. doc. 430.) *Paper, 5c. 12—35419 ----- Postal express as solution of parcels post and high cost of Jiving problems, adequate express service relief to consumers and shippers by reduction of charges and extension of service to country through rural delivery, study in economics of transport of small shipments, by David J. Lewis; presented by Mr. Gardner. Mar. 5, 1912. 97 p. (S. doc. 379.) *Paper, 10c. 12—35386 Prostitution. Letter from George Cosson, speech of T. J. Brooks delivered in Senate of Tennessee, and address and article by James B. Ham- mond on Iowa injunction and abatement law [relative to white slave traffic], with copy of law; presented by Mr. Kenyon. Mar. 15, 1912. 28 p. (S. doc. 435.) 12—35421 Mar ch , 1912 569

8'sS ■= «u«

s=ss nEs !- F,™“ and consequent control of nrieote monopoly of sugar business £»;==«! :si“ e

by Truman G. Palm” nr?sent?d Mnfing Company, and others, 23 p. (S. doc. 378J Mr CUrtlS- ^2^

Nat?eDeOcn828tUmi’ nS by Mr. Lodge. Mar. 11; 1912. 8 p^s’. ^oc. VapeT^

12—35342 appropri ati ons com mitt ee DiBtb:u£8u^o™^te?^Tmo8ni ™Vflscai year i9i3i of Columbia, fiscal ye“ f»^«ct “"iKta of CotaXf,afi““ld“tHl91T JlaTo ‘p.

CENSUS COMMITTEE “^Sua^foUert’anVpuMfc?;139?8' ?u,ho™e »f 19, 1912. 4 p (S. rpP49] )h addltlonal statistics of tobacco. Mar.


folief of Baer, Senior and TobaPec„yCompaTyTVebd2(9; °ri“te

[widiwVMicfSlCatae^ m£. 7“°' (S.’^Sj"*'5'

liof 6K S^“gCompa5^Or S'

^^^lafed^neUu?^' C“‘r"« Indians of United StatT^“1%MM’S) Si°“ ~12R19P12t a2dHstor?: 4T) J“hua F- SP“'>“K-

Mart®. HE]9,?Cp‘;rpad (^°4S414> for re“of of Martha E. Conklin. 570 Mar ch , 1912


1 p. (S. rp. 417.) . . ----- Report adverse to S. 101, for relief of Jarib L. Sanderson [surviving partner of Barlow, Sanderson & Co.]. Feb. 28, 1912. 2 p. (B. rp. 418.) r COMMERCE COMMITTEE

2 p. (S.rp. 420.) Burnham, H. E. Report favoring S. 2051. to pwmou efficiency of Life- Saving Service. Mar. 8, 1912. 12 p. (S.rp. 462.) T S Renort favoring H. 16680, to authorize board of county l£r County and board of county c—oners of Marion County, Ark., to construct bridge across White River near Cotter, Ark? Feb. 28, 1912. 2 p. (S. rp. 415.) ___ Report favoring H. 18155, authorizing Grand Rapids to construct bridge across Mississippi River in Itasca County, Murn. Feb. 28, 1912. 2 p. (S. rp. 416.) Rpnort amending S. 4978, to amend act to incorporate North River Bridge Company and to authorize construction of bridge at New Yor Citv acros™ Hudson River [and] to regulate commerce over such bridge between New York and New Jersey [so as to extend time]. Feb. 29, 1912. 3 p. (S. rp. 419.) ___ Renort favoring H. 20117, to authorize Nebraska-Iowa Interstate Bridge Company to construct bridge across Missouri River [at or] ne Bellevue, Nebr. Mar. 8, 1912. Ip. (S. rp. 453.) Rpnort favoring H 17239, to authorize Arkansas and Memphis Railwayr^rMg^and Terminal £;rCsnm2C 2rpge(Srre Mississippi River [at Memphis, Tenn.]. Mar. 8, 1912. 2p. (B. rp 454.) Nelson, Knute. Report amending S 5207 to provide American register for steamer Oceana. Feb. 29, 1912. 4 p. (S. rp. 421.) ___ Report favoring S. 5606, for improvement at lighthouse depot and headquarters, San Juan, P. R. Mar. 8, 1912. 2p. (S. rp. 460.) ___ Report amending S. 5659, to amend act to authorize New'York and New Jersey Bridge companies to construct bridge across Hudson Ri^er between New Yor'k City and New Jersey [so as to extend time]. Mar. 15, 1912. 2 p. (S. rp. 487.) Perkins G C. Report amending S. 3625, for purchase or construction of launch for Customs Service at and in vicinity of Los Angeles, Ca . Feb. 29, 1912. 1 p. (S. rp. 425.) Reed J A. Report amending S. 4476, for purchase of site construction of wharf and buildings, and necessary equipment for depot for 6th lighthouse district. Mar. 8, 1912. 2 p. (S. rp. 46o.) Mar ch , 1912 571 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA COMMITTEE

demeanor and to provide hosnlta to?n^enness rln Strict a mis- better regulate traffic iuintoxfca^ fetC^’ S’ 2046> to limit number of saloons in District and tn ™ {and^ S' 2309> streets [etc.], Feb. 26-Mar. 7 1912 1912 ° J^fine them to business , 4/rfp.ii. map. + 1 urtis, Charles. Report favoring S inoq - • 2 35440 street between Piney BranclTroad and’lfirh exte?sion of Buchanan of Piney Branch road between Allianz tb streetand adandonment Mar. 1, 1912. 2 p (S 42?.) eet and Buchanan street. , B0P0rt amending H. 8768 similar tn S t , loaning money on security of any kind bv to regregulateVIate business of rations other than national banks licensed h^”8’ firms’ and corP0' savings banks, building and loan asZtton« kT’ ?8t comPanies, in District. Mar. 9, 1912. 5 p (s 4?®’ and real-estate brokers minded, ^becne,°amuS home for feeble- 2p. (S. rp. 428.) children in District. Mar. 1, 1912.

trict? Mar ^*1912$ 2^’ (g )PTaCtice °f dentistrJr in Dia'

3oHcT^™e?&?t c°"c“Irei>' '"'“Imr,™ » rp. 430.) n Certam cases- Mar. 1, 1912. 2 p. (g -tri«rK s. 3712 to ,of dentistry ,n D. _

District to abandon or wilbufk'neatectT11’"8 'V ™isdemeanor maintenance of wife or minor chilS” n provide ,OT “uPPort and - 'We for support of illegitimXhild^'M^

°f 1- for District (so as from abandoned cemeteries, etc.]” mT"' ' SpftS® S a,')9r

Hampshirelvente^D. C^mT^i^8' f^extension of New ____ ar- y> I912- 1 P- (S. rp. 470.) standing certificate^of mdeffitediw 524J’1to ,redeem certain out- District. Mar. 22, 1912. 2 p. (T rp &te b°ard °f audit of association^Mar? 2^/1912^’ 2°v Can numismatic Martin T S t J P’ (S’rp'499>) [Corrected print.] tio’n in DistricfS whffih^u^ifi d22?4’ f°r Primary nominating elec- opportunity to vote for their iJ^? B^strict shall have to be candidates of their resnecfivJ1^ ch,01ce among those aspiring Vice President of United States tn ^olltl5,al Partles f°r President and national conventions, and to ’elect to their Mar. 8, 1912. 1 p. (g. rp 451 ) 4 th natlonal committeemen. 572 Mar ch , 1912 Martin, T. S.-Continued. Report favoring 5375 for relidI ofp^ce and fireman’s pension funds, D. C. Mar. », v r

EDUCATION AND LABOR COMMITTEE •l • wrr tt on Al limiting hours of daily service of Eight-hour law hearings on II. 9061, h « Uni ted States, or laborers and mechanics employed upon worn iu any Territory, or District of Columbia. 1912. v. 1, 2W p. +


Duties on metals and manufactures amend act to provide revenue, q , fiuties on metals and manu- faceturLUoV^talTFebC7 [-Mar. 6], 1912. 1912. [xxxviii]+l-1231 p. (No. 1-20.) J FOREIGN RELATIONS COMMITTEE . • 1 fol ocrr-i nhv hearing on International Wireless ......

Brussels, Sept. 1910, and ratified by Senate, Jan. 18, 1912. Mar. iz, 1912. 2 p. (S. rp. 477.) t . tt r Rpnort amending H. 16571, to give effect to convention be- ’tween Governments of sia for preservation nmthTacTfiTocean"concluded IT Washington t to.22',1912. 2 p. (S.’rp.SOl.) [Corrected print.]

INDIAN AFFAIRS COMMITTEE w t » ri no- nn H 18244, for construction of irrigation Fima Reservation, hearing on . , . tributaries, works for rmpoundiM: waters.of3311a Kjver^, tectionof inter-

Mar 14, 1912. 1912. 22 p. I

Devaopment Co. right of way through Colville Reservation, Wash.

[rSS Sin .ndiansf.

Mar.’22, 1912. 7 p. (S. rp. 503.) ““S

1832. Mar. 16, 1912. 4 p. (S. rp. 490.) Marc h , 1912 573

Dixon, J. M. Report favoring S. 5206, to amend that portion of act [mak- ing appropriations for Bureau of Indian Affairs, fiscal year 1912] approved Mar. 3, 1911, relating to reservation of easement in lands bordering Flathead Lake [Mont.]. Mar. 14,1912. 2 p. (S. rp.481., Myers, H. L. Report favoring S. 5674, for relief of Indians occupying railroad lands. Mar. 22, 1912. 2 p. (S. rp. 502.) [Corrected print.] Owen, R. L. Report amending S. 5728, conferring jurisdiction on Court of Claims to hear, determine, and render judgment in claims of Osage Indians against United States. Mar. 15, 1912. 10 p. (S. rp. 484.) ----- Report amending S. 4913, to enable [Absentee Shawnee and Citizen Potawatomi] Indians allotted lands in severalty within Little River drainage district 1, Pottawatomie County, Okla., to cooperate with said State in protection of their lands from overflow. Mar. 15, 1912. 1 p. (S. rp. 488.) ----- Report amending S. 458, for relief of Turner Hardware Company. Mar. 15, 1912. 2 p. (S. rp. 489.) ----- Report amending S. 5141, to correct error in record of supplemental treaty of Sept. 28,1830, made with Choctaw Indians [so as to substitute name of Thomas Wall for that of Thomas Garland and to approve sale of land by Wall to Anthony Winston], Mar. 21, 1912. 5 p. (S. rp. 494.) ----- Report favoring S. 5676, to set aside for sanatorium purposes not to exceed 4 sections of unallotted tribal lands of Choctaw and Chickasaw nations of . Mar. 21, 1912. 2 p. (S. rp. 495.) ----- Report favoring H. 19863, to subdivide and extend deferred pay- ments of settlers in Kiowa-Comanche and Apache ceded lands in Oklahoma. Mar. 21, 1912. 2 p. (S. rp. 496.)


Bills of lading, hearings on S. 4713, relating to bills of lading in commerce with foreign nations and among States, and S. 957, relating to bills of lading, Feb. 16[-Mar. 15], 1912. 1912. pts. 1-3, [iv]+313 p. J Commerce Court, hearings on S. 3297, to amend act to create Commerce Court, etc., Feb. 24, 1912. 1912. pt. 1, 51 p. map. t


Corbett Tunnel claims, Shoshone project, Wyo., hearing on S. 4862, to investigate and settle certain accounts [in connection with construc- tion of Corbett Tunnel, Wyo.; statement of Mrs. H. C. Macdonald], Feb. 29, 1912. 1912. 18 p. J Private irrigation projects [under] Carey act, hearing on private irrigation projects [under] Carey act. 1912. ii-j-3-34 p. J Salt River irrigation project, Ariz., hearing on Salt River irrigation project, Ariz., Feb. 29, 1912. 1912. 24 p. J 12—35334


Additional judicial district in New York, hearing before subcommittee on S. 4105, to amend Revised statutes, relating to northern district of New York, to divide same into 2 districts, and provide for terms of court to be held therein and officers thereof and disposition of pending causes. 1912. 33 p. [2d print.] J 574 Mar ch , 1912

Interstate shipments of intoxicating liquors into “dry ” territory, hearings before subcommittee on bills relating to interstate shipments of intoxi- cating liquors into “dry” territory, S. 1523 [and other bills], 1912. pts. 2, 3, [vii]+43-96 p. J Brandegee, F. B. Report amending S. 3925, for increase of salary of marshal for district of Nevada. Mar. 11, 1912. 3 p. (S. rp. 474.)

LORIMER, WILLIAM, COMMITTEE TO INVESTIGATE ELECTION OF Senator from Illinois, digest of [volumes 1-7 of] hearings on S. R. 60, directing committee to investigate whether corrupt methods and practices were employed in election of William Lorimer as Senator of United States from Illinois. 1912. [2]+ccxxviii p. J Senator from Illinois, proceedings before committee directed to investigate whether corrupt methods and practices were employed in election of William Lorimer as Senator of United States from Illinois. 1912. pts. 25-28, [viii]+7733-8588 p. J 12—35442

MANUFACTURES COMMITTEE Amendment to pure-food law, hearing on S. 4727, to amend act for pre- venting manufacture, sale, or transportation of adulterated or mis- branded foods, drugs, and liquors, and regulating traffic therein [relating to marking of quantity of contents of food packages], Feb. 29, 1912. 1912. 30 p. J 12—35335

MILITARY AFFAIRS COMMITTEE Army appropriation bill [fiscal year 1913] hearings before [subcommittee] on H. 18956, making appropriation for Army, fiscal year 1913. 1912 166 p. J Service at Military Academy in computing longevity pay, memorandum submitted by Senator Du Pont. [1912.] 5 p. J Clarke, J. P. Report favoring H. 17029, to convert regimental army post at Fort Oglethorpe [Ga.] into brigade post. Mar. 9, 1912. 1 p. (S. rp. 468.) Du Pont, H. A. Report amending S. 5658, granting to El Paso and Southwestern Railroad Company right of way through Fort Hua- chuca military reservation, Ariz., and authorizing said corporation to to construct railway [telegraph, and telephone lines] through said Fort Huachuca military reservation [etc.] Mar. 8, 1912 1 p (S. rp. 457.) ----- Report amending H. 16306, for use of American National Red Cross in aid of land and naval forces in time of actual or threatened war. Mar. 8, 1912. 1 p. (S. rp. 458.) Hitchcock, G. M. Report favoring S. 3917, for retirement of Henry R. Drake. Feb. 29, 1912. 1 p. (S. rp. 423.) Johnston, J. F. Report amending by substitute S. 4663, granting to Washington-Oregon Corporation right for electric railroad, and for telephone, telegraph, and electric-transmission lines across Van- couver military reservation, Wash. Feb.29,1912. 2 p. (S.rp.422.) --- Report favoring II. J. R. 178, creating commission to investigate and report on advisability of establishment of permanent maneuver- ing grounds, camp of inspection, rifle and artillery ranges for troops at or near Anniston, Ala., and to report as to certain lands in and around Anniston, Ala., proposed to be donated to United States for said purposes. Mar. 8, 1912. Ip. (S. rp. 461.) Mar ch , 1912 575

PENSIONS COMMITTEE Curtis, Charles. Report submitting S. 5623, granting pensions and increase of pensions to certain soldiers and sailors of Army and Navy, and certain soldiers and sailors of wars other than Civil War, and to certain widows and dependent relatives of such soldiers and sailors, as substitute for S. 345 and other bills. Mar. 4, 1912. 10 p. (S. rp. 440.) ----- Report submitting S. 5624, granting pensions and increase of pen- sions to certain soldiers and sailors of Civil War and certain widows and dependent relatives of such soldiers and sailors, as substitute for S. 52 and other bills. Mar. 4, 1912. 40 p. (S. rp. 441.) McCumber, P. J. Report submitting S. 5670, granting pensions and increase of pensions to certain soldiers and sailors of Civil War and certain widows and dependent relatives of such soldiers and sailors, as substitute for S. 487 and other bills. Mar. 8, 1912. 43 p. (S. rp. 450.) POST-OFFICES AND POST-ROADS COMMITTEE Parcel post, tables showing in condensed form for ready reference and comparison data concerning parcel-post systems of leading nations of the world. [Reprint] 1912. 7 1, 2 tab. oblong f'* * Paper, 25c. 12—1966/3 PRINTING COMMITTEE Hand-roller v. power presses, hearing on S. 4239, to amend, revise, and codify laws relating to public printing and binding and distribution of Government publications [as to use of power presses instead of hand presses in printing of currency], Jan. 29 [-Feb. 14], 1912. 1912. pts. 1-5, [viii]+176 p. J ‘ 12—35443

PRIVILEGES AND ELECTIONS COMMITTEE Brief for Senator Stephenson; [by] C. E. Littlefield [and] W. E. Black. 1912. 21 p. J Senator from , hearings under S. R. 136, directing committee to investigate whether corrupt methods and practices were used or employed in election of as Senator of United States from Wisconsin. 1912. ii-)-2127-65 p. J 12—35255/4

PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS COMMITTEE Government archives, hearing on S. 5179, to prepare designs and esti- mates for and report cost of national archives building in District of Columbia, Mar. 1, 1912. 1912. 41 p. J 12—35336 Protection of laborers and materialmen, hearing on S. 5291, to further amend act for protection of persons furnishing materials and labor for construction of public works; [statement of Philip Walker], Mar. 2, 1912. 1912. 23 p. J 12—35337 Bourne, Jonathan, jr. Report amending S. 4985, for public building at Klamath Falls, Oreg. Mar. 8, 1912. 1 p. (S. r]5. 463.) ----- Report favoring S. 5491, for public building at Corvallis, Oreg. Mar. 8, 1912. 1 p. (S. rp. 464.) ----- Report favoring S. 5874, to increase limit of cost of post-office building at Albany, Oreg. Mar. 22, 1912. Ip. (S. rp. 505.) ----- Report favoring S. 5877, to increase limit of cost of post-office building at The Dalles, Oreg. Mar. 22, 1912. 1 p. (S. rp. 506.) 576 Marc h , 1912

Culberson. C. A. Report favoring H. 1647, to amend act to increase limit of cost of certain public buildings, to authorize purchase of sites for public buildings, to authorize erection of public buildings [etc., so as to retain Federal building and site at Houston, Tex.]. Mar. 25, 1912. 3 p. (S. rp. 509.) Heyburn. W. B. Report amending S. 5077, for Federal building at Pocatello. Idaho. Mar. 2, 1912. 1 p. (S. rp. 438.) ----- Report amending S. 248, for Federal building at Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. Mar. 2, 1912. 1 p. (S. rp. 439.) Poindexter, Miles. Report amending S. 4960, to erect public building in Vancouver, Wash. Mar. 13, 1912. 1 p. (S. rp. 478.) Sutherland, George. Report amending by substitute S. 2270, for public building at Richfield, Utah. Mar. 4,1912. Ip. (S.rp.443.) [Corrected print.] ----- Report amending S. 4655 and adverse to S. 2221, which is identical with S. 4655, for public building at Franklin, N. H. Mar. 4, 1912. 1 p. (S. rp. 444.) [Corrected print.] ----- Report favoring S. 4566, for Weather Bureau observatory build- ing at Billings, Mont. Mar. 11, 1912. 2 p. (S. rp. 471.) ----- Report amending S. 4310, for public building at North Topeka, Kans. Mar. 15, 1912. 1 p. (S. rp. 483.) Swanson, C. A. Report amending S. 1895, for public building at Farm- ville, Va. Mar. 20, 1912. 2 p. (S. rp. 493.) ----- Report amending S. 5668, for public-building at Cape Charles, Va. Mar. 25, 1912. 2 p. (S. rp. 508.) Warren, F. E. Report amending S. 3974, to increase limit of cost of public building at Denver, Colo. Mar. 4, 1912. 2 p. (S. rp. 445.) [Corrected print.] ----- Report amending S. 4144, to increase limit of cost of post-office building at Greeley, Colo. Mar. 4, 1912. Ip. (S. rp. 446.) [Cor- rected print.] Watson, C. W. Report amending S. 2558, making appropriation to in- stall elevator in public building at Martinsburg, W. Va. Mar. 4, 1912. 1 p. (S. rp. 442.) [Corrected print.]

PUBLIC LANDS COMMITTEE Chamberlain, G.E. Report amending by substitute S. 2186, to set apart certain lands in Oregon as public park, to be known as Saddle Moun- tain national park. Mar. 11, 1912. 2 p. (S. rp. 473.) Clark, C. D. Report favoring S. 5198, to authorize issuance of patent to James W. Chrisman. Mar. 9, 1912. 2 p. (S. rp. 466.) Dixon, J. M. Report amending S. 5075, for establishment of new land district in Montana [with office at Glendive]. Mar. 2, 1912. 2 p. (S. rp. 436.) ----- Report amending S. 5076, to promote instruction in forestry in States and Territories which contain national forests. Mar. 2, 1912. 3 p. (S. rp. 437.) Jones, W. L. Report amending by substitute S. 5446, relating to partial assignments of desert-land entries within reclamation projects made since Mar. 28, 1908. Mar. 12, 1912. 2 p. (8. rp. 479.) ----- Report amending by substitute S. 5465, for relief of [married women who are] holders and claimants of preference rights on public lands. Mar. 13, 1912. 2 p. (S. rp. 480.) Mar ch , 1912 577

Smoot, Reed. Report amending S. 5309, to amend act approved May 14, 1880 [for relief of settlers on public lands, so that settler claiming land under enlarged homestead acts shall be entitled to preference right of entry provided that he shall have plainly marked exterior boundaries of lands claimed as his homestead, etc.]. Mar. 2, 1912. 2 p. (S. rp. 435.) ----- Report favoring H. 17119, granting courthouse reserve at Pond Creek, Okla., to Pond Creek for school and municipal purposes. Mar. 15, 1912. 2 p. (S. rp. 486.) Works, J. D. Report amending S. 2427, for relief of heirs of A. G. Strain. Mar. 15, 1912. 1 p. (S. rp. 485.) ----- Report favoring S. 5718, to secure for United States title to pat- ented lands [held in private ownership] in Yosemite National Park [etc.]. Mar. 20, 1912. Ip. (S. rp. 492.)


Briggs, F. O. Report favoring S. R. 79, directing Committee on Privi- leges and Elections to inquire into and to report as to amount of money subscribed and paid to national committees and national Congressional campaign committees of political parties by persons, firms, corporations, etc., to influence result of election of Nov. 8, 1904 and Nov. 3, 1908, at which Representatives were elected, etc. Mar. 4, 1912. 1 p. (S. rp. 447.) ----- Report favoring S. R. 242, authorizing Committee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads to inquire into political activity of post-office inspec- tors, etc. Mar. 21, 1912. 1 p. (S. rp. 497.)


Conditions in Alaska, hearing on general conditions in Alaska, Feb. 23, 1912. 1912. 32 p. t Brown, Norris. Report favoring S. 5254, for compulsory education of children of Alaska. Mar. 22, 1912. 1 p. (S. rp. 504.) [Corrected print.] Nelson, Knute. Report amending S. 5629, to amend act for construction of roads, establishment of schools, and care of insane in Alaska. Mar. 22, 1912. 1 p. (S. rp. 500.) [Corrected print.]


Anderson, William H., & Co. William H. Anderson & Co. v. United States; evidence. [1912.] no. 30021, p. 31-69. $ Ball. Findings in case of Mary B. Mitchel, administratrix of Thomas K. Ball. Mar. 13, 1912. 3 p. (S. doc. 420.) J Barkley. Findings in case of Eliza J. Barkley, widow of John F. Bark- ley. Mar. 25, 1912. 2 p. (S. doc. 464.) J Barnum. Findings in case of Willis S. Barnum. Mar. 1, 1912. 2 p. (S. doc. 358.) I Bookout. Findings in case of K. D. and F. M. Bookout, heirs of Sarah D. Bookout. Mar. 22, 1912. 2 p. (H. doc. 641.) J Borland. Findings in case of Alice M. Borland, widow of James A. Borland. Mar. 1, 1912. 2 p. (S. doc. 359.) J 578 Mar ch , 1912

Borton. Findings in case of Joseph Borton and sundry subnumbered cases. Mar. 20, 1912. 3 p. (S. doc. 447.) J Botticher. Findings in case of Anna E. Botticher, widow of Paul G. Botticher. Mar. 1, 1912. 2 p. (S. doc. 360.) J Broders. Findings in case of Mary E. Broders, widow of Henry B. Broders. Mar. 9, 1912. 2 p. (S. doc. 385.) J Caddell. Findings in case of Willis D. Caddell. Mir. 18, 1912. 2 p. (S. doc. 438.) J Callaghan. Findings in case of John E. Callaghan. Mar. 1, 1912. 2 p. (S. doc. 361.) J Camden Iron Works v. United States; evidence, papers transmitted by Treasury Department. [1912.] Departmental, no. 157, p. 11-61. f Cases. Cases decided at term of 1910-11, with abstract of decisions of Supreme Court in appealed cases, Oct. 1910-May, 1911; reported by Charles C. Nott and Archibald Hopkins. 1912. v. 46, xxxiii-j- 742 p. map. *Sheep, $1.50. ----- March calendar [of cases ready for trial or hearing], 1912. [1912.] 11 p. [Half of the pages are black.] J Connelly. Findings in case of Henry C. Connelly. Mar. 13, 1912. 2 p. (S. doc. 419.) J Coon. Findings in case of Walter H. Coon. Mar. 9, 1912. 2 p. (S. doc. 386.) J De Bolt. Findings in case of Laurestine U. De Bolt, widow of Rezin A. De Bolt. Mar. 13, 1912. 2 p. (S. doc. 414.) J Dice. Findings in case of Turhand R. Dice. Mar. 1, 1912. 2 p. (S. doc. 362.) J Dill. Findings in case of John J. Christenberry, administrator of Martin Dill. Feb. 27, 1912. 2 p. (H. doc. 573.) J Dobbs. Findings in case of Sarah Ann Dobbs, widow of Nathaniel B. Dobbs. Mar. 25, 1912. 2 p. (S. doc. 468.) J Dowd. Findings in case of John B. Dowd. Mar. 1, 1912. 2 p. (S.doc. 363.) J Ferguson. Findings in case of Marcus E. Ferguson. Mar. 13, 1912. 2 p. (S. doc. 426.) J Gillett. Findings in case of Daniel J. Gillett. Mar. 13, 1912. 2 p. (S. doc. 422.) t Glenn. Willis S. Glenn et al. v. United States; evidence for defendants. [1912.] Indian depredations, nos. 1892, 1893, p. 107-127. j Goodale. Findings in case of Susan L. Goodale, widow of Rolla P. Goodale. Mar. 13, 1912. 2 p. (S. doc. 423.) J Gould. Findings in case of John M. Gould. Mar. 13, 1912. 2 p. (S. doc. 424.) j Greene. Findings in case of Arthur M. Greene. Mar. 13, 1912. 2 p. (S. doc. 425.) J Hallenbeck. Stephen Van D. Hallenbeck v. United States; [evidence]. [1912.] no. 30685, p. 5-40. J Haynes. Findings in case of John Haynes. Mar. 1, 1912. 2 p. (S. doc. 364.) f Heinzman Brothers v. United States; evidence for defendants. [1912.] no. 30310, p. 445-463. J Mar ch , 1912 579 HenS“F“S’ HeWnir

HO131«,^3tof.StB°lnleSV- Vn™d State,; evidence. P912.] no.

H°VMyar. "£a "Mow of Samuel D. Hovey.

iVS0' Ip6' gXW°f 8te™«

J°“e31303,e;dt“ LJ ,0MS V' United Stafe»; ovideuce. (1912.) no.

Kalt400I)indingS in case of Ja''|1,cs Kalt- Mar. 9, 1912. 2 p. (S.doc.

Ke7oc.3«d)inTinCaSeofJarv“P-Kelly- Mar. 1,1912. 2 p. (S.

^(sX.^ff^^of^lo’W.Loekman. Mar. 1,1912. 2p.

L°W(S. d5nfj^ 7 CMe °f ,ames H- S- I-owea. Mar. 1, 1912. 2 p.

Meintyre. Findings in case of Mary E Mclntvre wid™ w n McIntyre. Mar. 13, 1912. 2 p (S. doc 417 j i f Henry C‘ Ma“doc.72n7d)ingtin<,aSe<,fWilliamDMa”"- Mar. 13, 1912. 2p. (S.

““‘Mar. “2^ widow of Joreph W. Meek,.

MiC sH taco0 vCu“£dystaSg:n • f SCYMe/ tradi”« as 30433, p. 272-339 J eVldenCe for P^^iff. [1912.] To.

Mill“i9SndlT "S' Sr)D;Millw-wid™ Mar. ‘ doc^f i” “* of WilIiam H- MiU“- Mar. 1, 1912. 2 p. (g.

Mlll456.Tnting8in0M60fMironH Mins- Mar. 25,1912. 2p. (S.doc. R(g»y“" « CWe. MMMar.KU9Tin2Cr(°8.dS'42i.)f7e’ WM<>W °f Solan ” Moore.

““"Mar. 2^1? «< V. Mort,.

^^doS?"88 °f WilliamT. Morri,. Mar. 1,1912. 2 p. (g.

N»nd Annie E C. Partin heir, 3 pi !'S. ^445 )e’jnd8undr>eubnun>l>ered care,. Mar.20,1912. 580 Mar ch , 1912

Pace. Findings in case of Thomas N. Pace. Mar. 13, 1912 2 p. (S. doc. 410.) J ----- Same. (S. doc. 411.) J Paul. Findings in case of James T. Moore, administrator of James L. Paul. Mar. 13, 1912. 2 p. (S. doc. 412.) J Peirce. John Peirce v. United States; evidence for claimant. [1912.] no. 29902, p. 831-860. { Pool. Findings in case of Robert W. Pool. Mar. 9, 1912. 2 p. (S. doc. 388.) J Portwood. Elizabeth O. Cates, administratrix of William H. Portwood et al. v. United States and Kiowa and Comanche Indians; evidence for claimant [and defendants]. [1912.] Indian depredations, no. 7837, p. 61-237. J Ragan. Findings in case of Robert A. Ragan. Mar. 9, 1912. 2 p. (S. doc. 389.) J Reade. Findings in case of Alice Reade, widow of John Reade. Mar. 9, 1912. 2 p. (S. doc. 390.) J Reubelt. Findings in case of Rachel M. Reubelt, widow of John A. Reubelt. Mar. 9, 1912. 2 p. (S. doc. 391.) J Ridgeway. Findings in case of Emma Ridgeway, widow of Augustus W. Ridgeway. Mar. 13, 1912. 2 p. (S. doc. 416.) J Riley. Findings in case of Asher Riley. Mar. 13, 1912. 2 p. (S. doc. 415.) t ----- Findings in case of Harriet B. Riley, widow of William E. Riley. Mar. 9, 1912. 2 p. (S. doc. 392.) J Rooker. Findings in case of James Deatherage, administrator of J. A. J. Rooker. Mar. 1, 1912. 2 p. (S. doc. 357.) J Schuh. Findings in case of Adam Schuh. Mar. 9, 1912. 2 p. (S. doc. 393.) J Scott. Findings in case of Samuel C. Scott. Mar. 9, 1912. 2 p. (S. doc. 394.) J Sheridan-Kirk Contract Company v. United States; exidence for claim- ant. [1912.] no. 31245, p. 37-87, il. J Shippey & Outzen. W. A. Shippey and A . Outzen, doing business under firm name of Shippey & Outzen, and W. A. Shippey and A. Outzen, doing business under firm name of Shippey & Outzen, for use of North Alabama Construction Company v. United States; evidence for claimants and defendants. [1912.] no. 30336, p. 57-282. J Smith. Findings in case of Dioclesian A. Smith. Mar. 25, 1912. 2 p. (S. doc. 460.) J ----- Findings in case of Henry A. Smith. Mar . 9, 1912. 2p. (S.doc. 395.) J ----- Findings in case of Margaret B [D], Smith, widow of John B. Smith. Mar. 25, 1912. 2 p. (S. doc. 462.) J Smithey. Findings in case of William F. Smithey. Feb. 27, 1912. 2 p. (H. doc. 572.) J Sneden. Findings in case of George W. Sneden. Mar. 25, 1912. 2 p. (S. doc. 461.) J Stone. Findings in case of Stillman Stone. Mar. 25, 1912. 2 p. (S. doc. 467.) t Mar ch , 1912 581 SU”sedoc. «Mngt ta °f BmU " 23, 1912. 2 p.

SU‘ MarWl,S12 Fi2n|ing3(°‘ BaP“St Church' S“‘to-

Tabdoc.Sd)n?inCaS<,OfJl‘mesP- T“b"'. Mar. 9, 1912. 2 p. (S.

Taib(s“docKSTtI“ ““ °f WilUam A' Talb0tt W12. 2 p

ThTdoeFi3Iwrti" Ca8e °f Andrew '• Th'”“. Mar. 9, 1912. 2 p

TOb(i: dS^ ? Case Of 1 D- Tobey. Mar. 13, 1912. 2 p

1M2- 2P ^doe.F«7dH “ CaSe °'Stephen • Mar. 25,1912. 2 p

"“doksW^T^^0'"^15 Willett' M“-8. W12. 2 p. (8.

Woomt^rcOT z JW Vi^inia Z. Wilson,2P. Louisa G. ZoIIicoffer. Feb 26, 1912.' 2^. (“ ®^r’ jheire »f

COURT OF CUSTOMS APPEALS Calendar, Apr. term. 1912 rioio i „ • > pages are blank.] f ’ XY1+Pj4J p. [About half of the


cSrict^wiih reports of seveSi^rf1"^ reformatory institutions of [2J+41S p. 1 tab t Charitie^Board ’ ' yMrl I9IL 1M2„ EXC(HBd°oed594V year ending °CL 31' W1L Mar 5' 1912.

Kresure I?1?;-'!’0 ■-‘alHng higb-pres- 12 p. (S. doc. 437.) J 8ectl°n of Washington. Mar. 18, 1912. Pir%fcf£l yWlT^^'^rnV (ni,h ^Moth’er • p. | f ire Department. fTlW niajor an^Z

cers] fiscal year 1911 [with pqtimit° U1fi ^*iai an^ ^ePorts of other offi- t Police Department e8tlmates- fiscal y^r 1913], 1912. 72 p. 8—30781/3 582 Mar ch , 1912 EMPLOYERS’LIABILITY AND WORKMAN’S COM- PENSATION COMMISSION Message of President of United States transmitting report of commission with hearings held before commission. Feb.21,1912. 2v. (S.doc. 338.) * Paper, v. 1, 15c.; * v. 2, $1.00. 12—35338 v. 1. Message of President and Report of commission with index analysis. 214 p. v. 2. Hearings and briefs with table of cases and general index, xvi+1495 p. GEOGRAPHIC BOARD Decisions, Feb. 7, 1912. [1912.] Ip. t 7—14945/3 Same, Mar. 6, 1912. [1912.] 3 p. t GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE

DOCUMENTS OFFICE Animal Industry Bureau, additions to Price list 38, 3d edition [Animal Industry Bureau publications for sale by superintendent of docu- ments]. [1912.] 4 p. narrow 12° ([Price list 38, 3d edition, supple- ment.]) t Entomology Bureau, additions to Price list 41, 2d edition [Entomology Bureau publications for sale by superintendent of documents]. [1912.] 5 p. narrow 12° ([Price list 41, 2d edition, supplement.]) f Experiment Stations Office, additions to Price list 42, 3d edition [Experi- ment Stations Office publications for sale by superintendent of docu- ments], [1912.] 4 p. narrow 12° ([Price list 42, 3d edition, supple- ment.]) f Forest Service, additions to Price list 43, 3d edition [Forest Service pub- lications for sale by superintendent of documents]. [1912.] 4 p. narrow 12° ([Price list 43, 3d edition, supplement.]) f Maps published by Government for sale by superintendent of documents. [Feb. 1912.] 294~[1] P- narrow 12° (Price list 53, 2d edition.) f 12—35391 Monthly catalogue, United States public documents, no. 206; Feb. 1912. 1912. p. 439-525. * Paper, 10c. single copy, $1.10 a yr. Preliminary schedule of volumes of reports and documents of 62d Con- gress, 1st session, Apr. 4-Aug. 22, 1911. 1912. 4 p. f Tariff, list of United States public documents relating to various tariff laws and Canadian reciprocity, for sale by superintendent of docu- ments. [Feb. 1912.] 90-|-[l] p. narrow 12° (Price list 37, 3d edition.) f 12—35390 INTERIOR DEPARTMENT

Not e .—The decisions of the Department of the Interior in pension cases are issued in slips and in signatures, and the decisions in land cases are issued in signatures, both being published later in bound volumes. Subscribers may deposit $1.00 with the Superintendent of Documents and receive the contents of a volume of the decisions of either kind in separate parts as they are issued. Prices for bound volumes furnished upon application to the Superintendent of Documents. Alaska. Estimate for increase in current appropriation and also defi- ciency estimate for care and custody of insane in Alaska [with report of special inspector on Sanitarium Company], Feb. 28, 1912. 23 p. (H. doc. 576.) J Mar ch , 1912 583 department. ^l^ie^igiS^lp8 '(H^00° 627^7 required by

Carlsbad project, N. ilex., public notice. Feb. 17, 1912 (2| p 4, f Huntley project, Mont., public notice. Mar. 13, 1912 1 p 4. t °WP) pe4°WtOne Pr°ieCt’ M°nt-N- Dak- public ”»«<»• Mar. 1, 1912.

^^pewlnrre^Muc^iwi oHMUedStetMnww1 and purchase of power Land Office [etc.J. Mar. MM2 & S “s“d bL General Minidoka reclamation project Information ' relative to water users on MiniZ ,n re8Pon8* resolution Mar. 9,1912. 2p. (S doc.384 ) t recIamat10* Project, Idaho. -p Minidoka project, Maho, public* notice. Mar 21, 1912. [2]

NaxRorG7„aS Mar. 5, 1912. 2 p. (H doc 591 ) J J° Reservation ™ . ?[t:]pPT<’tt Neb-Wy° ’ PUblic "Oti« (instructions, etc.].

18, [signaturesO]I29,[130.aP[Wl12e? b°Unty4aud claims] v.

~variousep[aVging8’ 109~117; °ct’ U’ 1911-Mar. 16, 1912. [1912.]

[signatures] 20,to Public Iand«, v. 40, - e , L ’J ’-'VO ooO, y__ 23651 /,rS restoration of pubHcXnds bv Executi^ relftlve *o withdrawals and (S. doc. 349.) J y Executlve order. Feb. 28, 1912. 4 p. 3ubrasT±£edtoi“‘;Ee 7 Wriation tor surveying Mar. 4, 1912. 4 p doC 375.) + estlmate8 ^cal year 1913?

Seattle, Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition iq o q n nutting item for inclusion in H ^omiuunication sub- Mulver, Mrs. Peter sXer aM M^ ™ -°TrTbur?e ^rs. Oliver Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition * exhibitors at ta.n Alaska buiMing' ^icles lost PJpVT"’ M°nt” ShaW Unit’ public Mar 2, 1912.

FeM 29Uni9i2^alt[™pP4“PT’ "!Wh'’ public “otice (and instructions). Tietonp Umt^akinra project, Wash., public notice. Feb. 21, 1912.

Umatdla project, Oreg., public notice. Mar. 2, 1912 (2| p 4. t Aun,a project, Cal., public notice. Mar. 8, 1912. (2) p 4« f 584 Mar ch , 1912 ALASKA

Estimate of appropriation for incidental expenseUn office secretary of district of Alaska. Mar. 5,1912. 2p. (H.aoc.oao.) +


CONVENTION OF AMERICAN INSTRUCTORS OF THE DEAF Proceedings of 19th meeting held at Delavan, ^is., July fr-lS^Wn. Dec. 7, 1911. [published] 1912 . 244 p. 1 pl. (8. doc. 139.' 20c. education bureau

per, 5c. Higher education in United SUtes, by KWrick Charlo, Ba coc^.

committee 6. 1912. 35 p. (Bulletin 4, 1912, whole_ nmd/a > * Paper, 5c. Monthly record of current educational publications. Feb. 15 (Library circular 2.) f

svSem of District of Columbia; presented by Mr. Galhnger Mar 15 1912 40 p- il. (S. doc. 431.) [Extracts from Education Bureau Bulletin 5, 1912.] *Paper, 5c. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY

Not e -The publications of the United States Geological Survey^consist oi^annual reSim (r Jtric?ed to one volume each, begmnmg with ^JoMW^bulletms, Mineral resources, Professional papers andW T^rar^and Field editions) and graphs, and Mio. wh£h >>™ts •«, <">"»

~f‘“! &£ Director Of the Geological Survey, Washington. Asbestos. Production of asbestos, [calendar- year] 1911; byU^er- 1912 9p. [From Mineral resources, 1911.] TlaPer> PaPer> Claysville folio, Pa.; by M. J. Munn [Library edition j Wehingen, Geological Survey, 1912. cover-title, 14 p. 11. 1 pl. 4 maps, large (£X\“atlas of United States 180.) ’Paper, 25c. GS 12-218/2 Iliamna region, Geologic reconnaissance of Iliamna repon, Alaska,; by G. C. Martin and F. J. Katz. 1912. 138 p. 1 • P • P_ 219/2 in pocket, 2 tab. (Bulletin 485.) * Paper, 35c. GS 12 219/2 ___ Same. (H. doc. 1483, 61st Cong. 3d sess.) Mar ch , 1912 585

maps, 4 are m pocket. (Bulletin 500.) * Paper! 30c GS 12-220/4 Mineral resources of United States, calendar year 1910- nt 9 Man \ [with bibliographies!. 191] 1005 n il 17 ™ o*' 2’ ?onrnetal3 * Cloth, $1.25. P- L 17 maPs> 3 are ln pocket.

Same. (H. doc. 169.) y4'2

^er^er,^' » ^“MoSyjV P',blira‘iom' list Feb- M2. [1912.] 3 p.

TriT^ M^AMU=“0i9T2d IS“Iy, T«ree’1909-10'- tin496.) ‘Paper 30? P ' 392 P-1 pl-map. (Bulle- — Same. (H. doc. 171.) 4-1312'7

governme nt hosp ital for insane

1912. U[T]+20rpVe<+ b' president of board of visitors Feb. 5, 1912.


I''°r[iaM2“d(pC“et Indian hnd’- "'"'-l River Reservation.


Commencement exercises, Mar 31-Anr 5T1Q191 rr„ r i T j - Carlisle, Pa.] 1912. [16] p. 4 p of pl. 16°2 J fCarhsle Indlan Pres3> Red[1912]’. 'cover-title ^^8+12^^ ?ndianfi Press> Carlisie- Pa- July and August.] ’ f Paper $1 Jo a yr.’ ge n-244W3


States, wh?chPis'soM at sFttr a^CIl^U?Jishe + a large «eneral maP of the United

a,,XV[fKeS!±dfo^UrchaS“? m?tor boat ™e of special 1S1912 2 f "nLd”c. 584 ® Trat,ng “ A‘“Ska' M”' RCgfo? caS^dX^aX^ PUbHf a”d ovations purposes. Jnnel; ^^^TnX^S.0'

8—35595 586 Marc h , 1912

Maps United States, showing extent of public surveys, Indian, military, and forest reservations, railroads, canals, national parks, and other Hetails [with insets]; corrected to June 30, 1911. Scale 37 m.=l in. Sack- ett & Wilhelms Co., New York [1912]. 59.4X82.3 in. * $1.00 Alaska; with inset, Aleutian Islands. Scale 250 m.= 2.4 in. 14.6X17.2and2.4X7.5in. Canal Zone; with inset, Isthmus of Panama, showing location of canal. Scale 10 m. =2.1 in. 9.2X9.5 and 2.6X4 in. Hawaiian Islands, approximate scale UM) m.= 1.3 in.; with inset. Guam or Cuajan Island, approximate scale 10 m.= 1 in. 5.7X9.1 and 4.2X3.2 in. Philippine Islands. Approximate scale 140 m.= 1.7 in. 14.6X 10 in. Porto Rico. Scale 30 m.= 2 in. 5.8X12.6 in. < Tutuila Group of Samoan Islands: Manua [Islands], scale 5 m.= 1.6 in.; Rose I., scale 5 m.= 0.3 in.; Tutuila Isl., scale 5 m 1.6 in. 5.4X8.5, 2.9X5.2, 2.4X1.6, and 3.8X6.9 in. MINES BUREAU Permissible explosives tested prior to Jan. 1, 1912, and precautions to be taken in their use; by Clarence Hall. 1912. 20 p. (Miners’ circular 6.) [Includes list of Mines Bureau publications on mine accidents and tests of explosives.] * Paper, 5c. 12—35444 Physical and chemical properties of petroleums of San Joaquin Valley of California, by Irving C. Allen and W. A. Jacobs; with chapter on Analyses of natural gas from oil fields of southern California, by G. A. Burrell. [Reprint] 1912. 60 p. il. 2 pl. (Bulletin 19.) [Includes list of Geological Survey and Mines Bureau publications on fuel testing.] * Paper, 10c. 11—35826/5 PATENT OFFICE

Not e .—The Patent Office publishes Specifications and drawings of patents, both in single copies and monthly volumes. The single copies are not enumerated in this catalogue, but may be obtained for 5c. each at the Patent Office. The Superintendent of Documents sells the monthly volumes at $5.00 per volume or $60 per year, and back numbers, prior to 1907, may be had at $3.00 per volume or $36 per year. A variety of indexes, giving a complete view of the work of the Patent Office from 1790 to date, are published at prices ranging from 25c. to $10 per volume and may be obtained from the Superintendent of Documents. The rules of practice and pam- phlet Patent laws are furnished free of charge upon application to the Patent Office. The Patent Office issues coupon orders in packages of 20 at $1.00 per package, or in books containing 100 coupons at $5.00 per book. One coupon will procure a specifica- tion with drawing. These coupons are good until used, but are only to be used for orders sent to the Patent Office. For schedule of office fees, address Chief Clerk, Patent Office. Alphabetical list of patentees to whom patents were issued, Jan. 1912 [with list of inventions]. [1912.] cviii p. large 8° [Monthly index to Official gazette.] * Paper, 10c. single copy, included in price of Official gazette for subscribers. Same, Feb. 1912 [with list of inventions], [1912.] xcviii p. large 8° [Monthly index to Official gazette.] In Court of Appeals of District of Columbia, Jan. term, 1912, in re Inde- pendent Breweries Company, trade-mark for beverages, patent ap- peal no. 761; brief for commissioner of patents. 1912. cover-title, 11 P- t In Court of Appeals of District of Columbia, Jan. term, 1912, patent ap- peal no. 751, in re Meta Mattullath, administratrix of Hugo Mat- tullath, improvement in flying machines; supplemental brief for commissioner of patents. 1912. cover-title, 25 p. t Official gazette, Mar. 5-26, 1912; v. 176, no. 1-4. 1912. cover-title, 1074-|-[cx] p. il. large 8° [Weekly.] * Paper, 10c. single copy, $5.00 a yr. 4—18256/3 Note .—Contains the patents, trade-marks, designs, and labels issued each week; also decisions of the Commissioner of Patents and of the United States courts in patent cases. Marc h . 1912 587

Report of commissioner of patents to Congress, year ended Dec. 31, 1911. 1912. 14 p. large 8° t 12—3671/3


Note .—The Reclamation record of Oct. 1908 publishes the following note regarding the publications on irrigation projects compiled by the Reclamation Service: “Some of the railroad companies have lately signified their willimmess to issue in the form of illustrated circulars manuscripts fur'nisht by the [Reclamation] Service and to supply several thousand copies with no advertising matter attacht for distribution by the Service. These circulars contain detailed information concerning the location of the projects, climate, crops, transportation facilities, fuel, water supply, markets, cost of water right and other matters of interest.” Recently the Reclamation Service has paid for large editions of these folders without advertising matter. These folders may be obtained free upon application at the Reclamation Service. Huntley irrigation project, Mont. n. p. [1912], cover-title, 12 p. oblong

Reclamation record, v. 3, no. 3; Mar. 1912. [1912], p. 39-54, 4° [Monthly.] 9—35252/3 Not e .—The Reclamation record is sold for 50 cents per year. Subscriptions may be forwarded to the Chief Clerk, U. S. Reclamation Service, Washington, D. C., and remittances should be made payable to the Special Fiscal Agent, U. S. Recla- mation Service. Specifications 207,208. [1912.] 14 p. and 16 p. 3 pl. map. 4° [Consists of advertisements proposal and specifications for reclamation pro- jects.] f INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION

Not e .—The bound volumes of the decisions, usually known as Interstate Commerce Commission reports, are sold by the Superintendent of Documents. Separate opin- ions are sold on subscription, price $1.00 per volume; single copies 5 cents each. Barrels. Order [promulgating] at general session of Interstate Commerce Commission on 21st of February, 1912, investigation and suspension no. 79, in matter of investigation and suspension of advanced rating of empty barrels contained in supplement no. 19 to southern classifi- cation no. 38, I. C. C. no. 15. [1912.] 9 p. * Paper, 5c. Car-couplers. In circuit court of appeals, 3d circuit, Erie Railroad Com- pany v. United States, error to district court for district of New Jersey; brief for defendant in error. 1912. cover-title, 40 p. J Cattle. Investigation and suspension no. 55, in matter of investigation and suspension of advances in rates by carriers for transportation of stock cattle and sheep; decided Mar. 11, 1912; report of commission. 1912. [1)4-7-12 p. (Opinion 1809.) [From Interstate Commerce Commission reports, v. 23.] * Paper, 5c. Cement. No. 3933, Alpha Portland Cement Company v. Baltimore de Ohio Railroad Company et al.; decided Jan. 15, 1912; report of com- mission. 1912. [1]4-446-455 p. (Opinion 1774.) [From Interstate Commerce Commission reports, v. 22.] * Paper, 5c. Coal. In Commerce Court, no. 62, O’Gara Coal Company [et al.] v. United States [et al.], petition to suspend and annul orders of com- mission of Feb. 5, 1912; answer of commission. 1912. cover-title, 144-ii p. J ----- Investigation and suspension nos. 26, 26-A, 26-B, and 26-C, in matter of investigation and suspension of advances in rates for trans- portation of coal by Chesapeake & Ohio Railway Company [et al.] and their connections; decided Mar. 11, 1912; report of commission. z 1912. [l]4-604-639 p. (Opinion 1806.) [From Interstate Com- merce Commission reports, v. 22.] * Paper, 5c. 588 Mar ch , 1912

Coal—Continued. No. 3771, Stonega Coke A Coal Company et al. v. Louisville & Nashville Railroad Company et al.; decided Mar. 12, 1912; report of commission. 1912. [1]4-17-27 p. il. (Opinion 1811.) [From Interstate Commerce Commission reports, v. 23.] * Paper, 5c. ----- No. 3853, John W. Boileau et al. v. Pittsburgh A Lake Erie Railroad Company et al.; decided Mar. 11, 1912; report of commission. 1912. [l]4-640-655 p. (Opinion 1807.) [From Interstate Commerce Com- mission reports, v. 22.] * Paper, 5c. Commerce. Act to regulate commerce as amended and acts supple- mentary thereto, Commerce Court act, safety appliance acts, act requiring monthly reports of accidents, arbitration act, hours of service act, boiler inspection act; revised to July 1, 1911. 1911 [reprint 1912]. 112 p. [Printed for use of Interstate Commerce Committee.] * Paper, 10c. 11—35734/4 Conference rulings [of Interstate Commerce Commission, Dec. 11, 1911- Feb. 12, 1912]. Mar. 9, 1912. 4 p. * Paper, 5c. Cotton-seed. No. 4297, Memphis Freight Bureau et al. v. St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern Railway Company; no. 4297, sub-no. 1, same v. St. Louis & San Francisco Railroad Company; decided Mar. 4, 1912; report of commission. 1912. [1]4-548-557 p. (Opinion 1794.) [From Interstate Commerce Commission reports, v. 22.] * Paper, 5c. ----- No. 4299, Memphis Freight Bureau et al. v. St. Louis Southwestern Railway Company et al.; decided Mar. 4,1912; report of commission. 1912. [2]4-537-539 p. (Opinion 1792.) [From Interstate Com- merce Commission reports, v. 22.] * Paper, 5c. Counters. No. 4279, Ireland & Rollins v. St. Louis & San Francisco Railroad Company; decided Mar. 4, 1912; report of commission. 1912. [l]4-590—593 p. (Opinion 1803.) [From Interstate Com- merce Commission reports, v. 22.] * Paper, 5c. Decisions. Unreported opinions 506-550. [1912.] various paging. J Not e .—These opinions deal with reparation cases and are semi-confidential in char- acter. These publications are not to be obtained but may be consulted at the Library of the Interstate Commerce Commission. Express companies. 2d annual report on statistics of express companies in United States, year ended June 30,1910. 1912. 38p.4° *Paper, 10c. 11—35081/2 ------Supplement to Regulations to govern construction and tiling of tariffs and classifications of express companies, administrative rulings; issued by order of commission Feb. 13, 1912. 1912. 4 p. (Tariff circular 19a, supplement 1.) * Paper, 5c. Fourth section order 839; Mar. 16, 1912. [1912.] 2 p. [Relates to 4th section of act to regulate commerce as amended.] * Paper, 5c. Freight. No. 4342, Edward Byrnes, trustee for H. Woods Company v. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Company et al.; decided Mar. 4, 1912; report of commission. 1912. [l]-|-585—587 p. (Opin- ion 1801.) [From Interstate Commerce Commission reports, v. 22.] * Paper, 5c. Freight-cars. No. 3478, Milburn Wagon Company v. Lake Shore A Michigan Southern Railway Company et al.; decided Jan. 8, 1912; report of commission. 1912. [2]4-511-512 p. (Opinion 1788.) [From Interstate Commerce Commission reports, v. 22.] * Paper, 5c. ----- No. 3699, Lindsay Brothers v. Lake Shore A Michigan Southern Railway Company et al.; decided Jan. 8, 1912; report of commission. 1912. [1]4-516-518 p. (Opinion 1790.) [From Interstate Com- merce Commission reports, v. 22.] * Paper, 5c. Mar ch , 1912 589 ’i«TdXCo?r,‘- mission; answer of commission t d interstate Commerce Com- cover-title, 4p J commisslon t0 amendment to petition. [19??]

of Texas [et’alJ^uSted^Stes andllnU^ta? paisera Association sion; motion to dismiss. 1912. cover-title^?p CJmmPrce Commis- r No- ?5?> 111 Supreme Court, Oct. term 1911 n Commission v. United States ex rel HnmhnMt i*lterstate Commerce

?: Shore . report of commission. 1912. m?570_572 n zn -r’ 4> I9]2J [From Interstate Commerce ConUS rlpoX, Paper!

'"“BailSd^XTdSeM^ 1912. [1J+48O-I86 p (Opinion 1?88 ? ('/“'"’"t of “™»teion, mcrce Commission rejwrts, v.22 ] » S(er 5™ Interetate Com- ~ Wtimore & Ohio sion. 1912 [l]+596-603 p. (Opinion 18051’ ^Port ofT C01™nis- Commerce Commission reports, v. 22 ] * PaperJ 5c Interstate opinioi^We^°UrM^S25^ ^Kper^c1^ rUling8 aUd ~cinn^ circuit, no^^' develand, Cin-

distnct court for southern district 1?}/’ Vn.ltpd States, error to error. 1912. cover-title 16 p f °hl°; bnef of defendant in “tXti»Tn&X87Xion M- MA-E- “ transportation of iron fnd steel artMra'dX+j’rY Mrrien for report of commission. 1912 (lt+48fes7 1 d/Xeb'- I2’ 1912i [1’roin Interstate Commerce Con!mti»n 8 (°P1I110n 1784.) 5c. “utrce commission reports, v. 22.] * PaperPaper,

Santa Fe Radw^Company ct^'-'d"P vi Ji F n*'?®011’ ToPet“ * commission. 1912. fl 1+477 479 n’d/n!—report of state Commerce Commission reports v. 22 ] * 5c(Fr°m Inter* llkCompOany2et alj^eSdt 4*’ PT*N°rthern Expres8 W+573-577 p. ’ (Opinion 1798 ? 'T? °f comm^ion. 1912. mission reports, v. 22.] * Paper 4nterstate Commerce Com-

?“Pany Mis80uri Pacific 1M2. .(IJ+SS^p. Commission reports, v. 22.] * Paper 5c r°m ^n^ersiaie Commerce 590 Mar ch , 1912

Paper. No. 3547, J. K. Gill Company et al. v. Oregon Railroad & Naviga- tion Company et al.; decided Feb. 5,1912; report of commission. 1912. [1J4-442—445 p. (Opinion 1773.) [From Interstate Commerce Com- mission reports, v. 22.] * Paper, 5c. Poles. No. 4053, California Pole & Piling Company et al. v. Southern Pacific Company; decided Feb. 12,1912; report of commission. 1912. [2]-|-507-510 p. (Opinion 1787.) [From Interstate Commerce Com- mission reports, v. 22.] * Paper, 5c. Potatoes. Investigation and suspension no. 45, in matter of investigation and suspension of advances in rates for transportation of potatoes and other articles; decided Mar. 21, 1912; report of commission. 1912. [1]+63-65 p. (Opinion 1814.) [From Interstate Commerce Com- mission reports, v. 23.] * Paper, 5c. Railroad switches. No. 4254, Alan Wood Iron & Steel Company v. Pennsylvania Railroad Company et al.; decided Mar. 4, 1912; report of commission. 1912. [l]+540-548 p. (Opinion 1793.) [From Interstate Commerce Commission reports, v. 22.] * Paper, 5c. Railroad ties. No. 3143, Switzer Lumber Company v. Alabama & Mis- sissippi Railroad Company et al.; decided Feb. 12, 1912; report of commission 1912. [1]+471-476 p. (Opinion 1781.) [From Inter- state Commerce Commission reports, v. 22.] * Paper, 5c. ----- No. 3254, Paul Stiritz v. New Orleans, Mobile r- Atlantic Coast Line Railroad. No. 3, in Commerce Court, Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company [et al.] v. Interstate Commerce Commission and others; answer of United States. 1912. cover-title, 13 p. + Aurora, brig. In Court of Claims, French spoliations, no. 458, brio- Aurora, John Frankford, master; defendants’ brief. [1912.] p. 19.' + Axman, Rudolf. In Court of Claims, Axman v. United States, no. 28707; defendants’ motion to amend findings of fact, and for new trial. [1912.] p. 273—319. J Banta, William. In Court of Claims, Indian depredations, W. E. Hudson, administrator of Banta, v. United States and Comanche Indians, no. 2640; defendants’ brief. [1912.] p. 1-10. J Betsey, brig. In Court of Claims, French spoliations, no. 465, brig Betsey, Jonathan Pitcher, master; defendants’ brief. [1912.] p. 21. * Betsey, sloop. In Court of Claims, French spoliations, no. 460, sloop Betsey, Robert Maffet, master; defendants’brief. [1912.] p. 23. J Brown, Sam, & Co. Court of Claims, no. 31116, Sam Brown & Co. v. ®tate8; evidence, report of War Department. [1912.] p.

Caine, Elmer E. In Court of Claims, Minnie A. Caine and Charles F. Munday, executors of Elmer E. Caine, v. United States, no. 22785; 6(U71da jts’ recluests for findings of fact, and brief. [1912.] p.

Chicago and Alton Railroad. In Court of Claims, no. 30234, Chicago and Alton Railroad Company v. United States; defendants’ brief in oppo- sition to claimant’s motion to set aside judgment and amend findings. 1912. cover-title, 5 p. J Delight, brig. In Court of Claims, French spoliations, nos. 1434 and 3381, brig Delight, John Glazier, master; defendants’ tentative find- ings, and brief. [1912.] p. 41-43. | Goodman, Edward B., & Co. No. 1024, in Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1911, Edward B. Goodman & Co., F. Blumenthal & Co., Berlinger, Brown & Meyer, v. United States, petition for writ of certiorari to Court of Customs Appeals; brief for United States in opposition. 1912. cover-title, 51 p. J Henry, Sidney. No. 20, in Supreme Court, Oct term, 1911, Sidney Henry et al. v. A. B. Dick Company, on certificate from circuit court of appeals for 2d circuit; application by United States for leave to intervene herein and for rehearing of cause. 1912. cover-title, 12 p. J Hillman, Clarence D. No. 1020, in Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1911, Hillman v. United States, petition for writ of certiorari to circuit court of appeals for 9th circuit; objections by Government to peti- tion. 1912. cover-title, 19 p. | International Harvester Company. Reply to resolution relative to cer- tain correspondence concerning International Harvester Co. [stating that it is not compatible with public interests to furnish information desired]. Mar. 25, 1912. 1 p. (S. doc. 454.) + 592 Mar ch , 1912

Jemima and Fanny, brig. In Court of Claims, French spoliations, no. 816, brig Jemima and Fanny, George Hastie, master; defendants’ brief. [1912.] p. 19. $ Johnson, Arthur. In Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1911, Johnson v. United States; petition for writ of certiorari to Court of Appeals of District of Columbia. 1912. cover-title, 24 p. J Kansas City Southern Railway. No. 56, in Commerce Court, Kansas City Southern Railway Company v. United States; answer of United States. 1912. cover-title, 4 p. J Keystone Watch Case Company. No. 773, of Oct. session, 1911, of circuit court for eastern district of Pennsylvania, in district court for eastern district of Pennsylvania, United States v. Keystone Watch Case Com- pany and others; replication to answer of defendants. 1912. cover- title, Ip. J Laidlaw-Dunn-Gordon Company. In Court of Claims, Laidlaw-Dunn- Gordon Company v. United States, no 30611; defendants’ objections to claimant’s motion for new trial. [1912.] p. 72-77. J Lively, schooner. In Court of Claims, French spoliations, no 517, schooner Lively, John Burrows, master; defendants’ brief. [1912.] p.33. J Louisville and Nashville Railroad. In Court of Claims, Louisville & Nashville Railroad Company v. United States, no. 30030; defend- ants’ brief on claimant’s motion for new trial. [1912.] p. 1-10. J Lyons, Leslie J. Letter responding to resolution asking copy of charges filed against Lyons saying it is not compatible with public interest to furnish information desired. Mar. 14, 1912. 1 p. (H. doc. 620.) J Maryland Dredging and Contracting Company. In Court of Claims, no. 31188, Maryland Dredging & Contracting Company v. United States; defendants’ reply brief. 1912. cover-title, p. 59, 60. f Missouri Pacific Railway. In Court of Claims, no. 30497, Missouri Pa- cific Railway Company v. United States; defendants’ brief and re- quest for findings of fact. 1912. cover-title, p. 88-102. J Omaha Indians. Court of Claims, no. 31002, Omaha Indians v. United States; evidence for defendants. [1912.] p. 99-111, il. J Phoenix, ship. In Court of Claims, French spoliations, no. 759, ship Phoenix, Christian Becker, master; defendants’ tentative findings, and supplementary brief. [1912.] p. 45-49. J Regulator, schooner. In Court of Claims, French spoliations nos. 2822 and 4476; schooner Regulator, Stephen Chace, master; defendants’ tentative findings, and brief. [1912.] p. 23-26. J Ripley, Henry C. In Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1911, no. 498, Ripley v. United States; no. 499, United States v. Ripley; objections to ap- pellant Ripley’s petition for modification of judgment, and brief thereon for United States. 1912. cover-title, 2 p. J Sally, ship. In Court of Claims, French spoliations, nos. 441, 1313, 1462, 2500, 2743, 3853, and 5051, ship Sally, Daniel M’Pherson, master; defendants’ brief. [1912.] p. 61. X Smelting. Letter in reply to resolution asking for information touching existence of smelter trust in United States, etc. Mar. 18. 1912. 2 p. (H. doc. 628.) J Mar ch , 1912 593

Societe Anonyme des Anciens Etablissements Cail. In Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1911, no. 209, Lnited States v. Societe Anonyme des Anciens Etablissements Cail; no. 210, Societe Anonyme des Anciens Etablissements Cail v. United States, appeals from Court of Claims; oral argument by John Q. Thompson. 1912. cover-title, 35 p. J Storm, Mrs. Julia E. Court of Claims, no. 30782, Mrs. Storm, no. 30606, Mrs. Mary E. Hughes, no. 30778, George V., J. R., and J. W. Ward, no. 31092, Melsheimer Bros., no. 30756, Louise Feldman et al no. 30779, C. R. & L. M. Allen, no. 30780, A. R. Nichols, no. 31094. D. N. Hebron, no. 30740, Vicksburg Wharf & Land Co., no. 31093, John King; report of War Department. [1912.] p. 1-20. J Stricker, Patrick J. Court of Claims, no. 30270, Stricker v. United States; evidence, report of War Department. [1912.] p. 7-13. + Tousey Company. No. 251, in Supreme Court, Oct. term, 1911, Frank Tousey [doing business as Tousey Company] v. Frank H. Hitchcock, Postmaster General, appeal from Court of Appeals of District of Columbia; brief for appellee. 1912. cover-title, 2 p. J Trusts. Federal anti-trust decisions, cases decided in United States courts under anti-trust act of July 2, 1890, including similar decisions not based upon that act, 1890 [to] 1912; by James A. Finch. 1912. v. 1, 2, vi-|-1042 p. and vi+1036 p. [v. 1 and 2 cover years 1890- 1906. The entry for v. 1-3 of this set, with Congressional document number, appeared on page 509 of the February Monthly catalogue.] * Cloth, $4.00 per set (4 vols.). Note .—See also Notes of general interest, in this catalogue, page 535. Same; by John L. Lott. 1912. v. 3, vi-[-984 p. [v. 3 covers years 1906-1910.] Same; by John L. Lott. 1912. v. 4, liii-f-699 p. [v. 4 covers years 1910 and 1911.] ----- Same. (S. doc. Ill, 62d Cong. 1st sess.) 12—35154/7 Weighel, William. In Court of Claims, Weighel v. United States, no. 22532; defendants’ supplemental brief in support. [1912.] p. 170-


[42d] annual report of trustees [to Attorney-General, with reports of offi- cers] fiscal year 1911. 1912. 12 p. f “ -----8—5519


Library of Congress; by William Warner Bishop. 1912. 19 p. 7 pl. 12° f 12—35002


Select list of references on emplovers’ liabilitv and workmen’s compen- sation. 1911. ix+3-196 p. large 8° * Paper, 25c. 11—35011/3 594 Marc h , 1912


Not e .—Subscriptions for the Catalogue of copyright entries should be sent to the Superintendent of Documents, instead of to the Register of Copyrights as formerly. Catalogue of copyright entries, pt. 1, group 1, new series, v. 8, index [and title-page, calendar] year 1911. 1912. ix+45-242+[2] p. * Paper, $3.00 a yr.; pts. 1 and 3, each $1.00 a yr.; pts. 2 and 4, each 50c. a yr. 6—35347/7 Not e .—Each number is issued in 4 parts: pt. 1, group 1, relates to books; pt. 1, . group 2, to pamphlets, leaflets, contributions to newspapers or periodicals, etc., dra- matic compositions, maps, and charts; pt. 2, to periodicals; pt. 3, to musical compo- sitions; pt. 4, to engravings, cuts and prints, chromos and lithographs, photographs and fine arts. Same [pt. 1, group 1, new series, v. 9] nos. 10-22; Max. 1912. Mar. 2-30, 1912. p. 81-184. [Issued 3 times a week.] Same, pt. 1, group 1 [new series, v. 9, monthly index]; Feb. 1912. 1912. ix+l-16+xvi p. [Contains also list of copyright renewals.] Same, pt. 1, group 2, new series, v. 8, index [and title-page, calendar] year 1911. 1912. [2]+1167-1435+[1] p. Same, pt. 1, group 2, new series, v. 9, no. 1. 1912. vi-|-l-107+xxv p. [Monthly.] Same, pt. 3, new series, v. 6, no. 14 [with index and title-page to pt. 3, new series, v. 6, calendar year 1911], 1912. vii-|-1761-2340+[l] p. [Monthly.] DOCUMENTS DIVISION

Monthly list of State publications, Dec. 1911, v. 2, no. 12. 1912. p. 387-415. * Paper, 50c. a yr. 10—8924/3


Orchestral music, class M 1000-1268, catalogue, scores. 1912. 663 p. large 8° *Cloth, $1.00. 11—35001/3

NAVY DEPARTMENT Communication submitting for appropriation adjudicated claim of schooner Margaret Haskell for damages sustained by collision with U. S. S. Ammen. Mar. 9, 1912. 2 p. (H. doc. 606.) + Estimate of appropriation for navy wireless telegraph stations, fiscal vear 1913. Mar. 4, 1912. 2 p. (H. doc. 590.) J General order 159-168 [4th series]; Feb. 16-Mar. 7, 1912. [1912.] vari- ous paging, il. 12° J Information in response to resolution relative to officers and men on retired list of Navy. Mar. 21, 1912. 7 p. (S. doc. 449.) J Report of expenditures of vessels under general storekeeping system afloat, 3d and 4th quarters, 1911, and 1st quarter, 1912. 1912. 46 p. * Paper, 10c. NAVAL MILITIA OFFICE Register of commissioned and warrant officers of naval militia. Jan. 1, 1912. 51 p. * Paper, 5c. Mar ch , 1912 595 NAVIGATION BUREAU LeaiTtofflcers Navy subM‘‘uent “ j“-1.1912

Regtar t STTiT N->' “0 M^e Co^ ^Ti^.0Ver-Ut" »' »u™«PeaiU0„ fi:8£y ona M.rtae

Same. (H. doc. 156.)

HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE bythe offlcein Was^nlto^anllls^b^awntsatth^6 ^.rosrapbic Office are sold fn^rtS t-nd American lake ports. Tlw prfce of the AInepi('an and foreign ing directions, and other publications is °f eharts> Plans, sail- raPrln^s’ an

(Oreg.), Pori Townsend,, aevehmd.’^&Xte^iWS’ '"Soley”

NoPTP.?£teimonreveSe‘ctaftelta'11,A,'!anti,C Ocem. 1912.') f '

HydSP1hjj: i^S”’ n^lS; Mar. 6-27, 1912. [1912 j

NOti303 1 ”[wSy.H’ 1M2> M"- 2-3« [1912). (1912.) [xiiJ+1;8_

Charts Cocagne Harbor, New Brunswick flnlf cg t British survey in 1843- with in ent Lawrence, Canada, from chart 2692. Scale naut m =3 in et’ <-0I\t?”uatl°n of Cocagne River; graphic office, Feb. 1912. 25.2X19 38fnedlho^0c^aphington> Hydro- CUbY^ by L, s. s.

3b.4xn34.5Linedt50?.’ ashington> Hydrographic Office,S’ 1912.

CUb^rSv°eUy? W D&Uiri BT from S -a, Washings,'h XSc OS£, 1&3Slet,7

Scale naut. m 4 2 in, w””2£ IT'S V”"' 19I?i ^rt 2M2. Office, Jan. 1912. 28.8X44.3^1 f60c "ashlDgton’ Hydrographic 1^7-1907^’

Pilot chart of Indian Ocean, May, 1912; chart 2603. Scale 1° long.= 0.2 in. Washington, Hydrographic Office, Mar. 15,1912. 22.4X31.1. in. [Monthly. Prepared in cooperation with Weather Bureau.] flOc. Pilot chart of north Atlantic Ocean, Mar. 1912; chart 1400. Scale 1° long.=0.27 in. Washington, Hydrographic Office, Feb. 28, 1912. 21X32 in. [Monthly. Prepared in cooperation with Weather Bureau.] flOc. Note .—Contains on reverse, Routes followed by steamers in passing between New Orleans and Colon, and between New Orleans and Blueflelds. Same, Apr. 1912; chart 1400. Scale 1° long. =0.27 in. Washington, Hydrographic Office, Mar. 28,1912. 21X32 in. [Monthly. Prepared in cooperation with Weather Bureau.] flOc. Not e .—Contains on reverse, Total eclipse of the sun, Apr. 17,1912. Pilot chart of north Pacific Ocean, May, 1912; chart 1401. Scale 1° long.=0.2 in. Washington, Hydrographic Office, Mar. 15, 1912. 20.7X35.3 in. [Monthly. Prepared in cooperation with Weather Bureau.] flOc. Port Sudan, [or] Sheikh el Barghut or Barud, Red Sea, western shore, Africa, from British survey in 1904, topography corrected from Sudan Government map, 1908; chart 2818. Scale 2000 yds. =8.85 in. 1st edition. Washington, Hydrographic Office, Feb. 1912. 26.2X39 in. |40c. Suo [Suwo] Nada, Naikai or Inland Sea, Japan, Shimonoseki Kaikyo to Maruyama Zaki, from Japanese surveys, 1884-1910; chart 2737. Scale naut. m.=1.42 in. 1st edition. Washington, Hydrographic Office, Feb. 1912. 26.2X39.5 in. f 50c.


Note .—The American ephemeris and nautical almanac, in cloth, is sold for SI.00. the American nautical almanac, in paper, for 30c. The Astronomical papers prepared for use of the American ephemeris and nautical almanac are sold at cost. The sale of these publications was turned over to the Superintendent of Documents, Oct. 1,1906. American ephemeris and nautical almanac, [calendar] year 1914. 1911. xvi+742 p. il. 2 maps. * Cloth, $1.00. ‘ 7—35435/2

ORDNANCE BUREAU 1-pounder range table, 1,600 F. S. initial velocity to 4,000 yards, coeffi- cient of form, .86 weight of projectile, 1.05 pounds, Siacci’s method, corrected for altitude Ingalls’s ballistic tables. Jan. 1912. [l]+7 p. 4° (Ordnance pamphlet 87.) J War 12—76 3-pdr. breech mechanism, mark 11. Feb. 1912. [l]+5 p. 2 pl. 4° (Ord- nance pamphlet 86.) J War 12—74 Specifications for steel and nickel-steel gun forgings for Navy, 1909. Re- vised Jan. 1, 1912. [1]+14 p. il. 4° (Ordnance pamphlet 9.) J War 12—75 SUPPLIES AND ACCOUNTS BUREAU Memoranda for information of officers of Pay Corps, commanding officers of ships, and commandants of stations 131; Feb. 1, 1912 [1912] p. 1969-88, 12° [Monthly.] J Same 132; Mar. 1, 1912. [1912.] p. 1989-2005, 12° [Monthly.] J Notices of purchases [of miscellaneous materials, etc.]; nos. 314-316. Mar. 2-29, 1912. Each 2 p. f° [Two editions of these notices are issued; one for the Eastern States and one for the Western States.] f Mar ch , 1912 597 PAN AMERICAN UNION

at prices usually ranging from 5c to $1 00 The vlnS’ handbooks, etc., bunetinis25c. a single copy or$2f 00 ayear• theSnln^h! ,o the Wish edition of the guese edition, 81.00a year, and the FreTci editionedltlon’?J-50ayear- the Portu- General of the Pan American Union ’7oC' a year Address the Director at 2“g e aCc°hPleS °f the bUlletin may be obtained h°m the Superintendent of Documents B°le53-112 n2’iin°i 2] edi?t° P°;tugueza; Fevereiro, 1912 M-112 p. il. 1 por. [Monthly.] ’ [1912.] iv+ B°lei09-216 n4’ilDl‘ 2J Se™6n ^Pafiola; Febrero, 1912 11—27014/2 p. il. 1 por. [Monthly.] ’ [1912.] iv+ Samp7i24pin° [31J3yn1eSpaMa; (1M2.1 8—30974/2 iv-f-217-324 BU1p^l[Ipi:n[M10Vth|tyi0)nfranfaise; Jan™r' W12- [1912.1 Jv+1-44 S“m;/«: f p'C 1912. [l^MvXI

BU“paU[lpL2np^3fpEIng,^t/; *"■ a912.J iv+297-130 Same. (H. doc. 150, pt. 9.) ‘ 8 30967/2


steamboat or other tti9Sd

nM- 9/rs5a'Mar- holidays.] J P .1 [Daily except Sundays and Oceiiur>a'i4l| rcUfXdri1lCAe„n‘ for.T7ce 80. Feb. 8. 1912, United States and foreign’ noft^nndV01 $3.00 a yr. 4—18254/3 nos. 2-12 being additions a nd corrections ^So^dbvThen the Postal Guide, Market Square, Albany. Olrecuons. bold by the printers, J. B. Lyon Company J

forei gn mail service ing AprSt19^er8S&?° C°“V®y maiIs to countriee dur- Per, 10c. single cop^, $i.’oo a^ yr. 1 P narr0W ‘ [Monthly.] * Pa-

topogr aphy DIVISION delivery maps of counties in9wliicherural0 sold aMOc™nPtseMh-rthe nib® deJlverj’ routes starting routes in an entire county, soid at 50 ennf^o the other, the rural free delivery is used. Editions are not fesued W / Uniform scale of 1 inch to 1 mile specialmaps should calls addressedno? bTconteed to the wi?h t S; eminent establishments in District'd"cTh?mbi?d ‘nde. P™dent Gov- ST^&.T»/ ~

m&ess b/ *?“ by c«»=— U. S. 8. Maine, old. MaT 18, $12 T“ ^red from

“’TabstatataX^^^lion. [Mar. 2, imj Tp £ ([No imT “ ’’ pr”clama-

1 p. t' (No. 1185J efC'' t0 yiexIC0> proclamation. Mar. 14, 1912. Minidoka Reservation. Executive r^n., • serve for native birds). Feb. 21,1912.f $pS,T ffio°?4g H'

‘ “"tonalto»r±\'mrh’'1'"'m'™1 V°sit e -^or- ®N?ilM2n)adtn’i”“trati0n °f for«LM fp^

~for«“CMoS [iStdngTnds?„iDj±“ a6."16’ "«\e‘dL""' ' administratiok ot

national forest^Mont^treservine ImS"^'8*?*1™ site ’ near Cabi net ?NkVigoij‘)adtminiStrati0n °f "a‘“”a> forSth Xnra20,ri9aie2°f

'roo^natfoS^o^t^rtroki^Forest Service in administration of 8n^t ,andf/n M?8itentana’ ■»" for use of 1 P- f° (No. 150‘)aaJllnistratlou of national forest]. Mar. 25, 1912. NaTXn“lnt: A™.nUS“,14 S$?2nd 1PDroc'ama‘“”; N-aio national p- p., 1912- 1 P-map, f° (No. 1186.) f RXgRSXfin's nit"4?,™ ^reordering that part ot Pine be transferred to Chamberlain li n'd ^is land district (No”8^) 'T RapM City to Chambenr£inan

' Tn Depa$ment]°r Mk^S'8 1^‘^^'T

pensatfon o“memabemrIp”??

~6ledXX™Xtt^^ 1. M2, which pensatfon ot Charles E. nughes).^™’ 191? $(Nfo. 600 Mar ch , 1912

Texas. Message transmitting correspondence relative to expense of policing and patrolling international boundary along Rio Grande by Texas. Mar. 12, 1912. 8 p. (S. doc. 404.) J Useless papers. Executive order [providing that useless files of papers to be disposed of shall be submitted to librarian of Congress in order that Executive Departments may benefit by his views as to historical interest of such papers before reporting to Congress], Mar. 16, 1912. 1 p. f° (No. 1499.) J Washington’s farewell address to the people of United States. 1912. 39 p. *Paper, 10c. Wilson, J. C. Executive order [authorizing reinstatement of Wilson as storekeeper-gauger in internal revenue service]. Mar. 26, 1912. 1 p. f° (No. 1506.) t


Not e .—In its latest price-list the Smithsonian Institution publishes this note: “ The publications of the Smithsonian Institution are: 1, Contributions to knowledge; 2, Miscellaneous collections; 3, Annual reports; 4, Special publications. No sets of these are for sale or distribution, as most of the volumes are out of print. The volumes of Contributions and of Miscellaneous collections are distributed only to public libraries and to learned institutions and societies in this country and abroad. A small edition of the papers in these two series is printed separately for sale or exchange. The Smithsonian reports are regularly distributed by the Institution to libraries through- out the world, and only a limited number of the volumes remains to supply demands from other sources. No general mailing-list of individuals is maintained. The reports can be had by purchase from the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C. The papers printed in the annual reports are published separately for free distribution. Publications should be ordered by the serial number. Remittances should be made payable to ' Smithsonian Institution. ’ An application from a library should state the number of volumes in the library and the date of establishment, and have the endorsement of a Member of Congress.” The annual reports are the only Smithsonian publications that are regularly issued as public documents. All the others are paid for from the private funds of the Institution. Cambrian geology and paleontology [v.] 2:6, Middle Cambrian, Branchio- dopa, Malacostraca, Trilobita, and Merostomata; by Charles D. Wal- cott. Washington, Smithsonian Institution, Mar. 13, 1912. [2]+ 145-228+[15] p. il. 11 pl. (Publication 2051; Smithsonian miscella- neous collections, v. 57, no. 6.) f Price on application. 8—35374/3 Same: 7, Cambro-Ordovician boundary in British Columbia with descrip- tion of fossils; by Charles D. Walcott. Washington, Smithsonian Institution, Mar. 8, 1912. [2]+229-237 p. 1 pl. (Publication 2075; Smithsonian miscellaneous collections, v. 57, no. 7.) f Paper, 5c. Same: 8, Sardinian Cambrian genus Olenopsis in America; by Charles D. Walcott. Washington, Smithsonian Institution, Mar. 8, 1912. [2]+ 239-249 p. 1 pl. (Publication 2076; Smithsonian miscellaneous col- lections, v. 57, no. 8.) f Paper, 5c. 8—35374/3 Description of new subspecies of monkey from British East Africa; by N. Hollister. Washington, Smithsonian Institution, Mar. 2, 1912. [2]+2 p. (Publication 2078; Smithsonian miscellaneous collec- tions, v. 59, no. 3.) t Paper, 5c. 12—35447/3 Descriptions of new genera and species of Microlepidoptera from Panama; by August Busck. Washington, Smithsonian Institution, Mar. 9, 1912. [2]+10 p. 1 pl. (Publication 2079; Smithsonian miscellane- ous collections, v. 59, no. 4.) f Paper, 5c. 12—35448/2 New genus and species of Hymenoptera of family Braconidae from Panama; by H. L. Viereck. Washington, Smithsonian Institution, Mar. 9, 1912. [2]+2 p. (Publication 2080; Smithsonian miscella- neous collections, v. 59, no. 5.) f Paper, 5c. 12—35449/3 Mar ch , 1912 601 VT MacDonaid^by8 WiSam HSle^Dan^W?’ Ct°Uectqed. bJ soman Institution, Mar 2 1912 Pl+in \ Smith- Smithsonian miscellaneous «llec^'v+59, Pno. m p°e" T”’

P. 89-117. (Publication »60 J ™PapT«c tWn] x 1 * W OOt/vo/O ETHNOLOGY BUREAU Tahelma Unguap o'-^-^u, by^ Ed.ard Sap^

national museu m report^ andean annuXXmVof PrSinS ^hFaTnua^^t ^ulletins- annual Congressional set. The editions of the Stins^nd £™lr?pOrt ls mcluded in the alm. Mar® M91C2 IltAl^ by Gerrit S. Miller, jr.' LJ+^i26p. [From Proceedings, v. 42; no. 1882.1 f “ “''T o' ^Pidoptem, 39-106 p. [FromP^e^tag7T42 no S5]M"- 6> W12-

C"’"S^Fi195-197 p. [Fromh Proceedings, v. 42; no. 1895.] f ’ + Hymenoptera. Descriptions of new Hymenontera 4- hv T c r ford.] Mar. 6, 1912. (l]+l0 p. il. ’^“ch^moSlieFTy'gT^re,.?W^neS 26 aawX'tes^ [From ProceS^yvH42;'„Y 1S8S.) 'M2' M+139-153 p. ^nusL^&o'l^’^ n»P»d] crustacean belonging to « i8mt feSTp

~MS*Pb^^ ffod gnus Ca idinidea from [From Proceedings, v. 42; no. 1886.] f ’ ’ llJ+107~108 P' 1L AwSUliX'S” referXSrT °fIiSOpO'? »'?e"us Cleantis from Japan [11+27-29 p. il6’'[SprXfe]MV- 6> 1912- ^Tdettm;.'0^'^ ceedings, v. 42; no. 1893.] f’ 912- l1j+]81-18° P- [From Pro- SW“hu„b^VTynHaJrTc “SY® T'"6'' f»«Phaga, [From PMi^C42,°nboer?8lH' t ' |,jH 112,1 V "bioSta™mpS “<'btewipiU-8 £f Te Weev“’ economic [lj+155-170 p.TSttYngs^; 19’ 19’2' 602 Mar ch , 1912 STATE DEPARTMENT

[Circulars] 106-110; Mar. 6-11, 1912. [1912.] various paging. [Nos. 108 and 109 are General instruction circulars to consular officers and nos. 106, 107 and 110 are Special instruction circulars to consular officers.] 1 Diplomatic list, Mar. 1912. [1912.] cover-title, 22 p. 24® [Monthly.] { 10—16292/2 Draft of joint resolution authorizing Secretary of War to receive for instruction at Military Academy at West Point Humberto Mencia and Juan Dawson of Salvador. Feb.29, 1912. 2p. (H.doc.578.) { North Atlantic coast fisheries: Proceedings in north Atlantic coast fish- eries arbitration before Permanent Court of Arbitration at The Hague, under provisions of general treaty of Apr. 4, 1908, and special agree- ment of Jan. 27, 1909, between United States and Great Britain. 1912. v. 4-6. (S. doc. 870, 61st Cong. 3d sess.) *Paper, v. 4, 60c.; *v. 5, 35c.; *v. 6, 50c. 12—35139/7 v. 4,5. Case of Great Britain, and parts 1-3 of Appendix to case of Great Britain. xi-f-135+[xxvi]+1348 p. v. 6. Counter case of United States, and Appendix to counter case of United States viii+108+xi+3-690 p.


Decision of court in case of Sidney Henry et al. vs. A. B. Dick Co. rela- tive to infringement of certain patents; presented by Mr. Brown. Mar. 13,1912. 36 p. (S. doc. 429.) J 12—35418 Decisions in corporation tax cases and income tax cases with dissenting opinions. Mar. 5, 1912. 260 p. (H. doc. 601.) *Paper, 15c. 12—35392 [Journal] Mar. 1-18, 1912, [slips] 72-83. [1912.] 1. 150-168. J Opinion and order of court delivered Jan. 15, 1912, known as opinion on act of Congress relating to liability of common carriers by railroad to their employees in certain cases. Feb. 29, 1912. 14 p. (H. doc. 586.) *Paper, 5c. 12—35352 Order [promulgated Feb. 26, 1912, amending rule 36 of Supreme Court]. [1912.] Ip. f TARIFF BOARD

Wool and manufactures of wool, message of President of United States transmitting report of board on schedule K of tariff law. Dec. 21, 1911, [published] 1912. 5 pts. and index in 2 v. [vii]+3-1278 p. il. 18 pl. 2 maps, 1 tab. (H. doc. 342.) [This is a reprint, with addition of lists of contents and illustrations, of House document 342 which appeared in the Monthly catalogue, Jan. 1912, page 429.] *Paper, $1.30 per set (2 vols.). 11—35021/7


American Fire Insurance Company. Information in response to resolu- tion relative to tax-refunding claims of American Fire Insurance Co. and Insurance Co. of North America. Feb. 28, 1912. 2 p. (S. doc. 351.) J Mar ch , 1912 603 Appropriations. Letter recommending certain • *• appropriation for Department, fiscal vei T9n8 d e8t?maJte of distinctive paper for United ar UU(^er heads of national currency. Mar. 8, 1912 2 p (H doc 60S }exPGnaea of

index]. 1912. [i]+iv p. 4° f nec- 31- 1911 [title-page and Cle VvS Protection to Mar. 6, 1912. 1 “ (H d“c Ws“ ^evel“d and Dayton, Ohio. ^Treasmy^o^S ^±,4 3«> d™^ Secretary of Confederate States, etc. Ma?. 22, 1912? n rn'tSc'S™',01','0 International Congress on Hvciene and n , $ appropriation for expenses^ collectfn^™081^117’ Estimate of of Executive Departments in connorfm’na8S.®?lbllng, etc., exhibits at Washington, DP. C. Se^t^

“exMbiS S"&“toa?d“t^V Secretaries of War, Navy Interior Wi£Slg “““““‘cations from Labor upon that sibjec? Ma?"”’ iV™'^’ (H &T T MBX SH onTo^SSsl’Xd^ “rtain for- [stating that information will be transmitted^ °f tenff acl °f 1909 Mar. 15, 1912. 1 p. (g. doc 434.) J U d soon as obtained]. Nm to^eptsubsthute dL'^fromgran^^2 Tg fSeCrGtary °f Trea8'iry in city of New York substitute8^,! + 81teJ°.r Post-office building (H"“c1!Sd2.f T* G,iI,eral °f United SUte^UTl?:

deceased patient^ of 'pu'blic’jtol'^an'd Ma^'n" °f ?fleCts of

I’"bMardBlb,tW12“'impe P"'[Sfonthly^ ;”d CMh in TreaSUry’1^13«2.

E‘V|pendit^ £ irS1UT8”pre'^otc<>

Statement of Treasury, Mar. 1-30 1912 riQ19 1 t? k 35389 except Sundays and holidays j f ' 9 2‘^ E ch 3 p' f° [Daily ^‘^keeper^uge^in'sth^disTri^of*1!^'^6^^011 by 79 compensation. Mar. 9, 1912. 2p. ^"doc'oosT't? “Crea8'5

«f““d“ “f customs

but appears as Iloit?,doc'i?ri?nn?is';''t;lnCl"ded “ this document, 604 Mar ch , 1912

Treasury decisions under customs, internal-revenue, and other laws, including decisions of Board of General Appraisers and Court of Customs Appeals, v. 22, no. 10-13; Mar. 7-28, 1912. 1912. various paging. [Weekly. Department decisions numbered 32289-333, including decisions of Court of Customs Appeals, general apparaisers’ decisions 7333-41, and internal revenue decisions 1761, 1762.] *Paper, .$1.75 a yr. 10—11513/2 APPRAISERS

Reappraisements of merchandise by general appraisers [on Feb. 21-Mar. 20, 1912]; Mar. 4-25, 1912. [1912.] Each 6 p. or 8 p. 4° (Reap- praisement circulars 2395-2403.) [Weekly.] *Paper, 60c. a yr. Same, index, July 1-Dec. 27, 1911. 1912. 15 p. 4° [Included in price of Reappraisements of merchandise.]


Abbeville, S. C. Specification for construction of post office at Abbeville. 1912. cover-title, 44 p. f* f Baltimore, Md. Specification for installation, complete, of 2 new engines generators, etc., in post office and courthouse at Baltimore. 1912. cover-title, 16 p. f° f Braddock, Pa. Specification for lighting fixtures for post offices at Braddock, Pa., Coffeyville, Kans., Connellsville, Pa., Dyersburg, Tenn., Easton, Pa., Fort Collins, Colo., Gadsden, Ala., Greenwood, Miss., Lead, S. Dak., Pana, Ill., Sulphur Springs, Tex., Terrell, Tex., Warrensburg, Mo., Wichita Falls, Tex., post offices and courthouses at Charleston, W. Va., Phoenix, Ariz., Sioux Falls, S. Dak., and post offices and customhouses at Richford, Vt., and San Diego, Cal. 1912. cover-title, 33 p. f° f Coal. Specification and proposal sheet for coal for public buildings under control of Treasury Department. 1912. cover-title, 6 p. f* f Corinth, Miss. Specification for construction of post office at Corinth. 1912. cover-title, 47 p. f° f Crowley, La. Specification for construction of post office at Crowley. 1912. cover-title, 44 p. f° f Gaffney, S. C. Specification for construction of post office at Gaffney 1912. cover-title, 46 p. f° f Hillsboro, Tex. Specification for construction of post office at Hillsboro. 1912. cover-title, 50 p. f° f Johnstown, Pa. Specification for construction, complete, of post office at Johnstown. 1912. cover-title, 49 p. f° f Laurens, S. C. Specification for construction, complete, of post office at Laurens. 1912. cover-title, 46 p. f° f McKinney, Tex. Specification for mechanical equipment, except gas piping and lighting fixtures, of post office at McKinney. 1912. cover-title, 21 p. f° f Mexico, Mo. Specification for construction of post office at Mexico. 1912. cover-title, 51 p. f° t Miami, Fla. Addendum to specification for construction of post office, courthouse, and customhouse at Miami. 1912. cover-title, 4 p. f° f Mar ch . 1912 605

Oklahoma, Okla. Specification for installation of vacuum cleaning system in post office at Oklahoma Citv. 1912. cover-title, 12 p. fo f Penn Yan, N. Y. Specification for construction of post office at Penn Yan. 1912. cover-title, 48 p. f° f Richmond, Va. Specification for 2 electric passenger elevators, 2 hy- draulic lifts, and pumping plant in reconstruction of post office, courthouse, and customhouse at Richmond. 1912. cover-title, 13 p. f° f Riverside, Cal. Specification for construction of post office at Riverside. 1912. cover-title, 49 p. f° f Somerset, Ky. Specification for construction, complete, of post office at Somerset. 1912. cover-title, 47 p. f° f Stockton, Cal. Specification for oil burning plant for heating boilers in post office at Stockton. 1912. cover-title, 8 p. f° f

AUDITOR FOR TREASURY DEPARTMENT Detailed statement of refunds of customs duties, etc., fiscal year 1911. Mar. 9, 1912. 54 p. (H. doc. 608.) J COMPTROLLER OF CURRENCY Abstract of reports of condition of national banks, Feb. 20, 1912; no. 77. Mar. 19, 1912. 8 p. 4° [Issued 5 times a year.] f Annual report, [year ended Oct. 31] 1911. 1912. viii-|-866 p. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2623.) *Cloth, 75c. 9—34683/2 Bulletin 985-988; Mar. 4-25, 1912. [1912.] various paging, 4° [Week- ly-] t Condensed reports of resources and liabilities of national banks at close of business Sept. 1, 1911, States, Territories and towns alphabetically arranged. 1912. cover-title, p. 467-703. [From Report, 1911 j *Paper, 20c. Statement showing amount of national bank notes outstanding secured by U. S. bonds and by lawful money at beginning of business on [Mar. 1, 1912], with changes during preceding year and month, also kinds and amounts of bonds on deposit to secure national bank notes and public deposits. Mar. 1, 1912. 1 p. 4° [Monthly.] f COMPTROLLER OF TREASURY Decisions, v. 18, pt. 2, Oct.-Dec. 1911; containing decisions by Robert J. Tracewell and Leander P. Mitchell. 1912. vii-|-245-491-|-xviii p. * Paper, 15c. 8—33959/2 GOVERNMENT ACTUARY Market prices and investment values of outstanding securities [Feb. 1912]. Mar. 1, 1912. [2]p.4° (Treasury Dept. Dept, circular 13, 1912.) f INTERNAL REVENUE COMMISSIONER Opium, charge of [district] court [for southern district of New York in case of United States v. Lee Sing], Feb. 29, 1912. 2 p. ([Treasury decision] 1762.) [From Treasury decisions, v. 22, no. 10.] * Paper, 5c. 606 Mar ch , 1912 Opium, ruling and charge ot [distnct] court J? P York in case of United States v Marks] Feb. 28 4 p ([Treasury decision] 1761.) [From Treasury decisions, v. 22, no. 10.] * Paper, 5c. LOANS AND CURRENCY DIVISION Caveat list of United States registered bonds, Mar. 1, 1912. [1912.] 1 p. f° [Monthly.] t , . , . Circulation statement, Mar. 1,1912. [1912.] Ip. oblong 8« [Monthly.t



assay. 1912. 32 p. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2641.) 1 aPer’7_35199/3


Same Dec. 21, 1911, [published] 1912. 331 p. 2 p. oi maps. (Treas. Dept. doc. 2635; H. doc. 157.) Public healthreports, v. 27, nos. 9-13; Mar. 1-29,1912. 1912. [xxJ+297-

to transmission by head lou?e> XnlSemicsof measles.—No. 10. Fifth Inter- Anderson.—School closure m control ofepidem^Mm^^ de c Nov. 5_12>

S£s»^ “No^TlnTpS sS Treasury Department: Others desiring these reports may obtain them from Kuperintendlnto? Documents for $2.00 a year. Supplemental estimate for service, fiscal year 1913. Mar. 13,1912. p. (H. doc. 618.) J . x rv Typhus fever in United States 1912 R

hygie nic labora tory

Digest ol comments on I™. S Wilbert. « 735 p. (Bulletin 79.) * Paper, oOc. Same. (H. doc. 184.) TREASURER OF UNITED STATES Monthly statement, paper currency of ^nomination outstanding Feb. 29, 1912. Mar. 1 [1912]. 1 p. oblong Z4 i Mar ch , 1912 607 WAR DEPARTMENT

communications of Adjutant General of AmvTS’er’rfFrt^?' Ainx?cid0T^cin MarI3-1912in reT1 P"o^^j“e •»- £=;??■”“ <8. ssa "'£• i “’'is2FtH3R“s;-S£s.;,ti"' «s

^^^^crs^n^S;£7~'’m^isted’men^^etriedJpst^Arari^wy^aS;:i“=?ES» ^^dVG 10

presented by Mr. Warren, Mar. 12, 1912 ’ 20 p (S ^Tj

ADJUTANT-GENERAL’S DEPARTMENT ;2'sas:rts,;-,ff!ss,'S'„E”i ■m® Same.64a 6r(H. ydoc.(wfrDe'pt 155.) ”2„c.^Cj ,’.g^*d

Appropriations, and ordered to h®.]"}™110 Com^,°2“ Sta“[MonMyA™y [Feb' M’ I912J' (1912'1 Pl P- oMong'lake’s*

ALASKA ROAD COMMISSIONERS BOARD 608 Marc h , 1912 ENGINEER DEPARTMENT Allegheny River, Pa. Report on examination of river, with planand estimate of cost of improvement, with view to construction of addi tional locks and dams. Feb. 14, 1912. 31 p. 1 pl. (H. doc. 540.) J Altamaha River, Ga. Reports of examination and survey of Altamaha, Oconee, and Ocmulgee nvers, Ga. Jan. 12, 1912. 51 p. 11 p. oi pl. map. (H. doc. 443.) J Apoon Mouth of Yukon River, Alaska. Reports on examination and survey of Apoon Mouth of Yukon River, from.Pastol Bay to mouth of Kotlik River. Feb. 21, 1912. 9 p. map. (H. doc. 556.) J Aouia Creek, Va. Report on examination and survey of creek from Coals Landing to the mouth. Feb. 29, 1912. 13 p. map. (H. doc. 579.) J Archers Creek, S. C. Reportjport on preliminary examination,examination withwnu plan and estimate of cost of>f improvement of creek. Feb. 6, 1J12.1912. 9 p. map. (H. doc. 513.) t Biscayne Bay, Fla. Report of examination and survey with plan and estimateof cost of improvement of bay. 25 p. map. (H. doc. 554.) £ Boston Mass. Report [of board] on survey of Boston Mass., to Beau- fort N. C., section of proposed continuous inland waterway from Boston to Rio Grande. Jan. 5, 1912. 278 p. 1 pl. 10 maps. (H.doc. 391.) *Paper, 35c. Buffalo N. Y. Reports on preliminary examination and survey of harbor, with view to securing increased depth in outer harbor and entrance. Feb. 19, 1912. 13 p. map. (H. doc. 550.) J Carrabelle, Fla. Report on preliminary examination of bar and harbor, with view to securing depth of 21 feet in channel from Gulf of Mexico to deep water in St. George Sound by way of East Pass; also for chan- nel of same depth from Gulf to Carrabelle. Mar. 14, 1912. 13 p. (H. doc. 622.) J Circular 7-10 [1912]; Feb. 24-Mar. 25, 1912. [1912.] Each 1 p. or 2 p. 12° J Claims. Estimates of [deficiency] appropriations required to meet cer- tain claims against United States in connection with Department. Mar. 12, 1912. 3 p. (H. doc. 613.) J Core Sound, N. C. Report on examination of channel from Core Sound to Newport River, by way of Taylors Creek or Carrot Island Slough, N. C., with plan and estimate of cost of improvement. 1 eb. 17, iViz. 11 p. map. (H. doc. 546.) + Elizabeth River, Va. Report of preliminary examination with plan and estimate of cost of improvement of western branch of river. 1 eb. 24, 1912. 10 p. map. (H. doc. 566.) J General orders 6-9 [1912]; Feb. 26-Mar. 13, 1912. [1912.] Each 20 1. or 1 p. 12° J General orders and circulars, 1911 [title-page and index], [1912.] 5 p. 12° (War Dept. doc. 410.) J Harlem River, N. Y. Reports on examination and survey of river, with view of straightening channel at curve near Johnson Iron Works. Feb. 21, 1912. 36 p. 3 maps, 1 pl. (H. doc. o57.) I Little Kanawha River, W. Va. Reports on examination and survey of river, with view to modification of existing system of locks and dams and its further improvement. Jan. 25, 1912. 45 p. 8 pl. (H. doc. 480.) J Mar ch , 1912 609 “‘imJS: D9eip. R(r«rrtion surveyof river-


Pal““bA24“i!|!’2. R9 pRe(Hrtd™. M8jnit"y ‘;M"‘ill!ltiw‘ of harbor.

^MerKt Wash. Mar. 14, 1912. 9 p. (H.4oc 625.) J ’ “ °“ Harbor. Mi6 ?'xb jTSr rd survey ot wbM- *»• St' hSo^XithvW TrtS T Pr5limi»"y examination and survey of

St ^«pK^ta »-ey oi harbor.

(H. doc. 563.) J PP lunits of Savannah. Feb. 23, 1912. 20 p.

ShiPadmeicVeCT’reSpo?te o^amLSi"”0'"?0” Se".“te 0°™i«ee on s. C.; presented by Mr n XHs'doe^ ShWard Ri^. S“UhartS*"V“’’23Um °8 p't”d SU"ey ot

Sou BiSX’^d oidbRXte F:5*&^™7ey(^7“?5^

Special orders 6 [1912]; Mar. 2, 1912. [1912.] 1 p. 12° J St°CeSa2anf ™etP°^ °n Preliminary examination, with plan and SSX0Frraont “‘fMcuod W12. 9 p. map. (H d« 581 ) S“ J°a<,“‘n R"'er’ CaL Feb- 29>



UNote .—Lake Survey charts may be obtained from U. S. Lake Survey Office, Detroit, Mich., or from U. S. Engineer Office, Buffalo, N. Y. Payments must be made before charts are sent, and if made by mail must be by postal or express money order payable to the order of U. S. Lake Survey Office if ordered from Detroit, or to the order of U. S. Engineer Office if ordered from Buffalo. These charts mav also be obtained, for cash only, at U. S. Canal Office at Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. They will be sent by express, the express charges to be paid by the purchaser on receipt of the charts, or free by mail at the purchaser’s risk. Purchasers should indicate, when ordering the charts, whether they wish them sent by express or mail. The latter will be used when no choice is indicated. The bulletins and supplements of the Lake Survey may be obtained free upon application at U. S. Lake Survey Office, Detroit, Mich., and at the engineer offices, in Duluth, Milwaukee, Chicago, Grand Rapids, Cleveland, Buffalo, and Oswego.

Charts Erie, Lake, Buffalo to Dunkirk; coast chart 1. Scale 1:80,000. [U. S. Lake Survey Office, Detroit, Mich.] Feb. 28, 1912. 36.8X24.4 in. t 15c. ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION, 1904- Circular [proposals for supplies] 688-697; Mar. 4—29, 1912. [1912.] various paging, f° f Manual of information concerning employments for service on Isthmus of Panama. Revised Mar. 16, 1911.' 1912. 32 p. il. 2 p. of pl. f 8—35076/3 Proposals [for supplies 688-697, to accompany Circular proposals for supplies 688-697], [1912.] Each 1 p. 24° and 32° {

CANAL ZONE, ISTHMUS OF PANAMA Canal record, Mar. 6-27, 1912; v. 5, nos. 28-31. Ancon, Canal Zone [1912], p. 221-252, il. 4° [Weekly.] 7—35328/3 Not e .—The Canal record is issued free of charge, one copy each, to all employees of the Commission whose names are on the gold roll. Extra copies can be obtained from the news stands of the Panama Railway Company for 5c. each. Address all communications to The Canal Record, Ancon, Canal Zone, Isthmus of Panama. Report of Department of Sanitation of Isthmian Canal Commission, [calendar] year 1911. 1912. 50 p. 12° * Paper, 10c. 9—22388/2 Same, Jan. 1912. 1912. 48 p. 12° [Monthly.] f

MILITIA AFFAIRS DIVISION Circular 1, 2 [1912]; Feb. 8, 28, 1912. [1912.] 3 p. and 1 p. 12° J Same, index to circulars, 1911. [1912.] 3 p. 12° J

ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT Addendum to Ordnance Department pamphlet no. 1720, invoice de- scriptions and shipping order descriptions of explosives and inflam- mable articles and acids shipped by Ordnance Department and coming under Interstate Commerce Commission regulations for trans- portation of explosives and other dangerous articles by freight and by express, and specifications for shipping containers. [Jan. 30, 1912.] 4p. J Description of infantry equipment, model of 1910. Mar. 11, 1912. 28 p. 13 pl. J General orders 1 [1912]; Feb. 24, 1912. [1912.] 6 1. 12° J Mar ch , 1912 611 Ins,r“t2iMs1«” ^embling infantry equipment, model of 1910. Mar. 11,

t a. .. , P + War 12—73

Report of chief of ordnance, [fiscal vpnrl ion • i n 64 p. * Cloth 25c 1 1 y J 1911 t th lndex], 1912. ’ • g_ 8478/2 _ • of appropriation required by War Department

PANAMA RAILROAD COMMISSIONER, SPECIAL Advisability of establishment of Pacific steamship lir>Q n T ri. • Canal Commission rpnnrt nf t t + t line by Isthmian by Mr. Brandie”’

12—35395 PAY DEPARTMENT Distance circular 1; Feb. 15, 1912 0912 1 ia i fa j Official tables of distances’] f 1 2] 14 L Amendments to Stoppage circular; Mar. 15,1912. [1912.] 2 p. [Monthly.]

PHILIPPINE COMMISSION, 1900- 12t\M2nUa[13]Tt(H Cd^n ’ ended Jur,30' lwi- Fob- 27. only. TheP annual Snort of h P?F •nd >tter -of transmittal printed as a n?nfT 1 the PhlllPPme Commission will be Eon It part °f HoM

STAFF CORPS, GENERAL ChaandS3’l2 regulations [1910], Jan. 29, Mar. 5 1912. ‘ 1 n • [Regulations issued by War Department.] f ’ Changes 1 [for] Manunl for courts-martial [19101 Jan 27 1019 a i icn [Manual resued by Judge-Advocate-GeOs DepartXVj t ai1912 11 1" n°r^ Department [1911], Feb 1 26 Army ] t and 4 L P'fanual by Me'dical1 Department 612 Mar ch , 1912 Changes 1 [for] Manual of guard duty [1908]. Jan. 27, 1912. 13 1. small 4° [Manual issued by War Department.] f Estimate of appropriation, to be immediately available, for expenses of rifle team to represent United States in Pan American tournament totn beBn held at Buenos Aires, May, 1912. Feb. 28, 1912. 2 p. (H. doc. 575.) J Laws, regulations, orders, and memoranda relating to organization and duties of General Staff Corps. Jan. 1912. 39 p. J War 12—70


Circular 1 [1912]; Feb. 15, 1912. [1912.] 1 p. 12° J Estimate of [deficiency] appropriation for relief of George Ruhlen, jr. Mar. 12, 1912. 2 p. (H. doc. 614.) I